What benefits are available to old-age pensioners? Social assistance from the state. What benefits are available to pensioners: everyone should know Personal income tax benefits for working pensioners

Citizens recognized as needy, military pensioners and other privileged categories of persons apply for a subsidy to pay utilities. When organizing a major renovation of an apartment building where such a citizen lives, he will be reimbursed half of the amount spent. If a pensioner has the title of Hero of the USSR or Russia, the amount of compensation is 100% .

The possibility of receiving a subsidy is regulated. At the same time, the right to use these social support measures for each category of citizens is determined by its own law or order. For example, . The procedure for providing benefits and the list of required documentation is set out in .

The amount of the benefit is calculated monthly depending on the size and amount of total income. By general rule the amount of compensation is equal to 50% utility costs. According to housing legislation ( Art. 169 Housing Code of the Russian Federation) when organizing major repairs of real estate, the pensioner also receives certain compensation:

  1. Veterans, disabled people, low-income people - 50% .
  2. All citizens over 70 years of age - 50% .
  3. After 80 years - 100% .

For providing of this type benefits, you must contact the regional social protection center or MFC (multifunctional center), Social Insurance Fund or local government. At the place of application, a corresponding application is drawn up, to which the necessary documents are attached.

List of documentation:

  1. Title documents of real estate ownership. In the case of its rental - a social, service or other rental agreement.
  2. Payment papers (receipts and checks) confirming the facts of previous payments for utility bills.
  3. A copy of a document certifying the right to receive social support measures (for example, a veteran’s certificate).
  4. Information about the income of the applicant and his family members.

The required application and documents can be sent by registered mail via mail or via the Internet on the Unified Public Services Portal.

Sanatorium-resort treatment for pensioners

Sanatorium-resort treatment for pensioners is included in medical care individual categories persons, and is financed from the federal budget. In the list of health-improving social benefits:

  • discount when purchasing medicines at retail outlets. Its size is 50% . This right is exercised upon presentation of a prescription from the attending physician. The document is valid for 10 days;
  • to the place of treatment within the region of residence in the direction of the clinic where the pensioner was examined;
  • preferential sanatorium-resort treatment.

Health activities are regulated by relevant by-laws and departmental standards. For example, preferential treatment for WWII veterans is secured by letter. According to the standard, the procedure is provided with a 10% discount from October 1 to April 30.

To obtain a voucher, you must contact the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund or Pension Fund and fill out an application. The application must be accompanied by:

  1. Medical examination documents.
  2. A copy of your passport.
  3. A title document confirming the right to a benefit.

Sometimes there is a practice of reimbursement Money for non-use of a sanatorium-resort voucher. In this case, funds are transferred from the FSS budget.

Medical benefits for pensioners

Medical benefits for retirees consist of preferential and free provision of medicines, preferential right to services and the opportunity to take a health course with a voucher once for one or two years.

Features of provision medicines regulated by government regulations, orders of the Ministry of Health and its individual departments. Eg:

Medical benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 in the field of preferential distribution of medicines are regulated.

Pensioners have the right to preferential prosthetics for missing limbs. This opportunity is provided free of charge for veterans.

You can receive medical benefits directly at the clinic itself upon presentation of the appropriate ID. The discount on medicine is valid in any private or public pharmacies. To apply, you must visit the social security office (this opportunity is provided once every two years if the pensioner is not a veteran).

Transport benefits

Pensioners receive in addition to their basic benefit set of social services(NSU). This includes compensation for travel to public transport. Its value varies depending on the region of residence of the pensioner and is established by local authorities. If the applicant refuses the discounted travel pass, the compensation amount will be included in the amount of the additional pension increase. For example, to a monthly cash payment (MCA).

Certain travel benefits for pensioners operate:

  • (the amount of the discount is set by the carrier company);
  • when traveling by train;
  • for Russian Railways tickets.

Receipt of travel benefits occurs at the time of purchasing the appropriate ticket upon presentation of a pension certificate, which, in turn, is issued at the local social security office.

Tax benefits

Citizens who have reached old age or have certain privileges that allow them to receive material benefits for the rest of their lives also have the right to tax benefits and payment of government fees. for pensioners:

  1. Exemption from income tax.
  2. Cancellation of taxes on real estate and other property registered in the name of a pensioner.
  3. Exemption from transport tax fees for one unit of equipment, capacity no more than 100 hp(valid for most regions of Russia).
  4. Discount on payment of land tax. From 2018, the benefit will apply to plots of no more than 6 acres. The indicated value is subtracted from the total area of ​​the larger plot.
  5. Exemption from the state fee paid when filing a claim with the courts. If the claim concerns property worth more than 1 million rubles– the tax amount is withheld.
  6. The right to a tax deduction when purchasing residential real estate.

Responsibilities of employers


Citizens who have reached old age or have other grounds for receiving a pension are provided with a number of measures social support . What benefits are provided? old age pensioners?

  1. The right to improve living conditions if necessary.
  2. Right to payment housing and communal services in the amount of half their cost.
  3. Reimbursement of expenses for major repairs after 70 years old(age of pensioner) size 50% , after 80 – 100% .
  4. A set of certain social services or payment of monetary compensation for it.
  5. Free and discounted medical care.
  6. Providing health resort vouchers.
  7. Exemption from certain taxes and the use of deductions when calculating the amount of personal income tax.
  8. Additional unpaid labor leave, if the pensioner continues to work.
  9. Preferential dispensing of medicines in a wholesale and retail pharmacy network upon presentation of a pension certificate and a prescription from the attending physician.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding benefits for pensioners

Question: Good afternoon. My name is Antonina Sergeevna. I am 70 years old. I am labor veteran. What are last news O benefits for pensioners in 2018? Will there be a long-awaited indexation of old-age benefits this year?

Answer: Hello, Antonina Sergeevna. Every pensioner should know that benefits are provided in two directions: federal and regional. The list of government concessions has not changed significantly. The list of regional ones is periodically updated depending on the applicant’s place of residence. For example, in Moscow, Having a social card in hand, a labor veteran has the right to use railway transport for free.

As for indexation, according to government officials, the review of payments will be carried out twice during the year - in February and April.

Benefits provided to a pensioner as a separate type of social assistance from the state? What are the grounds, restrictions and features of obtaining these privileges. What legal norms govern legal relations?

Who can receive

The legislation defines many categories of citizens who are entitled to preferential benefits. Among them are persons with pensioner status. However, these are not only citizens of the appropriate age. These include others:
  1. Women aged 55.
  2. Men over 60 years of age.
  3. Persons working in special territorial conditions.
  4. Work duties are performed in a life-threatening environment.
  5. Mother of many children, with more than 5 children.
  6. Parents and legal representatives disabled children.
  7. Special health problems (group 1 vision problems, military trauma).
  8. Work or permanent residence in the Far North or rural areas.
  9. Due to the liquidation of an enterprise, when the person had no more than 2 years left until retirement.
A citizen’s pensioner status is confirmed by an appropriate certificate. By presenting it, the person is provided with different types benefits.

What benefits are available to pensioners?

Today, many pensioners are unaware of their right to a number of preferential benefits. Although in fact there are many of them both at the federal and regional levels. To find out full list, you should contact your local department of social support for the population, because each entity can add to the list of subsidies fixed at the state level. The main benefits are listed below.

For payment of utilities

Unemployed people retirement age, who receives additional social benefits for disability, has the right to apply for a discount of up to 50% on gasification bills.

It is important to know that the house for which benefits are issued must be the citizen’s only place of residence.

Persons who are also heroes, combat veterans, and disabled people are given a discount of up to 50% for housing and communal services. Only three important conditions must be met:

  1. Availability of a pensioner's certificate and the actual basis for its receipt.
  2. Confirmation of ownership of the apartment.
  3. No rent debts.

Transport services

Persons living in the north who have received pensioner status have the right to free travel to their vacation destination. Residents of the Far North can take advantage of this benefit only once every two years.
The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation either independently purchases tickets and gives them to citizens, or compensates for independent purchases.
Pensioners are entitled to a 50% reduction in travel costs. It is also possible to receive compensation for half of the paid fare.

Tax benefits

Many pensioners do not know that they are fully exempt from paying property taxes. The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation continues to send receipts, and citizens also continue to pay for them. This benefit is not activated automatically. To do this, you need to go to the local tax office with your passport and pension certificate.

Property tax is provided only for one type of property. Which one is chosen by the pensioner himself.

The following income of a pensioner is not subject to personal income tax:
  1. State pension for old age or disability.
  2. Financial assistance from a former employer in the amount of up to 4 thousand rubles per year.
  3. Additional payments to pension.
  4. Material funds allocated for a trip to the health complex.
For transport and land taxes, subsidies are established at the regional level. Their availability should be clarified by contacting the local branch of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Medical support

Citizens of retirement age are provided with significant assistance in the field of health care. People over 60 years of age are entitled to a free flu shot once a year. Medical examination is required every three years.
Pensioners who are veterans or disabled people have the right to receive a free trip to a health resort.
Of course, pensioners are given the right to see a doctor without waiting in line. There are also discounts when purchasing medicines, you just need to present your ID.

Privileges for working pensioners

Citizens who have retired due to old age, health or social status have the right to continue working. They are not given preference over other applicants in employment, but discrimination is prohibited. Employees with a pensioner ID enjoy a number of privileges. Rest period:
  1. An additional 14 days are added to the main time, which a person can use at his own discretion.
  2. Disability pensioners by law receive 60 additional days vacation.
Also, employees with pensioner status have the right to take retraining or advanced training courses. The service is provided at the expense of the head of the organization.

Since 2013, pensioners who want to continue working can contact employment authorities with a request to receive a referral to learn a new profession. The service is provided at the expense of the regional budget.

Supplement to pension

This benefit consists of adding funds to the official pension. If the total amount of payments due to a pensioner, below the subsistence level, then the social service makes an additional payment. The value is different in each region.

Other types of social benefits

A number of stores offer discounts for senior citizens at certain times of the day. An important condition is to show your ID.
Targeted financial assistance is offered to unemployed citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations. Persons who are unable to independently provide themselves with means of subsistence.
Then the municipality offers not only material compensation, but also essential products, including clothing and food.

Registration procedure

In order to apply for preferential benefits, you must complete a number of actions:
  1. Studying all possible subsidies offered by the state, as well as the municipal authority in which the pensioner lives. They can be supplemented by the region both by type and quantity of material payments.
  2. Collection of information and documents. You can fill out an application in advance so as not to waste a lot of time in the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Federal Tax Service of Russia. All documents must be current and reliable.
  3. Direct visit to the authorities providing benefits and submission of an application. A pensioner should go either to the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (when applying for social benefits) or to the Federal Tax Service of Russia (when applying for tax breaks).

Required documents

Before you start collecting documents, you need to clarify what information a person must provide to receive benefits. Detailed information should be clarified in the regional department of social support of the population. After all, each municipality sets its own requirements. The main documents include:
  1. Passport.
  2. Pensioner's certificate.
  3. Certificate of residence, as well as information about family composition.
  4. Application for benefits.
  5. A doctor's conclusion on the presence of a degree of disability.
Additional documents include:
  1. Certificate stating that the family is low-income.
  2. Employment history.
  3. Receipts for payment of rent and absence of debts.
Applications are processed within 15 days. The response comes either in the form of approval of the application or in the form of a reasoned refusal.

Can they refuse?

If there are compelling reasons supported by documents, government bodies do not have the right to refuse to provide benefits to a person. The basis for a negative answer may be failure to fulfill important conditions. These may include:
  1. Lack of pensioner status.
  2. Request for tax breaks on several types of property.
  3. Having rent arrears.
  4. The property is owned not by the beneficiary, but by another person.
  5. The cadastral value of the land is over 300 million rubles.
Any refusal to provide subsidies is sent with a reasoned explanation. If a citizen does not agree with the decision made, he can challenge the decision of the authorities within a week.

If a person of retirement age is refused without good reason, he must contact law enforcement agencies.

Thus, persons who have received pensioner status have a number of privileges. The state and municipalities contribute as much as possible to improving the financial situation and lives of citizens.

Legislation Russian Federation an age barrier is provided, upon reaching which citizens become age pensioners. Men in Russia retire at 60, women at 55 ( Article 7 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”).

However, not all citizens who have reached retirement age complete their working career. For one reason or another, a considerable part of pensioners remain working until they reach a critical age - until old age sets in. Also working are representatives of other categories of pensioners, for example, disabled people.

Receipt by a working pensioner at the same time pensions, And wages , does not contradict the regulations of the actual legislation of the Russian Federation. But what legal rights does a retirement age worker have? What benefits does a working pensioner have? Let's talk about this in more detail in the article.

What rights does a working pensioner have?

The rights and obligations of working pensioners in the Russian Federation are regulated Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Russian legislation, there are 3 categories of pensioners:

  • For disability;
  • According to the age;
  • Retired military personnel.

Working pensioners have the right:

  • To provide pension payments without material restrictions in accordance with the regulations of Article 18 of the Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation";
  • To continue working at your own request with appropriate professional suitability;
  • Resign at your own request (Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Get another job (Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Work full time or part time;
  • For annual paid leave for up to 28 days;
  • For vacation at your own expense;
  • For additional tax and social privileges.

There are no significant restrictions for working pensioners. However, there are age restrictions in the following areas:

  • Judicial worker - up to 70 years of age;
  • Rectors, vice-rectors of state and municipal universities - up to 65 years of age;
  • Civil servants - up to 65 years of age.

In all other areas, the employer does not have the right to refuse to hire a citizen, motivating his decision solely by the applicant’s availability of pension benefits.

Is it possible to conclude a fixed-term employment contract?

According to the standards prescribed in paragraph 3 of part 2 of Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, by mutual agreement of the parties with a working pensioner it is permissible to conclude a fixed-term or unlimited employment contract. A fixed-term contract can also be extended for an unlimited period, regardless of the employee’s health or age.

The exceptions are retired military. With persons receiving military pension, a fixed-term employment contract is not concluded. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is permissible to conclude only an open-ended employment contract with retired military personnel.

Is it possible to fire?

Reaching retirement age is not a reason for dismissal of a citizen. The transfer of a working pensioner will be legal based on the identification of professional incompetence through certification or a medical examination.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, dismiss a working pensioner in the following cases:

  • If the term of the employment contract has come to an end;
  • By mutual decision of the employee and the employer;
  • At the personal request of the employee;
  • At the request of the employer (in accordance with the reasons specified in articles, Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • If a working pensioner violates the labor regulations prescribed in the contract;
  • If the employee refused to transfer to the proposed position due to medical regulations;
  • For reasons beyond the control of the employee and employer.

It should be noted that a working pensioner has the legal right to resign by personal decision, without notifying his superiors in advance and without working the 2 weeks required by law.

An article on how to fire a pensioner without his desire according to the law in 2018 is located.

Tax benefits

Along with those who have gone on legal rest, working pensioners can count on the following: tax benefits:

  • When purchasing real estate residential property - deduction from the personal income tax base;
  • Pensions, provision of vouchers to health resorts, issuance of financial assistance the employer is not subject to personal income tax;
  • Exemption from payments for property taxation;
  • Tax privileges and concessions on a regional scale.

Working age or disability pensioners, as well as retired military personnel, can count on a deduction from personal income tax when buying and selling real estate in the amount of:

  • 2 million rubles. — for the purchase of real estate or a plot of land for development;
  • 3 million rubles - for credit manipulations, including mortgage loans;
  • 1 million rubles - for income acquired from the sale of real estate.

Additionally, working pensioners are exempt from transport and land taxes.

Social privileges

Social and medical privileges for working pensioners are determined at the regional level in each individual subject of the Russian Federation. Privileges of this type include the following:

  • Total medical examination, carried out at the expense of the state every 3 years;
  • Vaccination against new strains of Influenza (from 60 years of age);
  • Free travel on public transport;
  • Discounts on utility tariffs;
  • Extraordinary placement of children in kindergartens or schools (for working disability pensioners and retired military personnel).

Information about the regional social benefitsneeds to be clarified at the place of work.

Labor guarantees

According to the standards of the Labor legislation of the Russian Federation, working pensioners are guaranteed the safety of their jobs during vacations and sick leave. Also, age pensioners (primarily WWII veterans) are provided additional leave for a period of 1 month and 5 days or 2 months, respectively.

A working pensioner is guaranteed protection and legality of work on an equal basis with other employees.

For pensioners who are unemployed but want to find a job, labor exchanges provide free retraining courses. To receive this service, you must register with the Employment Service at your place of residence.

What to do if an employer violates the rights of a pensioner?

This legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the following types of liability for violation of an employment agreement:

  • Civil law;
  • Administrative;
  • Disciplined;
  • Criminal.

The extent of liability is determined by the degree of damage caused by the defendant’s act in relation to employees/employer or production. If a working citizen of retirement age is sure that the employer is maliciously violated his rights he can contact:

  • To the Labor Inspectorate;
  • To the World Court;
  • To the prosecutor's office.

IN Labor Inspectorate At the place of residence, an application is submitted about the employer exceeding his powers. The document indicates the fact of violation. The inspectorate sends inspectors, and if a violation occurs, the inspectorate issues a decision to abolish it.

It is acceptable to initiate prosecutor's check in case of non-compliance with the rights of a working citizen of retirement age, but most effective way seems going to court with a statement of claim. The claim is accompanied by documentation confirming the fact that this citizen works for the defendant.

As soon as a Russian citizen reaches retirement age, he must go to the Pension Fund, where he will be assigned the amount of pension payments. Many retirees continue to work. But not all working pensioners know about their rights. Sometimes an employer offers an employee to enter into a fixed-term employment contract. But for this, one condition must be met - agreement on both sides. Few people know that an offer by an employer to conclude a fixed-term employment contract may be illegal if the employee has reached retirement age. An offer to exchange an employment contract to a newly hired employee can be presented in court as an illegal action that can be appealed.

If the employer has good reasons, he has the right to dismiss a working pensioner. Unlike pregnant women and disabled people, this category of people does not have dismissal privileges. However, there are some peculiarities here. Termination of the employment contract by the employer must occur within the period specified in the resignation letter. In addition, a working pensioner is not required to work for another two weeks after dismissal. Working pensioners are not included in the category of citizens who have the right to work part-time. Of course, they can make a personal request to the employer, but receiving a refusal will be completely legal. A working pensioner has the right to one additional unpaid leave per year for a period of 14 days.

Is it possible to work and receive a pension at the same time?

Currently, pensioners have the right to work officially and receive a pension at the same time. However, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has already submitted for discussion a proposal to reduce pensions for workers. Then officials came up with a system according to which the funds of the country's Pension Fund were saved in a cunning way. A pensioner who continues to work would lose his old-age pension, but he would be guaranteed a larger amount in the future in exchange for continuing his work experience. However, the department abandoned the idea.

If a pensioner continues to work, he does not lose his pension. The state decided to encourage pensioners to work with the promise of a significant increase in pensions, depending on the salary received and length of service. To reach the required level of 30 points, you will need to work officially for about 30-40 years. But if a pensioner refuses to continue his work experience and retires due to age, he will no longer receive a significantly increased pension. That is, we can say that this new pension formula suspects a hidden increase in the retirement age, or rather, an incentive for people not to retire.

Recalculation of pensions and benefits

Working pensioners have some benefits. Working pensioners receive a supplement to their pension. In addition, the size of the pension changes whenever living wage in the country. After its installation, the pension is recalculated and its new amount is determined. Pension recalculation is also carried out based on the salary of a working pensioner. Pensioners working in the field of education are also entitled to a so-called scientific pension. The amount of such a pension is usually about 80% of the salary that the researcher received before retirement.

You have worked conscientiously all your life, and now the time for retirement has finally come. Many people begin to get confused about how to properly prepare all the documents and what is the procedure for submitting them. Let's look into this issue together.


Contact the organization that provides pensions at your place of registration or place of residence. Remember that by law you can apply at any time after reaching retirement age. You should know that it is calculated from the date of submission of the application for registration. In this regard, do not delay for too long in submitting your application to Pension Fund.

And certified copies of children’s birth certificates (if they are dependent on this person);

Certified copies of passports of other dependents;

Original documents confirming the right to benefits;

Originals and certified copies of diplomas (required if it was not carried out in parallel with work).
All documents are submitted along with the application, the form of which you can obtain from a Pension Fund employee. In the application, indicate all individual information about the pensioner and sign.

If there are no entries on the first page of the work book about a change of surname (upon marriage or divorce), then you will have to make a request to the archive of the registry office of your area, and, if necessary, other settlements and regions.

Serve with Pension Fund employee request for a pension file to the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in your region to obtain information about all pension contributions for the entire period of work of the future pensioner. Based on these data, it will be calculated future pension(including basic, insurance, accumulative parts).

On the day of submitting the application, make a corresponding entry in the work book, date it and endorse it with the signature of the head of the personnel department (chief accountant or head of the organization, if you do not have a personnel department).

Video on the topic

When hiring people with a unique social status - for example, pensioners - it always seems that there will be more difficulties with them than actually turns out to be. Upon closer examination, it often turns out that employers invent more problems for themselves than the Labor Code.

You will need

  • pensioner, standard set of documents for employment, employment contract of the selected type


A civil contract is also a form of formalization of working relationships, but by definition it is not designed for the long term. If you hire a pensioner for a permanent job, it is better not to enter into a civil contract - there may be problems.

Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of employers to enter into fixed-term employment contracts with pensioners, but this is precisely a right, not an obligation. The retirement age of an applicant in itself does not provide grounds for concluding a discriminatory contract with him, and in in this case the urgency of the contract may be considered discriminatory. A fixed-term employment contract can only be concluded by agreement of the parties.

Under no circumstances should you enter into one fixed-term contract after another with an employee of retirement age, instead of signing one for an indefinite period. This could backfire on you. If there is a noticeable repetition of this kind of avoidance of providing a permanent employee with a number of rights and privileges, in the absence of sufficient grounds for this, the court may recognize a fixed-term contract as indefinite.

Concluding an open-ended employment contract with a pensioner is no different from concluding one with any other employee. None special conditions The Labor Code does not provide for this. Entries in work book for a working pensioner are made according to general rules.

Pensioners are a very large and potentially vulnerable group of the population, and in Russia their number is steadily increasing from year to year.

Approximately half of pensioners continue to work and do not intend to stop working.

The government provides benefits to working pensioners of social, labor, tax and medical nature in order to support and protect those who may find themselves cornered by subjective age assessment criteria.

What benefits are available to working old-age pensioners?

The assigned old-age pension is paid to the employee regardless of his employment in the production process (Article 18 of the Federal Law 173 2001/17/12 as amended 2013/28/12 and 2015/19/11).

Admission to the organization and dismissal of a pensioner is carried out on a general basis.

Nevertheless, a pensioner has a number of advantages outlined in the laws:

  1. An employee's assessment solely based on the numbers in his passport is equivalent to an assessment based on external data. The only exceptions can be professions in which age and gender restrictions are built in from the very beginning and are determined by objective reasons. Age discrimination is illegal. For this reason, the vague wording of a refusal of admission with a hint of age discrepancy can be appealed by a citizen in court, which, as a rule, sides with the applicant. The legislation identifies two labor areas where a pensioner “cannot go wild”: public service with a maximum limit of 70 years (Article 25.1, paragraph 1 of Federal Law 79 of 2004/27/07 and Article 25.1 of Federal Law 327 of 2012/30/12) and management of universities and universities with a 65-year ceiling (Article 332 of the Labor Code).
  2. Part-time work is not prohibited (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code).
  3. 2-week administrative leave without cash payments (Article 28 of the Labor Code, Article 128, clause 2.2 of the Labor Code).
  4. Working off 14 days upon dismissal will be required if an “aged” employee deliberately ignores Article 80 of the Labor Code (or has already taken advantage of it once) and quits on a general basis.
  5. When staffing is reduced, a pensioner has a priority right not to be subject to sanctions (Article 179 of the Labor Code).
  6. Signing a fixed-term contract with an “aged” person is possible only upon admission and with mandatory bilateral consent.
  7. The right to a shortened working day is defined by ILO Geneva Recommendation No. 162 “On older workers”, paragraph 14.
  8. The priority of a pensioner in registration of home-based employment is legalized by the Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions No. 275/17-99 of 1981/29/09 “On approval of the Regulations on the working conditions of homeworkers” and Article 311 - Labor Code clause 4.

A pensioner, please note, is not required to present a pension certificate during employment. The question of whether he has a document is legitimate only if he is looking for vacancies with an age limit (civil service or managerial university sector).

Vacation for a working pensioner

Planned leave for a working pensioner is provided in the same manner and amount as for all members of the workforce - 28 days annually (Article 115 of the Labor Code).

Vacation of a different duration, as well as additional days to the vacation subject to payment, are not provided if an elderly employee is not one of the beneficiaries entitled to extended annual leave (Article 116-120, , 350 Labor Code; Federal Law 90, Federal Law 136 , Federal Law 181; Government Decrees No. , 391, ; Law of the Russian Federation No. 1244-1 of 1991/15/05 “On social protection citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant").

According to his application, there is no reason to deny a worker of “advanced age” a 2-week administrative leave at a time that is convenient for him (Article 128 of the Labor Code).

You can count on the most convenient planned vacation time only in two cases:

  • if a worker of retirement age teaches at a school or teaches at a university (Instruction letter of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia No. 15 1995/14/03);
  • if he is a part-time worker, the vacation must coincide with the time of rest at the first job (Article 286, paragraph 1 of the Labor Code).

If a pensioner is a beneficiary according to criteria other than retirement age, then his benefits will be realized in accordance with the relevant articles of Russian legislation.

Shortened working hours

The law does not oblige managers to reduce the working hours of pensioners at their request (Article - Labor Code).

  • reduce the working day/week upon personal request;
  • increase the duration of annual leave taking into account age and/or length of service;
  • provide a flexible schedule or organization of the working day with alternating intervals of work and rest.


At his own request, an older worker can resign in two ways: with or without work.

Article 80 of the Labor Code allows a pensioner to leave the enterprise without 14 days of service if he has indicated that he wishes to resign due to retirement (variations are possible, there is no standard wording).

You can take advantage of the chance of such dismissal only once.

If other dismissals follow “on your own,” you will have to leave according to standard rules, notifying the employer half a month in advance (Article 80 of the Labor Code).

Dismissal at the initiative of management is very difficult and in the case of a pensioner is allowed only in cases of staff reduction or disbandment, loss of qualifications and irreversible health problems (based on relevant acts and conclusions), disciplinary and immoral offenses (Article 81 of the Labor Code). In all of these situations, the pensioner will receive a full set of compensation, like any other employee.

Tax benefits for working pensioners

A pensioner engaged in socially useful work has the right to count on tax breaks:

  • zeroing of property tax - one point of each category (Article 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • partial refund of tax payments when purchasing real estate - after state registration of the owner’s rights (Article 220 of the Tax Code; Law of the Russian Federation No. 2003-1 1991/09/12 edition 2013/02/11);
  • pensions are not subject to income tax, social benefits(Article 217 of the Tax Code); Sankur tours purchased at your own expense; material, medicinal assistance and gifts from the employer.

In the regions, local tax breaks are provided for working pensioners.

The Tax Code exempts a pensioner from state duty when initiating legal proceedings against a pension fund (Article 333.36).

Increase in pension payments

The size of the pension benefit will, first of all, increase in accordance with the instructions of Federal Law 167 2001/15/12. The pension of an “aged” employee is subject to regular recalculation on the basis of monthly insurance payments to the Pension Fund (Federal Law 173). The increases will affect the basic, insurance and savings parts.

At the same time, the pension is increased by accumulating points in the pension account for the previous working year (no more than 3 points), which are formed through constant contributions to social security and the pension fund. The calculation is made as of July 1, recalculation is carried out on August 1.

The recalculation of a working employee's pension is carried out automatically; no additional application is required for the operation.

However, everything is not so rosy. To earn the mentioned 3 points, a pensioner must receive at least 20 thousand rubles. For annual indexation, accumulated points that were not previously taken into account are taken into account. If previously the maximum allowable number of points was 7.39 (the payment has already been made, i.e. the points have been taken into account), then in the near future there will be no pension increases for working pensioners.

Taking into account the difficult economic situation (innovation in 2016), the latest indexation of benefits affected only non-working pensioners, payments to pensioners employed in the service remained unchanged.

Medical benefits

The advantages of “older” workers over non-workers in the field of healthcare boil down to a complete medical examination once every 3 years and free vaccination during the upcoming influenza epidemic.

All other benefits are determined not by the citizen’s pension status, but by his membership in one of the benefit groups on another basis.

In the regions and at the place of service, a pensioner may be provided with additional medical benefits that are not considered government benefits.

Benefits for working military pensioners

A former military man receives pension status after 20 years of service. Pension benefits for military personnel do not imply their division into working and non-working people.

The length of service of a career military personnel is calculated from the moment of admission to a specialized educational institution. Having carried out a simple calculation, 17 + 20 = 37, it becomes obvious that a man of 37 (+) years old, having earned a military pension, will continue to serve in a civilian organization after leaving the Armed Forces.

The pension of an officer/warrant officer/midshipman who has completed his service is calculated differently, which is why his privileges upon retirement are different from those of civilian pensioners:

  • preferential housing;
  • full medical care in military medical organizations;
  • 75% discount on military sanatorium treatment with travel to and from the place;
  • the same tax benefits as civil pensioners; land and transport taxes - no advantages;
  • extraordinary preferential employment, free acquisition of a civilian specialty (studying at universities, despite the “regular higher education”);
  • social benefits;
  • maintaining “northern indexation” when changing place of residence;
  • military pension is indexed with an increase in allowance in the ranks of the Armed Forces (RF Law No. 4468-I “On pension provision persons who served in military service..." 1993/12/02 as amended 2002/30/06).