How to obtain the title of federal labor veteran. How to obtain the title of labor veteran. What benefits does the title provide?

Last updated 12/01/2019

Veteran of labour - honorary title, which speaks of recognition of a person’s services to society and the country. Proof of this is conscientious long-term work, awards from departments and the government, medals and other insignia.

Who do they give it to?

  1. At the time of application, applicants have seniority 20 years (women) or 25 years (men).
  2. The applicant's place of residence is Moscow.
  3. The application form is approved by the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection.
  4. The period for consideration of the application is 30 days, plus 5 days to notify the applicant of the result. In total - no more than 35 days.

Benefits for labor veterans:

  • free travel on public transport or replacement of benefits with monetary compensation;
  • free dental prosthetics;
  • discount on payment utilities or replacing benefits with monetary compensation.

What is due to labor veterans in Moscow in 2019.

Articles 6, 10, 11 of the Moscow Law of November 3, 2004 No. 70 “On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow”:

  • free travel by public and suburban railway transport;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • 500 rubles to compensate for the cost of a landline telephone;
  • free production and repair of dentures, the cost of precious metals and metal-ceramics is paid by the veteran;
  • for non-working veterans - free trips to sanatoriums and reimbursement of expenses for round-trip railway travel;
  • monthly payment of 1,000 rubles to retired veterans.

Article 1.3 of the Moscow Government Decree No. 668-PP dated November 18, 2014 “On the issuance, issuance and maintenance of social cards in the city of Moscow”:

  • free registration of the “Muscovite Social Card”.

Labor veterans can replace benefits with cash payments:

  • get 378 rubles for free travel by public transport;
  • get 188 rubles for free travel by suburban railway transport;
  • get 1108 rubles for free medicines.

How to get without awards based on experience

According to Article 7 of Law No. 5-FZ, an applicant without awards can receive the title “Veteran of Labor” if he started working minor child during the Great Patriotic War. At the time of applying for the title, his work experience must be more than 35 years (women) or 40 years (men).

Therefore, employees of organizations who have worked all their lives in one place or have a long continuous experience works cannot automatically calculate the title. Their work must be assessed by a ministry or department at the federal level.

Work experience for rank

The rules for calculating work experience for a title are similar to calculating insurance work experience. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2014 No. 1015 “On approval of the rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing insurance pensions,” it includes the periods:

  • work when deductions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • undergoing military or other equivalent service;
  • child care (no more than 6 years);
  • caring for a disabled person of group 1;
  • caring for a disabled child;
  • caring for a citizen over 80 years of age;
  • receiving social benefits for temporary disability;
  • living with a spouse in places where there were no places to work (no more than 5 years);
  • receiving unemployment benefits.
  • residence abroad of spouses of diplomats (no more than 5 years).

What does the title give?

Determines the main measures to support veterans. This:

  • monthly cash payments;
  • provision of apartments;
  • reimbursement of utility costs;
  • medical care, including prosthetic and orthopedic care.

However, the list of benefits in each subject of the Russian Federation is established individually. Only at this level is it decided which benefits from the general list veterans enjoy under federal law, and which benefits the budget can provide additionally.

Accurate information is available from the social security authorities at the place of residence of the candidate for the title.

Federal benefits

Some benefits can be received not specifically by labor veterans, but by pensioners (most of whom have this title).

For example, pensioners have the right not to pay taxes on property and income, and can also receive a deduction for land tax.

A labor benefit for working pensioners is an additional two weeks of unpaid leave.

Labor veterans directly receive compensation for housing services: maintenance and repair of housing, a contribution for major repairs, payment for utilities, payment for fuel, such as firewood or coal, if the veteran lives in a private house.

Labor veterans are also provided with free dentures. Which clinics provide such a service must be checked at the place of residence; the veteran will be put on a waiting list, and then they will provide prosthetics.

Regional benefits

In some regions of the country, labor veterans can travel for free or with discounts public transport. In Moscow, transport for this category of citizens is free; in the Leningrad region, veterans receive a travel card at a reduced price; in Omsk, a pensioner is given a free travel card with a fixed number of trips.

Also, in some regions, veterans are provided with free trips to sanatoriums and monthly cash payments.

A complete list of regional benefits should be found on the websites of departments in your city.

If social security refuses to assign status

Having received a package of documents, social protection authorities make a decision. If the applicant is refused, this is due to the lack of grounds or the provision of awards that do not give the right to benefits under local law.

When the applicant believes that the refusal was unlawful, the procedure for his actions is as follows:

  1. Write a complaint to the head of the regional social security department.
  2. Contact the regional Ministry of Labor for clarification.
  3. File a lawsuit.

For example, the applicant has a badge “For hard work,” but the regional law does not indicate such an award as a basis. The court may decide on the weight of the award, and the applicant will become a labor veteran.

If the “labor veteran” certificate is lost

Losing your Veteran of Labor certificate is not scary. It can be easily restored by the social security authorities. To do this, just write an application and attach a copy of your passport with a 3x4 cm photo.

The duplicate is prepared within 2 days. There is no need to pay any fines for loss or accidental damage to a document.

Need to remember

  • The title “Veteran of Labor” is given to persons who have departmental insignia, awards of the USSR, RSFSR and Russia. Work experience in the industry is 15 years or more and the total work experience is 20 years (women) or 25 years (men).
  • Without awards, the title is given to persons who began working during the Second World War.
  • The argument for obtaining the title of veteran is ministerial certificate of honor applicant.
  • After July 1, 2016, each department issued orders that determine which departmental awards entitle them to “Veteran of Labor.”
  • The procedure and conditions for assigning the title are established by regional laws; they differ across the country. The lists of benefits are not the same, due to veterans labor.
  • An unlawful refusal by social security authorities can be challenged in higher organizations or in court.
  • If you lose your ID, a duplicate will be issued within 3 days by the social security authorities.

Federal Law on Labor Veterans

How to obtain the title of federal labor veteran and assignment of regalia is determined by a special commission of the executive body after checking the documentary package submitted in this regard. The applicant for special distinction is informed about the result, both positive and negative, the reasons are indicated in case of refusal, and benefits are notified if a favorable decision is made.

Federal Law No. 5 on was adopted on January 12, 1995, where Article 7 explained in detail the legislative provisions, who is awarded the honorary title, in what order. Over the past time, many changes have occurred in the country, some acts are still valid, this is stated in the current version of this legislative statement dated March 7, 2018, which came into force on March 18, 2018.

The following may have the right to count on a special distinctive sign from the rest of society:

  1. Minors working at enterprises during wartime must accumulate a work experience of at least 35 years for women and 40 for men during this period.
  2. Citizens awarded medals and orders for labor success with documentary evidence.
  3. Employees who are awarded special regalia for their work in accordance with all the requirements specified in the law (Presidential thanks, certificates of honor).

Various honors are counted only at the federal level, coming from government regulations, ministries or the president.

The assignment of a shock worker to socialist labor does not serve as a justification for receiving a veteran's title, although this is a controversial issue that has the right to be resolved with the help of the courts.

Legal authorities often make exceptions to general rules and satisfy the petition, having considered all those present positive traits workers for many years. Obtaining honorary status is possible only for citizens of the Russian Federation, usually those who have been assigned pension provision.

If a foreigner applies for a special distinction, he will have to take care of citizenship in our country. The work experience for such citizens is taken into account in all enterprises and territories if they are included in a special agreement between countries belonging to the CIS coalition.

The procedure for assigning a title, moral and material nature

A special veteran rank has a declarative nature. The executive body is social protection; its functions include familiarizing the applicant with the procedure for official recognition of merit. First of all, you must prove your worthy career path with documentary evidence; the law is strict and unfounded statements are not accepted.

If according to various reasons, the veteran himself is unable to begin collecting necessary papers, authorized persons are allowed to carry out registration if they have a notarized power of attorney. When information problems arise, employees involved in this area are required to provide assistance.

The title is awarded in the following order:

  • the applicant comes to the executive body and fills out an application;
  • All collected supporting papers are attached to the application; the list should be taken care of in advance;
  • the documentary kit is handed over to the social security employee responsible for these actions;
  • for a whole month, a commission specially created for such cases will check the accuracy of the data presented;
  • The final procedure is the decision made; it is transmitted to the applicant in writing within 5 days after approval of the verdict.

The commission must substantiate a negative decision in detail; every citizen has the right not only to have his own opinion on this matter, but also to protest the negative decision in court.

Those who have no reason to be denied a rank are informed of a positive fact and invited to go through the procedure of obtaining a special certificate. In the future, the veteran’s certificate will serve as the basis for the appointment of the required ones; its issuance is under the control of the fiscal authorities.

Despite the fact that this is a special personal document, it can be lost, stolen or damaged. In any case, you must immediately contact social security for restoration; this procedure takes place in general procedure. Announcements are issued to the relevant media about the invalidity of lost papers.

The state has awarded citizens with a special title who have devoted their labor activity for many years to the fatherland, whose merits and successes were noted with awards, where participation in the restoration of the country in the post-war period is of a certain importance. Legislators considered it necessary to create a special category to help survive economic instability, age-related health difficulties, and financial dependence on utilities.

What documents accompany the procedure?

Workers of the Soviet era were not yet aware of receiving salaries in envelopes or vegetating on the sofa under the arches of a cozy home in search of their higher purpose, if there was a parental or other source material support. The working man was proud of his calling, of having skills in the field of labor-intensive work in agricultural fields, at a machine in a factory, and during the construction of objects.

And yet, for people in those difficult times, it is not enough to simply work out their working life flawlessly; there are many such citizens. Veteran certificates are issued to honored figures who meet the requirements and legal criteria. Where continuity of experience in one workplace is one of the fundamental conditions.

In this case it was possible:

  • be transferred by order from one enterprise to another;
  • advance your career;
  • work without layoffs for a minimum of 15 years, provided that total experience In this case, the woman will have a period of 20 years, the man will have to prove the duration of employment is 25 years.

The basis for the appointment is:

  1. A completed application in the form approved in the region of residence of the applicant.
  2. Original and copy of passport.
  3. Pensioner's ID.
  4. Extract from the work book.
  5. Certificates of received awards and insignia.
  6. Photos – 4 pcs.

A candidate for the award of veteran status can submit documents for consideration by the commission in any territory of our state; in order to receive benefits, he will have to have a permanent residence permit or temporarily register in his place of actual residence.

Labor veteran benefits and benefits

Despite the economic troubles and the insufficiency of local budgets, which is why many preferential assistance schemes have been cancelled, at the state level they are trying not to reduce, but to increase various social programs.

Veterans are required to provide:

  1. Ride free on public transport - trams, trolleybuses, buses, local trains. It is allowed to monetize these services, spend funds at your own discretion, where the greatest need is identified, thereby ensuring the greatest efficiency of approved assistance.
  2. The state covers half of the utility costs.
  3. Working veterans can go on vacation whenever it is convenient for them, regardless of whether it is a private organization or a state-owned enterprise.
  4. Priority visits, provision of free assistance and additional services in medical institutions.
  5. In state dental clinics, production and installation of dentures.
  6. Opportunity to visit the sanatorium for free wellness activities.

Regional approvals change, at the level of their own resolutions, the amount of this or that federal assistance; they do not have the right to reduce it, only increase it. Veterans make an independent decision in what form to accept the benefit, converted into cash equivalent, or to use what the state provided.

For example, it will be economical for a city resident to visit a clinic free of charge by tram or bus. For a citizen living in a remote rural area, where there are no trolleybuses, and you can get to medical services with your own feet, receiving cash will allow you to manage your money in a more acceptable way. He does not need a rent benefit, since he lives in own home, which needs to be heated. There are many options, so legislators allowed the veteran to independently choose the necessary services, replace them, and receive money.

Features of tax privileges

Of particular importance for veterans is the reduction in taxation. Benefits at this level include:

  • payment for the presence of property; in the Krasnodar Territory there is no tax for owning a house, but landowners must pay a certain rate;
  • in the same region, transport tax was reduced by 50%, but in Moscow everything depends on power (up to 70 l/s).

A complete list of tax breaks for a veteran can be found in the area where you live, as they are given the authority to manage the collection and privileges. You should know some features of the laws, for example, the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction. If a working veteran regularly transferred 13% of his income, he is entitled to compensation from this amount for a serious purchase, paid medical service. An able-bodied family member can receive such compensation in case of treatment costs for their parent.

How to get a title without having a list of awards

Candidate for Veteran's Award

The latest innovation in Federal Law No. 5 allows labor veterans to receive the title if the President noted their merits. When there are no incentives at all, it is impossible to obtain status, except for the Second World War generation.

The state has not abandoned its older citizens; having experience allows them to receive more pension benefits than people who were unable to earn it. There is a whole list of benefits for simple pensioners, deserved only by long-term activity.

The legislator determined the possibility of issuing certificates with the assignment of high status only to awarded persons, and all changes made do not depart from this point.

Those whose age allowed them to work during the Second World War must provide extracts and certificates from institutions to prove their length of service.

In addition to ordinary civilian employment at the enterprise, it includes:

  • military or equivalent service;
  • parental leave for children up to 1.5 years of age;
  • assistance to a disabled person 1 gr., if you had to care for him instead of working;
  • raising a disabled child;
  • caring for an elderly close relative.

Children's leave, which is taken into account for calculating employment at the enterprise, should not exceed a total of 4.5 years. There are different awards for all the time lived, not all of them count towards receiving the title.

For example, the designation of merit:

  • enterprise;
  • military unit;
  • public organization;
  • sports society;
  • commercial firm;
  • structural federal division.

Each structure can stimulate productivity:

  • icon;
  • literacy;
  • gratitude;
  • medal.

These differences are accompanied by personal confirmations, but do not affect the assignment of veteran status. The “Veteran of Labor” medals have an indisputable basis.

They were specially created for a certain category of citizens:

  • collective farmers;
  • production workers, plants and factories, builders;
  • children who worked at enterprises during the Second World War;
  • employees applying for a pension after working for a long time in one organization;
  • shock workers.

Medal "Veteran of Labor"

Company managers specifically submitted documentation to higher authorities for approval of such awards. The company received a positive decision with a personalized certificate at the federal level that this particular person was awarded by the Government. Even the loss of supporting documents does not mean anything, as they can always be restored using archival traces, registration of the medal under the number. Based on the complex hierarchy of various incentives, local authorities may make mistakes when determining the decision to assign status.

Therefore, no one has abolished civil rights to seek justice through various legal means:

  • write a complaint about the refusal to recognize a veteran to a higher social security authority;
  • send a complaint to the Ministry of Labor, which is responsible for social protection and demography in the region;
  • fill out a statement of claim to submit to the court.

It is worth resorting to complaints if the pensioner is confident in his merits noted in different period labor activity. Perhaps the regional department has no idea about the existence of such awards, so they did not include them in the general list. The court will sort out a fair decision, and the veteran will receive not only a title, but also certain privileges.

Many people need not so much material things as official recognition of their importance on the labor front. If you have to deal with a soulless contingent that is poorly informed about legal acts, you should find an effective assistant who will help you achieve justice. There are many law firms operating in this area. From legal practice, there are cases of peaceful resolution of a controversial issue without going to court, since local executors could not interfere with documents indicating clear regulation of laws.

Educational video about benefits:

May 18, 2018 Help manual

You can ask any question below

How to become a “Veteran of Labor”: work experience and registration (general rules)

These questions are answered by the Law “On Veterans” dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ.

  • For all citizens: it is necessary to confirm work experience sufficient to assign a pension - by age or for length of service; submit documents indicating that the citizen has been awarded an order or medal, an honorary title former USSR or in the Russian Federation, other awards provided by law.
  • For citizens who began working as children during the Great Patriotic War: submit documents confirming this fact, as well as confirm at least 40 years of work experience for men and 35 years for women.

You can find out in detail how to register as a “Veteran of Labor” from the social security authorities at your place of residence. It is here that the issues of conferring the title for honorary workers of the country are initially resolved: applications and required documents are accepted.

Awarding the title “Veteran of Labor” in the Russian Federation

  • awarded with decorations - orders, medals or insignia of the USSR or the Russian Federation;
  • have departmental badges for labor merit;
  • started working as a child during the Second World War and have a work experience established by law;
  • you know how to obtain a “Veteran of Labor” and what documents must be submitted confirming the right to the title.

BUT you encounter obstacles. Why? Before answering this question, let us clarify: it is not necessary to have all the listed regalia and merits; it is enough to meet one and the first three listed points.

So why, knowing the answer to the question “How to get a “Veteran of Labor?”, many citizens cannot do it quickly?

The fact is that not all insignia that were received by a citizen in the USSR can be accepted in the Russian Federation. For example, a citizen received the badge “Drummer of Socialist Labor”, but not “Veteran of Labor”! Or a citizen has a medal, but there is no accompanying certificate that confirms that this medal belongs to him.

Judicial practice in most cases sides with people who have worked for the good of the country for decades. Thus, in the Orenburg region, a citizen went to court to assign him the title “Veteran of Labor”, confirming it with the “Drummer” badge issued in 1984 communist labor" But district court He refused to satisfy the claim, arguing that the title “Drummer” is not enough to receive “Veteran of Labor”.

The applicant was not at a loss and filed a complaint with the regional court. But the higher authority, on the contrary, turning to the regulations on award badges of the Soviet Union, determined that this insignia is sufficient to award the applicant the title “Veteran of Labor.”

Documents for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” of federal significance

How to obtain a “Veteran of Labor” and what documents must be provided for this?

Don't know your rights?

As we have already written, initial issues regarding the assignment of a title are resolved by the social security authorities at the place of residence. Here you will be advised, helped to write an application and asked to submit the following documents necessary for the title assignment procedure:

The procedure for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”

You know who can apply for the title of Honored Workers of the country and what documents will be required. But many are interested in the question of how to obtain the title “Veteran of Labor” without delay? To do this, you need to know the procedure for receiving it and, if necessary, if officials are delaying the process, force them to comply with this procedure.

So, you contacted the social security office at your place of residence, they helped you draw up an application and create a package of necessary documents.

In organs social protection a commission is formed to consider citizens' applications for the title. As soon as a positive/negative decision is made, the applicant is notified and the documents are returned to him. The time frame for making a decision varies by region. Thus, the decision in Moscow must be made no later than 10 working days after submitting the application. In Bryansk, the procedure can take up to 15 days.

If a citizen is awarded the title “Veteran of Labor”, then an appropriate decision is made (an administrative act of the social protection body).

Regulations on labor veterans of the Russian Federation

As a rule, all regions of the country have developed their own Regulations on labor veterans. It can be found either at the social security authorities at your place of residence or on the relevant official websites.

This Regulation prescribes the procedure for obtaining the title and all the subtleties associated with this issue in a particular subject. Russian Federation.

Certificate of “Veteran of Labor” in Russia

Citizens of Russia receive a “Veteran of Labor” certificate from the executive body of state power in accordance with the regulations of the law “On Veterans”. Having a citizen's ID gives him the right to receive social benefits and various benefits.

This document is a strict reporting form, and if you lose your ID, you need to contact the authority that issued it.

Medal "Veteran of Labor"

The Veteran of Labor medal dates back to the USSR era. It was approved in 1974. IN modern Russia a medal received in the USSR is the basis for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”.

In the Soviet Union, this medal was awarded to children who worked during the Second World War, workers for many years of conscientious work, as well as collective farmers and other employees in recognition of their labor merits upon reaching retirement age.

In addition to the medal, the recipient was also given a certificate for the medal.

Awarding this medal during the USSR did not provide any privileges. This was a kind of moral encouragement.

Social support measures for labor veterans

The question of how to get a “Veteran of Labor” has been resolved. Now we need to find out what kind of social support the state provides to its honorable workers. In Russia, the following preferential benefits are established for veterans:

  • Free healthcare services.
  • Providing leave at a time convenient for the veteran.
  • Free travel on all types of public transport (if such a measure is provided for by regional legislation).
  • Payment of 50% of utilities.
  • Free work on the manufacture and repair of dentures in public health institutions, etc.

At the regional level, additional measures may be established for labor veterans social support. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, labor veterans are provided with a monthly indexed cash payment.

The question of how to become a “Veteran of Labor” is currently very relevant due to the fact that this title provides additional benefits and social guarantees that to a simple pensioner often unavailable.

On July 1, 2016, Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 388-FZ came into force“On introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of accounting for and improving the provision of social support measures based on the obligation to comply with the principle of targeting and the application of need criteria.”

This article of Federal Law No. 388-FZ amended the Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”.

According to the new version of Law No. 5-FZ “On Veterans,” which came into force on July 1, 2016, labor veterans are:

    citizens awarded orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded diplomas of the President of the Russian Federation or awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, or awarded departmental signs distinctions for merit in labor (service) and long work (service)

    at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sector of the economy) and

    having work (insurance) experience taken into account for the assignment of a pension, at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or

    length of service required to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms;

    persons who began working as a minor during the Great Patriotic War and have a labor (insurance) experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.

Thus, the labor (insurance) length of service required to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor” has been increased, which from July 1, 2016 was at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women.

For reference. Before the adoption of Federal Law No. 388-FZ, the right to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor” was given to citizens who were awarded orders or medals, or who were awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or who were awarded departmental insignia in labor and who had an insurance period of at least 7 years.

Also, Federal Law 388-FZ introduced the following requirement for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor”:

  • the applicant has the title “Veteran of Labor”, in addition to the departmental insignia for merits in labor, long-term work at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sector of the economy).

Federal Law 388-FZ also establishes that for citizens who, as of June 30, 2016, were awarded departmental insignia in labor:

  • the right to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor” is retained if the length of service (insurance) taken into account for the assignment of a pension is at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or the length of service necessary for the assignment of a pension for long service in calendar terms.

The requirement for long-term work (service) of at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sector) of the economy applies to citizens awarded departmental insignia in labor from 07/01/2016.

The procedure for establishing departmental insignia giving the right to confer the title "Veteran of Labor"

Clause 4, paragraph “b” of Article 3 of Federal Law 388-FZ also supplemented the Law “On Veterans” with clause 1.1., clarifying the procedure for establishing departmental insignia giving the right to confer the title “Veteran of Labor”.

In accordance with this paragraph:

    the procedure for establishing departmental insignia giving the right to confer the title "Veteran of Labor" by federal executive bodies whose activities are managed by the Government of the Russian Federation, and awarding these insignia determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

    The procedure for establishing departmental insignia that gives the right to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” by other federal government bodies, state corporations and awarding these insignia is determined specified bodies, organizations, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Conditions for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor" and the procedure for its registration

The procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” are determined by the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

(Clause 4 of the Federal Law of December 19, 2005 N 163-FZ “On Amendments to Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Veterans”)

Therefore, in each region, the conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and the procedure for its registration are different and it is necessary to look at the relevant regional legislation.

1. The title “Veteran of Labor” is awarded by the manager the corresponding region (region of residence).

2. The title “Veteran of Labor” is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation, permanently residing in the territory of this region, and is recognition of his services to the region for many years of fruitful work.

3. The title “Veteran of Labor” is awarded to persons:

    having a length of service established in the legislation on labor veterans for a given region;

    awarded with Certificates of Honor and insignia, also established in the legislation on labor veterans for this region.

4. Documents required for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”

Persons applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” submit an application and documents confirming the grounds for its assignment to the social protection authority at their place of residence:

    a document confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);

    documents confirming work experience;

    an identification document of the applicant with registration at the place of residence in the given region.

5. Time limits for completing administrative procedures

Social protection authority at the place of residence, within 15 days from the date of submission of documents by the applicant, sends them to the authorized executive body of the region in the field of social protection of the population.

Authorized body of executive state power region and in the field of social protection of the population, within 30 days from the date of receipt of documents, it checks them and ensures the preparation of a draft legal act of the head of the region on the assignment of the title “Veteran of Labor” or a reasoned conclusion on the refusal to assign this title.

The authorized executive body of the region in the field of social protection of the population, after making the appropriate decision, within 10 days sends a notice of assignment or refusal to assign the title “Veteran of Labor” to the applicant and to the social protection authority at the place of his residence, indicating the reasons for the refusal and with the documents submitted by the applicant attached.

6. Grounds for refusal to confer the title “Veteran of Labor”

The grounds for refusal to award the title “Veteran of Labor” are:

    failure to comply with the conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”;

    failure to submit documents required to present the title “Veteran of Labor”;

    submission of documents prepared in violation of the requirements of current legislation and (or) containing false information.

The awarding of the title “Veteran of Labor” by the head of the region is the basis for issuing to the applicant a “Veteran of Labor” certificate, which is issued by the social welfare authority at the applicant’s place of residence.

The Labor Veteran certificate allows you to take advantage of social support measures for labor veterans established in the region.

Attention. Benefits provided to labor veterans begin to apply only after the pension is issued. But you can apply for the title “Veteran of Labor” in advance.

The title of Labor Veteran is not given easily to citizens of the Russian Federation. This is due to the complexity of processing documents and filling out the necessary papers. But if you know the exact procedure, all the requirements and the legislative framework, mistakes can be avoided.

There are several legislative acts that determine the procedure for assigning and issuing the title:

  • Federal Law “On Veterans”;
  • Art. No. 22 Federal Law No. 5;
  • Federal Law No. 388.

These paragraphs describe which people are eligible for the title and which are not eligible, as well as what privileges the title provides. It also describes the nuances relating to various aspects of the issue.

For example, local authorities can also resolve issues related to benefits. The lists of requirements and lists of benefits provided are not the same in all regions.

If a Veteran of Labor wants to change his place of residence, he will need to take into account that in another locality the list of benefits may be smaller or larger. A special certificate confirms the title.

Citizens who have not retired can also receive the title. You will need to go through the same registration procedure that pensioners go through. However, you will not be able to use the benefits until you retire.

To whom is it assigned?

The title can be assigned to a certain category of persons:

  1. The most common category is citizens with more (25 years are required for men, women - 20).
  2. Less common are people who have not changed organizations for 10 years.

What is insurance work experience and what do you need to know about it? You will find out.

For these people, the above conditions are not enough. You must have a state award or merit.

It is enough to have one of the following list:

  • order;
  • medal;
  • gratitude from the President;
  • diploma;
  • rank;
  • insignia in the workplace.

What is needed to receive the title Veteran of Labor? Answer in video:

Those awards that were issued during the USSR are also counted.

We must not forget about another category, people whose working career began as minors during the Great Patriotic War. Now they must have more work experience - 40 years for men and 5 years less for women.

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In the USSR, when the “Veteran of Labor” medal was issued, there was no idea that it would be so useful at the present time. In the USSR this sign was only symbolic.

Where to contact

All issues related to this case are handled by the Department of Social Protection. But often there is a misunderstanding to which specific department the application should be submitted.

There are two options:

  1. Persons who have already applied for any other benefits must come to the department they applied to for the first time.
  2. If the application is made for the first time, the issue must be resolved in the department located at the place of residence.

Registration procedure

In practice, there are rarely cases when the commission considers an application for more than 30 days, since the verification does not require complex procedures. The citizen will be notified within 5 days after the decision is made.

If the answer is positive, the applicant will be issued a certificate confirming the title. You should also consider how benefits should be used. The veteran will be offered a list of possible benefits.

From them he will choose those that he needs. To receive them, you will have to additionally write an application and submit documents. For this purpose, you must also contact the Social Security Administration.

What documents are required?

Before visiting the branch, you need to collect a certain package of documents.

It includes:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • 2 matte photographs 3 by 4;
  • documents confirming that the applicant has the required work experience (TC and photocopy, as well as an extract from the Pension Fund);
  • papers confirming that the applicant has an award or merit.

How to obtain the title Veteran of Labor? Photo:

The application must be reviewed by the commission within a month. She also gives a refusal if there are grounds for it. The decision can be appealed no later than 3 months after it was made.

What nuances need to be taken into account

Many people misunderstand the point that says that you can get a title without having any insignia. This applies only to those people who have worked since the Great Patriotic War.

The submission of documents and the receipt procedure also has certain conditions. An authorized person can also contact the Social Security Department. To do this, the applicant will need a power of attorney.

It must be certified by a notary. The authorized person will also need to present a passport.

Procedure for restoring your ID in case of loss

A document can be recovered if it has been lost. Recovery won't be that difficult. Much easier than getting it the first time. The procedure is carried out in the same place where the certificate was obtained.

What is needed for this:

  • passport;
  • confirmation that you have a place of residence according to your passport;
  • photo 3 by 4.

Employees consider the application on the day of application. A duplicate certificate is issued on the same day.

What benefits does the title provide?

Benefits and allowances are also divided into federal and local. The first ones operate throughout Russia. They are not as significant and beneficial as regional ones.

These include:

Who can receive the title Veteran of Labor? Photo:

The benefits from regional benefits for citizens will be significantly higher.

These include:


The provision of benefits is also documented. This is last step. What you need to provide:

  • passport;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • Veteran of Labor certificate;
  • medical policy;
  • certificate of pension insurance;
  • passbook or Sberbank card account number;
  • black and white photograph 3 by 4, background must be white;
  • those who use a home telephone must provide a contract and a receipt for payment for communication.

Another point to consider is regional differences. As already mentioned, in different regions there are different rules and benefits. All changes regional government carried out within the framework of the law.

In some places the differences are very noticeable, and in others the changes are insignificant.

Examples of what the differences may be:

  • not all rewards described above will provide an advantage;
  • titles and awards that provide the right to receive have been expanded;
  • To obtain a certificate, titles and awards are not required; having one work experience is a sufficient basis.

In what cases will registration of a title be denied?

Not all applicants will become Labor Veterans.

The commission will decide to refuse if:

  • there are no rights to receive a title (there are no necessary awards, titles, or work experience);
  • at the time of circulation, the documents have no legal force;
  • the information contained in the documents has not been confirmed.

What does the title Veteran of Labor give? Watch the video:

After receiving the documents, the commission conducts an inspection. If during the inspection it turns out that the documents fall under one of the listed points, the applicant will be refused.


This means that obtaining the title of Labor Veteran is not as complicated a procedure as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to meet all the requirements. And if you know the rules and procedure for the registration procedure, you can avoid mistakes and speed up the process.