DIY school bows mk. Lush bow for school master class How to make a bow for school

Despite the fact that the school time has already begun, I want to offer you an interesting master class on making lush bow for school... Indeed, at school, our children should look beautiful and tidy, and hair accessory is not the last place. Also, this bow is suitable for September 1st, it will look beautiful and elegant. Let's get down to making this wonderful fluffy bow, and Julia Pereyaslova will tell us how to make it correctly.

To make a bow you will need:
* Ruler.
* Scissors.
* Lighter or candle.
* Satin ribbon 2.5 cm.
* Thermal gun.

Method for making a fur bow:
We take a satin ribbon 2.5 cm. Of the desired color and cut off the segments of 11 cm. Each will need the segments in different ways, who will do how, about 60 pieces. We take the segments in turn, we make petals from them for making our lush bow. We fold each segment in turn with the front side inward. Press the fold.

Apply a little glue and step back from the fold a couple of millimeters.

Fold back the edges, slightly pressing the folds.

Here's a petal that should work out.

And if you look from above, then you should get such a bow.

We bend the ponytails lengthwise in different directions.

In this way.

We combine the edges together and solder it with a lighter or candle.

This is how the petal should turn out for making a lush bow.

On the top along the middle, glue a bead or strass. Choose a color to match the petal. We make the rest of the petals in the same way.

We cut out a small circle of the base, about 4.5 cm and we begin to glue the finished petals onto it. We glue the petals a little overlap, in the first row we use approximately 14 petals.

In the second row, we also use 14 petals. We glue them as close as possible, without moving them to the center.

In row 3-4, we use 11 petals.

There are also 11 petals in rows 5-6.

7-8 rows have 8-9 petals.

And we fill in the very middle by trying on the petals as many will fit.

That's it, pretty fluffy bow for school ready. Such a bow can be made in different colors as you need, or combine different colors. See how cute bows for school turned out. It remains to make to glue an elastic band to it and the bow will be ready

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Making bows for September 1 with your own hands is a task that any mother can easily cope with. Moreover, on the Internet you can find so many interesting and original options of any complexity! You can start creating a small decorative masterpiece with only a ribbon, scissors, a needle and thread, some jewelry in the form of sequins, beads or pearls ... Well, and a little imagination and desire, of course.

Diy satin ribbon bows for September 1, master class with photo and video

Creating a small masterpiece from satin ribbons or organza is an interesting and exciting process. Moreover, you can learn how to make bows for September 1 with your own hands from training videos, master classes with photographs of all stages or on specialized forums. We can try to create one of such decorations right now.

DIY materials and tools for satin bows

  • 2 pieces of satin ribbon measuring 5 * 18 cm + 3 pieces of satin ribbon measuring 2.5 * 8 cm
  • 2 pieces of rep tape measuring 4 * 17 cm + 1 piece measuring 4 * 16 cm + 1 piece 2 * 8 cm
  • Circle cut from felt with a diameter of 4 cm
  • Scrunchy
  • Needle with thread
  • Decorative beads
  • Glue gun
  • Lighter

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a satin bow for a festive ruler on September 1

  1. We make the basis for the future smart accessory. To do this, fold our satin cuts 5 * 18 cm in half, then press the ends of the fabric to the fold line and sew them with a thread. We fasten both parts of the atlas, we tighten it. We fix the resulting double bow by intercepting it in the middle with a thread. We straighten the blank of our decoration.
  2. We do a similar process with two cuts of a rep tape measuring 4 * 17 cm.
  3. We make a single bow of rep material measuring 4 * 16 cm, add decorative ends to it. To do this, fold it lengthwise and then crosswise, cut off the ends of 2 * 8 cm, cut off the ends obliquely and string the fabric onto a thread along with a 4 * 16 cm bow.To prevent the fabric from hanging around, we will process its edges with a lighter or a burning candle.
  4. We begin to collect our accessory. First, we glue the smallest rep bow on a bow made of the same material, which is larger in size.
  5. Glue the resulting multi-layer bow made of rep ribbon onto a satin blank.
  6. To decorate the hair tie, take a 2.5 * 8 cm satin piece of fabric, fold it in half lengthwise, fasten the edges with a lighter. From the inside of the bow, glue one edge of this tape.
  7. We wrap our decoration in the center with this ribbon, twisting it twice in parallel.
  8. Fasten the remaining edge with a glue gun from the inside out
  9. We put the remaining 3 cuts of the satin ribbon on top of each other at a slight angle, with the letter "L", glue them, process and attach them to the back of our accessory.
  10. We decorate the satin ends of the bow at our discretion - for example, using beads or pearls.
  11. It remains to attach an elastic hair band to the decoration. To do this, fold the felt circle in half and make two parallel cuts to get the "loops".
  12. We pass a thin ribbon into the resulting loops, then, dropping a little glue in the middle of the felt mug, glue the elastic band. We wrap the elastic with a ribbon and bring the free ends out of the felt base.
  13. We attach the free ends of the tape to the felt with glue, cut off the excess.
  14. We glue the felt with an elastic band on the back of the bow.

Lush white bows made of satin ribbons for September 1, photo

But what interesting decorative ornaments in the form of organza bows you can create with your own hands. These accessories, no doubt, will appeal not only to schoolgirls, but also to more adult women of fashion. And you will want to try them on not only on the Day of Knowledge.

White bows for September 1: how to effectively tie a decoration

For an unusual, but at the same time, not too complicated hairstyle for a girl on September 1 with white bows, we need: two narrow white satin ribbons, two hair ties, two hairpins in the form of beautiful fluffy white bows.

  • We divide the hair into a straight parting, and then, on each side, select two small strands on the crown.
  • We weave pigtails from the selected strands, in parallel weaving a white ribbon into them. We fasten the braids with hair ties.
  • We cross the braids, collect the loose strands and our braids in two tails. We fix the hairstyle with hair ties, decorate with lush white bows.
  • If desired, the ends of the tails can be wound on a curling iron - so the hairstyle will take on an even more festive look.

When creating an elegant hairstyle for long hair, the flight of imagination is generally unlimited. Here's another example of how to quickly and effectively tie white bows on September 1st.

  • We collect the ponytail at the back of the head using a regular hair tie.
  • Take a long satin ribbon about 4-5 cm wide and pull it through the elastic so that the free bottom end is about 2/3 of the length of the entire ribbon.
  • We begin to weave a pigtail from the tail, weaving the lower end of the ribbon into the strands. We fasten the pigtail with an elastic band.
  • We twist the "bun" from the pigtail, securely fixing the hairstyle with a pair of hairpins.
  • We wrap the free ends of the ribbon around the hairstyle and tie it with a bow.

There are a great many options for interesting solutions with white bows. How, for example, to originally beat the usual satin ribbon in the hairstyle - shown in the photo:

As you can see, a beautiful school hairstyle does not have to be crowned with a huge white bow. It can be easily replaced by modest, neat ribbon bows.

Bows-kanzashi (kanzashi) on September 1 do it yourself, a master class with a photo

The kanzashi technique (kanzashi) is loved and respected by craftswomen. The mysterious name "kanzashi" comes from Japan, where they first began to make flowers for decorating geisha outfits and hairstyles from bright silk fabric cuts. Modern mothers can also easily master the art of making kanzashi bows for September 1 with their own hands.

27 July 2015

The introduced black-and-white school uniform also requires appropriate adornments in the image of a young schoolgirl. Delicate bows made of white and black ribbons perfectly complement the standard look. Such accessories look original and voluminous on hair of any length. How do cute, detailed in this master class.

For schoolgirl bows, prepare :

  1. Narrow tape 2.5 cm wide made of black rep with a white pattern.
  2. White satin ribbon 4 cm wide.
  3. Black satin ribbon, 4 cm wide.
  4. White ribbon with embossed flowers, ribbon width about 4 cm.
  5. Hot glue, i.e. a thermo gun with a rod.
  6. Basics for bows - elastic bands, clips, etc.
  7. Lighter.

For the base of the bow, that is, the lower part, you will need a cut from white satin ribbon, the length of the braid should be about 22 cm. If you plan to create two bows, then duplicate all the elements exactly repeating the dimensions.

The tape needs to be glued into a bow; for this, the cut is first glued at the edges into a ring shape.

Then apply a drop of glue to the inside of the circle joint and immediately press it down to the opposite side, bending the piece in half. The result is a shape identical to the figure eight when viewed from above.

To create a cruciform bow, you need a white embossed braid trim for a black ribbon. Two different cuts are connected by reflowing with a flame from a lighter, while the white ribbon is fixed in the middle of the black satin.

Cut off by 20 cm and the second edge is also soldered with fire. You also need to fix the upper tape to the lower and in the central point, this is done using hot glue, which is applied with a toothpick.

The part is first folded into a ring and its edges are glued together.

Then opposite sides are glued on the inside, forming a simple bow.

Glue two identical elements in the form of a cross.

If you are making a second bow, then collect a cross for it directly on top of the first part so as not to change the angle of contact.

This is how it should work out.

A similar bow is made from a 17 cm long rep cut.

The last element is located in the middle, strictly along the horizon, it cannot be shifted to one side or the other, otherwise the whole bow will be crooked.

The final touch is the gluing of a caboche or eye-catching flower to the center of the piece.

It is convenient to attach the product to a hairstyle or ponytail using small metal clips that need to be glued to the back of the bows.

Ribbon bows you can pin on loose hair or decorate a braid, tail.

Lovely hairpins- bows from ribbons ready, they can be complemented by an exquisite tie that goes well with a girl's school uniform and brings brightness and originality to the image of a student.
Especially for the site Lessons of Needlework Olesya Anikina.

Summer is coming to its logical end, which means that very soon on September 1. On the eve of Knowledge Day, mothers and daughters choose outfits, as well as accessories for them. The latter complete and complement the image of the student. Bows are traditionally considered an integral part of the festive line. the site has prepared simple master classes for creating bows for you.

Option 1.

Take 2 different shades of 4cm wide satin ribbons and cut them into 32cm lengths. Fold the wrong sides together. Place a ruler on one edge and mark 11.5 cm by bending the tape. Secure the fold with a tailor's pin.

Do the same with the second edge of the ribbons. For one bow, you will need 2 such blanks.

Using the crossing method, fold one blank, as in the picture. Pin the center.

In the mirror image, do the same with the second piece.

Bend the ends of the first part underneath.

Bend the left tip again under the bottom, connecting with the top, and bend the right upward, also connecting with the top. Fasten the bottom with a pin.

With the second part, repeat all the same operations in a mirror image, performing the last bend of the ends in reverse (right - up, left - down).

Collect both pieces with a string.

Use a glue gun to glue the hairpin to the bow.

From a satin ribbon of one of the shades, cut a narrow strip to cover the middle of the bow. Glue the strip.

Decorate the bow with a bead or other decor.

Option 2.

Cut the tape 5 cm wide into the following pieces: 5x25 cm - 2 pieces, 5x21 cm and 5x13.5 cm.

Fold the longest sections in half, shiny side down, and then turn over and connect the ends, secure with a pin.

Pass one ring through the second, forming a bow. Secure with tailor's pins.

Take a piece of medium length, bend it in half, straighten it out. Bring the ends back to center. Fasten.

Bend the shortest part in half, cut the edge obliquely, singe the edges.

Glue rhinestones on the edges.

Gather the middle workpiece in the center with small stitches with thread, pull off, forming a bow, fix the thread.

Gather a small blank with rhinestones in the center with a thread. Tighten the thread without cutting it. Collect the largest bow on the same thread, pull it off, fix it.

Use a glue gun to glue the remaining bow in the center.

Glue a hairpin or elastic to the bow.

Cover the center of the bow with a strip of satin ribbon of the same color.

Decorate the center at your discretion.

Bows from satin ribbons to school, step by step with a photo

Option 1.

Cut the satin ribbon 1.3 cm wide into 8 cm pieces. Fold the piece in half, making a mark at the fold, and unfold it. Fold the right corner down and the left corner up.

Bring the ends together, bend to the center and singe.

Make 58 of these petals.
In the center of each petal, glue a half-bead with Crystal Moment glue.

On a round blank 3.5 cm in diameter made of foamiran or felt, glue a row of petals along the edge.

Turn the workpiece over and do the same on the other side in a checkerboard pattern.

Flip the piece over and continue glueing the petals in a checkerboard pattern.

Glue the bead in the center.

Such a bow can be attached either to a hair clip or to an elastic band.

The bow is ready.

Option 2.

We will make ears from two pieces of tape 21x4 cm.

Bend the corner back, bring it to the center.

Let's wrap it up. We fix it with a pin or clothespin.

We will do the same procedure for the second segment.

From a tape of the same color, cut off 2 pieces of 4x9 cm in size, and from a tape of a suitable tone, cut pieces of 2.5x8 cm.

We impose a smaller segment on a large one in pairs. We cut it obliquely. You should get 2 such details.

Sew the details in pairs.

We glue them together. We glue it to an elastic band or hair clip.

We fuse together 2 pieces of the same tapes with dimensions of 18x4 cm by burning with the edge with a lighter.

We bend the segments in half, reduce the ends to the center. We sew the workpiece in the center, forming a bow.

We collect the bow. First we glue a large bow to the elastic band, and glue a small bow on it.

We close the center of the bow with a narrow strip of satin ribbon and decorate with a beautiful middle.

White bows to school master class

For work, you will need a white tape 5 cm wide, a glue gun, a white thread with a needle, a piece of white felt and a white elastic band.

  1. Cut the tape into 10 cm pieces. You will need 17 such pieces in total.
  2. Take one line. Bend the upper corner on the right side down, aligning it with the lower one, and then fold the same corner up. Secure with a pin.

  3. Fold the lower left corner up and then fold down. Fix. In the same way, collect the same part from the remaining 16 segments.

  4. Lay the part with the corners up and sew the 2 bottom edges of the diamond with large stitches without pinching.

  5. Remove the pins, pull the thread. You should get a petal like in the picture. Make the other 16 petals in the same way.

  6. We string 8 petals on one thread, sew. You should get a circle. Then we sew 2 more circles of 6 and 3 petals.

  7. Glue an elastic band onto a 5 cm diameter felt circle.

  8. Glue the felt blank first to a large circle of petals.

  9. Next, glue the middle circle of petals, and on top of the smallest one.

  10. In the center, glue the middle of a beautiful half-bead and the bow is ready.

Beautiful bows to school, ideas with a photo

Bows to school on September 1, step by step with a photo

Option 1.

For work you will need:

  • 24 pieces of satin ribbon measuring 2.5x14 cm;
  • 9 pieces of nylon tape measuring 1x8 cm;
  • glue gun;
  • felt blank with a diameter of 3.5 cm;
  • 1 elastic band or hair clip;
  • scissors.

Take 1 piece of satin ribbon and tie it in a loose knot in the center. Bring the ends together, wrap in the middle, singe. Do the same for the rest of the satin ribbon.

Using the same principle, make 9 petals from a nylon tape.

On 1 blank of felt, starting from the edge, first glue the petals of the satin ribbon, and glue the petals from the nylon ribbon in the middle.

Glue an elastic band or hairpin to the back of the bow.

Option 2.

To create a bow you will need:

  • 10 pieces of satin ribbon measuring 2.5x12 cm;
  • 3 pieces of tape measuring 2.5x16 cm;
  • 3 pieces of organza tape measuring 2.5x16 cm;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • 2 beads;
  • decoration for the middle.

We put 5 pieces of 12 cm in a pile, align along the edges and fold in half.

We sew the middle with a thread. Pull the thread, sew on a bead on top.

We take the tip of the upper ribbon of one of the edges, put it in front. We apply each subsequent part of the tape to the previous one, smoothing the ends along the edge. We fasten the bottom with a pin.

We do the same on the other side.

We turn the edges of the workpiece towards each other, and put the right edge on top of the left. We solder the ends with a lighter.

In the same way, make the second half of the bow, sew the halves together.

We fold one piece of tape 16 cm long in half, outline the middle. Turn the upper edge of the tape to the right and lower it down to the intended middle. Do the same for the bottom edge. We fix the center with a pin.

Fold the second ribbons 16 cm wide symmetrically, making curls to the left.

Fold the third tape 16 cm in length in half, unfold and bend the ends towards the center.

We sew the details. The first two lines should be on top and the third in the middle.

We tighten the thread.

Sew the bows together.

We fold all three pieces of organza in turn in half, unfold, bring the ends together in the middle and fix.

Sew together in the center all the details of the organza bow, laying out 2 sections on top and one on the bottom. Pull off the thread.

Sew the organza bow to the rest, putting it under the bottom.

We glue an elastic band and a beautiful decoration for the middle to the bow.

Video bow to school

DIY ribbon bows to school

Option 1.

For one bow, you need 1.5 m of satin or rep ribbon 4 cm wide. The ribbon is not cut into pieces.

  1. Treat the edge of the tape by burning it with a lighter.
  2. Fold the edge of the tape by gluing it with the Crystal Moment glue.

  3. We fold the rest of the tape symmetrically. Put both pieces together.

  4. We string the petal on a needle and thread.

  5. Then we make the second petal using the same principle. We sew.

  6. We make 8 such petals for one part of the bow.

  7. We do the second part of the bow in the same way and string it on the same thread on which the first half was strung. We sew both halves.

  8. Sew beads between the petals, turning each petal to the left.

  9. Sew the beads first to one half of the bow, and then to the other. Spread the petals.

  10. Glue a beautiful middle to the bow, and an elastic band or hair clip on the back.

Option 2.

Cut a blank out of cardboard in the form of a bow 8 cm wide. Attach the blank to the shiny foamiran, cut out a bow.

Take a piece of tape measuring 4x16 cm, fold in half, then unfold. Turn the upper edge of the tape to the right and lower it down to the intended middle, then do the same with the lower edge. Sew the center. Pull off.

From 2 pieces 4x20 cm we will make a simple bow. To do this, fold each segment in half, then unfold and fold the corners in the middle. Sew in the center. Collect both segments on the same thread, sew, fix.

First, glue a large bow on an elastic band, then a foamiran bow, and then a small bow. Close the middle with a piece of foamiran.

Decorate the bow with rhinestones.

Option 3.

Collect 2 pieces of rep tape measuring 3.8x18 in a simple bow. To do this, fold the first segment in half, then unbend and bring the ends to the center, sew in the middle, pull the ends together. Sew the second piece of tape on the same thread, folded according to the same principle as the first, sew the pieces together.

2 pieces of rep tape measuring 2.5x10 cm, fold in half, cut off the ends. Lay the sections crosswise, sew in the center, pull the thread.

2 x 2 pieces of different shades of rep tape measuring 2.5x18.5 cm, fold together, align the edges, singe, thereby soldering them together.

Fold the first piece welded in half, unfold. Holding the tape in the middle, fold the right corner in the middle, then fold the resulting triangle to the left. First bend the right tip up, then turn it back, then fold the left tip up and back.

Pull both ends back, aligning them with the center corner. Fix the part with a pin. From the remaining soldered tape, make another of the same piece.

Sew the first part with stitches, and sew the second part with stitches on the same thread. Sew them together.

We collect the bow. We glue the black bow on the white bow, and on top of it we glue the multi-colored one.

Glue an elastic band and a beautiful middle to the bow.

Option 4.

Take 30 pieces of white satin ribbon measuring 5x21 cm.On the first piece, find the middle and make 4 folds of the accordion in it 0.5 cm deep.

Option 5.

For work, prepare:

  • 2 pieces 19x2.5 cm;
  • segment 16x2.5 cm;
  • 2 pieces 10x2.5 cm;
  • rhinestones;
  • glue gun;
  • hair clip or elastic.

We will form a simple bow out of two larger segments: fold each of the segments in half, unfold, bring the ends to the center, fix the middle. Sew the bows together.

From a piece of 16 cm long, we will make a simple bow, folding it in half, bringing the ends together and sewing in the middle.

Glue the bow to the elastic, decorate the center with rhinestones.

Bows can be made from different ribbons of satin, rep, organza, lace, brocade, etc. They can be used to decorate hair by fastening it to different bases, such as elastic bands, hairpins, headbands, brooches and similar attachments. For more than 5 years I have been carried away by this type of creativity, I am greatly attracted by the beauty, grace and variety of bows and flowers that you can create from ribbons with your own hands. It's great that now, with the help of the Internet, I can share my experience with a large number of novice craftswomen, as well as experienced ones who are looking for inspiration or simply continue to improve their skills.
I, too, continue to constantly study and look for new ideas and techniques, so it will be great if you also share your experience or valuable advice at the end of the article.

Bows for school.

I think the topic is relevant for many, since many craftswomen have daughters or do for sale, and school topics are always in demand.

For making, I use different types of ribbons, these are rep, satin and lace.
Reps 2, 5 cm wide and 21 cm long, I took different colors, one white with small peas, the other dark blue. We scorch the edges of the tapes so that they do not crumble and it is convenient to work with them.

Bend the segment in half and mark the middle, stroking the fold with your fingers.

Now we wrap the edge of the tape in such a bun to the marked middle.

We wrap the second edge in the same way.

We sew in the middle with a thread, I use monofilament, it is transparent and fits ribbons of different colors.

We twist and sew the second piece of tape in the same way as the first.

We pull them together and sew through them several times to securely fix and tie the thread to a knot.

For the lower part of the bow, take 2 pieces of lace 4 cm. Width and 2 pieces of satin ribbon 2.5 cm. Width and length, all segments are 21.5 cm.

We put them together with lace on top, satin on the bottom, burn the edges with a lighter and press the ribbons together so that they stick together at the edges.

Now on these we also mark the middle and fold the edges to it, stitch it.

We tighten and fix firmly.

At this stage, I sew an elastic band to the lower bow.

I put all the pieces together and find a suitable center.
I like this one!)

I glue each other with Moment glue, it is transparent and glues fabrics well.

The last step is to glue the middle

All our school bow is ready, now you can dress up your daughter for school)

back side

School bow on a hairpin.

The next bow we have will consist of a narrow rep ribbon 0.5 cm wide in white and blue.
We need to cut 8 cm long pieces - 1 pc. each color (I cut off 2 extra pieces in the photo), 7 cm and 6 cm, 2 pieces of each color.

Fold each piece in half and glue it together.

You will need a small piece of felt for the base.

On a piece of felt we glue our pieces of tape, the smallest 6 cm, on one side in blue and on the other white, trying to arrange them evenly.

Then glue the next layer 7 cm segments

And now we glue the last 2 pieces of the longest, 8 cm each.

For the lower part of the bow, you need a piece of lace 4 cm wide and 15.5 long.

We fold it in half and sew it

These are the 2 parts we should get

We glue them together

We take an automatic hairpin and sew

Then we sew the middle on a narrow tape, I have such a cute little penguin)

And glue it to the hairpin

That's all our hairpin with a bow is ready, you can wear it!

It looks very nice on the hair)
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