Essay "My preschool childhood. Essay on the topic: "My childhood that can be written about my childhood

Ekaterina Yakovlev
Essay "My. preschool childhood»

I really remember my preschool childhood: Separate bright events that come to me for memory, I would hardly have taken preschool periodbut for some reason at one thought about his i want to say childhood"That was great!".

Now, trying to build all my scarce memories in one less slender row of the line of this text, I once again seem to worry childhood rebel. I understand that it is being small, I was really happy, my day was saturated with the most different events, and cheerful, and sad, but I wouldn't tell you about one of them that I want to forget about him.

We had three sisters in the family, of which I was the youngest. SO senior sister We had a difference of 10 years, and because our mother brought up us alone and spent almost all the time at work, then the whole "cargo" My upbringing and learning lay on the shoulders of the eldest daughter. And I remember that I had a girlfriend childhood Nadia, Which also, as I, there were two more sisters, and my mother also brought them up alone.

I really liked when older sisters assigned us, younger, in kindergarten, by queues: It seemed to me that I seemed to take my girlfriend my friend kindergartenI was interested to see how other children live there (Probably I was about 5-6 years old). Now I understand that it was a sense of respect and admiration preschool institution , his life. Even more delight caused me at this age when our "Little Moms" Take me out of the garden first: I'm all the way, until we walked for my friend Nadi, all what I had to tell about ourselves about myself.

And I remember with a special warmth that already at the 6th age, many guys from neighboring houses walked in the yard without parents, going to large companies, and for some reason we have never been bored. Summer days for the day we have time to replay into all games that knew, and our parents sometimes shouted to us from the balcony that it was time to dinner (dinner, or we ran to those guys who live on the first floor "Drink water".

When I got a job in kindergarten, and I first brought a book "Moving games in children's garden» I am surprised to find that I don't need to learn anything to learn that I know many of these games, and I don't care. Sometimes I was very strange to see my guys (senior preschool age ) in no way playing while walking, and when you try to play, teach, they prefer to play in "Man-spider" or in "Transformers". And one day me dawn: I learned this for this at the same age in children's garden!

We included TV only in the evenings and not always, and my programs were looking for a television program. I liked to get up early in the mornings on weekends, because it was shown on TV "Visiting a fairy tale" It is in the morning. Sitting all day after the TV did not manage to anyone, probably because we came in each other "Get out to walk"? " As soon as we were allowed.

I remember "Secrets" In the sand or in the ground in the yard of our house made from beautiful candy, but more often from buds of flowers, covered with glasses and falling asleep over sand or earth, respectively. And what's interesting, we never broke out "Secrets", Randomly find them, and quietly they were considered and back fell asleep. Probably because they knew that it was "Alien" and this "Attached effort".

I remember that I really liked to watch how my mom or aunt would be hiding wool (and grandmother in the village - too, and how deftly it turns out to cope with spindlers. It seemed an amazing miracle to see how from some handcle of wool, which is also And unpleasant "Pakhlo"The threads are obtained. I loved winding woolen threads with spindle on the legs of an inverted herd, and then, wicked and dried, wasting them into the ball.

Tights that we were erased by hand and rinsed in water in a small children's bath, I seemed like long snakes that bathe in a pond. I always turned swimming in the bathroom into amazing sea adventures, and I absolutely did not need to have an abundance of toys.

And landing and digging potatoes in the village of the whole big family, when all relatives come? And then evening bath and dinner in nature ...

It turns out that I can remember so much! All do not list ...

I can summarize only one: childhood I really had a happy, carefree, I learned a lot about, but most importantly, I took in an adult life - respect for someone else's work, for adults, and desire "Making others happy".

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Childhood is the best time in a person's life. And the gold is the best and valuable metal. Therefore, childhood and call "Golden Time."

Yes, childhood is really a golden time. And this time all people will remember with great love and regret throughout their lives - because there is no return there.

Time children's age - From the birth of a child to adolescence, approximately 11 to 13 years. But in our time, this period moved away, and the children are considered sometimes the eighteen-year-old young men and girls who have come to the child at the transition or shot by chance of passerby. Well, to take with minors and unreasonable children - of course, nothing. And there is no court.

Childhood is single timeWhen you do not answer anything: you do not need to work and feed the family, teach children and treat your mother with dad, pay a mortgage and loans. This is the most carefree time in a person's life. Yes, problems, of course, are. But what funny they will turn out to be!

This is the only time when you infinitely believe in magic and miracles. And only then beautiful fairies fly everywhere and mashed magic chopsticks. And the crowds of sheds of frosts with bags of gifts run on the pre-New Year city in search of you. And you can write a letter to Santa Claus to fulfill your most cherished desire - he really exists. And the person needs to believe in anything - it does not matter what: without faith can not live.

As a child, you just love you, and not for something: for money, hectares of land, power and red diploma. You are happy when you come to this world when you go into the room when you wake up and eat semolina porridge.

The whole world seems huge and wonderful: the moon and stars - large and bright, paints - juicy, mother's perfume - magic, mom is the most beautiful, and dad is the smartest and strong. And even five-meter kitchen is spacious.

Everything seems amazingly easy: easy to approach the girl you like, take her hand and offer friendship. Easy to jump through jumps, ride on one leg. And everyone gets to sing, and dance. And the poems in childhood everyone read great, as it seems. Yes, and draw beautifully. And where is it all then going?

As a child, it is very easy to hide: you just need to close your eyes. And - all! Ears can also be plugged for better effect. And if you climb with your head under the blanket, then no one will find you. Very cool hide in the closet: and there is a place, and breathe well. Therefore, in childhood it is necessary to use all the possibilities - then it will not be possible to hide from problems.

In childhood you do not hurt. Yes, milk tooth falls. Or will appear on the knee. But legs run quickly, hands climbs high, eyes look so much. And there is no fatigue in the evening - I would run and ran.

When nothing hurts - very cool. But when the soul does not hurt, it is doubly great. And in your childhood, the soul still does not hurt: everyone is alive, healthy and can take care of themselves without your participation.

Dreams in childhood are very bright. They just have to come true. Be sure! And I will become the most beautiful, smart, leaning in the "Fayina School" on the main fairy, successfully marry the prince and the head of the white kitten. Or become the strongest uncle in the Penza region, marry a rich grandmother, and she will soon die and leave me his palace and a pony horse.

Fall asleep in childhood - easy, and wake up - easy. And joyful: And this is the main thing. And I'm not smiling in the morning, but just like that.

Happy childhood, as they said under socialism, not to return. And although in old age, many return to childhood or "fall into it", it is considered to be diagnosed. Yes, such old people are very sorry, they are trying to treat and rehabilitate. And maybe they are there well? In this "Golden Pore"? But we, unfortunately, never know about it.

Essay 2.

What is childhood? These are the sweet moments of the time when we were children or moments that we love to forget and not speak, because they harm hearts, feelings. For some people, childhood is the best in their lives, and for others - the worst. When we are children, we understand what is bad, but what is good and when we grow up, we are trying to apply what they learned from childhood, but a new lesson comes - it is difficult to understand how and with whom to apply it.

People who had a fun and carefree childhood, are happy to tell their children, grandchildren, adventures, negligence with which they encountered in childhood. My childhood, like most children, was wonderful. I and my peers lived in another world where fun and games reigned. Fictional world of magic, where everything is possible. Then we did not realize, in which fragile and cruel world we live.

Now that we have become more, we understand how happy were. Then we wanted to go to school, but did not know that this is responsible. How we want to return to kindergarten and continue to play carefree. The fact is that childhood can not do without the usual confrontation with someone, but then we fought only a doll or toy. It was our childhood, we were the most happy children - with theraccable parents, brothers and sisters. When they wanted something, they got it, we were given it. Now, if we want something, then they should earn it, because we are big and we can show ourselves.

Childhood! This is a wonderful moment of our life! Everyone wants to be a child, carefree and loving creature. Unfortunately, this can not be because every person has a staircase for which you can climb, and childhood is only at the very beginning.

Childhood is the period in which we are building yourself as people as a separate person. This prepares us to real life. During this period of life, it is better if a person gives and bestow the attention, tenderness, love, warmth, then he understands the value of all existence. Each parent must teach his child to grow as a person - more tolerant and reasonable in life.

My childhood .. Well, that it is to warm me on the cold days to throw me in joyful memories. Dear memory of the days I will save in my heart. The amazing world, which is so close, but it remains so far, is not more affordable now, remains a magic country, about the trip to which it is so nice to remember.


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The world of childhood - it's such magic worldin which the child can play dolls, in the car, in the ball. And although childhood It flies very quickly, it is still very interesting, bright and fun. This is an unforgettable time, the time of dreams, sincere joy and adulthies of the child. We must not forget childhood And we must take it in your heart, and then it will not forget us.

Childhood - It is carelessness, fun, the joy of every person. Remembering your childhood, we can never say that it has passed for us bad or what we were bored. It is always good, good and happy memories of ours. We are growing, learning life, we begin to realize the reality at this age. That is why the school begins to walk from the age of 6-8 years. We remember the alphabet better, multiplication table, Russian rules and other useful information. And the children who came to school for the first time, still feel their children. They bring toys, dolls and cars with themselves to classes, and do not realize that this is already, albeit a small - step in the beginning of an adult life.

Childhood - This is freedom when there is no duties, problems and worries. Many adults often say: "How good to be small! You can sleep, how much you want, you can wake up, go to the window and watch how people hurry in their affairs, listen to the coincidence of the city outside the window. All day you can play in different games: In hide and hide and hiding anywhere, in catch-up - to run away, for example, from grandmother. Then you can walk on fresh air, Burn on the sun, lie on the grass and enjoying freedom. But these are just dreams, after all, you will not be back! "

Every child has. Family is a defender. Whatever happens to the child in childhood, whoever offended him, only in the family there is an understanding, support and protection. Probably, therefore, in childhood it lives so easily and careless, because there are always parents, family on guard. As a child, there are many different events, and if you forgot with time, it was in childhood with you, then or dad will always tell you about it.

In childhood, every holiday pleases us. Always reminds delicious cakes, fun and gifts. Birthday is a day when we get older for a year. We wait for him and rejoice in Him. Parents congratulate, hugging and kissing, come and give gifts. All children love it very much!

I believe that the world of childhood is a wonderful period in the life of every person. All people have in different ways, but I did not hear anyone from one person so that he says that childhood has passed badly. After all, anyway in the life of every person in childhood there are some bright unforgettable moments. After all, childhood is great!

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I always remember my childhood with a smile and trembling in the shower. I can not call it perfect, but there was very little bad in it.

When I was born, Dad served in the army, so the grandfather took me from the hospital. Mom still remembers how he drove in the car with a huge bouquet of flowers and his newborn happiness on his hands, wrapped in a white blanket and tied a large pink ribbon. When Dad returned from service, he was on the seventh heaven from and immediately gave me the name Tatiana, as always dreamed.

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Childhood - This is a wonderful time when you can build air locks, throw, believe in elves and dwarves. And how cool when New Year Comes to visit Santa Claus and brings gifts!

In childhood everything is interesting and mysterious. Here behind the city there is a fabulous forest where mysterious creatures live. And behind the forest lake, there are many mermaids. Children's fantasy is limitless, thanks to her, the world around him becomes fascinating and mysterious.

The first rain, the first thunderstorm, how much joy and surprise they bring children, and what delight cause the first snowflakes. As a child, many things, even the most minor, bring huge joy.

Nude is the most beautiful years when little hassle, when you live having fun and carefree. Our childhood It depends largely on our parents, because it is they who give us a fairy tale, love, tenderness, kindness. Parents are a sample imitation for children: "When I grow up, I will be as big and strong as my dad," this is one of the most cherished desires Many children.

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My childhood

I was born on June 15, 1992 at 12 o'clock in the afternoon in the maternity hospital number 2 of the city of Kurgan, with an increase of 54 cm and with a weight of 3.8 kg ...

My childhood was not too long ago. Many people think that this most childhood lives in me and to this day, but it is far from the wrong. I have long become an adult, and no one knows me completely. Well, about childhood ... My childhood was not bad, but it was not as good as possible. I was a very "early" child: For three years, my grandmother has taught me to read, I was not interested in communicating with my peers, but I was very sociable. I remember that in my childhood I knew how to play the cards well (I told me my relatives) and constantly with my great-grandfather I played cards on shortbarns. I really liked this lesson, and grandfather even gave me little playing cards. In kindergarten I often hooliganil, but all the educators loved me. I really did not like to go to the kindergarten, because it was necessary to get up early, but I'm getting up, I quickly turned on the TV and watched morning cartoons, often late. My mom and educators kindergarten We led the "book that grows with me." This book had different information about me in different age. It was there: what I look like: Grandma - eyes, dad - character, grandfather - eyebrows, grandma - hair. My first word "UA". I have a stubborn character. My greatest desire is to give me a house for Barbie doll. When I grow up, I will become a hairdresser. Best of all I can read, I do not draw very well, most of all in the world I want to learn nice and competently writing. My favorite: Animals - hare and cat, sport - figure skating, book- "Golden Book of Fairy Tales", Check, film - "Operation" s "and other adventures of Shurik", TV shows - "Star Hour", Clothing - Skirt And T-shirt, game - "to school", color - orange, blue, toy - Barbie doll, dish - mashed potatoes and sausages, smell - rose aroma. Since then, in principle, no few years have passed and my views on life of course have changed much. As a child, I made a lot of gifts with my own hands, which I liked my grandmothers insanely and other native. I was very afraid of doctors, and especially the dentist. To cure the tooth, my mother had a lot to work hard and buried me. I really cried and demanded some toy for each cured tooth. And I certainly managed it! I madly loved my dad. I was just on the seventh heaven from happiness when he played with me. We jokingly fought, he catches me on the back and shoulders. We laughed and shouted that sometimes I started not to please my mom. My sister was not very a good relationship. Since she is six years older than me, she never took me to walk with him, although I knew all her friends, and I loved me very much. In childhood I tried myself in different "circles." I went to the gymnastics, and in the pool, and in many other "circles", but unfortunately not a very long time. I loved to help my parents. I went to the store, made cleaning in the house, helped in the garden and in the kitchen. I really liked to play, building different "houses", which Mom always called "barricades." I could call a lot of my friends, and we all played all day together. In our house there was always fun, noisy, cozy and warm.

23 Chose

As a child, I was fidget and delivered my parents a lot of trouble. Recently, my mother remembered interesting cases from my childhood. Here are some funny episodes:

Once, on a walk in kindergarten, we had a thought with a girlfriend, and if we were quiet to go home, watch cartoons, because in the kindergarten so bored. And here we were imperceptibly stuck to the exit, the wicket to our joy was not closed. And finally - freedom !!! We felt like adults and were happy to truly. We knew the way home perfectly, because he was in three quarters from kindergarten. We have almost reached the house, how suddenly the path was blocked by our neighbor Uncle Misha, who walked into the bun. He inquired about us - where we are going through and why we are alone, turned us and brought us back to the kindergarten. So the first independent trip was so sad for us, because I could not see cartoons on that day, because We were punished.

And this story happened to me when I was taken to my grandmother for the summer, I was a little more than 3 years. I played in a house with toys until my grandmother was in the garden, and then the charter, climbed the bed under the grandmother and fell asleep there. Granny's grandmother went to the house, began to seek me, first in the house, then in the yard, then the whole neighboring child was raised to the rescue, which examined the surrounding places. I was looking for a garden, near the river and even in a well ... more than two hours have passed, adults joined the search. What happened then in the head of the grandmother, one God knows. But here, to universal amazement, I appear on the threshold of the house, yawning and sleepily rubbing my eyes. We then often remembered this case with your grandmother, but already with a smile.

And one more case when I have already walked to school. I was then 7-8 years. It must be said that I was very loved to pick up in my mother's bowl with beads, trying to try her shoes on heels and different beautiful blouses, but most of all I was not indifferent to my mother's cosmetic. And now I, once again, I decided to conduct a revision in my mother's cosmetics and discovered a bottle with new spirits (as I learned, these French perfume "Clima" dad got with great difficulty as everything is deficient at the time, and gave mom on birthday). I naturally decided to open them right away. But they were not so easy to open them, I tried as I could and finally opened, but at the same time the bottle slipped out of my hands, fell first on the sofa, then rolled on the carpet. Naturally, almost nothing remains in the bottle. Mom was very upset then, and in the house there was still a wonderful fragrance of perfumes.

I spent a small survey among acquaintances on children's pranks and almost all had 2-3 interesting stories. Girlfriend told that she decided to cut out of the new mother's dress flowers and make an applique from them to the lesson of labor, the employee shared the story as they rushed to each other with tomatoes that Mom bought the day before for the ordering, but the most interesting thing they rushed into the room where recently was repaired. And spoke about the reaction of Mom, who came from work and saw this art.

Surely you have funny stories from childhood, I would be interested to hear them and laugh with you.