Analysis on the development of the speech of the average group. Analysis of speech development in the middle group "My family. Preparation for daily sleep

Tatyana Nikolaevna Luta
Analysis open class

There are two types open class. The first is self-analysis of the educators. The second view is analysis of those present.

If this open occupationwhere educators were present from other groups, teachers, then proceed from the purpose of this classes.

For each goal there is a viewing algorithm. Exchange thoughts during analysis of viewed class the excellent opportunity to increase professional skills, not only who his conductedBut, and those present. Very important analyze the lesson. To do this, we offer an oriented algorithm analysis of occupation during open viewing.

Step 1. Assess the readiness of children to lesson

First, you should pay attention to how the teacher explained to children the presence of foreign ones on classesfurther - on the motivation of follow-up work.

Step 2. Analyze classes of delivered goal

Necessary analyze Compliance of actual content classes(The volume of the material proposed by children, its nature, the use of games and exercises) of the goal.

Step 3. Determine the effectiveness of the organization of children on classes

In accordance with the purpose of classes It is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the organization of children on nem.:

Choosing methods and teaching methods from the point of view of attitment to realize the goal classes;

The effectiveness of the methods of stimulating the cognitive activity of children;

Optimality of the tempo of the tutor and the pace of children's work;

Ways to attract the concentration of attention of children;

Use of techniques that prevent fatigue;

The formation level of organizational skills and skills.

Step 4. We analyze the course of classes

Very important analyze the proposed move(sequence) Work on classes, exactly relevance:

Time distribution for different activities;

Shim different species Activities, both in content and in the form of perception.

Step 5. We appreciate the structure classes

Necessary analyze Compliance with the selected structure classes regarding the goal, as well as the motivation and sequence of each stage classes, logical connection between them. Motivated microclimate should be estimated classes.

Step 6. Determine the style of communication of the educator leading occupation

One of the signs of success classes It is the style of communication of the teacher with children. Therefore, it is very important determine:

Tutorial communication style with children leading occupation;

General emotional communication atmosphere;

The correctness and regulation of the speech of the educator;

Takes to stimulate children to interact.

Step 7. Analyze Used techniques for the formation of estimated control actions

Systematic learning children preschool age The estimated control actions makes it possible to develop the right speech to develop the prerequisites for school. Therefore, it is important analyze:

Whether the teacher of children is stimulated to control and evaluate speech activities;

Creates multiplestrol situations.

Step 8. We carry out the overall estimation classes

Finally, it is necessary to summarize the previous conclusions and evaluate classes.

The path to the high mastery of teachers is long and even thorny. Success depends on many factors. First, from their complex psychological and pedagogical training. No less important is the acquisition of a practical professional whatever, the enrichment of which is indicative open classes including.

And the help of a senior teacher in mastering machinery and technology analyzing and visiting the activities of their colleagues, is the key to the improvement of teachers of its own skill to self-analysis.

Analysis of classes during open viewing

Step 1 Assess the readiness of children to lesson

Step 2. Analyze Compliance of actual content classes of delivered goal

Step 3 Determine the effectiveness of the organization of children on classes

Step 4. Analyze The need for proposed stroke classes

Step 5 Evaluate the structure classes and serve a qualitative characteristic of its individual elements

Step 6 Determine the style of communication of the teacher on classes

Step 7. Analyze Used techniques for the formation of estimated control actions

Step 8 We carry out the overall estimation classes

Publications on the topic:

Analysis of group classes "Sounds [Sh] - [F]" Analysis group classesconducted by a student .... in preparatory group kindergarten number "" An occupation conducted by a student ....

Analysis of the Final Speech Development Claim in the second youngest group Analysis of the Final Speech Development Claim in the second junior group 1. The topic of classes: "How bunny is looking for his fairy tale." 2. Educator:.

Analysis of open classes for grade 2 "From all earthly miracles to me Mile Russian Forest" Analysis of open classes for grade 2. The topic of classes "Iso of all earthly miracles to me Mile Russian Forest." Objectives: Formation of a responsible relationship.

Analysis of the open classes of NOD on the FMP in the middle group "To search for treas" In my work, I always sought to deliver the pleasure of mathematics to the children, and this helps me the program "Classes for the formation of elementary.

Analysis of speech development classes in the preparatory group "Sounds, letters and words" Age group: Preparatory to school Group-subgroup of children (8 people) Objective: Improve the ability to distinguish between rumor and in pronunciation.

Objectives: Educational: 1. Replenishment of gaps in the development of sound side of speech: the development of phonderatic processes; Formation of analysis skills.

Speech development medium group "Autumn Vintage"

Software content:

  • Teach children to compare vegetables and fruits and describe them according to the scheme.
  • Develop thinking I. small motor Hands.
  • Teach to guess riddles, clarify the qualitative signs of vegetables and fruits, coordinate definitions and nouns.
  • Relieve the ability to maintain a conversation, express positive emotions when guessing mysteries.


  • muzzi vegetables and fruits;
  • basket;
  • 2 plates of different colors;
  • split pictures;
  • scheme to compile a descriptive story.

Structure occupation

1. Children enter the group, they are met by an educator in the autumn costume.

Hello guys!

I am autumn, you came to visit.

Gifts brought you!

Children go in a circle slowly, holding hands, and say:

Hello, autumn!

Hello, autumn!

Good thing you came.

You, in autumn, ask,

What did brought as a gift?

Fall : I brought you flour!

Children : So, there will be pies!

Fall : Brought you buckwheat!

Children : Porridge will be in the stove!

Fall : Brought you vegetables!

Children : And for porridge, and for the other!

Fall : Are you glad to pears?

Children : We are their incrursted!

Fall : And apples that honey!

Children : On jam, on compote!

Fall : I brought honey!

Children: Full deck?

Children go to the other side in a circle and say:

You and apples, you and honey,

You and bread grazing,

And good weather

Did you bring us a gift?

Fall : Are you happy to rain?

Children : Do not want, do not!

2. Guessing mysteries.

Fall : I have gifts in the basket for you. If you want to know that you brought you as a gift, then you must guess my riddles.

(children sit on chairs)

Round, orange, sunny, sweet. Grows on a tree (orange).

Oblong, red, juicy, tasty. Grows in a garden (pepper).

Blue, sweet, soft, oval, smooth, ripe. Grows on a tree (plum).

Oblong, tasty, yellow, sweet, soft. Grows on a tree (pear).

White, round, juicy, large, crisp. Grows on the garden (cabbage).

Round, big, tasty, red, soft. Grows on a garden (tomato).

Oblong, rough, long, green, solid. Grows on the garden (cucumber).

Round, ruddy, juicy, smooth, bulk. Grows on a tree (apple).

(Children call vegetables and fruits, and autumn gets out of the basket of a gifted thing and puts it on the table).

3. Fizkultminutka "Apple" (performed under the music)

4. Game exercise "Where to put?"

Autumn: Guys, look, we have vegetables and fruits on the table.

Help me please divide vegetables and fruits. We will add vegetables on a plate of red, and fruits - on a plate of blue color. The child is as desired to the table, takes the subject and calls it, for example: "Tomato is a vegetable" and puts it on a red plate. (If someone of children is difficult with the answer, the teacher asks leading questions "Do you have a vegetable or fruit?", "What color to the plate should be put on a fruit?".)

5. Game "Cutting pictures"

Autumn: And now I want to give you pictures (approach the tables).

Oh, guys, look, all the pictures scattered into parts. Let's collect each picture to be a whole.

Children fold a picture, the educator gives the task to call the color and shape of the object, for example: "This is an orange. It is round and orange. " Description of items occurs based on the scheme.

6. Analysis of classes.

Autumn: Do you like the lesson? What are we talking about today?

Guys, with you fun to play,

Sing songs and dance

But it's time for me.

Following in the fall of winter

In the door to us knocks

I will again in a year

With you have fun!



Analysis of speech development classes in the medium group

In the lesson, the educator used tasks available to understanding and execution. Tasks for execution there was a sufficient amount.

In software content there are educational (comparison of vegetables and fruits according to the scheme, guessing mysteries, coordination of the definition and nouns), developing (thinking and small motility of hands) and educational (ability to maintain a conversation, express emotions) tasks.

Tasks meet the requirements of the "Programs" are available in the decision.

In the work on the development of speech, such tasks as the development of a dictionary was stood grammatical building speech, familiarization with artistic literature.

To perform the tasks, the gaming, visual, verbal, practical methods were used.

At the beginning of the classes was a gaming reception. The main part of the construction and a variety of techniques (gaming, didactic game, guessing riddles) was traced in the main part.

Children at the lesson performed tasks willingly, with interest. The task is delivered by the tutor.

Lyudmila Kovalevskaya
Analysis of speech development in the middle group "My Family"

Subject: My a family

purpose: Clarification of ideas about family and related relationships.


1. Rail in children the desire to take care of loved ones, develop feeling pride for their seven.

2. Develop a dialogic Prepared conversation

3. Expand the idea of familyAs about people who live together, love each other, take care of each other

4. Intensify the dictionary on the topic « A family»

5. Secure the ability to form nouns with diminishing suffixes

6. Enrich and activate the vocabulary of adjectives

7. Improve development common and finger motor

Receive speech games didactic games

Method - conversation, gaming element

Funds Training - Cutting pictures, table on mnemotechnics « A family» , "How do we help at home", distribution material (sun and tuchf, microphone, heart, painting, color pencils, children's song audio "My a family»

Abstract of this classes It was compiled in accordance with the goals.

On this classes A surprise moment was applied - the parish of a dinner. Before children, a goal was put - I am minted, tell about family and related relationships. This goal was achieved during the execution of children. speech exercise, didactic games, guessing mysteries, imitation games, expressing their emotional state in the picture.

Techniques intensifying independent thinking of children were such: Reflections of children on the topic what is a family, tell me good words about loved ones, evaluated actions, rightly distributed duties in family, called gentle members families, guess the riddles.

The mental activity of children was at a high level. The task of activating the child's dictionary on the topic « A family» , development of dialogic speech was solved successfully by all children during the execution speech games, conversations and didactic games. Fastening the ability to form nouns with dimensional suffixes occurred during the game with a heart "Name gentle".

During the game with a box "Say the best words about dad and mom" The children intensified the vocabulary of the adjectives.

Circling "Collect a portrait" And exercise "Draw a smile" allowed to improve development General and finger motor skills, to integrate the areas of the artistic and aesthetic direction (from and music).

On the classes Distribution material was used (Flip pictures, tucca and sun, pencils and coloring). Materials were used as a demonstration material project activities, in particular the project "My dad is the best" and others, as well as a table on mnemotechnics on the topic "My a family» and "How do we help at home".

Selection gaming situations was carried out with a support for pre-working with children (organization of observations, conversations, reading fiction, viewing illustrations, organization « homework» With the attraction of parents, the life experience of children.

The motor activity of the children was provided with a change of children during classes, rational selection of dynamic children, was carried out by physical attack, her finger gymnastics.

Duration classes corresponded to sanitary and hygienic standards. Before occupation The room was carried out.

During classes used various forms Organizations children: Collective, individual and paired. Such forms of organization of work of children are justified by the fact that each child must be active, participate in the dialogue, develop The ability to interact, increase self-confidence.

During classes Individual work with each child was held, all the children were involved in a conversation, games, everyone was given the opportunity to speak.

An assessment was made on classes - Children explained not to do not know what a familyhow close people behave in family. In the process classes Children retained interest, activity and attention, in group There was a comfortable environment, children had a positive attitude towards all participants groups. Goal classes achieved.

Publications on the topic:

She spent: Elder-educator MBDOU №4 "Swallow" of Armenian Fomina S. N. Group 2 Junior No. 3, age of children 3-4 years old, teacher Prikhodko.

The abstract of open lesson on the development of speech "My family" in the second youngest group The abstract of the open classes "My family" in the second youngest group. Purpose: Continue to form the submission of children about the family, its members. Tasks:.

A summary of the study of the development of speech "My family" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten №71 "Ogonos" A summary of the development of the speech "My family" was made up.

An abstract of classes to familiarize themselves with the world and development of speech in the older group "My Family" An open lesson for familiarizing the world and the development of speech in the preparatory group on the topic: "My family" goals: 1. Fasten.

Abstract Claim on the development of speech "My favorite family" Occupation in the second youngest group №6 "Firefly" on the topic: "My favorite family" - acel: continue to form a presentation of children second.

A summary of speech development in the early age group "My family" Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Children's Garden" Parus "Uren of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Acquaintance with the pre-school educational institution, the system of organizing the educational process.

During the conversation with the educator of the GKPD (a group of short-term children's stay), found out the following information about preschool institution: This institution is a budget pre-school educational institution located on the basis of Bow "Sarajevskaya Main Communication School";

Tasks DOU for 2013-2014

1) Protect and strengthen the life and health of children.

2) introduction to the work of the DOP federal state general education standards and the basic general education program DOU.

Mode work DOU from 8:30 to 14:30. (Sleeping)


"From birth to school" MA Vasilyeva,

"Color palms" I.A. Lykova.

Additional paid educational services are not implemented.

Pedagogical workers on a staffing schedule.

Senior Educator 1 (1 bet)

Educator 1 (0.5 bets)

Studying direct planning educational activities (Node) in Dow.

"Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" N.M. Patrakov

In the Vologda region in Veliki Ustyug


Budget educational institution Sarajevskaya Main secondary school.

Vologda region, Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky district, p. Sarajevo

Training Plan for 2013 - 2014.

Miscellaneous group (senior, preparatory)

Type of occupation older Preparatory
Number of classes per week Number of lessons per year Number of classes per week Number of lessons per year
Familiarization with the world and nature
Development of speech and training for literacy
Familiarization with fiction
Development of elementary mathematical representations
Fine activity: painting lepak applique A week a week later
Constructing manual labor
Physical education
Theatrical activity

Methods and techniques used in the development of children's speech:

· Consultations for parents about the speech development of children of preschool age.

· Literary didactic games for the development of all components of speech development

· Decoration of the album "Fingering gymnastics2 for various sounds.

· Using speech material (riddles, patterings, cleanrs)

· Node in the area speech Development. (The number of classes is indicated in the table)

Observation of speech development activities in the middle, senior or preparatory groups. Abstracts of observed classes and their analysis.

Software content:

1. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities:

Consolidate the rules of the behavior of children in the forest; -

Clarify the knowledge of children about the life of wild animals in the forest;

2. Tasks for the development of connected speech:

Improve dialogic and monologue, consistently telling, draw up short story in the picture;

Develop phondatic hearing;

Determine the place of sound in the word;

Divide words to syllables;

Learn to make proposals;

Forging single words.

3. Develop creativity in children, create benevolence when referring to each other.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories and poems about birds, about wild animals;

View illustrations;

Compilation of crosswords.

Travel course.

Guys, we will go today on an excursion, and where, you guess yourself, if you carefully listen to music, you will understand. .

That's right in the forest. We go to the forest glade, sit on the penets, close your eyes and listen, how the birds sing, how the mosquitoes are ringing and flying butterflies from a flower on a flower.

1. - Tell me guys how to behave in the forest?

(rules of behavior in the forest)

Quiet to keep the birds and hear their singing.

And what can not be done in the forest? What is forbidden to do there?

A) - You can not tear large bouquets of colors, usually snowdrops and lilies, they are becoming less and less.

B) - it is impossible to break the branches of trees, young trees, they will fall asleep.

C) - you can not ruin the bird nests.

D) - you can't burn fires in the forest.

2. - Correct, guys, but today we came not just in the forest, and on the forest clearing, where there is a forest school for animals, here the smart hedgehog comes up with various tasks for animals, teaches their literacy.

But today at the beasts a change, they ran away in their minks to eat.

Let's see what kind of task they performed what they were talking about, we learn if I solve the crossword.

A) Crossword "Spring" - children read.

Well done! Birds sing about spring, the beasts speak of spring.

Tell me, what mood appears in your spring forest?

(fun, joyful, festive)

B) reading poems about the spring "in the April Forest", "Spring Song".

3. The word "Spring".

Name the first and last sound in the word.

How many syllables in the word "spring"?

Didactic game "Add a word".

The game "Live Word".

(Leaves appear in spring).

Forward related words from the word "Spring".

(Spring, Western, Freckles)

Forward related words from the word "forest".

(Forest, Lesovik, Forester)

Chain from words.

The game "On the contrary".

4. Winter birds and migratory birds.

What are the birds that we have to winter?

And who are flying south? What do migratory birds eat?


Put on the upper shelf - winter birds, and on the bottom - migratory birds and tell us how to take care of the birds.


With one sorcery - one fruit,

And forty forty - forty marker.

Blood wind, trees were injected:

The wind blows to us in the face

The village was hardened.

Wind quieter, quieter, quieter,

The village is higher above.

Tell me how birds behave, after returning to their native places?

And now let's get quietly walking through the forest: many colors are growing in the glade, you can break only one flower, but so that they do not start, you need to put them in vases, we will make bouquets of their colors of different colors. In a vase, on which the lily of the valley is drawn, there must be flowers of this color, in the title of which there is a sound "l". In a vase on which chamomile is drawn, there must be flowers of this color and shades, in the title of which there is sound "P".

  • What do you think guys who live in this corner of the forest? (owner of the forest)
  • And what do you know about the life of bears in the forest?
  • How are bears getting ready for winter?
  • When a little bear is called by Medvedits?
  • How do bears and little bears behave, when wake up and go out of their burgolds?
  • What do bears eat in the forest?
  • How does the bear teaching his cubs to extract food?

And now let's go back to the forest cleaner, in a forest school.

Often, merry men come to visit the visits, they help the hedgehog to make crosswords, read their favorite book. And as it is called, we will help to guess the "ABC" pictures.

(Children call the first sound in the word and lay out the word.)

That's right - alphabet. Beasts are very love to listen to stories from the book, but when it starts rain, they run in their minks, and there are no funny little men to hide, let's build a house.

As you can call it differently so that the sound "P" in the word.

(Terem, Palace)

Walls, windows are ready, it is necessary only to draw parts of the house, in the title of which there is sound "P".

What parts of the house have in their title sound "r"?

(Roof, threshold, pipe, door, door handle, porch, attic, attic window)

What material will our house be built from?

(from wood, brick)

What color to paint the house?

(Gray, Red, Pink, Brown, Orange)

What furniture and other items are necessary for the life of merry men could be inside the house?

(Survant, Bed, Chair, TV, Radio, Picture, Looser)

What trees do we draw near the house?

(Rowan, Birch. Oshness, Currant, Gooseberry)

What flowers will we put near the house?

(Roses, chamomile, asters, nasturtium)

5. And now let's help cheerful little men to spare at home:

In the room on the first floor there will be funny men, whose names consist of 3-parts, in the room on the 2nd floor there will be those in whose names 4 syllables.

And now it's time for us to return home, let's say goodbye to the funny little men and with the spring forest.

Analysis of the observed classes.

Objectives and tasks of this classes correspond to software content. The occupancy of the classes corresponds to the age of children and the individual characteristics of the group (mixed group). During the classroom, the teacher used various techniques: musical design, conversation, patterings, crossord, questions. Pre-work was carried out. Children at the lesson were active, with pleasure answered questions, complemented the teacher at the beginning of the classes on the topic "Rules of behavior in the forest", previously learned material.

The teacher gave clear target settings, used a differentiated campaign in the introduction of this node. Also, throughout the occupation, the teacher relied on the previously obtained knowledge of children, their experience. The subject of classes is selected with the time of year. The occupation was successful, children during the Node were active, benevolent. Objectives and tasks Pedagogue performed.

The compaction of the combined classes in mathematics and the development of speech in the senior and preparatory group "Journey to fairy tales"

Purpose: Account within 10. Acquaintance with the sequence numerical "first", "last". Having children to navigate in space according to the scheme. Find out how children remember the fairy tale title of heroes. Improve the expressiveness of children's speech: develop memory, creative imagination.

Travel course.

Guys, enter the mysterious forest, he is full of fairy tales and miracles. (Children are searched on Penets, (on the chairs attached pictures of the penets) in advance.)

Today your favorite fairy tales will come to visit us.

Children, how about the song talk? (Flood song.)

And how about fairy tale they say (Factory folding.)

And how they say (call) about the one who tells the fairy tales? (Storyteller.)

Today we will talk about fairy tales, and I will have a fairy talent.

Children look at the picture (on Molbert, who recognized this fairy tale? (Tale "Repka".)

Who pulls out repka? How many of them are all? (Children's responses.)

If the cat will run away behind the mouse, who will remain? How many of them? (Children's responses.)

If the bug will run for a cat, who will pull the repkah? How many of them?

Grandfather, mouse-last. If the grandfather leaves, the mouse will run away who will be the first (grandma.) Who will be the last? (Cat.)

If the cat runs behind the mouse, and the bug behind the cat, who will be the last? (Granddaughter.) How long will it remain? (Three.)

Who is the highest? (Grandfather.) Who is the lowest? (Mouse.)

And what's in the picture yellow color? (Repka.)

Well done! Look, who came to visit us? (On the easel of the hare, folded from the geometric figures.) And from what fairy tale is it? (Children's responses.)

Tell me, what was the hare from the fairy tale "Hare Misch." (Busthan.) Let's remember how he boasted? (I do not have a mustache, but more, not my paws, and the lamps, not the teeth, but to the teeth. I'm not afraid of anyone)

Look at the hare and say from which geometric pieces torso (oval.) Head (circle.) Feet hare (triangles.)

Bunny is a pet or wild beast (children's responses.)

Let's show how the bunny jumps (easy, on the socks is not heard.)

Guys while you jump, our bunny hid in the forest. He painted track paths, only one of them will lead you to the bunny. (Rent pictures with forest and confused paths.)

Who first found a bunny?

Guys, look, and here we have piglets? How many of them (three.) What kind of tales are they from? (Three pigs.) What is their name? (NAF-NAF, NUF-NUF, NIF-NIF.)

Where did the piglets live? (Answers of children.) And from what built their houses of piglets? (Children's responses.)

He knew the wolf that piglets live in this forest. And I decided to eat them. -Sasha, take a pointer and show what track went gray wolf? What house did he come to? Who lives here (Nif-Niff. He was frightened and ran to his brother Nuf-Nufu. The wolf broke the house of Nif Nif, saw that there was no one there, but there were three sticks, got angry, took these sticks and went on the road to Nouff Nufu.)

Dasha, show, on what road a wolf went? What house did he get to? Who lives here? (Children's responses.)

And at this time, nif-nif and the NUF-NUF ran to Naph Nafa and hid in a brick house. The wolf broke the house of Nuf-Nufa, saw that there was nothing there but two sticks, it was even more angry, took these sticks and went to the Naf-Nafa house.

Kohl, show, on what path did the wolf go? What house did he get to? What a house is built (children's responses)

When the wolf saw that Naf-Naf's house was not broken, then the wolf was crying from his insult. I saw that one stick was lying near the house, took her and hungry left the forest.

How many sticks are covered with a wolf (children's responses.)

Well done, listened carefully.

And now let's play in the fairy tale "Teremok". Who first found teremok? Who last settled in Teremka? Who was the third? How many animals lived in Teremka (children's answers.)

And now let's show how the animals fled out of the teremka. (To wear the kids hats-masks of animals. Each beast runs in his own way: a mouse seed with my paws, a frog jumps, a bunny jumps and so on.)

Children, what do you think, who composes fairy tales for us? And how do you think it is easy to write a fairy tale or not (the answers of children.)

Tell me how all the fairy tales begin? (Lived once.)

Let's try to come up with fairy tales. (Children tell their fairy tales. Praise. Fairy tales were recorded as an educator and posted on a blackboard for parents.)

And now the fairy tales ran out. Let's say the ending of many fairy tales: "That's the fairy tale, and who listened to the well done!

Analysis of classes.

The occupation corresponds to the age of children, the individual characteristics of the group (mixed group). The teacher used the combined type of classes for children, this was shown to activate mathematical knowledge from the preparatory group, as well as the formation and activation of the dictionary in children of both ages. The teacher used various methods and techniques: relied during the exercise on the knowledge of children, their experience, visual material was present (pictures from fairy tales), geometric figures. In the course of the occupation, the children were all involved in the process. Differentiated approach was used. Throughout the occupation, the children were active. Goals and tasks were a teacher made. The occupation passed efficiently.

Planning, organizing and conducting a speech development in the middle, in senior and preparatory groups. Carrying out the diagnosis of speech development in all groups. The self-analysis of classes in accordance with age and individual characteristics of the group.

Abstract Speech Development Claim senior group

on the topic: "food"

Software content. Give knowledge of foods: about salads, about first dishes, second dishes, drinks, cutlery devices.

Intensify the dictionary with the words: soup, borsch, ear, garnish, vegetable stew, cocktail, linked, chop.

Exercise in the formation of attractive nouns adjectives. Learn to form a multiple pelvic case. Activate the verb vocabulary. Exercise in the selection of synonyms for the word: ruby \u200b\u200b(cut).

Learning to make a story according to the scheme. Develop logical thinking, aesthetic feelings.

Educational task. The ability to work in the team, awaken interest in making food. Secure the skills to set the table correctly.

Methods and techniques. Explanation, questions, promotion, instructions, additions, joint actions, didactic games, viewing.

Material. Vegetables, "Vegetables" cards, cutlery and dishes, drawn soup, fruit dining, waffle cakes, condensed milk.

Structure occupation.

Tell me who is so tasty

Prepares cabbage soup

Pahoe cutlets,

Salads, winegirls,

All breakfasts, lunches? (cook)

Today we will enroll in the role of a cook. And for this, we need to put ourselves in order. You need to roll the sleeves. Why do we do it? (In order to not be wrapped with clothes so that the sleeves do not interfere with when working). Now we wear apron. Who will say for what? (so as not to be wrapped with clothes) and still on your head you need to wear a golk or cap. What do you think, why do we wear a headdress? (so that your hair does not interfere so that the hair does not get into the food).

We are dressed, let's go and sit down in our place.

Once the hostess from the bazaar came,

The hostess from the bazaar home brought:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrot, peas,

Parsley and cooler! Oh!

What do you think she was going to cook from these vegetables? And we will prepare a salad.

What salad get out of the cabbage? (cabbage), from carrots? From beet?

And what is the favorite salad from Sasha? (Ask for several children). What other salads do you know?

We will prepare a cabbage salad (prepare the salad from pre-chopped vegetables: cabbage, carrots, onions, greenery, fill with oil, salt).

Take a cabbage, what should I do with it? (chop, nourish), carrots .... (grate), onions ... (cut, chopping), chop the greenery, take salt and ... (Solim), pour sunflower oilMix.

At lunch we will definitely try it.

What does it relate to first dishes? (soup)

What soups do you know?

And what is Dasha's favorite soup? (Ask 2-3 child).

Guess the riddles:

Red nose in the ground

And green tail outside

We do not need a green tail

We need only a red nose. (carrot)

How to put one hundred clothes

Worst on the teeth. (cabbage)

Before we ate it,

Everyone has managed to do. (onion)

And green and dense

A bush grew on the garden.

Run a little

Under the bush ... (potato)

From above green, below red.

In the ground, it has gross. (beet)

We welcome with you borsch (Pictures are folded into a saucepan or laid out on the table).

Pour water, my and chop meat, cappist - (shining), coat, carrots - three on a grater, potatoes - clean and cut. Solim, try, prevent and cook for a long time (accompanied by the movements of the hands).

And now let's get a table serving to dinner. Ulyana, put a plate on the napkin (on the other table there are many different cutlery, dishes. The child should choose the desired one). What kind of plate set Ulyana? (deep).

What spread soup? (Galler). What do soup eating? (big spoon). (meet the complete proposal).

Kostya put a spoon on the table. Why did you put on the right?

Valya, tell me what dishes are bottled and what soup eat? (soup eating a large spoon made of deep plates).

Let's talk about second dishes. Second dishes are meat and fish, served with a side dish. The garnish is an additive for meat dishes, prepares from cereals, pasta, vegetables.

What meat dishes do you know? (Goulash, Cutlets, chicken, sausage)

Fish dishes? (stew and fried fish, souffle and cutlets)

You have cereals on your tables. What porridge will cook Darin? (pea)

What do you have, Artem? (Fig) And how did you find out? (white, oval form). Raise the rice camp. What porridge is preparing from it? (rice, and still from rice you can cook pilaf).

What is Vasi? How did you know? Show. What porridge is preparing from it? etc.

It remains to talk about drinks. What drinks do you know? What do you give in children's garden?

What is compote or kissel cook from? (fruit, berries).

Aylan Budeugest
Analysis of speech development classes in the preparatory group "Sounds, letters and words"

Age group: preparatory to school Group - subgroup of children(8 people)

purpose: Improve the ability to distinguish between hearing and in pronunciation sounds of the native language.


Educational: Form a phonderatic hearing, the ability to determine sound in Word

and relate it to letter; Exercise in finding a sample of nouns with suffixes.

Outlooking: Develop speech and imagination; development of speech hearing.

Educational: To educate friendly relationships between children, upbringing speech communication culture

Material and equipment: Dry pool with red, blue balls, cubes with letters, subject images, medium-sized ball, cargo machine, markers, white paper sheets for each child, TSO projector, music center.

Preliminary work: The game "Divided correctly", game "Invent word on"IK".

I spent occupation-After in the country of games, The occupation is built on speech sound culture In the integration of educational areas "Communication", "Socialization" .- In the proper pronunciation and separation of vowels and consonants soundswhere children played games with sounds and letters, amounted to the words and divided into syllables, picked up words on"OK", applied on claim psychohymaticRelaxing exercises.

Occupation corresponds to this age before occupation Hygienic requirements were performed. Form of game class . Before the beginning classes I configured children on a trip to the country of games, and supported it to the end classes. During classes concentrated the attention of children to different games and exercises. When conducting classes

applicated the following methods and techniques.

Visual - display of subject paintings on slides, cubes with letters.

Wonderful - conversation, questions, answers.

Gaming game exercises "Guess and show","Morning", "Chain words» ,

Practical - relaxation "Good", Fizminutka. "I'm angry or glad."

Applied the reception of the new, with a support for the knowledge available in children - it is a game "Body"- Found words on"OK"have come true children ___

(Well, it was difficult, coped, did not cope)

On the objectives were solved: educational, outlookingEducational.

On the classes Also applied the TSO projector- show of slides-cardinok, music center, activity and behavior of children classes ___

(good, active, discipline is good, bad, attention in children focused on the game). classes kids were moving: Standing semicircle did exercises, sitting in a dry pool made tasks, sitting at the tables drew letters.

The software material is assimilated by children, we coped with the task, gladly played games and exercises. He tried to find a benevolent tone of communication with children. Conducted by me Fizminutka "I'm angry or glad".

I put the target and task classes achieved. I think lesson spent on ___

(high, middle, low).X classes amounted to ___ minutes.

Own development classes. (Used classes from the magazine"DV", "Child in d \\ s".)

Analysis amounted to: Educator MBDOU.

d \\ S. "Sun" Budenechik A. O.