How to do makeup on a Barbie doll. How to make doll eyes in makeup: features of the “doll style. Makeup for dolls and body blushing

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The desire to imitate beautiful dolls or fairy-tale princesses has haunted many since childhood. Some women strive to demonstrate their weakness, others strive to be like beautiful doll. It is not surprising that replicating makeup like Barbie is the dream of many young girls.

At one time, the Barbie doll became incredibly popular because of its difference from the usual girlish dolls. Professional, neat makeup, fashionable wardrobe, a chiseled figure - was it possible to compare such a beauty with the usual baby dolls?

Features of “doll makeup”

1. The makeup of a Barbie doll with big eyes cannot be called universal - it is not suitable for everyone.

2. Despite its naivety and tenderness, such makeup will not help adult woman appear younger, for the sole reason that an important aspect is the naturalness of the image and the natural freshness of the skin.

3. A real Barbie doll is blonde with blue eyes, but this does not mean that brunettes cannot use Barbie-style makeup. There are a few simple tips that will help create the desired image for girls of any type.

4. Makeup like a Barbie doll involves using a pink palette and pearlescent cosmetics.

5. It is impossible to replicate the look of a Barbie doll unless you master a special technique for applying eye makeup, which should be large and round.

Let's look at Barbie's makeup step by step and try to describe in as much detail as possible all the nuances and subtleties.

How to create a Barbie look for yourself?

Let's start with the makeup base. By definition, the standard female beauty He simply has no right not to get enough sleep, to get tired, or to succumb to the influence of stress. Barbie is always in great shape, fresh, fit. She does not have circles under her eyes, skin rashes, irritations or other problems. How to achieve good color faces if you have to deal with various troubles in everyday life?

Ideally, preparations should begin a few days in advance. If that doesn’t work, then take care of your skin before going to bed: wash your face with a refreshing gel, make a mask or cleanse your skin with a scrub, apply a toner, and then provide nourishment and hydration to your skin using a night cream. Get into the habit of sleeping 8 hours a night and your skin will thank you for it.

In the morning, apply the corrective product to small rashes - this procedure will hide redness and irritation. After this, apply a light foundation: cream fluid or liquid foundation. Finally, lightly powder your face.

Eye makeup like a doll

Eyes are not just a mirror of the soul. Doll eyes - business card Barbie image. If you want to make up your eyes like Barbie, use our tips:

Step 1. White eyeshadow is applied to the upper eyelid. The corner of the eye can be slightly shaded with light green shadows.

Step 2. The classic option for doing Barbie-like makeup at home is to apply pink eyeshadow. Pink eyeshadow is applied over white eyeshadow. The outer corner is shaded with rich crimson shadows and carefully shaded towards the center of the eyelid.

Step 3. The sub-eyebrow area is highlighted with light pink shadows.

Step 4. Using eyeliner, carefully draw arrows along the growth of eyelashes on the upper eyelid. An arrow is drawn on the lower eyelid if the eyes are round (so they will visually appear smaller).

Step 5. Our goal is to get beautiful, thick and fluffy eyelashes. There are two ways. The first is to use false eyelashes. Second: using a special tool, eyelashes are curled and painted with mascara with a volume effect (or lengthening, if the eyelashes are short enough). Before applying mascara, you can lightly powder your eyelashes.

Step 6. Carefully draw the eyebrows using a suitable pencil.

Barbie doll makeup: completing the look effectively

Lastly, apply blush to the middle part of the cheeks and cheekbones. The shade should be soft pink to give freshness to the face and a natural blush. Pink lipstick is applied to the lips. However, lipstick can have a different shade, depending on the type of face, skin and hair color, and overall image.

Barbie makeup for green eyes

Doll makeup for brunette Barbie (photo)

Barbie Makeup (video)

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New Year's makeup
New Years is soon. On the eve of the holiday, every girl thinks about choosing an outfit, hairstyle and, of course, festive makeup. In New Year's makeup, the emphasis should be on the eyes. The color of the shadows should be bright and extravagant, but at the same time you should not turn into a multi-colored Christmas tree. We offer you several step-by-step photo tutorials on how to apply beautiful New Year's makeup taking into account the color of your eyes.
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Makeup for gray eyes
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Lip makeup
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As a rule, girls with brown eyes dark hair And thick eyelashes, although there are also blondes with brown eyes. We will help highlight the beauty of your eyes, regardless of hair color, using makeup. From the very beginning, we will determine which color scheme is suitable for brown eyed girls. This will help you combine colors correctly and perform makeup correctly.

Makeup for doll eyes, despite all the controversy and ambiguity, is loved by many representatives of the fair sex. Do makeup in the style of doll eyes at least once, make sure that such a transformation will turn you from an ordinary girl into a real glamorous beauty.

If you are interested in makeup techniques that can be used to create doll-like eyes, give this article some of your attention. Many beautiful girls want to have big eyes, not everyone is given them by nature, but adjusting what is available is quite simple.

Plump lips, expressive eyes, graceful silhouette- this is the embodiment of girlish beauty. The Barbie doll has become the personification of impeccable style for many girls who played with it in childhood. Now many fashionistas do not hide their love for this fatal beauty, but try to be like her in everything.

  • Let's start with the face

In order to make your face look like a lovely doll, we will need various cosmetics. The main thing is that the skin must be perfect. If there is the slightest redness, pimples, dark circles under the eyes or other troubles on your face, you need to disguise them as thoroughly as possible. For this we need concealer, powder and foundation, for example. The best remedy In this line there will be a BB cream known to every fashionista. It will simultaneously moisturize and disguise minor imperfections. Plus, thanks to its light texture, it will prevent your face from looking too artificial.

If your facial skin is prone to oiliness, be sure to powder your face, thereby giving it a matte velvety finish.

Your appearance must be impeccable, we have already understood this, and therefore, the next step we will draw the eyebrows in the most careful manner, with special care. There should absolutely be no protruding extra hairs. Choose a pencil whose color is slightly richer than your natural hair shade. You can also use shadows for this purpose.

  • Let's get to the eyes

Now take a pencil white, it is important that its shaft is soft enough. Swipe inside lower eyelid - do you see that your eyes seem to have opened even wider? Using the same pencil, highlight the lash line of the upper eyelid. Whiten the inner corner of your eye. You can see in more detail how to do makeup using the doll's eye technique in the video provided.

Now it's time to apply the shadows. Choose your own makeup tone for daytime makeup The most appropriate shades will be peach and pink. If you have an evening out, don’t be afraid to use more saturated shades of turquoise, sky blue, and cyclamen colors for makeup using the doll eyes technique.

It's time to tell you not only how to do doll eye makeup, but also discover little tricks. For example, when it's time to dye your eyelashes, apply alternate layers of lengthening and volumizing mascara. Thus, you will be able to achieve the effect of fluffy, luxurious eyelashes, from under which your lovely doll eyes will look at the world. We all remember from childhood what lush, coquettishly curved eyelashes decorate a doll’s face. If there is not enough natural curl, use a special eyelash curler.

  • We use lenses

IMPORTANT: If you want to achieve a greater effect, use colored lenses. Their choice is huge, the colors are absolutely stunning - let your eyes acquire a surprisingly blue, lilac, or even turquoise color. Plus, the lenses are usually larger than your natural iris, meaning your eyes will look staggeringly large. But, you need to put on the lenses before you start applying makeup. Otherwise, you risk getting an infection in your eyes.

  • Final stage

Look at the photos of girls whose faces have doll-like eye makeup applied, do you feel like you are missing something to complete the look? That's right, the time has come. Blush in pink and peach shades will help us achieve a childlike, delicate blush. Apply them with a wide soft brush to the prominent cheekbones, lightly touching the middle of the cheek.

Makeup for big doll eyes requires the presence of a juicy, plump mouth on the face. Apply a special moisturizing balm to your lips and lightly powder.

The next step is to give the desired contour to the lips; for this we will need a pencil matched to the tone of the lipstick. The best option is shades of pink and berry lipstick. If you lack volume, use lip gloss. But remember that in this makeup technique the emphasis is on the eyes, do not overdo it with the brightness of the lips.

We told you all about the Barbie Look makeup technique. We hope that our tips will help you become even more beautiful, carefree and playful. All that remains is to choose the appropriate light dress and pin a flirty bow to your hair.

It often happens that when doing eye makeup, girls want to enlarge them in this way. In this master class we will look at one of the options on how to do this simply and without special skills.

  • To create makeup you will need:
  • brown shadows;
  • basic shadows;
  • light shadows;
  • mascara;
  • false eyelashes;
  • kajal is a light shade, but not white;

black wax watercolor for makeup or eyeliner. Pre-prepare your skin for applying makeup. Wipe it with toner, apply base, hide dark circles

and other imperfections and only then apply foundation. Apply the rest of the foundation on the brush over your eyelid and set with powder. When shaping your eyebrows, make clear boundaries. This effect can be achieved by lining the contour with a tonal foundation. This eye makeup is provided as an example and may be suitable for a stage look or makeup for a theme party

, such as Halloween. Based on the following recommendations, you can use them for everyday makeup. When creating doll eye makeup, our main task is to expand the boundaries of the upper and lower eyelash rows. First we will draw fold zone. This detail at the bottom will represent a straight line and repeat the curve of the upper eyelash row, and at the top will repeat the curve of the eyebrow. We extinguish this detail towards the temple. Due to the fact that we made this part flat from below and did not succumb to the bending of the fold, the eye will already become visually wider.

Now fill the moving eyelid with a light shade of eyeshadow. To do this, it is better to take a wide flat brush and drive in the shadows with slapping movements. Apply shadows close to the line of the brown part. Using the same shadows we apply the area under the eyebrow.

Let's highlight the mucous membrane of the eye with kajal, painting very well the eyelash row and a few more millimeters down underneath it. Just don’t take a white pencil for this purpose, as it will only highlight any imperfections if you have inflammation or redness in your eyes. A milky shade will make your makeup more natural.

Draw the upper eyelash row with eyeliner to expand it. Due to this, the look will become more open. First, you can draw a thin arrow, and then see what you end up with and paint on it.

The end of the arrow will follow the curve of the lower eyelid and end together with the end of the upper part.

Now you need to draw the lower eyelid with the same eyeliner. This will be a new eyelash row. We step back a few millimeters from the corner of the eye and move the brush under the eyelashes. We repeat exactly the curve of your real lower eyelid. Only from the middle of the eye do we slightly increase the distance between the eyelid and the arrow. Leave the tail sharp.

Using a brush with eyeliner, draw eyelashes on the simulated lower eyelid. They can be made triangular shape or more subtle, drawing with strokes. The main thing is that towards the inner corner of the eye they will decrease in length.

We paint our eyelashes very thickly along the upper eyelid. We paint the lower eyelashes only from the place where the drawn black border begins. That is, the roots of the eyelashes will be highlighted.

Doll makeup incredibly popular due to the fact that it is created simply, but looks impressive, emphasizing its advantages.

This is a great solution for a costume party or photo shoot in a bright way. But there are details that are important to know in order to create the perfect doll look.

Basic principles

The toy beauty has a smooth and beautiful skin, so the image begins with skin care. Have to spend about 50% of the time on this step, spent on all makeup.

There are two types:

  • doll Barbie;
  • porcelain doll.

Barbie is brighter, sexier and livelier - a real vamp. This look will suit both young and older girls. Barbie's skin can be any color, even tan. That's why it's easier to imitate.

Porcelain beauty, on the contrary, cute and unusual. This image is best chosen by very young and young representatives of the fair sex. The main role in it is played by the skin, which should be “porcelain” - perfectly clean, smooth and light.

Doll makeup always implies big eyes with lush long eyelashes, a neat nose, prominent cheekbones and luscious lips in all shades of red or pink.

However, You can choose any palette, but do not forget that dolls usually “adore” these particular colors.

What will you need at home?

To create the right doll makeup on one's own, prepare the following items:

  • cleansing milk;
  • moisturizing cream;
  • and concealer;
  • Foundation;
  • loose powder;
  • pencils for eyebrows and lips;
  • brush and eyelash curler, mascara;
  • light blush;
  • lipstick and lip gloss;
  • white and black pencils, as well as eyeliner.

Cosmetics must be of high quality and fresh. If desired, you can add lenses, a wig, false eyelashes and nails to the list.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from the company Mulsan Сosmetic - a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Skin preparation

Before any serious makeup application, the skin should be prepared. For this you need to take several serious steps:

  1. Cleanse your face with special milk.
  2. Apply a moisturizer with a delicate texture.
  3. Conceal imperfections (pimples, blackheads, blemishes, circles under the eyes) with corrector and concealer.
  4. Use foundation as a base. Choose the color depending on the image. An ivory or porcelain shade would be ideal.
  5. Finish prepping your skin by applying a light, loose powder with reflective particles.

Experts advise preparing your skin to look like a doll in advance, at least 3-4 days in advance.

You need to apply a cleansing scrub to your face 2-3 times before, a nourishing mask 1-2 times and apply daily suitable cream, as well as eliminate emerging inflammation.

Step-by-step instruction

To do a doll's makeup, you will have to spend 20-60 minutes, depending on your level of makeup skill, the quality of cosmetics and an accurate understanding of the desired result. If image selected, and all that remains is to “redraw” it, then things will go twice as fast.

Creating a doll image consists of the following stages:

  1. Brows. They are tinted with strokes along the growth line with a pencil, which color scheme as close as possible to the hair shade. Eyebrows should look neat and natural.
  2. Eyes. To make them appear expressive and large, you can tint the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a white pencil, and dark on top of the eyelash growth. Bright arrows created with eyeliner will add a sexy look.
  3. An important point is the shadows. Choose any color and apply it as you wish, even to the level of the eyebrows, like some Barbies.

  4. Eyelashes. They are combed with a brush and curled with curling irons, then at least 2-3 layers of mascara are applied, both on the top and bottom rows. You can afford unusual colors: blue, green, brown, purple.
  5. Cheeks. They are covered with light-colored blush. Suitable for ladies with a winter or summer type of appearance pink colors, and for girls with spring or summer type - warm peach shades. A darker tone applied underneath will help highlight your cheekbones.
  6. Nose. It is made neat by using a dark foundation applied to the tip and nostrils, as well as a light foundation applied to the “back” of the nose.
  7. Lips. They can be either bright scarlet or natural colors, but not too pale. It is important that they look juicy and plump.
    This effect can be achieved by drawing a contour with a pencil that slightly extends beyond the actual lines of the lips. Afterwards, paint your lips. matte lipstick, and on top with a glossy shine.

Errors in image creation

The doll image is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. While creating it, some make mistakes that become fatal and spoil the entire “construction”.

First of all, this concerns the skin. An abundance of pimples peeking out through a thick layer of powder - an annoying misunderstanding that can no longer be corrected.

Toy skin is perfect, and if you don't have the ability to match, It's better not to take risks. Incorrectly chosen shades of foundation and/or powder no less spoil the overall picture.

The doll can be anything, but you should be careful with your imagination. A toy that is too dark will only do.

Yes and There are very few overly “decorated” dolls. Usually they look natural, without blue eye shadow, a giant layer of powder and unbearably bright scarlet lipstick.

When applying shadows It’s worth using a simple technique. Shadows are applied to the lash line dark shades, and on the moving eyelid - warm colors. Pearlescent light shadows on the inner corners of the eyes visually enlarge them.

It is advisable to wear false eyelashes. They will save you from unnecessary hassle and make your makeup as close as possible to that of a doll. And the blush can be applied in the form of circles, emphasizing the cheekbones, like a doll.

You can learn how to do the Snow Maiden’s makeup with your own hands from ours.

What clothes and hairstyle to combine with?

Image of a doll on New Year- photo:

The doll's image consists of more than just makeup. For it to be complete, it is important to create the right hairstyle and dress in appropriate clothes. Will fit bright feminine outfits with ruffles, ribbons and sparkles.

For hairstyles, long straight hair with thick straight bangs or curly curls would be appropriate. middle length. Can be worn "doll" wig non-standard color.

Among the accessories, you should give preference to headbands, bows, hairpins, a hat, a basket, an umbrella, a small lacquered handbag or a clutch with rhinestones.

A doll will be an excellent solution if you need something that is not too extreme, but memorable and bright image. It’s better to ask an experienced makeup artist for help, but you can also turn into the famous Barbie or porcelain beauty on your own.

How to do doll makeup step by step for the New Year, you can find out from the video:

Barbie doll is the embodiment of the ideal: in makeup, hair styling, figure and wardrobe. Who doesn't want to be a superwoman who succeeds in everything? We are convinced that beauty begins with the details, so in this article we will reveal the important secrets of how to make a doll’s makeup flawlessly.

Shine, surprise, inspire: three rules of makeup

As children, we enjoyed experimenting and knew how to make it even better by adding oriental arrows or breathtakingly long eyelashes. Now we decorate ourselves and don’t go out without preparing. Who else but a true lady knows that makeup creates the mood for the whole day. If you want to be a light and playful coquette, ask Barbie for advice. A girl in this style is distinguished by:

  • refined taste;
  • good manners;
  • and most importantly - a sense of proportion.

The last rule is especially important to ensure that the doll’s makeup looks harmonious and not defiantly unnatural. In order for your skin to shine as if made of porcelain and have a velvety matte finish, special attention should be paid to the textures you use.

To prevent makeup from “running away” (this is true for all skin types in the summer), use mineral powder that matches the tone of your face and neck. It will provide gentle skin care, eliminating oily shine and allowing it to breathe.

Fans of the American diva are willing to arm themselves with the following life hack: dense, opaque blush textures, foundation, powders and other cosmetics can be excellent helpers in masking imperfections, but the joy from this will last literally one evening. The use of such beauty tools sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences: pore contamination and redness. It can also cause your skin to look unhealthy overall.

Real Barbiegirls carefully watch their appearance, so carefully read the ingredients on the back of the miracle jars and palettes. They know that cosmetics that combine decorative and care properties are an excellent option for creating a unique image and improving facial health. That is why you should give preference to mineral products, because they will not only help you transform, but will also provide the necessary level of protection from environmental influences.

Childhood friend: main accents in make-up

You don’t have to become little again to remember the pretty face of your favorite doll, because now even Hollywood stars are trying to imitate doll eye makeup. A whole group of makeup artists work on the perfect shading and glossy black wings to create the same open, clear look as a miniature style icon.

Barbie-style makeup involves several accents. The face of this hand-made fashionista is very well contoured: a neat nose, clear prominent cheekbones, juicy, barely shiny lips and, of course, eyelids shimmering in various shades. Many people are interested in how to do doll eye makeup, but we will answer that you need to highlight not only them, you also need to try to do the main makeup in the same style.

So, let's tell you in order:

  • Nose. A boldly upturned, small nose is the calling card of a girl living in the “pink world.” If you need to make minor adjustments to achieve the desired effect, then use a natural shimmer primer or highlighter (light accent) and bronzer or dark powder in a contouring palette. Remember: we cover the area that we want to reduce with dark. So, bronzer should be applied in two parallel lines to the left and right of the bridge of the nose. We highlight the very contour of the bridge of the nose with a silver highlighter.
  • Cheekbones. If you're wondering how to do Barbie makeup quickly, our advice is simple: focus on the cheeks. Raspberry or pink blush will give your face a youthful, rested look. Best Application will provide a product with a creamy and gel texture, it allows for natural shading and creates the impression of a natural blush. You will get the same soft cheeks if you apply silk crumbly blush. The effect will be so organic, as if you were embarrassed by a sudden kiss. A highlighter that has a light tint in the color of blush will help make your cheekbones more prominent. Using a wide soft brush, apply some light particles to the bone under the eye, creating a kind of light highlight. For these purposes, it is best to use mineral products, because they are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin and do not create a mask effect, which does not allow you to turn your doll look into a carnival one.
  • Lips. There is no need for careful contour drawing or dense matte shades. Once you look at the doll makeup in the photo, you will immediately understand that it is about romance, tenderness and lightness. You can even use clear glitter to create a natural dewy look or highlight that reflects the sun.
  • Eyes. To draw doll eyes, you should set aside plenty of time for it. Since this option for drawing eyelids is quite exotic, many beauty bloggers cannot ignore it and film how to do doll makeup on video. The emphasis here is not only on the eyelid, but also on the length of the eyelashes. Undoubtedly, Barbie's innocent look gained its popularity due to its wide-open expressive eyes. You can find out how to achieve this effect.

Compliment from Ken: step-by-step instructions for makeup like a Barbie doll

Almost every cosmetic procedure starts with cleansing your face. This make-up does not exclude this stage; on the contrary, it becomes almost of paramount importance, since the skin should simply radiate purity and freshness. This important advice in how to make a Barbie doll's makeup the most realistic and festive.

So that not a single subtlety escapes you, we will tell you how to do puppet face and eyes in makeup, and we will also show many photo examples.


Of course, in the image of a successful diva, the main emphasis is on big eyes like a doll. But this is practically the final stage.

  • We'll start by thoroughly cleansing the skin. If you have a lot of time, for example, you have a whole day to prepare for a holiday, then treat yourself to a spa hour. We will talk about getting rid of blackheads.
  • Make it hot steam bath and breathe over it. You need to prepare a hot fruit and herbal decoction. For oily skin put lime slices and mint leaves into boiling water, for dry water - rosemary sprigs and orange slices along with zest, let simmer a little.
  • Then take a thick blanket, throw it over your head and sit in such a house over the bath for about 15 minutes. Don’t get burned!

This life hack will get rid of spots and calm your skin. He's like a doll, neither in the photo nor in real life does not tolerate annoying flaws such as pimples or inflammation. Of course, they can be corrected with cosmetics, but in combination with such a simple procedure the effect will be simply amazing.

Tone on tone

Oddly enough, to make it look like in the photo, you should choose a foundation that is not tone on tone, but slightly lighter than your skin, this will enhance the effect of your fragility and unreality. Before applying the product, thoroughly moisturize your skin and give yourself a facial massage, it will improve blood circulation and relieve puffiness under the eyes. Let the nourishing milk absorb. Then apply a mineral primer and correct minor imperfections with a corrector. Funds based natural ingredients, such as minerals, will make your face even, smooth, matte, give your skin a natural tone, and they are also very easy to apply and shade.


The face needs to be given some relief. Fashionistas are familiar with the fascinating game of light and dark - where we want to create a hollow effect or emphasize the contour, that is, to make it more voluminous, we apply bronzer, where we want to highlight an area, we use highlighter. They will help you master the art of doll makeup step by step photos lessons.

Eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows

By meeting a person's gaze, you can understand a lot about him and even fall in love with him. The latter will inevitably happen to beauties who know how to make doll eyes with makeup. If you remember the face of our irreplaceable childhood friend, you can immediately note that she had perfect eyebrows. It's not difficult to figure out how to do it. But we will still share with you several irreplaceable life hacks:

  • To create the perfect contour, your eyebrows need to be thinned. Not everyone will accept this procedure with enthusiasm; to reduce pain, carefully massage the brow ridges until slightly red. This means that blood has rushed to the eyelid area, and it will be easier to pluck out hairs.
  • Choose a brow pencil that's a little darker and a brow shadow that's a little lighter. Blend the light components along the length of the eyebrow and with a dark pencil try to carefully depict individual hairs.
  • To others bright accent are eyelashes. Black, long, curled up - they fascinate like the flight of a butterfly, you want to look at them without stopping. Choose a mascara that adds volume and length.

Then let's move on directly to drawing the eyelids. We do Barbie doll makeup step by step to look perfect both in the photo and in reality.

  • Apply light shimmering base shadows to the entire moving eyelid.
  • To make the eyes larger, you need to highlight the orbital fold. Feel the bone under the eyebrow and apply a lilac or pink shade using arching movements.
  • Draw the eyelash contour with a white pencil, this will open up your eyes even more. Draw the line as close to the mucous membrane as possible, this is important, since the main outline will be made in a different color.
  • Let's move on to the arrow. It should be glossy and juicy, carefully draw the space between the eyelashes, and then combine it all into a voluminous arrow.
  • Apply white or pearlescent shadows just under the eyebrow.

Doll-like eyes with makeup look especially attractive on girls with dark curls, but this does not mean that golden-haired beauties should not experiment with style.


The desire to be a doll is not subject to age. You can experiment endlessly with this kind of makeup. Add your signature accents and make your makeup your personal calling card.