Wedding toast to younger brother from sister. Congratulations to the brother on the wedding from the sister, touching in verse and prose. Congratulations on the wedding of your beloved brother

What a good day today is!
The whole world has become brighter and more beautiful!
For your wedding, (bride's name) and (groom's name),
Today I raise a glass!
Beloved brother, my great pride!
You are full of fun and kindness.
Besides, he's handsome! And I firmly believe
What is the most best husband you will!
I know for sure that I could always
Come to you with any problem!
It's not in vain that dad was always proud of you,
His soul is still with you!
I'm glad that you managed to find Olya,
Cheerful and generous soul!
Her bright smile is adorned
And this day, and the whole world is big!
You appreciate and forgive each other,
Even if the path is sometimes not easy.

Well, you, brother, well done,
Waited, got married, finally
I'm happy for you, like a sister,
I wish you great love, happiness and kindness.
Let your life flow like a full river,
So that troubles and sorrows disappear forever,
So that you always admire each other,
May God grant you joy, comfort and family warmth.

My brother, you are the groom, well, just super,
I'm sure your marriage will be strong
After all, you are reliable, and honest, very smart,
I wish you a lot of happiness.
We raise our glasses to you today
So that you become successful and joyful,
And they lived, soul to soul for many years,
And all adversity floats away like water.

Brother, you and I have grown up
Together and year after year,
The years flew by quickly
You are the groom today.
Dear brother, I congratulate you
I wish you happiness, joy, a strong family.
You love and respect your wife
And always succeed in everything.

It's been a turmoil since morning
My brother is getting married, it's high time
I told him elder sister,
For a long, long time I was going
FROM single life afraid to say goodbye.
I congratulate you on your wedding
I wish you fruitful family fields,
And let the weed of discord not threaten him,
I wish you a long and happy life together.

You have a solemn event, brother,
Today a new family is being created,
Under the march of Mendelssohn, you enter the hall,
I give flowers to the most beautiful couple.
I congratulate you on your wedding
I wish you advice and love with all my heart,
Accept gifts, wishes from your sister,
I know for sure that you will be a wonderful husband.

Today I cry, I laugh,
But trust me, there is a reason for this.
Recently, the younger brother said: "I'm getting married!"
And I suddenly realized that he was a man.
That the little boy is in the past.
But my advice was not in vain:
He is handsome, strong, he is good,
And chose a great pair!
I admire my brother's bride
And his daring brother!
I'm so happy! I am so glad!
But I got a little sad.
I would like to take care of him
And educate, as once ...
But today is the day of the best wedding!
Little brother's wedding day!
Congratulations, my brother, you!
I wish you luck and success in life!
Live, respecting your wife and loving!
Happiness to you and children's laughter!

My dear and beloved brother!
Today you are the groom - sounds beautiful!
Today everyone here is happy to congratulate you!
Happy and successful marriage!
Happy this day for me too!
After all, besides my brother, I now have a sister!
May your new family be strong!
And everything will be all right with your personal life!
All the quarrels of our old days,
Long time ago I forgot!
And your future children
Consider me already in love!
With the birth of a new, excellent family!
Bitterly! Kiss, my dear!

My dear elder brother!
I'm so used to being a small and fragile girl because you always protected me. Behind your strong shoulders I was like behind a stone wall! Now your broad shoulders protect your young wife from troubles, you will take care of your family on them, you will ride your future children on them!
May all difficulties be on your shoulder!
Throughout life, walk shoulder to shoulder, without parting, without betraying each other! Share your joys and victories for two, solve all problems and failures together!
I have always been proud of you, my brother, and I know that I will be proud of your achievements in the future. I believe in you - you will be the best husband in the world: caring, faithful and loving! Good luck and love to you in family life!

Dear bride and groom! I am the happiest sister in the world - my brother is getting married today. Thank you, beloved brother, for giving me what I have always dreamed of - a sweet, lovely little sister!
Dear brother! Today is a beautiful day - the first step towards your family happiness on a long journey of life! Let the support, care and understanding of your loved ones accompany you along this path. Let love shine on you guiding star. Remember that you have a long way, and on it will be not only the sweet honey of the first month, but also the prose of life. Let various little things and trifles never spoil your wonderful relationship! May your love not lose all your sweetness life together! Let it be a little bitter only today. Bitterly!

With legal marriage, brother, you!
Live you, loving wife:
Don't hit her and don't yell
Give her children every year!
Let the bachelor world be forgotten -
Share a house, salary, life with her;
If it's hard - turn your shoulder,
Kiss her only passionately!
Friends, relatives do not forget -
Visit occasionally!
May the dawn be sweet tomorrow...
Well, in the meantime, I'm ... bitter! Bitterly!

I'm so brother, I'm happy for you
Thank God, a new family is being created.
You are both so beautiful, good,
I am happy for you from the bottom of my heart.
On your wedding, brother, I want to congratulate you,
Be worthy of a beautiful wife.
Respect her, love her, appreciate her
Help in everything, and take care of it like the apple of your eye.

My brother is getting married. Hooray!
He became a master of strong, family warmth.
He will carry his wife in his arms,
He is loyal, honest and kind!
I want to congratulate you on your wedding, brother,
I wish you prosperity, peace and kindness.
So that the family, warmed by love,
Reliable, comfortable and strong.

Today you got married brother
You are not happier in the world.
May the angels keep your marriage
But for happiness - you are responsible.
Be gentle and patient
Wives whims - to forgive,
And give in to your beloved
As I once conceded.
Look into each other's eyes
And two on one side.
And family life with his wife
May it be better every day.

I have a lot of words today
Dedicated to my brother...
You have known the sweetness of shackles
Before the God of saints!

There is now a dear soul,
To wash socks
So that a young friend
Collected things.

cleaned up after you
Stroked, woke up
And fed to caviar,
And washed dishes.

And to sweep the floors,
And fed my friends
Beer to buy
And she loved football.

Oh what am I talking about? This is a dream!
'Cause when you love
And hearts beat in unison -
You will do everything yourself!

I have a lot of words today
Dedicated to my brother...
Dear brother, do not frown -
You are now married!

My brother is getting married! Congratulations!
And on this wonderful day to him,
I sincerely, sincerely wish
Do not know the remorse of torment!
Let there be a loving wife
And the kids will soon grow up
And in the summer on a colored meadow
Let them run towards dad!

My brother is getting married today!
He is now, like a sultan, rich:
Money makes my pocket pop!
The champagne is already sizzling
And impatiently waiting for the hour
When the bride enters the hall!
May your day be joyful
Let it be not lazy in the evening
So tenderly express your ardor,
So that the first-born was soon!

Dear brother, tell your wife:
Let her not think - married as if in paradise.
Let him take care of you and love you hard,
And even more likely to please us with a baby.
I miss the little ones so much
And I promise to nurse my nephews.
I will read books to them and take them for a walk,
Just don't give more than five at once!

The day has come when your brother is getting married. Now you will not be able to communicate as often as before, because now he has his own family ... But this is not scary at all! In your wedding congratulations, you can express all the memories of those days that you spent together! We have selected for you the best wedding congratulations to your brother and we continue to replenish our database of wedding congratulations so that you can choose the most interesting and suitable congratulation for yourself. Congratulations to your brother on the wedding in verse will be an excellent gift, original and memorable.

Wedding congratulations in verse to brother

You are happy, infinitely glad:
hostess, girl
She is happy with yours too
Connect your destiny

Make a bunch of babies
With his wife, simple and sweet!
And I'm all cute nephews
I love you with all my might!!!

Congrats on your wedding brother.
I know you are very happy today!
Let life be like a fairy tale and a dream,
May the angel of good luck be in love with you.

Having successfully completed your searches,
You have found your halves.
For Anya - Igor, for Igor - Anya -
The beginning of an ageless love.

Beloved brother, romantic, but serious,
A successful, practical businessman.
You cook deliciously, even incomparably,
Healthy, strong, true athlete.

Caring and very gentle with children,
What he personally proved with Linochka ...
Yes Anya, lucky you, of course,
You yourself see: Igor is an ideal.

And Anechka... A lovely creature.
So romantic, feminine, soft,
Stylish, with great design ability,
With fmgurka, magical as a dream.

Excellent artist capable
Create a super-picture on the wall.
Moreover - independent, serious,
She even went to university to teach.

Talented. Both internally and externally
Similar to the highest examples...
Yes, Igor, you are lucky, of course.
That Anya is an ideal, you see for yourself.

You both are amazingly similar.
And both are the epitome of beauty:
One clothing style and lifestyle image
And the warehouse of the soul and external features.

You are basically made for each other.
And the fact that you are going down the aisle -
Fate's blessing and miracle
For your tender ones loving hearts.

The stars promise you to be a wonderful couple
And the decision is correct
Forge your union in heaven first
And then in the registry office, on the ground.

So let it be strong and successful
Your sweet charming union,
A guarantee of cloudless happiness,
The beginning of generations of new plus.

Today, we, Natasha and Christina,
We want to wish you congratulations,
So that your passion is inextinguishable,
Because it's true passion

To make the most of your efforts
Always help each other in everything.
Career ups, prosperity.
Love each other, believe, understand.

To be careful with each other
And you were tremulous as now.
So that for each other the highest pleasure,
They came every day and every hour.

And joy and happiness to you without measure.
And so that great and great love
You served as an example to history.
God bless you guys.

My brother is getting married today
And his life will change.
You will become a family man
Now you have to be straight forward.

I wish you much happiness
And so that you live with your wife for a very long time.
Look, there is an angel in the sky,
Hurry to give my congratulations!

You are happy, infinitely glad -
Mistress, girl - what you need,
You take a beauty as your wife, brother ...
She is happy with yours too
Connect your destiny
To sing a song, to hear a fairy tale...
After all, no matter how twisted the thread,
Get her all the same to the eyeballs!
Make a bunch of babies
With his wife, simple and sweet.
And I'm all cute nephews
I love it with all my might!

What a good day today is!
The whole world has become brighter and more beautiful!
For your wedding, (Name of the bride and groom)
Today I raise a glass.

Beloved brother, my great pride!
You are full of fun and kindness!
Besides, he's handsome! And I firmly believe
That you will be the best husband!

I know your character better than many
We have been friends with you since childhood.
With great warmth I remember
How we shared joy and sorrow.

We stood up for each other,
Everywhere and everywhere we were together.
I even sometimes for my parents
Signed in your diary.

I wish you happiness and success
Discoveries and accomplishments again and again.
Let the house be filled with children's laughter
May prosperity and love live in it!

Now you are a family strong couple,

Congratulations dear brother!
Your wedding day has arrived!
From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely wish
So that your marriage is the most durable!

So that you and your beautiful wife
Soul to soul lived a long century,
So that we are always proud of you,
Our own "family man"!

And let your house become a full bowl,
Let the sonorous children's laughter sound in it,
And so that the question of your life,
They answered in unison: “The best!”

My brother and beautiful bride,
Let your union not be famous for insults,
Let the house be famous for kindness,
Always open to friends and family.

Wedding congratulations to brother from sister

You guys have been together for a long time

We have loved her for a long time!

I can confirm this as a sister!

Don't forget your sister and parents

Wedding congratulations to brother from brother

I'm glad that you managed to find (Name of the bride),
Cheerful and generous souls!
Her clear smile is adorned
And this day, and this world is big.

We are very happy to welcome her into our family.
And we will help her as much as we can!
In return, nothing is needed from you,
I just want to become an uncle as soon as possible.

Brother! We've been together for so many years
And now you go to the bride,
Learn to conquer the paths of the family,
To be everywhere and everywhere only the head!

So let it become better to live with the wedding,
I want to keep happiness in life
To love each other forever, with adoration,
Be immune to various trials!

Your wonderful holiday has come, and not in vain
For you, congratulations sounds like an ocean.
Now you are a family strong couple,
I admire you, (Name of the groom) and (Name of the bride).

You guys are happy together
Not everyone has that feeling!
(Name of the bride) we are very happy to accept into the family,
We have loved her for a long time!

(Name of the groom) will be a kind and sensitive spouse,
I can confirm this as a brother!
We are with early childhood loved each other with him
He will be able to protect the family from problems!

Don't forget your brother and parents
Bathe in the streams of love, warmth.
Give birth to healthy and strong children,
And may your dreams come true.

Let the wedding be beautiful and bright,
Let our gifts delight you!
You accept congratulations from your brother,
Keep family happiness forever!

Funny congratulations on the wedding

Brother, you have chosen the most beautiful bride!
And even though we quarreled with you sometimes,
I'll tell you now in secret
That you married a "saint"!

Now you are a husband, and it sounds proud!
Be smart, kind and always be ready
Help your wife to iron her jacket,
Cook compote and grate carrots!

With legal marriage, brother, you!
Live you, loving wife:
Don't hit her and don't yell
Give her children every year!

Let the bachelor world be forgotten -
Share a house, salary, life with her;
If it's hard - lend a shoulder,
Kiss her only passionately!
Friends, relatives do not forget -
Visit occasionally!
May the dawn be sweet tomorrow...
Well, in the meantime, I'm ... bitter! Bitterly!

Wedding congratulations to brother in prose

My dear brother, what a wonderful choice you made in life, and your chosen one is simply beautiful.
On this happy day for you, I want to wish you all the best in life and health, wealth, peace and warmth.
May your family always be reliable and strong.

Beloved brother, you are my great pride!
I'm happy for you.
You are the most cheerful and kind person in the world, and besides, you are handsome!
And I firmly believe that the best and loving husband you will!
Love each other forever and be happy.

Dear newlyweds!
My beloved brother!
I heartily congratulate you on your legal marriage and education. new family.
Advice to you and love.
May your love be as long as your life.
AT good hour, dear newlyweds, for many years!

Dear brother!
Congratulations on your legal marriage!
Now you have the most important thing - beloved and loving person nearby, and this is true happiness.
I wish you family well-being and long happy years life together.

Dear my brother! I want to congratulate you on your wedding day! Today is the happiest day of your life! After all, now there is a person next to you whom you love, and who loves you, isn't this happiness? I wish you long and joyful days of family life, as well as prosperity to your home!

Beloved brother! I am very happy for you today, because you made such a wonderful choice, your bride is beautiful and smart! I wish you all the very best in the world! May love, tenderness and prosperity never leave your family! Keep it for years to come! And may your home always be warm and bright!

My dear, the best brother in the world! I'm so proud and happy for you! I always knew that you are my most beautiful, kind, strong and cheerful! Therefore, I am sure that you will be the most loving and reliable husband in the whole world! Be happy and may your love never end!

One well-known person once remarked: Well-mannered man will treat his wife in the same way as he would treat a completely unfamiliar woman, but a hundred times more polite and gentle. And today I raise this glass so that you, brother, love, appreciate and take care of your spouse, while not forgetting about courtesy!

I'll tell you a little anecdote. At the lecture, the professor asks the students:

What would you call a person who is able to give in when he realizes that he is wrong?
- A sage! students answered.
- And how then can you call someone who is able to make concessions even when he is completely sure that he is right?
"Married," the married student said quietly.

And this is a truth that no man who is about to get married should forget about! Dear brother, remember her more often, and then your family life will be long, happy and full of love!

Your brother is getting married, and the day of the wedding has already been set, to which many guests have been invited. What parting words to give to the newlyweds, what to wish the brother and his wife? Common phrases that are often spoken at weddings are already pretty tired of everyone.

If you don’t feel like talking banalities, you can make an original congratulation. And if you have not yet found suitable expressions for this, it does not matter. On our site you will find congratulations for your brother on your wedding from your sister in your own words.

My beloved brother! You are the most precious person in my life! I can't imagine my life without you, without your help and support! On this beautiful day, I want to congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage, because you married a wonderful girl whom you love and appreciate so much!

You married a real beauty and a smart girl, a wonderful hostess who sincerely loves you. I want to wish your family understanding and respect for each other. Always be happy and appreciate what makes you happy - love. I want to raise a glass to you, to your young family. Be always happy!

Dear brother! I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day and sincerely wish your family to be the happiest and most friendly. And also - so that your wife respects and appreciates you, and you love her deeply and please her with pleasant surprises. Peace to you, prosperity and wonderful children!

A wedding is a very exciting event. You can get excited and forget what you wanted to say when congratulating the newlyweds. Therefore, on the eve of the celebration, write down the text of your speech and read several times what you want to wish the newlyweds. Words of congratulations on the wedding of a brother do not have to be learned by heart. The main thing is that your words come from the heart.

Dear brother, today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - the birthday of your family. Congratulations on the conclusion of a legal marriage and I want to wish you and your wife a clear sky and sunny weather, great opportunities and no family dramas. Be happy no matter what! Be faithful to each other and even after many years, love each other the way you love now!

Beloved brother! I am very happy for you today, because you made a wonderful choice: your bride is beautiful and smart! I wish you all the very best in the world! May love, tenderness and prosperity never leave your family. Keep it for years to come! And may your home always be warm and bright!

Wedding congratulations to your brother from your sister in your own words

On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds have to listen a large number of congratulations from friends, parents and other relatives. The most touching moment after the parting words of the father and mother of the newlyweds is the speech of the groom's sister.

If you do not have experience in compiling such wishes, it is better to choose ready-made wedding greetings for your brother from your sister in your own words. This text can be read aloud festive table, or you can write to beautiful postcard, attaching it to a gift to the newlyweds.

Beloved brother, happy wedding to you! Let your family life develop exactly as you imagine it. Happiness to you and your wife, long life to you in love and harmony! And also - the joy of the fact that the two of you are walking along the path of life.

Dear brother! Today is the first step towards your family happiness on a long journey of life! Let the care and understanding of loved ones accompany you on this road. May your love shine as a guiding star for you! Remember that you have a long way, and on it will be not only the sweet honey of the first month, but also the prose of life. Don't let annoying little things spoil your wonderful relationship! May your love not lose its sweetness throughout your life together! And let it be a little bitter only today. Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! Today you started your life together. I wish you to remember this moment for a long time, so that joy today you remember for many, many years. I wish you to find the right path - the path of love and prosperity. Look for your path to happiness and, having found it, do not turn off it! Happiness to you and prosperity! And may your family be loving and strong!

Dear brother! As children, we dreamed that over time we would create families that would be friends. And today I want to congratulate you on the fact that you have married your beloved, who loves you no less. I wish your family happiness, kindness and warmth. Love and appreciate each other! Appreciate every day lived together and be faithful to each other, because cheating on your loved ones is stupid and unworthy. Once again I want to congratulate you on your wedding, be happy! Advice to you and love!

I am very happy for my brother, because today he found a family! Allow me, dear newlyweds, to say a few parting words to you. First, be a worthy example for your unmarried and unmarried friends, that is, for us. Secondly, don't forget to invite all of us to the first christening. And thirdly, live happily! Advice to you and love! Bitterly!

Situations that develop in life are different. If you and your brother live in different regions of the country or even in different states, it may happen that you will not be able to attend the wedding.

Thanks to modern means connection you can congratulate him on this momentous occasion from a distance. Read congratulations on your brother's wedding via video link, send in a letter to e-mail or post it on your page social network.

Dear brother! Congratulations on your wedding! You are a good and bright person, therefore I wish you only a bright and good future. I wish you to go through life with your head held high, full of determination and courage, enjoying every moment you live. May your marriage be happy!

My dear elder brother! You always took care of me and protected me when I was little. Behind your strong shoulders I was like behind a stone wall! Now you will protect your young wife from troubles, you will take care of the family. May all difficulties be on your shoulder! Live together, not parting, not betraying each other! Share your joys and victories for two, solve all problems together! Happiness and prosperity to you!

On the wedding day, the bride and groom receive many congratulations. After the words of congratulations are heard from the newly-made father-in-law and father-in-law, as well as mother-in-law and mother-in-law, the time comes for congratulations from other relatives, from older to younger. When the word is given to the most dear people - brothers or sisters of the groom - congratulations should sound especially sincere and touching.

To make your congratulations original, you can accompany it with a short video about your family. With the help of family photos, it can depict the life story of your brother. If desired, you can express your feelings and wishes to your beloved brother with a song. Knowing your brother like no one else can do for real bright and unique congratulations.

When the closest people make a speech at their brother's wedding, of course, they are overwhelmed with emotions. They can speak in their own words, which without some preparation does not always look the best way. It is advisable to compose and rehearse your speech in advance in front of a mirror in order to learn how to control gestures and facial expressions. First, you should choose the style of your congratulations - in a restrained, romantic or playful form. Options wedding congratulations can be found ready-made or make up your own speech, based on a couple of interesting fragments.

Congratulations from the groom's brother in prose

Dear my brother! I want to congratulate you on your wedding day! Today is the happiest day of your life! After all, now there is a person next to you whom you love, and who loves you, isn't this happiness? I wish you long and joyful days of family life, as well as prosperity to your home!

Brother, so you left the ranks of bachelors. And looking at the bride, I understand you perfectly! You have everything that you can wish the newlyweds - love, mutual understanding, youth, beauty! And the rest will follow! I sincerely congratulate you on this holiday, and I want to say to the bride: "Welcome to the family." Be happy, love and appreciate each other, do not be offended over trifles. Smile to each other, support and inspire. May there be peace, prosperity and prosperity in your home. Good luck! Bitterly!

"Marriage is a meeting of two minds, two hearts and two souls." It is clear that (the names of the mods) are an excellent illustration of this saying. I wish you joy for today, fulfillment of all your hopes and dreams for tomorrow, love and happiness forever!

Brother, you're getting married today, and it's hard to believe. Now you will go your own way, but I still hope that your beautiful wife will sometimes let you go fishing with me. Otherwise, you will have to arrange an escape. But seriously, be happy guys. Build your future, do not pay attention to envious people! Appreciate and take care of your feelings, I want to take a walk at your golden wedding and babysit your nephews! May your union become stronger over the years, and the fire in your hearts does not cool down! Happy holiday, newlyweds! Bitterly!

Beloved brother, happy wedding to you! Let your family life develop exactly as you imagine it. Happiness to you and your wife, long years of life in love and harmony, wealth and joy from the fact that you two are walking along the path of life.

Now there are no bachelors left in our family - my brother is getting married today! Once I knew everything about his life, and suddenly strange things began. He began to visit football less often, refused his favorite fishing. And I realized: my brother fell in love. Today I am extremely pleased and happy to see how happy you are. I want to say thank you to the bride: you gave my brother wings. My dears, may your flight be long and happy. Take care of your feelings, let peace, harmony and comfort always reign in your home! Children's voices are ringing and the laughter of people whom you will be glad to see does not stop! From now on, you are a single whole, so live in harmony and love! Bitterly!

You a real man and brother, today you took the plunge by marrying this beautiful girl. Thank you for serving us as an example of courage and strength for many years. We sincerely wish you success and happiness in your new life!

Congratulations from the groom's sister in prose

My dear elder brother! I'm so used to being a small and fragile girl because you always protected me. Behind your strong shoulders I was like behind a stone wall! Now your broad shoulders protect your young wife from troubles, you will take care of your family on them, you will ride your future children on them! May all difficulties be on your shoulder! Throughout life, walk shoulder to shoulder, without parting, without betraying each other! Share your joys and victories for two, solve all problems and failures together! I have always been proud of you, my brother, and I know that I will be proud of your achievements in the future. I believe in you - you will be the best husband in the world: caring, faithful and loving! Good luck and love to you in family life!

My beloved brother! Once I was told a legend that when people were created, each of them was given only half a soul. And since then, their life has been spent in search of a soul mate, with whom they would become one. I see that you have found your soul mate! Hold her tight and don't let go! Walk hand in hand for decades, keep the fire of love and tenderness in your hearts! May there be peace and harmony in your family, do not quarrel over trifles, cherish your relationship! I really want us to meet at a silver and then at a golden wedding, and your couple radiated the same light and happiness as today! Let your dreams come true, and good luck in all matters! May life be long and sweet!

My dear brother! Since childhood, you have been not only my brother, but also a friend, and a protector, and a vest - and I had enough reason for frustration. I did not think that you would marry so soon, because, like any sister, I want to keep such a treasure for myself. But I'm not greedy, and seeing how happy you are with (bride's name), I'm sincerely happy for you. Be in the family not just a husband, but a beloved spouse and a reliable support. Let no one be more important in your life together than the person to whom you said “yes” today! and put the ring on your finger. I believe that you will overcome all hardships together and find your long-awaited happiness! Take care of your love, do not break your hugs and always hold the hand of a loved one, because with it you hold his heart! Happiness to you, kindness and prosperity! Bitter young!

Dear bride and groom! I am the happiest sister in the world - my brother is getting married today. Thank you, beloved brother, for giving me what I have always dreamed of - a sweet, lovely little sister! Dear brother! Today is a beautiful day - the first step towards your family happiness on a long journey of life! Let the support, care and understanding of your loved ones accompany you along this path. Let love shine as a guiding star for you. Remember that you have a long way, and on it will be not only the sweet honey of the first month, but also the prose of life. Let various little things and trifles never spoil your wonderful relationship! May your love not lose its sweetness all your life together! Let it be a little bitter only today. Bitterly!

Beloved brother! I am very happy for you today, because you made such a wonderful choice, your bride is beautiful and smart! I wish you all the very best in the world! May love, tenderness and prosperity never leave your family! Keep it for years to come! And may your home always be warm and bright!

My dear, the best brother in the world! I'm so proud and happy for you! I always knew that you are my most beautiful, kind, strong and cheerful! Therefore, I am sure that you will be the most loving and reliable husband in the whole world! Be happy and may your love never end!

Brother, you were always the first in everything, so you overtook me in matters of creating a family! And I am sincerely happy for you, because I see how your eyes glow with happiness, and how tightly you hold hands! I wish your family to be friendly and strong, all issues are resolved easily and amicably! Many consider marriage to be a safe haven, but I wish you that your haven is also cheerful, filled with the sound of children's voices and the laughter of welcome guests! May your union last for many years, and feelings only multiply! And finally, a little trick for my brother: remember that a kiss is The best way close the mouth of the woman you love for a while and occupy her thoughts. I love you my dears! Advice to you and love!

Congratulations from your brother in verse

The sun will light up from the sparks of the eyes of lovers -

And it seems that the whole world has become brighter!

For your union, my newlyweds,

I raise my glass with joy!

You are not just my brother, you are my pride!

And in your heart is a sea of ​​kindness,

Handsome in appearance, but in disposition - firmness.

I believe you will be a super husband!

After all, I know you better, of course,

And since childhood, we were not in vain friendly.

Brother, I remember so often

The time when we shared everything.

We stood brother for brother, we are a mountain,

We solved all the problems together.

I regret, honestly, I even sometimes,

That they grew up leaving their father's house.

I have not seen your chosen one more beautiful,

And she loves you with all her heart!

And with your happiness, the world is simply decorated.

May great success await your family!

Relatives, relatives are all happy for you,

Together we will help you!

And you don't even need a thank you

Just let me become an uncle soon!

In all luck to you, good luck and success,

Fall in love with each other again and again.

And the overflow of childish laughter

Your home is ready to hear too!

Brother, you are so handsome

Tall, stately and happy.

Your bride is good

Beautiful looks and soul!

Distant guests shout to you:

“Kiss! Bitter, young people!

Of course, the whole family is in the collection,

Friends arrived for the holiday.

All toasts, congratulations sound,

Newlyweds praise,

Flowing champagne river -

As they say, a feast by the mountain!

But the holiday will end sometime,

Let it be remembered guys.

Appreciate your wife, dear brother,

And know that I am heartily happy for you!

May your marriage be successful

And the union is inseparable,

Let love inspire you

Honor and glory to the young!

Let feelings inspire you

Children make hearts happy

Pain, sorrows do not know

Your happiness to the end!

My beloved brother, dear,

On such a significant day

I want to wish you

Create a happy family!

Let the glasses ring,

Let the hearts beat in unison

Love was so sweet only!

We will shout to the newlyweds: “Bitter!”

Your wonderful holiday has come, and not in vain

For you, congratulations sounds like an ocean.

Now you are a family strong couple,

I admire you, (Name of the groom) and (Name of the bride)!

You guys are happy together

Not everyone has that feeling!

(Name of the bride) we are very happy to accept into the family,

We have loved her for a long time!

(Name of the groom) will be a kind and sensitive spouse,

I can confirm this as a sister (brother)!

From early childhood we loved each other,

He will be able to protect the family from problems!

Don't forget your sister (brother) and parents

Bathe in the streams of love, warmth!

Give birth to healthy and strong children,

And may your dreams come true!

A wedding is a celebration of light -

I have known him for a long time, brother.

This is the day the planet

In my mind it seems like a flower!

I congratulate the young

For the family to grow faster

In life, I wish you joy

Happiness, nightingale songs!

Funny congratulations from a brother in verse

Brother gathered down the aisle.

Congratulations, well done!

I myself would go to the registry office,

But I already have a rear.

Stock up on a pound of salt

Do not be sad about the past will,

Family life gives

More pluses than worries.

You will be full, healthy, caressed,

Take care, brother, happiness,

Pay the marital debt

Children, know yourself, fruit.

So that life does not become a yoke,

Bring money home.

About joint important dates

Remember sober and drunk.

Give in to your wife a little

To a gentle hand

I didn't want to take the rock.

The rest, my brother, is a trifle!

Brother! We've been together for so many years

And now you go to the bride,

Learn to conquer the paths of the family,

To be everywhere and everywhere only the head!

So let it become better to live with the wedding,

To love each other forever, with adoration,

Be immune to various trials!

As it turned out, brother, the jacket suits you,

Not like this sports suit of yours.

Bride, guests, registry office ...

Everyone - take a picture, to the porch!

And you will be the most stylish in the pictures!

So go now. You are still married!

Which means it has to look good!

Now you will not fall asleep on your face, sorry, in a salad.

The wife won't. Submerge the filler!

Brother, close friend,

I am attending this wedding.

And it's not the bow that gives me tears,

And the joy of your answer!

Shine a hundred bright stars

In the most beautiful love for each other.

Walk miles of miles

Only together and in any blizzard!

I want to congratulate my brother

Happy marriage!

Let everything be as it should

And with great desire:

Life is one for yourself and people

And great love!

May your wife be forever -

Faithful and humble!

May the children be forever

Clean and full!

Do not look at skirts on the contrary,

There will be broken eyes ...

Congratulations, brother, on your wedding day!

You will live forever in the dust,

If you will earrings, dresses

You give to your wife

And of course, everything in the world:

Dachas and cars ...

Know for wives and women in the answer

Their men!

Be cheerful and slaughter

No matter what happens,

And with hospitable friends,

Let the tequila flow!

Well, and so in family life

It will only be sweet!

You do not sour - grit your teeth

If it becomes BITTER!

You became a family man today

My brother, oh how glad I am

Show off your daughter, son,

And there will be a whole kindergarten!

Now you will not be drunk as an insole,

You won't fall in Olivier

With his muzzle on a plate

You have a decent family!

Now you will be clean-shaven

And go to sleep on time

Your best friend no longer rubs

Your lawful wife!

I congratulate you, dear brother,

Happy wedding, this is your success!

I wish to be loved

But don't forget your loud laugh!

Let no matter how life beats,

How not sausage sometimes,

So that fate does not fail,

You laugh like a clockwork!

Let the wife understand everything

And helps every day

Does not nag much, does not scold,

Live long and in love!

Congratulations from my sister in verse

My older brother has always been the best

And today looking at him

I want to say, since there is a happy occasion,

What, like a sister, always love it!

Be happy brother, I wish you

So that through the years you keep love!

To be appreciated, respected,

And so that you are always loved by your wife!

Let there be a place for children in your house,

Let the feelings only grow stronger every day ....

May luck only shine on your way,

And all the problems will be nothing!

What a good day today is!

The whole world has become brighter and more beautiful!

For your wedding, (bride's name) and (groom's name),

Today I raise a glass!

Beloved brother, my great pride!

You are full of fun and kindness.

Besides, he's handsome! And I firmly believe

That you will be the best husband!

I know for sure that I could always

Come to you with any problem!

It's not in vain that dad was always proud of you,

His soul is still with you!

I'm glad that you managed to find (bride's name),

Cheerful and generous soul!

Her bright smile is adorned

And this day, and the whole world is big!

You appreciate and forgive each other,

Even if the path is sometimes not easy.

Beloved brother! On a bright day, on the day of fate

May all your wildest dreams come true!

You lead your love down the aisle,

You will share with her both your dinner and shelter!

So let one star burn for you

Let your dream lead you into the distance!

Love to you! And advice to you, and love!

I want to congratulate you again and again!

Your day has come, my brother!

You and the bride - only good!

So that happiness is with you day after day

It went one way young!

So that on it is love, wealth, brilliance,

To fly you to heaven!

Be happy! Love to the end!

Let the hearts beat in unison!

Congratulations to the newlyweds

On a wonderful wedding day.

We wish you successful years

To live without problems.

May a magnificent holiday

You will remember forever.

Take care of the bride, brother,

My favorite person!

Today is a special day, brother!

Today, of course, you are happy

And I'm so glad! We are all here

Today we see - there is happiness!

Lead the bride to the altar

From heaven I give you a star

So that your long journey is bright,

Now you can't turn away from it!

Go together! you two

Now one bread and a house!

May happiness go with you

May you be lucky in life!

Long years to you, bright days to you,

Love and joy, friends!

So that all wishes come true

Roads to you long in life!

Years have passed, and you brother has matured,

I rejoice now, standing at the wedding,

But there's still so much to do

Moments of joy and tons of happiness!

Bride, my brother - take care,

Warm her up and keep her stress free

Bring only passion to your abode,

Now you are a prince, and she is a princess!

My brother is getting married today

His whole life will change

Now, of course, for the better!

Like a ray of sunshine

He's having fun today!

He weighed his decision!

So let it be bright, fabulous,

With his beloved wife side by side

Happy days are flowing

Family, beautiful!

Happy wedding, my dear brother!

Be happy with your young wife

Build a solid, powerful house,

To live forever in it

The whole friendly family could!

Let there be daughters, sons!

May laughter and songs and dreams

And every year on this day - flowers!

I hasten to congratulate you on your wedding

Today my brother.

I wish my brother to get along with my wife,

And so that love lives in the family!

May today be a glorious holiday,

Cheerful, joyful, crazy!

To become the most important thing in life

For the young - to be a couple!

Congratulate my brother today

I'm in a hurry with a joyful wedding.

We are terribly happy for him!

We wish the law of feng shui

Today he broke into his house,

Everything wisely changed in him,

To soon resound in the rooms

Happy, happy kids!

So that the house was a full bowl of centuries!

And let it knock on a strong roof

Protect him like rain!

I'm extremely happy for you

Congratulations on your wedding day!

After all, there is no such brother in the world,

I wish you everything!

May the house be in abundance

And hear the children's laughter!

Love you sweet-sweet -

May the family be successful!

Beloved brother, you have a wedding,

From the heart, sincerely and honestly, I love,

I hasten to congratulate you and wish you

Find happiness and good luck in life!

Always appreciate, love your family,

Let the word love sound every day

And let all the dawns bring you inspiration,

And a sea of ​​affection, joy, luck!

Dear brother, accept congratulations from your sister,

Your couple is worthy of admiration,

Hold on tight to each other you always

May you have a strong family!

Let the hearts never grow old

And the ringing of love knocks without ceasing,

May your two golden rings

For a long time, for life they connect!

Happy main day in your destiny, brother, congratulations,

I wish you happiness, joy and earthly paradise,

May all your plans come true always,

Let the love for each other never fade away!

As an older sister, I want you to be happy, brother,

To tenderly, passionately love his wife,

God bless you beautiful, mischievous children,

Not one, not two, but three!

You are a wonderful brother, a true friend

And you will be a good husband.

Than your new family circle,

There is no greater wealth!

Bonding love into a legal marriage,

Leave some madness in it.

Warm up your hearth

Heart tender feeling!

Today I cry, I laugh,

But trust me, there is a reason for this.

Recently, the younger brother said: "I'm getting married!"

And I suddenly realized that he was a man!

That the little boy is in the past.

But my advice was not in vain:

He is handsome, strong, he is good,

And chose a great pair!

I admire my brother's bride

And his daring brother!

I'm so happy! I am so glad!

But I got a little sad.

I would like to take care of him

And educate, as once ...

But today is the day of the best wedding!

Little brother's wedding day!

Congratulations, my brother, you!

I wish you luck and success in life!

Live, respecting your wife and loving!

Happiness to you and children's laughter!

My dear and beloved brother!

Today you are the groom - sounds beautiful!

Today everyone here is happy to congratulate you!

Happy and successful marriage!

Happy this day for me too!

After all, besides my brother, I now have a sister!

May your new family be strong!

And everything will be all right with your personal life!

All the quarrels of our old days,

Long time ago I forgot!

And your future children

Consider me already in love!

With the birth of a new, excellent family!

Bitterly! Kiss, my dear!

Today you got married brother

You are not happier in the world.

May the angels keep your marriage

But for happiness - you are responsible.

Be gentle and patient

Wives whims - to forgive,

And give in to your beloved

As I once conceded.

Look into each other's eyes

And two on one side.

And family life with his wife

May it get better every day!

My brother is getting married! Congratulations!

And on this wonderful day to him,

I sincerely, sincerely wish

Do not know the remorse of torment!

Let there be a loving wife

And the kids will soon grow up

And in the summer on a colored meadow

Let them run towards dad!

Our beloved brother

Our dearest!

Well, how beautiful are you

With a young bride!

To each other - just a couple,

Otherwise, do not say.

And on the day of a wonderful wedding

We can't hold back our tears.

From happiness these tears

From a sincere soul.

Live in a good world

Where the light of love rules!

I congratulate my brother on the wedding day,

Let the family be strong and friendly!

So that you hold hands all your life!

So that they do not change and do not part!

Great love - so as not to measure it with a yardstick!

Wife support, love, trust her!

And never cause her to cry!

Warmth to you, the sun, without rain and thunderstorms!

Your union was consecrated by angels in heaven,

So, let love bloom in the hearts!

Let the marriage be strong, good, successful!

So that even thoughts were not gloomy!

I wish you long journeys,

No sorrows, no defeats and worries!

And let from now on in less than a year,

The stork will bring you a baby!

Funny congratulations from my sister in verse

Wedding, my brother, is not just a walk,

This is a testing stage for many,

Rings and dresses, cake, limousine,

Mom and tears, dad and son.

Sister waited a long time for you to mature

Kissing will make you really drunk,

To responsibly tell my brother

I will miss you very much!

You will change and children will be born

Less and less we will meet,

But, to the nephews, I will be the first walker,

Dear, beloved, dear brother!

Bachelor habits

They go out like wet matches.

Accept from your sister, married man,

Congratulations on your wedding day!

You are now the head of the family

Try to live on your own

Don't mess with mom and dad

Harnessed in a cart - do not slow down!

Read the mother-in-law with the father-in-law,

Don't forget your wife

Just give flowers

And not in words to love

But in fact, so that the kids,

Both girls and boys

Appeared slowly

And they grew by leaps and bounds!

Something bitter, there are no words!

Gotta drink to love

And for a new family

So that you live like in paradise!

Well, brother, now he is married!

Accept congratulations!

May the house always be rich

And he had patience!

Your wife is my family

I will trust her with you!

But anyway, I'll come -

And I will check your life!

Let him feed his brother well!

And you cherish her!

You left your sister for your wife

Hope you don't regret it?

I love you my dear brother!

Your wife is wonderful!

Be kind to her, love always!

And you will be happy in life!

Dear brother, tell your wife:

Let her not think - married as if in paradise.

Let him take care of you and love you hard,

And even more likely to please us with a baby!

I miss the little ones so much

And I promise to nurse my nephews.

Just don't give more than five at once!

My favorite brother!

I love you.

And have a wonderful day

Congratulations today!

Let the wedding be bright

The bride is the best

I'm on a mountain so that gifts,

And life so that miracles!

So that there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness

luck, good luck,

Your wife loved you

And my own cottage.

My dear brother!

Empty angel guards

Your family peace

And save life!

Don't be afraid to speak in public. Brother's wedding day is a great opportunity to show off your talent and express your best feelings to your closest people.

Congratulations on your brother's wedding is a delicate matter that requires careful preparation. Classical and traditional speeches are already pretty fed up, especially since no one wants to listen to an ordinary, boring and long essay at such an incendiary holiday as a wedding. Therefore, you need to turn on all your imagination and come up with the best congratulations on your brother’s wedding day, and one that will delight the guests, decorate the evening and express your sincere joy for your loved one.

Coming up with congratulations on the wedding of your brother, it is very important not to lose sight of some significant points.

  • Speech should not be pompous. The main thing in it is naturalness, warm memories from childhood, sincere, soulful words coming from the very heart.
  • Excessively long greetings, enumerations, and the use of those words that may seem ambiguous or offensive should be avoided.
  • When speaking, you must stand. It’s good if there is a microphone and a stage, because in the bustle of the wedding it is difficult to attract and keep attention on yourself. Any, even the most well-mannered, guests create a lot of noise, because of which you may not be heard at all. A wedding microphone is a must!
  • Take close attention appearance. Examine yourself carefully before pronouncing congratulatory words, because if cabbage suddenly appears on your mustache, the guests will not be able to adequately perceive the performance, and the brother will not hear anything at all.
  • During congratulations on the wedding day, it is customary to give a gift to a brother, and it will be good if at the end of the speech you say an interesting phrase about him, arguing for the choice of a present.

Think about other nuances in the process of preparing wedding greetings for your brother and choosing a gift, they directly depend on the preferences, hobbies and tastes of the groom. The main thing is to be sincere and attentive in everything.

How can you congratulate?

Congratulations on your brother's wedding day can be arranged in several ways.

The field for activity is not limited by anything, go for it, fantasize - and you will succeed.

creative congratulations

One example original congratulations for the brother’s wedding - a “ladder”, symbolizing the stages of growing up. On the “Childhood” stage, a photograph of a newborn is placed, then adolescence, youth, etc. For example, as you move up, you take the groom by the arm, put on a cap, then a cap, hat, and so on. At the top is the Bridegroom. You attach a flower, read the final congratulations, and present a gift. At the same time, one may wish to move even higher or supplement the stairs in advance with the steps “Father”, “Happy Family Man”.

Words of congratulations on the steps

Congratulations on the screening of the film

Another kind of original congratulations is the creation of the film and its screening. For this, plots from childhood, different moments of growing up, the most unusual photographs are selected, at the end, verses of congratulations to the brother for the wedding can be recorded.

My brother-brother, you are very dear to me,
I love you, as before, more than anyone.
And this wedding is a good, glorious occasion
Say: let success await you in everything!

Your bride is not more beautiful
She is economic, sweet.
We will tell toasts about happiness,
Let there be a better family!

I wish you to keep that tenderness,
What could bind you together
And may love and serenity
Forever happiness can give!

Humorous congratulations

Congratulating a brother on his wedding in a humorous form is a reading of a cheerful poem, a pathetic speech. Dress up as a clown, a newborn, a pioneer, a bully. Congratulate by speaking according to the image.

For example, a hooligan with a slingshot shoots balloons and says: “Sit down here, decorate everything so ugly. Oh, hello, brother, why are you sitting, let's go along ... Oh, and you are probably the bride ... Ha, now the bride, there is a piece of dough on her nose ... Sorry, brother, she is your queen! Well, do you want something? Well, this, wealth is not necessary, health, mutual understanding in the family, rather a stork stay, well, and other well-being on such an occasion! Love, kiss, be happy and don't forget about us. I brought you a bag of money, let it be just as cool and bundles ... Ah, bundles! .. "

Poems as congratulations

This can be a humorous congratulations on the wedding younger brother.

Dear brother, are you married?
What a joy, what a blessing!
Now the bride got you
I don't change diapers.

Now smeared porridge
You won't need to clean up
Your sister - the second mother,
The bride can replace.

You grew up quickly, imperceptibly
And you are called the groom!
May happiness strike without fail
You will be the best husband in the world!

Congratulations to the older brother on the wedding may be next.

For me you were an example
You have nursed me many times.
At school he protected the barrier,
And hit the offenders in the eye.

Followed you all the time
Waiting for gifts, praise.
It was a glorious time
We were blown off our heads.

Came to you for a holiday
Not for nothing - to eat a cake.
You are the best bro
But ruined the entire passport.

Well, where did you go, handsome,
To be family, to go away?
I haven't taken off my cap yet.
Who can help me?

Okay, so be it, brother,
Be happy, love your wife
You have her beautiful
You save her!


1 option

In the midst of fun, the brother (sister) frantically jumps up, holds his head and shouts: “Nightmare, nightmare, I forgot to congratulate (a).” Running around the hall, he takes out a gift, a crumpled piece of paper, two meters long, stands on a chair in the center of the hall. He pronounces a cheerful and short congratulation, and supposedly a long speech is a mini-prank.

Option 2

You don't come to the wedding! Call and say that there is no time, there was a work emergency or they left for ... Africa. Come to the wedding dressed in a firefighter or policeman costume. The mask covers your face, you run into the holiday and shout: "Fire!" Or “Hands up! You're under arrest for stealing... the girls from your father's house!" A fire is undoubtedly a little cruel, but if your brother dreams of something very exotic, extreme, this option is appropriate. When guests run out into the street, hanging balloons and posters meet them there, and you pronounce congratulations in your own words. In case of fire, guests must be warned, and artificial smoke is created in advance.

3 option

Dress up as a stork and bring two children - a boy and a girl. Say that now these are the children of your brother, you decided to give him such a gift - they took him from the orphanage. Show documents (of course, fake). It’s good if among your friends there are babies up to a year old. You sincerely congratulate on the birth of a new and large family, wish you patience, give away children. And then the real parents come and "make a scandal." A small performance, where each participant in the drawing congratulates them on their wedding in their own words, at the end the brother (sister) gives a luxurious gift with a congratulatory speech.

Gift Ideas

It is not so difficult for relatives to buy a wedding gift for their brother, because they are well aware of his hobbies and desires. As a present, they give several common options.

  1. Money with original design - a box with a bow, and there are 5 more smaller boxes in it, in the smallest one - an envelope with wishes to fill the boxes with gifts yourself.
  2. A trip for two, a romantic trip to unusual places peace or a cruise on a steamboat.
  3. Exquisite crockery, sets will be a pleasant reminder have a nice day for many years.
  4. Chic gifts: a car, a cottage, the keys to the apartment. Such gifts, as a rule, are family gifts, they are given jointly - father, mother, brothers and sisters.
  5. Electronics - camera, camcorder, laptop, etc.
  6. Gift certificate to a furniture store, kitchenware or household appliances.

For each gift, you can write words of congratulations on the wedding to your brother, in which you briefly describe the present.

Instead of a conclusion

Congratulating a brother on his wedding is a bright and memorable event. The main thing is that it be said sincerely, with warmth. Do not invent unnecessary phrases, listen to yourself to understand what words you want to say to your brother on this day.