How to forget a bad dream. Why do we have scary dreams? Decoding from a modern universal dream book

It often happens that it is sleep that sets our mood for the whole day. So, if we dream about something very pleasant and kind, then we will be in a wonderful mood all day. But scary dreams often not only prevent us from getting enough sleep, but also spoil our mood and kill all desire to do anything.

Here are some tips on how to forget a bad dream and live the next day without any doubts or worries.

Remember that dreams are not real. Bad dreams appear in our subconscious not because they show us the outcome of our actions and words, but because the day before you were simply worried about something, or watched a horror movie before going to bed, or simply felt bad. Even poor nutrition can be a source of poor sleep.

So, if something unpleasant happens in a dream, this does not mean at all that it will definitely happen. Just remember this.

Breathe deeply and slowly. Calm down and just relax. Don't worry about anything. Think about those things that will distract you from the bad and cheer you up. Remember the pleasant moments of your life, some oddities from life, or even from a movie. This will help you not only calm down after an unpleasant dream, but even forget it. Just don’t be lazy to remember pleasant things.

If you still can’t come to your senses after a bad dream, then come up with something to do. Take a shower, talk to your family, clean the house. If you are busy all the time, then you will not have time to replay in your head what you saw in your dream. You may be too lazy to start doing business right after sleep. But take it as a game or a morning workout, which is also good for your health.

Pour out your feelings. Share your dream with other people. When you speak, all negative emotions spill out and your soul becomes lighter. So admitting your fear is also very useful. If you are ashamed to tell such things to strangers, then just call your family and ask them to listen for a minute. They definitely won’t refuse you and won’t laugh at you.

Every time before going to bed, think about good things. Let go of all the bad things during the day, and before going to bed it’s better to dream about the beautiful. Also try not to quarrel with anyone, watch sad films or read about troubles.

During the day, try to visit more fresh air and do more physical exercise. After such moments, sleep comes faster, and in the morning you will feel cheerful and full of strength and energy.

If you have been tormented by such dreams for a long time, then perhaps you have emotional problems. If you yourself are not able to understand them, then you should not be shy and go to a specialist.

If you have pets, then you should try falling asleep with them. Pets relieve stress, and the warmth of their bodies helps us quickly relax, warm up and fall asleep.

If you are simply afraid of the dark, then you should try sleeping with a light on. And you don't have to include everything. Nowadays there are a huge number of different lamps in stores with different light brightnesses. just choose a more pleasant one.

Every person in his life has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as nightmares. They appear to absolutely all people, but with different frequencies. Sometimes a terrible dream comes after a hard day of work and a night's rest does not bring any relief, the morning comes gloomy and sleepy. In most cases, after normalization of mood, body condition and “ situations at work“Bad dreams recede, and a person can get enough sleep and rest.

However, sometimes they haunt a person every night, leaving an unpleasant aftertaste and spoiling the mood for the whole day.

These visions also torment small children, which gives them and their mothers a lot of worries.

Therefore, many researchers and scientists are busy searching for an answer to the question of why people have terrible dreams.

What it is?

Dreams are one of the most mysterious and unknown areas of our psyche. Both scientists and ordinary people who regularly encounter this phenomenon are trying to figure out why and why we have terrible dreams.

All the nightmares that come to us in different periods Life is usually divided into night terrors and nightmares, between which there are several differences, namely:

  • Nightmares come to people in the REM sleep phase, have a rather complex, sometimes even confusing, plot and can resemble an entire “movie”. Waking up after such a dream, a person remembers little, mostly some unrelated passages pop up in his memory. However, feelings of indescribable fear, depression and horror remain for a long time. It is after such night visions that people wake up in a “cold sweat”, with a rapid heartbeat and screaming (since in this state there is a powerful release of adrenaline);
  • Night terrors are dreams that visit a person in the deep phase of night rest, most often about 2 hours after falling asleep. Such “films” do not last long - about two to three minutes and have a simple plot. However, night terrors can scare a person no less than “ full-length horror story».

Particularly sensitive people can remain impressed all day by what they saw in a dream, which negatively affects their concentration and performance.

Who sees them most often?

The reasons why night terrors come to us have not yet been fully established, but scientists continue to study this phenomenon. It is only known that people have bad and disturbing dreams much more often during a psychological crisis.

The main reasons for the appearance of nightly “horror films” may be:

  1. constant stress at work, which is transferred to the home environment;
  2. chronic fatigue (both physical and moral);
  3. state of depression.

People who face severe nervous and psychological stress are more susceptible to such bad dreams than others. It happens that such people have been haunted by the same “night movie” for many years.

It has long been proven that the technique can become a catalyst for the appearance of nightmares. medicines and excessive “love” for alcoholic drinks and fatty foods.

Unfortunately, young children also have terrible dreams and are very afraid of this. Why can a child have scary dreams, because he doesn’t have any major stress or troubles at work yet?

Scary dreams in children are the result of increased emotionality and impressionability, as well as the inability to perceive a large amount of information that continues to be “digested” by the brain at night. Therefore, in young children, night fears and nightmares are directly related to what exactly the child saw during the day and what he was most worried about during the day. Lately.

What to do and how to fight?

All those who are prone to nightmares are interested in the question of what to do if they constantly have terrible dreams, because they interfere with proper rest at night and work during the day. How to get rid of bad dreams?

Of course, the best way to get rid of nightmares and fears is to seek help from a professional psychologist.

A child who is tormented by terrible dreams especially needs such help. A psychologist will help you determine what is causing them and tell you how to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

According to psychologists, nightmares come to us to indicate any problems that exist in our lives and require immediate solutions.

If we do not understand what a dream means, why it comes and how we need to act further, we do nothing, it will repeat again and again, persistently reminding us of existing problem. And only after the problem is found and fixed can the nightmares be eliminated.

If it was not possible to prevent the recurrence of a nightmare, do not despair and stop searching for the reasons for its appearance. And experts who have already had a dream recommend forgetting it and never remembering it. How to quickly forget a bad dream and cheer yourself up?

  • Learn to control your dreams. You need to try to cope with the situation - escape from pursuit, defeat the enemy, catch the train, etc.;
  • Immediately after waking up and realizing that the nightmare has “come” again, say the following phrase: “ Where the night goes, the dream goes" This will help to distinguish between night and morning and leave all worries and fears in a dream;
  • « Change your dream“- having seen a nightmare, immediately after waking up, tell others about it and free yourself from memories and the need to discuss it with yourself, which will lead to absolutely nothing except even greater confusion;
  • Try to restore the events of the nightmare in reality, reconstruct at least part of them and make sure that there is actually nothing terrible in them.

The above manipulations will help reduce the impact of scary dreams on your mood, but they cannot prevent their reappearance. Therefore, you should not stop searching for the causes of these nightmares.

Every person in his life has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as nightmares. They definitely happen to every person, but with different frequencies. Sometimes a terrible dream comes after a hard day of work and a night's rest does not bring any simplification, the morning comes gloomy and sleepy. In most cases, after normalization of mood, body condition and “work environment”, bad dreams recede, and the person can get enough sleep and rest.

However, occasionally they haunt a person every night, leave an unpleasant aftertaste and spoil the well-being for every day.

These visions also torment small children, which gives them and their mothers a lot of worries.

Therefore, many researchers and scientists are busy searching for a solution to the question of why people have terrible dreams.

What it is?

Dreams are one of the most mysterious and unknown areas of our psyche. Both scientists and ordinary people who regularly encounter this phenomenon are trying to find out why and why we have terrible dreams.

All nightmares that come to us at different periods of life are usually divided into night terrors and nightmares, between which there are several differences, namely:

  • Nightmares come to people in the REM sleep phase, have a rather difficult, sometimes even confusing, plot and can resemble a whole “movie”. Waking up after such a dream, a person remembers little, mostly some unrelated passages emerge in his memory. However, feelings of indescribable horror, depression and horror remain for a long time. It is after such night visions that people wake up in a “cold sweat”, with a rapid heartbeat and screaming (since in this state there is a strong release of adrenaline);
  • Night terrors are dreams that visit a person in the deep phase of night rest, most often approximately 2 hours after falling asleep. Such “films” do not last long - about 2-3 minutes and have a simple plot. However, night terrors can scare a person no less than a “full-length horror story.”

Especially emotional people can remain under the sensation of what they saw in a dream every day, which negatively affects concentration and performance.

Who sees them more often than everyone else?

The reasons why night terrors come to us have not yet been fully established, but scientists continue to comprehend this phenomenon. We only know that people have crappy and disturbing dreams much more often during psychological collapse.

The main reasons for the origin of nighttime “horror films” may be:

  • constant stress at work, which is transferred to the home environment;
  • chronic fatigue (both physical and moral);
  • state of depression.

People who face severe nervous and psychological stress are more susceptible to such bad dreams than others. It happens that such people have been haunted by the same “night movie” for many years.

It has long been confirmed that taking medications and excessive “love” for alcoholic drinks and fatty foods can become a catalyst for the occurrence of nightmares.

Unfortunately, young children also have terrible dreams and are very frightened by this. Why can a child have terrible dreams and yet not have any major stress or troubles at work?

Scary dreams in children are the result of increased emotionality and impressionability, as well as the inability to perceive a large amount of information that continues to be “digested” by the brain at night. Consequently, in young children, night fears and nightmares are directly related to what exactly the child saw during the day and what he has been worried about more than anyone else lately.

What to do and how to fight?

All those who are prone to nightmares are concerned about the question of what to do if they constantly have terrible dreams, because they interfere with proper rest at night and work during the day. How to get rid of terrible dreams?

Of course, the most the best method Getting rid of nightmares and fears is to seek help from a professional psychologist.

Such help is especially needed for a child who is tormented by terrible dreams. A psychologist will help you determine what is causing them and tell you how to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

According to psychologists, nightmares come to us in order to point out some problems that exist in our lives and require immediate solutions.

If we do not understand what the dream means, why it comes and what we need to do next, we do nothing, it will be repeated again and again, persistently reminding us of the problem that is present. And only after the problem has been discovered and eliminated will it be possible to get rid of the nightmares.

If you were unable to prevent the nightmare from reoccurring, you should not despair and stop searching for the reasons for its origin. And experts who have already had a dream recommend forgetting it and never remembering it. How to quickly forget a terrible dream and improve your well-being?

  • Learn to control your dreams. It is necessary to try to cope with the situation - to escape from pursuit, overcome the enemy, catch the train, etc.;
  • Immediately after waking up and realizing that the nightmare has “come” again, say the following phrase: “Where the night goes, the dream goes.” This will help to distinguish between night and morning and leave all worries and fears in a dream;
  • “Change the dream” - having seen a nightmare, immediately after waking up, tell others about it and free yourself from memories and the need to discuss it with yourself, which will lead to absolutely nothing except even greater confusion;
  • Try to restore the events of the nightmare in reality, reconstruct some of them, and make sure that there is actually nothing terrible in them.

The above manipulations will help reduce the power of terrible dreams on your well-being, however, they cannot prevent their reoccurrence. Therefore, you should not stop searching for the reasons for the appearance of these nightmares.

Remember that night rest is the basis of the typical life activity of the human body, without it it is impossible to work fully, enjoy, communicate with family and friends.

In order for your night's rest to become more peaceful and not include disturbing dreams, you need to carefully prepare for it: ventilate the room, remove all unnecessary objects that should not be in the bedroom, take a warm shower, read a cool book or listen to peaceful music.

Sleep allows us to rest. All people see dreams. However, not every night you can dream about something. If a person is very tired, then he will fall asleep very deeply, and it is unlikely that he will have a dream. But those who are very worried and alarmed, or are intensely thinking about something, will definitely see a continuation of their thoughts. ;Many scientists believe that a dream is a reflection of human reality. In a dream you can see what you are thinking about or what has impressed you. A dream can reflect memories and past events, as well as a person’s dreams. But dreams are not always good. It could also be a nightmare. That’s when a person thinks about how to forget a dream.

Some people forget their dreams as soon as they wake up. Some after a couple of hours. However, there are also people who remember almost all their dreams recently, and dreams that are hard to forget, they remain so strongly in the memory. The best way forgetting such a dream means being distracted by something very important. ;Then there will simply be no time or opportunity to be distracted by him. If, on the contrary, you deliberately try not to think about this dream, then, surprisingly, this will lead to a completely opposite result. You just need to switch your attention to a completely different object. Many people often think about how to solve a dream. Such people believe that dreams show the future and that they have a huge impact on a person's life. In their dreams, they often try to find a solution to some problem or a hint on what to do in the current situation. For such people, it was precisely some enterprising people who compiled dream books. ;Dream book is a special book in which different elements of a dream are given a designation of what they can mean and how they affect a person. A person who wants to unravel his dream should highlight the key elements in his dream, what played the most important role in it important role, and read in the dream book what they mean.

How to fight sleep if you can’t sleep? There's an important event coming up and there's no time to sleep. And it makes me fall asleep... The best remedy In order to cheer up, coffee is considered. However, you can’t drink a lot of it, and it doesn’t last as long as you would like. ;Therefore, you should not count on the fact that coffee will be able to delay the moment of sleep for a long time and give you vigor. Much more effective means there will be a cold shower or a short walk in the fresh air. They will just give a boost of energy and allow the body to wake up.

Many people want to learn how to control their sleep. No matter how surprising it may be, it is real. When a person dreams, his brain is working, which means his thoughts can be controlled. Sometimes, in order to dream what you want, it’s enough to think about it before going to bed. ;But don’t just think, but give yourself some tension, some adrenaline. After all, it has long been proven that when a person worries about something, he then dreams about it.

Scary dreams are very realistic and sometimes bring anxiety into a person’s life, which he cannot get rid of for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to try to forget the dream, then the anxiety will go away. However, sometimes this can be difficult to do. We offer you several effective ways forget an unpleasant dream.

  1. If you have a nightmare, the first thing you need to realize is that it was just a dream. It has nothing to do with reality. It is also important to remember that dreams are generated by the brain, and your thoughts are your food. Perhaps you fooled yourself, and your subconscious distorted the plot. The dream is unreal, which means it has no power over you. When you understand this, you will be able to calm down and the nightmare will be forgotten.
  2. If you can't forget a nightmare all day, you need to relax. To do this, take a bath with aromatic oils; Try not to think about your dream during the procedure; on the contrary, remember only the good things. As a result, your mood will improve significantly. Before going to bed, you should drink chamomile tea. Rest assured, after this you will have a pleasant dream, and you will forget about the nightmare in a few days.
  3. You can also try to mentally “drown” the plot of the dream in a barrel of sulfuric acid: imagine how the nightmare dissolves and forget about it. Usually, a few hours after such manipulation of consciousness, a person no longer returns to the dream in his thoughts.

Magic actions

To forget a dream, immediately after waking up, you need to write the plot of your dream on a piece of paper, burn it, and wash off the ashes with water. Many claim that thanks to such manipulation a person forgets about the nightmare, and it never comes true. But here it is important to firmly believe that the dream burned out and its ashes were carried away by water.

In addition, you can perform a ritual with a candle. Need to light a candle white and look at it for 15 minutes, imagining how the nightmare burns out and nothing remains of it. In the morning you will forget your bad dream.