How a child develops from birth to a year. How a baby develops by months to a year - the main stages. How to handle a child at different periods up to a year

All parents, without exception, worry about the health of their child. The issue of full-fledged physical, mental, neuropsychic development is especially worrisome for parents in the first year of a baby's life. How does the baby develop month by month? We propose for consideration rough plan the formation of a peanut: we will evaluate the psychophysical development of a child up to a year old, terms and norms according to WHO.

Up to a year, all babies develop about the same, but you need to make allowances for the individual characteristics and parameters of the child at birth

Table of physical parameters up to a year

To assess growth rates, weight gain and physical development baby, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the average generally accepted indicators of the stages of development of a child up to a year. However, we must not forget that all children have individual development schedules, exact compliance with the tables given is not mandatory, minor deviations from the norms are allowed. Do not forget also that boys and girls are slightly different in their nervous mental development, but if the baby does not acquire normal skills and developmental indicators for his age for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Table of physiological parameters of a child up to a year: (we recommend reading:)

Age, monthsHeight, cmWeight, kgHead circumference, cmChest circumference, cm
49,0 - 54,0 2,6 - 4,0 33,0 - 37,0 31,0 - 35,9
1 52,0 - 55,0 3,0 - 4,3 35,8 - 37,2 34,0 - 36,0
2 55,0 - 57,0 4,5 - 5,0 37,5 - 38,5 36,0 - 38,0
3 58,0 - 60,0 4,0 - 6,0 38,0 - 40,0 36,0 - 39,0
4 60,0 - 63,0 4,5 - 6,5 38,0 - 40,0 36,0 - 40,0
5 63,0 - 67,0 6,5 - 7,5 37,5 - 42,2 37,0 - 42,0
6 65,0 - 69,0 7,5 - 7,8 42,0 - 43,8 42,0 - 45,0
7 67,0 - 71,0 8,0 - 8,8 43,8 - 44,2 45,0 - 46,0
8 71,0 - 72,0 8,4 - 9,4 44,2 - 45,2 46,0 - 47,0
9 72,0 - 73,0 9,4 - 10,0 45,2 - 46,3 46,5 - 47,5
10 73,0 - 74,0 9,6 - 10,5 46,0 - 47,0 47,0 - 48,0
11 74,0 - 75,0 10,0 - 11,0 46,2 - 47,2 47,5 - 48,5
12 75,0 - 76,0 10,5 - 11,5 47,0 - 47,5 48,0 - 49,0

So, how does a newborn baby grow during the first year? Consider the development of a child up to a year using a calendar divided by every 3 months from the birth of a baby.

From birth to 3 months

A newborn is born with developed hearing and vision. There is a vivid manifestation of innate reflexes: the child knows how to suck, swallow, blink and grab from the first minutes of life. However, while the baby is not able to roll over. A newborn from a position on the tummy cannot raise his head, but the instinct of self-preservation is triggered - he turns his head on his cheek.

The baby is able to hold the head for a few seconds, tries to raise it when lying on the tummy. In a month, a response occurs to sounds and sudden movements, expressed in involuntary separation of the handles and their subsequent pressing against the body. You can also observe spontaneous imitation of walking.


The baby raises and holds the head "standing" for 1 - 1.5 minutes, and from a position on the tummy, it can lift not only the head, but also the chest. Pays attention to sounds and bright light by turning the head and looking attentively. There is an intensive development of the vestibular apparatus. The child grabs and holds moving objects.


At 3 months, the baby should hold the head well for 1 to 3 minutes. From a lying position on the stomach, he can rise, leaning on his elbows. Begins to roll over, spin, change position, but there is still no clear coordination in the movements. He watches toys with interest, pulls his hands to them. He begins to put his fingers in his mouth, grab and pull the sheet.

I like the company of adults. Communication with parents is very captivating for the baby, the baby “comes to life”, shows joy, smiles, laughs. Can walk for a long time, turns his head to unfamiliar sounds. Now the baby is especially touching, do not forget to take photos more often as a keepsake!

From the age of three months, the active socialization of the baby begins - he becomes more emotional, reacts vividly to other people

Physical features

MonthMovements and skillsVisionHearing
1 Arms and legs are bent, movements are poorly coordinated. Everything is built on unconditioned reflexes. Sucking and grasping reflexes are especially pronounced. By the end of the month he can turn his head.Can keep a face or a toy in sight for several minutes. Can follow with his eyes a toy moving in an arc (the so-called "automatic tracking").The mucous fluid in the tympanic membrane is gradually absorbed, as a result of which hearing improves. The baby listens to the voice and the rattle.
2 Active movements develop: moves the handles to the sides, turns the head. In the position on the stomach can for 5 seconds. raise your head. Hand movements are improved: 2-3 sec. holds the rattle, strikes it.Smoothly follows moving objects for 10-15 seconds. Fixes the gaze on the toy/face for 20-25 seconds. Able to perceive objects in three dimensions.Focuses on sounds for 5-10 seconds. and turns his head towards the sounds of rattles and voices.
3 Within 30 sec. holds the head in the hands of an adult, and in tech. 1 minute - lying on your stomach. In this position, he rises on the handles, leaning on his elbows. When the baby is held under the armpits, he rests his feet on the surface, while the legs are straightened. There is a general motor "revival": it can bend, becoming a "bridge" and fall onto the bed. The grasping reflex transforms into a conscious grasp.Interested (and not automatically) follows the toy moving along the arc. Approximately 5 min. your pens. He is interested in all nearby objects (up to 60 cm from the eyes).The “localization” of the sound is formed: first, the child looks away in the direction of the sound, and then turns the head. Begins to react badly to loud sharp sounds: freezes, winces and then cries.

neuropsychic development

1 By the end of the month, she smiles in response to her mother, calms down from affectionate intonations. He listens to voices and happily wiggles his legs and arms in response to loud speech. Gradually, a “complex of revival” is formed - a reaction to a loved one.Pronounces guttural sounds: e, k-x, gee.The second stage of sensorimotor intelligence. The kid adapts to the world around him, there is an interest in objects, a coordinated movement of the hands and eyes develops.
2 The child responds with a smile to the appeal to him, twists his arms and legs.In communication, the sounds of the initial stage of cooing appear: ag-k-x, k-xx. The cry takes on different intonations.Interest in external objects increases, visual-orienting reactions improve.
3 The revival complex manifests itself at 100% - this is the first conscious act of behavior, an attempt to interact with an adult "eye to eye". The revitalization complex marks the beginning of the infancy stage.Vowel sounds and their different combinations appear: aaa, ae, ay, a-gu.Interest in the environment becomes selective and conscious.

From 4 months to six months


Lying on the back, infant raises his head. If you put it on legs, it rests firmly on them. Begins to sit, can easily roll over from the back to the tummy. Freely lifts the body and rests on the palms when lying on the tummy. Carefully observes objects, can grab them. It is played with rattles (we recommend reading:).


The baby can sit, but still does not hold his back evenly, he can stand on his legs if he is held by the handles. Makes the first attempts to roll over from the tummy to the back. Holds an interesting object in the pen for a long time. Recognizes parents, begins to be afraid of strangers. According to Komarovsky, the baby already understands various voice intonations, begins to distinguish and understand the emotions of the mother.


At this stage, the child can already sit. He himself holds a flat back, easily spinning in all directions. With little help from an adult, he can stand on his feet, tries to walk. Begins to get up on all fours and move in this way. Already actively waving toys, picking up fallen objects.

There are also noticeable changes in speech:

  • begins to express the first requests;
  • the cooing is replaced by simple babbling sounds "ma", "pa", "ba".

Physical features

MonthMovements and skillsVisionHearing
4 He turns on his side, makes attempts to roll over. He holds toys well, pulls them into his mouth. During feeding, touches the handles of the breast or bottle, trying to hold.Recognizes loved ones, smiling in response, recognizes himself in the mirror. Follows the toy for about 3 minutes.Freezes at the sound of music. Clearly turns the head towards the sound source. Distinguishes voices.
5 In the supine position, the baby tries to raise his head and shoulders (as if trying to get up). In the supine position, he rises, leaning on the palms of straight arms. You can sit for a short time, holding on to the support with both hands. He studies objects by touch for a long time, pulls them into his mouth. From skills: eats semi-thick food from a spoon, drinks water from a cup.Distinguishes loved ones and strangers. Follows the toy for 10-15 minutes.Distinguishes intonations of speakers. Confidently turns his whole body to the source of the sound.
6 Rolls over from tummy to back. Practicing crawling, using pull-ups on his hands. Sitting with support. It stands steadily if an adult supports under the armpits. Confidently takes out and grabs objects, shifts the toy from one hand to another. Can hold a bottle with one or two hands.Visual acuity develops, very small objects become interesting.Listens to whispers and other quiet sounds. Sings along to the beat of the music.

6-7 months - time for the first complementary foods

neuropsychic development

4 Really laughs, responds with a smile for a smile. Responds to being tickled. Requires attention.Gulit, pronounces chains of vowels, the first syllables appear.The 3rd stage of sensorimotor intelligence begins - the implementation of purposeful actions. There is an understanding of cause and effect relationships. It develops a reaction to everything new.
5 Wants to participate in communication - tries to attract attention in all ways. "Communicates" with other children with pleasure.There is a humming noise. Uses vowel sounds: aa, ee, oo, ah, maa, eu, haa, etc.He is interested not only in close objects, but also those located at a distance of up to 1 m. He understands that he has other parts of the body besides his arms.
6 Begins to experience true love and attachment to the adult who raises him. He expects approval and praise from him, thus, communication becomes situational and business-like.Pronounces separate babbling syllables. In the "vocabulary" there are already about 30-40 sounds.Sets goals and chooses means to achieve them. For example, to get one toy, you need to move another.

From six months to 9 months


The baby can easily and quickly crawl on all fours, sit freely and for a long time. In a sitting position, he straightens and bends. Holding on to furniture, he can kneel, with the support of adults he can stand and step over. Interested in his mirror image. Can point with eyes at large objects, called adults.


According to the development calendar, at 8 months the child can sit down on his own and even stand on his feet (for more details, see the article:). Starts to play "patties", imitating hand clapping. With pleasure, she tries to take the first steps with the help of adults. The mimic movement of the face acquires a rich variety. The kid expresses interest, surprise, fear with facial expressions.

He easily finds the object of interest to him and persistently tries to reach him. He spends a lot of time in games - for a long time he can examine toys, knock them, throw them.


Standing on its feet, refuses support. He likes to walk, leaning on furniture, tries to get up on his feet from any position. Starts climbing on a hill - boxes, benches, pillows. At 9 months, motor skills become more complex, the baby can collect small parts of toys, sort out the designer, move cars.

Understands and can fulfill a simple request, such as “give the ball”, “wave your hand”. For games, he chooses a sitting position, easily and quickly memorizes new words. I like to look for fallen or hidden objects. Responds when called by name. Begins to distinguish words not only by intonation, but also by meaning. Can sort items by shape, color, size.

At 9 months, the baby is already “very big”, he begins to understand the meaning of many words, fulfills the requests of his parents, the games are gradually becoming more complicated

Physical features

7 Able to sit without support, roll over from back to stomach and back. Actively crawls on all fours. Favorite action with objects/toys is throwing. He himself reaches for the toy, takes it in his pen, shifts it, swings it, knocks it on the surface.Confidently drinks from a cup (from the hands of an adult), tries to hold it. Eating from a spoon. If the mother gives a dryer or a cracker, then the child “procrastinates” this piece for a long time.
8 He rises to his feet on his own, holding on to a support. With the support of an adult, he steps over with his legs. He sits and lays down, crawls a lot.If he sees “his” cup in an adult, then he pulls his hands to it. He holds a piece of bread in his hand, eats it on his own. You can start potty training your baby.
9 Holding on to a support with one hand, you can perform many different actions: walk towards an adult with side steps, grab another support with your free hand, etc. Confidently sits for 10-15 minutes. Crawls actively.Drinks from a cup, holding it (the cup is fixed in the hands of an adult). If the child began to accustom to the potty, then he can confidently sit on it without whims.

neuropsychic development

7 Tries to be the center of attention. Now caress and kisses are not the main thing (may turn away, move away), but the important thing is a joint game and manipulation of toys.Actively babbles. Can already pronounce clear syllable combinations: ma-ma, ba-ba-ba, pa-pa-pa, a-la-la, etc.An understanding of cause and effect relationships develops, such as throwing a toy and watching where it lands; if he is hungry, he looks towards the kitchen (to the place where he is fed).
8 Becomes closed from strangers (crisis of 8 months), is ready to communicate only with very close ones, worries and cries in the presence of others.Says syllables and syllables: ah, a-la-la, heh, a-dyat, a-de-de, a-ba-ba, etc.There comes the 4th stage of sensorimotor intelligence: purposeful actions develop. The child is learning and exploring.
9 Experiences a whole range of emotions from anger and fear to joy and surprise. Strives to communicate with an adult, to involve him in his activities.The first descriptive words appear in the speech, understandable only to relatives. Understands prohibition words (“no”), teachings (“show how ...”, “kiss mom”, etc.)The child separates himself from the adult, but perceives himself as the "center of the universe." Develops long-term memory (can remember the subject) and working memory.

10 months to 1 year


After 10 months, the child, without help, gets to his feet and begins to walk. Starts to step over with the support of one handle. Can take a small object with fingers, gets upset when toys they like are taken away. Often and consciously imitates the movements of adults, can open-close, raise-throw, hide-find. The child pronounces simple one-syllable words.


The baby is developing rapidly. Basic movement skills are well developed. Can show many objects (toys, furniture, body parts, animals). Understands and fulfills most simple requests, expresses reluctance or denial by shaking the head.

The stage of development of fine motor skills of the fingers begins, it can tear a sheet of paper with two fingers. Should be given great attention the curiosity of the baby, encourage it and be sure to talk with the child as much as possible.


After 11-12 months, a difficult stage of development begins. Boys often develop a little slower than girls. The ability to walk independently appears. He can approach himself if he is called by name. Able to squat and straighten up without support. Picks up objects from the floor without sitting down. Can perform a difficult task: close doors, bring a toy from another room.

Shows interest in the process of undressing, bathing. Says about ten simple words. In a year, a child watches people and cars with interest. You can find more detailed information on the Internet by watching Komarovsky's video on the proper development of children from 0 to a year.

Physical features

10 Can stand on its own for some time without support and support.
11 It stands well from the support for about 5 seconds, balancing with the handles, while the legs are spaced. He tries to take the first steps himself, with the support of an adult, he walks confidently.All previously acquired skills and abilities are consolidated.
12 Walks independently (up to 3 meters). Freely crouches and rises, bends over and picks up an object/toy from the floor. Can climb up the stairs.He drinks from a cup himself, without the support of an adult. Confidently holds a spoon, leads it on a plate.

neuropsychic development

10 The child develops a full-fledged attachment to significant people for him. He interacts well with other children.Repeats individual syllables after adults. Communicates with loved ones in a language understandable only to them. Understands the words: “give…”, “where…?”.All sensations are qualitatively complicated: hearing, smell, taste, tactile perception.
11 Selectively relates to other children, in general, enjoys communicating with them, babbles. May take other's toys.Says 1-2 words. Pronounces onomatopoeia, such as "beep-beep", "av-av". Can understand and fulfill the requests of an adult (for example, “drive the car”, “feed the doll”).He learns to control his actions, mentally organizes all the information coming from outside.
12 Experiencing the widest range of emotions, based on the feeling of "separation" from the adult (because he can already move independently).Repeats syllables after adults. Denotes individual concepts and objects in babble words. Without showing an object/toy, he understands what is at stake. Can carry out assignments, such as "show ..", "find ...", "put in place ...", "bring".The 5th stage of development of sensorimotor intelligence begins: it understands the categories of objects and phenomena (for example, animals, furniture, food). Voluntary attention begins to form.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Popular today, Dr. Komarovsky talks intelligibly and interestingly about children in his book "The Beginning of Life: Your Child from Birth to 1 Year", as well as in his video lessons. Of course, the main focus is on pediatric issues, but in addition to this, from books and lectures you can learn about:

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The appearance of a child in the family is always a joyful and exciting event. All parents worry about the health of their baby. The question of the physical and psychological development of the baby is especially relevant in the first year of life. To better understand what the development of a child should be like for months up to a year, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information in this article. It will help you understand what skills and abilities a newborn should have from the first days of life to 12 months.

First month

After the birth, the baby does not have any skills. Most of the time the newborn spends in a dream. In the first 30 days of life, a child gains an average of about 600 g of weight. After a month, the increase usually increases. A small increase in the first days of life is explained by the fact that the baby loses fluid, the mother still does not have as much milk as in the subsequent months of lactation, and the baby's feces have a rather watery base. Parents should not worry about a small weight gain, as this is considered normal.

Physical and Neuro-Psychic Development (PPD)

The first 4 weeks after birth, the baby spends mainly in sleep. The baby can doze off even during feeding. In general, a child can sleep up to 20 hours a day. In this case, deep and shallow phases of sleep are noted. During deep sleep, the baby is completely relaxed, breathing is even. Shallow sleep is often accompanied by shuddering, stirring, uneven breathing. This is a completely normal physiological process.

In addition, the infant has the following reflexes:

  • reaction to cold, heat, hunger, thirst, pain, loud noises or other irritants in the form of crying;
  • among the reflexes there should be such as sucking (takes the breast), grasping (if you put your hand in the palm, the baby squeezes the fingers), repulsion with the legs (if you press the legs, the baby pushes them), the search reflex (if you touch the cheek, the child turns the head, looking for breasts. These skills must be checked by a doctor;
  • if the child is placed on the tummy, he will try to raise his head, but due to muscle weakness he will not be able to do this;
  • with loud sound month old baby shudders. The baby can hold his gaze for a while on motionless bright objects;
  • urination and defecation are quite frequent. In some children, it is observed after each feeding.

The best food option during this period is considered breast-feeding. If for some reason milk is not available, a mixture should be selected. Better if the pediatrician does it. The weight of children in the first month of life usually ranges from three to 4 kilograms. This applies to children who were born at term. Sometimes the body weight of the newborn and his height may go beyond. There are cases of the birth of children above 5 kilograms and more than 60 cm tall. This happens for various reasons that influenced the development of the baby even before birth.

Second month

What should a child be able to do in the second month of life? In the second month of life, boys and girls are already more active. Some doctors call this period the recovery period. The baby sleeps less, walks more. At the same time, the period of wakefulness in some children can be as long as about an hour. The baby is starting to get interested the world. Lying in the crib, he can examine the nearest toys, concentrate on his parents.

Physical development

By the age of two months, babies should be able to:

  • raise your head and try to hold it for a few seconds;
  • focus on toys or parents;
  • listen to sounds
  • some newborns are already trying to roll over;
  • the baby pulls pens into his mouth, examines them.

Sometimes babies smile, at the sight of their mother they worry, they look for her with their eyes.

mental development

Reflexes in the second month are still preserved, but are already beginning to fade away. The normal mental development is evidenced by the presence of a revitalization complex, which was previously mentioned in the article.

The following crumb skills testify to normal development:

  • recognition of their parents;
  • the baby smiles at the sight of loved ones;
  • at the sight of mom or dad, the child begins to fuss, quickly move his arms and legs;
  • during this period, the newborn begins to "walk". He makes sounds such as "aha", "abu", "agu";
  • children listen with pleasure to the speech of adults, love their mother's songs, often fall asleep under them.

If the baby is not smiling at two months, do not worry. It is impossible to define a clear framework for some stages of development. So this joyful event will happen a little later.

third month

The third month is characterized by a jump in physical and neuropsychological development.

Physical development

This stage is characterized by the following skills:

  • the ability to lie on the tummy and hold the head for a short time;
  • if you hold the baby by the armpits, he leans on his legs and tries to stand. At the same time, parents should remember that a long stay in this position can harm the unformed motor-support apparatus;
  • baby starts playing with toys. At the same time, his movements are chaotic, he can throw objects, knock them, pull them into his mouth;
  • the child likes bright things, ringing or rustling, spinning and musical objects. This period is very important in development, since the crumbs form the relationship between vision and hearing;
  • most children in the third month of development turn over, try to hold the head.

Pediatricians do not recommend planting a newborn during this period. This can lead to spinal deformity. By the end of the third month, children usually decrease muscle tone. The baby begins to better control his movements, takes objects in his hands, squeezes and unclenches his fingers more easily. When the child is held in his arms, he turns his head, examines the world around him.

neuropsychic development

At this age, the child spends all his time free from sleep studying the world around him. He examines new toys, objects around him, reacts to the appearance of new interior items and people. Strangers can cause a reaction in the form of anxiety and crying. The period of wakefulness becomes longer, some children walk for 2-3 hours.

At this stage, the baby is actively developing communication skills with mom, dad, brothers, sisters and other family members. If before that the newborn revealed any of his desires in the form of crying, now the baby uses facial expressions and some sounds. If a mother entered the room, the baby is worried, follows her with his eyes, smiles, and makes various sounds.

At three months, it is very important to try to establish verbal contact with the baby. Parents should talk as much as possible with their child, name objects that are in the child's field of vision. This will help speed up the development of the baby.

fourth month

In the fourth month of life, the child becomes more proportional. The head no longer exceeds the volume of the chest. The legs become more even, the movements acquire a clear character.

Physical development

At four months, the child should have the following physical skills:

  • the child holds his head well, turns it when he hears sounds or sees bright objects;
  • lying on the tummy, the baby holds the head for quite a long time, confidently turns it;
  • some babies roll over from tummy to back;
  • the newborn continues to explore the world around him and his body. He can pull handles and even toes into his mouth, carefully examines them, plays with toys.

At this age, the crumbs may have a favorite toy, to which he pays maximum attention. If the situation has changed in the interior, new furniture or objects have appeared, the newborn pays enough attention to this event.

Rapid development is also observed from the neuro-psychological side. The child reacts positively to mom and dad, can cry at the sight of strangers or, conversely, smile with interest, walk. At the fourth month of life, the baby begins to make new sounds, trains the nasolabial muscles. When a baby hears his name, he begins to listen, to smile. At this age, a little man can already distinguish the voices of loved ones from strangers. As a rule, the child reacts very actively to all events in the fourth month. If something hurts or he is hungry, parents are faced with crying, bad sleep. When the baby is full and feels good, he smiles, plays with toys with pleasure, and communicates with adults.

It is worth noting that the 4th month is characterized by the expansion emotional sphere. If earlier fear or hunger prevailed in him, now the newborn is experiencing interest, surprise, disappointment and other feelings.

Fifth month

The fifth month is characterized by the emergence of new skills and abilities. If until recently, the baby could only lie down, eat and sleep, then at this stage the baby confidently contacts adults, learns more and more about the world around him.

Physical development

From the side of physical development at five months, the child has the following skills:

  • attempts to stand if held under the armpits. With the help of parents, the baby can stand for several minutes;
  • lying on his stomach, the baby plays, turns his head, confidently holds his head and shoulders;
  • Babies at 5 months roll over on their own from back to tummy and vice versa. Some babies try to crawl if you put your hand under the legs;
  • a baby can perform several crawling movements if colorful objects are placed in front of him. Trying to get them, the baby will try to crawl towards them;
  • the child speaks with parents using monosyllabic words;
  • the little man continues to actively explore his body, touch his face, put his fingers in his mouth, feel his stomach, chest and other parts of the body.

The baby is still sleeping a lot. Daytime sleep should be about two hours 2 times. Night - at least 10 hours. Everything free time the baby spends playing, communicating with mom and dad, eating.

neuropsychological development

From the side of psychological development, the baby shows more and more emotions. If he is hungry or wants to sleep, the baby may cry, worry. If the toy is taken away, this will most likely be followed by squealing or crying. In addition, he clearly divides the people around him into friends and foes. If a stranger takes him in his arms, the reaction may be different. Some children burst into tears, while others, on the contrary, look at a new face with interest. The kid distinguishes the tone of others. If you treat him kindly, smile, he will easily go into your arms. If the baby hears a rude conversation or a cry, most likely he will cry.

During this period, as well as in subsequent ones, it is very important to provide adequate protection for the new family member. The crib should have soft sides, you can not throw a newborn on the edge of the sofa, as he may well fall.

sixth month

At six months, the child continues to actively develop. The newborn already clearly knows his parents and other family members, enjoys them, communicates with the help of facial expressions and sounds. However, he already has many physical skills.

Physical development

Speaking about the physical skills of a baby in six months, the following should be noted:

  • the ability to sit for a short time. Even if the child sits well, you should not leave him in this position for a long time. The spine during this period should not succumb to heavy loads;
  • the little one confidently holds toys and various objects in his hands, throws them, knocks;
  • Most children have their first teeth at this age. If this does not happen, there is no reason to sound the alarm. Most likely, the teeth will appear a little later;
  • if he reaches for an object, but cannot get it, the baby will perform squeezing and unclenching movements with his fingers;
  • at this age, the child realizes that he has two pens, he shifts objects from one pen to another, often takes one object in both pens.

At six months, many babies begin to move around the crib. Some move back, pushing with their hands, others crawl forward. Some try to pull themselves up on the twigs of the crib and stand up.

neuropsychological development

At six months, the baby actively interacts with adults, hums, smiles. Sitting in his mother's arms, he touches her face, hair, buttons and fasteners on her clothes. The lexicon of the little one is replenished with new sounds (“de”, “gu”, “ba”, “na”, “ma”). The baby plays with pleasure, smiles when he is happy and shows displeased grimaces if something does not suit him. The baby learns to recognize various sounds, reacts to knocking, rustling, rustling, freezes, turns its head.

During this period, there is a sharp jump in development. The peanut begins to feel the relationship between actions and events. For example, if you cry, you can attract the attention of adults, if you press a button on a toy, music will play, and so on.

Need to pay six months old baby as much attention as possible. You need to talk with him, read fairy tales, even if it seems that he does not understand them, sing songs, nursery rhymes.

seventh month

A seven-month-old peanut is already a fully formed personality with its own character. Moms and dads do not cease to rejoice at the increasing skills and abilities of their child at seven months.

Physical development

At 7 months, the baby should have the following abilities:

  • crawl forward and to the side;
  • try to crawl on all fours. If the little one does not crawl, but tries to walk right away, this is not considered a pathology. Many children skip such a stage of development as crawling, and this feature is considered quite normal;
  • sit back on a pillow. Often, without support, children fall, which parents must definitely remember.

At this stage of development, it is very important to pay enough attention to massage and games with the baby. You can give him your hands so that he pulls up behind them and tries to stand up. Many children like to stand with support, jump. Some toddlers try to get up on their own and move along the sides of the crib. At the same time, the sides should be quite high so that the baby does not fall out.

neuropsychological development

The psychophysical abilities of a seven-month-old child must meet the following criteria:

  • the ability to shift an object from one handle to another;
  • hold the toy with two handles, give it to an adult upon request;
  • find a thing under a hidden pillow or blanket;
  • knock rattles, throw them;
  • clap your hands, press the buttons of musical toys;
  • Point with your hands at the objects you want to touch.

At this age, fine motor skills continue to develop actively. The baby learns to take small objects, examines them, puts small toys in a bucket.

At this age, the child develops an interest in dishes, he can try to eat on his own with a spoon. Even if your child does not succeed, you should not take cutlery from him.

eighth month

At the 8th month of development, the growth rate of the little one slows down somewhat. This is due to the increase in motor activity. During this period, teeth continue to actively erupt. Many parents boast already four incisors in their children.

Physical development

At this stage of life, the baby gains about 500 grams in weight and becomes 1-1.5 centimeters taller. An eight-month-old baby can do the following:

  • sit, quickly roll over from the tummy to the back and back, crawl, get up and move around, leaning on the support;
  • at this age, the baby devotes a lot of time to toys and other items. He loves musical toys, magazines, balls. The peanut shifts them from place to place, throws, knocks. If the toy falls from his hands, he tries to find it;
  • the child plays with interest with other children, babbles with them, smiles. The baby is very upset if the mother leaves somewhere;
  • many children can already point to the subject they are being asked about. For example, where is the machine? The kid will point to this toy;
  • the child already independently uses a spoon, learns to drink from a cup. Many babies are already eating cookies or other solid foods.

Despite the fact that the child's body is individual, parents should be alerted if he does not sit down, cannot stand for several seconds, holding on to a support, does not take toys with his hands, does not listen to various sounds. In such a situation, parents are required to show their child to the pediatrician.

neuropsychological development

At this age, the child often looks at his reflection in the mirror, touches it with his hands, hums, smiles. Mimicry acquires new features, becomes more diverse. From it, parents can easily find out what mood their child is in. The first words appear in the lexicon, reminiscent of “mother”, “woman”, “give”, “on”, and so on.

During this period, visual memory develops. The baby can recognize loved ones from photographs, smiles at their sight. If music is playing or rhythmic poems are read to him, the little one can bounce, clap his hands. In connection with the development of concentration of attention and psychomotor skills, the baby can play with toys for a long time on his own.

At eight months, the baby should already clearly know the daily routine. Feeding and sleeping should be on schedule. If the baby is not put to bed on time, nervous system under enormous load. Often children are capricious, become whiny, cannot sleep.

With eight-month-old children, you should engage in various developmental exercises. These can be games such as "find the object", "show the color", "build a pyramid" and so on.

ninth month

At 9 months, the baby is already hard to call helpless. He crawls well, sits down, tries to walk. Many toddlers learn how to eat with a spoon and drink from a cup on their own. The child communicates with parents and other family members, communicates using one-syllable or two-syllable words.

Physical development

At 9 months, a small family member should have the following physical skills:

  • the baby is increasingly walking in a walker or leaning on a support. Muscles are strengthened, musculo-nervous coordination is developing more and more;
  • At this age, hearing and vision improve. At the same time, the baby not only sees objects and hears sounds in the room in which he himself is. If a child hears that plates or pots are ringing in the kitchen, he already clearly understands that dinner or lunch is coming soon;
  • in most nine-month-olds, the second pair of incisors erupt. During this period, the jaw apparatus develops. It is useful to offer the baby a lot to chew, for example, carrots, apples, crackers. At the same time, it is important to ensure that he does not choke;
  • at 9 months, the baby skillfully plays with toys, can put various objects into boxes, fold a pyramid;
  • the baby distinguishes between animals and some colors;
  • the child responds to his name;
  • the new member of the family listens to the speech of the parents, tries to repeat the words after mom and dad, emotionally babbles, laughs out loud.

Some children do not succeed, but parents should not worry about this, because each baby is individual. It is recommended to contact a specialist if the child does not perform elementary actions. For example, the baby does not sit, does not roar, does not respond to its name, does not get angry if the toy is taken away.

neuropsychological development

Many children at nine months can boast of the ability to distinguish between objects, faces, colors, animals. During this period, logic is actively developing. The child can add cubes, pyramids, sort objects by color and shape. Do not be afraid to give your baby new information, play with him, leaf through books, look at pictures. Even if it seems to you that the baby does not yet perceive this information, believe me, later the result will be very noticeable, because all this is deposited in the memory of your little child.

Already at nine months, the child should clearly know what is impossible. The upbringing of babies at this time is the basis of his behavior in the future. You can't give in to crying. If you think that this or that item should not be taken by the baby, stand your ground. The same applies to the daily routine.

tenth month

At ten months, a small member of the family becomes more and more similar in silhouette to adults. The volume of the head becomes smaller in relation to chest, the body becomes even, he spends more and more time in vertical position, looks more and more proportionate.

Physical development

Achievements of the child at this age continue to please parents. Many boys and girls are already trying to walk. Most children confidently move along the sofa and other objects. Kids actively crawl around the house, study objects, actively use various objects in all their games (mother's pots, dad's tools, open and close drawers on chests of drawers and cabinets).

Skills of a ten-month-old baby:

  • take and look at small objects;
  • transferring objects from one box to another;
  • folding turrets from cubes and pyramids;
  • the baby is happy to collect pebbles on the street in a bucket;
  • many children get acquainted with pencils, felt-tip pens, finger paints;
  • some toddlers enjoy playing in the sand.

During games, you should never leave your child alone. Always be there. This will help prevent many accidents.

neuropsychological development

At this age, the child becomes a full-fledged participant in communication between family members. He laughs, babbles, hearing the speech of his parents, sincerely rejoices at the arrival of guests. The baby gets upset or angry when something doesn’t work out for him. At loud sounds, he shudders, gets frightened, may cry. At this age, a sense of humor appears. The peanut can laugh out loud if he sees a bizarre grimace or a cheerful dance. At this stage, children imitate adults, try to repeat facial expressions and behavior. This is a great time to teach your child the rules of behavior at the table and in the company of people.

In addition, boys and girls perform simple elements of the game. They roll cars, throw a ball, spoon-feed a doll, put animals to sleep, and so on. Do not scold your know-it-all if a toy is broken or a cup is broken. These actions also refer to the methods of knowing the world.

Do not leave your child in a room alone without supervision. Toddlers at this age like to get everything from the shelves, press buttons on electrical appliances, explore sockets. If you need to leave the room, it is recommended to leave the little one in an arena or a crib with high sides.

Eleventh month

Children at 11 months acquire more and more skills, delight moms and dads with their first steps and new simple words. An indicator of proper physical and mental development is the ability to communicate with adults and other children, a wide range of emotions in a little man, an effort to learn more and more new information.

Physical development

At this stage, the child is actively growing and has the following skills:

  • plays with toys for a long time;
  • takes small objects with two fingers, holds them tightly;
  • folds the pyramid and the turret;
  • interested in colorful books and magazines, leafing through them for a long time. He likes to tear pages, rustle them;
  • the little one actively dances to the music, loves musical toys;
  • at the request of the parents, he shows objects, takes off his hat, socks, unzips, finds hidden objects, feeds the doll, pushes the car, and so on;
  • more and more words consisting of two syllables appear in speech;
  • the little man already distinguishes between encouragement and denial, waves his head if he doesn’t want something, points his finger at the desired object;
  • the baby finds new activities and games, for example, he can shift cereals, pasta and other small items from bowl to bowl, plays with flour, loves to play with water.

The child becomes more and more independent, eats with a spoon, drinks from a cup, tries to put on socks or a hat, tries to fasten buttons.

neuropsychological development

Normally, children at 11 months old should have the following neuralgic skills:

  • binding the first words to the meaning (“am” - eat, “ma” - mother, “yes” - give, and so on);
  • the little one already knows how to manipulate adults, he whimpers on purpose, which helps to get him attention;
  • the little man responds to the requests of his parents - take it, go, lie down, don't touch it, and so on;
  • children learn to stand their ground, cry and act up if they do not get what they want;
  • intelligence develops. For example, to get an object that is high, the baby will put a chair;
  • the baby is playing role-playing games more and more - feeding dolls, driving cars, stroking animals.

If your child does not quite meet the set standards, you should not immediately run to the doctor. Some children learn certain skills later than their peers. This is especially true for premature babies and babies with Down syndrome.

At 11 months, the child should receive the necessary complementary foods. The menu should include vegetables, fruits, meat, fish. Little by little new products should be introduced. It is recommended to continue breastfeeding for at least 1 year.

twelfth month

When a child turns 1 year old, this is a joyful event for every family. The little peanut pleases the household with its loud laughter and new achievements.

Physical development

In a year, it is already quite possible to transfer the child to a one-time daytime sleep. He becomes active, plays more and spends time communicating with adults. At this stage, it is already possible to agree on something with the baby.

Skills and abilities at 12 months:

  • playing story games;
  • repetition of any action;
  • the child is able to name other family members;
  • the baby should be able to explain to others what he wants;
  • the baby walks independently or with the support of adults;
  • the little one draws, tries to lace up the shoelaces, fasten the buttons and buttons;
  • the little man eats on his own, puts on outerwear.

Daytime sleep usually takes 2-3 hours. The rest of the time, the little know-it-all is awake, learning about the world. In no case should you leave the baby alone, since the instinct of curiosity at this age prevails over the instinct of self-preservation.

For proper physical development, daily exercises and massage should be done with the child. Great for swimming and walking fresh air.

If the skills and knowledge of your child do not fit into the framework of the baby's development calendar, do not worry. Each child is individual and sooner or later he will succeed.

neuropsychological development

According to the psychology of children, at 12 months, the baby may experience the first psychological crisis. This is due to the process of separating one's "I" from the mother. Some children become capricious, do not let their mother go a single step, often throw tantrums.

Let's give an example: a baby wants to build a pyramid, but he can't do it. Having got used to the fact that his mother helps him in everything, he calls her, begins to cry and gets upset if the mother expects that the baby will succeed on his own. During this period, it is very important not to shout at the little fidget and not do everything for him. The task of the mother is to teach the little one to perform this or that action on her own.

Table of physical development of children from birth to a year

In this table, you can find approximate parameters for height, weight, head and chest circumference in children from birth to one year.

Age in months Weight in kilograms Height in centimeters Approximate weight gain in grams Head circumference in cm Chest circumference
At birth 3 – 3,4 49 — 54 30 — 37,5 36
1 3,7 – 4,5 54 — 56 600 37,5 — 39,5 36
2 4,5 – 4,9 59 — 59 800 39,5 — 43 36
3 4,9 – 5,6 59 — 62 800 43 — 45 44
4 5,6 – 6,3 62 — 65 750 45 — 46 44
5 6,3 – 6,8 65 — 68 650 46 — 47 48
6 6,8 – 7,4 68 — 70 650 47 — 48 52
7 7,4 – 8,1 70 — 72 600 47 — 48 52
8 8 – 8,1 72 — 75 550 47 — 48 52
9 8,5 – 9 75 — 76 500 47 — 49 56
10 9 – 9,5 76 — 78 450 47 — 49 54 — 56
11 9,5 — 10 78 — 80 400 47,5 — 49 54 — 56
12 10 — 11 80 — 82 350 48 — 49 55 — 57

Not always the parameters of the child fit these descriptions specified in the WHO standards. Minor deviations from the norm in one direction or another are considered quite normal. Premature babies gain weight more difficult, have less weight and body parameters. Sometimes the weight of a child per year can be up to 13-15 kilograms. As a rule, large children are born to parents with the same body constitution. You can learn more about the development of the baby in the encyclopedia.

Accurate diary of intrauterine development of children by months

Upon learning of the onset of pregnancy, a woman worries unforgettable emotions because a little life develops inside it.

Consider a monthly detailed diary of the development of the fetus in the womb, and also find out what sensations it feels future mom.

1 month

From the moment of conception, a new life grows and develops in the womb. After the union of the egg and sperm, cell division begins after a few days. As a result of this process, the so-called morula is formed - a compound consisting of 8-12 cells that are tightly adjacent to each other. After entering the uterus, the fetal egg is attached to its wall. Implantation lasts about forty hours. After joining, the bubble begins to branch strongly, small vessels appear inside, which will feed the fetus in the future. All this happens during the first week of pregnancy.

Later, the following processes are observed:

  • development of the amniotic sac, placenta and umbilical cord;
  • embryonic cells are divided into two halves, acquire a disc-shaped shape;
  • a middle sheet appears between the layers of the disk - a layer;
  • the future spine is formed from it - the chord;
  • from the same middle leaf begins the formation of muscles, blood vessels, genital organs;
  • the skin and nervous system are formed from the outer leaf;
  • the inner leaf is the future organs of digestion and respiration;
  • at the 20th week, the rudiments of the head and torso appear in the embryo.

Summing up, it should be said that the fetus in the first month of life has organs such as the heart tube, pronephros, the rudiment of the bronchi and trachea, the intestinal tube and the pancreas. At this stage, the circulatory and nervous system is already developing.

On the 23rd day after conception, the heart begins to contract in the fetus. At this stage, the baby resembles the embryo of a fish.

2 months

At the beginning of the second month, the fetus already has the rudiments of the kidneys, lungs, is actively developing intestinal tract. Already at this early period, the liver performs a hematopoietic function. In the embryo, you can see the face and limbs. All this time the nervous system is being improved.

In the second month, the following changes occur:

  • convergence of the eyes;
  • division of limbs into separate parts (shoulder, forearm, hand);
  • the rudiments of the ears, nose are formed;
  • towards the end of the second month (on the seventh week), the rudiments of teeth are formed;
  • in the eighth week, muscles appear that are already contracting;
  • the brain is divided into sections, the cerebral cortex is divided into layers.

At this stage of pregnancy, many women experience toxicosis, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body and developing new life in the womb.

3 months

In the third month, the active development of the fetus continues. He looks more and more like a man. Here are the changes:

  • the liver continues to develop and function;
  • facial features are drawn;
  • nails form on the fingers and toes;
  • the fetus performs its first movements;
  • vocal cords are formed.

By the end of the third month, the intestines begin to function. The sexual organs continue to form, but it is still impossible to distinguish a boy from a girl. The nervous system continues to form, the little man already feels skin irritation, reacts to it by squeezing his fingers.

4 months

In the fourth month, the fetus grows rapidly. The vessels are not very deep, so they are clearly visible on the body. The following processes take place here:

  • already at 14 weeks the skeleton is formed;
  • the digestive system continues to develop;
  • already working stomach and gallbladder;
  • the child already allocates the first feces (original);
  • red bone marrow already performs the function of hematopoiesis;
  • the endocrine system begins to function;
  • the kidneys work and urine is excreted.

The child performs more and more movements. He turns his head, moves his arms and legs, takes his finger in his mouth. In the fourth month, a woman feels the first movements of the fetus.

At the fourth month, it is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn child on an ultrasound scan.

5 months

In the fifth month, subcutaneous fatty tissue appears in the fetus, the skin becomes less transparent, the vessels are almost invisible. This is half of the entire pregnancy. At this stage, the first hair appears on the baby. The changes in the fifth month are as follows:

  • the body is covered with a cheese-like lubricant that protects it from pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the spleen begins to take part in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • the vestibular apparatus is formed;
  • the entire endocrine system works.

At the fifth month, the baby has facial expressions, can smile or frown.

6 months

During this period, the entire body of the crumbs is covered with a cheese-like lubricant and a thin fluff. A six-month-old fetus develops eyebrows and eyelashes. The baby breathes, swallows amniotic fluid. The lungs are still closed at this stage. The child ends the formation of parts of the brain. The digestive system is well developed and fully functioning. The baby moves freely amniotic fluid. Most of the time the baby sleeps (up to 20 hours a day). The little man already reacts to bright light and loud sounds.

7 months

Alveoli and air tubes form in the lungs. At this stage, a special substance begins to be synthesized, which causes the lungs to open when inhaled (surfactant).

The sense organs are already fully functional. The baby sees bright light, hears sounds. In connection with the further development of the endocrine system, the fetus develops a special type of metabolic processes.

8 months

The fetus grows significantly and no longer moves so freely in the uterine cavity. Movements become more coordinated. In most cases, the baby is located head down, but sometimes it occurs breech presentation.

The heart is almost formed, but there is still a hole between the right and left atria, which should close on its own after the baby is born. In addition, the child has a ductus botulinum. Its function is to connect the pulmonary artery and the aorta. After birth, he must stop his work.

9 months

At the ninth month, the baby already has fair skin, its shapes are rounded, the fetus is gaining weight. The fluff on the body gradually disappears. Movements are reduced to a minimum, since the baby already occupies the entire uterine cavity. A special center has already been formed in the brain, which is responsible for breathing.

The formation of the liver and pancreas is still ongoing. These organs will mature even after the baby is born. At 9 months, the baby already distinguishes intonations of voices, hears music.

10 months

At this time, the fluff on the child's body disappears, most internal organs fully perform their functions. At 38 weeks, the baby is considered mature for birth.
At 38 - 40 weeks, the baby gives an impulse to be born, childbirth begins.

In this photo you can see the development of the fetus by week.

What toys do children need up to a year

Each baby after the birth requires proper care and affection. At the same time, every parent wants to develop their child, so they wonder what toys are needed for children of a particular age? Let's figure out which toys are preferable from birth to a year:

  • 1 month - colorful soft toys and rattles without small parts;
  • 2 months - here a musical carousel will be just right, which should be fixed above the crib;
  • 3 months - colorful rattles, toys with different textures, rustling, ringing;
  • 4 months - balls, tumblers, rattles, various ringing toys;
  • 5 months - cubes, soft toys, rattles, musical;
  • 6 months - pipes, tambourines, piano. The baby will be happy to learn new sounds. In addition, you can buy rubber toys for bathing;
  • 7 months - here you can already use various gaming mats and panels, musical instruments, balls, pyramids;
  • from 8 months to a year, finger paints, pencils, dolls, simple designers for sorting objects, wheelchairs are perfect.

No matter how interesting and colorful the toys are, parents should remember that they will not replace communication with mom and dad, so spend as much time as possible with your child, talk to him, sing songs, leaf through books. This will help grow a happy, healthy and creative personality.

Video about the early development of children up to a year

In his video, Dr. Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky spoke about early development children.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the baby's body begins to grow actively, the work of all systems stabilizes, new skills and abilities appear. The development of a child by months will not necessarily follow a pattern, since there is no the same people and each differs in certain features, so minor deviations from the standards should not scare you.

Baby development calendar from birth to 3 months

The first three months of the first year of a baby's life are considered the most difficult, because at this time the work of all body systems is only getting better, and the baby is adapting to the world around him.

To monitor the correct development of the child, you can use the table of basic skills and indicators for children in the first months of life:

  • from birth to 1 month the baby is very weak, so he spends most of his time in a dream. The muscles of the body are not yet developed, the baby cannot hold the head on its own, at the same time, the limbs are tucked in for a longer time and are in a springy state. The normal weight for a child of this age is from 2.5 to 4.5 kg, with a height of 45 to 54 cm. The development of the organs of vision and hearing will continue during the first 90 days, at first the child does not distinguish colors, and his loud sounds are not at all frighten, which characterizes poorly developed hearing;
  • from 1 to 2 months, external changes are clearly manifested - facial features are pronounced, swelling of the body disappears, the skin acquires a normal shade. Muscle tone passes, the child can already unbend his fists, briefly raises his head, actively swings his limbs. The development of conversational skills is manifested, the baby begins to coo and smile consciously. At this time, it is already possible to establish eye contact with the baby, he carefully examines everything around and already recognizes familiar faces, his eyes can still squint a little, but this will pass soon. Hearing development is very active, so beware of loud and harsh sounds - they can greatly frighten the baby;
  • from 2 to 3 months - the active stage, the ability to take toys and any objects of interest is manifested. Decreases time daytime sleep, while night rest can be continuous for 5-6 hours. The baby strives to learn about the world around him, for which he tries to raise his head in a position on his stomach with his own strength, rests his legs to rise, etc. By 3 months, the growth of children reaches 53-62 cm, and the weight can be in the range from 4 to 7 kg.

The end of the first trimester of the year is marked by a relatively calm and systematic development of the baby's body. All systems begin to work without interruption, the mental state of the child is normalized, a certain mode of wakefulness and sleep is established, which allows the mother to plan the day.

Child development table from 3 months to six months

After 3 months, a period of relative calm begins, the child has already adapted to the situation, the feeding and sleeping regimen has already stabilized by this time, so family life is returning to normal.

The correctness of the development of the child at this stage can be traced according to the proposed table:

  • 4 months - the baby himself holds his head and carefully monitors the movement of objects and people around the room. Now he can stand on legs with support under his arms. The period of teething begins, which may be accompanied by whims and crying, the main symptom is active salivation and the habit of pulling everything into the mouth. The communication skill is fully developed - the baby calls relatives with the help of sounds and gestures, examines faces for a long time and expresses pleasure with laughter and smiles;
  • 5 months - the baby begins to sit (still with support, in playpen, armchair), during active games on the bed, the child himself turns over from his back to his stomach and back, some can outside help get up in the arena. The social factor is activated, the baby cannot be alone for a long time, he constantly requires communication, which he reports with active movements and loud sounds. The grasping reflex is fully developed, the baby confidently takes the object he likes, can shift it from hand to hand and throw it away;
  • half a year - muscle mass is activated, the child already owns his body, therefore he is able to rise, roll over, many begin to crawl. By six months, babies can grow up to 60-70 cm, while the body weight will be in the range from 5.5 to 9 kg. Teeth are actively cut, which causes a lot of anxiety, it is important at this stage to help the crumbs escape from pain with the help of rubber teethers and gels.

The first half of the year is marked by the emergence of such an important skill as crawling, now the baby can engage in active games without your participation, the main thing is to provide the child in the apartment with a safe area for research.

Child development calendar from six months to 9 months

The period after the first half of the year of life is distinguished by the activity of the child, now, when the baby already knows how to crawl, it is interesting for him to study and touch everything that he sees around. Particular attention should now be paid to the psychological development of the baby.

  • 7 months - active crawling becomes a habit, the baby enjoys spending time on baby rug With soft toys, loves to walk on the street, where he examines everything with interest. Now the baby accurately recognizes native faces and voices, distinguishes his name and remembers some objects by name. At this time, the first complementary foods are introduced;
  • 8 months - a tweezer grip appears - the baby can take objects not with the whole palm, but with two fingers. The diet is expanding, while the increase in height and body weight slows down somewhat, instead communication and conversation skills are actively developing;
  • 9 months - the most developed babies begin to get up, holding on to a sofa or chair, you can see the first steps, however, so far with support. This is the time for the first conscious word, "ma-ma, ba-ba etc."

The third trimester of the year shows how socially adjusted your baby will be. The desire to learn about the world around and communicate with relatives in each child manifests itself in its own way, some children spend a lot of time in self-study new, while others cannot be alone even for a couple of minutes. Adjust to your baby, then his development will be more successful and faster.

Child development calendar from 9 months to a year

The last trimester of the first year is the most active stage in the development of the child's body. This is the time to take the first steps, to express your interests and demands, as well as to define the scope of what is permitted and forbidden.

  • 10 months - crawling can be accompanied by overcoming obstacles, children try to climb over soft rollers, chairs, go down stairs for the first time. The first steps will be uncertain, but the baby will not stop trying to walk, so you should protect the room from sharp corners and dangerous objects;
  • 11 months - the diet includes vegetables, dairy products, cereals, fruits and meat, all these components are necessary for the full development of the body and replenish the energy that the child spends during the day. With the first introduction of complementary foods, you need to start brushing your teeth, this will prevent the development of caries;
  • 1 year - the child knows what is possible and impossible, remembers where the objects of interest to him are and understands almost everything that you tell him. The character of the baby is manifested - he often protests against activities that are objectionable to him, it is important at this time to teach him how to express protests correctly - not with screams, but with the help of communication.

The monthly child development calendar shows how the child's body should develop in the first year and what skills can appear at a certain time. Knowing the standards, you can help your child develop new skills that are specific to his age.

In this article:

A child changes the life of a married couple and turns the perception of the world upside down. The appearance of a new family member is surrounded by positive emotions, warmth and tenderness, as well as solemn moments (the first push in the stomach, weighing, ultrasound photo). But now between public holidays parents will have to cope with the everyday life in which they have a direct responsibility - to raise a full-fledged person.

Let's talk about how the development of a child up to a year should proceed and how mom and dad can help this development.

Disputes about the need for a child's aesthetic education before birth and from month to year do not subside. Worried about the future of their children, young parents from the first months regularly go to the theater, listen to classical music, read children's books aloud. However, there are skeptics who claim that this activity is pleasant only for mothers, and such actions do not affect the child. After all, geniuses and just wonderful people are born in dysfunctional families.

Who to believe? How to spend the nine months of waiting is up to the parents themselves, but when choosing your behavior, you must take into account that the development of your child depends on your attitude towards him and behavior. If the baby intuitively feels that he is needed and important to his family, interest in the world will drag him much earlier.

Therefore, psychologists and pediatricians strongly advise parents to get used to the responsibility for the child, while he is in maximum safety - in his mother's belly.

After the birth, every month you will understand your child faster and faster. What does the baby need, what does he like and dislike, and when can educational games with more complex tasks be introduced?

How to handle a child at different periods up to a year

Naturally, a child under one year old is a helpless baby who needs round-the-clock care, control, attention without a break for sleep and rest. Its comfort is the basis of development. Mother's love, as a rule, knows no boundaries, and a woman tries to give all her warmth and all her emotions to her own baby.

Naturally, at the time of the birth of the baby, the mother's energy supply can overwhelm the entire globe. If necessary splash this stream on one little man? No - and this is the most difficult. In order not to spoil the child with infancy to achieve mutual understanding and mutual respect, from the first days living together put everything in its place at home: a person came into your life to grow up healthy and beautiful, and this duty is this case lies on you. Infinitely pampering and giving exceptionally good, you show the child his impunity. Fulfilling all his requirements immediately, you do not take care of your beloved baby, but raise an egoist.

Giving your son or daughter the most delicious pieces of cake, sweets, you run the risk of not getting a glass of water from your children in old age. And it is necessary to start living “equally” from the first months. How should parents behave when the baby begins to change every week?

Up to 3 months

Your son or daughter needs a sense of comfort from you. Comfort is development in the right direction. Now development is limited to what the baby can perceive during wakefulness. It is your responsibility to feed on time and according to a set schedule. As necessary, you need to change the crumbs, if the emu is hot or cold. You will have to learn how to put the baby to bed at the same time - in a word, remove the discomfort in any of its manifestations.

During this period, it is already necessary to start talking with the child in an even tone. Tenderness and positivity must be present. After all, a small person still does not know much. Sounds, colors, new people scare him. If you talk to him as smoothly as if he had already gone to first grade, the baby will get used to both the intonation and the regular calm emanating from his parents, thereby adopting the skill of controlling the situation and over his psychological state.

2-3 to 5 months

This is extremely interesting months in the life of the child and his parents. New horizons open up around the child. He begins to recognize his room, the street, to see animals. During this period, the child needs eye contact and comparison of a smiling face with a pleasant tone and reasonable slow speech. In front of him, you can already play small scenes with homemade toys, turn on the music and be sure to show with facial expressions how pleasant it is for mom and dad. Such educational games delight the baby, but they give a big load, so you should not get too carried away. Also closer to 5 months, you can begin to show your baby your displeasure in a mild form. “Oh, who among us spat porridge when it had to be eaten all?”.

The child during this period learns to return emotions. He begins to understand the emotions and his part in the change in the mood of his relatives. In order for his mother to smile and praise again, he needs to eat all the porridge. When communicating with the baby, telling him children's stories, giving him a massage or playing rattles, catch his eye, “coo”, make simple sounds and use more often. short words. During this period, memorization is active.

From half a year to a year

Finally, this huge, huge world lets the baby into its arms. The child begins to crawl, tries to stand up on his own. He touches, tastes, actively makes sounds that he learned in communication with his parents. He clearly copies their demeanor, which was ingrained in his memory in the early months. Now you understand how much the development of a child up to a year depends on your behavior?

With the baby, you can play patties, "Magpie-crow", "On the bumps", give multi-colored smooth rattles in your hands. Listen to children's songs, poems, short stories together.

A child from birth to a year, his feelings and perceptions

It was revealed that the psychology of the child is actively developing even before birth and after months, along with the perception of the mother's world. Over time, you can forget a lot: how you grew up to 3-5 years old, Kindergarten, first grade at school. Forget your first book, your first step, or getting out of bed on your own. But reflexes are formed precisely in this early age. It is very important not to provoke aggression, disgust, panic, resentment in a small baby, while the world for him is enclosed in four walls and is known in his mother's hands.

When he begins to peer into the details, to react with gestures and facial expressions to what is happening, development requires dialogue. Start explaining briefly, simply and intonation: “Doggy “woof”, you can’t finger (squeezing a small finger in your hand, with a gesture to show how a dog can bite): bite - am.” Cheer up the anxiety in the eyes of the baby with a nod: “Yes, it hurts. Someone else's dog, let him walk. In any situation, mom and dad are needed to explain, and not to punish from the heart, breaking loose and not even explaining why the baby gets a dose of negativity.

How much time should be given to a child aged 0 to 12 months?

Happy are those mothers who have time to watch their children grow. More than half of the population cannot afford to stay at home because of work. After all, there is not a single woman who does not get tired of the atmosphere of motherhood. And, no matter how rude it may sound, but fatigue from own child- this is normal. After the first three months of round-the-clock care for a cute baby, parents should learn to trust grandmothers or a nanny.

This is good for them and for the baby. Otherwise, the son or daughter will simply turn into a “ban list”, with which they will come
I go to visit, and often miss important evenings at which it is undesirable to attend with children. If someone thinks that a free life is not as important as children, and before having a child, it is necessary to realize that it is time to stop with past festivities - this is only partly true. The child should not be a kettlebell pulling you to the bottom. It is impossible to do the same thing day after day without developing intellectually, without attending cultural events, without meeting new people. A child is a huge responsibility, but it is also a duty to educate a person, and not grow a ponytail and bury yourself tightly in dirty diapers, forgetting about your own appearance and life in general.

The child should see beautiful and calm parents not only in the first months of life, but also further, at any age. It is important for him to live with successful people, to see them striving for new discoveries - then he himself will be like that. No one is forcing you to abandon your baby by three months. After the baby began to recognize faces, it's time for him to get used to being in the company of other people, so that later he can safely go to kindergarten and school, adapt in his circle in the yard and not be shy about your guests.

Educational games for a child under 1 year old

Until 4 months old, it is important for your baby to simply be clean, well fed and in good health. good mood. It will be good for him to be in the same room with you, but to sleep at a distance or in the next room. From 3-4 months, gradually introduce short games into education.

The best game for young children is peek-a-boo and t-t-t-t. Cover your face with your palms and say "bye-bye", then remove your palms, smile and say "bye-bye".

When choosing toys for your child, make sure they are
security and purpose. They must be bright, do not contain substances hazardous to health and parts that can fall off and enter the respiratory tract.

Toys should be understandable so that you can learn from them what animals, people, plants look like.

When your baby begins to sit up on his own, strive to move, you can move on to games with buttons and sounds. "Singing" ducklings, which previously could interest the child visually, now teach him anatomy and develop an ear for music.

The main thing is not to choose expensive or fashion games and be attentive to his mood. No one can understand a little person the way his parents understand him. Its proper development is entirely up to you.

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How does a little man develop in the first year of life? On the physical, neuropsychological and mental development Every parent thinks of their child. Therefore, for you, dear mothers and fathers, we publish tables compiled by the World Health Organization with approximate parameters for the development of children.

The development of each newborn occurs individually. Therefore, the parameters presented in the table below have average indicators for the development of a baby up to one year old. It is permissible if there are slight deviations from these norms. It is worth remembering that boys and girls develop differently. In the event that children do not reach the norms at their age for a long time, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

Age (month) Height (cm) Weight, kg) Head circumference (cm) Chest circumference (cm)
Newborn child 49,0 — 54,0 2,6 — 4,0 33,0 — 37,0 31,0 — 35,9
1 52,0 — 55,0 3,0 — 4,3 35,8 — 37,2 34,0 — 36,0
2 55,0 — 57,0 4,5 — 5,0 37,5 — 38,5 36,0 — 38,0
3 58,0 — 60,0 4,0 — 6,0 38,0 — 40,0 36,0 — 39,0
4 60,0 — 63,0 4,5 — 6,5 38,0 — 40,0 36,0 — 40,0
5 63,0 — 67,0 6,5 — 7,5 37,5 — 42,2 37,0 — 42,0
6 65,0 — 69,0 7,5 — 7,8 42,0 — 43,8 42,0 — 45,0
7 67,0 — 71,0 8,0 — 8,8 43,8 — 44,2 45,0 — 46,0
8 71,0 — 72,0 8,4 — 9,4 44,2 — 45,2 46,0 — 47,0
9 72,0 — 73,0 9,4 — 10,0 45,2 — 46,3 46,5 — 47,5
10 73,0 — 74,0 9,6 — 10,5 46,0 — 47,0 47,0 — 48,0
11 74,0 — 75,0 10,0 — 11,0 46,2 — 47,2 47,5 — 48,5
12 75,0 — 76,0 10,5 — 11,5 47,0 — 47,5 48,0 — 49,0

Psychological development and physical characteristics from birth to three months

With developed vision and hearing, a child is born. The baby has active reflexes. He blinks, sucks, swallows, grabs immediately after birth. But newborns are not yet able to roll over. How to hold your head when lying on your tummy.

1 month

But in one month, the baby can already raise his head for a matter of seconds, when

lies on the stomach. At this age, the baby develops reactions in response to extraneous loud sounds. The child expresses this state by pressing his hands to the body, spreads them. Lying on its back, the baby imitates walking with legs.

2 months

When parents hold a newborn in a column, he can hold his head more

minutes, sometimes almost two. And lying on his stomach, the child is able to raise his head and even his chest. The baby actively turns its head in different directions, carefully examines the environment. At this age, the child develops the vestibular apparatus. Objects that move, the baby can grab the handles.

3 months

At this age, the baby can hold his head for one to three minutes. A 3-month-old baby is able to rise when lying on his tummy, lean on his elbows. The baby does not have confident coordination when it spins or rolls over. There is even more interest in toys. The kid is drawn to them. He stuffs his fingers into his mouth. The diaper on which lies, the child pulls, enough. And when the parents appear, the baby becomes joyful. He laughs, smiles, hums. He responds to sharp sounds by turning his head.

Physical features

Month Movements and skills Vision Hearing
1 Movements are poorly coordinated. Arms and legs bent. Everything is built on unconditioned reflexes. Sucking and grasping reflexes are especially pronounced. Can turn head by the end of one month. A face or toy can be kept in view for several minutes. Follows with eyes the toys moving in an arc (“automatic tracking”). The mucous fluid in the eardrum gradually resolves, so hearing improves. The child listens to the voice, the rattle.
2 Active movements are developing. The kid takes his hands to the sides, turns his head. Lying on his stomach, he can raise his head for 5 seconds. Hand movements are improved: for 2-3 seconds the child hits the rattle, holds it. Moving objects are monitored for 10-15 seconds. He fixes his gaze on a toy or face for 20-25 seconds. Can perceive objects in three dimensions. Focuses on sounds for 5-10 seconds. Turns head towards sounds.
3 In the hands of an adult, it holds the head for 30 seconds. And about one minute, lying on my stomach. In this position, the baby rises on his hands, rests on his elbows. When the child is held under the armpits, he rests his feet on the surface. His legs straighten out. The kid can bend, while standing on the bridge. The grasping reflex turns into a conscious seizure. The child follows the toy moving in an arc with interest, and not automatically. Examines his hands for five minutes. The child is interested in many close objects that are up to about 60 centimeters from the eyes. The child develops the perception of sound. The baby first turns his eyes towards the sound, and then turns his head. At loud sounds, he tenses up, freezes, frowns, and may cry.

neuropsychic development

Month Emotions Speech Intelligence
1 By the end of one month, the baby smiles in response to parents' affectionate intonation. Listens to the voice. He taps his feet, waves his arms in response to loud speech. The child develops a lively reaction to loved ones. Makes guttural sounds - uh, k-x, gee. The second stage of sensorimotor intelligence. The child adapts to the environment. The baby has an interest in objects. Coordinated hand and eye movements develop.
2 The baby smiles when spoken to. At the same time, he knocks with his feet and hands. A cooing appears: ag-to-x, to-xx. Different intonations when crying. There is more interest in external objects. Visual-orientational reactions are getting better.
3 The child's recovery is 100%. This is his first conscious act of behavior. He interacts with adults eye to eye. The kid makes vowels and their combinations - ae, ay, aaa, a-gu. The child has a conscious interest in the world around him.

Psychological development and physical characteristics from four months to six

4 months

When the baby lies on his back, he raises his head. And if you put him on his feet, then he will already firmly rest against them. At this age, the child begins to sit. He is able to roll over from his back to his tummy. Lying in this position, the body lifts and rests with the palms. Grabs items. He monitors them.

5 months

The child sit down. But his back is still not quite straight. When the baby holds on to the hands of an adult, he will stand steadily on his feet. At this age, the baby is trying to roll over from his stomach to his back. A baby can hold a rattle or other object in his hand for a long time. The child already recognizes mom and dad. He may be afraid of strangers. According to Dr. Komarovsky, at the age of 5 months, the baby begins to understand the intonations of the mother. Also, her emotions.

6 months

The baby can sit down at six months. His back is straight. Can turn. When mom and dad help a little, then at six months the baby gets up and steps over a little. At this age, he gets on all fours, can start to crawl. Rattles scattered can lift. The child is already actively waving them. At six months, a child can begin to express his requests. Cooing is replaced by sounds: “MA”, “PA”, “BA”.

Physical features

Month Movements and skills Vision Hearing
4 The child independently turns on its side. Tries to roll over. Holds the toy confidently. She is pulled into her mouth. While eating, the baby touches his mother's breast or bottles with a mixture, tries to hold them. The baby will recognize his relatives. They smile back. And in the mirror he recognizes himself. For about three minutes, the child watches the rattle. Listening to music, the child freezes. He turns his head towards the sound. The baby can distinguish someone's voice.
5 The child, lying on his back, seems to be trying to get up: he raises his head and shoulders. When lying on his stomach, he tries to rise and lean on his palms. Maybe a short time sit with your hands on the support. He puts toys in his mouth, examines them, feeling them. Skills appear: the baby eats half-thick food from a spoon. And drinks water from a cup. The child distinguishes between close and unfamiliar. 10-15 minutes watching the subject. The child can distinguish intonations talking people. He turns his whole body towards the source of the sound.
6 Rolls over from tummy to back. Practicing crawling, using pull-ups on his hands. Sitting with support. It stands steadily if an adult supports under the armpits. Confidently takes out and grabs objects, shifts the toy from one hand to another. Can hold a bottle with one or two hands. Visual acuity develops, very small objects become interesting. Listens to whispers and other quiet sounds. Sings along to the beat of the music.

neuropsychic development

Month Emotions Speech Intelligence
4 The baby is really laughing. He does it in response to a smile. The baby may respond to tickling. And he needs more attention. The baby is still babbling. But he has not only vowel sounds, but also syllables. The third stage of sensorimotor intelligence comes when the child does something purposefully. At this age, there is a development of reactions to innovations. The understanding of cause-and-effect relationships begins.
5 The kid wants to participate in communication, he tries to draw attention to himself. Accepts other children with pleasure. The child has a melodious hum. He pronounces vowels: oo, aa, eu, ee, ai, haa, maa and others. The kid is interested in both close objects and those that are at a distance of a meter. The child begins to understand that he has other parts of the body besides the handles.
6 The child begins to feel the love and affection of adults. He expects praise from them. And this means that communication becomes situational and businesslike. Can speak some babbling syllables. Can pronounce about 30 - 40 sounds. Can set a goal and choose a way to achieve it. For example, in order to reach the toy they like, the child pushes another toy aside.

Psychological development and physical features from seven to nine months

7 months

The child sits confidently for a long time. In this position, the baby can bend over. The baby crawls well. He can kneel if there is support, such as a sofa or chair. And holding on to mom or dad, the child can walk and stand. He likes his own reflection in the mirror. If adults name objects, then the baby finds them with a glance.

8 months

Children at this age stand on their own feet without outside help. They sit without support. Clap their hands while playing the game "Okay". With the help of older kids, they walk happily. In children, facial expressions become diverse. Surprise and fear are visible. You can tell if you're interested in a face. Reach out to the items they need persistently. They can play for a long time. Interested in toys, children throw them or knock them.

9 months

A child, when he gets to his feet, may not accept the support of an adult. Moreover, the baby gets up from different positions. He walks holding on to pieces of furniture. He is interested in climbing on a bench, pillow and other tall objects in the house. The baby develops motor skills.

He is already trying to put together toys from different parts. Moves cars and is interested in the designer. If the mother asked to serve the ball or wave, then the baby can fulfill these requests. The child plays mostly sitting. He memorizes words easily.

Likes to look for things. Call the baby by name, and he will respond. Distinguishes the shape, size and color of objects.

Physical features

Month movements Skills
7 Sits without support. Roll from back to stomach and back. Crawls on all fours. Likes to throw toys. Reaching for objects independently. Takes a toy in hand. It knocks and swings. He confidently drinks from a mug (from the hands of an adult), holds it. Eats from a spoon. A cracker or drying baby slobbers for a long time.
8 The child, holding on to the support, stands up on his own. Steps over them if mom or dad support. Sits and lays down on his own. Crawls for a long time. He stretches his hands to the mug, from which he usually drinks himself, if it is in the hands of an adult. He can hold bread in his hand and eat. At this time, the child can already be taught to sit on the potty.
9 If the baby holds on to something with his hand, then he can do various actions. For example, with side steps, go to an adult and grab another support with your free hand. The child sits confidently up to 15 minutes. Crawls well. Holds a mug when drinking (mother or father holds a cup). Does not act up when sitting on the potty (if they started to teach).

neuropsychic development

Month Emotions Speech Intelligence
7 Tries to draw attention to himself. It is important for a child to play with adults. From kisses and caresses of relatives, he may refuse. Chatters actively. Can clearly speak: ba-ba-ba, ma-ma, pa-pa-pa, a-la-la. The child develops an understanding of cause and effect relationships. He throws toys and watches where they fall. When the baby is hungry, he looks towards the room where he usually eats (the kitchen).
8 The crisis of eight months is coming. At this time, the baby likes to communicate only with loved ones, and he avoids strangers. With them, he may cry or worry. Pronounces syllables and syllables: a-la-la, a-de-de, ah, he, a-ba-ba, a-dyat and others. The fourth stage of sensorimotor intelligence begins: the child begins to act purposefully. Toddler learns and explores his surroundings.
9 At this age, the child may experience anger, fear, surprise, joy. He wants to interact with adults. I like it when they play with him and talk. The baby has the first demonstrative words in speech. They are mostly understood only by relatives and friends. The child knows that there are forbidding words - “no”, “no”. He also understands teachings - “kiss mom” or “show how ...”. The kid separates himself from adults. Perceives itself as the center of the universe. The child develops long-term and working memory.

Psychological development and physical features from ten months to a year

10 months

At this age, the baby independently gets to his feet and can walk. He walks, holding the hand of an adult. The baby takes small toys with his fingers. If the items he likes are taken away from him, then he is offended, capricious. The child imitates the movements of an adult. The kid can hide and find, throw and pick up, open and close. The baby can already pronounce monosyllabic words.

11 months

The baby is developing very actively. He has key skills well developed. The baby points to toys, furniture, body parts and animals.

Can follow simple instructions, "Yes" - "No" expresses, shaking his head. This age is good for developing fine motor skills. For example, a child may tear a piece of paper with two fingers. Adults need to pay attention to the development of children's curiosity.

The child should be praised. Talk to your baby as much as possible.

One year

At this age, the baby begins a difficult stage of development. Girls often develop faster than boys. At one year old, the child can walk independently. If the baby is called by name, then he will approach an adult. Without help, the child can sit down and straighten up. Without sitting down, he picks up toys from the floor. The child fulfills complex requests. He can bring some object from another room or open the door. The child is interested in taking off his clothes. He likes to swim. Approximately 10 words the baby should already speak. At 12 months, the baby likes to watch cars, people.

Physical features

Month movements Skills
10 Stands on its own for a short time without support and support. The child consolidates the skills and abilities that were acquired earlier.
11 Without leaning, stands for about five seconds, balancing with his hands. At the same time, the child's legs are spread apart. The baby is trying to take the first steps. When an adult supports him, the child walks confidently. The child continues to consolidate the skills and abilities that were acquired earlier.
12 A child can walk three meters on his own. Squats and rises freely. The kid bends down and picks up toys from the floor. Can climb up stairs. The kid drinks from a cup by himself, without the support of mom or dad. He holds the spoon confidently, drives it around the plate.

neuropsychic development

Month Emotions Speech Intelligence
10 The baby develops attachment to people who are significant to him. He is great at getting along with other kids. The child repeats individual syllables after adults. Communicates in a language that only relatives understand well. The child understands the words "where", "give". In a baby, all sensations are complicated qualitatively: tactile perception, hearing, taste, smell.
11 He is selective with other children. Communicating with them is a joy for the child. The baby babbles with them. Toys can be borrowed from other children. Says one or two words. Onomatopoeia "bee-bee", "av-av". Understands and fulfills requests. For example, “feed the doll”, “ride the car”. The child learns to control his actions. He mentally organizes the information that comes in.
12 experiencing different emotions which are based on the feeling of "separation" from the adult. After all, the baby can already move on its own. Repeats syllables after adults. Babbling denotes individual objects and concepts. If the object / toy is not shown, then the child understands what is at stake. Can carry out instructions: “bring”, “show”, “dpy”, “find ...”, “take it to the place”. The child is in the fifth stage of development of sensorimotor intelligence. Understands the categories of phenomena and objects (furniture, animals, food). The baby develops voluntary attention.

Dr. Komarovsky on child development

In his book "The Beginning of Life: Your Child from Birth to 1 Year", as well as in his video lessons, the famous Dr. Komarovsky talks interestingly and in detail about children and their development. Komarovsky talks a lot about pediatrics. From his lectures and publications, you can also learn a lot about the main stages of development and growth of the child, about caring for him, about feeding the baby. Moreover, the doctor describes not only nutrition according to WHO, but also his own method of complementary feeding.

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