Pozhkov fragile twig read. Fragile twig. Bazhov. Explanation of individual words, concepts and expressions found in tales

Danils from Katya, - which is his groom at the mistress of the mountain rescued, - the kids niggy. Eight, hear-co, man, and all the parks. The mother rushed more than once: at least one girl on the loyalty. And father, know, hits:

This, you can see our position with you.

Guys have grown healthy. Only one was not lucky. Whether from the porch, or how else did it fall and damage himself: he began to grow a humpback. Baushek ruled, it is clear, but it did not come out. So humpback and had to be on white light.

Other kids, "I noticed that," the evils go out with such a case, and this one is merry-free and on the fiction master. He was third in the family, and all the brothers had heard him and asked:

You, Mitya, what do you think? Do you think Mitya, what is it?

Father and mother and those often smoked:

Mityushka! Cooked! Okay, on your eye?

Mityiako, did not notify where I am a gofa (device for unwinding yarn. - Ed.) Put?

And then Mituanka was gave that the father of a smalod of deftly on the horn played. This, too, make a picker with a picker, so she has exactly the song herself speaks.

Danilo in his skill all the same earned okay. Well, Katya did not sit without a case. So, it means, and raised the family, they did not go to people. And about the clothes guys katya cared. So that everything on the right was: Pimets there, Hubbee and Prot. In summer, it is understandable, and barefoot okay: your skin, not bought. And Mituanka, as he is all sorcerer, and shoemakers were. The older brothers did not envy it, and the small mother themselves said:

Mamonka, it's time, come, Mita new boots start. Watch - he does not climb to his leg, and I would just have come.

His, you see, childish the tricks had, as if as soon as the Mitin's sapozhniki to attach themselves. So they all smoothly and rolled. Neighbors handled right:

What is it in Katerina for robust! Never they have tracheca among themselves.

And this is all Mitunka - main reason. He is in the family of exactly the light in the forest: whom will be happy who he will hesitate, who will bring to the dummets.

Danilo did not allow the kids to his craft until time.

Let, "says," grow up first. A still malachite dust will be heated.

Katya, too, with her husband in complete agreement - it is too early for the craft. Yes, I was still invented to teach the kids: so that, it means to read-write, to understand the figure. There were no schools at the then position, and the older brothers began to run to some master. And Mituanka with them. Those guys are dumbfounded, praised their master, and this one is not at all. In those years, they were taught in wisdom, and he takes him. Will not have time to show - he looked. The brothers still warehouses Tolmlyli, and he already read, knew the words of catching. The craftswoman says more than once:

I did not have such a learning. Here the father with the mother take and see it's little: I got Mituanka boots more about. Here with these boots they have a complete coup in life and came out. That year, I heard, Barin at the factory lived. Wept, it can be seen, the money in the St. Petersburg, so I arrived at the factory - did not scrape whether they say, there should be more.

With such a thing, it is clear how to find money, if you manage to dispose with the mind. Some ordinary yes, how many orders have grown. Only Barin is altogether in this direction and not seek to look.

It goes along the street and coal - one of the heared three children play, and everything in boots. Barin them and looming hand - go here.

Mituanka at least did not lead to that afraid of the Barin, but he admitted. Horses, hang, excellent, Cutcher in shape, stroller under varnish and sedodes Mountain Mountain, Fat Poll, barely turns around, and in front of the belly, holds a stick with a gold knob.

Mitunka Orobell is small, after all, grabbed brothers by his arms and led closer to the stroller, and Barin scribures:

Whose are?

Mituka, as a senior, explains calmly:

Kamneris Danils Sons. I'm My Mitri, and these are my brothers small.

Barin Already cried from this conversation, almost the trough, just pins:

Oh oh! What do! What do! Oh oh. Then it can be seen, soaked and nave the bear:

What's this? BUT? -And the sticky to the feet itself shows the guys. Small, understandable, were frightened, rushed to the gate, and Mitunka stands and can not be able to take anything, what his barin asks about.

He laid his own, stupid yell:

What's this?

Mituhanka at all Orobel and says:

Barin here as paralysis was enough, stuck at all.

Xr-r, Xr-r! What came! What came! Xr-p, xr-r.

Danilo himself ran out of the hut, only the barin did not talk to him, drank the Kutan knocked in the neck - go!

This barin is not a hard mind was. For him, he was noticed for him, to old age and not at all independent became. It will be frightened by a person, and then explain himself can not know how he needs. Well, Dano with Katerina and thought - maybe it will cost, will forget about the kids, until home comes. Only not there was something: did not forget the Barin guys sidewrike. First of all on the clerk population:

Where do you look? Barina Barina buy nothing to buy, and the fasteners are watering their kids in boots? What are you after this clerk?

He explains:

Your, they say, the Barskaya grace was given to the lifts to be released and how much to take from it - also indicated, and how it pays it properly, I thought ...

And you, - shouts, do not think, but look at both. Won he started! Where is it possible? All the lifts to assign.

Then he called on Danil and explained his new marriage himself. Danilo sees - not at all, and says:

I can't go out of the Will, I can't go away, but only the missions are also not paid to pay. I will work like others, according to your Barsky order.

Barina, see, it is not on the lip. Money without that shortage, - not to the stone craft. At the time and ta, to sell, the cash from the old years remained. On the other, what kind of work Kamnezes is also not suitable. Well, let's fall out. How many still did not dismiss Danila, the louder was twice the Barin, and not a hisp - in the mountain. That's where it got!

Affective thing, Lyubo Danil from Katya had to. All pressed, and the guys are worse than everything: to age for the work of Seli. So everyone did not happen to join. Mityunka - that guilty of everyone considered himself - he climbs himself. Assist, they say, I will be my father with my mother, and they think their own again:

"And so, he is unhealthy, and planted him for Malachite - it's not at all. Therefore, in this case, I wite. Pretty Var prepare - Dust will not work, rubble to Kolotok - Eyes take care, and tinted vodka to a half-water - pairs Walk out. " Thought, they thought and invented to give Mituanka in a granular business.

Eye, they say, grasp, the fingers flexible and the forces are not necessary - the very work on it.

The granker, of course, was in relationship. It was attached to him, and he was glad Radehonek, therefore he knew - the guy is intelligent and not lazy to work.

The granker this is so-so, the average was, the second, and then the third price was made by Kamechok. Still, Mituanka adopted from him that he knew. Then this master says Danil:

You need to send your boyfriend to the city. Let us get to the real point there. His hand is deft.

So done. Danille in the city never knows the same dating. I found someone who needs and attached Mitunka. He got here to the old master on a stone berry. Fashion, you see, was from the stones of the berries to do. Grapes there, currants, raspberry and protected. And all the installation was. Cherno, let's say, the currants from Agatu did, Belo - from Durmashkov, strawberries - from a messenger jasper, Princelyaka - made of small sherry balls glued. One word, all the berries your stone. For the roots, yes, leaves also had its own order: some of the ofat, some of the malachite either from the Orlets and there is still from some stone.

Mituanka took over all this installation, but no, no and will come up in his own way. The master grumbled first, then began to praise:

Perhaps, so it turns out.

Finally, directly announced:

I look, the guy, chibko is a great talent to this case. I really fit me, old man, you have to learn. At all, you became a master, and even with fiction.

Then there was little and punishable:

Only you, looked, do not come down the go! Fortiment! How if for her hands did not beat. There have been such cases.

Mituanka, it is known young - no attention to this. Still laughing:

There would be a good fiction. Who for her hands will beat?

So I became Mituha Master, and at all young: only the mustache began to break through. On orders, he did not miss, he always has a full job. The shopkeepers on the stone case were alive as the guy smells like a big barysch, - one before other orders they give him, time only. Mityuha came up with:

I'll go home. If my work is necessary, so they will find me at home. The road is closer, and the cargo is not great - the material to bring and pick up the craft.

So did. Family were delighted, it is clear: Mitya came. He also wishes everyone, I'm not sweet yourself. At home, almost a solid malachite workshop has become. Father and two senior brothers behind machines in Maluha sit, and junior brothers Immediately: who is on sawing, who is on grinding. My mother has a long-awaited girlfriend-one-year-owned, but there is no joy in the family. Danilo, at all, the old man looks, the older brothers are shaking, and in the small looking gloomily. Be fighting, fighting, and all in the Barsky lifts goes away.

Mituha here and caught: everything, they say, because of those shookers it came out.

Let's rather establish your work. It is at least a small one, and there are not one machines to it, the strengtype is also required. The little thing is all, and the place and she needs.

Adsted in the hollow against the window and risen to work, but I think about myself:

"How to achieve, so that from the local stone berries to sharpen? Then you could attach to this business." Thinks, thinks, and the path does not see. In our areas are known, chrisolite and malachite come across. Chrysolit, too, you will not add cheaply, and it does not fit, and Malachit only on leaves and that is not at all: mandrels or linings require.

Once it is sitting at work. The window in front of the machine at the summer time is open. There is no more in the hives. Mother in their affairs went somewhere, the kids felt, the father with the elders in Maluha sit. Do not hear them. It is known about the malachite, they do not drink songs and does not pull on the conversation.

Mituha sits, caresses his berries from a merchant material, and all about the same thinks:

"What is the same cheap local stone to drive the same craft?"

Suddenly sucked in the window some not that female, not the girl's hand, - with a ring on the finger and in the cheekbone (in the bracelet. - Ed.), - And puts a large tile of the coil straight on the machine: and on it, like on Tray, Socina (slag from copper-smelting production. - Ed.) Road.

Mituha rushed to the window - there is no one, Pedrochonka Street, exactly no one caught.

What? Jokes who jokes Ali Navadachnaya? I looked around the tile yes, I almost fashed out of joy, such a material was taken by Vozami, but to make it, see, you can, if you choose and try to choose. What is just?

It became here to see, what a berry will suit more, and I myself stared at the place where my hand was. And now she appeared and puts a plumbing leaf on the machine, and there are three berry twigs on it: a cherry, cherry and ripe-ripe gooseberry.

Here Mituha could not resist, it ran out to the street, who is building jokes over him. I looked around everything - no one, as extinct. Time is the hottest. Who at this time on the street to be?

It stood-stood, went to the window, took a piece of leaf with twigs and showed out. Berries are real, alive, only Divo - where the cherry came from. With a cherry, just, the gooseberry also in the Garden of the Garden is pretty, and this is from where, if in our regions, such a berry is not growing, but as if the goat is now?

He loved so on the cherries, and yet the gooseberry came to him Mile and the Mother Alial is more suitable. Just thought - the hand is his shoulder and stroked.

"Well done, they say! You understand the case!"

Here it is clear clear whose hand is. Mituha in the field grew, any time heard about the hostess of the mountain. So he thought - at least it seemed herself. Well, did not come out. Sorry, it seems, a humpback guy to raise his beauty - did not seem.

Mituha was engaged here with juice and snake. A lot went over. Well, chose and made with a smeared. Potted. The berries of the gooseberry first crawled the gooseberries, then the inside the surroundings settled and yet, where it was necessary, the grooves passed, where the novels left again, the half jammed, then then they were cleansed. Live berry came out. The leaflets too thinly from the serpent worked out, and the spines of tongs were defeated on the root. One word, varietal work. In each berry, smoothly grains can be seen and leaflets are alive, even small with flaws: on one hole as a bug that is punctured, on the other, again rusty specks came. Well, how are these.

Dano with sons at least worked on another stone, and also understood in this matter. And the mother on the stone of Rabativala. Everyone cannot adversely for Mityukhin work. And then they are evidence that from a simple serpentine da road juice has come out. Mita and yourself. So how is work! Subtlety. If, who understands, of course.

From the juice and the serpent, Mitya did a lot later. The family has helped. Merchants see, did not observe this craft, as for real Stone They paid, and the buyer in the first head of Mituhin work snatched, because - on the female. Mituha, it means he drove the berry. And I did the cherry, and the cherry, and a ripe gooseberry, and did not sell the first twig - he left himself. Suspended (intended. - Ed.) Give the girl alone, and all the amount took.

Girls, you see, did not turn away from Mitiukhin window. He is at least a humpback, and the guy with a conversation and in fiction, and his craft is enjoyable, and not a stingy: the balls for the beads, it happened, gave handle. Well, there are no girls - no and run up, and this most often all the pricer was in front of the window - with teeth to bilitate, slap to play. Mituha and wanted to give her his twig, and everyone was afraid:

Still on laughter, the girl will raise, and then herself for offense the reading.

And that barin, because of which the turn of his life happened, still on the ground of the puff and fade away. In that year, he was asked to his daughter for some kind of prince whether the merchant was collected by her. Polevskoy clerk and attended to be sympathized. Mitina, he saw a twig and also, see, understood what kind of thing it was. So I sent my floars with the plan:

If you give it no, teck off the power. What? The thing is familiar. They took away the twig from Mitya, brought, and her clerk in the velvet kobobechka. How Barin arrived in the field, clerk now:

Get, make mercy, gifts for the bride. Suitable thing.

Barin looked, also praised first, then he asked:

What stones are done and how many stones are? Customer and answers:

Then and amazing that from the very simple material: From the serpent, yes slag. Here the barin immediately purses:

What? How? From slag? My daughter?

The clarifier sees - it is impossible to leave, everything turned on the masters:

This is he, shells, snapped me, yes even risked Thursdays from a week, but I would love. Barin, Know, scrolls:

Masters Turning! Turning Master!

They dribly, understandable, Mityuhu, and, you understand, I learned his barin.

"This is that ... in boots, which ..."

How did you bother?

With a stick on Mityuhu rushed.

Mityuha can not understand and can not understand, then prompted and says directly:

Clarifier has selected for me, let him answer and responds.

Only with Barin, what a conversation, all his scrolls: - I'll show you ...

Then grabbed a twig from the table, slam it to the floor and come on-coh. In dust, it is clear, crushed.

Here Mityuhu for the living took, shook even. It also says - who will love, if your expensive fiction will give wild meat.

Mityuha grabbed Barinov's stick for a thin end yes, how to chop out the nabbean on his forehead, so the barin on the floor and the village and the eyes rolled out.

And here is Divo - in the room, the clerk was and how much you want the servants, and everything is like petrified, - Mityuhavshell and somewhere. So they could not find, and the craft of him and then people were seen. Who understands, those recognized her.

And the noteworthy came out. That girl, who is the teeth of the soap in front of the mityukhin window, also lost, and also with the end.

Long searched for this girl. It can be seen, they judged on his own that it is easier to find it, because - the woman from its places is not familiar from its places. On her parents, she fell:

Point place!

And I did not achieve any sense.

Danil with sons pressed, of course, yes, it can be seen, the lifestyle regretted, they retreated. And the barin was still chosen, after all, it crushed it with fat.

Dear parents, it is very helpful to read the fairy tale of the "fragile twig" of the Bazhov P. P. Baby before bedtime, so that the good ending of the fairy tale please and soothe and they fell asleep. As charmingly and penetrated, a description of the nature, mythical beings and life of the people from generation to generation was transmitted. Milo and gratifying to plunge into the world, in which the top of love, nobility, morality and selflessness, which the reader is asked is always obsessed. All heroes "were honed" by the experience of the people who created the centuries, strengthened and transformed them, paying great and deep meaning child upbringing. Devotion, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome all opposing them: anger, cunning, lie and hypocrisy. After reading such creations in the evening, the paintings of what is happening become more alive and rich, filling with a new range of paints and sounds. Just and affordable, nothing about everything, in instructive and outlined - everything is based on the basis of this creation. The fairy tale "Fragile twig" Bazhov P. P. read free online is definitely worth it, there is a lot of good, love and chastity, which is useful for educating young individuals.

Danils from Katya, - which is his groom at the mistress of the mountain rescued, - the kids niggy. Eight, hear-co, man, and all the parks. The mother rushed more than once: at least one girl on the loyalty. And father, know, hits:
- This can be seen, our position with you.
Guys have grown healthy. Only one was not lucky. Whether from the porch, or how else did it fall and damage himself: he began to grow a humpback. Baushek ruled, it is clear, but it did not come out. So humpback and had to be on white light.
Other kids, "I noticed that," the evils go out with such a case, and this one is merry-free and on the fiction master. He was third in the family, and all the brothers had heard him yes asked:
- You, Mitya, what do you think? Do you think Mitya, what is it? Father and mother and those often smoked:
- Mityushka! Cooked! Okay, on your eye?
- Mityyko, not noticed, where did I put the collar?
And then Mituanka was gave that the father of a smalod of deftly on the horn played. This, too, make a picker with a picker, so she has exactly the song herself speaks.
Danilo in his skill all the same earned okay. Well, Katya did not sit without a case. So, it means, and raised the family, they did not go to people. And about the clothes guys katya cared. So that everything on the right was: Pimets there, Hubbee and Prot. In summer, it is understandable, and barefoot okay: your skin, not bought. And Mituanka, as he is all sorcerer, and shoemakers were. The older brothers did not envy it, and the small mother themselves said:
- Mamonka, it's time, come, Mita new boots start. Watch - he does not climb to his leg, and I would just have come.
His, you see, childish the tricks had, as if as soon as the Mitin's sapozhniki to attach themselves. So they all smoothly and rolled. Neighbors handled right:
- What is the Katerina for Robet! Never they have tracheca among themselves.
And this is all Mitunka - the main reason. He is in the family of exactly the light in the forest: whom will be happy who he will hesitate, who will bring to the dummets.
Danilo did not allow the kids to his craft until time.
"Let," says, "grow up first." A still malachite dust will be heated.
Katya, too, with her husband in complete agreement - it is too early for the craft. Yes, they even came up with the guys who, it means to read-write, to understand the figure. There were no schools at the then position, and the older brothers began to run to some master. And Mituanka with them. Those guys are dumbfounded, praised their master, and this one is not at all. In those years, they were taught in wisdom, and he takes him. Will not have time to show - he looked. The brothers still warel Tolmili, and he read, know the words of catching. The craftswoman says more than once:
- I did not have such a launcher.
Here the father with the mother take and see it's little: I got Mituanka boots more about. Here with these boots they have a complete revolution of life and came out.
That year, I heard, Barin at the factory lived. Wept, it can be seen, the money in the St. Petersburg, so I arrived at the factory - did not scrape whether they say, there should be more.
With such a thing, it is clear how to find money, if you manage to dispose with the mind. Some ordinary yes, how many orders have grown. Only Barin is altogether in this direction and not seek to look.
It goes along the street and coal - one of the heared three children play, and everything in boots. Barin them and looming hand - go here.
Mituanka at least did not lead to that afraid of the Barin, but he admitted. Horses, hiss, excellent, Cutcher in shape, stroller under varnish and sedodes Mountain Mountain, Pocked, barely grumbled, and in front of the belly holds a stick with a gold embodied.
Mitunka Orobell is small, after all, grabbed brothers by his arms and led closer to the stroller, and Barin scribures:
- Whose are?
Mituka, as a senior, explains calmly:
- Kamneris Danils Sons. I'm My Mitri, and these are my brothers small.
Barin Already cried from this conversation, almost the trough, just pins:
- Oh oh! What do! What do! Oh oh! Then, it can be seen, he was soaked and roared a bear:
- What's this? BUT? - And he himself shows the guys to the feet. Small, understandable, were frightened, rushed to the gate, and Mitunka stands and can not be able to take anything, what his barin asks about.
He laid his own, stupid yell:
- What's this?
Mituhanka at all Orobel and says:
- Land.
Barin here as paralysis was enough, stuck at all:
- Xr-r, Xr-r! What came! What came! Xr-p, xr-r. Danilo himself ran out of the hut, only the barin did not talk to him, drank the Kutan knocked in the neck - go!
This barin is not a hard mind was. Sensor behind him was noticed, to old age and not at all independent. It will be frightened by a person, and then explain himself can not know how he needs. Well, Dano with Katerina and thought - maybe it will cost, will forget about the kids, until home comes. Only not there was something: did not forget the Barin guys sidewrike. First of all on the clerk of the population.
- Where are you looking? Barina Barina buy nothing to buy, and the fasteners are watering their kids in boots? What are you after this clerk?
He explains:
"Your, they say, the Barskaya grace delivered to the lifts to be released and how much to take from it - also indicated, and how it pays it properly, I thought ...
"And you," shouts, "don't think, and look at both." Won he started! Where is it possible? All the lifts to assign.
Then he called on Danil and explained his new marriage himself. Danilo sees - not at all, and says:
- I can't go from the Will, I can't go, but only the missions are also not worth paying. I will work like others, according to your Barsky order.
Barina, see, it is not on the lip. Money without that shortage, - not to the stone craft. At the time and ta, to sell, the cash from the old years remained. On the other, what kind of work Kamnezes is also not suitable. Well, let's fall out. But how much did Danil, neither was fighting, the intercourse was visited by Barin, and not Khoš. That's where it got!
Affective thing, Lyubo Danil from Katya had to. All pressed, and the guys are worse than everything: to age for the work of Seli. So everyone did not happen to join.
Mityunka - that guilty of everyone considered himself - he climbs himself. Assist, they say, I will be my father with my mother, and they think their own again:
"And so, he is unhealthy, and planted him for Malachite - it's not at all. Therefore, in this case, I wite. Pretty Var prepare - Dust will not work, rubble to Kolotok - Eyes take care, and tinted vodka to a half-water - pairs Walk out. " Thought, they thought and invented to give Mituanka in a granular business.
Eye, they say, grasp, the fingers flexible and the forces are not necessary - the very work on it.
The granker, of course, was in relationship. It was attached to him, and he was glad Radehonek, therefore he knew - the guy is intelligent and not lazy to work.
The granker this is so-so, the average was, the second, and then the third price was made by Kamechok. Still, Mituanka adopted from him that he knew. Then this master says Danil:
- You need to send your boyfriend to the city. Let us get to the real point there. His hand is deft.
So done. Danille in the city never knows the same dating. I found someone who needs and attached Mituanka. He got here to the old master on a stone berry. Fashion, you see, was from the stones of the berries to do. Grapes, there, currants, raspberry and protected. And all the installation was. Cherno, let's say, the currants from Agatu did, Belo - from Durmashkov, strawberries - from a messenger jasper, Princelyaka - made of small sherry balls glued. One word, all the berries your stone. For the roots, yes, leaves also had its own order: some of the ofat, some of the malachite either from the Orlets and there is still from some stone.
Mituanka took over all this installation, but no, no and will come up in his own way. The master grumbled first, then began to praise:
- Perhaps, so more is more likely. Finally, directly announced:
- I look, the guy, chibko is a great talent to this case. I really fit me, old man, you have to learn. At all, you became a master, and even with fiction.
Then there was little and punishable:
- Only you, looked, do not give her go to! Fortiment! How if for her hands did not beat. There have been such cases.
Mituanka, it is known young - no attention to this.
Still laughing:
- There would be a good fiction. Who for her hands will beat?
So I became Mituha Master, and at all young: only the mustache began to break through. On orders, he did not miss, he always has a full job. The shopkeepers on the stone case were alive as the guy smells like a big barysch, - one before other orders they give him, time only.
Mityuha came up with:
- I'll go home. If my work is necessary, so they will find me at home. The road is closer, and the cargo is not great - the material to bring and pick up the craft.
So did. Family were delighted, it is clear: Mitya came. He also wishes everyone, but not sweet himself. At home, almost a solid malachite workshop has become. Father and two senior brothers behind the machines in Maluha are sitting, and, the youngest brothers right right away: who is on sawing, who is on grinding. My mother has a long-awaited girlfriend-one-year-owned, but there is no joy in the family. Danilo, at all, the old man looks, the older brothers are shaking, and in the small looking gloomily. Be fighting, fighting, and all in the Barsky lifts goes away.
Mituha here and caught: everything, they say, because of those shookers it came out.
Let's rather establish your work. It is at least a small one, and there are not one machines to it, the strengtype is also required. The little thing is all, and the place and she needs.
Adsted in the hollow against the window and risen to work, but I think about myself:
"How to achieve, so that from the local stone berries to sharpen? Then you could attach to this business." Thinks, thinks, and the path does not see. In our area, it is known, chrysolita and malachite come across. Chrysolit, too, you will not add cheaply, and it does not fit, and Malachit only on leaves and that is not at all: mandrels or linings require.
Once it is sitting at work. The window in front of the machine at the summer time is open. There is no more in the hives. Mother in their affairs went somewhere, the kids felt, the father with the elders in Maluha sit. Do not hear them. It is known about the malachite, they do not drink songs and does not pull on the conversation.
Mituha sits, caresses his berries from a merchant material, and all about the same thinks:
"What is the same cheap local stone to drive the same craft?"
Suddenly, it was suddenly suddenly in the window, not a female hand, - with a ring on the finger and in the twigs, - and puts the Mituinka tile right on the machine, and on it, like on a tray, road juice.
Mituha rushed to the window - there is no one, Pedrochonka Street, exactly no one caught.
What? Jokes who jokes Ali Navadachnaya? I lookedched the tile yes, I couldn't fade from joy: such a material is taken by the Vozami, but to make it, see, you can, if you choose and try to choose. What is just?
It became here to see, what a berry will suit more, and I myself stared at the place where my hand was. And again, she appeared and puts a plid leaf on the machine, and there are three berry twigs, cherry, cherry and ripe-ripe gooseberry.
Here Mituha could not resist, it ran out to the street, who is building jokes over him. I looked around everything - no one, as extinct. Time is the hottest. Who at this time on the street to be?
It stood-stood, went to the window, took a piece of leaf with twigs and showed out. Berries are real, alive, only Divo - where the cherry came from. With a cherry, just, the gooseberry also in the Garden of the Garden is pretty, and this is from where, if in our regions, such a berry is not growing, but as if the goat is now?
He loved so on the cherries, and yet the gooseberry came to him Mile and the Mother Alial is more suitable. Just thought - the hand is his shoulder and stroked.
"Well done, they say! You understand the case!"
Here it is clear clear whose hand is. Mituha in the field grew, any time heard about the hostess of the mountain. So he thought - at least it seemed herself. Well, did not come out. Sorry, it seems, a humpback guy to raise his beauty - did not seem.
Mituha was engaged here with juice and snake. A lot went over. Well, chose and made with a smeared. Potted. The berries of the gooseberry first crawled the gooseberries, then the inside the surroundings settled and yet, where it was necessary, the grooves passed, where the novels left again, the half jammed, then then they were cleansed. Live berry came out. The leaflets too thinly from the serpent worked out, and the spines of tongs were defeated on the root. One word, varietal work. In each berry, smoothly grains can be seen and leaflets are alive, even small with flaws: on one hole as a bug that is punctured, on the other, again rusty specks came. Well, as is real.
Dano with sons at least worked on another stone, and also understood in this matter. And the mother on the stone of Rabativala. Everyone cannot adversely for Mityukhin work. And then they are evidence that from a simple serpentine da road juice has come out. Mita and yourself. So how is work! Subtlety. If someone understands, of course.
From the juice and the serpent, Mitya did a lot later. The family has helped. The merchants see, did not observe this craft, as for the real stone they paid, and the buyer in the first head of Mityukhin was a job snatched, because - on the fellow. Mituha, it means he drove the berry. And I did the cherry, and the cherry, and a ripe gooseberry, and did not sell the first twig - he left himself. Suspended to give the girl alone, but all the amount took.
Girls, you see, did not turn away from Mitiukhin window. He is at least a humpback, and the guy with a conversation and in fiction, and his craft is enjoyable, and not a stingy: the balls for the beads, it happened, gave handle. Well, there are no girls - no and run up, and this most often all the pricer was in front of the window - with teeth to bilitate, slap to play. Mituha and wanted to give her his twig, and everyone was afraid:
- still on laughter, the girl will raise, and then herself for the insanity of the reading.
And that barin, because of which the turn of his life happened, still on the ground of the puff and fade away. In that year, he was asked to his daughter for some kind of prince whether the merchant was collected by her. Polevskoy clerk and attended to be sympathized. Mitina, he saw a twig and also, see, understood what kind of thing it was. So I sent my floars with the plan:
- If you give it, teck off the power. What? The thing is familiar. They took away the twig from Mitya, brought, and her clerk in the velvet kobobechka. How Barin arrived in the field, clerk now:
- Get, make mercy, gifts for the bride. Suitable thing.
Barin looked, also praised first, then he asked:
- What stones are done and how many stones are? Customer and answers:
- It is surprisingly, from the simplest material: from the coil and the slag.
Here the barin immediately purses:
- What? How? From slag? My daughter? The clarifier sees - it is impossible to leave, everything turned on the masters:
"This is he, shels, I slipped, and I also rinsed Thursdays from a week, otherwise I would love." Barin, Know, scrolls:
- Masters Tashchi! Turning Master! They dribly, understandable, Mityuhu, and, you understand, I learned his barin.
"This is that ... in boots, which ..."
- How did you bother?
With a stick on Mityuhu rushed.
Mityuha can not understand and can not understand, then prompted and says directly:
"I have selected a clerk by me, let him answer."
Only with Barin, what a conversation, all his scrolls:
- I'll show you…
Then grabbed a twig from the table, slam it to the floor and come on-coh. In dust, it is clear, crushed.
Here Mityuhu for the living took, shook even. It also says - who will love, if your expensive fiction will give wild meat.
Mityuha grabbed Barinov's stick for a thin end yes, how to chop out the nabbean on his forehead, so the barin on the floor and the village and the eyes rolled out.
And here is Divo - in the room, the clerk was and the servants you want, and everything is like petrified, - Mityuha came out and went somewhere. So they could not find, and the craft of him and then people were seen. Who understands, those recognized her.
And the noteworthy came out. That girl, who is the teeth of the soap in front of the mityukhin window, also lost, and also with the end.
Long searched for this girl. It can be seen, they judged on his own that it is easier to find it, because - the woman from its places is not familiar from its places. On her parents, she fell:
- Specify the place!
And I did not achieve any sense.
Danil with sons pressed, of course, yes, it can be seen, the lifestyle regretted, they retreated. And the barin was still chosen, after all, it crushed it with fat.

Danils from Katya, - which is his groom at the mistress of the mountain rescued, - the kids niggy. Eight, hear-co, man, and all the parks. The mother rushed more than once: at least one girl on the loyalty. And father, know, hits:

This, you can see our position with you.

Guys have grown healthy. Only one was not lucky. Whether from the porch, or how else did it fall and damage himself: he began to grow a humpback. Baushek ruled, it is clear, but it did not come out. So humpback and had to be on white light.

Other kids, "I noticed that," the evils go out with such a case, and this one is merry-free and on the fiction master. He was third in the family, and all the brothers had heard him and asked:

You, Mitya, what do you think? Do you think Mitya, what is it?

Father and mother and those often smoked:

Mityushka! Cooked! Okay, on your eye?

Mityiako, did not notify where I am a gofa (device for unwinding yarn. - Ed.) Put?

And then Mituanka was gave that the father of a smalod of deftly on the horn played. This, too, make a picker with a picker, so she has exactly the song herself speaks.

Danilo in his skill all the same earned okay. Well, Katya did not sit without a case. So, it means, and raised the family, they did not go to people. And about the clothes guys katya cared. So that everything on the right was: Pimets there, Hubbee and Prot. In summer, it is understandable, and barefoot okay: your skin, not bought. And Mituanka, as he is all sorcerer, and shoemakers were. The older brothers did not envy it, and the small mother themselves said:

Mamonka, it's time, come, Mita new boots start. Watch - he does not climb to his leg, and I would just have come.

His, you see, childish the tricks had, as if as soon as the Mitin's sapozhniki to attach themselves. So they all smoothly and rolled. Neighbors handled right:

What is it in Katerina for robust! Never they have tracheca among themselves.

And this is all Mitunka - the main reason. He is in the family of exactly the light in the forest: whom will be happy who he will hesitate, who will bring to the dummets.

Danilo did not allow the kids to his craft until time.

Let, "says," grow up first. A still malachite dust will be heated.

Katya, too, with her husband in complete agreement - it is too early for the craft. Yes, I was still invented to teach the kids: so that, it means to read-write, to understand the figure. There were no schools at the then position, and the older brothers began to run to some master. And Mituanka with them. Those guys are dumbfounded, praised their master, and this one is not at all. In those years, they were taught in wisdom, and he takes him. Will not have time to show - he looked. The brothers still warehouses Tolmlyli, and he already read, knew the words of catching. The craftswoman says more than once:

I did not have such a learning. Here the father with the mother take and see it's little: I got Mituanka boots more about. Here with these boots they have a complete coup in life and came out. That year, I heard, Barin at the factory lived. Wept, it can be seen, the money in the St. Petersburg, so I arrived at the factory - did not scrape whether they say, there should be more.

With such a thing, it is clear how to find money, if you manage to dispose with the mind. Some ordinary yes, how many orders have grown. Only Barin is altogether in this direction and not seek to look.

It goes along the street and coal - one of the heared three children play, and everything in boots. Barin them and looming hand - go here.

Mituanka at least did not lead to that afraid of the Barin, but he admitted. Horses, hang, excellent, Cutcher in shape, stroller under varnish and sedodes Mountain Mountain, Fat Poll, barely turns around, and in front of the belly, holds a stick with a gold knob.

Mitunka Orobell is small, after all, grabbed brothers by his arms and led closer to the stroller, and Barin scribures:

Whose are?

Mituka, as a senior, explains calmly:

Kamneris Danils Sons. I'm My Mitri, and these are my brothers small.

Barin Already cried from this conversation, almost the trough, just pins:

Oh oh! What do! What do! Oh oh. Then it can be seen, soaked and nave the bear:

What's this? BUT? -And the sticky to the feet itself shows the guys. Small, understandable, were frightened, rushed to the gate, and Mitunka stands and can not be able to take anything, what his barin asks about.

He laid his own, stupid yell:

What's this?

Mituhanka at all Orobel and says:

Barin here as paralysis was enough, stuck at all.

Xr-r, Xr-r! What came! What came! Xr-p, xr-r.

Danilo himself ran out of the hut, only the barin did not talk to him, drank the Kutan knocked in the neck - go!

This barin is not a hard mind was. For him, he was noticed for him, to old age and not at all independent became. It will be frightened by a person, and then explain himself can not know how he needs. Well, Dano with Katerina and thought - maybe it will cost, will forget about the kids, until home comes. Only not there was something: did not forget the Barin guys sidewrike. First of all on the clerk population:

Where do you look? Barina Barina buy nothing to buy, and the fasteners are watering their kids in boots? What are you after this clerk?

He explains:

Your, they say, the Barskaya grace was given to the lifts to be released and how much to take from it - also indicated, and how it pays it properly, I thought ...

And you, - shouts, do not think, but look at both. Won he started! Where is it possible? All the lifts to assign.

Then he called on Danil and explained his new marriage himself. Danilo sees - not at all, and says:

I can't go out of the Will, I can't go away, but only the missions are also not paid to pay. I will work like others, according to your Barsky order.

Barina, see, it is not on the lip. Money without that shortage, - not to the stone craft. At the time and ta, to sell, the cash from the old years remained. On the other, what kind of work Kamnezes is also not suitable. Well, let's fall out. How many still did not dismiss Danila, the louder was twice the Barin, and not a hisp - in the mountain. That's where it got!

Affective thing, Lyubo Danil from Katya had to. All pressed, and the guys are worse than everything: to age for the work of Seli. So everyone did not happen to join. Mityunka - that guilty of everyone considered himself - he climbs himself. Assist, they say, I will be my father with my mother, and they think their own again:

"And so, he is unhealthy, and planted him for Malachite - it's not at all. Therefore, in this case, I wite. Pretty Var prepare - Dust will not work, rubble to Kolotok - Eyes take care, and tinted vodka to a half-water - pairs Walk out. " Thought, they thought and invented to give Mituanka in a granular business.

Eye, they say, grasp, the fingers flexible and the forces are not necessary - the very work on it.

The granker, of course, was in relationship. It was attached to him, and he was glad Radehonek, therefore he knew - the guy is intelligent and not lazy to work.

The granker this is so-so, the average was, the second, and then the third price was made by Kamechok. Still, Mituanka adopted from him that he knew. Then this master says Danil:

You need to send your boyfriend to the city. Let us get to the real point there. His hand is deft.

So done. Danille in the city never knows the same dating. I found someone who needs and attached Mitunka. He got here to the old master on a stone berry. Fashion, you see, was from the stones of the berries to do. Grapes there, currants, raspberry and protected. And all the installation was. Cherno, let's say, the currants from Agatu did, Belo - from Durmashkov, strawberries - from a messenger jasper, Princelyaka - made of small sherry balls glued. Oskasezki .. For the roots, yes, the leaves also had its own order: some of the ofat, something from Malachite or from Orlets and there is still from some stone.

Mituanka took over all this installation, but no, no and will come up in his own way. The master grumbled first, then began to praise:

Perhaps, so it turns out.

Finally, directly announced:

I look, the guy, chibko is a great talent to this case. I really fit me, old man, you have to learn. At all, you became a master, and even with fiction.

Then there was little and punishable:

Only you, looked, do not come down the go! Fortiment! How if for her hands did not beat. There have been such cases.

Mituanka, it is known young - no attention to this. Still laughing:

There would be a good fiction. Who for her hands will beat?

So I became Mituha Master, and at all young: only the mustache began to break through. On orders, he did not miss, he always has a full job. The shopkeepers on the stone case were alive as the guy smells like a big barysch, - one before other orders they give him, time only. Mityuha came up with:

I'll go home. If my work is necessary, so they will find me at home. The road is closer, and the cargo is not great - the material to bring and pick up the craft.

So did. Family were delighted, it is clear: Mitya came. He also wishes everyone, I'm not sweet yourself. At home, almost a solid malachite workshop has become. Father and two senior brothers behind machines in Maluha are sitting, and the younger brothers are immediately: who is on sawing, who is on grinding. My mother has a long-awaited girlfriend-one-year-owned, but there is no joy in the family. Danilo, at all, the old man looks, the older brothers are shaking, and in the small looking gloomily. Be fighting, fighting, and all in the Barsky lifts goes away.

Mituha here and caught: everything, they say, because of those shookers it came out.

Let's rather establish your work. It is at least a small one, and there are not one machines to it, the strengtype is also required. The little thing is all, and the place and she needs.

Adsted in the hollow against the window and risen to work, but I think about myself:

"How to achieve, so that from the local stone berries to sharpen? Then you could attach to this business." Thinks, thinks, and the path does not see. In our areas are known, chrisolite and malachite come across. Chrysolit, too, you will not add cheaply, and it does not fit, and Malachit only on leaves and that is not at all: mandrels or linings require.

Once it is sitting at work. The window in front of the machine at the summer time is open. There is no more in the hives. Mother in their affairs went somewhere, the kids felt, the father with the elders in Maluha sit. Do not hear them. It is known about the malachite, they do not drink songs and does not pull on the conversation.

Mituha sits, caresses his berries from a merchant material, and all about the same thinks:

"What is the same cheap local stone to drive the same craft?"

Suddenly sucked in the window some not that female, not the girl's hand, - with a ring on the finger and in the cheekbone (in the bracelet. - Ed.), - And puts a large tile of the coil straight on the machine: and on it, like on Tray, Socina (slag from copper-smelting production. - Ed.) Road.

Mituha rushed to the window - there is no one, Pedrochonka Street, exactly no one caught.

What? Jokes who jokes Ali Navadachnaya? I looked around the tile yes, I almost fashed out of joy, such a material was taken by Vozami, but to make it, see, you can, if you choose and try to choose. What is just?

It became here to see, what a berry will suit more, and I myself stared at the place where my hand was. And now she appeared and puts a plumbing leaf on the machine, and there are three berry twigs on it: a cherry, cherry and ripe-ripe gooseberry.

Here Mituha could not resist, it ran out to the street, who is building jokes over him. I looked around everything - no one, as extinct. Time is the hottest. Who at this time on the street to be?

It stood-stood, went to the window, took a piece of leaf with twigs and showed out. Berries are real, alive, only Divo - where the cherry came from. With a cherry, just, the gooseberry also in the Garden of the Garden is pretty, and this is from where, if in our regions, such a berry is not growing, but as if the goat is now?

He loved so on the cherries, and yet the gooseberry came to him Mile and the Mother Alial is more suitable. Just thought - the hand is his shoulder and stroked.

"Well done, they say! You understand the case!"

Here it is clear clear whose hand is. Mituha in the field grew, any time heard about the hostess of the mountain. So he thought - at least it seemed herself. Well, did not come out. Sorry, it seems, a humpback guy to raise his beauty - did not seem.

Mituha was engaged here with juice and snake. A lot went over. Well, chose and made with a smeared. Potted. The berries of the gooseberry first crawled the gooseberries, then the inside the surroundings settled and yet, where it was necessary, the grooves passed, where the novels left again, the half jammed, then then they were cleansed. Live berry came out. The leaflets too thinly from the serpent worked out, and the spines of tongs were defeated on the root. One word, varietal work. In each berry, smoothly grains can be seen and leaflets are alive, even small with flaws: on one hole as a bug that is punctured, on the other, again rusty specks came. Well, how are these.

Dano with sons at least worked on another stone, and also understood in this matter. And the mother on the stone of Rabativala. Everyone cannot adversely for Mityukhin work. And then they are evidence that from a simple serpentine da road juice has come out. Mita and yourself. So how is work! Subtlety. If, who understands, of course.

From the juice and the serpent, Mitya did a lot later. The family has helped. The merchants see, did not observe this craft, as for the real stone they paid, and the buyer in the first head of Mityukhin was a job snatched, because - on the fellow. Mituha, it means he drove the berry. And I did the cherry, and the cherry, and a ripe gooseberry, and did not sell the first twig - he left himself. Suspended (intended. - Ed.) Give the girl alone, and all the amount took.

Girls, you see, did not turn away from Mitiukhin window. He is at least a humpback, and the guy with a conversation and in fiction, and his craft is enjoyable, and not a stingy: the balls for the beads, it happened, gave handle. Well, there are no girls - no and run up, and this most often all the pricer was in front of the window - with teeth to bilitate, slap to play. Mituha and wanted to give her his twig, and everyone was afraid:

Still on laughter, the girl will raise, and then herself for offense the reading.

And that barin, because of which the turn of his life happened, still on the ground of the puff and fade away. In that year, he was asked to his daughter for some kind of prince whether the merchant was collected by her. Polevskoy clerk and attended to be sympathized. Mitina, he saw a twig and also, see, understood what kind of thing it was. So I sent my floars with the plan:

If you give it no, teck off the power. What? The thing is familiar. They took away the twig from Mitya, brought, and her clerk in the velvet kobobechka. How Barin arrived in the field, clerk now:

Get, make mercy, gifts for the bride. Suitable thing.

Barin looked, also praised first, then he asked:

What stones are done and how many stones are? Customer and answers:

It is surprising that from the simplest material: from the coil and the slag. Here the barin immediately purses:

What? How? From slag? My daughter?

The clarifier sees - it is impossible to leave, everything turned on the masters:

This is he, shells, snapped me, yes even risked Thursdays from a week, but I would love. Barin, Know, scrolls:

Masters Turning! Turning Master!

They dribly, understandable, Mityuhu, and, you understand, I learned his barin.

"This is that ... in boots, which ..."

How did you bother?

With a stick on Mityuhu rushed.

Mityuha can not understand and can not understand, then prompted and says directly:

Clarifier has selected for me, let him answer and responds.

Only with Barin, what a conversation, all his scrolls: - I'll show you ...

Then grabbed a twig from the table, slam it to the floor and come on-coh. In dust, it is clear, crushed.

Here Mityuhu for the living took, shook even. It also says - who will love, if your expensive fiction will give wild meat.

Mityuha grabbed Barinov's stick for a thin end yes, how to chop out the nabbean on his forehead, so the barin on the floor and the village and the eyes rolled out.

And here is Divo - in the room, the clerk was and how much you want the servants, and everything is like petrified, - Mityuhavshell and somewhere. So they could not find, and the craft of him and then people were seen. Who understands, those recognized her.

And the noteworthy came out. That girl, who is the teeth of the soap in front of the mityukhin window, also lost, and also with the end.

Long searched for this girl. It can be seen, they judged on his own that it is easier to find it, because - the woman from its places is not familiar from its places. On her parents, she fell:

Point place!

And I did not achieve any sense.

Danil with sons pressed, of course, yes, it can be seen, the lifestyle regretted, they retreated. And the barin was still chosen, after all, it crushed it with fat.

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Danils from Katya, - which is his groom at the mistress of the mountain rescued, - the kids niggy. Eight, hear-co, man, and all the parks. The mother rushed more than once: at least one girl on the loyalty. And father, know, hits:

This, you can see our position with you.

Guys have grown healthy. Only one was not lucky. Whether from the porch, or how else did it fall and damage himself: he began to grow a humpback. Baushek ruled, it is clear, but it did not come out. So humpback and had to be on white light.

Other kids, "I noticed that," the evils go out with such a case, and this one is merry-free and on the fiction master. He was third in the family, and all the brothers had heard him and asked:

You, Mitya, what do you think? Do you think Mitya, what is it?

Father and mother and those often smoked:

Mityushka! Cooked! Okay, on your eye?

Mityiako, did not notify where I am a gofa (device for unwinding yarn. - Ed.) Put?

And then Mituanka was gave that the father of a smalod of deftly on the horn played. This, too, make a picker with a picker, so she has exactly the song herself speaks.

Danilo in his skill all the same earned okay. Well, Katya did not sit without a case. So, it means, and raised the family, they did not go to people. And about the clothes guys katya cared. So that everything on the right was: Pimets there, Hubbee and Prot. In summer, it is understandable, and barefoot okay: your skin, not bought. And Mituanka, as he is all sorcerer, and shoemakers were. The older brothers did not envy it, and the small mother themselves said:

Mamonka, it's time, come, Mita new boots start. Watch - he does not climb to his leg, and I would just have come.

His, you see, childish the tricks had, as if as soon as the Mitin's sapozhniki to attach themselves. So they all smoothly and rolled. Neighbors handled right:

What is it in Katerina for robust! Never they have tracheca among themselves.

And this is all Mitunka - the main reason. He is in the family of exactly the light in the forest: whom will be happy who he will hesitate, who will bring to the dummets.

Danilo did not allow the kids to his craft until time.

Let, "says," grow up first. A still malachite dust will be heated.

Katya, too, with her husband in complete agreement - it is too early for the craft. Yes, I was still invented to teach the kids: so that, it means to read-write, to understand the figure. There were no schools at the then position, and the older brothers began to run to some master. And Mituanka with them. Those guys are dumbfounded, praised their master, and this one is not at all. In those years, they were taught in wisdom, and he takes him. Will not have time to show - he looked. The brothers still warehouses Tolmlyli, and he already read, knew the words of catching. The craftswoman says more than once:

I did not have such a learning. Here the father with the mother take and see it's little: I got Mituanka boots more about. Here with these boots they have a complete coup in life and came out. That year, I heard, Barin at the factory lived. Wept, it can be seen, the money in the St. Petersburg, so I arrived at the factory - did not scrape whether they say, there should be more.

With such a thing, it is clear how to find money, if you manage to dispose with the mind. Some ordinary yes, how many orders have grown. Only Barin is altogether in this direction and not seek to look.

It goes along the street and coal - one of the heared three children play, and everything in boots. Barin them and looming hand - go here.

Mituanka at least did not lead to that afraid of the Barin, but he admitted. Horses, hang, excellent, Cutcher in shape, stroller under varnish and sedodes Mountain Mountain, Fat Poll, barely turns around, and in front of the belly, holds a stick with a gold knob.

Mitunka Orobell is small, after all, grabbed brothers by his arms and led closer to the stroller, and Barin scribures:

Whose are?

Mituka, as a senior, explains calmly:

Kamneris Danils Sons. I'm My Mitri, and these are my brothers small.

Barin Already cried from this conversation, almost the trough, just pins:

Oh oh! What do! What do! Oh oh. Then it can be seen, soaked and nave the bear:

What's this? BUT? -And the sticky to the feet itself shows the guys. Small, understandable, were frightened, rushed to the gate, and Mitunka stands and can not be able to take anything, what his barin asks about.

He laid his own, stupid yell:

What's this?

Mituhanka at all Orobel and says:

Barin here as paralysis was enough, stuck at all.

Xr-r, Xr-r! What came! What came! Xr-p, xr-r.

Danilo himself ran out of the hut, only the barin did not talk to him, drank the Kutan knocked in the neck - go!

This barin is not a hard mind was. For him, he was noticed for him, to old age and not at all independent became. It will be frightened by a person, and then explain himself can not know how he needs. Well, Dano with Katerina and thought - maybe it will cost, will forget about the kids, until home comes. Only not there was something: did not forget the Barin guys sidewrike. First of all on the clerk population:

Where do you look? Barina Barina buy nothing to buy, and the fasteners are watering their kids in boots? What are you after this clerk?

He explains:

Your, they say, the Barskaya grace was given to the lifts to be released and how much to take from it - also indicated, and how it pays it properly, I thought ...

And you, - shouts, do not think, but look at both. Won he started! Where is it possible? All the lifts to assign.

Then he called on Danil and explained his new marriage himself. Danilo sees - not at all, and says:

I can't go out of the Will, I can't go away, but only the missions are also not paid to pay. I will work like others, according to your Barsky order.

Barina, see, it is not on the lip. Money without that shortage, - not to the stone craft. At the time and ta, to sell, the cash from the old years remained. On the other, what kind of work Kamnezes is also not suitable. Well, let's fall out. How many still did not dismiss Danila, the louder was twice the Barin, and not a hisp - in the mountain. That's where it got!

Affective thing, Lyubo Danil from Katya had to. All pressed, and the guys are worse than everything: to age for the work of Seli. So everyone did not happen to join. Mityunka - that guilty of everyone considered himself - he climbs himself. Assist, they say, I will be my father with my mother, and they think their own again:

"And so, he is unhealthy, and planted him for Malachite - it's not at all. Therefore, in this case, I wite. Pretty Var prepare - Dust will not work, rubble to Kolotok - Eyes take care, and tinted vodka to a half-water - pairs Walk out. " Thought, they thought and invented to give Mituanka in a granular business.

Eye, they say, grasp, the fingers flexible and the forces are not necessary - the very work on it.

The granker, of course, was in relationship. It was attached to him, and he was glad Radehonek, therefore he knew - the guy is intelligent and not lazy to work.

The granker this is so-so, the average was, the second, and then the third price was made by Kamechok. Still, Mituanka adopted from him that he knew. Then this master says Danil:

You need to send your boyfriend to the city. Let us get to the real point there. His hand is deft.

So done. Danille in the city never knows the same dating. I found someone who needs and attached Mitunka. He got here to the old master on a stone berry. Fashion, you see, was from the stones of the berries to do. Grapes there, currants, raspberry and protected. And all the installation was. Cherno, let's say, the currants from Agatu did, Belo - from Durmashkov, strawberries - from a messenger jasper, Princelyaka - made of small sherry balls glued. One word, all the berries your stone. For the roots, yes, leaves also had its own order: some of the ofat, some of the malachite either from the Orlets and there is still from some stone.

Mituanka took over all this installation, but no, no and will come up in his own way. The master grumbled first, then began to praise:

Perhaps, so it turns out.

Finally, directly announced:

I look, the guy, chibko is a great talent to this case. I really fit me, old man, you have to learn. At all, you became a master, and even with fiction.

Then there was little and punishable:

Only you, looked, do not come down the go! Fortiment! How if for her hands did not beat. There have been such cases.

Mituanka, it is known young - no attention to this. Still laughing:

There would be a good fiction. Who for her hands will beat?

So I became Mituha Master, and at all young: only the mustache began to break through. On orders, he did not miss, he always has a full job. The shopkeepers on the stone case were alive as the guy smells like a big barysch, - one before other orders they give him, time only. Mityuha came up with:

I'll go home. If my work is necessary, so they will find me at home. The road is closer, and the cargo is not great - the material to bring and pick up the craft.

So did. Family were delighted, it is clear: Mitya came. He also wishes everyone, I'm not sweet yourself. At home, almost a solid malachite workshop has become. Father and two senior brothers behind machines in Maluha are sitting, and the younger brothers are immediately: who is on sawing, who is on grinding. My mother has a long-awaited girlfriend-one-year-owned, but there is no joy in the family. Danilo, at all, the old man looks, the older brothers are shaking, and in the small looking gloomily. Be fighting, fighting, and all in the Barsky lifts goes away.

Mituha here and caught: everything, they say, because of those shookers it came out.

Let's rather establish your work. It is at least a small one, and there are not one machines to it, the strengtype is also required. The little thing is all, and the place and she needs.

Adsted in the hollow against the window and risen to work, but I think about myself:

"How to achieve, so that from the local stone berries to sharpen? Then you could attach to this business." Thinks, thinks, and the path does not see. In our areas are known, chrisolite and malachite come across. Chrysolit, too, you will not add cheaply, and it does not fit, and Malachit only on leaves and that is not at all: mandrels or linings require.

Once it is sitting at work. The window in front of the machine at the summer time is open. There is no more in the hives. Mother in their affairs went somewhere, the kids felt, the father with the elders in Maluha sit. Do not hear them. It is known about the malachite, they do not drink songs and does not pull on the conversation.

Mituha sits, caresses his berries from a merchant material, and all about the same thinks:

"What is the same cheap local stone to drive the same craft?"

Suddenly sucked in the window some not that female, not the girl's hand, - with a ring on the finger and in the cheekbone (in the bracelet. - Ed.), - And puts a large tile of the coil straight on the machine: and on it, like on Tray, Socina (slag from copper-smelting production. - Ed.) Road.

Mituha rushed to the window - there is no one, Pedrochonka Street, exactly no one caught.

What? Jokes who jokes Ali Navadachnaya? I looked around the tile yes, I almost fashed out of joy, such a material was taken by Vozami, but to make it, see, you can, if you choose and try to choose. What is just?

It became here to see, what a berry will suit more, and I myself stared at the place where my hand was. And now she appeared and puts a plumbing leaf on the machine, and there are three berry twigs on it: a cherry, cherry and ripe-ripe gooseberry.

Here Mituha could not resist, it ran out to the street, who is building jokes over him. I looked around everything - no one, as extinct. Time is the hottest. Who at this time on the street to be?

It stood-stood, went to the window, took a piece of leaf with twigs and showed out. Berries are real, alive, only Divo - where the cherry came from. With a cherry, just, the gooseberry also in the Garden of the Garden is pretty, and this is from where, if in our regions, such a berry is not growing, but as if the goat is now?

He loved so on the cherries, and yet the gooseberry came to him Mile and the Mother Alial is more suitable. Just thought - the hand is his shoulder and stroked.

"Well done, they say! You understand the case!"

Here it is clear clear whose hand is. Mituha in the field grew, any time heard about the hostess of the mountain. So he thought - at least it seemed herself. Well, did not come out. Sorry, it seems, a humpback guy to raise his beauty - did not seem.

Mituha was engaged here with juice and snake. A lot went over. Well, chose and made with a smeared. Potted. The berries of the gooseberry first crawled the gooseberries, then the inside the surroundings settled and yet, where it was necessary, the grooves passed, where the novels left again, the half jammed, then then they were cleansed. Live berry came out. The leaflets too thinly from the serpent worked out, and the spines of tongs were defeated on the root. One word, varietal work. In each berry, smoothly grains can be seen and leaflets are alive, even small with flaws: on one hole as a bug that is punctured, on the other, again rusty specks came. Well, how are these.

Dano with sons at least worked on another stone, and also understood in this matter. And the mother on the stone of Rabativala. Everyone cannot adversely for Mityukhin work. And then they are evidence that from a simple serpentine da road juice has come out. Mita and yourself. So how is work! Subtlety. If, who understands, of course.

From the juice and the serpent, Mitya did a lot later. The family has helped. The merchants see, did not observe this craft, as for the real stone they paid, and the buyer in the first head of Mityukhin was a job snatched, because - on the fellow. Mituha, it means he drove the berry. And I did the cherry, and the cherry, and a ripe gooseberry, and did not sell the first twig - he left himself. Suspended (intended. - Ed.) Give the girl alone, and all the amount took.

Girls, you see, did not turn away from Mitiukhin window. He is at least a humpback, and the guy with a conversation and in fiction, and his craft is enjoyable, and not a stingy: the balls for the beads, it happened, gave handle. Well, there are no girls - no and run up, and this most often all the pricer was in front of the window - with teeth to bilitate, slap to play. Mituha and wanted to give her his twig, and everyone was afraid:

Still on laughter, the girl will raise, and then herself for offense the reading.

And that barin, because of which the turn of his life happened, still on the ground of the puff and fade away. In that year, he was asked to his daughter for some kind of prince whether the merchant was collected by her. Polevskoy clerk and attended to be sympathized. Mitina, he saw a twig and also, see, understood what kind of thing it was. So I sent my floars with the plan:

If you give it no, teck off the power. What? The thing is familiar. They took away the twig from Mitya, brought, and her clerk in the velvet kobobechka. How Barin arrived in the field, clerk now:

Get, make mercy, gifts for the bride. Suitable thing.

Barin looked, also praised first, then he asked:

What stones are done and how many stones are? Customer and answers:

It is surprising that from the simplest material: from the coil and the slag. Here the barin immediately purses:

What? How? From slag? My daughter?

The clarifier sees - it is impossible to leave, everything turned on the masters:

This is he, shells, snapped me, yes even risked Thursdays from a week, but I would love. Barin, Know, scrolls:

Masters Turning! Turning Master!

They dribly, understandable, Mityuhu, and, you understand, I learned his barin.

"This is that ... in boots, which ..."

How did you bother?

With a stick on Mityuhu rushed.

Mityuha can not understand and can not understand, then prompted and says directly:

Clarifier has selected for me, let him answer and responds.

Only with Barin, what a conversation, all his scrolls: - I'll show you ...

Then grabbed a twig from the table, slam it to the floor and come on-coh. In dust, it is clear, crushed.

Here Mityuhu for the living took, shook even. It also says - who will love, if your expensive fiction will give wild meat.

Mityuha grabbed Barinov's stick for a thin end yes, how to chop out the nabbean on his forehead, so the barin on the floor and the village and the eyes rolled out.

And here is Divo - in the room, the clerk was and how much you want the servants, and everything is like petrified, - Mityuhavshell and somewhere. So they could not find, and the craft of him and then people were seen. Who understands, those recognized her.

And the noteworthy came out. That girl, who is the teeth of the soap in front of the mityukhin window, also lost, and also with the end.

Long searched for this girl. It can be seen, they judged on his own that it is easier to find it, because - the woman from its places is not familiar from its places. On her parents, she fell:

Point place!

And I did not achieve any sense.

Danil with sons pressed, of course, yes, it can be seen, the lifestyle regretted, they retreated. And the barin was still chosen, after all, it crushed it with fat.

Danilo from Katya lived in a friendly, in the world and harmony. Eight sons they had. And with time and daughter appeared. The boys were all the brought up, intelligent. Somehow the trouble happened, the son of Mitya fell, and his hump appeared. Having damaged something. But it did not bother this boys. As was kind, smiling remained. All the brothers Mitu respected, and the Council was always asked. Stretched to him. And parents and those sometimes could ask Mityusha to do somehow.

The family did not live in the royal gorrals, of course, but all it was enough. Babies are dressed, the shoes were. And even in the summer, when it is possible to walk without boots, Mitya sometimes all the same shoes dress up. Parents, weaker than others thought, were afraid of what would happen. I drove past the house Danil Barin, and I saw that the kids were shods, and not everyone had it. I went, screaming became. Yes, and put the lifts eight times more than it was. The head of the family opposed, because it will be so much. Barin thought and reduced the tax. But the family still became very difficult. They have another child appeared.

Katya waited daughter. It was decided to train the sons of the Fathersov's craft. After all, now it was necessary to give a lot of money to Barina. It was best to manifest himself. Father saw that his son everything turns out very well. Gave him to training for an experienced master. Having worked a little away from home, Mitya returns. He sees that men work very much and hard, and it does not get better. Father all went away, and he is still young. Mitya decides to apply the craft to which the master was taught at home. But there are no expensive stones, and where to take them. You need to come up with something in - easier. Suddenly, a hand with a serpent and slag appeared in the window.

Understood Mitya, hostess copper Mountain Help him decided. The boy begins to do with a conventional stone very unusual beautiful things. The very first is a fragile beautiful twig, made from ordinary stone. She he wanted to give a neighbor girl who he really liked. But still did not dare. I learned about such beauty Barin. I sent a servant to take a twig at Mitya. And when I learned that with an ordinary slag, I ordered to bring the master. How can the Bark daughter get such a cheaper slip! To knock the Mitu's ones with my own. But the guy was not confused, snatched a stick, hit the Barin and gone with his choir. None of the surroundings of the Barsky and the word did not exhale. And then nobody saw Mitu anywhere. And the girl is for which the stone branch was intended, too disappeared.

With the help of the image of Mitya, the author gives to understand the reader that external beauty is not important. The main thing is to feel your heart, respecting people with respect. Then people will respond to you. Mitu everyone respected in the family, and among others. He did not feel flawed, intimidated. The guy was not afraid of the Barin, because I was sure that he was supporting. Nobody rushed after him, did not stop. Perhaps some knew where he was. But they kept it secret. After all good people not so much. And no one wanted to betray Mitu, his respect, and his feelings. Be kind and honest in front of people. And this will be rewarded by a hundredfold.

Picture or Figure Fragile Twig

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