If the child is crying a lot. Why does a month-old baby cry without rest. Basic ways to calm a crying baby

The child's audio system includes two lungs, the vocal cords and the mouth. He uses these organs for communication. In almost all models, the function of verbal communication is not pre-installed, so the first attempts at "communication" will seem meaningless to you. This is a common mistake most beginners make. These audio signals, called crying, contain a tremendous amount of information!

A child cries when he has a wet diaper, he is hungry, he is hot or cold, he is tired, he is tormented by gas, he is sick, he needs affection and comfort. Some models cry just to hear the sound of their voices. If your baby is crying, the pitch and frequency of the audio signals will help you determine their meaning. different types crying signals different conditions. If you managed to determine the cause, remember the type of crying so that in the future you can immediately understand what is happening to the child.

A wet or stained diaper... The olfactory system will help you determine if the diaper is dirty. By inserting one finger inside the diaper, determine if it is wet. Replace it if necessary - crying should stop.

Hunger... The child experiences hunger about 7-10 times a day. Offer him food. Your baby may need to calm down before eating. If the crying has stopped, then hunger was the cause.

Hot or cold... Most models cry more often when they feel hot. The baby's body temperature can rise, but it does not have a user alert system. Check what clothes he is wearing and change if necessary. Examine the child carefully to determine if he is hot. Perhaps his skin is red or damp to the touch. Don't put too many things on him.

Fatigue... While crying, the baby may rub his eyes, yawn or “nod off,” which means he needs to go into sleep mode.

Gases... If your baby fidgets or raises his legs to his stomach, there may be an excess of gas in his digestive system. Help him burp or hold him so that the gases come out.

Caress and consolation... If the child feels like he has been left alone for a long time, or is too agitated, he may just need to hug and calm him down. Try a sedative, natural or artificial, in his mouth.

Disease... If the baby is sick and feels uncomfortable, he begins to cry. First, make sure that the above reasons are not the cause of the cry. If your baby cries continuously for 30 minutes, contact your healthcare provider.

ATTENTION. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to determine the cause of crying. Don't panic and try again to understand why your baby is crying.

In fact, most newborns begin to observe this important ritual of infancy as soon as they are born. The first cry of a newborn plays extremely important role- it helps to fill his lungs with air and stop being dependent on oxygen, which was delivered to him by his mother's circulatory system. Now he can breathe on his own. Even without explaining the circulatory system of the fetus and newborn, you may not need us to say that the cry of a baby in the delivery room is the most anticipated event for everyone. He usually announces the birth of a happy, healthy child, and almost everywhere this cry is greeted with tears of joy and relief. How much crying can occur in the following days can vary significantly from child to child, but you are more likely to have a baby sleeping most of the time, crying only when hungry.

For all babies and young children, crying is a form of communication; it only expresses needs. Thus, in most cases, crying is a response to hunger, discomfort (for example, a wet diaper) or separation from a parent, and stops when needs are met (for example, feeding, changing a diaper, and comforting). This crying is normal and tends to decrease in duration and frequency after 3 months of age. However, crying that persists after routine needs and comfort or that is longer than normal for the child should be examined to determine the specific cause.

Why is the baby crying?

An experienced and observant mother can determine the cause of crying:

  • hungry crying begins with draft, gradually turning into choking. When the mother approaches, but for some reason hesitates to feed, crying
    turns into an angry demanding cry, and during pauses, the child makes search movements with his head;
  • painful crying has a tinge of deep suffering, turning into hopelessness. It has an even, unceasing character, directly related to
    with painful sensations. Periodically replaced by a desperate cry, reflecting increased pain and a call for help. With the cessation of pain, the child stops crying and falls asleep;
  • when urinating and defecating, the baby emits a squeak, whimper or grunt, which is replaced by an angry scream if the mother does not help the child and does not plant him on the pot;
  • if the child wants to fall asleep, but is tired or nervous, as a rule, he whimpers monotonously and plaintively, yawning and often closing his eyes.

When the newborn slept after the extreme sensations of birth and opened his eyes in a huge new world, flung open in front of him, you can bet that any of them will inevitably and immediately begin to cry. I must say that one of the first and most useful lessons to learn from this is that babies do not always cry for the same reasons as adults. After all, most of us cry when we are either in pain or upset. We believe that it is for this reason that many parents get upset at the sound of their child crying and feel completely helpless if they cannot stop the crying of their child, and stop it immediately, considering it a call for help. Children, on the other hand, have the uncanny ability to burst into tears (no tears, of course, which usually do not appear for about the first month, see below) if they are scared, hungry, hot or cold, tired, wet, bored , restlessly, they are tormented by gases ... well, you imagined a picture. We look at this situation like this: children are forced to cry a lot only for one reason - they have no other ways to express their feelings in sufficient quantity. If you remind yourself that crying is not always synonymous with pain or upset, you will be much less likely to be on the verge of tears yourself in the months ahead.

Loudly and without tears

Most babies literally don't shed a tear - not because of insufficient crying, but simply because their lacrimal glands are not fully developed yet. While you may not consider your baby crying a gift (at least after the first cry in the delivery room), you may actually feel very moved when your baby crosses the tears stage and cries real tears for the first time.

Signal crying myths

Most books tell you that parental instincts develop quickly, and you will soon be able to determine the cause of each individual cry in your baby. We definitely don't want to minimize the importance of taking crying seriously, and we totally agree that you should try to understand true meaning every cry of your little one, but in our experience this is often easier said than done. When you are not completely sure why your baby is crying, first look for obvious reasons - hunger, a dirty or wet diaper, fatigue, and also try to make sure that there is no potential behind crying serious reason: heat, a pin stuck in, or an accidental hair or string wrapped around a finger (the two commonly cited reasons that we had to list here are actually very rare). But for those of you who have still not been able to identify why your newborn is crying or crying and feels hopelessly incompetent as a result, we hope we can convince you to be less critical of yourself by saying that we also did not always consider the definition causes crying of their newborns an easy task. We did our best and gave the child literally everything (sometimes our “everything” was partly limited due to our own endless lack of sleep). If our children could remember their infancy and we could publicly discuss our own parental "inadequacy" with them, they would probably tell that we fed them when it was necessary to change the diaper, put them to bed when they wanted to eat, and excessively entertained when they were tired. There will probably be times when your child's needs are obvious, but it’s best to keep in mind that there will also be times when you’re not sure about anything at all, except perhaps you feel like pulling out your hair.

Calculated crying

In the first weeks and months, remind yourself that crying is perfectly normal for your baby. Typically, in newborns, the amount of crying during the day increases from about 2 hours at two weeks of age to 4 hours by three months. Light at the end of the tunnel: The number of crying babies from now on begins to gradually decrease, and over time, the reason usually becomes much easier to understand.

Is it colic?

Open any book on childcare, and you will surely find a mention of what many parents call with horror "colic". Even with the rule of thumb that colic does not occur until about three months of age, we included this question in the crying chapter without reference or disclaimer, since some parents start worrying about it almost from the birth of their baby, and then continue to do so. with every cry or slight nervousness of the baby, considering them only one step to full-blown colic (or its onset). Quite often, colic is thought of in the case of prolonged crying of a seemingly perfectly healthy child. For convenience, we prefer to perceive crying due to colic in a wide range - from those who cry sporadically for several minutes to those who cry for hours without a break. Only time will tell you whether your newborn is really a “colicky” baby, that is, one who has regular bouts of crying most often in the evenings and for no apparent reason. The good news is that most babies with colic (and even those who do not) "outgrow" the period of excessive crying by about 3 to 6 months of age.

Colic control

Since nobody knows true reason colic, and many parents and experts continue to attribute the cause of crying to stomach pains and / or inaccuracies in the baby's nutrition, the most practical and logical analysis of colic (what to do with them) was recently given to parents in the book on caring for babies "The Happiest Baby in the quarter ”by pediatrician Harvey Karp. Dr. Karp carefully studied previous theories of colic, and then offered parents five rules: swaddling; position on the side / on the stomach while the baby is awake; reassurance; motion sickness and sucking. Both he and we find these rules very effective for pacifying a crying baby with colic during the first few months of life.

To soothe is to pamper?

You definitely don't need to hold yourself back from responding to your newborn's cry for fear of spoiling him. In fact, over the next few months, you may well be deleting the word "pamper" from your parenting concerns. Every time you try to quickly respond to your newborn crying, you are simply sending your baby a signal that you are there and will always help him.

How to calm a crying baby

But how do you know exactly what he needs? Although we have already told you that this is not always easy, you will likely notice after a few days that every time your baby falls asleep, he cries in a characteristic manner. Or perhaps he has a special cry that ends immediately after he starts eating. As you begin to pick up on these signals and respond to them appropriately, your little one will feel comfortable knowing that he can communicate with you, at least in part. If you can't tell the type of crying, think about the last time your baby ate, slept, or had a diaper changed. If several hours have passed, it might be time to do each of these three steps again. Below are some other ways to calm your little one.

  • Professional help. Most books leave the worst scripts for later. But not in ours. We want you to know right away that if at any moment it seems to you that your child is simply inconsolable or cries unbearably for a long time, or he looks sick or cries, choking, put the book aside and immediately call the pediatrician: this is why they exist. !
  • Calm yourself down. So, now we decide that you have assessed the situation and believe that the intervention of a doctor is not required. The next step is to take a deep breath and try to relax. Children are able to pick up on the stress around them and may cry if they feel negative vibrations. Sometimes the best step you can take is to calm down yourself first, even if that means putting the crying baby somewhere safe and taking a short break.
  • Swaddle tight. Try swaddling your baby tightly (as described earlier). We consider this to be justified, because all newborns spend 9 months with the usual feeling of tightness and security in a very small space inside the uterus. By simulating this feeling of comfort and security, the swaddling technique often helps to cope with crying and helps to promote sleep.
  • Let everything move. Any newborn who has spent enough time in the womb is simply not used to living without movement. As a result, you may find that your child can buy into the idea that a lack of movement and activity can be pleasant and calm. In the meantime, you can try the time-tested methods of movement: carrying on your hands, rolling in a stroller, rocking the crib, driving in a car will surely please your crying or restless baby. The very popular vibrating toddler seats or baby swing also serve the purpose of calming the toddler with movement. Just keep in mind that you always need to securely fix your baby according to the instructions, monitor him when you use such devices, and buy accessories designed for the comfort of the babies (additional headrests, seat belts that securely anchor the baby, low seats on automatic swings, etc. .).
  • Simple sound effects. Your baby may also enjoy soothing muffled sounds, similar to waves of amniotic fluid or the beating of a mother's heart and pulsating blood vessels. You may find, as many have no doubt found before you, that the sounds of a vacuum cleaner, washing machine pouring water from the shower or the beating of a person's heart (hold the baby against your chest or put on a tape recorder with a heartbeat) work wonders. In addition to your efforts to calm the child, you will receive a cleaned apartment, washed clothes or a clean body as a bonus! It doesn't matter if you are musical or not, try humming or playing some kind of melody. Research has shown that some newborns are especially good at calming down to a song or songs that we hum or played to them before they were born!
  • The opposite attracts. Feel your child's arms and legs. If they are cold, put on some other clothing or wrap it in a blanket. If he is hot or sweaty, remove one layer of clothing. Look, maybe he is interested in changing the situation: if the light is bright, turn it off, if it is dark, turn on some kind of lamp. If it is very noisy, turn down the volume. If it's unusually quiet, try one of the simple sound effects above. Too calm? Walk with him. Bottom line: there is no special science here, it all comes down to finding and customizing your own simple calm solutions.
  • "Give the pass." If there is someone around, do not refuse their help until you are ready to try again yourself.
  • Give time... If all else fails, just lay the baby down and wait patiently until he calms down on his own. Crying alone won't hurt your baby, so if you're not in the mood to calm him down, okay, let the baby cry for a while. If your patience is almost running out and you need a break, don't feel guilty about putting your baby in a safe place (in the crib or strapped in child seat car) until you come to your senses.

When the crying doesn't stop

Now that we have tried to explain to you why newborns cry, we want to bring you general rule regarding newborns and crying. Even if inconsolable crying does not always mean that there is some serious internal reason that caused it, anyway, always call a doctor in such cases.

If a baby cries

A baby's crying can be caused by hunger, fatigue, abdominal pain, elevated temperature, heat, cold, wet diapers. If you have checked everything, and the child continues to scream, you need to look for the cause together with the pediatrician. Frequent crying or crying of a baby may indicate some kind of illness or problems with breastfeeding... In the absence of both, there is only one way left: to go to an appointment with specialists dealing with the problems of child crying. After all, the constant cry not only exhausts the child himself and favors the development of chronic anxiety but also strongly depletes nervous system parents. Therefore, it is better to resort to the help of professionals sooner rather than later. You can get information about counseling on crying problems in family centers, parent clubs or children's clinics (as a rule, it is better to contact the child's health office for medical issues).

What can you do yourself

Screaming children are often a great challenge for parents. Crying all the time can take away your confidence, especially if this is your first child. First of all, you must make sure that neither hunger nor sickness is behind the cry.

If you cannot find the cause, try the following tips:

  • As a first step, try to calm yourself down. Concentrate on your breathing, lower your shoulders and try to accept the situation as it is.
  • Take your baby in your arms. Close skin contact can help reduce your baby's stress. Sit down in some not-too-bright, quiet corner where you usually feel good.
  • Ask the rest of the family to stay out of the way for the next half hour to help your child calm down.
  • Don't try to “turn off” crying. Sing your child a quiet song and gently rock him in your arms. Wait patiently until the baby gradually calms down on his own.
  • If you are a nursing mother, then attach the baby to the breast. This also has a pacifying effect. Or give him a pacifier so he can suckle off his tension.
  • Carrying a child in a scarf or a backpack has proven its effectiveness many times. Ask the midwife to explain the technique for tying the scarf. Feeling the warmth of your body, the baby calms down faster.

Help with bloating

Relief is brought by special preparations (for example, with fennel) or ointments. A small amount of them should be rubbed with the whole palm clockwise around the baby's navel. Then you have to lift the baby in your arms with your tummy down and slightly shake him in the air with an airplane. In this case, one hand, passed between the legs of the child, firmly supports his tummy. And the other hand creates support for the chest, with the head resting on your forearm. Another remedy for bloating is a slightly warmed cherry-pit pouch that should be placed on the baby's tummy for about 10 minutes.

Causes of baby crying



CauseSuspicious symptomsDiagnostic approach
Constipation Anal tears or fissures. A history of decreased stool frequency and hard lumpy stools. Stretched belly Clinical evaluation
Gastroenteritis Hyperactive bowel sounds. Lean, frequent stools Clinical evaluation
Gastroesophageal reflux Regurgitation, arching, or crying after feeding in history Study of the swallowing process. Esophageal pH test
Intussusception Severe abdominal pain with periods of rest and no pain. Currant jelly stool X-ray abdominal cavity... Air enema
Milk protein intolerance Bloating. Vomiting. Diarrhea Stool heme test
Volvulus Bloody stools. Lack of intestinal noise. Painful stomach Abdominal x-ray


CauseSuspicious symptomsDiagnostic approach
Meningitis Fever. Inconsolable, irritable behavior. Meningism Lumbar puncture for CSF testing
Otitis media Erythematous opaque distended tympanic membranes Clinical evaluation
Respiratory infections (bronchitis, pneumonia) Fever, shortness of breath, wheezing, poor breathing on auscultation Chest X-ray
Upper respiratory tract infections Temperature rise> 3 days. No other symptoms Analysis and culture of urine


CauseSuspicious symptomsDiagnostic approach
Cornea Crying without other symptoms Fluorescein test
Fracture, overdose Tumor, ecchymal lesions of the extremities X-ray of the skeleton to identify current and old fractures
Hair tourniquet Swollen tips of toes, fingers, or penis with hair wrapped around the organ proximal to the edema Clinical evaluation
Head injury with intracranial bleeding An inconsolable, piercing cry. Localized swelling on the skull CT scan of the head
Shaken baby syndrome Inconsolable, high-pitched scream Head CT Scan of the retina


The reason for crying:

  • organic in<0,05% случаев,
  • functional in 95%.

Organic... Organic causes, although rare, must always be taken into account. Causes to be considered are classified as cardiac, gastrointestinal, infectious, and traumatic. Of these, heart failure, intussusception, volvulus, meningitis, and intracranial bleeding due to head trauma are potential life-threatening factors.

Colic is excessive crying that has no obvious organic cause and lasts at least 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week for over 3 weeks.

One of the most important tasks for the mind and feelings of young parents is to learn to recognize the reasons why the baby is crying and to respond correctly to crying. In most cases, crying is the result of an empty stomach and diapers full, and the baby is reassured by taking appropriate measures. But even in these ordinary cases, newborns cry with all their might - persistently, irritably and desperately. Their cry sounds like an accusation: "I don't like the way you look after me!"

If in your child's cry you hear a statement that he is uncomfortable or worried about something, do not panic: you are doing everything right. If you sleep very little, your body hurts (especially after a cesarean section), and hormones are raging in your body, then you may find yourself accumulating thoughts about how difficult it is to deal with a newborn. Such thoughts come to the mind of even the most devoted parents.

How do you feel and what should you do when the baby cries? First of all, it is very important to understand the purpose of crying. Remember that a newborn is completely helpless and can do nothing for himself except to suck on a breast or a bottle (or one or two of his own fingers, which accidentally ended up in his mouth). If adults do not meet all of his needs, he simply will not survive. Crying for a baby is the only - and most effective - way to get others to take action. The crying of a newborn is deliberately disturbing and annoying because it is designed to evoke a variety of unpleasant feelings, especially in those closest to the baby. Activities that usually stop crying - food, clean diapers and clothes, carrying on hands, caressing and gurgling - simultaneously satisfy the most urgent, vital needs of the infant.

During the first three months of a child's life, there is no need to think about whether he has good reasons for crying. He is not at all trying to deliberately anger you, manipulate you, check how much you have enough, or drink your last strength out of you and poison your life. So it is imperative that you do something, and not plug your ears, hoping that the crying will dry up on its own. At this age, a child cannot be spoiled, and in the early period of his life it is better to overdo it with attention and care than not to give them enough. The kid, although he is not able to express his gratitude or pleasure to those around him, desperately needs peace of mind, caring hands and constant love. This is not the time for useless attempts to "educate", "shape character" and "discipline" the child. (In a few months, you will have ample opportunity to take on these important tasks.)

What is the child trying to say when crying? Most likely, this is about:

  • He is hungry and wants to be fed.
  • He has wet or dirty diapers.
  • He is damp, hot, cold, or uncomfortable.
  • He wants to be handled.

Somewhere between two weeks and three months, you will suspect at least once that something terrible has happened to the baby. Just a day or a few days ago, you knew how to calm him down. To do this, it was enough to feed him every few hours, change diapers, rock and gag. And now he is naughty in the afternoon or early evening, and nothing helps for a whole hour ... two hours ... three hours ...

And sometimes, for some unknown reason, a baby suddenly starts screaming or screaming right in the middle of the night. What's happening? You can never know for sure. But it will make you feel better if you realize that many babies cry every now and then, some of them every day, while others seem set to set the world record for the longest cry.

Crying: it's not just hunger or wet diapers

Your offspring's accomplishments will include new ways to express grievances: you will notice that crying has become an effective way for him to build up his “vocabulary”. In different cases, the baby will be indignant in different ways: he will “say” about hunger differently than he will express dissatisfaction with the unceremoniousness of the doctor examining him, and will react to the vaccination in a completely unexpected way. A newborn cries the same for any reason - persistently and monotonously. And a child over four months old tries to draw the attention of adults to the events of his life with the help of screams, which, depending on the situation, are very different. Watch and listen carefully, and you will learn to distinguish "I want to eat" from "I'm bored" or from "I wish the toy I just threw on the floor."

The ability to distinguish between the intensity and intonation of crying will help you understand whether you need to immediately rush to the baby, or whether he is quite capable of waiting until you finish your business.In the first year of life, the child will find that he, to his great indignation, is not the center of the Universe - in in any case, that part of it that he had already mastered. If the baby is fed, his diapers are dry, and everything else is also in order, then hesitate a little before approaching him, wanting to calm the furious roar on the topic "I need attention this very minute."

Assessment of crying in babies

History... Medical history assessment focuses on the onset of crying, its duration, response to comfort attempts, and the frequency or uniqueness of the episodes. It is necessary to ask parents about related events or conditions, incl. recent vaccinations, injuries (such as falls), exposure to siblings, infections, drug use, and the association of crying with feeding and bowel movements.

The Systems Review focuses on the symptoms of causative disorders, including constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, arching of the back, explosive and bloody stools (gastrointestinal disturbances); fever, cough, wheezing, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing (respiratory infection), and obvious pain when bathing or changing a diaper (injury).

Medical history should include previous episodes of crying and conditions that may predispose to crying (eg, heart disease, history of developmental delays).

Medical checkup... The survey begins with a review of vital signs, especially for fever and tachypnea. At initial observation, the infant or child is assessed for signs of lethargy or an emergency and how the parents interact with the child.

The infant or child is undressed and examined for signs of respiratory distress (eg, supraclavicular and hypochondrium, cyanosis). The entire surface of the gel is checked for swelling, bruising and abrasions.

Auscultatory examination focuses on detecting signs of respiratory infection (eg, shortness of breath, wheezing, diminished breathing sounds) and cardiac compromise (eg, tachycardia, galloping rhythm, holosystolic murmurs, systolic click). The abdomen is palpated for signs of tenderness. The diaper is removed to examine the genitals and anus, to look for signs of testicular torsion (eg, red-ecchymous scrotum, pain on palpation), hair cord on the penis, inguinal hernia (eg, swelling in the groin or scrotum), and anal fissures.

The extremities are checked for signs of fracture (eg, edema, erythema, tenderness, pain with passive movement). Fingers and toes - for hair bundles.

The ears are checked for signs of trauma (such as blood in the canal or behind the eardrum) or infection (such as a red bulging eardrum). The corneas are stained with fluorescein and examined under blue light to rule out corneal abrasion, and the fundus is examined through an ophthalmoscope for signs of bleeding. (Ophthalmologic examination is recommended if retinal hemorrhage is suspected.) The oropharynx is examined for signs of thrush or oral abrasion. The skull is gently palpated to detect a fracture.

Warning signs... The following symptoms are of particular concern:

  • respiratory failure
  • bruises and abrasions
  • extreme irritability
  • fever and inconsolability (meningitis),
  • fever in an aged child<6 недель.

Interpretation of results... A high index of suspicion is justified when evaluating crying. Parental concern is an important variable. With great concern, the doctor should be careful even in the absence of convincing evidence, since parents may subconsciously react to subtle but

significant changes. Conversely, very low levels of anxiety, especially in the absence of parental interaction with the infant or child, may indicate a connectivity problem or an inability to assess and manage the child's needs. Inconsistency between history and clinical presentation should raise concerns about possible violence.

It is helpful to distinguish between common concerns. For example, in the presence of fever, an infectious etiology is most likely; respiratory distress without fever indicates a possible cardiac etiology or pain. A history of stool abnormalities or abdominal pain at the time of examination is consistent with gastrointestinal etiology. Specific symptoms often suggest specific causes.

Setting a time frame for crying is also helpful. Crying intermittent for a number of days is less disturbing than sudden and constant crying. It is helpful to know if the scream occurs only at certain times of the day or night. For example, a recently started crying at night in an otherwise satisfied, healthy infant or child may be associated with nighttime fears or constipation.

The nature of the cry is also indicative. Parents can often distinguish between screaming that is painful in nature and reckless or fearful. It is important to determine visual acuity. An inconsolable infant or child requires more involvement than a healthy infant or child who is easy to comfort.

Testing... Testing is aimed at identifying a possible cause and pays particular attention to potential life-threatening, unless the history and physical examination are sufficient to establish a diagnosis. In the presence of very little or no specific clinical data, and if testing is not immediately indicated, close observation and reevaluation can be applied.

Crying treatment in children

The underlying organic disorder must be treated. Support and encouragement is important for parents when the infant or child does not have an obvious underlying medical condition. Swaddling an infant in the first months of life can be helpful. Carrying on and responding to crying as soon as possible will reduce the duration of the cry. For parents anxious about the crying of a child, an important incentive is the desire to take a break from the crying child and to lay him down in a safe environment for a few minutes. Teaching parents and "allowing" rest is helpful in preventing violence. Providing help for parents who seem overwhelmed can prevent future problems.

Many childcare guides talk about crying. It accompanies life so naturally baby that it is simply impossible to forget about him. However, few mentions how a mother feels when her baby bursts into tears. We will figure out why a newborn often cries, whether it is necessary to take a crying child in his arms, how to survive and react to crying in older children.

Everywhere you can read that "gradually the mother learns to distinguish the sounds made by her child." With experience, you really start to see the difference between the cry of a hungry wolf and the whine of a sick baby. But no one mentions that any kind of crying is ultimately very exhausting.

Of course, the mother has enough intelligence and compassion to understand that the baby has no other ways of expressing himself. He shouts not at all to annoy his mother, but only to ask her for help.

Of course you all know this. Nevertheless, for a fraction of a second, you have a desire to shout: "Yes, you will shut up someday, little monster!".

Depending on the age of the child, crying is perceived differently, and several stages can be distinguished in the perception of the child's cry by the parents.

  • : parents do not understand very well the reason for his crying, they feel powerless, frantically trying to find at least some solution, asking themselves if they are good parents (guilt - 5 points on a five-point scale).
  • After a few weeks: parents know why their baby is crying and do not hesitate to find a solution (which they came to after sleepless nights and hundreds of dirty diapers).
  • After a few months: the infant has learned how to make his parents react and begins to use all his persuasive power. Parents are already tempered enough and know how to bypass the traps set by the little cunning.

Favorite time and place of the screaming baby

  • In the middle of the night at the hotel.
  • In the supermarket, under the evil gaze of aunts in hair curlers.
  • On a plane (especially on a long flight).
  • When mom is on the phone and needs to write down important information about an upcoming meeting.
  • In the car when you are trying to find your meeting point.
  • During some ceremony, a meeting to which you were forced to take it.

A newborn baby does not cry the most, but it is he who is the most difficult to understand. You should always proceed from the fact that he will not throw tantrums just like that, and you should establish the reason by conducting a little investigation. Don't worry, you will very quickly become a real Sherlock Holmes: it is scientifically proven that within ten days after the birth of a child, a mother will recognize from 3 to 6 types of crying.

Causes of Infant Anxiety Signs
I am hungry / thirsty. These are very loud screams of rage that do not stop when you pick him up. Often he puts his fist in his mouth. The only thing that matters to him now is to eat.
I'm wet. These screams are not so loud, rather plaintive, but much more annoying.
I'm tired. The child whimpers, sobs, it is clear that he is uncomfortable. He wants you to hug him and comfort him.
It hurts me. Harsh, shrill, alarmed screams that do not stop when you pick up your baby. Up to three months, we are usually talking about colic associated with the immaturity of the nervous and digestive systems.
I need to discharge myself. These screams relieve stress accumulated during the day and are accompanied by increased arousal.
To choose from:
I'm completely naked.
I'm wet.
They are squeezing me.
What is this noise?
Whimpering or loud crying, depending on the degree of discomfort.

Should I pick him up right away?

How to choose between an instinctive desire to comfort your child and what the remnants of neurons that have survived in the mother's brain suggest ("no, no, no, you need to wait a bit")?

By responding to the child's call, you let him know that you are here and ready to comfort him and help. If a baby realizes that there is someone nearby who can be trusted, he will grow up calm and confident in himself.

Nevertheless, the baby will greatly advance in his development if he learns to console himself, finding the strength to calm down. A restrained and compassionate presence is the right attitude of the ideal mom, isn't it?

When all else fails

He is crying. As a rule, this happens in the late afternoon. You tried to solve this problem: you changed your baby's clothes, fed him. You rock him, caress him. Nothing helps. These are classic colic arising from the child's need to get rid of the stress accumulated during the day, from the stress experienced (excitement, fatigue, joy, etc.). Have you never wanted to discharge yourself from an excess of emotions?

In such situations, the stress and discomfort of the child becomes contagious: the mother feels powerless, starts to get nervous, the tension builds up. Give your baby time to calm down by leaving him in his room, only occasionally go to check if everything is in order. If he continues to cry, you can walk with him from room to room, provided that you yourself remain calm ...

It will also be necessary to come to terms with these passing crises, they are inevitable, and try to survive them with dignity, without aggravating the situation.

An older baby crying

A growing toddler may develop new types of crying. With the development of a person, his worries become more sophisticated. Having finished with primitive problems (hunger, thirst, sleep, wet diapers), the child enters the wonderful world of metaphysical worries: I want to get your attention, I need love ...

"Hey, I'm bored!" As soon as the child stops sleeping all day long, he is seized with a thirst for discovery. Do not leave him in the crib, use the fact that he is still stationary, and take a chaise longue with you with him. He will be happy to watch how his mother washes the dishes, prepares food, and cleans up.

Inexpensive and very entertaining toys

  • A small plastic bottle with a few staples, pebbles, or dry beans (note: the cap must be screwed on very tightly).
  • Foil cardboard tube.
  • Well closed box with cotton swabs.
  • Plastic bracelets.
  • A variety of boxes that can be opened and closed.
  • Cardboard packages for products (usually decorated with bright, beautiful pictures).

“You don’t allow me to touch what I want - I’m going to give you such a tantrum!” Frustration is perhaps one of the most painful feelings children experience. Parents set boundaries and prevent them from touching sockets, light bulbs, fragile knick-knacks, etc. The kid needs to learn to deal with this feeling.

"No, mom, don't leave me!" Pretty quickly, your baby learns to feel sad when he sees you leave. It is generally accepted that by the age of 8 months, he discovers "separation anxiety," in other words, the fear that you will never return. Of course, every child has everything individually: someone cries as soon as the mother comes out into the next room, and someone does not remember her even after two days. In both cases, there is no cause for alarm, all this will pass.

Crying in infants is the most powerful way to attract the attention of others. With a cry and anxiety, when there is no opportunity to say, the child informs loved ones that he is hungry, tired or he has something in pain.

It is through crying that the baby signals that he needs help.

The main reasons for crying in babies

Crying for a baby for up to a year has many meanings and gradually the mother will learn to understand why the baby is crying and will always come to the aid of her beloved baby.

The main reasons for crying in young children are:

  • hunger;
  • and other types of pain;
  • discomfort due to cold or heat;
  • fatigue;
  • wet diapers, itching and burning due to diaper rash;
  • lack of attention and communication;
  • other reasons.

Features of crying in infants

First of all, parents need to know that the baby is crying, because he cannot express his feelings and emotions in another way.

Therefore, first you need to listen and analyze the crying of children - do not panic in advance.

Very often, the baby cries instinctively - the baby just needs to periodically feel the warmth, tenderness and smell of the mother. This is the cry that immediately stops after the mother responds to his call and takes the baby in her arms.

  • so that the child can relax;
  • so that nothing bothers the baby.

Important nuances are:

  • well ventilated, semi-dark room;
  • the absence of loud, harsh sounds, often babies fall asleep well under a measured noise or quiet music;
  • a certain ritual is of particular importance - bathing the crumbs, stroking, humming, laying to bed.

You can add a few drops of valerian tincture to the bathing water or bathe the baby in decoctions of herbs - mint, chamomile, calendula.

Parents need to know that if they are too tired to bathe the child, it will not lead to excessive overexcitation of the nervous system, the baby will be frightened, and in the future, when bathing, it will experience discomfort.

In addition, overwork in a baby can be caused by a noisy company, many people - this also carries an additional danger in the form of various viruses and bacteria, especially in the first months of life.

Discomfort as a cause of crying in babies

Quite often, young children cry, experiencing discomfort from overheating or hypothermia. This is due to the immaturity of the thermoregulation system.
If the baby is hot, his skin turns red, sweat appears on his forehead and in the folds, the baby begins to whimper, rush about in the crib, trying to free his arms and legs, and then cry loudly.

On many forums and sites, you can find claims that crying is good for an infant, in addition to this, some relatives also think so.

There is a statement that the lungs develop in this way. What is far from the case and parents should know about it:

it is harmful for a baby to cry in the future, this will negatively affect his health and character.

And it is also important to know that a healthy and happy baby will not cry for no reason and must be looked for!

In addition, you cannot leave the most dear creature - joy and happiness alone with your infant problems, you need to cope with them together. And do not be afraid to accustom the baby to the hands - it's not so scary, gradually everything will get better as the baby grows. And if he needs your care and support - it's not so bad.

doctor - pediatrician Sazonova Olga Ivanovna

How do you know what exactly is bothering a nursing baby when he cries? How to calm him down and give him exactly what he needs. In our article, in a handy table, information is provided to help a mother recognize the causes of crying.

Every parent should understand that while a child cannot speak, crying is the only way he can attract attention to himself. You must tell yourself once and for all that crying babies is a huge help to parents. How else could you find out about your baby's needs, well-being and bad moods?

Treat crying as a normal, natural occurrence. It is difficult to stay calm and cool in a situation where the baby is restless and crying. But the calmness of the parents directly depends on how quickly you find the reason for crying and the child will calm down.

Often, children's crying does not pursue any goal, but indicates emotional overload and exhaustion. During the day, the child, like any person, builds up stress. And it must find a way out.

To find out the reasons for the dissatisfaction, just be attentive to your child and you will soon learn to understand him.

For more on this topic, read the article on our website. In it, some of the reasons for crying are described in more detail.

What's happening?

How do you know what is bothering your child?

What to do?

The kid wants to eat

Hungry crying begins with a conscription (from alternating periods of screaming and pauses). But if the baby does not receive food, the cry becomes angry, and then turns into a choking scream.

This cause is easily remedied: give the baby a breast or formula.

Lack of milk

The baby shows anxiety at the end of feeding, twists its legs, twirls its head, greedily sucks on the breast.

After making sure that there is no milk left in this breast, you can try to attach the baby to the other breast.

Baby is hot

Touch the baby's nose (in such cases, touch the baby's skin with the back of the hand, since the skin is sensitive there). In case of overheating, the nose is hot, the baby's skin is red, sweaty.

One layer of clothing must be removed from the child. If you are at home, undress your baby, give him a drink.

Baby is cold

If the baby's nose is cold, it means that the baby is freezing. In case of hypothermia, the child may hiccup.

The frozen baby should be covered or dressed more warmly.

Wet and dirty diapers

Usually, before the very moment of urination or defecation, the child makes a sound similar to a squeak or whimper, and after the action itself, if the mother does not help, such sounds of discontent can turn into a cry.

It is necessary to change the diaper or diapers.

Skin irritation

Redness, the appearance of a rash on the skin of the buttocks, the perineum of the baby. The child becomes irritable, crying, especially when changing diapers.

It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the baby's skin, wash the newborn at least 8 times a day. Before putting on a diaper, apply cream to the affected skin BEPANTEN or by other means on the advice of your pediatrician . In cases of severe irritation, you should consult a pediatrician.


The baby is 4-6 months old. The child is capricious, crying, saliva is constantly leaking, the baby takes fists, rattles in his mouth. The temperature may rise, loose stools appear.

You can use special teether rings with coolant. You can stroke your gums with your finger. If this process leads to an increase in temperature and a violation of the stool, on the recommendation of a doctor, gum gel can be used.

Middle ear inflammation (Otitis media)

Crying during feeding (swallowing provokes pain), high-pitched crying may occur suddenly, the little one worries when pressing on the tragus.

You should immediately consult a doctor. Before the doctor comes, put on a cap on the child, press it against you with a sore ear. Without a doctor's prescription, put a compress, etc. do not do it!

Boredom, loneliness, need for physical contact with mom

Take the baby in your arms, stroke the back, on the head, smile at him, talk. You will immediately understand that this is exactly what your baby was waiting for.

Bloating and abdominal pain (colic)

Most often occur up to 3 months. The kid cries, twists his legs and pulls them to his stomach, his sleep is disturbed.

If intestinal colic is daily, prolonged, and resumes after the passage of gas and feces, if the child's stool is changed (how to "recognize" it, read in the article Child's stool: norm and pathology) or colic occurs at an older age (after 4 months), it is necessary start by consulting a doctor.

During and after feeding, hold the baby upright to allow him to regurgitate air. If your baby is being bottle fed, make sure that it grips the nipple tightly and that the hole is not too big. If the child is breastfed, dairy and gas-forming products should be limited or excluded from the mother's diet - cabbage, especially sauerkraut, onions, tomatoes, apples, pears, watermelons, mushrooms, black bread, kvass, etc.

If the baby receives mixtures, then it should be checked if they are bred correctly. When the baby begins to worry, it is necessary to give the opportunity to move away gases: massage the abdomen in a circular motion clockwise; put the child on his stomach, bend the legs at the hip and knee joints (frog position). You can put a soft warm cloth on your baby's belly, take him in your arms and press your belly against you - the warmth will relieve colic. You can use dill-based baby tea to help release gas.

Headache or infant migraine

It occurs more often in newborns with perinatal encephalopathy syndrome (PEP), in which there is also an increase or decrease in muscle tone, increased excitability. Such children often react to changes in atmospheric pressure, changes in the weather. They behave restlessly in windy, rainy, cloudy weather. With a headache, general malaise may occur: nausea, vomiting, indigestion.

You should definitely contact a specialist who will find the right treatment. Children with hyperexcitability can be given a pacifier before falling asleep, but after the onset of sleep, it must be carefully removed from the child's mouth.

Violations of the daily routine, changes in the usual course of life, the baby wants to sleep, violation of the principles of care, negative, conflict atmosphere

These reasons can be identified by analyzing the baby's day regimen, changes in the situation in the family.

Sometimes you need to change the environment, move with the baby to another room. The bath has a calming effect on babies.

Try playing melodic, calm music.

Perhaps a medical condition is the cause of crying.

If you can't deal with crying for several hours, see your doctor.

In any case, keep your composure, try not to get annoyed.

At first, the baby is constantly crying, this does not mean that everything is bad in their life, it is just that the toddler has no other means of communication. Therefore, they can cry for completely different reasons: when they are hungry, wet, do not get enough sleep, when something hurts or discomfort is felt.

Of course, the baby will not cry just like that, so the question arises of what to do if a newborn baby is crying. You can calm the baby by solving his problem, only first you have to figure out the reasons for crying.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

The main reasons for crying a child

The newborn has a lot of reasons for crying, in fact, he cries for any reason:

A newborn baby cries for any reason.

Why does the baby constantly cry - alarming signals

A doctor should be consulted if one of the symptoms is present with crying:

  • high temperature (above 37 ° C);
  • redness on the skin;
  • the child does not eat, refuses to breast;
  • crying accompanies cough;
  • the toddler has a wet nose, has snot;
  • frequent regurgitation is observed;
  • the little one is crying loudly and constantly.

If the child is crying strongly and constantly, then it is better to see a doctor, even if there are no other alarming symptoms. At the very least, it will help you calm down.

In any case, the doctor will tell you what to do if the newborn is crying all the time.

What if the newborn cries intermittently and after feeding?

First of all, don't be nervous. If the mother is afraid, then her anxiety is transmitted to the baby, as a result, their anxiety and discomfort only intensifies. By the way, it is precisely because confidence is transmitted to the little ones that they calm down faster in the hands of the dad.

Try the following steps:

  1. Give him breasts even if he doesn't want to eat... Breast in mouth gives babies confidence. This is the surest remedy as it helps in 80% of situations.
  2. Swing in your arms or in a stroller... Uniform motion sickness affects the vestibular apparatus, thereby distracting babies.
  3. Tuck it in a sling... An effective remedy that helps not only with fatigue or fear. Babies calm down even if they have colic or teething. The sling will also help the baby fall asleep faster. If you do not know how to make a do-it-yourself sling for a newborn,.
  4. Take the baby in your arms and put it in an upright position. This will help the gaziks accumulated in the intestines to get out. The baby will calm down in 15-20 minutes.
  5. Talk to your baby, sing a lullaby, while it is desirable to change the intonation, since in this case the baby will be more distracted. You can growl, the sound "rrr" greatly surprises the little ones, distracting attention.
  6. You can try to distract with quiet music(better classic), a toy, a bright object. Flowers, houseplants, pets help to distract.
  7. Give a dummy... The method is especially good if the little ones are teething. The pacifier can be moistened with a special anesthetic cream.
  8. Give water... With colic or colic, water will help the little one, relieve discomfort. About when to give water to newborns,.
  9. Cheer the little one... The method helps for older children. Almost anything will do: bunny jumping, growling and antics, unusual sounds made by mom or dad.
  10. Massage of the tummy will help with colic... It is done with one palm. Press lightly and massage clockwise or counterclockwise.
  11. A warm bath can help... This is especially helpful if the baby is tired, wants, but cannot fall asleep. Soothing can be added to the bath.

Advice: talk to the child, tell the child that everything is fine, he will not understand the words, but he will feel the intonation.

Parents' mistakes

Despite the fact that many parents know what to do if a newborn cries after feeding or in other situations, many make standard mistakes:

An expert mom will tell you about the reasons for the crying of a newborn baby in this video:

The newborn cries for many reasons. He may not be happy with damp diapers, noise in the apartment, colic or hunger. Mother's breasts are the best anti-crying remedy, they satisfy hunger and give a feeling of security. If the baby does not calm down, then you can try to cheer him up, distract his attention, shake and poke him. Just do not panic because of crying, anxiety is easily transmitted to the toddler.