Extracurricular event in the GPA "Healthy Lifestyle". Topic: "Education of a healthy lifestyle in the conditions of a prolonged day group Formation of a healthy lifestyle culture in GPA

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Urcheel Secondary School

Practice use

Healthsaving technologies in the conditions of the GPA

Performed: Fedorova A.V.

educator in GPD

P. Urcheelsky 2012.

Practice use

Health-saving technologies in the CAP

Fedorova A. B.. Educator GPD

MBOU Urchel Secondary School

Gus-crystal district of the Vladimir region.

"To be healthy, need

own efforts

and then it is impossible to replace them with anything "(I. Amos)

The problem of children's health today is more relevant. The health status of children is an indicator of the health of the nation, one of the characteristics of the socio-economic, spiritual - moral, scientific and cultural development of society.

The condition for the comprehensive development and maintenance of high performance of younger school age is the possibility of performing from 6 thousand to 48 thousand movements daily. Children should be able to systematically move throughout the day.

Exercise are one of the main means of preserving and promoting health, comprehensive physical development Children. They are important for the development of all organism systems: nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal - muscle.

In the movements, schoolchildren will know life surrounding the world, so the movements in the life of children should be enough for normal growth and development.

Preparing for a healthy lifestyle of a child based on health-saving technologies should be a priority in the activities of each general education institution for children of primary school age. This can be expressed through the health-saving technologies of the learning and development process using physical attacks and moving changes; ventilation and wet room cleaning; alternation of occupations with high and low motor activity; Aromatherapy, vitaminotherapy; Functional music.

Health-saving technologies combine all activities of the education institution for the formation, preservation and strengthening of students' health.

The purpose of the modern school is to prepare children for life.

In close cooperation with students, with their parents, with medical workers, with colleagues I plan to work with your colleagues taking into account the priorities of preserving and strengthening the health of the participants in the pedagogical process.

The implementation of health care and the formation of the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle in the GPA in extracurricular activities are club watches, moving games, sports watch, sports holidays.

In practice, I use the health-saving technologies of N. Schurakova. For me, the psychological climate and emotional attitude of children, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, frequent air ventilation, a change of activities, timely and compulsory conducting physical attachments, dynamic pauses, dosage of homework.

A person must master the art lead a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is a form and methods of a person's daily life, which lead to the improvement of the reserve capacity of the body, the successful implementation of conscious and professional function, the ability to prevent the most common diseases.

Each teacher wants to see his pupils healthy, fun and well-developed physically.

To preserve health, learning children to observe the day of the day. Day Mode is the correct distribution of time on the main human resources of a person: sleep, wakefulness, activities (including training), eating. The day mode is recorded by students on a separate leaf and lodge on a desk or hang on the wall of the house. Many required to show will and hardness to follow it. However, the regime gives life a clear rhythm, creates best conditions For work and recreation, health promotion, improving performance. This is the correct distribution of time on the main life needs of a person: sleep, wakefulness, activity, eating. If the established life rhythm is observed, it contributes to health promotion, an increase in the level of mental and physical performance, allows you to successfully cope with training loads, organizations, will, conscious discipline are brought up.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle of junior schoolchildren in the extended day group is the most significant in strengthening human health. Healthy lifestyle is personal hygiene, rational nutrition, hardening, alternation of labor and recreation, organization of expedient regime motor activity, occupation exercise and sports. In the conversations I tell children about how to comply with personal body hygiene, sleep, nutrition, clothes and shoes, reasonably alternate work and rest, refuse harmful habits. Rational nutrition is necessary for a person due to continuous spending energy. Normal livelihood is possible only when the energy is replenished with substances coming with food. Therefore, I am trying so that the pupils are soaping hands before and after eating (personal napkins and soaps), we used clean dishes, follow the amount and quality of food, you need to carefully chew food, do not be distracted and not to talk during meals.

Hardening is a comprehensive system of health events and impacts on the body using the healing forces of nature - the sun, air and water. In the extended day group we use hardening the sun and air on walks, excursions, sports clock.

The sun hardening increases the tone of the central nervous system, activates the activities of the domestic secretion glands, improves the metabolism and composition of the blood, contributes to the formation of Vitamin D. All this has a positive effect on the performance and the general mood of man.

Air challenge is a common and affordable. It enhances the metabolism. Strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular system. A healthy lifestyle positively affects the body and personality quality.

In the GPA, I observe sanitary and hygienic standards, I conduct preventive measures to conduct a healthy lifestyle (walking in the fresh air, sports watch, excursions in nature, on the meadow, to the river). The correct selection of furniture makes it possible to provide the student the most physiological direct landing. Deploying students, take into account their health status, namely: vision, hearing, and inclination for colds. To strengthen the muscles supporting the arch of the foot, I recommend walking barefoot on uneven, but soft (sand, soft soil, grass) surface. (Prevention of flatfoot). In the prevention of infectious diseases in the GPA, it is more thorough than usual, wet cleaning using disinfectants. In the case of the protection of children, the creation of rational conditions plays an important role academic work In school and at home, streamlining the power mode, timely identification of vision abnormalities from the norm, constant wearing points of glasses. (Prevention of myopia).

Important for pupils has the right organization of nutrition. During the lunch, I pay special attention to the posture of pupils, the culture of food intake, culture of behavior at the table, appetite and the well-being of children, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and nutritional norms. After lunch, I give the opportunity for students to relax within 15 - 20 minutes in the classroom. At this time, children read, draw, play board games, watch cartoons.

So that the children were healthy using wellness activities: physical attacks on self-preparation, club clock; Finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, to improve hearing, gaming games are calm and movable. Active recreation in GPA helps to improve health, physical development of students, a decrease in fatigue, increase their mental performance. Important role In the development of a child of younger school age plays the need for movement. Motor activity has a close relationship with the formation of the person, the child's self-consciousness. Children who are forced to take a long time to go out, become irritable, plastic, disapproving.

In the younger school age The game becomes a leading activity because it is she raising qualitative changes in the psyche of the child. A variety of mobile games with rules contribute to the development of the perception of individual things, observation, the formation of generalizations, improving the coordination of movements, speed, strength, dexterity, accuracy, endurance and other psychophysical qualities.

By definition of modern teachers, a "mobile game" refers to those manifestations of gaming activities in which the role of movements (L.V. Belevuev, E.M. Geller, I.M. Korkov, M.N. Zhukov).

A mobile game with rules is the active activity of a child characterized by accurate and timely fulfillment of tasks related to mandatory for all playing rules. The feature of the mobile game consists in an instantaneous response of the child to the "Run!" Signal, "stand!", And others. In the game, it exercises in a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, fishing, etc.

The essence of a mobile game is a vividly pronounced in rolling games Activities of various analyzers create favorable opportunities for training brain functions - this has a positive effect on learning knowledge and ideas and creates prerequisites for the successful mastering of training activities in the future.

When selecting moving games, we take into account the age-related individual abilities of the physical development of children, the level of physical fitness. Conditions spend a variety of characters and intensities available, having a healing orientation. Moving games are effectively promoted normal growth, Development and strengthening the most important functions and systems of the body of students, taking into account age, as well as the formation of proper posture.

While walking in the fresh air, we conduct observation of the outside world for 15-20 minutes. At the same time, the horizons of pupils expands, it develops, cognitive interest. If possible, we use sports equipment on a walk (balls, kegli, flags, rope), with them the game is becoming more interesting, attractive, contributes to strengthening the posture and development of coordination of movements, dexterity, strength, endurance.

During active recreation, the greatest effect gives games. The study of the children's game was devoted to many teachings. The authors are unanimous in that the game is the inner need of children in active activities, a means of knowing the world.

"IN childhoodas A.S. said Makarenko, the game is the norm of life, the child plays even when he is serious. " That is why the game is the main activity of my pupils, as well as the game is one of the most important means physical education Children. It contributes to the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic development of the child.

Diverse movements and actions of children during the game effectively affect the activities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, help strengthen the nervous system, a propulsion system, improving the overall metabolism, an increase in the activities of all organs and human body systems, an appetite is excited and contribute to strong sleep.

IN gaming form Cognitive abilities are developing, a friendly attitude towards peers, rivals, a children's team shall be paid, collective skills are formed. I give the opportunity to children and teach yourself to organize your own activity, observing the pupils do not harm their own health.

With great pleasure, children play the following games: "Paints", "Watermelocks", "You go quiet, you will be", "Third Extra", "Salki", "Latsts - Prying", "Wolf in Ravy", "Hunters and Ducks" "," Circular laptoms "," The sea is worried "," Running rope "," whose more beautifully jump "," who is faster "," Sovice "," daughters "," classics "," rubberry ".

In rolling games, children show a creative initiative in choosing ways to achieve the goal. In such games associated with the implementation of motor actions, the element of the new, unknown is always laid. For example, games: "Sunshine Lisa", "Mousetrap", "started", "empty place"

and many others.

But most of all children love to play outdoors in their favorite games: "Football", Basketball, Russian Folk game "Lapta".

GPD hold sports games. In these games, children perform every exercise at the expense. This is, for example, jumping, squats, running, walking.

In GPA, pupils love to play relaxing games: "fun starts", "strong, bold, deft", "youthful fun", "merry tourist starts".

We carry out games at any time of the year outdoors. In the cool weather of the game of medium and large mobility. In the autumn - winter period of the game, during which children run, bounce, throw and ride balls ("horses", "rolling the ball", "football", "catch the ball", "run to me", "throw and catch", "Day and night", "Third End").

With bad weather, we rest in the placement of an educational institution, in recreation. In these cases, we use games of low and medium intensity.

Scene - role-playing games of younger schoolchildren have their own characteristics. So, for example, they are short-time and participate in them a large number of human. My pupils are happy to play the game: "School", "Store", "My Family", which contributes to the communicative communication of children, reduces the possibility of stress, allows you to actualize the acquired knowledge and the previous child's experience, increases its responsibility for yourself and his comrade Well reveals individual features, in parallel, ensuring the development of the general properties of the individual, in general, creating comfortable conditions for the development of basic culture.

The most difficult direction of the caregiver is the organization of self-preparation. During self-preparation, I spend improving minutes, so that students do not get tired and could work in exercise in full force. The term Fizkultminutka is taken to denote a short-term series of exercise used, mainly for outdoor activities. Fizkultminutki are often carried out with musical accompaniment, with elements of self-massage and other means to help restore operational performance. The start time of Fizkultminutka chooses the teacher himself, focusing on the state when a significant part of students begins to show fatigue. During self-preparation, 1-2 physical attacks are carried out.

In my practice I use children's physical attacks in verses for games, massage and gymnastics: "Buratino". "Wind", "Butterfly", "Flowers", "Heron", "Tuchci", a set of exercises: "Rocket", "Plane", "Mill", "Pump". At the same time, fatigue decreases and the negative effect of monotonous working poses is reduced; There is an emotional shake of students, the ability to reset the accumulated cargo of negative emotions and experiences. In the exercise for physical attacks, I will definitely include exercises for the formation of posture, strengthening vision and exercises aimed at developing rational respiration. Good results gives physical attacks by schoolchildren themselves. This is charged with health duty and is carried out under the control of the educator. Students are pre-prepared.

Performing exercises and rhythmic movements with fingers inductively leads to excitation in speech centers of the brain and a sharp effort of the agreed activity of speech zones, which stimulates the development of speech. Games with fingers create a favorable emotional background, learn to listen and understand the meaning of speech, increase the speech activity of the child. Children learn to concentrate their attention and distribute it correctly. Memory develops, imagination, fantasy. Fingering gymnastics: "Cams", "hedgehog", "fun frogs" and others. As a result of mastering the exercises, hands and fingers acquire strength, good mobility, flexibility, which facilitates the mastery of letters skills.

The workload on the eyes of a modern child is huge, and they only rest during sleep. Eye gymnastics are useful to everyone in order to prevent violations of vision. Eye exercises include the movement of the eyeball in all directions. Therefore, I spend physical attacks for the eyes: "Circle", "Square", "conquer faces", "Buratino", "Zhmurki", "horror", "wonderful butterfly", "Dreamers".

With great pleasure, children perform gymnastic exercises.

This, for example, gymnastics for hands with hoops, gymnastics for the eyes. I choose special exercises To strengthen all the muscles, to improve blood circulation and relaxing eye muscles, removal of eye fatigue. For example:

Tightly close your eyes and open your eyes wide;

Sit down firmly clog eyes, and then open them;

Circular movements with eyes in one and reverse directions.

Respiratory gymnastics I use to reduce stress and the prevention of colds (respiration by the ledges). Most students primary classes Do not be able to properly breathe during the fulfillment of muscle load, walk, run, as well as under the conditions of relative muscular rest. Incorrect breathing leads to a violation of the activities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, a decrease in blood saturation with oxygen, metabolic disorders. Most often, people do not think about how they breathe and what great importance for their health has the right breathing. The normal blood supply of oxygen depends on the breathing, as well as the rhythm of the heart and blood circulation in the body. Even a slight lack of oxygen reduces the health of the brain, often causes a headache.

In order to preserve and promote health, it is necessary to persistently produce a habit of proper breathing - breathing through the nose, deeply, even, rhythmically. For this, I enter the exercise for the development of deep breathing, enhancing the exit in combination with different movements of the body and limbs. Proper alternation of inhalation and exhalation, the ability to arbitrarily slow down, make it smooth or intermittent possible when performing the following exercises:

Inhale through the nose - exhale through the mouth;

Short deep breath - slow down exhalation;

Slow deep breath - short sharp exhalation;

Exhalation jesters;

- "Rogati candle" - intense, intermittent exhalation;

Say the patter: in the darkness rakes are noisy in a fight.

Over the years I spend excursions and big walks. Walk is an active holiday, organized in air and consisting in games of small and medium mobility. Walking requires the same thoughtfulness and training as all other activities. It needs to be made meaningful and interesting. And this requires diversity in carrying out a walk, taking into account the physical activity, rational alternation of classes, which ensures interesting time and promotes the strengthening of the team. Walking-workshops ("Red, Yellow, Green", "Rules of Conduct in Nature"); Creative walks (autumn sleep "," amazing - nearby "); Non-cultural excursions ("Forest kingdom", "in the gardens again flashes a leaf fall", "in the footsteps of the feathers", "how beautiful this world", "Winter Tale").

Club activities I organize taking into account the interests and needs of children. It creates conditions for the development of creative abilities, for communication, self-expression and self-affirmation of schoolchildren, provides them with the opportunity to relax and satisfy their interests, removes emotional tension, improves the mood, gives a positive emotion charge. Club clock shape Dated: quiz, contests, riddles, crosswords, conversations, collective and individual games for interest, sports and relay, holidays, watching cartoons, reading fairy tales and stories, interest classes.

I spend the quizzes: "Health is disposed - you can not buy new", "Friends of health", "a thousand treats thousand, and the health is one", "good teeth - a guarantee of health", "if you want to be healthy, try."

Be sure to spend in the GPD conversation about health on the themes: "Healthy Sleep", "Visiting Dr. Nololic", "Visiting Moidodyra", "If you want to be healthy - temper", "In a healthy body a healthy mind", "Your Health "In your hands", "smoking is to harm health," "Health is wealth for all times." From conversations, students assimilate important terms and concepts: health, regime, drug, alcohol, nicotine.

Children in classes are always active, organized all creative tasks, at the end of each event, students make conclusions for themselves: everyone should remember that his health is largely depends on him. You need to be able to own yourself, have the power of the Spirit. And only then the person will be healthy if he can say no harmful habits. After all, being healthy is important!

I hope that all forms of health-saving technologies with children that I apply in practice do daily life And the activities of schoolchildren are diverse, meaningful. Health-saving technologies help me in solving the tasks and goals of educating health from schoolchildren.

I want to stay at the self-education of the teacher of the extended day. I consider it expedient to constantly monitor the scientific achievements in this area.

To fulfill the tasks, you constantly increase your professional level through seminar classes, close cooperation with family and psychological service, through the organization of the interaction of the school teaching team, as well as through the preparation and conduct of methodological associations. Constantly watching new items in periodic printing, I use Internet resources in practical activities, information and communication technologies. I consider it a necessary condition for self-education open events Colleagues. This is still relevant, because only a specialist in this field can fruitfully promote the increase in the methodological, pedagogical skills of educators through prompt informing of the literature reflecting the latest pedagogical technologies, advanced pedagogical experience, new approaches in the organization of public education.

With children should contact both adults, encouraging independence and other qualities necessary for adulthood. I appreciate a friendly exchange of views, which creates an atmosphere of confidence and respect for the position of another person. I support mutual understanding in the team, I try to find the relationship between various teachings and theories, as a rule, spiritually - humanitarian.

I adhere to a democratic attitude towards children, organizing everyday life, filling every day interesting and useful things.

Only the integrated use of wellness activities in the GPA makes it possible to reduce fatigue, increase the emotional attitude and performance, and this in turn contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the health of students, forms a comprehensively developed personality.

FROMpikov. used literature

Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Modern holidays: scripts of educational affairs in elementary school. - M. TC Sphere, 2004

Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies in elementary school. 1-4 classes. M.: "Wako", 2004

Minskin E.M. Games and entertainment in the extended day group: a manual for the teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1983

Obukhova L.A., Lemuskina N.A., Zhirenko O.E. New 135 health lessons, or School of Doctors of Nature (1-4 classes). - M.: Vako, 2007

Osipova M.P., Kozlovich S.I., Panasevich Z.M. Education: benefit. - MN: Book House; Ecoperos, 2004.

Popova I.N., Isaeva S.A., Romashkova E.I. Organization and content of work in a prolonged day: elementary school. - M.: Iris- Press, 2004

Attachment 1

Health Minutes

Movement for the head

Up-down - 8 times;

From side to side - 8 times;

Circular motion left - 2 times (on account 4);

Circular movement to the right - 2 times (on account 4).

2. Shoulders movement

- shake shoulders - 8 times;

- to catch up in turn --8 times;

- circular movement back - 2 times (on account 4);

- Circular movement to the right 2 times (on account 4).

3. Moves for hands

- raise-lower - 8 times;

- Crighted ahead - 8 times;

- circular movement back 8 times;

- Circular movement forward -8 times.

4. Movement for the waist

- Rotation B. right side - 8 times;

- Rotation B. left - 8 times;

- reach the leg socks in turn 8 times;

- Tilt left / tilt to the right 8 times.

5. Spreading body / spine

- stretch up 8 times;

- stretch forward 8 times;

- lean 8 times;

- stretch up 8 times.

Other examples of improving persistence

- stretch 1-2 times;

- Sit smoothly and calmly breathe, which means relax;

- expel bad thoughts and calm the brain;

- to tell good words each other and get positive emotions, vitality;

- to massage your fingers;

- walk around the pebbles;

- Make 1-2 exercises for posture.

Physkult mint in verse

Cha, Cha, Cha

Cha, Cha, Cha (3 thigh cotton)

The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)

Chi, Chi, Chi (3 cotton overhead)

Properties Kalachi stove (4 squats)

Our knobs

Raise hands up

And then they omit them.

And then their deployment

And I will soon press me.

And then faster, faster

Chlopai, clap of fun.

We are in kicking

We are writing legs,

We clap hands

We rush your head.

We raise your hands

We are sick

And again writing.

Time- rise, pull

Time - climb, pull out

Two - burn, get risen,

Three - in your hands three cotton,

Head three nodes.

Four - hands wider,

Five - to wave,

Six - in place quietly sit down.

Released clarops on the meadow

Released clarops on the meadow


Flew green beetles

Well - Well.

Geese neck stribling

The beak feathers ramped

Zarel in the pond reed

Sh - sh - sh.

And again there is silence.

Fingering gymnastics

Fingers make charging

To get less tired.

And then they are in the notebook

There will be letters to write.

(Children pull hands forward, squeeze the cams and squeeze).

Hedgehog Stall on the track

And mushrooms carried in Lukoshka.

You need to flexing your fingers.

(Children bend fingers first on his left hand, then on the right. At the end of the exercise, their hands should be compressed in fists.)

Fingers stretched together

And now it is necessary to hide them.

Which fingers are stronger?

Who will burn others faster?

(Catch up the straightened fingers of both hands (without much) and, without bending, pressing them very much to each other, clamping every finger between two others. Then they lower your arms and lightly shake them.)

Gymnastics for eyes

Imagine a big circle. Cut it with eyes clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Suggest children to imagine a square. Translate a view from the right upper angle to the left below. Once again, at the same time look at the corners of the imaginary square.

Drawing nose

Children cover their eyes. Imagine that the nose has become long and paint the subject proposed by the educator, letter, etc.

Appendix 2.

Club Hour "I choose the movement"

Purpose: To form knowledge and presenting students about the rules of moving games, develop the speed of the motor reaction, the speed of movements of the legs.

Conversation on the topic.

Extracurricular event in GPA

on the topic: "Healthy lifestyle"

in 1G grade MBOU "ASOS №2"

Aktanysh district of the Republic of Tatarstan


    disclose the concept of a healthy lifestyle,

    determine the conditions for preserving health,

    to form students beliefs about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and health as the most important value.

Stages of occupation:

    Opening part. Definition of concept healthy lifestyle.

    The main part of the lesson. Disclosure concept healthy lifestyle.

    • Daily regime.

      Hygiene body.

      Hygiene view.

      Proper nutrition.

      Physical education and sports.

    The final part.

Structure occupation

1. Opening part.

- What person are called healthy? (Strong, strong, it does not ill, physically and mentally well-being.)

- To be healthy, you need to lead healthy lifestyle.

- What features we learn that a person is leading a healthy lifestyle? (A person is engaged in sports, does not have bad habits, keeps the day of the day, does not hurt, it feeds correctly.)

- Talk about some components of a healthy lifestyle of a person. (In the course of the entrance conversation, the teacher on the board sets the cards on which the conditions of a healthy lifestyle are recorded.)

2. The main part of the lesson.

A) day of the day.

- As you understand this expression: "Day Mode"?

- Tell about your routine of the day.

- How to make the routine yourself?

(Make a list of cases, specify time, follow this schedule.)

- Using cards, make up an approximate routine of the day.

(Children are divided into 2-3 groups, each group receives cards. Pupils are built in a certain order. Then the most optimal version of the day mode is selected.)

- The main rule in the preparation of the day is to alternate work and rest.

- Why do you need a day mode? (So \u200b\u200bthat everyone's time to do, to do a systematic, without a rush, fuss, to be a good mood.)

B) body hygiene.

- We use the dictionary, find out the meaning of the word "hygiene".

(Hygiene - Section of medicine that studies how to keep health, as well as a system of actions aimed at maintaining cleanliness.)

- Why are water procedures are required in day mode? (Water cleans our body, contrast downtry helps harden the body.)

- What part of the body need to wash more often than others? (Hands)

- What is it connected with?

- How do you need to wash your hands? (1 student shows how to wash hands correctly)

- Why should I wash your hands with soap?

- It is very important to trim the nails in a timely manner, up to 95% of microbes accumulate precisely under them!

C) hygiene view.

- Why is man important to keep good eyesight?

- To remove the voltage from the eye, special exercises must be performed. Which of them are you using? (Pupils show exercises, explain the rules of implementation and explain their appointment.)

Game "Happy Men". [

- Check your eyesight. I show cards with figures of men, repeat their movements.

(For this game, the teacher prepares the cards on which the figures of men performing various gymnastic exercises are schematic: tilts of the head and torso, handing of hands or feet to side, squat, etc. Image size 1 - 2 cm. Children should first consider the little man , and then repeat his movement).

D) Proper nutrition.

- In the day you need to plan food. How many times do you need to eat? (At least 3 times)

- The most important meal of food is morning. The ancients said: "Eat breakfast." Why?

- What products consisted of today's breakfast? (Doctors recommend for breakfast have dairy dishes, omelet, tea with sandwich.)

The game "What destroys health, which strengthens."

- From the list, select Useful, harmful products. Explain your choice.

(Children's products are offered: Fish, Kefir, Hercules, sunflower oil, carrots, cakes, sneakers, apples, chips, yard, onions.)

E) physical education and sports.

- A person leading a healthy lifestyle, in the day mode necessarily allocates time for physical education and sports. Your classmate of Zubanov Glory will tell about his sports passion. (The boy is engaged in football, participates in competition, has awards: medals and diplomas.)

- What gives sports? (The student does not ill, always vigorous, energetic, sport helps in school.)

3. The final part.

- What topic was the lesson been dedicated to?

- How to understand the meaning of words a healthy lifestyle?

- Wish

I wish you guys
Always healthy.
But to achieve results
it is impossible to easily.
Try not to be lazy -
Every time before eating,
Before the table is sitting,
Hands wash with water.
And in charge
Daily in the morning.
And, of course, stop -
It will help you so much!
Fresh air breathe
If possible, always
For walks in the forest go,
He will give you strength, friends!
I opened the secrets to you
How to keep health,
Perform all tips
And you will easily live!


    Romanenko V. M. Class hour "Healthy lifestyle" // Zapada. 2008. No. 7. P. 125, 128.

    Ufimtseva L. P.. For the prevention of myopia // Primary school .993. №2. P.67 - 69.

Attachment 1

School pedestrian

On the streets of ours

Movement so much.

Everywhere all kinds of

So many cars!

But you do not lose

Do not be afraid of the road

And the rules of this

Learn hurry!

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

This school is for you.

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Pedestrian School for Guys!

Pedestrian School for Guys!


I am a friend of pedestrian.

I am the drivers of a thunderstorm.

I'm standing at the transition -

Press on the brakes!

A pedestrian! Solved the road

Safely go -

In this, I'll love you

Hurry me to find me!

Song of traffic light and pedestrians

Traffic light. Standing at the intersection for a long time.

Pedestrians. It is standing on the intersection for a long time.

St.. I know everyone, the famous traffic light.

P. O. All known, well-known traffic lights.

Sv.I fencing you from dangers

I warn you in advance.

P. We are against dangers, he protects

He warns us in advance.

Sv. That lit red light -

Everyone knows - no stroke.

P. That lit red light -

Everyone knows - no stroke.

St.. So we agree with you:

Yellow - prepare

And green says:

"The way is open! Completely open! "

P. So we agree with you:

Yellow - prepare

And green says:

"The way is open! Completely open! "

Song road signs

Once, two - left!

We go on the pavement!

Once, two - left!

Road signs Stroy!

Once, two - left!

Where to go where to go

Once, two - left!

Tell on the way!

Once, two - left!

Bed warn!

Once, two - left!

On us, friend, looked!

Once, two - left!

Where to go where to go.

Once, two - left!

Tell on the way!

Play on the road dangerous

So that there is no friend,

You have misfortunes

You have misfortunes

Don't play never

On the roadway

On the roadway.

This rule is remembered

Needless to:

On the road, on the road,

On the road, on the road

Be always careful!

"Bicycle movement is prohibited"

You love bikes,

You know the joy of victory,

Rather quickly - with the breeze,

And with me not familiar?

Go here alone cars,

Everywhere they flashed tires.

Do you have a bike?

So - Stop! No road!

"Caution: Children!"

I am a good friend friend

I guard their lives.

School nearby - all around

The chauffeur warning!

We are going, we go, we are going.

We are going, we go, we go

In distant edges.

Good neighbors

Cheerful friends.

Movement full city,

Run cars in a row.

Colored traffic lights

And day and night are burning.

We have fun living

We sing a song.

And in the song Soon

About how we live.

Stepping carefully

Behind the street watch

And only where it is possible

Her go.


Remember! There are so many difficulties on the road.

Remember! On the road thousands of cars.

Remember! Many transitions on the road.

Remember! These songs are the rules of the learn!

Rules Movement

Everyone needs to know

And without progress

Rules Movement

Must perform. (2 times)

Remember! On the roads of difficulties so much.

Remember! On the roads - thousands of cars.

Remember! Crossroads a lot on the roads.

Remember! These songs are the rules of learning!


1. As the driver neither slows down, 5. We are good athletes,

And the car is all slides, we love to play football,

On wheels, as skiing, - bridge turned

Closer, closer, closer closer. In our field-stadium.

2. For salvation there is an opportunity: 6. I, undoubtedly, is clear,

Best brake - caution. What is dangerous for life,

Life will be whisked, not the road, and the courtyards -

Before the car do not run! Place for such a game.

3. We are girlfriends - girlfriends, 7. I taught a lot of rules,

There are eyes from us and ears, something forgotten

On the way, we go, and without knowing the rules of these

We read everything and sing. It is difficult to live on white light.

4. Dear girlfriends, 8. Signs we all know should,

Our last advice to you: To leave for the market,

After all, the road is not reading notarily

And not a place for conversations. And without legs, and without a shoe.

All: We sang the chastushki,

Is it good if

And now we will ask you

So that you patted us.

Appendix 2.

Game "Do not play on the pavement"

Two teams of 6-7 people participate. Task: Run to chairs by leading the ball (this is the yard - you can play), to break the chair, take the ball in your hands (this is the road - it is impossible to play) and it is impossible to play faster and faster and pass the ball to the next player. The team wins, in which participants will resort first and not mistaken.

Game "Traffic light"

When the presenter lights a green light, the guys must sink by their legs, as if they go when yellow light burns, the guys should pat in their hands. With the red light in the hall there must be silence. Before starting the game, it is necessary to hold rehearsals so that everyone understands the conditions of the game. The team wins the team whose guys will be more attentive.

Safety islets game

Two teams of 6-7 people participate. The first player is issued "paws", painted as a transition track. Task: shifting paws in front of me, jump from one to another. So reaching the chair, to tear it, take the paws in the hands and devoting to the team, pass them by the next player. The team will win faster to cope with the task.


MBOU "Secondary school № 3 of Krasnoarmeysk Saratov region named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union N. M. Skomorokhov"
Topic: "Journey to the country of harmful and useful habits"
Tutor group of extended day
Karandard Galina Ivanovna
Krasnoarmeysk 2016.
Target component of the hour of communication:
Summing up students for understanding responsibility for their lives and health.
Formation of the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle, promoting conservation, health promotion.
Educating a conscious attitude to their health, the desire and ability to resist the harmful habits, the desire to promote heads.
Familiarization with basic concepts: "Health", "Habit", "Useful habits", "bad habits".
Formation of the necessary knowledge on the right lifestyle.
Targeting students for responsible attitude to their health.
Maintain and stimulate collective search for health conservation methods.
Organizational - activity component:
Date: _____ Time: 14.00
Location: Cool room.
Participants: students of grades 2-4.
Guests: school doctor.
An hour of communication in the educational process of class and schools: one of the planned events of face.
Equipment and design: Watmans, markers.
Meaningful component of the hour of communication
Main content:
I organizational part. - Hello guys. Today we have an unusual hour of communication. We will go to the country ... But what ... it will tell us a cartoon.
Demonstration of cartoon about boys "Oh" and "Ah." http://mults.info/mults/?id\u003d260
- What do you think in what country? (Children's responses.)
- I'll help you a little. Think why boys lived so differently? (They were different.)
- What are they different, if at the end of the cartoon, their lifestyle has become similar. So they had different things? (Habits. Lifestyle.) - And we will go to which country? (Into the country of harmful and useful habits).
3. Meeting the subject of the hour of communication.
The teacher attaches a poster with an hour of communication.
Topic: "Journey to the country of harmful and useful habits."
II purchase of tickets to the country of bad habits. 1. Affected habits.
1. Determination of bad habits and their classification.
- To take the buses, and we will go on the journey to them, you need to buy a ticket. To do this, you must fill it out "Write your bad habits on it. And if you have no such, then the bad habits known you are. "
- Read them. (Children's responses.)
- Oh, how many different bad habits we have.
- Let's contend in the ranks and calculate 1-4. Remember your number.
- Our buses have bad habits. Bus number 1. The first numbers go to it. Your bus is called "Lack of the Day Mode".
- Bus number 2. The second numbers go to it. Your bus is called Smoking.
- Bus number 3. Third rooms are held in it. Your bus is called "Alcoholism".
- Bus number 4. Pass fourth numbers. Your bus is called "" Small (small) "bad habits."
2. Trip. (Music sounds. Children make a circle in class, keeping each other). http://muzyaka.com/song/37093. Determination of stops and rules of work on them.
At each stop (on the wall or on the table) there is a list of a large format with a question recorded on it. The teacher puts the task of groups - write on the sheet highlights new topicrelated to the question. Within 5 minutes, the questions are discussed and key points are discussed. Then the team teacher team go clockwise to the next bus stop. Get acquainted with the available entries and, if necessary, complement them within 3 minutes. Correct existing records made by the previous group can not be. Then the next transition to a new bus stop and another 3 minutes to get acquainted, discussing and adding your records. When the group returns to its first stop, it gets acquainted with all the records for 3 minutes and defines the group member who will represent the material. After that, each group will present the results of the work on its question. At the end, the teacher will summarize what has been said by all groups, if necessary, makes adjustments and sums up the work.
Questions on the topic:
1 stop.
Why do these habits call harmful?
Do you need to get rid of them? Why?
Find the output from the situation:
A) the boy is constantly late everywhere;
B) It is necessary to actively work in the lesson, but for some reason I want to sleep?
C) Petya Ivanov considers himself an adult and learned how to smoke.
3 stop.
D) Avia Uncle Vitya drinks and a scandal in the family.
D) Tanya loves nail nails.
E) Yura cannot sneak from the floor, jump on the rope, jump in length.
4 stop.
What qualities of a person will help get rid of bad habits?
What (or who) will help get rid of bad habits?
4. Fill the tasks at stops.
5. Execution of results.
- Guys, tell me what you have learned about?
6. Refill the teacher, psychologist, school physician.
- Listen to what add-ons will make adults on these issues.
7.The sulfur destruction of tickets with bad habits.
- Harmful habits bring us harm. Let's destroy them.
III useful habits. - Call useful habits.
- Now let's talk about the day of the day, since this useful habit includes all other habits.
- Do you have what is the day of the day.
- Sewing poems about day mode.
1 student
Who knows how to live on the clock
And appreciate every hour
Togo not need in the morning
Wheave 10 times.
And he will not speak,
What is lazy to get up
Charging to do, wash your hands
And lay a bed.
It will time be dressed on time,
Wash and eat
And earlier than the call rings,
For the desk at school sit down.
The clock is not for the beauty.
Dictate time to us hours.
2 student
The clock leads the second account,
Lead minutes account.
The clock will not let
Whoever takes place.
For an hour, after year, year -
The clock always go ahead.
Everything must be done by the hour,
Then please yourself.
With clock, friendship is good.
Work, rest.
Lessons do not rush
And do not forget books!
So that in the evening, licking in bed.
When the time comes,
You could confidently say:
"Good was the day!"
- And now let's remember how a schoolboy's day should be. Presentation.
Slides 7-20, accompanied by reading poems - signatures:
1. Audio ranked alarm clock
I need a alarm clock
Because without a call
Stand so early I can!
2. I am charging, in the morning, in the evenings. Well, everything is in order that I advise you to you. And then I will go to the jury, dangling on the carpet. So I do a charging, early in the morning at the dawn. Golovoy Earth. Healthy, stronger body, with good morning - Countrymen!
3. Warmwood pink lurisko, rods from talenkina nose and eyes, splashes from Kadushkina cheeks and on ears, rains from leukelin Lobik and on the neck. Little handles with warm Tuchchkin.
Kiss me, Mom!
4. With a breakfast, said goodbye
Fast school gathered.
Hello School! Hello class!
Waiting for a teacher of us.
5. Away, on the way to school,
Fresh air breathing,
I am waiting for a girlfriend at home,
Together with her now I go.
We are a little chat,
Let's laugh then
We will never bother to school long.
6. The call is ringing,
Just on time goes a lesson,
Need to know a lot
To become useful in life.
To compete to become ... you need to read the task to read everything to decide everything to get a top five!
7. Goodbye, School House!
Tomorrow we will come again!
In order to have time to make the lessons given to the house, help at home, read, take a walk, to work out physical exercises or a favorite sport - in the section, you need to be able to correctly distribute time.
8. The soldier ate, walked,
Worked again:
From the portfolio we got
Your tutorial and notebook.
9.The store we go ourselves
Floor in the apartment will make it.
To make it easier for mom,
We will help her all over.
10. Waiting for a dental powder and leaving the driver:
"Do not forget my friend, to wash it out before bed!"
Let a strong sleep comes.
He needs everything in the world.
Drink tea and sleep - in bed, tomorrow I wake up early!
12. We were told on the legs today: "We are tired so today, we jumped so much today that we don't want to eat at all so that we have been tightened again. We want to lie down, relax, so that tomorrow will go on the road."
And the knobs said: "We are also very tired, we dressed, fed and soils were still painted. You know how we are tired?" And every finger said: "I'm tired too! I also worked, I helped! And keep a spoon, and wash your eyes! Now we sleep!" And the ears suddenly whispered: "And we are also tired! We have listened carefully all day. I learned so much ... We would be glad if they were sleeping! "And the eyes said:" Oh, and we were tired! So they were tired that they were defended! We have seen so much today, and now we want to sleep, let us close us! "
-1657354632960IV Reflection "Useful habits"
Making a collage.
- Tuchi walk across the sky and the sun shines. Let's make the sun on earth shine brightly brightly. We will write on the rays of the Sun, why you need to have good habits that it gives them to compliance.
- Let me read them.
- I thank you for a warm, trusting conversation, for good, smart thoughts, for creative attitude to work.
And in memory of our tour today, I want to hand each of you little present. (Thanks for participation)
Collective performance of the song "Smile" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dCEIB8KZG_5K

Applied files

Beresteneva Olesya Viktorovna
Position: Educator
Educational institution: ISS (K) OU School - boarding school №15, city of Belovo
Locality: City Belovo, Kemerovo region
Name of material: article
Subject: "Game, as a means of forming a healthy lifestyle in a prolonged day mode."
Publication date: 15.12.2015
Section: secondary vocational

Game as a means of forming a healthy

lifestyle in the mode of the extended day. "
Beresteva Olesya Viktorovna Tutorial of the Expected Day of the ISS (K) OU School - boarding school No. 15 of Belovo Belovo, 2015.
Introduction 1. Addressing the game for mental physical development. 2. The relevance of this topic. 3. Methods and techniques of work on this topic. 4. Including. 5. Literature applications
In recent years, attention has increased sharply to the problems of health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children. The health status of children is an indicator of the health of the nation, one of the characteristics of the socio-economic, spiritual and moral, scientific and cultural development of society. Unfortunately, Russia refers to the number of countries where over the past decade there is a tendency to deteriorate the health of children. The system of education is carried out his share of responsibility for the situation. Civilization, giving humanity a lot of everyday benefits, gave rise to many problems: environmental crises and so on. Statistics argue that every year schoolchildren's health becomes worse and worse. There are almost no healthy children in the country. Sometimes, the child graduated from school, and he has a dozen pathological diseases.
1. Force: Using the game to form a healthy lifestyle among first-graders visiting the GPA. 1. The recognition of the game for the physical and mental and mental current, the high social significance of the topic makes it in a different look at the issues of education and training in school, the relevance and need to draw up developing work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The success of work on the implementation of health-saving technologies depends on many components, in particular, from active participation in this process of children, creating the environment of high professional competence of teachers. Development. The formation of a healthy lifestyle includes: physical improvement, mental health, social security, hygiene rules, the basis of environmental knowledge. Health is a complete physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, and not just the absence of disease and other physical defects. Physical health is an active lifestyle, movement, sports, mobile games, healthy nutrition, compliance with personal hygiene rules, lack of diseases. Psycho-emotional health is the ability to understand others, express your feelings, control emotions. Find ways of obfalinkable interaction with comrades. The game is closely related to health. Without the game, the child can not fully develop. The child must learn the rules of behavior on the street, in the forest, in the period of flood of I.T.D. And a very important task is to master the rules of personal hygiene, the ability to keep your body clean, keep your clothing clean, the ability to use the handkerchief and the calculation. Personal hygiene skills not only help save good healthBut he will charge the cheerfulness, increase the mood. Well-thought-out planning of all directions of the work of upbringing, implementing, a comprehensive, systemic approach to the organization, development and health care hours attending a prolonged day group - one of the necessary conditions for the efficiency of the GPA. From the moment of birth normally developing baby She strives for movement. Under the influence of movements, active movements are improving the resistance of the child to the disease. Motor activity: the biological need of the body, on the degree of satisfaction of which the health of children depends, not only physical, but also general development. Active leisure and moving games in the fresh air have a hardware and recreation influence. The following these games suggest significant physical.
Load. Moving air games are useful to everyone and always. Especially in the process of intensive learning, schoolchildren have to limit their natural motor activity, to maintain a static position uncomfortable for them for a long time, sitting at the desk. The use of physical attachment contributes to the removal of mental tension in children, the development of the musculoskeletal system. The game is not only the natural need of the child, but the necessary component of the preservation and strengthening of its health-physical, mental, mental. Finding games in the open air is a very effective means of rehabilitation of the child. In the game, the child learns to take the initiative, exposure, develops strength, speed, endurance , flexibility and dexterity. In addition to the physical development of the game, contribute to the establishment of moral and aesthetic ideas. A.S. Makarenko said: What a child in the game, such, he will work in many ways to work when he grows up. "Their of this activity in which social relations are reconstructed. Key concepts of gaming activities include interest, pleasure, development. Not to any activity of the child does not show so much interest. As much as the game. It is interesting for him, and therefore knowledge and development takes place easily, with pleasure. Games develop educational processes of personality (attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination), train observation, mind, develop creativity, form an emotionally sensual sphere) The survey conducted among the parents of first-graders in the cities of Russia showed that children regularly participating in " Family "physical culture events, almost never enter conflicts with peers and teachers of the school, better learning the educational material, the negative consequence of hypodynamine is also manifested by a decrease in the resistance of the young organism with colds and infectious diseases. Lovely children have very weak muscles. Health and happy childhood is friendly with physical education and sports. Movement is not only life, but the joy of satisfying the natural need to move, from the knowledge of the surrounding world, from consciousness that the human body obeys the mind and the will of the person. Moving games and physical education contribute to the development and improvement of the growing body of the child, a wonderful means of strengthening the health of children. Thus, well-thought-out planning of all directions of work, implementing a comprehensive, systemic approach to the organization of training and education, development and health care of students visiting the extensive day group, one of the necessary conditions for the effective work of the GPA. 2. The relevance of this topic. It's no secret that the well-being of any society depends on the state of health of children in many ways. The current state of the state, the highest rates of its development impose more and higher requirements for man and his health.
Each teacher wants to see his pupils healthy, merry and well-developed mentally and physically. Children's satellite game. It's likely that it sometimes becomes rare guests in the houses, is a step in school - on the lessons and change. In summer recreation camps, discos were displaced. And what is especially strange - in the courtyards and on the streets we meet the game more and less. Many children's games can safely record in the Red Book, they left irrevocably together with generations of senior people. Unfortunately, modern younger students move less and less play in developing and didactic games. Most often, this is due to the workload of lessons, additional classes, homework. Sometimes they do not have time to walk. As a result, the natural, normal development of the children's body is violated. For example, schooling lessons of physical education compensate only 10 percent of the necessary motor activity. Is the doctrine fruitful without hobbies? We believe that there is no. After all, then it ceases to be knowledge. It is known that a person knows the world playing. Which of the total of the concepts and knowledge that he should receive in the course of life, 40 percent is acquired between the ages of 1 to 4, another 30 to seven years. According to experts, this problem is in the first place. The increase in the incidence of children in some classes of diseases registered by 2010 in the field in comparison with the 2005 indicators: in children of the first year of life of blood and hematopoietic organs increased by 51%, congenital defective defects - by 111%, the indicators of the total incidence of children increased by 30 % The level of diseases of the musculoskeletal system - by 71%, the high incidence of children by allergic diseases: a bronchial asthma is a growth of 34%. Chronic diseases are registered in 11% of children by the time of admission to school; By graduation, 22% of adolescents have chronic disabilities in a health state, which is associated with poor nutrition, insufficient provision of children with vitamins, and low water quality, with environmental disadvantage. Also affect adverse technogenic and natural factors. Among men under 45 years old high mortality, low birth rate, over 60% of women have deviations in health. Among the born children of 20% have a deviation in the psyche, 2 million children of orphans. Alcoholism - leads to changes in genes, becomes hereditary. According to statistics in recent years, there has been a sharp deterioration in the health of children, an increase in chronic diseases, a reduction in the number of healthy graduates at the end of the school. All this makes not only think about, but also to beat the alarm, because the entire population passes through the school, and at this stage of the socialization of the individual, the individual health of children and the whole society is formed. Analysis of the nature of deviations in Health in grades shows that at the time
Children's arrival at school weakened vision have 10% of students, dispensing of posture 12%, diseases of the digestion organs 5.4%, respiratory diseases 11%, speech defects in 23% of students. Therefore, children with 1 health group 1-4 classes are only 18.9% health, and influencing factors  heredity 20%  Ecology 10%  Social side 15%  Medicine 10%  Lifestyle 10% as a result of this educational institution work with children of the younger School age should form the level of health of the future citizen of our state. But unfortunately, the analysis of pedagogical practice shows that the GPA in elementary school from the form of the organization of developing work with children, after classes, is often transformed in the form of educational activities that have a negative impact on the health of younger students visiting the extensive day group. Of all the above, we can conclude: the health of modern schoolchildren is a serious national problem. It is known that the negative impact on the child's body is influenced by socio-economic, environmental, medical, as well as intra-school factors. 3. Methods and techniques of work on this topic, practical work was carried out on the basis of "ISS (K) School - boarding school No. 15 of Belovo" in grade 1, in the group of extended day. The group was 12 people. Work forms - Walking in the fresh air (Mobile and sports games, excursions, exit to nature) - Club watches (Health hour, conversations in games form) - Free children's activity. (Didactic, construction, mobile games) - Questioning. - Wonderful diagnostic study.
The program of recovery of students of the extended day group is aimed at the formation of cultural and hygienic skills of a healthy lifestyle, conscious attitude towards their health and environment. Development of creative abilities and interests of children, active attachment to various activities. Including gaming. Mental, physical, aesthetic development, mastering labor skills - everything is carried out in the game. The atmosphere in the group must be close to home. The child must be comfortable and easy. The following necessary pedagogical technologies aimed at preserving and strengthening children were used in the work. Taking into account all the above, the Saving Health Program should include the following components: - optimal motor activity. - Fresh air. Much attention was paid to the organization of daily relaxing outdoors. Walk, active leisure includes games of large small and medium in motion. Walking need to be made of meaningful and interesting. It requires a variety of walking, taking into account physical exertion, rational alternation of classes. The educator solves two tasks: to ensure interesting time and promote the strengthening of the team
The game-specific type of children's activity, and a mobile game is a conscious child activity aimed at achieving the goal, and the way to achieve it plays a subordinate role. The content of moving games make up a variety of movements: running, jumping, throwing, climbing I.T.D. Cheerful games contribute to the positive and emotional confusion. With the help of games you can quickly create a joyful atmosphere of communication. To encourage children to turn on the proposed activities soon. Very worried about hypodymna in children. With the coming to school, the motor mode of the child is reduced. Therefore, you need to create an optimal volume of motor activity. Sports and mobile games at the site near the school, search engines, access to the park, for children was very exciting and interesting occupations enriching them morally and physically. Children liked to walk on the playground. Walking to the stadium, where children could do sports, games. It removed stress, aggression. During the year we went hiking, in the park, where the game-search "Hunters and Lisens". The month later was held "funny starts", "fabulous
Relay. " Children really liked the event "City of athletes", which included sports competitions, as well as a "health trail" - overcoming the bar of obstacles. The event "Knight's tournament" came to the holiday "Knight's tournament". A lot of time was paid to rolling games, it was harder to play in winter when snow fell, and in the spring was raw. At the beginning of the year, some children, especially the girls reluctantly played moving games. For this I had to become the child itself, to limp little moving children and after that they were willingly poured into the game with everyone. Children liked such amateur games like "homeless hare," friendly guys "," hide and caught up "," team game "," Machine, car stop ", football, catcher with ribbon, sports relay. And T.D. 4. Replacement of the day. Regularly repeating activity gradually forms the so-called dynamic stereotype, which is captured by vegetative memory. The extensive day mode should be favored by the successful course of educational work in the GPA, which intends to transfer to students of the foundations of the culture of behavior, mental, ethical, and aesthetic activity. Active leisure is a multifaceted activity of students. Started meaning: fill free time After lessons. As you can have more game activities. It performs in individual and collective forms. The first is fragmented with small parts in the GPD mode. The collective leisure activities on different days of the week takes up to 30% of the time stay of students in the group. It is very important to change activities in the GPA mode. Game events were held. "We are crucial, we comply with our regime." 11.00-13.00 Walk (moving games) 13.00-13.50 Club Hour. With a speech therapist. Requesting games. 13.50-14.30 Lunch. 14.30-15.30 Walk (excursions, sports games) 15.30-16.30 Mugs, sections. 16.30-17.00 Games, interest classes. Our task was considered not only to look after the children, save from pranks and mischiefs. But correctly and competently help in filling the free time, reasonable, valuable and interesting game content.
With children, an event was conducted "We are crucial, we comply with our regime" an important task was to instill cultural and hygienic skills. Many children at the beginning of the school year were not soaked hands before meal, it was necessary to remind. After the cycle of games and conversations. Delightened the most disadvantaged children's hands after the toilet and before dinner. The following events were held with the children: "From where they were dirty", "clean live-healthy to be", "our enemies and friends" - Agra-conversation about the microbes and so on. 4. Formation of hygienic skills. Culture of behavior. Prevention of bad habits. At the beginning of the year, we have conducted a survey on issues on the topic: "Forming of hygienic skills" Questions: 1. Do you wake your hands before meals? 2. Do you wake your hands after the toilet? 3. Do you have a handkerchief with you? 4. Do you have a ottoman with you? 5. Do you go to bed at the same time? Answers: Yes, no. According to the results of the diagnostic study, it was revealed that 81% of children lay down to sleep at the same time. 71% of the subjects always wash hands before meals. The largest number of negative answers of children on the question (do you always have a handkerchief with you?) 86%. 67% of the subjects or 9 children do not wash their hands after visiting the toilet. And the same number of children answered that they did not have a calcination with them. Thus, it turned out that at the beginning of the school year, hygienic skills are formed only in 46% of children, in 53% of children there are some of them. According to the results of the diagnosis conducted at the end of the school year, identified:
1. 100% (12) students wash their hands before eating and after visiting the toilet; 2. Only 10% of children do not have a nasal handkerchief. 3. Most schoolchildren, which is 95% - fall to bed at the same time; 4. 5 subjects noted that they always have a comb with me. Thus, at the end of the school year, we observe that the percentage of students in which hygienic skills have been formed, namely, 46% of children, and at the end - is 90
Hygienic skills are better fixed when they are conscious. It is in primary classes that the basics of accuracy, politeness, accuracy are laid, good manners, the ability to cultivate themselves. We had a large systematic work on the education of independence and culture of behavior. Personal experience of the child is still very poor. It is often not polite due to ignorance, when and how to do. We consider your task to help the child in mastering the culture of behavior. After all, the culture of behavior in many cases is closely related to moral standards. In the extended day group, as anywhere reflects the educationalness of children. To educate the culture of behavior, conversations were held with children. For example, before going to the dining room, to the library, with children there was a conversation that the dining room is a public place where people come to relax and dine. The fact that there is impossible to talk loudly, scream. Be sure to gain a dining room with staff. Also talked with children on the topic "Friendship and affectionate word", about magic words"That children need to know and use necessarily in their speech. At the beginning of the year, a very good event was held. "The affectionate word is not worthless, and the other gives a lot." (Attachment 1). Always, if there was a positive or negative in the actions of children, it was encouraged or disassembered. Not when not what was not overlooked. For any positive act, followed the praise of the educator, necessarily for all children. And other guys, even the most disobedient, tried to make positive actions and used in speech, polite words. To achieve the result, you need to talk with children, they are not once convinced. . Scold - useless occupation that does not give the result. For the formation of personal hygiene skills, the following events were held: conversation with medical worker On the topic: "Everything about microbes", the holiday "Cleanliness is a guarantee of health." There were events together with the children's library "Tearing Teeth", a conversation about the dangers of smoking, talking about the rules of personal hygiene.
Events from the "ABC of Health" were held monthly (ethical conversations, classes for the formation of useful habits). "To say there is no temptation", "Your actions and habits", "diseases caused by improper nutrition." In October, the event was held "clean live - healthy to be", where it was said about cleanliness and health. Children came a parcel and a letter where it was proposed to pass tests and join the health club. Children were passionately and quickly coped with the task, guess the riddles on the subjects of personal hygiene, explained the meaning of proverbs and sayings. Vitely showed how to wash your hands. Prepared poems about health. Received the main prize - fruits and teaching coloring "How to keep your teeth strong", joined the health club. There were also measures for proper nutrition. An entertaining lesson "Treasury 1000, and the health is one." "Why can't chew a gum." "Favourite drink". Working with parents. It is very important that the unity of the family and school existed, then the result of our expectations will not make himself wait. And if the school will learn one, and in the family will bring up differently, then the expected result will not be. After the events and multiple conversations and beliefs, the children stopped to wear crackers, chips ,.Gazed drinks to school. 5. The presentation of psycho-emotional sustainability on materials of numerous studies is particularly dangerous to health not active emotions, but passive despair, anxiety, fearness, depression. It is on this one of the components of health that is a positive thinking, which is achieved by persistent training. Schoolchilding is important to teach even a small victory, and even more someone else's luck. At the beginning of the year, the children quickly got acquainted with each other, but there were no psychological well-being. They only got used to school. Very tired. Our task at this point was the restoration of spiritual and mental forces spent in the process of studying, labor, social activities, on the removal of mental tension caused by them, providing schoolchildren with a charge of cheerfulness, energy and cheerfulness. Children in free time I want more to communicate with each other - this is their social need. Fatigue-natural consequence of any more or less intense work. An important components of the work on the removal of fatigue were games and fun, jokes and entertainment, draws and attractions. During these events, children satisfy the need for communicating, movement, creativity, independence, self-affirmation, improvisation, reflected in boiler energy and cheerfulness.

Children really liked the theater - impromptu, where you can imagine an artist and laugh to laugh. Also, the reading of humorous literature delivered a lot of positive emotions. In April, the "day of laughter" was held, which included focuses, funny contests, for example, the foams of their friend with closed yogurt eyes or draw a cow on the board closed eyes. At the end of the day, they did gymnastics for the eyes, psychogyman, games for the development of small motility. They tried to understand every child that he was oppressing. To see something positive, more often to praise, and not to scold, and in such cases, even a very closed child revealed, it became more generally active. Then it was good with him, and he was with you. It was more complicated in the relationship of children with each other. In this regard, a number of events were held "Let's talk about friendship", hurry to do good. " For the rapprochement of the children's team, children were asked to play quiet games "Challenge Liplot", "Question-Answer", "Explainers", "Phanti", "Flashing", "Warring Baby", "Make the Word", etc. Often, when the weather conditions were allowed to go out with children in nature, she acted on children soothing and beneficial. Children really liked search engines for memorization. "Help the cheese", the game-search "Hunters and Lisens" - exit to the park. Hike to the "Forest Kingdom" with the search for surprise from the forest inhabitants of the OTD. The most harder it seemed to work with conflict children. The experience of the first relationship with other people is the foundation for the further development of the child's personality. The first experience is largely determined by the features of the person's identity, his attitude to the world, his behavior and well-being among people. Problems and conflicts between children give rise to heavy arrangements (insults, dislike, anger). Aggressive children, physically aggressive, very shy children, touchy, demonstrative. Simple conversations and beliefs did not help, there were other methods. To each of your approach. Children playing in interesting games Communicating could all be remembered with each other. . To solve these problems, we abandoned the number of verbal and subject ways of interaction. The general rule for all games was a rule: prohibiting conversations between children in the game. Thus, it is possible to exclude the occurrence of quarrels, disputes. Each game introduced a special language of conditional signals that participants can exchange when communicating. So, for example, in the game "Life of the Forest", as a greeting, children should be lost on each other's noses, asking how the children clap our palm on the palm of the other Baby. Telling the porter that all the good children put his head on his shoulder. Also played the game "Waves", "Chicks".. Many children are so focused on themselves and their own, that other children
Become a background of their own life. With this type of type, to distract children from such a fixedness on your own Ya. To do this, it is necessary to suggest children to the tasks, the successful implementation of which requires close attention to other children in the process of games the child should focus as much as possible on the peer. These games are aimed at developing the ability to see the other, feel unity with him. At this stage, along with well-known games, such. As a "mirror", "Echo" you can use new games »Transitions", "flashers", "where we were, we do not say, but what they did-cover" ITD. Thanks to all the events listed above, the children's team became cooler. Experiencing. What emotional states (both positive and negative) unites children, generating a feeling of proximity, community and desire to support each other. " The usual method of manifestation of negative emotions for children is a verbal expression, cursing, complaints and so on. It was enough to teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and the advantages of other children. To do this, used the following games: "Wizards", "Compliments", "I want to be like you". So we understood one thing. What you do not need to wait that our children will be exactly what we want to see them. So no when it does not happen. Children always go their way. You need to think more how to help them, and less about how to fix them. At the same time, do not forget that irritation, insult, disappointment is not an effective and dangerous method of impact on a person at any age. 6. The child must assign the rules of behavior on the street, in the forest, in the period of flooding, during the summer vacation. With children, a cycle of conversations "Security Rules" was conducted. First medical care. In the spring, during the period of flood, a conversation was held. "Do not hurt yourself." View a series of a series of a multiplication film called "Titles of Tuptice Sovuni" about the rules of security in the house and on the street. At the beginning of the year, the traffic police officer came to visit the guests, a "young pedestrian" event was held. Abspectory and drawing up puzzles on road behavior rules. In early October, a campaign was made to the fire station, the purpose of which was to introduce children with the rules of fire safety, tell the children about the work of firefighters, show how the equipment is arranged for extinguishing fires. In December - February held a cycle of gaming equipment: "From where the disease is taken", "how to behave during the disease", "carefully - medicine!" "Rules for life", "better not to risk", "if the trouble happened," how do you sit? "Vacation, vacation!", "Carefully! Homeless animals". In the spring, front summer vacation Talked about safety rules in the summer. "In the city of medicinal plants," a conversation game about the rules of behavior on the river, in the reservoirs. Thus, from all the components listed above, the health of younger students depends on the correctness of which the health of the younger students, from the conversations and the health games, should be the focus on changes in the behavior of the child, and not just the messages
He is about new health knowledge. Therefore, classes and games should be carried out in a specific system. Pedagogue should help children apply the knowledge gained in daily practice. Conclusion The work on this topic should be carried out in the system, repeat and consolidate. Work forms must be different. There must be the unity of the family and school. Not enough work with parents. It is not sufficiently given to the development of communicative skills, i.e.psyo-emotional health of children and their relationship. I want children to understand that a healthy person is not drinking and not smoking, and that they have been formed from them as early as possible. To effectively raise schoolchildren, not enough to know the set of games. The game, like any other remedy, becomes a wellness and educational factor, only under the observance of a number of conditions. The main thing is that the attitude of the teacher to children, which is expressed with the help of gaming techniques
Used Books
1. "Mode of Junior School Day" Moscow "Medicine" 1995. G.I Kutsenko, P.F. Kononov. 2. Jaytsev "Lessons Aibolit", childhood-press. St. Petersburg 2006 3. "Movable games for schoolchildren" Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2006. 4. Journal "Primary School" number 4.9 in 2004. 5.S.A. Weeva. "Organization of dynamic pauses in elementary school" Iyris Press, Moscow 2007 6.E.O.Smirnova, "conflict children" Moscow, Eksmo 2010. 7.Surnal »Primary School» H.1 for 2011. 8.L.a Obukhova, N.A. Lemianin "135 Health lessons" ( primary School) Moscow 9.Surnal »Nach.Skola» N.6. 2011. 10.S.A.Shmakov "Learning playing" TsGL Moscow 2003. 11. "Wako" 2004 organization and content in the extensional day group "

Methodical development.

Extracurricular event in GPA

"Healthy lifestyle"


disclose the concept of a healthy lifestyle,

determine the conditions for preserving health,

to form beliefs about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and

about health as the most important value.

Stages of occupation:

1. Opening part. Definition of concept healthy lifestyle.

2. The main part of the lesson. Disclosure concept healthy lifestyle.

Daily regime.

Hygiene body.

Hygiene view.

Proper nutrition.

Physical education and sports.

3. The final part.

Structure occupation

1. Opening part.

We will talk about health today with you.

What person is called healthy?(Strong, strong, he does not get sick,

physically and mentally prosperous.)

To be healthy, you need to leadhealthy lifestyle.

What features do we learn that a person leads a healthy lifestyle?

(A person is engaged in sports, does not have bad habits, keeps

the day of the day, does not hurt, it feeds correctly.)

Let's talk about some of the components of a healthy lifestyle of a person.

(During the introductory conversation, the teacher on the board sets the cards, on

which are recorded the conditions of a healthy lifestyle.)

2. The main part of the lesson.

A) day of the day.

As you understand this expression: "Day Mode"?

Tell us about your routine of the day.

How to make the routine yourself?

(Make a list of cases, specify time, follow this schedule.)

Using cards, make up an approximate routine of the day.

(Children are divided into 2-3 groups, each group receives cards. Pupils

located in a certain order. Then choose the most

optimal option of the day.)

The main rule in the preparation of the day of the day is to alternate labor and rest.

Why do you need a day mode?(So \u200b\u200bthat everyone's time to do is planned, without

hurry, fuss, to be a good mood.)

B) body hygiene.

We use the dictionary, find out the meaning of the word "hygiene".

(Hygiene - section of medicine learning how to preserve health, as well as

action system aimed at maintaining cleanliness.)

Why is there a water procedure in the day mode?(Water cleans

our body, contrast downtry helps harden the body.)

What part of the body need to wash more often?(Hands)

What is it connected with?

How do you need to wash your hands?(1 student shows how to wash hands correctly)

Why hands need to wash with soap?

It is very important to trim the nails in a timely manner, up to 95% of microbes accumulate

it is under them!

C) hygiene view.

Why is man important to keep good eyesight?

notebooks, books to eyes when reading, writing, it is necessary to correct

lighting, watching TV - with compliance with security measures.)

To remove voltage from the eye, it is necessary to perform special

exercises. Which of them are you using?(Pupils are shown

exercises explain the rules of implementation and explain their appointment.)

Game "Happy Men". [

Check your vision. I show cards with figures of men,

repeat their movements.

(For this game, the teacher prepares cards on which schematically

images are depicted figurines that perform various gymnastic

exercises: head and torso tilts, hands or feet to side,

squatting, etc. Image size 1 - 2 cm. Children should first

consider a little man, and then repeat his movement).

D) Proper nutrition.

In the day mode, it is necessary to plan food. How many times you need

there is?(At least 3 times)

The most important meal is morning. Ancient said: "Eat breakfast

myself. " Why?

What kind of products consisted by your today's breakfast?(Doctors

The game "What destroys health, which strengthens."

From the list, select Useful, Harmful Products. Explain your choice.

(Children are offered a set of products: fish, kefir, Hercules, sunflower

oil, carrots, cakes, sneakers, apples, chips, yard, onions.)

E) physical education and sports.

A person leading a healthy lifestyle in the day mode

allocates time for physical education and sports. About your sports

the passion will tell your classmate to the Glory Tubanov.(Boy

engaged in football, participates in competition, has awards: medals and


What gives sports?(The student does not ill, always cheerful, energetic,

sport helps in school.)

3. The final part.

What topic was the lesson been dedicated to?

How to understand the meaning of words a healthy lifestyle?


I wish you guys

Always healthy.

But to achieve results

it is impossible to easily.

Try not to be lazy -

Every time before eating,

Before the table is sitting,

Hands wash with water.

And in charge

Daily in the morning.

And, of course, stop -

It will help you so much!

Fresh air breathe

If possible, always

For walks in the forest go,

He will give you strength, friends!

I opened the secrets to you

Perform all tips

And you will easily live!

Attachment 1

School pedestrian

On the streets of ours

Movement so much.

Everywhere all kinds of

So many cars!

But you do not lose

Do not be afraid of the road

And the rules of this

Learn hurry!

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

This school is for you.

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Pedestrian School for Guys!

Pedestrian School for Guys!


I am a friend of pedestrian.

I am the drivers of a thunderstorm.

I'm standing at the transition -

Press on the brakes!

A pedestrian! Solved the road

Safely go -

In this, I'll love you

Hurry me to find me!

Song of traffic light and pedestrians

Traffic light . Standing at the intersection for a long time.

Pedestrians . It is standing on the intersection for a long time.

St. . I know everyone, the famous

traffic light.

P. O. well known, everyone known

traffic light.

Sv. I fencing you from dangers

I warn you in advance.

P. We are against dangers, he protects

He warns us in advance.

Sv. That lit red light -

Everyone knows - no stroke.

P. That lit red light -

Everyone knows - no stroke.

St. . So we agree with you:

Yellow - prepare

And green says:

P. So we agree with you:

Yellow - prepare

And green says:

"The way is open! Completely open! "

Song road signs

Once, two - left!

We go on the pavement!

Once, two - left!

Road signs Stroy!

Once, two - left!

Where to go where to go

Once, two - left!

Tell on the way!

Once, two - left!

Bed warn!

Once, two - left!

On us, friend, looked!

Once, two - left!

Where to go where to go.

Once, two - left!

Tell on the way!

Play on the road dangerous

So that there is no friend,

You have misfortunes

You have misfortunes

Don't play never

On the roadway

On the roadway.

This rule is remembered

Needless to:

On the road, on the road,

On the road, on the road

Be always careful!

"Bicycle movement is prohibited"

You love bikes,

You know the joy of victory,

Rather quickly - with the breeze,

And with me not familiar?

Go here alone cars,

Everywhere they flashed tires.

Do you have a bike?

So - Stop! No road!

"Caution: Children!"

I am a good friend friend

I guard their lives.

School nearby - all around

The chauffeur warning!

We are going, we go, we are going.

We are going, we go, we go

In distant edges.

Good neighbors

Cheerful friends.

Movement full city,

Run cars in a row.

Colored traffic lights

And day and night are burning.

We have fun living

We sing a song.

And in the song Soon

About how we live.

Stepping carefully

Behind the street watch

And only where it is possible

Her go.


Remember! There are so many difficulties on the road.

Remember! On the road thousands of cars.

Remember! Many transitions on the road.

Remember! These songs are the rules of the learn!

Rules Movement

Everyone needs to know

And without progress

Rules Movement

Must perform. (2 times)

Remember! On the roads of difficulties so much.

Remember! On the roads - thousands of cars.

Remember! Crossroads a lot on the roads.

Remember! These songs are the rules of learning!


1 like the driver neither slows down, 5 we are good athletes,

And the car is all slides, we love to play football,

On wheels, as skiing, - bridge turned

Closer, closer, closer closer. In our field-stadium.

2 For Salvation there is an opportunity: 6 I, undoubtedly, the conclusion is clear,

Best brake - caution. What is dangerous for life,

Life will be whisked, not the road, and the courtyards -

Before the car do not run! Place for such a game.

3 We are girlfriends, girlfriends, 7 many rules I taught,

There are eyes from us and ears, something forgotten

On the way, we go, and without knowing the rules of these

We read everything and sing. It is difficult to live on white light.

4 expensive you girlfriends, 8 characters we all know should,

Our last advice to you: To leave for the market,

After all, the road is not reading notarily

And not a place for conversations. And without legs, and without a shoe.

All: We sang the chastushki,

Is it good if

And now we will ask you

So that you patted us.

Appendix 2.

Game "Do not play on the pavement"

Two teams of 6-7 people participate. Task: Run to chairs,

leading the ball in front of them (this is the yard - you can play), break the chair, take the ball

in hand (this is the road - it is impossible to play) and faster run back and

transfer the ball to the next player. Wins the team in which

participants will be resorted first and not mistaken.

Game "Traffic light"

When the presenter lights the green light, the guys must sink by legs,

as if they go when yellow light was burning, the guys should pat in their hands.

With the red light in the hall there must be silence. Before the start of the game it is necessary

be sure to hold rehearsals so that everyone understands the conditions of the game.

The team wins the team whose guys will be more attentive.

Safety islets game

Two teams of 6-7 people participate. The first player is issued

"Paws" painted as a transition track. Task: shifting paws

be in front of it, jump over one to another. So reached the chair,

tear it, take the paws in your hands and rejoicing to the team, pass them

next player. The team will win faster to cope with


KSU "Shakhovskaya high school»


"Culture of the appearance."


educator GPD

Yermagambetova D.A.

2015 year