Dry carpet cleaning. How to Clean Carpet at Home: Effective Methods, Useful Recommendations Dry Carpet Cleaning at Home Means

The carpet is an integral element of the interior in many apartments and homes. If there was also a place in your monastery, then, for sure, tips on cleaning carpets will be useful. It is not so troublesome as it may seem at first glance, and below we mention some nuances of this case.

How to choose an effective carpet cleaning agent

Long Pile Carpet

Undoubtedly, a long-pile carpet can be a real decoration of your room, creating a feeling of comfort and comfort in it. Noticing a stain on such a product. Most of the owners are upset, because, as you know, the rug with a long pile is quite complicated in cleaning. If the pile height is above 2.5 centimeters, then it will quickly absorb any dust, and the worst thing that first time you may not be noticed. Nevertheless, there are some methods that will help to cope with the problem.

Note that cleaning must be held in two stages. First, you should thoroughly spend the product, and only after that use the selected tools. By the way, the first stage should be applied weekly to prevent serious pollution.

1st way

Undoubtedly, you can easily find soda and vinegar at home or buy these ingredients. Next, pour 1 liter of cool water in a bowl, add 1 tsp. vinegar (9%) and 1 tsp. Food soda. After that, carefully place the mixture and moisten the brush in it. Unnecessary liquid shake. Clean the carpet with smooth movements, on the pile. Subsequently, the carpet must dry.

2nd way

This method requires amazing alcohol and washing powder. Divide 5 liters of warm water in a bucket with the addition of 3 tbsp. l. Powder and 1 tbsp. l. Ammonia. Now you need a soft and wet brush to moisten in solution and light movements to handle the carpet. Remedies should be removed with a damp cloth and then dry the carpet well.

With short vors

In the case of a short pile, you can apply both dry and wet cleaning. From such pollution products are easier, rather than others - they are rather unpretentious in this regard. You can apply many tips that are given in this article - almost every cleaning will suit you. By the way, if you don't see any special contaminants, but the color of the carpet is slightly overwhelming, you can use this method: in the spray gun mix 200 ml of water, a pair of tablespoons of shampoo and two drops of ammonia alcohol. The surface of the carpet is treated with the resulting composition and wait for its complete drying. Last Stage: Let the carpet of the ordinary vacuum cleaner.

If it is bright (white) carpet

If you do not want to use the services of dry cleaning in this case, it is important to choose the most secure method. It is best to take advantage of ready-made means, which are specifically designed to clean carpet - Vanish is considered to be one of the most popular, however, many of his analogues are worthy of attention. If you still consider yourself to fans of domestic money, then come to their choice especially carefully and avoid recipes with the use of lemon juice as you risk colored pile.

For synthetic and natural carpets

If your carpet is made of synthetic materials, then maintain it in perfect form is easy: a vacuum cleaner several times a week. With severe contaminants, use soda cleaning - the method is described in one of the sections of the article. We will notice that synthetic carpets are unpretentious in care, although they serve less natural. In turn, the same cleaning methods are applicable for natural carpets, which for others - first choose the most gentle of them. If you doubt the efficiency and security of the selected method - try using the test cleaning service.

How to clean the carpet at home - step by step instructions

Quickly clean the carpet "Vanishe" (detergent)

If you decide to apply store chemistry, choose means that contain detailed instructions - carefully read it. You can also read on the Internet reviews on certain cleaning mixtures to pick up what is most suitable for you and take into account some features of the selected funds. Having bought the product interested you, before starting to get rid of pollution, be sure to experience the remedy on a small section of the carpet, in order not to spoil its pile or color (in the case of a low-quality mixture).

Carpet cleaning by home

Perhaps you do not trust store products - in this case, you can find out and homemade. One of them can be the usual tea brewing! Note that this method is applied only for dark products - you can put an additional spot on the bright. It is difficult to name this method very popular, but still he has the right to life, because it has its advantages.

Denote the sequence of such cleaning. Prepare a welding in advance - it must be wet and fresh. Now squeeze it on the contaminated part of the carpet and wait until it dries. Eliminate the welding with a vacuum cleaner or broom. You can use both black and green tea, but do not forget to carefully squeeze the welding before applying. With this procedure, you will not only remove light pollution, but you can get rid of unpleasant odors, if any on the pile.

Dry carpet cleaning

Most hostesses prefer to use dry cleaning, as many carpets are not too "loved" water. Nevertheless, if you need a wet cleaning, then try not to apply hot water for this purpose. Very useful in this situation may be washing or ordinary vacuum cleaner, as well as a simple broom, which you are before cleaning all the dust and garbage from the carpet. It will be unlikely to moisten a broom in the water and shake it well after that so that it becomes not wet, but simply wet - such a broom will not lift dust into the air.

Clean the Palace Soda or vinegar

An ordinary table vinegar is a wonderful means in the fight against carpet pollution, especially when it comes to a woolen product. If you treat the carpet with a weak solution of vinegar, this will provide the pumline of its original shine and significantly refreshes a general view.

How to start a similar cleaning? Thoroughly spend the carpet, then walk on it with a soft brush, which in a mixture of vinegar solution (approximately 20 ml per 1 liter of water). If you came across a stain, then in this place it is more thoroughly moisten the carpet and in the direction of the pile, it is more stronger than the brush. After completing the procedure, wait about half an hour and then wipe the carpet with a clean dry sponge, again following the direction of the pile. Do not try it too much! The completion step after the pile dry completely will use the usual vacuum cleaner.

You can also clean the carpet of ordinary soda. Moisten a slightly pollution with water and sprinkle it with soda. Look out around half an hour and then spending the selected area.

Clean soda and salt

One of the most effective tools for cleaning, which is applied by experienced hostesses over the years. To apply this mixture, you do not need special skills and knowledge - everything is very simple! Sprinkle a contaminated part of the Palace mixture and leave it there for about twenty minutes. Subsequently, soda and salt gently eliminate the broom and apply the usual vacuum cleaner on the same site.

However, it will help if you need to get rid of low-fat spots of a small size or you just want to light up a slightly refreshing the appearance of the palace. One of the main advantages of this method can be called not only the availability of the ingredients used, but also their safety for the body.

We clean the economic soap

In a shallow grater, the household soap is pre-soda. Now take 1 tbsp. l. The chips obtained and spread it in one liter of warm water. Also add 1 tbsp. l. Skipidar. Take a brush with an artificial pile and gently apply a solution on the carpet, afterwarding it there for several minutes. After this time, wipe the Palace with a damp cloth, then repeat the procedure with a dry cloth. This method is applicable for carpets with a short pile of synthetic materials, after cleaning it is desirable to air the palace in the fresh air, and there to give it to dry completely.

How and what to clean the woolen carpet alone

As we have already mentioned, such a carpet can be cleaned with the help of a soda solution. It also applies to products that are made of other natural materials. However, remember that such palaces should be treated very carefully, in order not to damage the material. Below we give a well-known method that is appropriate in the processing of woolen carpets.

Cleaning cabbage

This method knows more than one generation of experienced owners, although for many, of course, he will be in a novelty. So, take the usual sauer cabbage without vinegar and rinse it in order to get rid of a strong smell. After that, the cabbage is evenly scattered on the Palace and rolling it on it with a brush or broom - until the product becomes contaminated. After that you need to collect cabbage from the carpet by a broom and repeat the procedure again until the cabbage remains clean. At the end of the procedure, collect cabbage and spend the carpet.

It is important to remember that when cleaning wool carpets, bleachs are excluded, as well as aggressive means. Deep cleaning is needed no more than once a year, and at the same time it is recommended to apply chemistry that is only suitable for your palace type. Strictly follow the proportions that are recommended in the instructions of a particular purchase agent. After completing all cleaning procedures, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the product. Note that handmade carpets are still allowed to give cleaning in specialized dry-cleaners, as technologies that are not available at home can be used to eliminate contaminants.

Good tool for cleaning any carpets - washing vacuum cleaner

Wet room cleaning has a lot of advantages - with its help you can effectively eliminate small garbage and dust, complex contamination. Also, wet cleaning is useful and when cleansing various carpets, and this can help the washing vacuum cleaner. Since the date of the invention of this type of home appliances, many women and men had the opportunity to assess its advantage over the ordinary vacuum cleaner. By purchasing a cleaning vacuum cleaner, undoubtedly, you will greatly facilitate the cleaning of the room. And if there is an allergy in the family, which poorly tolerate dust, then such a thing will become indispensable in your home.

By visiting the appropriate store, you will be able to find a vacuum cleaner that is most suitable for you according to your technical specifications and cost. Mentioned vacuum cleaners produce companies such as Philips, Thomas, Karcher, Samsung and many others. To decide on the choice, read the reviews for interested models in the network.

Cleaning products You can pick up both manufacturers of the selected vacuum cleaner and those that are most acceptable for you. Among the most popular marks, Vanish, Organizes, Green End Wedge can be distinguished.

Is it worth cleaning the carpet of the house or it is better to pass it into dry cleaning

Of course, home equipment for carpet cleaning, as a rule, cost cheaper than dry-cleaner services, but it makes sense only if the contamination is quite moderate and your palace as a whole is easy to clean. However, many materials do not tolerate certain detergents or wet cleaning, which is why you can simply spoil the product. For example, wet cleaning can be harmful if you want to clean the handmade carpet from silk or viscose. If you are not sure to handle the task, it is better to use the services of specialists who will select the most acceptable option for cleaning your carpet product, and will also be able to apply technologies that are simply not available at home.

In almost every interior - super-modern or classic - there is a carpet. He creates comfort and warmth in the house. When a new palace or a rug appears in our apartment, we rejoice for a long time, looking at his motley paints.

But gradually it begins to fill up, pollutes and loses his primary gloss. What to clean the carpet? How to return it to him former attractiveness? Is it possible to achieve a good result at home? We will try to give answers to these questions in this article. We will present you popular equipment for cleaning carpets at home and get acquainted with folk methods to get rid of stains and pollution.

Methods of professional carpet cleaning

There are different methods for cleaning these products. They are used depending on surface contamination. Most popular:

  • Dry carpet cleaning.
  • Intense.
  • Extractor.
  • Cleaning steam.

The most sparing way is the dry cleaning of carpets, which does not imply the use of heavy equipment and chemical preparations. It is effective with minor pollution. Such a procedure is carried out with the help of a detergent solution and vacuum vacuum cleaner. It is often used freezing or dry steam mode. Dry cleaning is recommended for natural materials: wool, silk.

The extractor method is used for coatings with an average degree of contamination. In this case, a powerful detergent vacuum cleaner is used, which first cleans, and then dries the carpet. This method is suitable for carpets from synthetic materials.

Intensive cleaning fully justifies its name - it removes the most persistent and solar stains. Clean the surface with special vacuum machines and complex chemicals. The surface of the carpet is processed completely.

With the help of steam generators produce purge steam. At the same time, chemicals are not used. This method of efficiency is somewhat inferior to those listed above, but has indisputable dignity - environmental friendliness.

Popular cleaners

Undoubtedly, in dry cleaning your carpet specialists will be cleaned perfectly, but it is not always possible to carry it to professionals, so most hostesses use means for cleaning carpets at home. The range of these goods in housekeeping stores is huge today: shampoos, powders, foam, and therefore the choice is not easy.

What to clean the carpet at home? When choosing the necessary tool, some parameters should be taken into account:

  • the material from which the coating was made;
  • paint quality (linked or not);
  • degree of pollution;
  • the portability / intolerance of the owners of the housing of individual components of the composition, the tendency to allergies.

EMS Tuba.

Cleaner removing fresh dirt, dust and unpleasant odors. It is allowed for processing, both natural and synthetic fibers. Environmentally friendly tool complying with ISO requirements.


Removes very complex stains. This foam includes special components that repel dirt. Carpets remain clean much longer. After applying the foam, six hours turns into the smallest crystals, which easily removes the vacuum cleaner. Such a composition can be cleaned only cotton, wool, nervous synthetics.


According to customer reviews, this tool is quite efficient, although its price is small (60 rubles). With old fatty pollution, shampoo is unlikely to cope, but simple stains from chocolate, berries, tea or coffee removes excellent.

Luxus Proffessional

A high-quality cleaner, removing fat, dirt, rust, ink, traces from the counter cosmetics. This tool can easily clean even the oldest stains and refresh the color of the carpet.


The tool is made of environmentally friendly components. Cleans carpets and upholstered furniture. The composition is very convenient in use: foam is applied to the surface, and when it turns into crystals, it is cleaned with the mud with a vacuum cleaner.


Very effective means for cleaning carpets and carpets. It will help you get rid of the most difficult spots. Provides perfect purity and has a pleasant smell.


The well-known manufacturer makes both the compositions for manual cleaning and the means for cleaning the carpets washing vacuum cleaner. Perfectly removes fat, juice, coffee and other complex stains. It is not recommended for cleaning silk carpets and handmade products. The means is concentrated, so do not use it for cleaning carpets with unstable color.

This is a very popular brand. And it's not just a powerful advertising. Vanish, according to many owners, is really the best carpet cleaning agent. But, probably, not everyone experienced its effectiveness. That is why we will tell you how to use Vanish to clean carpets.

Clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. Mix one part of the product with nine parts of warm water. The resulting solution to take into a thick foam: it is it used to clean. With the help of a big sponge or brush, apply foam to the entire carpet, or on the part that you plan to clean. Try not to moisturize the surface.

When all the foam is applied, proceed to cleaning. Use the same sponge or brush. If your carpet has malicious stains, a few minutes before cleaning, splash on them some liquid from the cap. Clean carpet with circular motions. When the whole surface is cleaned, leave the carpet to dry for two or three hours. At this time, it is not worth walking on it. The room in which the carpet lies, it is necessary to ventilate. Then spending the surface.

Using any means to clean carpet at home, carefully read the instructions on the package. Do not apply the cleaner on the whole carpet, experience its action on an imperceptible small area.

Folk remedies

Many hostesses are interested in: "How to effectively clean the carpet at home without using ready-made compositions?". It turns out that there are alternative cleaning methods using the simplest ingredients that are in the arsenal of each mistress. First, pointed your attention on what you should not do when cleaning carpets:

  • use hot water;
  • use hard brushes;
  • use whitening means.

Homemade carpet cleaning agents:

  • salt;
  • laundry soap;
  • soda;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • lemon acid;
  • glycerol;
  • petrol;
  • tea brewing;
  • sauerkraut;
  • potatoes.

From the stains it is necessary to get rid of immediately until they penetrated the structure of the fibers and did not dry.

Coffee spots

Get all liquid from the carpet surface. Apply any dishwashing fluid on a stain and vigorously pull the brush. If the stain is old, apply a layer of glycerol on it for the night, and clean the cleaning solution in the morning.


Fresh spot blot with napkin. Make a weak soda solution (in cold water) and sweeten the brush.


Remove a small piece of ice from the freezer, wrap it in a plastic bag. Attach ice to a stain for five minutes. Wax can be removed with ice.

Paraffin and wax are also removed using a hot iron. Cover the stain with a cotton cloth and join it with an iron. Five minutes later, paraffin easily removes from the surface.

Fruit and chocolate

On the grater, soda the economic soap. A teaspoon grated mass Mix with a spoon of apple vinegar. Add this mixture to liter of warm water. Moisten the spot and wipe the dry cloth.


In a liter of water, divert two spoons (tea) liquid soap. Apply this solution on a stain and spend it with a brush. Then prepare a solution from vinegar (1 teaspoon) and liter of water and wipe them stain.

Dry cleaning salt

Tools for cleaning carpets at home can be dry. Quickly and qualitatively clean the carpet will help the usual cook salt. Initially, the carpet is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Then scatter salt to the entire surface of the coating. Pure broom moistened in water. Silt salt from the surface. Periodically, rinse in water and pour clean salt. The procedure is repeated several times, until the salt remains clean. Many hostesses believe that this is the best means for cleaning carpets.

Solution from vinegar, washing powder and soda

Take 70 ml of 9% vinegar, add a spoonful of soda (dining room) to it, as much washing powder for colored linen. Stir the components in a litter of hot water and pour the mixture into the spray gun. Spray the composition over the entire surface of the carpet and spend it with a sponge. Wash the remedy with warm water.


If there are no spots on your carpet, but the dust has accumulated, the snow will come to help in winter time. Find no longer, pure snow. Spread the carpet of the pile down, and then turn over the other side. Plush the surface with a uniform layer and wait a bit while it absorbs dust. Remove the dirty snow by a broom and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Light carpet

For light carpets to care for all. All spots, dirt, inclined them immediately visible. Will it be able to cope with stains on a white carpet listed above the ways? It is quite possible, however, there is a proven effective way that will not leave the trace of the most complex stains.

To do this, you will need conventional wood sawdust and gasoline. It should be noted that these ingredients must be cleaned and there should be no additional impurities in them. One hundred grams of gasoline mix with soap solution (one liter). Lower wood sawdust in this makeup and leave a quarter of an hour so that they are well splashing.

Sure this mixture on the carpet and let it dry. Flush sawdust broom. To clean and refresh the white carpet, you can use the ammonia alcohol. To a liter of warm water, add two teaspoons of the ammonia and stir carefully. A soft cloth moistened in the composition, wipe the surface of the white carpet. Then blot the carpet with napkins.

If your bright carpet sweating, then in the composition described above, add a washing powder without whitening effect - one spoon (dining room) - and the ammonia (teaspoon).

No matter what funds you use are professional ready-made formulations or folk recipes, use gloves while working with them and do not forget about the air ventilation after using chemicals.

Palace is a floor coating that makes the room cozy and helps to keep warm. But dust and particles of dirt often accumulate on the flower surface, which are difficult to remove only with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Such a coating needs careful cleaning, especially if there is a need to eliminate the unpleasant smell or display a spot. How quickly and effectively clean the Palace at home?

Home Methods

The popular Ancient Palace Cleaning Method is knocking it in the snow. But this method is suitable for carpet coverage of a small size, and it can only be used in the winter time. For cleaning, spread the palace on clean snow and sprinkle its surface with snow from above. Leave the product for a few minutes, then remove the snow that absorbed dirt particles, and light dust remnants. The main advantage of this method - the Palace becomes clean, fresh and well-worn.

Clean the Palace can be done with home tools.

Powder. This method is suitable for cleaning the synthetic palace. Low on the surface of the product the usual washing powder and wash it with a wet sponge or brush. At the end of the cleaning, wipe the Palace with a clean cloth, which absorbs moisture well.

Soda. Divide the remedy in warm water (2 tbsp. On 5 liters of water). Apply the resulting solution to the palace with a spray gun and leave for an hour. To remove the residues of soda and dirt spent the surface.

Salt. Space the tanks of salt over the Palace and a few minutes later get the wet broom. This method will effectively clean, refresh the product and make it brighter.

Vinegar. Prepare the detergent solution by connecting 1 tbsp. l. Powder and soda, 60 ml of vinegar and 2 liters of hot water. Spray the Palace mixture and process the product with a brush.

Homework. In plastic containers, connect the salt (1 tbsp. L.), Flour (250 g), grated peptem (1 tbsp. L.), Water and a bit of vinegar. Mix all the components and place the tool in the freezer. After full frost, cut it into small bars and they treat the palace. At the end of the cleaning, remove the crumbs with a vacuum cleaner.

Universal tool. Mix 1 tbsp. l. washing powder and soda, 70 ml of vinegar and warm water. Spray the tool using a spray gun, clean the carpet with a brush, and then pay off.

Household means

It is possible to effectively clear the palace with the help of chemicals that are perfectly coping with different kind of pollution, without damaging the material. To clean the product, prepare a solution, mixing water and domestic remedy in the proportions indicated on the package. Wear a mixture to form a stable lush foam, then apply it evenly to the entire surface of the product and leave for some time. After the foam gets dry, spend the Palace and enjoy it clean.

Elimination of odors

Due to its structure, the Palace is well absorbed by various smells, in particular, the urine of pets or children. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, it is not necessary to carry the product to dry cleaning. Certain with him can be at home using a screwdriver.

Air conditioning for washing linen. Apply a small amount of funds on the product and wrap it well in a pile, especially in places of strong pollution. After drying the air conditioner, the room will be filled with pleasant fragrance and fresh aroma.

Remove the smell from a light palanca will help the chlorine-containing agent, divorced in water. Apply it to the spot of pollution and rinse with a wet sponge. After complete drying, spending the Palace, removing the remains of dirt and chlorine. For color textiles, use Soda, which effectively cleanses and eliminates foreign odors.

It is possible to remove the fragrance of urine with the help of a solution prepared from the manganese (1 pinch), water (1 l) and iodine (20 drops). Well, stir up to the complete dissolution of all ingredients and treat the mixture of the stain from urine. Then rinse it with clean water and blot with a dry cloth or a napkin. Do not use white palace cleaning to avoid staining with manganese or iodine.

Election of stains

You can remove pollution of different origin using household stains that are presented in stores in stores. Use them in accordance with the instructions, but before applying, be sure to test on a small invisible area. Many tools can change product color or spoil its appearance.

Before applying a means to clean the palace, be sure to test it on a low-speed area.

You can cope with the stains of a different nature and with the help of submitted means:

  • To remove traces of wine, rinse the stain with concentrated soap solution, and then wipe the sponge, moistened in the diluted vinegar.
  • Limonic juice, mixed with a small amount of vinegar, will help to bring children's paint and ink.
  • The ammonia alcohol divided in cold water will effectively eliminate traces of coffee or fruit juice.
  • To remove bold spots, sprout up the spot pollution with starch and after a while spending the product. Birch sawdust, impregnated with gasoline can also cope with fat.
  • Wash the blood traces will help cold water and household soap.
  • A mixture of soap solution (200 ml) and gasoline (20 ml) can bring the oily spot. Rinse the pollution and remove the moisture residues with a dry cloth.

It is possible to clean the palace quickly and effectively at home using grandparents methods or means of household chemicals. When complying with simple rules and recommendations, you can independently remove unpleasant odors and stains of different origin.

The carpet is the subject of any interior that creates warmth and comfort in the house. When we acquire a new Palace, he pleases the eye with his motley paints for a long time. But over time, our "fluffy friend" fades, pollutes and loses the past.

How to clean the carpet at home? To understand this issue, it is necessary to figure out what carpeted floors are. After all, the method of cleaning depends on the material of the palace and the characteristics of its manufacture.

Carpeted coatings are made of natural fibers and synthetic. The design of the carpet is chosen according to the interior and tastes of the buyer. Product price fluctuates with a large range. Natural carpets are much more expensive artificial. Also, the pricing policy is influenced by the manufacturer and decorative features of the product.

Carpet classification:

  • Cotton. This product is characterized by soft and long-term operation. Cotton palaces make various shapes in different colors. These natural products are durable and reliable. They are environmentally friendly and do not cause allergies from children.
  • Coating from natural materials: bamboo, jute, algae. These plant materials are sufficiently tough and rude to the touch. Such mats are mostly small steering in the hallway, bathroom.
  • Woolen Palace. This is one of the most expensive types of outdoor coverage. Wool - soft and elastic material. It is able to maintain its original view for a long time, absorbing moisture and preventing an electrostatic discharge. Woolen carpet practically does not absorb dirt, plaque and dust. If we put heavy furniture on the carpet, and then remove, then woolen fibers will quickly restore its original appearance.
  • Leather palace. This is an exotic and expensive type of coating. His main advantage is that the leather carpet is easy to clean. However, if you look, in terms of comfort, this product is unlikely to bring comfort and heat to the house.
  • Nylon coating. These products are quite beautiful, they are manufactured with various decorative patterns. Nylon carpets are very wear-resistant, so their stealth in the intensive movement places.
  • Polyester. This is perhaps the most popular coverage of modern apartments. They are inexpensive, beautiful, soft and have a high pile. Polyester carpets look rich and create comfort in the apartment.
  • Viscose. Such products are luxurious in appearance. They are soft, warm and made in various decorative styles. The price of this carpet is lower than other products from natural fibers.

Depending on the coating material, there are various methods of cleaning.

Professional cleaning of carpets

Where to clean the carpet? Palace can be cleaned in dry cleaning with the help of professional equipment and special means, and it is possible at home through the simplest products.

Professional cleaning removes dirt from the in-depth layers of carpet.

Carpet cleaning equipment

  • extractor - professional vacuum cleaner;
  • steam generator;
  • carpet car;
  • stain remover;
  • hairdryer for Palamena.

Usually the Palace is carried directly into dry cleaning. But what should I do if the Palace is practically impossible to transport, in the case of carpet, on which all the furniture costs? In this case, the dry cleaning is caused to the house.

Methods for cleaning carpets at home

  • dry;
  • extractor;
  • intense;
  • cleaning steam.

The first method is the most gentle without the use of heavy equipment and chemistry. It is used with minor pollution. The procedure is carried out using a vacuum vacuum cleaner and detergent solution. At the same time, dry pair or freezing mode is often used.

Dry cleaning is used for natural materials: silk, wool, delicate upholstery fabrics.

The extractor method is applicable to coatings with an average degree of contamination. In this case, the washing vacuum cleaner, which cleans, and then dries the palace. The method is suitable for synthetic carpets.

Intensive cleaning removes the most resistant stains. This method is carried out using vacuum machines and chemicals. At the same time I treat the whole carpet.

Ferry cleaning is carried out using steam generators. In this case, no chemistry is used. This method of efficiency is inferior to its predecessors, but its main dignity is environmental friendliness.

How to clean the carpet vanishe

There are various chemicals for cleaning carpets that successfully apply at home. Vanish for carpets is considered the most popular tool. His unique formula is able to remove even outdated spots.

The use of vanishes for carpet cleaning:

  1. Make mechanical cleaning of the palace - knock out or spend it. If this is not done, then after cleaning with vanis, there may be divorces on the carpet.
  2. Next, it is necessary to properly prepare the solution. It is at this stage that many make a mistake that leads to negative consequences. The color is highly concentrated, after which the coating looks prevalent; A weak solution poorly displays dirt. Therefore, the vanish is bred with water in proportion (1: 9). The water temperature should not exceed 40 ºС.
  3. The solution is whipped to obtain thick foam - it is it that performs the main function, and not a liquid solution.
  4. With the help of a rigid brush, the solution is applied to the coating and vigorously lose the circular motion. Work must be carried out in gloves.
  5. If you should withdraw only a stain, then the foam is applied locally. If the hostess wants to refresh the palace, then, therefore, the foam solution must be distributed over the entire surface. It should be noted that the Palace before cleaning must be slightly moistened, but do not wet so that there is no shrinkage.
  6. Vanish should remain on the palace at least 2-3 hours. If the carpet is heavily polluted, then the tool is better left overnight, while the room must be airport and not to walk on it.
  7. After cleaning the carpet must be dried. The best option will be, if you take it to the sun.
  8. Dry purified carpet should be allowed to remove the remains of the dry tool.

Vanish for cleaning carpets is suitable for artificial palaces, since natural fibers can fly under the influence of chemical components.

Vanish cannot be used for such fabrics:

  • silk;
  • brocade;
  • suede leather;
  • velvet.

You can also clean the vanish handmade carpets.

Cleaning carpets at home

Over time, our favorite mats lose their primordial look: spots and various contamination appear on them. Dry cleaning is a very expensive pleasure. Do you really buy expensive equipment? Stop! There are alternative cleaning methods with simple ingredients that are in the arsenal of each mistress.

Before proceeding with independent actions, it is necessary to immediately note what you can not do when cleaning carpets at home:

  • use hot water;
  • apply hard brushes for carpet cleaning;
  • clean bleaching means intended for washing clothes.

Want something interesting?

Homemade carpet cleaning:

  • water temperature water;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • ammonia;
  • glycerol;
  • lemon acid;
  • tea brewing;
  • petrol;
  • potatoes;
  • sauerkraut.

Homemade Tools:

  • brush;
  • broom;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • soft natural fabric rags;
  • iron.

So, consider more detail how to clean the carpet from various kinds of spots.

How to get rid of different stains

From the stains should be eliminated immediately until they dried and do not penetrate the structure of the fibers. Depending on what nature of the origin of the spot, there are different methods of their elimination.


  1. Flush from the surface of the whole liquid of the coffee drink.
  2. Apply to the spot for washing the dishes and vigorously rub the brush.
  3. If the stain is outdated, then the glycerol layer should be applied to it, and clean the detergent in the morning.


  1. Freshly blotted with a napkin.
  2. Make a light soda solution and rub the brush to the brush until the spots are completely disappeared.


  1. Take a piece of ice from the freezer and wrap it into a plastic bag.
  2. Attach ice to dry wax for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the ice along with wax.

Wax and paraffin can also be removed by a hot iron. To do this, cover the spot with a cloth and stroke on top of a hot iron. Then after 5 minutes, paraffin is easily separated from the surface.

Fruits and chocolate:

  1. Rub the soap on the grater.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of grated soap and mix with the same amount of apple vinegar.
  3. This mixture add to 1 liter of warm water.
  4. Treat a stain with a solution and rub on top with a dry cloth.


  1. Dilute in 1 liter of water 2 teaspoons of liquid soap.
  2. Apply a solution on a stain and rub it with a brush.
  3. Then prepare acetic solution (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) and wipe the stain.
  4. Dry carpet.

How to clean a light carpet

Carpeted light shades - the greatest problem for any mistress. After all, any stains, lower and dirt will be immediately visible! Are you able to cope with the cleaning of a white carpet all of the above methods? Perhaps, but there is a really proven way that works for all 100%!

You can clean the white carpet at home using conventional wood sawdust and gasoline. It is worth noting that these two main ingredients must be purified and do not contain additional impurities.

Cleaning technology with this recipe looks like this:

  1. Take 100 grams of gasoline and mix it with 1 liter of soap solution.
  2. Throw into a solution wood sawdust and leave for 15 minutes so that they are splashing.
  3. Scatter this mixture on the carpet and give it to dry.
  4. Then, with a dried coating, blending sawdust broom.

To refresh and clean the white carpet of the house, you can use the ammonia alcohol.

Cleaning recipe with ammonic alcohol:

  1. Take 1 liter of water and add 2 teaspoons of the ammonia. Stir.
  2. Take a soft rag, twist it in solution and gently wipe the white surface of the palace.
  3. In conclusion, flush the carpet with napkins.

If the bright carpet is very sweating, then in this solution you can add 1 tablespoon of washing powder. Only the ammonia alcohol in this case is added in the amount of 1 teaspoon.

Cleaning carpet soda: recipe and scheme

To return brightness and color, you should clean the carpet of soda and vinegar with the addition of washing powder.

Cleaning the carpet soda is carried out according to such a scheme:

  1. Take a dining room bowl and pour 150 grams of warm water there.
  2. Add: 1 tablespoon of soda, 70 grams of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of washing powder.
  3. Mix the solution to completely dissolve the components, and then pour into a bottle with a spray gun.
  4. Squint abundantly solution on stains. Leave the solution on the carpet for 10 minutes, and then rub the brush.
  5. Cleaning should be carried out: from the edges to the middle.
  6. After washing, wipe the stain with a damp cloth and blot with a napkin.

There is another wonderful recipe with soda:

  1. Take a container and pour 1 liter of water there.
  2. Pour there 1 tablespoon of soda and 2 teaspoons of citric acid (can be replaced with 3-5 drops of lemon juice).
  3. Dissolve these ingredients, and then the prepared solution to be applied to the palace.
  4. Thoroughly rub the surface with a brush, and then laugh with a dry cloth of excessive moisture.

Sew the carpet is better to take out the sun: on the balcony or to the courtyard.

Folk remedies for carpet cleaning

Recipe using cabbage:

  1. Take 2 kg of cabbage and squeeze it from brine.
  2. Put on the colander Soltena and rinse well under the crane to remove the sour smell.
  3. Scatter cabbage throughout the carpet and leave for 30 minutes. A fried vegetable in an unexpected way "will bete" in itself all dirt.
  4. Sveto cabbage hard broom, collect on clean scoop and rinse again.
  5. Repeat the procedure as many times until the sour cream cabbage becomes clean.
  6. Seeing the rug in the sun.

Sauer cabbage is one of the most original ways to clean the carpet. It is incredible, but the method is very effective! To apply it, it will take cabbage, fed by the traditional way - without adding vinegar.

Recipe cleaning with tea welding:

  1. Take the remaining sediment of tea from the brewber and evenly distribute all over the carpet.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. After taking a hard brush and lose well, and then to dream of tea residues.
  4. Give the Palace dry.

The best folk remedy for carpet cleaning is a tea brew. This is the budgetary tool, because it does not need to be bought, but it is enough to use the remaining tea leaves in the storage. This method helps to clean colored and dark palaces.

Cleaning recipe with raw potatoes:

  1. Take 3 medium-sized potatoes, clean and rub on a small grater.
  2. Pour Cashitz 1 liter of warm water and leave for a couple of hours.
  3. Drain the liquid and apply it evenly on the Palace.
  4. The tight brush is good to lose the entire surface, and then wipe with a damp cloth.

Recipe for dry cleaning carpet with salt:

  1. Scatter kitchen salt to the entire surface of the palace.
  2. Take a clean moistened broom and sleep with a salt from the surface.
  3. The broom periodically needed to rinse in the washing solution, and roll a new one.
  4. The process is repeated several times until the broom becomes clean.
  5. Choose a carpet so that the particles of salt are poured.

Quickly clean the carpet at home will help salt. But to start this method, it is necessary to clean the carpet from mechanical contaminants using a vacuum cleaner.

To the carpet served longer:

  • Indoors should not be raw. From excessive humidity on the carpet there are holes.
  • Monitor your pets: Highlight a special tray for the toilet. Watering animals can very deeply penetrate the Palace fibers and remind of themselves not only the spot, but also an unpleasant smell.
  • Once a week vacuuming coating.
  • Once a year do deep cleaning.
  • In winter it is useful to pull out your favorite rug in the snow. This process will not only clean the Palace, but also refreshes the frosty cool of the whole apartment.
  • The stain that appears should be displayed immediately until it has eaten deep into the fibers.
  • White carpets are best used as decor. Small light mats should be kept where it will go to it.

If a small child is in the house, then use chemicals to clean the carpet extremely undesirable.

In this case, the cleaning of carpet coatings can be easily accomplished at home with simple primary means. Soda, vinegar and salt - the best "helpers" in this!

Unfortunately, Palace is the main dust collector in the apartment. In places of active use on the surface of the product, stains appear on the surface, and the original brightness of the paint is lost. Fortunately, if you know how to clean the Palace at home, you can solve the listed problems.

From ancient times, people use carpeted products to give the interior of beauty, comfort and heat. And how nice to walk through the house barefoot, if the gentle palace is lying on the floor. In the case of multi-storey buildings, such products additionally absorb foreign sounds.

People who have little free time give preference to dry cleaning. Less busy housewives clean the carpet or palace independently using purchasing chemistry or folk remedies. All options have the right to life, so I will consider them in detail.

Folk ways to clean the palace from dirt and smell

To return the Palace the primordial look quickly, it is not necessary to buy expensive chemistry. Folk remedies effectively cope with mud, spots and other pollution no worse.

  • Salt . Swipe carpet. Moisten the surface of the palace from the spray and sprinkle with a large salt. Wait a bit, then remove the absorbent dirt salt by a broom and re-spell. Thanks to this method, the product will become fresh and clean.
  • Soda . The tool cleans the lighted places and refreshes the color. Dissolve 5 tablespoons of soda in a liter of warm water. Fill the resulting bottle with a spray with a pulverizer and evenly spray the mixture above the surface of the palace. Wait 2 hours, after a vacuum cleaner. With dry cleaning, sprinkled with soda contaminated sections and spend in 40 minutes.
  • Sauerkraut . The old technique involves the use of cabbage cleaning, sauchane without adding vinegar. Rinse cabbage to water, press and spread the leaves along the Palace. Using the brush, turn the cabbage vigorously. Remove the spent leaves spent from dirt, spend the Palace and send it to the drying.
  • Universal cleaner . In a small container, mix on the tablespoon of washing powder and soda, add a bit of vinegar. In the resulting mixture, pour some hot water and mix. Using a sponge, treat the Palace mixture, after rinse with water.

Video instructions

In addition to high efficiency and accessibility, folk remedies have another advantage. We are talking about safety for products from natural materials.

Purchase and chemistry

Palace cleaning at home is a painstaking lesson. And if one vacuum cleaner is enough for preventive cleaning, to combat strong pollution and smell need helpers. We have already considered effective folk methods, we will now talk about the goods offered by the Chemical Industry. What means do you cope with the task?

  1. Shampoo "5+" . The detergent composition smells, it easily copes with most contaminants and is available at a price. To combat minor contaminations, a foam solution is used, prepared by diluting chemistry with water. In the case of solar stains are used in concentrated form.
  2. Shampoo "Vanish". With proper use, Vanish removes dirt and smell, updates the paints. A little shampoo is added to the water basin, stirred and treated with a foamed solution. If we talk about disadvantages, there are several of them - high cost, sharp smell and low efficiency in the case of solar stains.
  3. CleaningHelp.» . The cleaner is sold in a bottle equipped with a spray gun. Help is applied to a polluted place and triturated with a damp cloth. According to the reviews of the hosts, the cleaner has proven himself well in the fight against severe pollution.
  4. "VOX drop".Suitable for cleaning upholstered furniture and all types of carpeting. Economical cleaner forms a thick foam is applied to the surface of the palace. When the remedy is dry, carefully vacuuming.

Video advice

Council.Before using the purchase of chemistry, be sure to learn the instructions and test the remedy on the unobtrusive portion of the palace. Conduct the procedure in rubber gloves to protect your hands from the chemical burn. After cleaning, carry out the room.

How to clean the palace without removing from the floor

It is not always possible to remove the carpet coating to spend high-quality cleaning. But this is optional. It is more important to choose the optimal method of cleaning, because to combat dust, mud or odor there will be different ways. Consider each case separately.

  1. Dust . In order for the cleaning of the palace from dust to be the most fast and efficient, sprout the surface of the carpeted salt. Wait a few minutes, then collect a vacuum cleaner or wet broom.
  2. Ingrained dirt . Purchase chemistry will come to eliminate the solar pollution. If there are no industrial cleaners, the weeding tea brew will help. Slow out tea leaves over the surface of the palanca, wait 30 minutes, then collect a vacuum cleaner. This method is ideal for dark carpets.
  3. Nasty smell . If there are small children in the house, cats, dogs, or other pets, with time, the Palace begins to smell unpleasantly. To refresh it, use air conditioning for linen. Apply a means to the Palace on both sides and leave for several hours by opening the window in the room.
  4. Restoration of colors . Over the years, the brightness of the carpet fuses. To return the primordial look, mix the salt and lemon juice in equal amounts, apply a brush on the palace and wash the wet sponge.

Now you made sure that the Palace is optional to remove for cleaning. If you take into account the tops outlined above, the execution of the Palace is in order not to cause difficulties.

How to clean carpets and palaces in dry cleaning

Carpeted coating is an integral element of the dwelling. It makes the interior warm and cozy. And that the type of carpet or Palace always pleased the eye and left pleasant emotions, the product is recommended to be cleaned periodically.

Some hostesses solve the cleaning task alone. Others due to the lack of free time or in the case of expensive products are treated for help in specialized institutions. At the same time, only units know how to clean carpets in a dry cleaning. About this and tell.

There are several types of chemical cleaning of carpets.

  1. Dry method . The basis is the use of a powerful vertical vacuum cleaner. The device is equipped with a device that lifts a pile and easily removes dust and dirt from hard-to-reach points. In the case of strong contaminants, a liquid cleaning agent is applied to the carpet coating, after which they are treated with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Steam cleaning . Indispensable when dealing with solar stains and bad smell. During procedure, detergents are not used, which makes this type of cleaning favorable for people suffering from allergies to chemicals.
  3. Foam cleaning . Cleaning using a foam solution is carried out on special equipment. It is incredibly effective in the fight against various contaminants and spots from drinks. The only drawback is the need for a high-quality drying of a carpet or a palace.
  4. Delicate cleaning . The technology of combating pollution is based on the use of funds characterized by neutral acidity. Maximum safe for the product.

When the Palace comes into the dry cleaning, the wizard meets the "patient", determines the degree of pollution and selects the technique that will provide the best result. Naturally, this way is cheap, this method cannot be called, but the financial costs are fully justified, because dry-cleaner has a lot of advantages.