Communication of young children with peers. Coursework: The Role of Early Childhood Communication with Adults What to Do for an Adults

Ore kalasyk ukimdigi "No. 11 balabaқsha" KMҚK

MSOPE "Nursery - Garden No. 11" of the Akimat of the city of Rudny

"Effective interaction

with kids early age»

Teacher - psychologist: Yakovenko T.V.

Kachar village

2017 Nov.

Target: increasing the professional competence of teachers working with young children.


Familiarization of teachers with the peculiarities of the adaptation period of young children,

Development of skills for effective communication and interaction with young children,

Familiarization of teachers with the peculiarities of working with parents during the period of adaptation of children to preschool education,

Improving the subjective well-being and strengthening the mental health of teachers.

    "Cube of Moods"

Educators talk about their mood at the moment, then throw the cube and talk about the emotional state (at what moments they experience it), which is depicted on the top edge of the cube.


Educators choose words - associations that characterize young children.


Teachers list the signs, features that characterize young children.

    "Playing situations"

Each teacher takes a card - a task and plays with the teachers a given game moment. The psychologist on the go creates situations that require application effective methods and techniques for interacting with young children.

Job options:

    conduct finger gymnastics;

    attract the attention of children to the game;

    tell a fairy tale;

    organize a regime moment for the cultivation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Interaction between adults and young children has its own specifics. A small child is able to perceive the appeals of adults mainly when they are addressed to him personally. Classes in which the teacher does not speak to every child, but to the group as a whole, are less effective. Even in those classes that involve collective forms of organization (musical, physical education, etc.), it is necessary not only to address the group as a whole, but also individually to each child. Little child important is the presence of an adult nearby, a look in the eyes, a gentle touch. When communicating with young children, it is necessary to rely on their practical actions in a specific situation. At this stage of development, purely verbal methods of education and training - instructions, explanations of rules, calls for obedience, etc. - most often turn out to be ineffective. The thinking and speech of a small child is closely related to his direct experience, his generalizations and judgments depend on the degree of mastery of object-related actions, therefore, many abstract explanations and requirements of adults may be incomprehensible to the child. Verbal communication with a child should be included in the context of his real life activity, the main place in which is occupied by actions with objects. When working with young children, one should take into account the characteristic feature of their mental organization - the immediacy and emotionality of perception of the world around them. They are able to focus their attention only on what interests them, what fascinates them. The emotional involvement of children in this or that activity, the involvement of the educator in it creates a "common semantic field" of interaction, stimulates each child's own activity.

    All influences of adults should be expressive, emotional and "contagious".

    The teacher's words should not only be included in the context of real actions, but have a bright intonation color, accompanied by appropriate gestures, movements, facial expressions.

Annex 1

    Establish certain rules in the group, following which daily will help you avoid a lot of lectures, and the children will become more confident and calmer.

    Introduce a clear prohibition system. There should be few of them, they are needed for the child to feel safe. Try to follow them strictly. Be consistent. Do not allow children what was forbidden yesterday, and do not forbid what was allowed yesterday.

    Be nice to your children. Then the child is likely to learn exactly this manner of interaction. Collaborate with children, do not command them. Your orders, harsh prohibitions demonstrate a disrespectful attitude towards the child, can provoke an aggressive outbreak. Eye contact and equal communication are essential when interacting with children.

    Formulate prohibitions briefly and specifically. It is better to tell the child: “Hot!”, “Dirty!” Than “You can't!”. “No” (pronounced resolutely and loudly, looking into the child's eyes) should be used in case of real danger to the life and health of the child.

    Expand your child's behavioral repertoire. To do this, tell your child how you can solve various specific problems. Show the children examples of different reactions to events.

    Use concise, clear, clear instructions when communicating with children. Do not get carried away with common notations: most likely, from your speech, children will only understand that you are unhappy with them or do not like them (children are sensitive to intonational expressiveness much more than to the semantic side of speech).

    Evaluate the actions and actions of the child, not his personality. There are no bad children, there are behavioral reactions of the baby that are undesirable for adults.

    Be patient. Avoid excessive emotional outbursts in response to the child's behavior.

    Praise the children more often, say that you are glad to see them, you are glad that the children have come to kindergarten.

ATTENTION!!! The manner of communication between adults in the presence of children is a defining moment for the formation of personality and the development of babies.

Appendix 2

How to make rules for young children

    The rule must be specific: "after the game, we ALWAYS remove toys, etc.". It is better to repeat the same rule for children several times: “We’ve played - we will remove the toys. Now we will remove toys, etc. ".

    Adults themselves must strictly follow the rules introduced by them (they themselves observe the order, wash their hands before eating, speak quietly). This will serve good example for kids.

early age.

Be consistent. Do not forbid the child what was allowed yesterday.

Be polite to your child. Then the child is likely to learn exactly this manner of interaction.

Cooperate with the child, not lead him. Your orders, harsh prohibitions demonstrate a disrespectful attitude towards the child, can provoke an aggressive outbreak.

Introduce a clear system of prohibitions. There should be few of them, they are needed for the child to feel safe. Try to follow them strictly.

Formulate prohibitions briefly and specifically. It is better to tell the child: “Hot!”, “Dirty!” Than “You can't!”. “No” (pronounced resolutely and loudly, looking into the child's eyes) should be used in case of real danger to the life and health of the child.

Establish certain rules in the family, following which daily will help you avoid a lot of lectures, and the child will become more confident and calmer.

Expand the child's behavioral repertoire. To do this, tell your child how you can solve various specific problems. Show the children examples of different reactions to events.

Use concise, clear, and understandable instructions for your child. Do not get carried away by common notations: most likely, from your speech, the child will only understand that you are unhappy with him or even do not love him (the child is sensitive to intonational expressiveness much more than to the semantic side of speech).

Evaluate the actions and actions of the child, not his personality. There are no bad children, there are behavioral reactions of the baby that are undesirable for parents.

When punishing a child, be not overly strict and do not infringe on the dignity of the child (it is preferable to use the method of clarification and conversation in a friendly manner).

Be patient. Avoid excessive emotional outbursts in response to the child's behavior.

Tell your child more often that you love him. Let the baby know that you love him because he is, and not because he puts away toys.

Eye contact is required.

Communication on an equal footing.

ATTENTION!!! The manner of communication between adults in the presence of a child is a defining moment for the formation of the personality and development of the baby.

How to make rules for young children

The rule must be specific.

After the game, we ALWAYS remove toys, etc.

It is better to repeat the same rule for the child several times.

Played - let's remove the toys. Now we will remove the toys, etc.

The rule can not only be pronounced, but also drawn.

An adult draws a symbolic picture, an action that the child can understand.

When repeating the rule to the child, try to make it sound not like an order, but like benevolent advice, justifying its rationality.

When pronouncing a rule, an adult monitors his intonation, indicating a joint action with a child: "Before eating, MY hands should be clean," etc.

The rules should be formulated in a positive manner.

It is better to say “SPEAK QUIET” than “Don't shout”, “LET'S PLAY FRIENDLY” instead of “Don't fight”, etc.

If the child is challenging the rule by provoking you to cry, remain calm and “firm” in following the rule.

We use game moments: “We will definitely wash our hands before eating, and they will smile at us” (after washing our hands, play with palms and fingers, it is better with pronouncing nursery rhymes).

Adults must themselves strictly follow the rules they have set. This will serve as a good example for the child.

Adult family members keep order themselves, wash their hands before eating, speak quietly and correctly, etc.

Joint actions with the child (brushing teeth together, brushing the doll's teeth, washing hands, washing the doll's hands, removing toys, etc.)

Irina Malyshenkova
Communication of young children with peers

At the age of up to 1 year, the baby has enough communication with adults, but when he grows up, he needs to communicate with other children.

In the first year of a child's life, all his surroundings are parents, grandparents, if there are brothers and sisters. This is enough for the child. They play with him, they surround him with attention and care. But from about 1.5 years old, the child is drawn to other children. And the older he gets, the greater the need for communication with peers.

How do babies communicate?

Communication of young children with peers occurs through various actions, the analysis of which made it possible to distinguish 4 main categories:

1. Treating a peer as an “interesting object”. The child examines a peer, his clothes, face, comes close to him. Such actions are manifested in relation to other children, and to an adult, and even to inanimate objects.

2.Actions with a peer as with a toy. Moreover, these actions are distinguished by their arrogance. At the same time, the resistance of the "toy" does not interest the baby at all, the child can grab a peer by the hair, pat on the face. This form is no longer found in communication with adults.

3. Observing and imitating others. Here, children look eye to eye, give smiles, verbal forms of communication (typical for communication with both children and adults).

4. Emotionally colored actions, characteristic only for the interaction of children with each other. The kids jump together, laugh, imitate each other, fall to the floor and grimace. Moreover, negative actions also belong to this category: children scare each other, fight, quarrel.

Joint actions between children of the second year of life are not yet permanent, they arise spontaneously and quickly fade, since children still do not know how to negotiate with each other and take into account mutual interests. Very often conflicts arise over a toy.

By the end of the second year of life, children already enter into joint play activities, which give them great pleasure.

In the third year, communication between children is activated. The peculiarity of this communication is “bright emotional coloring"," Special relaxedness and spontaneity. " Most play together is based on the desire of children to imitate each other.

That is, if for children 1, 5 years old, the attitude towards a peer as an object of action is more characteristic, then closer to 3 years, a subjective approach can be observed more often in relationships with a peer.

Despite the fact that young children need contact with peers, they still need the help of an adult in establishing and maintaining contacts and in resolving conflicts that arise.

Our experience shows that if an adult draws the attention of children to each other, referring to them by name, praises children in the presence of their peers, emphasizes their dignity, then in this case children are more interested in joint communication, they smile more often, and are kind to each other. to a friend, strive to arouse interest and sympathy. As a result, joint games often arise between them.

All communication of children with each other comes down to a game. They are in close contact. The main difference between communicating with peers and communicating with adults is increased emotionality. A child, playing with other children, laughs more often, speaks louder, runs more. Also, the communication of children is distinguished by the fact that they do not have strict rules and norms of behavior. They jump, rush, look for new things to do.

What are the benefits of playing with peers?

Communication with peers is more multifaceted. In dealing with adults, the child is more squeezed, he depends on the opinion of the parents. And in games with other children, all the hidden traits of character are manifested. The child asserts himself and expresses his individuality, he shows more initiative. By the way, it is in the games with peers that the child gains new skills and knowledge. Seeing what other children are doing, he repeats after them. Children who love to play will always find contact with their peers. It is important that there is always an opportunity for such communication; for this, many psychologists advise taking children to places where they are of the same age.

What should adults do?

Should adults interfere with children's play?

It is the parents or caregivers who do everything to make the children comfortable with each other. If a quarrel is brewing, then intervention is simply necessary. But if the children calmly play in the sandbox, share toys, then you can just watch what is happening. At the same time, it is adults who teach children to play together, it is especially important to play role-playing games. You need to help children come up with a plot to make them interesting. For example, we ride dolls in strollers, play in the store. It is clear that for the all-round development of a child, he simply needs communication with peers. It is in such games that children express their individuality, I get to know myself better and the world... Of course, it's good when the child goes to kindergarten. But if it so happens that he has to stay at home, then he needs to walk more often in the yard or go to various playrooms. Then the child's life will be more intense and emotional.

Organization of communication between children during the day in a group

We try to organize communication between children throughout the day. Good mood kids, their location to each other must be supported from the moment they join the group. To this end, we invite the kids to say hello to each other, calling each child by name, we draw the attention of the children to how beautifully they are dressed, how they can take off their jacket and boots, etc. If there are already children in the group room, we draw their attention to again come to the baby, we invite them to say hello to him.

In our group, the ritual of farewell to children is observed before leaving home, inviting the child to say goodbye to his peers and wave his pen.

During regime moments, we draw the attention of the kids to how each of them eats well, washes, etc. Putting the children to bed, we encourage them to wish each other a restful sleep.

To maintain children's interest in each other, we use various play techniques, reading nursery rhymes, singing songs, mentioning the name of each baby in them.

A good technique that brings children together is a joint viewing of children's works: drawings, plasticine figurines, building blocks, etc. At the same time, we try to be sure to praise each child, encouraging other kids to praise their peers.

The creation of friendly relations between children is also facilitated by the joint viewing of children's photographs, the celebration of children's birthdays.

A necessary condition for maintaining good relations between children is to draw their attention to the emotional state of each other. Therefore, we try to encourage children to rejoice with their peers, to show sympathy, pity. At the same time, you cannot force kids, force them to do something against their will, tear them away from classes.

The rapprochement of children is facilitated by joint observation of various events and phenomena that naturally occur during the day (watching a cat wash on the path outside the window, how a bird is building a nest in a tree, how a car is driving, it is raining, children are walking, etc.). Sometimes we invite several children to observe this or that phenomenon together, ask questions, answer the kids' questions. If the children already know how to speak, we ask them to tell a peer about what they saw.

The first contacts between children are sometimes complicated by the fact that babies do not know how to take into account the interests and states of each other, sometimes they perceive their peers as an inanimate object, quarrel over toys, “fight” for an adult's attention to themselves.

Most often, when children quarrel over a toy, we try to gently resolve conflicts between children, without violence and shouting, by translating them into positive forms of interaction, switching the attention of the kids to other activities or objects. In this situation, an adult can:

To distract the child's attention with another toy, an interesting activity, or offer him the same toy;

Organize a joint play with the toy that caused the conflict;

Help the children to prioritize playing with the toy.

When choosing one or another method of resolving a conflict, an adult should take into account the age and individual characteristics of children (the ability to play, use speech, accept the rules of sequence, as well as the degree of emotional tension of the situation. In a fairly calm situation, we offer children a joint game or establish a sequence of actions. we explain to the children that you can’t offend each other, but you need to be able to negotiate. If the fight cannot be stopped, the adult can take the toy that caused the contention and warn him that he will not give it up until the children agree among themselves.

As part of a person-centered interaction, we adhere to the following rules when resolving children's conflicts:

Avoid directive statements that require the child to act on direct instructions (for example, "Give the doll", "Do not offend Katya", "Play together");

Do not humiliate the child ("greedy", "angry", etc.);

Use tactful techniques to support a weak and offended child and ways to influence a stronger and more aggressive child;

Use indirect ways to encourage the child to express their feelings and desires (for example: "You want to say ... It is very important to say ...");

To tactfully interpret the feelings of the offended child, helping the children to better understand each other's state and agree (for example: "I think Katya is upset. Isn't that true, Katya? You both want to play with the same doll. What about now?");

Use prohibitions only after exhausting other ways to resolve the conflict;

The prohibition should be formulated in such a way that allows children to agree with each other (for example: “I do not allow playing with this typewriter until you agree”).

Special games and activities aimed at developing communication between children, which we use in a group.

To bring children closer, organize them joint activities, we use a variety of games to support positive relationships. At the same time, we take into account the child's age, his ability and desire to communicate with peers.

Joint games of several children require them to be self-disciplined and independent. They help kids to experience a sense of community, educate them to enter into emotional and practical interaction with a group of peers.

Cooperative play should be based on simple, well-known movements for children. Such games teach the child to carefully observe the actions of other children, repeat them, listen to peers and an adult, coordinate their actions with the actions of a peer.

During the game, we invite the kids to perform some action together (jump, raise their arms, sit down, clap their hands, spin around, etc., encourage them to imitate each other's actions. independently come up with new movements that other children will repeat.Sometimes we ask the kids to pass on some action along the chain (stroke, hug, name a peer standing or sitting next to them, etc.).

We support the child's initiative, if he himself tries to start a game with his peers, we give children more freedom in organized games. But very often children are so carried away by running around that they stop seeing each other. By avoiding overstimulation of babies, we offer them a more relaxed activity.

Thus, we should maintain a balance between mobile, emotionally rich and calmer games, which are convenient to play while sitting on a carpet or at a table. These games include finger games in which children can also imitate each other. We organize them at any time of the day, alternating with outdoor games. Finger games help us to occupy the entire group of children sitting on high chairs in anticipation of lunch or afternoon tea. Children like these games and are very good at soothing them.

The development of joint activities is facilitated and round dance games modeled on folk games and built around a combination of simple repetitive movements with the word. They involve synchronization of movement and physical contact between the participants. Simultaneous repetition of actions brings children together, satisfying their need to imitate. In round dance games, optimal conditions are created for the development of the child's ability to coordinate their actions with those of a partner. Round dance games exclude competition between children. By their nature, they are close to fun games. Round dance games introduce kids to samples of folk poetry. The combination of movements with the word helps the child to understand and comprehend the content of the game, which, in turn, makes it easier to perform actions. These games help us to win the sympathy of children, their trust and reasonable obedience. In the round dance games, we include melodic poems and songs by children's poets and composers.

Games like this enrich the communication experience of children. Communicating with each other in this form, they learn to express their emotions, to conjugate actions, to “negotiate” in the language of actions, to feel the state of a peer.

We organize and games with rules, in which babies develop the ability to manage their behavior, listen carefully to an adult and act in accordance with the proposed role, timely perform play actions that are determined by the role, and also coordinate their actions with the actions of a peer. In many games of this type, the game situation involves the alternation of two types of actions - active movements and their inhibition, which requires certain efforts from children. The imaginative nature of games contributes to the development of imagination, and joint activity contributes to the rapprochement and unification of children.

For the development of children's play interaction, we organize such games with rules in which toddlers take turns taking on a central role. The leader should act in front of other children, feeling their attention. In the course of such games, children not only master the elements of role-playing behavior, but also learn to overcome shyness, internal stress that arises in some babies when they are in the center of attention.

A special group of games that contribute to the development of communication between children are joint games with various objects and toys... Often young children are so absorbed in playing with objects that they completely do not notice their peers. The kids still do not know how to play with each other, they quarrel over toys, take them away from each other. But the fact that toys often interfere with children's interaction does not mean that objects should be excluded from their sphere of communication. It is very important to create situations that combine object games and peer communication.

In order to avoid quarrels, an adult should participate in joint object games of young children, whose task is to educate children and help them in the distribution of toys, coordination and coordination of actions. At the same time, in the group, we monitor not only the sequence of the play actions, but also organize the communication of children in the course of their implementation: we call the kids by name, draw their attention to the partner's actions, his desires, offer help, praise, and together rejoice at the result. Activities together with adults and interesting for children help kids to see in their peers not a rival in the struggle for the right to possess a toy, but a partner in the game.

In the course of joint object games, we play ball, assemble and disassemble pyramids, make various buildings out of cubes (houses, paths, trains, etc., sand, lay out figures from mosaic pieces and pyramid rings, make beads for dolls, etc.) we organize joint games with dolls and other toys.

During the game, you should kindly address the children as often as possible, focusing on how well they play together. This helps to draw the attention of children to each other.

E. O. Smirnova, V. M. Kholmogorova "Development of communication of children with peers" "Mosaic-synthesis", M. 2008

"Psychology of communication in childhood", 3 - edition, Volkov B. S., Volkova N. V., from the series " Child psychologist"Peter, 2008 - 272 p.

Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Training of communication with a child. Period early childhood... SPb. : Speech, 2006 .-- 176 p.

Galiguzova L.N.

The kid is one year old. This age marks the beginning of a new period of childhood - early age, which lasts up to three years. By the age of one year, the foundation of all his subsequent acquisitions is laid in the child's psyche: the baby already knows how to communicate with the adults around him, his first attachments are formed, with the help of loved ones he discovers the world of objects and learns to handle them correctly, experiences his own I, separate from the I other people, begins to understand speech and makes the first attempts to speak, becomes more independent. At the beginning of the second year of life, the child begins to walk and more and more insistently demands from adults the right to freely explore the world around him. This age requires a lot of patience from parents and grandparents, because during this period the child is restless, sometimes capricious, self-willed and stubborn. He climbs into all corners, grabs, throws and pulls into his mouth everything that comes his way. He knocks over jars of jam, spills his mother's perfume, rips up books and sticks his fingers into electrical outlets, protests violently if something is taken from him. In the life of adults, there is a constant concern for the safety of the baby.

In order to better understand how to properly communicate with a child in this difficult period of childhood, how to create conditions for the full development of a baby, adults need, first of all, to know the peculiarities of the psyche of young children, which largely determine their behavior.

Features of the psyche of a young child.

One of the characteristic features of a child's behavior at this age is his pronounced situational awareness. A kid of one or two years old is interested in everything that surrounds him, he is drawn to everything that is in his field of vision. As the German psychologist K. Levin figuratively said, a ladder beckons a child to walk along it, a door or a box to close or open them, a bell to ring it, a round ball to roll it. Every thing in the child's field of vision is charged for him with an attractive or repulsive force, which "provokes" him to action, directs him. This connection with the situation, with a visual field, reflects the originality of the activity of the consciousness of a child of an early age.

Situationality leaves an imprint on all types of child's activities, on the course of all his mental processes. So, the baby's memory functions mainly in the form of recognition: the child remembers a familiar object when he sees it in front of him. Thinking at this age proceeds in a visual-effective form: cognition of the world around is carried out through practical actions. The child is not yet able to engage in purely mental activities, such as thinking or imagining something. That is why the role of objects is so great in his life. Not allowing the baby to act with them, limiting his activity, we deprive him of the opportunity to think, and therefore, to live fully. The child's emotions are also more often and brighter manifested at the moment of perception of objects. It's enough to show the kid interesting toy, - and his interest will switch to what they are seeing at the moment.

The dominance of the visual situation often affects the fulfillment of the instructions of the adults. So, willingly going for some object at the request of an adult, the kid can be distracted by a toy that gets in his way and start playing with it, forgetting about what he was after. The direct, stronger impact of the objects completely absorbs the baby.

Another characteristic feature of the psyche of a young child is the special emotionality of perception of the surrounding world. Emotionality, of course, is inherent in a person at any age, but adults, as a rule, know how to manage their feelings. It's not like that for a child. The peculiarity of the attitude of young children to their surroundings lies in their passion, impulsiveness, in the instability of emotions. How joyfully a child rushes to a new toy or joins in an already known interesting game. He animatedly touches the toys, exclaims enthusiastically, looking at them, persistently shows the adult, trying to share his pleasure with him. Parting with your favorite toy also creates an explosion of feelings. The same thing happens when meeting or separating from loved ones. The kid cries desperately, discovering the absence of his mother, and rushes to her with joyful exclamations, as soon as he sees her. All feelings of children of this age are expressed in the fullness of their experience.

The unity of the emotional and effective attitude to the directly perceived world is, perhaps, the main feature of the child's mental organization throughout the entire early age. This feature is especially pronounced in the second year of a baby's life.

In order to communicate correctly with a baby at an early age, it is also necessary to know what his main interests are focused on during this period, which is the main content of his life.

The origin of objective activity.

Early age is a period of intensive development by a child of the world around him through actions with objects. And these actions are significantly different from those with the help of which the baby explored the various properties of objects at the previous stage of development, in infancy.

The first actions with objects appear in children as early as 6-7 months. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the baby performs them regardless of the properties and purpose of an object, for example, knocks on the table with a spoon, gnaws it, and throws it on the floor. Such actions are called manipulations. Gradually, the actions become more complicated: the child begins to notice and use some properties of the objects he manipulates (for example, puts a small object into a large one, pushes a toy between the rungs of the bed). Such actions are called specific. By the end of a year of life, the baby already knows how to handle some toys in accordance with the simple rules laid down in them: he can string a ring of a pyramid on its rod, put a cube on a cube, roll a car or a ball, etc. research character, is rapidly expanding. The objects of the surrounding world are increasingly ceasing to be isolated in the child's perception; more often, he himself or with the help of an adult establishes various connections and relationships between them.

In the same period, a special type of action with objects begins to take shape, based on their use in accordance with a cultural purpose. The kid tries to use a spoon, comb his hair with a comb, digs sand with a spatula, inserts a key into the machine, trying to start it, etc. Psychologists call such actions instrumental, since they involve the impact of one object on another in order to obtain a practical result. The peculiarity of such actions is that the way of using the tool is not obvious, does not lie on the surface. The child cannot independently discover that the spoon is made so that it is convenient to eat, and the key is made in order to start the machine. When a baby takes a rattle in his hand, she herself makes a sound, as if introducing her to her property. In the object-tool, its properties are not obvious. That is why in the period of early childhood, the role of an adult is so great, helping a child to discover the secrets of the world around him, step by step to enter the culture of the society in which he lives. Acquaintance with the purpose of various objects, mastering cultural methods of handling them is the main content of the life of a child of an early age. The child's actions with objects in accordance with their purpose constitute the leading activity throughout the entire early age. It is called leading, because it is in it that the most significant changes in all aspects of the child's psyche take place: perception, thinking, memory are improved, such important personal qualities as initiative, independence, purposefulness develop, the new kind activities - a game with plot toys.

Subject activity is not limited to mastering only everyday skills. A large place in the life of a child of one or two years old takes purely research activities... Early age is a period of active experimentation with objects. Cognitive activity encourages the baby to explore everything that surrounds him. He endlessly opens and closes cans, puts various objects in them, pulls out cabinet drawers, presses the buttons of the TV, switch and computer keys, pours sand and pours water from one container to another, tears and crumples paper, flips through the pages of books and does the incredible many other actions that allow you to get acquainted with the various properties and ratios of objects and substances.

At this age, the baby shows a pronounced interest in new objects, reaches for them, carefully examines them, twirls them in his hands for a long time, tries to disassemble, in various ways to influence other objects. He also likes to play with various didactic toys: inserts, pyramids, nesting dolls, cubes; gladly rolls cars, toys on sticks, tries to launch a spinning top, etc.

In the process of experimentation, the child also receives purely functional pleasure from the very process of action, because in this process he feels himself to be a subject of what is happening, a source of changes in the world around him. Exploratory behavior improves during an early age, remaining an important component of cognitive and creative development, both in this and in the following age periods.

It is quite obvious that only adults who organize stimulating development can ensure the full-fledged cognitive development of a child, introduce him into the world of culture. subject environment, attract the baby's attention to new objects, introduce them to their purpose and teach them how to use them, encourage and support children's curiosity.

What kind of adult does a young child need?

To begin with, let's look back and remember that your communication with your child in the first half of your life was based on direct emotional contacts. Caring for the baby, you caressed him, surrounded him with tenderness and love. And the child answered you in the same way: he smiled, happily walked, waving his arms, arching his whole body at the sight of close adults, showing them his disposition. At the core of his need for communication was the need for the attention and kindness of adults.

The need for the attention and kindness of others, formed in infancy, does not disappear with age, it remains with the child forever, but gradually, starting from the second half of life, it recedes into the background. The child is no longer satisfied with the caresses and hugs of adults alone. The arising and growing interest in the objective world changes the nature of his communication with them. The kid no longer just caresses his mother, but, sitting in her arms, examines the things she is wearing, reaches for the clock on the wall, books on the shelf. He wants to touch and turn everything in his hands, and he increasingly insistently demands from an adult to provide him with such an opportunity.

The things surrounding the baby are interesting, mysterious, often inaccessible to him. Therefore, he constantly turns to his loved ones for help, explanations, and complicity. The child seeks to translate emotional contacts into a plan of subject interaction. The desire for such interaction is at the core of the child's communication with the adult and throughout the entire early age. Therefore, it received the name of business communication.

The main thing in such communication is practical interaction, during which the adult acts as his partner, helping the child to master this or that action. The adult appears before the child, first of all, as a model of how to do it right.

But the child needs an adult not only as a model of action. No less important for him is the support and evaluation of his actions by adults. It is far from immediately possible for a kid to do as an adult does, and he is also still unable to understand whether he is performing this or that action correctly. The need for support of adults, in their assessment of the actions, skills of the baby is one of the main stimuli for objective activity and cognitive activity of young children. The benevolent attention of an adult creates a favorable emotional atmosphere of communication, gives the child confidence in his abilities, a sense of the importance of his studies, and the assessment stimulates the desire to continue and improve his actions, correct mistakes, achieving the correct result.

While playing with the child, introducing him to new objects, teaching him various actions, do not replace communication with impersonal guidance, manipulation and "coaching" the baby. Always remember that communication should be based on the adult's personal focus on the child. Experiments conducted by the psychologist M.I. Lisina. She compared the behavior of one-and-a-half-year-old toddlers in different interactions with adults. Classes were conducted individually with each child. Children of one group were given toys, and an adult took the position of an observer, not reacting in any way to the actions of the baby. In another group, the adult played himself in front of the child, but his actions were not addressed to the child, the adult played as if with himself. And finally, in the third group, the adult organized a "reversed show," that is, played a performance in front of the child, addressing his actions to him, calling him by name, smiling at him, involving him in the game.

In all three situations, the children acted with objects in one way or another. However, in the first case, these actions were primitive and monotonous. The kids quickly lost interest in toys, began to whimper, look around. In the second case, they were more active, but their actions with objects were rather of a disorderly excitement: they repeated the same manipulations many times, in general their energy remained unproductive. In the third case, the children watched with pleasure the actions of the adult, imitated them, gradually joined the game, and continued the started game for a rather long time after the adult left the child alone.

So, a child needs an adult as a benevolent partner, an accomplice in objective activity, as an "expert" of his skills.

How to communicate with a young child?

Maintain and encourage your child's interest in adult activities. In the second year of life, the interest of children in the actions of adults, the desire to imitate them, increases. Where, if not in a family, a child gets the opportunity to engage in joint actions with adults, mastering all their diversity and complexity? Together with your mother or grandmother, you can wash clothes in the machine by pressing the necessary buttons and listening to the laundry spinning in the drum, and then helping them rinse their socks in a basin of water. There is nothing more interesting than disassembling and fixing the phone together with dad, or knocking on the board with a wooden mallet next to grandfather, "hammering in nails". If adults allow the child, as far as possible and with due regard for safety, to participate in their household chores, the baby will not only learn a lot. He will gain the experience of experiencing the joy of working together, her good result. You not only worked together, but also empathized with the child, shared his pleasure in communicating with you, noticed his difficulty and helped him. Create the conditions so that the baby can observe your actions. Let him see how mom or grandmother is preparing dinner, doing the laundry, cleaning the apartment, how dad or grandfather is doing "male" affairs. Explain to him your actions and the actions of others. Encourage the child's desire to imitate and help you: allow him to wipe the table with a rag, sweep the floor with a broom, wash his cup, wash a napkin next to you, "vacuum" the rug. Don't forget to thank him for his help. After praising him, emphasize the resemblance to adults, for example: "Masha, you clean up the room like a mother."

Of course, the participation of a child in the affairs of adults is a lot of trouble. This is a soiled shirt or dress, and spilled water, and garbage left after "sweeping" on the floor, and a dirty plate after "washing". In the second year of a child's life, it is only the process of an action itself that is occupied, and not its result. Only by the end of an early age will he learn to understand that any business must be done well, to notice his mistakes. But if loved ones limit his activity, waiting for the baby to grow up, his need for communication with an adult may weaken, and his desire for independence may fade away. The poverty of impressions and the lack of joint action will inhibit the development of the plot game - a powerful stimulus for the mental development of children.

Do not restrict the child's activities too strictly, otherwise he will not feel confident in his abilities. But do not disregard all the mistakes of the baby, because your task is to introduce his actions into the cultural framework, to give guidelines for behavior in the world of things. When a child does not see these landmarks, when he hears only shouts - "no," "move away", "break", "break" - he feels confusion, grows capricious and dependent, begins to be afraid of everything new, cries or screams, when what something is "misbehaving" in its handles.

Help your child learn about everyday activities. The mastery of tool actions occurs when teaching the child household skills, hygiene rules, such as the ability to use a spoon, comb, toothbrush, soap, etc. Learning how to use household items should be understandable to the kid. Be sure to explain to the child the meaning of each action: soap and water make the pens clean, the teeth need to be brushed so that they are white and not sore, the hairs need to be combed so that they are beautiful, etc. If possible, accompany the training with nursery rhymes and songs.

Encourage your child to be independent. In the second year of life, when the child is still too young to do without the help of adults, relatives try to do everything for him. As he masters a variety of skills and abilities, the child increasingly begins to defend his right to act independently. The desire for independence increases especially intensively in the third year of a baby's life. He already knows how to do a lot himself, knows the names and purpose of household items, seeks to help adults wash the dishes, wipe the table, vacuum the floor, water the flowers. Support this valuable aspiration of the child.

As your child learns new skills and abilities, trust him to act independently. Take upon yourself only what he cannot do himself, leave the rest to him to do. Be patient, suppress the urge to do everything quickly for the child. Avoid pedantry and petty control over your baby.

In order to bring up independence in a child, you need to show and explain to him the sequence of certain actions so that it is clear to him.

Teach your child to behave properly at the table. Help him to use cutlery correctly, a napkin, and set the table together beautifully. After eating, invite your baby to remove the cup or plate after him.

Teach your toddler to take off and put on clothes, shoes, open and close buttons and zippers. Train him to watch his appearance, take care of your belongings. Encourage yourself to comb your hair, tuck your shirt into your pants, hang clothes on your hanger, put your shoes in the right place, and disassemble and clean the crib.

Giving the child freedom during games and activities, teach him to put things in order after they are finished: put toys in place, put books on the shelf, wipe a table stained with watercolors. Try to make these everyday tasks interesting for the child. Use playful techniques for this. For example, tell the baby on behalf of the toys that they are tired of lying on the floor, that they are cold, and they want to be removed to their warm house (box). And the books want to stand next to each other on the shelf with their sisters.

Before you start asking your child to put toys back in place, set up a comfortable play area in the room. Make low shelves for books, pencils and paints, cubes, typewriters. Put a box or box for small toys, a small table and chair for drawing, sculpting, reading.

If it is difficult for a child, or he made a mistake, be sure to sympathize with him, help him correct the mistake. Never scold, jerk, or tease your baby if he accidentally breaks a cup, spills water or gets dirty if something is not working out for him. Empathize with him and tell him that next time he will succeed.

Do not forget to praise the kid for his independence, accuracy, diligence. Try to thank him not at all ("you are great"), but for specific help: "I am so tired, and you helped me clear the dishes from the table," etc.

Instill in your child a respectful attitude towards the results of the work of adults and your own.

Help your child learn to use toys. Parents often complain that children quickly lose interest in toys, constantly demand more and more. And beautiful dolls, colorful cubes and pyramids are gathering dust in the children's corner, and the child is capricious and does not know how to occupy himself. This is because in the early stages of childhood, babies still do not know how to handle objects for their intended purpose, and monotonous manipulative actions with them quickly exhaust the initially pronounced interest in a new object. Remember that the baby can only understand how to act with the toy with your help. It is necessary to help children to reveal the properties of objects, to show how to play with them. When buying a new toy for your child, be sure to play with it with your baby. Get him interested not only in the look of the toy, but also in what you can do with it. While playing with the doll, come up with an interesting plot for the kid: feed it, bathe it, ride it in a stroller. If you bought bricks for your child, explain that many interesting things can be built from them. Put together a turret, a fence, a path, a train, a garage for a car, or a house for a dog. Consider together how the new car is arranged, how it can go in different directions, ride a small toy on it. Show how to properly start a clockwork toy (car, mouse, monkey, whirligig). First, start it yourself in front of the baby, then offer to start it together. Gently guide the child's hand so that he understands the desired movement, and then ask him to perform the action on his own. Help your kid learn to use a net for catching fish, a shovel, a scoop, a rake, and molds when playing with sand. Remember that any object acquires a special attraction for a child if an adult acted with it, and even more so if they played together.

When teaching your toddler how to use household items and toys, first show him The right way handling the object, and then invite him to perform the action himself. Do not rush the baby, let him try to perform the action on his own. Comment kindly on the child's actions. If necessary, offer him your help, take his hands in your hands and make the necessary movement with him. Repeat the show and joint action several times.

Correct your baby's movements gently, without violence. Do not scold him for doing something wrong. At this age, the child's desire to do something like an adult is much more important than achieving the correct result. Be patient: what seems simple and easy to you is still difficult for the baby.

Do not forget to praise the child for his diligence, perseverance. Rejoice with him in his achievements. Share your baby's achievements with loved ones in his presence. This will fill him with pride, give him confidence in his abilities, support the desire to improve his skills.

Respond to the child's initiative in communicating about objects, to all his requests for help.

Create conditions for child experimentation: Organize a comfortable space and choose the right materials so that you can keep your child in your field of attention while going about your business and come to his rescue during the time. Young children are very fond of settling with their toys next to adults. If you are preparing food in the kitchen, put your child at a table and offer him several cans of cereals: large, medium and small, and show how they can be put into one another. A jar with a lid filled with small objects will give the kid the opportunity to hide and find toys, plastic bottle with cereals and a cup - pour different substances from one container to another.

Water games can be organized in the bathroom or kitchen. Put the child in an apron, fill the bowl with water and show how you can launch ships from the shell walnut, or planks, draw his attention to the fact that some objects are floating, while others are drowning, teach him how to squeeze out a sponge soaked in water. During a walk, you can arrange games with sand: shift it with a spatula into a bucket, pour it out, make Easter cakes, build a tower or a slide, dig grooves and minks, etc.

Encourage your toddler to explore with suggestions and questions. For example: “Try to open the box”, “What if there’s something in this box?”, “What happens if you throw a pebble into the basin? lower the sponge? "

Answer all the baby's questions, trying to formulate the answers in an accessible form.

Rejoice at the "discoveries" and "inventions" of the baby, share the joy with other family members, and praise the baby. If he already knows how to speak, ask him questions about what he is doing, what he has done, help to tell dad, grandmother, grandfather about what he was doing.

Do not scold the child if, out of interest, he disassembled or accidentally broke a toy, poured water on the floor, got dirty, got dirty. This is inevitable at an early age. Try to be patient with children's "experiments" and so organize the space for children's games and activities so that it is convenient to put things in order in the house.

Play with your children different types games.

Narrative games. In the second year of life, children begin to show interest in games with plot toys. By the age of three, these games already occupy a fairly large place among the favorite activities of kids. They are happy to imitate the playful actions of adults: they feed, comb dolls and toy animals, bathe them in a bathtub, swaddle them, put them to bed, roll in a stroller, build houses for them, etc. Choose the appropriate sets of toys. Remember that these games need to be played not only with girls, but also with boys. The story-driven game has great importance for the mental development of the child. It is a means of cognition of the surrounding world, contributes to the development of figurative thinking and imagination. In the game, the child under conditional circumstances acts "like a mother", "dad", "grandmother" or "grandfather", which gives him the opportunity to feel free and omnipotent, like adults. In order for the game to arise and develop fully, adults must constantly involve the baby in it, organizing joint games.

Play small stories with dolls and animals in front of the child, show play actions with them. At the same time, involve the baby in your game: ask for help with feeding, combing the doll, etc.; distribute game actions with him. For example, you can say: "Let's feed the doll. I'll give her porridge, and you give her some tea."

Try to make the game interesting for the kid. To do this, play yourself with passion. Animate dolls and animals with your child: think of names for them, address them with questions, answer for them, comment on your actions and the actions of the characters. Involve the child in the conversation with the dolls, ask him questions on behalf of the dolls and animals, initiate his answers or be responsible for him.

Help the kid transfer play actions to different dolls and animals, gradually expand the circle game situations and toys (for example, if the child feeds only one doll, tell him that the bear also wants to eat, feed him together)

Gradually introduce substitute objects into the game, for example, use a stick instead of a spoon, a cube instead of bread, a ball instead of an apple or testicle, etc. This will help develop the child's imagination and help make the game more meaningful.

When organizing game communication, observe important rule: do not turn the game into an activity. Avoid preaching tone and remarks. Try to enrich the child's play unobtrusively, do not interrupt it, but connect to it, encouraging the child's play initiative.

Emotional and outdoor games. Popular pedagogy is rich in such games. These include games-amusements, nursery rhymes, for example, "okay", "magpie-white-sided", "horned goat", etc. The works of children's poets also provide rich opportunities for this kind of games. Their content is accessible and understandable to kids, they are easy to learn and readily reproduced by children. Despite their outward simplicity and accessibility, folklore and author's works of children have enormous developmental potential. They contribute to the emotional liberation of the child, the development of speech, imagination, arbitrariness of actions, the ability to act synchronously with a partner. Games, accompanied by poetic lines or a melody, develop a sense of rhythm, ear for music. While playing these games with your baby, encourage him to repeat your movements and words. If the child does not succeed, take his hands in yours and depict the appropriate action with gentle movements. Sing verse lines wherever the text allows.

Organize outdoor games with and without objects: hide-and-seek, "catch-up", ball games, pins, etc. Include such games in imaginary situations. For example, when playing hide and seek, you can search not only for each other, but also for hidden toys; tossing or rolling a ball to each other, you can "animate" it ("My cheerful, ringing ball, where did you rush to gallop? Red, yellow, blue, not to keep up with you").

Dramatization games. When telling a child a fairy tale, do not forget to act out its plot in front of him. For example, while reading "Ryaba Chicken" show how the grandfather calls the grandmother for help, how they beat the testicle, how they cry; Telling "The Turnip", depict how big she grew up, and how the characters of the fairy tale pulled her out of the ground. Try to keep your voice and facial expressions expressive. Encourage your child to collaborate with the characters. Listening based on action helps the child to better understand the speech of an adult, to realize the meaning of what is happening, to experience their feelings with the characters, to express sympathy for them.

Show your child small plays with tabletop theater characters. For such games, you can use dolls and animals that are worn on the hand or on the fingers. The kid will be happy to watch you act out scenes from fairy tales or rhymes on the flannelgraph.

Fantasy games. Organize games with your child in which he can depict objects of animate and inanimate nature, objects of the man-made world (depict with him snowflakes, clouds, autumn leaves, plane, car, etc.). When reading nursery rhymes and stories to the child, invite him to depict the actions of the characters, imitate their voices (for example, first show yourself, and then ask the baby to show how "a bull goes, sways", how "our Masha is crying loudly", offer to portray like a rooster flaps its wings, how a cat licks its lips, how a chick squeaks, how a dog barks, how a horse gallops, how a cunning fox sneaks, etc.). Join the kid's action, play together. Such games will encourage the child to repeat verse lines after you, depict the behavior of people, animals, birds, imitate sounds, move to the rhythm of a poem or song that you sing.

Board games. Even the smallest child can play simple board games such as bingo. Pick up a lotto with such pictures, which depict objects known to children: toys, household items or pets (it is good if these are images of adult animals and their cubs). Consider the pictures together, together name what is drawn on them. Show your toddler how you can match cards with pictures on a card. Then play together. Do not scold the kid for lack of understanding. This difficult game for him requires concentration and the ability to act according to the idea.

Develop your child's speech. Speech develops primarily as a means of communication between the child and others. Remember that the atmosphere of love and benevolent attention of adults to the baby contributes to the timely occurrence of speech. Talk to him more. Name all the objects with which you play together, your actions, the actions of other people and the child himself, comment on what is happening. Encourage him to speak in various ways (with addresses like "say ...", "name ...", "what is this?", "Where?", Etc.).

Do not distort your speech when communicating with your child. Strive to ensure that he understands you, and at the same time, do not oversimplify your speech.

Create a rich speech environment in the family. Let your baby hear how you communicate with your loved ones. Engage him in the general conversation.

Organize games and activities to develop the child's fine motor skills. This will contribute to the timely occurrence of speech. Sort small objects together with the baby, string beads on the fishing line, fasten and unfasten buttons, zippers, do finger exercises, accompanying them with appropriate rhymes.

Do not leave your child alone for a long time in front of the TV and audio system. Watch and listen with him. Psychologists have proven that the presence of an adult when a child perceives speech has a beneficial effect on its occurrence.

Introduce your child to the book from an early age. Every day, tell and read the kid folk and author's tales, nursery rhymes, small poems... Your speech should be expressive, melodious. Try to awaken in the child joyful emotions, empathy for the characters.

Arouse the child's interest in the illustrations: accompany the reading by looking at the pictures, tell them what is drawn on them, ask them to name and show the pictures. Read the same favorite books to your child many times. Encourage him to "read" with you: pause while reading so that the child can complete a line of poetry or a repeating phrase. Offer him to "read" a well-known fairy tale himself, help him read it to the end. Such joint reading is one of the most effective ways development of the child's speech and a wonderful way of communication.

Short stories with repetitive phrases are best for young children. Such tales as "Ryaba Hen", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" are available and interesting to them.

Read the child's poems by A. Barto, S.Ya. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, B. Zakhoder, Z. Alexandrova, E. Moshkolvskoy, I. Tokmakova, V. Berestov, small poems or stanzas from Russian poets - Pushkin, Tyutchev, Fet, Maykov. They are distinguished by a beautiful poetic rhythm, rich shades of words. Even if the child does not understand everything from what he has read, he will become familiar with the beauty of his native language, enjoy the melodiousness of poetic lines.

For the youngest children who do not yet know how to turn thin pages, buy books in small formats with thick pages and bright pictures. Teach your kid to turn over such pages.

Do not scold your kid for unintentionally torn pages. At an early age, when fine motor skills are poorly developed in children, this is inevitable. Patiently teach him to be careful with his books. If the child has torn the page, together with him "treat" the book, have mercy on it, cover the page.

Protect your child's positive attitude towards himself. With the proper organization of communication between an adult and a child, already in the first year of life, the baby develops a general positive attitude towards himself. The loving attitude of those close to him forms in him the experience of his need and value. This very important personal quality stimulates both communication with others and the cognitive activity of the baby.

In the second year of life, this general positive attitude of the child towards himself remains, but in the course of business communication with adults, he begins to develop a new type of self-esteem - a specific self-esteem, which no longer refers to his personality as a whole, but to individual actions. Now, evaluating the actions of the baby, the adult not only expresses approval, but also points out mistakes. The child often emotionally perceives negative assessments, takes offense, sometimes refuses to work.

Gradually, the baby learns to separate the general positive attitude of the adult towards himself from his attitude towards individual actions and deeds. Their positive or negative assessment begins to regulate the child's behavior. But this does not happen immediately. Therefore, adults should protect the child's pride, help him not to confuse a general positive attitude towards himself with an assessment of individual actions, which is not always approving. Respect should be shown for the baby's personality, needs and desires. If he cannot cope with some business, one should not give a negative assessment of his personality. Words such as "clumsy", "muddlehead" hurt the kid's pride. Constant reproaches negatively affect the development of initiative, foster self-doubt, extinguish curiosity. If a child has done something wrong, never call him bad, do not say that you will not love him. Address the censure to his actions, but not to the person.

In case of failure, you need to cheer the child up, instill confidence in their abilities, offer help. In the process of joint activities, encourage the baby, praise, emphasize successes and achievements, provide him with support. Try to use less prohibitions and censures. Prohibit only what is dangerous to the life and health of the child himself and those around him and what offends others. In all other cases, it is better to distract the baby, to switch his attention to something else, to organize a joint game.

It should be understood that praise is much more informative than censure, since by censuring a child, forbidding him to do something, an adult tells him what should not be done. At the same time, nothing is reported about a positive way out of the situation, about what can and should be done.

How can you support a child's initiative in a specific situation without resorting to censure or prohibition? Suppose the kid is interested in the alarm clock and he reaches for it with a pen, asks to give him this object. Take your time to say, "You can't." Try this: take the watch in hand and show it to your kid. Let it be touched, look at the hands, numbers together, listen to how they tick, and then put the clock in place. Most likely, the child's curiosity will be satisfied, and communication and cooperation with an adult will increase the adult's authority as a source of knowledge about the world and a partner in cognition of the surrounding reality.

In conclusion, we will draw a portrait of a baby who has a successful experience of communicating with adults.

Initiative towards adults - seeks to draw their attention to his actions, asks for help and assessment of his actions;

Persistently demands complicity in their affairs.

He is sensitive to the attitude of loved ones, to their assessment, knows how to rebuild his behavior depending on the behavior of an adult, subtly distinguishes between praise and censure;

Readily imitates adults, tries to fulfill their requests and instructions;

Trustingly and openly refers to strangers adults;

Shows a pronounced curiosity;

Knows how to find something to do, plays varied and enthusiastically;

Persistent in achieving the set goal, overcoming difficulties in actions with objects;

Timely masters active speech, uses it for communication purposes.

If you are going to send your toddler to a nursery, where should you start?

For the youngest children, it is best to organize emotional contacts, which are accompanied by looks into each other's eyes, smiles, strokes. Remember how pleasant the benevolent glance of the interlocutor is, how much can be expressed with a glance.

Kids love it very much when mothers, fathers or grandmothers play with them in okay, magpie-crow and other fun games. They can also be organized with several children. If friends with a small child come to visit you, take a few minutes to play together with the kids. Sit with them and play magpie-raven with each one in turn so that the children can watch you play. And then organize the same game between the children, helping them to move their fingers along each other's palm, bend them, encouraging them to repeat the words of the saying. Repeat the game several times. Similarly, you can play other similar games. Children will be happy to play "horned goat", "along a narrow path", "dzap!", Hide and seek, catch-up. All this will contribute to the establishment of friendly relations between children, the development of the ability to coordinate actions.

Outdoor games are very interesting for children and useful, which involve the joint performance of the same actions. These games can be played with 2-3 kids at home or on a walk. For example, putting the children in a circle, you invite them to jump together, stomp their feet, clap their hands, spin around, showing an example of action and setting the rhythm of movements, accompanying them with a nursery rhyme or song. At the same time, you need to draw the attention of children to each other, call them by name, praise how they play well and amicably. Older children can be encouraged to come up with some movements or actions themselves so that others imitate them. It is good to include such games in small plots with elements of imagination. For example, children can spin "like snowflakes", jump "like bunnies", stomp "like bears", stretch their arms up "like flowers to the sun", etc.

Round dance games also contribute to the rapprochement of children. It is also good to organize them with several toddlers. Even the smallest children will be happy to play in the "carousel", "blow up the bubble", "loaf". An atmosphere of joy, fun, a change in simple movements and their direction, repetitive words-choruses, pleasant bodily sensations - all this disposes children to continue communication, enriches their communicative experience.

Although objects and toys sometimes cause fights among children, they should not be excluded from interaction. The participation of an adult is also important here, who helps the kids to exchange toys, set priorities in actions, and achieve a common goal. It is best to start such games with objects that are familiar to babies - this will reduce the likelihood of conflicts. Joint games with objects include, for example, games with balls that can be rolled, thrown, kicked towards each other. An interesting game can be organized by giving two kids the same pyramids and inviting them to first disassemble and assemble them on their own, and then together, giving each other rings and stringing them onto one rod. You can use blocks to build a tower, fence or long train, garage or house together. With the help of fishing line and large beads (pasta, rings), you can make beads for a large doll and for each other.

Children will enjoy playing with paper and paints. Spread a large sheet of Whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper on the floor or on a table, prepare gouache paints, brushes or foam rubber seals according to the number of participants in the game. Draw several houses in different corners of the sheet, tell the children that these are their houses and that they can visit each other. Invite them, dipping their brushes in paint, to make traces on the paper, "walking" towards each other. The same can be done with seals or even with your fingers. This game can be diversified, for example, draw a lake or a forest clearing with trees on paper and, using the same visual means, draw together fish in the lake or birds on the trees. You can also trace the children's palms with a pencil or felt-tip pen, and the little ones will compare them.

Joint games can be organized with sand, making cakes from it with the help of molds, making slides or tunnels, with water, launching boats to each other or bubble.

It is very useful to arrange joint reading of books to expand the experience of communication with other children. Together with an adult, kids can look at illustrations, name drawn objects, exchange impressions. This will contribute not only to the development of communication, but also the speech of children.

As you help children make contacts, try to participate in the game together as an equal participant. Support the initiative of the little ones, rejoice with the result obtained with them, draw their attention to each other's actions, encourage expressions of sympathy. Try to praise the children and involve each other in the praise. After all, the most important thing in friendship is a kind and considerate attitude.


For the preparation of this work were used materials from the site

For the purpose of this work, the following tasks are determined: 1. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the study and description of the role of communication between young children and adults. 2. To reveal the main features of communication between children and adults. 3. Determine the impact of communication on mental development child. In this work, the following methods were used: analysis of scientific-pedagogical and ...

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Moms and dads want their baby to be healthy and develop fully in all respects. An important event in the life of a family is the appearance of speech in a child. Communication with a small child is the greatest joy for his parents. However, many of them do not quite understand how to properly communicate with the baby. This makes them uneasy. Often the reason for grief is the delay in the appearance of the first words and phrases in the child.

So, your baby is one year old. Until he speaks and communicates through speech. Let's think if it happened right before speech development in the first year of life, were the prerequisites for the emergence of an independent speech created?

Speech- the most important psychophysiological process. The state of speech function can largely be judged on the development cognitive activities child.

In order for speech to develop normally, many conditions must be met. The child must be healthy. Its central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), gradually maturing, reaches a certain level of development by the year. The child's intellect, hearing and vision are normal, the child's capabilities are preserved when performing age-accessible movements. If you have doubts about your child's health, you should consult with doctors of the appropriate profile.

Let's talk in more detail about what are psychological and pedagogical preconditions for the development of speech and how parents interact with the child, first of all, the main educator is the mother.

With the birth of a child, the rhythm and content of the life of his parents changes. Numerous worries associated with the implementation of the daily routine sometimes overshadow the possibility of communicating with him. However, caring for a baby (swaddling, bathing, feeding, etc.) can and should be accompanied by affectionate remarks, a kind of short conversations.

Communication during infancy, it would seem, is one-sided and the initiative comes only from the adult. However, it is not. The famous psychologist M.I. Lisina identified four main forms of communication between a child and an adult from birth to 7 years old, two of them appear and develop at an early age.

Already in the first months of a child's life, a form of his communication with an adult is formed, which is called directly emotional (or situational-personal)... In the first two months of life, there is a need for communication with an adult. The smile of a baby does not just appear on its own, it is addressed to an adult. A child's attention to an adult and the joy of interacting with an adult is manifested in different ways: from the violent expression of emotions to a quiet, serene calmness. The behavior of the child may indicate his proactive desire to communicate. The child reacts to changes in the intensity of the adult's attention, which is manifested in a smile, actions, speech addressed to him.

The full functioning of the first form of communication between a child and an adult is evidenced by:

  • favorable comfortable existence of the baby;
  • satisfying the need for friendly adult attention;
  • affectionate interaction of an adult with a child, in which the adult acts as an object of cognition and activity;
  • development of sensations and perceptions of the baby, preparing him for mastering grasping;
  • the use of expressive-mimic means in communication.
  • Situational-personal communication between a child and an adult becomes the leading form of his activity in the first six months of life.
  • At about six months, a child develops the following form of communication with an adult - situational business (or substantively effective). During this period, communication occurs in the course of joint activities of a child with an adult. Activity is objective, since the child first manipulates, and then gradually masters functional actions with objects. To master this activity, the child needs the help of an adult. The situational-business form of communication has been used for quite a long time - about up to three years.
  • A situational-business form of communication between a child and an adult is considered formed if it:
  • provides and maintains substantive activities;
  • satisfies the need for benevolent attention and cooperation;
  • assumes such an interaction between an adult and a child, in which the adult acts as a partner, an assistant in objective activity and play, serves as a role model;
  • promotes the development of objective activity, preparation for mastering speech and the development of the first stage of active independent speech of the child;
  • is implemented at the expense of the main means of communication, subject-specific.

The consistent appearance in a child of situational-personal and situational-business forms of communication with an adult is a significant prerequisite for the successful development of his independent speech. Experience shows that with an underdevelopment or delay in the appearance of these forms of communication, their specific traits it is important for a child to consistently form. However, in this case it can happen already with a delay and in a shorter time frame.

Let's talk about the child's achievements in the second and third years of life. Parents need to know what to strive for, expanding his speech capabilities.

Early childhood speech.

In the first years of life, speech develops by leaps and bounds.

First year of life... As a rule, humming appears at two months, which gradually becomes more active and prolonged. Then humming gives way to babbling. With the normal development of the child, babbling is enriched, he already clearly pronounces the syllables ba, ma, and others. At the end of the first - beginning of the second half of life, understanding of the words of an adult gradually begins to develop. The first words of a child appear at the end of the first - beginning of the second year of life. One year old baby actively speaks 10-12 words. Most often, children pronounce words denoting close adults; surrounding objects.

The period from one and a half to three years is most important for the development of the baby's speech.

Delayed speech development can occur at different periods of speech development. Therefore, adults should be especially attentive to how the child's speech development proceeds, whether it corresponds to the norm. Especially often, a deviation in the development of speech occurs at the stage of the appearance of the first words and phrases.

Second year of life. Development of phrasal speech. In the role of sentences, words turn out to be amorphous, since they consist of the roots of words of the Russian language. In the last third of the year, the child combines two words in one phrase, without changing their form depending on the communication situation. The grammatical structure has not yet been developed. At the end of the year, there is a gradual increase in the number of words in the sentence and the first grammatical forms.

Acquisition of parts of speech. The largest number of new words are nouns (up to about 22 words). A little later, the names of the actions appear: "di" (go), "boo"; then 2nd person verbs singular imperative mood - "nisi" (carry), "give" ..

Later, the child begins to reproduce two-syllable words. Skipping of the first or last sound in words is often observed. In three-syllable words, one syllable is often omitted: "mako" (milk).

Third year of life. Development of phrasal... At the beginning of the third year of life, the number of words in a sentence continues to increase (up to 3-4), and in the subsequent - 5-8. Complex sentences appear without conjunctions, and then compound sentences with conjunctions. In the second half of the year, the child's utterance can be a complex sentence, including a complex one. The assimilation of service words takes place.

Grammatical relations appear between words: first of all, the coordination of nouns in the nominative case with the verb. The child begins to use different forms of words. However, many sentences are constructed incorrectly and grammatically. For example, “Mika pat” (Misha wants to sleep), “Matina is to carry cubes” (The car is carrying cubes).

Then the child uses some endings in place of others, without changing the syntactic meaning ("wik" instead of "fork", "lock"). Suffixes appear - ok, -chik, etc.

By the end of the third year of life, the grammatical structure of the native language has basically been mastered.

Acquisition of parts of speech... At the end of the second - beginning of the third year, the following cases are gradually used when using nouns: accusative, nominative, prepositional with the ending - e. Somewhat later, the use of other cases appears: the dative ("mama"); instrumental ("kadasom").

Grammatical forms of individual verbs: imperative mood of the 2nd person singular (give, catch); infinitive (walk, run); present and past tense (runs, walks; ran) Reflexive verbs appear. The verbs of the present and the past tense are distinguished.

By the age of 2 years 3 months, the child learns up to 23 adjectives. Often, their agreement with nouns is violated, the plural, mainly in the nominative case ("big cubes"), from the age of three, adjectives are reconciled with nouns in indirect cases.

From the end of the second year, pronouns and adverbs appear (here, where, still, it's bad). Personal pronouns are usually used correctly from the moment they appear. Often a child under three years old speaks of himself in the third person ("Sasa is playing").

In the second half of the third year, the child correctly uses simple prepositions and many conjunctions.

Dear parents, use the knowledge of the development of children's speech to assess the state of your baby's speech and stimulate it, if necessary.

Speech therapist Irina Belmasova

The article uses materials from the books: Mastyukova E.M., Moskovkina A.G. Family education children with developmental disabilities / Ed. by V.I. Seliverstova. - M. Vlados, 2003.

Yu.F. Garkusha. How to talk to your baby? - M.- Paradigm, 2013.

Communication of parents with a small child.

So, your two-year-old baby is not yet speaking, but he really wants his first words and phrases to appear. Or maybe it seems to you, as well as to some parents, that it is enough that the child “understands everything,” and that he will ever have speech anyway? Yes, it also happens. But normally, earlier. In a year or two or three months after the year, the first words appear in a child.

When stimulating the appearance of the first words and phrases in a non-speaking small child, remember that the first priority should be to evoke the need for verbal communication. Remember how the formation of forms of communication with an adult occurs in a young child (see "Forms of communication with a child .."). Once again, make sure that the baby has a need to communicate with you (for now, non-verbal - without words, but with the help of facial expressions, expressed in voice reactions, intonation, through gestures, postures and actions). Try to see (and then hear) the child's first attempts to speak (this can be lip movements, babbling and babbling words ..). Cheer up your child. Remember that praise is much more effective than punishment for a child. Unlike punishment, an adult with praise, as it were, informs that he has mastered something, learned something. Therefore, when stimulating the child's speech, praise him more often. However, at the same time, try to express your approval concretely, in a variety of ways and "for the cause": "Well done, you wanted to say" give "(" dad "," go ", etc.)"; “Clever, you answered correctly,“ to the ball, ”etc. Gradually increase the requirements for receiving praise for completing certain tasks. The kid develops, and what was acquired yesterday becomes well mastered tomorrow, and one must go forward in mastering speech.

When communicating with a non-speaking child, try to make your remarks (especially at first) more often consist of a verb and a noun ("give the ball", "bring the car", "call daddy", etc.). Such a simple structure of the replica sentences allows you to fix the child's attention on the basic information they contain. He is not distracted by the perception of other words (“my dear (boy),“ soft, warm and beautiful blouse, ”etc.) that supplement information about a particular situation.

What should be the speech of adults addressed to a non-speaker (or bad speaking child) baby two years old? The speech of adults should be friendly, calm and expressive in tone. It is good when the speech of adults is clear and not fast in pace. If an adult is inclined to pronounce words not too clearly, then when communicating with a child, one should strive for greater accuracy of pronunciation. To do this, you can pronounce the words more clearly and more slowly than usual, relying on the stressed vowel. This will allow the kid to evaluate (unconsciously, of course) the outline and structure of the word, will contribute to a better perception of its sound and syllable composition.

When developing a child's speech, you should not strive for the rapid accumulation of vocabulary. Often, parents, encouraged by the fact that the child has the first few words, begin to "terrorize" the child to some extent, trying to ensure that he masters more words as quickly as possible. It must be remembered that the rate of speech development in a normally developing child is not constant, there are periods of a fairly rapid accumulation of active vocabulary, there are slower ones; there is also an individual dynamics of the development of speech by this or that child. And lastly, in the process of speech development at certain stages, the quality of speech is more significant. It can be associated with the adequate and regular use of familiar words, with preparation for the appearance of the first phrases.

For the development of a child's speech, it is useful if adults turn to each other using those speech models that the baby learns in a particular period (for example, "Kirill, call dad. -" Dad, go to dinner "; appeal to the older child" take a plate " , "Give me a box", etc.). Compliance with such rules stimulates the child to further use. individual words and then short sentences in an independent speech.

Often, a child of two and a half years (and especially three) already understands that he cannot speak, and tries to avoid situations in which speech is necessary. And when asked to say something, he gets angry, has a negative attitude towards communication. In these cases, it is especially important, imperceptibly for the child, to induce his speech reactions, paying attention to interesting types of children's activities (we put the doll in bed; carry cubes in the car or involve him in performing joint actions with an adult: take carrots and potatoes from a box, prepare soup) ...

At the same time, one cannot always expect quick success in the development of a child's speech. I would like to remind you of the importance of patience, systematicity and consistency. Education is a long process. In order for the child to master speech, be patient, use the techniques of evoking speech daily.

Speech therapist Irina Belmasova. The article uses materials from books:

Gribova O.E. What to do if your child does not speak. - M .: Iris press, 2004.

Sobotovich E.F. Speech underdevelopment in children and ways of its correction / E.F. Sobotovich.-M.- Classic style, 2003.

Lynskaya M.I. Formation of speech activity in non-speaking children using innovative technologies. - M. - Paradigm, 2012.

Speech therapist advice to parents of non-speaking children.

Often, parents, worrying about the development of the child, unconsciously pay more attention to the baby and stimulate the appearance of the first words with simple techniques. However, it also happens in another way. Parents continue to tell others that “the child will still speak out,” “he understands everything,” but time goes by ... The kid is already three, four, five years old ..

Parents whose children have not begun to use active speech until 2.5 years old, in any case, should contact a speech therapist to establish the causes of this phenomenon. Often the reason for the delay in speech development is a lack of understanding of the need for speech education of the child.

Now, be sure to read these tips! You will learn something without which you should not start teaching your child the native language.

« Correctional and developmental environment at home ».

It is desirable that parents organize a correctional and developmental environment in the children's room (children's corner), which would be systematically used for the purpose of the child's speech development.

You should not strive to surround the child with many toys and leave him alone for a long time. Each new toy and actions with it must be shown to the baby, starting a joint game.

Use a large number of ordinary, household, natural materials for games, they often cause more interest in children than "industrial" toys. For example, you can use various hair ties to pin down the names of colors and shades. When a child is upset about something, calm him down by offering him a bag with "magic" things: children, as a rule, like to look at different objects collected in such bags; if the objects have simple names, sooner or later a child on an emotional lift will want to repeat them. Do not leave this bag within reach of the child, do not use it too often, and then the child will not lose interest in it.

Actively include natural materials in games with your child: lay out the pebbles, let the baby walk along them barefoot - we walk along the bottom of the lake; spread the toys - along the bottom of the sea; simultaneously showing a multimedia presentation or pictures of these bodies of water, you can reinforce the child's idea of ​​their similarities and differences.

To familiarize the child with the seasons, months, use symbolization - put the symbol of the month or season in the child's room, explain why you chose this symbol; periodically in games, return to the symbol and repeat the name of the season (once a week draw a symbol, sculpt it from plasticine, pay attention to the pictures, etc.). For example, a spruce branch can become a symbol of winter.

Sometimes non-speaking children have a hard time remembering and distinguishing colors. To consolidate the knowledge of colors, pick up multi-colored boxes: let the child sort various objects, toys by color in them. Ask your toddler to help you clean the house: let him sort forks and spoons, etc.

It is useful to read books to your child. It is better to read fairy tales available for their understanding and self-pronunciation of simple repeating elements: "Grandma FOR a grandfather, grandfather FOR a turnip"; “I LEAVE from my grandmother, I LEAVE from my grandfather”, etc. At the same time, you should not introduce your child to more than one fairy tale a week.

When reading to the child, singing songs to him, sit the child on your lap so that he can see the articulation of an adult. Examining with the child books made of cardboard and paper of different hardness, encouraging him to turn the pages on his own, you can stimulate his manual activity.

Experiment with your child while reading fairy tales. For example, while reading the fairy tale "Cinderella", invite your child to help Cinderella do her job. Mix flour with coffee. Show your child how you can use a sieve to sort out coffee from flour. Perform similar experiments several times, emotionally pronounce the words "flour", "coffee", "sieve" - ​​the child will begin to repeat them, imitating you.

Turning on the TV (often in the background) interfere with the child's concentration. When reading, studying and playing with the child, all extraneous sources of noise should be excluded. Constant noise deprives the child of the most important prerequisite for the beginning of the development of speech - the ability to imitate the speech of an adult, since the child cannot concentrate on it.

Imitation is one of the main means of education and training.

If you want to teach your child to perform an action, do it in front of the child.

“Participation in household chores, maintaining order.” It is important not to restrict the child from household chores, believing that he does not speak (or does not understand), and therefore cannot do anything. For the formation of a generalizing function of thinking, consolidation of generalizing concepts, put the child's toys in beautiful colored boxes: in a separate box - animals, in a separate dish, etc. Teach your child to put toys in the appropriate boxes, first help him with this, accompany the sorting process with a verbal comment: "We will put animals in this box, and cars in this box." Encourage your child if he can disassemble the toys on his own. After the child has played with the construction sets, do not rush to collect it in one box. To fix the adjectives, lay out the sets of constructors in boxes (in one box - the highest bars; in the other - the smallest cubes, in the third - the thickest cylinders, etc.).

Show your child two boxes, one large and one small. Agree with the child where these boxes will be stored, explain that you will collect the "treasure" in them. The "treasure" will be all things found by you or a child that are not in their place. Large items will fold into a large box, small items into a small one. This playful technique will help not only to teach the child to maintain order in the house, but will also allow you to practically learn the concept of "more is less".

Involve your child in sorting bags after going to the store, let the child help you classify items into groups: "food" and "drinks". Invite the child to put the purchased apples in a vase in turn, while saying emotionally: "I, you, me, you." As you repeat this activity for several days, get your child to repeat these simple words after you.

Each child should have their own (made by the parents together with the child) " speech therapy album " ... This album will become a form of close interaction in the "speech therapist-child-family" system. In it, the speech therapist describes summary classes, explains to parents homework, places the child's work, the necessary picture and text material. It is important that the picture material for the lesson is prepared by the parents together with the child (select, cut, paste pictures), in this case the "album" will have emotional content for the child. In the same album, the speech therapist pastes stickers won by the child. After a certain time, the children have the word "mine" in response to an attempt to take the album from him. Parents can make a book - a baby's baby ... On the first page of the baby book, you can stick a photo of the child and sign "Sasha's book". In the same book, stick photos of a child captured at the time of performing various actions: Sasha washes (eats, sits, cries), photograph him in spontaneous activity. Look through the photos together, accompany the view with an emotional comment: “What are you doing? You sit? You stand?" Pay attention to the photos from the family album and similarly disassemble the actions of others in the photographs.

“How to communicate with a non-speaking child». When communicating with a child, it is advisable to use a rich emotionally strong-willed intonations an incentive form of speech: incentive sentences stimulate the interlocutor to take active action. Incentive offers can mean an order, demand, invitation, request, consent, approval ... (M.K. Shokhor-Trotskaya 2002). With a speech commentary, an adult can accompany both his own actions, which the child is observing, and the actions of the child. The speech commentary should not be redundant, contain words and phrases that are difficult for the child's perception. Experiment with the pitch of the voice, notice in which case the child perceives the instructions better.

During joint trips by car, walks, trips to the clinic, use short, clear, but emphasizing various interesting details of the environment with sentences to tell your child about what surrounds you. The child should gradually get involved in a dialogue, stimulated by an adult with lengthening pauses after questions, encouraging any child's speech reaction.

One should not satisfy all the child's needs without waiting for any manifestation of a request; if one anticipates all the child's desires, without giving him at least a cry, one sound to express them, he will never have an incentive to speak. If the child has expressed his desires through gestures or facial expressions, be sure to verbalize his messages.

Draw the child's attention to the verbal designation of the nature of various sounds: rustling, creaking, gurgling, knocking, ringing .. Stimulate the child to pronounce simple words that indicate what he has heard: noise, steps, knocking, etc .; label them onomatopoeially.

For the development of the child's auditory perception, it is useful if sometimes the parents talk to the child either in a loud or in a whisper.

Encourage your child to say simple words: "yes", "no". To do this, regularly throughout the day, ask your child short questions, providing the option of a short answer: “Did you drink water? Yes? Yes! ”,“ Have you removed the toys? Not? Not!". At the same time, leave a pause between the question and the answer so that the child has time for a response, but do not ask these questions in a demanding tone, do not focus on them; ask them "casually".

Do not require the child to repeat complex words, do not force the child to repeat a word that has become available to the child for the child several times. Such actions contribute to the strengthening of the child's speech negativism. Parents should not, at the initial stages of work, achieve a clear pronunciation of any sound or word. Any speech activity should be encouraged while demonstrating the correct speech pattern.

"Organization of security moments» .The regime moments include: eating, bathing, sleeping, etc. Remember to accompany the ritual with a comment while feeding your baby; enrich the child's ideas about the taste and smell of foods, repeat the words many times in accordance with what the child eats: tasty, sweet, salty.

In the process of bathing a child, use rubber toys - think about who (what) can actually swim: a duck, a fish, a boat, etc. Come up with different names for the bathroom (pool, sea, river) and play different games: a steamer sails on the sea and buzzes "oo-oo-oo"; in the pool we bathe dolls - "kup-kup", etc.

Pay attention to the difference in temperature sensations, including water of different temperatures, encourage the child to arbitrary emotional exclamations “OH! HEY! UH! OH! AH! "

Walking together with a child is a unique and at the same time natural learning process for a child. When walking with a child, pay attention to the singing of birds, rustling of trees.

Consider clouds, snowflakes, leaves with your baby. Pay attention to the quality attributes of natural materials: smooth trunk in aspen and roughness in pine. Allow your child to touch different texture and temperature phenomena and objects: touch stones, wet benches, play with sand in a puddle. Of course, at the time of such experiments, the child should not be left to himself, the parents follow him and accompany the child's actions with emotional commentary. Play hide and seek with your child during a walk: this game will allow you to imperceptibly consolidate the understanding of the excuses: run to a tree, hide BEYOND a bench, etc. To fix the names of colors, take a set of colored pencils (crayons) for a walk, let the child try to find the same colors in nature.

Dear Parents! Following the advice of specialists (speech therapists, psychologists, neurologists), you will be able to independently form the prerequisites necessary for speech activity, thereby optimizing speech therapy assistance to speechless children.

Speech therapist Irina Belmasova. The article uses materials from books:

Gribova O.E. What to do if your child does not speak. - M .: Iris press, 2004.

Sobotovich E.F. Speech underdevelopment in children and ways of its correction / E.F. Sobotovich.-M.- Classic style, 2003.

Lynskaya M.I. Formation of speech activity in non-speaking children using innovative technologies. - M. - Paradigm, 2012.

For the development of a child's speech, it is necessary to change the form of communication between an adult and a child. The need for verbal communication develops in a child not by itself, but through with an adult about object-related activity. If an adult fulfills the child's desire at the first gesture, then the child will go without speech for a long time. If you talk to a child only on issues related to his physiological needs, then he will lag behind in the development of speech.

Gestures and facial expressions alone are no longer enough to teach a child the techniques and rules of using objects and phenomena of the world. It is in objective activity that the basis for the assimilation of the meaning of words is created and their connection with the images of objects and phenomena of the world is established.

The child discovers that every object has a name. The child's question "What is this?" - reflection of a special interest in the world of things (Fig. 6.1).

Rice. 6.1. Two directions of speech development at an early age

The ability to relate words to the objects they indicate to children does not come immediately. The situation is understood first, not a specific object or action. If a word is repeated many times in combination with certain gestures (for example, when an adult says to the child: "Give me a pen" - and at the same time he makes the appropriate gesture), then the child quickly learns the response. At the same time, he reacts not only to words, but to the whole situation as a whole.

If mother and child are satisfied with each other and are limited only by expression mutual love, then the baby will say the first words later than usual, no matter how much the mother talks to him.

Situation. Mom, dressing Dima (1 year 1 month), says: “Now we will put on a shirt. Where is the shirt? Give it to me. Give me pantyhose. Bring me sandals, ”etc. Dima, although slowly, follows the instructions of his mother.

In your opinion, is mom doing the right thing?

What aspects of speech does mom care about developing?

Do you think Dima will be willing to dress?

Solution. Mom is doing the right thing. She makes sure that her son understands speech, her sound side, navigates in the surrounding world of objects and performs actions at the verbal direction of an adult.

Dima will willingly dress up, as his mother creates a mindset for the development of this action.

Situation. From an early age, my mother regularly talks with Misha and constantly comments on her and his actions, shows and names new objects, explains various phenomena, and reads books.

Kolya's mother believes that the school will deal with the development of her son's speech, and that is why it exists.

Give a psychological analysis of the behavior of these mothers.

Solution. Of course, Kolya and his school will be engaged in the development of his speech, but the teachers will not be able to do this "from scratch": the boy must have the basics of speech activity. Therefore, the development of speech must be dealt with even in the preschool period, especially in the sensitive (1.53 years), when the child's perception works especially intensively.

Insufficient development of speech in the preschool period causes great difficulties in the child when learning at school, in particular when solving problems in mathematics. After all, it is not enough for a student to read a task, it is also necessary to understand what logical connections are hidden in it, what should be the sequence of actions, etc. (Table 6.1).

Stages of mastering the word (according to M.G. Elanina)

Table 6.1

Stages of mastering the word (according to M.G. Elanina)




1 All the child's attention and his activity are directed to the subject: "Give - give" (the desire to master the subject is manifested)The adult himself does not arouse interest in the child

The child's attention switches to the adult. He listens to the word, looks at the adult and points his finger at the object. It is not yet possible to name the object correctly, which makes the child angry

Repeats a word pointing to an object

The kid begins to look at the lips of an adult and listen to his words, tries to pronounce this or that word, and with luck repeats it over and over again

Forces to call the object a word, he himself pronounces it expressively, with articulation, encourages the child if successful in repetition

The first children's words are very reminiscent of children's babbling in sound structure: vowels and consonants alternate, and from vowels "A" and "E" are more often used, and from consonants labial ("B", "P", "M"), then dental ("D", "T"), but palatine ("G", "K") and slotted ("S", "W") are still too difficult for the child.

The child strives for words that have a natural connection between sound and meaning (for example, "av-av" - dog). The word becomes a natural symbol of an object that has a certain power for a child. imprinting, more than conventional words.

The world around and the child are moving towards each other, it is not surprising that the first words of the child are mainly onomatopoeia: "mu", "meow", "tick-tock", etc.

First words are repeated in the same circumstances and denote something definite. But what exactly is behind them is often difficult to understand, since:

  • the baby's word in terms of meaning - whole phrase(for example, "Give" can mean the following: "Mom, get me a doll in a dress, and hurry!"), and mom should understand this hidden phrase;
  • a word can be for a child a complex of sounds convenient for him (for example, "Lyalya", etc.), while it exists in a concrete visual situation;
  • the word is called the object that the child sees in front of him, the action that he is performing at the moment (for example, the child says "Lyalya" when he sees the doll), we can say that the word in the child's perception is inseparable from the object;
  • word as a generalization a whole class of objects and phenomena, and generalizations can be carried out according to a variety of signs, sometimes unknown to an adult, (for example, "Kika" means everything warm, soft, pleasant: a cat, fur, hair, mitten, bear; "Dad" - all that that belongs to dad: briefcase, glasses, hat).

The child tirelessly calls familiar toys, learns the names of new ones from adults. Games with naming objects become a favorite pastime for babies in their third year of life.

The mother's language, incomprehensible at first, becomes familiar to the child only through continuous listening and imitative repetition, after which it becomes his property. Imitation is manifested in various forms, it is unconsciously improved. The child tries to repeat difficult words. The reproduction of the words he heard is called echolalia.

Speech one year old child refers to certain objects, and also expresses joy, informs about his needs, is associated with the events in his life. Sound symbols in his speech are natural.

Animals can also make special sounds. They have sounds for expressing desire, joy, emitted when food approaches, sounds that express alarm in case of danger, pain, joyful greeting, etc. But animals lack real thinking, and a baby has it, but he still does not concepts have been formed, he cannot compare and generalize. Animals never cross the lower stage of speech, and man very quickly passes this stage.

Every word of the child must be heard, understood and preserved, even though the child's speech is often characterized by various distortions. Let's consider the main ones.

  • Sensory errors occur due to the undifferentiated perception, as a result of which the child does not catch subtle differences in sounds.
  • Apperception errors happen due to the hesitant attention of the child: he has a different attitude towards different parts of the heard, spoken word.
  • Motor errors are due to the underdevelopment of the structure of the child's vocal organs, as a result of which difficulties arise in reproducing sounds and their combinations.
  • Replay errors allowed due to the difficulty of memorizing by the child some of the words he heard earlier.

In this regard, some features of the children's language are noted (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2
Features of children's language

From the mass of words constantly addressed to the child, he chooses at first a very small number for imitation, and then the vocabulary gradually increases. The selection of words made becomes an indicator of the achieved spiritual maturity.

V. Stern identifies several eras in the development of children's speech.

  • era (1 year - 1 year 6 months). The discovery is made that sound complexes have a signifying (symbolic) value and that each object has a sign that serves to name it and to communicate about it. The child learns that every thing has a name. During this period, the child's desire awakens ask names of things ("This? This?"), his vocabulary noticeably increases.
  • era (1 year 6 months - 3 years). The lexicon of girls at 2 years old includes 3300 words. In boys, this number of words is recruited only by the age of 2.5 years. Speech is connected with the main interests of the child: with parents, toys, animals, surrounding objects, with clothes and food. Everything that takes children's attention becomes the material of their speech. The first combinations of words begin to be pronounced, although this is given to the child with great difficulty.
  • era (2 years - 2 years 6 months). The words for the child are gradually beginning to come to life. Through a slight change in sound, they begin to express the singular and plural. The child understands that it is possible to transfer from the present to the past or the future by adding a prefix to a word or adding an ending to it. During this period, he begins to actively use various forms of inflection, reflecting the desired declension, conjugation, comparative form, etc. True, even children 4-5 years old, not to mention two years old, experience certain difficulties with the rules for using endings in some words.

By the end of 2 years, there has been a significant development of a wordy, detailed sentence. Three, four, and often more words are already linked to express a thought.

Initially, the method of linking words is random, and therefore the most unexpected row may appear in the child's speech. At the same time, the strange arrangement of words is often very expressive.

Exclamation sentences, in which will or feelings are manifested, prevail throughout childhood. Affirmative sentences are encountered when explaining what is shown in the figure. Interrogative sentences also change. The questions about the name of things ("This?") Are joined by the question about the location of the sought-after ("Where?").

  • era (from 2 years 6 months). The child learns to convey the main and secondary thoughts using subordinate clauses. This stage can be latent, lasting from several months to 4 years. The first questions reflect the child's pure curiosity.

If something the child wants is forbidden, he has a question: “Why?”. And the question "When?" child asks to find out For example, when the desired game time comes. Thus, the child's questions begin to spread to temporary, and most importantly - to causal relationships ("why").

The child discovers a tendency to own word formation through the production of new words and the addition of words already known to him. In addition, the children's vocabulary is enriched by derivative and compound words. At the same time, the child is not aware of his word-creation activity and uses invented words on an equal basis with others heard from others.

It has long been noticed that children speak differently from adults: they do not quite change words and, moreover, tirelessly invent new ones that do not exist in the "adult" language. Children reproduce only some part of the words in finished form, that is, they repeat what they heard earlier, while the other part, much more significant, is produced by the child on the basis of word-formation laws. Here are some examples that clearly reflect the peculiarities of children's speech: “Such lightness, and you're still asleep! " or “When I grow up, I will skater! " In the same way, the "paddle" turns into "Rowed" and the "bow" - in "Sound". The child, during his word-creation, returns motivation to the words.

We usually do not notice the very act of word creation, if the word created by the child coincides with the one that actually exists in the language, and we record only such cases when the child creates words that are not characteristic of normal language, that is, cases of so-called "childish" speech. At the same time, the child, as a rule, does not seek to show any originality, it is just that children's speech thinking does not recognize exceptions to the rules, does not know the phenomenon of incomplete paradigms, etc. where these models are inapplicable, and therefore such neoplasms are obtained as "Saleswoman" or "Salesman". Here are some more examples of children's language: “What am I scoritor ",“Let's go soon rake ","I have a button got rid of it, Sew, please "," I accidentally pushed her! Not, hopefully! "

A child easily and well enough learns by imitation to form participles from a few verbs in order to transfer the same way of formation to any verbs, including those from which participles cannot be formed.

Phraseology of a child is an arena for his independent activity. In this regard, sometimes strange laconicisms such as: "Mom scolds with her eyes" appear.

Children's spontaneity in different forms participates in the development of speech.

Situation. Sasha (2 years 11 months) heard his dad say: "I finished the work, hammered the nails with a hammer." After a pause for a while, the boy said: "And I pour the sand with a shovel."

What is the reason for inflection in the speech of children?

What should parents do in such situations?

Solution. Such word formation speaks of the development of thinking and speech. However, this also testifies to the child's still insufficient assimilation of the grammatical structure of the language.

In this situation, the kid caught that the ending oh has a tool meaning, and he began to apply it to new objects ("shovel-lump"). Parents should correct the child's speech and give the correct pronunciation pattern.

Situation. Sometimes the child does not ask the adults questions.

What are the possible reasons for this phenomenon?

Solution. This phenomenon can be caused by several reasons: the fact that the child does not understand what the adult is talking about, due to the lack of a stock of knowledge, the fact that he has not developed the habit of listening. Perhaps the child's passivity is explained by the fact that earlier, having asked a question, he received an answer that infringed upon his pride. Finally, this behavior may be due to the temperament, character of the child.

Situation. Parents are often touched by the intricacies of children's speech, calling their children child prodigies. For example, mom says to Dima: "Don't run so far!"

What is the reason for this phenomenon?

Solution. A similar phenomenon is associated with imperfect possession. grammatical structure language. The child can give to any new word for himself the form that he has not mastered. Elements of the child's conscious mastery of this form cause children's word-creation.

At 2 years of age, the word has more "starting" meaning than "inhibitory", that is, it is easier for a child to start an action on verbal instructions than to stop it.

The word as a prohibition is not yet working the way we would like it to.

By the age of 3 an adult's verbal guidance begins to regulate the child's behavior in different conditions:

  • invoke an action;
  • terminate the action;
  • have a delayed impact (Table 6.3).

Table 6.3
The role of an adult in a child's understanding of speech

As shown in table. 6.4, the child's active speech intensively develops with age.

Table 6.4
Development of active speech of the child with age

The language of those around him is easy for a 2-3-year-old child: without memorizing words, without studying grammar, he makes amazing progress from month to month. And at the age of 4-5 years, he can already easily talk about everything that is included in the circle of his interests, and give appropriate expression to the rich content of his ideas and

Initially, speech development is characterized by autonomous speech. Children use words that adults do not use. There are several categories of such words.

  • Lightweight words invented by mothers and nannies: "am-am", "yum-yum", "whoa", "av-av".
  • Distorted words. Part of the word is pronounced, most often the root:
  • due to undeveloped phonemic hearing;
  • due to imperfect articulation: "milk" - "moco", "big" - "barefoot", "small" - "makiy".

3. Invented by a child stand-alone words. The child "string" one part of the word to the other part of the next word, and something special is obtained: "Cook, topa-topa" (the cockerel has come).

Rice. 6.2.

In communication with an adult, with proper speech education, autonomous speech quickly disappears (Fig. 6.2).

Situation. Dima and Mitya are identical twins, and they communicate with each other using their autonomous speech.

Make a forecast of the development of Dima and Mitya's speech.

Solution. If the adult does not give samples of correct speech, then the autonomous speech of the brothers will persist for a long time.

Question. How should an adult speak in order to translate the child's autonomous speech into active correct?

Answer. If a child, seeing a bird, says "Guli-guli", then an adult should support his active, joyful mood and say: "Yes, these are birds, pigeons ...", that is, without paying or focusing his attention on the incorrect pronunciation of the word, tell him right away right.

Question. How should communication with a 2-3-year-old child be carried out during washing in order to expand his vocabulary, while at the same time fostering a positive attitude towards water procedures?

Answer. During washing, the mother should "sound" the washing process in such a way as to induce positive emotions in the child. For example: “We wash my pens with lukewarm water. She gurgles, pours. Soap, foaming. The pens will be clean. " etc.

If this happens regularly, then the child's vocabulary expands. And emotionally colored speech fosters a positive attitude towards water procedures.

Situation. Often, an adult involuntarily listens to the child's speech, smiles and begins to copy it, repeating amazing combinations of words.

Is this good or bad? And how should you talk to your baby?

Solution. Every child has verbal expressions own feelings highly individual. They constitute the ineffable charm of a child's speech in the second year of life.

An adult's emotional response is good. But the child can deliberately distort the words, “work for the public,” and therefore should not “lisp” with the child, imitating him, otherwise he will not learn the correct active speech for a long time.

Question. How to place toys and objects correctly so that they stimulate the development of speech in children and facilitate communication between an adult and a child?

Answer. It is necessary to place toys, objects above the reach level, but within the child's field of vision. This is especially important for bad talking baby, as it will encourage you to ask an adult.