Happy New Year in your own words. Beautiful wishes for the new year in verse Congratulations new year is coming soon

The New Year is considered that bright and desired holiday, which every person on our planet is looking forward to. This is the time when any desires can come true, the time when the last year with its problems and difficulties is leaving, and the new one with hope, faith in the best and the opportunity to change everything steps on the threshold. In such magical holiday it is customary to congratulate all the people around with the best and warm words... That is why it is worth using short wishes for the New Year 2017, with the help of which you can easily and naturally congratulate any of your acquaintances.

Congratulations in prose

Use cool wishes in your own words for the year of the Rooster, so that it looks more realistic from the outside.

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year 2017 and wish you to do everything in the coming year that was not possible in
the current one. So that luck always keeps up with you, hope never leaves your heart, and faith in the best helped you cheer up with joy any challenge in life. Happy Holidays!

On this beautiful sunny day, I hasten to congratulate all the people I know a Happy New Year, and wish them that the mood that accompanies everyone today will not leave you until the end of this year. Happy Holidays!

I congratulate everyone on the New Year and wish health to be as strong as Epiphany frosts, love is as immense as the Big Dipper, and home comfort is as warm as summer sun... May all cherished dreams come true and life becomes better. Happy Holidays!

On the eve of each New Year, a person always has a lot of hopes for the next, therefore, during the chimes, we all make our deepest desires. May they all come true in 2017, and even so that happiness becomes boundless. Happy Holidays!

I will say briefly: those who want a child - triplets, those who dream of their own home - a house on the seashore, and those who have been looking for true love, let them find the most faithful and wonderful person in their life. Happy Holidays!

Since adults also dream of gifts from Santa Claus, may this New 2017 year he will give you successful acquaintances, memorable trips, big changes, a good salary, funny friends and great discoveries. Be happy and happy holiday!

May Santa Claus decide to stay with you until next December this New Year, and at the same time will not forget to present you constantly from his large red gift bag. And his granddaughter Snegurochka at this time will become a wonderful fairy, and will help you to realize all the most cherished dreams in life. Believe in a miracle, do not forget to dream and Happy Holidays!

I congratulate you on the New Year 2017 and wish that the New Year's snow has covered your home with great happiness, prosperity, faith in a better future, prosperity and boundless love. And also let Grandfather Frost fulfill all your desires. And, of course, more tangerine and candy with nuts. Happy Holidays!

For many, this day is truly magical, so let all sick children become healthy, lonely hearts find their love, the poor get wealth, and the unfortunate ones forget all their sorrows. I wish you all great health, more confidence in your own strengths and stable and endless happiness. Happy Holidays!

Congratulations on the arrival of the long-awaited 2017 Fire Rooster! May this obstinate and bright sign make your life much happier, more joyful and more magical than it was in 2016. I would also like to wish that in the coming year your life will be filled with something very joyful and unforgettable. Believe in a dream, love with all your heart and may everything be fine with you. Happy Holidays!

Congratulations in verse

Happy New Year
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Dreams come true!

Let the New Year give
A sea of ​​fulfilled hopes.
I wish you only happiness
Peace, money, long years.

Happy New Year!

May there be a lot of luck
Don't let the bad worry
Let the good come.
Let it be a wonderful year
Wonderful, kind, very cool.

New Year is a holiday of joy
On this day, there is neither anger nor disgust.
All insults and quarrels will be forgotten
And any wishes will come true.
Only warmth to your home,
And hope and faith ... Good!

Happy New Year,
I wish you all the best
To make life like a fairy tale -
Long, bright and beautiful.

Let the champagne sparkle
Let the tinsel sparkle.
Happy New Year.
Happiness, joy, goodness!

Happy New Year to you.
I wish you health, love,
Wealth and strength, patience,
Have a good mood.

May the New Year be successful
Will whirl you in a whirlwind of miracles.
Difficult tasks will be solved
Raise happiness to heaven!

Happy winter holiday!
Let the lights shine in your eyes
Let only good live in the heart
And in the house - comfort and warmth.

Leave troubles, stress
In the outgoing year,
Take with you to the new one
Only joy and dream.

I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart:
Twelve is on the clock soon!
Let happiness shine like a twinkle
In your sparkling eyes!

A bouquet of great wishes
Today is just for you.
May all wishes come true
Let fate only please!

A glass of champagne and toast, -
Hurry to make a wish -
May the New Year be easy and simple
Will give a miracle for the soul!

New year, the garlands are shining
And the balls swing
Let both adults and children
They will be happy, kind.
May good gifts
Santa Claus will bring everyone
And let it be bright all year
How a merry round dance!

May problems go away in the New Year
Good luck and success will come
Different dilemmas will be solved
Let laughter sound more often in the house.

Wish good health,
More affection and love!
Let the feast be joyful
May your dreams come true!

Use these small congratulations to express your best wishes to all your friends for the New 2017. Good luck!

Happy New Year! Magic,
Laughter, happiness and warmth,
Peace, joy, prosperity
And in all matters of order!

Let everything be gray, bad
The old year will take with it.
Henceforth, only bright moments
Create let the mood!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Have fun and laugh
Do not take offense at anything,
Life is easy and without worries
All to come New Year.

Enjoy every moment
And give your warmth
Always be positive
So that you are always lucky in everything!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and kindness!
Let all bad weather go around
Life will give you full gift!

Happy New Year! I wish that happiness and good luck become faithful companions for you! May your health be strong, and all year long you will be accompanied by only joyful events, positive emotions and success in all your endeavors! Let loved ones please, and the most cherished dreams come true!

I wish you this New Year
Less sadness and worries
More happiness and kindness,
Smiles, tenderness, warmth!

So that friends are faithful
And a very friendly family,
So that every day is successful
And so that there is enough strength for everything!

Well, also let the New Year
Will bring more money
Health, peace and love,
So that there is no winter in the heart!

Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness in life,
Many good wishes
Fulfillment of all dreams!

The brightest impressions
The most fabulous moments.
May this year bring you
Much joyful trouble!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish:
Happiness - only over the edge.
So that life is not life, but paradise.

Do not get sick and get enough sleep,
To remain an optimist
Inspire people around
For the fulfillment of ideas!

May fate keep you
And the angel is standing nearby!

I wish you peace and good
Love, warmth!
May this New Year for you
Will bring success and joy!

May the New Year open the doors
Into the world of magic, care, faith.
And all good things will begin!
Good luck may smile at you!

May this glorious New Year
Will give happiness and good luck
Will bring a lot of health
And an ocean of money to boot!

May all dreams come true
Let your smile shine brightly!
I wish you peace, kindness
AND wonderful gifts!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Sea of ​​happiness, sea of ​​laughter
And in all matters of success.

All wishes come true
And in everything there is only luck
Good health for future use
AND magic days clew.

I wish you a new year
Catch your luck on the go.
To surprise everyone, to have time for everything,
Laugh and not lose heart.

Love, hope and believe
And try on happiness for yourself,
And never grieve you
And it's just interesting to live!

The time has come when everyone can
New plans to dream
Think something carefully
Yes, everything under the tree to think.
I am glad to wish you a Happy New Year!
And late this evening
Let you Santa Claus in passing
Will give you happiness and warmth.
A herd of deer will come running to you
... they will bring gifts.
Rivers of goodness and delight to you,
Let comfort reign in you.

Oddly enough, but very many people strive to be original in literally everything, from the manner of speech, and ending with the style of worn clothes. We often look for originality in congratulations. In particular, we want the words that we will utter to be, so to speak, pioneers in the ears of every listener. After all, we have all seen such a picture more than once, when each participant of the holiday uttered, in fact, the same words. And you shouldn't blame them. In the end, the meaning of congratulations is identical, and eloquence is a talent that not everyone is endowed with.

If you are also thirsty, then try taking newest congratulations Happy New Year 2017 on Vlio's website. We have worked for a long time to collect in this section only the newest and most unusual words, which for most people will be something heard for the first time. Read on, choose a couple of ready-made options and arm your congratulatory arsenal with them. We do not demand either money or your time for this. You just need to spend a few minutes choosing, and then do what you want. Take the best congratulatory words on Vlio, and this new year you will be unique!

May the New Year not be sad
Light and fun will pass!
Let there be a place in the heart for feelings
Dreams always lead forward!

May happiness be multifaceted
Prosperity - multiply tenfold!
May everything that was long-awaited
You will enjoy it!

2017 is already on the doorstep,
A little bit more - the New Year will come!
Let's leave all problems, sorrows, worries,
Let everyone take only good things!

May all the best happen in the New Year
May there be happiness, peace and grace.
May the most cherished dream come true
And everything in life will be only "five"!

May the New Year be a fairy tale
It will quietly enter your house,
And happiness, joy, kindness and affection
Will bring you a gift with him!

Happy New Year,
Happy new happiness, happy new day!
May the weather please
Let the house be cozy!

Happy New Year, New Happiness
Let hearts be filled!
May everything come true and years
Will last forever!

Each New Year has a task:
To become happier than the previous one.
To make our desires come true
So that he becomes the most important and the best!

May our friendship grow stronger over the years
In spite of all the cataclysms of fate.
Let the squeeze help us out in life
Loyal partners of a reliable hand!

The year of the rooster is coming
And brings happiness to the house,
Let life play with a fairy tale
It will be brighter every day!

The sign "Rooster" - it means happiness:
The whole year will be successful
Let's leave all bad weather in the past,
And let the 17th bring joy!

New Year, a fairy tale,
Knock on your window.
All bad weather will leave us
The new year will be bright!

Let all the obi go away

On the most long-awaited holiday of the year - New Year 2017, each of us will feel as if magic comes close, envelops people, houses, cities with its invisible threads and turns the seemingly simple event of changing one date to another into a real miracle. And the best part is that it is so easy to join it, only once letting it into your heart and leaving it there. As soon as someone is "infected" New Year's mood, he immediately turns into a mini-Grandfather Frost, able to bestow everyone with a piece of his warmth.

What should be the wish for a Happy New Year 2017

How can you cheer yourself up and relatives, children, friends and colleagues at work? Of course, through cool and funny wishes for the New Year 2017, coming from the heart!

Not every one of us is endowed with everything that he wants. Often, fate disposes of our lives in such a way that, by giving one thing, it takes something else in return. This is the law of world balance, but many people continue to desire what they lack for happiness no matter what. Those who are close to us, for sure, know about our desires, even if we do not talk about it. And it is so nice to hear from a person close to you in prose or poetry - a sincere wish and what you really lack.

Short wishes in prose for the New Year 2017

Only those who themselves have a kind and pure heart can sincerely wish for something special. And as is known from modern research, our most sincere thoughts necessarily affect our destiny. Therefore, coming up with short new year wishes, do it from the heart, and not for show. Only in this case your words will be heard not only by the recipient of congratulations, but also by the whole universe.

Wishes in verse Happy New Year 2017 - the year of the Rooster

It should be noted that New Year's wishes are the most memorable for the whole year, and this is all because he himself is a special event, saturated with the smell of magic and tangerines, with a premonition of upcoming changes for the better and new life. Through a sincere wish to close and loved people, as well as to those who for you are still just an unfamiliar person, we not only influence the lives of these people, but also our own. Everyone has long known how good thoughts have a positive effect on our body, and the desire to wish someone a Happy New Year will certainly provoke in our brain not a single dozen positive emotions, without which there is now nothing.

First of all, short wishes in verse or prose Happy New Year of the Rooster 2017 is another way to express your feelings, thoughts and tell the person to whom these words are addressed about your attitude and disposition. You should not neglect such an excellent way to strengthen pleasant relationships with loved ones, even with just unfamiliar people. Kindness always returns to the one who gives it.

Also see: cool for the New Year 2017 - Rooster.

New Year tree 2017

New Year 2017 is the kind of holiday that we love to say original wishes to their family and friends. Some love wishes in verse, and some love to speak in their own words. On this page you will find wishes for the New Year 2017 in your own words. You can pronounce these wishes beautifully for New Year's table or send it as a congratulation on a social network.

Original wishes for the New Year 2017 in your own words.

Well, friends! The tree is decorated, the candles are lit, and the champagne is already on the table! You are all smart and beautiful! I want all 365 days of the coming New Year to make you feel the same as this minute! Let the New Year's happiness last for a whole year. You still can't do without problems, but let them be solved by you easily and naturally! Happy New Year and may everything be fine!


Inhaling the winter air mixed with the aroma of spruce, tangerines and something else wonderful and fabulous, I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! May all your hopes, all the wildest desires and expectations come true, because this holiday is magical! Good health to you and only happy days in the new year!


May these new 365 days become better than all the past ones, may the new 12 months give hope and confidence in a bright future, and may each new minute of life be brighter, more joyful and more fun. Happy New Year to you, in which every new second will be filled only with sincere friendship and mutual love.

We wish you a Happy New Year!

On this, the most magical holiday of the year, I would like to wish first of all the fulfillment of desires. After all, on what other holiday we so sincerely believe in miracles and magic.

May the whole coming year be full of pleasant events, joyful meetings, new discoveries and only wonderful mood.

Let the news be good, acquaintances pleasant, business successful, and minor troubles. Let your house be full of friends, love, smiles and warmth!

Let all your plans come true, health will not let you down, and loved ones will always be there. Happy New Year!

When making plans for the coming year, we always hope for the best, dream and make wishes. I would like to wish that everything that you wished and made for the New Year came true!

So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, that luck will accompany you in business, so that love surrounds and fills you and your home.

So that bad weather passes by, and the sun always shines overhead, warming and giving good mood... May this year be full of fulfilled hopes, fulfilled dreams, achieved goals and pleasant discoveries!

Happy New Year to you all!

Dear ones! I congratulate you on this wonderful upcoming New Year!

Let it become one of the most successful in your life, bring success and awareness of happiness, more joyful moments in your life!

Let your dreams come true - real, unreal - just because you want it, just because you deserve it! I wish you love, happiness, prosperity and health in the New Year! Heartily…

On New Years, we all believe in miracles. Another new page in life opens before us. We enter the New Year with the finest mood, with the most good wishes and bright feelings. Keep them in your soul, in your heart for the whole new year. And even if you are angry and you want to quarrel - stop and remember this wonderful moment, the happy faces of your family and friends and those wonderful words that you said to each other on New Year's Eve. Life will certainly thank you for your kindness and optimism. Happy New Year!

On this holiday - New Year, I want to wish you happiness and warmth. Let only joy, laughter and smiles accompany you in life, and misfortunes and sorrows forget the way to you and your loved ones. Happy New Year!

Well, friends! The tree is decorated, the candles are lit, and the champagne is already on the table! You are all smart and beautiful! I want all 365 days of the coming New Year to make you feel the same as this minute! Let the New Year's happiness last for a whole year. You still can't do without problems, but let them be solved by you easily and naturally! Happy New Year and may everything be fine!

Inhaling the winter air mixed with the aroma of spruce, tangerines and something else wonderful and fabulous, I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! May all your hopes, all the wildest desires and expectations come true, because this holiday is magical! Good health to you and only happy days in the new year!

Hey! On New Year's Eve people wish each other a lot: happiness, good luck, love, joy, success. But I want to wish you only one thing that you cannot buy even with all the money in the world - good health! And when you are healthy, then happiness, love, and success themselves will find a path to you Happy New Year!

Celebrating the New Year is a mysterious, exciting, always joyful time. And these simple words"Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we pronounce them with special feeling, because they can be said only once a year! This is a great opportunity to speak out and congratulate all of you on this enchanting holiday and wish you good health, good luck and endless happiness! Happy new year friends!

They say, New year's night- the night of the fulfillment of desires. I made a wish that you will always be the happiest on the whole planet. I am sure that this will certainly come true. Happy new year darling!

Champagne is a traditional attribute of the New Year. I wish you that your life was like champagne - light, exciting, sparkling and overflowing! Happy New Year!