How to quickly wash plastic windows without streaks. How to wash windows without streaks at home? Selecting cleaning tools

But an interesting fact is that each of them contains ordinary vinegar, which can be found in every home. It means that folk recipes cleanliness can be a worthy replacement for household chemicals. You can prepare them from available materials without spending a lot of money. They will cope with contaminants no worse than store-bought mixtures, and they will not contain harmful chemicals.

It's not always easy to clean windows without streaks. Folk recipes and a little household chemicals will help you achieve perfect cleanliness.

Necessary equipment

The cleanliness of windows is affected by: dust, rain and snow, accumulation of condensation (most often in the kitchen), smoking in the room or on the balcony. To ensure quality work, at the beginning of the work it is necessary to prepare all the necessary equipment so as not to be distracted during the process.

For washing you will need:

  • deep container - a basin is better;
  • sponges - if heavily soiled, use a hard coating;
  • rags - choose from microfiber, they do not leave lint;
  • scraper - a rubber tip will allow you to easily remove foam without leaving streaks;
  • newspapers are an indispensable tool for polishing.

Cleaning procedure

In order to clean the windows, it is important not only to prepare the tools and detergent, but also to follow a certain procedure:

  1. The first step is to remove all flowers, photo frames, figurines and other items from the windowsill. This will keep them safe and will not interfere with cleaning. Pour the pre-prepared washing mixture into a basin or bucket.
  2. Dampen a cloth and thoroughly wipe the frames, handles and window sill. In hard-to-reach places, you can remove dirt using a cotton swab. Pour out the liquid and fill the basin with clean warm water. Wipe the frames and window sill again to remove the detergent.
  3. Pour a new portion of clean water, wash off the accumulated dirt from the glass and apply the cleaning mixture to the glass with a sponge, then wash it off with a soft, damp cloth.
  4. Wipe the glass clean and polish with crumpled newspapers. Remove any foam from the frames that may have entered during cleaning.

After cleaning, it is important to lubricate metal fittings with machine oil to avoid corrosion of the material.

Window cleaning recipes

Vinegar, manganese, potatoes and other folk remedies will help clean windows until they shine.

From vinegar

To prepare you will need:

  1. Clean water – 3 l.
  2. Regular or apple cider vinegar - 6 tbsp. l.
  3. Chalk in powder form – 150 gr.
  4. Lime – 150 gr.
  5. Table salt – 5 tbsp. l..
  6. Laundry soap (grated) – 5 tbsp. l.
  7. Dishwashing gel – 4 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until all components are completely dissolved. Work only with gloves. First, wet the sponge and apply the mixture, then remove it with a scraper.

From manganese

Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate with water so that the liquid turns light pink. The crystals should dissolve without leaving a residue so as not to scratch the surface during cleaning. Wash with a soft cloth and remove moisture with crumpled newspapers.

To avoid the appearance of stripes, movements must be directed from top to bottom.

From heavy pollution

If heavy dirt has accumulated, it will be more difficult to deal with stains at home. The most effective folk recipes will come to the rescue:

  • Dissolve a bottle of ammonia in 4 liters of water, the same amount of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of starch and a little blue. Mix and spray from a spray bottle. Wipe with newspaper.
  • Wash the glass and rub with half a potato. Rinse with cold water and polish.
  • Powdered chalk is diluted with vodka until it becomes thick sour cream. Apply to the surface with a sponge. Rinse and dry.
  • Onions will help against black spots left by flies. You need to rub the cut of the onion over the dirty places and wash it off.

How to clean plastic windows

It happens when the air outside is quite humid (after rain or in the evening). In this case, the soap can be easily removed without leaving streaks. And in warm, dry weather, moisture dries quickly and leaves white streaks. Hand movements should be circular, from top to bottom.

At the end of the work, you need to polish the surface using crumpled newspaper, suede cloth or microfiber cloth. As a last resort, use unnecessary nylon tights.

To make cleaning easy and productive, you need to remember a few rules:

  • There is no need to use soda to wash the frame - it will corrode the paint.
  • A solution of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 and timely ventilation will help against condensation so that normal humidity is maintained in the apartment.
  • To make the glass shine, they need to be wiped with salted water. The same method will help against frozen windows.
  • You should start washing from the inside, and then from the outside.
  • After cleaning, wipe the frames and window sill dry to extend their service life for a long time.

Purchased products can damage the window profile or cause allergies. Therefore, folk recipes without chemicals are a worthy replacement for modern detergent products. In addition, their preparation does not take much time from the housewife.

Instructions for washing windows without streaks traditional methods and special means.

Cleaning companies are now very popular. They are famous for the impeccable quality of the services they provide. Service workers in as soon as possible will clean any surfaces from old dirt. They are often tasked with cleaning windows.

Why do stains remain on windows after washing?

There are many reasons why cloudy spots and deposits appear on glass after washing. Even if you do everything correctly, divorces are possible. This happens for reasons that may be beyond your control.

Causes of cloudy glass:

  • Very hot and windy weather. Due to direct sunlight, moisture evaporates very quickly, which is the cause of stains. It is precisely because of the high rate of moisture evaporation that you should not wash windows in windy weather.
  • Wrong cleaning products chosen. That is, substances with abrasive particles often scratch glass, which causes clouding.
  • Wrong technique. All dust must be removed initially. That is, carry out cleaning in several stages. Only after removing the layer of dust, the surface is washed using special products.

How to wash plastic windows without streaks using folk remedies: recipe

There are a lot folk remedies for cleaning glass. The operating algorithm is approximately the same with the use of all substances. A solution is prepared and a sponge is dipped into it. After this, the surface is cleaned with a wet sponge. Next, the solution is washed off with water. Remaining moisture is removed with a rubber scraper.

Review and folk remedies:

  • Dissolve 5 tablespoons of starch or crushed chalk in 3000 ml of water
  • Add 4 tablespoons of laundry soap shavings to 2.5 liters of water.
  • 120 g of lime dissolved in 3 liters of water
  • 3 spoons of tooth powder are added to 2500 ml of water and stirred

How to wash plastic windows with vinegar: recipe

Vinegar is a 9 or 6% acid solution that successfully dissolves all grease and old stains from glass surfaces.


  • Pour 240 ml of water and 55 ml of regular vinegar into a saucepan. Add 5 ml dishwashing detergent and stir
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle and shake. Remove dust with a dry towel or brush
  • Now use a spray bottle to apply the product to the glass. Next, using a soft cloth in a circular motion clean the surface
  • After this, use a rubber scraper. It is necessary to carry out processing from top to bottom, as if removing the remaining solution

How to wash plastic windows with ammonia: recipe

Ammonia is often added to professional products. It helps remove even old stains.


  • Dissolve 5 ml of ammonia in 5000 ml of warm water
  • After this, use a dry cloth to remove dust and dirt from the glass.
  • Wash the profiles and window sill with regular warm water and soap.
  • After this, start cleaning the glass. To do this, immerse a sponge in a solution of ammonia.
  • Wipe the windows with it in a circular direction
  • Next, use dry paper towels to remove any remaining moisture from top to bottom.

How to wash plastic windows with newspaper: recipe

Newspaper was also used by our grandmothers to clean windows. The main advantage of the newspaper is that it leaves almost no streaks.


  • Use a dry brush to remove dust from glass and window frames.
  • After this, soak the cloth in water and rinse the frames, if necessary, use dishwashing liquid
  • Next, soak the sponge in window cleaner or one of the solutions indicated in the section on traditional methods
  • Wipe the surface with a damp sponge
  • After this, take the newspaper and crumple it, dry the glass in a circular motion
  • After this, take a clean newspaper and wipe the window from top to bottom.

How to wash windows without streaks with products from the store?

Alcohol, ammonia and blue are specially added to professional window cleaning products. All these supplements allow you to achieve good results with minimal effort. It is necessary to wash the frames with soap and water and wipe off dust from the glass. After this, apply the product from a spray bottle and wipe with a paper towel.

Product overview:

  • Mister Muscle. There are many options that allow you to quickly deal with even very dirty glass. There are both foaming substances and liquids with ammonia.
  • Clean. The product is sold in bottles with a sprayer. Contains alcohol and dyes. Also organic solvents that help remove dirt.
  • Sarma. The product contains ammonia and detergents. Works great on greasy stains and insect marks.

What rag or napkin should you use to wipe, wipe, wash windows so that there are no streaks?

First you need to choose the right fabric. Microfiber and napkins with minimal lint are ideal. Nowadays you can find special rags for cleaning windows on sale.

Features of window cleaning wipes:

  • There are usually 2 wipes per package. They differ in weaving
  • It is necessary to moisten a microfiber cloth in plain water and wash off all dirt and debris.
  • The peculiarity of the fabric is that it absorbs all debris and dirt
  • Copes well with stains and insect marks
  • After this, take a second napkin; it has a high terry content
  • Use this cloth to wipe the glass dry.
  • Glass cleaning sponges are also available for sale; they also collect debris and dust well.

How to buy a rag or napkin on Aliexpress for washing windows without streaks: links to the catalog

In household chemical stores, such wipes are not cheap. This is due to the fact that goods are imported from abroad. Accordingly, you can save money by using the Aliexpress website. There is a huge selection of napkins and brushes for washing glass.

Cloth for cleaning windows and mirrors from Aliexpress

How to properly and quickly wash windows without streaks in winter?

IN winter time Windows are very rarely washed. Most often they wait until it warms up. You cannot wash windows in severe frost. This way, all the liquid you apply will freeze.


  • Dissolve salt in water. It is necessary to prepare a warm solution containing 500 ml of water and 50 g of salt
  • This liquid can be used to wipe the outside of glass. It helps defrost ice
  • Next, apply a special liquid. It can be purchased at a car chemical store
  • After this, quickly wipe it off with a microfiber sponge.
  • Start cleaning from the inside
  • To do this, prepare a solution of 10 parts alcohol and 1 part glycerin.
  • Rub the inside surface with this solution and polish until shiny using a microfiber sponge.

Cleaning windows is quite simple. Stock up on glass sponges and special cleaning solutions.

VIDEO: Cleaning windows quickly

Wet cleaning of windows should be done at least once a season, but residents of the first floor and owners of apartments on busy streets have to deal with large-scale cleaning much more often. Housewives, as a rule, devote almost the whole day to this event, but in fact it is very easy to wash windows without streaks, efficiently and quickly. It is enough to know the secret ingredient of most modern means and use it for your own benefit.

The secret ingredient of modern products

Almost every special detergent that promises to instantly make windows sparkle clean contains ordinary table vinegar. Why use special napkins when you can get by with cheaper ones, but no less effective means? The consumer society demands more and more new solutions from manufacturers, while the most effective and simplest remedies have long been very successful in solving most household problems.

Preparing to clean windows

Before you start cleaning glass, window sills and window frames from dirt, you should pay attention to some points. The window sill should be cleared of indoor plants and trinkets so as to maximize access to the windows. Curtains and curtains should be moved to the side, or better yet, sent to the wash, plastic or fabric blinds should be raised.

You need to place all the tools and devices that may be needed in the process closer. A cleaning solution is prepared in advance; you should also find a porous sponge, several pieces of soft cloth that absorbs moisture well and does not leave lint on the glass (this can be linen, cotton fabric, gauze), newsprint, allowing you to remove excess moisture at the end of work.

From the outside it is better to wash the windows with another rag and sponge, since it settles on that surface. a large number of dust. It is also advisable to protect the skin of your hands with rubber cleaning gloves.

How to properly wash windows?

In any case, the process of washing window glass and frames has a special order to make the event efficient, fast and as less labor-intensive as possible. So, first you need to “arm yourself” with a regular toothpick, cotton swab or similar tool and clean out all joints and openings. Window frames are washed with a soft sponge (a porous sponge used for washing dishes is suitable), generously soaked in a warm soapy solution.

Next up is the glass itself. You need to start washing them from the inside. For them, you should prepare a cleaning solution: two tablespoons of vinegar are diluted in one liter of water. Using this mixture and a linen cloth, thoroughly wash the glass on both sides. Then the glass should be wiped again with a dry, soft cloth that does not leave lint, or a sheet of newspaper. After such cleaning, the windows shine and shine.

To avoid streaks on the glass, after finishing work, wipe them first in a vertical, then in a horizontal direction. It is also undesirable to wash windows in hot or windy weather - in this case, the appearance of streaks is practically unavoidable.

What else can you use to clean window glass?

You can cope with the task quite quickly by using a solution of starch, ammonia and vinegar. The complete recipe is as follows:

  • you will need 100 ml of white vinegar and the same amount of ammonia, two tablespoons of starch, a little blue and four liters of some warm water;
  • mix everything in a clean container until smooth (complete dissolution of all starch);
  • Pour the composition into a bottle with a spray bottle and treat the glass, and then wipe with a clean linen cloth until it shines.

You can also wash windows using chalk solution or regular potatoes. Use half a vegetable to wipe the glass, then rinse with a small amount of clean water and shine with a soft cloth. A rag for washing windows should be made of cotton or linen; gauze is suitable, as well as any material that absorbs moisture well and does not leave lint.

To avoid condensation that collects on the windows during cold weather, after washing, you can wipe them with a solution of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of one to ten. The same product will help keep the area clean for a long time and postpone the next wet cleaning.

A special magnetic brush will help you quickly clean windows. The device allows you to simultaneously wipe both the outer and inner surfaces of the windows, which undoubtedly speeds up cleaning, making it easier and more efficient. You can also use special napkins made of microfiber fabric, which perfectly absorbs moisture, polishes the demanding surface well and is initially impregnated with detergent. Regular dishwashing detergent works great for cleaning windows.

Do not use salt or soda to clean windows. Products with grains will leave microscopic damage on the glass and window frames, in which dust and dirt will subsequently accumulate more quickly.

Of course, you can also use window cleaners that are sold in large supermarkets or hardware stores. These cleaners should be used according to the same principle as homemade compounds: apply to the glass with a damp sponge, removing all dirt, and then thoroughly wipe the glass, first with a damp cloth, then with a dry cloth or soft newsprint.

Cleaning streak-free windows is easier than you think. Ideal, transparent glass can be obtained even without the help of special alcohol-containing products. We will tell you how to do this in the article.

First you need to thoroughly wash off all the dirt from the glass. Heat the water, pour it into a basin and add powder or dishwashing detergent. Or you can even use laundry soap, the main thing is the result. Armed with a sponge or rag and not forgetting to put on household gloves, we go to the window with soapy solutions. We begin to thoroughly wash the glass from the street side until the dirty streaks disappear. The outside is clean, let's move on to the inside, not forgetting to change the water. You may have to run around and change the soap solution several times, it all depends on the degree of contamination of the windows. In addition to the glass, you need to thoroughly wash the frame and handles from the inside.

The window is clean, now let's start removing the stains. From time immemorial, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers rubbed all glass, including crystal, with newspaper. You crumple up the old number and thoroughly rub the freshly washed window. It is advisable that the glass is slightly damp. When the newspaper gets wet, take a new one. Brilliant results are guaranteed.

Nowadays, the life of housewives is simplified by a waffle or microfiber towel. To ensure that there are no streaks left at all, spray a glass cleaner, for example, “Mr. Muscle” or “Mr. Proper” on a waffle towel. Wipe the windows thoroughly and look at the glass from different angles to see if there are any streaks left. Microfiber does not require the use of additional products. Simply begin wiping the slightly damp glass with quick, light movements. The result is a crystal clear window. Another advantage of microfiber towels is that they can be washed several times without deteriorating in quality. This towel also perfectly rubs car windows and mirrors. Budget options for cleaning windows include a solution of vinegar and water in a 1:2 ratio. Rinse the windows with vinegar water and then with clean water. Wipe with a dry cloth and forget about streaks. A clever washing method with the help of raw potatoes

Now let's talk about cleaning products. The range of such substances is huge; choose a less “promoted” company so as not to overpay extra money. Don’t worry about the cleanliness of your windows, because all glass cleaners contain ethyl alcohol or vinegar, and in addition a considerable amount of harmful chemicals. In addition, if the window is heavily soiled, you will have to wash it with soap and then use chemicals to rub it. However, this product will be indispensable for cleaning up burning, greasy deposits and bird excrement.

And finally: wash windows when there is no direct sun, this makes it easier to see stains. Choose a method according to your preference and start cleaning. Good luck!

When carrying out cleaning work in our home, from time to time we are faced with the need to wash windows. Every housewife has her own cleaning routine, but we all wash our windows at least a couple of times a year. To do the job efficiently, you must use a detergent.

Vinegar is the main ingredient in most cleaning products.

This is where the first dilemma awaits us: buy a special composition, or make it yourself, using folk recipes. Besides, you often just want to save money on detergents, and you don’t even want to go to the store. Let's look together at how to prepare an excellent composition for...

Vinegar and starch

For many people, it is very important to be environmentally friendly. In this case, using only natural materials, without chemicals, you can make it yourself. The ingredients involved are most often available at home.

A simple composition of vinegar and starch:

  • first of all, one tablespoon of starch is poured into the container, it will become the base for our mixture;
  • then pour water into the container, exactly two glasses at room temperature, shake the composition thoroughly;
  • after this fifty grams of vinegar is added;
  • then fifty grams of alcohol (technical or medical does not matter);
  • the resulting composition is actively mixed, shaken, the product is ready for use.

You can make such a composition with your own hands, and then proceed directly to washing the windows. The product is sprayed onto the window using a spray bottle and then wiped with a rag. Dirt is removed, no streaks remain, and all this thanks to starch, which created a wonderful solution.

You can always borrow starch from the kitchen

There are no streaks left after starch and this fact is explained very simply. The fact is that when moisture gets on the surface of the glass, it is strongly distributed over it and holds on very tightly. (Let's say thanks to the force of surface tension.) In addition, the glass only seems even and smooth, but in fact it is rough, with a large number of depressions and growths. As you may have guessed, water accumulates in these depressions and then dries and forms stains.

But here starch comes to our aid, which allows us to remove all the water from the surface of the glass. A similar remedy can be tooth powder or chalk. You can also add it to the solution essential oil, there will be no streaks left on the glass after washing.

To wash dusty glass, you can use a composition of starch and water without additional additives, which you can also make yourself. The proportion of the product is as follows: 1 liter of water per 1 tablespoon of starch.

Vinegar and water

If you don’t want to go to the store for window cleaning products, you can prepare them at home from available products. For heavily soiled windows, it is easy to prepare a composition where the main element is vinegar.

A simple recipe for preparing a vinegar-based cleaning composition:

  • take a glass of water and pour it into a spray bottle;
  • the second and main ingredient will be vinegar, we add one tablespoon of it;
  • the third ingredient will be alcohol, it is also permissible to take vodka, or ammonia from ammonia, we will also take one tablespoon;
  • if desired, you can add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to this solution;
  • Shake the resulting solution thoroughly, now it is ready for use.

However, vinegar has a specific pungent odor that is not pleasant to everyone. By spraying the liquid on the glass, you will have to breathe it, but you can create another solution without chemicals.

Water and lemon

You can replace vinegar with citric acid or lemon juice. The simplest recipe for washing plastic windows will look like this: about 50 grams for one glass of water citric acid, i.e. approximately 1 to 5. If the pollution is not industrial in nature, the composition can be made less concentrated, but there will still be no streaks.

The resulting detergent will have a pleasant and fresh smell, which will add tone to you and give you strength to work.

Many detergents come with a lemon scent.

There is a more complex recipe for a cleaning composition based on citric acid, which we will make with our own hands according to the following recipe:

  • fill a suitable half-liter or liter jar with peels from fresh lemons;
  • Fill the remaining space in the jar with regular table vinegar;
  • close the jar tightly and leave to marinate for a couple of weeks;
  • after a while, open the jar, strain into another container, you will get an excellent concentrate;
  • This concentrate must be added to the water with which you will wash the windows, the result of your work will be simply wonderful, and the surface will not only be cleaned, but also disinfected.

However, not all home-made cleaning compositions are so environmentally friendly; for example, compositions based on ammonia are a priori made from chemicals. Main character There's ammonia here.

Ammonia and water

Ammonia is 10% ammonia, a volatile liquid with a very pungent odor. Ammonia is a very dangerous chemical, so you need to be extremely careful when handling it.

A simple recipe for a window cleaning composition based on:

  • pour one liter of water at room temperature into the container;
  • add one tablespoon of ammonia;
  • wash the window with this composition using a soft cloth;
  • to dry and wipe the glass dry, use crumpled newspapers or paper;
  • We admire the clean and transparent glass.

Note that printing ink contains carbon, which is what makes our glass sparkle if you polish it with newspapers.

If we have very dirty glass, then it is permissible to use the following recipe: one glass of water, a tablespoon of ammonia, a tablespoon of vinegar. The product turns out to be simply lethal. If there is no vinegar in the house, it doesn’t matter, replace it with industrial alcohol.

An ordinary jar of ammonia

Soap and vinegar

If you want to wash a window with a lot of foam, as in any advertisement on TV or in pictures, then the cleaning composition for this will look like this:

  • pour a glass of water into the container;
  • add two tablespoons of vinegar;
  • pour in half a teaspoon of liquid soap;
  • Whisk the resulting liquid thoroughly, it’s time to start washing the windows.

If more quantity is required detergent, make more, in the same proportions.

Soda and vinegar

A good cleaning composition is made with soda; it allows you to wipe off a variety of stains from windows, including pens and markers. The recipe is extremely simple: for 2 liters of water you need 100 ml of vinegar and 50 grams of soda.

If you replace the soda with salt, the composition will also cope well with stains, and will also add shine to the glass.

Glycerin is great for polishing windows. It creates an invisible barrier on the glass, which increases the time it takes for them to become dirty. The composition of the polish, in which glycerin is the main component, is simple and easy to create at home.

Everyone has baking soda in their kitchen.

To create the mixture, we need glycerin, approximately 70 ml, water, approximately 30 ml, and literally a couple of drops of ammonia. Glycerin will not leave streaks on the glass and will protect them from dirt and fogging. You can buy glycerin at the pharmacy.

As you have probably already noticed, the main ingredient is almost always vinegar; it is this that allows you to create excellent cleaning compositions with your own hands from the most unusual ingredients. For example, from tea: one cup of strong, infused tea and three tablespoons of vinegar together make a good window cleaner. Just don’t forget to rinse the windows with clean water after drinking tea.

The above recipes can be used not only for washing windows; you can use them to work with glass, dishes, tiles, plastic, and iron.

At the same time, you will be absolutely sure that you are using natural detergent compositions. We will not write about saving money, since these recipes involve a variety of components, which are also sold in stores and pharmacies.

Try testing any recipe in practice at your leisure if you are interested in creating cleaning compositions with your own hands.