How to choose jeans. Jeans for skinny people What to wear with jeans for skinny girls

Every woman wants to have long, slender legs, because from time immemorial, women's legs have been a symbol of female sexual attractiveness. However, nature has not endowed all women with legs. perfect shape. With the onset of spring and summer, this problem becomes especially relevant for some representatives of the fair sex, because this is the time short skirts, elegant dresses and romantic sundresses of various cuts. How to dress correctly, what styles and colors of clothes to choose in order to not only hide leg flaws, but also emphasize your femininity and impeccable taste - this will be discussed in this article.

The main problem types of legs are described below; for each type we will try to choose the best clothing options:

  1. Full legs.
  2. Legs too thin.
  3. Short legs.
  4. Crooked legs (including O-shaped, U-shaped, X-shaped legs).

Full legs


The best way to hide full legs long skirts and loose pants. But if your hips are very full or you are short, then wide trousers will not work; they will make your hips visually even more massive.

However, if you have full legs, you can also afford capris, the main thing is that the tights and the color of the shoes are the same, in order to visually lengthen the leg. Jeans are also not prohibited, but you should choose a straight, classic cut and dark colored jeans. If you are a fan of leggings, then give preference to dark colors, without patterns or stripes.


Better to wear straight or flared down the skirt. An A-line skirt makes your waist appear slimmer. A wide frill (ruffle) at the hem creates volume at the bottom, distracts attention and makes the waist appear thinner. A straight classic skirt will visually make your figure slimmer.

You can wear a knee-length skirt or even just above the knee. But don’t forget the main rule: to visually reduce the volume, you need to extend the length.

Therefore, with a skirt of this length, heeled shoes are appropriate. A skirt, shoes and tights of the same color or tone make your legs visually longer and slimmer.

Choose skirts whenever possible dark tones, they will make you slimmer. But if you want to wear a light skirt, then choose tights in a neutral beige color. It is believed that warm tones make you look fat, while cool colors, on the contrary, make you look slim. So it is preferable for full legs are cool shades of beige and brown.

Overweight women should not wear clothes with horizontal stripes. A narrow vertical small stripe makes the figure more toned.

Moreover, the more stripes, the slimmer you seem. Outfits with diagonal lines or patterns located diagonally look good. When choosing skirts and trousers, give preference to matte materials.

You should not wear tights with a large pattern or fishnet tights, as they especially visually increase the thickness of your legs. Also avoid thick knitted tights. However, in winter you will be decorated with thin wool knitted black or dark brown tights. It is better to wear shoes without heels with trousers, and skirts and dresses with heels.


When choosing a shoe style for full legs, avoid unfavorable contrasts with your shoes. It is common knowledge that things dark colors appear smaller than light-colored items. Accordingly, if you have massive calves, it is better to prefer light shoes with large details, thick heels, wedges or platforms.

  1. Tight or tapered trousers and jeans are completely excluded.
  2. It is better not to draw attention to your legs once again: do not wear short skirts, bright tights, tights with a large pattern or large mesh.
  3. Avoid shoes with thin heels, narrow straps, or with miniature details.
  4. Avoid skirts that are tapered at the bottom, as they further emphasize the disproportion of the lower figure and accentuate curvy hips.
  5. Avoid clothing with horizontal stripes and checkered patterns.
  6. Overweight women and girls are better off completely avoiding pockets on the buttocks. As a last resort, they should be located high enough and be practically invisible. Otherwise, such pockets will visually make the buttocks fuller.

Too skinny legs

But too thin legs with protruding knees make it impossible to wear short skirts and very tight trousers. But dresses and skirts loose fit- just for you.

The secret of too thin legs is that very often even anatomically straight legs with excessive thinness seem crooked. Therefore, when choosing a skirt or dress, adhere to the following rule: thin legs always look attractive in a length that barely covers the knee.

Choose tights light warm tones. It’s also as if tights with a pattern and made of thick fabric were invented specifically for such legs - only your legs won’t look elephantine in them.

By the way, a combination of clothes of different colors can easily emphasize your too thin legs, so try not to wear things that contrast with each other in color. Clothing for you also has its own tricks - combine tight-fitting clothing items with lush, volume-adding details.

Use maximum details in the hips and buttocks area, such as pockets, straps, appliqués, brooches, bows and others.

Various belts or their imitation look good on thin women and girls. When choosing the style of a skirt or dress, give preference to gathers, folds and draperies.

Things that look great on skinny legs horizontal stripes. Also use fabrics with diagonal checks or other large patterns, tweed, or boucle. Shiny and bouclé fabrics, corduroy, and reaper add volume well.

As for shoes, prefer graceful shoes with small volumes, dark colors, thin heels, narrow straps, and miniature details. But the platform should be very neat.

If you have too narrow hips with skinny legs, the deficiency can be easily corrected by wearing flared or pleated skirts, as well as jackets that reach the hip line. It also happens: skinny legs come with wide hips. Straight elegant trousers and skirts that will create beautiful lines of the figure will help here.

  1. Try to remove short items from your wardrobe: miniskirts, short shorts.
  2. Avoid massive shoes with wide platforms, large wedges, and thick square heels.
  3. When choosing fabric, avoid fabrics with vertical tracks.
  4. Your legs will be made even thinner by tight and long skirts with thigh-high slits, knitwear with relief, tight trousers and jeans.

Short legs

We measure the length

First, let's figure out exactly what length a woman's legs are considered to be proportional. It depends on your body type. There are three main body types: asthenic, normal and hypersthenic.

You can determine your affiliation by measuring the circumference of the wrist: for normosthenics it is 16-18.5 cm, for asthenics it is less than 16 cm, and for hypersthenics it is more than 18.5 cm. The length of the legs should be measured from the trochanteric point (this is the tubercle of the femur, located opposite the hip joint) to the floor.

For normasthenics, the proportional length of the legs is more than half the height by 4 - 6 cm, for asthenics - by 6 - 8 cm, for hypersthenics - by 2 - 4 cm. For example, if you have a normal body type and with a height of 168 cm, the length of the legs is 90 cm , then this is almost ideal (90-168/2=6).

In any case, you shouldn’t get too hung up on the numbers, the main thing is whether your legs look short visually, and this flaw can easily be corrected by choosing the right wardrobe.

Selecting a wardrobe

So, short legs will hide narrow styles and flowing fabrics. In this case, try not to emphasize the waistline at all. On the contrary, disguise it. Thus, you will not give the viewer the opportunity to visually assess the relationship of proportions between the top and bottom of your figure.

If you have short legs, it is better to choose ones that flare from the hips or just straight wide leg trousers. Such trousers hide the place where the buttocks meet the legs, which means they lengthen them. It’s good if the trousers, socks and shoes are the same color - such a composition visually lengthens the legs. Vertical lines along the trouser legs will also give a visual effect of length.

If you wear trousers with heels, make sure that the trousers almost cover the heel, this will also lengthen your legs. Never tuck your blouse into your trousers or skirt, as this will visually shorten your legs.

Also, your figure will be adorned by flowing, one-piece dresses that do not have a belt, as well as dress styles that are widened towards the bottom. They will watch very well and Long Dresses with a high waist, since empire-style dresses flare out from the bust line, which means they disguise the buttocks and legs. Dresses and tunics worn over trousers will hide short legs well.

When choosing skirts, it is best to focus on the length of the skirt just below the knee, since skirts of this length slightly reveal the graceful narrowing of the leg below the knee and leave the lower leg open, giving the opportunity to see the most beautiful part of the leg. Half-calf skirts with high boots also look good with short legs, and the skirt and boots should be the same color; This composition visually lengthens the legs. If you are a lover of long skirts, be sure to wear them with high heels: However, if the skirt is long enough to cover your legs, it will look like you have long legs rather than high heels.

Another secret: wearing tights that match the color of your skirt will make your legs look longer.

Concerning color range your wardrobe, then an outfit designed in one color or similar colors that combine with each other will suit you. Avoid bright contrasting combinations of top and bottom of the outfit (for example, a white blouse in combination with a dark skirt).

When choosing shoes, for obvious reasons, you should focus on models in heels or on a wedge.

  1. Avoid cropped trousers and jeans, as trousers that end above the bone will visually shorten your legs even more.
  2. It is not recommended to wear tight-fitting trousers and jeans, as they hug the legs very tightly, emphasizing all their imperfections.
  3. It is also better not to wear high-waisted trousers; they visually lengthen your back and, accordingly, shorten your legs.
  4. When choosing jeans, avoid models that are tapered or widened towards the bottom - in both the first and second cases, such jeans visually shorten your legs.
  5. Also avoid tight dresses; they hug the buttocks and perfectly show where short legs begin.
  6. We do not recommend wearing low-waisted skirts, as they visually lengthen your back and shorten your legs. The composition “long skirt with shoes without heels” is also very disadvantageous in your case; this combination also shortens your legs.

Crooked legs

There are “false” and “true” curvatures. True curvature occurs when the bones themselves are curvature - O-shaped and X-shaped legs. False curvature occurs due to insufficiently developed muscles of the lower leg or thigh, most often in thin girls. In this case, the gap between the legs in the shin area or at the top is visually noticeable. inside hips.


Skirts. If your legs O-shaped, you should not wear tight pants or straight knee-length skirts. Most best style skirts in this case are options that widen down to the middle of the calf (godet style). Long maxi skirts will also suit you. As for models that reveal the knee, try to objectively assess how good you look in them. Stand freely and walk back and forth in front of the mirror. If, looking at yourself in the mirror as if you were a stranger, you notice that the curvature of your legs is very slight - feel free to wear skirts that widen towards the bottom just above the knee. But in fact, a girl with perfect legs has a lot more long skirts in her wardrobe, because she doesn’t think: “If I wear a long skirt, it means that I have crooked legs.”

Trousers and jeans. You should carefully consider the choice of jeans, since not all styles are able to hide the curvature of the legs. Bleached stripes on jeans, for example, visually distort the silhouette of the legs even more. The same can be said about “chewed” trousers. Perfect jeans should be straight or slightly flared downwards. Jeans should not be too long, because in this case they form folds at the bottom, and this highlights the curvature of the legs. But jeans with cuffs at the bottom, on the contrary, will suit you.

The ideal choice of trousers is straight trousers or trousers that are slightly flared from the knee.

The material of the trousers should be dense enough and hold its shape so that the curvature of the legs does not stand out when walking. Knee-length capris perfectly hide curvature of the legs and can be an alternative to skirts in the summer.

Tights and shoes. The color of tights is best suited black or black-brown; you can afford tights with a small abstract pattern without vertical stripes. Stripes on the front of boots and on tights will highlight all the imperfections, including the curvature of the legs. In general, you should choose boots with a wide top. Remember that any curvature of the legs is amazingly hidden by high boots, for example, over the knee boots.

In general, if you are unhappy with your feet, do not draw attention to them with bright, conspicuous shoes - this will make you feel more psychologically comfortable.

For the summer, it is recommended to purchase shoes and sandals of beige color, small volumes, as if merging with the foot. The same can be said about skirts - wear bright, catchy tops with simple skirts of simple styles and modest colors, so all the attention will be concentrated on your face, and no one will look closely and critically at your legs.


Skirts. X-shaped legs are those that diverge in different directions from the knees. Such legs are not common, but if they are plump, they look good. And if you are thin, then it is advisable to wear a skirt and dresses below the knee length, give preference to a dark color and choose tights to match the skirt. In general, it is better for you to refrain from knee-length skirt styles that are tapered at the bottom; flared models that cover the knees look best with X-shaped legs. However, if the curvature is not too severe, you can choose a skirt that is slightly flared from the waist and reaches mid-thigh.

Trousers. If you have X-shaped legs, you can wear straight or wide trousers. But trousers and jeans that are flared from the knee are contraindicated, since bell-bottom trousers will further emphasize the defect. Jeans that follow the shape of your legs, or more precisely cigarettes, will also not suit you. When choosing fabric for trousers, remember a little trick: if the fabric is not plain, but with some pattern, this will also help make the curvature of the legs less noticeable.

And most importantly, try to make sure that all your restrictions do not become a burden to you, contrary to your wishes. Dress so that you are comfortable psychologically- this is extremely important. Only in this case will you feel confident in yourself and be able to carry yourself naturally and gracefully, which is certainly the most in the best possible way will affect your appearance.


Let us repeat which legs are U-shaped. Sometimes due to insufficiently developed muscles of the lower leg or thigh, most often in thin girls there is a visually noticeable gap between the legs in the area of ​​​​the lower legs or at the top on the inside of the thigh. This is a false curvature, and it is not difficult to correct. exercise or diet. But in our article we will focus only on ways to disguise this kind of curvature of the legs with the help of clothing.

If the gap between the legs is at the top of the inner thigh, in this case it is better not to wear tight leggings or tights, as well as jeans. Pants that are flared from the hip or straight (closer to wide) are perfect. If you still want to wear skinny jeans and leggings, be sure to pair them with a long tunic.

If your legs are crooked below the knee, you should wear long skirts and sundresses to mask the defect. To you suitable length, covering the knee joint and the place where the bone curves outward.

The main rule for legs that are crooked from the knee is the following: such legs must be covered with a skirt so that the transition from normal to defect is invisible and disguised.

For curved legs, straight or pencil skirts are preferable rather than flared skirts, which can enhance the effect of curvature. If you have full, curved legs at the bottom, you should choose a skirt length that reaches mid-calf. At this length, both the fullness and the presence of a defect are hidden.

When choosing trousers and jeans, give preference to models that flared from the knees: This style will hide the curvature of the legs at the bottom. If your legs are beautiful at the top, you can cover them and make them flare at the bottom. Straight or wide trousers will also help hide curvature below the knee.

Finally, I would like to give a few simple tips, how to dress and carry yourself correctly to always look attractive and confident: no matter what shape your legs are, don’t focus only on your legs. Do not forget also about a straight back, straightened shoulders and a beautiful gait. Make sure your hair is styled, your nails are in order, and excess body hair is removed. These little things are part of beauty, because if this is not there, no beautiful clothes won't save you. You should also not blindly follow fashion.

If you see that fashion is not on your side, buy from new collection one or two new things, successfully combine with those things that you have and that suit you. And most importantly, smile more often, a smile disguises our external flaws better than any outfit!!!


To choose jeans, first of all decide on their model. There are many options, but when choosing, you should take into account not only personal preferences, but also the characteristics of your figure. If you are a slender girl, feel free to buy tight-fitting jeans, they will highlight your slimness. If you have wide hips, jeans that flare from the knees will help make them look less bulky. This style is also suitable for girls with curvy figures. If you have very skinny legs and narrow hips, choose loose boyfriend-style models, they will make your lower body look more voluminous. Those with short legs should pay attention to long straight jeans.

To decide on the choice of jeans, choose the best fit for you. A low-slung position is not suitable for everyone and can create discomfort when trying to sit or bend over. The mid-rise is more comfortable, but is only suitable for slender girls with an almost flat stomach. If your waist and abdomen are quite impressive, pay attention to high-waisted models. These jeans will allow you to hide everything unnecessary and emphasize your waist.

The next step is choosing a color. Remember that light shades can be fattening, so those with curvaceous they are best avoided. IN in this case you should choose deep dark colors: dark blue, indigo, black, gray-blue. If you have slender or even thinner legs, you can afford light shades, for example, blue or light blue.

Choose the right size, otherwise you will look ridiculous or experience discomfort. If so, choose a model one size larger. It’s better to buy jeans made from thick materials according to your size.

Pay attention to the fabric. Thick denim is suitable for the cold season. In addition, this material does not stretch. And here denim with the addition of stretch or lycra it stretches perfectly. For summer, it is better to choose models made of thin and light materials.

When choosing jeans, you should pay attention to the details. For example, prominent pockets at the back are contraindicated for girls with large buttocks. Scuffs look stylish and sometimes make the legs look slimmer. Jeans with embroidery, rhinestones or other decorative elements are excellent holiday option. Pay attention to the locks and seams, they must be of high quality.

Be sure to consider comfort and convenience. Put on your jeans, walk in them, bend over, sit down. If something bothers you, it is better to refuse the purchase, as you will constantly experience discomfort. If you feel comfortable in jeans, feel free to buy them.

Jeans are universal clothing that can be worn by people of any figure. Whether you are skinny or not, there is always a jeans model that will fit your figure perfectly. But to look really good in jeans, you need to choose the style according to your figure. Manufacturers also take into account the features of the figure, specially creating models for various types figures. In addition to the basic rules - how to choose jeans according to your figure, there are special models. There are always people with figures different from the standard ones. Moreover, there are very few people with an ideal figure. So little that sewing jeans to fit a standard figure is not entirely rational.

There are entire lines of jeans models for plus size people. For example, the Pioneer company has a style of jeans created specifically for men with a belly. For larger people there is even a separate size range, these are battle sizes. If a company shows clothing models for plus size people at a fashion show, it creates a sensation. Moreover, there are stores with an assortment for overweight people. One gets the impression that everyone only cares about fat people. But what should thin people do? Those whose physique differs from the standard in a smaller direction? What types of jeans are there for thin people? Everything is a little more complicated here. Jeans manufacturers don't really care about people with thin figures. Perhaps because it is still easier to choose clothes for a thin person than for a fat person. So skinny people can use some rules when choosing jeans.

Two basic rules for choosing jeans for a thin figure: under no circumstances buy jeans that are a size larger, and not any slim, skinny, or leggings. In the first case, a thin person looks simply funny. Loose clothes will only emphasize your thinness. In the second case, there is a risk of looking not just funny, but also not beautiful. Therefore, we choose the golden mean. Classic straight jeans or a small flare are perfect. If we talk about styles, then refrain from high waists. For thin people it is much preferable. This is especially true for tall people. Jeans with big ones will visually increase your figure. back pockets, With additional elements in the form of zippers or flaps on pockets.

Don't forget about color and pattern. Cloth different colors and with a different pattern it can radically change how you look. For thin people, light-colored jeans are preferable. It is advisable to choose denim without a pronounced texture. It is advisable to avoid vertical abrasions. But even if you choose carefully, don't forget that how you look depends on how you carry yourself. A confident person will look good, regardless of their figure. To this it remains only to add a few generally accepted rules. And you will be gorgeous, no matter what your figure is.

Today, trousers have become an indispensable element women's wardrobe. There are many different styles, allowing you to choose the most suitable option for a particular figure. That is why correct landing of the model takes quite a lot of time. So, we’ll find out below how to choose pants wisely based on your body type.

Variations of trousers

There are 5 body types that are most well known in the fashion world. Almost all of them are named metaphorically, based on their resemblance to various products. So, you can select shapes - pears, apples, bananas (rectangle) or carrots (inverted triangle). Having identified yourself with one or another option, you can easily choose jeans or trousers according to your body type.

We use print

Broad shoulders and narrow hips

Often the owners of such figures are athletes, for whom it is very difficult to choose clothes. For them, wide models are shown, such as riding breeches or bloomers, as well as trousers with pleats or voluminous pockets in the hip area. As for shades, it is better to choose bright options. At the same time, avoid tight styles, they will only once again emphasize the flaws of your figure.

Options for "rectangles"

Light shades for thin people

It is very important that in general the rules for selecting jeans and trousers are the same. The only difference is in the structure of the fabric and its characteristics. You can see this for yourself by trying on trousers and jeans same style and making two different photos for comparison. By the way, to simplify your task of choosing the right model, use photos on the Internet to study the styles of trousers and jeans that suit you.

Pants length and your height

Now let's figure out how long jeans and trousers should be in order to further highlight your figure according to your height. According to the standard, by the way, it should be up to the middle of the heel, if you prefer such shoes, or not reach the floor by 1-2 cm. To do this correctly, take a pair of shoes with you to the fitting room and take a photo of the finished look for evaluation. But today you can allow yourself a variety of experiments to adjust your figure and make it more attractive.

Length options and shoe selection

Variety of feminine looks

Don't forget to highlight your assets with accessories and the top part of your look. For example, massive belts or, on the contrary, narrow, elongated jackets with a wide hem and many other options. Feel free to try them on and don’t forget to take a photo to make sure it looks perfect from the outside.

Shoes and different length trousers

When creating an image for a thin figure, it is very important to maintain grace and emphasize femininity. And for this you should choose the right clothes and shoes.

If thin legs bother you, you can hide it with loose-fitting trousers, which are very popular now. Tall people can wear any model. For petite ladies, it is better to choose trousers with not too wide legs - in combination with a slender figure, they can look grotesquely large.

Set option 1

Long dresses and skirts will also be a good addition to your wardrobe. They will hide thinness and add delicate femininity to the image. These things are relevant almost every season, acceptable both in the office with a relaxed dress code, and on vacation, for example, on the seashore. Choose bright, light, airy models in the style that suits you best. The main thing is to avoid shapeless, baggy dresses. Your slender figure may get lost in these clothes. Opt for fitted models or use a nice belt.

However, you don’t have to resort to a maxi length: A-line, pleated and circle skirts will also look great on thin legs, especially with heels.

Set option 2

But trousers with a fabric pattern with vertical stripes should be avoided - they visually elongate your legs, making them appear even thinner. Your option is bright fabric designs, embroidery, appliqués, patch pockets.

A fashionable item that owners of thin legs can safely use are leggings. Models with large or noticeable patterns can decorate slender legs and add zest to the most everyday outfit. It is important to understand that leggings are close relatives of tights, so it is better to combine them with a long sweater or a short dress that will chastely cover the figure at least 40 cm below the waist.

Set option 3

Jeans should be straight, with a classic cut. Models with wear and tear can also disguise excessive thinness. But here you can’t do without fitting. After all, abrasions can be different, and in order for the effect to be as expected, decorative elements must be in the right places - otherwise the situation can worsen. So try on the model you like in front of the mirror and immediately evaluate the result.

Jumpsuits include models with classic straight or flared legs. The same rule applies to the color scheme: choose light shades and bright patterns. Options made in the same color are also welcome.

It is better to choose shoes that are as elegant as your slender legs. These can be neat shoes of classic styles, ankle boots, the upper edge of which is just below the ankle, boots that fit the shin, or, on the contrary, jockey boots with flat soles up to the knee, which sit loosely on the leg. Only beauties taller than 170 cm can afford massive shoes with a large platform or thick heels.

Be careful when choosing ankle boots. They should fit snugly on your feet. Just Cavalli ankle boots, Prabal Gurung, autumn-winter 2015. Photo: You should also be careful with high ankle boots: too thin legs will dangle in them and this will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Try to choose boots as narrow as possible, and if you had to put up with not the best suitable option, the same wide trousers over boots or long skirts and dresses will save you. For winter, you can find ankle boots with fur trim on top - in them your legs will look more protected.

If you are a fan casual style, then leggings will be a real salvation and stylish detail. Modern fashion allows you to wear them with shoes and ankle boots, as well as short boots. Thanks to the drapery, they will help disguise that difficult transition between the shoe and the leg. Take a closer look at them: the variety and colors of the options can captivate your imagination!

Try to choose shoes without unnecessary decorations and large fittings if you do not want to attract the attention of others to your thin legs. Give preference to models in calm, dark or light, soft shades.

And remember, if nature has rewarded you with an overly slender, “chiselled” figure, this is extra reason for joy and use in the wardrobe of such fashionable styles clothes that only models on world catwalks can afford.