The best brands of sneakers. Which brand of sneakers is better to buy

The author of the study is Jens Jakob Andersen. In the past, he competed in cross-country competitions and also taught statistics at the Copenhagen Business School. Today he is the founder and director of, a non-profit aggregator of athletic shoe ratings. It's a database of reviews, ratings, and unique approaches to running shoe comparisons. 100% independent, this resource makes it possible to judge which sneakers are really good and which ones should be bypassed.

According to Andersen, the aim of the study is to show that "in the case of running shoes, more expensive does not mean better."

Manufacturers are actively promoting high-end sneakers. However, this study showed very clearly that runners who choose more expensive shoes are less satisfied with their shoes than those who prefer running shoes in the mid- to low-end segment.

Jens Jacob Andersen


  • 134,867 ratings of 391 sneaker models were collected.
  • Price lists were compiled for 24 brands of footwear.
  • Dependencies were found for two variables.
  • The results are presented in two categories: sneaker models and brands.

Comparison of 391 sneaker models

Below is a graph of the average rating of users versus the average price of each of the 391 sneaker models.

It can be seen that the data is distributed randomly, which leads to the main conclusion of the study.

There is no direct relationship between the price of a shoe and the runners' ratings. Moreover, cheap sneakers are rated higher than expensive ones.

Comparison of the 10 most expensive and 10 cheapest sneaker models

Digging deeper, the researchers compared the most expensive and cheapest sneakers.

It turned out that the average rating of the 10 cheapest sneakers is 86 out of 100. And only 18.9% of all models reviewed have a higher rating.

Runners are about as satisfied with the most expensive models as with the cheapest ones. At three times the minimum price, the premium running shoe satisfies runners 8.1% less than the cheap and 6% less than the mid-priced running shoe.

Expanding the range to the 30 most expensive and cheapest running shoes, the researchers found similar results: premium runners are less satisfied with running shoes than with affordable ones.

Comparison of 24 brands of sneakers

Below is a graph of the average user rating versus the average price of each of the 24 sports shoe brands.

As with specific sneaker models, the ratings of the more expensive brands were lower here. Moreover, the comparison showed that an increase in the price of $ 50 leads to a decrease in the average estimate by 1.4 times.

Some firms are strong in marketing, others in design, and still others in both. This bar chart shows the average rating for each of the 24 brands.

As expected, professional athletic shoes are vastly superior to conventional athletic brands. But research has shown that the differences are small. Professional sneaker ratings were only 2.8% higher on average.

The second bar chart shows the average price of each of the 24 brands.

No, premium sneakers aren't bad. But it's sad that huge sums of money are being spent promoting models that runners don't like.

Jens Jacob Andersen

Key research findings

  • The higher the price of a sneaker, the worse the ratings they get.
  • The 10 most expensive sneakers are 8.1% worse than the 10 cheapest.
  • Professional running shoes are only 2.8% better than regular shoes.
  • Top 3 brands: Skechers, Saucony and Vibram FiveFingers.
  • Top 3 worst brands: Reebok, Adidas and New Balance.
  • Top 3 affordable brands: Skechers, Vivobarefoot and Puma.
  • Top 3 most expensive brands: On, Newton and Hoka One One.

Possible reasons for the biased results

No research is perfect. Some of the pitfalls of this study:

  • Runners purchasing more expensive running shoes may have higher expectations. This is logical, because the more you spend, the better quality shoes you expect, and therefore, it is easier for you to remain disappointed. Nevertheless, the price should be in line with expectations.
  • Results compiled by, a site popular with some runners. Therefore, the results can be biased (in both directions).

A specially designed type of footwear for sports activities is called running shoes. On the basis of different functional features, it is customary to divide them into types. For example, sneakers for brisk walking, tennis and others.

Today there is a large and varied selection on sale. Price range - for any wallet. But there is a separate category of sports shoes that does not fit the typical distinction. It is produced in very small batches, literally by the piece. The cost of these models reaches many thousands of dollars.

10. "Eminem 313"

Let's try to describe the most expensive sneakers in the world. The top 10 starts with Air Jordan 2 Eminem 313 sneakers. The release is literally to order. The cost goes up to $ 1,000. The only problem for the rich of this world is to choose the size. Developers of Nike sports shoes could not think that the trial release would fly away like hot cakes. They were sold out in just five minutes.

The special edition of this sports shoe has been designed with a retro look. However, all the trends of the fashion season were taken into account. Matches everyone's suit These are the most expensive basketball shoes in the world.

9. "Balma"

In ninth place - "Balma" with two straps and a high bootleg (almost to the ankle). Silver plated sneakers. The sole is rubber. Attached to the leg with Velcro and two hard silver straps. Sneakers, similar to ankle boots, are made of dense genuine leather. The styling solution is amazing. They cost almost $ 1,500.

8. "Air Penoposite"

In eighth place, what are the most expensive sneakers in the world? Nike! Specifically, Nike Air Penoposite. The cost of these sports shoes is also one and a half thousand dollars. But here it is value for money. Reliable, elegant, comfortable, stylish. No one is indifferent. The manufacturer states in the name that the shoes are made using the foam-resin technology. This nice little thing justifies the cost of the sneaker. The technology allows you to give a special, desired shape to the part of the sneaker that hugs the leg. This creates increased comfort and coziness when walking. Style beyond competition. Despite the price, young people practically lined up.

7. "Rantus Orlato"

Seventh place - famous in our country (albeit for shoes) shoe manufacturer and his flat "Rantus Orlato". The closer to the first place of the top 10, the more expensive the models become. These sneakers are now priced at $ 1,695. The price here is determined not only by the high style and prestige of the brand. The shoes are made of fine, expensive material. At first glance, it seems that this is a beautifully executed imitation of snakeskin. A second glance is not required. This is the real skin of a snake. And the cost no longer scares, no one thinks about it anymore.

6. "Jimmy Chu Belgravia"

Nearly in the middle of the list are the star-studded Jimmy Chu Belgravia sneakers. They also have an inflated bootleg. These representatives of men's shoes cost 2,350 US dollars. An interesting fact - they were developed by a designer of women's shoes. This is her first fashion line And immediately a tremendous success. Plus the famous brand and Italian production. Success was inevitable! The sports shoes of this Belgravia line "are made of suede, leather and canvas. The inflated boot is studded with metal stars.

5. "Paranorman Penoposite"

Top most expensive sneakers in the world continues again by Nike. Only now his "Paranorman Penoposit". The company is experimenting with the foam-resin technology. And luck again. Sneakers in the top 10 are higher than the previous ones. Nike Air One Paranorman is already around $ 3,000.

This line of designers was inspired by modern full-length cartoons. These sports shoes, for the eyes of a common man in the street, have a weird look. The entire body of the sneaker is strewn with tongues that magically shimmer in the dark, and the sole is also illuminated. They look, of course, slightly futuristic. But for lovers of everything unusual and strange, this is a very suitable model. There are about 800 pairs in the world. This explains both the price and the exclusivity of the model.

4. "Dunk Low Pro SB" Paris ""

Based on the top, Nike is the most expensive running shoe in the world. For they are in fourth place again. Only already "Dunk Low Pro SB" Paris "". The exterior design of this athletic shoe does not evoke any desire to purchase it. Although it was developed by the famous French artist Bernard Buffet.

But when you suddenly find out that there are only 202 pairs of such “beauty” in the whole world, and that this is the famous “Nike”, and even the fashionable line of the white urban series “Dunk”, you can easily lay out about three and a half thousand dollars for a couple.

3. "Rick Owens"

What are the most expensive sneakers in the world known? Now let's look at the models that are at the top of the list.

The third place of honor goes to Rick Owens from GeoBasket. Stars such as Madonna, Rihanna and others have these sports shoes from in their wardrobe. To enter this list, you need to purchase sneakers for $ 5,160. Fashionable exclusive shoes made of brown iguana leather are produced in a very small batch. This is due to the limited raw materials used for its manufacture. The stylish design is complemented by the lines that are organically inscribed in the boot, which emphasize the heel of the trendy white color.

2. "Air Mage"

And again "Nike". The second place in the top 10 "Most Expensive Sneakers in the World" is taken by his exclusive "Air Mag". They appeared in 2011 and were proud of the "design of the future". Very few pairs were released. They were sold only at auction.

The demand was so great that Nike launched another small batch of these athletic shoes in 2015. The price does not scare anyone. Some six thousand dollars must be paid for an inflated boot, strewn with luminous and iridescent elements, and laces that tie themselves!

1. "SB Flom Dunk High"

And finally, the most expensive sneakers in the world (photo presented in the article). Can you guess? Exactly, Nike! And this is not even surprising. Nike SB Flom Dunk High - Top. These are luxury sports shoes. Made in red and black shades, green and golden decorative elements are "scattered" on the sides.

The price spills over to US $ 7,500. And you can buy it in several special stores.

Air Force

But that's not all. You can find models that cost many times more! These could be the world's most expensive bespoke sneakers for one person. Then the couple will be the only (!) On the planet. As, for example, exclusive - sports shoes from "Nike" (again he and only him!).

The model is called Air Force, custom made for Patton Antwan. The shoes are studded with diamonds, special brown diamonds weighing almost 11 carats. And, accordingly, they cost more than $ 50,000.

The popularity of sports and active lifestyles is growing day by day. Today in parks and squares you can find a huge number of runners, cyclists, adherents of Scandinavian walking. Almost no occupation can be imagined without special clothes and shoes. Of course, you can go to the market and buy cheap running shoes. But in this case, the well-known proverb often comes into play: "a miser pays twice." A low-quality product will quickly become unusable, lose its appearance, and it will be extremely inconvenient to just work in it. Therefore, more and more people tend to buy branded items. The logic is very simple: it's better to spend a certain amount right away than buying a new pair of sneakers every month. What brands hold leading positions in the market, what are their advantages and what are the disadvantages?

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# 1: NIKE

Nike sneakers have rightfully taken the leading position in our ranking of the best representatives of sports shoes. This company became known to the general public more than half a century ago. To date, they have been able to bypass all competitors and are confidently holding the first line. Adherents of sports shoes from this manufacturer can be found both among professional athletes and among amateurs. The obvious advantage of the company is the regular updating of the model range. The company not only constantly introduces new technologies in production and development, but also closely follows fashion trends. Nike fans appreciate the brand for its high quality and impeccable reputation. Many world-famous athletes choose sneakers of this particular brand. For Michael Jordon, they even released a special separate episode. The advantages of the sports shoes presented include high functionality, a huge range of models (there are special shoes for football players, runners, basketball players).


Sneakers under this brand can be called one of the most reliable in the world. The company was founded back in 1920. Now its share in the sports footwear market is 20%, which speaks for itself. The real breakthrough is the development of football boots with interchangeable studs. This technology has allowed the brand to win over thousands of new fans. Nowadays, Adidas makes both special shoes (for example, solely running shoes) and for everyday wear. Non-standard design solutions will not leave anyone indifferent. In principle, the company is trying to produce a whole line of clothing, which, of course, includes shoes. Fans of the brand value it primarily for its high quality and reliability. A multi-stage level of verification of finished products completely eliminates the possibility of purchasing a defective item.


This brand has been on the market for over a hundred years ago. Initially, the company was exclusively engaged in the production of orthopedic shoes, however, a little later it began to cooperate with some sports teams. Only after that fame and popularity came to her. Sneakers of this brand are designed more for everyday wear than for solving any "highly specialized" tasks. New Balance models are made only from the highest quality materials and original bright colors. This is especially appreciated by adherents of fashion. The sole is made of a special cushioning material, as a result of which the load on the knee joints when running and walking is significantly reduced. The undeniable advantage of the brand, in addition to the bright, unusual design, is also the reasonable price for shoes.


The Reebok brand is one of the oldest on this list. Its more than a century history is a series of ups, original solutions of developers, non-standard design proposals. Initially, the company produced exclusively running shoes. Now the assortment of the Reebok company has expanded with numerous fitness models, sneakers for aerobics and athletics. On sale you can also find special insulated options for sports in winter. There is also an entire class to help improve your trail running performance. The peculiarity of the brand is that there are slightly more female models than male ones. Various design directions (from retro to ultramodern) will allow you to choose an almost perfect pair for yourself.

Sneakers - shoes for all occasions.

Today, sneakers are popular not only among athletes, but also among people of different ages, gender and income. They are firmly rooted in our daily life. There is hardly anyone who does not have at least one pair of sneakers in their wardrobe.

In addition, fashion trends are advised to wear sneakers not only with jeans and sweatpants, but with skirts, light dresses and for any occasion.

The purchase of sneakers should be taken seriously and only trusted manufacturers of sportswear and footwear should be chosen.

Buying cheap and low-quality fakes will lead to the fact that the shoes will quickly serve their life, and the legs in such sneakers will get tired. Therefore, it is better to pay more and enjoy branded sports shoes of excellent quality for more than one season.

Today, among the variety of manufacturers and models of sports shoes, everyone can find their own pair of sneakers to their liking.

On the shelves of the stores there are athletic models of various brands, shoes for playing basketball, football, for practicing in the gym.

There are also models that do not carry any function and are suitable for everyday wear.

Rating of the most popular branded sneakers.

Each well-known sports company has absolute top sellers in its arsenal of collections.

These top sneakers have achieved unprecedented success and love among customers, have become a real trend and an icon of everyday style.

Nike is the choice of millions.

Today the Nike company is the leader in the production of sports shoes.

The combination of affordable prices and high quality, as well as a variety of models developed according to fashion trends and the latest technologies, attracts many buyers. Sneakers from this company have a unique system of air cushioning of the sole, which makes them stand out from other sports shoes brands.

And the first model on the list of popularity is the Air Force 1, which blew up the sports market at one time. The original design, high degree of shock absorption - all this made this model ideal for playing basketball. World fame accompanies Air Force to this day, as evidenced by the high demand for this model.

The most popular model of this brand has become the favorite of millions of Air Max. A distinctive feature of this model is an inert gas air cushion located on the outer side of the sole. It is designed to protect your legs from various injuries during training.

Another popular model is Nike Cortez. These sneakers are lightweight, perfect for active sports. The combination of strength, stability and lightness of the model makes buyers choose it.

The vintage Nike Blazer has been around for almost half a century.

Considered at first as an exclusive that was only available to residents of the United States, this model quickly won the hearts of many stylish people and became an ever-fashionable sneaker. The model is diversified by the presence of three types of tops: low, medium and high.

The timeless design and signature thick white sole of the sneaker does not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated.

The versatile Nike Dunk was developed in the mid-1980s for the basketball game. Creative and original, these sneakers are made from the highest quality materials and have been tested for durability.

Nowadays, there are summer and warmed versions of this model with fur trim on sale.

For joggers, the Zoom is ideal.

Designed for long-distance running, this shoe has good cushioning and removable studs. The shoe is well ventilated during use, which helps to feel comfortable during long workouts.

All these models are deservedly considered top-end and have proven their popularity over the years.

However, the company does not stand still and uses modern images and high technologies in new collections, which also draws the attention of buyers to the models of this brand.

Adidas - top notch quality.

The next most popular brand of sports shoes is rightfully considered Adidas.

It was under this brand that the first football boots with replaceable spikes appeared, as a result of which a good part of the world's football clubs became regular customers of the company.

Today, Adidas makes not only excellent quality sports shoes, but also casual sneakers from the Neo line, and also uses a technology to maintain temperature in extreme conditions called Climacool in its models.

These sneakers were developed for playing football and have been successfully sold in stores for decades. The special sole provides maximum comfort when playing sports.

Every year the collections are replenished with new colors of this model, but the classic black and white version remains unique at all times.

Another legendary model is the Adidas Stan Smith sneakers.

This model was invented especially for tennis. Its minimalism, natural materials and comfortable sole have won over not only fans of active sports. Today this model belongs to the retro style, which looks very stylish.

The next top model of Adidas Superstar sneakers is associated with the birth of hip-hop culture.

Almost fifty years later, many hip-hop artists have in their arsenal a pair of these sneakers, which have already become classics of the style.

At the dawn of the 70s, the manufacturers of Adidas launched the Gazelle.

Although originally designed for running, other athletes' interest in the model has proven its versatility. The design features of the model - the use of vulcanized rubber for the outsole, the Adidas Original brand badge on the tongue and the back of the sneaker.

The original model is suede in blue with white stripes. But today there are many options for colors and materials of its execution.

Among the new products, the 2015 Yeezy Boost 350 models stand out with the original pockmarked paintwork and excellent ventilation.

And also the 2016 NMD_Runner, a women's sneaker with a pattern that resembles a noise diagram.

New Balance - urban style.

The initial specialization of the company was footwear that meets orthopedic standards.

Even today, sneakers of this brand are more suitable for everyday life than for sports. The manufacturers of these sneakers give their customers the opportunity to choose models depending on the width of the foot and the country of origin (USA, China or England). Therefore, the price range of these shoes is wide enough.

One of the most beloved models of this brand is the NB574. Initially, sneakers were intended for jogging, but later became popular not only in sports. The original sneaker, released in the 1980s, was made from suede and synthetic materials.

Now there are many color and texture solutions for this model. The sneakers have the Encap cushioning system and securely fix the heel in the shoe.

Another top model of this brand is the NB577.

This model is usually used in the production of limited collections to order. The model is perfect for wide legs.

The 998 is rightfully considered one of the most comfortable models of the brand made in the USA. This shoe features an Abzorb outsole, which came later than Encap and is much softer.

Reebok - fitness shoes.

One of the oldest companies in the sports footwear industry.

Starting with the production of running shoes, at the end of the last century, it took the lead in the production of footwear for fitness and athletics. The range of the brand impresses with its variety of shoes for various sports hobbies, which prompts the female half to choose Reebok sneakers.

It was with them that the history of the brand's popularity began. The brand's high-top sneakers have been marketed all over the world, and today, like all classics, they continue to be the focus of attention.

Among the men's track and field options, the Reebok Zjet Run stands out.

Made from NanoWeb material, the shoe fits snugly around the foot. The upper is made of faux leather without a single seam. The sole with special air circulation technology provides the necessary cushioning.

The next Reebok ZigTech model gained its popularity when some of the varieties of this model were already discontinued. A distinctive feature of this model is its massive bright sole, made using a special technology. Thanks to this, the sneakers flex perfectly, and the foot is reliably protected from mechanical shock during sports.

Sneakers are the most common, versatile shoe type. They have long entered our life, and not only for sports. The large selection of models is distinguished by a variety of styles and functionality. As with any purchase, the purchase of shoes affects the budget, so its choice requires attention. The review will help you find out which are the best brands of sneakers out there. The ranking includes models from leading manufacturers.

The most popular sneaker brands offer different models. You can buy shoes for running, hiking, sports. Options are provided for each day. The choice for the rating was made on the basis of reviews, opinions of experts, information from specialized portals. The best sneaker brands were selected after examining the following parameters:

  • Material. Fabrics must be breathable;
  • Features of fixation of the ankle. Product rigidity;
  • High quality shoes;
  • Comfort. First of all, the legs should be comfortable;
  • The presence of orthopedic inserts;
  • Lack of unpleasant odors;
  • Neat seams;
  • Elasticity of the toe;
  • Correct dimensions. Shoes should not be loose or crush.

When choosing, the structure of the insoles and soles also matter. Based on the characteristics, a rating was compiled of the best manufacturers of sports shoes for running, everyday use, basketball.

The best brands of running shoes

Running models feature a reinforced heel, superior ventilation, and a lightweight forefoot. The shock absorption technology compensates for the load on the spine and protects the joints. The materials used, which allow the skin to breathe, are also important. The optimal combination is fabric and natural leather. Thanks to highly functional materials, the models are lightweight. Here are some of the best running shoes with high cushioning. The products are characterized by affordable prices and creative designs.


The brand is rightfully recognized as the best, its products occupy 20% of the market. The Adidas company was founded in the 20s of the 20th century. Feature of models in comfort, wear resistance, high quality. These characteristics are important for anyone who loves running. Every year, designers replenish their assortment with unique models. New items are suitable for everyday wear, workouts. And the latest technology ensures the stability of the products.

The brand provides youth lines. The Adidas Superstar series is characterized by the style of hip-hop culture. The Neo line attracts with its unique design that goes well with casual clothes. And for extreme conditions, a special Climacool series has been created.


  • Popularity with young people;
  • Unusual design;
  • Use of innovative technologies;
  • Wear resistance during operation;
  • Flexible outsole.


  • Not cheap.

In reviews, users have noted one-piece polyurethane soles, as well as a stable and strong sock, which provide functional support, taking into account the anatomy of the feet. The comfort in the ankle makes Adidas the best choice for training and running.

New balance

Initially, New Balance specialized in orthopedic footwear. The brand now offers comfortable sneakers with a trendy design. Young people are especially fond of products. Extensive experience allows us to produce high quality items. The company has several lines for sports events, everyday walking.

Compared to products from other companies, New Balance models are lightweight, ventilated and particularly soft. The production uses materials with an unusual texture. The manufacturer paid special attention to amortization. The sole is filled with rubber foam, which makes the shoe especially comfortable for jogging, jumping and long walks.


  • Design;
  • Material, pleasant to the touch;
  • The comfort of the sole;
  • Good wear resistance.


  • Lots of fakes.

Reviews about this brand are very different. Someone claims that Newbalance sneakers are the most expensive. But, many nevertheless agree that it is better not to save on shoes. The functionality, shoe comfort, ease of maintenance are noticed. Sneakers can even be machine washed on the gentle wash mode. Drawn by the elastic Abzorb outsole.


The brand is suitable for sports lovers, outdoor activities, travelers. The company offers ergonomic, functional footwear that can withstand long journeys on challenging trails. In 1983, the brand created hiking shoes for women. They were created using Qform technology.

Merrell models are characterized by a special sole. The element has excellent cushioning properties and strong traction. The brand offers a great alternative to winter boots - insulated sneakers. They have a stylish design and are water-repellent.


  • Long service life;
  • Product versatility;
  • Ergonomic design;
  • Frost resistance of fabrics.


  • High price for baby products.

The sneaker is equipped with an antibacterial insole that prevents unpleasant odors. Users have highlighted the non-slip outsole.


The Japanese brand makes superior quality running shoes. All developments of the company are carried out based on the physiological characteristics of the body. This allows you to create the most comfortable running shoes. The company offers different types of shoes - triathlon sneakers, short-distance running shoes and marathon products.

Asics models will appeal to lovers of traditional style. The sneaker is suitable for both classic and modern clothing. They protect the legs from injury and increase traction on surfaces. Of the popular lines, it is worth noting the GT for jogging. It has excellent shock absorbing properties.


  • The use of high quality materials;
  • Modern technologies;
  • High level of comfort;
  • Damage protection;
  • A large assortment.


  • Overcharge.

Buyers emphasize the convenience of running shoes and for everyday wear. The cushioning qualities and the special foot support technology are commendable. The lightness, ergonomics and environmental friendliness of the sneakers are especially noted. The last is so comfortable that it takes the shape of the foot when put on.

Top brands of casual sneakers

Featured models of the best brands of everyday sneakers are made from breathable materials. The main selection criterion is comfortable overcoming long distances. For buyers, external aesthetics and convenience are important. Casual sneakers are relevant not only within the framework of a sports style, they are combined with classics and dresses.

One of the oldest sports shoe brands. 120 years ago, the brand began production with running shoes. Now the company specializes in running shoes for athletics and fitness. Reebok provides many models for all seasons, gender and age. The assortment of colors makes it possible to create any look. The Classic model is preferred by the younger generation. Options are available - with a lacquered surface, nubuck and genuine leather.

An important quality of casual shoes is comfort. Popular lines include ZigTech. They are suitable for sports activities. The special sole reduces stress on joints and protects against damage.


  • Large selection of model colors;
  • Use of natural materials;
  • Excellent ventilation
  • High wear resistance;
  • The softness of the sole.


  • You have to pay for the brand.

Users note a large assortment of the brand. In addition to the classic models, you can choose sneakers for jogging, for cardio workouts, various types of fitness and weightlifting. Reebok products are bright and stylish.


The DC brand offers quality athletic shoes suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts. The company provides options for everyday wear. The products are characterized by increased comfort. You can choose any design. Shoes go well with jeans, sportswear, trousers and even skirts.

Products are made from moisture resistant, breathable and natural materials. And the special shape protects the legs from injury and reliably fixes the foot. Winter models have the same properties and are complemented by fur insulation and the presence of protectors on the sole. Special outsole inserts provide secure grip on asphalt surfaces.


  • Unique design;
  • High quality outsole;
  • Easy to put on;
  • Convenience of products.


  • Marking shoes requires special care.

You can clean the products with laundry soap and a brush. It is permissible to use a gentle washing machine for cleaning. It is worth mentioning the special strength of the laces.


The Nike brand is considered one of the best. Sneakers of the company are a constant choice of athletes and lovers of an active lifestyle. The manufacturer periodically offers new models.

It is possible to buy Nike sneakers on the official website and in branded sports shoes stores. The most popular are AirMax and Nike Running. They are presented in different shades, made of durable and resilient material. The assortment of the company assumes different models, you can choose sneakers for any look.


  • Different types of footwear - for team sports, for running, for youth and for football;
  • Updated lineup;
  • Stylish design;
  • Comfort;
  • High wear resistance.


  • Overpriced.

Many buyers have noted the long service life of Nike shoes, the shoes are excellently worn for more than one year. Consumers are attracted by the design and quality characteristics.

You should beware of fakes. There are many replica Nike sneakers and manufacturers with very similar names on the market today. Please make sure the product is original before buying.

The best brands of basketball shoes

Today, basketball is in the TOP of the most popular sports. Therefore, many shoe manufacturers create separate lines for basketball players. The basketball shoe is equipped with ankle injury protection. To avoid such problems, special technologies are used to make high models. This review presents four of the best companies offering basketball shoes that maximize player speed and lightness.


It belongs to the oldest sports shoe companies. The products are notable for their unusual design. The best materials are used in the production process. The sneaker is popular for its unconventional style and special features. The snug fit and streamlined shape allows you to enjoy your workout.

Lightness is an important advantage of the product. The sneakers are almost invisible on the foot, which is important when playing basketball. Puma stands out from other brands, which is appreciated by many famous athletes who prefer this particular brand. The IGNITE and Suede collections are especially popular. Technology is applied that reduces shock loads.


  • Streamlined forms;
  • The elasticity of the sole;
  • High quality insoles;
  • Combination of athletic form and style.


  • Monotony in design.


The Jordan brand is loved by Americans and occupies almost 50% of the athletic shoe market in this country. The line for the production of high-quality sneakers was founded by the famous basketball player Michael Jordan in cooperation with the Nike company. The production uses modern technologies and materials. They protect the ankle and support the foot during play.

Sneakers are also relevant for everyday wear. And professional athletes in these models are attracted by strong grip and anti-slip. The products have an unusual design, which increases the demand for the brand.


  • Comfortable feeling;
  • High degree of protection against damage;
  • Excellent quality materials;
  • Unique design.


  • Massiveness of products.

Users love the bright colors, the durable soles and the comfortable feel to wear. Convenient products allow you to comfortably move around the city streets or play your favorite sport.


The manufacturer is focused on the production of comfortable sneakers for active pastime. Special models for basketball are also in demand. The peculiarity of the brand is the variety of colors. The company uses innovative technologies, due to which the products are of excellent quality. The production process is monitored at every stage. New models undergo mandatory testing before sale.

The sneaker has antibacterial properties. This is facilitated by special impregnations. Drive is worth noting among the popular lines. It uses a special Micro G technology.


  • Resistant to moisture;
  • Excellent adhesion to the surface;
  • Non-standard design.


  • Inappropriate footwear for ankle problems.

Buyers highlight the fashionable design of the shoes. The brand sells good quality products at affordable prices. The sneaker follows every curve of the foot and fits well on the foot.

The best brands of premium sneakers

The best athletic shoes can't be budget-friendly. You have to pay not only for quality, but also for a proven brand. The list of premium sneaker brands is distinguished by exclusive style, natural materials and durability.


Brand sneakers from Converse are recognizable by the majority due to their distinctive design. Many different models of the best quality have been developed, which can please even demanding customers. Someone will like high-top sneakers with laces, while others - low.

Products are created taking into account the latest fashion trends, which allows you to choose stylish shoes for any look. Natural leather is often used as a material. Also in factories during production methods are used to ensure resistance to stress.


  • Shoe options for everyday wear and sports;
  • Modern decoration;
  • Various collections.


  • Not found.

Users note the lightness and imperceptibility of the shoes on their feet due to the reliable fixation of the feet. Customers especially admire the unique design of Converse.


The company started out with the production of boots. And the founder of the brand was a famous tennis player. He applied his knowledge in the production process. The Lasoste sneakers are graceful enough to be worn every day. The comfort of the product is due to the use of an anatomical sole. For the manufacture of footwear, high-quality leather and suede are used not only for external decoration, but also for internal.


  • Excellent shock absorption properties;
  • Products are breathable;
  • Convenience when driving;
  • Men's, women's, children's rulers.


  • Expensive models.

Customers like the variety of colors on offer. You can choose bright or neutral colors. Whatever you choose, any option is in line with fashion trends. You can choose sneakers for fans of casual style or sportswear.

Tommy hilfiger

The brand has existed not so long ago, but during this time it has gained great popularity. Feature of sneakers are bright colors, original configurations. The manufacturer suggested combining style and sophistication. The main shades of the brand are blue, white, red. The advantage is the combination of sporty and classic design.

The Tommy Hilfiger collections cover a variety of uses. These are the Denim and Sportwear lines. Denim is suitable for creating festive looks. And the second variation will be appreciated by adherents of free style and sports fans.


  • Orthopedic effect;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Application of the latest materials;
  • Interesting collections.


  • Overpriced.

Sneakers fit perfectly on the foot and do not cause discomfort with intensive use. Even with prolonged wear, there is no feeling of fatigue.


A feature of the first Timberland sneakers was the joining of all parts in a seamless way. This has contributed to increased wear resistance and water resistance. The products are distinguished by their strength characteristics and long-term operation. High quality leather and nubuck are used for its production. The appearance of the models belongs to the minimalist style, but even so they look original. The footwear is durable and durable. It is thanks to these properties that the brand is in demand by buyers of all ages.


  • Flawless appearance of the material at minus values;
  • Comfortable feeling;
  • Ideal for long hikes;
  • Large selection of palette.


  • Outsole rigidity.

Users note the high quality of Timberland shoes. Fashion sneakers are very warm. They do not slip, and the leg does not sweat in them in the heat.

Which brand of sneakers is better to buy

When choosing sneakers, the appearance of the model is very important. However, if you thoughtlessly buy the first thing you liked, there is a chance that you will be very disappointed a short time after the purchase. It is better to buy shoes from manufacturers with a worldwide reputation. Well-known brands monitor the quality of products, as they value their reputation. Their shoes will be comfortable and reliable. Some guidelines for choosing a brand:

  • The most fashionable sneakers are Adidas, which are chosen for the sake of quality and special protection against mechanical damage. In the manufacture of a proprietary Nano-tex fabric, which provides a massaging effect;
  • If you want to run in comfort, take a look at the Asics company. She creates anatomically correct shoes;
  • There are many models in the range of the Reebok brand for everyday wear;
  • If you are into or are serious about basketball, go for sneakers from the manufacturer Puma. Their feature is a special ventilation technology that allows the skin to breathe;
  • Models for extreme sports offers Sneakers are highly resistant to adverse conditions;
  • The Lacoste brand will appeal to lovers of sophisticated footwear.

Choosing quality footwear is a demanding task. After analyzing the characteristics presented in the review, you can choose a reliable manufacturer based on quality indicators and customer preferences.