What the fetal movements will tell. Fetal movement during pregnancy: learning to understand your baby The baby is actively moving

After listening to the stories of the experienced mothers, a pregnant woman begins to worry why his baby does not make itself felt, constantly stirring in her stomach, or vice versa, why he is too active today. In no case should you listen to other people's advice, because every woman's body perceives pregnancy differently.
The first movements toddler should be felt between 16 and 25 weeks of pregnancy, how sooner or later depends on many factors.

Sensation the first movement of the child the mother depends on the amount of intrauterine water, the position of the child and, the thickness of the abdominal wall, the energy of the baby and the sensitivity of the mother. Usually, women who are pregnant for the first time feel fetal movement at the 20th week, and those who have already given birth - at the 18th week. The first thrusts of the baby in the mother's belly are very timid and quiet, which you may not even feel, confusing them with the "murmur" in the belly. In the future, the movements of the baby become more noticeable and strong, by 24 weeks of pregnancy, the movements of the fetus in the womb already resemble the movements of a newborn baby.

From this age kid begins to actively "communicate" with parents in the language of perturbations, informing them of their joy, pleasure, grief and anxiety. The baby is most active at 24-32 weeks of pregnancy. Normally, if, after 28 weeks of pregnancy, the mother feels the baby's movements at least 10 times a day. The child can move during the day while the mother is awake, and also at night when she is sleeping. All movements of the baby in the mother's abdomen are not accidental, they are caused by the following factors:

1. External factors... The kid reacts intensively to various external influences. For example, to the sound of music, to the voice of dad or mom. If dad puts his hand on mom's belly, he begins to actively move, responding to external stimuli.

2. Food... If the baby begins to move too actively, it means that he does not have enough nutrition or oxygen. With his movements, the child activates the placenta in order to receive more blood. This often happens when the mother is sitting or lying in an uncomfortable position, compressing large blood vessels. Also, the movements help the child to untangle the loops of the umbilical cord if they are squeezed.

3. Mom's emotions... Starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby actively responds to the mood of the mother. If it is bad for the mother, then some babies behave very quietly at this time, while others, on the contrary, begin to "rebel". If the mother sits at the TV for a long time, and the baby gets tired of it, then he signals with his movements that it is time for her to do walking or gymnastics.

4. Mode... Each baby growing in the mother's body has its own characteristics of temperament and response to various stimuli. It is considered normal if the baby sleeps for 3 hours and at this time the mother does not feel his movement. The child can move stronger or weaker depending on temperament or mood. The baby begins to move less by the time of delivery, but the strength of the jolts by this time increases.

If baby do not move for 12 hours in a row or does not stop actively moving for several hours, despite the fact that the mother changes position, you should immediately consult a doctor. In these cases, a violation of the intrauterine development of the fetus is possible - hypoxia, the cause of which may be an insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients. In the absence of adequate treatment, hypoxia can lead to fetal death.

5. From the term of pregnancy... As the gestation period increases, the baby grows and becomes stronger. Along with its growth, the tremors are replaced by strong "kicks", and by the end of pregnancy it is already visible how the child is turning over inside. Mom's belly changes shape at this time. From the 36th week of pregnancy, the baby takes a certain position, in which he remains until the very birth. Normally, if the child is in a head-down position, when accepting this position of the fetus, the mother may feel pain in the hypochondrium. Then the activity of the baby decreases and becomes calm. You should not be afraid of this, from the 36th to the 40th week, the growth of the baby is not so intense. Many mothers also worry when the baby starts to "hiccup" in the stomach. At the same time, a pregnant woman feels how the child shudders at some intervals. Such movements of the child are associated with the intensive swallowing of amniotic fluid by the baby, during which his diaphragm is actively contracted. This is not dangerous for its development and is considered normal.

Fetal movement during pregnancy

The most anticipated, and therefore unforgettable, is the feeling of stirring under the heart of a new life. Future mothers and fathers are waiting for him with trepidation. And also gynecologists. You will definitely be asked to write down the date of the first stirring, and they will be guided by it on the date of birth.

If you are expecting your first baby, then he will be born 20 weeks after the first stirring (usually childbirth occurs at the 40th week of pregnancy), and if the second or third, then 2-3 weeks later. At least there are such statistics, but not all women fall under it.

Typically, the first fetal movements occur between 16 and 24 weeks of gestation.

Although in fact the fetus is already moving at the 8th week, but since it is still too small, you do not feel it. But later, when the baby grows up, his "gymnastics" will make itself felt with all its might.

How do you know that this is a wiggle?

It happens that it is both difficult and easy to understand at the same time. Doctors describe this phenomenon in very different ways, and even mothers themselves cannot find the true words. You need to feel the movement yourself. And it is not a fact that, having felt, you will correctly explain the experienced state to your girlfriend "by position."

A gynecologist (a man) told me poetically about the movement: “Imagine that a butterfly has sat in your hands. You hold her, and she knocks her wings in her hands. "

Mom's explanations were more prosaic: something would gurgle.

I was looking forward to the butterfly in my belly, but I still got a “gurgle”. But he was the sweetest and most memorable of all the gurgles.

Each woman perceives the first movements in her own way. For some, this is the splashing of a fish, a fluttering of a butterfly, and for others - intestinal peristalsis. But in both cases, it is a question of confirming a new life. Many pregnant women perceive themselves as a mother after the first stirring.

It so happens that while looking forward to the first stirring, mommy is looking forward to its termination with the same impatience. Babies in the tummy are so active that their movements cause unbearable pain to a pregnant woman.

What determines the mobility of the child in the womb?

Many believe that the character of the baby is formed already in the tummy. Here's the answer: too agile toddler will make itself felt right away. This is not always the case, though.

Often, the baby's movements are not evidence of his temperament, but of well-being, development and health. Therefore, the task for a pregnant woman is very important: to analyze every step of her little one, to learn to understand and feel it.

Any deviations from your normal life together should be recorded.

The rate of movement during pregnancy

There are no unambiguous “normal” indicators. Although it is generally accepted that, starting from the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby should move at least 10 times an hour.

What is the evidence of fetal movements?

Movement is life. And even in the uterine period. Have you already observed your little one with the help of an ultrasound scan? This is a little man with arms, legs, a heart ... With a bad and good mood, in a comfortable, or not very, posture. So how does he tell you about all this? Naturally - in jerks.

A very common occurrence is a child's hiccups. Experts say that it does not pose any danger to the baby and does not cause unpleasant sensations in him. But now mommy will feel it in the form of rhythmic jolts inside herself. Such episodes can occur up to several times a day.

Think of the weekly pregnancy calendar. This will also help you understand why your baby is moving. It often requires your attention as early as 21 weeks.

Recognizing your voice, the voice of dad, distinguishing loud sounds and a gentle melody, reacting to light, he will naturally let you know about his feelings and preferences. Undoubtedly, many already established mothers return with nostalgia to their "pregnant" days.

We remember very well how the toddler calmed down in the womb, if mom was upset or angry ... And how carefully he reminded of himself when the storm of emotions subsided ... And who does not remember the "dance" nights! Barely dragging her legs to the bed, the expectant mother plunges into the long-awaited relaxation, and ... it didn't work! The period of wakefulness begins in the stomach! The kid is still living according to his schedule and is not going to take into account your adjustments.

The baby can perform up to 500 different movements per day. Naturally, you will not hear everything. After all, the perceptibility of movements depends on many factors: the amount of intrauterine water, the thickness of the abdominal wall, the position of the child and the placenta, the baby's mobility, the sensitivity of the mother.

Starting from the 32nd week of pregnancy, the position of the fetus in the uterine cavity can be determined by the movement of the baby. If he is in breech presentation, you will feel the tremors in the lower abdomen. And if the toddler "stomps" above the navel, it means the head presentation. By the end of pregnancy, the baby is also preparing for birth. His movements are already more rare, but not absent in any way.

The absence of any movement for more than 12 hours is a serious reason to see a doctor.

In addition, you will need a gynecologist's consultation if the child's movements are too infrequent, sluggish, or, conversely, violent, painful. In any case, this indicates the suffering of the fetus. Most often, this condition is caused by hypoxia - oxygen starvation.

But experts disagree on how to distinguish this pathology. Some believe that with hypoxia, the fetus becomes too violent, while others - on the contrary. However, no matter how your baby lets you know that he is not getting enough oxygen, take his cues into account.

After all, hypoxia often becomes the cause of fetal death. The reasons for the appearance of hypoxia are very different: diabetes mellitus, anemia, cardiovascular disease, fetal disease and much more. Only a doctor can confirm or deny such a diagnosis.

For this, ultrasound is usually performed, heart sounds are heard, and CTG is also performed.

Cardiotocography is a very informative method for assessing the condition of the fetus. In this examination, the baby's heartbeat is recorded for 1 hour.

The norm is not monotonous, but variable heart rate, which ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute. With severe fetal hypoxia, the heartbeat is up to 90 beats per minute.

In this case, an immediate caesarean section is performed if the pregnancy is more than 30 weeks.

Many doctors recommend that pregnant women do fetal movement tests on their own. D. Pearson's "Count to ten" test is widely used. It should be carried out from the 28th week of pregnancy. From 9 o'clock in the morning to 9 o'clock in the evening, the movements are counted. The time of the 10th stirring is recorded daily on a special card. If your baby is inactive, contact your doctor.

Usually violent or weak movement lends itself to "persuasion" and "training". It is believed that the baby reacts sharply to the uncomfortable position of the mother. Especially when lying down. And as soon as she rolls over, the child calms down.

If, on the contrary, you need to stir up the toddler, it is recommended to eat something sweet. After all, carbohydrates are the first and very quickly to enter the bloodstream. The kid gets a portion of dessert and it makes him cheer up.

Still, your main task is to maintain a good mood. Do not under any circumstances run a panic count of every flip and thrust. Enjoy communication with your angel.

Pay as much attention to him as possible, take care of your health, watch your diet and daily routine. Have family gatherings. The kid will be happy to listen to a fairy tale from dad, a lullaby from mom. Let the stirring of your unborn baby bring only joy.

After all, this state is fleeting and nothing can return it to you. Don't miss the most touching moment of your life!

Especially for beremennost.net - Tanya Kivezhdiy

Source: http://beremennost.net/shevelenie-ploda-pri-beremennosti

Butterflies in my stomach? When and why does the baby move in the womb

So you are pregnant. That is why no global cataclysms can compare with your anxiety about when you will begin to feel the movements of your priceless treasure and how you will react to them. Be patient a minute - now you will find out everything. We will try to quickly answer all your questions.

When the child starts to move

If you are preparing to become a mother for the first time, tune in to wait until 18-22 weeks. If you have already given birth, then about two weeks earlier than you heard your first child. I wonder why? - Here we have explained in detail.

How to understand that a child is moving

Believe me, expectant mothers begin to listen to their tummy the moment the pregnancy test becomes weakly positive.

But at the same time, most of them are still at first mistaken, mistaking intestinal peristalsis for long-awaited movements (easier - gases). This is understandable: the growing uterus takes up more and more space, tightening the intestinal loops.

Therefore, the woman begins to feel the movement of air bubbles along them, which yesterday passed completely unnoticed for her.

How to distinguish fetal movements from simple physiology? Most mothers describe this difference as follows: “Gas is short tremors in different parts of the abdomen that do not cause any emotions.

But if from the tickling that appears, as if a butterfly spreads its wings, or a tiny kitten scratches, you want to laugh quietly with happiness - this cannot be gases! " We agree - how can you argue with pregnant women? The main thing is to look at the calendar at this time: have you already exceeded the gestational age for at least 15 weeks? And enjoy! And at the end of the story we will add a reason for your joy.

When a child moves, does it hurt?

What are you doing! It is very pleasant when it moves.... Every day (or night) you feel how the growing toddler is getting bigger and stronger.

What else does mommy need to be happy? But after 34 weeks, when an excessively insolent child begins to kick you from the inside, sweetly stretching or gaining more space for yourself, then you will want to curse more than once, grabbing at bruised ribs or liver. That's when you realize that you no longer belong to yourself.

And that it is too late to bring up the treasure: all that remains is to negotiate. You just prudently conclude a truce before giving birth and you will obediently sleep on one side, turning so that the baby doll can lie down more comfortably.

How a child should move

Only one thing can be said for sure: he MUST move. After about 22 weeks, you MUST experience it every day: more and more. But how often and how much - everything is individual. People are very different, including the tiny little people living in the tummy of mothers.

And mothers are different! The mass and muscle strength of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid and the place of attachment of the placenta, the thickness of the fatty omentum under the skin of the abdomen in pregnant women differ. Add to the piggy bank the differences that normally affect the activity of movements, the temperament of the little man, the emotionality and attitude towards the pregnancy of his mother.

But there are still various diseases, for example, anemia, preeclampsia, genetic abnormalities, intrauterine infections, fetal-placental insufficiency.

We will not list the entire huge list of reasons. Let's just say that by about 30 weeks, any pregnant woman, with the help of her gynecologist, begins to perfectly understand the movements of her beloved child.

She already knows his daily routine: when he will definitely wake her up at night, and during the day it will be sweet to sleep for a long time. He learns about the baby's musical and food addictions, about his character.

And he will even be able to determine how he lies in the womb.

How often should the child move

From about 30 weeks, an already experienced (why? - see above) attentive mother can become a reliable assistant to a gynecologist and a protector of her baby.

To do this, she just needs to control how often and how actively (in comparison with the usual crumbs norm) he moves.

It is believed that every hour (except for the usual periods of deep sleep), the mother should hear at least 6 movements, in 6 hours - more than 10, in 12 hours - at least 2 times per hour. If the child moves unusually weakly, or is completely quiet for 3 hours, this is a reason to quickly see a gynecologist.

Why does the child move during labor

We hope you are referring to training contractions and not actual labor contractions. Because during childbirth, the fetus is so strongly compressed by the uterus that it cannot actively move. Yes, and you have to go to the hospital, and not think "why".

And here after the training bout, the kids really move... Even those who are sound asleep wake up and turn and turn discontentedly.

The reason is that in addition to the sudden hardening of the walls of the uterus, they feel a little oxygen deprivation. That is, it is a useful workout for preparing not only the muscles of the uterus for childbirth, but also the child's body.

So he will be able to tolerate much more hypoxia much more calmly during real contractions and attempts.

Why is the child actively moving

The main reasons:

Woke up, stretched;

Cheered up after my mother ate sweets;

Helps Mommy get nervous - no matter why;

Dissatisfied with the fact that his mother pressed him, uncomfortably turning in bed or leaning strongly forward while sitting on a chair;

- suffers oxygen deprivation and kicks the placenta about it.

In the latter case, the mother experiences unusually active and even painful tremors, as if the child is restlessly rushing about. If this continues for more than a minute or repeats, it is better to play it safe and seek help.... The doctor will listen to the fetal heartbeat, suggest doing a cardiotocography and assess the baby's condition. And mom will be calmer this way.

The child began to move less

Regular sleep is essential for proper development... Do you know that a newborn baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day, waking up only to eat? Where do you think he trained like that?

The second reason, which is the absolute norm, is preparation for childbirth.... About a week before birth, most babies are much less active. But there are certain temperamental personalities who do not calm down until the very birth. Especially if mom has polyhydramnios.

Of course, there are diseases and pathological conditions during pregnancy, in which the fetus may move weaker. Therefore, do not hesitate and feel free to go to the doctor if you start to worry. Firstly, anxiety is harmful for a pregnant woman, and secondly, this way you will once again prove how much you are carrying the child you want. Therefore, you will only be greeted with a knowing smile.

Does the baby hiccup?

Yes, you are not mistaken. In the second half of pregnancy, prolonged rhythmic shaking of the mother's tummy several times a day is really a hiccup.

True, it does not indicate indigestion in the crumbs, but about training his breathing muscles... This means that the fetus is developing absolutely normally.

Therefore, although it does not look very much like butterflies in the stomach, laugh with happiness! Well, or at least smile.

Why does the child push hard in the stomach

The baby in the womb is moving violently - has something really happened? Every expectant mother is worried about the state of her child in the womb. In the early stages, the baby's well-being is monitored using various tests and ultrasound, which the pregnant woman goes through on schedule. From about 18 weeks (for some earlier, for others a couple of weeks later), a woman carrying a fetus has the opportunity to control the development of her baby through his movements. It is during these periods that he reaches such dimensions that his mother can finally feel his movements.

When everything happens as the doctors warn and is described in the books, then the expectant mother is calm and experiences only joy from the signals from the abdomen. The norm is the presence of a child's physical activity in an amount of at least 10 episodes per day. Frequent or, on the contrary, more rare movements may indicate some deviations.

The most common statement is that the fetus moves very much when there is a lack of oxygen - hypoxia. There are many reasons for its occurrence. These are disorders in the mother's body (kidney disease, diabetes mellitus), and the lack of certain elements in the blood (low hemoglobin), and the ecology, and bad habits of the pregnant woman. Hypoxia is dangerous as a violation of the development of the fetus, because he simply does not have enough oxygen. The earlier it begins and the longer it lasts, the greater its impact.

In order to improve the blood supply to the placenta, the baby actively kneads it with arms and legs. And mom can feel it perfectly. According to other statements, a fetus experiencing oxygen starvation, on the contrary, reduces the number of its movements. He simply has no strength for them. This can be observed if hypoxia has already reached a high degree of development.

Talking about hypoxia is not at all in order to scare expectant mothers. After all, the main reasons why the child moves a lot in the stomach are by no means so critical. The culprit can be eating a certain food (for example, sour lemon) or an abundance of glucose. That is, the eaten chocolate will give the baby energy for active self-expression.

The baby can start charging if his mother does not do it. The child pushes hard, provoking his parent to move, walk in the fresh air, because this is so necessary for a full flow of oxygen to the placenta. The little man already has his own character and may turn out to be simply a quickie. Then the stomach will shake, but it will be absolutely normal.

The child actively moves in the stomach and when he sleeps well. This usually happens closer to the night, when mom, on the contrary, is getting ready for bed. In a word, if you are under the good supervision of doctors and are already familiar with the regime and temperament of your baby, then active movements should not cause anxiety. It is worth paying attention to them only if this has not been observed before, and you have noticed that the fetus's behavior has changed over time. In this case, report your suspicions to your doctor for an additional examination.

Often, young mothers say that before giving birth, the child moves a lot, and not vice versa freezes, as described in the literature for pregnant women. Usually, this increased activity is observed precisely with the onset of contractions. The uterus contracts, the child begins to periodically experience a lack of oxygen and physical discomfort, and therefore pushes. But in childbirth, this should not cause much excitement, since doctors monitor the condition of the fetus in the hospital.

When the baby begins to move in the mother's tummy, this is a very important moment. For all expectant mothers, this topic is very much in demand. After all, every time you worry about whether the baby started kicking and whether he is active enough. To dispel all experiences, it is worth dotting the "and". I just want to stipulate right away that every woman has her own physiology, and there are no strict norms in this matter.

When, at how many months does the baby start kicking in the first and second pregnancy?

This period cannot even be compared with anything. It is at the moment when the child pushed his tummy for the first time that you take off to seventh heaven with happiness. And after that you begin to realize that there is a new life inside you. Yes, believe me, many (especially young mothers) do not immediately understand all responsibility and, in general, what is happening to them. And up to five months, most of the tummy can be barely noticeable.

When this happens:

  1. Let's just say that the baby is alive and all the time that it is in the tummy, it moves. This is natural and normal. The fact is that in the early stages the baby is so tiny that any of its jolts are not felt. Yes, and he is behind so many protective layers (meaning, the placenta, uterus and amniotic fluid). And he also does not reach the walls of the uterus itself.
  2. The baby is growing up and already the movement of the leg towards the mother's tummy becomes noticeable. This happens on average for 20 weeks during the first pregnancy.
  3. During the second and subsequent pregnancies, this important moment will come a little earlier - at 18 weeks.
  4. But! It happens that the mother begins to feel the baby's movements at 16 or even 15 weeks of pregnancy. And there are times when the child starts kicking only for 24-25 weeks. Neither in the first nor in the second case you need to worry (pregnant women should not be nervous at all). It is better to rejoice in every moment of your special situation.

So that there are no unanswered questions, let's take a closer look at this nuance. Why do babies kick at such different times and what is the norm:

  • The first reason is weak perceptibility and, perhaps, not even awareness of what happened. After all, the baby pushes very weakly in the early stages. Here we will immediately answer why during the first pregnancy this happens a little later. For the second time, the expectant mother knows all the sensations, and what they should be.
  • An important role is played by the weight of the fetus. Yes, you will feel the leg of a larger baby faster.
  • Also, the weight of the expectant mother makes its own adjustments. Slender girls will feel faster when the baby starts kicking. And those with a greater thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, naturally, will feel the movement a little later.
  • And, of course, the sensitivity threshold. Every woman has her own. Therefore, this is such an individual question that doctors set such a long period within the normal range. But, of course, no later than 25 weeks. Otherwise, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.
  • And also, the activity of the intestines of a young mother affects. Sometimes, due to its increased work, it can overshadow the movement of the fetus.
  • Also, the temperament, character and mode of the future baby are already manifested.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid also contributes. The more there are, the less expressive the sensations will be. And with their small number, of course, the opposite is true.
  • Also, the location of the placenta plays a role. Those in which it is adjacent to the back wall of the uterus will feel fetal movements a little earlier.
  • Well, and, of course, the state of health of the crumbs has to do with it. I think there is no need to delve into this topic in detail.
  • By the way, the fact - whether the child is desired has a great influence. As a rule, mothers feel the shocks of planned and long-awaited children faster.

How a baby kicks in the stomach: sensations

Words cannot convey such sensations, they need to be felt. Any mother will say, especially to her still unmarried girlfriend (who is time to have her own children). Yes, it really feels good. But, rather, not physically, but spiritually.

The sensations of how the baby kicks will change during the growth process. And this is natural:

  • In the very first terms, somewhere before the 15th week, it was already stipulated above that the movements are simply not perceptible. Rumbling in the stomach gives more signals. There are cases when mothers claim that they hear the baby (especially young ones who want to feel it on themselves as soon as possible). Sometimes, indeed, at an early stage, you can faintly notice his movements, but they are often confused with normal intestinal activity. Especially considering the fact that pregnant women have increased gas production.
  • After 15 weeks sensations are already more noticeable and understandable. That is why most mothers begin to feel how the baby is kicking. Naturally, they can be different for each mother. But on average, the tremors are pleasant, barely noticeable, reminiscent of a kind of gurgling. Some have compared it to a flutter or even the touch of a feather. But over time, this feather will show which bird is sitting in the mother's tummy.
  • After 20 weeks, movements become apparent. You can catch some of his movements. By the way, he can still turn and somersault. Therefore, it is still difficult to understand whether he kicked or kicked. The sensation is a bit like a fish swimming. She splashes in the water, and her movements are even pleasant. The movements become like a push. For example, he could touch his leg. But they are very delicate and light. By the way, during this period, the baby can hiccup and mom can understand this. It will be rhythmic twitching within yourself. Especially, they will be noticeable in the supine position.

  • Closer to 24 weeks tremors can not be confused with anything. Sometimes even kicks or kicks can make it difficult to fall asleep.
  • 25 week are considered the peak of the baby's activity. He still has room to spare, and is strong enough for more wakefulnesses. On average, there should be at least 10 tremors per day somewhere. By the way, it should be borne in mind that each baby has its own regime. Children also sleep in the tummy, which means they are not active. Feels like it's already real shoving.
  • TO 28 weeks the child takes a head-down position. The foot stop or the impact of the cam is already becoming noticeable. But, if the child has not yet accepted such a position, then he should not be afraid or worried. He has another 8 weeks left. That is, closer to 36 weeks, the baby will take the correct position.
  • As a rule, after 32 weeks the child kicks not very pleasantly. Often expectant mothers complain that the baby kicks strongly in one side or interferes with lying normally. That is, he already indicates an uncomfortable position. If the mother went to bed incorrectly, then the baby will immediately let know about it with kicks in the side. And it is worth changing the position, as the child calms down. The leg can already be clearly seen or even probed by hand (when he put it out). Every day the baby becomes more and more cramped in his home and his mother clearly feels any of his movements.

Why is the child violently and painfully, very often kicks in the stomach?

Mothers are interested in this issue, mainly at a later date. The baby is still too weak in the early weeks and has enough room not to cause discomfort to the mother. But any changes in your body need to be discussed with your doctor. Especially those aspects that make you uncomfortable or worried. Let's consider those cases when you need to urgently go to the hospital, and when it is within the normal range.

  • The most uncomfortable reason why a child is pushing hard or too actively is that the mother is uncomfortable lying. Yes, it is worth rolling over on the other side or changing a sitting position for too long, as the baby calms down.
  • Also, the baby can express his dissatisfaction. Already at this age, the baby can show his character. Maybe he doesn't like some external smells or the taste of food. Or maybe mom is listening to music too loudly (or just tastes do not match). Naturally, you need to change the environment.
  • And it may sound strange, but the baby sometimes does not like what the mother does. Especially if the activity takes a long time. For example, a mother sits for a long time in an uncomfortable position for the baby and embroiders or watches TV. Well, you just need to change the type of activity. Or at least just stretch out after a long sitting position.

  • Everyone knows that a child experiences all her emotions with her mother. Therefore, take a closer look at yourself. Perhaps you have been a little nervous for a few days or have not slept well recently, and the baby is feeling your fatigue. In this case, you should drink tea with chamomile or mint, calm down or fall asleep.
  • By the way, in terms of food, you also need to be careful. Sometimes too acidic or spicy food can provoke over-active behavior of the baby.
  • While the baby is in the mother's tummy, he perfectly hears everything that happens outside. Listen, maybe the kid is just glad to hear dad who came home after a long day at work.
  • But what to do if everything is in order with nutrition, the posture and activity have been changed, everything is in perfect order with the nerves, and the baby will not calm down in any way. It is necessary to inform the doctor about this as soon as possible. It happens that the baby lacks oxygen. And such a problem can be solved only with medication. Most importantly, do not let the question take its course and do not self-medicate.

Why does the child kick in the stomach on one side, in the left, right side, in the lower abdomen?

The timing of his kicks can be completely different, as can the intensity of the kick. Above we have already figured out what is considered the norm. But most mothers are confused by the fact that the baby is only pushed from one side.

  • This is more than normal. After all, our arms and legs are on the same side (more precisely, they bend in one direction). That is, you do not feel the jolts from the side where the back is. This is the first plus - it means that the child is doing well with development.
  • The second plus is that he does not change his position or does it extremely rarely. This means that there is less chance that the baby will decide to turn his head up before giving birth.
  • The left or right side, most likely, simply indicates where the child is turning. That is, if it kicks on the left side, then the backrest is on the right side. And even more often and stronger blows are obtained by the leg.

  • By the way! There is such a sign - from which side the baby kicks more often. If there are main shocks on the right side, then there will be a boy. If in the left side the baby most often reminds of himself, then this is a girl.
  • If the baby kicks in the lower abdomen, then this is not a reason to panic. Yes, the child has turned over and his legs are at the bottom. But nothing terrible happened. If this happened after 36 weeks, then you should be on your guard. Indeed, in the future it will be very difficult for the baby to roll over. Although, there are times when the baby turns over almost just before childbirth (this happens with both the right and wrong position).

How often should the baby push in the belly?

On this occasion, many expectant mothers, to put it mildly, are worried. There are even some mothers who try to stir up the baby by gently pushing the belly. And there are children who do not allow them to sleep peacefully even at night.

  • I would like to note right away that you do not need to focus too much on this. Believe me, when you start calculating his tremors, you only find another reason to be nervous. No, you don't need to let such a thing take its course. Just listen to your baby's behavior.
  • On average, a child should push mom at least 10 times a day. If the period is short, then the movements, of course, are less. For example, for 20 weeks there are up to 4 strokes.
  • But! This is the average. It happens that someone's baby is too active and makes much more pushing. And for some, the child is more passive and may not make it to 10.

  • Sometimes it happens that the baby is tired and not too awake today. Naturally, it depends on the mother's regimen. Maybe she walked a lot today or stood for a long time. You need to lie down, rest and let the baby relax.
  • It is believed that the 10 wiggle should occur before 5 pm. But practice shows that each baby has its own regime. Some have just woken up for night dances or football. And there are those who wake up their mother at 4-5 in the morning by kicking her.
  • Therefore, consider your individual regime (more precisely, your crumbs). Be sure to tell your doctor when your peak of activity falls. But, if all the indicators and analyzes are normal, you and your baby are feeling well, then there is no reason to be nervous.
  • An alarming signal will be that the baby moves little and feels pain in the lower abdomen (sharp or aching). This is a reason to immediately go to the hospital.

Does the baby kick before childbirth, during labor

Often, expectant mothers, especially young ones, do not pay due attention to the movement of the baby before giving birth. And if rapid childbirth occurs, then it is not at all before. Perhaps this is due to the excitement that awaits the baby and mother the day before. But often this fact can serve as a signal.

  • Immediately before childbirth, even before the contractions begin, the child stops kicking his mother so actively. It is not always possible to pick up this signal. After all, the baby was most active in the evening, and in the morning he was born.
  • By the way, primiparas are often hospitalized long before the important moment. And the expectant mother is in anticipation and even mild excitement. This is fine. Therefore, the baby's movements are often missed.

  • If the baby has become not so active or has stopped kicking his mother in the side altogether, then the contractions will begin soon.
  • During the weddings themselves, the baby is also preparing for birth. And the pain is so strong that it is impossible to catch his movements. It's just not up to the accounts, how and how many times the baby pushed with his foot.
  • No, the kid is moving. It's just that now his actions are directed in a different direction. After all, he also participates in the process of childbirth. Therefore, some argue that childbirth should take place without anesthesia. Thus, the mother fully feels the baby.

That is why doctors (or a special apparatus) are connected to check the baby's heartbeat. Especially if the labor is slightly delayed.

Video: How does the baby push in the mother's belly?

08/18/2017 / Heading: / Mari no comments

Expectant mothers are very worried and afraid to miss the first fetal movement during pregnancy. However, cute pushes are not just a pleasant feeling of oneness with their little miracle, but also an accurate indicator of the correct development and well-being of the baby. Even in the tummy, the baby can quite clearly explain to his mother what he wants. What movements indicate discomfort, and when should you run to the hospital? How to properly keep track of fetal activity?

When did the baby learn to move?

The baby begins to move much earlier than the moment when the mother feels the first shocks.

Muscular activity is manifested long before the formation of the nervous system, skeleton and other organs. Already on the 21st day of pregnancy, a small heart beats. By the beginning of the 9th week, the nervous system is formed, the first reflexes appear. At the ninth week, the baby swallows amniotic water, which in fact is already a rather complex movement.

It is known from school biology lessons that the musculature of the human face consists of several dozen muscles. He can hiccup. At the 10th week, a small miracle is able to independently change the trajectory of its movement, but is still unnoticed by the mother. At the 16th week of development, the baby is able to distinguish sounds and react to them. Differs in intonation, feels the mood of the mother. A week later, he opens and closes his eyes, blinks.

At the 18th week, the little man already knows a lot:

  • touches the umbilical cord with tiny handles,
  • clenches and unclenches the fists,
  • touches the head
  • changes the position of the body.

At what stage of pregnancy do babies learn to manipulate their mother and create comfort on their own?

In the course of research, some covered their faces with pens when they heard unpleasant or loud sounds.

In the early stages, the concept of comfort is formed and the understanding comes that it is capable of influencing the intensity of external stimuli. The crumb will make the mother roll over from her back to one side with strong jolts or remind her that it is important to stay calm when the pregnant woman gets nervous.

Movement is the only way to communicate with mom, to communicate your feelings. By the nature and intensity of the movements of the mother and the doctors, they judge the condition of the baby.

How to recognize a baby's first greeting?

From the day when the baby first kicked her mother's tummy, women perceive the fetus as a child, feel like a future mother in full measure. This is what psychologists say.

Mommies are afraid to miss the first fetal movements during the first pregnancy, because they do not know what they look like. But later they say: "... this cannot be confused with anything, it is unforgettable."

Often, pregnant women describe their feelings as follows:

  • an air bubble has risen to the surface;
  • the fish perked up;
  • a butterfly in closed palms is trying to take off;
  • the ball rolled over.

In addition to beautiful poetic comparisons, women most of all attribute the similarity of the baby's first movements to banal flatulence. Since during pregnancy, the digestive system "lives by its own rules" and often "pleases with surprises", mothers can miss the first hesitant tremors of the crumbs, mistaking them for intestinal peristalsis.

You can feel your baby even at the 13th week. When they say that every pregnancy is individual, we are talking about all the processes. Doctors draw the attention of mothers to the period of 16-22 weeks of pregnancy, when you should carefully listen to the baby.

20-22 weeks - the period when the baby's movements become more orderly and resemble a newborn. In 30 minutes, a five-month-old man is able to make 20-60 different movements. And if you take into account that the baby has also grown up, then it is impossible to miss the shakes or to confuse with something. At this time, the movements become distinct, and primiparous mothers should not be afraid that they will not be able to recognize them.

Important! If the baby does not make itself felt at 22 weeks of gestation, you should see a doctor.

When does the period of perceptible shaking begin?

Starting from 24 weeks, the child continuously communicates with the mother in the only way available to him - movement. A pregnant woman learns to understand the baby even before it is born. A lot can be judged by the "behavior" of the crumbs.

The little man reports joy, anxiety, well-being, discomfort, even his temperament. And he will also be able to "say hello" to dad and loved ones who are looking forward to him. At 6 months, movement is felt on the surface of the tummy.

The movement of the fetus is incredibly pleasant to feel, especially during the first pregnancy, and even the simplest and surest way of self-diagnosis. By decreasing or increasing the activity of the baby, the mother should judge his condition and inform the doctor in time.

Important! Lack of movement for 12 hours is unacceptable. The activity rate for a six-month-old fetus is 10-15 movements per hour, with intervals of 3-4 hours, when the baby is asleep.

Excessive activity can indicate discomfort. The child thus asks the mother to sit down or lie down more comfortably, or vice versa, to take a walk. When a woman lies on her back, the fetus compresses large veins and receives less oxygen. Subsequently, the mother may feel intense tremors. The same effect can be observed if you sit in the cross-legged position for a long time.

It is enough to roll over on one side or sit down in a more suitable pregnant way: on the edge of a chair, legs slightly apart so that the tummy sits down comfortably. When mommy sits at the computer for a long time or on the road, you need to take breaks and easy feasible gymnastics, stop and get out of the car more often. Otherwise, irritable kicks won't keep you waiting long.

It usually calms down after a while after the annoying factor has been eliminated. But if the child drumming tirelessly for several hours or days, the movements deliver pain to the pregnant woman, this should not be tolerated. The doctor can more accurately determine the cause of the restless behavior.

Fidget is maximally mobile during the period of 24-32 weeks. Further, the frequency of movements decreases, but the strength remains the same or increases. The 25th week of pregnancy is the time when the body is fully formed and now it only remains to grow. This means that the tummy house is getting closer and closer. When the abdomen drops and the baby is inserted into the birth canal with the head, it becomes completely uncomfortable to move. It turns out only to stretch the arms or legs.

Many mothers note that before giving birth, the baby completely calms down and prepares to be born. But there are also more temperamental ones who violently react to the constraint of freedom of movement.

Important! In the later stages, the movement of the child can cause discomfort and even pain. Most often in the hypochondrium. It's not scary - it's just very cramped for the crumbs.

Why do mothers feel their babies at different times?

Primiparous mothers simply torment themselves with the question: when can you feel the treasured tremors? There are several factors that affect the sensitivity of the mother:

  1. weight - the mother will feel the jolts of a large child earlier;
  2. individual sensitivity;
  3. mother's body constitution - skinny mothers feel movement earlier than those who are gaining weight intensively;
  4. bowel problems;
  5. amniotic fluid volume.

Let the sensations of pregnant women be far from unambiguous, but all children begin to move actively and orderly from 16-18 weeks. Before that, all movements are more like a reflex chaotic muscle contraction.

Important! Late movement is not always a sign of deviation. This is often the result of inaccuracies in calculating the gestational age. With an extended cycle, the difference between obstetric and real terms can be 1-3 weeks. But playing it safe and going to the doctor once again will not hurt.

What is the difference between wiggling during a second pregnancy?

For the second time or during the third pregnancy, the mommy feels her baby 1-3 weeks earlier, which is the only difference. First, it has to do with experience. A woman with knowledge of the matter will no longer confuse the long-awaited tremors with anything else.

Secondly, such sensitivity is also associated with the uterus, which has not fully returned to its original state after the birth of the older child. The abdominal muscles become weaker, so the belly is noticeable much earlier.

If movement is felt only in the lower abdomen

By the location of the pushes, the mother can determine the location of the baby in the tummy. If movement is observed above the navel, then the child is in the correct position with the head down. But the movement in the lower abdomen speaks in favor of the breech presentation, that is, with the legs or buttocks down.

But don't worry. Before 32 weeks, there is a high probability that the baby will roll over on its own. In medical practice, there are cases when babies took the correct position a few days before giving birth. Also, the doctor can help the baby roll over. But even if he is stubborn and does not want to wait for the birth with his head down, then with modern medicine the outcome of childbirth will be positive in any case.

The situation is more complicated with the transverse presentation. The child is in a lying position, that is, the legs and head are on the sides, and the shoulder is facing the birth canal. In such a situation, natural childbirth is excluded. The baby is born by caesarean section. However, there is no need to worry: transverse presentation is a very rare occurrence.

Reduced tone of the muscles of the uterus and abdomen also leads to movement in the lower abdomen. Sometimes this is accompanied by discomfort in the perineal region. Most often observed in mothers with a second pregnancy or more.

Fibroids or fibroma of the uterus make their own adjustments to pregnancy, as they interfere with the baby in a cramped tummy. And if the head does not have enough space next to the neoplasm, then there will be legs.

High water allows the baby to constantly roll over and it is difficult for doctors to predict exactly how the baby is going to be born. But the mother, by wiggling, will understand what position the baby is in.

An insufficient amount of amniotic fluid, on the contrary, constrains movement and the baby may not have time to take the correct position.

How to understand a kid?

There are several methods of counting the number of movements of the baby, which are based on the principle of "count to ten." The only difference is the term and the subject of the study. The most famous are:

  1. Md Pearson;
  2. md Cardiff;
  3. Sadovsky test;
  4. British test.

The first three techniques are most commonly used. D. Pirson's technique is based on maintaining a special calendar of movements starting from the 28th week. Mommy listens to the hairs from 9:00 to 21:00. The time of the tenth movement is recorded in the calendar.

Calculation algorithm:

  1. we fix the time of the first stir;
  2. movements of any nature other than hiccups are considered: jolts, rolls, coups;
  1. the time of the 10th wiggle is entered.

What the results indicate:

  • a twenty-minute interval between the first and 10th stirring signals the correct development of the crumbs;
  • the duration of the study of 30-40 minutes is also acceptable, perhaps the baby was resting or has a calm character;
  • when an hour or more passes from the beginning of counting to the 10th movement, mom should not hesitate to go to the doctor.

For the Cardiff method, the same table can be used. In this case, the key point is the rate of movement in the same time frames 9: 00-21: 00. In other words, if in the allotted 12 hours the crumb has reminded of itself at least 10 times, meaning everything is fine. When the mother does not manage to count the required number of tremors, it means that the baby is feeling unwell.

The Sadowski Method monitors the baby’s reaction to his mom’s meals. A pregnant woman should listen to movements within an hour after eating. If you manage to count 4 or more, then everything is fine.

If the reaction is weak, you need to repeat the study after the next meal.

Important! A deviation of 1.5 times from the norm in one direction or another indicates problems with the baby's health.

Strong movement of the baby often signals hypoxia. In a neglected state, excessive activity is replaced by sluggish expressionless movements.

For timely diagnosis, ultrasound and CTG (cardiotocography) are performed. CTG allows you to assess the baby's heartbeat and make the correct diagnosis. The study lasts about 30 minutes, during which the mother records all the baby's movements using a special sensor. While driving, the frequency should increase by 15-20 beats.

Important! Your baby's heartbeat shouldn't be monotonous. Heart rate ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute.

Hypoxia is evidenced by:

  • 60-90 beats per minute;
  • monotonous heartbeat;
  • lack of response to movement.

Minor deviations from the norm are corrected by special therapy aimed at improving blood flow in the placenta. Severe hypoxia is an indication for immediate caesarean section, if time permits. Also, mommy can be assigned dopplerometry. It is recommended to undergo CTG once a week, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy.

Can the baby be moved or reassured?

Mothers note that the baby often "moves" when the mother tries to lie down or sleep. Also, the crumb responds after a delicious dinner. Doctors say that the baby has more energy to move.

Babies enjoy the gentle wiggle in their tummy when shopping or doing household chores. During this time they sleep more often. After birth, this habit persists for a long time. Many have to be lulled for a long time, carried in their arms, rocked in a stroller. And when mommy tries to lie down, the baby, apparently, becomes bored and uninteresting.

To stir up the baby, you can eat something tasty and lie down to rest. Or vice versa, do light gymnastics, take a walk, listen to music, and then relax. The kid will surely please his mother with a friendly kick. In addition, at rest, the mother becomes more sensitive.

Dad's communication with a little miracle is also important. The touch and voice of the dad soothes both the baby and the mom after the stress or excitement. And vice versa, the baby will want to thank dad for communicating and stroking his tummy.


Panic is not the best advisor in any situation, especially when carrying a beloved child. At whatever stage of pregnancy a woman is, a timely correct decision and awareness of all issues will get rid of most of the problems.

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