Design of extended transparent nails. Beautiful extended nails: types of extensions and design elements. Beautiful design of extended nails: how to decorate a manicure on extended nails with your own hands

Now crystal manicure is becoming more and more popular. This name was given to artificial nails formed with acrylic or gel, on forms or tips. In this case, the gel should be transparent.

Crystal nail design in rare cases may involve many facets inside extended nails. IN this case, when modeling nails, camouflage is also used - to mask the surface of a natural nail. As a camouflage, as a rule, pink or beige acrylic is used.

1. Before carrying out a crystal manicure, the natural nail should be processed with a soft nail file. It should not damage the skin of the cuticle and periungual ridges.

2. You must first prepare the form. A special foil plate with three-dimensional patterns should be glued to its surface. With its help, a relief pattern will be created.

3. We do the standard preparation of the nail - degrease, apply a primer. After the form is fixed, you need to extend nail plate. We make out the nail bed, it should turn out to be more elongated than a natural nail. As a camouflage, we take acrylic of a natural pink color.

4. Now the tip of the nail is covered with a transparent gel or acrylic. The gel has the ability to align.

Pay special attention to the area where the camouflage meets the gel, on the smile line. The gel is baked with an ultraviolet lamp for 2 minutes.

5. Then another layer is applied transparent gel on the entire nail and polymerizes for 2 minutes. After that, you need to remove the sticky layer and give the nails a certain shape (wash down).

6. It remains to apply the finishing gel without a sticky layer (or with a sticky one), bake in the lamp for 2 minutes, and you're done.

You can often find options for transparent nails with a blue or pink free edge, with one or more edges. For this, it is used stained glass gel desired color.

The cutting of crystal nails will be clearer if you use a special stencil, which depicts three-dimensional patterns. Such a stencil is made of plastic or foil.

The disadvantage of a crystal nail design is that it needs to be touched up often because it is quite difficult to restore the edges during the growth of the nail plate. When appearance crystal manicure will greatly deteriorate, extended nails should be removed and re-modeled. The correction procedure should be carried out after a few weeks. It all depends on the condition of the nails.

If earlier this procedure carried out exclusively in beauty salons, then thanks to the improvement of technology, it became possible to do it at home on your own. To do this, you need to buy an ultraviolet lamp and stock up on everything you need for the chosen type of extension.

An ultraviolet lamp is needed to dry the acrylic or gel coating of the nail. You will have to spend money on this device, however, the savings provided by the refusal to visit a professional master will make it possible to quickly recoup the purchase. When buying a lamp, you should pay attention to its power, which must be at least 24V, a device with a lower power will not be effective.

For convenience, it is better to choose a dryer with a timer. If the extension will be made using acrylic, then you need to purchase acrylic liquid, white, pink, peach or transparent. acrylic powder, camouflage powder, antiseptic to prevent infection of the nail plate, preparation for drying the surface before applying acrylic (dehydrator), primer (primer).

In addition, you need to take tips and glue to fix or shape them, as well as an old coating remover, a brush for applying material, a jar for mixing acrylic liquid and powder, a set of nail files and other tools for polishing nails. To build up with a gel, it is necessary to prepare various types of gels (transparent for the base, colored, camouflage, finishing to add shine), antiseptic, dehydrator, primer, degreaser.

You will need special glue and nippers, in the case of using a false tip or form, lint-free wipes to remove the sticky layer, nail scissors, a hard square brush or rectangular shape, orange stick, a set of nail files and buffs.

Building includes mandatory steps that are performed in a certain sequence:

Step 1
It is necessary to make a manicure, leaving 2 - 3 mm of the free edge of the nail and carefully polishing the nail surface with a nail file.

Step 2
Eliminate unevenness and roughness of the nail with a primer.

Step 3
Re-polish until a perfectly even surface is obtained.

Step 4
Glue tips or fix forms for extension.

Step 5
Apply acrylic or gel twice, drying each layer for 1 - 2 minutes in a lamp.

Step 6
Carefully remove the stencil and give the nail the desired shape.

Step 7
Apply a layer of material in the center of the nail so that an elevation is obtained. Dry, spread a thin finish coat and dry.

Step 8
With the help of nail files, give the nails the final length and shape, often square or oval. You can not wet your hands for at least half an hour to prevent the disappearance of the shine and the violation of the structure.

There are different types of extensions: classic, French, holographic, crystal. Classic way is the creation of an artificial nail, indistinguishable from a natural one, even if it is simply applied to the nail plate colorless varnish without any decorative elements.

French is most often done using forms, with a white edge and a pink or peach bed being formed already in the process of creating a nail. The holographic effect on extended nails is achieved by applying shiny iridescent compounds, sparkles, pollen under an acrylic or gel layer. Crystal-like nails, due to their absolute transparency, are the most fashionable novelty of manicure.

In order to create an individual image, a modern woman can use rhinestones, acrylic or watercolor drawing, volume modeling, photo, aquarium design, casting and glitter to decorate beautiful extended nails, both individually and in various combinations.

Art design involves choosing a pattern and print that matches the fashion and character of the girl. American manicure consists of using one color in coloring nails and lips. When repeating the idea of ​​even the most famous master, we must not forget about proper care behind the hands. After all, a sloppy appearance can spoil any most amazing idea.

Beautiful design of extended nails: how to decorate a manicure on extended nails with your own hands

Beautiful design extended nails in the form of an aquarium is the creation of a three-dimensional pattern, covered with a thin layer of gel. Visually, the pattern seems voluminous and bright, while the surface is perfectly smooth to the touch.

There is an effect of an image hidden behind glass; aquarium design includes the creation of a pattern with a molding element with its further coating with an acrylic or gel layer.

This type of manicure is very practical due to long term operation and a smooth surface that does not cling to clothing. It looks as natural and natural as possible, the disadvantages of aquarium design include the need for in large numbers various materials and the associated high cost. In addition, it takes a lot of time and high professionalism.

You can create stunning pictures during nail extension using watercolors. This material allows you to create flower arrangements, images of animals, landscapes, artistic painting. Translucent paints are best applied on a white or pale pink base. What watercolor has water base, makes it easy to adjust the image. Nail art makes it possible to realize any, the most daring fantasy. A drawing can be both simple and a real work of art that attracts everyone's attention.

The French style is a recognized classic, the white tip of the nail and the peach base have been adorning the hands of stylish beauties working in offices for many years. This manicure goes well with any outfit, gives well-groomed appearance, looks neat and restrained on a sharp and rounded nail. It is thanks to these characteristics that many people imagine a gentle wedding manicure in this way. Unfortunately, the jacket requires constant correction, the procedure is rather complicated and requires a visit to the salon.

For those who like classic French manicure seems too boring, the designers came up with its varieties. The French millennium involves applying a transparent or natural gel or acrylic to the entire nail, while the tip of the nail plate is decorated with sparkles, iridescent foil or rhinestones. This decor will perfectly complement the New Year's look, summer design can be varied by choosing instead of white color in the design of the edge of the nail, bright, colorful, corresponding to the sunny mood.

Lunar manicure on extended nails, the so-called french on the contrary, when a smile at the base of the nail is emphasized in white, is another fashion trend. Artificial material not only makes it possible to create the perfect manicure, correct the imperfections of nature, facilitate care, but also makes it possible to develop your own original style and use any type of decoration.

Short extension nails and creating a matte finish

Short extended nails require a special approach, which have become very popular in Lately, due to the fact that they are suitable for everyone, even owners of brittle nails. by the most simple option there will be a covering of nails with a bright monophonic varnish. Perfect for a short length and a classic jacket, which will give a natural look, enliven the work of the stylist funny picture on one finger.

The current ombre style looks interesting on short nails, it visually lengthens the fingers and makes them more elegant and refined. A simpler version of coloring in this style is done using acrylic paints and sponge. A white gel or acrylic is applied to the nail plate, after drying with paints of various shades applied to the sponge, the nail is tinted, then a transparent building material is applied on top.

The trend of the season is a matte finish on extended nails., which can be done in several ways, the simplest solution is to apply matte varnish on finished artificial nails. You can use a special finishing gel, thanks to which the gloss and shine disappears, and you get matte extended nails, without much effort.

Girls, I don’t belong to the lacomaniacs at all, because. I'm lazy, I'm really too lazy to repaint my nails every 5 days, which is why I go every three weeks to correct my extended nails, and spend three hours of my time)) But I have only one varnish, but what kind, he enhances and changes the color of nails. As they explained to me, it was created specifically for artificial nails. Let's see?

Who wants a glass of toys?

Protective coating for artificial nails - EzFlow Nail Systems UV 30 Ultra - Violet Top Coat

Expanded opinion: When I first saw his action, I was completely delighted, and immediately ran after him. I love him because when the nails begin to turn pale and dark, he immediately makes them, as after correction, bright and shiny. The varnish is easy to apply and spread over the nail, it has an average durability for a week. Absolutely transparent and not thick. But the point is not that, but that it enhances the brightness of each color on the nail. The nails become brighter and slightly change their color. And white becomes even whiter. Protects artificial nails from ultraviolet radiation, from the appearance of stains. Sold in Prof. a store that sells materials for building, or can be ordered through the masters.

To take a swatch, I waited two weeks after the correction, so that the coating faded, and the effect of the varnish was more evident.
Large, index and middle finger painted with varnish, but the ring and little fingers are not

Price:$12 in prof. store

Grade: 5

Hope you can see the difference. Peach became pinkish, and white became whiter))) Normal, clear nail polish won't make the colors brighter.
Did an experiment. It also changes color on a regular polish a little)))) Bright pink became brighter and colder, and the cherry went a little purple)) Gently pink immediately became much brighter. And all the colors immediately got a glossy finish. ... I don’t have more varnishes and I can’t check how it will behave with other colors))

Thanks for stopping by. Your Julia