Final lesson on experimenting for the middle group. Plan-program of work for the experimental activities of the middle group. Experimental and experimental activities in the middle group: goals, objectives, organization methodology

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten№166 "Flower-seven-color", Cheboksary

Lesson - Experimenting in middle group:

"Travel with a droplet"

Prepared by the teacher:

Ivanova Alina Valerievna

Cheboksary, 2016

Target: The development of cognitive interests, the need for independent search activity on the basis of an enriched and formed emotional and sensory experience.


  • Arouse children's interest in search activities.
  • Learn to see and highlight the problem of the experiment, set the goal of the experiment, select the means and materials for independent activity.
  • To develop personal qualities - purposefulness, perseverance, decisiveness.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Good morning, guys! A lot of guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them and give them ours good mood.
Educator: Sit down comfortably

Don't turn around, don't turn around.

Children, oh, what happened in the morning

I forgot to tell you -

I just entered the kindergarten,

A drop came to visit us.

(showing the toy Droplet) Look how (sad) she is

But why is she so sad? Let's listen to her story: A droplet was recently born and knows nothing about itself at all. This makes her very sad. And that's why she decided to ask you for help, because you are smart guys and probably know something about her.

Educator: Guys, can we help a drop?

Children: Yes, we will tell Droplet about her.

Educator: Where does the droplet live?

Children: The droplet lives in the water.

Educator: What does a droplet consist of?

Children: It is made up of water.

Educator: Well done! Where can you find water?

Children: In the river, sea, ocean (different answers from children)

Educator: Guys, and Kapelka is wondering if you know who needs water?

(Displaying and viewing pictures)

Children: Yes! Trees, birds, people, animals, plants.

Educator: Yes guys everyone needs water. How else do we use water every day at home and in kindergarten?

Children: We wash our face, brush our teeth, wash our hands. Mom washes the floors, ready-made dinner, washes, waters the flowers;

Educator: Well done boys! Yes, guys, without water, all life in the world will die. Water is life! It's time for you and me to rest a little, come out to me.

Physical education.

Educator: I invite you to play an interesting and magic game "Droplets go in a circle".

I am a mother Tuchka. You will turn into my droplet babies if you say these words:

Rain, rain,

Do not regret warm drops

For forests, for fields

And for small children

And for moms and dads

Drop-drop, drop-drop

(so you turned into droplets).

Drops flew to the ground. Let's jump, jump. It became boring for them to jump one by one. They gathered together and first flowed in small streams, and then they met and became a big river. The river flowed and fell into the ocean (in a circle). They swam, the droplets swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that mother Tuchka told them to return home. They asked the sun:

Shine, shine, sun,

For clean water.

The droplets became light, they evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to mother Tuchka.

Educator: Transforming you into children again.

Children stand in a circle.

Educator: But the droplet did not quite understand what water looks like, and what it is. Let's introduce her to some water?

Children: Let's.

Educator: You guys know, water is like a fairy from fairy tales. She can do different transformations. Would you like to be wizards with some water? (answers)
Listen, what is this? (Audio recording of the murmur of water sounds) (answers)
You guessed it right, it is our sorceress water inviting us to the laboratory to do magic there.

Experiment No. 1 "Water is a liquid". The teacher takes a bottle of water and a glass (prepared in advance).

Educator: Let's pour water from a bottle into a glass. What happens to the water?

Children: it pours from one vessel to another.

Educator: Do you hear? How does it sound? (bul-bul-bul) The water is pouring and we can hear it. What have we done now with the water? (poured, poured). And if it is pouring, then what is it?

Children. Liquid.

Experience No. 2 "Colorless water".

Educator: Guys, what color do you think the water is? (Answers of children).

Educator: We will now check it out.

On the teacher's table is a glass of milk and a glass of water.

Educator: What color is the milk? (white). Can we say about water that it is white?

(Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, close your eyes, I'll show you the trick! (Children close their eyes, at this time the teacher puts one cube in a glass of milk and in a glass of water). Open your eyes! Now guess what I put in the glass of milk? What did I put in a glass of water?

(Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, why do you think an object is not visible in a glass of milk, but it is visible in a glass of water?

(Answers of children).

Educator: Yes, this happened because milk has a color, it is not transparent, but water is transparent and we can see any object that is in clear water.

Educator: Guys, which of you loves to drink the most?

Children:Juice, tea, milk, etc.

Experience number 3 : "To determine the taste of water"

Now let's find out if water has a taste? Take straws and try

juice. Is the juice delicious? What is his taste?

Children: Delicious, sweet.

Educator: That's right, the juice is sweet. Now try the water. What does the water taste like? (give

taste the water). Does she have a taste? The water is sweet, sour, etc. No. A

what water?

Children: The water is tasteless!

Experience number 4: "To determine the smell"

Take a glass of clean water and smell it.

Educator: Does the water smell? (No, water has no smell.) So what conclusion will we draw from this experiment?

Conclusion: Water is odorless.

Educator: Well done! I see you know a lot about water. Let's sit on the chairs and remind the Drop what we have learned about her.

Children: Liquid, transparent, colorless, tasteless and odorless.

Educator: Look, what a Droplet has become merry and joyful! As a souvenir of herself, she wants to give you her friends - "Droplets"

Children: They accept gifts from Droplet and thank her.

Educator: Make friends with them and take care of them, because without water there will be no life on earth!



- stimulate cognitive activity;

- development of understanding of speech;

- to activate, expand expressive speech, enrich the lexical dictionary;

- the formation of the ability to imitate and master communication by all available means ( expressive look, pointing gesture, “lightweight” words, onomatopoeia, words);

- to consolidate the child's knowledge about his name, parts of the face and body, about actions in the environment.


- to teach a child to fix his gaze on an object, to trace its movement with a glance;

- development of general and fine motor skills, visual - motor coordination;

- development of the articulatory apparatus;

- formation of correct oral exhalation

- to remove the state of internal discomfort.


- educate children to be productive joint activities, establishing a positive emotional contact, creating a trusting environment.

Equipment: a bowl of water, a small towel, a lollipop, a glass of water, a cocktail tube, a computer game "The World Around Us", pictures with a picture, board didactic game with a face, sandbox, doll.

The course of the lesson.

  1. Organizing time.

Surprise moment: knock, knock, knock. Who is it knocking? Ah, the doll Lyalya came to visit us.

Yes, I came to (child's name) today, I want to play with him. Look, (child's name), how my legs stomp along the path - top, top, top. My hands clap - clap, clap, clap.

(Child's name) look, you repeat after me. These are the arms (they raise both arms to the top), these are the legs (they stomp with two feet alternately). Well done, (child's name).

(Name of the child), Lyalya was in such a hurry to see us that she did not have time to wash herself with water. Let's help her!

On the table is a prepared bowl of water and a small towel.

Together with the child, we wash Lyalya under a rhyme, focusing on the structure of the face - eyes, mouth, nose, cheeks.

Water, water, wash my face

To make your eyes shine

To make your cheeks turn red

So that the mouth laughs,

To bite a tooth.

Thank you, (child's name), now Lyalya is so beautiful, washed.

Now show yourself where your eyes are, where your mouth is, where is your nose, where are your cheeks (if the child finds it difficult to show parts of his face on his own, we help him with the hand in hand method).

  1. Elements of massage of the muscles of the child's face: pat with fingertips on parts of the face (use the hand-in-hand method).

Lei, lei, lei.

On me and on people.

Drop, drop, drop

As the rain drips - show with our fingers on the forehead, on the eyes, on the cheeks, on the nose, on the mouth.

  1. Articulatory gymnastics.

The child and the adult are in front of the mirror, where the face of the adult and the child is visible (to control the correctness of the exercises).

  1. Exercises to develop lip mobility:

- Smile.
Holding lips in a smile. The teeth are not visible.

Proboscis (Tubule).
Pulling the lips forward with a long tube.

The lips are in a smile, the teeth are closed in a natural bite and are visible.

- Biting and scratching first the upper and then the lower lip with teeth.

- Smile - Tube.
Pull the lips forward with a tube, then stretch the lips into a smile.

  1. Dynamic Tongue Exercises(at the initial stage, we use food reinforcement, you can chupa - chups, syrup on a cotton swab).

Delicious jam.
The mouth is open. Lick the upper lip with a wide tongue and remove the tongue deep into the mouth.

- Lick the lips.
The mouth is open. Lick the top first, then lower lip round.
The mouth is open. The lips are stretched into a smile. The tip of a narrow tongue alternately reach under the teacher's account to the corners of the mouth.
The mouth is open. With a tense tongue, reach for the nose and chin, or for the upper and lower incisors.

3. Exercises to develop lower jaw mobility

- Simulated chewing with a closed and open mouth.

  1. And now we are with you and Lyalya will indulge, we will play "teasers".
  1. Breathing exercises.

We played in front of the mirror, and now we will have a little rest.

Playing a storm in a glass (water is poured in a glass, a tube for a cocktail is prepared). The game is carried out in imitation of an adult.

We put the tube in our mouth, inhale harder with our nose, blow harder into the tube and see a lot of bubbles.

  1. ICT use:

The game "The world around us", section: the structure of the face. View developmental fragments on the touch panel for 5 minutes.

After showing the slides, we offer the child pictures with a picture from the game, printed on a color printer (structure of the face). We ask the child to show in the picture - where are the eyes, where is the mouth, where is the nose, where are the cheeks.

  1. Reflection:

We offer the child a board game with a picture of a face. (Parts of the face are tear-off and glued with Velcro). First, we present the child with a complete image, then remove the attached parts, and ask - collect the picture.

  1. Development of motor skills of the fingers.

Using the sandbox:

Finger games.

  1. On a gray, smooth path

Fingers are jumping like horses.

Clink - clink, clink - clink - a frisky herd gallops.

(All fingers jump on the surface of the sand to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme.)

  1. They folded their fists, beat them with their fists,

Five-five-five-five, five-five-five-five!

We will hide our fingers in a little bundle

Into the cam, into the cam!

Chock, choke, chock!

(Pass alternately with each cam of the left and right hand on the sand, then with two cams at the same time).

  1. Fingers will dance again.

Cam on cam,

Cam on cam,

Cam on cam,

Boo, fell on the barrel!

  1. I mix, I mix the dough

There is a place in the sand

I bake, bake a loaf

Roll over, roll over.

(All fingers and cams act in the rhythm of the nursery rhyme.)

And now we will draw our face on the sand. We help the child forefinger draw an oval on the sand, on it eyes, mouth, nose, ears, hairs.

  1. The result of the lesson.

Today (child's name), you and I had a lot of fun. But the time has come - Lyali to go home. Goodbye, Lyalya! Come to us again, we will wait for you.

Title: Plan - synopsis individual lessons teacher - defectologist with children early age with HVD using sand therapy
Nomination: Correctional Pedagogy. Summaries of classes, GCD / classes of a defectologist
Author: Averina Olga Vladimirovna
Position: teacher-defectologist
Place of work: GOBUZ "OSDR for children with organic lesions of the central nervous system with a mental disorder "
Location: Murmansk region, Apatity, st. Builders d. 14


  • give an idea that it has properties (invisible, light, odorless), and also give an idea that the wind is the movement of air;

Vocabulary work:


  • notebook;
  • disk;
  • soap bubbles machine;
  • magnetic board;
  • musical accompaniment;
  • "Professorial" hats;
  • vessel - "sea" for ships;
  • fans (by the number of children);
  • balloon.

1.Organizational moment


And it will be healthy for many years.



Children: Yes.


Educator: Will the guys help Professor Pochemuchkin? Let's not trust rumors, but check with the help of experiments and experiments: does air exist and what properties it possesses. I haven't seen the air either, but I know that it is always around us! Guys, I suggest you go to our laboratory and, like a real scientist, conduct experiments to learn a lot of interesting things about air. Do you agree? Then go ahead!

Children: Yes

Educator: listen to the riddle

We need him to breathe
To inflate the balloon.
Every hour is next to us
But he is invisible to us! What is it?

Children: Air!



Educator: Water cannot fill an inverted glass because it is already filled with air. An "empty" glass is full of air. Air is not dimensioned or shaped, but it can fill any space.

Conclusion 1: Air exists!


Children: No.


Children: Invisible.

Educator: what color is it?

Children: colorless, transparent.


Children: nothing, it is odorless.



Children: It is empty.


Children: There is no air in it.

Conclusion 3: invisible air


Children: Straws.


Educator: Oh, what is this?

Children: bubbles.

Educator: what are they doing?

Children: Bubbles rise to the top.

Educator: why?

Children: we blow the air out of ourselves. Bubbles are air.

Conclusion 4: so we have proved:

Children: we inhale it through the nose.



Conclusion 5 :

Fizminutka (with soft modules) :

We walked merrily, met a friend.
- Hello, hello dear friend,
Look around you
Just smile at me, hug me tight.


Children: Run them on the water.

Educator: And how will they swim?

Children: You can blow on them.



Children: A breeze blows in my face.


Conclusion 6: wind is the movement of air.




(children paint in the sand)



Conclusion 1: Air exists!

Conclusion 2: The air is invisible, colorless, transparent, odorless.

Conclusion 3: The air is invisible ,

Conclusion 4:

Conclusion 5 : A person cannot live without air.

Conclusion 6: Wind is the movement of air.

Conclusion 7: The air is very light.


Educator: We are with you in the meadow .



Children: Yes, sure.


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"Summary of a lesson on experimentation in the middle group. To the laboratory to Professor Pochemuchkin"

Topic: To the laboratory to Professor Pochemuchkin

Target: develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation.



    foster the interest and desire of children to expand their horizons;

    foster curiosity, mutual assistance,

    cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around us, a desire to explore it in all available ways.


    develop mental operations in children: the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, select ways of action.


    give an idea that it has properties (invisible, light, odorless), and also give an idea that the wind is the movement of air;

    promote the mastery of some methods of air detection; contribute to the formation of cognitive interest in children; to generalize, clarify the previously obtained knowledge about the properties of air; teach to work in a team and individually during experiments;

    enrich the children's vocabulary with new words.

Vocabulary work: laboratory, transparent, invisible, experiments.


  • screen and projector for presentation;

    soap bubbles machine;

    touch table "Sand fantasy"

    magnetic board;

    musical accompaniment;

    "Professorial" hats;

    plastic bags (according to the number of children);

    glasses of water (according to the number of children);

    cocktail tubes (according to the number of children);

    foam boats with paper sails;

    vessel - "sea" for ships;

    fans (by the number of children);


The logic of building organized activities of children

1.Organizational moment

(The teacher tunes the children up to the beginning of GCD using psycho-gymnastics)

Educator: Hello! You tell the person.

Hello! He will smile back.

And probably won't go to the pharmacy.

And it will be healthy for many years.

Educator: Let's, guys, wish each other health - let's say "Hello!" and give everyone our smiles.

Goal setting, game situation.

Educator: Guys, look, what is this? Message for children senior group"". This is probably for us. Disk. Want to see what's in there?

Children: Yes.

(The teacher turns on the computer. There is a video letter from Professor Pochemuchkin on the disc)

Pochemuchkin: Hello guys. You recognized me. I am Professor Pochemuchkin.

(A song from the animated film "The Fixies" sounds.)

I work in the laboratory all day. I am having some problems and I want you to help me. We all heard that we were constantly surrounded by air from all sides. But you can neither see it, nor touch it with your hands. So maybe there is no air?

Educator: Will the guys help Professor Pochemuchkin? Let's not trust rumors, but check with the help of experiments and experiments: does air exist and what properties it possesses. I haven't seen the air either, but I know that it is always around us! Guys, I suggest you go to our laboratory and, like a real scientist, conduct experiments to learn a lot of interesting things about air. Do you agree? Then go ahead!

Children: Yes

Educator: listen to the riddle

We need him to breathe
To inflate the balloon.
Every hour is next to us
But he is invisible to us! What is it?

Children: Air!

Educator: Air? And what is it? Let's make an experiment. Crumple a piece of paper and push it into the glass so that it does not fall when you turn the glass over. Submerge the glass completely under the water, holding it down with the opening. Take out a glass. Check if the paper is wet in it?

Children: The paper in the glass remains dry.

Educator: Water cannot fill an inverted glass because it is already filled with air. An "empty" glass is full of air. Air is not dimensioned or shaped, but it can fill any space.

Conclusion 1: Air exists!

Educator: Guys, have you seen this air?

Children: No.

Educator: If we do not see him, then what is he? How else can I say.

Children: Invisible.

Educator: what color is it?

Children: colorless, transparent.

Educator: how does it smell? Sniff the air. What smells? (for comparison, you can invite the children to breathe air through their noses. Then take lemon, garlic, perfume and invite the children to taste the smells one by one, and then just sniff the air).

Children: nothing, it is odorless.

Conclusion 2: The air is invisible, colorless, transparent, odorless.

Educator: To see the air, you have to catch it. Do you want me to teach you how to catch air?

Educator: Take plastic bag... What's in it?

Children: It is empty.

Educator: It can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now we draw air into the bag and twist it. The bag is full of air, it looks like a pillow. Air took up all the space in the bag. Now we will untie the bag and let the air out of it. The bag has become thin again. Why?

Children: There is no air in it.

Conclusion 3: invisible air to see him, he must be caught. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in a bag and then released it.

Educator: Guys, you know that air lives inside people. And now we will prove it with you. Look guys, what is this?

Children: Straws.

Educator: Yes, these are straws and a glass of water. Now try blowing into the straws in the cups (children are blowing).

Educator: Oh, what is this?

Children: bubbles.

Educator: what are they doing?

Children: Bubbles rise to the top.

Educator: why?

Children: we blow the air out of ourselves. Bubbles are air.

Conclusion 4: so we have proved: it turns out the air lives around us and inside us. You breathe out the air. It means that it is within you. But how does it get to you?

Children: we inhale it through the nose.

Educator: Of course! All people breathe through their nose. Guys, let's show how our noses breathe - we breathe in and out the air. Let's take a deep breath first and then exhale.


Educator: We are so used to breathing that we don't even notice it. Meanwhile, we could not live without breathing. Let's check it out. Close your spouts and try not to breathe. Let's see how long you can endure without air.

You see, all of you eventually let go of your nose to breathe.

Conclusion 5 : A person cannot live without air.

Fizminutka (with soft modules) :

Feet walked right along the path
We walked merrily, met a friend.
- Hello, hello dear friend,
Look around you
Just smile at me, hug me tight.

Educator: There are boats in my laboratory, but how can I play with them?

Children: Run them on the water.

Educator: And how will they swim?

Children: You can blow on them.

Educator: Yes, guys, when we breathe in and out, the air moves - it turns out to be a breeze, and the boats float. Ships catch the air with sails. This means that air can move objects.

Educator: And if you don't blow, how else can you make the wind? Guys, let's try to arrange the wind with a fan! Fan first at yourself, then at each other. What do you feel?

Children: A breeze blows in my face.

Educator: Look: the air does not move, and the ships do not float. I wave my fan, push the air, it turns out the wind, and it helps the sailboats to sail.

Conclusion 6: wind is the movement of air.

Educator: On the table are plates with geometric shapes, try to fold boats out of them.

Educator: Well done guys, how good you did it!

Educator: And now I suggest you draw the sea, not on paper, but on the sand. Let's try?

(children paint in the sand)

Educator: Also, guys, the air is very light. I suggest you make sure of this by playing with some soap bubbles. Bubbles can even be moved by breathing (children play with bubbles from the bubble machine).

Conclusion 7: The air is very light.

Educator: Thank you guys, today you helped me find out what air is. Now I can tell Professor Pochemuchkin everything.

(Examining slides and consolidating knowledge of air)

Conclusion 1: Air exists!

Conclusion 2: The air is invisible, colorless, transparent, odorless.

Conclusion 3: The air is invisible ,

Conclusion 4: Air lives around us and inside us

Conclusion 5 : A person cannot live without air.

Conclusion 6: Wind is the movement of air.

Conclusion 7: The air is very light.


Close your eyes, we will have a rest (turn on melodic music)

Educator: We are with you in the meadow . The sun shines brightly. Light breeze blowing. The grass sways quietly. Butterflies and dragonflies flutter above us. We breathe in clean Fresh air... It is good and pleasant for us.

Educator: Oh, guys, look, how did we get the ball?

It came with the wind, but look how funny it is, let's decorate it.

(Children decorate the balloon with napkins soaked in water)

Educator: Can I give this ball to the professor as a keepsake of us.

Children: Yes, sure.

Educator: then you go play, I'll go to the post office, send the ball to the professor.

Software content: Teach children to establish elementary connections in inanimate nature. Promote the accumulation of specific ideas about the properties of air in children. Continue to develop in children cognitive activity in the process of experimenting. To develop the speech of children when describing what they saw and establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Develop the ability to work together (in pairs), help and support each other in difficult situations. To foster respect for the environment.

Preliminary work:
1. Conducting a conversation "Air on Earth";
2. Consideration of the encyclopedia "Our Planet";
3. Reading A. Lindgren "Carlson who lives on the roof";
4. Free experimentation in the corner of experimental activity.

Material: fans according to the number of children, magnifying glasses, disposable plates and spoons, bottles, glasses, candle, can, paints, brushes, Balloons, disk, doll-Carlson.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today a sound letter came to our group. Want to know who it is from? (Watching an excerpt from the cartoon "Carlson Who Lives on the Roof", while the recording sounds)
My laboratory
Known to everyone, friends!
With great impatience
I am waiting for you today.
Any substance a riddle
Here you can recognize
But just sorry
I may be late.
Recently experience did,
I messed up something
And as if invisible
Settled with me
He plays with me
I do not see him,
Try, find
Its you for me.

Educator: Guys, along with the letter, Carlson also sent a plan on how to get to his laboratory. Well, let's go to Carlson's laboratory? We will go exactly according to plan.

Educator: What a spacious, bright Carlson laboratory. How much equipment for experiments.

Educator: Are we starting to look for invisibility?

A knock on the door. The toy Carlson appears.

Carlson: Hello guys! It's good that I made it. Now we will all be looking for invisibility together.

Experience number 1. Take a glass beaker with a wide mouth half-filled with water. Let's tint the water with watercolors. Let's take a smaller jar, one that fits easily into a large one. Firmly holding the jar by the bottom, carefully lower it with the neck down into the tinted water. (Children observe and conclude that water is not included in the jar).

Educator: What is stopping her, because the jar is empty. Or not? Or maybe there is an invisibility lurking here? Couldn't it be made to appear, to become visible? Let's try?

Experience number 2. We take all the same small jar and put it in a bowl of water, but with the neck up. (Children observe how air bubbles pop out at the jar and rush to the surface of the water).
Children: There was air in the jar, it is lighter than water, so the water filled the space in the jar.
Carlson: Guys, do you think there is air in the water?
(Children examine a glass of water, mark transparent bubbles on the walls of the jar).

Experience number 3. Put a spoon carefully in the jar and stir the water. The bubbles begin to whirl, gradually rise to the surface and disappear.
Children: There is air in the water too.
Educator: Guys, let's assume: is there air in the soil? (Children's assumptions).
Educator: Let's check. Consider through a magnifying glass what is soil made of? (Children consider).
Children: Grains of sand, dust grains, dry blades of grass, glued together into lumps of different sizes.
Educator: Isn't the invisible air hiding here? Let's make an experiment.

Experience number 4. Children put a lump of soil into a glass of water.
Children: Transparent bubbles have appeared on the lumps and they are understood upward.
Educator: This is the air that was inside a lump between grains of sand and blades of grass. The water went in and forced him out. He surfaced and mixed with the air around us. (Children conclude: there is air in the soil).
Educator: What conclusion can be drawn from these experiments?
Children: Air is everywhere. He is around us. Air takes up space. Available in water and soil.
Educator: Why can't we see him?
Children: The air is transparent, colorless. Odorless and tasteless.
Carlson: That's how interesting! Can you feel the air?
Educator: Guys, take a fan in your hands and wave it near your face. From your movement, the surrounding air vibrates, and you seem to hear his voice: "I am!", "I am around you!"

Physical education:
The fan blows the air
The fan is catching up with the wind.
Makes us wake up
Pull, smile!
Fan, fan like a bird
Loves to spin in the air.
So let's go with him guys
We fly like eagles.
Swooped down, rested,
The air took a deep breath.
Head left, right, sideways-
The fan helped us to stretch!

Educator: Now we will rest a little.
Children perform a verse from a song about a loser wizard.
Educator: I want to show you another experience, but I will do it myself. If you want to repeat it at home, then you must definitely do it together with adults.
Educator: How can you extinguish a candle without touching it or blowing it out?

Experience number 6. Light a candle. Hold a porcelain cup over a candle flame. The subject has darkened - covered with a layer of soot. The air is dirty.
Carlson: I flew by and saw black smoke coming out of the pipes.
I flew through the air
And it hummed with a motor.
Suddenly - a pipe, above it smoke,
I turned out to be above him.
I got lost in the smoke
What is wrong with me - I don’t understand.
I coughed and sneezed for a long time,
He even stopped seeing.
Here the question is clear to anyone!
Dirty air is dangerous for us
Don't fly over the pipe -
You are risking yourself!

: Guys, what is the name of the city in which you live? What factories are there in your city?
Children: Mashzavod, Nefteorgsintez, Nickel Combine.
Educator: Guys, what should we do?
(Children offer to wear masks, come up with an air purifier).
Sketch and leave in the laboratory.

Educator: We sent all your drawings to factories and there design engineers will develop new air cleaners.
Carlson: Thank you guys for interesting discoveries. What did you enjoy doing the most in my laboratory? What do you remember? What interesting things did you learn?
I want to give you goodbye air balloons... Now you know what kind of invisibility hid in them.

Duration of the lesson: 25 minutes
Title: Lesson on experimental activity in senior speech therapy group"In the laboratory at Carlson's"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, experimental activity

Position: educator of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOAU No. 106 " Pansies»
Location: Orsk, Orenburg region

Prepared and conducted by the educator of the middle group No. 4 "Rastishki" Natalia Burtseva

November 2014


familiarizing children with the properties of soap, its varieties and purposes.


  1. to expand children's understanding of the properties of soap through research activities.
  2. activate children's vocabulary based on knowledge of soap and water.
  3. to consolidate safety rules when working with soap.
  4. to educate cultural and hygienic skills.
  5. develop the ability to analyze and draw conclusions based on experience.


  1. Bowls for each child;
  2. A bowl for the teacher;
  3. Cocktail tubes;
  4. Soap different shapes, color, size (for exhibition);
  5. Bars of soap by the number of children;
  6. Corolla;
  7. Hand wipes;
  8. Aprons;


1. Greetings to guests:

Guys, guests have come to our class today. Let's greet them:

“Good morning to the sun and the birds!

Good morning to smiling faces! "

2. Letter.

Now, guys, attention! A letter came to our kindergarten. The envelope says: "For children from the group" Rastishki " .

Look at the envelope and guess who the letter is from.

Let's read it.

Hello dear guys!

Very soon our favorite holiday will already be - New Year, and my gift factory has run out bubble... But kids all over the world love them so much!

I wanted to ask Moidodyr how to make them, but he, as always, is busy - he washes all the dirty things for the holiday.

I know that you are smart and inquisitive children, so I ask you - help me!

Thanks in advance,

your Santa Claus.

Guys, can we help Santa Claus?

Let's try making soap bubbles ourselves?

What do you think they are made of?

That is why we must first get to know soap well, study its types and properties.

3. Conversation about soap.

1 part:

Guys, what is soap for?

Isn't it possible to wash your hands and face with ordinary water?

That's right, soap washes away dirt, destroys germs and unpleasant odors... "From simple water and soap

Microbes are losing strength "

Part 2:

Guys, we have a collection of soaps in our group. Let's take a closer look at it.

What is the shape of the soap?

What is the color of the soap?

What is the size of the soap?

What soap smells like?

What kind of soap is in the bottle?

(liquid, solid, toilet - for everyone, baby - for children, household - for washing)


1. Introduction.

And now I invite you all to our laboratory. A laboratory is a place where various experiments and research are carried out. It is always clean, light, warm and, most importantly, quiet, because everyone is working on their own discovery.

And we will conduct experiments with soap to create soap bubbles.

2. Safety rules.

- First, let's repeat the safety rules when working with soap:

  • do not put soap or lathered fingers in your mouth

Avoid getting soap in your eyes.

And if it does, what should be done?

3. Treating the soap.

- Take a piece of soap in your hands, touch it.

What is it like? (hard, smooth)

4. First experience:

Guys, what do you think will become of soap if you put it in water?

Let's check it out.

Feel the water. What is she like? (transparent, warm)

Dip the soap in water, touch it with your hands. What has it become? (slippery)

5. Second experience:

Now guys, we'll take a sponge, wet it and rub it with soap.

Dip the sponge into the water and squeeze it out.

What's happening? (water became cloudy, foam appeared)

What is foam? (lots of soap bubbles)

Now let's dry our hands and get some rest.


One, two, three, four, five,
Let's blow bubbles!
Let's blow into the tube quietly,
They will fly lightly.

One, two, three, four, five,
Don't try to catch them!
Touch a little with your hand
Clap! ... And empty above you!

6. Experiment with a straw.

Take the straws in your hands, dip one end in soapy water and blow into them. - What's happening? (big bubbles appear)

“If you blow harder,
There will be a lot of bubbles! "

Now take the bubble loop and blow slowly into it. Are there soap bubbles? No

Then let's try not solid soap, but liquid soap (whisk vigorously).

Come up to me and slowly blow on the loop again. Are there soap bubbles? No

Now let's try this soap. Who knows what this soap is for? For dishes (whisk vigorously).

Come up to me and slowly blow on the loop again. Are there soap bubbles? Yes

Did we do the job? Yes


What kind of soap is there? - liquid, solid, large, small, different colors, different shapes, with a smell

What is dry soap? - smooth

And how does it become in water? - we stroke, but also slippery

What happens if you lather a sponge and squeeze it out? - foam appears

When air gets into soapy water, what appears? - bubbles

What is soap for? - to destroy germs

All germs and bacilli
They are afraid of soap like fire.
You need to wash your hands with soap,
To be healthy.

Children know everything around -
Soap is our reliable friend!

Guys, what did you like the most in the lesson?

Me and, I think, our guests also liked your hard work, perseverance and desire to help.

You answered the questions correctly, conducted experiments, and, most importantly, you really wanted to help Santa Claus and you did it.

Well done boys! I'm proud of you!

I am sure that he will thank you when he receives the package and presents interesting gifts for the New Year.

Now say goodbye to our guests.