How to memorize large volumes of information methods. Takes mnemotechnics: how to learn to memorize quickly and easily. Examples of various types of associations

Many mistakenly believe that the active work of the memory ends at the end of the Institute, technical school or university. However, this is not quite true. The use of memory continues and after receiving a diploma. Another thing, where and in what amount to apply it, and most importantly, how to improve. Therefore, in this article we will tell about how faster remember information using the most simple and efficient exercises.

What types of memory are there?

The memory of a person can be divided into two types:

  • short-term (fast);
  • long-term.

Short-term memory allows a person to memorize a certain list of objects or objects that exist in real time. In other words, only images are currently relevant here and now. On average, such objects can be 5-8 pieces. Accordingly, long-term memory makes it possible to remember those or other images that may be needed by a person not immediately, but, for example, in a year. Therefore, to figure out how to better memorize information, you must learn to distinguish them.

  • visual (they are remembered by those items that we see in humios);
  • sound (melody catches, lyrics);
  • sensual (based on real mental experiences and feelings);
  • tactile (remembered sensations);
  • emotional (based exclusively on emotions);
  • associative (connects objects and objects with any associations).

About how faster to memorize information, let's tell later.

Exercise 1: We write sad letters

Scientists have made an amazing discovery. Our memory, as it turned out, the most susceptible to negative memories and experienced emotions. Therefore, the method of writing letters is as follows: it is necessary to take a sheet of paper and a handle, move on the clock for 15-20 minutes and during this time to set out all the troubles and the negative points you have come across the last week, month.

Interestingly, after such an exercise you will be easily remembered almost any information. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that after using the brain exercise, simply will not have time to switch to your memories and will gladly take everything that you read and memorize. That is how it is worth it, if you are looking for an answer to the question: "How best to memorize information?"

Exercise 2: shout, and you will hear

A little extraordinary, but quite an effective method remember any information. He lies in her loud shouting. For example, in this way you can learn foreign words, prepare for exams or testing. However, this does not mean that during such an exercise it is necessary to yell to hoarseness or until the first call of the perturbed neighbors. Do all within reason.

How to quickly remember the large amount of information: Exercise 3

If in a short time you need to learn a large volume of text or material, then such actions should be performed:

  • carefully (preferably several times) read written or printed;
  • paint into the contents;
  • allocate basic and auxiliary information;
  • split the material into parts (in accordance with the level of their importance);
  • make a brief (possible;
  • retell read.

That's how to quickly remember the large amount of information.

Exercise 4: Movement is power

When any material does not want to remember, many experts advise the use of real movements. To do this, it is necessary to get out of place, take a book with text and for the best effect to start walking around the room, at the same time reading what is written. It is believed that, during walking, the brain activation is happening, therefore, any material is absorbed far rather.

With the same purpose, before you remember greater information, it is recommended to be 25-30 minutes to dance, jump, run or make any physical exercises. It is said that after that it will be possible to remember at least the whole of the "war and the world".

Exercise 5: Play Association

One of the most effective ways to develop and remember any information - a game of association. Suppose you need to remember the list of products. To do this, you must first write this list of purchases, look at it and create images that you will easily remember.

For example, carrots are indicated in your list of future acquisitions. Since it has an orange skin, it may well be associated with red fox or protein. Cotton swabs - It is soft and white snow. Water is a glass, etc. It is brief about how faster remember information.

Exercise 6: lay down all around the shelves

It is said that the best things are remembered in your favorite place. For example, in your house there is a favorite chair on which you are often sitting. And there is a stack of wooden shelves near it. Here on them and you can mentally put those items that you plan to remember. After that, you will be easier to recall the location of the items and their name.

Exercise 7: Leave notes

Suppose you need to learn a big report, but you do not know how faster remember information. In order to quickly learn what is written, you need to divide the text on short sentences, write them on sticky leaves and put it in the available locations in the room. Next is recommended from time to time to walk around the apartment and read your notes.

Exercise 8: We consider matches

Sometimes you should not wait for the moment when you need to urgently learn any text, numbers or words. It is best to start training your memory and attentiveness before the appropriate moment.

For example, if you regularly exercise "matches", you can increase the level of attentiveness and memorizing the smallest details, therefore, if necessary, assimilate any important material to you will not be difficult. Next, we will tell about how easy it is to remember information of any complexity.

So, the meaning of the exercise comes down to the following: it is necessary to take exactly five matches, pour them on the table, remember their position, turn back to the other side and try to recreate. With each occupation it is recommended to increase the number of matches and the complexity of the figures created.

Exercise 9: read the words the opposite

Very simple and useful exercise for the development of care and memory is to read for example, while walking around the city, pay attention to the signs of stores, read them on the contrary. In this case, you will not have to just remember an unusual value for ordinary names, but also keep the original original word in memory.

Exercise 10: Change the numbers and letters in places

If you are experiencing certain difficulties with memorizing phone numbers or pin-code, you should use simple and at the same time effective techniques Data assimilation. Currently known various methods. Remember information related to the numbers will help you, for example, the option with the replacement of them for the letters.

For example, you need to remember the following sequence: 9, 5, 8, 4. We replace them with letters corresponding to the first letters of numbers. We obtain instead of "9" the letter "D", "5" change to "P", "8" to "B", and "4" to "h". It will be more interesting to develop a thought further, inventing a whole proposal from this letter code. IN this case Instead of difficult "DPVCh", we will get "Let's say you are."

In short, if you really decided to improve your memory performance, do not slow down and start training right now. In this case, you do not have to break your head and invent the next incredible fast way Explore information. On the contrary, you will quickly digest and memorize. Dare!

A rare adult who professionally not related to scientific activities is not in panic if he needs to quickly remember the large amount of information before the exam or retraining.

He has already forgotten how to do it, so it is nervous than creating an even greater inconvenience. Meanwhile, there are many ways to make information effectively.

Throw negative emotions

What can not be done, trying to learn how to memorize a large amount of information?

In no case cannot be immediately tuned to the negative, shares with relatives and colleagues that it is not necessary, boring, never come in handy. In this case, memory will be firmly blocked, and remember anything from the read will not succeed.

On the contrary, you need to convince yourself that this information is extremely important.

If you do not have the idea what to learn for short term, You should first figure out what it is. To do this, it is better to read not reference books and professional literature, but materials in which new information is fed easier.

Each person has its own individual features, its time of increased ability to work. One is easier to read and memorize in the morning, another - at night. If you correctly determine the time of your activity, it will be quickly able to cope with the assignment.

How to remember a lot of information in a short time - universal technique

  • Negative information is remembered better positive - this can be used when hiding to the test.

To take advantage of this method, you can activate yourself with the following sendments:

  1. only a full idiot will not be able to learn such necessary information;
  2. it is impossible to be impassable stupid ...

After self-vaccination, the information is remembered much easier.

  • The larger the amount of material should be done in a short time, the more important to understand the essence of the question. Only in this case the information will firmly entrenched and not forget, as soon as the right page or monitor with the text fails before your eyes. In this case, it will only be enough to know where to start and make a plan - all other information will come to mind. To quickly master the definitions, it is better to teach them out loud and someone to retell. It is not necessary that Visavi disassembled in this issue - you can choose simplified definitions, trying to retell the information to the mirror or a pet.
  • The volume material is easier to subtract and memorize blocks. Moreover, each of the individual blocks is memorized in different places - moving around the room or room. In the future, it will be enough to remember the situation in which I had to do, and everything read will appear before your eyes.
  • Another method - during memorization to gesticulate, emphasizing the particularly important definitions of a certain facial person. This is a little resembles a children's game, but it is during her that the brain takes better information. You can submit ourselves to the participants of the popular current show or lead, which seek to "ingate" opponents of their "truth".
  • People perceive the information in different ways - it is better to see someone, to hear someone, and for someone, if you do not ride, it will not be possible to master the material.

It is possible to facilitate the memorization process with the help of the necessary images:

  • This interesting method is called verbal execution. The text needed to memorize is re-read and rewrite - prescribing only the first letter.

It turns out a kind of abstract or one-bore plan. First, you will have to use the main abstract to play information, but then it will pop up when looking at the letters, and then you can completely refuse.

  • It is impossible to master new knowledge with a firm, learn everything at a time. Necessary breaks should be done during classes, during which active actions will be carried out. You can do anything - sing, dance, perform a few sports exercises, run, walk down the street. Enough break in 15 minutes to improve mental activity and accelerate brain blood supply.
  • There is one more effective method Remember information to which not everyone is serious - learn in a dream. The method is not to put a book or fall asleep to the pillow, which the necessary information is displayed on the screen.

Hello, my favorite readers.

Have you ever thought how to quickly remember the large amount of information? How not to forget everything in the morning? How to postpone all the knowledge gained in such intensely in long-term memory?

All these questions concern every person who has ever had to memorize tons of materials for the exam, presentation or just to improve their own knowledge.

More than once I encountered the fact that many not taking off from textbooks, sit and day and night in attempts to remember as much as possible. Is there meaning in this? Maybe they do something wrong? Maybe there is another way out?

Today I want to discuss with you, as quickly and most effectively remember new Material.

7 tips how to quickly learn what is impossible to quickly learn

  • Allocate the main thoughts.

Whatever it is important and large in a short time, it will always be at least 50% of the water. Introductory words and subordinate suggestions, examples and ranting of the author - this is superfluous that you can cut off the text with a calm soul.

While reading mentally allocate the main thoughts and remember them. Form the so-called skeleton, which in the future you will simply impose your thoughtS.. Only this method will help you reduce the time to study the material several times.

  • Do not read the text several times.

Yes exactly. The more time you read the text, the stronger you start to stop on any unnecessary things and trifles. Especially you begin to be distracted from the most important. Our brain is designed in such a way that you'd better read once very carefully, highlighting the main thoughts, and then retell it than to read ten times the same thing in trying to remember. It will give much more effect for a short time.

  • Do not pronounce about yourself words.

The brain is capable and without prognising to catch the point of what they see. So try not to dwell on each word while reading, and slide by text. Yes, it will be difficult, but this will significantly speed up the process.

If you regularly work with a large amount of information that you need to memorize or you just need to develop your memory to the maximum, take advantage soviets of Stanislav Matveyev - Record for memorization. This man proved that everyone is capable of more than he thinks.

  • Do not sit on the spot.

Pate in the house. Spread things in the closet. Knit or embroider with a cross. Stand up and go walk to the park. Do any physical business when you are trying to retell what they read. Scientists have noted more than once that physical mobility increases the performance and productivity of the brain. So use the fact that you already have.

  • Share apart.

No matter how much you want it, it is unlikely that you will succeed. Our brain is simply not capable of mastering tons of material without preparation. Therefore, I advise you to share everything in parts. Osill one piece - Relax, drink tea, go out to the street for 15 minutes. Generally, restart your brain.

Even if you need to master as much material as possible per day - plan your holiday. From the morning, plan, for example, at what time you will learn, and in what - relax. Schedule lunch and rest time. Then the likelihood of success you will have much higher than if you just set out in the morning and you will learn until the night.

  • Develop peripheral vision.

To significantly reduce the time reading - develop the ability read the whole line. So you do not have to run through the eyes on the line, you will see everything at once. Of course, this will not learn this in a short time, but if you constantly have to work with large amounts of information, this skill becomes extremely necessary.

Already now you can start to deal with these abilities in yourself. A good helper in this can be online brainpps service . There you can register and use good simulators.

You can also purchase premium Account and take another opportunity (for example, complete professional course , getting regularly adjusted for your level of workout, access all exercise games presented on the site, etc. ).

Clear such classes 5-10 minutes a day, and after a couple of weeks you will significantly increase the speed of reading one page of the text. I experienced it on myself.

  • Repeat every 2-3 hours.

In order not to lose what you recently learned from the shelves of your short-term memory, repeat the learned material every 2-3 hours. This will refresh your knowledge, and will help move information into intermediate memory.

I hope that among these tips you will find what will help you not only to learn correctly, but also to properly plan your studies. If you have to learn a lot of material, try these methods. And personally, I, and many of my students have repeatedly tried them on themselves.

And if you want to receive even more information about any aspects of English language - Subscribe to the newsletter of my blog. You are waiting for the most relevant and true information, a lot of interesting and useful.

In this article, you will learn how to better memorize information thanks to reliable ways that have already helped many people in school, reading and learning in general.

If you are reading scientific literature to learn some particular topic (say, investments or internet marketing) or prepare for exams, you will be helped by several rules that will constantly increase your ability to memorize and reproduce the material.

Use these rules every day and increase your educational potential.

How best to memorize information:

Rule number 1: First quick reading, then - detailed

Usually people try to remember all the details from the read material for one sit down, but the best way To learn complicated information is to divide the reading process into two or three stages.

First, run through the text that you need to read (two or three pages will be just right), reading superficially. Do not make yourself remember anything during the first reading.

Now go back to the same material, reading slowly this time. Pronounce difficult words out loud. Emphasize complex words or key concepts.

If you still feel puzzled, go through the material for the third time. You will be amazed at how much information placed in your head!

Rule number2: Take notes

Studying a new material (on lecture, webinar, just reading something), make notes.

After some time, rewrite your notes in the notebook, collecting and summarizing all the information. You will notice that you probably recorded some of the information or materials that seemed very important to you during the lecture, but now no interest.

Recommend to the concepts that you recorded, but not clearly explained by writing your thoughts. Watch the definitions of keywords and external resources. Write down the information you found in this form, in which it is convenient for you. This will secure information in your memory.

Rule number3: Teach others

We are best remembered when we learn others. That's why training groups Can be very effective if they are properly used. Instead of using your group only for performing any tasks, ask your partner to "drive" you on the material passed, make you verbally repeat what you learned.

Find in the class of a person who is poorly learning, and become an informal mentor for him.

If you can not find such a "student", tell your partner or neighbor around the room about what you learned in the classroom. Do not repeat the material that you already know well.

Select information, with the understanding of which you have any problems, and make yourself explain to someone at lunch or while walking with the dog. This will allow you to really understand the entire essence of the material you learn.

Rule number 4: Speak with yourself

Want - believe you want - no, but listening to your own voice, you can easier to memorize new facts. Write down on the voice recorder, as you read keywords and definitions out loud, and later listen. This trick will make your self-learning more efficient. You will be involved a few senses at the same time - auditory, verbal and visuals - plus you will be more attentive, as reading out loud requires concentration.

There is another funny trick. It is to make a "phone tube" pipe from the flexible PVC pipe tube, which you could bring to your mouth and apply to the ear while reading out loud. Want - Believe it, you want - no, but the concentrated sound of your own voice passing through this "phone" will easily remember than your usual voice while reading the material out loud.

Rule number 5: Use visual tips

Many of us remember everything with the help of a visual channel. You can actually capture the image of the formula, definition or concept in your consciousness, and can easily remember the necessary information during the test or if necessary.

Use this feature of your memory, drawing pictures on cards or using various color markers when you write the information necessary for memorization.

For example, if you need to remember the Latin or Greek root of the word, you can draw pictures that symbolize the values \u200b\u200bof these words. The Latin word "Aqua" means water, so you can write "Aqua" with a blue marker and draw a drop of a drop. The Latin word "SPEC" means to watch, so you can draw a nearby glasses.

Cards are also a useful tool for visual memorization, especially if you use pictures and colors to make them. You can actually remember the word or formula just because remember how you suffered, solving what color it is worth writing this definition - orange or green. Color can cause your visual memory, which will help you get access to information.

Check out an interesting video about visual notes, helping to quickly memorize information:

Rule number 6: Use the shocking stimulus

Did you ever have a feeling while studying that you are simply unable to remember important information?

Want - Believe it, you want - no, but the use of some shocking physical incentive will help you understand, and then remember the complex material.

According to the study, conducted on the topic: "How best to memorize", if you put a hand in a bowl with ice water while studying, it will help remember, and then remember the necessary information. This is because negative stimuli activates part of your brain responsible for memory (presumably it happens so that we are better remembering the negative experience in order not to repeat it, but it also works effectively with the usual memorization of information).

You can use ice water, something hot or moderate pain to help you remember complex information. Try to pour yourself by the hand, holding a bag with ice in your hand, or hold a cup of hot tea while studying to stimulate your memory. The main thing is not to harm yourself truly!

Rule number 7: Chew a cheer

Teachers may prohibit the chewing gum in their lessons, because they do not want to rip off her from under the tables, but the chewing process of chewing can help you learn better and cope with tests.

One study studied the effect of chewing gum during test (on the example of graduates). The study showed that the chewing gum helped the disciples to finish the test 20 minutes earlier.

Another study was carried out on eighth graders who passed the annual examination of mathematics. The results showed that the students who chew a gum received an estimate for the test by 3 percent higher than their comrades who did not burst the gum.

How does the chewing helps to remember the information?

The chewing process of gum stimulates the influx of blood to the brain and helps you stay vigorous.

What chests do it better?

It does not matter whether you are booster with sugar or without sugar. The value has its taste. Go to the cheese of mint taste, because the mint acts as a mental stimulator and helps you feel calm and concentrated.

Rule number 8: participate in class work, even when you feel discomfort

There have been problems with a certain concept?

Most of us prefer to sit down somewhere in the corner and stay unnoticed in the class until we decompose all the material on the shelves. But this habit will always interfere with you in the learning process. Raise your hand, ask the question or voluntarily take part in the discussion of the topic with which you have difficulty.

You do not visit group classes? Find someone who understands the topic you need, and consult advice or help. Let you be worried about what you do not understand.

The discomfort that you feel during the execution of these actions will increase your remembrance features. You will receive answers to your questions and can easily remember the material later when you need the most.

Rule number 9: Select and paraphrase what you read

Reading the text difficult to understand, it may seem to you that you already have the letters in front of your eyes. Stress and highlight keywords and concepts while reading.

Pronounce words or concepts out loud while allocating them, and then write down (at the same time rephrasing) the material in the notebook. It will help you to digest all the information, and not just superficially run through it with my eyes.

Rule number 10: Invent poems or songs

Of course, you will not need to do this trick with most of the material, but you can discover benefits in coming up poems, rhymes or memorable songs that will help remember particularly complex formulas.

You may be easier to remember the formula if you come up with a musical design for it.

How do formulas help better memorize information?

Many formulas do not have any meaning for us. They look like a list of random numbers and letters, or seem like a set of random instructions that lack the binder element.

If you turn the formula in a song or verse, you are aware that it once seemed irrational, and this understanding of the material will allow your brain to better perceive information and save it in such a way that it can be easily accessible to it.

Rule number11: Look for Association

Similarly, the association method can help you find a link between dates or individual facts that need to be remembered in a certain order.

Find the way to associate the date and the name so that there is some point in this using the game numbers or words. You probably have ever done something like that when you needed to remember the password or phone number.

Find a way to associate a number named in such a way that it makes sense to you and the question of how best to memorize information will not be so acute for you.

Rule number12: Make breaks while studying

If you are constantly learning throughout long period Time, then you can notice that your performance falls as you stay for a long time for classes. Studies prove that during study it is necessary to make a 10-minute break every hour to maximize productivity.

What should this break be?

Be sure to stand, go to the toilet, drink something or snack. It is best to leave the room in which you sit, and move a little to improve the bloodstream. If you have such an opportunity, jump or stretch to get a tide of adrenaline and cheer up. After that, you can again take care of work.

Rule number13: Find a practical application

There are problems with memorizing formula or theory?

The problem is that you probably did not find practical use For this concept in life, so your brain does not want to memorize him.

Imagine how you can use this formula or the concept for solving a real problem. If possible, play or mentally imagine the influence of this problem in the practical plane. This will help you understand the formula or concept and, if necessary, easy to remember.

Rule number14: Create a physical image

Some concepts are difficult to understand until you see their physical image or illustration of the idea.

For example, it is possible to estimate the importance of microscopic analysis by looking at the image of the DNA chain or the anatomy of the cell. If you can not create a physical image or picture, find the image on the Internet. This will help you clearly present the problem.

Rule number15: Read important information before bedtime.

Our brain continues to work, even when we sleep. Re-read your abstracts before going to bed again, so that your brain can better assimilate the material at a time when you sleep.

Do not read anything that causes you trouble or grieves (so you risk disrupting your sleep). Instead, use this trick to secure the basic concepts and information that you will need later.

Rule number16: Practice breathing exercises

Stress suppresses the ability to concentrate and complicates access to the information you have learned.

That is why you can safely understand the principle, being in the classroom, but then go to a dead end while writing the test. You know that the information is somewhere on the backyards of your mind, but you just can't access her. This is because stress disconnects your ability to concentrate on something, you still have the "Bay or Run" reaction.

To overcome stress, do for three to five minutes.

Find a quiet place, set the timer, close your eyes, and then focus solely on my breath. Inhale as deep as possible, keep your breath until you feel a little discomfort, and then slowly breathe until you feel full relief.

Repeat in the same spirit without worrying about anything and focusing all the attention on how nice to breathe, while the timer does not communicate.

Try above the listed ways to memorize information and find the most effective for you.

Good luck in learning new information!

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Trying to learn a ton of information or learn paragraph over the story before the next lesson? Read the passage three times before bedtime, put the book under the pillow, to dance with the tambourine - all these methods are also popular as useless.

How does our memory work

We begin, perhaps, it is from this issue.

The process of memorization of any information passes through three stages.

  1. First - short-term memory. Any data is delayed there no more than a few minutes.
  2. Then the data go into the second stage - intermediate memory. Here she can linger both for several days and for a month.
  3. The third, and the last, stage is long term memory. There is always stored information there. Even what, as we think we forgot.

Therefore, in order to maximize the use of its memory opportunities, you need to take into account. Try to immediately translate everything that learn in the intermediate memory. And so that the information remains with you as long as possible, from time to time revise. Her and shift it into the long-term memory departments.

10 ways to remember the text

  • Retell another.

Resets what I read - and remember it 4 times faster. The likelihood that you will most quickly master the big text, if you read and retell it with another person, much higher. When you tell something, then the neurons of your brain work much more efficiently, and you instantly shift everything that learned, in an intermediate department.

  • Work on the principle of 20 \\ 5 or 45 \\ 15.

Your brain cannot teach something endlessly long - he needs to take breaks. Try to practice the practice of learning 20 minutes and rest for 5 minutes; Or learn 45 minutes, and rest 15. Your brain will get used to such uniform loads and will work as well as possible, and you can easily learn even the most difficult information.

  • Use associative thinking.

What you already know is your best weapon in learning. Conduct associations and analogies with those knowledge that is already stored on the shelves of your brain.. This will help you not just remember everything quickly, but then, if necessary, remember much faster.

  • Select key points in the text with a marker.

Of course, if the text in the textbook does not need to do this. But often, these are printouts, photocopies that such a way will be simply great! I myself did so when I studied at the university - very, very helpful! Believe me as soon as you do, all unnecessary will disappear and will not interfere, and everything you need will "stick" to your memory and will glow in it also brightly, as the marker with whom you have worked! Of course, for this you need to have the skill of finding important reference thoughts in the text. Practice, and everything will succeed!

  • Read the text with an expression or using different voice heights.

In other words, you can simply visit, presenting yourself as an actor (if you are not really an actor :-)). Read the text with a whisper, then low voice, then with a thin mouse voice ... Change intonation - with joyful notes to sad and melancholic. In general, feel what you read! Believe me, sometimes it becomes the only right way to quickly memorize text.

  • Do not sit in one place.

Scientists have proven that if when trying to learn something, you will not just sit at the table over the book, but, for example, to pace around the room, then you can learn the text or poem much faster.
Somehow, we discussed this question with my student. Her biology teacher has repeatedly noted that during the memorization it is best to clean in the house, lay out something in places or just to be caught. But in very rare cases sit still.

A person who never ceases to surprise me in terms of memory development is Stanislav Matveyev. He fell into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to his techniques and perseverance. And now Stanislav shares his knowledge with people, helping them to achieve their goals.

  • Learn in the morning.

It does not matter whether you are the most "Zhavoronkov" of all the larks or Mattela owl, your brain is still best remembered information in the morning hours or when you just woke up. Of course, there are rare exceptions when human biological rhythms are most active at night. But, nevertheless, attempts to remember something before bed can not only not give any effect, but also to spoil you sleep.

  • Tired - change the situation.

The main mistake of many is to try to teach without any rest. I remember myself during the sessions. I highlighted myself two hours to study in the morning, then went to the training session. Returned home and took another 2 hours. I constantly diluted hours of study on other classes. And I was always surprised by people who during session. Did not see each other with friends, did not go anywhere to walk, but just closed in the house. Therefore, my friendly advice - change the situation and let yourself rest.

  • Use the capabilities of your brain.

You probably know how you get it best to memorize. If you have enough to listen to a lecture, then everything is notged without a stick - you have definitely the type of memorization based on perception audio information.

For example, I better perceive the information if I write it. For me, remember something quite difficult. At the time of study at the university, I wrote abstracts, and all important marks did in writing. When you needed to remember something on the exam, my abstract instantly pop up before my eyes.

Therefore, use your strong parties in memorization. Let it sometimes take a little longer, but you will be confident.

  • In any incomprehensible situation - go to bed.

If nothing climbs in the head - go to bed. When you sleep, all the information that goes into your brain, let's say, declines along the shelves of the long-term department. And in general, never try not to learn anything. At this point, your brain is busy only to keep you in wakefulness, and to remember something simply not enough resources.

At the moment there are many techniques, technician and a wide variety of books to develop your memory and be able to memorize tons of information. You can watch videos or read books to develop your memorization abilities. Memory is like muscles - you just need to train a lot.

An excellent way to regularly exercise the memory, which I recently opened - online service " Fitness for the brain" About him and our daughter successfully told in detail.

Here, my dear, basic ways, as you can easily remember the big text. But I can say one thing: all this works individually to each person. I advise you to try and analyze that you get the best.

Share in the comments, what methods of learning you use, and how they help you. And for the curious there is my newsletter, where I constantly share interesting and useful information regarding any aspect of the English language.

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