What is unique about the style of the living MMA legend Conor McGregor. Conor McGregor's clothing style. How can I repeat it for you... How much does Conor McGregor's fur coat cost?

The 30-year-old Irish fighter will face his peer, Russian Khabib Nurmagomedov, in the ring at the T-Mobil Arena in Las Vegas on October 6. In Moscow, the broadcast of the fight will be held on Sunday, October 7, at about 6:00.

The anticipation for this fight is accompanied by numerous publications in the press about how the fighters do not like each other. Khabib and Conor started their careers almost simultaneously, but at some point their paths diverged.

In September, the daring Irish fighter caused a local political scandal by speaking negatively about the head of the Chechen Republic. The Minister of the Government of Chechnya, Dzhambulat Umarov, commenting on the situation, noted that such statements only increase the public’s attention to McGregor. It seems that this is exactly what the Irish “lightweight showman” needs.

Khabib Nurmagomedov

From football to fists

McGregor was born in south Dublin, in the suburb of Crumlin. He played football for Luders Celtic, supported Manchester United and defended himself against school bullies. The future champion was never a big guy, but he was good at maneuvering. McGregor began kickboxing and soon became a real bully himself. In 2006, he and his family moved from Crumlin and went to high school, while continuing to practice martial arts. After graduating from school, I decided to connect my life with communications - I began training to become a plumber, following the example of my father.

However, passion - martial arts - overcame reality. In 2008, McGregor entered the arena for the first time as a professional. But another five years had to pass before the whole world started talking about McGregor. And nine - before the Irishman’s fight with outstanding rival Floyd Mayweather happened.

Conor McGregor


The Notorious Irishman

McGregor's nickname is The Notorious. All fights involving the Dubliner ended in failure - not for Conor, but for his opponents. Even before entering the arena, McGregor never missed an opportunity to humiliate or insult the fighters. Like a true Irishman, Conor believes that getting the enemy off his game early is the first step to victory. In addition, scandals are not a hindrance for a mixed martial artist, but on the contrary, they are additional advertising.

Conquest of the USA

There are about 40 million people with Irish roots living across the Atlantic. Therefore, McGregor’s first appearance in the American UFC tournament in 2013 received enormous support from his fellow countrymen. The red-bearded Dubliner, pathetically telling before the fight that “until recently people were killing for the name McGregor,” could not help but conquer the nostalgia-filled hearts of Irish Americans.


Extraordinary fight

McGregor threatened to beat the black Floyd Mayweather for several years. But before facing his opponent in the arena, Conor had to earn his fame. Mayweather responded to the Irishman’s provocations - the fight became a reality. The whole world watched the battle. A special “money” belt with three thousand diamonds was made for the winner. McGregor was never meant to wear it. However, the athletes' fees for the fight, according to rough estimates, were about 100 and 75 million dollars, respectively.

Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor


Traffic and shopping

Conor McGregor is obsessed with his body, and could train around the clock without leaving a tight schedule, but he prefers to do it for his own pleasure. The athlete loves yoga very much - he is ready to do it almost every day, stretching every muscle and standing in a plank to strengthen his abs. Another useful sports habit is jumping rope. This keeps Conor fast, agile and, of course, light as a feather.

Another passion of Conor is tattoos. Back in 2013, the fighter was absolutely clean. Now on his chest gorilla with crazy eyes tears the human heart. A tiger, which Conor stuffed in Venice, is grinning on its belly. On the neck - crucifix, from which a thorn branch spirals down to the sacrum. “I like the feel of the needle on my skin,” he says. - it's relaxing". McGregor wears animals on his body like talismans: “They are free. They are always on the move. They kill and devour their prey."

While the animals fulfill their destiny, McGregor indulges his desires. And spends millions of dollars on clothes. At the Dolce & Gabbana boutique in Los Angeles, he once left $27 thousand and went to drink coffee so that the store employees had time to pack all the purchases. However, this is not the maximum amount for McGregor. Before particularly intense fights, he can donate eight times that amount to stores. McGregor spends about $1 million on David August clothing, sometimes ordering ten suits for one evening “just in case.”

Tweed cap, three-piece suit, Gucci fur coat

Irish badass - regular customer American designer David August Hale, who dressed presidents, actors, and musicians. And now he has taken responsibility for appearance the most talked about athlete in the world.

McGregor's wardrobe is dominated by suits, on each of which the designer spends 60 hours. The impeccable three-pieces, complete with cufflinks, lapel brooch and breast pocket handkerchief, demonstrate that McGregor is more than just a wiry, bloody ring machine, there's another, personable side to Conor that is sometimes devastatingly perfect emphasizes using glasses with transparent lenses.

Wearing a Gucci fur coat at a press conference before the fight with Mayweather

In a suit with the inscription "F*** YOU"


In a Versace robe


In a Gucci tracksuit




Agree that it’s rare that a tweed suit, complemented by a tweed cap, will fit perfectly on any figure. McGregor seems destined for complex fabrics.

The Irishman has a special love for Gucci. In addition to dozens of photos in Gucci on Instagram, Conor gives the brand a special place in his life. So, in fur coat Gucci he appeared before reporters ahead of the fight with Mayweather in 2017 and before the fight with Eddie Alvarez in 2016.

Conor has also been seen in Kenzo, Louis Vuitton and Versace. However, the Irishman's most famous outfit does not look extraordinary from a distance - simply a striped suit by David Augustus Hale. Only when you look closely at the stripes do you notice that these are small inscriptions “F*** YOU” following each other. A tiny but annoying detail, like McGregor himself, best conveys the character of the fighter.

Dream girl

Dee Devlin, McGregor's lover, helped him become the most successful fighter on the planet. They met in Dublin long before Conor gained fame. The girl went through all the stages of becoming a professional MMA fighter and did not leave him even when they were living on unemployment benefits and Conor was seriously thinking about quitting the sport and starting to live like everyone else.

“Dee worked, cooked and cleaned the house. Despite the meager selection of products, she always made sure that they were varied and healthy. Dee herself read on the Internet how to count calories, and what menu is suitable for a fighter. I had nothing but her, and she gave all of herself,” he said.

Dee’s understanding and support, according to the athlete, still helps him win and not give up.


Redhead superstar

McGregor inspired British actor Tom Hardy to portray Eddie Brock in the film Venom. It was Conor’s ability to create scandals that became an example for Tom.

The Mountain from Game of Thrones is sparring with McGregor. video continues to receive tens of millions of views. With the red-haired Irishman on the cover, a video game is released - a mixed martial arts simulator EA Sports UFC 3 called “Celebrity”. McGregor is not only in sports. McGregor throughout the entertainment industry.

All life is a performance

McGregor's popularity definitely plays into the reputation of mixed martial arts. The Irishman's antics instantly attracted the attention of the whole world to this sport. However, there is another side to this brilliant popularity. Many fighters began to copy McGregor, demanding monetary rewards for their fights and selflessly cursing opponents on the eve of fights. So, step by step, mixed martial arts tournaments became like theatrical, noisy and vibrant wrestling. Badass McGregor turned them into a real show.

Classic suits suit absolutely all men, but, like any other clothing, they look very special on physically developed individuals. Of course, the effect is enhanced by the contrast with the fighter’s everyday “wardrobe” - sports shorts and gloves.

In McGregor's case, a three-piece suit works wonders and turns the rather diminutive lightweight athlete, weighing 70 kilograms and 175 cm tall, into a modern-day Hercules. The official dress code hides tattoos and battle scars, but at the same time does not eliminate the feeling that Conor can not only dress stylishly, but also break the legs of his offender.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Irish fighter without rules Conor McGregor, July 15, 2018

Alexei Nikolsky/Kremlin via Reuters

Notorious for his aggressiveness, including outside the ring, the Irishman McGregor has repeatedly found himself at the center of a scandal due to his rude statements, but the public never ceases to love him. Because in the ring, intemperance does not hinder, but actually helps.

His near-total lack of self-control is what made him so beloved in mixed martial arts, and the Irishman's bad reputation shaped his nickname in the ring. He is called Notorious, translated into Russian it can mean “notorious” or “notorious.”

Despite McGregor's ability to quickly get involved in any conflict without fear of consequences, his clothing style can be called the most thoughtful among all his colleagues and rivals.

How a wrestler’s excellent taste is combined with his aggressiveness is unknown to science. At the same time, he is also a gentle husband and father!

However, when putting together his looks, the former MMA world champion does go for clothes that best highlight his athletic physique.

For formal occasions, he always prefers three-piece suits, which consist of tapered trousers, a fitted jacket and a vest. The look is always completed with a pocket square and tie - of course, even in this attire it’s impossible to turn a brawler into a gentleman.

Another confirmation of this was the famous suit worn by McGregor for a press conference before the fight with boxer Floyd Mayweather on July 11, 2017. At first glance, it seemed like McGregor's navy blue striped suit just looked good, especially when paired with a pink tie and blue scarf, but it wasn't that simple.

The “stripes” turned out to be the phrase “fuck you” printed vertically several hundred times—it was intended for an opponent.

Is it rude? Absolutely yes. But it’s also funny - it’s clear that he’s not trying to prove to the public that he’s kind and sweet.

TO Honor McGregor best known for his achievements in the field of martial arts, but he is not only one of the best fighters UFC, Conor McGregor has another talent: the ability to dress stylishly. His costumes are as amazing as his moves in the ring. That is why many men pay attention to his ideas and advice regarding fashion. This article provides best options: From a smart three-piece suit to a casual sports shirt. All these things will allow you to look confident and fashionable at any time.

Conor McGregor suit

P creative clothing styles are the main key feature of the traditional style Conor McGregor. The famous fighter regularly visits various events in elegant sports and stylish suits. Quite often, he favors a classic three-piece suit design that includes a vest. When it comes to colors, gray and blue are his favorite shades. However, he is not against clothes with a pattern, such as a cage or stripes.

Blue suit

E if you are looking for easy way surpass style Conor McGregor, you should invest in one or two good blue suits. Suits of different shades of blue - from rich saturated to dark - are the favorite clothes of the athlete. To match his style even more, pair a blue suit with a white shirt. Then, add a tie and pocket square for a jacket that matches the tone or shows off the difference, such as pink.

Gray suit

WITH gray is another favorite color McGregor. You should also take note of this. Thanks to the abundance of various shades available, a gray suit looks flawless in any combination. All you need to do is choose the shade that suits you. Then you can combine grey colour with white, pink or blue shirts. This will help create a serious and stylish appearance.

Checkered suit

N despite the fact that the style Conor McGregor He is always impeccable and looks quite bold. He prefers those things that perfectly highlight his strong personality, attracting attention and creating a great combination. If you're looking for one of the easiest ways to channel his recklessly daring style, try a plaid suit. No matter what color you choose, brown, blue or orange-pink, a plaid suit will add a unique touch to any formal look.

Conor McGregor tuxedo

P since then Conor McGregor is a world-class celebrity, he is often invited to the largest parties where a truly impeccable appearance is required. A tuxedo is perfect for such occasions. To dress like him, choose a two- or three-piece design in classic black or bright brown. Also, before attending a big event, visit a tailor to make sure the suit fits just right.

Conor McGregor Shirts

N despite the boldness of the style Conor, he perfectly understands when it is better to show sophistication. Therefore, when choosing shirts, he most often gives preference to strict white or neutral blue options. However, if he's not wearing a suit, he can add a little flair to his look and go for a printed design.

Conor McGregor T-shirts

M acgregor prefers elegant clothes, but, like all of us, he likes to dress simply in everyday life. For such occasions, he chooses simple but stylish T-shirts. To go with this look, invest in a few V-neck t-shirts in neutral colors like white, gray and blue. Oh, and if you have tattoos on your body, a white t-shirt is your best bet.

Tennis shoes

IN Athletes have been wearing T-shirts for years. Of course, none of them did it with such sophistication as Conor McGregor. The celebrity prefers high-quality items that fit comfortably to the body and highlight his muscles. When it comes to design, he prefers cheerful colors such as green, pink, lilac and sky blue, or patterned T-shirts.

McGregor's pants

IN The choice of trousers is very extensive. For casual occasions, he often wears simple trousers or jeans. But for serious events, photo shoots and parties, a celebrity chooses stylish options, such as slacks (loose-fitting trousers) and patterned trousers.

McGregor's outerwear

N Despite the fact that in the ring an athlete expresses himself through actions, on the street it is his clothes, especially his outerwear, that speak for him. McGregor– not the kind of person who is afraid of a bold style that attracts attention. One of the most memorable items of clothing is white fur coat. However, he often dresses more modestly, preferring classic jackets, long fur jackets or coats.

WITH falsely deny that the wardrobe Conor McGregor quite seductive. But style is achieved not only through amazing clothes. His shoes, beard and hair also contribute, helping to create a unique look.

McGregor's shoes

M acgregor may remain barefoot during a fight in the ring, but outside the gym he can almost always be seen wearing stylish shoes. The celebrity has a passion for good shoes. Stylish footwear includes great sneakers for casual walks and a variety of dressy shoes for formal occasions.

Conor McGregor's hairstyle

P rich hairstyle Conor- the most important component of its traditional stylish look. And although over the years he changed his hairstyle, his characteristic feature remained this type of haircut, in which the hair from below is removed more than from above. He also often chooses options such as a crew cut and men's hairstyle"bun".


TO as well as hairstyle and beard Conor McGregor is an important part of his image. This gives not only masculinity, but also helps maintain an aesthetic appearance. To match the style McGregor, wear a beard middle length. In addition, always ensure that it remains neat.

How to get McGregor's style?

  • Combine well-tailored items and opt for well-fitted suits. Choose two or three piece suits.
  • Play with unique colors and patterns.
  • Invest in basic pieces, but also add bolder pieces to your wardrobe.
  • Don't forget to complement your look with items like fashion footwear, ties, pocket squares, sunglasses and other.
  • Keep your hair and beard in order. This will complement the stylish look.

Watches, cars and a $50,000 suit - how the man who will fight Khabib Nurmagomedov at UFC229 in Las Vegas lives.



For a fighter who himself does not feel the ceiling, a convertible becomes the best solution. “Lada Priora,” they write to Conor in the comments in Russian.


They offer to buy such a BMW I8 for 10 million rubles.


Cadillac Escalade for 4.5 million rubles. They say there is only one copy of this in Dublin. The copy was delivered especially for Conor from the USA.


And after the fight with Diaz, Conor bought a modest BMW X5 for his fleet.


His girlfriend Dee often drives a Range Rover, which is difficult to surprise anyone in Russia.

https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ3fd-3h2g1 /

Moving to America, Conor switches to more expensive cars. There is a Rolls Royce.


There is a Lamborghini with a rent of 70,000 rubles per day.



The “Yacht Master” model has a certain set of functions necessary for yachtsmen. This is probably true when you have millions of dollars and live on the islands. Perhaps soon Conor will be traveling across the ocean to fights in Vegas.


These are valued at approximately 3.2 million rubles. Here without any electronics (well, like in your mobile phone) you can set a second time zone. For this, it’s not a sin to overpay 3 million 195 thousand compared to the cost of a regular watch.


He was wearing a watch for about the same amount, but of a different brand, before the first fight with Diaz. As it turns out, they were counting down to their first UFC loss.


His girlfriend has a watch worth 2.8 million rubles



The man, whose annual income Forbes magazine estimated in the summer of 2016 at 22 million dollars (1.4 billion rubles), looks funny in the first photo on Instagram.


“It’s cashmere, bro,” Conor tells one of the TUF contestants, “it’s what my body needs.” When McGregor jumped over the cage to congratulate his teammate Artem Lobov on his victory, he even tore his new trousers.


“They probably cost more than we could all get for the first fights,” then Artem.

Rolling Stone magazine says that one casual look Conor costs from 4 to 10 thousand dollars (250-600 thousand rubles), but...


... when his media tour begins, before the tournament he appears in public in suits worth 3 million rubles.


TMZ also reports that Conor went on one of his last media tours in a suit that cost $80,000 (5.1 million rubles). Moreover, the fighter demands that the clothes fit him perfectly, emphasizing his athletic physique. Here, of course, the tailors have a difficult task, since the final press conference may take place closer to the weigh-in, where the 83kg McGregor suddenly turns into a 66kg one. Now it will be easier - Conor fits into 70 kg.


Stylist David August works with Conor. He also helps dress Kobe Bryant, Sylvester Stallone and the best boxer in the world, Saul Alvarez. Stylists here note that Conor, according to all the rules, wears a scarf and tie of the same color, contrasting with his clothes.


His website sells small roses; here, one of these on a jacket costs only $45.


When Conor appears in a regular polo, it costs 25,000 rubles


Photo: David Becker / Stringer / Getty Images Entertainment / Gettyimages.ru

Conor McGregor's story began with fighting. He is considered the most successful and highest paid fighter in the world of mixed martial arts. Over the past six years, his name has become synonymous with the sport. Not everyone can take down an opponent with boundless confidence and a left hook, but his talent and passion for fighting reminds many of Muhammad Ali.

But besides fists, there is business in Conor’s life. The rags to riches myth perfectly describes McGregor's journey. He lived on government benefits and earned money through boxing training until he won his first UFC fight. Whatever Conor took on, he did it perfectly. At the end of 2018, McGregor launched his own whiskey brand, Proper 12. It became so popular that Tesco stores across Ireland were forced to set a daily limit of two bottles per person. According to Forbes, from June 2016 to June 2017, McGregor earned $99 million - of which he received $85 million for the fight with Floyd Mayweather Jr., which he, by the way, lost. Earlier this year, he announced his retirement from MMA, and now McGregor is funding the construction of housing for homeless families in Dublin.

Opening line men's clothing August McGregor was released at the end of 2018. Reflecting the style of its creator, the collection consisted almost entirely of three-piece business suits and non-standard office accessories. The brand was founded in partnership with designer David August. The guys understand each other perfectly: August created for McGregor the famous striped suit, on which, instead of graceful lines, the phrase “Fuck you” was repeated about a thousand times.

GQ spoke with Conor about style, his future business aspirations and how he and his sister will treat male pattern baldness.

GQ: What was your inspiration when creating August? McGregor?

Conor McGregor: Lorenzo Fertitta, former UFC owner, introduced me to David when I debuted in Las Vegas. Our partnership grew stronger, our friendship grew as did our love for fashion. We constantly discussed trends, styles, models and, most importantly, materials. Honestly, I'm obsessed with the materials, the quality of the fabric and the silk.

My love for fashion and style is greatly influenced by my mother, my father and my family. For as long as I can remember, we have always taken pride in taking care of each other and caring for each other. good clothes. When did I first want to make money? Even before I was a teenager, because I wanted to buy a new pair of shoes. Who didn’t dream of clean sneakers back then?

When and what did you first spend money on? What was the first truly expensive item you purchased?

This was after my UFC debut in Stockholm in 2013. I won the Knockout of bonus the Night, which was $60,000. I also got paid $10,000 to enter and another $10,000 to win, so I walked out of the arena with a check for $80,000.

First of all, I gave most of the winnings to my mother. Afterwards I went to a tailor in the center of Dublin. My father always said, “A man knows he has achieved success when his hand-made suit fits him perfectly.” This phrase had been floating around in my head for years, so after receiving the money, I headed straight to a suit store called Louis Copeland & Sons - it's famous here on Irish soil. I spent about eight hours there, talking and interacting with the tailors. They let me touch and measure various fabrics and jackets. I wanted a completely tailored suit because that was important to me. Here's what I did with my first paycheck.

Can you describe your first costumes?

At first I wore suits with butterflies. At that time I was only being considered for participation in the UFC, and such fighters never participate in press conferences. You go in, get some money, fight, then leave. But with me things were different. I was the center of attention and knew that after a brilliant knockout I would be called to a press conference.

So I wore suits with bow ties, and on top I wore a coat that I got from my grandfather. They say a good suit is like armor. I believe in it. At that moment, these clothes helped me feel more confident.

When a man puts on an August suit McGregor, do you want him to feel something like that?

Yes. As I told you before, I am obsessed with the material a piece is made from. I am fully involved in the process of creating costumes and selling them. I truly want to spend all my time in the boutique to interact with customers and see how they react to things. Our brand has occupied a certain niche. No one on the market offers anything like this. This is high-end fashion that we love and that others can enjoy.

You have achieved success in absolutely everything you have undertaken: in fighting, in making whiskey and now in creating a clothing brand. Could you give any advice to someone who dreams of achieving similar results?

First, I realized what I wanted to do in life, what would truly bring me pleasure. I didn't go to kickboxing to become a world champion in weight. Initially, I was just fascinated by the fight, and I just wanted to win any of them. Over time, I became obsessed with this idea, everything worked out, and then I found a way to make money from it.

In Ireland we have Master Distillers and Master Distillers. My grandfather drank a lot. He always told me: “Ireland is the world champion whiskey producer.” I thought, “Now I want to be the world champion of making this drink.” I wanted it, I did it, and it worked! Find something you enjoy and then figure out a way to monetize it.

Many people describe you as a style icon. Who do you think also deserves this description?

David Beckham. He was a pioneer in men's fashion, paved the way for the style in which he and I dress. I had the opportunity to communicate with David; When he sent me clothes, they are now in my office. For my daughter's christening, my sister bought a Victoria Beckham dress. You should go to David for inspiration. But, in fact, my parents remain the most important style icons in my life.

Have you ever regretted wearing something?

No. I am brave enough to wear even the most outrageous things, and besides, everything fits me perfectly. It's a damn good combination. The whole world likes the way I look.

Right now I'm wearing gray sweatpants and Reebok Sole Fury sneakers in blue and pink. I think Reebok do amazing things. I'm amazed by their quality. My sweatpants are tucked into my socks. In addition to all of the above, my August McGregor T-shirt says: Protector. Provider. I don’t regret this combination at all, I like everything. I would even go to a game of golf like that.

How do you feel about hats? Have you ever worn a hat?

I like to wear light caps. Now the weather is not quite suitable, and besides, my hair is well styled. I now have a real mane on my head. By the way, my sister is a hairdresser and she recently came up with an exfoliating scrub. I truly believe that the effects of male pattern baldness can be reversed with this product. Hair cannot grow if the hair follicles and pores are clogged. If you use random shampoo just to wash your hair, then I can only sympathize with you. If the scalp is not cleansed, the hair follicles cannot function. They are dying. Men don't care about this. But if they start taking care of their hair, then they will not face any risk of baldness. Of course, the aging process is unstoppable, but you can definitely try to slow it down. This is what interests me. I want to start producing similar products and turn it into a real business. Let's see what happens.

Let's talk about your cars. Have you ever chosen an outfit to match your car?

Certainly. Sometimes I do this subconsciously. I have several cars and they are all different color, so no matter what I wear, my look will match at least one of them. But to be honest, I care much more about whether my suit matches my watch and vice versa. Many people know that I have a huge number of them. This is another thing I started collecting because of my father. He said that a successful person should have his own closet with watches, I am close to this. Most often I choose clothes to match watches, sometimes cars.

Last question: is there a right time to wear leather pants?

I always say that there is a time and place for everything. There are so many people who constantly criticize anything that is outside the norm, even the different fighting styles in the UFC. Some people don’t understand why it is necessary to come up with something new. Others say, “It won't work. It will look terrible." But trust me, there is a right time and place for everything. So never say never to leather pants. As I said, even for this thing there is a suitable occasion.

The material was first published on the British GQ website.

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