Greek hairstyle with headband step by step. Hairstyles in the Greek style - modern antiquity in your look. Option without using a bandage

290 03/25/2019 5 min.

Hairstyle in Greek style with a headband is a great opportunity to create a simple and elegant look. To create it, you need a minimum of time and effort, and the image will turn out to be truly divine.

A lady with such a hairstyle will look cute and gentle, and the hairstyle is suitable for creating a romantic look. With such a hairstyle, the girl will look like Aphrodite who came down from Olympus. Be sure that with a Greek hairstyle you will always be the center of attention.


A hairstyle made in the Greek style with a leash is in great demand today. And it can be done on hair of almost any length. The main characteristics of the installation remain its elegance and simplicity in execution. With this hairstyle you can safely go to work or to a party.

Girls often choose Greek hairstyle to create a chic look for prom. Its uniqueness is that it can be used not only by young fashionistas, but also by adult ladies. Thus, they will be able to emphasize their style and stateliness.

The hairstyle is distinguished by its practicality, because the hair gathered under the headband will not get in the way and will also keep its shape throughout the evening. Brides often dress up in this look to create a unique and stylish look. Greek styling looks feminine and gentle with chic dress in Greek style. It highlights the curves of the neck and makes the look expressive. Every bride with a Greek hairstyle will look original and stylish, and invited guests will not be able to help but notice her beauty.

The headband is an important element when creating a Greek hairstyle.

So when choosing this accessory you need to approach it with all responsibility:

  1. The headband must correspond exactly to the size of the head. It should not dangle or squeeze your head.
  2. The fabric for it should be natural. If it is synthetic, it will slide over your hair.
  3. The color of the accessory remains important. It should combine favorably with the outfit, and also differ from the shade by 2 tones. To make the headband invisible, you should choose an accessory that matches the tone of your hair. They look very good pastel shades imitating silver or gold.

On video how to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband:

Who suits it

Greek women naturally had curly hair, so greek hairstyle will not look good on ladies with straight strands. If nature did not give nettle curls, then you can create them in any usual way. And if we talk about hair length, it is also not important. Even a lady with short hair can get a fairly impressive and stylish hairstyle.

Of course, with long strands you will have to work a little, since styling them in a Greek style is a little more difficult. But if you make every effort, then every lady, regardless of length, can get a beautiful and fashionable hairstyle.

A Greek-style hairstyle with a headband also looks effective on short hair, and it will be much easier to do. If nature has not blessed you with wavy hair, then you can create it using an attachment such as a diffuser. You can create curls using curlers or a curling iron.

Of course, for which hair length it is impossible to create a high ponytail, but just fasten a bandage and secure it with hairpins under each headband. If the strands are very short, and the bandage cannot be wrapped, then it is worth using it as a separator between the strands near the forehead and the main head of hair. They can be laid in any arbitrary order.

The video shows how to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband step by step:

How to do

The process of creating a Greek hairstyle with a headband is not particularly difficult. Execution options may vary. It all depends on how long the hair is and what kind of styling the girl wants to get at the end. A woman should not visit a salon, since she can get a gentle and romantic look at home by creating her own hairstyle.

First option

To create this styling option, you need to prepare a bandage, varnish and a comb. First you need to run a comb through your hair. Put it on your head. If you have bangs, you should collect them with an elastic band. Put on the accessory and cover it with bangs. If you don’t have bangs, then you should part your hair evenly.

On the picture - step by step sequence hairstyle:

Then carefully comb your hair again, but do it very carefully so that the bandage does not fall off. To give your hair extra volume, you need to create a backcomb inside. After this, select the side you will work with. Select a thin strand and carefully twist it with an elastic band.

Do the same with the remaining strands. Then go to the other side of the head and wrap the strands under the bandages. You can give the appearance of tenderness if you select a strand in the temple area and curl it. Fix the finished installation with varnish.

It will also be interesting to learn about how to make a Greek hairstyle with bangs:

You might also be interested in learning about this. To do this, you should follow the link.

Second option

This method of creating Greek styling has certain differences from the previous one. To create it, you need to prepare all the same accessories. Comb and gather them with your hands, as if you were making a ponytail.

But you need to fix it with an elastic band not as usual, but at the tip of the ponytail. After this, take a bandage and carefully wrap the strands around it. When the hair is completely put on the headband, it is worth distributing it according to the diameter of the elastic band. Fix the entire installation with varnish.

What it looks like, as well as how to do it correctly. The information from the article will help you understand.

Every woman rightfully considers herself a goddess, but in a rich Everyday life The keeper of the hearth often does not have time for complex makeup and lengthy hair styling. A quick way out of the situation was not even found modern stylists, no, a hairstyle that helps you instantly create a marvelous and feminine image was popular even in the ancient world.

And it was from then on that female goddesses used headbands and a special type of hair styling, which later became known as Greek-style hairstyles.

What you need for a Greek hairstyle

Women fell in love with this style precisely because it is quite versatile, easy to perform and suitable for hair of any structure and length. And with a minimum of accessories, you can create a unique image, touching and submissive or powerful and proud. Hair raised high gives girls and women a special grace.

Perhaps this is the reason why it is one of the most popular and sought-after hairstyles for brides and a frequently seen hairstyle for stars on the red carpet.

Greek women have always been famous for their luxurious, thick and curly hair. Regardless of the type of Greek hairstyle, the hair should be shiny, without split ends or undyed roots. Curls are the necessary base for creating this hairstyle, and if you are not endowed with them by nature, then you will definitely need:

  • hair dryer with diffuser, straighteners and curling irons for creating curls, as well as curlers of all diameters and colors;
  • light hair dryers with heat protection and fixing varnish;
  • hairpins, bobby pins and thin silicone rubber bands;
  • A headband or headband is the main and indispensable accessory for creating an elegant and recognizable look.

The headband also needs to be chosen carefully, based not only on the solemnity of the occasion, but also in accordance with the type of face and hair length. So, for high Greek hairstyle will suit headband with elastic band. The elastic band will be securely hidden under the hair bun and will give strength to the styling. But make sure that the elastic band does not cover your head too tightly and does not interfere with blood circulation.

Girls with a high and perfectly smooth forehead can choose the widest possible headbands, but those with a low hairline are forced to settle on a thin and elegant ribbon. For the Greek one, it is better to choose a headband in the form of a hard headband with decorations.

How to do a Greek hairstyle step by step

Hairstyle in Greek style with a headband for medium hair (with photo)

The classic version of this style is long curly curls, which are pulled back into low bun, separate flowing strands and beautiful headband for additional hair hold. But with an average length, there are no particularly voluminous curls, but I want a hairstyle. And then we are left with one accessory - a headband or headband. It is with the help of variations of the bandage that you can achieve a resemblance to the desired styling.

Even on not too long hair you can create beautiful curls. And for thin and unruly curls, this is a real salvation, giving the much-needed volume.

A bob with shoulder-length hair is not only the most common length, but also the most suitable shape haircuts to create such a hairstyle. And if you are wondering how to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband, then the easiest way to start is with this length.

  • For curled or natural hair, comb it back and wear a headband. Do not pull it low on your forehead, otherwise it will slip and spoil not only your appearance, but also your mood. You can additionally secure the bandage with bobby pins.
  • Tie the temporal strands behind the elastic band and move from the temples to the back of the head, lifting each strand and placing them evenly behind the bandage. Secure each strand with hairpins and additionally spray with varnish.

For thin and sparse hair will do option with fleece. Wind the strands from the middle of the length onto a corrugated curling iron and lightly comb from the ends. Then it will be much easier to lift and place the strands behind the bandage, and they will hold on better.

Greek braid hairstyle without bandage

Laying with a bandage:

  • put on the headband and make sure it is positioned correctly and comfortably on your head;
  • separate part of the hair at the neck and put it behind the bandage, secure everything with hairpins;
  • twist strands of hair from the temples into light strands, bring them to the bun and casually lay them around it;
  • Pull out a few small strands from your temple and form them into light, airy curls.

High voluminous hairstyles are also often called Hetaera hairstyles. Although the name of the hairstyle may not be entirely appropriate for the bride, the voluminous knot looks unusually graceful, despite its size.

This beautiful styling combines several weaving techniques and options, and it is performed on fairly long hair (up to the middle of the back and longer).


  • separate the strand at the parting and braid the entire length of the braid of three strands and temporarily secure the braid with an elastic band;
  • do the same on the other side of the parting and pull the strands out of the braids to make them look fuller;
  • gather your hair into a low ponytail with a thin elastic band, lift the ponytail up, place a donut under it and wrap it all together in a large bun;
  • secure the structure with pins and bobby pins;
  • from the strands above the ears, make small bundles and bring them to the knot;
  • place the braid over the knot and here you can use beautiful and elegant accessories for fastening.

Video about types of Greek hairstyles and accessories

A Greek braid of voluminous curls down the back is one of the options for an ever-changing hairstyle. This style constantly incorporates all trends and at the same time remains elegant and feminine.

Gallery of beautiful photos with Greek style styling for different lengths hair. You can choose not only a styling option for yourself, but also look for a beautiful accessory.

A basic version of a hairstyle in the Greek style with a headband and curls tied behind it. For fine hair The option with plaits is perfect; the hair will not only stay better on the tape, but also look more voluminous.

Have you already tried this feminine hairstyle on yourself? Write to us which option you like best, we will be grateful to you.

Every year, Greek-style hairstyles gain fans. Such popularity arose due to the variety of techniques and ease of execution. All hair styling options are radically different from each other, but they are united by relaxed carelessness, tenderness and femininity. Before you learn how to do a Greek hairstyle with a bandage, you need to name the general framework: the presence of a straight parting, curls falling from the temples, impressive volume in the back of the head, maximum opening of the forehead and temples, braids woven into the hairstyle have a slightly disheveled and openwork appearance.

Greek style hairstyles

Classic Greek hairstyle instructions

A universal and practical hairstyle will be an organic addition to the rest of your appearance for a holiday, sports or any everyday events. This styling is suitable with or without bangs. If there is one, then place an elastic band on your head so that the bangs are strictly under it. It is important that protruding curls do not fall into your eyes. If the hair is pressed too hard, the bangs may fall below the level of the eyebrows. The bulk of the hair must be twisted, tucked under the headband; hairpins and combs are used for convenience. It is necessary to divide the entire mass of hair into strands, much like for curling with curlers; in this state it will be more convenient to thread them under an elastic band.

simple, beautiful and versatile

with a braid instead of a headband for medium hair

fast, practical and feminine

puffy bun with bandage

The difficulty of working with it increases in proportion to the length of the hair, which means that it is easiest to create such a hairstyle on short hair. It is necessary to twist each strand in the same way, otherwise individual curls may peel off due to the weight. To twist the strand as tightly as possible, you can pull the headband. In the back, the hair is secured with bobby pins, which prevents it from unsightly protruding; to be safe, use hairspray. If you don't have bangs, you can slightly pull the hair out from under the bandage, which will provide a natural look.

easy styling with a headband for any life situation

with bandage ideal for festive events

with hair band middle length

with a headband for long hair

Facts about headbands for Greek hairstyles

On the pages of this site you can find several tutorials showing how to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband, but in order to get the perfect composition on your head, you need to carefully consider the choice of accessories. It is known that the real hairstyles of Greek women did not contain elastic bands. They mainly used cotton and silk ribbons, which requires some experience and is not suitable for hair with significant volume. The simplest option is to create hairstyles using an elastic band. An elastic bandage placed on the head acts as the basis of the coiffure.

bun with braided bandage

volumetric beam with chain headband

tight bun with bandage

Select the thickness of the headbands according to the height of your own forehead. If you have a low forehead and wide eyebrows, bandages and wide models of bandages are contraindicated; you need to choose something suitable for your specific appearance. If you have a high forehead, they will suit different variants. Please note that today there is a tendency to use all kinds of accessories and beautiful plaits, creating an emphasis on authenticity. In some cases chic hairstyle can be created by simply placing a decoration on your hair. You should not allow your head to be tightly compressed with a decorative elastic band; you should feel comfortable.

high with headband and braid for long hair

with decorative bandage and curl

with a curl and a bandage in the center of the forehead

Popular Greek hairstyles

Melon wedge hairstyle

Uncomplicated beautiful styling with ribbons is done from the forehead to the back of the head, the curls are laid in vertically directed sectors. The hair is gathered loosely at the back and secured with a pair of ribbons.

Greek knot

To create a laconic and at the same time elegant hairstyle, you will need ribbons, hairpins and very little time. Having divided the entire mass of hair through a straight parting, you need to style it accordingly, collecting it into a tight trapezoidal bun in the back of the head. The styling is secured with pins and decorated narrow ribbons. You can slightly modify your hairstyle by forming a bun at a lower level, right near the neck.

Lampadion hairstyle

This hairstyle can be classified as complex, but there will be no problems when mastering its technique. Having made a straight parting, you need to separate a strand from the back of your head and tie it right at the roots with a ribbon. Next, you should curl this part of the hair, creating an elegant oblong curl. The rest of the hair is curled in the same way and fixed in separate strands; they must be attached to the base curl using any fastening accessories. Collect a bun from the ends of the entire mass of hair. A thin hair clip can serve as a fixing accessory. A tiara would be a good finishing touch to this hairstyle.

Apollo bow

The side curls on the right and left are slightly lowered onto the forehead and attached at the back, creating a single picture with the main mass of the hair. For such a hairstyle, located at the back of the head and well suited to evening dresses, there is an elastic band or a hairpin equipped with flowers.

Hetaera hairstyle

A recognizable original hairstyle without unnecessary details. To perform this styling, you need to form a bun of hair and place it below the back of the head. The hair is placed in a net, the strands at the temples should fall romantically.

Greek ponytail hairstyle

Pre-curled curls are gathered at the crown area, and a romantic long ponytail is distributed along the back. To give the hairstyle a characteristic flavor, beautiful beads, openwork lace or smooth ribbons of considerable length are used; with this accessory you need to tighten the hair, winding it over the entire area of ​​the hairstyle.

with a red bandage

high bun with bandage

volumetric styling with curl and bandage

A real woman should figure out in detail how to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband; if you have certain knowledge and some experience, you can use this original styling from time to time for a flawless appearance in any life situation.

Today I will tell you how to do greek hairstyle.
If you prefer beauty, elegance and romance in your image - greek hairstyle perfect for you. It will be appropriate for all occasions: wedding, prom, going to the theater or cinema, walking with friends, etc.
How to do a Greek hairstyle?

It's quite simple. If you have a little patience, you can do everything yourself at home.

If you have long curly hair- you’re lucky, you can start working without any special preparation. If you want to do a hairstyle on naturally straight hair, then first you will need to curl it with curlers or tongs, without combing it. You can use anything you like as accessories. These can be hairpins, hairpins, crabs, tiaras, hoops, ribbons, etc. The main thing is not to overdo it with decorations.
There are various options for creating a Greek hairstyle. We will look at the most popular of them:

greek knot. The simplest and elegant option. We will need pins and ribbons. Part your hair in the middle, style the curls and gather them into a tight trapezoid-shaped bun at the back of your head. You can secure this hairstyle with hairpins and narrow ribbons. You can also make an almost similar option, only the hair bun should be located lower, almost at neck level. This option is beautiful name korimbos.

melon slices. This is also a fairly simple hairstyle using ribbons. Starting from the forehead, style your hair in vertical sections to the back of your head. We collect the hair at the back with two ribbons, not very tightly.

Apollo bow. The curls on the sides on both sides descend slightly to the forehead line and are secured at the back of the head along with all the hair. A beautiful hairpin or elastic band with a flower will do here. This option is suitable, for example, for an evening dress.

lampadion. It’s a complicated hairstyle, but if you try and understand, you can do it yourself. To begin, part your hair down the middle. Take a strand at the back of your head and secure it with a tape at the roots of your hair. After this, begin to twist the strand into graceful oblong curls. Curl the ends of the remaining hair in the same way, then divide into separate strands and secure. Attach them at the back of the head to the main curl using hairpins. Gather the ends of all hair into a bun and secure, for example, with a thin hairpin. In this option, you can use a tiara as a decoration.

Getera's hairstyle. Simple but original. Gather your hair into a bun below the back of your head and place it in a mesh bag. At the same time, the hair at the temples can fall in romantic curls.

greek tail. Gather your curled hair at the top of your head and then lower it down your back with a long ponytail. Take long beads, ribbon or lace and pull your hair along the entire length. You've got a classic version of the Greek hairstyle.

The styling examples presented are mainly suitable for long, curly hair. However, those who have them of medium length should not be upset. You can experiment too.

How to do a Greek hairstyle on short hair?

For example, this option: curl your hair not too much, take the strands and throw them back, secure them at the back of your head with hairpins or bobby pins. To keep your curls from falling out and your hairstyle to remain intact, use a double or triple hoop or ribbon.

Modern stylists make more complex and exquisite options based on plaits, curls, false ponytails, backcombing using rhinestones, chains, and fresh flowers. However, they are very different from traditional Greek hairstyles and are, perhaps, an independent type.
You are convinced that the exquisite hairstyles worn by the ancient goddesses are also available to you. And for this it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of a stylist.

The Greek hairstyle with a headband was so loved by celebrities - Charlize Theron, Christina Aguilera, Keira Knightley and Blair Waldorf that they gladly showed them off on the red carpet. Why are we worse? Let's learn how to do this simple but very cool hairstyle with your own hands!

Who is the hairstyle suitable for?

Greek women are naturally curly, so this hairstyle looks perfect on those with curly hair. But even in the case of straight hair, it will not be difficult for you to achieve such a hairstyle. As for the length, it also does not play a special role. Of course, girls with medium hair will cope with the task much faster, but those with long hair will have to work a little longer, but the result will be equally good for both.

Low styling in Greek style

This is one of the simplest and most common hairstyles, which can be seen on every third representative of the fair sex in the summer. It is performed using hairpins and an elastic band. Plus, you have two options.

Option 1 – with wrapping the strand around an elastic band

1. Comb the strands with a brush and apply any styling product (mousse, foam, wax) to them. It is advisable not to wash your hair the day before styling - clean hair will not hold, and the hairstyle will begin to fall apart.

2. Now we put on the elastic band.

3. How to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband? We twist the strands at the temples and in the front part into a bundle and pass them under the elastic band in the back of the head. We pull out the ends of the hair and lower them down.

4. We select two more identical strands and carefully wrap our headband with them in the same way. They no longer need to be twisted into a bundle.

5. Repeat this action with the remaining hair. Each strand should be passed through the elastic.

6. We twist the hair falling from under the elastic into a light rope and wrap it around the elastic as many times as the length allows. The longer the bundle, the more voluminous the bundle will be.

8. Secure the result with a couple of hairpins and fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Also, watch the video version:

Option 2 – putting your hair in a bun

  1. Comb with a brush.
  2. We put an elastic band on the head.
  3. We collect all the strands into a low, loose ponytail, but do not tie it with an elastic band, but twist it into a light rope.
  4. We lift the tourniquet to the elastic band and place it in a beautiful bun or roller.
  5. We use pins for fixation.

This styling can be safely called a base, because many other options can be made on its basis. For example, you can weave only the front strands into the headband, and braid the rest of your hair or leave it loose.

Festive styling

Want to create a festive Grecian hairstyle with a headband? No problem! With our master class you will cope with this task in less than 15 minutes.

Is Greek hairstyle suitable for short hair?

Greek hairstyle with headband short hair looks no less stylish, and is even easier to perform than on long strands. To do this, damp hair must be soaked in mousse or foam, and then dried with a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment. It won't be amiss. Next, we carry out the installation, taking master class No. 1 as an example. Of course, in this case you will not have long tail from loose hair. You simply pull each curl under the headband and secure them with hairpins.

If the strands are so short that it is impossible to wrap a bandage around them, use it as a separator between the bangs and the main body of hair, laid in a random order.

Which bandage to choose?

The headband is the main element in the Greek style, so you need to be very careful when choosing this accessory.

  • Make sure that the bandage is the right size for you - not loose, but not too tight;
  • The fabric of the headband should be natural - synthetics glide over the hair;
  • Width is another important point. Long hair– wide accessory, short – narrow;
  • Now let's talk about color. The headband should be in harmony with the color scheme of the outfit, but differ from the hair color by 2 tones. If you want to make the headband invisible, choose something to match. Don't know where to stop? Pastel shades that imitate gold and silver are considered ideal.

You can buy a bandage in a store, or you can make it yourself.

To do this, you will need a regular ribbon or strip of cotton fabric (you can cut an old T-shirt or any other thing).

  1. Using a tape, measure the circumference of your head.
  2. We measure out a piece of tape whose length is twice the circumference of the head.
  3. We twist the tape into a tight rope.
  4. Fold this tourniquet in half and release it.
  5. As it unwinds, the two parts of the tape will intertwine with each other.
  6. We tie the ends of the tape into knots so that the tourniquet does not completely unwind.

You can also braid a braid from three or five pieces of fabric, laces or leather - in general, we turn on our imagination and create for the benefit of our beauty.

After trying your hand several times, you will become a true pro in Greek style hairstyles. To make sure everything works out right the first time, take note of a few more tips:

  • If the bandage keeps trying to come off your head, secure it with bobby pins on both sides;
  • For hairstyles for every day, modest accessories are also suitable, while for holidays It’s worth taking care of a beautiful headband. It can be decorated with stones, rhinestones, brooches or flowers;
  • When creating a low Greek hairstyle, some strands can be braided, giving it even more chic;
  • Greek styling can be tight and strict, but ideally it should be released into several thin curls. This option looks more playful and natural;
  • When using hairpins, remember one important nuance - the simpler the bandage, the richer and brighter the hairpins can be, and vice versa.

With a hairstyle in the Greek style, you will not be left without the attention of men and will conquer everyone with your exquisite taste.