How to pick up the shape of glasses for a woman. How to choose the right points for different types of face. Square glasses

Oval / elongated glasses

How to choose: Faces of oval form are characterized by correct proportions. Their owners go any points, especially rectangular or square. The problem is a narrow chin.

Do not fit:overseas and round rims. They violate the natural symmetry of the face.

Suitable:points in style kat Iz.with a narrowed rim. They emphasize the cheekl line. Mushless Must-Have for any Fesionist.

Square I. rectangular glasses with straight upper line.Drive attention from a narrow or elongated chin.

Points for a wide face

How to choose:we are looking for rims that balance the face in width and length, and make it more elongated.

Do not fit:wide rims. They violate the proportions of the face.

Suitable: Round Glasses- Winning option for a small face. Glasses with movable margin on the bridge - the solution for the Asian.

Sneg. To create the image of the "Fashion Botany", are suitable square or rectangular glasses of small size in a thin rim.

Round face glasses

How to choose:the main goal is to hide roundness, make the contour of the face more pronounced.

Do not fit:round glasses in a thin rim. They visually make the face more round and wider.

Suitable: browingers- glasses with a thickened top of the rim and a thin rim (or without it) below. They will help not focus on cheeks.

Kat-Aiz.They will add geometry and "raise", making the face more expressive.

Aviators.This cult form of glasses, with drowned lenses and a double jumper is extremely popular. For a round face, choose a rime more rectangular shape.

Wirefarers. They are distinguished by a rectangular streamlined rim and thick arms. Due to the trapezoidal form of lenses expanding up, they visually make the face more proportional.

Oversiz. With any form of glasses than a massive frame, the better. Points in color-frame will provide you with the attention of others.

Square and rectangular rimsclassic shape. Perfectly balance round face.

Face glasses in the form of "heart"

How to choose: The main task is to balance a wide forehead, narrow cheekbones and chin.

Do not fit:points with decoration details that focus on the forehead. Rims, massive in the above-hand side, make forehead even wider.

Suitable: Kat Iz and browingers.Attract all the attention to the eyes.

Oval. Choose rims with rounded book by outer corners or massive bottom.

Square. Make the right focus on the bottom of the face.

Square glasses

How to choose: Points should soften too sharp features.

Do not fit: Square forms that emphasize face angularity.

Suitable: Round Glasses Both in a massive frame and the unisex option - in a metal frame.

Aviators. Choose a rounded form model.

Sneg. Only not classic square, but oval shape.

Glasses for a diamond

How to choose: This form is distinguished by a narrow forehead and chin, while the cheekbones are well expressed. The task of glasses is to balance the narrow and wide parts of the face.

Do not fit:narrow rims.

Suitable: browingers - Perfect choice to balance proportions.

Wide glasses.They will close the cheekbone line for a harmonious image.

Kat-Aiz.The rhombid face form allows you to wear Kat Iz in a wide frame. Prefer oval lenses.

Aviators.A successful option, if the rim is wide enough.

Browners. A classic solution for a diamond-shaped face.

A successful pair of glasses not only adjusts the shape of the face, but will also become part of your self-expression. The choice of an ideal pair among thousands of options is a long process, but the result is worth it!


The ability to correctly pick up a frame for glasses for your face form is the first step to look glamorous and bright, even if you wear glasses because of poor vision. But many of us have vision problems. Someone may have a myopia, someone has farsightedness. Perhaps someone needs truly thick lenses, and someone can do the most minimal. Sometimes problems with eyesight exist from birth, and sometimes our work and lifestyle have a detrimental effect on vision. In general, most people need any vision correction to see as much as possible. It is in this case that the glasses are needed, and not pink, but with rim and lenses. Of course, instead of glasses you can pick up contact lenses, but we believe that if you choose the right frame, you will look very elegant and attractive.

Glasses are so important an accessory that even ladies with perfect eyesight may want to buy a couple of themselves, just to look like a more fashionable, intelligent or just more professional. Numerous studies show that if two candidates with the same qualifications undergo a job interview, employers are likely to take the work of a person wearing glasses. But not all the rims look good on any face, and not every style is suitable for any person. When choosing glasses it is very important to take into account the shape of your face. This is not a bag or scarves, which are in one size, but at the same time are suitable for everyone. Selection of glasses requires great concentration. You need to understand what glasses are suitable for your style. If you find it difficult to choose the right points for you yourself, then your optics should help you. If this person knows your character and understands the peculiarities of the structure of the face, the chances of the fact that he can pick up the rim suitable for you, like no other, very high. In the end, this is his work and they are perfectly disassembled in the presented collections.

Selection of glasses according to face form

There are seven types of face and you need to determine which one belongs to yours. The face can be round, square, oval, rectangular, triangular, heart-shaped or pear-shaped (trapezoidal). Looking at the contours and proportions of your face, try to determine its shape. When choosing points, make sure that you wear them, and not vice versa. If the glasses are too highlighted and do not look very good on the model in the log, choose something more elegant.

Round face glasses

Kruglole ladies need to try to visually lengthen the face. You are suitable for angular glasses of an unoccupied form. Rectangular glasses and classic trapezoidal shape glasses, also known as « waifarer "(Wayfarer) is the best choice for you. Such points will add some sharpness to your soft face, emphasizing his features, but at the same time they do not distract attention from the person himself. Choose more bold, thick rims that are more stand out than the usual. Also choose polycarbonate lenses with scratch protection and anti-reflective coating. Such glasses look amazing and, most importantly, perform their basic function.

Square glasses

The owners of the square face should not underline the corners, but, on the contrary, they need to soften. Therefore, the rounded rims will suit you the most, although some fashionists still prefer angular rims. The rims of oval shape and the model in the style of "cat's eye" you will be perfect. You need to visually lift your eyes and emphasize the contours of the face. However, if you still prefer angular glasses, choose a "cat's" model more square, even pentagonal shape. Such glasses, despite their angular shape, beneficially emphasize the form of your face. Also perfectly look at the rims made of light metal, as they do not eclipse your individuality, but only add you intelligence. Of course, you can always stop your choice on huge round glasses that can also be sunscreen. Such points will give you chic and add playing your image.

Oval glasses

The owners of the oval face form make it easier to pick up glasses. There is almost any model. Just make sure that the glasses you choose do not protrude for the contours of the face. But consider that square and rectangular rims emphasize the features of the oval face. Points are oblong, rounded form also looks awesome. The "cat's eye" model always looks like, and the same, but a more voluminous model, definitely won't let you stay unnoticed. Square glasses are better to choose bigger, but be careful with them. They are not suitable for everyone.

Heart-shaped glasses

At the owner of such a face a wide forehead and acute chin, so you need a frame with an angle at the bottom. This means that classic "aviators" will be suitable. You can also wear glasses without a rim, they even more emphasize the merits of your face. Choose metal rims with pads on the bridge, which look great, and at the same time provide the necessary comfort. Points with a fine rim - a wonderful choice for you, the plastic frame "revitalize" your face. Such glasses are universal and may look very sexy. Just make sure that the lower part of the lens is wider upper.

Points for a triangular face

The face of the triangular shape can be very interesting and attractive, you just need to choose the right glasses. The most successful choice is the pool-eyed glasses. Massive chin should be softened. Rounded corners will greatly cope with this task and make a person more attractive. Choose bulky sunglasses in the form of "cat's eyes" and you exactly get a lot of compliments.

Points for a rectangular face

The owners of such a form of the face will suit horizontal frames of "Feline Eye", which are slightly rounded face. You can also stay on round rims, experimenting with geometric shapes and decorative design on handles to refresh the face. With such a form of face, it is necessary to visually shorten, so choose horizontal rims. Choose glasses without a rim can be quite difficult, it is better to stay on the glasses with a half-rim. The combination of a rectangular shape with a "cat's eye" model is an excellent solution, especially with the original rim.

Glasses for a pear-shaped (trapezoidal) face

There is an angular, sharp, but attractive features of this form. You need a frame that has the upper part of the bottom. The best solution for you is the "Waifarer" rim in the style of the 60s, which can be said are classics for the owners of the pear-shaped face. Sunglasses in simple frames are also perfect for you, especially if lenses are narrowed to the lower edge. The bends will add softness to your features, and the image as a whole will be chic.

The most profitable shades of frames

Details of the rim and its color are also very important. If you have dark hair, then the glasses of the dark shade will further emphasize the color of the hair. And blonde fashionables it is better to choose cream shades, they will emphasize the tone of your skin and hair. Pale skin holders should choose darker rims to create a contrast, while the rims of calm tones will add warmth to your face. And, of course, choose lenses that are best suited for your vision: ranging from plastic and polycarbonate and ending with shockproof or ultra-thin polyurethane lenses.

  • Best colors of frames for a round face : If you have a round face and you chose a rime angular shape, then let it be black, but not brighter. Universal olive color will suit almost any clothes, and at the same time it always looks luxurious. This is not a traditional color for the rim, but it is worth trying. Oliver Rib Color can be the main highlight of your image! Of course, you can experiment with different tones, especially with their matte shades, which will add contours of a round face. Wooden rims are also gaining popularity. Such an alternative to the classic trapezoidal glasses is great to combine with casual outfits, especially if you select glasses with polarized lenses to protect your eyes from sunlight. This is an excellent option that combines originality and simplicity of style.
  • Best color frames for square : If you have selected suitable glasses in the form of "cat's eye" or oval glasses, make a bet on bright colors to raise yourself mood and look stylish. Blondes should choose gray shades, especially with massive round glasses. With a square face form, you can afford almost any shades. Just make sure that the color of the points is harmonized with the tone of your skin and hair.
  • Best color frames for oval : Dark blue shades look very impressive at oval face form. Wide massive glasses "Feline Eye" in a gray shade with stripes - an amazing combination. Translucent thick frame looks great on blondes with slightly tanned skin. Such points most often have a trapezoid shape and look charmingly.
  • The best colors of the heart-shaped face : Light shades and elegant rims slightly emphasize the wide forehead, but perfectly combined with the rest of the face. Metal rims will create the necessary form, and spring tones will ensure comfort. The combination of metal with plastic is an excellent idea, while let the upper part of the rim be darker, in this version of Aviators look amazing. Plastic frame allows you to experiment, so choose points with black and white stripes that will add peppercorn to your image. You do not miss, choosing Ray-Ban classic glasses. You can safely choose glasses with greenish, reflective lenses. This option is not for each face form, so you can enjoy how harmonious they look at you. They really go to ladies with a heart-shaped face.
  • Best colors of triangular frames : Bold rims in dark colors look most beneficial on the owners of a triangular face form, making the top of the face more massive and smoothing the width of the chin. Rims-retro in the style of "cat's eyes" - a wonderful way to emphasize the top of the face and make an emphasis in the eyes. Strips are an excellent addition, especially if you select a sea blue shade. Points with such bold contrast will really stand out.
  • Best colors for rectangular frames : Ladies with such a form of face can safely experiment when choosing points. Choose bright colors: red, pink, yellow or green. The catchy handles are also suitable for you, especially on the "cat's eye" glasses of a rectangular shape. You can play a little with handles: they can be with a horizontal strip, combine bright and dark tones, be in polka dot or any pattern that you taste.
  • The best colors of rims for pear-shaped(trapezoidal) persons : Half-rims are suitable for you, and as for color, you can not modest. Half rim in a strip or peas at the top, emphasizing the contours of your face, will create a wonderful image. The glasses of catchy tones can also bring brightness to any wardrobe. So choose the shades of red and purple, they are suitable for everyone.

The elongated Abris is very close to the classical oval. That's just the chin in the long face is sharper, and the forehead is narrower. If you do not pick up the harmonious shape of the rim, features can give the face a lean expression.

The elongated oval, usually, shouldnted cheeks and a beveled line of temples. On the one hand, it looks sophisticated. On the other hand, it can give the girl an exhausted look.

Choosing glasses for an elongated person, you need to give preference to bright models with a massive rim. Such a rim will somewhat soften the pointed features, giving them a more feminine look.

The owners of such an appearance need to take care to sunglasses completely cover their eyebrows. If you leave your eyebrows open, the face will take a lumpy expression, which makes the elongated face funny.

To "flatten" the elongated oval from above and below, it is worth choosing glasses that wider the person himself. Such a model simultaneously visually expands the cheekbones and will cover beveled whiskey.

A long person has one indisputable advantage - it is perfectly "sitting" fashionable round glasses on it. This model is called "Botany", "Basilio Cat", "Glasses for Slepts". They love Lady Gaga very much because they are stylish and perfectly cover her thin features.

Sunglasses for a long person give almost unlimited space for a flight of fantasy. The owners of such features are very wide and double low jumpers, thick arms decorated with ornaments or stones. Also on an elongated face, huge butterfly glasses, "aviators" and "drops" look harmoniously.

In addition, a massive bright frame of plastic and metal is welcomed. No need to be shy to exercise fantasy. Girls with a long face can safely wear glasses of unusual colors. The main thing is that the entire decor focuses on the external edges of the rim from the temples. Also a good solution will be a straight upper line of the rim decorated with rhinestones.

What is worth avoided

Girls with an elongated oval should not buy narrow glasses with a thin rim or without it without it. A thin jumper will make the features of non-harmonic, and if it is also located too high, then the face will pull out even more.

Also do not go to the elongated features, the scruption of which is equal to the width of the face and opens the whiskey.

Hello everyone. You noticed how one person "go" glasses, and there is no other? Just some were able to pick up the face of the face, and others did not work. Let's deal with how to choose glasses in the form of a face.

We define the type of face

Indeed, if you like the glasses, then a person feels more confident. But to emphasize the best features of the face, this accessory must be chosen correctly! So, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the face, the skin tone, as well as fashion trends.

We proceed to the very responsible stage - the definition of the type of person.

  1. Come to the mirror.
  2. Take the erased marker.
  3. When displaying in the mirror, circle the contours of your face.
  4. First, circle the outer border of the forehead and cheeks, spend before the chin. Ears do not circle.
  5. Smile and again outline the contours of the face.
  6. For drawn faces, determine if you have angled parts of the person. This is most important when choosing models.

Two images will help you understand whether the form of the face is changing with a smile. But now the most important thing is how to make a selection of rims for glasses in the form of a face.

We choose the frame

How to choose a frame?

  • The rounded leap comes the corner option.
  • Face with angular devils Rounded lenses are suitable.
  • If you have a round face with soft features, then you will fit a square or rectangular frame.
  • If you have a complete face, pick up rectangular options where the rectangle is located horizontally.
  • Square Lico It will be good to look at the conversion of oval or rounded shape.
  • Men with severe jaw You should choose a thin metal frame so that there is no overload. Moreover, glasses should be a little more cheerfully.
  • The heart-shaped face will look great if you choose a frame with a wider bottom. And even better, if the bottom part is beautifully decorated. Moreover, the rim must be a little wider than forehead.
  • The triangular face looks in glasses, where the focus on the top edge of the rim. This may be an option without the bottom edge or in the form of feline eye, and better and more fashionable, two-color option with darker riding and light bottom. The triangular face usually has a wide jaw, then choose the model wider than the jaw.
  • An extended face looks great with round or rounded lenses. Pick the points that the upper and lower edges are the same in shape to break the elongation of the cell. Pay attention to the bridge. Let it be low located, this visually shortens his nose.
  • The face of oval shape perfectly looks in models of any form. Choose anything your soul.

If you move away from all the rules, most people have such glasses, over the rim of which they can see eyebrows. This is necessary to navigate.

Fashion trends

Real fashionists will not miss the case, acquire stunning sunscreen.

What is now in fashion? And in fashion is a stunning variety! Do not lose the relevance of classic, feminine models, especially with metal inserts, shiny stones, floral patterns and stripes.

Bright inserts on the products from the Sun do not require a special decor of clothing, you will also be noticeable.

In fashion, mirror and colored lenses. You love sunlight, please sunglasses this season will be with yellow lenses. But on the peak of fashion, the products with a massive rim of any color took off. Color Choose the one that you goes most.

Fashionable designers stopped on a dark blue, green, yellow tone, as well as classic black and white. In the fashion translucent, mirror glasses, as well as with the effect of ombre. You can choose only glass, without a rim.

If you are not afraid to experiment, choose the "Oversisiz" format products. Such large lenses will be added to your image of the maiden notes, immediately will fall out for several years.

A young woman is very popular Popular Aviators glasses. This season, designers tried to present models with unusual ribs and mirror lenses.

"Fat eyes" do not leave fashion since the time of Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. Today they are again in fashion. Choose an unusual combination of round glasses with a pointed rim.

How to choose glasses for sight

The glasses for vision have to be worn every day, so they should be especially fashionable.

The form of glasses should be selected, taking into account your face form, which is stated above in the text.

You do not lose if you select the "Fine Eyes" option. They again returned their leading positions. Raming can be light tones, two-color or with "animal" color.

This season, the model of a square shape with quite wide handles is most often chosen by true fashionistas.

To work in the office, select a rectangular model. You will create a perfect charming image.

Round the Lennon model Round form rushed to popularity. All world stars prefer exactly such a form.

Color Frame Choose any, the main thing is to be combined with your clothes or served as a bright accent.

In the fashion, a completely original print - divorces on water in gently blue tones. Blondes look in such models just stunningly. Encourage this option, and you will be shocked by the perfection of the image.

Virtual fitting frame and glasses

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a suitable model, you can only try on any glasses. How to do it?

For you, a special program for fitting glasses has been developed. Enter at least here.

  1. Load your instant photo using a webcam,
  2. Choose a closing model.
  3. "POGONE" its size in accordance with the size of the photo.
  4. In the fitting online online, you can make a lot of photos, then compare them.
  5. Then choose the model that you are most.

After trying on different options, you will feel like a real stylist. You may choose the models that would never pay attention to.

Dear friends, if you were shy before wearing glasses, today everything has changed. The fashion on them is so diverse that they turned into a particularly fashionable accessory. Wear them with pleasure!

Regardless of the goals, improve your eyesight or hide your eyes from the Sun, glasses should undoubtedly decorate your face. And along with make-up, form of eyebrows or hairstyle, glasses drastically change the appearance and even the form of the face. And so as not to play in minus, let's figure it out in some moments.

Golden Rule. The upper boundary of the rim should not be above the line of eyebrows, and the bottom - rest in the cheeks, even when you smile.

The easiest way to choose the face of the face, or rather to go against the form of your face.

What does it mean? If you have hard sharp features, choose rims round and elegant. And on the contrary, the face is rounded - frame square and massive. This is further more detailed.


Almost all forms of frames are suitable for an oval face. It is worth paying attention to only the fact that your glasses and face were in the balance sheet. Not too large or small, narrow or wide. It is better that the width of the rim coincided with the widest part of the face.

Your forms: B. abacks, aviators, cats, rectangular, round and oval.

A circle

The roundness is better to shade geometric, rigid and massive rims.Try to choose a frame more in width than your face.Give preference to angular and more geometric silhouettes. Bright color rim, possibly with some decoration or print, also your option. Another option: a narrow jumper, thin high handles, but the points themselves are large, in the upper wide part.

Your forms: Square, cats, butterflies elongated on the sides, trapezoids, sports.

Not your forms: Round.


The opposite of the round form. We choose soft, smooth forms.

Your forms: Round, oval, droplets, cats, butterflies, glasses without frames, aviators.

Not your forms: Square, small and narrow.

Inverted triangle (heart)

Often, girls "hearts" have a very elegant little face. And glasses need to pick up the appropriate. A wide part of the points should fall on their lower part. Rims and jumpers are narrow. Also very to face glasses of light tones.

Your forms: Round, trapezoids, aviators, glasses without a rim.
Not your forms: Cats, square, sharp, large and bulky rims.


The main task is to distract attention from the chin. Therefore, choose glasses in the upper wide part. And the lower part of the points in no case should be acute and square.

Your forms: cats, trapezoids, glasses without rim.
Not your forms: Square, rectangular, narrow and small.


With a rectangle, everything is simple, we should visually expand the face. We choose large and massive glasses.

Your forms:round, aviators, square, oval and rectangular.

Not your forms:small, narrow, glasses without a rim.


For rhombus, it is important to narrow the cheekbones and expand the forehead. And also smooth the sharp chin with soft and rounded shapes.

Your forms: Square, oval, aviators, trapezoids, glasses without rim.

Not your forms: Corner, wide and miniature rims.