Gauze diapers: how to make them and put them on your baby? How to sew gauze diapers for newborns. How to sew diapers for newborns with your own hands Gauze diapers

Sindirella, 20.01.03 15:08

I fought and fought with everyone who scolded me for “Haggis” until I found a middle ground. I won’t raise an old topic so as not to disturb people’s minds (I’m talking about the war of diapers for boys). So, I read that the actual development of the testicles occurs from 3 to 5 months. That’s why we decided to climb into gauze for these 2, already 1.5 months. But here’s the problem, I don’t know which way to approach them.
Girls, we urgently need your help. What kind of gauze, how many layers, how to fasten it, what to wash it in, etc. And of course, advice from life.
Thank you in advance.

Luna, 20.01.03 15:16

I used regular gauze that is sold at the pharmacy.
In 2 layers. I washed it with baby soap, and later with baby powder.

Bon-Bon, 20.01.03 15:21

I have experience using Cindy only with girls... (nephews) In general, now ready-made gauze diapers are sold, if you can’t find them, we made them about a meter by meter, folded them into a rectangle - the shape vaguely resembles a pad - and this magnificence was placed between the legs. True, with the first during the first month, and with the second only during the summer day.

Luna, 20.01.03 15:24

And our shape was a triangle

Valeria, 20.01.03 15:50


I completely agree with
I also have experience with nephews,
she wrote everything correctly,
gauze about a meter by meter, sew all the edges on the machine, then roll it up so that it turns out like a large rectangle-shelf gasket (like night allways only bigger and wider)
and the diaper is ready,
I also want to sew these while I have time, and my stomach doesn’t interfere,
wash with baby soap, diluted in advance, can be done in a machine, dry flat (1-2 layers)
dry quickly

Sindirella, 20.01.03 16:16

Bon-Bon,Valeria, for some reason I don’t understand how they hold up...

Irishka, 20.01.03 16:34

Cinderella, you can buy special pins and fasten them on the sides. If you’re afraid, they won’t hold on, so you pull the sliders on top or swaddle them and that’s it.

Seville, 20.01.03 17:20

No pins needed. It's simple - buy an elastic bandage, make a belt out of it, the size of a baby's belly, and put it on Maxim, and secure rectangular diapers with it. You will end up with Indian panties

Lisik, 20.01.03 19:05

I also folded it into a rectangle, laid it between the legs, and put the panties on top. There is more slippage in sliders. For boys, you can fold it so that the layer in front is thicker. I did not sew gauze. I washed it in the machine, pre-washed it with baby soap.

leka, 20.01.03 19:23

Why all this trouble with diapers? If he pees in his pants, then both the diaper and the pants are still wet, so it’s better to just have pants and no diaper. and at night we lie down with our bottoms bare and put a diaper under our butt. peed - you pull out the damp diaper and put in a new one. and the child is dry and does not wake up. Otherwise, unwrap it, baby, and then you won’t be able to put it to bed.

Lena, 20.01.03 21:14

At first I also used gauze - in the form of triangles. Now I’m just wearing pants, I wear some rompers. And if I wear bodysuits, it’s either with diapers or gauze. diaper. But we rarely wear bodysuits - the house is big, cool, and we’ve already been sick once - that’s enough.

Christmas tree, 20.01.03 22:46

Yul, there is also an option that many consider crazy, but we have been using it for several weeks now. This is a “secondary” use of diaper, its basis. The filling is cut out, leaving “panties” that can be used as a waterproof (or almost waterproof))) pad holder. By the way, it was discussed in the topic, even though you, Yul, don’t like it when they “send.”)))) The only thing is, if you wash it in a machine, such second-hand diapers wear out quickly, the fasteners fly off, etc. And the gauze is really convenient: you can wash and dry it, just spread it on the radiator - and soon it will be dry.
I didn’t sew the gauze either. The pieces are rectangular.
We're already used to it, it's convenient. And economically, by the way. At night and when going out - a diaper, the rest of the time - a diaper under the bottom (without dressing the child) or gauze inside the "panties" from the diaper.

Oval, 21.01.03 12:49

Instead of gauze, you can use old sheets, etc. they will be softer

Sindirella, 21.01.03 13:28

leka, what if they pooped? Gauze helps a lot here... How is it possible without a diaper at all? Why do adults wear underpants? And about lining... We actually pee up...
Christmas tree What an idea!!! We will try!!!
Oval, and not tougher? Or maybe I have a bad idea of ​​an old sheet... No, really, isn’t gauze softer?

leka, 21.01.03 14:10

if you arrange the diaper in sliders, then no matter how hard you try, it will still get twisted in two minutes and slide down where it shouldn’t (maybe, of course, other kids are calm, but ours is a spindle). and if we poop, you still need to wash your butt, whether your child is in a diaper or has a bare bottom.
I don’t know, I’m very pleased with my method and my butt never got wet and there was much less washing. and from diapers we either get a rash or our skin turns all red, no matter how super breathable they are. As for peeing up, I always cover the baby first with a diaper, and only then with a blanket, and besides, we often sleep on our sides.
We also tried, like the Christmas tree, to take out the insides of the diapers and put in a gauze diaper, but if the child wets himself, he will lie in a wet diaper.
I agree that diapers made from old diapers are softer, but gauze ones dry faster.
good luck, leka

Sindirella, 21.01.03 14:48

It is clear that you need to wash your butt in any case. But it’s much easier to wash if there was also a diaper.
We didn’t have any rashes from the disposable ones; we changed them often, ventilated them, washed them, and smeared them. I wouldn’t even think about wearing gauze... but here we need to think about the baby’s future... so we decided to play it safe.

Lapunder, 21.01.03 14:57

I put gauze diapers on my little one from the very beginning. Only they are different for me - some are triangles, some are rectangles. Triangular ones are convenient for rompers - you wrap them up like panties and hold them on, and rectangular ones are for diapers, in order to purely give direction to the spread of what the baby discharges or defecates. A good way to do this is to use a strong shower jet to wash away all the poop, and then everything soiled into a basin of cold water (if you don’t wash it right away). I wash it with baby powder in the machine at 40 degrees. I boil it once a week.

Christmas tree, 21.01.03 15:21

But if the child wets himself, he will lie in a wet diaper.

Certainly. It’s just that you need to change it much more often than diapers, and monitor this matter more carefully.
But at night we still wear diapers; both the baby and the mother need to sleep, if possible. And on a walk/out. So that the child does not lie in the wet and do not change it in uncomfortable conditions several times.
Yulia, do you want to switch to diapers for now? 24/7?

Sindirella, 21.01.03 17:39

Oh no, only Haggis for the night! And for a walk, of course, too... Otherwise, this is already extreme

Lanushka, 21.01.03 22:00

Christmas tree! I'm so glad you took my advice about gutted diapers. Isn't it convenient?! Even my mood lifted as I read it. And then I was torn to smithereens.

Squirrel, 21.01.03 22:17

As the child grew older, gauze diapers became inconvenient. Right now my boy is just wearing a onesie. I change them as soon as he goes to the toilet. And at night he sleeps in the same bed.

leka, 21.01.03 22:31

Squirrel, isn't it convenient?
And we have been doing this too since 2 months.

Sindirella, 22.01.03 13:12

Lanushka, so this is your idea? As always, I attributed all the credit to my beloved Christmas tree Cool!!! I liked it very much!!! In “Here we are,” we even demonstrated your invention in our thread (last photos).
Elochka, thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

Christmas tree, 23.01.03 02:22

I came across Komarovsky’s “Boys and Diapers” (a chapter from the book “Diapers: A Popular User’s Guide”). It might be interesting to look at this topic -

Sindirella, 23.01.03 11:39

Lenochka, thanks for the link! I read it, interesting things were written! I advise everyone to read it.

Larson, 24.01.03 20:58

Christmas tree! I'm so glad you took my advice about gutted diapers. :dance: Isn’t it convenient?! Even my mood lifted as I read it. And then I was torn to smithereens.

Lanushka! Thanks for the advice. I also use diaper panties. But not all the time, but when necessary. In a word, I combine a diaper, a padded diaper, a diaper with rompers, just rompers and your advice. Depending on the situation. My diapers are made from old sheets
But our best ones are German ones made from gauze-type fabric, but thicker. Very good!!! I really only have two of them. They absorb great!!!

ValeryP, 25.01.03 19:33

Cindy, if you still need it, yesterday I saw ready-made gauze diapers in the baby boom, where they keep the diapers. 20 pieces cost about 120 rubles.

Sindirella, 26.01.03 20:24

ValeryP, Thank you!!! I bought it today. And at the same time, little faces that you can put on your hand, well, like a children's puppet theater... We are already squealing with delight!!! Has anyone tried it? I'm a little off topic, but still. I bought all sorts of animals, I liked it myself... the whole family meowed and barked!

Elena 7, 29.01.03 09:06

And we are 8.5 months old. and we still use gauze diapers. All the moisture remains in them, and not on the floor, and when you crap yourself, it’s also comfortable, it doesn’t smear all over your legs.

Fawn, 07.03.04 22:47

girls, you won’t believe it, but when I was raising my eldest daughter, there were no disposable diapers in this country at all.
But they “got” me a couple of waterproof panties (I think they were called “Sandra”...).
They were two-layered - the outer one was oilcloth, the inner one was mesh, elastic bands on the belly and around the legs, button closures on the sides, and most importantly, there was a kind of pocket between the layers. I inserted a gauze diaper folded in several layers into this pocket and used this design for walks and at night.
Maybe there are such people now? This is instead of gutting Pampers

But as far as I understand, Sindirella I was worried about the “greenhouse effect”, but, alas, it will be in “Pampers” or “Haggis”, or in gutted diapers, or in waterproof panties.
And if you use only gauze diapers, then you need to watch the child very closely, otherwise the wet ones will also become cold very quickly

Katinka, 09.03.04 14:43

I want to tell you how we sleep without diapers at all. This is my personal experience, tested with 2 children, so if anyone doesn’t like it, don’t judge, and whoever needs it, by the way, is happy to help. So, my baby and I sleep together, hugging each other, i.e. her head is on my hand, and her body is either turned towards me or on her back. From under the pillow on which we sleep, an oilcloth (preferably thick and not rustling) protrudes about 50-60 cm. Next to the bed is a stack of flannel diapers and a potty. The oilcloth is covered with a diaper, and the bed is ready!
If we get wet, we change the diaper to a dry one, but almost always I feel when my daughter wants to pee and I drop her off (it’s possible without waking up)

Yulia, 10.05.04 09:33

And we really love cloth diapers, which you can buy in the store (specially folded so that there is a good thickening in the middle), or you can make yourself from half a diaper. We do this:

Yulia, 10.05.04 09:35

Yulia, 10.05.04 09:37

Yulia, 10.05.04 09:46

Yulia, 10.05.04 09:50

Yulia, 10.05.04 09:57

Yulia, 10.05.04 10:04

and just like that we walk, and lie, and crawl... and we really like it!! the butt is beautiful, dry, soft - there has never been any irritation or redness!!! Take it off and put it on dry!

And as for the special panties covering them, we didn’t like it because of the same greenhouse effect as in disposable paper panties, plus they also cut your legs...
Therefore, in the “beautiful butt” spruce we use this!!!

bubosik, 12.09.05 20:00

The softest diapers are made from old washed bed linen. which is already so old and very soft. I also turned it over in the machine several times and the diapers turned out great. I made 60*60 squares, then fold them into triangles and move on

Arina, 16.09.05 18:08

I don’t want to offend anyone, but what’s the point of putting a design like Yulia’s on a child?
I think you can just wear panties. After all, in both cases everything will be equally wet, only with panties there are much less problems for everyone?

KaterinaK, 16.09.05 18:16

bubosik, I intend to confiscate all of my granny’s underwear, it’s exactly what she has - soft, already old... and buy her a couple of sets of new ones as a gift
Arina, and what, there are such tiny panties - for little ones less than a month old?

Arina, 22.09.05 05:19

With my first child, I also used cloth diapers (diapers at night and outside), but I didn’t see the point - you fold this diaper, put it on, wrap it in a diaper, after 10-15 minutes everything is wet, fold it again, put it on, wrap it, etc. d. Washing and ironing with them is twice as much, but there is no point. Well, what's the use of them? Well, everything gets wet anyway.
Therefore, with my second child, I immediately gave up on this matter and simply wrapped him in a diaper or simply put on rompers, and panties - from about four months they went fine

[b]bistrinka, 09.23.05 16:38

Arina, the point of diapers is so that the diaper does not get dirty with poop. they are often extremely difficult to wash off. and there are also children whose every “fart” is accompanied by a “poop”... I personally felt sorry when the little ones didn’t wash themselves off.
and old sheets are great for diapers. they are soft-soft

Arina, 24.09.05 02:32

just like about mine:

and there are also children whose every “fart” is accompanied by a “whoop”

This lasted for up to six months.
I threw the whole thing into the machine without washing it and washed it at 90 degrees on the heavily soiled setting. and used diapers from old sheets (they are really soft), but with my second child I somehow lost the desire to do any unnecessary work.

Splonya, 05.12.05 06:05

And I, girls, use diapers for walks and at night, and gauze diapers. I have them 1+1m in four layers. The "mother and child" disc has an interesting option for folding a diaper cover. Very comfortably. My son and I used this until he was 8 months old. And in a year we were already walking around in cowards (well, we took another one in case of an accident). I can't attach a photo yet, so in words.
You fold the diaper 4 times, i.e. it turns out a square in which 1 side is a fold, the second side is 2 folds, the remaining 2 sides are 4 sheets. You take 1 sheet at the corner common to the sides without folds and pull it to the side. Visually, we get a square on which a triangle lies (one of the sides of the triangle is the diagonal of the square). You turn what happened. you fold the square 2-3 times, it turns out: a triangle, and in the center there is a rectangular canvas. The doll is placed on this canvas and wrapped around the sides of the triangle. Very comfortably. Sorry if I described it poorly. I just don't know how else to explain it. If anyone is interested, I'll try to take a photo later and attach it later.

mom Lana, 06.12.05 18:02

Splonya I think it looks like this.
I also used these with my eldest son, he had severe allergies and diapers were not allowed at all. But now I rarely use them, I’m too lazy to fold them. We either holopop or put diapers from an old duvet cover into our underpants.

By the way, we don’t wash them, if they’re dirty. We just shouted out to all our friends: get rid of the old bed linen!

Well, at night, diapers are sacred! Passion is like reluctance to wake up in a puddle.

Splonya, 07.12.05 05:13

Mom Lana, thank you very much. Exactly. And I still alternate between diapers and diapers since I was little. After a night of wearing diapers (I really want to sleep), our bottom is always red, so we rest during the day.

Some people believe that diapers and nappies are harmful for small children. For example, they provoke crooked legs and interfere with potty training, cause cystitis in girls or infertility in boys. But that's not true. These products have been proven to be safe for babies. At the same time, they make life much easier for parents.

There are two types of diapers, including reusable gauze diapers for newborns and disposable diapers. In the first case, the products are used repeatedly and washed after each use. This is not very convenient, so many modern parents often choose the second option.

Disposable diapers are more practical, because the used diaper is not washed, but simply thrown away. Such products require more costs, but do not take time and effort. However, they can bring a number of troubles, including severe diaper rash in the baby, skin allergies, and abrasions.

To avoid such problems, it is important to choose the right material and size and change the diaper regularly. How to choose the right diaper for a baby, read. And in this article we will look at the benefits of reusable gauze products. Let's learn how to make diapers from gauze with your own hands for newborns.

Features of using a gauze diaper

Reusable gauze diapers are washed after use in warm water and soap, then dried and ironed, and used again. This is a cheaper and more economical option. In addition, it becomes indispensable for children with allergies. Some children develop skin rashes, redness and itching after wearing store-bought diapers.

Advantages of a gauze diaper:

  • Availability and cost-effectiveness;
  • Reusable;
  • A light weight;
  • Hypoallergenic material;
  • Good air permeability;
  • You can do it yourself;
  • They allow the baby's skin to breathe, so they do not cause irritation.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that homemade gauze products need to be washed and ironed regularly. Gauze does not absorb moisture, so it gets wet quite quickly and requires frequent changes. This diaper should be changed immediately after it gets wet. If a child is wet for a long time, irritation appears on the skin, despite the safety of the materials.

But, despite the disadvantages, many mothers prefer gauze products to reusable diapers due to their cost-effectiveness, availability and safety. In addition, if necessary, you can quickly make such a diaper yourself. Let's look at how to sew a gauze diaper with your own hands.

How to sew a gauze diaper

Classic gauze diapers are a square or rectangle with a side of 50-100 centimeters, lined with several layers of gauze. To increase absorbency, cotton wool can be placed between layers. To make a diaper, gauze or natural dense and soft fabric is used, which does not need to be sewn, but should be folded in a certain way. Today there are three folding technologies.

"Rectangle" made using gauze or fabric with parameters 60x100 centimeters. The material is rolled lengthwise several times to obtain a rectangle approximately 20 by 60 centimeters. Turn one edge, put it in the front for the boy, and under the back for the girl. The other edge is passed between the child's legs and tied.

“Scarf” or “triangle” involves the use of fabric or gauze 90x180 centimeters. The material is folded first in half, then diagonally. It turns out to be a triangle scarf, on which the baby is placed and the lower end of the fabric is passed between the legs. The side ends are placed on top of each other and tucked into the resulting belt or tied.

“Hungarian” way involves the use of a square piece of gauze or fabric, which is folded in half, first across and then along. Fold the top corner to form a gusset and turn the material upside down. Fold the free edge several times. The baby is placed in the compacted middle, the lower end of the fabric is threaded between the legs, and the sides are placed on top of each other and secured to the belt.

Another option is a multi-layer diaper. This product cannot be used several times, but it will last the baby for several hours, while traditional homemade gauze models have to be changed every 30-60 minutes. To make it, take three pieces of oilcloth and place gauze, folded in half, between the layers. To secure, use ties on the side or front of the stomach. When the baby pees, remove the layer of gauze and oilcloth from above, leaving the rest until the next use.

How to make a reusable diaper with your own hands

There are also special baby diapers-panties. These are reusable products made from hypoallergenic safe materials with a special gauze insert. After use, the insert is washed or replaced with a new one. You can buy panties and liners ready-made or make them yourself.

Panties are made from natural cotton or polyester, and the inside is lined with fleece or bamboo fabric. The products are secured with Velcro or snaps. To make one, trace a regular diaper on paper or print a ready-made pattern from the Internet. In the first case, add a centimeter to the allowance on each side. Transfer the pattern to a clean, washed and ironed fabric and after cutting, sew elastic bands along the waist and leg bends. Then the Velcro is sewn on and the liner is placed inside.

To make the liner, take a piece of gauze or cotton and fold it several times until you get a rectangle 10 centimeters long. The strip is folded in half and sewn by hand. You can put a small layer of cotton wool inside. After manufacturing, the insert is inserted or sewn into panties-diapers.

In addition, you can turn a disposable diaper into a reusable one. To do this, take a regular store or factory model, pre-washed. The filler is removed from the inside and a liner is installed, which is changed regularly. To secure the diaper, use an elastic band with Velcro.

How to use a gauze diaper correctly

  • Change disposable cloth diapers when they get wet. Don't let your baby stay wet for a long time;
  • The inserts in panties are changed up to ten times a day, the panties themselves are washed once a day;
  • Before a new diaper, wipe the skin dry and apply a special cream or gel for newborns and babies. When choosing products, look at the composition, expiration date and age for which they are intended;

  • Disposable diapers are washed after each use. For washing use laundry soap or;
  • Before use, the material is ironed, but it should not be hot!;
  • When the fabric or gauze turns yellow, you can use hydrogen peroxide for washing. Lather the material with laundry soap and place it in a solution with diluted hydrogen for several hours. For the solution, use two tablespoons of 3% hydrogen per five liters of water.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 8 minutes


All parents dream of their babies growing up strong and healthy. And baby accessories designed to provide the baby with the necessary care should be made only from natural ingredients and fabrics. And, first of all, this applies to diapers.

The skin of newborn babies is very delicate, and diapers should be chosen with special care to prevent irritation and diaper rash. Especially it concerns . Despite the wide range of different disposable diapers nowadays, many mothers prefer to make them themselves.

DIY diapers. The benefits of homemade diapers

  • Significant savings on the family budget (the fabric used for sewing homemade diapers is several times cheaper than ready-made diapers).
  • The composition of the material is absolutely clear (When buying fabric from your mother, you always have the opportunity to carefully select natural fabric).
  • Air exchange in cloth diapers is complete , unlike factory ones.
  • No fragrances or moisturizers which can lead to allergies.
  • Minimum harm for the environment.
  • DIY diapers , always at hand . No need to run to the store to get them if they run out.

How to make a diaper with your own hands?

First you need to choose the type of diaper. That is, reusable or disposable . A disposable diaper is changed immediately after a single use for its intended purpose, and a reusable one is the basis for replaceable inserts. It is clear that both inserts and disposable diapers are washed after use.

The main question is how to do it.

You can, following the traditions of your ancestors, stop at traditional gauze diaper , which is folded diagonally from a square piece of fabric. Or choose an option like knitted triangle , having an elongated top. Unfortunately, this option is not practical, because we are talking about a newborn baby. And he lies in his crib most of the time.

DIY diapers - options for disposable diapers

DIY gauze diaper

  • A piece of gauze 1.6 m long is folded in half.
  • The resulting square, having a side of 0.8 m, is sewn on a sewing machine along the perimeter of the diaper with a straight stitch. The diaper is ready.

DIY gauze diaper insert

  • A piece of gauze is folded several times until a piece of 10 cm is obtained.
  • The strip is folded in half and sewn manually (by machine) around the perimeter.
  • The resulting gauze insert is 30 by 10 cm.
  • This insert is inserted into homemade diapers or worn under panties.

DIY knitted diaper

  • The triangle pattern is created in such a way that the height is about a meter, the corners are rounded, and the length of the base is 0.9 m.
  • The edges are processed using an overlocker.
  • The diaper is good for use in the summer - the baby’s skin is well ventilated and there is no discomfort.

DIY reusable diaper

  • Panties made of thick fabric that fit the baby's legs (a gauze liner is placed inside).
  • Panties with oilcloth sewn inside (a gauze liner is placed in any case).
  • Instead of panties, a “gutted” and washed factory diaper is used. Again, a gauze liner is placed inside.

How to make a reusable diaper

You don't have to be a professional dressmaker to create a diaper. The pattern is as simple as possible and is created on the basis of a traditional factory diaper. Quite often, fleece is used for such hand-made production. The child’s skin, despite the synthetics, breathes well in it without sweating.

  • A standard diaper is outlined on paper with a pencil.
  • A centimeter (allowance) is added on each side.
  • The pattern is transferred to pre-washed fabric.
  • After cutting, elastic bands are attached from the back and along the folds for the legs (in accordance with the original).
  • Next, the Velcro is sewn on.
  • An insert made of gauze, cotton or terry cloth is placed in the finished panties.

Video: how to make a diaper at home

Cloth diaper:

How to fold a cloth diaper:

How to make a reusable diaper with your own hands:

Valeria Protasova

Psychologist with more than three years of practical experience in social psychology and pedagogy. Psychology is my life, my work, my hobby and way of life. I write what I know about. I believe that human relationships are important in all areas of our lives.

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It would seem that the process of making diapers for young mothers is a thing of the past; now all you have to do is go to the store, where there are dozens of models to choose from. However, the cost of such goods can hardly be called affordable, and a child requires not only hygiene products, but also clothing, nutritious food, and other products. Mothers are thinking about making gauze diapers for newborns themselves. This does not promise to be an easy task; you will have to wash and rewash the diaper, then iron it, but the financial situation in the family will quickly stabilize.

What types of homemade diapers are there?

There are two types of diapers for children. They can be done in a few minutes:

  1. for disposable use - such diapers have a square or triangular shape, are wrapped around the baby’s body, and look like a store-bought product;
  2. for reusable use - it is fashionable to make them from natural fabric with an oilcloth pocket and a fabric liner.

Both options are easy to sew with your own hands, but the first gauze diapers need to be changed and washed often (we recommend reading:). Reusable fleece or gauze diapers will only require replacing the insert, which will significantly save your time and effort.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade diapers

Gauze diapers have pros and cons that should be noted before using them.

To make disposable diapers, ordinary gauze is used, which is a natural material suitable for medical purposes. Gauze is hypoallergenic and does not cause irritation

There are several advantages:

  • the products are very economical, one package of gauze is enough for 20 diapers;
  • gauze is a completely safe material that does not cause allergies and does not rub the skin of a newborn;
  • when changing a diaper immediately after bowel movements, sterility is maintained;
  • gauze diapers allow the skin to breathe and allow air to pass through perfectly;
  • it's easier to work with them;
  • The size of the diaper is easy to adjust to your child.

There are also disadvantages, namely:

  • a newborn goes to the toilet up to 18 times a day, gauze disposable diapers will have to be changed constantly, the packaging will last for a couple of days;
  • if you do not replace it in a timely manner, the fabric will become wet and cause skin irritation;
  • It will not be possible to leave the house - the child urinates twice in 3 hours, it is necessary to take reusable gauze comfortable diapers as a change.

On the other hand, for walks and absences from home, many mothers advise using waterproof panties. They look like an ordinary product, only the material does not allow water to pass through; it is enough to put them on so that the baby remains dry and does not make surprises.

Children's waterproof panties will be a real godsend for those situations when the mother cannot change the diaper often - during walks, during family celebrations

Methods for making gauze diapers

In order for a newborn to be comfortable and comfortable in gauze diapers, it is recommended to roll them using one of three technologies that have already been tested by young mothers. There is no need to sew the resulting product, do not waste time on this: if you wrap simple gauze diapers correctly, they will not come together for a long time. You can only overcast the edges.


You will need a piece of material measuring 90 by 180 cm: fold it in half and then diagonally. Place the newborn on the scarf, pass the end between the legs, and cover the sides. Then tie it with a belt; it is better to use a soft cloth so that it does not irritate the child. Choose exclusively natural materials that are harmless to the body.


You will need gauze, a piece of 60 by 100 cm, it is folded lengthwise three to four times. It’s easy to make a gauze diaper with your own hands: when you get a 20 by 60 rectangle, fold one edge and lay the baby down. For girls - under the back, for boys - in front. The second edge is passed under the legs, tied with a rope or braid, but not too tight; you cannot pull the tummy.

Rectangular diapers are the easiest to make. If desired, their edges can be sewn with thread so that they do not fray, but this is at the discretion of the mother


Here the size of the material is not important, but it should be a large square - from half to a meter wide. The edge is folded in half, and in half again, but on the other side. The upper corner of the square is bent as for a scarf, the fabric is turned down, and the free piece is wrapped several times. There should be a compacted middle on which the baby is placed. The lower end is threaded under the legs, the sides are overlapped and tied with a belt. The diapers are ready and can be put on easily. If something doesn’t work out, watch the video instructions from an experienced mother:

How to create reusable diapers?

For liners, fleece, bamboo material or gauze, folded several times and stitched on the sides, is suitable, otherwise it will diverge in the future. Although such material is safe, it gets wet very quickly; the diaper requires regular checking and replacement of the liner.

About 12 gauze sets are required per day. If you don’t want to change it so often, sew a piece of terry towel into the middle - this will solve the problem. The most skilled needlewomen attach Velcro or buttons to the sides of the panties to make it easier to dress the baby.


You can take a variety of patterns, but the principle of creating a diaper is the same everywhere. Here are some interesting examples:

You can download all 4 patterns in natural size (PDF files): , and . So, let's sew ourselves!

Sewing master class

In our master class we will use cotton fabric and fleece for the diaper, bamboo fabric for the liner (you can order ready-made ones or make your own from bamboo towels). We will need classic pattern No. 1 (see above). To begin, we cut out the liners according to the pattern, fasten them in 2 layers and stitch along the edges.

We cut out the future diaper on cotton and fleece fabric. We pin the liners to the fleece - this will be the inner layer.

Sew the upper (wide) part of the liner using a zigzag stitch. The lower part of the liner remains free. To make it easier to replace the inserts, they can not be sewn to the diaper, but secured with buttons, but this is not convenient and functional in all cases.

We work from the inside out: we install an elastic band on the back and sides and grab it. We turn our “bag” back, stretching the elastic, and sew a line.

All that remains is to add buttons according to the pattern and sew the remaining end of the diaper.

How to care for homemade diapers?

Just follow a few simple rules so that the products last a long time and do not harm the child:

  1. The inserts need to not only be washed, but also updated regularly. At least once every 2 months, they need to be completely replaced so that the baby’s delicate skin is not irritated and dangerous diseases do not appear.
  2. Wash diapers by hand, excluding machine washing.
  3. Use special soap to avoid an allergic reaction. A good option for diaper cleaning products is laundry soap.
  4. To destroy germs, boil gauze and then iron it. This can only be done with gauze products; the oilcloth will simply deteriorate from the heat.

If you notice irritation or rashes on the skin of your baby’s buttocks, temporarily postpone using the accessory and do not let the problem lead to tragic consequences. Observe what caused this reaction.

Monitor the condition of your child's skin, use powders and special creams, and if complications occur, immediately stop using them. Perhaps the skin just wants to rest for a few days, and a little later you can return to your usual regime of using diapers.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

The use of disposable diapers often leads to diaper rash and irritation on the skin of newborn babies. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of this method of child care, use time-tested technologies - homemade gauze diapers.

They are delicate and thin, perfect for the sensitive skin of babies. You can find out how to sew diapers from gauze in our article.

From this article you will learn

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing between gauze diapers and disposable diapers, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of homemade panties.

Cost savings. One pack of gauze is enough for 25 diapers.Doesn't stick tightly enough. The product may slip off the newborn's bottom, and feces will stain the laundry.
Gauze is a breathable material. The baby's skin breathes and does not overheat. The mucous membrane in the intimate area does not dry out.Irritates skin when wet. Wet gauze turns into a rough material that scratches your baby's skin. If you don't change the diaper on time, a rash and diaper rash will appear on your bottom.
Environmental friendliness, safety. Requires constant change.
The child wakes up from the cold, feeling discomfort after bowel movements or bladder. Mom has to get up often and change the diaper several times a night.
Perfect fit. The diaper is made individually for each baby. It will not be too big or too small for him.Leaking.
After the child urinates, he has to be changed completely; a gauze diaper does not absorb all the moisture entirely.
Washing takes minimal time if you have an automatic machine.Inability to go on long walks.
If the child pees himself, he urgently needs to be changed. During the cold months it is impossible to do this outside, so you have to quickly return home.
Constant washing.
Over the course of a day, a heap of diapers and other outerwear is collected. On average, 25–30 pieces of gauze panties will be needed for 24 hours.

Despite the impressive number of disadvantages of homemade underwear for newborns, many parents choose it because disposable diapers are too expensive and cause unpleasant consequences from use.

For example, overheating if you wear synthetic absorbent panties for more than 6 hours in a row, diaper rash, allergies, itching in the perineum in girls, addiction, etc.

Diaper sizes

The size of gauze diapers varies depending on the weight and age of the baby.

  • For newborns(up to 1 month) weighing up to 5 kg – 60/100 cm.
  • For children from 1 to 3 months with a weight of up to 6.5 kg - 80/100 cm.
  • Babies from 3 months with a weight of up to 8 kg – 60/100 using the “rectangle” technique, 180/90 – “kerchief”, 90/90 – “Hungarian method”.

The size of the fabric product is influenced by the individual developmental characteristics of the child, his physique, waist size, and butt.

What attracts you to gauze diapers?

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    Baby's skin breathes better 67%, 101 voice

    Better fit 0%, 0 votes


Types of fabrics

For babies they are made only from natural fabrics. Let's look at the most popular of them:

Does not cause an allergic reaction, natural, breathable material.

Inexpensive, environmentally friendly, easy to care for. Sold in packages at the pharmacy.

The fabric is pleasant to the body and consists of cotton and wool mixture. Excellent moisture absorption and air permeability. The delicate skin of a newborn will feel great.

Similar to gauze, but denser, so it takes longer to wear out. Usually not painted, but bleached. The absence of dyes is one of the main advantages of madapolam. It does not cause allergies.

Advice! To begin with, mothers should make a small amount of homemade diapers from different fabrics. Try them out and see how the newborn’s skin reacts. After this, decide which material is best suited.

We sew ourselves

To make a disposable diaper you will need material and a needle and thread. Next follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare a cut of the required size, 80 or 100 cm, depending on the age of the child.
  2. Overcast the edges of the fabric, turning 1-2 cm on each side. This way the material will not fray or unravel, and the product will last longer.
  3. Fold the finished piece in half to make a square. Turn the fabric over so that the fold is facing down.
  4. Hold the top edge with your right hand, and with your left hand move the bottom edge to the center of the top line.
  5. Turn the workpiece over to the other side and wrap it in the same way.
  6. You should get a triangle with a seal in the center. If you sew up the folds, the product will be more convenient to use, but thick edges take a very long time to dry.

We invite you to watch detailed video tutorial about how to sew a gauze diaper yourself using a sewing machine.

Try out your masterpiece. Place it on the table so that the top is at the bottom, place the child in the center. Fold the corners over the baby and place the sides on top of each other. Ready. It is better to wear panties or a diaper over the top; a homemade diaper is not secured to the body, so it can slip and unwind. Ideal for boys and girls.

Folding techniques

There are four methods for folding gauze diapers for newborns. This is a scarf, Hungarian and two ways to make a rectangle. Let's present each one separately, step by step.

Hungarian method

In this video very clearly shown How to quickly fold a diaper using this method.

Prepare a square piece of gauze.

Step 1. Fold the fabric in half, leaving the fold at the bottom.

Step 2. The rectangle is folded again, from right to left. Make sure all open ends are on the same side.

Step 3. Take the top layer by the lower left edge with your fingers and move it as far as possible to the side. Flatten the fabric. It should look like a pyramid.

Step 4. Turn the product over. Now the bottom edge is at the top.

Step 5. On the left side you will see a square. Roll it into a roll, flattening it slightly. This part is necessary to absorb liquid.

Step 6. You should end up with a triangle with a spacer inside, in the middle. Its thickness ensures the absorbency of the panties. If you see that it is not wide or thin enough, roll the diaper again or take a larger piece.

Step 7. Place the gauze scarf on the changing table, with the sharp angle down.

Step 8. Place your breastfed baby on top of the product so that the top edge is in the middle of the back of the waist.

Step 9. Place the edge with a sharp angle across the baby’s legs, place the side edges over the tummy and place them on top of each other. The top layer can be tucked behind the bottom one. This will keep the product on the body.


Step 1. Fold the cut in half to make a square.

Step 2. Fold the fabric diagonally. You will get an isosceles triangle. If there are uneven edges or loose threads, remove them and sew the product along the edges.

Step 3. Lay the scarf on the table, one corner should be facing down. The child is placed on top. The top edge of the material should be parallel to the baby's waist so that the sides fold easily over the tummy when folded.

Step 4. The lower edge is passed between the legs and placed in the navel area. Don't pull too hard to avoid chafing your baby's crotch, but don't make the diaper loose, or liquid will spill out. Make sure there are no folds or protrusions of excess fabric.

Step 5. Hold the fabric in the middle and fold the top edges over your baby's belly. Secure them by tucking them inside the panties or tying the edges. Pay attention to the baby's behavior after dressing. If the baby is nervous, moves his legs, or wants to get rid of the diaper, it is worth checking for extra folds and the tightness of the product on the body.

Rectangle (first method)

A simpler manufacturing method that takes less time.

Step 1. Make a multilayer rectangle of gauze (see the first method).

Step 2. Make a belt from thin strips of fabric. Sew the edges with a sewing machine to prevent fraying.

Step 3. Iron the parts carefully.

Step 4. Place the baby on the finished rectangle, pass the bottom edge of the fabric between the legs.

Step 5. Tie the belt around your body, over your homemade panties.

Step 6. For ease of use, you can sew a belt and fabric folded in several layers, so the homemade diaper will not fall off.

Advice! Do not tie the belt too tightly. The baby will feel discomfort, the processes of digestion and gas exchange will be difficult.

Rectangle (second method)

In appearance, the finished panties resemble a reusable diaper.

Step 1. Prepare a piece of gauze. Roll it into a strip measuring 60x100 cm.

Step 2. Repeat the procedure 5 more times to get a narrow piece. Its size will be 20x60 cm.

Step 3. The strip needs to be sewn along the edges.

Step 4. Measure the circumference of the child’s hips with a tape, add 2 cm to the resulting figure. This is necessary for making other parts.

Step 5. Subtract 40 cm from the resulting measurement.

Step 6. Divide the resulting length by 2. Measure the required amount of material for two parts.

Step 7. Make the jumpers in the same way as the main part of the diaper. For example, you need an insert 7 cm wide: cut 35 cm of gauze 60 cm wide, fold it 5 times.

Step 8. Sew the jumpers. These will be the pads inside the diaper.

Step 9. Prepare the ribbons for the belt. These should be strips no more than 2 cm wide. Sew them to the main fabric, they will hold the diaper on the body.

Step 10. Connect the parts and secure them correctly on the baby.

Reusable blotting cloths

In this video you will learn about what are there waterproof liners and which ones are better to buy.

An economical option for a gauze diaper are reusable waterproof panties. They do not allow liquid to pass through, they can be used during long walks and during baby's sleep at night.

They are fixed on the body with Velcro or buttons. Despite the large number of advantages, this option of cloth diapers has several disadvantages:

  • long drying

The inside of the product is very dense and dries naturally for more than three days. Use a battery, iron to speed up the drying process manufacturers not recommended. But they are washed, like disposable ones, in a machine.

  • absorbs a small amount of liquid

The filling capacity of the liner depends on the material used in its manufacture. For example, gel can absorb 3-4 liters of liquid, bamboo - 5 times less, and panties with fleece filling will have to be changed after each urination.

Interesting! Waterproof cloths really allow you to save a small amount of money on the purchase of expensive diapers. According to calculations by young mothers, in 2018 prices, the approximate amount may be 20–30 thousand rubles per year.

We make waterproof liners ourselves

An insert in a disposable or reusable diaper is needed to increase the volume of absorbed liquid. It is made from the same fabric as homemade children's panties: flannel, gauze, chintz, bamboo material, madapolam. Lining with cotton wool is not suitable for these purposes. When it gets wet, it crumples and the liner will have to be thrown away.

It’s easy to make an insert with your own hands, follow the diagram:

  1. We take a scrap of the selected fabric, preferably flannel or bamboo, measuring 30x40 cm. We fold it 3-4 times, we get a rectangle.
  2. Sew the edges, removing all excess threads. Or we sew it with an overlocker. The main thing is to make the insert round so that it does not rub the baby’s legs or intimate area.
  3. Iron the product before use.

There is no need to make earbuds at home. They are sold in pharmacies and are inexpensive.

How to wash and care

Gauze diapers are a reusable product. If you want them to last you longer, follow some rules for caring for them:

  • You can use one set of diapers within 2–3 months, then you should throw them out and sew new ones.
  • Wash them no bleaching agents, better with your hands. Rinse thoroughly to remove soapy water. Use only special washing powder for children.
  • Boil once a week gauze diapers for newborns. Disinfection is necessary to prevent diaper rash.
  • Dry your homemade diaper without using heaters, in a natural way.
  • Iron the product on both sides after washing. Be careful with the iron if you made the diaper from waterproof oilcloth.

We buy a ready-made option

You don't have to make gauze diapers yourself. Pharmacy chains offer a large number of disposable and reusable fabric products for babies to choose from. An overview of the most popular and affordable ones is presented below.

The manufacturer uses high-quality material, it is soft and comfortable. With prolonged use, the products do not lose their neat appearance.

It has earned the love of customers for many years of quality. The fabric is highly breathable and does not cause diaper rash on the skin of babies.

The manufacturer uses lightweight natural material. The baby's skin breathes and is protected from dermatitis and redness. The fabric does not deform after wearing and washing the products, it remains durable and elastic. The diapers are secured to the baby's waist with Velcro. The series is represented by reusable and disposable products.

In the video below you will learn about what types of reusable diapers there are, what are their pros and cons.

The history of the homemade cloth diaper goes back to ancient times. Many consider them a relic of the past, but you should not abandon this method of child care. Evaluate the comfort and convenience of using them yourself, check out the advice of grandmothers in practice.

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