What will extend the rose from the cuticle. Causes and treatment of inflammation of the nail cuticle. Inflammation around the nail than to treat cuticles on the nails

Such an unpleasant problem as inflammation of the cuticle is a rather frequent phenomenon among homemade manicure amateurs. Thin and tender skin will overtake mechanical damage during the edged manicure and with frequent use of aggressive chemicals. In this article you will learn how to treat and how to prevent the inflammation of the cuticle.

Determination of the treatment of inflamed skin around the nail depends on the cause of the disease:

  • With inflamed and peeling cuticle contraindicated edged manicurewhich can only aggravate the problem. Instead, it should be performed only, which will allow you to soften and painlessly remove damaged skin. In addition, the skin procedure should be disinfected, and immediately after treating with a panthenol cream. Trust your hands in this state is better than the experienced master who will take all necessary measures.
  • If the cause of inflammation became burrs, in no case cannot tear them. This may contribute to the formation of deep cracks, which are very long treated and cause pain and discomfort. Burzes should neatly cut down and moisturize the inflamed area with cosmetic oil. The antiseptic and soothing effect in this case also has based on sea salt and citrus essential oils.

  • It happens that the inflammation of the cuticle becomes the result of entering infection In the base of the nail plate. This may occur in the case of using non-sterile bodies or non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Today, effective pharmacy preparations based on clotrimazole can be purchased for the treatment of fungal infections. However, you should not engage in self-medication. The dermatologist will help to establish the degree of damage to the cuticle and will prescribe a safe and effective course on its recovery.
  • For mechanical damage Cuticle zones, for example, when manicure, should be immediately treated with an antiseptic skin. For this purpose, you can use chlorhexidine or medical alcohol. If the cut is deep, then it should be lit by iodine.
  • In education purulent bubble Against the background of inflammation of the cuticle should immediately consult a doctor. Such a condition can lead to sepsis, which is difficult to treat.

How to prevent inflammation of the cuticle

To protect yourself from skin inflammation around the nail, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • All homework should be performed exclusively in rubber gloves. This will help not only avoid mechanical damage, but also will protect the cuticle from the harmful effects of household chemicals.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the hygiene of the hands and in time to clean the nails and the cuticle zone from pollution.
  • After using soap on the skin, the moisturizing cream should be applied so as not to overcover the gentle cuticle zone. For moisturizing, various baths should also be applied, and other caring procedures.

What is the reason that the skin is around the nail? This condition has a sufficiently unsightly appearance, and sometimes even accompanied by severe pain, peeling and itching. In this article, we will talk about the causes of the peeling of the cuticle, symptoms, treatment, as well as prophylactic procedures.

The reasons

There are many reasons for which to peel and climb the cuticle, and which can lead to the attachment of a bacterial infection through the rings on the skin.

Hands are often exposed to allergic or irritating substances. All this can lead to skin peeling around the nails, including the cuticle. The reason for its peeling may be related to environmental factors, such as wind, warm, excessive moisture or allergens and irritants. Peeling can be a symptom of a veiled of health, which we cannot diagnose yourself.

Dry skin around nails

As a rule, dryness is the main cause of many skin problems in which it will crack, peel and smear. Hand wash or long-term contact with water, cold or dry weather, the use of strong detergents and soaps or lacquer removal tools, as well as hidden health conditions lead to dry skin dry. The symptoms accompanying this state will include redness, pain, peeling, bleeding, cracked nails on their hands and legs, and can also be attended by serious infections, since bacteria fall into the body through damaged skin.


Paronichia (purulent inflammation of the cuticle) is most often caused by a bacterial or fungal infection, but may have other reasons

The peeling of the cuticle can also be a sign of infection. Jessica Crant, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Dermatology Associate Professor at New York State University, argues that this condition may also be a symptom of "chronic infection caused by fungus or humidity level". For example, nails painted in yellow, this is an explicit testimony of yeast or other fungal infection. "In some cases, peeling can be caused by chronic infection," which makes nails with soft and weak.

Skin disease

There are several diseases that can lead to peeling of the skin on the fingers near the nails on their hands or legs. Diagnostic test for such skin conditions may be inaccurate due to a wide range of reasons. Below are some of the skin diseases that cause skin peeling:


Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition, which is accompanied by dryness, itching and peeling. The main causes include chemical irritants, allergens and even the injury of the cuticle. Chronic eczema of the hands can grow into a difficult state at which the nails are loose, and opens the skin.


According to psoriasis "is characterized by a rapid reproduction of skin cells, 10 times faster than usual. The underlying cells reach the surface of the skin and die, there are red plaques covered with white scales at the site of their accumulation. The main areas that affect the disease are elbows, knees, palms, legs, toes, head, head and torso. Also, this condition may affect the skin around the nails.


Although this does not apply to major reasons, it can also contribute to a light peeling of the skin around the nails. The formation of bubbles filled with liquid.

Dishydrosis, or sometimes they say dishydric eczema

If you have skin around the nails, it is best to consult a doctor, since most diseases that cause this condition cannot be diagnosed at home. Medical experts will conduct a number of analyzes, and then select the most appropriate treatment. Diseases in light form can be treated with domestic products, and treatment of moderate and severe form should be provided with professionals.

Defective ration

A meager diet can also be another cause of many skin problems. The absence of some minerals and vitamins in the diet can provoke the beginning of the disease. According to, "the shortage of some minerals will cause dry skin, and it will probably lead to the formation of leather flakes and peeling on different parts of the body, which can occur around the nails." Thus, it should be told with a nutritionist who will help to choose an effective diet to avoid the risk of drying skin dryness due to poor nutrition.

Allergic reaction

There are a large amount of allergens that can lead to cuticle peeling. Allergic reaction can be caused by some food, drugs or stimuli, which come into contact with the skin. It will cause itching, leading to scratches and, consequently, peeling the skin. If the allergic reaction manifested itself on the hands and fingers, one of the symptoms may be the peeling of the cuticle.

First of all, it is necessary to identify the substances for which there is a reaction and avoid them. Antihistamine drugs can also help.

Bad habits and some actions

Sometimes the skin can climb due to bad habits, namely - nail nails. Hand wash or harsh environmental conditions can cause dry skin, which ultimately leads to the peeling of the cuticle.

If the reason lies in the habit of gnawing the nails, you should get rid of it as soon as possible.

Side effects of drugs

Sometimes medicines cause side effects, among them dry nails and leather around them. "Some drugs also deplete the supply of certain nutrients in the body," the HEALTHGUIDANCE.ORG resource writes. If you take any medical drugs, you can check in the instructions, do they have similar side effects. Some medications are very important, and it is impossible to just stop taking them, so in such cases it should be seen an alternative, namely, to moisturize hands and legs. Contact your doctor, perhaps it will help to choose a similar drug without such side effects.


Long-term exposure to the Sun is another condition that can lead to dry skin, and, consequently, to itching and peeling the skin around the nails. Going outside, sunscreen should be used to avoid the effect of sun rays on the skin. Control the amount of time spent in the sun. Do not forget to moisturize the skin.

Other reasons

In addition to the causes of the peeling of the cuticle, there are others. For example, sucking your fingers (especially in children), harsh climatic conditions, hyperthyroidism, Stevens-Johnson syndrome or skin damage.

Related symptoms

There are several symptoms that may occur along with skin detachment. They are grouped into three categories. Those that occur before peeling during, and after. Their severity will depend on the main reasons. Some of the general conditions that may arise if the skin opens, includes:

  • Bleeding
  • Education bubbles
  • Burning
  • Dry and inflammation
  • Irritation or itch
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Thickening
  • Local temperature increase

The skin around the nails can climb along with other heavy symptoms that may be caused by serious diseases. They need emergency medical care, as they can cost you life. Therefore, it is urgent to seek medical care, if there are following symptoms:

  • Heat
  • Harfish or swelling of the mouth, lips, language or throat
  • Pain in joints or skin
  • Attack
  • Vision vision
  • Violations of consciousness, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
  • Difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath
  • Headache
  • Peeling big leakage
  • Ulcers, formation of blisters, rash
  • Swimming of lymph nodes or other signs of infection


To effectively treat the cuticle, you need to determine the causes of peeling. The treatment will also depend on the age, the history of the patient's disease, as well as the severity of symptoms, and varies from drugs to natural domestic methods. In this section, we will discuss the most appropriate means for the treatment of cuticle.

Medical preparations

Here are some of the drugs that can be used to treat the cuticle:

  • Antibacterial and antifungal treatment.
  • Antihistamines, they will also help reassign such symptoms as swelling, inflammation and pain.
  • Other types of treatment may include gels, lotions and serifers for local applications containing ingredients to eliminate various skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and others.
  • Wax procedures can be used to moisturize and treat the cuticle.

Homemade means

There are many homemade tools that can be very effective in treating this problem. The natural agents for the treatment and exfoliation of the cuticle are described below.

Aloe Vera gel

This is a wonderful vegetable remedy for peeling cuticles and other skin states. It has moisturizing and healing properties for healing. Here is how to apply:

  1. Take fresh aloe leaf and exit juice on the cuticle and fingers
  2. Rock it in 25-30 minutes
  3. Repeat three times a week until you get the desired result

Among the many skin protection products from peeling, olive oil takes not the last place. It possesses many healing properties, due to which it becomes very effective in the treatment of skin diseases. Here is the procedure for using this tool:

  1. Add ½ cups of this oil into a small bowl
  2. A little herald
  3. Add a few drops of lavender oil
  4. Lower your fingers in a warm oil mixture for 20 minutes
  5. Wash your hands with warm water
  6. Dry them, and then moisturize

The use of this tool will definitely provide a positive result.

It is known that this ingredient keeps moisture in the skin and, thus, helps moisturize and heal it when she is dry. Application steps include:

  1. Apply a few raw natural honey on the affected fingers or cuticle and leave for 20-25 minutes
  2. Rock it warm water
  3. This tool should be used 2-3 times a day before reaching the desired result.
  4. Alternatively, you can mix honey with olive oil and then apply a mixture on the affected cuticle

The use of cucumber can also be a good idea to facilitate the state. According to:

  1. Cut the cucumber to large pieces and rub the skin.
  2. Or squeeze and use juice, it is well absorbed into the skin.
  3. Wash the skin area where you applied a cucumber with warm water and repeat the process daily before achieving the desired results.

Warm water

A fairly simple way to reduce the peeling of the skin around the nails is warm water. You can keep your hands in it for 10 minutes daily.

You can also add lemon juice and honey to warm water and use it as a bath.

There are many home remedies, but the above-mentioned are usually the most efficient. If they do not give a positive result, consult a doctor to get a recipe for medical preparations.

When should I refer to the doctor?

There is a wide range of reasons leading to the peeling of the cuticle, so to facilitate this state you will need to be preliminarily installed. If medicinal products and home resources are not effective, you should visit the doctor as soon as possible. Remember that the peeling of the cuticle can be a symptom of very heavy hidden health states that cannot be diagnosed at home.

The cuticle is a skin roller surrounding the nail. Its function is concluded in the exception of the possibility of penetrating bacteria and various particles of foreign origin between the nail plate and the epidermis. Provided the correct care and manicure of problems with the condition of the cuticle does not occur. But violation of the rules for conducting procedures can cause inflammation of the cuticle.
The skin, located near the nail, is thin and gentle. In addition, it is constantly exposed to environmental environment, contact with various chemicals and receives mechanical damage. All these factors provoke the inflammation of the cuticle, which needs treatment.

Causes of inflammation

The inflammatory process of the cuticle is characterized by redness, the appearance of edema, in severe cases, the pus, unpleasant smell and pain appear.

For reasons provoking the inflammation of the cuticle include:

  • The presence of burrs. If they tear them, incorrectly process, make manicure not sterile devices, then the appearance of problems is guaranteed.
  • Unhealthy cuticle, which is too thin or screamed, dry, peeling, processed with damage to the integrity of tissues.
  • Microorganisms and fungal infections that have fallen into fabrics.
  • Mechanical damage in the form of shocks, cuts.

Treatment of inflamed cuticle

Depending on the nature of the cause that caused inflammation, methods of treatment are determined.

To treat the cuticle, affected by fungus, maybe exclusively the doctor, because after self-treatment can not only aggravate the state of the skin, but also there will be problems with nails. In addition, with a strong infectious process, the course of antibiotics is sometimes shown. And any medication is permissible to accept only on the prescription of the doctor.

With peeling cuticle, an important point for treatment becomes lack of. It is after it that the skin is dried, and cuts appear opening access to infections. The most correct solution is to make a non-edged manicure, in which the cuticle is gently moved by a special stick. After any procedures for nail care or household work, you must moisten the skin around the nail by lotions and creams. And to do homework exclusively in gloves.

At the first signs of the inflammatory process around the nail, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry your hands. If there is a pussy, it must be removed by slightly pressure in case of shallow stay or making compresses using aloe leaves pulp, to pull out. Baths with a strong brine (white vinegar, English salt) or the use of special ointments will also be helped. After removing the pus, the wound is disinfected with hydrogen peroxide, migrating with iodine and closed with a bandage.

To treat the cuticle after cleansing from suppuration or with insignificant inflammation around the nail you can at home or by contacting a specialist. Essential oils are the most popular tools for the care and treatment of the skin around the nails. The most effective is the oil of grapefruit, apricot and castor. If the procedures are regularly, the inflammation comes down in a short time, and the nails and the skin will become elastic.

To eliminate inflammation and improve the condition of the cuticle:

  • Lubricate lavender oil near nail space. It is best for them to treat inflamed tissues, as it is the strongest antiseptic.
  • Apply an ointment consisting of calendula and vaseline flowers. 0.5 glasses of dry matter is taken by Vaseline in the amount of 10 grams. After warming up in the water bath, the mixture must be insisted within 10-12 hours. Then place in a convenient container, predetermined.
  • Making rubbing the inside of the skin of grapefruit. Thus, the cuticle can not only be disinfected, but also to get the vitamins.
  • To eliminate the dying cells, it is necessary to rub the corn flour once every seven days in the wet fingers. This natural scrub cleans perfectly.

Preventive measures

Treatment - the process is always long and not quite pleasant. Therefore, prevention is the necessary complex of measures that will get rid of diseases and help to avoid complications. To prevent inflammation, some rules should be followed:

  • Pay attention to hand hygiene. Clean from pollution, correctly and carefully care for the cuticle, making a gentle manicure.
  • All actions accompanied by exposure to the skin, exercise in gloves.
  • At the very first signs of inflammation or the resulting rays, carefully process and clean damaged areas.
  • Monitor moisture balance in the skin, regularly apply moisturizing and feeding ointments, creams, lotions, make baths and compresses.
  • Do not make a manicure if the inflammation of the cuticle begins.

Almost all the girls teach nails well-kept and neat look. Experiment with manicure design or decorate all sorts of elements. But sometimes this desire leads to some problems. After the next Neil-Art procedure, redness may occur, the skin soreness appears, swelling and the finger starts to navigate. According to the opinion of specialists, the source of this inestic disease is the inflammation of the cuticle of the nail plate. And before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to deal with the main causes of inflammation.

Causes of the painful process

Inflammation of the cuticle can be provoked by the most different things. Most often abscess on the finger appears after an unsuccessful manicure, but this is not the only reason. By defining that irritation provoked, much easier to decide what further treatment would be.

  • Improper processing of cuticle during manicure. After such a procedure near the nail, burstles may appear. They cannot be tearned there is a possibility to get a purulent abscess. Also, the cause can be poorly circumcised, dishepberned cuticle or the use of non-sterile devices.
  • Unclean hands. If you systematically do the skin processing around your fingers, there is a chance to get trouble. For example, too much cuticle is susceptible to insignificant injury and is much more often inflated around the nail. In addition, if the cuticle is very dry, there is a possibility that the fingers struck the fungal infection.
  • Malicious microorganisms. Very often after insignificant injuries, oole-tailed hands can hit the infection. Quite often this fungus. It is accompanied by peeling and strong irritation.
  • Allergic reaction. Edema and redness are the main symptoms of allergies. After contacting the fingers with the stimulus, they can swollen. If the reason is this, the edema will appear in other parts of the hands.
  • Injuries and other external influences. Blows, cuts, pressure or wearing uncomfortable shoes can cause edema, inflammation and irritation.

Symptoms of the inflammatory process

As a rule, the finger begins to dig with the following accompanying symptoms:

  1. Redness of the skin around the nail plate
  2. Finger swells
  3. An unpleasant twigging pain appears
  4. After some time, a high temperature may appear on the place of inflammation.
  5. Problematically not only touch the inflamed part, and normally bend a finger
  6. And as a result, the painful place goes

Panariums (turning on the finger): causes of occurrence, symptoms and signs, effective treatment

Panarium is purulent inflammation of the skin and deeper finger tissues on hand or legs. The main reasons for the development of Panaritia are: abrasions, cuts on the fingers, poor-quality manicure and pedicure, ingrown nail, which contribute to the penetration of microbes into the depths of the skin. The main symptoms of Panaria is: a strong tweaking pain in the finger, redness and swelling of the skin of the finger (often around the nail), an increase in body temperature. In some cases, Panariums may cause serious complications that require an immediate operation. When such symptoms appear as an increase in body temperature, the accumulation of pus under the skin in the form of a bubble or strip, as well as the appearance of unbearable pain in the finger, you must immediately consult a doctor. Treatment Panarium is usually conservative (baths with medicines, antibacterial ointments) or, in severe cases, surgical.

Causes of development of Panaritia

Panarium is purulent inflammation, which develops as a result of infection (bacteria) deep into the finger tissues. Penetration of microbes through the skin is possible if it is damaged: abrasions, off -landic, small cuts, poor-quality manicure and pedicure, etc. In some cases, panarium develops without any fingertip injuries. Below are the conditions contributing to the development of Panaritia:

  1. Panaritia is often found in children, which is explained by their tendency to suck the fingers or nibble nails.
  2. Ingrown nail (nail rustling into the skin roller surrounding it from the sides) contributes to damage to the skin of the finger and the ingress of infection with the development of panary.
  3. Food and nail fungus (onichomicosis)
  4. Sugar diabetes, circulatory disorders in the legs (thrombophlebitis of the veins of the feet, etc.)
  5. People have certain professions, connected with manual labor: cooks, carpenters, agricultural workers, etc.

What to do at home if you run a finger on your hand?

In most cases, if it pulls a finger on hand, inflammation passes itself in 1-2 weeks, and patients are bypassed by folk remedies.

If you have not yet formed a hole, it is simply painted, there is a chance to stop the development of infection. To do this, it is recommended to process the affected area with antiseptic means (iodine, green). Of the folk remedies, it helps well in half and an applied in the form of a compress sheet Aloe, as well as baked onions.

If you cannot stop the development of inflammation, it was not possible, and a purulent injection was formed, or revealed it (the procedure is carried out by the doctor), or take measures for independently opening the Naryava:

  1. Salt baths. A tablespoon of salt and a few drops of iodine is added to the glass of hot (but not burning) water. The inflamed finger holds 10 minutes in water. Such a procedure can contribute to the opening of a ripened journey, but in the initial stages ineffective, since the warming can increase the formation of pus.
  2. Baked onion. The bulb is baked entirely in the husk. Used as a compress. It is inserted to the patient to the long-term (4-6 hours) period.
  3. Sap. Pine resin, or zhivitsa is applied to the bandage and applied as a compress.

Treatment Panarium without surgery (conservative treatment) is permissible only at the initial stages of the disease and only under the supervision of a surgeon. The main methods of conservative treatment Panaritia are:

  1. Daily baths with potassium permanganate solution (manganese), which is added to warm (not hot) water until the appearance of weakly pink staining. In the cooked bath, they lower the patient's finger for 5-7 minutes.
  2. After the bath, it is necessary to gently flush the finger with a sterile napkin and then put on the skin in the inflammation area, folded several times (approximately 5 per cm), on which a thin layer of dioxidine ointment or levmecol is applied.
  3. Then the finger should not be tightly bandaged.

If, as a result of conservative treatment, the symptoms of the Panarium intensified, the body temperature rose, or there was an injection on the finger (the accumulation of pus), urgently consult a surgeon doctor. Surgical treatment Panarium is carried out under local anesthesia. The surgeon doctor produces a small incision of the skin of the finger, removes dead finger tissues, introduces local antibacterial agents. With subnamed panaria, it is usually removed. After surgery, the patient make daily dressings that allow local antibacterial and wound healing agents. The total duration of such treatment is 5-7 days. Since Panarium is a purulent disease, antibiotics are often used in his treatment.