How to assess the development of a child in six months, and what should be alarming. How to assess the development of a child at six months, and what should alert the child to everything says no 6 years

Six years is an exciting age for both the child and his parents.

Enrollment in school and the success of education depend on his knowledge and skills.

There are a number of developmental norms by which the admissions committee assesses the physical, mental and emotional development of a preschooler.

Features of babies at six years old

Six years is the senior preschool age.

Of course, by this time the personality of the child, his psychotype and predisposition to a certain occupation are already visible.

However, when analyzing the level of development, it is worth focusing on the average skill bar. The kid should be able to:

  • find differences between two objects;
  • continuously engage in something (exercise, play) for more than 15 minutes;
  • imitate - this list includes facial expressions, gestures and even copying drawings;
  • memorize up to 10 items (for example, what is in the drawer of the table);
  • conduct a dialogue - meaningfully answer questions and ask them;
  • memorize short excerpts of prose and verses no more than four sentences long;
  • recognize a song or story from a passage;
  • find an "extra item" from the proposed list and justify your choice;
  • fold a mosaic, a constructor or sculpt a figurine according to a model;
  • draw - in the child's drawings, animal objects, etc. are clearly recognized;
  • fill the drawing with color - coloring, shading;
  • write letters and numbers or at least some of them;
  • ride a tricycle or scooter;
  • independently commit hygiene procedures, dress, put on shoes, undress, etc .;
  • be able to carefully cut with scissors;
  • to navigate in space - to understand where is left, where is right, where is top, and where is bottom.

This list of skills is common for both boys and girls.

What should be able to do?

Boys more often than girls suffer from hyperactivity and attention deficit, so they master writing and reading a little slower than their peers. It is very important that the little fidget has a reference point from which he will receive ideas about the correct behavior.

Six years is the best time to teach your baby how to clean up after himself, to be attentive and diligent. Also, the boy is already beginning to understand his gender identity and begins to try on patterns typical of male behavior: courage, courage, ability to take responsibility, to intercede for the weaker.

The difference in the development of a girl and a boy is approximately one year.

Girls prefer role-playing and imitative games with the implementation of clearly defined functions and tasks.

Playing "mothers and daughters", "school", "kitchen" contributes to a more accelerated development of communication skills, perseverance and accuracy.

In an effort to be like her mother or sister, the girl tries on female roles, shows interest in kitchen craftsmanship, cleaning and dressing.

Reference! There is nothing wrong with the fact that the girl likes more "boyish" activities or the boy prefers "girlish games". Children at this age learn the world and are interested in everything that surrounds them.

What should you know before going to school?

It is important to six-year-old preschooler possessed the following knowledge:

  • knew his name;
  • knew the names and surnames of the parents;
  • knew how to talk about who the parents work;
  • remembered by heart my home address and telephone number;
  • guided by the time of day;
  • remembered the sequence of the seasons;
  • remember how many hours in a day, days in a week, weeks in a month, months in a year;
  • knew the names of the days of the week and months of the year;
  • knew the basic colors;
  • knew the basic spatial concepts: top, bottom, right, left, between;
  • knew how to tell about himself.

Physical indicators

In the period from 6 to 7 years old, the child is actively growing and, on average, he stretches by 10 cm per year. The body becomes twice as large, and the arms and legs become 2.5-3 times larger, which is why the body sometimes looks too thin and angular.

Below from the table you can find out how much the baby should weigh and his height:

Child's height and weight calculator

Select the gender and age of the child to find out what the parameters of your child should be according to the WHO (World Health Organization) standards

Low kg

Average kg

High kg

Low cm

Medium cm

High cm

The endocrine system is activated, the formation of the bends of the spine and the arch of the foot ends.

Important! At 6 years old, the skeleton of a child is mostly made up of cartilaginous tissue, so it is very important to form the correct posture even before school. If he gets used to sitting, bent over the table, the curvature of the spine cannot be avoided.

The lungs are actively developing, the structural formation of the pulmonary lobules ends. Breathing becomes deeper and more measured.

The heart of a six-year-old child is close in size to the heart of an adult and can withstand more serious stress. The pulse becomes more stable.

The muscles are actively developing - the movements become more confident and coordinated.

The child jumps with pleasure (on two legs or alternately on each) and runs pretty fast. Knows how to find balance and balance.

The preschooler prefers intense, but short physical activity, as he gets tired rather quickly.

The central nervous system undergoes the greatest metamorphoses. Closer to the age of 7, the weight of the brain increases almost threefold, its activity becomes more complicated and becomes more multitasking.

If the baby walks on tiptoes?

Sometimes there is no reason for concern - the baby understands what awaits him new stage in life, and tries to match his new status to look taller, and therefore older. Or imitation works, for example, if a child sees a character in a cartoon sneaking.

If this behavior is permanent, it is worth showing the child to a neurologist.

The specialist will determine the reason for this behavior and determine whether the baby has neurological or physical pathologies and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.


For the test results to be reliable, it must be taken when the baby is in a cheerful mood. Put "+" every time the child copes with the task and "-" if not.

  1. Search for an extra item in the picture.
  2. Play words from memory. Name 10 simple words and ask your baby to repeat them. Put "+" if more than 4 words are named.
  3. Passing the labyrinth in the picture, without the help of a pen or pencil.
  4. Sentence completion. For example: Children are taught (who?) Floats on the palate (what?), Etc .;
  5. Recognition of emotions from pictures with faces.

The presence of even one minus indicates the need to strengthen training.

Exercises, tasks and games

The following home abolitions are great for developing intelligence, perseverance, and preparing for school.

  • Coloring. Print your kid a picture with geometric shapes or his favorite character and ask him to color without going over the contours. Don't put time limits. This will teach him to better control. fine motor skills hands and concentrate on monotonous work.
  • Prescription. Writing is a fun and easy way to teach your child to write beautifully and accurately. A slight deviation in the direction of increasing or decreasing the size is possible (no more than 1-2 times).
  • Search for an item. Offer your child a form on which objects will be randomly depicted. Invite him to find and circle all objects from one category (bears, bunnies, trees, etc.).
  • Connect the dots by numbers. This exercise is very popular with kids, as it arouses excitement and curiosity in getting the whole picture. It promotes the development of attention and memorization of the numerical order. Print a picture for your kid with his favorite character, which can only be seen by connecting all the numbers in order with a pen or pencil.
  • No easy answers! This activity teaches your child to construct complex sentences and lead a discussion. Warn the child that you will ask him questions, but you cannot answer “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”. For example: "Do you like cartoons?", "Do you want to go to school?" etc.


a six-year-old child is developed at a fairly high level.

He easily memorizes the lyrics of his favorite songs, replicas of characters from his favorite fairy tales and eagerly absorbs everything that arouses any interest or sympathy in him.

Due to the fact that any information is "filtered" by personal attitudes and preferences, the first difficulties arise with understanding and memorizing uninteresting school subjects.

Important! Many parents make a big mistake at this stage, forcing the child to "memorize" information, not giving in to its analysis. This habit can go on with him, leading to a complete loss of motivation to learn something new.

Interest in the subject and the ability to analyze and memorize, and not just reproduce, should be developed by parents, together with teachers, tying emotions to the subject. Usually, by the age of 7-8, this skill develops completely.

By the age of 6, a child should be able to:

  • pronounce and use in your vocabulary words consisting of three or more syllables;
  • operate with complex sentences;
  • use simple and complex prepositions in speech;
  • form comparative degrees from adjectives;
  • use antonyms, synonyms, generic concepts in the active vocabulary;
  • retell heard tales;
  • coming up with your own stories;
  • understand and use logical and grammatical constructions.

Fine motor skills

At 6 years old, a preschooler should easily cope with the following tasks:

  • draw with a pencil, felt-tip pen, crayon;
  • move your palms in accordance with the rhythm of the teaching rhyme "okay-okay", "magpie-crow" or count, bending your fingers;
  • play with a puzzle or constructor;
  • sculpt from plasticine or kinetic sand;
  • draw with your finger on the grain or sand, separate one type of grain from another, or, alternatively, sort the buttons by size;
  • lace up, tie and untie your shoes yourself;
  • play with finger puppets.

Psychological condition

At the age of 6, a child is already clearly aware of his own “I”, is able to analyze and be aware of his own actions, set goals, and clearly explain his feelings.

Such qualities as curiosity, compassion, manifestation of care, self-respect are formed. Self-esteem is built on the basis of an analysis of the external assessment of both adults and peers, and tends to grow.

In communication with peers, a tendency towards extraversion (prefers to spend time in a company, easily makes new acquaintances and friendships) and introversion (likes to play alone, has a rather narrow social circle) begins to be seen.

Reference! There is such a thing as a 7-year crisis. By this age, the child leaves part of his childlike spontaneity and becomes more psychologically vulnerable.

A preschooler communicates differently with parents, educators and peers. Knows what can and cannot be told to an outsider.

Sensory features

A six-year-old preschooler should have a general idea of ​​objects, their physical properties and purpose:

  • is able to describe an object using adjectives: wet, soft, rough, etc;
  • can explain how and where it can be used: pour, mash, spread, etc.;
  • describes simple reactions: you can put out a fire with water, tea cools in the cold, etc.

Cognitive ability

Before going to school, the child must fully master the following skills:

  • distinguish and name geometric figures, as well as dismember objects into components (the house has a rectangular door, square windows, and a triangular roof);
  • recognize colors and correlate shades;
  • mentally imagine a plan of movement around a familiar room;
  • establish causal relationships and separate past events from future events.
  • set goals for yourself;
  • subject objects and events to analysis, generalization, sorting;
  • count up to at least 10 in forward and backward counting;
  • solve simple examples for addition and subtraction and operate with them in everyday life (divide the sweets equally, place plates on the table, according to the number of guests).


  • greets and says goodbye;
  • thanks for the services and gifts;
  • strive to be understood both by adults and by peers;
  • shows sympathy and antipathy towards people;
  • is actively involved in collective activities;
  • shows determination and patience in the implementation of the task.

The intellectual side

Thanks to a thirst for knowledge and a craving for everything new, a 6-year-old child is distinguished by the following:

  • forms and asks questions;
  • remembers and uses the information received in the dialogue;
  • performs simple sound analysis of words;
  • knows how to keep up a conversation with a peer or adult;
  • capable of a long monologue;
  • knows how to briefly retell what he saw or read, separating the primary from the secondary;
  • is able to collectively fantasize with peers, improving and supplementing the rules of the old game.

Educational cartoons

Educational cartoons for preschoolers should be light, unobtrusive and entertaining convey simple truths. These can be physical properties of objects, stories about distant countries, concepts of good and evil, or norms of behavior according to gender.

Among Russian cartoons, the following are especially distinguished:

  • Fixies;
  • Smeshariki;
  • Pin;
  • Mountain of gems;

Six years is the age at which your child says goodbye to carefree everyday life in kindergarten and takes the first step towards adulthood - goes to school. Make sure that the baby does not experience difficulties with adaptation, and prepare him in advance for the new stage. Educational games, activities and toys will help you with this.

7 minutes to read.

So the stage has come to an end preschool childhood, several difficult periods of personality formation are left behind. However, you are standing in the way of a difficult and at the same time interesting time. The Six-Year Plan is on the verge of major changes. He already has a personal opinion, can defend his point of view, has learned some social norms, controls his behavior, helps friends. In our article, we will talk about what psychological changes await your child and how to help him go along a new path.

Psychology at 6-7 years old - another transition period

How do relationships with peers develop?

The age of 6-7 years is characterized by a significant turn in friendly relations... If earlier children did not need a peer society, then at this stage the process of socialization is in full swing. The guys can already talk about where they have been, what they saw, make plans for the near future and share them with pleasure. They develop a full-fledged communication that is not at all connected with toys.

The first true friends appear at 6-7

This age allows children to gather in groups of 2-3 people, thereby showing their preference. Moreover, this is typical for both the girl and the boy. In their team, there are often disputes, during which the terrible "I will never be friends with you again" may sound. Adults are well aware that children's grievances are easily forgotten, but for children 6-7 years old, this is a real psychological drama.

The main task of parents is to support the child, the ability to find important words, help to live the first experiences. In no case should you scoff at childhood experiences and express negative feelings about his friends.

The trust of the child is the main thing at this age

Important! Take time to just sit with your child, listen to him in silence, hug, sometimes this is enough.

How does the relationship with the opposite sex develop?

This age sometimes brings surprises to the first love, which can be found anywhere. An attentive parent can notice the changes taking place in the child: eyes shine, a smile is full of mystery, and a look is a mystery. How to be in such a difficult situation?

At the age of 6-7, many children have their first love.

Child psychologists give quite effective recommendations:

  • Be tactful, any careless statement such as: “this boy is not your match”, “you still know how many of these Len will be”, “don’t tell me what love is at your age” can have a negative impact on the adult life of a child. The main task of parents is to ensure that the child is not afraid to share his experiences, so that he feels supported.
  • Be alert, talk to your baby, explain what is good and what is bad.
  • The task of fathers is to teach their boy to act correctly from an early age, first of all by example. Otherwise, the boy does not understand how to behave, is afraid of the ridicule of friends, in the end he pulls his "love object" by the pigtails, says hurtful words. It is necessary to intervene and explain to him that this behavior is slightly different from that of a man. The same applies to girls, they should understand that courtship must be taken with dignity, and not hit the boy on the head with a book.
  • You need to use your sense of humor, tune in to the same wavelength with the child. You can tell a funny story on a similar topic from your childhood, about one funny boy, thereby adding confidence to him.

First falling in love can manifest itself in endless conflicts.

You need to be able to keep a secret, and not share incredible news with the whole family, since you have been entrusted with the most intimate. Children's innermost feelings should be preserved, if necessary, console, support.

What difficulties can you face?

Child psychology claims that the age of 6-7 years goes through the stage of the next crisis. In some children, the fracture begins at the age of 6, while in others it is displaced by the age of 8. The child's assessment of his place in society changes, he is on the verge of school, new relationships, social life, an unfamiliar position - a schoolchild, which is highly valued by adults. He does not always want to change something in his

Disobedience at 6-7 years old is a manifestation of the crisis

her life, but a new role pushes him to these changes.

In the period of the turning point of 6-7 years, psychology tends to experience inner life, which consists of the level of the baby's aspirations, self-esteem, and expectations.

Crisis at 6-7 years old - manifestations

These emotions affect his behavior in a given situation. This is where the antics appears, which child psychology calls immediacy. With the help of demeanor, children show that they are on the verge of a break, their inner world begins to differ from the outside, although they are also open to the world. When a child comes out of the crisis, then he copes with what age requires of him, then negative emotional reactions, antics and manners disappear.

How can I help my child?

The age of 6-7 years is associated with the rapid growth of the child, he literally grows by the hour, it is difficult for him to incubate in one position, and at school he must be motionless for a considerable time. Therefore, it is important to observe the motor regime, psychology claims that this is the main need of his age, this is especially true for a boy. If you have an active boy, then you need to take him to sports section, pool, girls are well suited for choreography.

Ready for School - Trabovanie

At this age, the child still wants to be good, he is already perfectly aware when he did something wrong, he is embarrassed about this, gets upset if something did not work out so well, feels sincere joy when he is given a useful assignment.

In order not to drown out such noble urges in the future, it is necessary to talk with the baby more often, to analyze the actions, the concepts of morality, for example, "a kind boy is protecting girls, helping old people."

The age of 6-7 years is characterized by increased self-esteem of the child, which gradually becomes adequate.

Sukhomlinsky's quote about the beginning of the school period

Therefore, upbringing implies an assessment of the result of his actions, however, it should be remembered that one cannot evaluate a personality, so as not to lower the child's self-esteem. It is necessary to criticize the actions of the baby, and not himself, it is not he who is bad, but his behavior leaves much to be desired. This period is characterized by an increase in the volume of memory, stability of attention, therefore, education includes joint reading of encyclopedias, watching developmental programs, and it is important to do this together.

How to cultivate responsibility?

The time of carefree childhood is coming to an end, so the moment of development of such concepts as responsibility and duty will be important for the child. The upbringing of these qualities falls on the shoulders of the parents.

Responsibility at 6-7 years old depends on the attitude of adults

This age means:

  • Performing simple chores, such as watering flowers, helping to clean the dishes, tidying up the room, and the boy also has to do housework.
  • Praise for the work done, but it must be done deservedly. It is better to pay attention to what the kid did, and not to what he did not succeed. It is necessary to patiently teach him to redo poor-quality work.
  • Give the children a choice, for example: "You quickly clean the room and go for a walk, or I clean alone and then we will not have time for a walk."

The age of 6-7 years is a new stage in a child's life, and the task of parents is to help him go along this path.

For reading 10 min.

What is disobedience through the eyes of a parent? It so happened that parents want their children to be obedient, that is, they did everything that the parents say, without arguing, quickly and efficiently. Parents suppress in children not only independence with their desires, but also emotionality. It often happens that children are forbidden to be angry, and anger is one of the emotions, the same as joy.

By suppressing the emotions of anger, the child ceases to experience other emotions, such as happiness, joy, or love.

A naughty child at 6 is common

In fact, disobedience is different. For example, a child is told to brush his teeth. The child refuses, as a result of which, if the parents do not insist, the child's teeth, after a few more such refusals, will begin to deteriorate. But, if the child is told to eat, but he does not want to. Parents scold him, force him, but the child is not hungry. If you give the child free rein, then when he feels hungry, he himself will ask for food. Then why scold him and how can you achieve obedience here, mocking the child's body.

Obedient children, from the point of view of psychologists, is a suspicious phenomenon, unlike children who do not obey from time to time.

Therefore, before looking for reasons for disobedience, you can look at your actions and evaluate them. Are the parents doing everything right, is it really necessary in this or that situation to achieve absolute obedience from the child?

Why children do not obey - it is necessary to identify the reason

Parenting styles

Often among parents there is an authoritarian style inherent in both mothers and fathers. Parents raising children in this style simply train them, suppressing the will of the child. For example, a child was asked to learn a verse at school, and he tries to understand it before teaching. But it is important for such educators that the child does not reason, but memorizes a verse or gets an excellent grade at school.

Authoritarian parenting forms a dependent personality

But there are also democratic methods of education. In this case, children also take part in decision-making. And you should not rely on the number of years here, independence can be brought up at any age. There are only a few things that are not negotiable.

If a child is indulged in all the whims, he will become uncontrollable.

There is also a mixed style of upbringing, where, according to the mood of the parents, everything is prohibited, then everything is allowed. Children also adapt to this style, tossing from "carrot" to "stick".

Reasons for disobedience

A child at the age of 6 does not obey his parents for the most different reasons... Here is some of them:

  • Children do not understand what they are told or how it is presented to them. They are especially unaware of why their parents are yelling at them. The child is lost and does not know what to do to calm down the parent. Causes misunderstanding screams due to not neatly folded clothes in the closet or something similar.
  • Constant screams and threats create an intuitive “struggle” for freedom of action. Children have different temperaments from birth. Someone is born a melancholic and implicitly obeys not only relatives, but also hooligan children in the yard, a stupid boss at work, a grumpy cashier in a store, etc. Other babies are born with a strong leader temperament and are not ready to suppress innate dignity. These children require communication without screaming, in fact, like all others. They need to be explained, to seek a compromise. At first it will not be easy to do this, finding a profitable solution for everyone is a difficult task, but understandable. Not only children have to learn, parents have to do it too.

The main reasons for disobedience
  • Absolute obedience is inherent in children with weak nervous system... They are unable to cope with tasks on their own, so they wait for orders and obediently carry them out. Growing up, they will begin to look for themselves strong character a person who will tell them what to do. It is not for nothing that people are divided into followers and leaders. It all starts from childhood.
  • Some children are so cunning that they pretend to obey. They try to do everything they want from them as soon as possible in order to free themselves and go about their business. They quickly realize that by cunning they can deceive their own parents. In adulthood, they will try to keep in contact with their parents to a minimum, since they could not find a common language with him.
  • Children do not obey even when their parents humiliate them, comparing them to classmates, friends or children from the yard. You can pay attention to how quickly they deteriorate good relationship between brothers and sisters, when parents begin to lead them to each other as an example, praising one, and the other, thereby insulting.

How can you get your child to obey?

In fact, the question is not how to make the child obey, but rather how to establish contact with him so that there are no quarrels, screams and misunderstandings. If contact is made, then requests for help around the house, diligent study, and the like, will be heard and fulfilled. You have to understand that a 6-year-old child is no longer the same as at 2 or 3 years old. If at the age of 2 his psyche was still unstable, he often did not know what he wanted. Because of hunger, young children are also very capricious.

Peculiarities preschool age 6-7 years old

But at the age of 6, these are already formed small personalities who have their own inner world, a kind of thinking and perception of the environment. The child has his own opinion and if it is wrong, then this can be discussed with him without shouting, threats or applying force. Perhaps the first time the parents will not be heard, but if you have patience, show your case by example, repeat several times, but in a firm confident tone, then you will definitely succeed.

Some children withdraw into themselves at the age of 6-7

It is worth considering the main points that will help to achieve obedience to the child:

  1. It is necessary to establish trusting relationship in family. Children are not stupid, especially at the age of 6, so they can be explained what, how, why. Eliminating anger from communication, even though it is not easy. If mom or dad is in a bad mood, tired or worn out at work, then you can tell the child that there is no mood now, and there is a risk of losing his temper, getting angry, postponing the conversation and teachings for a time when the state of health will be better, but not delay with this.
  2. Personal requests should not be asked in a demanding tone. Imagine that something is required of you. This attitude annoys and pisses off not only children, but also adults. Therefore, you have to ask gently. If this does not help, then without leading to screams, add firmness to the voice and physical contact: take the child by the hands, look resolutely in the eyes, and achieve full attention to your words. This should all take place in a friendly manner, and not in the form of a threat or an ultimatum.
  3. Don't forget about praise. Let there be things that each person should do, personal responsibilities and the like. But family relationships were better if they said thanks to their father for getting up to work every morning, if they said thanks to their mother for cleaning, cooking and taking care of the family, and if they thanked the children for their help, obedience, and good studies.
  4. The child needs to be told that there are emergency situations when bickering is unacceptable. Give some examples. To teach a child to obey, show this by your own example, because children look at their parents and learn from them.

The child needs to be explained when it is impossible to be capricious

A crisis or another transitional age

All of the above tips are valid as usual. Everyday life but people in different ages crises occur, when it is very difficult for them, they require help. Most often, crises happen in childhood. There is a crisis at the age of 6 when the child is categorically disobedient. This does not mean that all children go through this crisis. Sometimes it can take only a few days, sometimes it can drag on for months. How more correct attitude parents to the rebellion of the child, the faster you will be able to survive the crisis. It is necessary to learn how to survive crises and get out of them exactly in this early age child, because during adolescence it will be much more difficult to do. Children do not develop gradually, but in leaps and bounds. It is difficult for him to reorganize from yesterday's kid, into today's matured know-it-all.

Manifestations of the crisis of 6 years

Advice: The ability to resist the parent's word is a sign of a strong temperament, a skill of self-defense, but it is difficult to indulge yourself with this when a child is protesting absolutely against everything.

The task of parents in some issues is to support the denial of the child, to look for an alternative, if it is impossible to agree for some reason, but not to indulge every child's “uprising”. If the child is given full independence, as he requires, that is, give him access to the refrigerator, do not wash his clothes, do not clean up after him in the room, do not buy sweets for him, give him the opportunity to plunge into adult everyday life, then he will quickly get tired of it and everything will return to its place. Your son or daughter cannot read minds, so they need to voice what you hear them, but cannot do as they want for such and such reasons.

Causes of the crisis in children 6 years old

This age in a child's life is associated with the end of kindergarten and admission to school. So baby teeth are replaced with permanent ones. This period is difficult for children. New values, skills appear, the world changes a lot.

Lack of attention

Any changes in the lives of children leave a residue in their soul. Perhaps a new family member has appeared in the family, parents work a lot, and so on. Children even at 6 years old need attention. Not as much as a baby, but still. Attempts to gain attention result in disobedience, screams and tantrums.

Major neoplasm aged 6 years

Tip: To fix this, you need to carve out at least 15 minutes every couple of hours to caress the child, play with him, talk about something.

No matter how busy the parents are, it is quite possible to carve out a few minutes when the child is in a good or normal mood. And it doesn't matter how old your child is. Children who know that they are loved, do not throw tantrums, grow up more emotionally stable and obedient.

Desire for power

There are situations when children are loved, they are regularly reminded of this, but children still begin to ignore any requests, and even demands. They are unforgiving, and parents are terrified of not understanding "where their child has gone." The reason for this behavior may lie in the fact that the child is trying to find out who is in charge of the family and "pulls the blanket over himself."

Advice: Negative behavior of a child is also necessary and important in his life.


If it is difficult to immediately navigate the situation with the child, try to take a “pause” for a minute or two. Leave your noisy child, analyze his behavior and try to pick up the best way to remedy the situation. There is no need to hope that everything will turn out quickly and the child will become kind and good again.

Physical punishment is not acceptable

Especially if the reason for the bad behavior lies in a crisis for 6-7 years, then it can drag on for 2-3 months.

It is necessary to be patient and the result will not be long in coming. If you are reading this article, then you already care. You are a wise parent, you will not allow any crisis or misunderstanding between you and your children to upset your relationship.

If your child is already six years old, then you should know that this is a great age, which will give your family many more surprises and discoveries. At the age of six, the baby is already a consciously formed personality, since he has his own views on life and on the whole world around him. He begins, in small steps, to begin to realize his social position in society, starting with the children's collective and ending with adults.

Every new independent step your baby is a kind of rehearsal for a big step in the future. The more such steps there are in childhood, the more fulfilling his life will be when he grows up and goes his own way. But do not forget about the balance that every person needs, starting from a young age - responsibilities and rights. In this article, we will look at some aspects of the development of a child at the age of 6 years.

Physical development

By the age of six, the child's motor activity becomes more active and varied. It is from the age of six that parents are encouraged to take their child in any sports section, as well as to play active games with him more often. Often, children who consciously already relate to the requirements of their elders begin to strive for the set goal, learn new movements or tricks on their own and even stubbornly try to master what they get the least. Such persistence is very commendable, since in a year he will have to go to school, where he has his own regime and his own loads: sitting at a desk, doing regularly homework, early waking up, etc.

Sit six hours at a desk, in a closed room, where there is also no time for daytime sleep- this is a completely different life, and to cope with your duties - you need to have not only good health - but just excellent health!

Skiing, rollerblading, skating, cycling, gymnastics and dancing - all these activities will perfectly help to strengthen your child's immunity, and will gradually form a healthy strong body and spirit. Swimming will perfectly relieve any nervous tension, will help good appetite, normalizes sleep and also strengthens muscles and sharpens reflexes.

Unlike other nat. Exercises, when walking, the baby rhythmically combines relaxation and tension. This is very beneficial for his health, and the more he walks on fresh air- the better you strengthen his immunity.

Regardless of what circles and sections your child goes to, you should not overexert him. And always make sure your toddler follows his normal daily routine. Despite the fact that the child is already essentially a personality that needs to be pushed towards some kind of movement. He, like an ordinary kid, needs rest, proper nutrition and walks in the fresh air.

Neuropsychic development

Six-year-old children have a special interpretation of the concept of "will" - for them it is the ability to act not as they want, but as required. At this age, the baby is quite capable of independently managing his behavior and observing the norms of etiquette.

Also, he needs to take part in any activity in a group or individually, as he needs to learn to navigate in any environment.

Due to these changes, each parent should make sure that their child learns the basics of safety, namely:

  • How to handle electrical appliances found in every home;
  • Correct handling of household appliances;
  • The basics of fire safety (do not play with matches, do not turn on the gas stove);
  • Rules for the use of spicy kitchen utensils;
  • The basics of behavior on the street in the company, or with strangers.

Your task is to teach your kid to look for a way out of any situation. Also, it will be quite appropriate to give him a feasible household chores.

Read also

At the age of six to seven years, the child has a fairly high level of emotional development... That is, he already has the ability to feel the mood of another person, offer his help to another person, show sympathy. His emotional world is very rich, but still a child is a child, and he does not know how to live in such a world. Parents should definitely help here. The kid is overwhelmed by the most different feelings that he cannot always cope with, and that he has not felt before. This is how growing up begins.

The development of a child's intelligence, or what a child should be able to do at the age of 6

At the age of six, the child begins to show great interest in new information, while not deleting the previous one from his memory. It is at the age of six to seven that the child's memory begins to increase, and his attention becomes arbitrary, although not constant.

Growing significantly speech development- on average, a preschool child has a vocabulary of about 5-6 thousand words. The kid should be able to pronounce all the sounds of his native language, as well as be able to coordinate words in phrases and sentences. When speaking, he should not have problems with speech turns and he should be able to perform sound analysis of words.

Cognition of the surrounding world occurs in a visual-effective and in a visual-figurative plans. Great attention it is necessary to pay precisely to practical activities and visual material, since verbal-logical thinking is still giving way to figurative thinking.

The mental development of the baby is on a par with physical development... Thus, any sporting activity contributes not only to the development of a healthy body, but also a healthy mind. In an original way development of mental abilities in children is considered calligraphy, but not simple - for such an experiment, children who are right-handed need to write words with their left hand, and left-handed - with their right. You can not only write, but also take things with your other hand, take a spoon with your other hand. Set an example, try this method yourself, and give your child the opportunity to try themselves too.

Learning to play on musical instrument Is a great method to learn concentration and attention. If the kid is doing what he loves, leadership qualities gradually awaken in him, which will push him to be the best and bring his ideas to life.

All children learn about the world around them through play. This is the most The best way learn or understand something new, as in the game they play some life situations, while exhibiting their little life experience. The more your baby plays in childhood, the faster he will become more spiritually and intellectually developed, and thanks to this in his adult life he will feel more confident and capable.

Instead of watching the aspirations of their child, many parents try to impose their games, their tastes and preferences on him, completely forgetting about the child's opinion. It is necessary not to impose your own, but to take a closer look at the baby, observe where his attention is directed, and then carefully direct him in the right direction.

Children do not love toys, but how they can use them in their fantasies. Often times, kids take toys apart to see how to put it back together. Experienced psychologists say that the more toys a child has, the more dispersed he will be. If you want to develop non-standard thinking in your child, then try not to buy him everything he asks of you.

In our world there are many different amazing things that do not have any specific form and purpose, and this is their dignity. Clay, colored or White paper as well as plasticine. Such simple things will provide useful food for the child's mind, for his imagination, resourcefulness, patience and perseverance.

One of effective ways to develop creativity in a child is role-playing games, since they have the possibility of free direct self-expression.

Summing up the line, we can say that a child at the age of six is ​​a typical preschooler. Accordingly, he has all the characteristics that are inherent in all preschoolers. It is for this reason that the question of a child's admission to school is individual, and such a decision must be made based on the child's psychological readiness.

“I want a game console! If you don’t buy it, I’ll leave the house! ” The categorical statement is shocking. A bold claim for victory for a scion who hasn't dried milk on his lips. Why does an unruly child of 6 behave badly and disobey his parents? Let's consider the probable causes:

  1. "And what's wrong with that?" The kid is sincerely perplexed why it is impossible to shout at the whole store, if there is no other way to achieve the coveted can of soda. He considers his behavior to be normal. No one ever explained to him why he shouldn’t do this. The boundaries of what is acceptable by adults are not indicated. The fact of deep pedagogical neglect is evident.
  2. "Everyone does it!" A bad example is contagious. Why does dad always raise his voice to mom when he tries to get her to do something? A boy from a neighboring group in kindergarten also rolls on the floor, and everyone pity him, soothes and gives best toys... The main advice of a psychologist, if a child of 6 years old does not obey, is to take a closer look at the immediate environment of the baby. He stands on his ears in an attempt to get what he wants, blindly imitating the manners of those around him.
  3. "Nobody ever hears me!"“I ask, I ask a doll, but everyone pretends that nothing is happening. It's a shame! Let's try it differently! " Similar thoughts recent times more and more often the fidget comes to mind, provoking him to tantrums. The communicative problem of the heir is that he does not know how to attract attention to himself in a more adequate way. Probably, you were too busy with yourself and your business, forgetting to pat the touchy child on the head once again.

It looks like the holiday of disobedience has come to your home long ago. The primary task is to urgently make up for lost time and make up for defects in upbringing.

What to do when a 6-year-old child does not obey?

There are no one-off tantrums. Having tasted the forbidden fruit once and received what is required, the heir will gradually turn into a real domestic tyrant. We retaliate before it's too late.

Confidential conversation

Following the advice of a psychologist, what to do if a child does not obey and is rude at 5-7 years old, you will have to show miracles of patience to put the little rebel in his place:

  1. Try to challenge your baby to a heart-to-heart conversation. Create suitable conditions: in the evening before going to bed, in dim light, after a glass of your favorite drink, the fidget will listen to you more attentively than usual. Share with him instructive story from childhood. For example, it can be a story about how dearly you sometimes have to pay for an offensive, hastily spoken word to someone.
  2. Demonstrate a pattern of ideal behavior. You will need the help of an artistic friend. Play out a small conflict scene in which main character will be able to get out of the water thanks to an impeccable knowledge of the rules of courtesy. The genre of impromptu performance will undoubtedly interest the kid more than boring lectures. At this age, children tend to imitate. The more infectious the example, the more likely the tomboy will begin to copy the correct pattern of behavior.

Create and write down (draw) on paper your rules of conduct

Do not try to stimulate the observance of basic rules of politeness with "well-deserved rewards" in the form of sweets or pocket money. The method "you - me, I - you" will definitely not give the desired result. In matters of compliance with the rules of the game on the field family education bargaining is inappropriate. Bribing the treasure with candy or money, you will become the owner of the very “cheap authority” that will not work at the right time. Answering a popular question from parents about what to do with a naughty child, practical psychologists give a simple advice: establish a clear list of requirements. They must be mandatory in any situation. Are you good at drawing? Fine! The code of conduct in the popular comic book format will be remembered faster.

If the child broke the rules, find out the reason for this and punish gently

“Again you painted the wallpaper with a marker! How can?! March to the corner immediately! " Yes, with such an approach, an abyss separates you from a pedagogical feat. Put yourself in the shoes of a prankster. Perhaps the stimulus to wall art was some kind of inner anxiety. Let the original artist talk. It is important to understand what the motives for the riot are. If such a way of self-expression in your family is still prohibited, then the culprit of the next renovation will have to be punished. Without fanaticism, but so that he understood that even force majeure is not a reason to overstep the boundaries of what is permitted. Send, for example, a young talent in a single link to the nursery. Give time to reflect on your behavior.

What to do when a 3-year-old child does not obey?

“Everything should be my way! Why should I do as the teacher wants? " Donkey stubbornness? Not at all! A 3-year-old child is hysterical, does not obey and does something to spite for a good reason. A difficult turning point has come in relations with adults, the so-called crisis of negativism. The kid learns to defend his own opinion, to measure his needs with the requirements of his elders. In the struggle for the right to an alternative point of view, which does not coincide with the authoritative opinion of the majority of those around, one cannot do without conflicts. Accept that the atmosphere in your home will heat up for a while. Your task is to find a special approach to the rebel. Each problematic situation should be sorted out in a family council. Make concessions if the child's position is truly justified. Give him the right to choose a red T-shirt instead of a yellow one if the color scheme is more in line with his current mood. If the disputant is wrong and a compromise is impossible, explain in detail the reasons for your disagreement.

Be patient, restrain negative emotions

Did a house rebel break your favorite cup out of spite? Children often work for the public. Ignore their outrageous antics. Try not to say too much in your outburst of anger. It is better to pretend that they did not notice how it happened, and postpone debriefing for more late date... In this case, without immediately observing the expected effect, the mischievous person will quickly lose all interest in getting on your nerves.

Show your child that he is loved

Feel free to show parental affection with affection, kisses, and hugs. What if the child does not obey at 2-3 years old? Do not take up arms with the whole family clan against the troublemaker: it is definitely not worth scolding the mischief in different voices. Such internal strife will not lead to anything good. One comment for a greasy spot on a white shirt is enough. General hostility will only harden the little rebel's heart more. He will snap at you with a vengeance.

During tantrums, hug your child and say that you understand that he is upset now.

Screaming, crying and stamping his feet - sometimes a fidget is simply unbearable. Try this effective contrast shower technique:

  • respond to shouts in a calm, low voice;
  • interrupt the tomboy's long emotional tirades with laconic remarks on the merits of the issue;
  • stop his chaotic gestures with playful "hugs", tactile contact has a calming effect.

Pedagogical methods are powerless: what to do?

They put them in a corner, conducted explanatory conversations, but all in vain? A child 5–8 years old, but he does not obey his parents? Alas the system home education somewhere malfunctioned. You cannot cope with a serious pedagogical problem on your own.

Consult a pediatrician, psychologist, psychiatrist

Alarm bells signaling the need for an urgent visit to a specialist are the following symptoms:

  • problems in relationships with other children are systemic in nature;
  • perseverance and sustained attention to something are not observed;
  • there is no interest in new activities;
  • started tasks remain incomplete;
  • motor activity is chaotic;
  • sleep disturbed;
  • the mood changes from "plus" to "minus" suddenly.

In the presence of such deviations in the development of the offspring in the office of neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists, you can hear the diagnosis "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder." Identified in the early stages, this disorder is amenable to correction. A full course of examination by a pediatrician will help identify the hidden causes of the syndrome and promptly begin therapy to eliminate them.

The fact that a child separates himself from the people around him, withdrawing into himself, that is, acting in an auto-like manner, experts will say if he:

  • perceives only short statements by ear;
  • overly attentive to the interlocutor's gestures;
  • fears any changes in the usual way of life;
  • unable to make meaningful decisions;
  • shows cruelty towards animals.

The recommendations of doctors in the presence of these symptoms in a young patient will be aimed at creating a calm and comfortable atmosphere at home. A little fidget, feeling comfortable, will give up trying to defend his personal space with foam at the mouth from the encroachment of adults.

Follow the daily routine

This is the standard advice of a psychologist on what to do when your child is 3-4 years old (and up to 8-10 years old) does not obey, is rude and rude. The evening lights out and the morning rise on a schedule, regular meals, exercises - an orderly rhythm of life has a positive effect on the emotional mood of the child. Provide him with a busy schedule of creativity and sports, so that there was no time to get bored and have new cockroaches in his head.

Limit gadget games

Do you think smartphones will replace educational games? Make no illusions. Computer quest is a world of endless, but fictitious possibilities. At any age, you can command a virtual army and, at your discretion, destroy painted cities and entire countries. What to do if a child-gambling addict of 7-8 years old does not obey his parents and freaks out? It seems that immersion in the computer environment negatively affected the psyche of the little gamer. It's time to invite him to follow you into the real world, where the authority of the parents is indisputable. A surefire way to get things back on track is to restrict access to gadgets to certain time intervals. The next session of the game should be a reward for outstanding achievements in sports, reading or drawing. Paying more attention various types practical activity, the child will appreciate the advantages of real sensations over illusory ones.


Is a child uprising dangerous? Undoubtedly. Imagine what will happen next with such an uncontrollable rebel ... Fight for your child! Don't put off visiting the right professionals for your next vacation.

A child is not a small adult. He certainly cannot cope with the problems of age crises on his own. Be there when your little one needs your help.