Makeup for 15 years birthday. Makeup for girls - learn to be beautiful! Light makeup for blue eyes remembered that September 1 is coming, when the streets of Minsk were flooded with lavishly decorated high school girls. We turned to make-up artist Alena Minevich with the question of how to paint if you are a schoolgirl, chose three popular makeup options: daytime, with an emphasis on lips and fashionable smoky - and made it so that mom would not scold.

When arrived at the studio, hairdresser Tatyana Krupskaya had already worked with our young model. As we found out, the girl paints herself at school, but quite a bit, using the well-known method of scientific poking. When serious events are coming, our heroine resorts to the help of a makeup artist.

Alena Minevich:
"A girl should have about ten products in her cosmetic bag: good moisturizing for the skin, a highlighter (to lighten the face), foundation, products for sculpting the face and, of course, mascara, an eyebrow pencil."

01 Day makeup

After waiting for the makeup artist, they began to paint on the face and discuss all the subtleties along the way. The most time consuming was the application of the tone: the alignment of the complexion and its sculpting.

“At what age to start painting depends on the expressiveness of the face. It is possible already when the girl becomes a girl and her appearance requires adjustment. There is no aesthetics in problem skin or bruises under the eyes. If these problems are solvable, don't think it's too early. You can, for example, neutralize the gray-green complexion (this happens in teenagers) and add a blush. And, by the way, from the very beginning it is worth taking care of eyebrows, and preferably with a professional: for the first time you can pluck them so that the torment will last for the rest of your life. In general, let's say yes to a light refreshing make-up. "

After moisturizing, a tone is applied, and then the eyes are slightly painted over with a natural shade of shadows, neatly and almost imperceptibly. By the way, creamy textures are in vogue now: they are persistent, but they look natural and are great for “makeup without makeup”. Bruises under the eyes are removed with concealer. It is important that it is slightly lighter than the foundation. Blush can be added not even with a brush, but with your fingers to deprive it of a clear outline.

Glow effects that create a natural glow to the skin are in vogue now. By the way, the foundation should be used carefully. If a girl has good skin, she does not need a shock layer - it is enough to limit herself to the T-zone and hide visible defects.

To highlight the eyebrows, they can be tinted with a special lipstick or pencil. From above, the makeup artist covered them with gel to fix the shape.

Eye makeup begins with painting over the space between the eyelashes, it is convenient to do this with a thin flat brush. By the way, the makeup artist advises to shade the eyes only with black colors - for good contrast.

We need fluffy, natural eyelashes, so there may be very little mascara and it is important to paint over it from the very base. The lower eyelashes do not need to be touched at all. By the way, girls attach too much importance to the quality of mascara, while good mascara is new mascara. In principle, make-up artists do not use expensive ones, claiming that you just need to change it more often.

“This makeup is done quickly. It will be enough for the girl to just hide the bruises under the eyes, add blush and highlighter. And then apply a minimum of mascara, a little gloss on the lips and highlight the eyebrows a little. The whole process will take about ten minutes. "

02 Lip accent

The natural make-up we have already created can be quite quickly transformed into an evening one, without touching anything except the lips. But lipstick is an art.

“Is bright lipstick appropriate at 16? Definitely yes. Remember yourself at 16. For example, at this time I felt like a confident adult. This is a girl, not a child. In addition, one accent in the make-up does not particularly add age, but bright eyes and lips in tandem can definitely age. Girls don't have to look vulgar, that's why it's worth wearing makeup only for a photo shoot. "

So, lips, before giving them a certain shade, you should first moisturize well. Or scrub: they should not peel off. After that, you can first paint over the lips entirely with a pencil, give them a clear outline, and then complement the color with a bright matte lipstick.

By the way, there is no need to believe in the stupid myth that a girl with small lips should forget about red lipstick: lipstick can significantly increase them. For example, when working with our model, the makeup artist went beyond the natural contour by about one and a half millimeters.

03 Smoky eyes

This makeup is still in vogue, therefore, of course, we could not forget about it. Smoky can be made quite catchy, but its less bright variation looks impressive.

Smoky eyes make-up can simply be added to the daytime version. This is done with the help of shadows, and it is not necessary to paint the haze in different shades - you can use one. In any case, its application starts from one point (at the base of the eyelid), and then you just need to shade it. Accordingly, it turns out brighter at the starting point, and lighter closer to the eyebrow. You can make a haze with black shadows, but in our case, a neat smoky was created with brown.

September 1 is coming soon, and this day is special for every schoolgirl. We have already prepared for you, and today we will talk about makeup. What should be the school makeup for September 1, and how to do it - read in our material.


Make-up for school and on September 1 should be light, natural and soft. So that you yourself can repeat it. We have prepared for you the best natural makeup ideas that are perfect for school days. Get inspired!


Step 1. Preparing the face

Before applying makeup, it is important to prepare your face for applying it: cleanse it, apply toner and moisturizer.

Step 2. Apply the base

Remember that you are going to school, so do not put heavy foundation on your face (get rid of it). Choose regular powder or BB cream. If you have minor breakouts, use concealer: apply it to the pad of your finger, gently place it over the area you want to mask, and then blend the borders around the breakout.

Step 3. Underline the eyebrows

To make your makeup look neat on September 1, do not forget to highlight your eyebrows. First, comb them with a brush, then style them with eyebrow gel, and then emphasize your shape using any convenient for you - pencil, marker, powder, etc.

Step 4. Paint the eyes

For makeup on September 1, as well as for school makeup in general, the eye is ideal. A voluminous mascara will suffice, but if you want to brighten your eyes, use a brown or bronze natural shade. Apply eye shadow to the eyelid and blend the borders well. Then apply mascara. You can also use brown eyeliner: draw a thin line along the lash line of your upper eyelid. This trick will make your eyes big and expressive.

Step 5. Adding the Glow

Everyone knows about this step. In order to create the effect of a face illuminated from within, use : apply it on the most prominent areas - the cheekbones, the bridge of the nose and the checkmark above the upper lip. Do not forget to shade everything thoroughly.

Step 6. Paint the lips

As we already said, makeup for school on September 1 should be as natural as possible, so to give the din a light color, it is enough to emphasize them. If you still want to use lipstick, then choose neutral nude shades and apply it to your lips with your fingertips. This trick will highlight the lips, but at the same time they will look as natural as possible.

Girls want to be beautiful at any age. In adolescence, it becomes even more important to please yourself and others. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly handle cosmetics, to get acquainted with the tricks of applying school makeup for teenagers.

For girls of middle grades - 6, 7, 8, you can only do light, natural and graceful makeup for school. You can read in more detail about this type of make-up below, as well as tips, step-by-step instructions for performing daytime and solemn visage.

The first rule that a little woman needs to remember is that beautiful school makeup will not work without well-groomed skin. In adolescence, the skin is prone to the appearance of rashes, acne, so a tonic, lotion for problem skin should appear on the girl's shelf. And in winter there should be a cream that will save the face from chapping.

Daily face care is very important in order to look beautiful even without makeup. Girls at the age of 12 should not use tonal foundations and powder - these are too "heavy" cosmetics for young skin and school makeup in general.

Special attention e it is worth giving an acquaintance with brushes for applying make-up, how to care for them, how to make your eyelashes beautiful without resorting to using mascara. This is done using a curling machine.

The main principle of school make-up for teenagers 13, 14 years old is a minimum of decorative means.

Girls at this age can get acquainted with the eyebrow correction procedure. But this is not necessary at all. It is better not to paint the eyebrows, you can add a little brightness with the help of shadows.

School makeup for girls 12 or 13 years old is best done with hypoallergenic cosmetics in gentle pastel colors.

By the way, if the student is very young, but wants to show off in an interesting way, then you can put on special children's cosmetics.

But, already being at the age of 14, make-up for school can be performed with more "adult" cosmetics. It is better to use products based on mineral components - they are more gentle on young skin.

In school makeup for teens, make-up artists advise avoiding eyeliners because they require skill to use and the arrows can overwhelm the look.

Eye makeup for school is performed with shades of natural colors (beige, peach). It is better to replace mascara with a gel base that strengthens eyelashes. Instead of lipstick, use lip gloss - sheer or subtle.

Everyday make-up

For girls at this age, it is better to do simple, inconspicuous makeup for school, and it is better, in general, not to abuse the make-up. Maximum - colorless or with a slight pinkish hygienic lipstick.

How beautiful to do make-up to school for girls 6, 7 8 grades? It is enough to adhere to the following steps:

  1. Moisturizing and cleansing procedures are carried out for the skin of the face.
  2. Tidy up the eyebrows: comb, if desired, fix their shape with gel.
  3. On the moving eyelid, shadows are applied that are close to natural shades and are carefully shaded.
  4. The eyelashes are curled with a curling machine or a transparent strengthening gel is applied. In rare cases, girls 13-14 years old can do makeup for school using mascara. But you need to use it in small quantities. The effect of extended eyelashes is highly undesirable.
  5. Lips should be painted with hygienic lipstick or transparent gloss.

When performing makeup step by step for school, girls 12, 13 or 14 years old can create a gentle and appropriate image for the situation.

Video: everyday makeup for girls 13 and 14 years old.

Festive make-up

If an important event is expected ahead, then a girl of 12, 13, 14 years old can afford a gentle solemn make-up for school. The main thing is to maintain harmony and not overdo it.

This is how you can do light makeup for school:

  1. The skin is cleansed and hydrated. You can conceal the "problem" areas with concealer.
  2. Apply a light pink blush for a subtle glow on your cheeks.
  3. Apply peach or pink shades to the upper eyelid. Draw a line with brown pencil and shade well so that the eye makeup does not seem overloaded.
  4. Dressy makeup for school for teenagers 13-14 years old can be done with the application of mascara. But it is imperative to follow the rule - the shade of the mascara should be as close as possible to the natural color of the eyelashes.
  5. Eyebrows can be painted with brown pencil or eye shadow.
  6. Make up lips with gloss of dull colors. If make-up is performed at school for a girl of 12 years old, then it is better to use colorless or hygienic lipstick or gloss.

Video: festive beautiful makeup for girls 7, 8 grades.

Makeup for high school girls

Girls at this age can afford more experiments and interesting solutions. The main thing is that the resulting image conforms to the standards of the educational institution and does not cause protest from the parents.

Healthy, well-groomed skin remains the main principle. Therefore, it is worth purchasing products suitable for the type of facial skin for young creatures.

As for decorative cosmetics, you can do small experiments. At the age of 15-17, girls consider themselves adults, they want to stand out from the crowd. And even despite the admission of experiments, makeup for school should be light and not defiant.

You can use a light foundation, brown eyeliner and eyebrow pencil, mascara. However, in make-up for school for teenagers, you should avoid bright lipstick, "smokey ice" - on the face of a young girl, such a color will look unnatural and inappropriate.

It is best to choose a shine in addition to the natural range of shadows and pencils - transparent or light tones.

At this age (as in any other), one must not forget that all cosmetics should always be washed off at night. This will call young skin to stay healthy and beautiful.

In the spring, for a teenage make-up, you can use brighter colors than in the cold season. In winter, you need to take care of protecting the skin from hypothermia and chapping with a nourishing cream.

Everyday make-up

Everyday makeup to school for girls in senior grades (that is, grades 9, 10, 11) should be neutral. He should emphasize the dignity and in no case overload the face.

Step-by-step instructions for making makeup for school for girls 15, 16, 17 years old:

  1. Concealer is applied to previously cleansed and moisturized skin to hide problem areas.
  2. Apply a light foundation and blend carefully over the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. But if very light makeup is planned for school, then a 9th grade student can refuse foundation.
  3. Eyebrows are combed, drawn with a special pencil. It is very important that the shade of this product matches the color, otherwise there will be a color imbalance.
  4. Beige or peach shades are applied to the upper eyelid.
  5. The lower eyelid is emphasized with light brown shadows.
  6. With a brown pencil on the upper eyelid, draw a thin line along the lash line and slightly emphasize the lower eyelid.
  7. The upper eyelashes are dyed with mascara in one layer.
  8. The cheekbones are accentuated with peach blush.
  9. A transparent gloss is applied to the lips.

Everyday makeup for school for students aged 16-17 should be done as neutral as possible. Bright details will look out of place in an educational setting. But for various festive events, you can please yourself and add bright notes.

Festive make-up for high school girls

This kind of make-up is done simply. It is enough to follow the instructions:

  1. Concealer should be applied to perfect the skin. If you wish, you can use a foundation for festive makeup for school, especially if a student is 16-17 years old.
  2. For eye makeup, shadows of shades are used, as in everyday life, only they can be applied more intensively. They can also emphasize the lower eyelid.
  3. Optionally, you can draw an arrow for school makeup. It will emphasize the look and make it more pronounced.
  4. Eyelashes are painted with light brown or gray ink.
  5. You can apply dull lipstick or gloss to the lips.

Beautiful makeup for school for 15-17 year old girls will help maintain a festive mood and atmosphere.

Video: perfect makeup for a holiday to school for girls 15-16 years old.

Make-up for school can be done for different situations, for example, on September 1, New Year, the end of the school year, March 8, for some joyful events, for a disco, for a photo session for a school album.

But we must not forget that school makeup should be light and natural. Its main task is to emphasize all the charm of a young face. And if you follow all the tips and tricks, then you can easily create beautiful makeup for school.

By the way, we must not forget about hairstyles! How to make beautiful and suitable hairstyles for school,!

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Today we want to talk about makeup for girls aged 12-15 and teach all of you little tricks that will allow you to look naked, but at the same time help emphasize natural beauty and hide imperfections. The teachers will not want to wash you, but the boys will definitely notice how much prettier you are.

Now everyone is so used to makeup that without a layer of makeup, you start to feel naked. But this applies more to girls 18+. And what about the schoolgirls? Well, seriously, it’s not that bright to school, but in general it is impossible to paint. After all, the school teaching process is going on. Moreover, there will always be some annoying classmate who will ask: "What, were you wearing makeup?" But after all, at such a young age, you already feel insecure, and even then it is forbidden to do make-up. So how do you go to school without being noticed?

Trick 1 - Leather

If mom says that the foundation spoils the skin, then she is undoubtedly right, but only if it is a cheap, low-quality foundation. Another question is that good creams, which are free of silicones and parabens, not only do not clog the skin, but also protect it from the sun and polluted air. Therefore, if you have uneven skin tone, then get a high-quality foundation or BB cream, for example, from Missha, and apply it with your fingers in a very thin layer, mainly on the cheeks and T-zone, and lightly on the forehead, nose and chin. Since the cream is most often clogged in the nasolabial folds and the area under the eyelids, make sure that it is almost not there.

Don't use foundation to cover up pimples or dark circles under your eyes. To do this, simply apply a little concealer.

Trick 2 - Face

The contouring technique will help to emphasize the relief of the face, but at the same time you will get the effect of "makeup without makeup". Choose a bronzer without glitter and glow effect, because we need to achieve the most natural look of the skin. You can also use matte light brown eyeshadows to contour your face. Apply bronzer on the cheekbones, you can darken the sides of the nose a little. In short, by darkening a certain area, you visually make it less noticeable, and the face as a whole is more prominent. Read about light and shadow face correction.

Trick 3 - Lips

With the lips, we can also cheat a little and make them a little brighter. If hygienic lipstick can give lips a well-groomed look and make them a little more voluminous, then a lip tint, for example, from Benefit will give them a natural color. The magical red liquid stays on the lips for a very long time, but at the same time they look unpainted. By the way, tint can also be used as a blush, because it also looks very natural on the cheeks and lasts all day.

Trick 4 - Eyes

If our foundation and tint can go unnoticed, then eye makeup, even the lightest, can give us away. What to do, after all, with completely unpainted eyes, the face looks a little painful? If you want to make up imperceptibly for school, then slightly bring the upper eyelid just under the eyelashes and inside them, drawing a contour. Thus, our pseudo-arrow will absolutely not be visible, but the eyelashes will become more fluffy. Additionally, you can twist them slightly with tongs or an old mascara brush. But what if the eyelashes are light? Color, but choose gray or brown mascara.

Trick 5 - Eyebrows

Cara Delevingne clearly demonstrates to us that bushy expressive eyebrows are fashionable and beautiful. Therefore, do not pluck thinly eyebrows, but rather be proud of them and emphasize their beauty.

We are sure that our very simple tips will be useful for girls who want to discreetly put on makeup for school in order to only emphasize their natural beauty.

Teenage can be fun and fun for girls, but sometimes stressful situations can arise. What makeup to do? How to use mascara? Foundation or powder? We hope that with a few helpful tips, you will learn how to apply makeup and save stress for more important things like school.


Part 1

Determination of skin type

    Consult a makeup expert. Finding the perfect makeup for your face, hair, eyes and skin tone can be tricky. Please consult a professional before buying cosmetics. He will give you a master class on applying makeup, as well as tell you how to select the right colors and answer your questions. You can find makeup specialists in department stores, beauty shops, and salons.

    Wash yourself. Adolescence is a great time to start skin care. This is the age at which inflammation appears. Taking care of your skin will help prevent acne breakouts. Skin care is just as important when applying makeup. You should always start your makeup with washing your face.

    Apply moisturizer. After washing your face, apply a light moisturizer. It moisturizes your face and prepares it for makeup. Moisturizing is very important at your age in order to prevent the signs of skin aging.

    Apply concealer. A concealer is your best friend for acne. The concealer is designed to mask dark circles under the eyes and inflammation on the face. Apply concealer to the reddened skin area, but do not smudge it. This will help you wipe off excess concealer. Apply some powder over the top of the concealer to set the makeup in place.

    Consider not using foundation. Foundation is used to even out skin tone. Teenage girls don't need a foundation as they have beautiful skin at this age. Many experts advise using as little makeup as possible during adolescence. A concealer is all you need at this age. Foundations are heavy and dense, which can make your face look stale and make you look older. You need to look natural and highlight your natural beauty.

    Only use powder if you have oily skin. Powder is not a necessary product for young skin. Powder hides the shine on the face. In addition to the concealer, you can apply the powder to the inflammatory areas, under the eyes and on the T-zone - forehead, nose and chin. These are the places that get greasy during the day. Apply compact or loose powder to the T-zone. This will help absorb the sebum and hide the oily sheen.

    • Never use the same brush for different makeup. If you applied foundation with a brush, do not use the same brush to apply powder. Always use separate brushes.
  1. Try to stick to the 5 minute rule when applying makeup. By adhering to this rule, you will only apply the necessary makeup, without going beyond the required. To follow this rule, set aside only 5 minutes for your morning makeup. Take your time: spend more time on the most important steps: concealer, mascara, blush and lip gloss. You are using too much makeup if you spend more than 5 minutes on your makeup.

    • Embrace your natural beauty. Keep in mind that makeup should highlight your natural beauty, not hide it. Don't feel like you have to put on a ton of foundation and powder. You may need this in adulthood, but now you should enjoy natural and radiant skin.

    Part 2

    Applying makeup to eyes, lips and cheeks

    Comb your eyebrows. Use an eyebrow brush, a clean mascara brush, or a toothbrush to brush your brows. Don't comb your eyebrows against their growth. This makes them unkempt and causes them to grow in the wrong direction.

    • Don't pluck your eyebrows too much. Many teenage girls make their eyebrows too thin. You just need to make them well-groomed and combed.
  2. Apply eyeliner. The eyeliner is applied to the outer corners of the eyes to enhance the contour. A little bit of eyeliner will add expressiveness to your look. Less eyeliner is better, as overly saturated eye makeup will give you a messy look. Better to use a brown, gray or purple eyeliner. Black is good for special occasions or on weekends when you want something special.

    Apply mascara. Mascara is used to highlight, lengthen and color lashes. If you are a teenager, all you need for makeup is mascara and lip gloss. Apply brown mascara from root to tip of lashes. Move the brush upward. Do the same for the lower lashes.

    • Proceed with caution, as there is a possibility of eyelash sticking. The brush will help keep your lashes from sticking together. You can also comb the eyelashes with a brush and break up the lumps of mascara. Don't put on a lot of mascara - the thicker the mascara layer, the more clumps will form on your lashes.
    • For blue eyes, brown mascara is more suitable, and for darker eyes, black.
    • Not everyone should use black ink. Decide what shade of brown or black makes your eyes look expressive and natural. Save eye makeup that is too bright for special occasions.
  3. Apply eyeshadow. For everyday makeup, opt for a natural shimmery eyeshadow shade. Apply eyeshadow with a brush. Do not apply shadow under the eyebrows.

    Apply some blush. Give your face a natural glow with a blush. You just need to shade your cheeks a little. Never wear blush colors that are too dark. Use bronzers or light pink blush instead.

    • To apply blush, smile to find the apples of the cheeks (rounded areas of the cheeks). Apply some blush to the apples of your cheeks, nose, forehead and chin.
  4. Apply lip gloss. The gloss will give your lips a natural color and shimmer. If you want more color, choose a suitable shade. Choose soft pink or nude. Avoid dark colors as they will make you look older.