Heart made of cotton pads with your own hands. Crafts from ear sticks and cotton pads. Fluffy heart made of cotton wool

One of the fertile materials for work hand made are cotton pads. They absorb paint well, flowers made from them fit perfectly into bouquets that will decorate any postcard with dignity.

Crafts from cotton pads made by the hands of kids. An elementary example is the caterpillar, a cheerful, positive character in cartoons and children's books. This is a common applique, using component elements painted in different colors.

Whole flower fields can be created from cosmetic cotton pads. One such composition combines both artistic and applied creativity. In addition to cotton pads, you will need a minimum of materials: an A3 sheet, colored paper, glue and paint.

  • First, draw the background (you can simply paint over the sheet with blue or blue paint, or you can depict on it additional elements- sun, stars, etc.)
  • We glue the cotton pad as shown in Figure 2-4.
  • Cut out additional elements from paper (stems, leaves, grass).
  • It remains only to beautifully arrange our flowers on a piece of paper.

Another option for applied art is eclectic flowers made from cotton pads. In this case, you don't even need paper, just paints and glue are enough. Step by step process the creation of such beauty is depicted in Figure 2-5. Use an eyedropper to keep the paint in neat droplets.

Crafts from cotton swabs

If you have faded decorative flowers lying around at home, you can give them a second wind with the help of cotton swabs. Such flowers made will look much more original than dull fabric inflorescences. We will need:

  • a set of cotton swabs;
  • gouache;
  • stems from old decorative flowers;
  • Super glue.

Take 10-15 cotton swabs (the more there are, the more voluminous the inflorescence will turn out) and cut in half. Fold all the halves with the cotton-wrapped sides up and fold in a flower shape. Thoroughly coat the place where the stem is attached to the inflorescence with glue and attach our flower to it. Once the glue is dry, you can paint our cotton swab crafts any color by simply dipping them in the paint.

Another way to make flowers from cotton swabs is to use styrofoam balls, which can be purchased at any craft store. The mechanism of work is similar: cut the cotton swabs in half, stick them into a styrofoam ball to make a flower like a dandelion, and dip the ends of the sticks in the paint. Twisted wire can be used as stems.

By the same principle, you can make other crafts from cotton swabs: hedgehogs, the same snowmen, etc.

flower composition

For an older child there will be interesting master class for making flower arrangement, for example, in the form of a bouquet in a basket or in the form of a topiary (this is the word today called original small trees made by hand). It is always fashionable to give such a gift to mom on March 8 or her birthday.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • cotton pads (the amount depends on the size of the composition);
  • needle;
  • beads;
  • packing boxes for cotton pads;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • glue;
  • a piece of green silk or lining fabric for leaves;
  • stapler.

We roll up the cotton pads, fix them in buds, as shown. We put aside the finished flowers, make the leaves. They will be located along the perimeter of the vase and will be a living pillow for delicate and fragile flowers. The sequence of folding the leaf fabric is shown below.

Fill the can from under the discs (you can use any other one, for example, from under the ear sticks), fill it with polyurethane foam, let it dry. We level the surface of the foam with a knife - we make it flush with the edge of the can.

The jar itself can be painted in your favorite colors or decorated with a decoupage method.

We proceed to gluing flowers from cotton pads and leaves to the surface of the foam.

The work is ready. Flowers can be made in the form of calla lilies. Then the disks do not need to be folded completely, but you can fasten them with staples and a stapler.

How to make a bouquet of roses - see the video.

DIY crafts from cotton pads can be timed to coincide with such favorite holidays as New Year, Christmas. Cute air angels smoothly descending on strings of rain around the entire perimeter of the room being dressed up is just such an option. You can use them as Christmas tree toys, garlands, or just additions to New Year's gifts.

The manufacturing steps are shown below. Observing the basic rules of this simple master class, you can quickly and with minimal costs make the living room intriguing, and the children's atmosphere - soft, romantic. Making angels begins with the design of the head and its smooth transition to the body - the dress.

At the end of the work, the head can be decorated with a wreath of yellow-gold braid, wire, or painted with paint.

New year wreath

We have already figured out how to make flowers from cotton pads. The next step is a chic souvenir, similar in the manufacturing method to a flower, but a little more complicated - a floral Christmas wreath. These are often hung on the entrance or interior doors, placed above the doorway or on the gate. True, such a decoration is more homemade, since it will not withstand atmospheric precipitation and fluctuations in air temperature.

It is easy to assemble a wreath step by step, but it must be done carefully and slowly. The same discs bent into four sectors are used as blanks. The corner at the base is chipped off and attached to the base ring. You need to fasten the parts as much as possible closer friend to friend. This will create the effect of softness, fullness, artistic exoticism.

Regarding the plane of attachment, it must be remembered that only the front half of the ring should be filled with artificial flowers. The back should be left flat and smooth, since it needs to be in contact with the wall or other surface on which the wreath will be located.

As soon as the wreath is ready, we proceed to the loop for fastening. Her appearance should not spoil the impression of the entire product. Therefore, a silk ribbon, folded into a loop and neatly attached with reverse side rings are ideal.

The general view of the finished product is shown in picture 26, it is very delicate, stylish and soft. Inside a wreath of blooming roses, an angel will be placed in place. The similarity of the materials used for crafts will give the souvenir the character of a single composition.


Catching up with a child younger age, you can invite him to fantasize, imagine in the body of which animal or in which plant there are similar circles. Surely it will be:

  • panda;
  • owl;
  • chicken with chicken after painting discs yellow;
  • monkey;
  • sunflower.

An interesting craft of a lamb or a lamb. For those who are not lazy, it will not be difficult to make a whole herd by decorating them with colorful toy accessories. Step-by-step instruction next:

Let's prepare:

  • pieces of felt;
  • threads;
  • stapler;
  • cotton pads;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • twine.

If the colored felt is not available, you can use a special fabric dye.

We start by folding the disc in four and fastening the resulting shape with staples. We sew each received element and put them tightly on a silk lace.

Completing the work, we give the lace with the threaded discs the appearance of a ball. The first stage of work is over.

The matter is small - easy design of the face. For this, the very pieces of felt are used, cut to the shape and size of the intended animal. Here you can play with flowers and use the material of the most unexpected colors, so the result will be more fun.

If the idea was to make a lamb in stages, we supplement its head with horns made of wire, if a lamb, there is no need for them.

Having attached the horns to the head, for example, with plasticine, as well as embroidering the eyes and nose with threads or beads, we finish the work. As a result - masterfully executed, self made a toy that will look original on a branch of a Christmas tree, for example.

The figure of a chicken from yellow discs is obtained by sticking two circles (one slightly larger than the other), depicting the head and body. The eyes are black beads, the beak is a red triangle.

Christmas card

A holiday card featuring a cheerful snowman is very easy to make! All you need is a sheet of colored paper (preferably blue), cotton pads, glue and felt-tip pens. Use the largest diameter discs as they will have to be shortened.

  • Cut out the "body" of the snowman. We only need three discs, two of which need to be shortened to make the snowman look more natural.
  • We glue the discs to paper (Figure 2).
  • We "revive" the snowman by drawing a face, pens, a hat, etc. It is more convenient to draw on cotton pads with felt-tip pens, although you can also use watercolors or gouache.

You can add a twist to the craft using additional details- nail polish, ribbons, etc. Let your child be creative. There is no doubt that the "Snowman" flyer, which the kid has created, is much more pleasant to receive than the most expensive New Year's cards.

Snowman made of paper plates

We offer you a simple and interesting view home decor to new year holidays... The materials are all the same cotton balls and paper plates for a picnic of different sizes. This decor can be used to decorate walls, front door, or make a separate panel.

  • Lay out a snowman from three paper plates, securing them with thin strips of tape (if you are making a composition in the form of a panel, you can use glue).
  • Glue the cotton balls to the plates to add volume to the snowman.
  • From paper or other materials at hand, make the New Year's hero eyes, nose, headdress.

Cheerful penguin

Another idea that even a toddler can implement. To simplify the work, we have prepared a template that needs to be printed on paper. However, you can use any other drawing of the penguin you like, or draw it yourself. The principle of making crafts is the same in any case.

We need:

  • printed template;
  • cosmetic cotton balls;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • trims of black and orange cardboard.

First, download and print a drawing template. Then, cover the entire white area with glue and gently apply cotton balls to it, being careful not to overstep the boundaries. Then cut out the eyes and beak of the penguin from cardboard and complete the craft.

Any new year characters(snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden). The main thing is to find a quality template.

Whether it is souvenirs made only from cotton pads or crafts made from cotton swabs, they carry a charge of positive energy, develop thinking, and contribute to the development of a child's outlook. Let there be more. Let them unite children and make them inner world wider, brighter, more fun.

As a gift for Valentine's Day or as a gift for March 8, it is customary to give all kinds of hearts. Today we will make an unusual fluffy heart that can be used to decorate a holiday card or use it as an independent gift for March 8th.

Ordinary hygiene sticks will serve as the basis for making our gift for March 8th. The idea is good because even children can easily implement it. preschool age... The craft material is completely harmless and quite easy to use.

To make a gift for March 8 - a heart, we need:

  • Cotton buds;
  • Thick white cardboard;
  • A pair of clothespins;
  • A piece of pink or red satin ribbon 3-5 cm wide;
  • Thermal gun with spare rods;
  • A simple pencil and scissors.

Instead of hot melt glue, ordinary PVA can also be used for work. The creation of a fluffy heart takes place in several stages.

1. Prepare the base.

On a sheet of cardboard we outline the contours of the future heart. The size of the gift depends only on the preferences of the master. But it should be borne in mind that the larger the size of the heart, the more sticks will be required to fill it. To fill a blank measuring 10x8 cm, we need 70 cotton swabs. Cut out the workpiece along the outlined contour. Cut off both ends of cotton swabs.

2. Filling the heart.

Along the edge of the workpiece, lay out a row of cut cotton swabs, fixing each of them to the base with hot melt or PVA glue. You can use clothespins to fix the sticks on the base more firmly with hot melt glue. With their help, it is convenient to press the sticks against the cardboard without worrying about damage to the craft.

We glue each next row so that the sticks are located between the sticks of the previous row. In the center row, the cotton swabs will be located almost vertically. Thanks to this, the heart will acquire volume.

3. Making our craft

After the glue has completely dried, you can start making the heart. We will decorate it with a satin ribbon. We tie a neat bow from the vending ribbon, and then fix it to the heart with glue.

It will also be interesting to look at a heart made of sticks, the tips of which are painted in pale pink or any other color. You can add the desired shade to the heart with gouache or acrylic paint.

Here we have such beauty! Make this gift for March 8 together with the child, and then let him present his creation to his grandmother or mother. And be sure to praise your lovely master for a gift and for diligence. Visit us more often, and we will try to keep you and the kids from getting bored.

Most women know why cotton pads are needed. At the same time, they can be used not only for their intended purpose. One of the interesting options is cotton pads topiary, which you can make with your own hands.

In addition, other crafts can be made from them. However, let's talk about everything - in order. Needlework is an occupation that is gaining popularity again. To some extent, the reason for this is the abundance of monotonous "plastic and soulless" goods that literally flooded our lives. At the same time, many people are drawn to something that is individual and attractive. A unique item can not only decorate our own apartment, but also serve as an excellent gift, including wedding, birthday and other occasions.

Despite the fact that some people are trying to find where they can buy ready-made topiary, if desired and with some effort, everyone can make flowers from cotton pads on their own. If you set a goal, then you can make not only the crown and trunk, but also make the pot attractively. Be that as it may, do-it-yourself flowers from cotton pads are a great way to realize your own ideas and creative fantasies! Certainly there is a mass various materials, using which you can make the crown of the tree. It can be organza, satin ribbons, pasta, coffee beans and even corrugated paper... Nevertheless, cotton pads are one of the most popular and, most importantly, improvised materials for creativity and needlework.

Consider a few of the most common options for how to make a flower from cotton pads.

The first way

To get started, you will need to pick up everything necessary materials and tools. Here is a list of them:

  1. Pencil or barrel pen.
  2. The cotton pads themselves.
  3. Glue + gypsum binder.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Paper or a small plastic / rubber ball as a base.
  6. A pot designed for indoor flowers.
  7. Additional materials for decoration: beads, sequins, ribbons, rhinestones and so on.

So here's a step-by-step guide:

  • We twist the cotton sheet so that its curved edges form a tube with edges of different sizes (one is larger, the second is smaller).
  • We sew the narrower side with white threads or fasten it with a stapler.
  • Turning out the remaining wider edges, we get a kind of rose. Thus, from the wide half of our original "cone" "petals" are obtained, and from the narrow one - the inner part.
  • After you have made a sufficient number of these "buds", they will need to be glued to the ball. For him, you can use a children's / tennis ball, if available. If not, then you can simply crumple a sheet of paper, old newspaper and so on, tightly wrapping the resulting ball with threads.
  • Then, after you insert the barrel and glue it, you can proceed to the sticker of the "roses" themselves. You need to glue flowers very tightly and close to each other, observing accuracy.
  • If you wish, you can additionally decorate the resulting craft with beads, rhinestones, ribbons or other similar decor.
  • You can use the pot: a) from under the candles or flowers (only a small one) or b) do it yourself from improvised means (a jar of yogurt or sour cream, cut off plastic bottle etc). There are plenty of options.
  • Securing the barrel is a snap. To do this, you need to dilute gypsum in a pot, insert the trunk and wait for hardening.

Attention! For more attractiveness, you can decorate any part of the topiary: both the top and the trunk with a pot.

This is how the topiary is made with your own hands from cotton pads. The master class is not something complicated. However, all work must be done with the utmost care.

We use cotton swabs

Topiary from cotton swabs is made, in general, in the same way. You will need approximately the same materials, with the only difference that the "main role" will be played not by cotton disks, but by cosmetic cotton swabs.

Plus, you will need skewers and thread for the base of the barrel. If we talk about how to do this step by step, then here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. We take cardboard, it can be corrugated, draw, and then cut out the hearts (2 pcs.).
  2. We smear the inside with glue and glue it together.
  3. We put skewers on the glued heart and wrap it with thread.
  4. Cut off the "heads" of cotton swabs from the plastic legs.
  5. Starting from the outer contour, we apply glue (you can use Moment, PVA, and so on) and row by row, moving towards the center, glue the cut pads with cotton wool.
  6. When gluing the next row, the glue is applied to the bottom of the already glued pads.
  7. Then we move on to the second side of the topiary and glue it over.
  8. That's it, now you know how to make a flower from cotton pads!

This is how it looks on step by step photos(click to enlarge):

Pot decoration

The very application on topiary in the form of flowers or a heart made of cotton pads (or sticks, as in the second version) is a great opportunity to apply your desire for needlework. However, this master class would be incomplete without a description of how you can additionally arrange the pot.

How to make the decor depends on your preferences, skill and available means at hand. It can be colored satin ribbons, buttons, decorative lace inserts, napkins and much more. In addition, the flowerpot itself can be wrapped with a cloth, including a rather rough "burlap", which will look very appropriate. In other words, there are all the possibilities for the manifestation of your imagination.

So the New Year's bustle has passed. Many began to think about gifts for loved ones and dear people for Valentine's Day. As is known, best gift one that is presented from the heart and with love. It is doubly valuable if the gift is made by hand.

The heart is the symbol of Valentine's Day, which means that any souvenirs with such an image are relevant. Projects can be made in different sizes and designs. It can be either a huge congratulation on a Whatman paper, or a small card in the shape of a heart.

Need to draw on cardboard suitable size image, cut out along the contour and write a congratulation, wish or poem on one of the sides. You can also fold the heart in half, punch two holes from the edges with a hole punch and tie the card with ribbons on a cute bow.

Here are some unusual ideas to help you make original gift heart with your own hands to your loved one.

Fluffy heart made of cotton wool


  • Whatman
  • Glue stick
  • Aerosol with red paint
  • So, a sheet of Whatman paper is taken, drawn a big heart, is cut out. Cotton wool is torn to shreds and fluffed up to a state of weightlessness and airiness. The prepared heart is carefully coated with glue - a pencil. To prevent the glue from drying out, this should be done in fragments. Cotton "clouds" are superimposed on top of the glue, but you do not need to press them, so that the feeling of airiness does not disappear. And so, fragment by fragment. Wait an hour for the glue to dry. Spray paint from an aerosol at a distance of 30-40 cm from above. You can add sparkles. The same heart can be made from cotton pads.

    Heart made of cotton swabs


  • Whatman sheet
  • Gouache red
  • Cotton buds
  • Glue "moment"
  • The number of cotton swabs depends on the size of the heart. A "head" is cut off from each stick with a plastic grip for a couple of millimeters for fastening. Each head is dipped in red gouache and left to dry for a couple of hours.

    Meanwhile, a heart of the intended size is cut out of whatman paper. After the cotton swabs have dried, "moment" glue is applied to their plastic part. Each "head" is glued to the inside of the heart. After completion, the craft must be left to dry for an hour or two. Then such a heart is decorated with bows or sequins. The work is long and painstaking, but the result is worth the effort.

    Heart kiss


  • Whatman sheet
  • Red and pink lipstick
  • Great idea for women - original way congratulate your beloved. A heart of the desired size should be cut out of a sheet of drawing paper. Apply red lipstick to your lips and kiss the heart in random order, not forgetting to tint the lips. Then paint your lips with pink lipstick and repeat the previous steps. It is better for such a gift to dry longer - a week or two, because lipstick is made on the basis of fats. It is better to refrain from lip gloss.