Paired bracelets. Steam bracelets with engraving silver paired bracelets

Paired bracelets - special decorations for couples in love. These are not just cute accessories, but a symbol of unity, mutual love and loyalty, in some cases - a reminder of important events for loving hearts - acquaintance, enjoyable journey, reunion after separation.

Bracelets on the thread - trend that will perfectly complement any image. And two identical decorations can wear not only a guy and a girl, but also:

    mom and daughter;

    close girlfriends.

In the Amorem online store you can buy paired bracelets for lovers or loved ones spiritually on laces of red, yellow, purple and other colors with figures and signs with silver engraving, gold, gold-plated silver.

Symbols of jewelry

    The heart is the most common sign, symbolizing mutual love.

    Wings - romance, sublime feelings.

    The sign of infinity is the balance of energies, the unity of female and male began, incessant feelings.

    Puzzle particles - harmony of relations.

    Clover with four leaves - Good luck, fulfillment of desires.

We also produce individual paired bracelets to order, we offer adults and children's options.

How to order paired decorations in Amorem

Choose from the directory you liked this product and make a purchase through a quick order or basket. Absolutely all products are offered in a beautiful corporate packaging.

You can pick up paired bracelets for lovers or loved ones in the spirit of people in the store in Moscow, to order courier delivery in the capital, St. Petersburg. To other cities of Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries send by mail, commodity and transport companies. We work with wholesale and retail customers. The broken lace of the bracelet can be replaced for free in any of the offline shops.

Interested in individual decoration design? Call us and tell about your wishes or order a callback.

Beautiful and stylish accessories are designed to add a highlight even the very trivial image, they are able to dilute the casual onions, transforming it beyond recognition.

If you follow fashionable trends and trends or strive to tell about your feelings, then the best way to demonstrate is to purchase steam bracelets.

This accessory has a deep story, but today he not only has not lost the relevance, but on the contrary - more and more fashionistas and modnists wear it both in everyday life and putting on the occasion of a festive or solemn event.

Multimal trend

The attitude towards pair bracelets is rather ambiguous: someone is delighted with such an accessory, someone does not fully accept it, especially if we are talking about the demonstration of this product as a confirmation of attachment or love.

Paired bracelets put on love guy and girl. Romantic inscriptions, hearts, engraving have become an integral part of this decoration. The versatility of this accessory allows you to wear such a bracelet even to men. If paired bracelets are made in strict, restrained style, then it is possible to combine them with a business suit.

This accessory can also act as a symbol of affection. In this case, it is worn by the best girlfriends as evidence of its faithful and sincere friendship. Opening such a decoration on joint events - parties, hiking in a cafe or shopping, girls demonstrate to people around people that women's friendship exists.

Pick up a paired bracelet for girlfriend is quite simple - you need to remember what kind of character it is. For restrained, romantic, sensitive natures, or girls, you can easily choose a accessory that will remind you that in the world you are not alone and there is a friendly shoulder, ready to always come to the rescue.

Paired products can wear one person, putting them on two hands. Such a stylish accessory has become the decoration of many youth designer collections of the last season. And it does not matter, it is made of precious or semi-precious metal, inlaid by stones, woven from beads or is a leather strap for hand - stylists allow the fantasy riotiness and do not give a clear framework to such a decoration.

For lovers

Paired bracelets are able to demonstrate the surrounding feelings that the guy and the girl are experiencing to each other. They always remind of love about the second half. This is especially becoming relevant for a couple, which is some time away from each other. The cute heart of the accessory creates the impression that his beloved or beloved, and no distance can destroy feelings.

There are a large number of pair products for two people in love. The guy and the girl can purchase or have ready-made accessories or make engraving individually ordered. The inscriptions use a wide variety of, for example: "You are always with me", "my heart beats only for you", "Inseparable forever", "Our love is limitless."

A couple can use their special love inscription, for example, a phrase from a song or poem, laying in it hidden meaning, known only by him in two. You can also specify a meaningful date, such as a meeting date or another iconic event.

Paired bracelets can also be registered and maintain the initials of the second half. Many lovers love to decorate bracelets with a variety of cabins. It can be:

  • sign infinity - as a symbol of continuous relationship;
  • Yin and Yan. - as opposites of one whole;
  • landless - How to protect a strong family union;
  • key and lock- as a demonstration that only one key can come to a lock in this heart;
  • halves of one heartwhich only together can fight as one heart.

Such accessories are a youth option of paired bracelets. For solid people, a restrained decoration with engraving and initials of his beloved person will suit.

Paired bracelets can be made of various material:

  • Metal:
    • from precious metals - it can be silver, gold or platinum;
    • from the semi-precious alloy - for example, medical steel or copper.

Metal can be the base of the decoration or its element, for example, pendant or inscription.

  • Leather or suede.
  • Braided beads.

The easiest and budget option is to hang back catals. For example, Yin and Yan will organically look in such double bracelets. The main thing is to choose a thread early so that it does not break during socks. For these purposes, you can also use a thin leather lace or double threads.

Female on both hands

At the peak of popularity - paired bracelets on the right and left hand. It can be both massive products and a few thin options. The multi-layeredness remains a fashion trend in this season, it has not bypassed accessories. If you wear a few pair products, you can always be trend. The main thing is that the decorations are combined and harmoniously complemented each other.

The fashion is also wide massive decorations made in the form of cuffs. Such an accessory can be worn not only in the summer, but also to wear on top of light sleeves and blouses with long sleeves.

Bracelets made in the form of wings are suitable for romantic nature. Wings can be made of precious or semi-precious metal and placed on the basis of a lace or leather strap.

Paired wings bracelets can be causing a couple in love as a symbol of their sublime feelings.

A bit of history

Bracelets have a centuries-old history and came to us since ancient times, when they were used as amulets or facing evil spirits.

It is probably difficult to meet a country or a people who would not use these decorations.

In ancient Egypt, massive paired bracelets made of gold worn both women and men. They testified to their social status and wealth. You could wear several pieces of such products, allowed to wear them for decoration and to your feet. As an overawe, the scarab beetle figurine was used, which was attached to such an accessory.

The wrists in India are considered to be concentrated, so they are taken to cover with wide paired bracelets. The material was used or suede. A special role here plays not so much material used for the manufacture of this accessory, how many color gamut in which it is made. Popular colors are:

  • yellow - as a symbol of success and good luck;
  • the black- as stability and reliability;
  • green - to obtain financial well-being and acquiring good dating;
  • blue - To protect travel and wanders.

Additional elements: shells, pebbles, twigs transferred their strength to the owner of such steam bracelets-obers.

Celtic civilization used paired bracelets and as decoration, and as a symbol of belonging to the family. An intricate patterns, bends and crosses were a unique family symbol and contained a hidden meaning. Such accessories were made of precious metals (silver or gold), were encrusted with corals or stones.

Slavs also wore pair products as charms. They made them of leather, fabric or metal. One of the popular metals was copper. These decorations were made to wear on top of clothes and wear at the same time on the right and left hand. Nonable individuals preferred massive silver or gold accessories.

As you can see, many fashion trends are borrowed from ancient times and successfully apply in the modern world. Although now such an element of the wardrobe is used more as a decorative decoration than for the overawega or amulet. Despite this, dear jewelry still emphasize the status and belonging to the elite.


But even a simple thin bracelet made of leather or beads can be a unique accessory, if it is properly combined with its way and style.

The most actual models

Worldwide Designers offer a wide variety of models of paired bracelets, so that they can easily be combined with a variety of styles and bows.

  • Wide springs bracelets made in the form of cuffs. The width of such products may vary in the range from 5 to 12 centimeters, in shape resemble a broken ring. For their manufacture uses a varied material:
    • precious and semi-precious metal;
    • plastic;
    • tree of a certain tone.

Massive stones can act as jewelry or accessories without rhinestones and stones.

  • Bracelets with crystals with flexible base.Their main advantage - they are perfectly sitting on the hands of any thickness. The only rule is to wear them at the same time on the right and left hand.
  • A closed wide bracelet made of metal. It may have a restrained classic shape and have bizarre outlines. Silver or gold accessories encrusted with stones will be a wonderful gift.
  • Wide leather accessory can wear both a guy and a girl.It can be decorated with a variety of inserts, inscriptions, cabins and other elements.
  • Double bracelets, which consist of several rows of beads and bizarrely intertwined with each other, also did not lose their relevance.

Paired bracelets

Lovely - this is a wonderful time when everyone wants to be confident in his second half and to get at least some kind of a pleasant guarantee for long-term relationships, we suggest you buy paired bracelets with engraving.

For a gift for his second half, you don't need a reason and we are ready to prove it to you! Only here you will find cute paired bracelets that will definitely remember your halves for a long time, while they will always remind you of you and awaken pleasant memories.

Is there something better than this present that will cause a warm feeling in his chest? We also believe that there is no, so we advise you to pay attention to the double bracelets with engraving, which can be your names.

We provide the opportunity to each wishes to order registered bracelets with engraving, which will become your personal mascot, on our website. Let your two will have their own little mystery, which will continue for a long time and swears your love after a year.

Just write or call us right now and we will definitely answer all your questions about the order of your name bracelets with engraving.

Paired bracelets - a good way to show a close man like he roads and valuable. They symbolize strong friendship, romantic sympathy and comprehensive love. One glance on the bracelet is enough to raise the mood and remember the own importance for someone. Such decorations will be an excellent gift for a holiday or just a pleasant daily purchase.

For whom?

A large selection in stores, as well as the opportunity to order them from the masters and even do at home, allows you to give a paired bracelet with your favorite meaning and in any situation.

The most popular are products for lovers and best friends.On decorations of these species, symbolism of infinity and heart, inscriptions about love or friendship are often found. On some there are images that do not make sense for others, but for the donor and the recipient they are of particular importance and are associated with the general history.

A paired bracelet can be an excellent gift inside the family. They can be donated to children to their parents or, on the contrary, as well as sisters and brothers to each other. Such bracelets are predominantly the same, since sometimes they are required in the amount of more than two pieces.

Decoration for two can combine members of one creative team, sports team. Most often, products with symbols of a particular event become such bracelets.


As in the case of solitary, two bracelets are made from a great set of materials. This allows you to choose products in accordance with the taste, style, zodiac signs, eye color or personal portability.

Bracelets made of precious metals - gold, silver, platinum - more than others, but they will last long and can become almost wedding rings in their symbolic value. Most often, pair decorations are laconic to approach people with different preferences and status. Hypoallergenic jewelry steel is no less common, as it has an affordable price.

Cuddling and youthful nature acquire leather bracelets, including leatherette, and ropes, laces. They are much more economical of products from metals and allow creating images of a completely different character - bold and catchy.

Beads and any texture and density textiles are available and easy to handle. Bracelets of them can be made independently. Such materials will suit not only for two girlfriends, but also for couples in love, however, the wear resistance is not so good for metals and skin.

Among unconventional materials that are increasing increasingly popular, rubber, ceramics and tungsten. They are high-tech, durable and universal, which makes it possible to include them in different clothes styles.

Most often, paired bracelets are a combination of several materials at once, for example, the skin is combined with steel, and skins with silver beads. Details are created from precious and semi-precious stones, minerals, seashells and corals, metals, as well as small fittings - beads, rhinestones, buttons. Often leather or textile decorations are covered with drawings or patterns.

Precious metals, thanks to different types of processing, can acquire non-standard shades and texture - brilliant, matte, purpose of the constituent.


In its primary characteristics, bracelets can be divided into rigid and soft. Hard holds initially given shape, clutching the wrist closely or holding it freely. They can be both completely closed, representing one ring, and open. Another type is hinged, in which two halves are connected by a hinge. Hard bracelets include hoops, cuffs.

Soft bracelets flexible and plastic due to material or design. The most popular are chain ornaments consisting of units connected with each other. Various technologies allow creating classic oval and fantasy openwork from metal, creating an interesting picture. There are many types of weaving, however, they are divided into two large subgroups: anchor and shells.

Soft bracelets include wicker of laces and rubber bands or fishing lines and wires that beads and figures. Leather and openwork decorations also belong to this category. Soft bracelets are more comfortable and universal, so they choose them most often exactly.


The idea of \u200b\u200bdouble bracelets is complete from two identical or connected unified product concept. Fully repeating decorations may differ in size, otherwise they are identical. Conditionally speaking, a pair can be any bracelet acquired in the number of two pieces and presented to a close man. Among them are leather models with ripples, buckles, spikes or fan attributes. On wide decorations there are also pictures.

To such a species, threshold bracelets should be attributed, which most often carry a certain meaning, and to a lesser extent are an accessory. They may be a symbol of love for a guy and a girl or promise given to a close person.

As pairs are common models that may differ in detail, but they are necessarily combined with one idea. Differences may concern both the colors of products and inscriptions, figures, drawings.

Product details must complement each other in meaning to make it clear that a single bracelet has a couple. So you can find the Yin Yan bracelets. This ancient symbol is disconnected to parts that can be connected to each other. A key well and key, hearts and arrows, heart halves, mosaic pieces can be attributed to a similar concept.

It is not necessary that the details of paired bracelets can stick together with each other and, thus, be something complete. Decorations can be similar in color and general design, and figures - differ. So, on bracelets for two, the presence of different inms of minerals, beads, figures are possible. Among them are especially relevant anchors and helpers, butterflies and flowers, girls and boys, animals, attributes of different crops.

Options are possible, on the contrary, when the parts coincide, and the colors reflect the tastes of each of the owners. Differences in shades can concern both bracelet as a whole and exclusively finishes from stones, beads, beads.

Often there are bracelets infinity on which there are images of the overtaken "eight". This sign is equally suitable for both friends and in love, but it means eternal attachment and loyalty.

Another original option is the wings bracelet.Figures can be part of the basis of the product or hang as a nozzle.

Inscriptions on bracelets - another common way to make them pair. They are presented as engraving on metal or pattern on the plate. It can be both nomigible options and the same or complementing each other. Among the most popular: Together Forever, Love, I'm Always WITH YOU, BEST FRIENDS.

If the size of the product allows, a famous quotation from books and cinema can be the inscription. For example, after the release of the series "Game of Thrones", My Sun and Stars and Moon of My Life bracelets appeared.

In recent years, brand of brand Pandora and analog products have been particularly famous. They represent a thin base on the clagging on which you can drive more and more of the figures. The so-called "charm" can symbolize any event in life, such as a wedding or vacation, relationship between lovers, relatives and friends. Large variability allows you to independently make a paired bracelet with signs and figures that will make sense only for two.


To the decorations served as long as possible and pleased their owners, they need a special simple care. It is especially necessary for products from metals and leather.

Metal, especially silver, darkens over time and dumps, even black. To clean such jewelry there are special means that you can buy in jewelry stores. At home, darmentation can be cleaned with ammonia, soda or dental powder.

Leather bracelets may eventually undergo deformation, stretch or quiet. So that this does not happen, they are enough to moisten them with a cream for hands or special means. Textile models can be erased by powder.