What abilities develop productive activities. Organization of productive activities in groups of older preschool children. Why productive activity is important for a preschooler

Larisa Kunavina

The influence of productive activity on the development of the child's personality

Compiler: Kunavina L. Yu.,

educator MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 9"

combined type

Productive children's activity - the activity of the child in order to obtain a product(building, drawing, appliqué, stucco work, etc., with certain specified qualities (N. I. Ganoshenko).

TO productive activities for children include designing, drawing, modeling, appliqué and the creation of various kinds of handicrafts, models from natural and waste materials.

All these types of children's activities play an important role in child development - preschooler.

Productive children's activities is formed at preschool age and, along with the game, is of the greatest importance for this period development of the child's psyche, because the need to create product most closely associated with development his cognitive processes, emotional-volitional sphere, skills and abilities, moral, aesthetic and physical education of preschoolers.

These actions develop not only figurative forms of thinking, but also such qualities as purposefulness, the ability to plan one’s activity to achieve some result.

Social child's personal development contributes to the possibility of displaying creative activity, initiative in creating a drawing, modeling, crafts that you can use yourself or show and give to others.

In the process of pictorial activities and construction in children, the ability to purposefully activities, volitional regulation of behavior.

For artistic and aesthetic child development modeling plays an important role productive activity, allowing him to reflect the reality around him at his own discretion and create certain images. And it's positive affects the development of the imagination, figurative thinking, creative activity child.

It is important for children to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the environment, the ability to see and feel the beautiful, develop artistic taste and creativity. A preschooler is attracted by everything bright, sounding, moving. This attraction combines both cognitive interests and an aesthetic attitude to the object, which is manifested both in evaluative phenomena and in children's activities.

productive activity plays an important role in the education of the aesthetic feelings of a preschooler. The specificity of drawing classes provides ample opportunities for the knowledge of beauty, for development children have an emotional and aesthetic attitude to reality. productive activity shows a person the world of really existing beauty, forms his beliefs, influences behavior, promotes development creative abilities of children, which is possible only in the process of assimilation by preschoolers and their practical application of knowledge, skills and abilities.

productive activity is closely connected with the solution of the problems of moral education. This connection is carried out through the content of children's work, which reinforces a certain attitude to the surrounding reality, and the education in children of observation, activity, independence, the ability to listen and complete the task, to bring the work begun to the end.

In the process of the image, the relation to the depicted is fixed, since child experiences the feelings that he experienced when perceiving this phenomenon. Therefore, a large influence on the formation of the child's personality provides the content of the work. Rich material for aesthetic and ethical experiences provides nature: bright combinations of colors, a variety of forms, the majestic beauty of many phenomena (thunderstorm, sea surf, snowstorm, etc.).

Classes productive activity with the right organization positively affect the physical development of the child, contribute to raising the general vitality, creating a cheerful, cheerful mood. During classes, the correct training landing is developed, since productive activity almost always associated with a static position and a certain posture. Performing applicative images contributes arm muscle development, coordination of movements.

In the process of systematic studies in design, drawing, modeling, appliqué develop cognitive processes:

Children's visual representations of surrounding objects are refined and deepened. Children's drawing sometimes speaks of a misconception child about the subject, but it is not always possible to judge the correctness of children's ideas from the drawing. Intention child wider and richer than its pictorial possibilities, since development submissions ahead development fine arts and crafts.

In progress productive activity visual memory is actively formed child. As is known, developed memory serves as a necessary condition for the successful cognition of reality, since thanks to the processes of memory, memorization, recognition, reproduction of cognizable objects and phenomena, consolidation of past experience occur. Fine art is unthinkable without operating with images of memory and ideas. child obtained directly during the drawing process. The ultimate goal for a preschooler is such knowledge of the subject that would make it possible to master the skill completely freely, to depict it according to the idea.

- Development visual-figurative thinking occurs in the learning process. Research by N. P. Sakulina showed that successful mastery of image techniques and the creation of an expressive image require not only clear ideas about individual objects, but also the establishment of links between the appearance of an object and its purpose in a number of objects or phenomena. Therefore, before the beginning of the image, children solve mental problems based on the concepts they have formed, and then look for ways to implement this task.

The fundamental point in the design is the analytic-synthetic activity for examining items. It makes it possible to establish the structure of the object and its parts, to take into account the logic of their connection. So, a tower that has too narrow a foundation collapses. Based on analytic-synthetic activity child plans the course of construction, creates an idea. The success of the implementation of the plan is largely determined by the ability of the preschooler to plan and control its progress.

Drawing, sculpting, appliqué and design classes children's speech develops: the names of shapes, colors and their shades, spatial designations are assimilated, the dictionary is enriched. The teacher involves children in explaining the tasks, the sequence of their implementation. In the process of analyzing the work, at the end of the lesson, the children talk about their drawings, modeling, express judgments about the work of other children.

In the process of systematic studies in design and application, children intensively develop sensory and mental abilities. The formation of ideas about objects requires the assimilation of knowledge about their properties and qualities, shape, color, size, position in space.

In the process of designing, preschoolers acquire special knowledge, skills and abilities. Constructing from building material, they get to know each other

With geometric volumetric shapes,

Get ideas about the meaning of symmetry, balance, proportions.

When constructing from paper, children's knowledge of geometric plane figures is clarified,

Concepts of side, corners, center.

The children get acquainted with the methods of modifying flat forms by bending, folding, cutting, gluing paper, as a result of which a new three-dimensional form appears.

In progress productive activity such important qualities are formed personalities as mental activity, curiosity, independence, initiative, which are the main components of the creative activities. Child learns to be active in observation, performance of work, to show independence and initiative in thinking through the content, selection of materials, use of various means of artistic expression.

No less important is education in the process productive activity

purposefulness in work, the ability to bring it to the end,


ability to work in a team,



According to educators and psychologists, mastering child productive activities- is an indicator of a high level of its general development and preparation for schooling. Productive activities greatly contribute to the mastery of mathematics, labor skills, writing.

The processes of writing and drawing have an external resemblance: in both cases it is a graphic activity with tools leaving traces in the form of lines on paper. This requires a certain position of the body and hands, the skill of holding a pencil and pen correctly. Learning to draw creates the necessary prerequisites for the successful mastery of writing

In the classroom productive activity children learn to carefully use the material, keep it clean and tidy, use only the necessary materials in a certain sequence. All these points contribute to a successful educational activities in all lessons.

Output. productive activity is an important means of comprehensive child development. Learning to draw, sculpt, apply, design contributes to the mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education of preschoolers.

Used Books:

1. Davydova G. N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten.

2. Davydova G. N. Plasticineography.

3. Doronova T. H. Materials and equipment for productive activity.

4. Dyachenko O. M. Development imagination of a preschooler. - M.: RAO, 2000.- 197 p.

5. Mukhina B.C. pictorial activity as a form of assimilation of social experience. - M., 2000.

6. Uruntaeva G. A. Preschool psychology: Proc. allowance for students. avg. ped. textbook establishments. -- 5th ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 336 p.

Productive activities in preschool age are considered an effective method of holistic development of children. This is not just a game, but a whole range of activities that allows you to prepare the child to solve the tasks in the most comfortable environment for him. Productive activity helps to acquire knowledge in the process of visual activity and joint play with teachers.

Preschoolers receive a pattern of behavior in everyday activities, develop purposefulness and the ability to interact with peers. In the process of mastering the material, children should have a positive example before their eyes, therefore, one should carefully approach the choice of objects and materials for classes.

What is productive activity

For productive activities, the goal is to develop children in a variety of ways in ways that are understandable and fun. Attracting the child to real everyday reality also occurs through the game and the study of objects that will be encountered in the future.

Activities for preschool age:

  • Construction;
  • Modeling from plasticine, clay, salt dough;
  • Creation of applications, picking up puzzles and mosaics;
  • Bonding layouts and crafts.

The development of a child in these areas is the task of all preschool institutions, as well as parents. The programs of educating preschoolers always include activities that contribute to the creation of a certain product and obtaining a specific result.

This helps children realize their potential, try themselves in everyday activities, gain new emotions and useful skills. Work should be under the control of elders, who are also a model of behavior for children in a given situation. Activity is always aimed at interacting with surrounding objects, and the result should be a specific product. The game form allows the child to instantly join the process and perform all tasks especially effectively. It is at this moment that a character is formed in a preschooler, willpower and a sense of his individuality develop.

At the time of performing practical tasks, children better absorb information, learn to concentrate and bring things to the end. Children's games allow you to receive information, but you can consolidate it only by completing some task aimed at the result. To do this, materials are provided and a wide range of ways to master the skill. As a result, the child develops such qualities as activity, perseverance, purposefulness and attentiveness. He becomes more independent, learns to process incoming information and use it, to create specific products based on the knowledge gained.

Productive activities can be built on immersion in the outside world.

Children remember information more easily when they are introduced to specific examples that illustrate the information received.
Visual activity has a particularly favorable effect on the development and formation of the necessary qualities of a child's personality in preschool age. Activity becomes productive when a preschooler shows interest in the color, shape and other properties of an object or phenomenon and tries to use this image in his work.

This is how not only the aesthetic side of the personality develops, but also the physical form. In the process of productive activity, it is easier to influence the behavior of the child. He perceives information actively and seeks to use it. Often activities require active behavior, constant interaction with peers and mastering new techniques. The teacher can and should correct the process, suggest the best ways to solve a particular problem, promote development on all planes, including the physical one.

Visual activity at an early age

The benefit of such activities lies in the ease of perception and processing of information by the child. It is easier for preschoolers to understand and do something if there is a visual example. When children are introduced to new objects or activities, it greatly influences the formation of their personality. Educators should take care of the topic of productive activities in advance so that children benefit from them. Children should be able to express their thoughts and impressions. This skill confirms that the child has sufficiently absorbed the information received.

To immerse preschoolers in the right atmosphere, you should use all possible methods, from changes in the interior to the use of visual aids.
The teacher must also be involved in the process.

Activities must have a certain sequence, so it is not worth mastering all aspects of visual activity in one day. The first acquaintance with the topic can be started with the simplest - drawing. Gradually, the final product should become more complex. This approach helps children to study the subject from different angles, and then successfully apply it in everyday life.

It is important that the child not only repeat what the leading teacher does, but also show creative inclinations, abstract thinking, and offer his own ways of solving the problem. Visual art helps to improve one's skills every day, to learn more about the subject of study and, what is important for any child, to have the finished product of their work before their eyes.

How are the classes

Occupations by productive activities are necessarily divided into five stages. The first step is pre-work. It should be carried out before the start of the lesson in order to include children of preschool age in the process as much as possible.

At this stage, living objects are observed, samples are studied, illustrations and layouts are examined.
Also, the lead teacher can read a book on a suitable topic or show a film. For preliminary work, thematic games are chosen, with which, in terms of meaning, future productive activities are connected.

Preparation for the lesson goes smoothly and follows from the game. At this stage, you need to interest the child in the necessary topic, arouse his curiosity with the help of amazing stories or objects. If a preschooler starts asking questions, that's a good sign. So, you can move on to the next part of the lesson.

The interest of the child does not mean that he is ready to fully engage in the activity, so you need to show him all the benefits that he will receive after the completion of the case.

Usually children take up the image of objects with pleasure, using the provided material, it is only necessary to explain to them why this is necessary. The subject must captivate all children, so the teacher must obtain the approval of each child.

The process of work is an important stage of the lesson. It is at this moment that children may have new questions, the answers to which the teacher must find together with the children. You can not ignore the kids, it is better to discuss the subject or explain why and what needs to be done to achieve the result. The case will be more productive if all children are involved in the process with the same interest. You can invite them to compare the results at the end of the session, not to identify the best and worst product, but to get acquainted with the variety of objects and different views on the same subject of activity.

Summing up should always be, because this is what motivated the children to attend classes. Preschoolers will definitely share their results, and it is very important that the teacher responds to this correctly. Do not devalue the work of the child, be sure to support each kid, carefully consider his creation and take part in the discussion. Even if the material was not learned as expected, do not deprive the baby of approval.

The Benefits of Productive Activities

Productive activity must be present in the process of educating and educating preschool children. With its help, you can introduce the child to new phenomena, teach him to use some objects in everyday activities, to better understand what is happening in the world around him.

By applying various types of visual activity, it is possible to achieve the development of positive personality traits.. Drawing, modeling, creating applications and other activities bring up morality in kids, train the mind, instill a sense of beauty, and also strengthen muscles, because most activities involve physical activity.

The teacher must be passionate about any kind of productive activity himself, otherwise preschoolers will not take seriously attempts to involve them in the fine arts, will not work on the task and will not acquire useful skills.

Constant support from the educator cultivates self-confidence and their abilities. Children strive to learn more, create something new, and at such moments you can find creative inclinations towards certain types of activities.

Unfortunately, an indifferent attitude to the success of the baby can greatly affect his development and behavior in everyday activities. Also, he will lose interest not only in the present process, but also in any other activities, if the teacher allows himself criticism or irony in his address. It is the attitude of the educator that determines the usefulness and productivity of classes.

So that the activity is not harmful, you can not force preschoolers to perform any tasks. Classes should not be like a lesson or duty, because their essence is to introduce children to the topic, to interest them. Only this skill will bear fruit, and preschoolers themselves will get down to business, ask questions, reflect and develop their skills in everyday activities.

The concept of "productive activity" covers several types of activity - drawing, modeling, application - traditionally presented in children's lives and occupying a significant place in them.

The organization of productive activity as a partnership with an adult is associated with a number of methodological issues related to the frequency and frequency of work, the style of behavior of the educator, etc. These issues can be explained as follows.

It is advisable to designate productive activity as work in a “workshop” (into which a group room turns for a while) - in a specially organized space where things that are beautiful, interesting and necessary are purposefully created. The surroundings and spirit of the "workshop" makes it possible to move away from the so-called "class" - the space of compulsory training sessions that require a completely different style of behavior, both from children and adults.

Work in the "workshop" can be integrated with reading fiction, the formation of a holistic picture of the world, which can determine the direction of the work, its specific subject, creating a semantic background for it.

The voluntary inclusion of children in productive activities with an adult (according to the principle: “I also want to do this”) presupposes, in addition to the selection of interesting content, a number of essential conditions:

1) organization of a common workspace;

2) the ability to choose a goal from several - according to strengths and interests;

3) an open time end of activity, allowing everyone to act at their own pace.

First of all, it is necessary to organize a common space for work: a large desktop (or several desktops) - it can be arranged by moving ordinary tables with the necessary materials, tools, samples, etc. Places should be provided at the desktop for all potential participants, in including for the teacher. He does not separate himself from the teacher's table, but is located next to them.

Places for children are not strictly assigned to them (as in a training session). Everyone can settle down where he wants, from time to time choosing his neighbors himself. Children can move freely around the room if they need some kind of tool, material. The position of the educator is also dynamic. In the process of activity, he is located next to one or another child who requires more attention, weaker than others in this type of work or with these materials and tools.

The common workspace organized in this way provides an opportunity for each participant to see the actions of others, to easily discuss goals, work progress and results, to exchange opinions and discoveries.

Starting a GCD (productive activity), an adult does not oblige or force children to do it, but draws their attention to the prepared materials, puts forward interesting ideas for work (problem situations, game motivation).

Children should be offered as many goals (samples, schemes) or different materials for the realization of one goal, which provides a choice according to interests and opportunities. For example, if the task of the educator is to practice children in working on samples, and he planned to make boats (application), you can provide 3-4 samples that differ in appearance and contain a different number of details. This will allow children to choose a job to their liking and will not alienate the weaker ones. In such a situation, they will be able to choose a simpler sample.

The educator is included in the activity on a par with the children - having chosen a goal for himself, he begins to act. It becomes a living example of a systematic organization of work. He does not instruct or control children (this is the style of the lesson), but discusses ideas, analyzes samples with him, comments on the steps of his work; by its very active presence and the desire to obtain the final product, it supports this desire in the rest of the participants.

An adult behaves at ease, explaining his actions, accepting children's criticism and, without interfering with commenting aloud, discussion by preschoolers of their own work, exchange of opinions and assessments, spontaneous mutual assistance.

The work offered to children should be designed by the educator for the time (depending on the age characteristics of the children) necessary to achieve the final goal (based on the pace of work of the “average” child of the group). At the same time, it is necessary to have some reserve of time so that everyone can, without haste, get involved in the work, cope with it, acting at their own pace. In accordance with this, this activity should be planned second or third in the schedule before the walk. As the work is completed (achieving the goal accepted by each), the children move on to free activities of their own choice. The adult does not leave the "working field" until everyone has completed the work, approving the slow children with his presence.

Cognitive - research activities- the activity of the child, directly aimed at comprehending the structure of things, the connections between the phenomena of the surrounding world, their ordering and systematization.

The following can be identified as the main developmental functions of cognitive-research activities:

¾ development of the child's cognitive initiative (curiosity);

¾ the child's mastering of the fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience: cause-and-effect, generic-species (classification), spatial and temporal relations;

¾ transfer of the child from the systematization of experience at the level of practical action to the level of symbolic action (schematization, symbolization of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world);

¾ development of perception, thinking, speech (verbal analysis - reasoning) in the process of active actions to search for connections between things and phenomena;

¾ expansion of horizons

¾ of children by taking them beyond the limits of direct practical experience into a wider spatial and temporal perspective (mastering ideas about the natural and social world, elementary geographical and historical ideas.

How should cognitive and research activities be built in order to cause the cognitive activity of children and support their research activity?

Having taken the position of an interested, inquisitive partner, the educator can follow approximately the following sequence of research steps:

- actualization of the topic, leading children to raise questions, problems;

- discussion of ideas, the assumption of children and adults about the questions and problems that have arisen;

- experimental verification or subject-symbolic fixation of connections and relationships between the discussed objects, phenomena;

Offering children subject material that ensures the continuation of research in free activities in a group or at home with their parents.

For each specific activity, an attractive starting point is needed - some kind of event that arouses the interest of preschoolers and allows them to raise a question for research. A question posed by a teacher outside of a relevant and attractive topic can leave children completely indifferent and cause them no exploratory activity.

The starting point can be real events taking place in this period: bright natural phenomena (for example, leaf fall) and social events (for example, March 8, which everyone is talking about and preparing for).

Also, these are events specially “modeled” by the educator: the introduction of objects with an unusual effect into the group or the assignment, previously unknown to children, causing genuine interest and exploratory activity (“What is it? What to do with it? How does it work?”). such objects can be a magnet, a collection of minerals, illustrations on a specific topic, etc.

Many research interests are caused by imaginary events occurring in works of art that the educator reads or reminds children.

And finally, events that take place in the life of the group, which "infect" most of the children and lead to fairly stable interests, can become an incentive for research.

Based on the event, the educator poses a question for research (Why does the wind blow? Why does it fall in autumn? How does a rainbow turn out?).

Each question, turning children to a certain fact, the conditions for the occurrence of a phenomenon, makes them compare - distinguish and connect these facts and phenomena, establish possible connections and relationships between them. The teacher, together with the children, discusses the expressed ideas, assumptions, offers his own version of the answer.

The discussion takes place at a “round table” (at a real table or on a carpet, around key subject matter). At this stage of the study, the teacher makes extensive use of real subject and illustrative material. And this is not only a single set for a demonstration experience or an illustration posted on a board. There should be several sets for the experiment, so that each child can try out the possibilities of the studied material, device, instrument.

The illustrative material offered for research (analysis - comparison) is cards of different sizes, from rather large to small ones (as in a children's loto), which are considered by all participants, passed from hand to hand. Only with such work with the material does its detailed analysis become possible, active discussions and ideas arise regarding similarities and differences, connections between the objects and phenomena under study.

The next stage of the research is the experimental verification of the idea. Participants carry out this part of the research work individually, in pairs or in small subgroups, depending on the context and subject material. The teacher connects to one of the subgroups, then moves on to another, etc.

Partner cognitive-research activity with an adult is in itself valuable for the development of the child, it should also give impetus to the free independent activity of preschoolers, activate their own delights outside the GCD. Such an impetus can be given by specific subject material that provokes children to reproduce and supplement the research work carried out in the process of GCD.

Subject material must be mobile: in the process of activity, it must be possible to remove them from the wall, place them on the floor, on a large table for further “research”. From things brought by preschoolers. Collections, you can organize an exhibition, your own museum, providing the exhibits with labels - inscriptions.

Let's pay attention to one more important point.

When organizing cognitive-research activity, it should not be confused with productive activity.

Unlike productive activity, the meaning of which is to achieve a result with good quality, in cognitive research activity the main thing is to find connections between things and phenomena. However, a thematic connection between the activity of the cognitive cycle and productive activity can be used.

It is also not necessary to mix cognitive - research activities (research - travel) and a story game. Although research is a journey and proceeds on a conventional plane, their main motto is to recognize, compare, distinguish and connect facts and phenomena in space and time. In the story game, the child “lives” and masters holistic models of human actions and relationships. The main thing for him during the game is not to analyze the world, but to “be” in it, even conditionally, someone significant, to manage events.

At the same time, research-journey can serve as a preamble, preparation for the deployment of a real role-playing game on a journey, with appropriate subject design and playing out various dramatic collisions that happen along the way.

So, cognitive-research activity can be supported by other activities:

1. Reading fiction, introducing the topic, emphasizing the research problem, the question, then the actual cognitive research activity.

2. Actually cognitive - research activity - then a productive activity that continues the topic.

3. Actually cognitive - research activity - then a plot game based on the activity.

Sequence planning is determined by the thematic plan.

The teacher is free to choose the forms of cognitive-research activity. These can be experiments (experiments), traveling on a map (space of the world), traveling along the “river of time” (historical time), collecting (classification). These odds can be varied by the teacher, based on the pedagogical expediency and specific interests of the children of the group.

Practical part.

Map travel.

Topic: Oceans and their inhabitants (underwater world).

Let's discuss how it would be possible to travel under water, look at the underwater world (submarine).

Let's imagine that we went on such a journey (we choose the point of departure and destination. Let's plot the route on the map - through all the oceans). Let's discuss what awaits us on the way, whom we can meet. Let's check our assumptions - consider suitable photo illustrations of underwater landscapes (with slaves, octopuses, crabs, mollusks, coral colonies, algae thickets, etc.) and draw an analogy between life on land and in the underwater world.

Let's observe what happens in a real "piece2" of the underwater world - in an aquarium, watch a video film4, discuss how fish breathe, how they manage to dive and emerge (adaptation to the habitat - gills, swim bladder).

In the future, you can play an underwater journey: we will build an underwater spoon on the carpet, we will come up with different adventures along the way.

During the preschool age, the child masters all kinds of visual actions, which plays a significant role in his overall mental development. Productive activity performs many different functions (Figure 8.3). Drawing contributes to the process of internalization, and drawing is a material support for the internal plan of activity, it also contributes to the transition from a symbol to a sign. The process of drawing can be a means of psychotherapy (a type of art therapy). All types of productive activity can be used for the purpose of psychodiagnostics of individual and age characteristics of children's mental development. Productive activity develops the child's cognitive processes. Drawing makes it possible to express the color and shape of an object on a plane. Lenka allows you to embody a three-dimensional shape. Design makes it possible to express the ratio of elements. The properties of objects that stand out in productive activities make up the content of the child's ideas about the shape, color, size, volume, quantity, etc., which is the basis for operating them mentally, providing analysis, comparison, generalization and classification. One of the important functions of children's drawing, modeling and design is expressive, as the child expresses his attitude to the surrounding reality.

Rice. 8.3.

Productive activity involves the performance of several types of actions: perceptual actions, actions for conceiving an image, visual actions, and actions of control and evaluation (Table 8.3).

Table 8.3

Actions in the structure of visual activity

Action type

Action characteristic

Perceptual actions, i.e. actions of perception

Isolation in objects and phenomena of external pictorial features: shapes, sizes, colors, location of objects in space

Conception of the image

Inventing content by a child when creating a drawing, in the process of modeling, designing, determining materials, techniques, sequence of actions

Pictorial actions

Accounting for the main forms, structural features, colors, proportional relationships in objects and between them, the ability to apply the methods of their representation in the drawing, when sculpting, creating applications, designing

Monitoring and evaluation activities

Evaluation by the child of the created image in the process of execution and at the end in accordance with the plan. Definition of originality, uniqueness and originality of images

perceptual actions, those. actions of perception are one of the main ones that implement pictorial activity, since in order to create an image, it is necessary to be able to distinguish external pictorial features in surrounding objects and phenomena: shape, size, color, location of objects in space. Perception at preschool age becomes more complete, accurate and more dissected, analytical. By the end of preschool age, the child develops a holistic method of examination (order, structure), which is characteristic of visual activity.

Conception of the image - a specific type of action in visual activity, the essence of which is to invent content for the child when creating a drawing, in the process of modeling, designing, determining materials, techniques, sequence of actions. The idea is different from the theme of the image, since it is only a name, a definition of the subject of the image. During preschool age, the stability of the idea increases. With systematic training, an older preschooler is capable of preliminary conception of an image, which is due to the level of development of speech, imagination, the arbitrariness of all cognitive processes, the development of the motivational-need sphere and self-awareness. For planning, a certain experience of direct perception of the depicted objects, phenomena, knowledge of the totality of graphic images, ideas about graphic structures, plastic images and schemes is necessary. In the absence of this, it is impossible to imagine the future image even in general terms, and the drawing is done through trial and error.

To master pictorial actions it is necessary for preschoolers to master the totality of knowledge, skills and abilities. Among them, the most significant are the knowledge of the basic forms, structure, color, size, proportional relationships in objects and between them, knowledge of the methods of their representation and the ability to use them in the process of drawing, modeling, creating applications, designing. During preschool age, visual actions become more accurate, more confident, more independent and diverse, more generalized, creative.

Visual arts include monitoring and evaluation activities, formed when children realize that their work is for others. Control actions are formed on the basis of the child's ability to evaluate the created image in the process of drawing and at its completion in accordance with the plan. One of the highest levels of development of actions of control and evaluation is the manifestation of the ability to feel the originality, originality, originality of images. By the older preschool age, this action should be carried out by the child mostly independently: the child knows what it is necessary to evaluate the artistic work of his own and his comrades and how to do it.

The following stages of visual activity are characteristic of preschool age: the stage of formless images and the stage of pictorial schemes. Formless Image Stage(three-four years) is at first very close to the previous one - the pre-figurative stage at an early age, when the children's drawings do not convey anything concrete, the same scribbles are in the drawings and attempts to draw something real are hardly found among them. Separately drawn with short straight or rounded strokes, completely independent, not adjacent to each other and not connected into a single whole, parts of something (a person, animal, machine, etc.), they do not so much depict as signify something. If the child notices the fragmentation of parts of the image (more often after questions from adults), for example, a car, then he quickly outlines all of them with a common circular line, thus showing the conjugation of the parts to each other, separating what is drawn from the neighboring scribbles. Stage of schemes(four-seven years) is characterized by the fact that children's drawing goes through a series of stages: from simplified schemes, where only some parts of objects are depicted indefinitely in form, to their gradual filling with more significant and recognizable parts and details.

Actions of a preschooler with a pencil, brush, paints (gouache), clay, etc. more free, bold and confident compared to the actions of a young child.

The productive activity of a preschooler is directed by a complex of motives:

  • interest in visual material, especially if it is new, bright;
  • imitating the actions of peers and adults;
  • interest in the surrounding objects and phenomena that the child wants to portray;
  • the desire to experience significant moments of personal experience, to return to those objects, phenomena and situations that caused positive emotional states.

These motives are most clearly expressed not so much as a result of the activity, but in the process of its implementation: the preschooler, with the help of additional means (speech, play, etc.), easily and emotionally conveys this content. Throughout the preschool age, the specific content of visual activity changes: objects and actions with them; a person, his actions and relationships with other people; an event significant for the child, the development of which he depicts in drawing and modeling. That is why the themes of drawing, modeling and playing in the same child are often similar. This coincidence is broken only by visual complexity. Peculiarities of the child's relationship to the world in the systems "child - object" and "child - adult" largely determine the content of not only play, but also visual and constructive activity (theme, idea and features of its development, form of manifestation of activity, etc.).

Preschoolers gradually master various types of design: according to the model (according to a photograph, drawing, model, drawings and diagrams); according to the conditions (children are offered conditions, a theme that the building must comply with); by design (the child himself determines how and what he will build). First, designing according to the model and conditions develops, then according to the plan.

In drawing, modeling and construction, the child often uses playful methods of action if he does not realize the need to create a pictorial image or does not consider this to be the main thing. A preschooler, having hastily drawn and created schematic images, can, based on them, develop a game plot, fixing its further development on a sheet with separate strokes, lines, etc. Even older preschoolers may not have a specific motive for visual activity: the desire to influence others people through their artistic image thanks to the artistic form and means used by the artist. The child most often evaluates the drawing by what he wanted to depict, and did not actually depict, and waits for an appropriate assessment from an adult. Some preschoolers have already formed an appropriate motive and have a good command of various ways of depicting. If such children need to draw a picture that is understandable and interesting for others, they are quite good at it. But if they draw only for themselves, then the drawing process can be transformed into a drawing game and the drawing will be poor and sketchy. This is due not to the presence of visual skills, but to the dominance of game motives. This shows the influence of the leading activity on the pictorial activity, which is advisable to use for the development of children's pictorial actions.

Practical example

Sveta Yu., 4 years old, drew one apple with great difficulty. The teacher plays up the situation: “A hedgehog came, “am-am” - ate an apple” (closes the picture). A bunny jumped up: "I also want an apple." The teacher asks the question: "Where can I get an apple for a bunny?" If the child does not guess, the adult himself gives a specific game task, for which drawing is necessary: ​​"Treat the bunny with an apple." Such game techniques stimulate repeated visual actions.

The visual actions of the preschooler in any case lag behind the rapidly developing concept. Therefore, there is a contradiction between the expressive and pictorial trend in the development of the drawing. The further development of productive activity depends on its resolution. The expressive trend dominates the pictorial one, giving the activity a procedural character. Its development is controlled by the game motive and the desire to once again experience a significant event for the child, to gain recognition and approval from adults and children. This is the reason for the influence of productive activities on the development of the motivational, needful and emotional spheres of the child's personality.

On the basis of effective motives, preschoolers learn to set the appropriate goal of the activity - the image of the object, which is expressed in determining the theme of the image. Gradually, children learn to keep the goal and get the result (drawing, crafts, etc.). The activity of a preschooler becomes more and more purposeful, turns into a way of his self-expression and self-development. The development of goal-setting in productive activity is due to the improvement of the methods and actions that make it up.


K.D. Ushinsky wrote: "The basic law of children's nature can be expressed as follows: the child needs activity incessantly and gets tired not of activity, but of its monotony or one-sidedness." It is important to include the child in a variety of activities and allow all his inclinations and inclinations to manifest. Therefore, it is very important in the process of education to create such conditions so that the child can fulfill himself.
The main types of children's activities of the preschool period are playful and productive. Productive activity in preschool education is the activity of children under the guidance of an adult, as a result of which a certain product appears.
In the process of activity, the work of all organs of sensation and perception is affected. An important factor is the emotional reaction to a particular activity in which the pupil is immersed. It is not an easy task to interest a preschooler, since he will be distrustful of unfamiliar integration processes. Therefore, it is important to show the end result made by your hands.
Recent studies show that the number of children with a lag in speech and personal development is growing. As you know, the speech of children directly depends on the fine motor skills of the fingers.
The process of making a "Penguin" from the palms seems like overwork to a six-year-old child. But as soon as you explain in detail and show the whole process of work from beginning to end, the child becomes interested and begins to glue the details on his own. The child is developing spatial representations, generalized representations are formed, the development of creative skills. Each age period creates special favorable conditions for the development of abilities.
Classes in productive activities develop the creative imagination of the child, contribute to the development of the muscles of the hand, coordination of movements, develop the properties of thinking (analysis, synthesis, the ability to compare).
Productive activity, like any cognitive activity, is of great importance for the mental education of children.
Productive activities contribute to the improvement of children's speech, the formation of the moral qualities of a person, such as independence, initiative, inquisitiveness, organization and responsibility when performing a task. It is closely related to sensory education. The formation of ideas about objects requires the assimilation of knowledge about their properties and qualities, shape, color, size, position in space.
It is important in the learning process to conduct a conversation and purposefully push the child to answers to questions:
- What color will we make a beak?
- What size head?
- Will our body fit on a piece of paper?
Why do you need questions at work? The child is not yet able to fully appreciate the spatial arrangement of details. Why? Because the palm is not a holistic image of any figure, but a figure that has its own special shape, the image of which is obtained in the aggregate of several details. When one circle is laid out from the palms, and then the second, the child already sees how space is being transformed into a figure.
In the process of productive activity, mental and physical activity are combined. To create a drawing, modeling, appliqué, it is necessary to apply certain efforts, carry out labor actions, and master certain skills.
Preschoolers acquire many practical skills that will later be needed to perform a variety of jobs, acquire skills that allow them to feel independent.
In my productive activity classes, an integrated approach is successfully implemented. Classes allow you to relieve overvoltage, fears of children.
If your task is to purposefully create conditions for productive activity, then the child will turn to you more than once for help and support, since abilities are manifested and formed only in activity.
Each age period creates special favorable conditions for the development of abilities. Abilities facilitate the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities. In turn, knowledge, skills and abilities lead to further development of abilities.
1. Korotkova N.N. Productive activity of children of senior preschool age / N. N. Korotkova // Preschool education. -№11.- S.29 -39.