Print out a chicken head mask from paper. Chicken mask. Our holiday mask is completed

How to make a chicken mask with your own hands.

You can make a beautiful and convincing chicken mask according to - I advise you to read.

Now let’s start making a specific mask: exactly what characteristic features do we need to convey? Fluffiness, alas, will not work, but we can take yellow paper or cardboard. The chicken's head is quite round; in cartoons, chickens are often depicted with chubby cheeks, but in reality this is not the case - let's do without likening it to a toddler. The eyes of chickens are medium-sized and black. And, you know, without eyelashes. But the forehead is indeed quite high, and the triangular beak looks completely cartoonish and quite funny in chicken age. In general, the view is touching.

Let's make a chicken mask out of paper

Cut out a standard half mask in the shape of glasses.

Using darts we round off the forehead. The beak will be small and diamond-shaped.

Now let’s try this beak on a mask put on a mannequin. There are flaps on both sides for attaching them, they should be turned inward. If you see that everything fits together, you can glue it.

Well, this cute and simple chicken mask is ready. However, you can supplement it with one more detail: the lower half of the beak. The pattern looks like this:

We will attach this part to the upper half of the beak, and not to the cheeks of the mask.

Well, the beak rests on the nose, but thanks to the cutout in the lower half, the actor can breathe freely.

Since the chicken’s “face” is round, it is better to attach the mask to the hoop. If you wish, you can complement the image with a comb - make it according to the same principle as.

An adult who sews well or knows how to craft can make his child a wonderful carnival mask for a matinee or for the New Year. She can portray any character. Among younger children, chicken, cockerel, duckling or any other funny animal or bird is popular. The easiest way to make a mask is a cute chicken.

Tools and materials

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Dense, smooth and highly flexible cardboard.
  2. Colored paper.
  3. Felt or felt, preferably a set of multi-colored polyester felt.
  4. Ribbons, elastic bands.
  5. Scraps of fabric, lace, leather and other materials for finishing.
  6. Small decorative elements as desired (rhinestones, beads, seed beads, buttons, sequins, etc.).
  7. Scissors – large for cutting and small for paper.
  8. Colored markers, pencils, paints - watercolor and gouache.
  9. Glue for paper and cardboard, if necessary - for fabric (or superglue).
  10. Colored threads for sewing.
  11. Needles and pins for fastening mask elements while working.

Made from cardboard and paper

There are several ways to make a paper mask for a baby's head. You can take a sheet of white smooth cardboard, draw a chicken head on it in the chosen style and paint it with any paints, for example, gouache. The advantage of this method is its speed. You can make such a mask in literally half an hour.

But it also has disadvantages - paint, especially a thick layer of gouache, can smudge. If we are talking about a small child, he will be completely smeared in paint, including his smart clothes.

Another option for making a paper mask is to use felt-tip pens. With their help, you will get an excellent bright children's mask with expressive author's features, but its creation will require quite a lot of time and effort, as well as creative thought and mood.

The easiest, fastest and most effective way to create a chicken mask is paper applique. This method has a great advantage - you can do the work together with your child. He will be simply happy that he took part in creating his own festive image.

Sequence of work:

  1. As a basis, you can use a mask template from the Internet or simply cut it out of thick cardboard.
  2. The resulting blank is used to mark the future mask.
  3. Holes for the eyes are cut.
  4. Then the remaining elements are cut out from paper (colored).
  5. All parts are glued in the right places, the joints are carefully glued and smoothed.
  6. On the dried blank, small details, such as eyelashes and eyebrows, are depicted with felt-tip pens or markers.
  7. You can use additional finishing, for example, spray glitter on a thin layer of glue, glue decorative rhinestones, and so on.
  8. At the last stage, it is important not to forget to attach ties or an elastic band so that the product fits well on the child’s head.

This type of mask is perfect for children over 3 years old, girls and boys.

Made from felt or foam rubber

Any mother can sew a chicken mask for the New Year using the simplest means at hand. This can be done from foam rubber, felt or felt, as well as from faux fur or plush. A pattern from the Internet can also be used as a base - the chicken will turn out elegant and very bright.

Completing of the work:

  1. Cut out a mask from felt of the main color. It will become the basis for creating the entire image.
  2. From felt of a different color, cut out the remaining elements according to a pre-thought-out design. It could be a beak or a funny, dashing forelock.
  3. Lastly, small decorative details are cut out of felt, for example, pink circles of blush on the cheeks or stripes of eyebrows.
  4. All elements are laid out on the base, tried on, and adjusted if necessary.
  5. Then the prepared parts are sewn together (by hand or on a machine) or glued together.
  6. If the child is not allergic, his mask can be decorated with real feathers painted bright yellow.
  7. Lastly, we sew together the small details. Do not forget about the need to cut holes for the eyes, if this has not been done in advance, and firmly sew the ties. The mask is ready!

I have had the opportunity to make masks of roosters and hens, or rather, affectionately call them, roosters and hens more than once: these are the favorite heroes of Russian folk tales: “The Ryaba Hen,” “The Cockerel and the Hen,” “Zayushkina’s Hut,” “The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster.” Excellent performances are staged based on these stories... And on the eve of the Year of the Rooster, there was a boom in costumes and rooster masks.

I made two types of rooster (chicken) masks, the first is a cap with a beak and a comb, but, as I already said in the article, it is important that the actor does not move the mask high on the back of the head.

I prefer the second option - a half mask on the face. We start from the same one that underlies both the crane mask and the owl mask. The only difference is in the details.

How to make a rooster (chicken) mask out of paper with your own hands

Both the rooster and the hen have a comb; the rooster has a larger one. But I do not recommend making this decoration very tall and large - if it is made from cardboard or paper, then the large one will... float. It's better to keep it in moderation. So, in principle, the only difference between a rooster and a hen will be that the rooster’s mask is also decorated with a beard.

So here's the pattern.

We will make the mask on a hoop. There is a wide bridge across the head from the forehead to the back of the head:

We’ll make the front part of the mask simply: we’ll glue the darts on the forehead, and we’ll glue the beak into the opening of the nose. Now we need to figure out how to install the comb so that it does not fall over and at the same time is located in an arc, going around the head. The “comb from one piece” option, to be honest, is a bit complicated, I don’t recommend it. Let’s do it better this way: we’ll recruit from separate segments. We will bend their bases and glue them once - every other time: bend to the right - bend to the left, and with a slight overlap. Here's a picture to make it clear:

When the comb is completely completed, mask off the folds on both sides - glue two strips of paper - I used masking tape. That's it, there is a chicken mask.

Now let's modify it - add a beard. It consists of three parts - two large teardrop-shaped ones are connected to each other by this small “figure eight”.

Attach the beard to the mask first with paper clips, and only after making sure that the face fits in freely and the beard does not interfere with speaking, glue it together. Today I asked Comrade Snowman to pose in a rooster mask.

Looks like quite a convincing cockerel. But he himself asks to make a chicken mask for him. If you, dear readers, are also interested in the chicken mask, then write in the comments, and I will do it right away and describe everything in detail.

Some people like to fool around by pretending to be some kind of animal. But to better fit into the role, you will need to adjust your facial features. You can make a rooster mask at home yourself from paper, fabric, foam rubber, using the papier-mâché technique and even clay.

Fabric rooster

To make a mask we will need the following tools and materials:

  • yellow and red felt;
  • paper;
  • sewing threads;
  • scissors.

Stage-by-stage execution of work:

That's all, the rooster figure is ready. Its owner will play the role of a cockerel and bring joy to everyone around him.

Paper making

There are many paper face mask stencils on the Internet. If you don’t find any interesting ones among them, you can make a template and paint it with your own hands. Do the same with other paper figures - birds and bunnies.

Option #1

To make such an original rooster mask, we will need colored double-sided paper, paper clips or paste; you can use double-sided adhesive tape.

From a sheet of paper, cut out a rectangle measuring 54x31 centimeters. The size will depend on the circumference of the child's head; the second size can be changed as the first increases.

Cut the pattern into strips of the same size. We remove every second strip.

Using paper clips, paste or adhesive tape, you need to intertwine all the strips together. The result should be a paper cap.

The last step is to glue the comb, beak, wings and eyes to the cap.

Our miracle is ready!

Option number 2.

Our holiday mask is complete!

Chicken Ryaba

To make a “Ryaba Hen” mask for your head, you do not necessarily need to print out its template.

For such a craft, you can use any material - nothing limits your creativity. It all depends on what you want to get as a result. You can make the most basic paper crafts for your baby.

For this you will need colored cardboard. First, cut out a wide strip corresponding to the circumference of the child’s head. We glue its edges together to make a cardboard rim.

Draw an image of a cockerel on paper and cut it out. You can decorate the silhouette with paints or paste it over with colored paper. Glue on the beak, earrings, eyes and legs. All is ready!

Headdress mask

Before making a rooster mask, you need to remember that it can look very ridiculous, so we make the beak smaller and the comb and beard more elegant.

The scallop should not be very large, otherwise it will look like a sail.

Making a section on a hoop. We make a wide bridge across the head from the frontal part to the back of the head.

We make the front part of the dart, which is on the forehead, and glue it together. The beak must be glued into the opening of the nose.

Now we need to think about how we will attach the comb so that it does not fall and is in an arc, going around the head:

Then we make the rooster's beard. It consists of three elements: two large “drops” connected by a small figure eight.

We attach the beard to the mask, first with the help of paper clips, and then, making sure that the face fits into the mask without difficulty and the beard does not interfere with anything, we glue everything together.

The cockerel mask for masquerade is ready!

Attention, TODAY only!

Download and print templates for making children's three-dimensional paper head masks with your own hands.

Magic transformations are one of a child's favorite activities. From early childhood, girls try on their mother’s outfits and jewelry, imagining themselves as princesses or fairy tale characters. The boys are also not far behind, imagining themselves in the image of their favorite Superheroes or a brave pirate. Imitating your favorite heroes is not only entertainment, it helps a child to realize himself.

You can buy ready-made carnival masks of animals, birds, superheroes for children in the online store (in, in, in) or make your own from paper using the templates presented below.

Animal masks for the game "Cat and Mouse"


Template for printing the Mouse mask, pdf file.

Printable template for the “Cat” mask, pdf file.

Head mask “Owl” made of colored paper


Printable Owl mask template:



Print the “PART 1” template on colored cardstock or thick paper, set the print settings to “photo” and “grayscale”. Cut out the mask along the contour and eye holes. Punch holes on both sides to thread the ribbon through. Make folds on the beak along the dotted lines and glue in place.

Print the feathers on sheets of different colored paper. Set the print options to "photo" and "grayscale". Cut out large feathers, fold them in half and glue them onto the mask. Cut out small feathers and start gluing to the base from the bottom row.

Superhero masks for boys and girls


Printable Superhero mask templates, pdf file

Paper bunny mask


Printable children's mask "Bunny" template, pdf file.

In order to make a mask you will need: a printing template, scissors, a marker or felt-tip pen, cardboard and two pieces of rope or tape.

Print the mask template onto thick paper and fold it in half vertically. Cut along the contour, make holes for the eyes. Open the mask, color your nose with paints or a pencil. Children can decorate the mask as they wish. Make two longitudinal folds in the nose area at the same distance from the middle. Make holes in the side wings and thread the strings.

Coloring mask “Cat” for children

We offer you to download a color and black and white “Cat” coloring template for printing. The child can independently paint the mask with any colors, glue it together and transform into his favorite animal.