Scenario of the New Year's party “Hottabych on the Christmas tree. Scenario of the New Year's party "Hottabych on the Christmas tree" Hottabych on the Christmas tree in kindergarten

Natalia Gordeeva
Scenario of the New Year's party "Old Man Hottabych visiting the guys at the New Year's tree"

« Old Man Hottabych visiting the guys at the New Year's party»

Scenario of a New Year's party for older children and preparatory school groups.

Target: creating conditions for children’s emotional rest.

Tasks: Promote the development of children's creative abilities.

Cultivate a sustainable interest and love for music.

To develop communication skills in children.


Lead Fairy - adult

Santa Claus - adult

Snow Maiden - adult

Hottabych – adult

Baba Yaga - adult

Karabas Barabas - adult

Magpie - girl

Dolls - girls

Snowflakes – girls

"Letter to the group":

"Expensive kids!

Girls and boys!

You hurry together into the hall.

Near the Christmas tree New Year's,

There will be a carnival!


Progress of the event:

To the music "Tick tock" children enter the hall, where they are greeted by a fairytale Fairy.

Hello my friends!

This is me for all of you today,

I collected it near the Christmas tree,

Because today is a holiday,

Noisy New Year holiday.

Let a magical fairy tale

He will come to us today!

1 child.

So the Christmas tree is dressed up,

All lit up in lights,

And the toys sparkled

On its big branches.

2nd child.

We're good today

You can't find a better place!

Near the Christmas tree New Year's,

Don't pass, don't pass!

3 child.

It's going to be fun today

There will be no time to be bored.

Hello, holiday New Year!

We have come to meet you!

4 child.

We have a holiday today,

Today there will be a carnival!

How many fairy-tale heroes

He gathered here today!

Well, it's time to open our ball,

Noisy, loud carnival!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year,

Dear child!

The holiday is joyful, cheerful,

It's time to start!

A song is being performed "Oh, snowflakes are flying" (+)

Fairy: Let's continue the holiday, read poems about the New Year!

5 child.

It's snowing outside the window,

The snow is fluffy, New Year.

In the hall New Year's laughter -

We have a carnival today!

6 child.

Our tree with a head

All covered with gray hair,

And the thick needles keep

The smell of forest is resinous.

7 child.

How elegant you are

With a silver star!

How huge you are

How fun it is to be with you!

8 child.

Tall, beautiful,

Green, slim,

With colorful lights,

She's glowing!

Waving a shaggy branch

Happy New Year to us.

Listen, Christmas tree, to our song.

Hello hello,

New Year!

A song is being performed "Santa Claus and felt boots" (+)

Fairy:What would New Year be without Santa Claus? We need to invite him to our holiday. Let's call him together - Grandfather Frost! (name)

Santa Claus doesn't hear us. You'll have to use witchcraft (took the bell)

Naughty bell,

He is always, everywhere with me.

Ding dong, ding dong!

He invites you to a fairy tale. (The lights go out, twilight. A magpie runs out from behind the tree)



I brought good news!

Now, or maybe exactly at six,

A big one will come to you guest.

Gray-haired guest, with beard.

Guess who it is?

All:Father Frost!


I'll look behind the tree,

Maybe he's coming, friends!

Runs around the tree. A large jug comes out from behind the tree, smoke flows from there.

The guest goes gray, gray-haired,

With a long white beard.

Made me cry!

He's not Santa Claus at all! (Flies away).

The light comes on, standing by the tree old man Hottabych in oriental attire, and on top of the coat.


May there be peace to this house!

Hello, the most educated of the educated and the loveliest of the loveliest! Children and dear guests!

But you can’t go here in a coat, grandpa!


ABOUT! How, tibidah!

Do you know who you're not letting in? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand!

I will command the wind, and it will scatter you all over the world!

Oh, Guys! Did you find out who it is? (Hottabych takes off his coat) .

Why, this is old man Hottabych!

Hassan Abdurahman Hadtab!


Right! O wisest of wisest teachers! You recognized my name. Where did I end up? Whose house is this so beautiful, where there are so many children?



How beautiful and bright it is here. What a beautiful palm tree!

This is not a palm tree.


Why not a palm tree?

But now the children will say!

Hot summer, cold winter,

And suddenly dressed up for the New Year,

Comes in guests to our round dance

Children:Christmas tree!

Fairy: Get up in a round dance with us

Listen and understand about the beautiful forest song!

A round dance is being performed “The Christmas tree sparkles with lights”


The Christmas tree, how beautiful, wah, wah, wah! Beautiful Christmas tree!

What a strange tree! (Touches).

And what strange fruits it bears! But here’s an apple, I’ll pick it now!

You can't, Hasan Hottabych. This is not a real apple. It is made of glass.


What miracles! What country did I end up in? Do they eat glass apples here?

Fairy: These are not ordinary apples. These are Christmas trees New Year's toys. Yes, here they are.


1. They slept in a box for a whole year

New Year's toys.

We were very bored in the dark

Balls, crackers.

2. But they haven’t faded at all,

Our outfit is just as bright.

We'll dance by the spruce tree,

Let the lights burn on it.

3. We have been waiting for this hour all year,

And under the thunder of firecrackers,

Let's start the dance

Christmas decorations!

Performed "Dance of Christmas Tree Decorations" (+)

Fairy:(one of the girls approaches the fairy and whispers something in her ear)

Hottabych, Christmas tree toys want to play with you.


With great pleasure, dear!

The game is being played "Round"

Fairy: Hottabych,we know you as a good wizard. Tell me, can you help us?


For years I'm old, I won't lie.

But I am not weak in will.

I'll help you in no time,

If I weren't Hasan Khadtab!

Order, O incomparable one!

Fairy:Dear Hottabych, maybe you can use your beard to help us call Santa Claus.

Hottabych: O kindest of the kindest. I’m ready to do anything for these sweet boys, but I’ve never met him and don’t know what he looks like! Describe it to me.

Fairy: Guys, come out with poems about Santa Claus, tell me (children read poetry)

9 child:

Santa Claus is real

From the deep dense thicket,

Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts,

Where are the storms and blizzards.

10 child:

Santa Claus is breathing on the windows,

On the glass of the painting he writes,

Arrows, towers and flowers,

Unprecedented beauty.

Performance of the song "Santa Claus, like a little one" (+)

Fairy:He also has a big beard, walks around with a beautiful girl, and is surrounded by dolls and children.

Hottabych: Thank you, oh wise one. Now I'll do it...

(He pulls out a hair, says a spell. Karabas appears. He drags the struggling Malvina and Pierrot by the hand)


I'm ugly, so terrible

I am bloodthirsty and very greedy.

I am familiar to each of you

I am Karabas, I am Barabas!

I train puppets at the theater

You must obey me!

And if not, I’ll throw them in the closet

And without water and without food.

Everybody run out quickly

AND you entertain the guests!

Children - dolls:Have pity on us a little! We are tired of Karabas!

Karabas: Dance! Now dance! Dear audience! My dolls, the best in the world, are performing in front of you!

Dance being performed “One, palm - two palms”

Fairy:Hottabych, what have you done! Rather, return him to the fairy tale.

(Hottabych casts a spell) Oh, I'm barely alive from fear! Be more careful.

Hottabych: Why do you need Santa Claus? I also have a beard.

Fairy: We can’t light the Christmas tree without it. We want it to light up now!

Hottabych:Oh, the cruelest of the cruel! Oh, evil children! Do you want this wonderful tree to burn?

Fairy: No, grandpa. We want to Christmas tree Multi-colored lights came on - light bulbs.

Hottabych: So I’ll do it right now! (casts a spell). Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam!

(The lights don't come on).

Calm down Hottabych. Maybe you can help us invite the Snow Maiden?

Hottabych: Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden?

Fairy: The Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Father Frost - she lives in the forest on the edge, in a beautiful winter hut. She will come and light the lights on Christmas tree.

Hottabych:Okay, O incomparable one!

You, blizzard, don’t blow,

Invite the Snow Maiden to us.

I hear, I hear that someone is already coming here to us.

Listen quickly: Something seems to be singing.

Baba Yaga appears singing.

Baba Yaga:

I am Baba Yaga - Bone Leg.

My broom will sweep up such a mountain of evil!

Everyone I'll scare the guys oh, how evil I am!

As soon as I say the magic word, trouble will be ready!

I see you are completely arrogant and are not afraid of me.

What are people celebrating here? Answer.

Children: New Year!

Baba Yaga: Ah, New Year! There is nothing more for you to do!

Fairy: But today, a holiday, we wanted to invite the Snow Maiden and Father Frost to the holiday. Well, we didn’t expect such a miracle!

Hottabych: Did I mess something up again? You told me - a sorceress, lives in the forest on the edge of the winter hut.

Fairy: The Snow Maiden is a beauty!

Everyone the guys like it.

In a soft blue dress,

He always comes to us with good things!

Baba Yaga: Aren’t I good, not beautiful, not pretty?

I’m kinder than everyone in the world, don’t be afraid of me, children!

"Stimorol" I always chew, but my teeth are always a problem!

Every day they crumble, well, how not to be upset!

Everyone’s stomach wants to eat, but caries gets in the way.

For teeth - one treatment - a new dance hobby.

And today in this fairy tale we will make shaking with you.

Everyone get up quickly, repeat more cheerfully.

Children fall apart "peas" in front of the Christmas tree.

Fairy: Something I didn’t quite understand is that we’re about to have some SHAKES?

Baba Yaga: We will dance what is fashionable, we will move freely.

Let's shake our hand, stomach and head first,

Tails... like little mice, well, let's try, Guys?

Let the whole kindergarten groan, we will arrange shaking here.

Dance being performed "Baba Yaga"

Baba Yaga: Yes, I admit, they surprised us, they killed Grandma the Hedgehog.

But you're not fit to be a dancer, so quickly sit down.

I’m just like a ballerina, graceful - you can see right away.

Give me your answer quickly, do you agree with this?

Fairy and Children: No!

Baba Yaga: Do not agree? What do you do best?

Fairy:We love to play.

Baba Yaga: Interesting - how can you play in winter?

Fairy: Guys, tell your grandmother what games you can play in winter.

Like on a hill, on a mountain (A. Prokofiev)

Like on a hill, on a mountain,

In the wide yard,

Some on sleds, some on skis,

Who is higher, Who is lower,

Some are quieter, some are running,

Some on ice, some on snow.

Down the hill - wow, Up the hill - wow,

Bang! Breathtaking!

Tricky sled (I. Bursov)

My sled goes on its own

Without a motor, without a horse,

Every now and then my sled

They run away from me.

I won't have time to sit on horseback,

Sleigh - start and run...

My sled goes on its own

He was carrying a motor, without a horse.

And under the hill is my sled,

They are waiting for me behind the snowdrift.

They are naughty and bored

Climb up alone.

This will be a cat's house (M. Lapisova) I'm rolling a snowball -

This will be a cat's house.

I'll make a path to the house -

To make it more comfortable for the cat.

There will be a room inside.

Cat, here is your house, look!

You don't need windows -

Cats can see everything in the dark!

I'll crumble some crumbs for the cat -

There will be a snow sandwich!

Only for some reason the cat

To the cat’s house... He doesn’t go...

Ski spoke to ski (I. Bursov) Ski spoke to ski,

Going down the hill down:

– You stay close to me.

- Don’t trip yourself.

And they ran at full speed,

Raising snow fluff.

The Christmas tree got in the way

A prickly hedgehog.

- Go left, go around to the left!

- To the right, it’s better here.

- The ski confused the ski,

And with acceleration both of them hit the tree.

On the rink (V. Donnikova) The skates are shining, the skating rink is shining,

Fluffy snow sparkles,

Put on your skates, my friend,

Try it for a ride.

Let the frost pinch you -

Look, don't be scared.

Let him freeze to tears -

Don't give in to him!

Don't back down, slide forward

Fly faster than a bird.

The angry frost lags behind,

From those who are not afraid!

Hockey (A. Veona)

Standing opposite each other with clubs

In team red and blue Guys.

Wearing helmets like knights, but don’t be timid,

The fight here is for training - they are playing hockey!

Here there are power techniques -

Players get knocked down very often.

Who is on skates and agile and faster -

He wins playing hockey

A song is being performed "About winter" K40 – 2007 (3)

Baba Yaga: I have one game - I fly with a broom and scare people.

Fairy: Do you want us to teach you how to play hockey?

Baba Yaga: Of course I want.

Hottabych: And please teach me, oh beautiful Fairy!

Fairy: Help me Hottabych, hold the clubs.

Hottabych: What an interesting magic wand...

Fairy: This is not a magic wand. This is a stick - it is used to play hockey. Now we will teach you how to play.

The game is being played "Hockey"

Baba Yaga: Thank you, the guys were helpful. I now know what I will do in the winter. It's time for me to hurry. Happy New Year! (flies away)

Hottabych: What a wonderful game.

Fairy:Hottabych, maybe you can try inviting Santa Claus again.

Hottabych(casts a spell):

Ay, gin, ah, gin!

Ay, la-la! (takes out a wand)

Wand please

Contribute to the service,

Grandfather Frost,

Invite me with the Snow Maiden!

Music sounds and Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year,

Congratulations to everyone,

Together with you

Celebrate the holiday!


Let the elegant Christmas tree sparkle,

May your songs and laughter never cease.

And may this whole year be joyful,

You are all very nice people!

You, Snow Maiden, are my friend,

Call your friends quickly.

Get into the circle quickly

Let's dance more fun!

(Snowflake girls run out and read poetry).

11 child:

Every year winter comes

Every year there is a blizzard,

White snowflakes in the sky

They start their own round dance.

12 child:

I offer my palms

I'm trying to look at them

Who came up with this, this is a miracle

In white lace dresses.

13 child:

Here's one, and here's another,

They fly after each other,

They fall into a snowdrift, they don’t melt,

And they sparkle in the sun.

14 child:

“Who makes snowflakes?”

I ask mom a question.

Mom smiles at me:

“Well, of course, Santa Claus!”

Dance "Winter is a Beauty" is performed

Fairy: Santa Claus, we have an unusual one at our holiday today guest.

Father Frost: And who is this? Your guest? What is he famous for?

Hottabych: I am a wizard from the East.

Father Frost: Oh, so you are a wizard. I'm a wizard too. Let's show our magic, which of us is stronger.

Hottabych: O most worthy of all worthy, begin first.

Father Frost:

Look! I will knock with my staff and say the magic words. The snow sparkles and flies, there is a Christmas tree in the hall. Let's say together - one, two, three! Well, let the Christmas tree burn!

(The lights come on Christmas tree)

Hottabych: Oh, the most skillful of wizards! What a miracle!

Snow Maiden: Friends, join hands and stand around the tree. Let's celebrate the New Year together - the tree of our songs awaits!

A round dance is being performed "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Father Frost: Now, it's your turn to show miracles Hottabych!

Hottabych: Oh, the most skillful of wizards! Look how from guests I'll make animals in no time! (Casts a spell, at this time guests put on animal masks) And now Look: I will turn animals into guests! (Casts a spell)

Father Frost: Marvelous! Well, you can give gifts guys right now?

Hottabych:Oh, kindest! My camels will arrive here straight from the East tomorrow at midnight.

Father Frost: And I’ll do them right now in front of your eyes Guys.

(Snow Maiden brings out a barrel of snow. Santa Claus casts a spell and takes out gifts)

Hottabych:(Hottabych puts on his coat) . It's time for me to say goodbye to a fairy tale.

Goodbye, wisest of the wise!

Goodbye, the most beautiful of the most beautiful!

(Kisses the hand of the Fairy and the Snow Maiden, leaves)

Father Frost:

Here comes the holiday New Year

It's time for us to finish!

Much joy today

I wish you kids!

Snow Maiden:

May you grow big

So that you don't have any worries!

And me and Grandfather Frost

We'll come back to you in a year!

The Christmas tree is flashing with lights,

He's probably saying goodbye to us.

Let's say together We:

Goodbye, see you next winter!

Old Man Hottabych
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
The first buffoon
Second buffoon

"Letter to the group":
"Dear children!
Girls and boys!
You hurry together into the hall.
Near the New Year tree
There will be a carnival!

To the music, children run into the hall, where they are met by a fairytale Fairy.

Hello my friends!
This is me all of you today
I collected it near the Christmas tree,
Because today is a holiday,
Noisy New Year holiday.
Let a magical fairy tale
He will come to us today!

He waves his wand and the tree lights up. Children look at the Christmas tree.

1 child:
So the Christmas tree is dressed up,
All lit up in lights,
And the toys sparkled
On its big branches.

2nd child:
We're good today
You can't find a better place!
Near the New Year tree
Don't pass, don't pass!

3rd child:
It's going to be fun today
There will be no time to be bored.
Hello, New Year's holiday,
We have come to meet you!

4th child:
We have a holiday today,
Today there will be a carnival!
How many fairy-tale heroes
He gathered here today!

Well, it's time to open our ball,
Noisy, loud carnival!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year,
Dear child!
Happy holiday, cheerful
It's time to start!

Round dance "Christmas tree".

5th child:
It's snowing outside the window,
Fluffy snow, New Year's.
New Year's laughter in the hall -
We have a carnival today!

6th child:
Our tree with a head
All covered with gray hair,
And the thick needles keep
The smell of forest is resinous.

7th child:
How elegant you are
With a silver star!
How huge you are
How fun it is to be with you!

8th child:
Tall, beautiful,
Green, slim,
With colorful lights
She's glowing!

Isn't she a beauty?
We all like the Christmas tree!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Become a round dance!
Let the merry round dance
Be the first to enter the New Year!

Round dance "Our Christmas tree". The children take their seats.

Attention! What kind of miracles?
I hear someone's voices.
Someone is stomping loudly
And he claps his hands!
Someone laughs merrily
Someone wants to congratulate us!

Girls behind the Christmas tree:
We've been waiting for this hour all year,
And to the thunder of firecrackers (clap)
Let's start the round dance
Christmas decorations!

"Dance of Christmas tree decorations." At the end, at the behest of the Fairy, everyone sits down.

Waving a shaggy branch
Happy New Year to us.
Listen, Christmas tree, to our song.

Hello hello,
New Year!

Song "First Snow".

Fairy (took the bell):
Naughty bell,
He is always with me everywhere.
Ding-dong, ding-dong!
He invites you to a fairy tale.

The lights go out, twilight.

I brought good news!
Now, or maybe exactly at six,
A big guest will come to you.
The guest is gray-haired with a beard.
Guess who it is?

Father Frost!

I'll look behind the doors
Maybe he's coming, friends!
(He approaches the doors. A large jug appears from behind the doors, smoke flows from there, the lights instantly go out and an old man appears.)
The guest comes gray-haired, gray-haired,
With a long white beard.
Made me cry!
He's not Santa Claus at all!
Hush, hush, silence!
(Flies away).

The light comes on, old man Hottabych stands by the tree in an oriental outfit, with a coat on top.

May there be peace to this house! Hello, the most educated of the educated and the loveliest of the loveliest! Children and dear guests!

But you can’t go here in a coat, grandpa!

ABOUT! How, tibidah! Do you know who you're not letting in? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand! I will command the wind, and it will scatter you all over the world!

Oh guys! Did you find out who it is? (Hottabych takes off his coat). But this is old Hottabych! Ghassan Abdurahman Khadtab!

Right! O wisest of wisest teachers! You recognized my name. Where did I end up? Whose house is this so beautiful, where there are so many children?


How beautiful and bright it is here. What a beautiful palm tree!

This is not a palm tree.

Why not a palm tree?

But now the children will say!
Hot summer, cold winter,
And suddenly dressed up for the New Year
Comes to visit our round dance

Christmas tree!

The Christmas tree, how beautiful, wah, wah, wah! Beautiful Christmas tree! What a strange tree! (Touches). And what strange fruits it bears! But here’s an apple, I’ll pick it now!

You can’t, Hasan Hottabych. This is not a real apple. It is made of glass.

What miracles! What country did I end up in? Do they eat glass apples here?

Hottabych, we know you as a good wizard. Tell me, can you help us?

With great pleasure, dear!
I'm old for years, I won't lie.
But I am not weak in will.
I'll help you in no time,
If I weren't Hasan Khadtab!
Order, incomparable one!

We want to invite Santa Claus to the holiday.

Why Frost? For what? I'm afraid. Where I live, it’s always warm, the sun is shining, trees and palm trees are growing. There is no snow, why do you need Santa Claus?

Without him, we can't light the Christmas tree. We want it to light up now!

Oh, the cruelest of the cruel! Oh, evil children! Do you want this wonderful tree to burn?

No, grandpa. We want multi-colored lights - light bulbs - to light up on the tree.

So I'll do it right now! (Casts magic). Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam! (The lights don't come on.)

Calm down, Hottabych. Maybe you can help us invite the Snow Maiden? She will light the lights on the tree.

Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden?
You, blizzard, don’t blow,
Invite the Snow Maiden to us.

Snowflake girls run out. "Dance of Snowflakes".

Look, look how many Snow Maidens I invited!

Hottabych, these are not Snow Maidens.

How are these not snow maidens? Who is this?

Snowflakes. We don't need snowflakes. Fly away!

Hottabych (blows on them):
Don't be upset, dear!
I came up with a fun game. Now I'll cheer you up!

Game "Jolly Bridges".

Hottabych, invite Santa Claus. Maybe he will come to our holiday and bring some fun!

Hottabych (casts a spell):
Ay, gin, ah, gin!
Ay, la-la!
You, blizzard, don’t blow,
Invite Moroz to us!

Two buffoons run out from behind the tree.

1st buffoon:
Under the Tsar, and under the peas
Mischievous buffoons
On the way to the booth
Lost the drum.
It's not a problem for them,
Musicians anywhere!
Hit with a spoon
In ringing palms!

2nd buffoon:
Neither rain nor hail,
And the splashes are flying!
The echo dances, the shadow dances,
Everyone is dancing!

"Dance of the buffoons"

Wah, wah! La-la! How did buffoons appear instead of Frost?

Yes, Hottabych, you’re a bit distracted today.

I'm not the only one who is absent-minded. Guys can be distracted too.

Our guys who are sitting in the hall are very attentive!

I'll check it now!
Answer the questions:
This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
And clap your hands.

1. Who sings and has fun,
And isn't he afraid of work?

2. Who has ever been sick?
Because I overate?

3. Who is not afraid of frost,
Does he fly around the rink like a bird?

4. Which of you, brothers, tell me,
Forgets to wash your face?

5. Who knows how to rest,
Run, swim and play?

6. Who is a good fisherman -
Catches cows with a fishing rod?

7. Which of you is on the pavement?
Does he walk with his head down?

8. Which of you is the most nimble here?
Are you happy to meet the Snow Maiden first?

Hottabych, I think I know what’s going on. You forgot the magic word, think about it.

That's right, I know this word, everyone should say it when asking for something. O wisest of wise children, what word is this?


That's right (takes out a wand).
Wand please
Contribute to the service,
Grandfather Frost
Invite me with the Snow Maiden!

Children dressed in Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costumes enter to the music.

Aw, why are they so small!

They drove from afar,
And the road is not easy.
Where have they been?
And they got caught in the sun's rays!
Let's take them into the woods and put them in the biggest snowdrift. They will grow up and come to the party! (Hottabych puts on his coat). It's time for me to say goodbye. It's getting cold, and I'm afraid of the frost. It's time to return to warmer climes. Goodbye, wisest of the wise! Goodbye, the most beautiful of the most beautiful! (Kisses the Fairy’s hand and leaves).

Music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden walk around the hall.

Fairy. Here he comes, a welcome guest,
Full of beard,
And cheerful and rosy.
Who is this?

Father Frost!

Father Frost:
I see there are forest bears here,
Dolls, naughty bunnies
And funny little goats,
Wolves, brave hares.
Everyone dressed up in costumes
And they started dancing at the Christmas tree.
So there is a ball in this hall,
New Year's carnival!
There's nothing more interesting
How wonderful is it on a day like this?
Winter holiday season
Meet the kids!

Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone,
Together with you
Celebrate the holiday!

Father Frost:
Let the elegant Christmas tree sparkle,
Let your songs and laughter sound incessantly,
And may this whole year be joyful,
You are all very nice people!

Snow Maiden:
So that no one frowns,
Start playing and dancing.
Join the round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance with Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost:
You, Snow Maiden, are my friend,
Call your friends quickly.
Get into the circle quickly
Let's dance more fun!

Snow Maiden:
Hey, mischievous snowflakes,
My dear sisters,
Fly in, spin around,
And have fun with me!

Dance of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes.

Father Frost:
Well thank you guys
You danced with me.
Tell me, guys,
Are you having fun in winter?

Frosts are not a problem for us,
We are not afraid of the cold,
We wear fur coats and earflaps
And we go sledding.

Father Frost:
But as?

And like this!

Children pretend to be sledding to the music.

Father Frost:
And then?

And then we'll go skiing
And we'll start rolling down the mountain.

Father Frost:
But as?

And like this!

They imitate skiing to the music.

Father Frost:
Well done! What else?

We also take skates
And we run to the skating rinks.
Father Frost:
But as?

And like this!

Couples skate to the waltz.

Father Frost:
Now let's play Snowballs!

Snowball game. "Orchestra of Animals" Poems.

Father Frost:
Sang songs, made children laugh,
What else have I forgotten?


Father Frost:
Well, okay, kids,
You amused me.
For the sake of a holiday for you
I've got something here!
It's time to end our holiday.
Can you all see the wand?
I'll just take it
I’ll show you a miracle right away!

The tree is burning, a wolf runs in in the twilight.

I'm on dark nights
He gave in to robbery.
Everyone trembles before me,
I'm happy with myself.
Ha ha ha ha!
It’s not in vain that I live in the forest,
I'll make noise in the forest,
I'll break off the trees.
Ha ha ha ha!
(Strokes himself on the stomach).
Oh, and there’s nothing to profit from, but I still want to eat!
(Sniffs, approaches the house).
It smells like goat meat!
(He sees a note on the house and reads it out loud):
“Everyone went to the kindergarten Christmas tree.”
Let me dress up as the Snow Maiden.
(Gets dressed, purrs to the tune of “Yellow Leaves...”):
Here I am walking onto the Christmas tree,
And I’ve been dreaming of catching it for a long time
I'm a kid, I'm a kid.
Happy New Year,
Happy New Year,
You, friends, you, friends!
White goats are circling around me,
The sharp horns move with fear.
And you can’t hide from the wolf, you can’t hide.
But for now I’m just dreaming about all this.
(Changed clothes).
I’ll sit behind the Christmas tree and watch the kids dance!

"Dance of the Little Goats" After the dance, a wolf appears and covers himself with a fan.

Who came to you?

I, Snow Maiden!

Why do you have such big hands?

This is so that you can hug the kids better.

Why do you have such big ears?

This is to better hear how the kids sing.

And why... (at this time Santa Claus appears and the Fairy does not have time to ask the question).

Father Frost (sees Snow Maiden and quickly walks towards her):
Snow Maiden! Granddaughter! What happened to you? Why are you like this?

The song of Santa Claus and the Wolf from the film “Well, just wait!” is performed. Wolf to the words “My best gift is you!” grabs the kid and runs away. A fox runs in, carrying a carrot, a bucket and a broom.

Oh, trouble, trouble! This is what's left of the snowman! The wolf broke it! Only the animals managed to hide the gifts he was carrying. Now the Wolf demands gifts in exchange for the kid.

Father Frost:
Well, guys, shall we give the gifts to the wolf? Otherwise he will eat the kid!

Wolf (shouting):
Well, Santa Claus, do you accept my terms?

Father Frost:
Yes, we agree, we agree! Give me back the kid!

The wolf gives away the kid, takes the bag and immediately unties it. A dog jumps out of the bag, barks and chases him away.

Father Frost:
Well, little animals, show me where you hid the bag! (The bag is found under the tree, gifts are distributed).

Song "Goodbye, Santa Claus."

The Christmas tree is flashing with lights,
He's probably saying goodbye to us.
Let's say together:
All. Goodbye, see you next winter!

"New Year's Adventures of Old Man Hottabych" in the preparatory group


Presenter, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Old Man Hottabych, Doctor Aibolit, Pinocchio, Dwarves, Snowflakes

In the hall there is The presenter reads the letter:

“Dear children!

Girls and boys!

You hurry together into the hall.

Near the New Year tree,

There will be a carnival! " Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

Children enter the hall to cheerful music, where they are met by the Presenter, and stand near the Christmas tree.

Ved : Hello my friends!

This is me all of you today

I collected it near the Christmas tree,

Because today is a holiday,

Noisy New Year holiday!

Let a magical fairy tale

He will come to us today!

1 child: We're good today

You can't find a better place!

Near the New Year tree

Don't pass, don't pass!

2nd child: It's going to be fun today

There will be no time to be bored.

Hello New Year's holiday!

We have come to meet you!

3rd child: We were waiting for this holiday

We knew he would come

Our glorious, our beloved,

Happy New Year.

4th child: When the sparklers are shining

When the firecrackers thunder,

Happy New Year everyone,

Congratulations on new happiness,

And we will sing at the holiday at the Christmas tree.

Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Ved: Look at our Christmas tree, how decorated it is!

Fluffy snow on needles,

And a star is burning above.

5th child: Our Christmas tree is fluffy,

All made of snow is silver.

On top of my head it’s like a hat,

A white armful of snow.

6th child: We are from the forest Christmas tree

We were invited to the garden.

Decorated the Christmas tree

In a festive outfit.

7th child: Multi-colored beads,

White boots,

And on every branch,

Balls, earrings.

8 child: The Christmas tree is decorated,

Among your friends.

In a merry round dance,

Let's spin around quickly.

Dance “Ice Palms”

Ved: Imagine, guys,

That we are now in the forest,

Here is a winter meadow

Here is a Christmas tree in the forest

Guys, what is that glittering under the Christmas tree (takes out a vessel)

Oh guys, look!

I am the vessel I found!

How beautiful he is, how wonderful,

It's like it's all silver!

Maybe some of you

Lost it now!

Children: - No.

Ved: What should I do, what should I do?

Where can I find the owner?

Look, it’s closed, does that mean there’s something inside? (shakes the vessel)

There’s nothing you can’t understand, even if you shake it until the evening?

Well, I’ll try to see what’s hidden in the vessel.

No. No way... Well, it’s too strong, it’s closed with a cork.

You sit quietly

Just don't jump up!

I will find out how the vessel should be unsealed. (goes out the door, clap, enters the hall)

Ved: The guest comes gray-haired, gray-haired,

With a long white beard.

He's not Santa Claus at all!

Hush, hush, hush, he’s already coming here.

(Hottabych enters to the music)

Hottabych: - Oh, dear children!

O beautiful star!

You released me from captivity forever,

Two hundred years in this vessel,

I'm a poor fellow, I sat

The evil dwarf has me in a vessel,

He ordered it to be sealed.

I, your slave, until death,

I am very glad to serve you,

I will fulfill all your wishes.

Any one of you is like a brother to me.

Order! (falls to his knees).

Ved: What are you doing, grandpa, get up.

Everyone in our garden is equal!

The guys have a holiday today

You will also be a guest.

Hottabych: What kind of holiday?

Children: New Year!

Hottabych: That's it, miracle of miracles,

This means there will be jokes and laughter.

I haven't danced for two hundred years! (dances)

How beautiful and bright it is here. What a beautiful palm tree?

Ved: This is not a palm tree.

Hottabych: Why not a palm tree? And then what?

Children: Christmas tree!

Hottabych: The Christmas tree, how beautiful, wah, wah, wah! Beautiful Christmas tree!

What a strange tree! (touches).

And what strange fruits it bears! But here’s an apple, I’ll pick it now!

Ved: You can't, it's not a real apple, it's made of glass. Tell me, can you help us?

Help us light the Christmas tree?

Hottabych: This grief is not grief,

This grief is not a problem!

I'm very happy to help you.

If my beard is intact!

I am the great Gene Hottabych

And I can do it without lies

Make your tree... sparkle (pulls a hair)

My magic hair, do your service,

You quickly light the lights on your Christmas trees (the lights light up).

Ved: Whose is it in the clearing,

Yes, this is us guys

The Snow Maiden is coming.

(Snow Maiden comes out)

Snow Maiden: Hello, dear guests!

Hello dear guys!

Hello, white meadow, greetings from the Snow Maiden!

I visited here early in the morning, Father Frost, my dear grandfather.

He decorated the trees and bushes like this.

He always has it in stock

Snow sparkles, lights.

Ved: Snow Maiden, where is Grandfather Frost? We've been waiting for it for so long!

Snow Maiden: Didn't Santa Claus pass by?

Has he forgotten?

Maybe he got lost?

Maybe he lost his way?

Hottabych: Don't be upset, dear! Grandfather What's his name, Frost, will come to you.

(behind the tree you can hear the ringing of a bell)

Snow Maiden : The bell is ringing loudly,

Santa Claus is hurrying to the Christmas tree.

I see! I see a red nose -

It's Santa Claus!

(Pinocchio runs in)

Ved: That's the nose, that's the nose,

This is not Santa Claus!

Boy, who are you?

Give an answer!

Pinocchio: New Year's greetings to you!

Hello my friends,

I am made of logs,

I have a sharp nose

Papa Carlo and Malvina

They called me... Buratino

Snow Maiden : Pinocchio, you were driving through the forest,

Have you met Santa Claus?

Pinocchio: Yes, I was driving through the forest

I saw many miracles there.

The animals celebrated the New Year,

Together we decorated the Christmas tree!

I went to visit my grandfather

He said: “I’ll come now!” »

(bell rings) outside the door

Ved: Santa Claus is coming, coming,

I see a red nose through the crack!

(Aibolit enters)

Pinocchio: Not Frost again!

How long can you wait for grandfather?

Who are you as a citizen?

What is your name, why are you alone?

Aibolit: I'm a famous doctor

Favorite of all animals.

For cough and bronchitis,

I treat everyone faster.

I can't stand being lied to

I don’t treat healthy people.

If you are interested in knowing

I am a well-known doctor, scientist... Aibolit

(Pinocchio screams, grabs his stomach and falls)

Pinocchio: Oh, it hurts, oh it hurts?

Aibolit: Where does it hurt, what does it hurt?

Pinocchio : It hurts here, it hurts there,

In this place too!

Good Doctor Aibolit, you will help me, right?

Aibolit: I'll teach the boy a lesson now,

I'll put the thermometer under my arm,

And I’ll give him some medicine (carries a bottle of medicine).

Pinocchio: (jumps up) Nothing hurts anymore.

Aibolit: I am a famous doctor, famous Aibolit.

Tell me, honestly, clearly, what hurts you?

Pinocchio: Nothing. I want to ask myself a question,

Where did Santa Claus go?

Have you met Frost?

Aibolit: No, I didn’t see Frost, I didn’t meet him on the road.

Snow Maiden: Why is there no frost?

Where is he, who will give us the answer?

Ved: Guys, let's ask Old Man Hottabych.

Hottabych: I'm tearing a hair, get ready kids.

You have never seen anything like this, never in the world.

I am the Great Gene Hottabych

And I can, as always,

Invite to our Christmas tree

Grandfather Frost

(The gnomes come out)

Wah, wah! How did gnomes appear instead of Frost?

Gnomes: Come on, gnomes, stand up!

Everyone follow me!

We will go right through the earth,

We will find Santa Claus.

Dance of the Dwarves

Old Man Hotabych: They say on New Year's Eve,

Whatever you wish will always happen,

Everything always comes true.

You just need to say

Make an effort.

What do you want, guys?

Children: The name is Santa Claus

Ved: Here he comes, a welcome guest,

Full of beard

And cheerful and rosy, who is this?

Santa Claus is coming out

Father Frost: Hello my dear!

You have become quite big!

I knew that you would come here,

Why would you call me?

There are gnomes and bunnies here,

And there are lights on the tree.

Well, let's continue the holiday,

Let's all sing a song

Song "Russian Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Well done boys. There's another game for you

I want to check how accurate you are

Game "Hit the target with a snowball"

Hottabych: I also want to play with the children, I even have my own game

“Dwarfs and Giants” Rules of the game I’ll say “giants” - stand on your toes and stretch your arms up, “dwarfs” - squat down, then calls the wrong commands: “pan”, “felt boots”, “gate”, whoever calls it incorrectly sits on chair.

Father Frost: You all played great

And they didn’t read poetry to me.

Ved: Grandfather Frost, sit down and relax

And the children read poetry to you.


Father Frost: Oh, how hot it became in the hall,

Oh, I'm afraid I'll completely melt,

Let the breeze blow

Will bring ice here.

Snow Maiden: There are a lot of toys on our Christmas tree,

Various balls, paper crackers!

Bunnies, bears and even... hedgehogs.

The elegant snowflakes are so cute!

Well, I'll surprise Frost

I will bring snowflakes to life!

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

(Claps his hands to count).

Snowflakes will dance!

Dance of Snowflakes

Father Frost: Oh, well done, you made the old man happy,

It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,

Let's celebrate the New Year together

Both adults and kids!

Ved: Grandfather Frost, you probably forgot about the gifts?

Santa Claus opens his bag, but it is empty. Shaking.

Ved: Father Frost! Will the children really be left without gifts?

Father Frost: No? Hottabych and Buratino will help us with this

Bring me a cast iron pot, put it on the table for me!

Salt, sugar and a bucket of water,

A little snow, tinsel,

Let's add a snowflake, just a minute, friends,

We need to mix everything in the cast iron,

Tell us all the magic words:

“Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Key, key, help, put everything in order! »

He takes out gifts.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will be separated for a whole year.

Father Frost: So our daring holiday is over!

Snow Maiden: There were a lot of different jokes

There was a lot of fun!

Hottabych: So be healthy, kids! Live together, without worries!

Snow Maiden: And don’t be bored, we will come back to you again in exactly one year!

All together: Happy New Year!

Ved: Thanks everyone! Happy New Year to you friends!

Buratino and Aibolit also say goodbye and leave to cheerful music.

New Year's scenario for senior and preparatory groups.

Old man Hottabych at the children's Christmas tree

To the music, children run into the hall, where they are met by a fairytale Fairy.(

(New Year's dance exercise)

Fairy. Hello my friends!
This is me all of you today
I collected it near the Christmas tree,
Because today is a holiday,
Noisy New Year holiday.
Let a magical fairy tale
He will come to us today!

(Waves his wand - the tree lights up).

Children look at the Christmas tree.

1 child So the Christmas tree is dressed up,
All lit up in lights,
And the toys sparkled
On its big branches.

2 reb. We're good today
You can't find a better place!
Near the New Year tree
Don't pass, don't pass!

3 reb. It's going to be fun today
there will be no time to be bored.
Hello, New Year's holiday!
We have come to meet you!

4 children We have a holiday today,
Today there will be a carnival!
How many fairy-tale heroes
He gathered here today!

5 reb. Well, it's time to open our ball,
Noisy, loud carnival!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year,
Dear child!
Happy holiday, cheerful
It's time to start!

Round dance" Let's have fun today".

6 children It's snowing outside the window,
Fluffy snow, New Year's.
New Year's laughter in the hall -
We have a carnival today!

7 children Our tree with a head
All covered with gray hair,
And the thick needles keep
The smell of forest is resinous.

8 children How elegant you are
With a silver star!
How huge you are
How fun it is to be with you!

9 children Tall, beautiful,
Green, slim,
With colorful lights
She's glowing!

Isn't she a beauty?
We all like the Christmas tree!

Fairy 2. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Become a round dance!
Let the merry round dance
Be the first to enter the New Year!

Round dance" New Year is coming to us".

Leading. Attention! What kind of miracles?
I hear someone's voices.
Fairy 2. Someone is stomping loudly
And he claps his hands!
Someone laughs merrily
Someone wants to congratulate us!

Girls behind the Christmas tree:
We've been waiting for this hour all year,
And to the thunder of firecrackers (clap)
Let's start the round dance
(Dance song Ice Palms)

Leading . Waving a shaggy branch
Happy New Year to us.
Listen, Christmas tree, to our song.

All. Hello hello,
New Year!

Song "Snow Song".

Fairy 3 (took the bell):
Naughty bell,
He is always, everywhere with me.
Ding-dong, ding-dong!
He invites you to a fairy tale.

(Lights go out, twilight).

Magpie. Stre-ke-ke!
I brought good news!
Now, or maybe exactly at six,
A big guest will come to you.
The guest is gray-haired with a beard.
Guess who it is?

All. Father Frost!

Magpie . I'll look behind the doors
Maybe he's coming, friends!
(He approaches the doors. A large jug appears from behind the doors, smoke flows from there, in an instant the light goes out and an old man appears).
Magpie. Stre-ke-ke!
The guest comes gray-haired, gray-haired,
With a long white beard.
Made me cry!
He's not Santa Claus at all!
Hush, hush, silence!
(Flies away).

The light comes on, old man Khattabych stands by the tree in an oriental outfit, with a coat on top.

Khattab. May there be peace to this house!
Hello, the most educated of the educated and the loveliest of the loveliest! Children and dear guests!

Presenter. But you can’t go here in a coat, grandpa!

Khattab. ABOUT! How, tibidah!
Do you know who you're not letting in? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand!
I will command the wind, and it will scatter you all over the world!

Ved. Oh guys! Did you find out who it is?
(Khattabych takes off his coat).
Why, this is old Khattabych!
Ghassan Abdurahman Khadtab!

Khattab . Right! O wisest of wisest teachers! You recognized my name. Where did I end up? Whose house is this so beautiful, where there are so many children?

Children. Kindergarten!

Khattab. How beautiful and bright it is here. What a beautiful palm tree!

Presenter. This is not a palm tree.

Khattab. Why not a palm tree?

Presenter . But now the children will say!
Hot summer, cold winter,
And suddenly dressed up for the New Year
Comes to visit our round dance

Children. Christmas tree!

Khattab . The Christmas tree, how beautiful, wah, wah, wah! Beautiful Christmas tree!
What a strange tree! (Touches).
And what strange fruits it bears! But here’s an apple, I’ll pick it now!

Presenter . You can’t, Hasan Khattabych. This is not a real apple. It is made of glass.

Khattab . What miracles! What country did I end up in? Do they eat glass apples here?

Ved . Khattabych, we know you as a good wizard. Tell me, can you help us?

Khattab . With great pleasure, dear!
I'm old for years, I won't lie.
But I am not weak in will.
I'll help you in no time,
If I weren't Hasan Khadtab!
Order, incomparable one!

Ved . We want to invite Santa Claus to the holiday.

Khattab . Why Frost? For what? I'm afraid. Where I live, it’s always warm, the sun is shining, trees and palm trees are growing. There is no snow, why do you need Santa Claus?

Ved . Without him, we can't light the Christmas tree. We want it to light up now!

Khattab . Oh, the cruelest of the cruel! Oh, evil children! Do you want this wonderful tree to burn?

Ved . No, grandpa. We want multi-colored lights - light bulbs - to light up on the tree.

Khattab . So I'll do it right now! (Casts magic). Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam!
(The lights don't come on.)

Ved . Calm down, Khattabych. Maybe you can help us invite the Snow Maiden? She will light the lights on the tree.

Khattab . Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden?
You, blizzard, don’t blow,
Invite the Snow Maiden to us.
(Snowflake girls run out).

"Dance of Snowflakes".

Khattab. Look, look how many Snow Maidens I invited!

Ved . Khattabych, these are not Snow Maidens.

Khattab. How are these not snow maidens? Who is this?

Ved . Snowflakes, fly away, we need a Snow Maiden!

Khattab .(blows on them)
Don't be upset, dear!
I came up with a fun game. Now I'll cheer you up!

Game "Jolly Bridges".

Ved . Khattabych, invite Santa Claus. Maybe he will come to our holiday and bring some fun!

Khattab. (casts a spell):
Ay, gin, ah, gin!
Ay, la-la!
You, blizzard, don’t blow,
Invite Moroz to us!
(Be-be-be is heard from behind the tree, a baby goat runs out).

Ved. Wait wait! Who are you? And where is Santa Claus?

After all, we are waiting for him!

Kid. I'm for him. Why don't you like me?

I have a beard!

Ved. But you also have horns. Who do you think these friends are?

(children's answers)

Kid. But you didn’t guess me.

I am the symbol of the New Year!

Ved. The symbol of the New Year is a goat.

Kid. Who do you think I am? I'm only little yet.

I will grow up and become like my mother goat.

Ved. Okay, stay and have fun with us.

Khattab. Wah, wah! La-la!
How did this monster appear instead of Frost?

Ved. . Yes, Khattabych, you are somewhat absent-minded today.

Khattab . I'm not the only one who is absent-minded. Guys can be distracted too.

Ved. Our guys who are sitting in the hall are very attentive!

Khattab . I'll check it now!
Answer the questions:
This is me, this is me, these are all my friends
And clap your hands.
1. Who sings and has fun,
And isn't he afraid of work?
2. Who has ever been sick?
Because I overate?
3. Who is not afraid of frost,
Does he fly around the rink like a bird?
4. Which of you, brothers, tell me,
Forgets to wash your face?
5. Who knows how to rest,
Run, swim and play?
6. Who is a good fisherman -
Catches cows with a fishing rod?
7. Which of you is the most nimble here?
Are you happy to meet the Snow Maiden first?

Ved. . Khattabych, I think I know what’s going on. You forgot the magic word, think about it.

Khattab . That's right, I know this word, everyone should say it when asking for something. O wisest of wise children, what word is this?

All. Please!

Khattab. That's right (takes out a wand).
Wand please
Contribute to the service,
Grandfather Frost
Invite me with the Snow Maiden!

(Children dressed in costumes of Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter to the music).

REB. D.M I am Frost, Red Nose!

With a white beard.

I’ll pinch you – it’ll bring me to tears!

Don't joke with me.

For what, why

Should I be angry?

I have come to you, friends.

To have fun!

REB. SNOW. Happy New Year, Happy New Year

We meet you

Happy New Year to you friends.

Congratulations today.

Fairy 1. Aw, why are they so small!

Khattab . They drove from afar,
And the road is not easy.
Where have they been?
And they got caught in the sun's rays!
Let's take them into the woods and put them in the biggest snowdrift.
They will grow up and come to the party!

(Khattabych puts on his coat). It's time for me to say goodbye. It's getting cold, and I'm afraid of the frost. It's time to return to warmer climes.
Goodbye, wisest of the wise!
Goodbye, the most beautiful of the most beautiful!

Music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden walk around the hall.

Fairy 3. Here he comes, a welcome guest,
Full of beard,
And cheerful and rosy.
Who is this?
- Father Frost!

Snow. Happy New Year!
D.M. Let the elegant Christmas tree sparkle,
May your songs and laughter never cease.
And may this whole year be joyful,
You are all very nice people!

Snow. So that no one frowns,
Start playing and dancing.

Join the round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
(dance White Blizzard)

D.M. Well thank you guys
You danced with me.
Tell me, guys,
Are you having fun in winter?

Reb Kiril. Frosts are not a problem for us,
We are not afraid of the cold.
We wear fur coats and earflaps
And we go sledding.

D.M. But as?
Children. And like this!

(Children pretend to be sledding to the music).

D.M. And then?

Children. And then we'll go skiing
And we'll start rolling down the mountain.

D.M. But as?

Children. And like this!
(They imitate skiing to the music).

D.M. Well done! What else?

Children. We also take skates
And we run to the skating rinks.

D.M. But as?

Children. And like this!
(Couples skate to the waltz.)

D.M. Now let's play "…….."!

Game of ………

D.M. Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit and listen to poetry

(children's poems, ditties)


  1. Santa Claus plays with us 2. Look, Santa Claus

Laughs into his beard. In felt boots and a hat,

We want to catch him. He lives in the north.

He doesn't give in to his hands and doesn't wear slippers.

3. There is noise and laughter in our hall 4.

The singing doesn't stop

Our Christmas tree is the best

There's no doubt about it


1. Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day 2. Cotton snow plasters below

We dance, we dance. A star shines above.

The Christmas tree is a beauty, and there are balls on the branches,

Children really like Colorful Lanterns.

Here she is -

Slender big!

3. Hello, New Year's holiday.

Christmas tree and winter holiday!

All my friends today

We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.

4. The spruce sways quietly.

The old year is ending.

It's good in the forest in winter,

The forest is decorated with fringe,

The ringing snow sparkles,

The frost turns silver.

The spruce sways quietly.

The old year is ending.

Laughter, fun, games, jokes,

Songs, joy, dancing!

We all have a good life

In a New Year's fairy tale!

5. The Christmas tree has come to the children,

She brought snow on the branches.

We need to warm up the Christmas tree,

Wear a new dress.

The stars shine brightly,

The lights are burning brightly,

Different beads hang -

Wonderful outfit!

D.M. He sang songs and made children laugh.
What else have I forgotten?

Children. Present!

D.M. Well, okay, kids,
You amused me.
For the sake of a holiday for you
I've got something here!
It's time to end our holiday.
Now I'll take my staff
I’ll show you a miracle right away!

(The tree is on fire, a wolf runs in in the twilight).

Wolf . I'm on dark nights
He gave in to robbery.
Everyone trembles before me,
I'm happy with myself.
Ha ha ha ha!
It’s not in vain that I live in the forest,
I'll make noise in the forest,
I'll break off the trees.
Ha ha ha ha!
(Strokes himself on the stomach).
Oh, and there’s nothing to profit from, but I still want to eat!
(Sniffs, approaches the house).
It smells like goat meat!
(He sees a note on the house and reads it out loud):
“Everyone went to the kindergarten Christmas tree.”
Let me dress up as the Snow Maiden.
(Gets dressed, purrs to the tune of “Yellow Leaves...”):
Here I am walking onto the Christmas tree,
And I’ve been dreaming of catching it for a long time
I'm a kid, I'm a kid.
Happy New Year,
Happy New Year,
You, friends, you, friends!
White goats are circling around me,
The sharp horns move with fear.
And you can’t hide from the wolf, you can’t hide.
But for now I’m just dreaming about all this.
(Changed clothes).
I’ll sit behind the Christmas tree and watch the guys sing!

After the song a wolf appears,

Goat . Who came to us?

Wolf. I, Snow Maiden!

Goat . Why do you have such big hands?

Wolf. This is so that you can hug the kids better.

Goat . Why do you have such big ears?

Wolf. This is to better hear how the little goat sings.

Goat . And why... (at this time Santa Claus appears and the Fairy does not have time to ask the question).

D.M. (sees Snow Maiden and quickly walks towards her):
Snow Maiden! Granddaughter!
What happened to you? Why are you like this?

The song of Santa Claus and the Wolf from the film “Well, just wait!” is performed.

Wolf to the words “My best gift is you!” grabs the kid and runs away.

Snow Maiden . Oh, trouble, trouble!

The wolf stole the kid.
Now the Wolf demands gifts in exchange for the kid.

D.M. Well, guys, shall we give the gifts to the wolf? Otherwise he will eat the kid!

Wolf (shouting):
Well, Santa Claus, do you accept my terms?

D.M. Yes, we agree, we agree! Give me back the kid!

(The wolf gives away the kid, takes the bag and immediately ties it. A dog jumps out of the bag, barks and drives him away).

D.M Well, Snow Maiden, it’s time to give out gifts!

He hits the floor with his staff and takes out gifts.

Snow . The Christmas tree is flashing with lights,
He's probably saying goodbye to us.
Let's say together:

All. Goodbye, see you next winter!(General dance)

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"Letter to the group":

"Dear children!
Girls and boys!
You hurry together into the hall.
Near the New Year tree
There will be a carnival!


To the music, children run into the hall, where they are met by a fairytale Fairy.

Hello my friends!
This is me all of you today
I collected it near the Christmas tree,
Because today is a holiday,
Noisy New Year holiday.
Let a magical fairy tale
He will come to us today!

Children look at the Christmas tree.

1 child.
So the Christmas tree is dressed up,
All lit up in lights,
And the toys sparkled
On its big branches.

2nd child.
We're good today
You can't find a better place!
Near the New Year tree
Don't pass, don't pass!

3 child.
It's going to be fun today
there will be no time to be bored.
Hello, New Year's holiday!
We have come to meet you!

4 child.
We have a holiday today,
Today there will be a carnival!
How many fairy-tale heroes
He gathered here today!

Well, it's time to open our ball,
Noisy, loud carnival!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year,
Dear child!
Happy holiday, cheerful
It's time to start!

Round dance "Christmas tree".

5 child.
It's snowing outside the window,
Fluffy snow, New Year's.
New Year's laughter in the hall -
We have a carnival today!

6 child.
Our tree with a head
All covered with gray hair,
And the thick needles keep
The smell of forest is resinous.

7 child.
How elegant you are
With a silver star!
How huge you are
How fun it is to be with you!

8 child.
Tall, beautiful,
Green, slim,
With colorful lights
She's glowing!

Isn't she a beauty?
We all like the Christmas tree!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Become a round dance!
Let the merry round dance
Be the first to enter the New Year!

Round dance "Our Christmas tree".

(Children sit down.)

Attention! What kind of miracles?
I hear someone's voices.
Someone is stomping loudly
And he claps his hands!
Someone laughs merrily
Someone wants to congratulate us!

Girls behind the Christmas tree:
We've been waiting for this hour all year,
And to the thunder of firecrackers (clap)
Let's start the round dance
Christmas decorations!

"Dance of Christmas tree decorations."

(At the end, by order of the Fairy, everyone sits down.)

Waving a shaggy branch
Happy New Year to us.
Listen, Christmas tree, to our song.

Hello hello,
New Year!

Song "First Snow".

Fairy (took the bell):
Naughty bell,
He is always, everywhere with me.
Ding-dong, ding-dong!
He invites you to a fairy tale.

(Lights go out, twilight).

I brought good news!
Now, or maybe exactly at six,
A big guest will come to you.
The guest is gray-haired with a beard.
Guess who it is?

Father Frost!

I'll look behind the doors
Maybe he's coming, friends!
(He approaches the doors. A large jug appears from behind the doors, smoke flows from there, in an instant the light goes out and an old man appears).
The guest comes gray-haired, gray-haired,
With a long white beard.
Made me cry!
He's not Santa Claus at all!
Hush, hush, silence!
(Flies away).

The light comes on, old man Khattabych stands by the tree in an oriental outfit, with a coat on top.

May there be peace to this house!
Hello, the most educated of the educated and the loveliest of the loveliest! Children and dear guests!

But you can’t go here in a coat, grandpa!

ABOUT! How, tibidah!
Do you know who you're not letting in? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand!
I will command the wind, and it will scatter you all over the world!

Oh guys! Did you find out who it is?
(Khattabych takes off his coat).
Why, this is old Khattabych!
Ghassan Abdurahman Khadtab!

Right! O wisest of wisest teachers! You recognized my name. Where did I end up? Whose house is this so beautiful, where there are so many children?


How beautiful and bright it is here. What a beautiful palm tree!

This is not a palm tree.

Why not a palm tree?

But now the children will say!
Hot summer, cold winter,
And suddenly dressed up for the New Year
Comes to visit our round dance

Christmas tree!

The Christmas tree, how beautiful, wah, wah, wah! Beautiful Christmas tree!
What a strange tree! (Touches).
And what strange fruits it bears! But here’s an apple, I’ll pick it now!

You can’t, Hasan Khattabych. This is not a real apple. It is made of glass.

What miracles! What country did I end up in? Do they eat glass apples here?

Khattabych, we know you as a good wizard. Tell me, can you help us?

With great pleasure, dear!
I'm old for years, I won't lie.
But I am not weak in will.
I'll help you in no time,
If I weren't Hasan Khadtab!
Order, incomparable one!

We want to invite Santa Claus to the holiday.

Why Frost? For what? I'm afraid. Where I live, it’s always warm, the sun is shining, trees and palm trees are growing. There is no snow, why do you need Santa Claus?

Without him, we can't light the Christmas tree. We want it to light up now!

Oh, the cruelest of the cruel! Oh, evil children! Do you want this wonderful tree to burn?

No, grandpa. We want multi-colored lights - light bulbs - to light up on the tree.

So I'll do it right now! (Casts magic). Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam!
(The lights don't come on.)

Calm down, Khattabych. Maybe you can help us invite the Snow Maiden? She will light the lights on the tree.

Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden?
You, blizzard, don’t blow,
Invite the Snow Maiden to us.
(Snowflake girls run out).

"Dance of Snowflakes".

Look, look how many Snow Maidens I invited!

Khattabych, these are not Snow Maidens.

How are these not snow maidens? Who is this?

Snowflakes. We don't need snowflakes. Fly away!

Khattabych: (blows on them)
Don't be upset, dear!
I came up with a fun game. Now I'll cheer you up!

Game "Jolly Bridges".

Khattabych, invite Santa Claus. Maybe he will come to our holiday and bring some fun!

Khattabych: (casts a spell):
Ay, gin, ah, gin!
Ay, la-la!
You, blizzard, don’t blow,
Invite Moroz to us!
(Two buffoons run out from behind the tree.)

1st buffoon:
Under the Tsar, and under the peas
Mischievous buffoons
On the way to the booth
Lost the drum.
It's not a problem for them,
Musicians anywhere!
Hit with a spoon
In ringing palms!

2nd buffoon:
Neither rain nor hail,
And the splashes are flying!
The echo dances, the shadow dances,
Everyone is dancing!

"Dance of the buffoons"

Wah, wah! La-la!
How did buffoons appear instead of Frost?

Yes, Khattabych, you are somewhat absent-minded today.

I'm not the only one who is absent-minded. Guys can be distracted too.

Our guys who are sitting in the hall are very attentive!

I'll check it now!
Answer the questions:
This is me, this is me, these are all my friends
And clap your hands.

1. Who sings and has fun,
And isn't he afraid of work?
2. Who has ever been sick?
Because I overate?
3. Who is not afraid of frost,
Does he fly around the rink like a bird?
4. Which of you, brothers, tell me,
Forgets to wash your face?
5. Who knows how to rest,
Run, swim and play?
6. Who is a good fisherman -
Catches cows with a fishing rod?
7. Which of you is on the pavement?
Does he walk with his head down?
8. Which of you is the most nimble here?
Are you happy to meet the Snow Maiden first?

Khattabych, I think I know what’s going on. You forgot the magic word, think about it.

That's right, I know this word, everyone should say it when asking for something. O wisest of wise children, what word is this?


That's right (takes out a wand).
Wand please
Contribute to the service,
Grandfather Frost
Invite me with the Snow Maiden!

Children dressed in Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costumes enter to the music

Aw, why are they so small!

They drove from afar,
And the road is not easy.
Where have they been?
And they got caught in the sun's rays!
Let's take them into the woods and put them in the biggest snowdrift.
They will grow up and come to the party!

(Khattabych puts on his coat). It's time for me to say goodbye. It's getting cold, and I'm afraid of the frost. It's time to return to warmer climes.
Goodbye, wisest of the wise!
Goodbye, the most beautiful of the most beautiful!
(Kisses the Fairy’s hand and leaves).

The music is playing, the big Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are already walking around the hall.

Here he comes, a welcome guest,
Full of beard,
And cheerful and rosy.
Who is this?

- Father Frost!

I see there are forest bears here,
Dolls, naughty bunnies
And funny little goats,
Wolves, brave hares.
Everyone dressed up in costumes
And they started dancing at the Christmas tree.
So there is a ball in this hall,
New Year's carnival!
There's nothing more interesting
How wonderful is it on a day like this?
Winter holiday season
Meet the kids!

Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone,
Together with you
Celebrate the holiday!

Let the elegant Christmas tree sparkle,
May your songs and laughter never cease.
And may this whole year be joyful,
You are all very nice people!

Snow Maiden:
So that no one frowns,
Start playing and dancing.
Join the round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Round dance with Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

You, Snow Maiden, are my friend,
Call your friends quickly.
Get into the circle quickly
Let's dance more fun!

Snow Maiden:
Hey, mischievous snowflakes,
My dear sisters,
Fly in, spin around,
And have fun with me!

Dance of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes.

Well thank you guys
You danced with me.
Tell me, guys,
Are you having fun in winter?

Frosts are not a problem for us,
We are not afraid of the cold.
We wear fur coats and earflaps
And we go sledding.

But as?

And like this!

(Children pretend to be sledding to the music).

And then?

And then we'll go skiing
And we'll start rolling down the mountain.

But as?

And like this!

(They imitate skiing to the music).

Well done! What else?

We also take skates
And we run to the skating rinks.

But as?

And like this!

(Couples skate to the waltz.)

Now let's play Snowballs!

Snowball game.

"Orchestra of Animals"


He sang songs and made children laugh.
What else have I forgotten?


Well, okay, kids,
You amused me.
For the sake of a holiday for you
I've got something here!
It's time to end our holiday.
Can you all see the wand?
I'll just take it
I’ll show you a miracle right away!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden hand out gifts).

Song "Goodbye, Santa Claus."

The Christmas tree is flashing with lights,
He's probably saying goodbye to us.
Let's say together:

Goodbye, see you next winter!