Summary of a lesson on speech development “Learning to guess riddles.” Senior group. Summary of a lesson on cognitive research activities on the topic Summary of a lesson in kindergarten: descriptive riddles

Abstract. Evening of riddles in the senior group “Postman Pechkin is in a hurry to visit us”

Description of material: I offer you a summary of an evening of riddles for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Postman Pechkin is in a hurry to visit us.” This material will be useful to teachers of senior groups, parents, and students of pedagogical colleges. This summary is aimed at expanding and enriching children's knowledge about surrounding objects and their word formation.

Summary of the evening of riddles “Postman Pechkin is in a hurry to visit us.”

Integration of educational areas: “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”.

Target: continue to expand and enrich children’s knowledge about surrounding objects, the name of which consists of two simple words.


Educational: Form an idea of ​​complex words and their formation from two simple ones.

Educational: Develop logical thinking, the ability to solve riddles and justify your answer, and draw conclusions.

Speech: Develop coherent speech, express your thoughts consistently, enrich your vocabulary: russula, plumbing, glass cutter.

Educational: To cultivate interest in the objects around us and a caring attitude towards them.

Demo material: Illustrations depicting answers, 7 cards with numbers from 1 to 7 (the letters MOLDTSY are written on the back), a children's scooter, a parcel, a table with a samovar.

Methodical techniques: Game technique, conversation-dialogue, examination of illustrations, encouragement, summing up - reading the word “well done”, physical education minute for attention “Commanders”, choral and individual pronouncing of words, drinking tea.


There is a knock on the door.

Educator. Guys, we have a guest.

The postman Pechkin (disguised as a teacher) rides in on a scooter.

Pechkin. Hello guys. You recognized me? I came to you on a transport that rolls itself (demonstrates.) How can it be called in one word? (scooter)

That's right, this complex word consists of two simple words, repeat these words in chorus.

Well done. They sent me a package with riddles, but I can’t solve a single one. Help me please. (takes out illustrations-guesses from the package, lays them out on the table with the reverse side, draws the children’s attention to the fact that numbers are written here, and with reverse side- a secret, we will see it if we guess the riddle).

Educator. I also have numbers (1-7), (places them on the board in order)

There is also a secret under them, we will see it at the end of the evening.

Pechkin. Guys, what number do you want to solve the riddle? (children walk around the table and choose a card with any number themselves - they call 3)

Pechkin is reading.

I am related to Moydodyr,

Open me up, open me up.

And cold water

I'll wash you quickly. (Water pipes)

The children are reasoning.

Pechkin. Well done, you solved the riddle (turns over the sheet and shows a picture of a water pipe).

What words did you use to make up the word “plumbing”? (conducts water)

Educator. You have guessed the riddle number 3, let's open it on the board (turn over the card - there is the letter L).

Pechkin. What number do we use to solve the riddle? (at the request of children -1)

Pechkin is reading.

They stuffed her mouth with meat,

And she chews it

Chews and chews and doesn't stop

And he puts it on a plate. (Meat grinder)

The children are reasoning.

Pechkin. Correct (shows a picture of a meat grinder.) Name 2 simple words(chops meat)..

Educator. You have guessed the riddle, open the number 1 (M)

Pechkin. Walk around the table and choose the next riddle. (children choose 6).

On the mirror skating rink,

On the only skate

He rode once

And the whole skating rink fell apart. (Glass cutter)

The children are reasoning.

Pechkin. Well done! guessed the riddle (shows a picture).

Educator. You have guessed the riddle number 6. Turn it over (C)

Pechkin. I suggest playing the game “Commanders”. Hear this word - complete the task that I tell you. If you don't hear it, don't do it. I'll see how attentive you are. Please stand in a circle.

Commanders, hands up, (execute)

Commanders, clapped their hands, (execute)

Stomp your foot (do not perform.) You can give up to 8 tasks.

You were attentive. What riddle are we solving now? (2)

We have a robot in our apartment,

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness

And it hums like a TU airliner. (Vacuum cleaner)

Pechkin. Right. Name 2 simple words (dust sucks), (shows a picture).

Educator. You have guessed the riddle, open the card (letter o)

Pechkin. What number do we use to solve the riddle? (children choose the number 7)

I'll scream, I'll scream,

I'll fly under the sky. (Helicopter)

The children are reasoning.

Pechkin praises the children and shows them a picture.

Pechkin. What words does this compound word consist of? (twirls and flies).

The teacher opens the card on the board under number 7.(s)

Pechkin offers to solve the following riddle. (5)

Without asking the ford,

I boldly climb into the water -

At every depth

Only up to my waist. (Motor ship)

Children's reasoning.

Pechkin praises the children and shows them a picture of the answer and asks them to name 2 simple words.

The teacher opens card No. 5 (D) on the board.

Pechkin. I myself will guess the last riddle under the number 4.

Who, on the shore of a couple clubbing,

Blowing smoke from a pipe,

Carrying himself forward

And me too? (Locomotive)

Gives the wrong answer, the children correct it.

The teacher opens the last letter and invites the children to read the word that appears on the board “well done.”

Pechkin. Thanks guys for your help. You are attentive, smart, diligent, and helped me solve the riddles.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the table where the samovar stands and invites everyone to tea.

These riddles can be used next time.

Floats quickly in the sky,

Overtaking the birds in flight,

Man controls it.

What is it?.. (Airplane)

I remove the snow

Not with a shovel, not with a broom,

And with an iron hand. (Snowplow)

Across rivers, across mountains

We hear music and conversation.

Helped us hear them

This miracle is a chest. (Radio)

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly. (Leaf fall)

Near the forest on the edge,

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 20" of a combined type

Summary of the integrated lesson

In the preparatory group

"In the Land of Mysteries"

Compiled by: Totmyanina T.K.






Program content: clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about the signs of spring; about primroses; about the rules of behavior in nature. Strengthen the ability to compose creative stories using figurative comparisons and epithets. Improve your ability to solve riddles. Develop children's speech, the ability to formulate phrases grammatically correctly. Improve finger motor skills. Develop the ability to work together, listen to the answers of comrades.

Material: illustration “miracle tree”, audio recording, cards with tasks, diagram for storytelling, paper.


Children stand around the teacher.

Guys, do you like to guess and make riddles?

What is a riddle?

Where do mysteries live?

What can you call a country where mysteries live?

Tell us how you imagine this country.

I invite you to go to the land of mysteries. I think we will encounter many different riddles, so let's practice solving riddles.

"Hanging outside the window

The bag is icy.

It's full of drops

And it smells like spring" (icicle)

Why do you think so?

“The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch,

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it’s small” (snowdrop)

How did you guess?

“There are dense lumps on the branches,

Sticky leaves lie dormant in them" (buds)

Why do you think these are kidneys?

And now it’s time for us to go to the land of mysteries. Close your eyes. With the help of our imagination we will be transported to a land of mysteries.

(Music sounds)

Here we are in a land of mysteries. Take your seats. (Children sit on chairs).

(There is a “miracle tree” on the easel. It is covered with strips of cardboard on which various tasks are given.)

Look, guys, here is the first riddle for us. What's hidden here? Do you want to know? To do this you need to complete tasks.

1. Guess the riddle, what time of year it is about:

She came and smiled -

The snowstorms have subsided,

Started calling

Drop bell.

The river has awakened

The ice has melted

Snow-white outfit

We put on the gardens.

D/i "Good-bad".

The snow is melting__________well; Badly.

Why does snow melt in spring? What else happens only in the spring?

Animals shed________well; Badly.

The birds arrived________well; Badly.

Why do birds come in spring?

Spring________good; Badly.

So we have completed the first task. You can open the first card.

2. Let's see what task awaits us next.

Game "What does it look like"

What does the first weed look like?

What does a spring stream look like?

What does a fir branch look like?

What do clouds look like?

What does a melting icicle look like?

What does melting snow look like?

And we completed the second task. Open the card.

3. Let's complete the following task.

Game “Compare by Feelings”.

The sun is gentle, like...

The snowdrop is fragile, like...

The leaf is as delicate as...

The breeze is as light as...

The cloud is fluffy like...

The sky is blue like...

Open the next card.

4. Come up with a spring fairy tale. The tale should be short and complete. But we must see that this is a fairy tale, that is, we must come up with some kind of miracle that happened to the grass, to the tree, or to the animal. And this diagram will help you tell.

Settings for children:

1. Try to listen beautiful words in a fairy tale.

2. Listen to how the story begins.

3. Try to hear what unusual happened to the characters.

5. Next task.

Residents of the country of mysteries love nature very much and know how to protect it. What rules of behavior in nature do you know?

Why can't you pick primroses?

Guys, sometimes people need a bouquet of flowers. What can you do if you need a bouquet?

We will make a bouquet of daffodils and give it to our guests. And we'll make the daffodils out of paper. Let's remember how to fold a daffodil.

And before starting work, we’ll do some finger exercises.

Our scarlet flowers open their petals,

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals,

They quietly fall asleep, shaking their heads.

(Children do the work).

So we completed all the tasks. And in the land of mysteries they saw a “miracle tree” on which wonderful things grow.

Did you like the land of mysteries?

Now it's time to go back to kindergarten. Close your eyes, here we are kindergarten.

Tatiana Goluzina
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group “Guessing riddles”

Summary of GCD in the senior group

Guessing riddles

Target: teach children solve riddles. Strengthen skills speeches - evidence, develop skills

descriptive speeches.

Material: illustrations guesses.

Today I will tell you a fairy tale, but this fairy tale is unusual. About Us riddles and you will help me them


Once upon a time there lived a bun. He wanted to take a walk. He ran along...

You walk - he runs forward,

Look back and he’s running home (Track)

He ran and ran along the path, and an angry touch-me-not met him.

Lives in the wilderness of the night

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

The hedgehog treated the bun with mushrooms. The bun ran further. The bun ran and ran, and

I'll meet him...

I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest.

In the hollow on old oak, I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel)

Look, look-

Threads came from the sky!

What a thin thread

Does he want to sew the earth and the sky?

If you don’t answer, we’ll wait and get wet under. (In the rain)

The little bun got scared of the rain and hid under...

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman?

She doesn’t sew anything herself, but uses needles all year round(Christmas tree)

The rain poured and passed. It became fun in the forest,

the birds chirped. The sun came out and the bun ran on, everything was interesting to him.

Looks what's ahead?

Look at the good guys

Cheerful and lively.

Dragging from all over

Material for construction sites.

One suddenly stumbled

Under a heavy burden.

And a friend runs to the rescue,

The people here are good.

Without work, even kill

Can't live... (Ant)

The bun helped the ants and sat down to rest.

Sits, looks, and sat on a tree:

Has been crackling since the morning,

Poor-ra, po-rr-ra! What time is it?

She's such a hassle,

When a magpie screams.

The magpie brought news on its tail, what's going on in grandma and grandma's hut?:

Appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye 2 shells (Chick).

The bun really wanted to look at the chicken, and he ran back home.

Children should not only solve riddles, but also to prove the correctness of the answer.

Subject: “Riddles and guesses”

Purpose of the lesson: teach children to use knowledge about the properties of objects to solve riddles different types(riddles-descriptions, riddles-pantomimes, riddles for fingers).

Equipment and materials: objects and cards for the games “Choose the answer” and “Smart Hands”, tasks on cards for the game “Who am I, guess?!”

Part I. Choose the answer

Goals: developing the ability to: solve riddles containing a simple description, formulate the goal and objectives of the upcoming work.

Triangle comes to visit the children. He greets the children and the teacher, shows the bag of riddles that he brought with him.

Triangle. All the riddles hidden in my bag can tell their own story. If you pay attention, you can determine what clues are in each riddle.

Learning task: find out how objects in various riddles “tell” about themselves, learn to look for the answer hidden in the riddle.

The triangle offers children descriptive riddles. The teacher teaches children to identify the named signs and actions characteristic of a mysterious creature (object). It is better to learn to reason in search of a solution using the example of riddles that do not contain elements that complicate the description (comparisons, metaphors, words with a figurative meaning, ambiguous words).

Outside - hard, green, striped.

Inside - soft, juicy, red. (Watermelon.)

Small, reddish,

The tail is long and shaggy,

lives in trees

And he gnaws nuts. (Squirrel.)

There is a house in the yard.

The owner is on the chain. (Dog house and dog.)

Long ear

A ball of fluff.

Jumps deftly

Nibbles a carrot. (Hare rabbit.)

The muzzle is mustachioed,

The fur coat is striped.

Washing frequently

But I don’t know about water. (Cat.)

Here he is curled up into a ball,

He has a prickly side.

He hunts at night

For bugs and mice. (Hedgehog.)

The beast flies over the forests

With very sensitive ears.

During the day he sleeps upside down.

What kind of strange beast is this? (Bat.)

Who lives in the deep forest

Clumsy, clubfooted?

In summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear.)

At the circus he makes the kids laugh,

I am very glad to meet you.

Have you guessed who he is?

He's funny and noisy... (clown.)

Didactic game “Choose the answer”

It can be difficult for children 5 and even 6 years old to form a single picture based on several characteristics. Therefore, to begin with, we will ask them not to imagine the hidden object, but to choose an object or image that matches the description. Having made a choice, the child explains what signs (actions) of this object or creature he heard in the riddle.

When getting acquainted with the game, we will select objects and images that differ significantly from each other in description, limiting their number to 5-6. Then the number of cards should increase, you need to add objects that have features similar to the answer (color, shape, components, qualities, actions). As children master this form of work, the task becomes more complicated: the set is made up of items that are largely similar, and only one drawing fully corresponds to the description. In the future, children are offered a single drawing in which they need to find several answers at once.

It is easy to individualize work on any riddle by offering each child a set of cards that matches his or her potential. It is also important to provide children with the opportunity to give an answer without relying on cards. The teacher needs to remember that some riddles may have several answers, so any reasonable answer is considered correct.

Triangle. Now tell us how, by what signs (or characteristic actions) did you recognize everyone who was “hiding” in the riddles?

(Children's answers.)

Triangle. Let's play the game "Who am I, guess?" Think about how the answer “tells” itself in this game.

Outdoor game “Who am I, guess?” Children are divided into two teams, each of which will take turns turning into the creatures depicted on the cards. When getting acquainted with the game, it is worth limiting the scope of answers (for example, “Animals of the forests”). Having received the task, team members need to confer and try to convey as accurately as possible through pantomime the movements and actions characteristic of a given animal.

At the end of the game, Triangle discusses with the children how the animals they asked “told” about themselves, and which riddles were easy to guess.

Part II. Smart hands

Goals: further formation of ideas about the shape and size of objects, the material from which they are made; development of sensory capabilities, speech, imaginative thinking, attention.

Triangle. How can I find out what else is in my bag of riddles without looking into it?

When introducing the game, you should use toys that are known to children. As the game progresses, the teacher asks clarifying questions that will help the children determine which properties of objects they were able to identify with their fingers (shape, size, surface qualities, material from which they are made) and which they could not (color).

Triangle. How do objects in various riddles “tell” about themselves?

With the help of the teacher, children talk about how they solved description riddles, pantomime riddles and finger riddles. We invite everyone to choose the riddle they like the most.

Follow-up work

Right organized meeting with a riddle brings joy to children and has a developmental effect. It is appropriate for a walk, during a lesson, and in free communication between adults and children.

Having mastered the tactics of working with descriptive riddles containing only the characteristics of objects, children can begin to get acquainted with more complex types of riddles. These can be riddles-descriptions, which contain actions characteristic of the mysterious object or creature:

Howls, whistles,

Dust rises

Knocks everyone off their feet.

Can you hear him

You don't see him. (Wind.)

I wipe, I try,

After the boy's bath.

Everything is wet, everything is wrinkled -

There is no dry corner. (Towel.)

Then children can be presented with riddles containing signs, actions and other characteristics of the solution. To solve them, you need to operate with different categories of representations.

He lives underground

Digs long passages.

In a black fur coat, dear.

Guess who he is? (Mole.)

Small, reddish,

The tail is long and shaggy,

lives in trees

And he gnaws nuts. (Squirrel.)

And he has big ears and big eyes,

And it’s a lot to be scared.

He climbs into a bush and sleeps.

He eats the stalk and is full. (Hare.)

The next step in complicating the task of solving the riddle could be the use of miniatures in which the description is hidden in the text among other information. In this case, you need to isolate the signs and actions of the riddled object from the narrative, put them together and retell the riddle so that the “scattered” elements of the description in it form a single picture - a “portrait” of the riddle.

It looks like a carnation

With a blue head.

You will find him in the field

And you will take it with you.

I just can’t understand:

They say he is a weed.

(A weed growing in a field, similar to cloves, of blue color, - cornflower.)

In parallel with learning to solve riddles, assistance is provided to children in composing them. Learning to compile and analyze descriptions is an important section of the work on developing coherent speech, and a certain level of development of the relevant skills is a necessary basis for teaching children to solve and create riddles.

Autonomous Non-profit

Educational Preschool Organization

"The Golden Cockerel"


integrated lesson on the topic: “RIDDLES AND GUESSES”

with children of the senior group "SOLNYSHKO"

Choreographer of the highest qualification

Educator RADZINA N.I.

Pos. Gas pipeline 2016

Cultural Practice: productive, reading fiction, music and choreography.

Forms of goal representation: working on samples, working with unfinished products.

How to use a piece of music: musical game-

dramatization, improvisation to music, music and dance game “Mirror”.

Comments: the main goal is to generalize and systematize ideas about winter, animals, fairy-tale characters, presented in the form of riddles; release of a book of riddles; provide the opportunity for children to improvise dance movements to a variety of music.

Materials: drawings for riddles made by children at home with their parents, samples for drawing riddles, unfinished products, sheets of paper (1/4 sheets A 4), felt-tip pens, crayons, scissors, glue, stapler and pictures - riddles prepared by the teacher-choreographer for the book of riddles .


The teacher reminds the children that today is “Riddles Day.” At home, together with their parents, according to the “Children's Calendar”, the children prepared riddles about winter and made drawings. In the morning we looked at each other’s drawings and exchanged impressions. The teacher also prepared a drawing and a riddle. Children sit down on the carpet in a circle and take turns asking their riddles. During the activity, the teacher comments: what natural phenomenon is the mystery about, how can you say in one word when it snows (snowfall), when it snows with the wind (blizzard), etc. Leads children to the fact that sledding, skating, skiing is winter fun. If the riddles are about animals, it clarifies children’s ideas about their behavior in winter (moose and deer have difficulty moving in the snow, even a strong ice crust cannot support their weight; and mice move freely under the snow, where they are warm and have plenty of water).

The teacher is the last to make his riddle, thanks the children for the drawings and riddles and makes a proposal: to collect all the riddles in one book.

Children discuss with the teacher how they will make the book (gather the sheets together, fasten them, make a cover, sign the title).

The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables and use visual materials, sample drawings or unfinished products. The finished drawings are cut out and pasted onto the cover of the book.

Did you like our book? It turned out to be amazingly informative!

The teacher-choreographer approaches the children. Says hello.

What a good and necessary thing you have done: published your own book! I liked your idea! Do you want to continue the “Day of Riddles”? I also have riddles for you! But simple ones, but MUSICAL ones! Then let's go to the music room.

In the hall, the choreographer asks the children a riddle:

As soon as I wake up in the morning,

I will sit down, stand up and bend over;

All exercises - in order!

Will help you grow….(CHARGE)

To the accompaniment of music, as instructed by the teacher, children perform the “Radiant Sun” warm-up. Then they sit down.

Well, are you ready to solve musical riddles?

Then we first determine the nature and tempo of the music being played (fast or slow, cheerful or sad, thoughtful, scary, etc.) Musical excerpts (2-4) are played.

And now, what winter natural phenomenon does the musical excerpt correspond to? (blizzard, blizzard)

Now everyone will take turns making their own musical riddle, coming up with movements in accordance with the nature of the music, belonging to some animal or fairy-tale character. You can use gestures, facial expressions, dance moves and moves. The rest of the guys must guess who is shown (bear, wolf, squirrel, hare, fox, bird, ghost, Pinocchio, Baba Yaga, robbers, clowns, heroes, etc.) And everyone can choose their own answer - a drawing from the teacher’s table.

The teacher-choreographer offers to take all the pictures - riddles - with you later to put them in a book of riddles.

Then the children are invited to play the musical and dance “Mirror”. The melody “Good Beetle” (group “Fidgets”) sounds and the children, standing in a circle, repeat the movements invented and shown by each driver and standing in the center of the circle.

The choreographer thanks and praises the children’s interesting improvisation and reminds them to take new pictures - clues for their wonderful “Book of Riddles”. The choreographer says goodbye.