Embroidery of simple flowers using satin stitch. Satin stitch embroidery technique for beginners. Tools and materials for satin embroidery

The most famous are colored satin stitch embroideries from China and Japan - craftswomen from these countries have long achieved fabulous success in the intricacies of this type of needlework. However, in other countries, needlewomen have not ignored this type of embroidery. Bright patterns from southern European countries and delicate iridescent patterns from northern ones, from very different eras up to today, also win the hearts of lovers of both traditional culture and original techniques.

Embroidery with artistic satin stitch is sometimes called painting on fabric using colored threads. Satin stitches are filling stitches, that is, they completely fill a certain area of ​​the motif. Fully embroidered multi-colored threads the base resembles a painting. But in fact, these are the simplest straight stitches, which are performed in a certain direction and fit tightly, and sometimes overlap each other. The beauty of this embroidery is often due to the play of light, the play of threads, the stitches of which are made in different directions.

The threads used for satin stitch embroidery are very different - from lurex and silk to floss and carpet wool. And they get very different results, for example, embroidery with wool makes it possible to give the embroidery relief and volume. However best choice For satin stitch, threads with a silky sheen are considered - they create the most impressive effect. The smooth surface is also used to fill the most different forms, including monograms.

There are many variations of satin stitches. Here we will show only a few of them, but once you master them, you will be able to perform complex patterns.

The main rules of artistic satin stitch embroidery

  • To ensure that satin stitch embroidery is done accurately, stretch the fabric over a hoop.
  • The stitches should completely cover the fabric.
  • The stitches should be placed one after the other.
  • The edges of the motif should be smooth.
  • Start working from the narrowest point of the element.
  • Before starting work, draw contour lines of the motifs on the fabric.

Stitch technique

Flat surface

Step 1

Start at point A, bring the needle through point B to point C. Carefully pull the thread through the fabric.

Step 2

Place the stitches close to each other, bring the needle through point D to point E. Make sure to keep the edges of the motif even.

Step 3

Continue filling the motif area with stitches, pulling the threads evenly so that the surface of the embroidery is smooth.

  • When embroidering with satin stitch, make sure that the stitches lie parallel to each other. Only then will the surface of the embroidery be smooth, even and silky.
  • If you are in a hurry, take thicker threads or take threads in 3-4-5-6 folds.
  • Avoid long stitches. They make the embroidery loose and sloppy. It is better to divide a large motif into several sections and embroider it separately, either with stitches in different directions, or with threads of similar shades. Artistic satin stitch is ideal for filling large areas.
  • Along the edges of the motifs, to emphasize them, you can lay contour lines with stem or line stitches.

Artistic surface

This technique is most popular among experienced embroiderers, and is usually used by them to convey subtle shade transitions. Artistic satin stitch consists of one row of stitches different lengths, which are partially covered by rows of longer stitches.
Artistic satin stitch is most often used to fill irregularly shaped areas.

The first row of this type of satin stitch consists of long and short, usually vertical, less often horizontal stitches. The stitches of subsequent rows are long, also vertical (or horizontal). In artistic satin stitch, threads of different shades of the same color are usually used to achieve soft tonal transitions.

Step 1

Start at point A and insert the needle at point B. Then from point C, bring the needle to point D. Continue alternating long and short stitches vertically from left to right. Secure the thread.

Step 2

Repeat, making only long stitches vertically and filling in the motif area. The last row should consist of several short stitches.

Shadow surface

This is a series of stitches of varying lengths, overlapping each other to varying degrees to create subtle color nuances. Very often, shadow surface is considered one of the options for artistic surface (see above). However, in shadow satin stitch, horizontal rows of stitches of the same length are made, evenly, while in each bottom row, to create a subtle shade transition, the stitches slightly capture the row of upper stitches.

Step 1

Work from right to left. Start at point A and bring the needle to point B (the edge of the motif). Then pass the needle through point C to point D. Continue working the first row until you finish it.

Step 2

To sew the next row of stitches, insert the needle between and slightly above the bottom points of the two aligned stitches of the previous row. Try to make the stitches as even as possible.

Stitch with flooring, or convex stitch

This type of satin stitch embroidery is used when you need to emphasize the relief and volume of the embroidery. In artistic (shadow) convex satin stitch, the flooring is first done in one color, and overlapping stitches are embroidered on top of it using threads of similar or contrasting shades.

Step 1

First lay the flooring using straight stitches in plain satin stitch. To do this, start at point A, insert the needle at point B, pass it through point C to point D. Continue filling the motif with a simple satin stitch. Secure the thread.

Step 2

Now work along the flooring, stitching in the opposite direction. From point W, pass the needle to point X, then from point Y to point Z. Continue until the covering stitches are completely covered.

Photo: PR, Sven Hedstrom, burdastyle.

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Today in needlework there are various types of embroidery, which are performed along a drawn outline. These also include satin stitch, which is the filling of the free contour of the pattern with satin stitches. Most often these are patterns of plants and flowers; they are made with thread of various shades on any fabric.

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Satin stitch embroidery has become widespread when creating appliqués, that is, stripes on napkins or tablecloths, as well as openwork embroidery when finishing clothes. Most often, clothing items such as collars and cuffs are decorated; in some cases, large patterns of flowers, chains or leaves can be created on blouses or other underwear. Tablecloths and napkins woven in satin stitch will decorate any room.


Satin stitch is used not only for decorating clothes, but also for creating interior elements.


There are many types of satin stitch embroidery; which one to choose depends on personal preferences, as well as the purpose of the product. In any case, no matter what the embroidery is, it will be unique, since it was done with your own hands.

Satin stitch embroidery is one of the most labor-intensive types of needlework. For beginning craftswomen, special various kits have been created for working in this technique, and entire encyclopedias have been written on its features. And still professionals appear who develop new stitches and entire embroidery technologies.

Currently, white satin stitch, shadow and cut stitch, as well as the so-called gold embroidery, have become widespread. However, all types of surface can be divided into two groups:

1. One-sided - When embroidered, the front side differs greatly from the back side, since it alone is covered with a dense layer of thread. Thus, the stitches on the front surface lie tightly, and on the back surface, dotted lines are formed along the contour of the pattern.

2. Double-sided stitch - both the front and back sides are completely covered with stitches.

White surface done with silk thread white on fabric such as cambric or crepe de Chine.



Such types of satin surface as “bullet”, “leaf”, “split”, as well as “tassel”, “sheaf” and “spider”, are widely used for embroidering original beautiful things and decorative items.

I note that it is necessary to select a certain type of thread for each embroidery:

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So, convex embroidery is done with floss or silk thread various colors, underwear It is recommended to embroider with twisted thread. Also used in needlework are threads such as Madeira, linen, darning or cotton. In general, the thread and fabric are selected depending on the purpose of the product and the nature of the pattern made on it.

Satin stitch embroidery is done on a hoop, and the design is applied to the fabric using carbon paper. It is recommended to choose a fabric that is dense and smooth. To prevent the outline of the design from being visible on the product, it is necessary to pierce the needle beyond the contours of the image lines.

Basically, the satin stitch embroidery technique is used to create a large panel, bright flowers and the leaves will look beautiful on a single-color background. However, with satin stitch you can embroider not only large parts of the image, but also small details, for example, flower stems or twigs.

Satin stitch embroidery for beginners should begin with the choice of fabric and threads.
To save thread, it is necessary to pierce a new stitch from the front side as close as possible to the location of the last one. In addition, you need to embroider on fabric that is tightly stretched over the hoop, otherwise it will wrinkle. The stitches should be even and neat.


Satin embroidery has several varieties: double-sided, one-sided, Russian, Poltava, Vladimir, artistic, satin, white. Each of the directions has its own characteristics.

Beginning craftswomen do not need to memorize all the stitches. It's enough to learn a couple of stitches, which are useful for embroidering abstract designs, landscapes, and floral patterns. But it is best to start with a small pattern, since the essence of satin stitch embroidery is even stitches that fit tightly together.

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Types of satin embroidery


There are several most popular areas of this needlework.

● Satin surface. For it, thin threads are taken and embroidered with small, tight-fitting stitches that start from the middle of the previous row. As a result, the face of the work resembles a smooth, solid pattern, and the back is “dotted” with short paths.

Artistic embroidery satin stitch This is not an easy technique for beginners. In this technology, the design is embroidered using flat oblique satin stitch without covering. Its peculiarity is the use different colors. This is where the craftswoman’s skill in mixing thread tones is important in order to create a smooth transition from one shade to another.

● Russian smooth surface. In this technique, stitches are laid in two directions with straight vertical or horizontal stitches 5-7 mm long. Moreover, they are characterized by a distance of two threads between “neighbors”. When the embroidery goes in the opposite direction, these gaps are carefully sewn up.

● White embroidery. This pattern is made only with white threads in several stages: first, the outline is laid forward with a needle, the flooring is made, then stitches are embroidered, tightly adjacent to each other.

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Satin embroidery: lessons for beginners


For work you need to prepare material, needles, tracing paper, pencil, threads. You can take any fabric depending on your purposes. For embroidering bed linen, choose traditional calico, satin, poplin, and silk. Clothes can be embroidered on any fabric, from denim to wool. For paintings, choose a material with a tight weave.



In addition to the fabric, pay special attention to the needles. Embroider delicate material with thin needles, as thick ones will deform the surface, leave holes and be difficult to pass through the embroidery. Purchase thick needles for thick fabric for embroidering outerwear, bags, and hats. Your “tools” should be smooth and have a sharp end.

For embroidery, prepare a hoop with a fastening that will secure the fabric tightly. Do not embroider light-colored material on metal fasteners as they leave gray marks. The best option is wooden picture frames and hoops for small embroideries.



About threads

Any thread is suitable for satin stitching, from thin silk to thick wool.. How thinner thread, the more delicate the fabric should be. Although on some designer models this rule is violated. In any case, try sewing a small element on the fabric with threads that differ in brand and fold.

Chinese craftswomen prefer silk threads, Russian needlewomen choose regular floss. For three-dimensional paintings They take wool and cotton. Buy sharp scissors so that there are no “tails” left when cutting. Any craft store will help you select tracing paper and a marker that disappears on the fabric.



Patterns for satin stitch embroidery can be found in magazines, bought in a store, or copied from any postcard. It is cheaper to purchase the material separately, but some craftswomen prefer to immediately buy a ready-made set, where the threads are selected according to color, instructions for stitches and a base are given. We're done with the main material. You can also pay attention to the thread organizer, seam ripper, awl and thimble.

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Satin embroidery for beginners: preparatory stage

Once you have decided on the topic and purchased all the material, proceed to the preparatory stage.

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Process the edges of the fabric as follows:

● in case of embroidering pictures, the edges can be smeared with glue;
● handkerchiefs, napkins and other small works can be marked by pulling several threads;
● if you have a sewing machine, use an overlocker to trim all the edges of the fabric.

Now wash, dry and iron the workpiece.


Transfer the drawing onto tracing paper and place it on the fabric, pinning it with needles.


Using a regular forward stitch, use a needle and contrasting thread to follow all the lines of the design. Remove the tracing paper.



Place the material on a hoop or frame and start embroidering with satin stitch. Do not forget that securing the thread at the beginning and end of the work is almost the same as with cross stitch. That is, the thread can be secured with a loop, if folding allows. In one fold, the floss is secured on the wrong side with the help of a small cross, between which the tail of the thread is hidden.

At the end of the work, the floss is hidden on the wrong side under the embroidered pattern or laid with 3-4 stitches on the front side, then covered with the next layer of thread.

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Types of seams

Satin embroidery technology involves the use of several seams.

“Forward with a needle.” Use a needle to pierce the fabric with even stitches along the contour of the pattern. Please note that the length of the seam must correspond to the distance between the laid sections.

"Back the needle". Insert the needle from the inside out into the fabric for a length equal to two stitches, then return it back and make one seam on the face. Thus, on the front side the line resembles the technique described above, and on the back it looks like a stem pattern.



"Stem seam". Bring the needle out on the face from the middle of the previous stitch and insert it at an angle to the wrong side. This technique is used for embroidering stems, leaves, and petals.

"Loop stitch" resembles the letters "uuu" or "nnn". The essence of the seam is that the needle passes from top to bottom, making vertical stitches, while leaving the thread underneath when bringing the needle to the face. As a result, when the floss is tightened, a loop is formed. This seam can be done in different ways using tilt, stitch height, and combination with other techniques.

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"Double" patterns

The following technique is characterized by a combination of two seams. This is necessary to achieve voluminous satin stitch embroidery. Flowers, leaves and other patterns are made using this technology.

"Narrow roller." First, a “forward needle” stitch is laid, and then small vertical stitches are embroidered tightly to each other. Used to decorate fine lines.

“Long stitch stitched.” This stitch is used for embroidering leaves and petals. The stitches are laid along the entire length of the sheet, only the long thread is then secured with short stitches, as a result of which the fabric does not show through.



"Stitch with flooring." First, small forward stitches are laid along the entire pattern with a needle, and then the pattern is embroidered using double-sided satin stitch, going beyond the outline with vertical, horizontal or inclined stitches. A very suitable stitch for embroidering leaves, stems and vintage patterns.

● “Pyshechka.” The outline of the circle is embroidered forward with a needle, then horizontal stitches are laid tightly to the border, on top of which you embroider vertical ones, going beyond the outline.

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"Single" patterns

"Knot". Performed like a French knot. First, the needle is brought out onto the face. You make several windings on it, which you hold and at the same time pull the needle out to the wrong side. As a result, a convex nodule is formed. In this case, the exit and entry points of the needle should be very close.

"Verkhoshov" It is made with stitches from top to bottom, forming small tracks on the wrong side. That is, from one end you make a vertical stitch, bringing the needle on the same line to the face next to the exit point. Now stitch in the opposite direction using the same technique.

"Chain". Bring the needle to the face of the work, then throw the thread in front of the needle, forming a loop, insert the needle next to the entry point and withdraw the needle, leaving the thread under it. The result is a chain.

"Loop fastened". Flower petals are embroidered with this pattern. It is made like a chain, only with a small vertical stitch it is fixed in the center of the petal.



These are the most common patterns. At first, satin stitch embroidery may seem complicated for beginners, but with practice everything will become clear.

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Basic rules of embroidery

1. Outline the outline of all the lines.
2. Divide complex elements into several parts (with lines). For example, a flat narrow sheet is embroidered in three stages: left, then Right side and the midline.
3. Flowers are embroidered from the edges to the center.
4. The leaves are embroidered in the direction of the veins from the edge to the center.

5. To create volume in the pattern, several techniques are used: double-sided satin stitch, when both the back and front sides are stitched, flooring, a combination of horizontal and vertical close-fitting stitches (in this case, the top seam extends beyond the outline).

6. It is better to use color mixing with uneven stitches, when the beginning of a new row begins from the middle of the previous one. This is the most difficult and interesting thing that characterizes satin stitch embroidery.

7. For beginners, small-sized paintings will be easier to embroider, and they will gain experience faster. No need to buy complicated ones expensive work, 10x15 cm embroidery with a small plot is enough (price about 200 rubles).


Satin embroidery: patterns for beginners

Satin stitch embroidery is more difficult than cross stitch, but this technique allows you to create elegant fragments and accurately convey details and color transitions. When embroidering with satin stitch, it is customary to rely on patterns, but experienced craftswomen can create over time without using them. Start with simple beginner motifs and you'll get the hang of this technique pretty quickly.


Flowers are a favorite stitch embroidery for many. The patterns represent the outline of the design, which is subsequently filled with stitches according to the instructions.



Looking at the beautiful works of the craftswomen, the novice needlewoman dreams of quickly learning how to create the same masterpieces. This is quite possible, but you need to take steps. The basis of the basics is to learn how to perform different types seams and stitches.

I will repeat the list necessary materials: base fabric; hoop; embroidery needle; threads (usually floss); special small scissors; thimble to protect fingers.

How to choose a needle and thread for satin stitch embroidery?
Almost any thread will work. For thin fabrics, use cotton and silk.



The most common threads are floss. Each thread (skein) consists of 6 thin threads that are easy to separate and use separately. Manufacturers of floss offer the widest palette - up to 400 shades.

Cotton thread “Iris” or wool looks good on thick fabrics, but the number of shades is very small. Sewing threads They are not used for satin stitch embroidery due to their strong curl.

As for the selection of needles, there are no special requirements; you just need to rely on the thickness of the thread and fabric. A thinner base fabric will require embroidery using 1-2 strands of floss. Make sure that the eye of the needle is not too wide to avoid deforming the fabric. Coarser fabrics are embroidered with a full skein of floss or wool.

Needle numbers for embroidering thin fabrics are 1-3, for thick cotton - 4-8, for thick wool - 9-12.



Rules for embroidery

1. Sufficiently thick fabric (not knitwear). In the case of embroidery on knitwear, use interlining or other sealing material, which can then be trimmed. If the fabric is well stretched, the pattern will not be deformed.

2. Methods of transferring a drawing: carbon paper, tracing paper, special washable markers. You can use a heat-transfer pencil or a finished drawing, which is transferred to the base using an iron.

3. Hoop the fabric carefully.
4. Preferred threads are floss or silk. Shade cards from well-known manufacturers - DMC, Madeira, Anchor - contain hundreds of items and will allow you to select and perform the most subtle transitions, especially if it is satin stitch embroidery of flowers. You need to choose proven schemes, then your work will be incredibly realistic.

5. The outline of the design should be hidden, so embroider slightly beyond it.
6. The stitches should cover the material tightly so that it is not visible.
7. Different stitch directions will allow you to achieve interesting color effects.

Where to look for satin stitch embroidery patterns for beginners?


If you decide to learn satin stitch embroidery yourself and buy everything you need, you can easily find many patterns in books on needlework. Step-by-step master classes describe in detail how to do the job. Patterns for satin stitch embroidery - flowers - have remained the most popular for a long time. You can find an option for every taste.


Many books for beginning needlewomen are beautifully illustrated, so they are very convenient to work with, especially if you are away from home. You can also find ready-made kits for beginners on sale, they already have threads of the desired colors attached to the organizer, detailed diagram, fabric, needle.

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Simple satin stitch embroidery technology

In simple satin stitch, the stitches are made parallel to each other, they tightly fill the part, while the edges of the pattern are even.



A simple satin stitch is double-sided, so the face and back of the product look the same. It looks very nice and allows you to use this technique everywhere. The ends of the thread are hidden under the main stitch fabric, but no knots are made.

Fastening the thread is done like this. Inside the element you need to make several forward stitches, then pull the thread so that the end remains on the surface of the design. Next, the embroidery stitches will cover the end of the thread and it will not be visible.

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Simple embroidery patterns: flowers

After working thread fixed, the main pattern is performed with dense stitches, exactly along the line of the pattern. This requires precision and patience. The stitches can be placed at different angles, but are always parallel to each other. Watch the thread tension. For example, you can embroider a simple flower using colored threads.



Getting started - the center of the flower. We use a simple satin stitch and do the leaves in the same way. We embroider the antennae using a stem stitch. The result is a beautiful, smooth, double-sided design. Undoubtedly, you did an excellent job!

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Embroidering a poppy flower

Simple patterns for satin stitch embroidery will allow beginning craftswomen to feel confident.

Below is step-by-step instruction, which allows you to embroider a poppy.


The technique is Chinese stitch.



1. Transfer the design to the fabric.
2. We select threads of different shades that are in harmony with each other. Flower - red and black, for stems and leaves - green. 3. We embroider flowers and buds with red threads.
4. Green we perform stems (stem stitch) and leaves ( simple stitch). The direction of embroidery is as in the photo. 5. Embroider the central parts of the flowers with black thread.

Ready! This is the easiest way to embroider a poppy. You can use color transitions if you are an experienced craftswoman.

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Clothes decoration

The most popular motif for decorating clothes is satin stitch embroidery of flowers. The schemes may be the simplest, but the results are simply amazing. Folk costumes have long been decorated with rich embroidery. Popular satin stitch embroidery patterns on clothes will allow you to turn modern items into trendy ones in just a couple of hours.


For example, let’s decorate a simple T-shirt with satin stitch embroidery and use a floral motif.


We will need:
* White T-shirt;
* pattern for satin stitch embroidery;
* floss;
* small plastic hoop;
* washable marker for transferring the drawing;
* needle;
* hoop.

1) We transfer the diagram using the “through the light” method using a marker.
2) We fix the fabric in the hoop and start embroidering.
3) First we embroider the branches, using a “forward needle” stitch.
4) We go around the contours of the leaves with a stem stitch, then fill them with a simple satin stitch.
5) We also embroider flowers using simple satin stitch according to the pattern.

When the entire pattern is completed in the hoop, move it to a new location. And here is the result: a fashionable embroidered T-shirt.



Clothing decorated with embroidery has a special character, because it is unique. This is a wonderful gift for loved ones or for yourself. Thus, satin stitch embroidery is a wonderful handicraft that will give you many pleasant moments.

Satin embroidery is loved by needlewomen, young and old. At first glance, this hobby seems difficult, but try it with small motives. You won’t even notice how you learn to “draw” with a needle!

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Satin stitch is a great way to decorate adult and children's clothing, home textiles, accessories and interior items; for example, embroidery can be framed and hung on the wall or done on a pillowcase for a sofa cushion.

Patterns on fabric form stitches laid straight or at an angle; they can fill the elements either completely or partially.

With all the diversity finished works, learning to embroider with satin stitch is not that difficult, you just need time and patience. However, they are necessary when mastering any handicraft.

To work you need threads, needles and embroidery base.

Satin embroidery needles

There are no special requirements for needles for satin stitch embroidery. The main thing is to choose them correctly according to the thickness of the fabric and threads chosen for the work. The fact is that a needle that is too thin will not be able to thread thick threads, and a needle that is too thick will leave large holes in the fabric, making the pattern look sloppy. Ideally, the needle should be slightly thicker than the chosen thread.

If you focus on the fabric, then on silk and other thin materials they embroider with needles from 1 to 3, on cotton or wool of medium thickness - with needles from 4 to 8, and on drape and similar fabrics - with needles from 9 to 12 th number.

Embroidery threads

The thickness of the embroidery thread is determined based on the thickness of the base fabric. For thin materials, silk and cotton threads are suitable.

It is very convenient to work with floss threads, since their thickness is easy to adjust, and color palette so diverse that you can easily embroider pictures with complex color transitions.

For thicker fabrics, choose wool and thick cotton threads, such as iris.

In preparation for work, you will need regular spool threads, although you cannot embroider with them. Due to the strong twist, they will constantly twist, the stitches will turn out uneven and sloppy. These threads are necessary for transferring sketches onto fabric.

Embroidery base

When embroidering with satin stitch, the choice of base fabric is not as important as in the case of cross stitch. Therefore, the choice of material for work is determined by what item you want to decorate.

For example, for bed linen they choose calico, satin or silk.

Another factor when choosing a fabric is how comfortable you are with counting the fibers.

It is just as important what the reverse side of the fabric looks like. Carefully consider the texture and color of the fabric before purchasing. Also make sure that you know the composition of the fabric and whether it requires special care.

If we are talking about outerwear for autumn or spring, a thin drape is suitable.

Be sure to straighten the fabric before starting work. This can be done by pulling out 2 lobe threads and 2 weft threads on all sides of the flap. After this, cut off the uneven edges. Wash and steam the fabric. This is necessary so that it does not shrink after embroidery, as this will distort the pattern and the work will lose its shape and attractiveness.

Embroidery patterns

The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made embroidery kit, which includes a base with a printed pattern or a separate pattern diagram, a needle and thread in the required colors. Such sets are convenient, first of all, for beginners. However, they are not cheap, and therefore for the first experience it is better to choose something simpler.

The good thing about satin stitch is that to use a pattern you like from a magazine, book or postcard, you don’t need any special processing. You can simply transfer it onto fabric using tracing paper. Carefully secure the base fabric and the pattern image so that the pattern does not move.

If you need to transfer the embroidery image to a dark fabric or fabric with a pile, you can put a sheet of tracing paper with the required pattern on the base and sew all the lines with simple sewing threads of a contrasting color, and then carefully remove the paper: a sketch of the design will remain on the fabric, which can then be removed.

Satin embroidery technique

Satin stitch embroidery includes several basic stitches and techniques, which, once mastered, can create work that is very different in style and level of complexity. Of course, any embroidery begins with securing the thread to the fabric. The optimal length of the working thread is the distance from the hand to the elbow.

The main sign of skill is considered not even to be a perfectly executed front side of the embroidery (this goes without saying), but to its reverse side. There should be no knots, loose thread ends, or extra sloppy stitches. There are certain rules for securing the thread at the beginning of work and at the end of it. This can be done in several ways:

- the loop method, described in detail below, in the article “Cross Stitch”;

- with the second method, one small stitch is made on the wrong side (the tip of the thread is left free), after which the same stitch is laid, but perpendicular to the first (Fig. a). The free end of the thread is held with a finger over the second stitch, and the working thread is brought to the front side so that it tightens it (Fig. b);

Rice. a, b. Securing the working thread at the beginning of work

At the end of the work, the thread is hidden under the embroidery.

You can also do this in two ways:

- if the element has been completed completely, then it is simply brought out to the wrong side of the work and pulled under the stitches (Fig. a);

- if the working thread has run out, but the element is not yet completed, lay 3-5 small stitches along the front side, and later cover them with embroidery (Fig. b).

Rice. a, b. Securing the working thread at the end of work

In satin stitch embroidery, several basic stitches are used, with which you can achieve various effects:

- a “forward needle” seam is necessary for making contours and individual lines, while it is better to use thick threads for the work so that the seam stitches are clearly visible. The “forward needle” seam is always performed from right to left, with the needle directed in a straight line, the stitches should be the same, as well as the distances between them (Fig.). It doesn’t matter whether the stitches and distances are equal in length, here you need to choose the most decorative option.

Rice. Seam "forward needle"

If desired, the “forward needle” seam can be made more interesting by passing a thread between its stitches. If you point the needle sequentially up and down, you can get an interesting variety called a “wave” (Fig. a - c).

Rice. a - c. Wave seam

If you constantly point the needle down, you will get a seam called a “lace” (Fig.);

Rice. Lace stitch

- the “back needle” seam on the front side is similar to the “forward needle” seam, and on the back side it coincides with the stem seam. It is also performed from right to left, but the needle is inserted into the tissue behind the place where the thread is brought out onto the face (Fig.);

Rice. Back stitch

- using a stem stitch to decorate the stems in plant patterns and contours of individual elements. During the work process, the needle is brought to the front side of the fabric approximately in the middle of the previous stitch, tightly to it, directing it from left to right or from bottom to top (depending on the element) (Fig.);

- a buttonhole stitch is used for embroidering individual elements or finishing the edge of a product; then it is better to do it on the flooring.

Unlike previous seams, it is performed from left to right, piercing the fabric from top to bottom. The thread is brought to the front side of the fabric at the starting point of the element, after which an adjacent stitch is made at the required distance, leaving the working thread under the needle (Fig.).

The stitches can be located close to each other (Fig. a), at some distance, or be of different heights (Fig. b) or directions (Fig. c).

Rice. a - c. Buttonhole stitch options

When decorating the edge of a product, a loop seam is often made along the flooring. To do this, the previously embroidered area is stitched with a “forward needle” stitch, and then it is secured with a buttonhole stitch, placing the stitches close to each other (Fig.);

Rice. Loop seam on flooring

- the “narrow satin roll” seam is embroidered in two stages. First, all elements must be sewn with a “forward needle” seam, and small stitches of the same length must be made on top, placing them close to each other (straight or at an angle). The needle is inserted into the tissue from top to bottom (Fig.);

Rice. Narrow satin stitch seam

— the “knot” seam is excellent for doing work in plant elements, it adds volume to the work and is very simple to perform. The needle is brought to the front side of the work, the working thread is wrapped around it several times, another puncture is made next to the first one and the working thread is carefully pulled out

to the wrong side. In this case, the wound thread must be held so that it does not get tangled, but forms a knot (Fig. a, b);

Rice. a, b. Knot stitch

— a chain stitch is useful for creating simple and curved contours.

The needle with the working thread is brought out to the front side at the beginning of the element, after which it is injected next to the first puncture and brought out again to the face at a point below (Fig. a). The remaining stitches are performed similarly (Fig. b);

Rice. a, b. Chain seam

- the fastened loop stitch is similar to a separate stitch in the chain stitch. It is performed in a similar way, but after bringing the working thread to the face at the lowest point, the needle is inserted into the fabric under the loop thread, making an attachment (Fig. a, b).

Rice. a, b. Loop stitch

To a simple question: “How to embroider with satin stitch?” There is a logical answer - this type of needlework can be learned in literally 1 evening! Check out simple techniques satin stitch embroidery to understand how easy it is to create interesting pictures and patterns with its help.

Preparing for work

The name of the technique corresponds appearance the resulting embroidery - if you run your hand over your work, you will feel how smooth your stitches are, tightly adjacent to each other.

To embroider with satin stitch, you will need standard materials and sewing equipment with certain characteristics. For example, in this technique it is best to work on straightened, stretched material - a hoop will help you with this.

As with the cross stitch technique, floss is considered the best thread for this type due to its qualities:

  • you can independently adjust the thickness of the thread;
  • the fibers in the floss are not twisted tightly, so the pattern of the work is not deformed;
  • Handicraft stores offer a wide range of threads of this type.

It is best for beginners to learn satin stitch embroidery with this material. Professionals can try embroidery with silk, linen or wool threads.

Pay attention to the needle - choose thin short types with a large eye for easy threading.

If desired, you can embroider with satin stitch on any type of fabric. But beginners are advised to use cotton, linen and wool. Over time, you can also progress to fine work on silk.

Types of embroidery

Due to the fact that satin stitch embroidery is present in the customs of different nationalities of the world, several methods of execution have taken shape in this technique. They can be easily distinguished by the appearance of the embroidery and the threads used in the process.


The simplest type of satin stitch, on the basis of which other embroidery methods are formed. All you need is to mark the pattern on the fabric using a graphite pencil or soap.

Now start embroidering: bring the thread up from the bottom of the fabric at the very beginning of the pattern and stick it in at the end. Repeat the same action with reverse side in reverse order: the thread must be pulled from end to beginning.

Having learned how to embroider using satin stitch in this way, you will receive a product with double-sided embroidery. The technique is best used for designing large, not very complex elements.


Contour satin stitch embroidery exists as a subtype of simple embroidery. The difference is that you do not shade the entire area of ​​the design with stitches, but only form its outline.

For example, flower petals are often formed in this way, leaving empty centers that can be filled using another needlework technique. Embroidery with contour satin stitch is also double-sided.

Vladimir smooth surface

Beginners are advised to learn to embroider with satin stitch this way: when bringing the needle to the wrong side, you do not need to pull the stitch through the entire pattern. It is enough to make a small stitch to the side and take the thread from the front side as close as possible to the previous seam. The second name for Vladimir embroidery is verkhoshov.

This method allows you to reduce the amount of material used by 2 times! Unfortunately, the embroidery is one-sided. Therefore, it is better to refuse to decorate shawls in this style, giving preference to pillowcases and duvet covers.


If you have already mastered simple types and methods, you can learn to embroider with shadow satin stitch. It allows you to create in your paintings an interesting effect of the transition of one color to another - a gradient. This way you will achieve a more natural picture.

For example, you need to embroider a petal. From one corner, start making dark pink stitches of varying lengths. Fill the middle of the piece with light pink stitches of different sizes. Complete the petal with white stitches. This way you will mix the colors together, creating a smoother, almost imperceptible transition.

Embroidery techniques

Different details of one pattern require masterful execution from you different techniques satin stitch embroidery. For example, large details can be embroidered with long stitches of different lengths, while narrow stripes need to be decorated with short small seams.

Embroidery techniques can often be confused with its types. To distinguish them, remember that one type of embroidery can be performed using several techniques simultaneously.

Straight stitch

It is enough for a novice master to learn this stitch in order to embroider the simplest designs using satin stitch.

It is from him that the name of a simple type of embroidery comes. A simple stitch can be used to embroider large background details and thick outlines. But small details and fine lines with a straight stitch will look sloppy.

Forward the needle

The most elementary method of embroidery, which is mastered even by those who do not know how to sew or embroider. It is often used to baste parts of an unfinished product.

By embroidering with a needle forward, you can mark the conventional boundaries of the design without outlining a sketch of the patterns with a pencil.

Line stitch

The stitch stitch is perfect for forming thin lines of a pattern - plant stems, pistils, stamens. It is also used to outline the outline of the embroidery after removing the conditional seam forward with a needle.

A variety of stitching can be called a stem stitch - the stitches in it do not go one after another, but diagonally, slightly touching each other on one side.

Chain stitch

This technique in itself does not apply to satin stitch embroidery. But with its help you can create decorative elements like an interesting edging of the overall pattern.

The chain stitch is a sequence of stitches.

Homemade violet: master class

This master class will tell you how to embroider elementary patterns in the shape of a violet using satin stitch. These flowers can be used to decorate a blouse pocket, a corner of a pillowcase or a duvet cover. You can complete this sketch in just half an hour!

Prepare yellow threads in 2-3 shades - from light lemon to wheat, 3 shades of blue threads, 1 purple and 2 green colors. Stretch the clean, ironed fabric over the hoop. Use a simple pencil to sketch the image.

  • Start embroidering from the top petal. Sew the upper part of the part with a stitch. Now use satin stitch in the form of a simple stitch of different lengths to fill the petal to the middle. Simple seams should overlap the lowercase so that it is not visible.

  • Fill the remaining part with a dark blue tint. Using the same color, start decorating the top of the petals to the left and right of the top one.

  • Finish the top parts using light blue threads. You can also make several stitches in Vladimir satin stitch of this color along the upper petal for more naturalness.
  • Gently- yellow Sew the outline of the lower petal with a line stitch. Start filling out empty space the same color from bottom to top.

  • Paint the top of the lower petal and the middle with a darker shade of yellow. Run a contour stitch over the middle.
  • From the center of the violet to the center of the petals, make several rare stitches in dark purple satin stitch.

The leaves need to be embroidered using the same technique as the petals: their right half is done in light green shades, the left half in more muted tones. Rare veins should be embroidered in dark green.

If this master class seemed too simple to you, try making a more interesting composition - strawberries using the satin stitch embroidery technique, with a leaf and dew drops made from beads. You can find instructions with a sketch in the next video.

While you are just learning how to embroider with satin stitch, use simple large-sized sketches with a minimum of small winding details while working. Gradually improving your technique, move on to more difficult but interesting drawings, which you can prepare yourself or find on specialized Internet portals.

Loved by needlewomen from young to old. Being interested in her will allow you to express your Creative skills and have a good time. If you find simple circuits for embroidery, you can safely start working, and it doesn’t matter how old you are.

Satin stitch can be used to decorate clothes for adults and children, towels, curtains, pillowcases, napkins and tablecloths. Various accessories and interior items look much richer if they are decorated with embroidery. Postcards and small pictures are a cute gift that even a child can make with their own hands. An excellent task for children's creativity is satin stitch embroidery. Schemes for beginners are available on the Internet and in magazines. Experienced embroiderers create entire pictures. Of course, such work requires time and painstaking work.

But learning to embroider with satin stitch is not difficult; you just need a little patience and knowledge of some secrets.

Distinctive features of satin stitch embroidery

Satin stitch is one of the favorite embroidery techniques among needlewomen; it allows you to create incredibly realistic compositions.

It consists of tight-fitting stitches that completely cover the fabric. The direction of the stitches can be different, the effect depends on this. Satin stitch embroidery is more difficult than cross stitch, but this technique allows you to create elegant fragments and accurately convey details and color transitions. When embroidering with satin stitch, it is customary to rely on patterns, but experienced craftswomen can create over time without using them.

Start with simple beginner motifs and you'll get the hang of this technique pretty quickly. Flowers are a favorite stitch embroidery for many. The diagrams represent which are subsequently filled with stitches according to the instructions.

Looking at the beautiful works of the craftswomen, the novice needlewoman dreams of quickly learning how to create the same masterpieces. This is quite possible, but you need to take steps.

The basics are learning how to do different stitches. Great start - simple embroidery satin stitch Schemes for beginners are sometimes elementary, but they allow you to practice well on small details. Time will pass, and you will intuitively make color transitions without even looking at the diagram.

For satin stitch embroidery you will need the following materials:

  • base fabric;
  • hoop;
  • embroidery needle;
  • threads (usually floss);
  • special small scissors;
  • thimble to protect fingers.

How to choose a needle and thread for satin embroidery

Almost any thread is suitable for satin stitch embroidery. For thin fabrics, use cotton and silk.

The most common threads for satin embroidery are floss. Each thread (skein) consists of 6 thin threads that are easy to separate and use separately. Manufacturers of floss offer the widest palette - up to 400 shades.

Cotton thread “Iris” or wool looks good on thick fabrics, but the number of shades is very small. Sewing threads are not used for satin stitch embroidery because of their strong twist.

As for the selection of needles, there are no special requirements; you just need to rely on the thickness of the thread and fabric. A thinner base fabric will require embroidery using 1-2 strands of floss. Make sure that the eye of the needle is not too wide to avoid deforming the fabric. Coarser fabrics are embroidered with a full skein of floss or wool.

Needle numbers for embroidering thin fabrics are 1-3, for thick cotton - 4-8, for thick wool - 9-12.

Rules for embroidery

  1. Quite thick fabric (not knitwear). In the case of embroidery on knitwear, use interlining or other sealing material, which can then be trimmed. If the fabric is well stretched, the pattern will not be deformed.
  2. Methods for transferring a drawing: carbon paper, tracing paper, special washable markers. You can use a heat-transfer pencil or a finished drawing, which is transferred to the base using an iron.
  3. Hoop the fabric carefully.
  4. Preferred threads are floss or silk. Shade cards from well-known manufacturers - DMC, Madeira, Anchor - contain hundreds of items and will allow you to select and perform the most subtle transitions, especially if it is satin stitch embroidery of flowers. You need to choose proven schemes, then your work will be incredibly realistic.
  5. The outline of the design should be hidden, so embroider slightly beyond it.
  6. The stitches should cover the material tightly so that it is not visible.
  7. Different stitch directions will allow you to achieve interesting color effects.

Where to look for satin stitch embroidery patterns for beginners

If you decide to learn satin stitch embroidery yourself and buy everything you need, you can easily find many patterns in books on needlework. Step-by-step master classes describe in detail how to do the job. Patterns for satin stitch embroidery - flowers - have remained the most popular for a long time. You can find an option for every taste.

Many books for beginning needlewomen are devoted to this type of creativity, such as satin stitch embroidery. The diagrams are beautifully illustrated, so they are very convenient to work with, especially if you are away from home.

You can also find ready-made kits for beginners on sale; they already contain threads of the desired colors, attached to an organizer, a detailed diagram, fabric, and a needle.

Simple satin stitch embroidery technology

In simple satin stitch, the stitches are made parallel to each other, they tightly fill the part, while the edges of the pattern are even. One type of needlework that requires special care is satin stitch embroidery. The patterns look simple, but executing the motifs requires precision.

A simple satin stitch is double-sided, so the face and back of the product look the same. It looks very nice and allows you to use this technique everywhere. The ends of the thread are hidden under the main stitch fabric, but no knots are made.

Fastening the thread is done like this. Inside the element you need to make several forward stitches, then pull the thread so that the end remains on the surface of the design. Next, the embroidery stitches will cover the end of the thread and it will not be visible.

Simple embroidery patterns: flowers

After the working thread is secured, the main pattern is sewn with dense stitches, exactly along the line of the pattern. This requires precision and patience.

The stitches can be placed at different angles, but are always parallel to each other. Watch the thread tension.

Floral motifs are a very popular satin stitch embroidery. The schemes are very diverse, with different levels of complexity.

For example, you can embroider a simple flower using colored threads.

Getting started - the center of the flower. We use a simple satin stitch and do the leaves in the same way. We embroider the antennae using a stem stitch. The result is a beautiful, smooth, double-sided design.

Without a doubt, you did an excellent job!

Simple patterns for satin stitch embroidery will allow beginning craftswomen to feel confident.

Embroidering a poppy flower

Today, satin stitch embroidery - poppies - is becoming popular. Patterns for these wonderful flowers can be difficult to find. Below are step-by-step instructions that will allow beginning craftswomen to embroider poppies. The technique is Chinese stitch.

  1. We transfer the design onto the fabric.
  2. We select threads of different shades that are in harmony with each other. Flower - red and black, for stems and leaves - green.
  3. We embroider flowers and buds with red threads.
  4. We use green to make the stems (stem stitch) and leaves (simple stitch). The direction of embroidery is as in the photo.
  5. We embroider the central parts of the flowers with black thread.

This is the easiest way to embroider a poppy. You can use color transitions if you are an experienced craftswoman.

Decoration of clothes

The most popular motif for decorating clothes is satin stitch embroidery of flowers. The schemes may be the simplest, but the results are simply amazing. Folk costumes have long been decorated with rich embroidery. Popular satin stitch embroidery patterns on clothes will allow you to turn modern items into trendy ones in just a couple of hours.

For example, let’s decorate a simple T-shirt with satin stitch embroidery and use a floral motif.

We will need:

  • pattern for satin stitch embroidery;
  • floss;
  • small plastic hoop;
  • washable marker for transferring the drawing;
  • needle;
  • hoop.

We transfer the diagram using the “through the light” method using a marker. We fix the fabric in the hoop and start embroidering.

First we embroider the twigs, using a “forward needle” stitch.

We go around the contours of the leaves and then fill them with simple satin stitch.

We also embroider flowers using simple satin stitch according to the pattern.

When the entire pattern is completed in the hoop, move it to a new location.

And here is the result: a fashionable embroidered T-shirt.

Clothing decorated with embroidery has a special character, because it is unique. This is a wonderful gift for loved ones or for yourself.

Thus, satin stitch embroidery is a wonderful handicraft that will give you many pleasant moments.