How to originally congratulate on your birthday. Congratulations to a friend happy birthday not in verses original congratulations to a friend

Close friends are those people who want to delight and amaze, especially if they have a birthday. Of course, I want that it is your gift to remember most. Cool voice greetings on mobile can be ordered for a friend in advance. But there are still a lot of ways to distinguish with a gift and raise the mood on this holiday.

Make a gift Nebanal

If you know exactly that the senses of humor do not take your friend, you can make a very original and cool gift. It can be toilet paper with wishes printed on it, desktop "alcoholic" games (for example, a tape measure with a pile), a trunk with predictions for each day of the next year, an interesting draw. Congratulations from Putin Happy Birthday to the phone will also be an original idea, especially if you do not have the opportunity to congratulate the birthday man personally.

Gift with your own hands

This can be like a useful thing, for example, a unique picture or comic caricature, collage, home decor, knitted scarf and hat, beautiful embroidery, decoupage, toy, etc. But if you have already chosen a gift and purchased, it is worth completing what "It's a knottle, and believe me, it is possible that it is she, and not a gift remember the birthday name more. Funny happy birthday congratulations on the phone - about it worth not to forget if you have not found your worthy design.

Collective congratulations

Of course, if you have a big company of friends, you can and you need to congratulate the birthday girl collectively. Plant in advance how you congratulate a friend, consider where to arrange a celebration, what a surprise or a gift to do. You can wake a friend from the morning, writing him under the windows of congratulations in large letters or decorating the entrance or courtyard balls. And you can arrange a festive dinner, gathering all friends, and under some other pretext to invite a birthday room to a restaurant, but so to create the effect of surprise and make a real surprise that does not expect.

Good day, friends! If you soon have the birthday of a loved one, and you do not know how to congratulate it is indished and interesting, then you will definitely use my review.

In order not to turn the best holiday in the template ritual, I suggest you to find out how to congratulate your birthday original.

Now let's find out how to unusually congratulate a person. It is not necessary to do in verses.

First of all, tell us how much it is for you. No need to make long tiras. Short phrases are better remembered.

The birthday name can thank you for something. A person will be very pleased to hear that you admire it with their traits or qualities.
Before congratation, it is worth thinking about hobbies, desires and interests of a birthday party.

It's easier to please, if you know that a person likes.

Choosing a congratulation, it is worth considering the interests and profession of a person.

Need a special approach for teacher, athlete or businessman.

How to originally congratulate a man

There are different ways to congratulate a man. Ideas should not be expensive.
Here are some options to congratulate a friend or boyfriend:

  1. You can choose a gift from unusual souvenirs that can be purchased in specialized stores. At the same time, the present can be not only cool, but also useful.
  2. You can contact the Agency, which is engaged in various draws, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account the features and traits of the character of a person, congratulations should not leave unpleasant emotions. Better if the draw will be kind.
  3. Order original cake in the confectionery store. The Master will create a real work of art. The scene for decorations can be a hobby of a birthday party, a favorite book or memorable events from life.
  4. There are gifts in the form of a certificate for impressions. This will allow you to experience new sensations or try yourself in something extreme.
  5. The present for a beloved or for a friend can be thought out independently. For example, organize a journeysday day, order a tour or memorable trip.

Unusual gifts can be invented. And also with children to congratulate dad.
Here is what can be presented:

  1. It is interesting for a beer cake. To do this, you need a bottle tightly tie with scotch and decorate the satin ribbon. Pistachios, or salty fish suitable for this presentation.
  2. Mug with a photo of a birthday and his name.
  3. Warm sweatshirt with the inscription.
  4. You can make a jar with a surprise, on the bottom of which to put the main gift, and from above a bunch of paper on the topic: "Why I love you."
  5. Prepare your favorite birthday dishes.
  6. A lover of cars can be given a race on quad bikes or a karting.

Will deliver joy and thematic gift associated with a hobby. It can be a set for fishing or a hike in a billiard room.

Important gifting criteria are benefit and practicality. In order not to give useless gifts, find out the preferences and needs of a man more thoroughly.

As a congratulation, you can make an interesting collage from pictures of interesting events over the past year.

In this case, the congratulatory text is written. The collage is cut into pieces in the number of photos and the number of guests.

Then for the birthday room you need to come up with tasks. At the same time, a fragment of a collage will be given to its execution.

Tasks may be such: tell the poem, to dance or depict a pantomime.

Scenario of the original congratulations

There are different interesting ideas for congratulations to the child. When a person grows, only the brightest and memorable moments remain in his memory of his childhood, so it is so important to arrange an unforgettable and a fun holiday for their children.
You can use such congratulations options:

  1. To congratulate the son or daughter you can invite an animator. To do this, you need to know exactly what character from fairy tales you have the most beloved.
  2. You can contact the company to organize holidays, where you will help to make an interesting script.
  3. Fresh holiday will leave a lot of bright impressions. You can go to the cafe or in the park of attractions.
  4. If you decide to celebrate at home, you should arrange a costume evening.
  5. Be sure to think about a gift that will greatly please your baby.

You can think about the gift of the quest. At the same time, any gift will turn into an exciting game. First, the letter is presented with the task, and then goes the indication where to search for the next note.

And so the deposit behind the guess, and the baby will find his gift. At the same time you will need a chain of items that will lead to a hidden gift.

Then all the messages are laid out in places. In this case, you need to numbered and make a layout scheme.

If you attract to participation and friends, the adventure will turn into a real holiday.

How to unusually congratulate a woman

Creative can congratulate the woman. You can come up with an original script to, a girl, sister or wife.
For example, buy a lot of balloons, on each of which write a wish. Then guests throw the balls up, and the birthday girl catches them and reads out loud.
For grandmother on the anniversary, you can make a festive poster. To do this, on Watman, you can stick her photos in youth, as well as pictures of children and grandchildren, as well as congratulatory poems.

Think about the options for fun gifts. For a sweet lover, you can give a set of beautiful jars with candies and sweets.

They can be decorated with all sorts of funny inscriptions.
Thanks to modern technologies, there are a variety of printing options for different inscriptions and drawings.

You can give the original mug, pillow or apron.
Money can also be given in original ways:

  1. From the bill you can make a bouquet, panel or money tree.
  2. Money can be attached to the shovel and say that they need to row a shovel.
  3. Put bills in the umbrella, and when the birthday girl opens it, they will fall off the rain.

When using such methods, be sure to take into account like a birthday room with a sense of humor so as not to ruin the holiday.

How to congratulate colleague

At work, you can unusually congratulate your colleague.

Here are some ideas:

  1. For congratulations you can wear carnival costumes. At the same time, the greedy will say congratulations and will be awarded a gift.
  2. Make a congratulatory presentation in the form of a slide show. It can be sent by mail or show on the projector in the meeting room.
  3. Subject newspaper.
  4. Organize a quest quest in the office.

During the congratulatory speech you can use Bengal lights and all sorts of flappers.

It is worth come first and decorate the workplace of the colleague. To do this, air balloons, pumps and garlands are suitable.

How can you congratulate the chief

Most of the life takes place at work, so it is so important to build a good relationship with colleagues.

The boss playing a big role in this, which contributes to cohesion in the team and creates a positive attitude.

If the director is approaching his birthday, then you will be useful for information how it is better to congratulate it.

You can predetermine the greeting scenario in advance to make this event especially memorable.
All options, how to congratulate the leader, must be discussed with colleagues in advance.

First of all, you need to decide on the scale of the event. If the chief is strict, then you should not plan too large-scale event, as it may not even appear on this day.

It is enough to think about a neutral business present or a greeting card.
If the person is active, then you can prepare an interesting holiday. Such an idea of \u200b\u200ba large-scale celebration will have to do.

The boss can be congratulated, calling or send SMS.

The holiday may consist of such parts:

  1. Introduction includes short greetings. It may be a mental wish in or.
  2. The entertainment part is distinguished by a variety. Here it is to fully show creative deposits. Contests are used, as well as dance musical congratulations.
  3. A gift can be handed over during the entertainment part. You should attach a greeting card to a gift.

If the holiday will be celebrated in a cafe or restaurant, then holding a holiday should be entrusted with a professional leading.

In the warm season, the holiday should be organized in nature. Diverse holiday songs by the fire, kebabs and fun contests.

Such an option should be discussed with the head in advance.

This service is popular as a musical congratulation. No less pleasant to see and wallpaper with funny photos, joking congratulations or collages.

It is worth paying special attention to choosing a gift. Do not give small souvenirs or trinkets.

Good presentations should include expensive alcohol, gift certificates of salons spa or entertainment centers, sports equipment, collection souvenirs or household appliances.
Show fantasy and you can choose amazing gifts, as well as pick up the most unusual congratulations. Bye Bye!

Every day everyone wishes to surround only close people who give him warmth, care and unusual gifts. How to congratulate a friend happy birthday to unusually and avoid banalities? You can come up with an original congratulation alone or attract all friends to the process that will come for a holiday to a young man.

Congratulations' ideas for friends

If you decide to congratulate the birthday girl with a friendly company - everyone can show their talent, as a result, a whole representation will be. But remember that it is necessary to write a script, otherwise you will not be able to do everything nicely. If there are fantasies and creative people in the team, then. For example, about the birthday and goldfish in high roles. Initially, tell me how the culprit of the celebration, where he learns or works, what is fond of, etc. In the middle of the story there should be a goldfish, which will be able to perform three wishes of the birthday man, but for this he should not just look at the fairy tale, but to take an active part in it. Do not forget to praise a friend and tell about his advantages. The story end the wishes of the fulfillment of everything that the birthday dream dreams, be sure to thank him for participating with applause, tell a toast and drink a friend for health.

If you do not know how to compose poems, but perfectly draw, surprise a friend who can be created in one evening. You will need Watman, paints, markers or markers, photos of a friend since childhood so far, funny stories. Registration completely depends on the flight of your imagination, but the main rule - your congratulations should be bright and fun. During the celebration, solemnly hand the birthday wall newspaper or hang it in advance in the hall next to the place where the culprit of the celebration will be sitting.

If you have not come up with how to congratulate a friend's happy birthday, then order a professional draw for him. To do this, hire a few professional actors who come up with scripts and play a presentation. One of the most common options is the arrest of a birthday police officer or even seizure by special forces who bring him not to the department, but in a cafe where the celebration will occur. Before you invent the scenario of the draw, try to predict how the birthday girl will behave, because some such a congratulation will not please, but will upset, it will be frightened or even offended. And what are comic gifts, you can learn from.

Original greetings for a better friend

If you decide to prepare congratulations alone and surprise the birthday room, you will have to make a lot of effort. How to congratulate the best friend happy birthday unusual?

Congratulations on the phone

If you can not be on the holiday, it is better to think up in advance how to congratulate a friend happy birthday by phone. The easiest way is to send an SMS message with a poem exactly at 00.00, and even better at exact time when your friend was born.

During the day it is better to call and pronounce a congratulatory speech or order a musical gift by phone. To do this, go to one of the sites that provide such services, select Congratulations, they can be comic (for example, from Basque, Putin, Serdyuchka or Cheburashka), musical (song with wishes can be performed by the voice of Basque, Kirkorov, Allegrova and T .d.), Named (in congratulations it will be necessary to sound the name of the perpetrator of the celebration).

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday original, useful tips.

As we know the best holiday is a birthday, it's a pity only once a year. But we are not alone, each of us has good and fun friends.

And how hunting to congratulate them original to remember this moment for a long time and joyful. After all, it is so tired of this banal - "Congratulations on the day of birth, I wish you happiness, health and more money."

Nowadays, do not be afraid to "include" creative, go to experiments. Give a real holiday to a friend. How to make this evening unforgettable? Let's see several options.

A place

  1. Birthday friend needs to be held in his favorite place. You probably know where your friend loves to spend time, where he feels "like a fish in the water." In advance, and of course, confidentially organize on this number his favorite place, be something: nature, restaurant, cafe, sauna or sauna. Here you choose to you! Such a gift will definitely have to do with your friend.


  1. Do not dismount the specialty of your comrade. Give gifts on his subject. If he is a fisherman - then, of course, tackle (which he had long dreamed of). Creative personality - craft made by hand or a set of tools in which he needs. Football player - a football ticket or a symbolism of his favorite team, and so on. From such gifts, your friend will be happy and remember for a long time his birthday, and, of course you.


  1. An emotional and unforgettable gift for your friend, will be removed on the phone, tablet or recorded on the flash card audio, video clips, naturally with your direct participation. Do not be afraid to fantasize - fool, be funny and liberated, spoose a song, say greetings from a clean heart. Believe me, from such a gift, your friend can even let a tear. He will be very grateful to you and impressed.


  1. Arrange for your favorite friend - Flashmob! Collect all your and his friends. Do not regret the time to prepare. Even if you do not know how to dance, it is already synchronously jumping, you will definitely get to the cook and twist. Do not be afraid to look ridiculous, the most you will increase your friend's mood for one day. Such a flashmob he will never forget!


  1. In secret from the birthday girl, make a costume party. Agree in advance with all friends come to a friend in the costumes. Everyone can have different costumes, but where the costumes will look at the original topics, for example: the pirates of the Caribbean, retro style, funny and fun will look like a beast "flock" or a delegation of doctors will come to the birthday girl. Here you need to include the flight of thoughts and fantasies, and he, believe me, is implanious. This birthday will remember your friend for a long time!

Video congratulations

  1. Mock the video for a birthday name called "Recall how it was." Take photos of a friend, from birth to today. For this, of course, in secret from Comrade, you need to go to his mom and ask all the photos of the birthday room (and she has exactly a whole kip). Write down the video from these pictures and impose a song-related song on it, and even better if it is a musical work and your voice (not necessarily sing, you can verse or sincere congratulations). It will be touching and nice for your friend.

Wall newspaper

  1. If you work with your friend in one team, which is very often happening, then make it a work wallpaper. To do this, you will need a large piece of cardboard and a couple of colleagues. Remember and collect all that is connected with the birthday room in the work plan. It can be photos from work, funny stories related to work and just good memories. To all this, add your wishes and congratulations. Make it all in bright colors, and on the birthday of a friend (before his arrival) hang over its desktop. It will pleasantly surprise and delight the birthday man.


  1. If your friend is a liner to rush to himself and other nerves, then do not think that he will have to do with the soul, for example, the book presented by you. For such people there will be a wonderful gift - an extreme surprise. Order him, for example, a parachute jump, a flight on a deltaplane, a trip with bikers, in general, everything related to the emission of adrenaline. Your friend will be grateful to you from such a gift.

Radio congratulations

  1. Congratulate your friend to the whole country! Though in the yard and the 21st century, but few have refused to refuse Radio, and often include a favorite wave. Learn in advance which radio prefers to listen to the birthday girl. Make an application for congratulations on the Internet, and even better come with a live broadcast and congratulate a friend. Let the whole country know that he has a holiday today. The birthday girl will be very pleased to hear a favorite song that is dedicated to him.

Name gift

  1. Give your friend a T-shirt or a mug, preferably with a photo (image) where you are together. This method of congratulations, of course, is no longer a novelty, but still remains relevant. After all, he will be very nice to wear a T-shirt or drinking coffee, while knowing that you are near. It will also be original for a birthday cushion with any image. With such gifts, he is unlikely about you sometime forget.

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday original, outcome

And remember your task to make your friend's birthday, so that he is under the impression for a long time - long. Do not be afraid to fantasize, because the more creativity, the unforgettable event is obtained.

A modern person is hard to surprise something, but you can try, especially if your friend's birthday is approaching. This is simultaneously an exciting and pleasant holiday. Because a friend is a particle of the soul, without which it is difficult to present your life. On this day, you need to put your fantasy as much as possible and present an unexpected surprise, which is filled with pleasant and long-awaited gifts and emotions! To do this, you just need to imagine what would you like to get on this day and where I would like to celebrate it! After all, real friends have similar tastes, and your ideas will come up with a friend who positively will perceive everything that happens!

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday - make a holiday

Surprise is not in the very present and celebration in the restaurant. It is necessary to do everything so that the birthday man does not recognize your plans. To do this, you need to call all those invited and choose a place to celebrate after a surprise will be presented to a friend. Be sure to warn everyone that the birthday man does not know about your plans.

Surprise in the form of a large cake, festive caps, balloons and slappers will surely please your friend. And the main thing in all this is the complete absence of any congratulations, so that the chief culprit of the celebration thinks that everyone forgot about him.

To do this, you need to charge a person to bring a birthday book to the specified place. It can be a colleague on work that will inform him that the cafe will have dinner with partners. And to meet a birthday party will be all invited joyful flashers and congratulations. This surprise will surely enjoy the birthday name.

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday - congratulations

A great way to congratulate your friend is numerous congratulations. To do this, you need to contact your familiar with a request to send the text to a specific number with the words: "Congratulations on your birthday of the best comrade." The birthday name will be pleasantly surprised by such a number of messages from unknown numbers. He will not be able to guess who was the initiator of such an idea.

To increase the number of messages, you need to use the social network in which people on such posts react very quickly. It is important that the birthday room does not see your surprise earlier than necessary, because otherwise it will not succeed.

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday from your favorite singer or group

Another surprise, which is quite difficult to implement, is congratulating the beloved actor or singer.

Of course, you know idols of your comrade. To go to one of them, you can see its tour of the official website on the official website. The ideal option will be the arrival of the artist in your city on the birthday of Comrade! To do this, contact him for personal congratulations to a friend. If he is far away, then you can ask to make a voice message with beautiful words. Such surprises did not leave anyone indifferent.

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday party

If the birthday girl invited guests to celebrate his birthday, then you need to make a maximum of effort so that the party does not turn into an ordinary feast. So, an excellent option will be the creation of a mini-concert. To do this, guests need to prepare rooms.

Surprise a birthday boy!

  • Any gift will be unforgettable and original if you present it an extraordinary and unusual way. So, an excellent idea can be writing a song. Such a surprise will remain for a long time in the birthman's memory.
  • Also an unusual gift can be chosen in the bench of unusual gifts. For example, a glowing alarm clock, a mug with an inscription or interesting interactive things.
  • Your friend goes to work on the car every morning and listens to the radio, then he will be pleased to hear congratulations on their lives.
  • Banal, but very spectacular congratulations written by small ones on asphalt. Your friend looks outside and sees such a sight that will enjoy.

In general, all the gifts are the bright and mental words that will be written on a simple postcard. Surprise your friend with original congratulations quite not easy. But if you include all your fantasy, you can organize a chic surprise. The main thing that is needed on the birthday is to know about the wishes of the birthday man. And only then this day will remain in his memory for a long time!