White magic conspiracies for good health. Rituals of healing white magic: conspiracies for health. Conspiracy from drunkenness

This conspiracy for health read for the prevention of all kinds of diseases:

I will rise, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), praying and crossing myself. I will go out of the hut through the yards, go out into the open field and wash myself with clean dew. In the open field there is a golden staircase. From that ladder comes God's angel - Archangel Michael. I bow down, God's servant (God's servant) (name), to him with the words: "God's angel Michael the Archangel! Speak my white body, my hands and feet, so that they are stronger than steel, stronger than damask steel, harder than lead and iron. Lock mine my body, my hands and feet are far away from all sorts of illnesses and diseases In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen Amen Amen.


If one of your loved ones is sick all the time, feels weak all over the body, eats and sleeps poorly, read this.

You will need red and green candles. On Sunday at noon, light them, seat the patient on a chair so that his face is turned to the east, and say:

Do not moan, do not get sick and do not suffer the servant of God (servant of God) (name). His body is blood with milk, his arms and legs are filled with strength. Any disease will be defeated by the power of fire. May the servant of God (servant of God) (name) be healthier hour by hour, day by day, year by year. My words are strong and sculpting. Amen.


If you want to protect yourself from diseases, it is necessary every morning, as soon as you wake up, to read these words:

I will get up in the morning, go out to the courtyard on the road that leads to the temple. There I will read a prayer to St. Panteleimon. He always helps, he removes fatigue and illness from the body and soul. He will help me, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


For healing and rejuvenation, do the following ritual.

Pick nettles and dry them. Wait for the full moon. In the evening, at sunset, make yourself tea and add a few dried nettle leaves to the tea leaves, saying this conspiracy for health :

Holy Mother of God, help me, God's servant (God's servant) (name), in my work, punish this grass to become a source of great power. May I receive your blessing and healing, recovery and rejuvenation, as well as the ability to bear children with every sip. Amen.

From the author

My dear readers and students, the book that you are holding in your hands contains powerful spells, knowledgeable (strong) conspiracies and quick-help words that have been passed down in healer families from generation to generation for many centuries. With their help, you will gain new knowledge, and knowledge is a great power, especially if it is the power of magic.

Here you will find conspiracies for good health, learn how to put protection against deadly diseases, attract a happy share and gain the respect of the people around you. You will also learn how to protect your home, protect your family from troubles and misfortunes, get rid of damage and put on yourself a strong amulet. And do not believe if someone starts to say that you are doing wrong when reading old conspiracies. Do not believe those who think that life is only suffering. Believe me, the Lord is, first of all, a strict, but infinitely loving and understanding Father. What kind of father does not want to see his children satisfied and happy, what kind of father does not support his children, does not extend a helping hand to them?!

In general, the whole book is compiled according to your, my dear, letters and taking into account your wishes and requests.

This book is not for entertainment. It is unlikely that you will flip through it thoughtlessly, along the way planning what to cook for dinner. She will not dispel your boredom, she will not pass the time in the subway or while waiting for the bus. But it is she who will always be at your fingertips, where you can quickly find her. This book will be your ally, wise adviser and faithful assistant. Casual buyers and those who temporarily needed some kind of conspiracies will eventually forget about my books, but I believe that my students and regular readers will stay with me for many years, and then, when my mission is completed, they will become generous share the knowledge gained with others, helping people and continuing to improve their skills.

Do not stop there - after all, even honored masters always have something to learn. So, after school, many go to universities, wanting to become truly educated people. I will share with you everything that I know myself, as a loving mother shares everything that she has with her children.

I really hope that my books will help you in difficult times and with their help you will gain confidence in tomorrow, you will become calmer and will courageously resist all adversity - after all, you will know that the rain cannot go on forever, and even after the worst bad weather, the sun will appear in the sky.

I want to please my students. Finally, it became possible to receive the newspaper "Magic and Life". In this wonderful and beautiful newspaper I talk about everything that I know and can. From it you will thoroughly learn about all the possibilities of a person living on earth. The newspaper will be very useful to you, in it I will try to personally answer each of your letters and help to ensure that all your problems are quickly resolved. From the bottom of my heart I thank all those who congratulated me on the holidays - I was very pleased to receive your congratulations.

If you want to learn something, strive to learn more about this or that magical teaching, then write to me. If something is not clear to you when you read my books, call me. If, despite all your efforts, you cannot cope with the problem on your own, then come to me - and I will help you in any way I can.

I take this opportunity to bow to everyone who helps me carry my burden, and I thank them for their support and understanding.

May you be happy and healthy for many, many years to come.

I hug and bless

always yours

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

For health, from ailments

Conspiracy for good health

From a letter:

“The fact is that my young man is very often sick, and not only in winter, but also in summer, he can catch a cold for no reason at all. Due to the constant absence of classes due to illness, he has problems with his studies. I love him very much and would like to help him. Is there such a conspiracy to speak him from illnesses for a long time? I'm already exhausted: as soon as I cure him, he will soon fall ill again. Tell me something, I beg you."

Read the morning dawns on your young man this conspiracy:

Like mother earth is strong,
So would the servant of God (name)
He was strong and strong.

Conspiracy from diseases

I remind you that all conspiracies from diseases are read only on the waning moon. To cure a person, speak water, milk or food and give it to the sick person.

The plot is read like this:

I speak with the servant of God (name)
All twelve pains
All twelve ailments.
From day and night shaking,
From the midday fire
From jerking and shooting,
From blinking and blindness,
From lakes and yawns,
From overthrow and from stabbing,
From dokuki and hunks,
From damage and blackness,
From the deeds of the nimble sorceress.
You evil bastard, calm down,
You, blindness and deafness, pump out,
You, pain and overthrow, stop
You, prickly prick, get rid of,
You, corruption and evil, shrink.
It's enough for you to mock
It's time to obey
Otherwise, I will drown you in holy water
And I will pitch you in a barrel,
I will let you go across the sea-ocean.
The key to my words
Castle to my business.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

What to do when you lose strength

From a letter:

“I get so tired at work that I have no strength left for anything else. But work is not the whole life. Help, please, give some kind of conspiracy that helps people like me.

On a full moon at midnight, go outside, raise your hands up and shout, without thinking that you can be heard:

The power of Heaven is invincible, inexhaustible.
My angel, support me with this strength.

Important: on odd days, the ceremony cannot be performed!

Or you can do the following. Go to the field, lie down in a fresh furrow and say:

Harvest you, harvest, give me all your strength.
The earth gives birth, the earth revives,
The earth gives me strength.
Jesus Christ is risen
So let my strength be resurrected.
What she said, what she didn't say
What did you think
Everything to benefit
Me, God's servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from an infectious disease

Everyone knows that prevention is better than cure, so as soon as you hear that a flu epidemic is starting, read a special charm against an infectious disease. Sit at the table and put two mirrors: one in front and one behind. Look through the mirror at the back of your head and say:

There are no eyes on the back of the head, there is no nose on the back of the head,
There is no mouth on the back of the head.
So that I don't get sick
Not from people, not from animals, not from horses,
Not from cows, not from goats, not from birds,
Not by wind, not by water, not by land.
Lord, save, save and defend.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To get rid of the cough

Almost no cold is complete without a cough, which causes trouble not only to the sick person, but also to others. To cough faster, read this conspiracy:

On a swamp tussock, the toad says to her daughter:
“You, my daughter, are croaking here,
And the servant of God (name) is coughing there.
I mix sourdough, cough and tree frog,
I free the servant of God (name) from coughing!

Sore throat conspiracy

Read a special conspiracy over water, which you can then drink, or you can gargle with it. The spoken words are:

Demyan, Kasyan, aim your bow.
Go, arrow, into pain,
Come down from the throat of the servant of God (name) sickness.
Where did the pain come from
That's where you would go.
Be my words
Strong, sculpting and spores.
Key, lock, tongue.

How to speak sinusitis

After influenza and acute respiratory infections, various complications often develop, including sinusitis. This is a very unpleasant disease when the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, and sometimes the bone wall of the accessory cavity of the nose. To get rid of sinusitis, remove the feather of a pockmarked rooster (from the tail) and set it on fire from a candle left over from nine days of remembrance. While the patient is sniffing the ashes, read the following plot:

How can this feather fly no more
Like this dead man
Whose candle was
Won't run
So in the nose of the servant of God (name)
Shisha will not.

A conspiracy that helps in the treatment of inflamed tonsils

After suffering a sore throat and other infectious colds, the tonsils often become inflamed. Previously, it was customary to delete them, but now they have come to the conclusion that it is better not to do this, since they play important role in protecting the body from pathogens and in developing immunity. So, to help the patient, lightly tap your index finger on the throat and say in a barely audible whisper:

Go where you are expected
Go where you were expected
Go where you will be expected.
Where the unsown will be reaped,
Where the uncompressed will be threshed,
Where bread is baked from the earth,
Go there, they are waiting for you.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To not shoot in the ear

Whisper the following words into the affected ear:

A woman walked to the river, carrying three boards.
Got to the river
Here the pain of the servant of God (name) subsided. Amen.

For strength to come

From a letter:

“Recently, I began to notice a reluctance to do anything. Rather, I light up, and then cool down just as quickly. It is worth starting to do something, as the hands themselves fall. But this had never happened to me before, I could not sit still. And now such fatigue rolls over that I don’t want anything. At one time I worked very hard, and so, this fatigue has appeared in me since that time. I really don't want to lie on the couch. Please, tell me, maybe there are some folk remedies to restore strength.

You need to conduct a ceremony to return the lost forces. Place a bowl of water so that the moon is reflected in it. Then, with your left hand, draw circles counterclockwise on the surface of the water so that the reflection of the moon oscillates. At the same time, read the following conspiracy:

The moon is walking, strength is coming,
The moon is growing, and the strength is growing,
A month walks on the water under my hand,
And to me, God's servant (name),
Strength comes.
The keys are on the horns, and the strength is in the legs.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


To not get tired

Probably, there was no peasant woman in Rus' who, before harvesting, did not go to the healer with a request to speak to her from fatigue. In autumn, the day feeds the year and there is no time to get sick or rest. The sorceress, knowing that they would come to her and ask about it, stockpiled ears of rye ahead of time. She will put the woman on the threshold and run a bunch of rye crosswise over her back, and she herself whispers:

As mother rye stood in the field,
So your back wouldn't get tired either.
Ati-mati, stubble, give your strength,
To plow more
To rest less.
As the yoke does not unbend,
So my word does not go astray.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

Conspiracy for health and longevity

First of all, my dear readers and students, I would advise everyone to read a conspiracy for health and longevity, so as not to suffer from illnesses and not know what old age is for a long time. It sounds like this:

I speak to myself firmly,
I speak from hard times to longevity.
Who among the living will pluck all the grass in the field,
Who sips water from the seas,
Even that one will not surpass my word,
My conspiracy will never break.
There are no stars in the sky,
The sun and the moon do not eat,
Don't drink water in the ocean
River sand is not considered.
So that I too
No one ever harmed
And not a single minute of my life
Witchcraft did not carry away.
Key in the water, castle in the sand
And God's amulet is always with me and on me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy for health

From a letter:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I am already sixty-eight years old, and I understand that at this age a person gets sick and becomes weak. With my mind, I understand everything, but in my soul I cannot put up with bodily weakness. I have always lived an active life, loved, and even now I love to work in the garden ... So, with my eyes I would redo everything, but I don’t have the strength: I’ll trample on the spot and sit down. I ask you to teach me a conspiracy that will give me at least a little strength. Thank you in advance. With great respect, Zinoviev Alevtina, Kuban.

Get up early, before dawn. Go outside, turn your face to the east, where the sun rises from, and say:

Zarya-lightning, red maiden,
I ask you to be healthy.
From now until the end of the century
Blind a strong man.
My bones, tan, my sides, numb,
Never whine or get sick.
To this day, to this hour, to this very minute.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to instantly relieve pain

Let the youngest in the family reach through the window or threshold to your sore side and say:

Side hurts? - Does not hurt.
Is it on fire? - Does not burn.
Lord, You are my God
Speak to me sore side.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

A conspiracy read for any serious illness

Set fire to nine aspen torches and read the following conspiracy on the smoke:

Dym Dymovich, godfather of fire,
Do a good service for me.
From this day, from this time
Remove from me all sickness and infection.
Go, my ailment, to where the old gate is,
Come down to the old grave
All the things that ruined me
For now, for eternity, for eternity.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Or do the following. Go outside after midnight, look at the waning moon and say:

A month, you are a month, you roam high,
You see far
You walk past forests, hills, villages,
Houses, baths, yards.
Take down, month, my sickness and pain
Where the birds don't fly
People do not wander, animals do not run.
Mother of God, take my sick blood
And give me good health.
For now, for eternity, for eternity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to get rid of ailments

From a letter:

“The fact is that over the past six months, something hurts every day. I'm only twenty-eight years old, and I'm already about to die. I go to work, and my whole body aches. My husband is embarrassed to talk about it. Doctors only shrug their shoulders and drag them around the offices, but it’s a little bit useless. ”

The help of the conspiracy below is resorted to in cases where a person cannot say for sure what hurts him, and answers: "That's it." In this case, take the patient outside the threshold, ask him to look into a basin of water, and at this moment you yourself whisper such a conspiracy:

Zarya-zaryanitsa, red maiden,
Deliver the servant of God (name)
From pain and anguish, his legs and arms,
So that the body does not hurt and does not sweat,
From bad blood is not numb,
From evil chills, heavy sips,
From Marya Irodovna,
From all twelve shaking girls.

Then wash the patient with this water, and pour the rest of it on the road.

Conspiracy for a quick recovery

I think this conspiracy needs no explanation - everything is already clear from the name. It sounds like this:

Father Abraham walked with his proud
Son of Isaac
Carried an ailing sinus to Christ for healing.
They met twelve coms,
Twelve daughters of Herod.
Abraham asked the comm:
- Have you spoiled the health of the servant of God (name)?
Herod's daughters bowed down
Before Father Abraham, they obeyed,
They trembled before Jesus Christ,
They promised to cure the sick.
Komukhs have untied their knots,
From the body of the servant of God (name), the ailments were taken out,
So that it does not ache,
Didn't hurt or mourn.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Or read this conspiracy:

Under the threshold I have three swords, three saints:
Saint Cosmas, Saint Demyan
And their father Simenon.
And they got up and went
And we came to a crossroads.
They met twelve virgins.
Saints ask them:
Who are you girls?
They answer:
We are Herod's children
There are six hundred and sixty of us in the world,
And we are twelve virgins among them.
- Where did you go?
- We went to destroy people,
Drink their blood and health,
Break bones, gnaw earth.
They take out the holy sharp sabers,
They want to chop off the heads of Herod's children.
But the virgins of Herod began to ask:
- Kosma, Demyan and father Simenon,
Do not execute, do not cut,
Take a ransom from the disease.
Who will read this prayer
Never die of sickness
Get well soon
And with any ailment will cope! Amen.

lamp of life

From a letter:

“I read somewhere about the lamp of life, but now I just can’t find the information I need. Tell me again, please, about her. God bless you. Thank you for being".

Healers make the lamp of life in order to find out whether the sick person will survive or die. To do this, they pour oil into an ordinary lamp, take the sweaty undershirt of the patient, raise it to the level of the burning lamp and say:

The candle of the life of a servant of God (name), burn.
His guardian angel, indicate
If this lamp does not burn,
Servant of God (name) to die. Amen.

Then wave the patient's shirt behind you. If the fire burns strongly and brightly, the patient will soon recover. If the flame weakens, but does not go out, then the patient will still get sick, but sooner or later he will definitely get on his feet. If the fire goes out, it means that the hour of his death has struck.

Conspiracy for the elderly

From a letter:

“My mother is almost eighty years old, and she gets sick very often. Moreover, she does not have any specific disease - each time some new one appears: either the pressure drops sharply, then it jumps sharply, then the heart stops, then the legs are taken away. Each time, ambulance doctors pump her out. The most important thing is that we live far from each other: she is in Russia, and I am abroad. And so I feel sorry for my mother that there are no more forces. Every time I call, and then I can’t find a place for myself from anxiety. And I can't help her. She flatly refused to move to me - she says where I will go from Russia - and now I'm afraid that I won't take her. I myself can’t move to her either: I have my own family, children, husband, who, by the way, is also sick. But I have never rested anywhere: neither alone nor with my family. I spend every vacation with my mother. I constantly send money to relatives so that they help her and my mother does not deny herself anything. However, I do not know peace day or night - all the time I reproach myself for doing little for my mother. Dear Natalya Ivanovna, tell me, maybe there is some kind of conspiracy to help my mother, so that she begins to feel at least a little better and live as long as possible.

There is a special conspiracy for the elderly, who, unfortunately, get sick more often than the young and lose strength faster. To feel fresh and healthy again, read the following conspiracy over food or drink:

Lord, King of Heaven, Lord of life!
You made me
In His own image and likeness.
Like saints' bones do not groan, do not hurt,
How their hearts do not prick and ache,
So I wouldn't have any pain
It didn’t prick and didn’t sting anywhere:
Not new, not declining,
Not on a full moon
Not at the red dawn.
Be, my bodies, strong,
Stand, all my loins, strong.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy from an unknown disease

From a letter:

“I don’t have any more strength, doctors can’t make a definite diagnosis, they don’t know what they are treating. What only preliminary diagnoses were not put to me! They carried out various procedures, I seemed to get better, but after a while the diseases returned. At work, I try not to think about the sores, but the pain makes itself felt, and every day turns into a test for me. I just don't know what to treat me for."

Another post on the same subject:

“My mother is sick (she is sixty years old). It's been two months now that something is wrong with her. Firstly, she lost her appetite and eats only because she needs to, so she lost a lot of weight. Secondly, she is constantly tormented by nausea. Thirdly - and this is the main thing - she has no strength at all. Previously, energy was beating out of her like a key, but now she only lies on the bed - that's all. You can't even imagine how painful it is for me to look at her. She constantly insists that it is better to die than to live like this, she does not find a place for herself, often cries, she is tormented by an inexplicable longing ... In general, words cannot convey everything. I can't watch her suffer. Doctors find nothing, they only say that my mother has pancreatitis - that's all. How many offices she ran around - all to no avail. I'm starting to think it's all because of me. The fact is that I spoiled a lot of her nerves until I settled down: I led a wild life, and my mother pulled me out of various troubles more than once. I drank and now I have to thank my mother for not finally sliding into the abyss: she pulled me out. Now I have realized everything, changed my life for the better, although I have given up many pleasures. And now, only everything began to improve for me - the trouble with my mother. Please teach me how to help her. I'm willing to do anything to make her feel better. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that I have a teenage son. And now I have to be torn: I can’t leave my son alone, but I can’t leave my mother either. And so I’m spinning: one day with my mother, one day with my son ... And also responsible work, a garden (nowhere without it!). I can’t imagine how I will be able to do everything!”

If the doctors can't make a diagnosis and you feel like you're dying, start reporting immediately. Read twelve nights in a row before going to bed such a conspiracy:

Countless kills, release my veins.
Take your eyes, serpent of the womb,
From my body fly into the chimney,
Find yourself another victim.
All the holy heavenly helpers of God,
Honor me
Servant of God (name),
Your help
Crush my diseases.
Now and forever and forever and ever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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In order to strengthen your body, you need to adhere to healthy lifestyle life, eat right and rest more often.

Are there any magical amulets for health? Of course yes.

After all, first of all, white magic designed to create a healthy background and maintain positive energy.

Conspiracies and prayers for health have long been used by both white magicians and ordinary people. Simple magic words are easy to read. They certainly won't do any harm. And, as you know, a thought is material and a word spoken from the heart is able to translate the desired into reality.

It is quite possible to apply simple rituals for health on your own. To do this, you must follow some rules and sincerely believe the success of the ritual.

It is important to understand that you cannot read a health plot instead of going to the doctor when it comes to a serious case. And if you want to get rid of from a wart , mild migraine or you just want to protect yourself from possible misfortunes, then why not try some old health conspiracy.

Several viable options

Fatigue and blues can be driven away with the help of the following universal slander.

To read the magic words, you need to go outside and find a young slender tree. The tree must be strong, not sick. It is best that it be birch, oak, aspen or pine. Willow and ash are not suitable for this ceremony. You need to go to a young tree and grab it with both hands. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

The tree is mighty

Give strong strength

Take away the longing viscous and unbearable ailment

I will take the powers of wood

And I will give the disease.

While reading, you should try to imagine how the powerful power of the tree passes into the body and displaces fatigue, laziness, illness.

Magicians and sorcerers often turn to the forces of nature. Everyone has their preferred tree, the strength and energy they believe in.

Magic words for pain

If toothache or head, you can try the following variant of the slander. index finger right hand you need to drive over the sore spot clockwise and read:

Oh (head, tooth, leg, hand) my / my no pain

Do not sting and neither

As the moon wanes in the sky

So the pain disappears in the body

Let it be so.

If the pain does not immediately subside, the conspiracy can be repeated several more times.

Water conspiracy for health

Pure water is an ideal liquid for performing any rituals. Spring water is ideal for creating a health amulet.

It is necessary to find clean spring water and collect it in a container.

Water that is sold in stores will not work. More precisely, it can be taken and the effect will be. But, it doesn't make any sense. With the same success, you can take ordinary tap water.

So, you need to put the prepared water in front of you and say:

Voditsa - mother

life-giving liquid

healing power

You feed people

Wash the dirt

You deliver the Servant of God (name) from sickness and fatigue

Give strength and health

And wash away the black sickness.

After reading for a day or two, you should drink this water in small portions. If the water was spoken to a specific name, then it should not be shared.

But, there is another universal amulet for water, which is not read for a specific person.

For the ceremony, you will need a bottle of clean water (preferably spring water). Above the water you need to say:

How did the mother give birth to children

Yes, she helped with everything.

So this vodka will help everyone

From the disease and the evil eye of the black will protect

Get rid of all the lessons and prizes

Evil slander, talk

Wash badly from the soul of any.

You need to take a sip of such water after slander and put it in a dark, cool place. As health suddenly goes wrong, or an incomprehensible longing attacks, you need to wash yourself with such water and sprinkle the whole body lightly.

We have always believed in the power of water. To this day, water is given special importance in religion, magic and everyday life. Water will wash away everything, it will absorb what is needed, and the dry will revive. On the water, you can say whatever you want. Water perfectly absorbs the energy of words and is a conductor of thought.

If it’s just that the day didn’t work out and the mood is out of the ordinary, you can come home and take a shower so that jets of water flow down the top of your head to your whole body. Close your eyes and say:

Water is clear

Wash away the dirt of this day

I'll come out from under the water

I will forget all the bad things.

This simple rite helps to clear the negative energy of the day.

All bad things will be forgotten nervous system calm down, thoughts will come in order. The reasons for the spoiled mood will fade. Inner peace contributes to the preservation of peace of mind and health.

Prayers for health

The best guardian of the body and soul is pure and sincere prayer. If you are tortured by ailments and life is not going well, you should go to the temple. You need to put candles to the icons and be sure to pray. Candles for health can be placed not only for yourself, but also for your family and friends.

Today, in medicine there is a huge progress, but even she, at times, is powerless. Then it remains only to hope for higher powers and conspiracies that really help to improve health.

There are a number of simple rules that must be followed in order for conspiracies to be as effective as possible. For example, it is best to read prayers and conspiracies at dawn or, conversely, at sunset. Read them, be sure to be in the eastern part of the room. It is best if at this moment you light a candle, having previously consecrated it in the temple, and open the window wide open. Remember that the words of the slander must be pronounced clearly and clearly so that every word is understood. Do not forget about your own faith in energy strength read conspiracies. For the prayer plot to have the greatest power, you can say it an indefinite number of times.

Health resorts or conspiracies for health

There are two types of conspiracies to improve health and raise immunity. The first is special prayers that are read during a person’s illness. The second is prayers for health, which are pronounced to increase immunity and improve human health.

5 strong conspiracies to improve health

First conspiracy: prayer for spring water. To do this, you need to take a clean glass of spring water and you can start reading the plot:

“Mother Vodichka, the owner of healing properties, you wash and give water to people. Please help me heal my body from diseases. May pain and sickness pass me by"

The second strongest conspiracy sounds like this:

“Do not torture, do not torment me, pain! Go away with the waning moon. Yes, so be it. Amen".

While saying these words, be sure to touch your finger to the place that hurts, and slowly drive in a clockwise direction. After a few minutes, it is best to repeat the plot again. Remember that the slander is read during the waning moon.

Third conspiracy. If you are sick or your immune system is weakened, your illnesses can be transferred to objects. For example, you can transfer an illness to a tree. It is enough to find a small tree, best of all young, and put your hands on it, reading the words:

“A pretty, living tree, please take all my illness with you. Let my pain go to you, and I will take your strength in order to strengthen my health for many years. Amen".

When your strength is restored and the disease goes away, the tree will begin to dry out. But if it is young, then it will undoubtedly cope with this ailment, and will bloom, as before.

Fourth conspiracy. Another conspiracy to water will help improve health and well-being. To do this, you need to wash yourself with rainwater, and before that, read the words:

“Great water, you keep your road to the west from the east in order to fall on the shores, sands and stones. So wash away all diseases from me and strengthen my health. May it be so! Amen".

Fifth Conspiracy. In order for health to be strong all your life, and serious illnesses to bypass, you should take a ring without stones and speak it with the words:

“Betray, ringlet, strength to me and good health. Improve my well-being and do not let diseases affect my body and soul. Yes, with good intentions, I turn to you. Take away all my pain and sickness. Amen".

Remember that conspiracies are valid only if you believe in them and, at the same time, do not aggravate your health yourself. We hope that these strongest conspiracies will help you improve your health and get rid of diseases. Be happy and don't get sick. take care of yourself, and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.05.2018 07:04

One of the troubles that comes with summer is warts. There are many folk remedies And...

A conspiracy for health is a specially created text that has positive healing energy. The casting of the spell is accompanied by prayers and rituals that can be performed at home to heal individual organs or the entire body. The purpose of the conspiracy is to direct the energy force in such a way as to get rid of the disease or improve health.

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Rules for reading conspiracies and conducting ceremonies

  • before the ritual, pray, carry out cleansing procedures with water;
  • conduct protective rites in solitude and silence, with a lit church candle;
  • before the ceremony, remove skeptical people from the environment;
  • pronounce conspiracies for recovery on an empty stomach;
  • not to use alcoholic drinks and stop smoking for a few hours.

Why is mother's prayer most effective?

The main reasons for the effectiveness of motherly prayer:

  • only a mother sincerely wishes the child well;
  • the relationship between a mother and her baby is divine;
  • mother always knows what the child needs, so she can pick up Right words praying for him.

The video from the Larisa channel shows a mother's prayer for children.

General spells and rituals for the health of adults and children

Spells and on the health of adults and children:

  • universal conspiracy;
  • on a charm of red thread;
  • a strong conspiracy from an unknown illness of Natalya Stepanova;
  • a ritual with a pin and a prayer for the health of the child;
  • Slavic ritual for the health of the baby;
  • on the growing moon;
  • from a disease caused by the evil eye;
  • from women's ailments;
  • from infertility;
  • on water from all diseases;
  • from a rash on the face;
  • rite from elevated temperature.

Universal Conspiracy

A universal way to heal your child is a conspiracy when combing, which is carried out as follows:

  1. Prepare a comb or massage brush.
  2. In the morning, after washing your face, when it's time to brush your hair, sit your baby on your lap.
  3. Comb the strands while saying magic words.

The text of the universal conspiracy is as follows:

“I am your mother, you are my (my) son (daughter), I will comb your hair, I will bring good luck, I will give you health. Let all the bad things go away, and the good things will grow. Amen"

Such a ritual helps to improve relations between mother and child, strengthen the psychological state in the family.

Another universal conspiracy can be practiced for adults and children in this way:

  1. In the forest, choose a tree (according to beliefs, oak, maple, linden or birch are most suitable).
  2. Get close to him.
  3. Grab the trunk with your hands and say the magic words.

The text is:

“The sickness is sore and prickly, you leave my body, you go to this tree, you flow down the roots into the ground, you no longer choke me, you don’t torture me. Let all my pain go to the ground and never return.”

A conspiracy to amulet from a red thread

A charmed amulet made of red thread, created with love and kindness:

  • will protect the person and his loved ones;
  • protect from the evil eye;
  • help fight the disease;
  • significantly speed up recovery.

Tie a red thread around your wrist while saying the following words:

“May this thread protect you from all enemies, diseases and hardships. In the name of good, I endow this thread with strength, (name) to protect and instruct all bad things to drive away. As the knot is strong, so let the protection be strong. Amen"

A strong conspiracy from an unknown disease of Natalia Stepanova

From an unknown disease, a conspiracy, the author of which is the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, will come in handy.

It is necessary to take an apple and cut it into two parts, saying the following:

“Just as two halves can never grow together, so my ailment can no longer be in me. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen"

Ritual with a pin and prayer for the health of the child

Ritual with a pin will help:

  • protect both the child and the adult from the dark forces;
  • destroy damage and the evil eye;
  • recover from various ailments.

Action algorithm:

  1. Buy a new pin.
  2. Dip it overnight in holy water.
  3. The next morning at dawn, carefully pin the pin on outerwear baby, point down.
  4. Make sure that it does not interfere with the movements of the baby and cannot hurt him.
  5. Read the words of the conspiracy:

“Lord God, Jesus Christ and Holy Mother of God, hear the appeal of the Servant of God (name). I ask you for protection for my child (name). Save him from unnecessary pain, from various diseases, blows and bruises. Protect them from bad people, from bad thoughts, from stupid and dangerous actions. May his life be healthy and joyful. Amen!"

Slavic ritual for the health of the baby

From the time of paganism, such Slavic rituals have come down to the present day to strengthen children's health:

  • bath;
  • for healthy sleep;
  • from evil eye and spoilage.

The bath ceremony is carried out while bathing the child: washing the baby, you need to repeat:

“The king of water, the king of ice, wash my (name) with your living water, give him strength and growth, obedience and meekness. Let all the ailment flow down, under the living water the evil eye and corruption dies.

The ritual for healthy sleep is carried out as follows:

  1. Mom takes the baby in her arms, goes out into the canopy.
  2. Becomes facing east.
  3. He moves one leg over the threshold, and says:

“Dawn-lightning, you are my sister, here you are from my (name) sleeplessness, carry it to the other end, and give my (name) a sound sleep.”

After reading the plot, you need to spit three times through the child over the threshold.

They do it like this:

  1. Put a piece of coal in a bucket of water.
  2. Pour the child from the ladle onto the crown of the head.
  3. During the procedure, magic words are pronounced:

“Just as nothing sticks to coal, so that nothing sticks to my (name): neither the evil eye, nor spoilage, nor bells and whistles, nor a bad word, nor a dark thought.”

Growing moon conspiracy

Healing people do on:

  • crest;
  • water;
  • fertile land.

For the ceremony, you need to put a comb on the comb under the moonlight, leave it overnight, and comb it in the morning, saying:

“You are my month-friend, shine on the comb-comb, charge it with the power of growth and give health. As I comb my hair with a comb in the morning, I will be rejuvenated and nourished with beauty and strength.

For the ritual on the water, you need to put a container of water under the moonlight for the whole night, wash it in the morning, reading the plot:

“Virgo Moon, charge me with strength and health. As you arrive in heaven, so may health in my body arrive. In the morning I should wash my face with water, improve my health and rejuvenate.”

A conspiracy to fertile land is carried out as follows:

  1. Take a handful of earth under a fruit tree in the palm of your hand.
  2. Whisper the text of the spell.
  3. They put the earth back under the tree.

The magic words are:

“Mother earth, fertile and alive, as the moon orders you to give birth, so let me become healthy and fertile.”

A conspiracy from a disease caused by the evil eye

To get rid of the disease caused by the evil eye, you need to light a church candle at home, put on a shirt or shirt and read the following prayer:

“Lord God, King of Heaven, by your power I remove everything bad from myself, I remove everything bad that they wished me. May my blood in the body become pure, my hair be long, my eyes see sharply, my feet stand firmly on the ground, and bright thoughts will visit me. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen"

After these words, take off your shirt or shirt, throw it on the floor, trample it with your feet and burn it.

How to determine induced damage or magical effects

You can determine that a person has come under magical influence or has been damaged by the following signs:

  • sudden weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • suddenly aggravated insomnia with constant nightmares;
  • hair loss;
  • aches and pains in the body for no apparent reason;
  • suicidal thoughts and depression.

The video tells how to determine the presence of damage or the evil eye. The video was prepared by the Menshikova School channel.

Conspiracy from female ailments

A conspiracy from female ailments is carried out as follows:

  1. Friday afternoon, buy a red handkerchief and bring holy water from church.
  2. At home, put a silver cross on the window, and tie your head with a scarf.
  3. Cross yourself, light a candle, pour water into the bowl.
  4. Read the words of the conspiracy.
  5. Drink water and cross yourself.

Magic text:

“Holy water, heal me, I (name) in a red scarf, a female ailment sits in me. I will drink holy water, I will drive away all the ailment from the inside. Holy water will be charged with good, strength and health will settle inside me. So be it"

Continue to pray every morning for health and in a week you will feel how you begin to recover.

Conspiracy from infertility

For a conspiracy against infertility, a woman must pick an apple, eat it, and whisper the following words on the remaining seed:

“A fruit tree, strong, healthy, your child took, but saved, saved. I will give life to a seed, plant it in damp soil, it will grow up as a child, please you and give new fruits. So give me a baby, reward me with fertility "

Then you need to bury the seed under the apple tree and pour water over it.

Conspiracy on water from all diseases

A conspiracy to water from all diseases is practiced on holy water from the church. Bring her home and whisper these words:

"Holy water, heal the Servant of God (name) from various ailments, from a disease known and unknown."

Dip forefinger right hand and cross yourself, wetting your forehead, shoulders and stomach. Continue reading the prayer:

“Let the sickness come down from my head, arms, legs and stomach. Let him leave and never come back. And I am healthy and strong. Amen".

Leave the water in the vessel with the lid closed. If it becomes cloudy, then the conspiracy worked and the disease went away.

A conspiracy from a rash on the face

Against a rash on the face, as well as acne and various kinds of rashes, there is a good, time-tested conspiracy, for which you need holy water from the church.

Read the following text over a bowl of water, wash your face seven times and do not dry yourself with a towel:

“Holy water, cleanse me, let all the ailment leave my face, beauty, youth and freshness will come to me from you. In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Rite of fever

For a ritual from fever, bring holy water from the church and read the following spell over it:

“In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I charge you, holy water, with health and strength to get rid of ailments and attack every suit. Give living water strength (name), give him health to drink, and quench sorrow. Amen".

Let the patient drink this water gradually in small sips. He'll be on the mend in a few hours.

Conspiracies and prayers for sick organs

Conspiracies and prayers for diseased organs are read to get rid of:

  • headache;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • heart diseases.

Prayer for a headache

“I, the Servant of God (name), take this holy water in order to be cured of the pain that overcomes me. May the holy living water soothe the pain and heal me. Amen".

Ritual for diseases of the respiratory system

The rite helps to cure the following ailments of the respiratory system:

  • lingering cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • inflammation of the lungs.

To carry out a ritual to get rid of diseases of the respiratory system, you will need a twig from an oak tree. The ceremony is performed on a waning moon.

Take the branch in your hands and say the following spell:

“All evil spirits, all sickness, sit on an oak branch, frolic and ride, do not return to me. As the moon wanes in the sky, so let my ailment disappear. The branch under the oak dries, lies - my illness dries with it and does not return to me.

Throw the branch over your shoulder and leave without looking back.

Prayer for heart disease

Prayer for heart disease endows the organ with bright, pure energy, and such a prayer is read on holy church water during the growing moon.

“Lord Almighty, endow the holy water with healing power. May the holy water save me from heartache, from worries and suffering. Heal my soul, and with it my body will be healed. Amen".

Drink the charmed water every day in small portions until the next phase of the growth of the moon.

How quickly prayers and spells on health work

The effect of conspiracies and prayers will not be long in coming if a person really believes in a Higher Power.

In order for the spell to work faster, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Do not swear, do not indulge in gluttony, do not swear and do not wish evil to people.
  2. Try to think positively while visualizing your dreams.
  3. Connect with the forces of nature. You should walk more in the forest, in the field, spend time near the water, the fire - actively interact with the natural elements to receive life-giving energy.

The consequences of the use of conspiracies on health

Sincere belief in rituals and conspiracies, as well as their correct and regular execution will allow:

  • improve well-being for a long time;
  • gain immunity to any ailments;
  • feel a surge of strength;
  • open up to positive changes in life;
  • improve not only physical but also mental health;
  • strengthen self-confidence and feel your connection with higher powers.


The video from the channel "All Horoscopes" presents the most strong conspiracies, prayers and health rituals that can be done at home.