Signs of concussion from a two year old child. What signs are characteristic of the brain shaking in adolescence? Concussion of the brain at a one-year-old child: reasons

What are the main causes and signs of a concussion of the brain in children? What to do and where to appear when suspected of the presence of a cranial injury? In this article, young parents will be able to find out what to do if you suspect the brain shake in a child 1 year.

Shake Brain at a one-year-old child: the reasons

Which of us did not fall as a child and did not stick the bumps to himself? Probably there are no such people, because this is a certain step of growing up, through which all children pass. The kid grows and strives for independence. At this stage of development, great hazards lie.

At the age of 1, most children begin to make the first steps and, of course, not always such attempts to independence flow smoothly. The child is interesting to the world and overcomes the desire to make it all new, but, often, such a thirst in the study leads to serious consequences. This is due to the fact that one-year-old karapuz is still can not control His movements and well navigate in space. Most often, the kids fall from the height of their own growth, and later - with children's slides, swings, furniture, stairs, etc.

It is also worth noting that Krocha in 1 year is not aware of the whole scale of his act and its consequences. Lack of self-preservation feeling Also plays a big role, so parents should, as they say, "not to lower the eyes" from the kid.

Sometimes the adults themselves cause the brain injury from their Chad: a sharp twitching hands, strong throwing during the game, the coarse treatment with its karapuz can lead to the cranial-brain injury of varying degrees of gravity. On the main reasons and measures for the prevention of children's injuries, you can find out here:

Signs of brain concussion in child 1 year

How is the concussion of the brain in a child 1 year? In cases where the misfortune happened - the child fell and injured his head, his parents should be examined carefully. If a bump appeared on the forehead surface or the nape, you should not panic. It may be a simple bruise of soft head tissues. It is very important to follow the state of the baby and periodically inspect the damaged areas of the head, because he will not be able to tell you about his own well-being. If hematoma and tumidity Increase, you should urgently turn to the doctor or call " ambulance».

The main symptoms of the brain shaking in a child of 1 year:

  • pallor;
  • nausea;
  • railing reflex;
  • deterioration of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • capriciousness and unreasonable cry.

REFERENCE! It is worth noting that on this symptoms of the concussion of the brain annoyed child Do not end up, the main list can add loss of consciousnessHowever, children at this age are rarely observed. More often this sign is manifested by concussing the brain from senior preschoolers.

If after the fall, the kid feels great, it does not mean that everything is bad behind. Parents should be remembered that the symptoms of the concussion of the children's brain may manifest after a while: from several hours and even days. Therefore, during this period, it is very important to be near the child and when identifying at least one of the above signs, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Shake cerebral in child 1 year: treatment

After you could identify signs of concussion from a one-year-old child, you need call an ambulance Or carefully take the baby to the hospital. Before inspection, the crumbs of the doctor adults are not recommended to take any radical actions. Maximum that parents can make is to ensure that it is completely peaceful. If bleeding wounds are found on the head, they should be processed.

Neuropathologist, traumatologist or other specialist after a full examination is diagnosed and prescribed treatment. In most cases, young children leave in hospital For a while, to make sure that the diagnosis is delivered correctly, and nothing threatens the life and health of the baby.

If necessary, the doctor can also assign medicia treatment. It can be diuretic, soothing and antihistamines that will help prevent brain swelling. Under the pains of the head, painkillers are prescribed, and with a strong nausea - relevant medicines. Later, drugs that help restore and improve the brain activity of a small patient, as well as common vitamins.

REFERENCE! It is worth noting that after discharge from the hospital, parents must necessarily limit the active activity of the baby and ensure peace of mind. With the most slightest signs of deterioration of the health of crumbs (vomiting, nausea, lethargy, etc.) it is necessary to re-apply for medical help.

Usually, after a month, the state of the Karapuza comes to normal and negative symptoms pass: it can play, jump and run as before. The most important thing is the right and in time filed medical care.

Brain concussion - A variety of cranial injury, which is characterized by the occurrence of functional deviations of varying degrees of severity.

These disorders in the presence of adequate and timely treatment disappear independently with time.

Doctors cannot give an accurate definition to the mechanism for the development of symptoms of concussion of the brain in a child. Pathology cHHMT is considered an easy degree With which there are no cracks in the skull.


In childhood, the risk of getting a concussion on average above Than in adulthood: children are movable adults, many of them love to climb trees, wander at different dangerous places from which mysteriousness blows, and in general they have a feeling of danger expressed weaker, which is associated with the lack of experience and knowledge.

Schoolchildren (45%) were recorded among schoolchildren (45%), followed by infants (25%), preschoolers (20%), children under 2-3 years old (8%) and newborns (2%).

Concussion obtained in childhood unpredictable: Children's brain plastic and continues to develop, so the recovery will pass faster, but the likelihood of deferred complications is always preserved, even in cases where parents and doctors have done everything possible in order to prevent this.

But most children arise easy concussions that rarely lead to the development of serious violations, and parents are important in time to contact the hospital in time to reduce the risk to a minimum.

Causes of occurrence

Common cause of concussions in children up to year is falldue to the insufficient care of parents or other people who are watching the child (nanny, relatives).

A child can fall from the surface on which it was left without attention, especially if he is already able to roll and crawl, and for this, a few seconds.

If possible, it is important not to leave it without attention there, where is the risk of fallingAnd after the necessary procedures to transfer to a safe zone.

The opinion is widespread that only children of irresponsible parents receive injuries. But this is not quite like this: the probability of getting an injury always exists, even if the parents of the child are extremely attentive and do everything possible to make his life as safe as possible.

But, of course, the risks are lower if parents are careful, and it is to reduce the likelihood necessary to strive.

Causes of concussion in older children:

The most dangerous are concussions that have arisen in children in the first days of lifeSince they can lead to various long-term disorders in the functioning of the brain.

Symptoms and signs

How to determine the pathology in a child? When concurrent, the following symptoms are observed in older children:

May also be present speech violations, hearing. Symptoms in each individual case vary and depend on how much damage is expressed and which brain departments were injured.

The temperature rises after the concussion not in all cases. Normally, it rarely exceeds 37.5.

If the inflammatory process proceeded in the child's body, it can increase, and the temperature will rise above 37.5. If it exceeded the mark of 39-40 degrees, it can talk about the development of aseptic meningitis.

Symptoms in children under year:

  • problems with sleep;
  • anxiety;
  • convulsions;
  • frequent crying, strong screams;
  • fountaining vomiting;
  • intense swelling.

In infants pronounced symptoms (vomiting, convulsions) may not be.

Than younger childMoreover, it is harder to reveal a concussion based on symptoms, so if the baby fell and hit his head very much, the comfort should be ensured to him and call ambulance. Any alarming symptomsalso should not be ignored.

First aid

What to do? If the child has hit his head, you need to inspect the injury and defasses Possible Scratches and Ranks With hydrogen peroxide.

Alcohol antiseptic means should not be used.

After that, you need to call an ambulance.

To reduce the likelihood of complications and Easy the state of the victim, need to:

  1. To put it horizontally so that the head is turned the side, and hide the blanket either with a blanket.
  2. Close the curtains in the room where it is located and create a relaxed atmosphere.
  3. Do not go to bed before the arrival of the ambulance brigade (sleep worsens symptoms).
  4. Do not allow him to get up, walk, run, even if it feels acceptable: activity can worsen the condition.

If a observed fainting, follow:

  • turn the victim to the right side;
  • put it right hand under the head, and other pulling along the body;
  • bend legs in the knees;
  • carefully observe the child's condition and help him if a strong attack of vomiting begins.

Danger of vomiting It is that you can choose the contents of the stomach. Therefore, it is important not to leave the child for a long time, even if his well-being is satisfactory: symptoms can exacerbate, and then there is a possibility that he will lose consciousness and die due to the vomit masses.

You can only deliver the victim in the hospital only in cases where the ability to call ambulance is absent.

If the severity of symptoms is weak, you can take a child in a medical institution on your own vehicle, where there is an opportunity put it horizontally. During the trip you need to go smoothly, avoid shaking and keep the baby's head.

Complications and consequences

After concussion, the following may be observed. violations:

If these signs persist for a long time, you need to take the child to the hospital and pass surveys.


In suspected, the concussion is inspected surgeon, traumatologist and neuropathologist.The following diagnostic measures are also shown:

  • neurosonography (used for inspection of children with unemployed spring);
  • electroencephalography;
  • echoorencephalography;
  • x-ray head and cervical spinal column;
  • computer and magnetic resonance tomography.

Also in the presence of specific symptoms is carried out the fence of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Treatment methods

If the second or third severity is diagnosed, stationary treatment is shownwhere the victim will ensure proper care and will provide timely assistance in exacerbating the state.

The following are applied medication groups:

  1. Diuretic means (Furosemide).
  2. Nootrops (piracetam).
  3. Anticonvulsant medicines (carbamazepine).
  4. Antiallergic preparations (phenyatil, diazoline).
  5. Anesthetics (barallgyne, sadalgin).
  6. Soothing medicines (Valerian).

Treatment of easy concussion takes place at home with compliance with medical recommendations Which include:

  • ensuring a comfortable environment;
  • reduction of motor activity;
  • ban for reading, viewing TV, work with computers, telephones, tablets.


A concussion of the brain does not carry serious, life-threatening consequences and in most cases there are no violations.

When suspicious symptoms appear that may be signs of complications, It is important to consult with the doctor.

Violations provoked by a concussion can give themselves to know and a few years after the injury.

If you contact the medical institution in time and carefully comply with the recommendations of the attending physician, the child will quickly restoreand the risk of developing complications will significantly decrease.

Doctor Komarovskyon urgent help in the injuries of the child and the "concussion" in this video:

I am convincingly please do not engage in self-medication. Sign up for a doctor!

Concussion of the brain in a teenager It is fraught with such consequences as a deterioration or complete memory loss. Usually, this complication is short-term and, with the right actions, the child quickly recover. It is believed that the brain in adolescence More resistant to various injuries, and children are much easier to transfer all the symptoms and cope with the consequences of concussion. But this is a fairly widespread error. To treat brain injury is needed at any age equally carefully, since there is a big risk of developing complications.

Symptoms of concussion brain

The first thing that feels a teenager after injury, and what to pay attention to is a strong pain in the head. It can have any intensity. Immediately after that, the child will begin to feel strong dizziness and sickening attacks. With severe injury, fainting can happen or noise in the ears.
In addition, the main signs Shocked Head brain in adolescents are:
  • Memory problems;
  • the inability to completely concentrate attention in one case;
  • lack of attentiveness and collens;
  • depression;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • painful perception of loud sounds and bright light.

It is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor, and when these symptoms are found right to contact a specialist for medical care. To determine exact the degree of concussion and scale of injury, the doctor must carry out the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Electroencephalogic study.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. X-ray skull.
  4. Echsonography.
An integrated approach will help correctly determine the doctor's degree of concussion, which will help appoint optimal treatment. In any case, the first thing you need to do is provide a child with full peace and a relaxed atmosphere.
Video: "Brain shaking: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment"

Most often among all the cranial and brain damage in children there is a concussion. And although this form of injuries are considered easy enough, the concussion of the brain in a child always causes the alarm and fear of parents. And not in vain - with a late appeal to the doctor, the brain injury can cause unpleasant, although the reversible consequences from which the kid will suffer.

The brain concussion itself is not a fatal state, but a number of features should be taken into account, because of which it can become dangerous

How does the brain concussion

A lightweight degree of cranial injuries, in which a trail in the form of an injury, wounds, bumps or bruises may remain on the child's head, but the cranial box remains the whole - it is characterized by a concussion of the brain in children.

Changes in the brain at this type of injury occur at such a smallest level that even when modern methods Diagnostics to determine them is not possible.

Important! In essence, the brain concussion is a state at which the brain shakes in the skull occurs, in which special violations and changes in the work of the brain does not occur.

The concussion of the brain in children is recorded in 90% of all cases of injury. It is explained by this extraordinary motor activity Children, their excessive imperceptibility, curiosity and foulness. The kids with curiosity will know the world, while their motor skills and motor coordination are not very confident, and the feeling of fear before falling and is most often absent at all.

The skills of insurance in children are not yet developed, and the cranial box has much more weight than an adult, so the children most often do not rely on the limbs, flying down their heads, and fall on the head.

The causes of crank-brain damage in children vary depending on their age:

  • Newborn children (2% of the total CMT in children) and kids up to a year (25%) injuries of the head and brain - first of all the result of the negligence and inattention of parents. Brain concussion baby Most often occurs after falling from the stroller, crib, changing table, etc. Therefore, parents always warn that it is impossible to leave Crocha in a place where he can slip or fall, and you should always keep a child in an angle of attention at a distance of an elongated hand.
  • At the age of 1, the baby is already able to walk and move independently, therefore the number of injuries decreases somewhat (8%). In a child 2-3 years to 6 years of age (20%), the cause of the head concussions is excessive activity, conjugate with the lack of feeling of fear before falling and tall. Such injuries are the most diverse character and most often children get them, falling from the height of their own growth, from trees, children's slides, stairs, etc. Moreover, at this age, children are often silent after concussing the brain the fact of falling and hitting the head, so it is especially important not to leave a child without supervision of adults for a long time.
  • Children school age (45% of all cases) are injured most often, and they are not in a hurry about their fall or injury to inform the parents, turning for help only with a worsening of well-being in the future.

Children of preschool and school age are often found so-called "shirt syndrome" when the concussion occurs when the exposure to coarse force in the head area, accompanied by a sharp braking or acceleration (for example, when jumping from a high height on the legs). In babies, such syndrome can manifest itself even after a strong mention.

A concussion can be described quite simply: with a strike, a light shake of the brain occurs, as a result of which the capillaries, wall or bone of the head are not damaged. Externally, at the point of impact, a bump or easy redness may occur

Signs of concussion and his symptoms

A light shake of the brain does not cause irreversible disorders in the brain, but the clinical signs of such a state have their own specifics and may vary depending on the age of the kid.

The total first signs of the concussion of the cerebral in the child:

  • Pale skin;
  • Feeling of anxiety and anxiety;
  • Bouts of chills;
  • Problems with sleep;
  • The emergence of a sense of unreality of what is happening;
  • Fatigue, drowsiness;
  • Memory losses.

In a child, to the year to establish a brain concussion is extremely difficult, because It usually proceeds low or asymptomatic. How to recognize the brain concrete in a child over 2 years old:

  • One-time vomiting (less often - multiple);
  • Spring swells;
  • Leather pale, especially faces;
  • Too frequent jumping;
  • Bad appetite or its absence;
  • Excessive excitability, permanent crying;
  • Fast fatigue, bad sleep.

The temperature when concussing the brain is not constant, i.e. Its decrease or an increase is not associated with a cranial trauma.

Important! Very often, the first sign of the concussion of the brain in young children can be a strong desire to sleep or drink and eat.

The child over two years can already tell about injury or show where it hurts. If children under the year with a shaking is usually not fixed, then children from 2 years to 10 years are more often observed, vomiting and dizziness immediately after impact.

How to determine the concussion of the brain in a child older than 2 years:

  • Dizziness accompanied by headaches;
  • Loss of consciousness (in most cases), however, the baby does not remember that he fell and lost consciousness;
  • Plasticity;
  • Vomit reflex, nausea;
  • Slow pulse;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Restless sleep;
  • Pale skin.

Note! If the blow is strong enough, it is possible to loss of vision for a short period (post-traumatic blindness). Such a symptom does not always appear immediately after injury, it can occur for a few minutes or last a few hours, gradually going on a decrease.

How to show a concussion from schoolchildren:

  • Intense pain in the head;
  • Loss of consciousness, sometimes lasts up to 15 minutes;
  • Loss of memory relating to the causes of injury and the nature of its occurrence;
  • Violation of coordination of movements;
  • Constant vomiting or nausea;
  • Manifestation of neurological symptoms (twitching the eyeball, for example).

Signs of concussion in a child can start manifest itself immediately, but after a while - it is distinctive feature Children's concussions of the brain. Therefore, it is important to observe the child in the next few hours after the injury. If suddenly the child becomes sharply worse (nausea arises, severe vomiting, semi-resistant state), then urgent medical care is required.

In children at school age, usually on the third day after receiving the concussion, the symptoms subsided. For a while after injury, the child may complain about minor dizziness or pointing in transport, but gradually and these manifestations pass.

What to do when concussing the brain

With any injury of the head, the child is preferably immediately called "ambulance" so that the kid is examined in the stationary conditions experts (surgeon,). A timely diagnosis will avoid complications and quickly put a child on your feet.

What to do when concussing the brain in a child before the arrival of doctors:

  • It is impossible for the first hour after injury to give the child to fall asleep;
  • Put a child on a solid surface and hide the blanket - provided that the child is in consciousness;
  • If the child is in an unconscious state, it must be put on the right side, while the left hand and the leg should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees to ensure proper breathing;
  • When slowing down pulsation and uneven breath make an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration (if parents are trained in such receptions).
  • It is impossible to give a child painful agents and should be limited to any activity.

Before the arrival of doctors, the child must be in full peace. At the same time, it is desirable to catch the kid in advance about the disturbing symptoms, the character and cause of injury, etc.

Upon arrival in the hospital, the child will be inspected and, which will find out all complaints of a small patient and determine the nature of the injury. Doctors will check the sensitivity of the kid, its motor activity, reflexes, will determine intracranial. If necessary, an additional examination may be assigned:

  • X-ray - assigned to eliminate the fractures of the skull;
  • Neurosonography - reveals the presence of edema, hematomas, hemorrhages in the brain area;
    Ultrasound - evaluates the general state of the brain;
  • Echo encephalography, electroencephalography;

Even if the symptoms of the brain shaking are not clearly expressed and the child feels fairly tolerable, it is not proof that he has not received a concussion. It happens that children can several hours (or even the day) do not show no concern and not have complaints. But such a favorable state can sharply move to ailment with rapidly increasing symptoms that are dangerous for the baby.

When identifying serious symptoms You must immediately go to the doctor who will send for tests, and will allow to avoid serious consequences.

Treatment in hospital and at home

Children with any brain trauma (especially children early age) Must be necessarily hospitalized in the hospital.

The treatment of brain concussion in the hospital is to ensure control over the state of the child, to identify and prevent possible complications (intracranial hematomas, cerebral edema, etc.). Of course, the probability of developing serious complications by shaking is small, but the consequences of such states may be irreversible and lead to a sharp deterioration of the child's condition.

Usually, with concussions of the brain, the standard hospitalization of the child is up to seven days. But with good health of the baby and, provided that either neurosonography did not reveal deviations, this period can be reduced to 3-4 days.

Stay in the hospital creates a calm psycho-emotional setting necessary for a child - a social and motor activity is limited. Conditions in the hospital do not allow noisy games, runn, TV views and computer games.

During his hospital stay in the hospital, drug therapy is carried out:

  • Daughty drugs are prescribed for the prevention of brain edema (furosemid, diakarb) together with Calia (,) preparations.
  • Sedative and soothing medicinal products (Valerian tincture, phenozepam).
  • Preparations (diazoline, suprastin, diphedrol).
  • To reduce strong headaches - Sedalgin, Baratgin.
  • With constant nausea - Cerukal.

The condition of the child in the hospital is constantly monitored by the medical staff. With a marked deterioration, re-examination is carried out and prescribed the appropriate treatment scheme. With a stable satisfactory condition, the child is released home in a few days on receipt of parents.

How to treat brain concussion at home? At home, the child will have to take nootropic drugs and vitamin complexes under the supervision of parents - these drugs are prescribed when the patient is discharged from the hospital. For 2-3 weeks physical activity The child must be minimized: you should limit the watching TV and a computer, you should not actively move, play sports for a long time.

Important! Bed regime and the reception of prescribed drugs should be observed at home after discharge of a child from the hospital within 1.5-2 weeks.

With any even the most insignificant deterioration of the state - the appearance of convulsion, jugs, nausea, vomiting, increased drowsiness, headaches, should immediately report this to the doctor.

It is important to understand that in identifying serious symptoms of the brain, in no case cannot be engaged in self-medication. Hike to the doctor is obligatory, and after all analyzes, you can already think about recovery and treatment at home

Consequences and forecast

A concussion of the brain in children, although it belongs to sufficiently light degrees of crank-brain injuries, still some time can cause negative effects in a child.

Consequences of brain concussion:

  • Frequent intense headaches;
  • Attacks of vomiting occurring without visible reasons;
  • Inhibition when performing ordinary actions;
  • Inexplicable irritability;
  • Sleep disorder, insomnia;
  • Meeting dependence.

Such signs are very rare and usually pass on their own after 2-3 weeks. After this time, the child returns to the usual way of life - can visit Nasli, school, play sports.

When concussing the brain, it is impossible to refuse hospitalization to avoid possible complications Injuries. Treatment of concussion is not aggravated by drug methods - Dr. Komarovsky argues that when concussing the brain, it suffices to keep rest and peace and restrict activity to ensure complete recovery.

Do not forget that the concussion of the brain, especially serious, will not pass without a trace, and a certain period of time will still be manifested by various symptoms, which, nevertheless, can be easily removed by a medication method.

The concussion of the brain in children is interpreted as a lightweight cranial injury accompanied by a short-term loss of consciousness. Concussion leading among other injuries in patients children's age.

Cases leading to a concussion, many children may fall, will hit the accident, too sharply jump, get under the swing. With infants often arise the situations of rolling from the changing table or from the bed.

In general, the brain injury (CMT) ranks first among all the injuries of children's age, requiring hospitalization. Approximately 120 thousand children with a concussion of the brain annually enter the hospital in Russia.

Concussion brain in children

The very determination of the injury is concussion, means that there is a certain "shaking of the brain in the cranial box", in which there are no special changes and disorders in the structure of the brain.

Injury in children is manifested in a different way than adults. And children of different ages Different signs of concussion brain.

According to the severity of the cranial and brain injury is divided into a light (concussion of the brain), moderate gravity (brain injury light and moderate severity, with possible fractures of the bones of the skull or Fractures of the base of the skull).

A high level of injuries in children is explained by the increased motor activity of the child, its incurredness and curiosity, which is combined with the imperfection of motor skills and coordination of movements, as well as a reduced sense of danger and fear of height. In addition, in young children, the head has a relatively big weight, and the skill of insurance with their hands is not yet developed, so small children fall, as a rule, down their heads and hands do not substitute.

The causes of children's chmt are very specific for each age group. Newborn in the total mass of victims are 2%, children breast-age - 25%, yasery - 8%, pre-school - 20% and school age 45%.

Injuries in babies are primarily the result of the inattention and carelessness of their parents. Children up to 1 year most often (more than 90%!) Get injuries to the head after falling from changing tables, beds, from the hands of parents, from wheelchairs, etc. You can never leave the baby one in the place where he can fall from. If you need to move away from the child to the distance, more than in a pulling hand, do not be lazy, put it in a crib, in a stroller with sides, on a player! One or two seconds it happens enough to roll to the edge of the changing table and fell.

Starting from 1 year old kids start walking. The main reason of the CMT becomes a fall from the height of one's own growth, and a little later - falling from stairs, trees, roofs, windows, slides, etc. The Episode Himself does not always manage to reveal. It should be borne in mind that if the child remained under the supervision of relatives, neighbors or babysitters, they can hide the fact of falling the baby from their parents.

Older children for various reasons often drag injury. In addition, children may damage the brain without immediate head injury. At the age of 4-5 years, they may arise with coarsest circulation, jumping from height to feet, and in young children even with their over-intensive brand.

Symptoms and signs of concussion of brain in children

As it was already noted, with a concussion of the brain, there are no gross irreversible processes of violation. This trauma, despite the increased frequency of cases, has the most favorable prognosis of rehabilitation, and it is extremely rarely the reason for complications.

It should be remembered that the child's brain (and especially the baby) is significantly different from the brain of an adult. The picture of the brain concussion in adults is significantly different from the course of this injury in the child.

In adulthood, the concussion of the brain is manifested by the following basic signs: the episode of the loss of consciousness from a few seconds to 10-15 minutes; nausea and vomiting; headache; Amnesia (falling out of memory) Events related to injury (before injury, injury itself and after injury). In addition, some specific neurological symptoms are identified, such as Nistagm (twitching eyeballs), disruption of coordination of movements and some others. The picture of the concussion of the brain in the child is completely different.

General symptoms of concussion cerebral in children:

  • Pallor of skin and bouts of chills
  • Sleepiness and fatigue
  • Feeling of anxiety and anxiety
  • Failures in memory and sense of unreality of what is happening
  • Problems with sleep

In children under 1 year, the concussion of the brain, as a rule, flows a small-axipput. The loss of consciousness does not happen more often, there is a single or multiple vomiting, nausea, jerking when feeding, skin pallor, unfortunate concern and crying, increased drowsiness, lack of appetite, poor sleep.

Symptoms of concussion of the brain in a child up to a year, as a rule, has no pronounced. If suspicion is present, the clinic is as follows:

  • vomiting, more often, rather than repeated;
  • frequent joining when feeding, more than usual;
  • swelling Spring;
  • pale skin color, especially faces;
  • increased excitability - capriciousness and crying;
  • bad appetite or its absence at all;
  • restless sleep, increased fatigue.

In children preschool age It is often possible to establish the fact of loss of consciousness, nausea and vomiting after injury. They have headaches, the increase in or slowing the pulse, the instability of arterial pressure, the pallor of the skin, sweating. At the same time, capriciousness is often noted, a sleep disturbance.

In 2 years, the child can already say or show if he has certain signs of concussion. Symptomatics of pathology in children from 2 to 6 years:

  • possible loss of consciousness - the child cannot explain what happened to him and how he fell;
  • nausea and increased vomit reflex;
  • slow pulse;
  • dizziness in combination with headache;
  • sweating;
  • plasticity;
  • pale skin cover;
  • bad restless sleep.

Sometimes children have such a symptom as post-traumatic blindness. It develops immediately after injury or a little later, is saved for a few minutes or hours, and then independently disappears. The reason for this phenomenon is not clear.

Features of the children's body lead to the fact that the long compensation state can change the rapid deterioration of the state. That is, immediately after the fall, the child feels satisfactorily, and after some time it appears and begins to quickly increase symptoms.

Symptoms of concussion brain from schoolchildren:

  • explicit loss of consciousness, continuing to 15 minutes;
  • constant nausea and vomiting;
  • intense headaches;
  • loss of memory relative to the nature and causes of injury;
  • the presence of neurological symptoms of a specific nature (for example, overvisage syndrome of eyeballs);
  • a pronounced violation of motor activity coordination.

Emergency and treatment concussion brain

What to do parents whose child got a cranial injury? The answer here is one - the child should necessarily and urgently show the doctor. It is best to immediately call "ambulance", which will surely take the child to a hospital, who has children's neurosurgeons or neuropathologists. And this measure is not unnecessary. With minimal symptoms and complaints, the kid can be severe brain damage. The long-lasting visible well-being of the child, the absence of symptoms, especially during hemorrhages in the brain, often a few hours later, and even days replaced by the progressive deterioration in the state, which begins with changes in the behavior of a child, its increased excitability, may be nausea, vomiting, nystagm, blows the rodnikov , then drowsiness appears, there is an oppression of consciousness.

Diagnosis of concussion brain in children

In the hospital, the child examines a children's neuropathologist, neurosurgeon or traumatologist. He carefully finds out the complaints, collects anamnesis (history of the disease), conducts a common and neurological inspection. Additional diagnostic methods are assigned. The mains are radiography of skull, neurosonography (in small children), echo encephalography (echo eho). If necessary, computed tomography of the brain (CT), magnetic resonance tomography (MRI), electroencephalography (EEG), lumban puncture.

Radiography of the skull is carried out most of the patients. The purpose of this study is to identify the fractures of the skull. The presence of any damage to the bones of the skull automatically translates the injury into the category of medium-heavy or heavy (depending on the child's condition). Sometimes young children with a safe clinical picture on radiographs are revealed by linear fractures of the skull bones. To judge the state of the substance of the brain on radiographs is impossible.

Neurosonography (NSG) - this is ultrasound procedure brain. On neuralonograms, the substance of the brain, ventricular system is clearly visible. It is possible to identify signs of edema of the brain, the foci of the injury, hemorrhages, intracranial hematomas. The procedure is simple, painless, quickly executed, does not have contraindications. It can be carried out repeatedly. The only limitation of neurosonography is the presence of so-called "natural ultrasound windows" - large spring or thin temporal bones. The method is very effective in children under the age of 2 years. Later, the ultrasound becomes difficult to pass through the thick bones of the skull, which dramatically worsens the image quality. Equipment for neurosonography is available in most children's hospitals.

Echo-encephalography (Echo EGO) - It is also an ultrasonic research method, which allows you to identify the displacement of the middle line structures of the brain, which may indicate the presence of additional volumetric formations of the brain (hematoma, tumor), to give indirect information about the state of the brain substance and the ventricular system. This method is simple and fast, however, the reliability of its low. He used to be widely used in neurotramatology, but if modern means Diagnostics, such as neurosonography, computer and magnetoresonance tomography, can be completely abandoned.

Computed tomography (CT) - It is the ideal method for diagnosing damage and brain diseases. This X-ray method of the study, in which, with high definition, you can obtain images of the bones of the skull and the brain substance. According to CT, virtually any damage to the bones of the arch and base of the skull, hematoma, the foci of the injury, hemorrhage, the foreign bodies of the skull cavity, etc. are diagnosed. The accuracy of this study is very high. Its main disadvantage is that the CT-apparatus of roads, and it is far from every hospital.

Magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) - The most accurate, but complex and expensive method of examination of the central nervous system. It is rarely used to diagnose acute cranial injury, since it does not allow to see the skull bones, less accurate to recognize sharp hemorrhages, takes longer than computed tomography, often requires anesthesia when examining small children - the child must lie absolutely motionless for 10 -20 minutes, and small children cannot do this; In addition, very few clinics can boast the presence of magnetic resonance tomographs.

Electroencephalography (EEG)allows you to study the bioelectric activity of the brain. It applies according to special testimony to assess the severity of the cranial injury, detecting foci of epileptic activity. The focus of epics - the area of \u200b\u200bthe cerebral cortex with the pathologically changed activity of neurons (nerve cells), which can lead to epileptic seizures.

Lumbal puncture - This is a fence of a liquor (liquid, washing the head and spinal cord) from the spinal cord channel at the lumbar level. Changes in the liquor may indicate injury or hemorrhage (presence of blood) or inflammatory process, meningitis. Lumbal puncture is extremely rare and only at special testimony.

Treatment of concussion brain

After the baby fell, before he examines his doctor, helping the child is to create a relaxing situation. It is necessary to put the baby, to ensure peace. If there is bleeding from the wound, it is possible to make it possible to process and binting.

In addition to the diagnostic procedures in the receiving hospital, damage to the soft tissues of the head (bruises, abrasion, RAS) is carried out. Children, especially early age, with a confirmed cranial trauma, including concirmed brain, are subject to mandatory hospitalization.

Hospitalization has several goals. First, for several days, the child is under the control of doctors in the hospital's conditions for early detection and preventing the complications of injury - brain edema, the appearance of intracranial hematomas, epileptic (convulsive) attacks. The probability of these complications is small, but the consequences of their extremely heavy and can lead to a catastrophically rapid deterioration of the child's condition. Therefore, when concussing the brain, the standard period of hospitalization is a week. With good technical equipment (computed tomography, neurosonography), allowing to eliminate heavier brain damage, the period of stay in the hospital can be reduced to 3-4 days.

Secondly, during hospitalization, psycho-emotional peace is ensured. This is achieved by the restriction of the motor and social activity of the child. Of course, to achieve fully bed regime for children is difficult, but still the conditions of the hospital do not allow runner, noisy games, long watching TV, and a computer seating. After discharge, the home mode is preserved for another 1.5-2 weeks, several weeks are limited to sports.

Medical therapy with a concussion of the brain has several goals. First of all, diuretic drugs are prescribed to the child (most often Diakarb, less often - Furosemide) at a mandatory combination with potassium preparations (Asparkamka, Panangin). This is done to prevent swelling of the brain substance. Soothing therapy (phenozepam, infusion of Valerian root) is performed and antihistamines (suprastine, diazoline, diphedroll) are prescribed. At headaches are prescribed analgesics (ibuprofen, ketorolac), with pronounced nausea - Cerukal. In more late time Nootropic drugs that improve the exchange processes in the brain are prescribed, vitamins.

The monitoring of the state of children is carried out by the attending and duty doctor, as well as by post nurses. In the event of any deterioration, there is a re-examination of the child, additional diagnostic research is appointed (neosonography, computed tomography, EEG).

Offering to go to the hospital, the doctor primarily cares about not to miss heavier than the concussion of the brain, injury, and this is possible only with a qualified observation of the child.

With a satisfactory condition, the kid in a few days the parents can pick it up on receipt. However, at home you need to comply with the medical and security regime, limit the TV, the game on the computer, walks, visiting friends, continue drug therapy. With any suspicion of deterioration of the child's condition (the emergence of nausea and vomiting, headaches, unmotivated drowsiness, convulsive attacks, the appearance of weakness in the limbs, frequent jumping in kids) should be immediately re-consoled to a doctor for reassession and possible hospitalization.

Consequences of shaking brain in children

By shaking the brain in it, it does not happen gross, irreversible changes, and such an injury, being the most frequent, has the best forecast and very rarely leads to complications.

Despite the fact that this type of injury refers to light pathologies, they have a place to be. The effects of brain concussion include:

  • constant headaches of intensive long-term nature;
  • inhibition in the fulfillment of familiar daily activities;
  • periodic seizures of vomiting without visible reasons;
  • irritability from games and classes bringing joy to injury;
  • meteo-dependence - any change of the weather acts on the child in depressing, manifesting themselves with headaches and malaise;
  • sleep disorder, rarely insomnia.

As a rule, after 2-3 weeks, the child's condition is fully coming back. The concussion of the brain usually passes without consequences and complications. The child can visit the nursery and kindergarten, do sport.

In conclusion, it is once again necessary to emphasize the importance of timely appeal to specialized children's hospitalthat will allow to eliminate the heavier forms of the cranial injury.