Outdoor game hare 1 junior group. Games for the first junior group. P. game "Magic wand"

Olga Burakova
Card file of outdoor games for the first junior group

Movable games and game exercises for children 2-3 years of age

"Legs walked along the path" (

tasks. Encourage children to walk independently. Learn to walk in one direction. Have fun interacting with an adult. Inspire confidence in your abilities.

“Our legs walked Come on, more fun top top,

Straight down the track, top top. These are our legs, top top,

Here we are as we can, top-top, Walking along the path.


Tasks. Enrich the motor experience of children. Make you want to play with an adult. Encourage the independence of children, the manifestation of initiative.

"Rain, rain, sun, sun,

Enough for you, rain, to pour, Shine a little,

The children are sitting at home, the children will go out for a walk,

Like birds in a cage. They will run and play."

Children get up and run around group, clap their hands, stomp their feet, jump or do "spring" imitating an adult and showing their independence. Under the words of the teacher "It's raining again" The kids run to the houses.

"Get in the hoop"

Tasks. Develop climbing skills and agility. To evoke a feeling of joy from communicating with an adult.


Tasks. Promote the development of back muscles. Have fun interacting with an adult.


Tasks. Encourage them to imitate birds. Improve brisk walking. To evoke the joy of communicating with an adult.

“A bird sat on the window, sit, don’t fly away,

Sit with us for a while, The bird has flown away - ah!

As soon as the last words are spoken, the bird children fly away, waving their wings-hands.

"Pass the ball"

Tasks. Learn to pass the ball with both hands and receive it. Develop attention. Maintain independence in action.

"Bear and Children"

Tasks. Learn to run in one direction, act in accordance with the words of an adult. Get pleasure from working together. Encourage children's independence.

“The bear walked through the forest, He searched for a long, long time,

The bear was looking for children, He sat down on the grass, dozed off.

The bear walks group and pretends that is looking for children. Then he sits down on a chair at the opposite end of the room and takes a nap. caregiver He speaks:

“The children began to dance, Mishka, Mishka, get up,

They started banging their feet. Catch up with our children."

Under these words, the children run around the room, stomp their feet, perform movements as they wish. The adult encourages them.


Tasks. Learn to move in a certain direction, coordinate actions with other children. Instill a sense of confidence in your abilities. Encourage independent action.

Game options

1. The role of the locomotive is performed by the child.

1. Children are offered to get off at the bus stop where they play, pick flowers, etc.

3. The game can be played with the singing of the following songs:

“Here our train is going, He took the guys

Wheels are knocking, Far, far away.

And in this train But here is the stop,

The guys are sitting. Who wants to get down?

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo. Get up guys

A locomotive is running Let's go for a walk!

far, far away

After these words, the kids scatter around group or area. At the signal of an adult, they stand one after another, depicting wagons.

Come to me

Game progress. The adult moves away from the child a few steps and beckons him to him, affectionately sentencing: "Come to me, my good!" When the child comes, the teacher hugs: "What a good Kolya came to me!" The game is repeated.

Parsley came

Material. Parsley, rattles.

Game progress. The teacher brings Petrushka, examines it with the children.

Parsley rattles a rattle, then distributes rattles to children. Together with Petrushka, they shake their rattles and rejoice.

Blowing soap bubbles

Game progress. The teacher on a walk blows soap bubbles. Tries to get bubbles by shaking the straw rather than blowing into it. Counts how many bubbles can be held on the tube at a time. Tries to catch all the bubbles on the fly before they hit the ground. Steps on soap bubble and asks the children in surprise where he has gone. Then he teaches each child to blow soap bubbles.

(Tightening the muscles of the mouth is very helpful for developing speech.)

Game progress. The teacher holds the child's hands and walks in a circle, sentencing:

Around the rose bushes

Among the herbs and flowers,

We are circling, we are circling a round dance.

Before that we were spinning

that fell to the ground.

When pronouncing the last phrase, both "fall" to the ground. Option games:

around the rose bushes.

Among the herbs and flowers,

We drive, we drive a round dance.

How do we end the circle?

We suddenly jump together

GAY! Adult and child jump together.

sun bunnies

Material. Small mirror.

Game progress. The educator lets out sunbeams with a mirror and speaks when this: Sunbeams Playing on the wall. Beckon them with your finger, Let them run to you!

At the signal "Catch the bunny!" the kids are trying to catch him.

The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

Let's spin

Material. Two teddy bears.

Game progress. The teacher takes the bear, hugs it tightly to him and spins around with him. He gives another bear to the baby and asks him to also spin around, clutching the toy to himself.

Then the adult reads the rhyme and acts in accordance with its content. The child follows him with the same movements.

I'm spinning, spinning, spinning

And then I'll stop.

I'll spin around quickly.

Quietly, I'll circle around

I'm spinning, spinning, spinning

And I'll fall to the ground!

Hide the bear

Game progress. The teacher hides a familiar child big toy (like a bear) so that it is slightly visible. talking: "Where is the bear?", looking for him with the child. When the baby finds the toy, the adult hides it so that it is more difficult to find it. After playing with the bear, the teacher himself hides, loudly saying "ku-ku!" When the child finds him, he runs across and hides in another place. At the end of the game, the adult offers the child to hide.

Round dance with a doll

(performed with two or three children)

Material. Medium sized doll.

Game progress. The teacher brings new doll. She greets the children, stroking each on the head. The adult asks the children to take turns holding the doll by the hand. The doll invites you to dance. The teacher puts the children in a circle, takes the doll by one hand, gives the other to the child, and together with the children moves in a circle to the right and left, singing a simple children's melody.

Bubble (low mobility game)

Target: to teach children to become in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Description: the children, together with the teacher, join hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says:

"Inflate, bubble,

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst."

The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!”. Then they let go of their hands and squat down, while saying "Clap!".

Directions: At first, 6-8 children take part in the game. When repeated, 12-15 can play.

Birds in nests (running)

Target: teaches children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; teach them to act quickly on the signal of the educator, to help each other.

Description: children sit on chairs placed in the corners of the room - these are nests. On a signal, the birds fly out of their nests into the middle of the room and fly. At the signal "Birds, in the nests!" the children return to their seats.

Directions: for nests, you can use large hoops laid on the floor, and in the area it can be circles drawn on the ground in which children squat

Mice and cat (running)

Target: teach children to run easily, on toes; navigate in space, change movements at the signal of the educator.

Description: children sit on benches or chairs - these are mice in minks. In the opposite corner of the room sits a cat - a teacher. cat falls asleep

(closes eyes) and the mice scatter all over the room. But then the cat wakes up and starts catching mice. Mice quickly run away and hide in their places - minks. Caught mice the cat takes to itself. After the cat once again passes through the room and falls asleep again.

Shaggy dog ​​(running)

Target: teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction, run, trying not to get caught by the catcher.

Description: children stand or sit on one side of the playground. One child is on the other side and depicts a dog. The children all come up to him together, and the teacher at this time says:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

In the paws of his buried nose,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see: "Something will happen?"

Children approach the dog. As soon as the poem ends, the dog gets up and barks. The children run away, the dog chases after them and tries to catch one of them and take them to him. When all the children hide, the dog returns to its place.

Tram (low mobility game)

Target: teaches children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players, to learn to recognize colors.

Description: 3-4 pairs of children stand in a column, holding each other's hand. With their free hands, they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied, i.e. one holding the string right hand and others left. The teacher holds 3 flags in his hands: yellow, green, red. Green signal - the tram is moving, yellow - slowing down, red - stopping. The teacher raises the flags one by one.

Directions: if there are a lot of children, you can make 2 trams; when stopped

some passengers get off the tram, while others enter by lifting the cord.

Sparrows and a cat (running and jumping)

Target: teach children to jump off gently, bending their knees, dodge the catcher, run away quickly, find their place.

Description: children stand on high benches (10-12 cm) laid on the floor on one side of the playground - these are sparrows on the roof. The cat is sleeping on the other side. The teacher says: “Sparrows fly out onto the road” - the children jump off the benches and scatter in different directions. The “meow-meow” cat wakes up and runs to catch sparrows that are hiding on the roof. He takes those who are caught.

Catch Me (Running)

Description: children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room. The teacher invites them to catch up with him and runs in the opposite direction. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. When they run up, the teacher says: "Run away, run away, I'll catch up!". The children return to their seats.

Directions: the number of players is 10-12 people.

Find your color (low mobility game)

Description: the teacher distributes flags of 3-4 colors to the children: red, blue, yellow, green. Children with flags of the same color stand in different places in the room near the flags of certain colors. After the teacher’s words “Go for a walk,” the children disperse around the playground in different directions. When the teacher says “Find your color”, the children gather at the flag of the corresponding color.

Directions: flags can be replaced with squares, circles of different colors.

In the gates (crawling, climbing)

Description: children sit on chairs. Ahead at a distance of 2.5 m is an arc - gates. Further, at a distance of 2 m, there is a rack with a net, a ball lies on the floor at the rack. The teacher calls one of the children and offers to crawl on all fours to the arc, crawl under it, crawl to the ball, then stand up, pick up the ball with both hands and lower it into the net.

From bump to bump (walking)

Description: The children are on one side of the room. The teacher lays hoops on the floor at a distance of 20 cm from one another. On a signal, the children move to the other side of the hall through the hoops.

Directions: instead of hoops, you can use plywood or rubber circles at a distance of 30-35 cm. On the site, circles can be drawn on the ground.

Pass - do not touch (walking)

Description: several skittles are arranged in one row on the floor or cubes are placed at a distance of at least 1 m from one another. Children should go to the other side of the room, snaking around the pins without hitting them.

Crawl - do not touch (crawl)

Description: children are located on one side of the room. At a distance of 3-4 m from them, chairs are placed, on the seats of which gymnastic sticks or long slats are placed. Two or three children should crawl under the sticks, trying not to hit them, crawl to the bench on which the flags lie, stand up, take the flags and wave them, then run back.

Directions: you can increase the distance for crawling.

Walk with a bear, crawl with a mouse (walking, crawling)

Description: children are located at one wall of the room. The teacher opposite has two arcs of different sizes behind each other. The first is 50 cm, the second is 30-35 cm (at a distance of 2-3 m from the first). The child is called and he is invited to go under the first arc on all fours, like a bear, that is, leaning on the soles of his feet and palms, and under the second - crawl like a mouse (on his knees and palms), then get up and run to his place.

Description: children stand on one side behind the drawn line or

laid rope. Everyone receives bags and, on a signal, they throw them into the distance. Everyone should notice where his bag fell. At the signal of the teacher, the children run to their bags and stand near them; with both hands they raise the bags up over their heads. The teacher marks those children who threw the bag further.

Directions : children throw with their left, then with their right hand. The number of players can be different, but no more than 10-12 people. The weight of the bag is 150 grams.

Hit the circle (throwing)

Description: children stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from a large hoop or circle lying in the center. They have sandbags in their hands, which, at the signal of the educator, they throw into the circle; when approaching, they take their bags and return to their place.

Directions: you can increase the distance from the circle to the children.

Throw up (throw)

Description: one child or several children take the ball and stand on

free place. Everyone tosses the ball up, directly overhead with both hands and

trying to catch him.

Directions: balls are taken with a diameter of 12-15 cm. 10-15 people perform at the same time.

Catch the ball (catch)

Description: opposite the child at a distance of 1.5-2 m from him becomes a teacher. He throws the ball to the child, who returns it.

Knock down a skittle (accuracy)

Description: draw a line on the ground. At a distance of 1-1.5 m from it, 2-3 large pins are placed (the distance between the pins is 15-20 cm). Children take turns approaching this place, pick up lying balls, roll them, trying to knock down the skittle. Having rolled 3 balls, the child runs, collects them and passes them to the next player.

Directions: balls with a diameter of 15-20 cm.

Catch a mosquito (jumping)

Description: Children stand in a circle at arm's length, facing the center of the circle. The teacher is in the middle of the circle. In his hands he has a rod 1-1.5 m long with a mosquito tied on a cord made of paper or cloth. The teacher circles the cord a little higher than the heads of the players - a mosquito flies overhead; the children jump up and down, trying to catch it with both hands. The one who catches the mosquito says "I caught it!".

To the flag! (run)

Target: to exercise children in running, to quickly build on a signal, to teach them to walk one after another.

Description: The children are facing the teacher. He takes the flag and

offers to come closer and look at him. Then he says "The flag is lowered - the children run away," and the flag is lowered. Children run in different directions. After 10-15 seconds, the teacher raises the flag and continues "The flag is raised - the children are gathering!". Everyone runs to the teacher. The game is repeated several times and ends with walking. Ahead is one of the children with a flag.

Carousel (running)

Description: putting a long cord on the floor, the teacher tells the children that it will be

carousel on which you can ride. He offers to go around the carousel around, run around it, slowly walk around. Then the children, stopping, take the cord with both hands. The teacher shows how to start the carousel - raise the cord and lower it. Then, offering to hold the cord tighter with one hand, the teacher leads the carousel, saying the words:

"Barely, barely

The carousels started spinning. Step speed increases, gradually turns to running:

And then around, around

Yes, run, run, run!


Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel!

Directions: Ira is repeated up to 6 times either to the right or to the left.

Kittens and puppies (running, climbing)

Description: Children are divided into 2 groups. 1 - kittens, 2 - puppies. The kittens are near the gymnastic wall, the puppies are on the other side of the playground. The teacher offers to run easily, gently. To the words of the teacher “puppies”, the 2nd group of children climbs over the bench, they run on all fours after the kittens and bark. Kittens, meowing, climb onto the gymnastic wall.

Directions: The teacher is nearby. Puppies return to their homes; Change roles 2-3 times.

Mother hen and chicks (running)

Description: Children are chickens, the teacher is a mother hen. On one side of the site there is a fenced-off place - this is the house of chickens and hens. The mother hen goes in search of food. After a while, she calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko.” At this signal, the chickens run to the hen and walk around the site with her.

After all the children run up to the hen and run around the playground, the teacher says: “Big bird!”. All chickens run home.

Directions: The game is repeated several times.

Monkeys (climbing)

Description: The teacher invites the children - monkeys - one or two to go to the gymnastic wall, stand facing it and climb the 3-4 rail, starting from the first, climb the tree for fruits and nuts. The rest of the children sit and watch. Then others climb up.

Directions: you can offer to move from span to span without missing the rails, to learn to climb with variable steps.

Aim better (accuracy)

Description: Children become in a circle, each child has a small ball or bag. In the center of the circle there is a large basket (the distance to the basket is no more than 1.5-2 m) at the signal of the teacher, the children throw objects; then they approach the basket, pick it up, return it to its place and play again.

Directions: 8-10 people at the same time. One hand from the shoulder, the other from below.

Ball school (agility)

Description: Take a small ball. Children play alone, in twos and in small groups. During the game, the child who made a mistake passes the ball to another. When the game continues, he starts with the movement on which he made a mistake.

1) Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands. Throw up and clap your hands in front of you.

2) Hit the ground and catch with both hands. Hit the ground, simultaneously clap your hands in front of you.

3) Throw it against the wall, let it hit the ground, bounce off it, catch it.

Throw-Catch (Toss)

Description: The teacher invites the child to throw and catch the ball. First up, wait until it hits the ground, and only then catch it; then - hit the ground and immediately catch.

Bring down the mace (throw, hit)

Description: Draw a line on the floor. At a distance of 1-1.5 m from it, 2-3 large

maces. Children take turns coming up, taking the balls and rolling them, trying to knock down the mace. 3 times each.

Ball over the net (throwing)

Description: A net (rope) is stretched between the gymnastic racks. Lines are drawn on both sides of the rope at a distance of 1 m from it. Groups of children of 4-6 people on each side are placed on a line opposite each other. One of the children gets the ball. At the signal “Start”, he throws the ball to the child standing opposite, he throws it to the one standing nearby, etc. When the ball reaches the last one, the teacher notes what mistakes were made by one and the other team.

Guess who and where is screaming (small game


Description: Children sit facing the wall. Nanny hides at the other end of the room and rings the bell. The teacher says: "Listen to where it rings and find the bell" when the children find the bell, the teacher praises them, and then again suggests returning to the wall. Nanny rings the bell again, hiding in another place.

Find Your Place (Low Mobility Game)

Description: Children form a circle. Leading around the circle with a handkerchief in his hand. At the signal of the teacher, he runs after the children standing in a circle, puts a handkerchief on one of them on the shoulder and continues to run. The one who turned out to have a handkerchief runs towards the driver. At this time, the children move apart, as if filling the vacant space. The driver and the child with the handkerchief must find this place and stand up.

Rules: the one who has taken his place remains in the circle, and the one who is late becomes nearby.

Hide and seek (running)

Description : The teacher invites the children to hide from the nanny with her, who at this time turns away. The teacher asks: “Where are our children?”. Nanny is looking for them.

Directions: after the children hid several times, they will be able to hide on their own, and the teacher will look for them. The teacher can also hide, then the children look for him.

Hares and wolf (running)

Description: One child is a wolf, the rest are hares. They draw mugs for themselves - at home

on one side of the site. Wolf in the ravine - on the other side of the site.

"Hares hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow.

Grass is pinched, eaten,

Listen carefully -

Is the wolf coming?

All words are accompanied by actions. After the last words, the wolf runs after the hares, they run away to their homes. The wolf takes away the caught hares to itself.

Fox in the chicken coop (running)

Description: Chickens sit on a bench in a chicken coop. On the opposite side of the site is a fox hole. At a signal, the chickens jump off the perch, flap their wings, peck at grains. At the signal "Fox!" the chickens run into the chicken coop. The fox is chasing them. The fox takes the caught chickens into the hole. The game is repeated.

Find a mate (low mobility game)

Description: Flags by the number of participants. Half flags one color, half another. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter around the playground. On another signal, they are looking for a mate.

An odd number can take part in the game

children, then one is left without a pair. Children will be with him

deal with words:

"Vanya, Vanya don't yawn,

Pick a pair quickly.

Traps (running)

Description: The teacher assigns a trap. He goes to the middle of the site and says loudly: “I am a trap” and catches up with the fleeing ones. The one whom the trap has touched with his hand becomes the new trap. The game is repeated.

Pilots (running)

Description: Children are built in 3-4 columns in different places of the site, which are marked with flags. At the signal of the educator, “Get ready for the flight!” children make movements with their hands - they start the engine. "Fly!" - the children raise their hands to the sides and run in all directions. "Landing!" - children find their places, are built in columns. It should be noted who is faster.

Pass - do not fall (running)

Description: The teacher draws on the ground two straight or zigzag lines (at a distance of 15-20 cm from one another) 4-5 meters long. Children must run along the path without stumbling. They learn to walk and run in a limited area while maintaining balance.

Colored cars (running)

Description: Children stand on the edge of the playground. They are cars. Each is given a colored steering wheel. The teacher is in the center of the playground. Colored flags in hand. When the teacher raises a flag of any color, then the children run, in whose hands the steering wheel of the same color. When he lowers the flag, the children head to their garage. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color, the game is repeated.

Directions: The teacher can raise 2-3 flags at the same time.

Homeless hare (running)

Description: Circles are drawn along the edge of the site. In these "houses" are "hare". The wolf catches up with one homeless hare. He, escaping, runs into the house to another hare. Now the wolf is running after another hare. The game continues.

Through the stream (walking)

Description: The teacher draws two lines and says that this is a stream. Then he puts a board on it (2-3 m long, 25-35 cm wide) - this is a bridge. He offers to walk along it and watches so that the children do not collide. You need to walk in one direction and the other.

Frogs (jumping)

Description: The child squats and, leaning forward, leans on his hands, putting them away in front of him (jumps on his hands), then with a jump pulls his legs to the level of his hands and again jumps forward and leans his hands on the ground. Having done the exercise several times, the child can rest and then continue it.


Find the flag (low mobility game)

Description: Children sit on chairs in different places of the room (platform). At the signal of the teacher, the children close their eyes, and the teacher, meanwhile, hides the flags (according to the number of children). “It's time to look for the flag,” says the teacher, the children open their eyes and go looking for the flags. The one who found the flag sits down in his place. When all the children have found the flags, they walk along the sides of the playground, holding the flag in their hand. Ahead of the column is the one who first found the flag. At the signal "In place!" the children sit on the chairs and the game starts again.
The teacher must ensure that the children take one flag.
It is good to play this game in the forest in a clearing: you can hide the flags in the grass, in the bushes, behind the trees.

Find your house (running)

Description: Children sit along one side of the playground or room. At the signal of the educator “Let's go for a walk”, the children disperse around the playground (room) in groups or alone, wherever they want. At the word of the teacher “home”, everyone runs back and takes any free place. Then the game is repeated.
Game variant .
Instead of an individual "house" - a chair, you can invite children to arrange collective houses in different corners of the room and gather there for 4-6 people. In each house, the teacher puts a colored flag (red, blue, yellow). When the children

learn the game well, the teacher invites them to close their eyes during a walk and rearranges the flags.
At the word “home”, the children open their eyes, find the flag of their color and gather near it.

Train (low mobility game)

Description: Children are built in a column on one side of the playground or along the wall of the room. The first standing in the column is a “locomotive”, the rest are “cars”.
The teacher gives a beep, and the children begin to move forward (without a clutch); at first slowly, then faster, and finally, they start running (when moving slowly, children can pronounce the sound “choo-choo-choo”).
“The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher again gives a whistle, and the movement of the train resumes.
The teacher regulates the pace and duration of the movement of children. At first, the teacher himself leads a column of children, and then puts a more active child in front. Game variant. After the train stops, the children go for a walk. Having heard the beep, the children run to the agreed place (to the wall) and line up in a column. At first, children can be allowed to line up in any order, and by the end of the year, they should be taught to remember their place in the column - to find their “carriage”.

Kittens and guys (running)

Description: A subgroup of children depicts kittens, the rest are their owners (each has 1-2 kittens). Kittens on the fence - on the second or third rung of the ladder. The owners are sitting on the bench. “Milk, who needs milk,” says the teacher, approaches the owners and pretends to pour milk into mugs (bowls, rings, circles) for them. Kittens meow for milk. The owners go to the site (beyond the line) and call: “Kiss-kiss-kiss!” Kittens get off the fence and run to drink milk. The guys - the owners say: "Shaggy, mustachioed, he will start eating, he sings songs." With the last word, the kittens run away, the owners catch them. Whoever caught the kitten changes roles with him.
Rules: on a signal to get in and get off in any way; run away after the word "sings"; You can only catch up to the line (at a distance of two steps from the fence).

Frogs (jumping)

Description: A large circle is drawn in the middle of the site or a thick cord is placed in the shape of a circle. A group of children is located on the edge of the circle, the rest sit on chairs placed on one side of the site. Together with the children sitting on the chairs, the teacher says the following verses:
"Here are the frogs along the path

Jumping, legs outstretched,

Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

They jump with their legs outstretched.

Children standing in a circle jump up, depicting "frogs". At the end of the poem, the children sitting on the chairs clap their hands (they scare the frogs); frogs jump in the "swamp" - jump over the line - and quietly squat down.
When the game is repeated, the roles change.

Hit the gate (throwing)

Description: With the help of a teacher, children are distributed in pairs and stand at a distance of 4-6 steps from one another. Between each pair in the middle there are gates - from cubes, skittles or twigs. Each pair receives one ball and rolls it to each other through the goal.
Rules: roll the ball without hitting the goal; repel vigorously with one or two hands (as directed by the teacher).

Hit the target (throwing)

Description: The teacher sets or hangs 2-3 vertical targets - this can be a hoop with a cardboard circle in the middle, a target shield, a snow figure with an object convenient for throwing (a fox with a bun, a hare with a basket). In front of the targets at a distance of 1.5-2 m, a strip 40 cm wide is indicated. On it, in front of each target, there are buckets with balls, cones, sandbags. 2-3 children stand up to the buckets, take objects and throw them at the target with one and the other hand. They collect thrown objects in buckets, other players come out.
Rules: throw on a signal with the hand indicated by the teacher; collect items after everyone has thrown; perform throwing without leaving the lane.

Through the swamp (walking)

Description: On a platform of bricks (flat plywood 15X20 cm in size), 2-3 paths 3 m long are laid out. The distance between the bricks is 10-15 cm. 2-3 children stand at the first bricks and follow the signal along the paths.
Rules: stand only on the bricks, without touching the floor: reach the end of the path.

The bear is walking on the bridge (climbing)

Description: Boards are laid on the ground (width 25 cm,

length 2-2.5 m). Behind them, at the height of the child's raised hand, ribbons are hung on a rope. According to the number of boards, children are called, they get on all fours and, on a signal, crawl to the end of the board. They get off the board, jump up, take off one ribbon at a time - the bears get raspberries. When all the children crawl, the teacher offers to run with ribbons around the playground. At a signal, everyone gathers, the teacher hangs ribbons on a rope. The game is repeated.
Rules: walk on the bench on all fours (on the feet and palms); reach the end of the board.

Spin - don't fall!

Description: In the walking games “We have fun”, “Pairs for a walk”, “Sun and rain”, a short-term slow spin is introduced in place.

Walk wider (walk)

Description: Hoops (plastic or flat plywood with a diameter of 60 cm) are laid out on the site in 2-3 rows, 5-6 hoops in each row. 2-3 children, on a signal, step from hoop to hoop. When they reach the end, they jump, clap their hands and return.
Rules: go with an intermediate step in the hoop, but without going beyond its edges, do not touch the hoops.

Sun and rain (low mobility game)

Description: Children stand in a circle.

“The sun looks out the window, They go in a circle.

Shines into our room.
“We will clap our hands, Clap standing still.
Very happy with the sun.
Top-top-top-top! Rhythmically stomp on
Top-top-top-top! place.
Clap-clap-clap-clap! Rhythmically clapping their hands
At the signal "It's raining, hurry home," the children run away.

The teacher says “The sun is shining”, the game is repeated.

Couples for a walk (walking)

Description: On one side of the platform, cords (chairs, racks) form a gate. Children, holding hands, stand in pairs (arbitrarily, whoever wants with whom), the teacher helps them in this. At the signal “let's go for a walk”, the children pass through the gate in pairs, and then disperse around the playground. Here they can jump, sit down - "we pick berries, flowers." At the “go home” signal, the kids again get up in pairs and go through the gate.
Rules: walk in pairs, holding hands; to coordinate their movements, not to lag behind and not to get ahead; give way when passing through the gate.
Complication: make another gate and offer to pass through the gate that will be closer at the signal “let's go home”.

Take care of the object (squats)

Description: The players form a circle. One of the players is in the middle of the circle (leader), the rest stand with their legs slightly apart and holding their hands behind their backs. At the feet of each child is a cube (or other object). The driver tries to take this cube. Wanting to save him, the player crouches down, covers the cubes with his hands and does not allow him to be touched. As soon as the driver leaves, the player gets up.

"Cucumber" (running, jumping)

Description: At one end of the playground is the “trap” teacher, at the other the children. Children approach the trap by jumping on two legs under the sentence pronounced by the teacher:
"Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end
The mouse lives there
It will bite your tail off."
At the end of the words, the children run away to their places, the trap catches them.

Horses (running)

Description: Children become couples. In a pair, one is a “horse”. The other is a "carrier". The reins are used, or the children hold each other by the belt. The teacher says:

Let's go, let's go, nuts, nuts

To a baby for a turnip, for a boy, for sweets, for hunchbacks.
With the end of the text, the children continue to run in the same rhythm to the pronunciation of the teacher: "Gop, gop", they run until the teacher says: "Whoa."

At the bear in the forest (running)

Description: A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. beyond the line, at a distance of 3-2 steps from it, a place for a bear is outlined. On the opposite side is indicated by the line "children's house". The teacher chooses a bear. The teacher says: "Let's go for a walk." Children go and say the words:
“A bear has mushrooms in the forest, I run berries,
But the bear does not sleep, everything growls at us.
The bear must sit in its place. When the players say the last “growls”, the bear gets up with a growl and catches up with the children who run to their “home”. Caught, the bear leads to itself.
After the bear has caught 3-2 children, a new bear is selected.

Horsemen (running)

Description: A group of children stand at one end of the playground. The teacher gives each a stick 50-60 cm long. Children sit on a stick and jump to the opposite side of the site, depicting horsemen, trying not to bump into each other and not to touch objects and equipment on the site.
During the game, the teacher may suggest that the children move faster or

slower in different directions. When children learn to run fast, you can arrange competitions.

Taxi (running)

Description: Children become inside a large hoop (diameter

1m.), hold it in lowered hands: one - at one side of the rim,

the other - at the opposite, one after the other. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. Children run around the playground or along the path. After a while they switch roles.
2-3 pairs of children can play at the same time, and if the area allows, then more. When the children learn to run in one direction, the teacher can give the task to run in different directions, make stops. You can mark the stopping point with a flag. At the bus stop, the passengers change, one gets out of the taxi, the other sits down.

Rabbits (running, crawling)

Description: On one side of the room, chairs are arranged in a semicircle, with the seats inside the semicircle. These are rabbit cells. On the opposite side is the caretaker's house. In the middle is a lawn where the rabbits are let out for a walk. Children stand behind the chairs, at the direction of the teacher, they squat down - the rabbits sit in cages. The caretaker comes up to the cage and releases the rabbits into the meadow: the children crawl out from under the chairs one by one, and then jump, moving forward across the lawn. At the signal of the educator “Run into the cages!” the rabbits return to their places, crawling under the chairs again.
The teacher must ensure that the children, crawling under the chairs, try not to touch them with their backs. Instead of chairs, you can use arcs for crawling or sticks or slats placed on the chair seats.

Where the bell rings (low mobility game)

Description: Children sit or stand on one side of the room. The teacher asks them to turn to the wall and not turn around. At this time, the junior teacher with a bell is hiding from them, for example, behind a closet. The teacher offers to listen (to the sound) where the bell rings and find it. Children turn and go to the sound, find it, then gather around the teacher. Meanwhile, the junior teacher moves to another place - and the game is repeated.
Children should not look where the junior teacher is hiding. To do this, the teacher gathers the children around him and distracts their attention.

Ring the bell first quietly, then louder.

Don't be late (running)

Description: The teacher lays out the cubes on the floor. Children stand at the cubes. At the signal of the teacher, they scatter throughout the room, at the signal “Don’t be late!” run to the cubes. Initially, children can run up to any free object, gradually they get used to taking their place. When repeating the game, you can offer children to run like horses.
During the game, the teacher makes sure that the children run further from the cubes, do not bump into each other, help each other find their cube when the signal sounds.

Chickens in the garden (running)

Description: A large space is limited in the middle of the site - a garden. On the one hand, his watchman's house, on the other - a chicken coop, there are chickens in it. The role of the watchman is performed by the teacher or one of the children. At the signal “hens are walking”, the children crawl under the cords and walk in the garden, look for food, and run. The watchman notices chickens in the garden and drives them away - he claps his hands, saying "shoo-shoo". Chickens run away, crawl under the cord, hide in the house. The watchman goes around the garden and also returns home.
Each child chooses a house for himself. It could be a flat hoop…. On a signal, the children choose the playground and run in different directions. At the signal “find your house”, houses are occupied.
Children should run easily, in different directions, not bump into; do not run up to the house until the signal "Rather in a circle"
On the site, a circle with a diameter of 4 meters is drawn in the middle - a smaller circle with a diameter of 2 meters. Children walk one after another in a large circle. A teacher walks between the large and small circles. At the signal "Hurry up in a circle!" the children try to run into a small circle, the teacher catches them, those caught stop in place. Then they again become in a circle.
Complication: The teacher chooses an assistant.

The guys have a strict order (running, building in


Description: At the first signal of the teacher, the players scatter from

scattered ranks and utter the chants:

“The guys have a strict order,

Know all their places

Well, trumpet more cheerfully:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta.

At the second signal, everyone quickly lined up.
At first, you can stand in free places, but by the end of the year, in your place.

My cheerful sonorous ball (speed)

Description: Children stand in a circle of a teacher with a basket of small balls in the center. We all say the words together:
"My cheerful sonorous ball

Where did you run to

Red, yellow, blue -

Don't chase you."
At the end of the words, the teacher throws the balls up so that they scatter in different directions. Children must quickly put them back into the basket.

Smooth circle (walking)

Description: Children, holding hands, rhythmically walk in a circle, say:
"In an even circle one after another
We go step by step, stand still!
Together, do it like this!”
With the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movements that the teacher shows, for example, turn around, bend over. You need to rhythmically go in a circle, keeping the interval, do not go into a circle.


Description: Children are scattered around the room. The teacher says the following words:
“Silence at the pond does not sway the water.
The reeds do not make noise, the baby falls asleep.
As soon as the teacher has finished saying the words, the children lie down on the floor and imitate a dream. The teacher walks between the children and notes who is fast asleep.

To visit the dolls (a game of low mobility)

Description: Dolls are sitting on the carpet, on chairs (8-10 according to the number of players).

Having invited the children to play, the teacher says that now they will go to visit the dolls, and shows where they are sitting. Children, together with the teacher, calmly walk in the indicated direction, approach the dolls, greet them. The teacher offers to take the dolls and dance with them. After jumping a little with the dolls, the children put them in their place and return home. When repeating the game, children can go to visit the bears, hares (the teacher first places them in another part of the room). With these toys, children return home and play with them as they want.

Along the path (path)

Description: The teacher calls the children to him and shows which smooth path is drawn (two parallel lines at a distance of 20-30 cm). Then the children are invited to walk along this path, but do not go beyond the line. Children follow each other in the same direction and come back in the same order.

This game is good to play on the site. At the same time, 5-6 people should be involved in the game so that the children do not run into each other.

In autumn, it is good to direct the path to the tree on the site and invite the children to walk along it and bring 2-3 leaves. This task will spice up the game. Indoors, you can place flags or other toys at the end of the path, and the children will bring them.

Chase the ball (running)

Description: The teacher shows the children a basket of balls and offers to stand next to him along one of the sides of the playground. Then, with the words “catch up with the balls,” he throws them out of the basket, trying to make them roll in different directions, away from the children. Children run after the balls, take them and put them in the basket. The game is repeated.

There should be as many balls as there are children so that each child can catch up with the ball and put it in the basket.

Sunny Bunnies (running)

Description: Having gathered a group of children around him, the educator with the help of a mirror

lets sunbeams on the wall and says:

"Sun Bunnies

They play on the step

Beckon them with your finger

They will run to you."

After a pause, he gives a signal: “Catch the bunnies!” Children run to the wall and try to catch a bunny that is slipping out from under their hands.

Run to me (run)

Description: Children sit on chairs placed against one of the walls of the room or on the side of the playground. The teacher goes to the opposite wall of the room or to the far corner of the site and says: "Run to me." The children run towards him. The teacher greets them warmly, opening his arms wide. When all the children gather near the teacher, he invites them to take a walk. Children with a teacher walk around the room, freely accommodating whoever wants where. “Run home,” the teacher says. Children run to the chairs and sit on them.

The game is repeated 4-5 times. At first, it should be carried out with a small group of children, gradually the number of players will increase (when returning “home”, children can sit on any chair).

Corydalis hen (running)

Description: The teacher depicts a chicken, the children - chickens. One child (older) is a cat. The cat sits on a chair to the side. The hen and chickens walk around the room. The teacher says:

“The corydalis hen came out,

With her yellow chicks,

The chicken cackles: “Ko-ko,

Don't go far."

Approaching the cat, the teacher says:

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes ...

The cat opens its eyes

And he's chasing chickens."

The cat opens her eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, who run away to a certain corner of the room - the “house”, to the mother chicken.

The teacher (chicken) protects the chickens by spreading his arms to the sides, and at the same time says:

“Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens!”

When the game is repeated, the role of the cat is assigned to another child.

Ball (jumping)


"Grey rubber ball

Jumping, jumping without hesitation.

Low, low, low, low

Very close to the ground!

My cheerful sonorous ball ... (running, jumping)

Description: A group of playing children (5-6 people) stands near the teacher in a semicircle. One child, depicting a ball, jumps in place, and the teacher, putting his hand on his head, says:

"My cheerful sonorous ball,

Where did you jump off to?

Yellow, red, blue,

Don't chase you!"

After that, the ball runs away, and the teacher with the children catches it. The game is repeated with a new ball. When the children have mastered the game, you should invite everyone to bounce like a ball.

Gray bunny washes ... (jumps)

Description: One of the players is designated as a bunny. Everyone else becomes in a circle. Bunny takes a place in the middle of the circle. Children forming a circle say together with the teacher:

“The gray bunny washes.

Apparently, he is going to visit,

Washed out the nose

Washed the tail

Washed my ear

Wipe dry!”

The bunny makes all the movements corresponding to the text - it washes its nose, tail, ear and wipes everything. Then he bounces on two legs, advancing (going to visit) to one of those standing in a circle. He takes the place of the bunny, and the game repeats.

The game ends when 5-6 bunnies change.


Ball in a circle (low mobility game)


Throw the ball into the basket (accuracy)

Description: Children become in a circle. Each child holds a small ball in his hand. In the center of the circle is a box or a large basket (the distance from the target to the children is no more than one and a half to two meters). At the signal of the teacher, the children throw the balls into the box, then take them out and return to their places. If the child does not hit the target, he picks up the ball from the ground (from the floor) and also stands in a circle.

The game is repeated from the beginning.

8-10 people participate in the game at the same time.

Call the rattle (Crawl to the rattle)

Description: Children sit on chairs; at a distance of 2.5-3 m from them lies a rattle. The teacher calls the children in turn and offers to play with the rattle. To do this, you need to crawl to the rattle, take it, get up, call, put it down again and return to your place.

Get the ring

Description: The teacher shows the children a bright ring suspended from a cord at the end of a stick 0.5 m long.

When a group of 4-6 people gather around, the teacher lifts the ring and passes it in a circle over the heads of the children, saying: "Get it, get it." Children reach for the ring. In front of children who are not very eager to get the ring, the teacher lowers the stick lower, makes it possible to touch the ring and quickly raises it up again to cause active movement in the children.

After passing the ring over the children 2-3 times, the teacher notes who got to him, and immediately gives them the same spare ones. Gradually, all children receive a ring. The teacher offers to take the rings, like steering wheels, and play "chauffeurs" - run around the room.

Small and big feet (small mobility game)

Description: Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The teacher sits opposite and asks the children to show what kind of legs they have. Children put their legs forward a little, raise them. The teacher cheerfully says: “Little legs ran along the path. Look how they ran." At the same time, he stamps his feet several times at a fast pace, saying: “Top, top, top!” Children do the same. Then, slowing down, the teacher slowly says: “Big feet walked along the road. Top, top!”

The teacher says the text several times, first about small legs, then about big legs. Children repeat after him, alternating fast and slow movements.

Sunshine, sunshine... (squats, jumps)

Description: Children stand around the teacher, who reads poetry and shows

movement. Children repeat after him:

"Sun, sun,

Look out the window!

Your children are crying

They jump over the rocks."

Rhythmically clap their hands, springy semi-squat (on the stress).

Continuing to clap their hands, they jump in place.

Pass - do not touch (games with walking and running)

Description: Skittles (maces) are arranged on the floor in two rows. The distance between the rows is 35-40 cm, and between the pins of one row - 15-20 cm. Children must walk or run along the corridor without hitting the pins.

Pass and Don't Hit (Walking and Running Games)

Description: Several pins are placed in one row on the floor or cubes are placed at a distance of at least 1 m from one another. Children should go to the other side of the room, bending around the skittles (snake) and not touching them.

We stomp our feet (walk and run games)

Description: The teacher, together with the children, becomes in a circle at a distance of arms straightened to the side. In accordance with the spoken text, the children perform the exercises:

"We stomp our feet,

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We lower our hands

We are shaking hands."

With these words, the children give each other hands, forming a circle, and continue:

"And running around

And we're running around."

After a while, the instructor says: “Stop! » Children slow down, stop. When running, you can invite children to put their hands down.

On a flat track (jumping games)

Description: Children, together with the instructor on one side of the playground, mark the place where they will have a house, and set off. The instructor pronounces the text, according to which the children perform different movements: walk, jump, squat.

"On a flat path,

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

One-two, one-two!” (They go.)

"On the pebbles, on the pebbles,

By pebbles, by pebbles

In the hole - bang! (They jump.)

"On a flat path,

On a flat path

Our legs are tired

Our legs are tired."

(Children walk and then squat down.)

"Here is our house,

This is where we live."

(Everyone runs into the house.)

Bunnies (jumping games)

Description: All children are bunnies. They are located on a hill. They can serve as a slide on the site or in the room. The instructor says:

"In a field on a hill

The bunnies are sitting

They warm their paws

They are moving."

Children make appropriate movements (clap their hands, move their hands). After a while, the instructor and the children say:

“The frost has become stronger in no way,

We'll freeze sitting like this.

To warm up quickly

Let's jump faster."

Children run down the hill, start running, jumping,

tap paw on paw. On the instructor's signal

return to the hill.

Mice in the Pantry (Crawling and Climbing Games)

Description: Children stand behind chairs (benches) or sit on them on

one side of the site - these are mice in minks. On the opposite side, at a height of 40-50 cm, a rope is stretched, behind it is a pantry. Aside from the players sits an instructor who plays the role of a cat. When the cat falls asleep, the mice make their way into the pantry, crawling under the rope. In the pantry they find treats for themselves, crouch, gnaw crackers, run from place to place to find something tasty. The cat wakes up, meows and runs after the mice. Mice run away from the pantry (crawl under the rope) and hide in holes (the cat does not catch mice, she only pretends to want to catch them). Not catching anyone, the cat returns to its place and falls asleep. The game continues.

Catch-roll (throwing and catching games)

Description: Opposite the child at a distance of 1.5-2 m from him is an instructor. He throws the ball to the child, who catches it and rolls it back to the instructor.

Throw over the rope (throwing and catching games)

Description: Children sit on chairs along one wall of the hall. At a height of about 1 m from the floor, a rope is pulled. A 3 m long rope with weights at the ends can be hung on the backs of two chairs for adults or on jumping stands. At a distance of 1.5 m, a cord is placed on the floor in front of the rope. One or two balls with a diameter of 12-15 cm lie near him. One or two children approach the cord, take the balls and throw them, run under the rope; having caught up with the balls, they return back.

Find What's Hidden (Space Orientation Games)

Description: Children stand in a circle or in a line. The instructor puts three to five items on the floor in front of them (cubes, flags, rattles, balls, rings) and offers to remember them. Then, at the signal of the instructor, the players turn their backs to the center of the circle or face the wall. The instructor hides one or two objects and says: “One, two, three! Turn around and look! ". Children turn to face objects and, carefully looking at them,

remember what is not. The instructor invites the children to find these items in the room. When the items are found, the game is repeated.

Zhmurki (folk games and fun)

Description: The instructor invites the children to disperse around the room. He himself closes his eyes or ties them with a scarf and pretends to try to catch the children: he carefully moves around the room and catches the children where they are not. Children laugh. The instructor asks: “Where are our children? ". Then he removes the bandage, turns towards the children and says: “Here they are, our children! ".

Soap bubbles (folk games and fun)

Description: To play, you need to prepare plastic tubes or straws according to the number of children, dilute soapy water in a small saucer. All children receive straws and make attempts to blow a soap bubble. If this succeeds, they blow bubbles with enthusiasm, watch them fly, run after them, watch whose bubble flies further and does not burst.

On the track on one leg (jumping)

Description: Children stand on the edge of the playground. The teacher offers to jump to the other edge on the right foot (5-6 m), you can return back running. Then jump on the left leg.

Catch the butterfly (low mobility game)

Description: At the end of a small rod or stick, a string is tied and a butterfly cut out of paper is tied to it. The teacher holds the rod so that the butterfly does not fly too fast over the child's head. The kids jump up and down trying to catch it.

Birdies (running)

Description: Children - "birds" sit on chairs placed behind the inscribed

line. To the words of the teacher: “Ay, the birds have flown!” Birds fly all over the site, who wants where they want. To the teacher’s words: “The birds flew into the nests,” the children rush and sit on their chairs. The teacher names the most dexterous and fastest bird, which first flew into its nest. The game is repeated.

Children in the forest (running)

Description: Children sit on chairs that stand on one side of the playground. In the teacher's words:

"Children walk through the woods,

Leaves yellow and red are harvested,

They are beautifully collected in bouquets,

Raise high into the sky."

Children disperse throughout the site and perform the appropriate movements. To the words: "In your place!" the children run to their chairs and sit on them. The participant of the game who has never made a mistake, correctly performed the movements, wins.

Headscarf game (running)

Description: Children sit on chairs on one side of the playground. Each of them has a scarf in their hands. The teacher stands aside in a drawn circle and asks: “Children, do you all have scarves?” Children answer that they all have them. In the teacher's words:

"You run here quickly,

And show scarves!

The children run to the teacher, stand near him and show scarves in their right and left hands. To the words of the teacher: “Let's go, let's run,” the children go wherever they want. Under the tambourine of the teacher at the end of the game, the children squat down and cover their faces with a scarf. The teacher quietly runs to another circle, which is drawn further from the children, and says: “Look, children, this is where I am” and again the testament to the children. The game is repeated.

Bouquet (slow mobility game)

Description: Children sit on chairs, each of them has flowers of the same color in their hands (daisies for some children, carnations for others). The teacher stands in front of the children for 5-6 steps, steps back and says: “I want to collect a bouquet of white flowers” ​​(shows the children a camomile). Children approach the teacher and raise their hands high - they collect a bouquet of daisies. Then the children return to their places.

Then the teacher shows a red carnation and says that he wants to collect a bouquet of red flowers. Children with carnations come up to her and collect a bouquet in the same way. The teacher calls the children who completed the task, they were not mistaken. The game is repeated.

Bubbles (low mobility game)

Description: Children are not inflated "bubbles". They squat at different ends of the playground, and to the teacher’s words: “The bubbles are inflating,” the children rise, slowly moving their hands to the sides, as far back as possible. To the teacher’s words: “Air comes out of the bubbles,” the children squat down again, exhaling air, pronounce the sound “S-s-s”. The teacher, standing in one place, pretends to blow bubbles (children rise at this time). Then he says: "Bubbles flew across the site." After these words, the children begin to spin, jump, run around the playground. To the teacher’s words: “The bubbles have settled!” children sit on pre-prepared chairs.

Our train (low mobility game)

Description: Children sit on chairs placed one after another (like wagons) and sing a song together with the teacher:

Our train is leaving

The wagons are running

And on the train our

The guys are sitting.

To the words:

"Knock - knock, knock - knock - knock, -

We hear everything:

The steam locomotive is running

He's taking the kids."

Children, holding on to the back of a chair in front of the person sitting, stamp their feet rhythmically to the tempo of the song (like the sound of wheels). The teacher sings on:

"Well, here's the stop -

It's time for us to get up.

Let's go to the forest

Collect mushrooms!

After the third verse, the children get up from their seats - “get out of the cars” and walk with the teacher, collect artificial mushrooms, run to the next place and repeat the same thing. To the word of the educator: “locomotive” - the first child who sits on a high chair, in the form of a driver, is buzzing. Children hurry to the train and go further.

The game is repeated.

Cat, mice and house (running)

Description: At one end of the playground, behind the drawn line, children - “mice” are sitting, and a child - “cat” gets up from the side of the platform. On the opposite side of the site - the "house" - chairs are placed with the seat to the center. The cat falls asleep, and at this time the mice cross the house very carefully and quietly tap their fingers on the seats of the chairs, as if they are scratching. To the teacher’s words: “cat” - the cat meows and catches mice that run away for the drawn line to their places. When the game is repeated, another cat is chosen.

Raise the red flags! (game of low mobility)

Description: In the middle of the platform, chairs are placed in a circle, with their backs in the middle, and in a circle on a stool, a flowerpot. Children with red flags in their hands, one by one go around the playground. Under the words of the educator:

"Merry, joyful preschoolers go,

Red flags in hand

One, two, one, two (6 times)

Like this, like this

They carry red flags in their hands.

The children raise the flags and approach the chairs and stop in front of them. At a certain signal (the word of the teacher “put”) the children put the flags on the chairs. Then they start running, jumping, jumping, spinning around on the playground. To the words of the educator: “Raise the flags up!” children rush to the chairs, take the flags with both hands or first with the right hand and then with the left and raise them up. The teacher names the children who first raised the flags up. The game is repeated from the moment when the children put the flags on their chairs.

Who will find the flag? (game of low mobility)

Description: The teacher holds two flags and, turning to the children, says:

"Here in my hand

Two small flags

But you can't look at them."

Children close their eyes. The teacher continues:

“I will hide them in the snow.

Who has even one flag,

If he finds it, well done.”

The teacher hides the flags behind a tree and says:

And now those flags

What I held in my hand

I let you find it!

Children go and look. The teacher says:

"Who found them at this moment

Let him run up to me!”

Butterfly (low mobility game)

Description: Tie a butterfly cut out of paper to a thread. Carry the butterfly in front of the faces of the children who are standing in a semicircle or in a circle. Children blow on a butterfly. The butterfly flies away from them. You need to start blowing only when the butterfly is already in front of the child's face.

Who woke up the bear? (game of low mobility)

Description: Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, and one child with a teddy bear in her arms sits with his back to the children. One of the children shouts loudly “ku-ka-re-ku!” The child, turning to the bear with the words “Let's go look for a cockerel”, goes around all the children and, stopping in front of the one who crowed, says: “You woke up the bear.” If he guessed right, then they change places, and the game repeats.

What is hidden? (game of low mobility)

Description: Children sit on chairs, on the floor, in one line. The teacher puts three to five objects in the center of the circle and offers to remember them. Then the players stand up and turn their backs to the center or to the wall and close their eyes. The teacher hides one object lying in the center of the circle and says "Look." Children open their eyes, turn to face the cent and remember which object is missing. The teacher approaches the children and each of them tells him in his ear what is hidden. When the majority of the players give the correct answer, the teacher loudly calls the hidden object. After that, the game resumes.


1. When the teacher hides the object, the players turn their backs and close their eyes

2. At the signal “Look!”, The players open their eyes and again turn to face the center of the circle.

Options: Consolidate knowledge of primary colors, take cubes or flags.

Call one player. Remove 2 items.

Birds and chicks (running)

Description: Children are divided into 3-4 groups of 5-6 people, each group has its own house - a nest. Children pretend to be chicks. Each group has a mother bird. According to the teacher, "Let's fly!" - Chicks fly out of the nest. They fly around the house, waving their arms - wings. Birds - mothers fly away for food. According to the teacher "Home!" - birds - mothers return and call the chicks home. In the nest, the chicks sit in a circle and the bird - the mother feeds them with imaginary worms.


1. Birds and chicks fly out at the word of the teacher "Fly!".

2. The chicks return home at the call of the mother bird.

3. Birds - mothers return home at the word of the teacher "Home!".

Options: Invite the birds to fly up to the hill. Each bird has its own color of the house - nests. You can change houses.

Ball (jumping)

Description: The teacher starts playing with one child. Putting his hand on his head, he offers to jump like a ball. The child bounces on two legs, and the teacher says:

"Grey rubber ball

Jumping, jumping without hesitation.

Low, low, low, low

Very close to the ground!

There will definitely be others who want to jump like a ball. The teacher plays with each in turn.

Rolling balls (low mobility game)

Description: The teacher shows the children a set of colored balls and trays, gives the children the opportunity not only to look at and touch the balls, asks them to name their colors. After that, the teacher shows how to roll the balls, and then calls the children one by one and invites them to roll one or two balls. The child who has rolled the balls runs after them himself and puts them in a box or basket.

When repeating the game, the teacher can fix the attention of the children on the color of the balls. For example, he himself rolls a red ball and invites the child to roll the same one. Or gives the task to roll 2-3 balls in sequence (red, yellow, green), each time calling the colors. Tasks can be varied.

Catch the ball (catch)

Description: The teacher takes a bright big ball and invites two or three children to play with it. Children stand against the teacher at a distance of 80-100 cm. The teacher alternately throws the ball and says: "Catch." Children throw the ball back to the teacher.

Ball in a circle (throwing, catching)

Description: Children sit on the floor in a circle and roll the ball to each other. The teacher shows the children how to push the ball with both hands so that it rolls in the right direction.

The game runs more lively with a group of 8-10 people.

Roll in the gates (jumps)

Description: The teacher offers to play with balls (or multi-colored balls) and draws a line beyond which the children who want or are attracted to the game gather. At a distance of 1 - 1.5 m from the line, gates are installed. Having distributed one ball to the children, the teacher invites everyone to roll it through the collars. The child who rolled the ball runs after him and returns over the line.

5-6 children take part in the game. Groups of players may change; for those who have already rolled the ball 2-3 times, the teacher offers to relax, see how others will roll.

Collars are easy to make from large building material or use children's chairs instead, between the legs of which the children will roll balls.

Low mobility games

Clap! One more time

We'll clap now.

And then quickly

Clap-clap more fun!

Finger on finger tuk tuk,

Clap, clap, clap!

Finger on finger tuk tuk,

Stomp, stomp, stomp!

Top-top, topotushki,

A bunny is dancing on the edge,

Dancing hedgehog on a stump,

A chizhik is dancing on a branch,

The dog is dancing on the porch,

The cat is dancing near the stove,

Top-top, topotushki,

Dancing paws, dancing ears,

Dancing legs and tails.

What are you standing, dance and you!

Little white bunny sits

A white bunny is sitting

He moves his ears

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

We move the hands, raising them to the head.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Gotta warm up the paws

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

We clap our hands.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

We jump on two legs.

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jumped... and ran away.

Two funny sheep

Two funny sheep

They split up near the river.

Jump jump, jump jump!

Jumping white sheep

Early in the morning near the river.

Jump jump, jump jump!

Up to the sky, down to the grass.

And then they circled

And they fell into the river.

bear clumsy

bear clumsy

Walking through the forest

collects cones,

Sings songs.

The bump bounced

Directly to the bear in the forehead.

Teddy bear got angry

And with the foot - top!

Two beetles

Two beetles in the meadow

Hopak danced:

Right leg top, top!

Left foot top, top!

Hands up, up, up!

Who will rise above all?


One of the options for a nursery rhyme about a hare with simple movements:

Zainka, come out,

Gray, come out

Like this, like this, get out

Like this, come on out!

Zainka, stamp your foot,

Gray, stamp your foot,

Like this, like that, stomp your foot,

Like this, stomp your foot!

Bunny, turn around

Gray, turn around

Like this, like this, turn around

That's it, that's it, turn around!

Zainka, jump,

Grey, jump

Like this, like this, jump

That's it, jump like that!

Zainka, dance,

Gray, dance,

Like this, dance like this,

Like this, dance like that!

Zainka, bow,

Gray, bow

Like this, bow like this

Like this, bow like that!

Three funny brothers

Three cheerful brothers walked around the yard,

Three cheerful brothers started a game,

They made heads nick-nick-nick,

Dexterous fingers chik-chik-chik.

Clap your hands, clap, clap, clap,

They stomped their feet top-top-top.

Elena Chuvilina
Card file of games for children of the first junior group


1. Let's stand in a circle

Target. Teach children holding hands to form a circle. Walk forward and backward.

Material. Toy - beetle (picture).

Game progress. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The teacher has a beetle in his hands. Asks any child: What is this? Bug. What beetle? Little red. And you want to play with the beetle. We stand in a circle, holding hands. Place a beetle in the center of the circle. Children first go forward to the beetle, and then back. They squat around the beetle and repeat: "Zhu-zhu-zhu." The game is repeated 3-4 times.

2. Driving

Target. Teach children to walk while holding the steering wheel.

Material. A picture of a driver sitting in the cab of a truck, toy trucks, steering wheels for each child, a toy cat.

Game progress. The children are sitting on the mat. They are shown a picture. The teacher asks: “What is drawn here? What is the driver doing? What is in his hand? (Steering wheel), etc. The teacher picks up a truck and a cat and begins to read A. Barto's poem "Truck":

No, in vain we decided

Ride a cat in a car:

The cat is not used to riding

Overturned a truck.

Then the children are given rudders. Children freely walk around the group, rule, buzz like a car (bee-bee).

3. Soap bubbles

Target. Teach children, holding hands, form a circle, narrow and expand it.

Material. Bubble

Game progress. The children sit on the mat. The teacher has soap bubbles in his hands. It shows how bubbles appear. Children see the bubble grow and then burst (Poof). The teacher reads E. Fargen's poem "Soap Bubbles":

Beware of bubbles...

Oh what!

Oh look!

Are bloated!


Come off!

Mine is plum!

Mine is walnut!

Mine didn't burst the longest!

Children are offered to depict a soap bubble. Children stand in a circle, holding hands and go to the center (the bubble decreases); then from the center it begins to grow, the children expand the circle. When the circle became large, the teacher says: “Poof!” - the bubble burst; children squat down and quietly hiss: "Shhh." The game is repeated 3-4 times.

4. Cat house

Target. Teach children to act on a signal.

Material. Toy house, cat, watering cans, buckets, spatulas, red handkerchief, bell, tambourine.

Game progress. The teacher knocks on a tambourine, the children freely walk around the group and clap their hands. The teacher begins to read the text:

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

The cat's house caught fire.

After these words, he throws a red handkerchief over the house, continuing to read the text:

A chicken runs with a bucket

Fill the cat's house. With the last words, the teacher rings the bell. Children stop, take watering cans, buckets and begin to put out the fire.

Together with the teacher, the children say:

Once! Once! Once! Once!

And the fire went out!

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

5. Butterflies

Target. To teach children to run in a group, to teach them to sit down, get up, squat on command.

Material. paper butterflies on rims, tambourine, bell.

Game progress. The teacher shows pictures of butterflies. Butterflies are bright, multi-colored, which fly and sit on flowers. The teacher lays flowers on the floor. Children have headbands on their heads. The teacher rings the bell, the children begin to fly like butterflies. When the teacher begins to knock on the tambourine, the children sit on the flowers.

6. Cockerel and chickens.

Target. To teach children to move freely in a group, to teach them to gather in a circle on a signal.

Material. Glove toy - cockerel, headbands with the image of chickens for children, whistle.

Game progress.

The children squat on the carpet, pretending to be chickens. The teacher is at the end of the room and sings a cockerel song:

Cockerel, cockerel,

Shout: - Ku-ka-re-ku!

After the last words of the song, the teacher claps his hands, and the chickens, having heard the clapping, should run to the cockerel and quickly gather around him. They all walk together in small steps towards the center of the room. Then you can choose one of the children as a rooster. The chickens sit on the rug and sleep. And the cockerel child, together with the teacher, clap their hands, so they begin to run around the room. After the cockerel blows the whistle, the chicks go to bed on the rug. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

7. Run Bunny

Target. Teach children to run in a given direction, act on a sound signal, squat.

Material. An umbrella, a bunny mask, a plate, a carrot, a bell, an image of bunnies on headbands for children.

Game progress.

The teacher puts on a hare mask and offers to play with the hare. The teacher is a hare, and the children are rabbits. The teacher makes a riddle:

fluff ball,

long ear,

Jumping smartly

Loves carrots.

Who is it? the teacher asks. At the end of the room there is a vegetable garden, and carrots grow there. At the signal of the bell, the children run for carrots to the garden. They squat down and eat carrots. The teacher goes to the other end of the room and calls the bunnies to him: “The bunnies come to my house! It's going to rain now." Opens the umbrella and the children - hares run to her under the umbrella. The teacher sings a song:

Rain - rain

Pour full

small kids

Children squat down and begin to tap on the floor with their fingers, repeating: “Drip-drip-drip!” The game is repeated 3-4 times.

8. Light and dark

Target. Teach children to change direction while running, navigate in space.

Material. Two pictures: on the first - day (the sun is shining, the birds are flying); on the second - night (dark, dark sky, stars, birds are sleeping, pictures of birds on the rim.

Game progress. Children sit on chairs. The teacher shows the children pictures (birds fly, the sun is shining, it's light - it's day). The second picture is at night. (the birds are sleeping, it's dark). Children are put on headbands and offered to play the game "Light and Dark".

Children sit on their haunches. At the word "light" the birds fly, flap their wings - the children run; at the word "dark" they squat down "sleep". It is necessary to ensure that the children act only on a signal: “light” - they fly, “dark” - they fly into the nest and sleep.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


9. Jump, bunnies!

Target. Learn to jump forward on both feet.

Material. Bunny mask, bunny headbands, toy bunny.

Game progress. A bunny came to visit the children. He greets the children, and then shows how he can jump on two legs. To jump far and fast, you have to move a lot. The teacher invites the children to jump like a hare. As soon as the teacher says "jump", the children jump forward on two legs. Then the teacher claps his hands and says “Oop-op-op!” The children turn and jump back to the mother hare. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

10. Frogs

Target. Teach children to jump on both feet across the track.

Material. A picture of a swamp where frogs jump, 2 ropes.

Game progress. Children sit on chairs. The teacher makes a path out of ropes. Shows a picture and asks a riddle:

Jumping down the track

Stretching the legs:


Kwa-kva-kva!” -

Stretching out the legs.

The teacher shows how to jump on the spot. Children will repeat this movement several times. The teacher makes sure that the children do the jump correctly. The game starts on a signal: when the children hear the pipe, they start jumping. After the game, they play with rubber or paper frogs.

11. Get the bell

Target. Teach children to jump on two legs and reach for hanging objects.

Material. Stretched rope with hanging bells.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to play the game "Get the bell." Children come up and, pushing off with both legs, jump up and take out a bell with their hand. If he got it, the bell will ring. The game continues 2-3 times. Next time, you can replace the bells with another item.

Throwing, catching, rolling

12. Take the ball

Target. Teach children standing still to pass and take the ball with both hands.

Material. Picture "Children playing with a ball"

Game progress.

First, children sit on chairs and learn to pick up the ball. The teacher reads N. Bromley's poem "Balls":

One, two, three, four, five-

They don't lie still

They run away somewhere.

You probably guessed -

These balls are guys!

One, two, three, four, five,

I will play with them!

After the poem, the children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other. Hold firmly with both hands until the other child takes it. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

13. Roll the ball

Target. Teach children sitting to roll the ball forward with both hands for a distance.

Material. Rubber toys (animals, balls for each child, tambourine.

Game progress. Children sit on chairs. Ahead at a distance of 1.5 meters, the teacher puts toys on the floor. But before the start of the game, the teacher shows how to properly push the ball away from himself towards the toys. It must be performed after hitting the tambourine. The teacher together with the children say:

I roll my ball

I roll again

I roll there

I roll over here.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

14. Catch the ball

Target. Teach children to throw up and catch the ball.

Material. Balloons, dog toy.

Game progress. Children sit on chairs. The teacher shows how to toss the ball from the bottom up. Children put a ball on their palms turned up, which must be tossed up correctly. First teaches 1-2 times to repeat after him. Then the children begin to play freely with balloons.

Educational games for children of the 1st junior group.


Purpose of the game:

Game material:

Flat balls in 4 basic colors, and 4 ribbons of similar colors to them.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children four balloons of primary colors and four ribbons of the same colors for them. Children are offered to try to pick up a ribbon of the same color for each ball.

Red, yellow, blue,

Choose any ball.

To keep the ball

Need to tie a ribbon

We will take ribbons in our hands

And we will find a ball by color

"Magic Field"

Purpose of the game:

Game material:

A circle with the image of 4 primary colors, and an arrow at the top, cards of primary colors.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children a circle with the image of primary colors. Explaining at the same time that this is a magical field on which colors live. Next, the children are given cards of the corresponding colors. The teacher turns the magic field, the arrow on it points to any color, and the children, in turn, must raise a card of this color.

We have one game

She is very round.

That circle is divided

Four colors include it

And the guys play with it

All the colors, there are learning

Green, red

Yellow, blue

All are known to us from now on.


Purpose of the game:

The development of the ability to recognize and name the colors and size of an object,

Development fine motor skills fingers.

Game material:

A flat panel consisting of two parts, one part is fastened together, and the other is cut into beams of different colors and sizes.

Game progress:

The teacher puts a rainbow in front of the child, one half of the rays is a whole rainbow, and the second is cut into rays. The task of the child is to pick up the rays by color and size.

rainbow arch

We shine bright

That's the trouble happened to her

Lost some rays

Rays guys will collect

Everything will be in order

There will be a rainbow again

Shine more than ever.


Purpose of the game:

Developing the ability to recognize and name colors,

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Game material:

Flat panel with the image of a butterfly, the wings of a butterfly are divided into 4 primary colors. Holes are made in them, into which necks from bottles are inserted, to which caps of a suitable color are screwed.

Game progress:

The teacher shows a butterfly, the wings of which are of four primary colors, holes are made in them into which bottle necks are inserted. It is necessary to decorate the butterfly wings by screwing the lids lying in the pallet offered to the children to the necks. The color of the lid should match the color of the butterfly wing.

A butterfly appeared before us

Butterfly is beautiful.

Let's play with a butterfly

Choose the color of the covers for the wings.

"Mysterious Buttons"

Purpose of the game:

Developing the ability to recognize and name colors.

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Game material:

A canvas is presented, divided into 4 sectors, of different colors, 4 buttons and 4 ribbons are attached to it, each of which corresponds to a specific color of the sector.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the child a panel divided into 4 sectors of different colors, he says that these are houses for buttons. The teacher draws attention to the fact that each button lives in a house of its own color, and asks the children to help the buttons find a house.

We took the colors to study

Well, where do we start?

We have a miracle button

Help us now

We will take buttons in our hands

And we will find a house for them by color.


Purpose of the game:

Developing the ability to recognize and name colors,

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers,

Development to distinguish between objects one - many.

Game material:

The appearance of the bobbin from under the thread, the upper and lower sectors are divided into 6 colors: 4 primary, black and white. Bags are attached to the upper sector (the color of the bags corresponds to the color of the sector to which it is attached), there are cubes in the bags.

Game progress:

Children are offered a didactic manual "carousel", the upper sector of which is divided into 6 colors. Each of them has a bag containing cubes (the color of the cubes and the bag corresponds to the color of the sector). The task of the children is to untie the bags, take out the cubes, and put them on the sector of the corresponding color.

The carousel spins

Well, let's play quickly.

Place the cube on your color

Will there be a correct answer?


Purpose of the game:

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Game material:

The manual is presented in the form of a game panel with a picture of an apple tree, holes are made in the panel, into which bottle necks are inserted, to which caps (apples) are screwed.

Game progress:

The teacher offers the children a panel with an apple tree depicted on it, and a container with lids of different colors, the child is invited to pick up apples of a certain color (red, yellow). Children take lids and screw them to the necks.

Let's play with lids

Collect different apples

"Magic Caps"

Purpose of the game:

Development of sensory perception,

The development of auditory attention,

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Game material:

There are panels depicting snowmen, flowers, etc. There are holes in it into which bottle necks are inserted. The lids are screwed on to the children.

Game progress:

The teacher says that the snowman was in a hurry to visit, but he stumbled and lost one lump. It is necessary to help the snowmen, the teacher draws attention to the fact that his lumps are white.

The teacher and the children look at the picture of the flowers, and pay attention to the fact that the flowers do not have a middle, he invites the children to pick up a lid that matches the color of each flower and screw it to the neck.

"What does the figure look like?"

Game material:

Geometric figures cut out of dense material in 4 primary colors.

Game progress:

Children are offered geometric shapes - a circle, a triangle, a square. The adult calls them. Asks children to find objects in the room or on the street that are similar to these figures. If possible, gives the children to circle these objects with their hands along the contour (ball, hoop, cube, plate, aquarium, etc.).

"Hide from the rain"

To educate the ability of children to group objects by shape.

Game material:

Pre-made geometric shapes and three patterns of umbrellas. An adult lays out one geometric figure under each umbrella, this is a model for children.

Game progress:

Game situation: “On a warm sunny day, geometric figures came out for a walk. When suddenly a huge gray cloud appeared in the sky, covered the sun and it began to rain. Squares, circles and triangles need to hide from the rain so as not to get wet. And where to hide?”

"Choose Buttons"

To develop the ability to group objects by size.

Game material:

2 boxes, large and small, buttons of different sizes (large and small)

Game progress:

The teacher, together with the children, lays out the buttons into groups: the largest, largest, smallest, etc. Considering the sizes of buttons, compares, applies a button to a button. An adult activates the speech of children.

Card file of outdoor games in the first junior group

leaf fall

Goals: consolidate knowledge about the color, size of autumn leaves; learn to move around the site, following the instructions given in game form; specify the concept of "leaf fall"

Material: autumn leaves

Game progress

educator ( IN.): "Guys! All of you will be leaves, choose a leaf that you like: some are yellow, some are red, some are big, some are small.

Each child shows and names which leaflet he chose by color and size.

IN. says: “The leaves are light, they slowly fly through the air. (Children run and wave their hands.)

Falling leaves! Falling leaves!

The yellow leaves are flying!

Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with yellow leaves.)

Beautiful red leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with red leaves.)

They circled and sat down on the ground. (Children sit down.)

Sat down! They sat down and froze. (Children do not move.)

A light breeze came and blew." (An adult blows, followed by children.)

IN.continues: “The leaves rose, scattered in different directions. (Children run around the playground.)

Spinning, spinning, spinning!

Falling leaves! Falling leaves!

Leaves fly in the wind.

The breeze subsided, and again slowly fall to the ground ... leaves. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The children went to kindergarten

(based on a poem by L. Kondratenko)

Game progress


The children went out into the green garden

Dance, dance.

La-la! La-la-la!

(Children move arbitrarily, dance)

The geese became surprised

Cackle, cackle.

(Children shout: "Ha-ha-ha!")

The gray horse neighed in the stable:

“Igo-go! Yoke!

(Children repeat: “Yo-hoo! Igo-hoo!”)

Why do you need to spin

For what, for what?

(All children are spinning.)

And the cow was surprised:

"Moo-moo-moo! Moo-moo-moo!"

(Children repeat:"Moo-moo-moo!")

What are you so excited about?

I don't understand, I don't understand!

The teacher pretends to gore everyone.

The children run to the side.

The game is repeated 2-3 times

Run to what I call

Goals: recall the names of objects, teach them to run in a “flock”.

Rules: be able to listen to an adult.

Game progress

Children stand near the teacher and listen to what he says. The teacher explains: “Where I say, you will run there and wait for me.” Then he says: “One, two, three. Run to the sandbox!

Children flock to the sandbox. The teacher follows them, does not hurry, gives them time to rest. He praises that everyone ran correctly, and says: “One, two, three, run to the veranda!”

Then the game is repeated. Children run to the swings, to the table, to the slide, etc.

shaggy dog

Target: learn to move around the site, following the instructions that are given in the form of a game.

Material: large toy dog.

Game progress

The teacher puts a bright toy dog ​​near the veranda and explains to the children: “The dog is sleeping, let’s try to wake her up.”

The teacher reads the poem, inviting the children to perform the appropriate actions with a gesture:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

He buried his nose in his paws,

Quietly he lies

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see if something happens.

Children creep up to the dog, quietly calling: “Dog, dog, play with us! The dog is barking. Children run in different directions.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Hang on, wreath!

Target: learn to dance.

Material: wreaths with flowers and ribbons.

Game progress

educator ( IN.) invites children to play and distributes wreaths to everyone. Each child, choosing a wreath, names a flower, its color, and the teacher and the rest of the guys help those who find it difficult to name.

IN says that they grew up in a clearing beautiful flowers (points to children). All together they select flowers by name: “This is a chamomile, here is another chamomile, and this is also a chamomile. And then a cornflower, and this is a cornflower. Come here, cornflowers!”

IN: “A breeze blew, the flowers began to play pranks, scattered across the clearing. (Children run away.) The girl Dashenka came and said: “Wave, wreath! Curl, wreath! (An adult helps the children form a circle.) What a beautiful multi-colored wreath we got! Hang on, wreath! Curl!"

Together with the teacher, the kids lead a round dance and sing any cheerful song in chorus.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Along the narrow path

Target: learn to step from circle to circle (drawn with a stick on the sand, chalk on the pavement).

Game progress

The teacher draws circles on the ground (there should be more circles than playing children). Then he explains that you can go through the stream "on pebbles" - circles, otherwise you will get your feet wet.

The teacher pronounces the words and shows the actions: “Our legs are walking along the narrow path!”

All children follow the teacher, approach the "pebbles". An adult shows how to step from circle to circle. Children imitate his actions: "On the pebbles, on the pebbles, on the pebbles!"

Suddenly, the teacher suddenly says: “And into the hole - bang!”, jumps out of the circle, crouches, and after him all the children.

The game is repeated 2-3 times

Birds and rain

Goals: learn to act on the command of an adult; practice making sounds.

Material: emblems with the image of birds.

Game progress

IN. distributes bird emblems to children, clarifies who has which one, and explains: “Everyone should listen to the words during the game and perform the named actions.” V. begins: “The birds fly (children run across the playground), pecking grains (children sit down, “peck”), again, fly away.

Suddenly, an evil autumn wind blew up, howled, rustled. (“Wow!” the children say.) Frequent rain dripped, pounded on the roof: “Knock! Here! Knock!" - repeat the children.

"Hide, birds! And then all the feathers will become wet, - the adult calls. - All the birds hid: some under a bush, some under a leaf (children sit down). The rain passed, and again the birds flew, they sang a cheerful song, they rejoice. (Children imitate the voices of familiar birds.)

The game continues. You can complicate the plot by the appearance on the site of a dog, a car. Each time the "birds" scatter in different directions.

Let's go to the forest

Goals: clarify the names of plants; develop orientation in space.

Material: chocks-mushrooms, flowers from corrugated paper or from nylon ribbons, two cords, 5-6 baskets.

Game progress

The teacher (V.), together with the children, decorates a clearing with flowers, puts mushrooms near the trees, pulls two cords on the site (marking a bridge over the river).

V. buzzes, imitating a steam locomotive: “Uuuu!” - All the children (“trailers”) are driving, buzzing: “Uuuu!”. But here's the stop. "Shhh!" - the children repeat after the teacher. "Where are we here?" - asks the teacher. If the kids find it difficult to answer, it helps: "The train brought everyone to a clearing where flowers grow." Children collect flowers.

All the flowers are collected in baskets, the "locomotive" gives a long whistle. The “train” goes across the bridge to the “forest”, where the children collect mushrooms together, and then run from tree to tree, hiding behind them.

Again the lingering whistle of the locomotive - everyone is leaving for home.

In the "forest" V. can ask if the children know the names of such trees as a Christmas tree, a birch.

At the bear in the forest

Target: learn to act according to the words of the text.

Material: large toy (bear).

Game progress

The educator (V.) plants the bear under a bush and tells the children that in the fall you can go to the forest, pick up mushrooms and berries; asks which of the children went with their parents for mushrooms: “Did you bring a lot of mushrooms? Have you found raspberries in the forest? Who loves raspberries? Of course a bear! He comes to feast on sweet berries, and when he sees someone, he immediately growls, drives everyone away, wants to pick berries alone. Look what a sweet-tooth bear! Let's go to the forest!

V. slowly reads the poem:

At the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries

And the bear looks

And growls at us: "Rrrr!"

Listening to the text, the guys slowly approach the bear (soft toy).

As soon as the bear “roars”, everyone scatters in different directions.

Then V. asks: “Who wants to be a bear? Are you Misha? Will you growl? Then sit next to me. We will have two bears."

At the request of the children, the game is repeated 3-4 times, the "bears" can change.

Santa Claus

Target: to instill the ability to perform characteristic movements.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to start the game. Everyone remembers together that Santa Claus lives in the forest and brings gifts to children in winter.

I am Frost Red Nose,

Overgrown with a beard.

I'm looking for animals in the forest.

Come out quickly!

Come out, bunnies!

Children jump towards the teacher like bunnies.

The teacher is trying to catch the guys: “I’ll freeze! Freeze!” The children run away.

The game is repeated.

Each time, "Santa Claus" invites new "animals" (bears, chanterelles), forest birds to come out "from the forest". Children imitate their movements and then run away from Santa Claus.

Crow and dog

Goals: learn to imitate the movements and voices of birds; move without interfering with each other.

Material: big fluffy dog, crow emblems.

Game progress

The teacher says:

Near the green Christmas tree

Ravens jump, croak:

Kar! Kar! Kar!

Children jump, imitating crows, make croaking sounds.

The teacher approaches the "ravens", picks up a toy dog ​​and says:

Here comes the dog

And the raven dispersed everyone:

“Aw! Aw! Aw!"

"Crows" scatter in different directions.

Inflate, my balloon!

Goals: learn to perform various movements, forming a circle; exercise in the pronunciation of the sound [w].

Game progress

The teacher (V.) says: “Come on, guys, let's inflate balloon. We will inflate it so that it becomes big, big and does not burst.

Everyone stands in a circle close to each other, holding hands. V. slowly, singsongly pronounces the words, stepping back:

Inflate, my balloon!

Blow up big...

Everyone stops, holding hands and forming a large circle. V. continues:

stay like this

And don't crash!

V. clarifies: “Look, what a big balloon we inflated!” And all together: “Shhh!” Without releasing their hands, everyone runs to the middle. "Our balloon is deflated!" - states the educator. - "Let's hope again!" - and repeats the words of the game.

On the third time, the children, holding hands, disperse, forming as wide a circle as possible.

V. commands: "Clap!". Children unhook their hands and scatter in different directions: “The ball burst!”

The snow is spinning

(based on a poem by A. Barto)

Target: learn to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

Material: Headbands with snowflake emblems.

Game progress

The teacher (V.) reminds the children that the snow is light, it slowly falls to the ground, spins when the breeze blows.

Then he offers snowflake rims to all participants in the game. V. invites the children to spin, saying: “Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!”

Then, inviting the children to come closer with a gesture, he says: “We all gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball.”

Children perform actions arbitrarily and at the end slowly squat. V. says: “A cold wind blew. How? V-v-v-v! (“W-w-w!” the children say.) Scattered, scattered snowflakes in different directions.

The children run around the playground.

The game at the request of the children is repeated 3-4 times.

Dog and sparrows

Goals: consolidate knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds; learn to imitate their voices.

Material: sparrow emblems, soft toy (dog).

Game progress

(V.) explains to the children: “We will all be sparrows (hands out bird emblems). How do sparrows fly? How do they jump? How do they peck? How do they sing? Well done! Good sparrows, funny. Who will be the dog? (The dog-child takes soft toy sits in a corner.) Who remembers what the dog house is called? That's right, booth! Our dog is in the kennel. Let's start playing." IN.:

Jumping, jumping sparrow:

Jump-jump! Jump-jump!

(Children jump as best they can.)

Calls of small children:

"Chiv! Chiv! Chiv!

(Children repeat: "Chiv! Chiv! Chiv!")

Throw the crumbs to the sparrow

I'll sing you a song:

“Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp!"

(Children repeat: “Chick-tweet!”)

V. says: “Suddenly the dog came running, barking loudly at the sparrows.”

The child (“dog”) runs out and barks loudly: “Av-av!”. "Sparrows" scatter in different directions.

Christmas tree

Target: learn to imitate the characteristic movements of animals.

Game progress

B. reminds the children that it will come soon New Year. Everywhere there will be decorated Christmas trees, around them everyone will dance, sing songs, and dance. Forest animals also love this holiday, they come to visit children, admire the Christmas tree, and have fun.

Q: "Guys, listen and immediately do what the animals do."

Come on, Christmas tree, brighter,

Light up the lights!

We invited guests

Have fun with us.

On the paths, on the snow,

Through forest lawns

Jumped on a holiday to us

Long-eared bunny.

(Children jump like bunnies; they skip.)

And behind him, look all

Red fox.

The fox also wanted

Have fun with us.

V .: "Quietly, quietly run like a fox.")

Waddling is going

Toed bear.

He brings honey as a gift

And a big bump.

V .: "Slowly stomping, waddling.")

Come on, Christmas tree, brighter, sparkle with lights,

So that the paws of the animals Dance themselves!

(Children dance as they please.)

Goat horned

Target: learn to perform actions in accordance with the words of the poem.

Material: emblems with the image of a muzzle of a goat.

Game progress

The teacher (V.) offers: “Let's play. We will all be goats. Show how the goat walks and wanders, how it stomps its feet, claps its eyes. How is the voice given? Show me what kind of horns a goat has. Wow, what all horned! How will you fight? Now let's play." Educator:

There is a horned goat

There is a butted goat

For the little guys.

Legs top-top-top,

Eyes clap-clap-clap.

Who does not eat porridge

Doesn't drink milk?

Gore! Gore!

Children do the right thing.

The teacher pretends to butt the children. Children run up to “butt” and shout: “Me-ee!”.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Zainka, go out into the garden

Target: learn to act in accordance with the words of an adult.

Material: emblems with the image of a muzzle of a bunny.

Game progress

The teacher sings the song slowly. The children are moving.

Zainka, go out into the garden,

Little white one, go out into the garden.

Like this, like this

Come out to the garden

Come out to the garden.

Zainka, stamp your foot,

White, stamp your foot.

Like this, like this

stamp your foot,

Tap your foot.

Bunny, spin around

White, turn around.

Like this, like this

spin around

Spin around.

Zainka, dance,

White, dance.

Like this, dance like this!

Your legs are good!

The game is repeated 2-3 times at the request of the children.


Goals: learn to move at a different pace, change direction, show objects, convey the characteristic movements of animals, birds; practice pronunciation of sounds.

Game progress

V. tells the children: “Everyone needs to stand one behind the other - we will be wagons. There are gifts in the trailers. Ahead is a locomotive.

V. performs the role of a locomotive: he stands in front of the children facing them and, moving slowly, says: Choo-choo! Choo-choo!

The train is rushing at full speed.

Children move after V. and say: “Choo-choo!”. Then they all pull together lingeringly: “Uuu!”. V. continues:

I puff, puff, puff.

I haul a hundred wagons.

All together: "Whoa!"

V. turns now in one direction, then in the other direction. Continues: "Arrived." "Shhh!" - children repeat after him.

V. Locomotive, locomotive,

What did you bring as a gift?

Children: Balls! Children begin to jump like balls. V. says: “Whoo! The locomotive is calling everyone!” Children line up one after another.

The locomotive buzzed and the wagons drove:

Choo-choo! Choo-choo! I'll go far!

Whoo! Choo-choo!

Children repeat after V .: “Choo-choo! Choo-choo!"

The game continues. The train brings children as a gift bunnies, frogs, cubs. Each time the children perform imitative movements, practice the sound pronunciation characteristic of this or that “gift”.


Target: teach children to clap their hands in different ways, keep score: "One, two."

Game progress

The game involves a subgroup of children (3-4 people).

Everyone stands in a circle. The teacher says: "Grandma bakes pancakes, pours oil, treats all the children."

The teacher says slowly:

almonds, almonds,

Grandma baked pancakes,

poured oil,

She gave it to the kids.

One, two! - Dasha,

One, two! - Tanya.

Children clap their hands.

The teacher claps each child on one or the other hand. Together they count: "One, two!"

All two!

All two!

The teacher claps both hands of each child.

Good pancakes

Our grandmother!

If one of the children wants, he can be the leader.

The game is repeated.

Mice dance

Target: exercising children in performing movements.

Game progress

V. says that all the children will be mice, and one of them will be the cat Vaska. V. takes the child who agreed to be a cat to a secluded corner of the playground and asks: “How does a cat meow, you know?” Then V. explains to everyone: “We are mice, we will dance, run, play, have fun, but as soon as Vaska the cat wakes up, immediately scatter so that the cat does not catch you, mice. Show how mice run. Quickly, quickly and quietly, so as not to wake the cat. And how do they squeak?

"Mice" lead a round dance: children quietly move around the site and sing along with an adult. V. sings:

La-la-la! A cat is dozing on the stove.

La-la-la! Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake the cat Vaska.

Here Vaska the cat wakes up -

Will break our round dance!

Mice do not obey, run, squeak.

Here Vaska the cat woke up,

The round dance broke out!

"Cat" with meowing tries to catch up with "mice". They run away.

Birds, time! Birds two!

Goals: exercise children in performing movements; teach counting.

Game progress

V. says: “Now we will play. How many legs does a bird have? And the eye, the wings?

Birds, time!

(Children put forward one leg.)

Birds two!

(Extend the other leg.)


(Children jump on both legs.)

Birds, time!

(Children raise the "wing".)

Birds two!

(Raises the wing.)

Clap! Clap! Clap!

(Children clap their hands.)

Birds, time!

(Children cover one eye with their hand.)

Birds two!

(Close the other eye.)

"Birds" open their eyes and run, flap their "wings", chirp, squeak.

Educator: "Everyone flew!"

If desired, the game is repeated 2-3 times.


(acting a fairy tale)

Target: contribute to the active memorization of the text of a fairy tale, the pronunciation of a familiar text with different intonation.

Material: large models of fairy tale characters; kolobok (plastic or molded from colored dough).

Game progress

The gingerbread man rolls along the green spring grass from one animal to another. Children, holding hands, follow him and sing a song together.

The teacher leads a story and every time he meets a new animal, he says: “Kolobok is rolling, rolling, and towards him ... Who?”

Next time you can beat the fairy tale "Teremok" or "Snow Maiden and the Fox."

sun bunnies

(based on a poem by A. Brodsky

"Sunny Bunny"

Goals: specify directions: up, down, to the side; learn to perform a variety of movements.

Material: small mirror

Game progress

The teacher (V.) holds a small mirror in his hand and says: “Look, a cheerful sunny bunny has come to visit us. See how he rejoices, jumping up, then down, then to the side. And danced! (Leads a sunny bunny along the wall of the veranda.) Let's play with him." V. says:

Runaways are jumping -

Sunny Bunnies.

(Children are trying to catch a sunbeam.)

We call them - Do not go.

Were here - And they are not here.

Jump! Skok! Up - down - sideways!

Jump, jump In the corners.

Were there - And they are not there.

Where are the runaways?

Sunny Bunnies?

Children join the game and look for a sunny bunny.

Chickens and dog

Target: to exercise children in performing various actions, in climbing and crawling under the cord.

Materials: chick emblems, large toy dog, string.

Game progress

The teacher distributes emblems to the children. Fixes the stretched cord at a height of 60-70 cm from the ground. This is the chicken house. At a distance of 2 m from the cord, the dog house is a booth.

Children ("chickens") are behind the cord. The teacher (“chicken”) calls the “chickens”: “Ko-ko-ko! Go peck the grains! "Chickens" crawl under the cord, run around the area in front of the dog, squeak.

The teacher approaches the dog, takes it in his hands: “Woof! Woof! The chickens run away. The “hen” calls the “chickens” to hide in the house (crawl under the cord), and she threatens the dog: “Don’t scare my kids.”

Who is screaming?

Target: clarify knowledge about which of the animals gives voice how

Game progress

Educator (V.): "I'll tell you now, and you guess who and how casts a vote."

The cockerel sings:


(Children: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”)

I guard chickens.

The hen screams:


(Children: "Ko-ko-ko!")

Lost in the bushes!

The cat sings a song


(Children: "Mur-mur-mur!")

I'm scared of chickens.

Crow screams:


(Children: Kar-kar!)

Tomorrow it will rain in the morning.

Cow mooing:

Moo, moo!

(Children: "Moo-moo!")

Milk to whom?

V. and children imitate movements: an adult pours milk, children drink. The game is repeated 2-3 times

Bunny gray

Target: teach children to listen carefully to the poem and act according to the text.

Material: bunny emblems.

Game progress

The teacher distributes emblems to the children and explains that they must listen carefully and perform actions.

The teacher says:

Gray bunny washes

It looks like he's going to visit.

(Children "wash".)

Washed out the nose

Washed the tail

Washed my ear.

(Children rub their noses, tails, ears with their palms.)

Wipe dry!

And jumped:


Jump-jump! (Children jump.)

The teacher asks the children: “Who are you visiting, bunny? Tell us."

The game is repeated.


Target: learn to perform actions by listening to the words of the song and music.

Game progress

The teacher calls those who want to play to him, puts the children in a circle (arbitrarily) and asks: “Who wants to sing a song about him?”

Misha (Masha, Tanya) comes out. V. (sings).

As for Misha on his birthday

(Children clap their hands.)

We baked a loaf -

Here is such a height

(Rise on tiptoe.)

Here is such a low

(They sit down.)

Here's the width.

(Pointing with hands.)

Here are the dinners

(Children run into a circle.)

Caravan, caravan,

Whoever you want, choose!

(Children clap their hands.)

(The child chooses one or two guys and dances with them.)

Dance, dance!

Our kids are good!

(Clap hands.)

The game is repeated as desired.

We hear - we do

Target: check the understanding of the meaning of familiar poetic texts.

Game progress

The teacher says to the children: "Guys, I will recite poems, and you do what you hear." Educator.

bear clumsy

He walks through the forest.

He collects cones, he sings a song.

(Children waddle and sing: “La-la-la!”)

Along the narrow path

Our feet are walking

(Children walk.)

On pebbles, On pebbles

(Children jump.)

And into the hole - bang!

(Children sit down.)

Washing goose paws

In a puddle by the canal.

(Children "wash their paws».)

One is grey, the other is white

They hid in a ditch.

(Children sit down.)

The birds have flown

little birds,

Everyone flew

Everyone flew

They waved their wings.

(Children perform movements.)

The game can be continued by reading other poetic texts


(based on a poem by T. Volgina


Target: learn to perform imitative movements, imitate the voice reactions of birds.

Material: emblems with images of chickens and hens.

Game progress

The adult pronounces the text, the children perform the movements. Children follow the teacher in a crowd.


The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh herbs.

And behind her chickens -

Yellow guys.

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!

Don't go far.

Row with your paws,

Looking for grains!

Children perform imitative movements.

Educator: “Did you find grains? Peck! Now drink some water - beaks up! Well done!"

"Chickens" run, squeak. The game continues.

Oh what kind of people?

Target: to teach children to move in a flock, to perform actions; when running away, do not disturb your comrades.

Material: large matryoshka.

Game progress

The teacher (V.) slowly walks facing the children, holds a matryoshka doll in his hands, which looks in the opposite direction.

Oh what a people

Is he following the matryoshka?

(Children move after V. flock.)

Matryoshka turns.

Ah! What a people!

Run away quickly

(Children run away)

Only the legs wobbled.

Oh what a people

Beats the drums loudly?

(Children go and say: Boom! Boom! Boom!)

Matryoshka turns.

Ah! What a people!

Run away quickly

(Children run away)

Only the legs wobbled.

Oh what a people

Quietly, so quietly!

(Children are sneaking around.)

Matryoshka turns.

Ah! What a people!

Run away quickly

Only the legs wobbled.

(Children run away.) You can continue the game, perform various actions.

Cat and mice

Target: learn to imitate sounds made by mice, run quietly like mice.

Material: large toy (cat), emblems depicting muzzles of mice, cord.

Game progress

The teacher explains that on one side of the cord there will be a house of mice - a mink. On the other side of the cord (at a distance of 2-2.5 m), a cat is sleeping on a bench. Distributes emblems to all children and invites “mice” to the mink. The teacher says slowly:

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes.

(“Mice” crawl under the cord, carefully run, squeak.)

The cat opens its eyes

And the mice catch up with everyone:

Meow! Meow!

("Mice" hide in a mink.)

The teacher takes a toy cat and catches up with the children.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

My goat

Target: learn to understand the meaning of what was said, to correctly perform actions.

Material: goat emblems.

Game progress

Educator: “You are goats, and I am a grandmother. The goats ran away to the meadow, jumping, jumping, butting. (Children perform movements). Grandmother came out, drove the naughty goats home, tied them to a birch.

I will tie the goat

To the white birch

I will bind the horned

To the white birch.

Stop my goat

Stop, don't be afraid.

white birch,

Stop, don't swing.

The naughty goats got loose and ran away to the meadow.”

At the request of the children, the game is repeated.


Target: imitation of movements.

Game progress

The teacher says to the children: "Guys, I will recite poems, and you do what you hear." Educator:

bear clumsy

He walks through the forest.

collects cones,

Sings a song.

Suddenly a bump fell

Directly to the bear in the forehead,

Teddy bear got angry

And foot: Top!

(Children waddling and show movements)

merry sparrow

(based on a poem by M. Klokova

"Winter has come")

Target: teach children to perform movements according to the text of the game.

Material: emblems depicting sparrows.

Game progress

The teacher gives the children emblems depicting sparrows.

Sparrow from a birch

Jump on the road!

(Children jump)

No more frost


(Children jump and chirp.)

Here it gurgles in the groove

fast stream,

(Children say: "W-w-w-w!")

And the paws do not get cold -


(Children jump.)

The ravines dry up -

Jump, jump, jump!

(Children jump.)

Insects will come out -


(Children chirp.)

V. continues: “Peck, do not be shy! Who is this? .. "The children answer:" Sparrow!

We funny boys

Target: learn to perform actions according to the instructions of an adult.

Game progress

Educator (V.): “Now we will play. I will sing, and you listen and do what I ask, and say: "On a sunny spring day." Educator.

We dance near the flower bed

Sunny spring day.

(Children repeat: “On a sunny spring day.”)

So we circle in place

(Children: "On a sunny spring day.")

So we stomp our feet

(Children perform movements - stomp.)

So we clap our hands

(Children say: “On a sunny spring day” - and clap.)

This is how we wash our hands

(Children say: “On a sunny spring day” - and “wash their hands.”)

So we wipe our hands

And let's run to mom!

Children run to V. Educator: “All the children ran to their mother! Well done, funny guys."

The game is repeated.

Music guys

Target: learn to perform movements without interfering with each other.

Material: emblems with the image of frogs, two cords.

Game progress

V. lays out two cords in parallel on the ground (“This is a river, frogs will swim here”) and reads P. Zolotov's poem “The Frogs”. At this time, those who want to play, the children go to the middle of the playground. V. distributes emblems.

“Well, frogs, musical guys,” V. turns to the children. “Show me how loudly you sing in unison!” (Children say in chorus: “Kwa! Kwa!”)

Qua! Qua! Qua!

(All children jump: "Kwa! Kwa!")

It's time for us to jump into the river.

Qua! Qua! Qua!

(All children "swim": "Kwa! Kwa!")

You can swim until the morning!

One two Three!

(Children “rowing”: “Kwa! Kwa!”)

Row with your paws!

Qua! Qua! It's time for the beach!

(Children jump out of the river.)

Qua! Qua! Catch a mosquito!

(Children jump, catch a mosquito


Target: learn conversational speech.

Material: wolf (soft toy).

Game progress

The teacher (V.), holding a soft toy - a wolf, explains to the children: “The geese went to the field of fresh grass to pinch, then they swam in the river, gathered home, but they can’t get through! A wolf is sitting under the mountain, he wants to grab the geese. Educator.

Geese, geese! (Children: “Ha-ha-ha.”)

Do you want to eat? (Children: "Yes, yes, yes")

Bread and butter? (Children: "No!")

What about you?

(Children: "Candy!")

Fly home!

IN. (says with children).

Gray wolf under the mountain

He won't let us go home.

One, two, three - run home!

The children run to the veranda.

An adult picks up a wolf, “growls”, “catches up” with children, then praises: “Well done, geese! Everyone flew, the wolf did not catch anyone!

At the request of the children, the game is repeated; "wolf" can be a child from the older subgroups


Target: learn to move slowly, repeat the movements of an adult (without breaking the chain).

Game progress

V. starts the game. He goes and, repeating: “I am stringing a bead on a thread,” takes the willing children by the hands; the rest come one at a time, each new participant takes the last child by the hand, forming a long chain - “beads”. IN. (sings slowly, motive is arbitrary).

How we sculpted beads

How we sculpted beads

(Leads the chain slowly in a straight line.)

How we played beads

How on the thread was collected,

Beads, beads, Beautiful beads.

(Drives the chain smoothly from side to side across the site.)

How we curled beads

How we curled beads

Beads, beads, Beautiful beads.

(Whirls, winding the chain around him.)

V. stops and says to the children: “We played, we played with beads, but the thread got tangled. They began to unravel it, the thread broke. All the beads rolled out, scattered in different directions: “Bang!” Children with a joyful cry run around the playground: “Oh, how far our beads have rolled! - says V. - We must again collect all the beads on a string!