Happy birthday cards for your male boss. Happy birthday greetings to the boss man Animated birthday cards to the boss

The Fair of Masters is a hypermarket that brings together many handmade stores from different sellers from all over the world. Buyers and craftsmen cooperate directly, without paying additional markups and commissions from intermediaries. The craftsmen themselves set the prices of the work and the terms of delivery and payment, and they themselves send the purchase to the customer. Please note that each store at the Crafts Fair may use different ways payment and delivery - choose the one from those presented that suits you best. You discuss all the stages and make a purchase directly from the seller, which means you do not need to communicate with third parties - you will be able to quickly and completely find out all the most important things and buy the product first-hand. Did you choose what you liked? Check all the details with the master by contacting him through “Messages” - discuss all the nuances in a personal conversation and make adjustments if necessary. And our extensive and detailed catalog will allow you to very quickly choose what you need - filters by price, color, keywords and materials used by the craftsmen will come to your aid. Author's photographs, detailed description, sizes and detailed customer reviews will form a complete picture - you will get a clear idea of ​​what you are going to purchase. If you have found what you need, but want to slightly change the look of this work, add or remove some detail, increase or decrease the size of the product, change the color, you have the opportunity to order what you want directly from the master. Happy shopping!

We have the best boss
Anything you could wish for.
And today there was a chance
Happy birthday to you.

We wish you good luck in your business
And all projects of implementation,
Let for every task
The right solution will be found.

May everything be alright with the family.
Good health and patience!
And don't forget to rest.
Success, wisdom, luck!

No, you are not just a person,
You are the team's amulet!
You lead us all forward,
And where you are, there is always success.

You, as a boss, are just a treasure,
Everyone is happy to work with you.
We wish you victories, awards,
Health, happiness, personal things are fine.

Profitable places, cool ideas,
Successful plans and undertakings,
Career and spiritual growth...
And happy birthday, our boss!

I congratulate you with all my heart on your birthday! I wish you to remain the same purposeful, successful and cheerful person! Let your dreams come true, because you deserve it! Be happy, healthy and always open to new and exciting experiences!

Happy birthday, boss,
Happy Birthday Mister Boss!
You are capable overnight
Resolve any issue.

You lead us
Wisely, firmly and skillfully,
Because we are next to you
I can handle any task!

We wish the boss happiness
In personal life and work.
We promise to try
So that incomes increase.

Let all your suggestions
Generate demand in people
Optimism and good luck,
Our dear Mr. Boss!

We wish that the goals are achieved
And so that subordinates do not let you down.
May all problems be resolved soon,
No need to worry about them.

We respect and appreciate you, believe me.
Feel free to trust us with any task.
I wish you health, wisdom, happiness and strength,
And may every day bring only joy!

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, boss.
There is only one question that torments us all:
What fate has gifted our team with
Yes, she gave us a super boss?
You are a real leader, a wonderful man,
And honesty and intelligence are two more reasons
Believe you, cooperate, respect you,
Openly be proud and consider it the best.
On your name day we wish you
Determination, strength, in spite of all winds.
Successes, good luck on all fronts.

Wish You happiness and health,
Many successful, bright days,
Let life be full of love,
Let every moment become brighter!

I wish you to live in abundance,
Let your income always grow
May everything be fine with you,
May joy await you ahead!

Happy birthday,
I wish you happiness, joy,
Always be on top -
Both in work and in work.
Being a boss isn't easy
So here's to growth in your career.
Lots of money, less troubles
And in everything there is always victory!

Enviable fates and victories,
Not knowing failures, troubles at all,
Bring ideas to life
And reach all heights in destiny!

Love, kindness in the family, warmth,
Celebrate your holiday with a bang,
Fun, happiness, all the beauty,
What life carefully gives us!

In career growth and in the soul,
Keep your enthusiasm within yourself,
Reach the farthest stars
Happy birthday, best boss!

Happy birthday, beloved boss!
We wish you all the best,
So that loved ones appreciate
And the hearth burned warmly.

Let health inspire you,
And let your income grow
And good luck is impressive,
They will gain momentum.

So that work successes
Added peace to my soul,
Greet every day with laughter,
With a sparkle, with courage!

We wish you profitable contracts,
We wish you profitable ideas,
Only positive contacts
And people's respect.

Let every ruble call for a hundred
Your friends to your wallet,
Your luck is irrevocable
It leads up the stairs.

The boss is the most main man in your life after relatives. Your salary, promotion, place in the team, and often your mood and well-being depend on it. And a boss is an authoritative, accomplished person who has reached certain heights in life, occupies not the last place in society, and deserves respect, first of all, from his subordinates.

And not only respect, but also good gift and happy birthday. And the gift comes with a card – what should it be? Of course – bright, colorful, made of quality materials, with a nice congratulatory text. A postcard for a male boss should be more strict and restrained in tone, just like a bouquet of flowers for him. A postcard for a woman leader – bright, colorful, cheerful.

To congratulate managers on their birthday, it is better to choose a classic card with or without an official text; you can write the text yourself. This way, without familiarity or insubordination, you will show your respect for their high position.

If your leaders are still young enough and you are in friendly relations– additionally, you can send them congratulations to mobile phone. And here funny or musical congratulations would be appropriate.

On this day, you can order congratulations for them, supposedly from Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Zhirinovsky and other famous politicians, public figures, famous artists and comedians.

You can send it to a woman director or boss on her mobile phone in the morning musical congratulations, this will cheer her up and make this day joyful and memorable.

And you can also send postcards to both women and men on this holiday by e-mail– you can find a lot of paid and free postcards for any holiday or event. Don't forget to congratulate them on this day in social networks– they also have their own pages and websites there.

On your colleague’s birthday, you can send the same messages - in poetry and prose, serious and funny, musical or voice, paper or electronic. You are on an equal footing with your colleagues, so humorous congratulations and cool gifts will be quite appropriate for a colleague, the main thing is not to overdo it with humor and gags. In addition, you can make a postcard for your colleague with your own hands and thus express your friendly feelings.

Postcards are a wonderful and inexpensive way to congratulate a person on a holiday or birthday; don’t forget about them, even if you bought a nice, expensive gift for him.