How to instantly get rid of black dots. How to get rid of black dots on the nose and face at home. How scrubs act

The owner of a fatty skin is not observed about what black dots are open comedones, which are a plug in the pores. Its black cap (such a color is due to melanin) towers above the surface of the epidermis (less often in it), creating a kind of neglement.

The contents of the closed pore consists of a sludge, which is distinguished by subcutaneous glands, and lunned, burned particles of the epithelium. Most often, black dots are formed in the T-zone: on the forehead, on the nose and on the chin. Get rid of them - the dream of many. And to begin with, it is advisable to understand that it provokes their appearance.

The reasons

In order to protect yourself from education, new and new, you need to know why black dots appear on the face. A catalyst can be any particular factor, but in most cases the blockage of pores occurs due to the whole accumulation of circumstances, which depend on the habits and lifestyle of a person.

  • Bad skin care

The main reason for the appearance of black points is insufficient cleaning of the pores on the face that should be regular. If you rarely use scrubs and steam baths, this misfortune cannot be avoided. And even more so it will happen if you are lazy to wash the cosmetics with tired skin before bedtime.

  • Not that cosmetics

Purchased for penny for the purpose of saving poor-quality cosmetics quickly. It has too many synthetic components of a low sample. They do not dissolve in cells, and form corks in the skin. If funds are also used and not in their intended purpose (dried - for dry, moisturizing - for fat), it provokes the enhanced production of subcutaneous salla - and all this clogs the pores before failure.

  • Fat / combined skin type

With this reason, the appearance of black dots on the face has to live to a certain age (30-35 years, when the epidermis automatically becomes normal). Excessive production of Sala provokes the formation of a fatty, high-spirited film and comments in large quantities in the T-region.

  • Hormonal bursts

Hormone problems arise at certain periods of life of each woman: in adolescence, during pregnancy, Klimaks, with too long use of contraceptive drugs.

  • Consequences of treatment

If for a long time it had to drink powerful drugs, one of the side effects could be the blockage of skin pores on the face.

  • Violations of the GTC

Industion of the stomach changes the work of many internal organs, and skin, like a lactium paper, instantly reacts to it. All non-processed stomach substances begin to clog the hasty dockets intensively. Therefore, it is so important in time to treat all diseases associated with this system.

  • Poor food

The abundance in the diet is heavy, oily, sharp, flour, sweet, too saline - one of the most common causes of the appearance of comedones.

  • Unhealthy Lifestyle

Frequent smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction - and as a result, all toxins are settled in the pores, clogged them tightly with black lids. Want a clean face - give up bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

  • Problems with nervous system

At first glance, it seems to everyone that stresses and nervous breakdowns cannot affect the skin condition. In fact, they significantly change the chemical composition of the subcutaneous slut, which cannot dissolve because of its density and clogs the pores of black traffic jams.

  • Ecology

If you have to live in an area with contaminated air and high humidity - dirt and dust particles will be regularly accumulated in the pores even at constant cleaning of the face.

  • Heredity

If the parents have black dots on the face without any visible reasons, they can convey such a type of skin with their children. In this case, it will be necessary to regularly engage in the face of the face, because genetically, the features will not go anywhere.

These are the main reasons for the appearance of comedones. They will help to understand that in your body there is something wrong and is it possible to fix it. Sometimes regular cleaning of the face from black dots does not cope with them due to the starting. Comedones are different. And if large easily squeeze manually, then small and deep, which are usually a lot, deliver a lot of trouble. So what then do?

It is interesting! The skin, like a snake, resets his layers, which have already opposed their age. So from her buried particles is not going anywhere. They peel at a speed of 0.6 million cells per hour. Now there are no questions what your pores are blocked?

Varieties of comedone

To remove black dots on the face, you need to look at more attentively. Methods to eliminate this cosmetic defect will largely depend on the hostage of which comedones you have become. So learn your closed pores into a magnifying mirror - it will greatly facilitate the task.


  1. Many black dots on the face: more than 5-6 pieces. Independent vascular removal is excluded. This is exactly the case when the situation can save scrubs, masks, ointments and creams.
  2. Small solitary rash. A more successful option, as it is possible to squeeze the comedon manually at home, getting rid of it forever.

The size

  1. Large, large black dots on the face, oddly enough, much more preferable. They have a wide hat that is easily squeezed out of the pores. As a rule, these comedones have a small rod that does not affect deep layers of dermis and is quickly removed.
  2. But small black dots, despite the fact that from afar are not visible and easy to disguise under powder and a tonal cream, it is very difficult to squeeze, as they are tightly sitting in the pores and it is difficult to pull out from there.


  1. The biggest problem is deep black dots with a long rod. When you try to squeeze, it breaks up, remains in the skin, then inflates. And instead of the harmless comedon, we are already dealing with a pimple.
  2. Short blockages can be eliminated even without sprinkling the skin.

Have you planned to clean your face from black dots to shine freshness and beauty? Then do not be lazy to learn, the owner of which comedones you are. From this will depend on exactly how you will get rid of them. And the most loyal and win-win solution in this situation is to make an appointment with a dermatologist, which can offer the most effective salon pores.

Enlighten! In 1 square. CM leather contains 200 sweat glands, 50 sebaceous, 2 m capillaries, 20 hair follicles. And the vital activity of all this "brethren" settles in the pores just in the form of our black dots.

Salon treatments

Ultrasonic face cleaning from black dots

To qualitatively and efficiently, and most importantly - to get rid of black dots for a long time, it doesn't matter on the nose, forehead or chin, it is better to seek help from a specialist. To begin with - to a dermatologist who will examine the drug will add cosmetics to solve your problem. He can send to the beauty salon or the clinic of aesthetic medicine, where a whole series of procedures for deep cleaning is offered.

  1. Mechanical cleaning of the face from black dots in the cabin - sprinkling the skin and removal of comedones manually. The painful procedure that has recently applied more and less frequently.
  2. . First, a light peeling is made, then the conductive gel is applied and the problem area is treated with ultrasound.
  3. Vacuum cleaning is a sought-after salon procedure. With the help of a special tube, which literally pulls the slighted tubes from the pores.
  4. Fruit acids can dissolve many chemical compounds, including black dots. Therefore, based on them, after which there will be no trace from comedones.
  5. Vaporization is another cleaning of the face in a cosmetologist with a special apparatus, which is called - a vaporizer. A jet of cool water is directed to the face under pressure, which dishes the smallest splashes. The skin is maximally moistened, the muscles under the action of water massage relax, the pores are narrowed.

Of all these salon procedures, only you have to decide which cleaning of the face from black points is better: mechanical or hardware, ultrasound or. The specialist will help you decide on the choice. But, signing up for a particular event, keep in mind that usually requires a whole course of procedures, and for this you need money, time and patience. If for some reason you cannot take advantage of these benefits of civilization, go to the cosmetic store.

Keep in mind. Avoid sterility, no matter how you wanted to keep the skin in perfect cleanliness. Remember that microorganisms are living on its surface, which prevent bacteria from entering the body. Take care of these little helpers.

Cosmetic stores

Choose a cosmetic tool from black dots on the face that the stores are pressed today. Basically, they contain acids capable of dissolving the comedon rod or push it to the surface. Or the daily use cream, which clears the pores, narrows them and prevents the further formation of black points.


In the fight against comedones, the scrub helps, who exfoliates the buried layer of the epidermis. But when buying, make sure that it contains that it is from black dots.

  1. Push Out Volcanic Gommage from Mizon (South Korea). 840 rubles.
  2. Piggy Clear Black Head Cleansing Sugar Scrub from Holika Holika (South Korea). 650 rubles.
  3. Pure Zone from L'Oreal (France). 340 rubles.
  4. Clean skin from Garnier Skin Naturals (France). 310 rubles.
  5. Daily scrub from Black Points from Clean & Clear (France). 300 rubles.
  6. Gel Scrub Unic from NPF Kingdom of Aromas (Russia). 250 rubles.
  7. NO PROBLEM from Markell Cosmetics (Belarus). 160 rubles.
  8. Propeller from folk crafts (Russia). 130 rubles.
  9. Belita-Witex gel scrub (Belarus). 100 rubles.
  10. BIO program from black pearls (Russia). 100 rubles.

As practice shows the greatest efficiency in the fight against black points, gel scrubs are distinguished.


  1. Blackhead Off Cotton Mask from Ciracle (South Korea). 1 470 rubles.
  2. Gel from Clean & Clear (France). 300 rubles.
  3. Three-stage face cleaning system from Tony Moly (South Korea). 250 rubles.
  4. Mask with Siberian Tarkhun from My Cool Skin (Russia). 240 rubles.
  5. Masks from Royal Skin (South Korea). 240 rubles.
  6. Kasturi Haldi Powder from Lalas (India). 195 rubles.
  7. Masks for cleaning the pores from Sally's Box (Korea). 190 rubles.
  8. Ylang-Ylang from Lan Secrets (China). 175 rubles.
  9. Floresan scrub mask (Russia). 100 rubles.
  10. Let ME Out Blackhead Peel Off Mask from Mizon (South Korea). 60 rubles.

Against black dots to use masks films that literally pull out the contents of the comedones to the surface.


Creams from black points soften and moisturize the epidermis, not leaving the chance of comedes.

  1. Sebium AKN from Bioderma (France). 1 100 rubles.
  2. Keracnyl from Ducray (France). 900 rubles.
  3. Basiron AC cream gel from Laboratoires Galderma (France). 700 rubles.
  4. Differin from Laboratois Galderma (France). 700 rubles.
  5. Kleplazit from Glenmark (India). 600 rubles.
  6. Bark. Russia. 450 rubles.
  7. AFY Cream (China). 400 rubles.
  8. Pure Zone from L'Oreal (France). 300 rubles.
  9. Faberlik (Russia). 350 rubles.
  10. Propeller from folk crafts (Russia). 100 rubles.

Which one is the best tool from black dots on the face, you can define only you. Someone's skin will not respond to the cosmetics of elite-class, but it will be effectively cleaned after the cream for 100 rubles. Everything is very individual here. Pick the line for yourself, under your requests and features.

Well, if you enjoy a set of one brand: scrub (2 times a week), mask (after scrub) and cream (daily). Such a triple facial cleaning system will definitely not be a chance of black points.

And you knew that ... Dust in your room mainly consists of detached particles of your own skin on 2/3.


Cleaning strips of the company "Nivea"

If you think that there is no sense from cosmetic cleansing tools, you may need to take the treatment of black dots on the face that the dermatologist will appoint. There are special medicines to eliminate them:

  1. Salicyl ointment: twice a day to apply on black dots with a cotton wand for 15 minutes, then rush well.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide that most dermatologists and cosmetologists advise are not recommended, since it is unsafe for the skin. It is possible to point to a cotton waller with a cotton wand, a 3% solution of peroxide on comments - no more.
  3. Such pharmacy funds from black dots are very popular and effective, like adhesive strips from different firms (Nivea, Propeller, Cettua, Nesura, Via Beauty, Skinlite, Beauty Formulas, etc.). They contain fruit acids, ethers, plants extracts. Filling from the skin, they are fascinated by the softening rod of the comedon.
  4. Salicylic acid - often recommended as a slaughter from black dots. However, it will quickly help with acne, since it perfectly disinfects and is distinguished by anti-inflammatory properties. It is good to use it after removing the comedone from the skin.
  5. Tincture calendula, which you can wipe your face before bedtime daily.

If you decide to bring black dots on your home at home yourself, not attracting neither the salons, on the pharmacies nor cosmetology to this procedure, you will have to turn a lot of recipes, which, according to reviews, help almost without any costs to cope with this.

Curious fact. For many nations, calendula is idle for its bactericidal properties. So if you do not want your black points to turn into acne, wipe their tincture of marigolds.

Folk remedies

Look for ways to get rid of black dots on your face at home, without spending a lot of money and precious time?

There are many ways: the question is what your skin is. Folk remedies for the fight against comedones involve a large number of mackers and scrubics for cleaning skin and clogged pores.

  • Oatmeal + tomato juice + yolk \u003d mask

Oatmeal (15 gr) beat with tomato juice (30 gr) and yolk. Time actions - half an hour. Mask allows you to remove black dots on the face at home quickly and painlessly.

  • Protein + milk + honey + lemon juice + bran \u003d mask

Beat the protein, 10 ml of milk, 10 grams of honey, 5 ml of lemon juice. Add bran (30 grams). Time actions - 20 minutes.

  • Oatmeal + soda \u003d scrub

A glass of oatmeal and soda is mixed (teaspoon). A little water is added. It turns out a great home scrub from black dots.

  • Tonic from Parsley

From the green parsley squeeze juice and make black dots on the face daily.

  • Honey + Tincture Calendula \u003d Lotion

Mix a glass of warm water, 5 ml of calendula tincture, 5 ml of honey. Wipe the problem areas of the face twice a day.

  • Appliques of their oils

Mix the following oils: 3 ml of grape bone, 5 ml of forest walnut, 3 drops of geranium ether, cedar, pine needles. Apply point.

All these folk remedies are good from black points in that they do not contain synthetic and chemicals. Each recipe contains natural oils and conventional food. Much less often - pharmacy means. In any case, side effects after them are not afraid. And so that they become even more effective, you need to properly care for your problem skin.

Helpful advice. To eliminate black points, use only non-comdicated oils that do not climb pores. These include, hemp, mineral, sunflower, safflower, rosehip, argan, castor.

Skin care

In order to clearly clean the face from black dots, alone funds (store, pharmacy or domestic) will not be enough. If you do not provide the skin due care, the blockage of pore so and will spoil your life with the appearance of new and new comedones. Want to stop this process? Stick Multiple Rules.

Instructions, how to clean your face from black dots at home.

  1. Slop hair.
  2. Wash the cleansing gel.
  3. Mass the skin scrub.
  4. Now you need a steam bath on herbs. 2 l just a boiled herbal infusion (chamomile and horsetails are good for, wormwood and yarrow - for dry) pour into the pelvis, leaning over it, hide the head with a warm towel. Pretty unpiring face for 5-8 minutes.
  5. The previous stage can facilitate a special device for cleaning a face from black domestic points, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  6. Wash hands with antibacterial soap, treat them with alcohol.
  7. Wipe the face with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  8. Now is the time to learn how to squeeze the black dots on the face. This is done with pillows (not nails) fingers, processing every comedon peroxide.
  9. Wipe the face with salicylic acid.
  10. To clean the face of the house acquitted hopes, it is impossible to use the day after it.

But note that a long sprinkling of the face with a dry skin type is not recommended. In addition, the following advice will quickly remove the black dots.

  1. Steam baths arrange every 2 weeks.
  2. Clean the face scrub 2 times a week.
  3. Use for washing cleansing tonic, foams and lotions that are specifically designed to fight black dots on the face.
  4. Do not go to bed with cosmetics on your face.
  5. Pick up the care of your skin type.
  6. Try not to sit long on hormonal and drugs.
  7. Treat the disease gasts.
  8. Fit correctly.
  9. Watch a healthy lifestyle: Refuse bad habits, exercise, breathe fresh air.
  10. Try to nervous and worry.

Compliance with these rules will not only improve the condition of your skin, but also will change your entire life for the better. Clean the face from the comments regularly so that they do not spoil it.

Black dots - This is a common problem. Men, women and children suffer from her. Inflammation occurs in adolescence and can pursue throughout life.

The block of black dots can be hidden using cosmetics, but it is better to get rid of them once and for all. In the struggle for perfect skin, homemade, pharmacy and store equipment are suitable.

Causes of black points

There are many effective face masks that clean the skin from black dots. SAME popular ingredients For masks from acne are:

  • Soda. It has a special property of fats splitting, which allows you to use it in cosmetology. Soda removes excess fat from the surface of the dermis, having an antibacterial effect. Not recommended dry skin holders;
  • Salt. This ingredient is the basis of many face scrubs. Salt removes toxins from the body, acne and comaons. After applying masks, the dermis becomes cleaner and light;
  • Oatmeal. The product is suitable for any skin type. The skin gets the charge of vitamins and trace elements is cleaned of harmful toxins and fats. Oats also smoothes small wrinkles and levels the complexion;
  • Activated carbon. This product has a reserve from each mistress. Coal is a strong absorbent that cleans the body not only inside, but also outside. With it, you can get rid of black dots and other acne. The ingredient is suitable for any type of skin, but contraindicated by suffering coperaosis;
  • Clay. There are many cosmetic clay varieties: white, black, green, blue, red, and others. For masks you can use any. The clay has the following properties: slightly dry the skin, cleans and narrows the pores, normalizes the operation of the sebaceous glands and has an antibacterial effect.

In order for the mask to make the most effective way to select a tool under the skin type, as well as strictly follow the recipe.

With oatmeal and salt

For cooking protein mask From black dots you will need:

  • 2 chicken squirrels;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream (room temperature);
  • several pinch of shallow salt.

Beat the protein mixer to a white foam, add sour cream and salt. The resulting mixture to beat again and apply a cotton disk on the skin.

Keep 15-20 minutes, wash off warm water. Apply tool 1-2 times a week, within 1-1.5 months.

Salon treatments

To be confident in the efficiency of getting rid of black dots, you need consult a cosmetologist. Salon procedures will result in a faster and long-lasting result.

The following will get rid of black dots on the face procedures:

  • Manual facial cleaning. This is the oldest and proven method of getting rid of acne. Before cleaning the skin is disinfected and sprinkled. The master clears the face manually using the necessary devices. Cleaning should pass in full sterility, entering the skin infection will lead to greater inflammation. After the procedure, the skin is treated with liquid nitrogen, make nutrient masks. With its effectiveness, this method has several minuses: a long rehabilitation period and soreness. Also, after mechanical cleaning, there is a big risk of other inflammation and new black points. The procedure can be carried out once in 1.5-2 months;
  • Laser cleaning. The hardware removal method of blackpoints is the safest. For this, the minimum amount of time is necessary, and you can notice a positive result in a week. During the procedure, it is possible to remove the skinned skin layer. Also disappear of dead cells of the epidermis and the secretion of rigorous fat is being established, metabolic processes are improved. Cleaning passes painless and has a minimum number of contraindications;
  • Vacuum cleaning. This method of removing black dots is suitable for greens of fatty and normal skin. It purifies pores from pollution, stimulates blood microcirculation, increases the synthesis of collagen, etc. Cleaning is carried out using a drainage tube, which literally sues pollution from the pores. The method is considered to be more sparing in comparison with the manual. Nevertheless, it is impossible to remove deep acne with it, so vacuum cleaning is suitable for less problem skin;
  • Chemical peeling. The method is based on the use of fruit acids. There is superficial, median and deep peeling. Everyone is selected depending on the degree of skin problemability. Purification with acids eliminates shallow black dots, small scars and scars;
  • Ultrasonic cleaning is an effective modern method of getting rid of black dots. When conducting the procedure, the device is used, which sends high-frequency fluctuations in the epiderma. Ultrasound cleans the top layer of the skin from various types of contaminants, excess fat and toxins. Also, the procedure accelerates the production of collagen and has a lifting effect. Before applying cleaning, consult with a doctor. In some contraindications, diseases of the heart and blood vessels are observed.

A suitable method of removing black points will advise a cosmetologist. It is necessary to choose a specialist with great luggage experience and authority. Also, the salon should have proper certificates confirming the right to hold the selected procedure. At the reception at the Master, be attentive to all the recommendations for the care of the face after cleaning. Compliance with the care instructions guarantees easy rehabilitation and a good result.

Prevention of black dots

So that black dots stop appearing, it is necessary to follow prophylactic measures.
As prevention, obstacle is recommended. regulations:

  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • Clean the skin of the face daily in the morning and in the evening;
  • Do not go to bed with makeup;
  • In addition to means for removing makeup, use masks, peels and scrubs;
  • Try to rest more and get enough sleep;
  • Cut oneself from stress;
  • Eat right;
  • Limit alcohol consumption and refrain from smoking.

Only compliance with integrated face care measures will lead to full deliverance from black points.

Every day, actresses and models are watching on us with televisers, and everyone, like one, perfectly clean faces: neither a pimple, neither redness. Of course, all this is the merit of stylists and video editing operators, in reality, even the first beauties are familiar with such a problem as the appearance of black dots on the skin. Why do they arise? How to treat them? Here are what questions are tormented - or tormented at least once - every girl.

To understand why black dots appear on the face, you need to figure out what they represent themselves. Blackpoint has a second name - comedona, and they arise when the swords of the sebaceous glands are bought. The tops of such rigorous plugs accumulate dirt, remnants of cosmetics and dead cells of the epidermis, becoming black or dark brown. These contaminated external parts of the rigorous plugs are just well-known black dots.

Why black dots appear

Unfortunately, most often black points appear in girls, because they, as a rule, the skin is more fat, and the pores are expanded. They deliver not only aesthetic inconvenience, but also subsequently make the skin similar to the lemon zest, and the rigorous tubes become the perfect medium for breeding bacteria. The reasons for the occurrence of black dots can be the most different.

  • The main reason for the appearance of black dots - hitting the skin of dirt and dust and, as a result, clogging. It happens for the most part due to the fact that the skin is not careful enough, limited daily washing. Meanwhile, it is very important not only to rinse cosmetics and dirt with water, but also periodically make scrubs, masks and other useful procedures. They help completely remove dirt and dead cells, which are also the cause of clogged pores.
  • Another possible reason for the appearance of comedones is an incorrect diet. Excessive use of alcohol, sweet baking, acute and fatty food is reflected in the skin condition - naturally, not in the best way.
  • Permanent touch hands to the skin can also contribute to the emergence of comedones, especially on the face - the dirt and a huge number of microbes are going to our fingers.

Lucky, who, passing through adolescence, forever forget about acne, inflammation and black dots on the skin, units. Most of us have to deal with this problem throughout life. And let her scales look no longer as frightening as in adolescence, the scattering of dark microscopic specks in the T-zone, on the chin or cheeks can deliver a lot of experiences. But there are homework, which, with proper use, make it possible to cope with this problem and prevent its appearance in the future.

In fact, black dots - they are also called open comedones - are natural pores that densely cover our skin on any of its plot. But if, in the normal one, these miniature holes that are out of the body of the body of excess moisture and skin fat (Cebum) are almost imperceptible to the eye, then the pores that have scored dust, then with extreme scales of the epithelium, are an unsightly spectacle. Especially when the organic substances accumulated in them are oxidized in air, purchasing black. It is impossible to feel still attractive with such a "decoration" on the face. So, the comedones need to get rid of both beauty and skin health.

Exfoliation and clarification

In addition to salon methods of cleaning face and pharmacy, there are two groups of deliverance methods from black points:

  • superficial ways when bringing a person in order is needed immediately, and you will fully work out the top, visible part of the comedones;
  • deep methods allowing to reveal the pores as much as possible and free them from pollution.

Surface removal of black points is not difficult at home. Masks and scrubs will come to the rescue: cleansing, exfoliating and clarifying.

Mask with kefir.

The acidic kefir environment acts on the skin as an acid version of acid peeling, contributing to the cleavage of sebum and a better removal of it than during simple washing.


  1. Take 3-4 tbsp. l. kefir.
  2. Heat it so that the fluid becomes pleasantly hot, but not burning.
  3. Mix the kefir with a cotton disk and treat a clean person by paying promoted attention to problem areas.
  4. Wait 20-30 minutes and wash the mask with clean water.

Use frequency: 1-2 times a week.

With white clay

Cosmetic clay is a natural absorbent that collects skin fat, tightening the pores and delivering from an unpleasant shine, and the white clay also lights skin slightly.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. clay.
  2. Drain warm water to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  3. Apply your face to cleansed from cosmetics and other contaminants.
  4. After 10-15 minutes, wash.

Frequency of use: 2 times a week for oily skin, 1 time - for dry.

Do not forget that any cosmetic agent, including a mask of natural ingredients, can cause allergies. If you deal with a new mixture, previously not tested, pre-test it on a small area of \u200b\u200bleather.

With honey and lemon

Two components of this mask complement and balance each other's action: lemon is quite aggressively whiten and dry the skin, and honey produces soft cleaning and extinguishing inflammation. If you have very gentle and prone skin to irritation, citrus can be replaced by a ripe strawberry.


  1. Mix 2 h. Honey from 1 tsp. Lemon juice.
  2. Apply to the problem areas of the face with soft pattering movements.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, remove.

Frequency of use: 2 times a week for normal skin, 1 time - for sensitive.

With badgery and peroxide

Badyag will be held on the skin, as if the brush, freed it from the rigorous traffic jams and peeling, and simultaneously, whitening, enriching healing microelements, lightening the freckles and pigment stains and accelerating the disappearance of traces from old pimples. Badyaga causes redness, which takes place after 2-3 hours, and with frequent use provokes skin peeling.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Powder Pharmacy Badyagi.
  2. Detail a small amount of hydrogen peroxide (1-3%) to the state of the Cashitz.
  3. Wait a few seconds until the mixture breaks down a little, and apply sections of the face with brush or sponge to the black dots.
  4. After 5-15 minutes (depending on the skin sensitivity), wash.

Frequency of use: 1 time per week.

The peroxide itself is considered to be a good camouflage for lightening black dots: usually 2-3 times a week to wipe the sections of the face with the accumulation of comedones. But taking into account this method leads to dry skin, especially if it is characterized by sensitivity, so you should not get involved in peroxide.

With aloe

Aloe juice contributes to the dissolution of skin fat, clogged, and the disinfectant properties of the plant helps prevent the appearance of guncrows. In addition, Aloe accelerates cell regeneration, gives the face a fresh look, increases skin tone.


  1. Sick out aloe 1 tbsp. l. Juice or grind a small sheet to a state of homogeneous casher.
  2. Mix with a protein of chicken egg, if your skin is distinguished by increased fatty, or from 1-2 hours l. Honey - if it refers to dry type.
  3. Apply a mask on a clean face, wait 20 minutes, wash all the warm water.

Frequency of use: with protein - 1 time per week, with honey - 1-2 times.

Salt peeling

Salt often acts as a scrub, which not only exfoliates dead skin particles, but also displays toxins from it. And the Degtyar soap with which it is combined will increase the effect of the scrub, and at the same time it displaces the skin and relieve it from the oily shine.


  1. Sattail soap on a shallow grater so to get 1 tsp. shavings, and sweat with a small amount of water in the foam.
  2. Mix from 1 tsp. Salts of the finest grinding.
  3. For 2-3 minutes, neatly massage the face with the resulting mass, leave it on the skin for a couple of minutes and smash thoroughly.

Frequency of use: fatty skin is allowed to be brushing with soap and salt 1-2 times a week, dry and sensitive - 1 time in 10-12 days. Peeling makes 10 procedures courses, after which a break is required for 1.5-2 months.

Sometimes the salt action is reinforced with soda, but this is not the best idea. The soda is very dry by the skin, and what you will get more as a result of this procedure - harm or benefit is a big question.

With aspirini

Acetylsalicylic acid is part of many cosmetics, but in aspirin it is contained in its pure form, which allows you to get the maximum effect for small money.


  1. Cross in powder 5-6 aspirin tablets.
  2. Moisten them with several drops of lemon juice.
  3. Apply to problem areas.
  4. Wait 5 minutes (you should not hold the mask longer, you can get peeling or burn).
  5. Wash the powder, gently massaging the skin.

The frequency of use: for oily skin - up to 2 times a week, for dry - no more than 1.

With shaving foam

One of the most simple masks: squeeze a small ball of foam to the palm, spread it to places with comedes and make a light massage of the face. You will not get useful trace elements, but cleansing will be pretty good. True, superficial.

Action of any mask can be strengthened if you pre-make a steam bath for the face, and after rinse the skin herbal decoction. To use cosmetics in the next 2-3 hours after the procedure, cosmetologists do not advise, but since masks against black dots often contain driving components, it is worth lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream.

Deep purification

Mechanical removal of black dots is associated with a certain risk: you can damage the skin, put into it the bacteria, turn outdoor comedes into closed acne. However, this method makes it possible to better clean the pores, not limited to their upper part. To deal with the annoying points to understand, and do not harm yourself, approach the procedure responsibly, carefully following the established algorithm.


Once everything you need will be prepared, put the capacity with water on fire, wait for boiling and proceed.

The process of mechanical cleansing of the face from black dots:

  1. Throw into the water sachet dry chamomile.
  2. Gently transfer the capacity with boiling water to the table or stool - where you will be comfortable to be leaning over it - and sit for a few minutes, substitting the face of the couple. Alternatively, you can give the brave a little cool so that it remains hot, but not burning, moisten the towel and impose it to problem areas of the face. It is necessary to carefully reveal the pores and prepare the skin to the procedure.
  3. Wipe your hands with an antiseptic, and if you use any tool, treat it and its same hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  4. Squeeze the black dots, with an effort, but carefully pressing the skin on both sides of the comedone. In order not to damage the face with the nails, some recommend wrapped your fingers with sterile napkins: they do not interfere with pressure, but get rid of scratches.
  5. Upon completion of the procedure, wipe the face moistened in the antiseptic fluid with a cotton disk, and then - the ice cube to narrow the pores.

A more convenient tool than fingers is already mentioned above a special spoon, which is pressed to the skin, forcing the comedones "pop up" to the surface. If you could not get such a spoon, it is possible to follow the example of a beauty-blogger dry mann from California and walk along the problem areas with a dental floss. The main thing, move the thread smoothly, without making sawing movements that can harm the skin.

Salicyl and zinc ointments, pointlessly applied to the treated persons, contribute to skin cleansing and slow down the formations of new "black labels".

Why do not work cleaning methods

If you do everything according to the instructions, but black dots do not disappear, possibly:

  • you have a habitant to carefully remove makeup;
  • your facial tools contain alcohol that overcourses the skin, forcing it in order to protect it to double the production of sebum;
  • among your facial care products, cosmetics with Lanolin, refining products (mineral oils, paraffin, benzocaine) and other cheap and harmful components, and maybe just a cream not suitable for your skin type or with anterorable shelf life;
  • you do not eat incorrectly;
  • you have a hormonal failure.

Think from this may treat your case, apply a visit to a beautician or a dermatologist, make adjustments to the lifestyle and care for yourself, and the situation with a large share of probability will go to the way.

By the way, professional cosmetologists do not like the mechanical method of cleaning and advise or not to resort to it at all, or it is extremely rare. Regular inept affaudes on the sebaceous glands sometimes provokes them to a new seating release or leads to internal inflammation, which only worsens the situation. So the reason for increasing the number of black dots can be wounded in too much squeezing.


Face care 15.02.2014

Dear readers, probably, each of us dreams of a beautiful, shining, flawless skin of the face, so that she was with a healthy blush so that there are no annoying pimples, black dots. We look sometimes for advertising and think: "Is it really possible?" But there is something clear - the picture is beautiful, and in life is always a little different things, right?

Probably, many of you agree that black dots are a rather serious problem that almost everyone faces. Of course, they do not spoil the appearance as acne or acne, but in any case you need to get rid of black points. That's what I suggest talking about this blog. First you need to figure out what it is - the black dots themselves on the face and find out the main reasons for their appearance.

Black dots: What is it? The reasons for the appearance of black dots on the face.

Comedones, which in the people are called black dots, are excessions of the skin salted, mixed with dust particles and dead cells. That is, it is simply skin contamination. However, why then it is so difficult to get rid of them?

The fact is that black dots appear as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands and pores of the skin, in the future they are darked and the visual effect of black points appears. Therefore, in order to get rid of them, you need to clean the pores of the face, which is not so simple.

Black dots are a problem predominantly people with fatty skin type, but can appear on mixed skin. They appear most often in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), because the skin of the skin is most intensively produced. Therefore, it is the T-zone - one of the most problematic.

Despite the fact that black dots are considered to be offset of oily skin, the type of skin itself is not the cause of their appearance. So, the main prerequisites for the appearance of hated comedones:

  1. Wrong care , Namely insufficient skin cleansing. It is very important to carefully clean the face every morning and every evening. Try, my dear, never go to bed, at least just without happing. And even better to use Lotion. You also need to additionally clean the skin twice a week with cleansing masks and peels.
  2. Unbalanced nutrition . The pore blocking leads excessive use of coffee, sweets, oily food and alcohol. Very useful for our skin are fermented milk products, fish, flax grains, orange and red fruits and vegetables, broccoli and spinach.
  3. Changes in hormonal background . In this case, you will need consultation of the doctor.
  4. Increased grain production with saline glands.
  5. Hereditary factor.

Naturally, the cause of the appearance of a large number of comedones will be able to a dermatologist. However, if there is no time to go to it, you can simply try to care more carefully for your skin, and follow several rules at the same time. In most cases, this happens enough.

Well, if you have your own cosmetologist to whom you trust. Then in the cosmetic office is not bad to clean the face. What to choose cleaning, you already talk about it with your cosmetologist. Depending on your problems, it will give all valuable recommendations. And be sure to consult him how to choose a tonal cream that is suitable for you.

But what do we need to know?

Prevention of black dots on the face.

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of pure water daily.
  2. Provide your skin competent care, for example, use a good scrub, make a mask for the prevention of blackpoints and remove them. Below I will write a lot of recipes that you can use.
  3. Relax a lot. If you constantly default, expose your body with stress as a result will appear more acne, acne and, naturally, black dots. Remember that our body needs a minimum of 8 hours of full sleep per day.
  4. Eat healthy food. I think it is not necessary to explain it: more fresh vegetables and fruits, less treated and refined products.
  5. Use a good scrub against black dots and to remove dead cells twice a week. I wrote some effective and recipes with me below, because natural cosmetics is always more efficient to purchase analogs.
  6. Excessive skin salinity can be removed with a mask 1 time per week. Recipes I will also offer below.
  7. Be sure to clean the skin in the evening.

Black dots on the skin of the face: how to get rid of home?

Steam baths for removal of comedones and manual leather cleaning

Most effectively get rid of black dots help steam baths, after which the comedones can be squeezed manually. But, I will say right away that this method has several flaws:

  1. There is a risk of nervous to the skin.
  2. If the hands are not well processed, that is, the likelihood of infection, which can lead to an even more black dots or inflammation.

So that steam baths are as efficient as possible, several rules should be followed.

Rule number 1. In the saucepan make a chamomile or a lip. Herbal decoction will help not only reveal the pores, but also to clean them immediately.

Rule number 2.. To lean too low above the pan or the pelvis can not, you can burn. For consumer effect, you can cover a towel.

Rule number 3.The face hire no more than 15 minutes.

Rule number 4. It is necessary to squeeze the comedones carefully disabled hands, rub nails with alcohol and wrapped with a bandage or cotton. Please note, we are talking only about black points, not acne. They are better not to squeeze them.

Rule number 5. After manual leather cleaning, it is necessary to wash it cold water or wipe the face with egg squirrel. These procedures will help narrow the pores.

Rule number 6.Steam baths make as needed, that is, when the sebaceous glands are clogged, and this is about 1 time per week.

Important!Steam baths are categorically contraindicated if vessels are expanded on the skin of the face, that is, Cuperoz is observed.

Homemade scrubs to remove black dots on the face.

Cleansing scrub. Salt. Beans. Coffee.

You need to mix ½ tsp. Salts of fine grinding, 1 tsp. Flaws of beans, 1 tsp. Coffee Grounds and 1 tsp. oatmeal. You can add ½ chart in the mixture. Fat sour cream. Everything is well mixed. This means are treated only by those sites where there are comedones.

Peeling from salt and soap from black dots.

Neat circular movements need to be treated the most problematic areas - forehead, nose and chin. Such a "massage" make 2 minutes. Then leave the remedy on the face for 5 minutes, after which it should be washed first with hot water, and then cool. After 10 minutes, the processed areas of the skin are preferably lubricated with aloe juice or any lotion.

Scrub to remove comedon from shaving foam

"How to get rid of black dots?" - This question will cease to be relevant to you after such a home scrub. It will take 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide (we buy in a pharmacy), 2 ppm Any shaving foam and ½ C.L. shallow salt. The mixture is well mixed and applied exclusively to problem areas, then neatly rubbish, but in no case, not rubbing. Scrub leave on the skin for 3 minutes. We wash off cool water, we wipe the skin with lotion. On the face necessarily apply a moisturizing cream.

How to get rid of black dots with face masks

I want to draw your attention to the fact that after each procedure to remove black points, be it a mask or scrub, the skin must be wiped with a solution of glycerol and lemon juice to soften the skin and close the pores.

Recipe: 4 tbsp. Mineral water is mixed with 25 ml of lemon juice and 2 tbsp. Glycerin. It perfectly moisturizes the skin and soluct, discolite the remnants of black dots.

Home Recipe Protein Mask For Comedon Removal

In the glass paw mix 1 protein and 1 tbsp. Sahara to its complete dissolution. The composition is separated by 2 parts. The first is immediately applied to the face and leave until complete drying. Then we apply the second part of the mask and begin intensely, but very carefully patted your skin with your fingers until they stop sticking. The mask is washed with cool water, and on the skin we apply an intense moisturizing cream. The protein-lemon mask is superimposed on the T-zone.

Recipe number 2.. We will need 1 protein, 2 ppm Aloe juice, 2.5 ppm Lemon juice. The mixture is well stirred. The mask is divided into 2 equal parts, it should be applied in the same way as in 1 recipe. The remains of the mask are riveted after 15 minutes of cool water.

Recipes of domestic lotions to get rid of black dots

Flower Lotion Calendula and Grass Salfa

  • 25 g of calendula flowers;
  • 25 g of grass sage;
  • 250 ml of boiling water.

Herbal collection is poured with boiling water, put on a slow fire and give it to get drunk 3 minutes. Then they cover it with a lid and leave to cool. As soon as the decoction is cooled, it is filtered and the resulting lotion wipes the skin three times a day. Store follows in a dark cool place.