What should a first kiss be like? How to learn to kiss for the first time With tongue for the first time

Many people remember the first experience of a kiss reluctantly, with the bitterness of disappointment. Some sincerely admit that they have never experienced such feelings again, but most people would like to change it. Change your partner, or the situation, or your awkward movements with zero level of preparation, or everything at all. The first kiss is the first because it cannot be replayed, so if you haven’t missed the moment yet, then you should think carefully about how to kiss for the first time, so that you can later remember this moment as one of the sweetest.

The importance of the first kiss

Worries about new exciting feelings affect every teenager, and the natural desire for a kiss pushes them to impulsive and rash actions. We spend more time thinking about how to learn to kiss for the first time, how to keep up with our peers and how to quickly gain experience. So it turns out that we give our first kiss to the wrong person, under the wrong circumstances and not where we would like. What's so special about it - it's just a kiss? However, the next kisses will not be the first and will not be able to bring us so much adrenaline into our blood and so many dizzying sensations.

You can plan your first kiss, but most likely not for yourself. You can expect a kiss from a guy and be ready, but it’s impossible to predict whether his actions will fit into your calculations. Always be ready for spontaneity. The guy has an easier time in this matter. After all, he is always the initiator and without much difficulty he will be able to independently choose the moment for his first kiss, if he does not fall for an impatient girl.
Basic conditions for an unforgettable first kiss:

  • Kissing for the first time is necessary only with the desired person. If, when you look at him, your heart skips a beat, and your thoughts prevent you from falling asleep, then this option is the most successful. Reciprocating affection is the determining factor of a great kiss. There will still be unrequited feelings in life - let the first kiss be mutual.
  • Don't kiss if you don't want to, in an inappropriate environment, just out of interest and experience. A kiss is not an obligation or payment for merit; a kiss is a manifestation of feelings. A peck on the cheek or even on the lips of the gentleman who bothered to accompany you home will be quite enough.
  • Kissing while drunk is also a mistake. Alcohol dulls all feelings and, even with feigned courage, you will lose the main range of sensations from a kiss. With a fog in your head, your emotions will deceive you, and there will be nothing to remember about such a kiss.
  • Don’t reach out to kiss first, even if you really want to, then you’ll reproach yourself for it. It is important for a girl to realize that the guy kissed her first. This is exactly the thought that has been nurtured in the head of a potential princess since childhood: a prince kisses. This is how it is laid down at the genetic level and modern gender equality has nothing to do with it.

A girl should be comfortable with the idea that her inexperience in kissing can be her advantage. Most guys will like timidity, shyness and the tender reaction of their beloved girl to a kiss. If your first kiss is planned with a person who has never kissed before, then both you and he have nothing to compare with. Then, having overcome some awkwardness and confusion from unsuccessful movements, you will quickly find a common language and practice. When you try to kiss for the first time with an experienced partner, you shouldn’t worry. He will kiss as best he can, and you will just play along. All that's left is to learn to play along.

How to kiss for the first time: kissing technique

What is a kissing technique and how can it be correct or incorrect? This question is quite legitimate, especially for people in love, for whom every breath of their partner is a reference. The manifestation of feelings through a kiss does not tolerate falsehood, and falsehood carries this “wrongness”. Without sincere sympathy for a person, mechanical actions with lips and tongue alone do not become a good kiss. The kissing technique will help in the future to diversify and double the pleasure of caresses, but it will not save an insensitive first kiss.
Body movements during kissing:

  1. Approaching your partner, looking into his eyes, placing your hands on his shoulders and smiling softly is an invitation to kiss.
  2. It’s better to tilt your head in advance so that your partner can immediately understand which way to lean. This way your noses won't collide and interfere with each other.
  3. The contact of lips will be better if the mouth is slightly open and the tongue is completely relaxed.
  4. The guy kisses the girl more often on the upper lip, and she kisses him on the lower lip. The response to such touches is the desire to use the tongue.
  5. The tongue should not be tense, but not completely sluggish, and its touch should be elastic, but gentle. When caressing with your tongue, you should avoid repeating the same movements. Change the direction of touch.
  6. During a kiss, your hands can stroke your partner’s hair or hug his shoulders. Gently touching his cheek with your palm will also bring additional pleasant sensations.
  7. The end of the kiss should be touching and end with a calm mutual caress of the lips. If you are embarrassed to immediately look at your partner, then just hug him tightly.

A person in love simply cannot dislike a kiss. If you are alone and both want it, then the thought of learning how to kiss for the first time should leave your mind. And some awareness will simply help you avoid unexpected awkward moments and improve your first experience.

How to learn to kiss without a partner

You can learn kissing techniques without a partner. Some skills can add confidence to you when kissing, and most importantly, eliminate trembling in your legs. Excitement is as natural as embarrassment to admit to your partner that you have never kissed before, so let's learn to disguise ourselves.

  • Method one. Copying your partner's movements.

Your inexperience may go completely unnoticed if you do not take the initiative, but simply mirror all your partner’s movements. He doesn't need to know that this is how you learn. Let him think that you are trying to adapt to his kissing style - he will be flattered.

  • Method two. Confident movements of the lips.

Training on tomatoes and peaches is not a joke about kissing. Indeed, training kisses on them help to develop the correct force for pressing with the lips. Comfortable for humans are pressures that cause dents on the surface of a ripe tomato or peach, and the resulting slight vacuum does not lead to rupture of the peel.

  • Method three. A good example.

The availability of information these days is incredible. But the most graphic kisses can be found in classic films about love or their descriptions in women's novels. Get inspired by well-crafted scenes and try to direct your own first kiss.

Training is a plus, but important experience is only possible with a partner.
If you have decided on a partner and a romantic situation is planned in the near future, then it is worth considering several important points. It's a shame if the first kiss is overshadowed by some petty stupidity.

  • An intimate kiss with tongue will be much more enjoyable if both partners take care of their own hygiene. Having chewing gum will not be amiss.
  • A large number of odors also interfere with kissing. Strong perfumes, the aroma of cosmetics on the face and especially lipstick, and the smell of cigarettes can add some bitterness to a kiss.
  • Lipstick or gloss should not be too greasy, sweet or flavored. The naturalness of the kiss will be disrupted by small glitter on the lips.
  • Don't hold your breath when kissing and don't drag out the kiss itself. The first kiss should not be exciting or aggressive: it should be imbued with caution and tenderness.

We can say unequivocally that during the first kiss, technique is not so important: the main thing is feeling. Kisses only with loved ones become memorable and impressive, and the presence of some mistakes will simply become an intimate secret of the couple. It is much more important to remember the thrill of the first kiss. Art is also the ability to repeat such a kiss after many years, being experienced, and with the only person, with your soulmate. Some people succeed.

  • “How to kiss a guy correctly?”
  • “When to start?”
  • “Isn’t it too late/too early to try kissing at 12?”

There is no specific age for the first kiss - the main thing is that it is gentle, and the person with whom you are going to do it reciprocates your feelings.

After all, a kiss on the lips is it’s an intimate and even magical thing. Don't believe me? Then read this article and you will learn how to kiss correctly, as well as many other interesting things about kissing.

The art of kissing was known back in Ancient Greece and Rome. Plato also eagerly tried to penetrate the secrets of the kiss, developing a whole theory for this. According to the philosopher, since time immemorial the human body was spherical. He had 2 halves - male and female, four arms, four legs. However, the thunderer Zeus, angry at the arrogant bisexual creature, ordered it to be divided into male and female halves. This is how the female and male genders appeared.

According to Plato's theory, the reunification of these two entities happens precisely during a kiss. Since then, humanity has not abandoned the desire to learn how to kiss tenderly and correctly. After all, a passionate kiss can give a timid girl a little courage, and plunge a guy into the sweet depths of bliss.

Kissing period the most romantic in the history of the relationship of a young couple. It can only be compared with spring, when you want to wander the flower-filled streets until the morning, carry your beloved in your arms and enthusiastically read Pushkin or Yesenin. But before you repeat your favorite poems, read about how to kiss correctly, as this may come in handy on your next walk together.

How to kiss passionately with your tongue?

As you know, the French are very good kissers. The concept of a French kiss is known all over the world, but here’s how to properly kiss passionately, not everyone knows.

When people kiss, they touch each other not only with their lips and tongue, but with their whole soul - at least that’s what the French themselves think.

Of course, you must really like the person you intend to kiss: you feel lightness, a little languor, and... pleasant breath from his mouth. It is under such conditions that learning how to kiss deeply will be easy and pleasant.

Of course you can try practice without a partner. Do a little exercise: open your mouth slightly, run your tongue over your lips - from the outside and inside. There are many nerve endings on the lips - this is why we experience pleasant sensations.

Imagine how your lips become engorged and noticeably red when you kiss your loved one. This is why girls often use red lipstick before a date, as if signaling that the time has come to learn how to kiss deeply.

Passionate kiss: technology, chemistry and psychology

So, you stand eye to eye with your partner. Your lips are close to each other, your bodies are touching, and a slight trembling is felt on your hand, which is frozen in the palm of your loved one. You feel the aroma of her or his body, you want to enjoy it without reserve, returning to this smell every moment that you do not spend together. Congratulations, you are ready to tongue kiss with your partner.

To begin, open your mouth slightly and touch with just your lips. You can take the first steps without using your tongue, as if testing the waters. Take your time, do everything gently but confidently so that your partner does not suspect your inexperience or timidity. Although this also has its own unforgettable charm that will never be repeated.

Do you know that a guy who doesn’t yet know how to kiss properly with the tongue, but dreams of learning how to do it, is simply not worth it in our modern society. And a girl who learns to kiss on tomatoes is generally the standard of purity, naivety and fidelity beliefs.

Well, have we given you confidence with our praises? Now quickly open your mouth and proceed to the most important thing - kiss passionately, because this the most eloquent foreplay, the most sincere confession, the most beautiful symphony of two hearts.

  1. On the contrary, start with light touching and biting of the lips, combining them with tongue movements.
  2. Now close your lips with your partner’s lips.
  3. Play a little with the tip of your tongue, sliding it along the inside of your partner's lips.
  4. Explore his tongue, understanding the soul of your loved one millimeter by millimeter and reuniting with it in the alluring magic of a kiss.

Nice? But scientists believe that it is also useful. During a kiss, we burn more than a dozen calories, and real love hormones – oxytocin and dopamine. They are the ones that evoke feelings of affection, joy and bliss. Psychologically, a passionate kiss also causes a strong shock, especially for women. However, men also experience positive emotions during a kiss. They just rarely talk about it.

How to learn to kiss for the first time?

Absolutely everyone experiences their first kiss, so every person on Earth will have to learn how to kiss for the first time. In addition to humans, primates also like to kiss. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to talk about the natural nature of a kiss. Perhaps this is a continuation of the sucking reflex or a conditioned skill acquired in the process of evolution. One way or another, for us and primates, the simple question of how to learn to kiss for the first time is very relevant.

Don’t put all your ardor into the tender magic of the first kiss just yet - it should be easy like the spring wind and warm like the gentle sun of a May day. That’s why it’s the first, to be remembered for a lifetime and leave memories of a slight trembling, and not the feeling of someone else’s saliva on your face.

Before the first kiss it is important to make eye contact. Your partner's eyes will tell you a lot - for example, whether he or she is ready to give you a kiss. At this moment, you can expect intense emotions - girls usually play with their hair to attract attention to themselves. A slightly excited state and pleasant trembling are normal for both boys and girls. But try to control your nerves if they are in earnest. It's just a kiss, and it's about to happen.

In order to learn how to kiss for the first time, a guy and a girl must:

  1. Sympathize with each other.
  2. They should have fresh breath and strong nerves.
  3. The situation is appropriate: without outside witnesses and parents who dropped in at the wrong time.
  4. The meeting of the lips occurs at a slight angle, otherwise the partners risk their noses meeting. The situation is quite comical, but laughter is not what you need at this moment. You may never cross the friendly line and end up stuck in the friend zone forever.
  5. Your lips touch gently, your tongues are not yet involved.
  6. Close your eyes, surrender to this moment, time and place.
  7. Run your hands over your partner's face, hair, shoulders. But don’t let go of your hands - this is the first kiss.
  8. Don't kiss for too long. You can start with 10 seconds - you can always repeat it.

Several mistakes and interference during first kisses

We have already told you how to learn to kiss. There are a few points left to clarify.

First you need to figure out what kind of kisses there are:




  • "butterfly wings";
  • farewell;
  • kiss with tongue - “French”;
  • kiss on the hickey.

Touching the cheeks of friends and relatives with your lips is considered a form of greeting and expression of joy. Kissing friends and relatives when meeting and saying goodbye is considered the norm among loving French and Italians. This tradition also exists among some Slavic peoples.

Kisses between two loving people are replete with variety, forms and feelings. You can kiss “like an adult” using various techniques, using the tongue and lips.

"Butterfly wings" represent gentle touches of various parts with a closed mouth: cheeks, eyes, neck, lips. At this time, you can whisper various tender words into your loved one’s ear.

Goodbye kiss usually occurs at the end of a date or meeting. It is given as a token of gratitude for the gift of the evening. Tender touches can develop into a passionate impulse, which becomes a harbinger of a stormy night for two lovers.

French kissing- the most popular and frank expression of the feelings of lovers. It is performed with the mouth slightly open. Tongue contact is possible with various improvisation options: stroking, biting.

Usually serves as a harbinger of intimacy. Thus, having decided to have sex with your lover, you need to know how to kiss correctly. The process should not confuse a person or make them feel embarrassed. When kissing, both partners should enjoy what is happening, be confident and relaxed.

The following tips will help you learn how to kiss for the first time:

  1. Do not eat onions or garlic before a date, and do not drink alcohol or tobacco. It is especially unpleasant to kiss a drunk woman who smells of cigarettes.
  2. The girl's lips, hands, and hair must be in perfect and well-groomed condition. A girl should be like candy: smelling and beautiful so that you want to eat her.
  3. Create a romantic atmosphere: dim lighting, candles, rose petals, aroma lamps.
  4. Oral and body hygiene. It's no secret that bad breath can discourage even the most loving person from kissing. If you can’t brush your teeth, you can use chewing gum, a spray for fresh breath, and also eat an apple or chew parsley.
  5. Don't freeze in one position. Stroking your loved one's hair, back, and shoulders will help you and your partner relax during a kiss.
  6. Don't be shy: focus on the pleasure, not the technique itself.
  7. Don't be silent. A “wet” kiss can be combined with gentle words and compliments, whispering them in your beloved’s ear.

Exercises with a tomato or peach will help you kiss correctly for the first time.. Imagining your partner’s lips as a ripe juicy fruit, you can bring a lot of pleasure to yourself and your girlfriend.

The first kiss is the most exciting event in the life of every couple. By learning to do this correctly, you can bring a lot of pleasure to each other.

For young and chaste girls, a dilemma arises: when can you let a guy kiss you for the first time? It should be immediately noted that any normal guy appreciates a girl who respects herself and does not attack her neck on the first date.

According to statistics, 70% of young people on their first date not only kissed, but even had sexual intercourse. It is worth noting that such relationships did not last long.. Therefore, if a girl is really dear, and a guy has serious plans for her, then he will respect her principles and wait as long as necessary.

Each person decides for himself what kind of relationship he wants to build, as well as what he expects from these relationships.

But there is an unspoken rule according to which a decent girl, on the first date, does not attack a guy and does not allow him anything unnecessary.

A frivolous man, of course, will be cooled by this fact, but an interested and serious man will, on the contrary, be more interested in such a lady.

But there are situations when a girl likes a guy, but he has not yet shown her any signs of attention. In this case, the young lady must act subtly and wisely, resorting to her feminine charm and cunning.

You can “win” a guy so that he is the first to take the initiative by starting to study the interests of your loved one. For example, if he is a football player, go to a match with him and sincerely root for his team. You just need to do this naturally, rejoicing with him at the victory of your favorite team.

If the guy is a romantic - walks under the moonlight, conversations about poetry and music should become her main pastime.

But everything should be sincere and natural. A girl should not go overboard to please her lover. If the guy is a skydiver, then it is not at all necessary to jump with him, but it would be appropriate to come with him and support him.

It should be remembered that a man feels a woman’s sincerity and will definitely respond to her “efforts.”

By sharing the sphere of interests of her beloved, a girl will very quickly be able to achieve reciprocal feelings, as well as the first kisses that follow.

The first kiss with a guy should be sensual and tender. It’s as if a girl should give a young man a piece of her youth and freshness. You shouldn’t quickly force things, but showing excessive shyness is also wrong.

How to kiss a guy first

In the manifestation of intimate caresses, the initiative should be given to the man. After all, one should not forget that he is a hunter and conqueror. A girl shouldn't be too pushy. However, what if the guy is shy and indecisive?

If a girl feels that the “moment of truth” has arrived, but the guy still doesn’t dare to kiss her after a week of dating, then in this case you can be the first to make a move.

The correct way to kiss a guy is this:

  1. Look with an inviting gaze. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, they are truly better than any words. The partner should openly and directly look into the guy’s eyes, making it clear that she is ready to kiss.
  2. Gently hug your partner and pull him towards you.
  3. Close your eyes and press your lips to his.
  4. Kiss your partner on the lips, and then open your mouth slightly. By this, the girl makes it clear that she is ready for more bold actions.

A loving guy will answer the girl with a passionate French kiss, hugging her tightly. When kissing for the first time, you should not rush things and demonstrate all your skills at once. Constant practice will help you achieve very good results in this matter.

How to kiss with tongue

The French kiss eliminates various manifestations of timidity and uncertainty. Usually this happens in a fit of passion, the intensity of love emotions. You should not begin such frank caresses if the woman is not ready. A man must be patient and attentive to the desires of his partner.

During intimate caresses, deep penetration of the tongue should be avoided.. It should be remembered that a kiss is not a sporting competition.

Also, avoid excessive salivation. A too hot kiss can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Want something interesting?

To kiss with your tongue correctly, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. The quality of a kiss directly depends on the feelings of loving people. A kiss from a guy in love will give a girl an unforgettable experience, even if the young man is inexperienced in amorous affairs. Therefore, it is better to learn how to kiss your beloved boyfriend.
  2. Neat appearance and clean body. When giving an intimate kiss, it is important not only to have fresh breath, but also to have a pleasant body odor, the aroma of clean hair, a neat manicure, and neat clothes. All these aspects create an aura of intimacy.
  3. A girl should use cosmetics in moderation. “Licking” bitter lipstick is unlikely to appeal to any guy. You also need to pay close attention to the smell of perfume: it should not be harsh or intense. On a romantic date, a girl should smell like a flower: fresh, natural, gentle.
  4. The kiss should happen naturally and effortlessly. The guy does not have to tell his beloved that he will kiss her now.
  5. There is no point in holding your breath at all - this is not a sports jump. You need to breathe calmly and naturally.
  6. To prevent the nose from interfering with the process, the head should be positioned at an angle to the partner’s head.
  7. You need to kiss a guy while hugging him. Wrapping your arms around your partner's neck and stroking your partner's back is a demonstration of tenderness, trust and passion.

Correct French kissing technique

French technology does not tolerate any complexes! There shouldn't be any taboos here.

Rules for how to kiss:

  1. A kiss begins with a light touch on the partner's lips.
  2. Next, you should close your eyes, cling to the lips of your loved one, and slightly open your lips.
  3. Penetrate your tongue into your loved one’s mouth, touch his tongue and gently swipe. The tongue should not be tense and sluggish. You should remember the main rules: naturalness and ease!
  4. The lovers' tongues should touch each other, stroking each other in different directions and places: along the back, along the edges.
  5. The lips should also not be indifferent. They should touch their partner’s lips with different intensities: sometimes stronger, sometimes more tenderly. Throughout the kiss, the lovers' mouths do not open, as a rule.
  6. Before and after a passionate kiss, you can kiss your partner’s face, this adds a certain amount of pleasant sensations.
  7. The depth, speed, and method of kissing can be changed. You can move from a passionate kiss to a gentle one and vice versa.

A passionate kiss occurs with deep penetration of the tongue. Tender is characterized by softness and delicacy.

You can kiss quickly or slowly. You can combine different techniques, or you can repeat only one. The choice depends only on the desires of the two persons.

Learning to kiss with tongue is not difficult. The perfection of this practice comes through experience and gives an incredible storm of emotions!

When young people feel sympathy for each other, a natural attraction arises between them, which naturally leads to intimacy. Kissing a hickey is the first step to violent sex.

You can kiss a hickey with your tongue (as in the previous version), or you can do without penetration, gently biting your partner’s lips.

In the first option, the partner’s tongue can caress the girl’s tender lips or passionately penetrate her mouth. The tongue version provides more sensual pleasure for both partners.

You need to kiss a guy with a hickey with your tongue, following this technique:

  1. Leaning slightly towards the ground, you should gently touch his lips with your half-open mouth. If the partner is experienced, he will respond to this by touching his partner’s lips with his tongue. If this does not happen, then the girl should take the initiative into her own hands.
  2. The guy's tongue should be licked in a circular motion. For many men, the tongue is an erogenous zone; such manipulations bring them a lot of pleasure. This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally bite the tender flesh.
  3. Many men like stroking the inside of their lips with a woman's tongue. To do this, run your tongue along the inner contour of your mouth.
  4. Hand position is an important part of lovemaking. A woman should gently hug her lover's neck, caressing his back, chest, and shoulders.

You should listen to your partner’s wishes and do what both of you like. There is no need to be afraid of experiments and new sensations.

When kissing passionately, you should breathe through your nose, since breathing through your mouth will not be possible physically.

Kissing “like an adult” for the first time may not work out right. However, by constantly practicing with your beloved partner, you can learn this art by expressing tenderness, passion, love and affection to each other through kisses.

For a kiss to take place, it is necessary that both the girl and the guy want it equally. It is important that both partners have a feeling of love or at least sympathy for each other. It is quite difficult to achieve this at the first and even second meeting, so you should not rush into the first kiss. It is better to devote the first 2-3 dates to communication, searching for common interests, and testing feelings. According to already established couples, the moment for a kiss should be felt on an intuitive level, and very often it happens for the first time completely spontaneously under an influx of feelings.

A very important point on the way to the first kiss is touch, which must be used during the first few meetings. From time to time you should take your partner by the hand, hug him, stroke him on the head, etc. This removes the barrier between people, increases trust in each other, and also enhances feelings.

If you're worried about how well everything will go, replay the kiss itself, as well as the events that will precede it, in your head in advance. The right psychological attitude will also help if the moment of the kiss comes earlier than you planned.

Lip care

The key element of a kiss is the lips, which should look well-groomed and attractive. If your relationship is progressing and the moment of decisive action is about to come, take the following steps:

  1. Use lipstick, balm or other lip care product daily.
  2. choose the perfect lipstick or gloss for your look.
  3. Practice facial expressions of your lips in front of the mirror, slightly lifting them up and pulling them forward: such movements will become a slight hint to your partner that you are ready for a kiss.

It is very important to pay attention to the freshness of your mouth: be sure to brush your teeth before a date, and you should always have chewing gum with you. The right scent of perfume will also attract a partner. Already during the date, try to find a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and correct your makeup if necessary.

Kissing technique

Lip touching can be light and short-lived or intense and long-lasting. In the first case, this demonstrates some restraint towards the partner, a more friendly attitude. In the second, there is already an expression of already strong feelings, perhaps even a declaration of love without words. There is also such a form as a friendly kiss on the cheek. If you're not ready for more, you can use it to end the first few dates.

In all situations, the kissing technique is different. You can practice doing it at home, looking at yourself in front of the mirror. For greater clarity, some people put their lips on the outside of their palm or on some fruit.

For a friendly kiss:

  1. Without opening your lips, pull them forward 2-3 mm;
  2. If desired, tilt your head slightly to the side, close your eyes;
  3. Lightly touch your partner's lips for 1-2 seconds and pull back.

For a romantic kiss:

  1. Part your lips slightly and extend them forward;
  2. Close your eye and tilt your head at a strong angle;
  3. Touch your partner’s lips, try to slightly pull his lower or upper lip into you;
  4. Try touching the tip of your tongue to your partner’s tongue, running it across the lips.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a kissing technique, pay attention to special signs and sensations. With a friendly touch, a characteristic “smack” sound should be heard, after which you can move away. As for a romantic kiss, it can last from a few seconds to about a minute, depending on your feelings, desires and the reaction of your partner. During it, you can change the angle of the head, experiment with the intensity and shape of touches, as well as additionally hug your partner and stroke the head and neck.

Lips should always be relaxed during a kiss. In general, you should not pay much attention to them: try to focus on general sensations in order to enjoy the moment and give it to your partner. Only if you are performing a romantic kiss, which is often called “French”, should the touch of the lips be as intense as possible, and if the partner reciprocates sufficiently, you can experiment with the tongue, as well as perform additional manipulations with your hands.

How to move on to a kiss

It is very important that the first touch with lips occurs at the most appropriate moment. If you are in the mood for a romantic relationship and a deep kiss, the atmosphere of the date should be appropriate. There are several common situations where the chances of everything going well are high. It is important to remember this and be on guard so as not to scare away a partner who is already inclined to be active.

Usually the man initiates the kiss, choosing the right moment. If he shows timidity, the woman may well take the situation into her own hands. You can limit yourself to subtle or obvious hints using facial expressions of your lips and eyes, or you can smoothly approach your partner’s face and kiss him if you are completely confident in his and your feelings.

A good chance for lip service appears during a movie session, especially if it is a film on the theme of love. You can also move on to a kiss while on a walk in some picturesque place. A good opportunity arises at the end of the date, when the guy walks the girl home. And, of course, you cannot neglect the situation if the meeting takes place at home.

Another key place where you can easily kiss a guy is a nightclub. During joint dances, touching occurs especially often, and the moment for intercourse with lips comes quite quickly. A restaurant is not a very good place to start kissing: despite the romantic atmosphere, partners usually sit opposite each other, which complicates any manipulations.

Before the kiss, you can express your sympathy for each other in the form of a series of compliments. You can hint or understand that the moment has come by looking into your partner’s eyes. Lip gestures and touch also play an important role. There is no need to be afraid of a kiss: think that without it your relationship will not move to a new level, and your partner will not have the best opinion of you.

What to do after a kiss

If everything went well, you need to overcome the awkwardness that inevitably arises. A slight smile and a small compliment will be enough. It may also turn out that a kiss will become a reason to confess your feelings to your partner. You shouldn’t be upset if everything didn’t go too smoothly: in your life there will still be many opportunities to prove yourself and practice, bringing the art of kissing to perfection.

It is also worth foreseeing a situation where your partner will refuse to kiss, pushing you away and telling you that you should hold off on this for now. Perhaps the moment has not really come yet, and more time is needed to get to know each other better. Also, you don’t need to force a kiss just to please your partner: things may not turn out well, both during the touch and in future relationships. The desire must be truly sincere and mutual.

How to kiss correctly if a girl has to do it for the first time? The first kiss is of great importance for the development of a relationship with the guy you like. If you kiss poorly, your partner may begin to doubt whether to continue communicating with you in the same way. If your first kiss conquers the guy, then the likelihood of further development of a wonderful relationship will increase several times. After all, you want to kiss a person who knows how to do it again and again. Let's first look at useful tips, and the video lessons posted in the article will clearly help you take the first step in this direction.

So, important rules for girls who kiss for the first time:


It's best to kiss with your eyes closed. Until the moment your lips touch, do not take your eyes off your partner's eyes. Keep in mind that the distance between your faces should be minimal. Don't rush to close your eyes, but you shouldn't kiss with your eyes open either.


Breathing plays an important role, watch it. If you are planning a short, light kiss, then, if you have doubts about the freshness of your breath, you can simply hold it. But if you want a long kiss (they are the most pleasant), then holding your breath is of no use to you. When breathing stops, you will simply need to tear yourself away from your partner’s lips to take at least a breath of air, and this will undoubtedly blur the entire impression of your kiss. It is best to breathe evenly and calmly, as always. Do not sharply increase the rate of breathing, this will distract you and will not allow you to concentrate on the kiss and your sensations.


Don't forget about your hands, caress your partner with them. You can touch him when kissing; touching the face, head, neck, and shoulders is quite acceptable. Act with love and tenderness, but do not overdo it. The first kiss should not be as exciting as kisses that precede a more intimate relationship.

Timely stop:

In order for the first kiss to be right, you need to feel when to stop. It should not be protracted, but not entirely short. Feel the reaction of your boyfriend's body, it will tell you the perfect moment to stop. As soon as you notice that your partner is leaning away from you or starting to close his lips, you need to stop. When in doubt, pause. After all, it is better to kiss again than to make the kiss prolong.
If you see that the guy is immediately ready to kiss you again, you can be sure that everything is going as it should.

Don't forget that guys are not like girls. They rarely think about relationships and practically do not fantasize about this topic. Therefore, you should not be overly delicate in the matter of a kiss, since perhaps it is your initiative that can give the first spark to the relationship. And don’t feel complex if you feel that you don’t have enough experience in kissing, everything will definitely work out!

For the first kiss you need to choose the right moment. It is best if there is no one else in the room except you. Undoubtedly, any guy will be flattered if a girl kisses him in front of his friends. But in this situation the necessary mood will not arise.

The best moment for a kiss is a romantic setting.
Guys, with rare exceptions, are small fans of romance, but they also tune in to it next to the girl they love. This is the best time for a kiss. Usually a woman plays a passive role in the manifestation of feelings. Most often, the man makes the first step, and the woman maintains the fire of feelings. But this does not mean that she cannot provoke the man she loves. It is within everyone's power to create a situation for him to kiss her himself. How to kiss a guy for the first time? To do this, grab his attention. Try to be as close to him as possible, you can sit on his lap, look at him with a loving gaze.

If you see that a young man is experiencing the same emotions as you, and there is a sensual attraction between you, then you probably won’t have to wait long for the guy’s first step. At the same time, it is possible that the guy will be timid and will not dare to kiss you.

Approach your boyfriend and look into his eyes. If he responds in kind and there is some kind of attraction or pleasant romantic tension between you, then most likely the guy himself will take the first step and kiss you.

However, he may be hesitant or not dare to kiss you first. In this case, there are two options:

Slowly move closer to his lips, looking straight into his eyes, when you finally touch his lips, slowly move away. It shouldn't even be a kiss, but a light glide across the lips. Then act on the guy's reaction.

You can directly ask him if he wants to kiss you. Don't be afraid that this will sound rude; on the contrary, there is some romance in it. You can add that you want a kiss, provided that he wants it no less. If a guy is really passionate about you, then after such a proposal he will definitely not resist and kiss you. Now you know how to kiss a guy correctly.

French Kiss

The French kiss is famous for its depth of perception and special intimacy. Thanks to this, he is considered an exceptional adult, completely different from the light touch of lips characteristic of the initial stages of a relationship.

If we briefly consider the French kissing technique, it consists in the fact that partners touch each other’s lips and cheeks (from the inside) with their tongue. In this case, strong stimulation of the entire oral cavity as a whole occurs, since this area is supplied with a large number of nerve endings and is very sensitive. Often the effect of a tongue kiss is described as an electric shock, since it stuns quite strongly. It is customary to give such a kiss in very deep, serious and trusting relationships.

Knowing and being able to kiss correctly in French means being confident in communicating with the opposite sex, and in addition, having many admirers or admirers. After all, in fact, there are very few people who know how to kiss a hickey correctly.

There is one small nuance: usually people give away their desire for a kiss by involuntarily looking at their partner’s lips. Catching this look, you can understand that the time has come for a kiss. If this is the first kiss, then a convenient moment may arise while saying goodbye to the guy, at the end of the date. It’s ideal if you feel when a guy is ready for a passionate kiss.

If the relationship is already developing “in full swing” or has been established, then simply “reach out” to the guy, and he will answer you in kind. Then gently touch your loved one’s lips with your lips; it would be nice if you hug or lightly hold his head or chin with your hands. At first, touch gently, not too forcefully, and only then increase the pressure and, opening your mouth slightly, lightly touch your partner’s tongue with your outstretched tongue. Then it would be quite appropriate to caress with rotational movements of the tongue; you can run it over the lips.

Knowing how to kiss with your tongue correctly means not only skillfully starting and continuing a kiss, it is equally important to know how to end it beautifully. To do this, move from caressing movements with your tongue to kissing with just your lips; finally, you can interrupt the kiss for a split second and lightly touch the guy’s lips, as if putting an end to it.