What perfume does johnny depp advertise. What shoppers love about Dior Sauvage

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House Dior always understood men, offering exceptional, special fragrances to the stronger sex. Each fragrance is a new story, revealing the features of a male character with incredible depth.

For the first time in 10 years Dior opens up a new space for men. A radically fresh composition is a manifesto of freedom dictated by the legendary name. Brutal and noble at the same time. That balance I was looking for François Demachy, fragrance maker Dior.

Wide open spaces inspired the creation Sauvage. Oversaturated with natural ingredients, the fragrance captivates with the fruity freshness of Calabrian Bergamot, whose luminous top notes burst with fruity freshness. Ambroxan, derived from precious ambergris, spreads out in a majestic woody trail.

The face of the new fragrance is Johnny Depp, which has never presented a single fragrance before. The role in the film Sauvage by Jean-Baptiste Mondino seemed to have been created especially for him. Johnny Depp discovered his new self, becoming a wild shaman who is not afraid to go in search of real emotions.

Sauvage is a modern western that takes us from Los Angeles to Joshua Tree, an epic road movie that conquers the Wild West. Incredible nature and surreal animals create an amazing connection with the natural world, so dangerous and at the same time pure and noble.

The noble bottle of Sauvage pays tribute to the years spent on its transformation. Matte massive glass of dark night color smoothly flows into a transparent haze. A light scattering of silver along the edges of the bottle creates a mirror effect. The pleated black lacquer cap is crowned with the magic letters CD.

A radical solution for real men. Make yourself known directly with Sauvage!


  • Sauvage Eau de toilette, 60 ml - 4715 rubles.
  • Sauvage Eau de toilette, 100 ml - 6500 rubles.
  • Sauvage Deodorant spray, 150 ml - 2100 rubles.
  • Sauvage After Shave Lotion, 100 ml - 3980 rubles.

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By date By rating By usefulness

Complete failure

Chemistry, chemistry and more chemistry. Even the bergamot in it is synth ... no, it would be more correct to say - chemose.

be like Johnny

I definitely liked it. Before that, I used Terre d "Hermes, but the last time I either got a fake or it got spoiled, in short, I decided to look at something new.
I bought into the pensive Johnny Depp wandering the savannah and did not lose.
Such a cheerful aroma, fresh citruses at the beginning, woody notes at the bottom, slightly sweetened. Definitely like it. Maybe I'll get bored in a year, but oh well, I'll find another

C grade, but not repulsive

Dior is obviously making a serious bet on the new Sauvage, which is clear from the positioning: they have been associated (albeit very conditionally) with the iconic eau sauvage, they have been intriguing with Johnny Depp and teasers for a long time, and, in general, the launch of a new line is always an event. It would seem that the aroma should be loud.
In my opinion, nothing particularly loud happened. A very confused fragrance with a set of familiar clichés: a fresh citrus start, woody undertones and a favorite "Fahrenheit" sweetness. Everything together sounds especially crumpled at the beginning. Although in the opening, it is quite a pleasant smell, which is often found in men's shower gels and deodorants.
I don’t think that there is someone who will find this smell unpleasant, so for a man who doesn’t like to bother with perfumes, that’s it. Tested on male skin.


I have been looking for something to replace Blue de Chanel for a long time and now I found it. A modern classic scent, ideal for every day. By the way, others clearly like it, received compliments from employees. Citrus-fougère with light peppercorns. Excellent durability - after a working day, the skin is still felt, but more softened.
So thank you Dior and François Demachy.


A simple and unpretentious fragrance. By the way, his perception has changed a lot after a week of use. At first he seemed good to me, but somewhat faceless. Now I feel it well on the skin, and in my opinion there are no analogues. Fresh, sillage with excellent staying power.

Conclusion: A great wearable fragrance.

Yesterday I went to get acquainted with the fragrance as part of VFNO - the crowd of Johnny Depps walking around between Tsvetnoy and TSUM just attracted the attention.
Chemistry, chemistry and more chemistry. Even the bergamot in it is synth ... no, it would be more correct to say - chemical.
On the skin of young guys it can sound good, unobtrusive, I recommend avoiding it for men 25+.
Depp, who raised the sales of the fragrance, ruined it. Because looking at the image of this actor, his key roles, you are waiting for something with a touch of animal, hot and sexy. And you get shower gel. It was necessary to take some collective Yegor Creed - the expectation would have grown together with reality.

Today, finally, a promotional film dedicated to the new Dior fragrance Sauvage, the face of which was appointed 52-year-old American actor Johnny Depp, became available to the general public. The one and a half minute video tells the story of a hero who decided to break with the routine and, under the cover of night, leaves the bored city in his black Dodge to meet the unknown. Once in the Californian desert, the hero realizes what he needs and what was lacking. He looks inside himself and finds the beast hidden there. Now he needs to reconnect with nature in order to appease his wild nature. Accompanying Depp's journey is the metallic sound of Ry Cooder's slide guitar, maintaining the atmosphere of the video and the visuals. The advertising campaign was directed by the legendary French director Jean-Baptiste Mondino.

Recall that the news that Johnny Depp became the messenger of the new Dior fragrance came in early June. Since that moment, fans of the actor and the fashionable French brand have been wondering what image the eternal pirate will appear in and, most importantly, what the fragrance will be like. The picture began to emerge when the first shots from the new perfume's advertising campaign appeared in late August.

As for the perfume itself, according to the representatives of the fashion house, Sauvage is a powerful fresh composition that embodies maturity and confidence.

At first, the fragrance opens to us with notes of bergamot, reminiscent of a strong gust of fresh wind, in which pepper and bitter fruits are heard. Francois Demachy chose this variety of bergamot with his own hands. Then comes the initially less remarkable natural component Ambroxan®, obtained from valuable ambergris. It simultaneously gives marine and sensual notes. This play of notes remains until the very end.

“Sauvage opened up to me right away. I had a clear idea of ​​what direction to move in, about how powerful ideas this fragrance should embody. It became a reference point, a block that I then shaped, ”says François Demachy, Perfumer of the House of Dior.