Happy Monday greetings are funny. Funny statuses about Monday. Good Monday wishes

Good Monday wishes

1. If in life you, friend, are not a slacker,
You lead a healthy lifestyle,
Remember, any Monday
Good for work.
WITH Good morning Happy day to you!
We all create good things through creativity.
Only a slacker moans and cries,
After all, fortune laughs at him.

2. Who said that Monday is
The most important day in the world?
I'm certainly not a slacker
But I’m too lazy to get up in the morning!
Congratulations to you today
Happy Monday, friends,
Even though Monday is difficult -
It’s impossible to live without it!

3. Monday is not a slacker,
Monday first day
Our work week
Drives away all laziness.

Monday is the start
On which it depends
All our finishing excitement,
So better friend don't be sour.

And shake yourself off from the weekend
And do something useful
Without any tryn - grass,
Selflessly and skillfully.

4. I wish this Monday,
Don't suffer too much from a hangover!
You can’t meet the boss in the morning,
And don’t notice the dissatisfaction!
Discuss all the news quickly,
Well, let’s start planning by lunchtime!
And cheer yourself up with coffee at lunchtime,
Continue to live in the rhythm of work!

Happy Monday

5. Mix a keg of health with love!
And add some fun to the same potion!
Season with success! Good pepper!
Good luck, add more! Cook...
Boil a handful of humor a little!
And pour a huge spoonful of happiness!
Mix an armful of smiles into the solution!
And treat your loved ones from the heart!

6. Here is the beginning, - Monday, -
The working path again
The weekend flew by
But you can’t be sad!
Let the smile never leave your lips,
You'll be lucky in everything!
Optimists are always in fashion
We forge happiness ourselves!
Congratulations to everyone on the start
We've been working for weeks!
We wish you tons of bonuses,
And the salary is always great!

7. Have a good day and have a wonderful week!
Workdays, so you don't get bored!
So that the morning with a wide smile invigorates
And it gave you a feeling of peace!

And the day lasted long and extremely successfully,
And everything worked out for you, definitely!
Glows, we wish you to bloom with happiness,
And have a good time this day!

Good Monday wishes in prose

8. My beloved and dear person, my happiness and my reward, I wish you a successful and bright day, a wonderful mood and miracles, pleasant surprises and joyful moments. May your day be fruitful and bring a lot of impressions.

9. Monday is a hard day, and Monday morning is even worse. I wish you to wake up today along with washing your face! Good morning!


Andrey Kropotin

How many different crimes
They rule the roost in our lives!..
Today - an attack of laziness
He attacked me in the morning.
Monday is a hard day...
Although, in general, I don’t drink.
Lounged in a chair, cool,
There is no way to get into the flow...
Everyone in the office is fussing,
Or they can pretend;
Well, I’m lazy, brothers!
Just - no offense...
Prepared on Saturday
We are up to the task...
Running around soaked in sweat
By God, I don’t want to;
Even thinking for no reason
I don’t want... I don’t attract.
I would like to go on vacation!.. - Not according to rank...
If so, I'll take it!

Mondays are flying

Anna Ganyushkina 2

Mondays are flying
Like driven horses
In this mad chase
The radiant look of days is blurred.
Mondays are flying by
They don't want to stop
I can't recognize faces
Weekdays, holidays and dates.
Mondays are flying by
Burning in a scattering of stars,
Maybe we're already at the edge?
But there is no turning back.
Mondays are flying by
Dawns are falling,
My life: winter and summer -
Unbiased dial.
Mondays are flying by
No indulgence, no delay,
I wish I had time to dot the dots,
Behind is time-second...


Boris Guryanov

Eh, Monday has arrived.
I can't stand him anymore.
Not a day, but a real mess,
My soul went into tetanus in the morning.

Even if you hit her, even if you howl like a wolf
The soul is silent like an empty coffin.
I'll give up on this life
And on the road, until Friday...
...on a binge!

Monday is a hard day

Valery Starz Alphabetically

“It’s a hard Monday,” they like to say,
And so as not to speak in such a tone,
All Mondays should be cancelled,
But Tuesday will be a difficult day.

“It’s a hard Tuesday,” they will repeat.
So that it doesn't happen that... in a word,
We need to cancel all Tuesdays,
And Wednesday will be a hard day.

“Wednesday is hard.” - everyone will say,
And in order not to pay a heavy tribute to fate,
I wish I could cancel all Wednesdays in advance,
Thursday will be difficult then.

“Thursday is hard,” they will exclaim,
And so as not to be submissive to the occasion,
We need to cancel all Thursdays,
Then Fridays will be similar.

Everyone will call it a hard Friday,
And so that there is no such turn,
Rather, we need to cancel Friday,
And what will happen? - It's about to be a tough Saturday.

And so that no one has a “hard Saturday”
I didn’t say, away with Saturdays.
And now all we have left is
A hard, eternal day off.

It's Monday again...

Vladimir Plotnikov Polazna

It's Monday again, back to work,
Work for five days, waiting for Saturday.

How similar are workdays to brothers?
They take a painfully long time.

And two days off, no matter how much we want,
You won’t have time to blink, they’ve already flown by.

What kind of grace would people have?
Work for two days and rest for five days.


Galina Geiko

It's a hard day, you know - Monday -
I'm not at peace with myself this morning...
And even though, as in the song: “It seems like he’s not a slacker,”
But going to work is like going to hard labor...

The traffic light didn't turn green for me...
The bus slipped away, flying like an arrow...
And even though I am seasoned by this life -
I'm standing at the bus stop, cursing everything...

At work - hubbub, rush, sheer haste -
I thought everyone had gone crazy:
- “After all, it’s Monday!” - I remembered inconsolably -
"Hard day"! - hence the chaos!

Completely exhausted... With my head at work,
I've been spinning all day like a clockwork one,
And on my mind: - I wish I could live until Saturday,
When will the day off come again?

Yes, the rhythm of our life is prohibitive,
And every day became like Monday...


Galina Filippova 7

Monday is the worst day
Too lazy to go to work in the morning
Tuesday - so-so business
It's not time to relax
We waited, Wednesday came,
A week has passed, I think.
Suddenly it’s Thursday, neither this nor that,
Everything aches from work,
There are no better days than Fridays,
There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Saturday seems good
But the mood passed
As Sunday comes,
Monday is coming for you,
So we will always be happy,
And on Monday, gentlemen!


Good Bye

The sleepy night is leaving,
The morning is dawning again.
From annoying melodies
The sweet dream came to naught.

The birds are on edge,
It's like spring outside the window.
Being late at work
I won't allow it myself.

But how I want it in bed
Lie down for an hour or two.
After this "carousel"
I was able to appreciate the peace.
Silk hugs the sheet,
It's like I'm not a slacker.
Who doesn't understand me...
Probably sleeping on MONDAY.


Ekaterina Naughty

Who invented Mondays?
The week started on Saturday!
If only everyone would become idlers!
Forgetting earthly worries!

Haven't gone to work since morning
And they lay in bed until they were stupefied,
We weren't late and we weren't in a hurry,
All around are lazy and quitters!

The wipers did not wave a broom,
And the accountant abandoned the report,
Schoolchildren did not toil in lessons
The seller would not do the accounting

How can we cancel Monday?
Who invented it? Who is the culprit?
I’m already like that neurasthenic!
Because then Tuesday will come!


Elena Pankratova 3

Monday is a hard day
That's what people say.....
Who will go to school?
Well, someone in kindergarten.
We're off to work, of course.
There are things there that cannot be conveyed,
So we found some care for ourselves,
Start all over again.
And how I want it in bed,
Lie down for another hour,
But we barely get up,
Yesterday was a day off
Nothing, we give the go-ahead
Let's take a shower and pour some tea,
Someone will drink a cup of coffee,
Let's go to work anyway.
Let's get the children to their place
To school, to kindergarten, whoever goes where,
May the day be interesting
Monday is no problem.
The sun will smile brightly
New day - hello to you
Monday is a gift to everyone,
It will be many, many years!


Elena Sergeevna Safronova

Hello, uncle - Monday!
You are always like an uninvited guest.
Before lunch you're a slacker
Half asleep, half drunk.
And they curse you mercilessly,
Saying you're heavy
That things are going awkwardly.
It seems like a sad day.
You get out of bed,
Breaking away from sweet bonds.
The weekend flew by
Monday is right here.
Which of us decided to confess?
And take an iron oath?
Change on Monday
Start life anew.
And throwing away sentiments,
Forget all the bad things.
There are wise moments in it,
Monday's essence.


Evgenia Urusova

The week is ahead. Seven more days.
And it starts on Monday.
He is the first, but it is more difficult for the first.
So he heard a lot about himself.
Like, difficult and heavy as always,
And he is absolutely no worse than others.
All this is slander, nonsense,
Yes, but it’s very difficult to justify yourself.
Don't be sour, Monday, I'm with you!
And I will boldly stand in your defense.
You are as dear to me as any day.
The main thing here is to live it skillfully.


Evgenia Urusova

Monday. Beginning of the week.
Sleeps sweetly in the early morning hours,
But the alarm clock rings
They bring us back to reality.
Monday starts counting down
The weekend is now far away.
How many things lie ahead?
It's just not easy to do them all.
And I’m just getting carried away,
Like a car on a sharp turn.
The body urgently asks for rest.
No problem, tomorrow is Tuesday already.


Inga Dmitrieva Nail

Foggy morning.
Nature is dozing.
Mother of pearl color
In the colors of sunrise.

Air viscosity.
Thoughts drowsiness.
Life is unclear.
Feelings of hopelessness.

People are like shadows.
Sounds like moaning.
World of delusions
Dressed in lies.

It's Monday again.
Gloomy morning.
The brevity of moments
In the rays of mother-of-pearl.


Irina Klochkova

Monday - all over again
Morning, coffee, plans, meetings.
Weekends are never enough for us,
The range of questions is endless.
But understand that pleasure
It is in everything that surrounds us.
It's still spring Monday!
We dream in front of the mirror,
How elegant and careless
Flying through puddles,
We soar above the bustle,
Conquering with beauty.

Has Monday appeared again?

Irina Lyubenkova

From the loud trills of the phone
In my dream I twitched my tail,
And the old printer rushed again
The ninth shaft straight into the house.

Why are you grinning, grinner?
You send dispatches by email...
You are not my husband or my boss,
Midnight will come and you will leave.

Bore Tuesday will drag along.
No, look, he’s right there!
Wednesday the viper laughs...
How slowly the clock goes!

As long as you wait for Friday,
As long as you can bear it,
Here, bam! In a dream you will creep up,
And you breathe into your ear. Oh my!

Oh, Monday, you and I
Invisibly connected by fate.
I barely open my eyes
You with a cup of coffee above me.

You hold it in tight gloves,
Squeezed in an office vice,
In my hands you live like a tit,
And vacation is circling in the clouds.

Monday - hurt yourself!

Irina Mayskaya

The weekend flew by
As usual with a bang
And get out of bed again
No way to get up in the morning...
Monday is a terrible day
Everyone knows in advance
You look miserable
And the alarm clock, the snake, is screaming!
And he's not interested
What did you overdo yesterday?
He does his job honestly
Performs... What a cheeky fellow!..
Echoes of Saturday
The alarm bells ring in my head,
And sharp turns
Doesn't capture your gaze
I'd like a mug of rossolika right now
Yes, salted tomatoes,
Yes, I wish I could remember my girlfriend,
The one that is still nearby...
Emerging from the fog,
I remember yesterday...
And the alarm clock, straining itself,
Voices: - It's time! It's time!
I have to rush to work,
Overtaking this life!
And you can’t part with your pillow,
Monday... shi-bi-bi!


Irina Semyorkina

Everything goes wrong on Monday:
dried up school of lightly salted herring
at the nearest kiosk. Evil neighbors
pounding on the wall. Again, this way and that
trying to get away from the bustle,
I'll throw semi-finished products into the oven
and, sacrificing the rest of the salary,
on the Internet to the last comma
I’ll re-read the dream interpreter:
Why did I dream about skis again in the morning,
when the shameless December rain
the code of honor has been violated to its core?...
And the evening will be mournful and silent.
Sunday is as far away as winter...


Irina Polyushko

I don't like Sundays.
Strict Monday is close to me:
A gray-haired farm laborer, a hundred-year-old miller,
A sailor chained to the helm.
A. Voznesensky

Not craving for a long ruble,
Not a thirst for job growth
We are driven, I simply go through life -
And the wind into the sail of the ship!

I won't make it worse today
What happened the day before.
A stanza of poems that perished in vain,
I will finely chop it into noodles.

Oh Monday I love
Your offensive names!
My anger is far from ripe
It arrives slower than Dorblu.

Planktonic office aphids
I remind you in small mass,
The classic is dormant in me today.
And I'll take a little nap...

Efforts equated to zero,
Like in the fable there is a swan, a crayfish and a pike,
I swallow the invigorating “come on!”
A la kebab lula.

I snot with a strained nozzle...
In a dream about a creative impulse
I recognize Pegasus by his mane,
I pull and push the steering wheel...

Executioner Monday

Ksenia Grigorovich

Monday has a special face:
Cast-iron gaze, frowning eyebrows -
The executioner, who closed the shackles in a ring,
He drives us to work, thirsts for blood...

And there - on the head with a club of affairs,
And the day lasts in heavy dullness,
So that by the evening you’ll forget how crazy you were
You are in a red-cheeked glorious Sunday...


Konstantin Shulyaev

It's finally Monday!
You're still sleeping, you slacker!
What kind of “reluctance” is this?
Well, quickly get to work!
Gotta get busy,
Another week has begun.
Good luck to everyone,
Only this way, and not otherwise!

Monday's children

Marina Voshkarina

We begin new life from every Monday.
We dissolve in the city, in the region, in the coffee, in the crowd of people.
We dilute ourselves with a bottle of good old miller.
We rush away from ourselves in order to ultimately come to ourselves.

We are not sure about anything fundamentally based.
We do not doubt what is never given to be.
We are moved to sobs by something funny.
They were finished off by something serious and trampled to the very bottom.

We do not forgive parents for frivolous little things.
But we forget to someone that we don’t need to forgive.
We accumulate coins, problems, frogs and squirrels.
But we don’t have a penny when we need to give it away.

IN vicious circle We are like in a wheel, angry, nervous.
How to break it? Where is his thin thread?
We are looking for a way out. And it’s probably only Monday
The next one will give us the opportunity to change ourselves at least in some way.

It's Monday again

Marina Nikolaeva-Burak

Monday is stressful
Monday is abs
It covers with an avalanche,
Even though he's half asleep.

He's like a racketeering hit
And he doesn’t listen to the protest.
Hooligan and lawless
This very Monday.

Monday is gloomy:
Go to work like a fool
You're running around in foam again,
Forgetting about Sunday.

Monday is a cross
The demon gave it to us,
And it also torments me with hope:
Maybe Tuesday will be better?..

Marina Nikolaeva-Burak

It's a work week again
Like the Serpent Gorynych, on his tail,
And there is no limit to perfection,
And you need to be on top.

The alarm clock went off in the dark,
At least don't get out of bed,
But you get up with a heavy sigh
And the thought: life is not a success!

And the day starts to spin,
It will be easy and good:
You jump into a minibus with a running start
And you drink coffee at work.

Ah, coffee warms your fingers,
The heart shakes on the wave.
Do you see: sunbeams
They jump carelessly along the wall.

Melancholic and not rude
You slide into the bustle of the day,
And the joy of life right on your lips
Kisses you on the fly...


Nadezhda Afromeeva

And, as usual,
on Monday morning
I'm starting to live
from scratch.
I don't set goals
wise for myself
and I'm in no hurry
to forbidden places.
I warm my soul
from communicating with neighbors;
keep it open
for friends your home;
I admire the dew in the grass,
followed by skiing,
a star in the night
and in the stove with coal.
I rejoice
sunrises and sunsets,
birches, dandelions,
And I’m even happy about the cloud
and even Mondays
I love!

Favorite Monday

Olga Shalimova

On Monday my friend Day
He told me that he
The day of the week is Monday
Just head over heels in love!

Because it's Monday
Dad is looking for his cell phone.
He forgot where he put it
And the cell phone didn’t ring!

He turns off his cell phone
To wake up on Monday
Take a break from all your worries,
From work and worries!

They search together with their mother
Silent phone.
You don't need to go to kindergarten
He will be with his grandmother!

And grandma is a miracle!
I put everything off,
For a loved one for a grandson
Simply released!

And Denka has Monday -
It's also a day off
IN kindergarten Denka walks
Only on Tuesday and Wednesday!

Monday Thoughts

Svetlana Mikhailik

Monday. It's dark in the windows.
But the evil alarm clock is ringing!
How difficult it is for a week,
We need to go out to serve!

Sunday and Saturday
Relaxes the whole people.
After all, work is five days a week
Lasts a long time, like a year!

These days let us allow ourselves
Sleep longer, go for walks.
With a cup of tea in a warm chair,
Talk all day.

It's so nice for us to be lazy,
During the day, take a nap for an hour or two.
Relax, don't fuss.
Throw everything to hell!

Monday is a hard day

Sergei Butyrsky

Monday is a hard day.
It needs to be rocked
Slowly, right, left,
So as not to break any wood.

Everyone knows - on Monday
It’s a sin to work at full speed.
On Monday you have to SURVIVE
And keep your health.


Sergey Prilutsky

Monday is not a slacker,
Monday first day
Our work week
Drives away all laziness.

Monday is the start
On which it depends
All our finishing excitement,
So it’s better not to be sour, my friend.

And shake yourself off from the weekend
And do something useful
Without any tryn - grass,
Selflessly and skillfully.


Sergey Sheshukov

Monday. Leaned over
A series of vain affairs.
Urges haste, -
Get there and there.
And you hurry, intuitively
Slowing down the speed -
How would it be more correct to estimate,
And you can't make people laugh.
And spring, warmth and light
Gives away day after day.
Behind the April fresh wind,
Soon the May thunder will strike.
There will be showers, thunderstorms,
And the leaves will bloom
On a mean birch tree,
The one who lives in fairy tales...
Monday is a hard day


Monday is a hard day
That's what people say,
In a sad mood
All employees are sitting.

The weekend flew by
Evaporated like a mirage
On the first weekday of the week
Where is our enthusiasm and courage?

On Monday we are sad
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
When the boss comes to see us -
It's like the light of day has faded.

But when Friday comes,
Eyes light up -
It's basically a day off now
Away with bad weather and thunderstorms!

Weekend for fun
They will burn off with fireworks,
Monday is a hard day
That's what people say...


Tamara Vtorova

I don't feel like waking up,
But the parents say -
WORK awaits mom and dad,
I'm going to kindergarten.
Waiting for work on MONDAY
Moms and dads at the checkpoints,
MONDAY is not a slacker,
I'll catch up on the weekend!

Easy Monday

Tanya Chernenko

I'm not lazy or a slacker,
But I hate Monday.
I love happy Saturday
When you don't need to go to work.

Although Sunday is a holiday,
He pleases the heart, the prankster.
But Monday breaks everything -
Forces people to work.

I want Monday "easy"
And so that it doesn’t last very long,
Came and went and it’s Saturday again,
Until Monday - freedom!

Monday... Monday

Tanya Chernenko

"Monday... Monday," -
The coffee pot is hissing on the table,
Morning in the half-asleep kingdom
It gets very difficult:

The undead are dozing, eager to sleep,
The impudent yawning is tormenting,
Laziness stuck like a burdock.
Monday... Monday.

You need to wake up early
See you all until Friday,
Gaining momentum
From Monday to worries.

The world is like an anthill...
Monday... Monday...


Tatyana Lavrova -Volgograd

The very first day of the week
Very difficult to climb.
We barely woke up
Mom and I are going to kindergarten.
Monday is a hard day
Each of the guys knows.
Let it be Sunday
Seven whole days in a row!


Tatyana Chernenko 2

Somehow sadly the coffee is getting cold,
The scent paints a pattern in the air.
Monday is fading away unnoticed
Going beyond the horizon with sunset.

Drum beat of rain through puddles
Chases away this day, you slacker.
A tired groan escaped,
That's it, my Monday is gone.


Tatiana Ruskule

The weekend flew by
Like ringing drops,
In the morning I get out of bed
But I want to go back to bed.

I want to pamper myself,
I wish I could sniffle, take a nap,
But alas, work again
So I need to get up.

Monday, Monday
You don't let me sleep,
You are a hard worker, not a slacker,
You're not allowed on the bed.

The weekend flew by
Like ringing drops,
The week begins...
Where are you, soft bed?

Morning, dark, planning meeting in the dining room,
A cup of tea is on the table.
People are discussing - Vovka is on TV
He lies about, sitting in the Kremlin.

The boss appeared loudly at the door.
“Good morning,” he said to the men.
It's not morning, it's Monday again,
It's time for everyone to go to work.

Good deed, since Saturday morning -
If you want, lie down, but if you want, get up.
And on Monday you can’t hide from work,
Whether you want it or not, accept the outfit.

“Beware of the current, the current is dangerous” -
Someone from above issued a new order.
“This question, of course, is clear to everyone” -
The chief mechanic spoke a little louder.

We read again about those who kept warm
In the fierce winter on the contact network.
He broke everything - he dressed wrong,
Of course, they didn’t have time to save him.

The brigades quickly received orders -
They took shovels and walked together,
“Why aren’t you guys so happy about the snow?
Or maybe you found another job?”

But we won’t grumble about work for a long time,
They pay a salary, and that’s good,
Well, of course we’ll forget about the snow.
If only summer would come sooner.

Monday is not a slacker,
Monday first day
Our work week
Drives away all laziness.

Monday is the start
On which it depends
All our finishing excitement,
So it’s better not to be sour, my friend.

And shake yourself off from the weekend
And do something useful
Without any tryn - grass,
Selflessly and skillfully.
Sergey Prilutsky, Alatyr, 2013

You don't even need poetry for nothing.
There is pretense in them, prettiness and pretense.
A man's eyes would be tender.
His soul would not become a callous crust.

And he looks away more and more often.
On those who are younger, more naive.
Sometimes he’s joyful for no reason, sometimes he’s angry,
Sometimes sunny, sometimes gloomy, like a ruin.

It's your birthday. There is a celebration in the house.
But the mirror will not lift your mood.
And the wine is so tart.
Are children really copies of him...

Composing poetry is not my destiny,
But I can’t understand my feelings any other way.
From your bitter words I turned a little grayer,
There is a lump in my chest and my heart is crying.

You will surrender to him in fleeting passion,
But you won’t get a gentle “I love you” in return,
For the pleasure he will ask for a coin bribe,
And I loved without selfishness, but I no longer exist.

Perhaps it was destined to be so,
Why should you be my painful wound?
You are merciless and cruel to me
And you fill your soul with rotten bitterness.
Now let's see...

Poems need to be studied,
And don’t read everything that rhymes.
In adding lines all the lightness of the word
And the carefreeness of life!
And I, like a true snake,
I want everyone to start thinking
Not over the stanza, but over that
That in the world of words we have no problems
We quote Socrates wisely,
And about Shakespeare without boring
We can talk for hours!
But why can't we be
At the Moment of Life?!
Apply everything we love to express
And the statements have been read,
Which are venerable for centuries,
We don’t translate it into everyday life?!
Is it really difficult to be in...

Poems about love
flow through the cracks in souls.
Let them often tell me that they are useless...
After all, to understand them
What is needed is not eyes or ears.
They are listened to with their hearts.
It doesn't want to be iron.

In the dark I'm looking for the Muse, but only a crumb of memory
In a pitch-black moonlessness a hand can grope.
The meager legacy of an era that has sunk into oblivion,
Alluring, teasing, caressing...

Vain search! Where can you find inspiration?
I've looked under the bed thousands of times already.
And how, it is unclear, our...

Verse number two, child of the night and great countries,
Where the great Welles-An beats in the heart,
Where on a moonlit night you can’t resist
Attractions to sweet love
Verse number two flows,
It bursts and escapes from the chest.
Where the princess of the great countries played with her foot,
The young fan of fishing really desired her,
Contemplating the formation of the toes, the heel,
Marigolds and leg movements.
catch fan fetish
Followed by the feeling in my chest.
The stars are shining in the sky, the flame of the fire is steady in the night,
The sand rustles under your feet, your chest sways and...

Poems are letters or sounds.
Poems - soldiers on the parade ground.
The poet's creative pangs
akin to a crown of thorns.

Where is your origami?
my task is more difficult -
I'm trying to describe in poetry
friend of the best days.

But where can I find words like this?
and how can I describe it in verse
eyes so precious?
An impatient wave of hands?

I can’t be accused of being a hack -
I’m ready to give anything for a word.
But what should I do when, in reality,
there are no such words
about the aroma of hair and skin,
and a row of curved eyelashes...

Everyone loves weekends, but simply put, everyone dislikes Mondays. Monday notifies you that the weekend is over and it’s time to go to work. In order to love Mondays, you don’t need much - just find a job that you like. Then you will greet the beginning of a new week in high spirits and finally stop hating Mondays. We offer you a selection of quotes and statuses about Mondays, maybe they will help you meet the new week with optimism.

You can only dislike Monday in two cases: when you had a busy weekend or when you have an uninteresting job that you don’t want to go to. Since the arrival of Monday cannot be prevented in any way, it is best to find a job that you like and you will perceive the beginning of a new week with enthusiasm and go towards new achievements and self-realization. Just imagine that every day you relax, relax and relax. Your life would become monotonous and you would stop valuing rest. Therefore, stop complaining about Monday, go ahead and work slowly but surely towards the new weekend.

Monday is the day of promises. On Mondays, everyone promises to start a new life: someone wants to go on a diet, someone wants to quit smoking, someone wants to do exercises in the morning. Understand that if you really want something, you can do it any day of the week, and you don’t have to wait until Monday to do it.


Monday is given to a person for calendar purposes, and not for empty self-deceptions. (A. Vyazemka)

Monday exists so that we do not get lost in time...

Monday is too hard a day to start the week with. (Mira Day)

Do you really think Tuesday would be easier if it were the first day of the week?!)

And on Mondays I like my head to buzz a little: it helps me remember what day of the week it is. (R. Heinlein)

And I would be glad not to know what day of the week it is, if only my head would stop reminding me.)

Monday comes with enviable regularity. (Ed McBain)

If only miracles happened as often as Mondays come...)

In my lifelong study of human beings, I have discovered that no matter how hard I try, I cannot prevent Monday from happening. Of course, people don’t stop trying, but Monday still catches up with them and all the drones have to drag out their dull work life again, full of meaningless things. hard work and suffering. This thought always comforts me. (D. Lindsay)

You need to be optimistic about Mondays; you shouldn’t create problems for yourself at the very beginning of the week!

Monday is the most painful day of the week, the most unbearable. The whole beginning week fell on my shoulders, like the whole world - on the shoulders of Atlas. On Monday evening I was relieved of one sixth of the load. And every day it became easier and easier. On Friday evening I was, so to speak, happy. It was still Saturday morning, but we were already free after lunch. I would give myself a joyful or luxurious dinner, after dinner I would lie in bed, and from Saturday evening boredom began, because now only Sunday separated me from the painful Monday. Monday was the hardest and most depressing day, Sunday the most empty. (E. Ionesco)

What difference does it make what day of the week if you have a beloved family, loyal friends and an interesting job?!

Nothing can finish a person off like Monday. (Yun Evo)

By and large, it’s not so much Monday that’s depressing as the end of the weekend and the start of the work week.

Monday is such a crap that ends on Tuesday... (Yu. Klimova)

For some people, Monday goes by unnoticed...

How quickly time flew by! Monday is already knocking on the door!
- Let him knock. We won't open. (Nemi)

I'm afraid he won't even ask, that's how he'll get into life!

Nobody likes Monday morning. It's hangover time. New week It hasn’t started yet, but there is a tail left from the previous one. Nobody likes it, no matter whether it rains or shines. (Ed McBain)

It’s weekend drinkers who don’t like Mondays, but those who don’t drink don’t care at all...

Sundays are to blame for everything; if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays! (G. Marquez)

It’s strange how you haven’t blamed Saturday yet?!)

Monday is a nasty day. For lonely girls, who once again did not receive the gifts they expected from life over the past weekend, this day was like a bitter pill. Especially when you realize that you chose the wrong job: in the wrong place, with the wrong people and for the wrong calling. (A. Larina)

This is how it happens in life: you chose everything wrong, and Monday is to blame for everything...


In order to increase the number of happy people on the planet, it is enough to shorten the Monday working day to 4 hours.

Better yet, make Monday a day off, then everyone will definitely be happy.)

Monday is the kind of day when instead of a badge you want to hang a sign: “Beware, angry dog!”

Better yet, stay home on a leash...)

If you have a headache on Monday morning and don't feel like working, take a pill from your boss and headache As soon as he takes it off with his hand.

Maybe, after all, without drug treatment from the authorities?!)

Monday is a hard day. On other working days you have to read jokes only for the previous day, and only on Mondays - for the entire weekend.

Well, why is it so hard, by the time you read all the jokes, you see, half the working day will pass... It turns out that Monday is the easiest day of the week...)))

Daughter! We all start a new life on Monday! I'll quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? - And I? And I can quit school...

Daughter, it seems we have changed our minds...)

The bed has the greatest gravitational force on Monday morning.

I would take it with me to work...)

Monday. 10:00 am. 56 friends on the site. Everyone is working. Well done!

So, the weekend went well, all friends are alive and well!

Every Monday I am tormented by the question: was there even a weekend?

Over the weekend, the question of work didn’t bother you at all...)

The first rule of a pollster is to never do a public opinion poll on Monday morning.

On Monday, a survey can be conducted only to compile dictionaries of obscene words and expressions...

If on Monday morning angry, sleep-deprived people come towards you, and you are relatively fresh and very happy with life, then your night shift is finally over!

Don’t rush to rejoice, everyone will have a weekend, and you will go back to work...)

Even on Monday, sometimes it’s nice to get up and go to work... If on this Monday they will give you your salary, which has been delayed for three months already...

What can I say, I would go to work on Sunday to get my salary...)

If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that your alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is a prophetic dream...

There is no need to look in the dream book, you need to go to work...)

It looks like I don’t do anything on Monday, but at the molecular level, believe me, my brain is very busy - it’s trying to understand what’s happening!

Monday is here, this is what's happening!)

A home phone is only needed to find a mobile phone in the apartment on Monday morning!

It’s good if you know your number by heart, otherwise you might not remember it on Monday morning...)

It's good to be a guy, whatever fell out of the closet on Monday morning, he put it on!

And if nothing falls out, should we go naked?!)

The shortest day is Monday, I haven’t had time to wake up, and it’s already time to leave work.

Well, and you say it’s a hard day...)

Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once...

Truly backbreaking work... Poor office workers...)

It’s easy to wake up on Monday morning, but it’s difficult to not fall asleep again.

Show me the person who finds it easy to wake up on Monday morning...)

Monday is an egg from which Saturday will eventually hatch. You just need to sit it out.

In the meantime, you mother hens, don’t forget to work!

Be optimistic! Meet every Monday with a smile on your face, because Monday is a continuation of life. By and large, what difference does it make what day of the week, if you have everything a person needs to be happy - family, friends and work. When you are surrounded by loved ones, and not loneliness, then even Monday will not ruin your day!