How to make a rug from kapron tights with your own hands. Weaving baskets - three best options MK weave basket from Cappon

For any holiday. With this technique, you can make an original hairpin, boutonniere, a small bouquet as a souvenir. In order to build a similar mini bouquet, you will need:

Multicolored Capron;
- wire 26 ";
- skewer for kebab;
- spool of thread;
- pattern for the manufacture of colors from Capron number 3;
- a piece of napkins;
- Teip-tape;
- Scissors.

1. First you need to make the base for petals. To do this, you need to wrap the wire around the template, lock, twist. Excessively cut off with scissors or small special rounds. We need 6 pieces of such billets.

2. Next, you should wrap in the Capron every workpiece, fix it with a thread, wrapped it several times around the wire. For greater strength, you can make a pair of loop. It is best to use special categorous threads - they are better fixed, but if there are no such hands, they will fit the usual. No need to wink, it is quite enough 4-5 revolutions. The remaining Capron can neatly cut down (it is better to use sharp manicure scissors here). Petal ready.

3. For making a middle of a flower, you can use a piece of any napkin, cotton wool. In this embodiment, the core is proposed to make a piece of wet (pre-dried) napkin. A piece of the desired size to collapse into the ball, wrap in a yellow paparon (or orange) just like the petals, fix the thread. It is best for the brightness of the middle, this manipulation can be repeated 2-3 times. Excess Capron also cut.

4. Now you should connect the core of the flower with a skewer for kebabs. To do this, make a middle to the edge of the skewers and fix it with a thread. In order for the middle to do not drive anywhere, already at this stage you can use a piece of teep-ribbon, which helps to better make the entire design due to its adhesive properties.

5. Getting the attachment of petals. They, like the core, are pregnant to the splay for their base. In order for the flower to be lush, they need to be attached a little bit, slightly overlapping each other. You should try to attach them on the same line, because otherwise they will ugly add threads from under the petals. In order to be more convenient to attach petals, they should be pulled out a little.

6. The flower is almost ready, it remains only to form its base. Apen on the course there is a Teip-tape - those places where the petals have connected with a skewer, you need to decorated with it. It turns out a chashelistic, from which the flower originates. Next, continue to wrap a tape-ribbon sink to the end, or before the place that is necessary in length (the residue of the skewers can be cut).

After general cleaning, there are many things that belong to the category "Wear I will not, and throw out a pity."

Do not hurry to get rid of such because they can give a second chance. After all, they can become a material for different useful things.

For example, kapron tights are perfect for the handmade rug, which is easily erased and dried quickly.
It will remarkably fit into the country style, so it will serve as faith and truth in the bathroom, on the village veranda. And you can also use it as a welcoming rug.
You, for sure, came across the Internet photo or video with such practical little things. We will tell how to make a rug from old things with your own hands.

Well, try?

To make a pretty thing from old kapron tights, It is necessary not only to pay attention to the material, the technique of performing work is important.
Rug can be:

  • to tie;
  • sew
  • eust.

Before starting work, be sure to post things. It will be more pleasant to work with clean tights, and the finished rug will look aesthetic.

Let's consider the instructions step by step. Our tips and tips will help you choose your execution technique and create your masterpiece.

How to tie a crochet rug

About 10 pieces of pantyhose leaves for one knitted rug.
Before starting needlework, it is necessary to make threads from the catericon scrap.

You will need

  • Acute scissors to beautifully and gently cut the edge.
  • Threads and needles to sew chopped strips into long threads.
  • Knitting hook (choose the thickness depending on the threads for knitting).

Preparation for work

  • Cut off the lasty, rubber band and the heating part.
  • From the remaining canvases (pants) start cutting the strip of spirals.
  • From the bandwidth will depend on the thickness of the thread.
  • Ready Spirals Take two hands and pull the sides. With this exposure, the strip will come into the tube. Cropped edges will be inside, so they will be disguised.
  • Sure the resulting twisted tubes into a single thread, after which it is conceived for convenience in the ball.

Start knitting

Round mat

  1. With the help of a hook, tie a chain of five air loops.
  2. We connect the chain in the circle.
  3. Knit columns with Nakud in a circle.
  4. In the course of knitting, add 1-2 loops.
  5. You can alternate threads in color, you will have a color pattern.
  6. At the end of the work, hide the work end of the thread and put it with the thread.

So you will get a neat round rug.

Oval rug

  1. Dial the loops more than five, and then make a chain.
  2. Add loops not only in the course of mating, but also at the edges of the first row.
  3. For convenience, use markers or knitting pins, they will help you not get confused in increasing the number of loops.
  4. Cut the thread, and then fasten it on the wrong side.

Important!When working, do not tighten the threads, otherwise it turns out too dense and hard mats.

Be sure to make the loop increases, because without them instead of a round flat form it turns out a basket.

You can also give a mat square, rectangular or polygonal form. Do not be afraid to fantasize!

Tip!If you knit rugs according to the schemes for openwork napkins, you will have not only practical, but also the original thing. Just keep in mind that the pattern does not work out of thick thread.

How to evan the rug on the fingers

You will be able to make a rug, even if you do not know how to knit! You can do it without a hook. As working tools in this case Your fingers will perform.

Weaving from rings

You will need:

  • Well sharpened scissors.
  • Threads, needle.

Completing of the work

  1. Clean wedged tights cut into rings.
  2. If you are a rubber scrap in childhood, this method of weaving is the same. We take the ring and fold twice.
  3. Twisting eight and put on the big and index fingers of the right hand.
  4. Then we make another loop in the same way.
  5. Remove the first loop with thumb, After that, we throw it on the upper loop.
  6. Similarly, we throw the bottom loop with the index finger on the top. As a result, a neat wicker chain is obtained.
  7. Continue weaving on your fingers, making braid needed.
  8. From wicker pigtails lay the necessary shape of the ramchik. With the help of threads and needles, we sew the details.

Such weaving is very fast, it is performed automatically and does not require close attention.Therefore, needlework can be combined with watching TV shows.

In this case, the method of weaving at the rug, it turns out an easy and lush form.

From Kosichek

Prepare good scissors, threads and a stitching needle.

Cut the tights on long ribbons, you can also spiral (as we described above, for crochet).

Technique implementation

  1. Two hands stretch the ribbons so that they stretch and twisted into the tube.
  2. We take three details and gossip into the pigtail (you can alternate the color and change the texture of the fabric).
  3. Fix the end of the weaving with a needle.
  4. We ride another braid of their three threads, also fasten the tip so that the form is not broken.
  5. We sew pigtails with each other.
  6. Again make a pigtail and sew to two others.
  7. We repeat the actions until the billets from tights are completed.
  8. From long pigtails, lay out the desired form by oval, circle, square (spit away zigzag) and sew manually.

For the strength and density of the product, it can be sewn on the tissue basis.

Algorithm of action

  1. We start to post round shape from the middle.
  2. After laid out the center, sew it to the base.
  3. We gradually increase the radius, while do not forget to sew a pigtail on the fabric.
  4. At the end of the weaving, we cut the braid, fasten and hide on the involving side.
  5. Cut off the remains of the foundation, and in the edge we sew a tissue fabric.

How to make a rug on the hoop

It is easy to master and another way of weaving - on the hoop.

Tip!This way you can weave the rug not only on the hoop, but also on a square or rectangular form, for example, frame for paintings.

Operating procedure

  1. Take prepared threads from tights. Fixed on the basis.
  2. First fill it vertical lines, then horizontal, binding them in a checker order.
  3. We definitely alternate the color so that work has gained depth.

Making a "Coin"

You can overwhelm the thread on the principle of the cage.

  1. Fix the threads on the hoop from the edge to the edge, through the center.
  2. From the center begin to intertwined the threads. For this purpose working thread And in checkelling, I wake up it up, then down.
  3. After they reached the hoop, fasten the weaving, sewing it manually.
  4. Remove the product from the base.

Useful advice

  • Start collecting tights in advance.
  • A little free time appeared, immediately make threads and make them up in the tangles. So you have accumulated material for work. And it will also be possible for color experiments.
  • You can diversify color gamutIf you pre-paint bodily tights with dyes for fabrics.
  • Try not to tighten the fabric, so you save the ease and air frequency of Capron in the product.

All of the above ways are perfectly suitable for tissue tapes made of old socks, knitted masters or T-shirts.

And if alternately alternate not only colors, but also various textures prepared in advance ribbons, your rug can be a work of art in the style of Hend Maid.

Perhaps you have already tried to make a rug from tights with your own hands. And often the first kapron rug comes out with a delicate and non-zeal, despite all the efforts. But this is not a misfortune, you just did not know folk tricks, helping needlewomen to create smooth, light and practical fellowship from the old capron. The options of making a lot - this is a round rug made of wicker braids, as the grandmother knitted, and openwork, knitted crochet Rug, kapron circles, assembled into a neat, flat spiral. We will introduce you to these and some other ideas of making harshs from tights and open small secrets that will help make a neat and even canvas.

In order for a carpet from tights and socks, made by their own hands, did not serve as the object of ridicule from loved ones, accept some useful lifehals. Thanks to them, you do a really beautiful thing and do not waste time. Here is a selection of the most common questions from newcomers, taken for the manufacture of kapron rugs:

  • How many tights need to be on a small rug? Not less than 10. As soon as you have a pair of stockings with a hole, delay it to the side, and then cut and cut into the tangle.
  • How to cut the Capron? Cut up the top and bottom, and then cut the canvas on the spiral, so it will be fine, smooth thread.
  • What if not enough tights, and the rug is not over yet? I will take it with knitted ribbon or baker.
  • How to make smooth rugs? Make yarn from non-elastic tights, or knit more air, without tightening the thread.
  • How to paint tights? Paint the corrosion of bodily shades in bright colors You can at home. First boil the material with a chlorine bleach, rinse and dry. Then paint a special dye for the fabric according to the instructions on the package.

Taking advantage of these tips, you can make a kapron rug that will decorate your home. Combining colors and shades, adding threads of various thickness and from other materials, you make the original thing.

Rug from Threads and Capron

This master class mat rugs is good because it is done very quickly and looks unusual, thanks to braid of thick threads. On a rug with a diameter of 54 cm, only 4 pairs of pantyhose takes:

  1. Cut off the lasty and panties, leaving your sock.
  2. We bind the bottom of the stock rug.
  3. Close to a dense ring.
  4. The second row knit the clamping thread of the first and fattechy kapron.
  5. Knit the cloth in a circle, adding threads of different colors.
  6. Tied the Kregunush, hide the working tip with the inside and gently be asleep.

You can use jute twine, natural flowers Or thin knitted yarn from old T-shirts.

Important! In the course of knitting, do not forget to make the loop absorption, otherwise it will not be a carpet, but the basket. To do this, encourage 2 loops from 1 previous row. If the web is fling, bleed 2 columns from each second loop.

Kapron crochet rug

The next option of how to make a rug from pantyhose, crocheted 6 mm:

  1. Cut the upper part and the track. The remaining canvas cut along the strips 2 cm wide.
  2. We stretch the ribbons, knit them between themselves.
  3. We encounter a chain of 5 air loops.
  4. We connect the edges by the column, convede the columns with the nakida from the first row.
  5. We continue to knit in a circle, making loop increases.

As a result - you will have a neat, smooth rug, which will last for many years. You can not do a round, but an oval rug. To do this, increase the length of the chain and make add not only along the knitting, but also at the edges of the first row. In order not to get confused, use pins, special markers.

Important! To make the original carpet as a knitting template, use openwork napkins and tablecloths. Take the thickness of the yarn - with thick thread it will not be possible to connect the lace pattern.

Halves from Kosichek

Round and even rectangular rugs from pantyhose with their own hands without a hook weave from individual braids, which are then stitched. This is how it happens:

  1. We prepare yarn from cropped tights.
  2. We melt out of it long braid, fixing the tip of the needle manually.
  3. Prepare a lining of a fabric that will keep the shape of the fullness even after frequent washes.
  4. In order for the middle to turn out to be smooth, refuel the fabric into the hoop, we sew a pigtail to it, fixing it in the middle.
  5. Gradually increase the radius radius, take off the hoop.
  6. Stitching the rug of the desired size, cut the lining, put the oblique bay of knitted tape.

Straight fellowships in this technique are made from Koszag's brass. They are also sewn to the base and coincide. You can get an interesting wavy edge, laying the chain in the spiral, spinning them in different directions. Such wave-like mats look well in the bathroom.

Important! Combining volumetric and thin pigtails, you can create an interesting avant-garde pattern.

Rings from rings (video)

If in previous methods had to work with a thread tied with nodes, then here you need to work with a bone chopped on the rings. The rug will come out light, lush, and the manufacturer's method is similar to children's fun - weaving from rubberry:

  1. Moving the ring twice. We put on, twisting eight, on a large and index finger.
  2. We wrap another loop in the same way, remove the first loop from the thumb. We throw it on top. Then we also carry the lower loop with indicative finger On top.
  3. It turned out a neat chain. Continue knitting on the fingers by making a long braid.
  4. Solving braids in the canvas necessary formAnd ready!

Important! This method is good and the fact that it does not require close attention - knit snake while watching the series, the process is completely on the machine.

And now): The most interesting thing is that Frenchwomen do not guess))) Useful advice In pictures of versatility Tights: how to use torn tights and stockings in the farm

But first, a small, no less useful digression, for everyone who would like to start doing business) If you want to buy a company, look at the site There are many interesting articles, read)

For the absence of hair gum pantyhose, you can temporarily bandage hair

Luke storage in pantyhose

Thin light puzzle threads can be added when viscating thick socks, strengthening the foot area. Wear such socks will be much longer

Glassware VAZs and Openwork Tights

Decorating bottles with drawing tights

For photographers - the effect of fog with tights

Sewing dolls from kapron tights

Creating colors from kapron tights

Painting easter eggs In pantyhose

Solved along kapron stocking - the best source of elastic ropes, which can be tied and tied by anything

Pantyhose is a wonderful material for grapes, tomatoes and other plants. Soft tights will not cause such harm to the plant as a normal rope

Tightly stuffed into the drilled hole of the streaming of the stocking, stick to the nail stuck in advance, pull out. The molten channel is obtained, into which the nail, screw, screw or bolt is then shaped or screwed down. In the same way, it is possible to strengthen in the old furniture disclaimed screws. Especially in furniture from chipboard. It is useful to warm up the whole mass of Capron to warm the soldering iron, and then pay the channel for a screw.

Large pieces of Capron also use instead of sieve for sieving bulk and filtering fluid materials and products

The stocking, worn on a broom, will not let him be fringe and break. Thanks to this "case" broom for a long time will be like new! Yes, and the web to wage in such a broom will be much more convenient.

Clean old tights can be fill stuffed Toys, instead of Foroon

Thanks to its abrasive properties, rags made from pantyhose, very well wash the mirrors and window windows

And also wonderfully polish and clean shoes

The dishes can also be washed and brushing with pantyhose. To do this, it is necessary to cut the tights on the strips and tie up from these strips a washcloth

Cleaning and polishing with furniture tights

With the help of tights, you can collect small objects from the floor, for example beads. To do this, pull tights on the suction hole and spend the place of the presumptive loss of the disappearance. At the same time, all the dust is somewhat, and small things delay on the fabric. The situation is familiar to all the ladies when the earrings falling on the floor rolled behind the chair or under the bed. Speaching in the place where the earrings should be allegedly. All the dust will be drawn into the vacuum cleaner, and the earrings will simply be attracted, but it will not fall inside.

Owners of vacuum cleaners with reusable filters. We cut off the upper (femoral) part of the stocking, a wide end typing the node or intercepting a strong elastic band, the resulting chalk wepen on the nozzle inside the dust collector, fix the rubber ring there. All! .. By filling the bag, throw it along with the garbage.

Hygiene massage brush. Take tights or stockings on a massage brush or comb so that the teeth stick out (not closed with tights). Then such a comb can be suitable and tights to remove. The combing herself will remain clean. It will not be neither hair, nor dandruff, not lenses of skin saline, etc. Hair and all dirt will remain in stocking.

For aromatization. In pantyhose (absolutely clean, of course) can be put dried orange peels And hang in any imperceptible place in the bathroom. Each time the bathroom will be filled with steam, orange peels will be fragrant and flavory bathroom. And you can still fill lavender tights.

Pillows from moths. Thoughtful hostesses make the pillows from the old tights that fill the lavender and put in the cabinets. This method has double benefits: and mole distinguishes, and the aroma is pleasant.

Aromatherapy. Using the bottom of the tights, put a few handful salt for the baths and place them in the bath: while the salt will be dissolved evenly and it will not crumble.

Sump from pantyhotok

Tys from Tights - Growing Herbs for Pets

Crochet rugs from tights

Urinary - soap in pantyhose

Rubbing dust from the leaf of indoor plants

Tights for flower pots. Place a piece of fabric from tights on the bottom of the flower pot to avoid leaching the soil when watering plants.

Tights can be revealed all burrs. If you use sandpaper to clean the wooden surface, you can check the quality of the stripping, putting on the hand tights and spending it on the surface: if there is a defect, the tissue will be a tightening.

Tights and acetone can be easily removed with nail polish

In tights, you can store used painting brushes to reduce the risk of pollution and flaws. For used for perfect painting. In order for the paint to be an ideal consistency, without lumps and garbage, cover the can with the paint of Kapron (obtained from the cut stock rug) and slightly climb it. Thus, you will have a "bank" in the bank, in which the paint will appear, and all lumps and garbage will not pass. By the way, tightly pulling the Capron on the jar and consolidating it, you can shake out any bulk product from it, at the same time sifting it. Similarly, you can also polish fluid.

Bottles - Ladies from Tights

So as not to fly away, but insects did not suffocate

Rattle refrigerator? Wrap in one turn of the engine of the refrigerator by pantyhose, the ends are diverting and secure the sweat on the body ..

Pantyhose as reinforcing material. Folk crafts use tights when gluing wooden skis - for reinforcement. They say tights for these purposes are best suited.

Drops of molten capron easily glued porous and dilated materials. Cutting a stocking from above to the trace (trail is cut off) on the helix with a long strip with a width of 1-2 cm. The band itself will turn into the lace, then it is wound into the ball.

Capron easily melts, but also quickly grasps, so it is necessary to work quickly. You can build up a quarrel with a quone, patch the mark - even if from rubber. Heat the soldering iron until soft, the desired place and the soldering iron are rubbed into it pieces of the kapron cord. So, increasing the layer behind the layer, the thing is adjusted to the condition. Especially it is necessary to ensure that the kapron melt does not hit the hands!

You can make kapron handles to work tools. In a pure canning jar on a weak fire cropping Capron. While they stand on fire, prepare simple shape For casting - a cardboard and thin aluminum tube. A round handle is not very convenient in operation, so the tube is slightly sustained from both sides. One end of the finished shape is plugged with any plug, and the melt is already merged into the other. Impact cuttings of the instrument immediately and wait when it grabs. For beauty, the product can be poured into the melting caps of a chinful paint - bronze or silver.

In the bathroom opened to flow? Release the place of the connection of the siphon with the fan nozzle. Sweet the cement in the water to the thickness of the cement. Pretty stocking in this albeit is well swimming and wind the injured articulation. Impose a bandage without folds, tight and not tight. The residues of the solution are strained by irregularities. When the "coupling" will light slightly, pass through it wet brush or cloth. The connection will be durable.

Alternative to the generator belt, pump or gur. While foreign drivers - bourgeois, when the belt breaks, will stand for hours, scratching, waiting for the arrival of the evacuation service, the Russian man in such a situation will simply ask his wife to lend himself for long tights, which will successfully replace the ill-fated belt and will help reach the nearest auto repair .

You can also robber)))

And yet))) Pantyhose can be worn with a dress! And if a little bit broke - then under jeans))))

Like this! And this is still not all)))) And now think whether it is worth throwing old tights)

Weaving baskets - three better option MK

Paper creativity always surprised me! Baskets, chests, boxes, vases woven from the ordinary newspaper attracted my attention - fascinated with their beauty! Thanks to the Chinese named Tsai Lun, who invented the paper, we had braided baskets for every taste and color. Twisted newspaper tubes It turned out to be excellent material for weaving. The flexibility of the tubes does not limit the flight of fantasy, allows weaving both simple and complex basket models.
I bring to your attention Well, very!))) Very cute baskets!

Japanese layer laying or zigzag.

Thank you for the excellent MK master on paper beauty under the nickname of ElenaForos.

Well, and before leaving this page, I suggest you watch a video lesson: how to do paper tubes. MK interesting, and it will be very useful for both beginners of craftsmen and for workshops with experience!

I wish you all the best!