Is it possible to wash the membrane with liquid powder. How to wash membrane clothes and care for them. Features of membrane tissue

The technological process moves forward at an elusive pace. It would seem that five years ago, few people knew about the existence of membrane clothing. Today, mothers of babies, athletes and just ordinary people who want to feel warm, despite the weather, cannot do without it. The question of how to wash membrane clothes in a washing machine is of concern to many, because you want to keep its practical properties for as long as possible.

Features and types of membrane clothing

Despite the fact that the membrane began to be used everywhere not so long ago, its history takes us back to the distant 1969. It was then that Bill and Robert Gore were able to produce a unique fabric called gore-tex. It took more than six years before the material appeared in the first clothing line. The membrane is the thinnest film with micropores made of foamed polytetrafluoroethylene. Its main advantages are:

  • Ease;
  • 100% impermeability of moisture inside;
  • Extraction of moisture from the inside.
  • The material "breathes".

The fabric contains 2, 3 or 2.5 layers. In each case, the membrane film is attached to the wrong side of the base and requires additional lining. In the three-layer version, the lining becomes a fine mesh of knitted fiber. In the variant, where there are 2.5 layers, small foamed knitted pimples are sprayed onto the main layers.

It is worth noting that the outer fabric is also not left untreated and is coated with a special DWR compound that has additional water-repellent properties.

Needless to say, such a multi-layered and thoughtful fabric does not know the word “get wet”. Even with abrasion from the top fabric of the DWR cover, the fabric, thanks to the membrane, will never let moisture through to the body. In addition, all seams in the models are taped, providing an even greater degree of protection. Today there are several types of membrane:

  • Hydrophilic. The hydrophilic membrane has moved away from the key concepts of the membrane and the presence of pores. In this form, there are no pores, and therefore the condensate from body evaporation during physical exertion settles on the inner surface. Further, according to the principle of moisture diffusion, sweat particles come to the outer surface;
  • Pore. Porous Gore-Tex also does not get wet, although it has pores. The secret here lies in their minimum size, which is ten times larger than a raindrop. Through the pores, internal moisture freely escapes, leaving the body dry. Compared with the first type, the porous variety during washing should be treated with the utmost care;
  • The combined type combines the advantages of a hydrophilic and porous material. The membrane here is covered with a polyurethane hydrophilic film, which significantly affects the cost of the product.

Types of membrane clothing depending on the purpose:

  • Casual;
  • professional;
  • For active sports.

Each type has its own requirements. So, the everyday membrane differs from others in its large weight and the amount of filler. This type includes suits, jackets and pants for walking, as well as overalls for children from birth. The professional series is suitable for climbers and skiers. The third, the lightest and weightless, belongs to clothes for runners and is called Gore-Tex Active.

Can it be washed with regular detergent?

The membrane is a complex material, and therefore its care must also be delicate. Only then will the jacket or overalls be able to last for a long time without losing their water-repellent properties. Before you understand whether it is possible to wash the membrane with ordinary powder, you should find out all the compounds that negatively affect the fabric. So, material does not tolerate phosphates and sulfates, which means that washing with ordinary or liquid powder, even of the best quality, is prohibited. Do not expose the membrane to bleaches and stain removers, because manufacturers also cannot do without sulfates in them.

It should be noted another procedure that cannot be done. So, choosing a machine wash, it is important to abandon the "spin" mode, since the film should not be subjected to aggressive twisting. It is possible that the drying of the product in this embodiment will be much longer, but the result, which is safe for the structure, is worth it. In addition, the very property of the membrane allows you to remove contaminants from it immediately with ordinary water, and therefore washing in a typewriter is an infrequent procedure.

Necessary detergents for washing

It is impossible to wash a microporous surface with conventional means, however, there is one familiar detergent that can also be used for a membrane. Natural laundry soap without fragrances and other additions, made in accordance with GOST, perfectly cleans any pollution, like hundreds of years ago.

To clean with it, it is not at all necessary to rub the product with it. A coarse grater will help make soap shavings that can be stored and used at the right time by adding to the washing machine drum.

Another tool that helps with washing - mild sulfate-free shampoo. Washing membrane clothes with them is not only safe, but also pleasant. The light aroma of shampoo will always be more pleasant than the smell of laundry soap. Here, however, a matter of taste preferences.

Liquid soap can also be used in the washing machine. It should also be of high quality and not contain harmful substances in its composition.

If you want to approach the issue of washing professionally, it is better to trust the experts and purchase a special membrane gel concentrate. It can be called differently, but it always has a liquid consistency. Any sports store is ready to offer several options for such products, and therefore there are no problems with the search.

Unfortunately, out of ignorance, people often make mistakes. So, having washed a jacket once with ordinary powder, you should not be upset and resign yourself to the thought of its hopelessness. 1-2 washings cannot significantly affect the membrane, however, further manipulations should be carried out with proven means.

If the loss of functional qualities is still detected, experts recommend using a water-repellent aerosol agent.

Clothes preparation

Many, when faced with the peculiarities of washing for the first time, decide to avoid it by daily removing dirt with a damp cloth. This decision is partly true, but still, hand or machine washing should be present. The fact is that the membrane not only does not let water in, but also actively attracts dust. Clogging of the pores leads to a violation of the “breathing” of the tissue, and hence to the loss of the entire meaning of the properties of the tissue. Experts recommend washing outerwear 2-3 times per season.

So, if the laundry is already scheduled, it is important to prepare the clothes. To do this, a jacket, winter suit or overalls are fastened with all zippers, after checking the pockets. In addition to this, the hood is unfastened or, if it is not possible, the fur. Fragile accessories, prone to scratches, are sealed with adhesive tape, which allows you to maintain its original appearance.

Ski and snowboard clothing is prepared in the same way. In some tips, you can see the idea that you need to turn the suit inside out. In reality, you shouldn't do this. Snowboard clothes are fastened and pre-soaked in a special product in a basin for half an hour. After that, difficult dirt is removed with a soft brush. Children's clothing in the presence of complex stubborn stains is also pre-treated with a brush with a special agent or laundry soap.

Choose mode and temperature

In order to properly wash clothes made of membrane fabric, it is important to choose not only a special cleaning agent, but also the desired mode and temperature. So, modern cars have long been equipped with a “membrane” mode, where the available speed and temperature are determined with accuracy. However, not everyone has such a mode, which means that you will have to experiment.

In each machine menu, you can find delicate modes, whether silk, wool or hand wash. Their temperature is usually does not exceed 30-40 degrees, which does not contradict the rules for the care of membrane clothing. Spin in such modes is in position 300-500 revolutions, which is also quite acceptable, although experts recommend not squeezing membrane things at all.

How to dry?

When the washing procedure is over, and the washing machine has given the final signal, the wet jacket or suit is placed on thick terry towels. Their material should be chosen taking into account the high moisture absorption. It should be noted that it will take a lot of them. So, the clothes are laid out on a horizontal surface on towels and begin to straighten, smoothing out all the wrinkles and thereby removing moisture. As the towels get wet, they are replaced with new ones. In this position, the clothes are left to dry completely.

It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to dry the membrane on heaters, and therefore it is important to allow clothes to dry slowly but independently in a room with proper air circulation. To do this, you can open the window and ventilate the adapted place for drying well. In addition, the membrane is afraid not only of heaters, but also of direct sunlight, even if washing falls on the cold season.

Needless to say, washing and drying the membrane is not an easy task, but only in this case can all the useful properties of this unique material be preserved.

To make the cleaning of products as simple and clear as possible, and the results to match the desired ones, Here are some tips to use at home:

  • First of all, a quality thing always has detailed instructions for washing the product. It is necessary and important to read it, because the manufacturer knows better and more accurately.
  • Experts advise adhering to the correct frequency of washing and not loading the washing machine when a speck suddenly appears. Wise housewives remove small stains with detergents, for example, Fairy, wetting a cotton pad in them and applying them to the product. Later, the material is rinsed. Antipyatin soap also acts in the fight against stains, requiring high-quality rinsing after its use.

In our time, new technologies and materials are emerging. One of these newest materials is the membrane. Membrane clothing is tightly integrated into our lives, especially athletes often use it. She also began to gain popularity among young parents, who are increasingly buying membrane clothes for their children.

What are the advantages of this "miracle material"? Why is it gaining popularity every day? And how to care for membrane clothing? We will answer all these questions in order, because in order to know how to choose the right detergent for washing membrane clothes, you must first understand the principle of operation of this unique fabric.

The principle of operation of the membrane

To understand why it is impossible to wash membrane clothing in the same way as other types of linen, let's see what are its differences.

The membrane itself is such a mesh with very, very small pores that do not even allow water to pass through.

Membrane fabric has very wonderful properties that can be damaged if not washed properly. Let's consider all these properties in order:

  • The membrane has a water-repellent effect - that is, it does not let water through, so it practically does not get wet, which makes it possible not to get wet in the rain.
  • At the same time, it "breathes" - unlike other waterproof fabrics, membrane fabric "breathes" and allows vapors to escape from the inside. You won't sweat in these clothes.
  • The membrane is not blown through - clothing made from such a fabric is not blown by the wind, i.e. you will be comfortable in it even in windy weather.
  • Membrane clothing is very light and warm - this type of fabric allows you not to use down insulation, because your body heats itself, and the membrane does not allow cold air to penetrate inside.

Now that we have figured out all the miraculous properties of membrane clothing, we should ask ourselves the question: “But will we lose them after washing?”

Membrane clothing is a rather expensive pleasure today, and therefore it would be very unpleasant and expensive to spoil its excellent properties by washing. And if you wash such clothes incorrectly, then it is quite possible to ruin them.

How to wash membrane clothes

Before proceeding directly to the “laundries”, it is necessary to decide on a means for washing membrane clothes. Some housewives respond to such a proposal with the phrase: “For membrane clothes, I use ordinary powder and put it on the normal washing mode in the washing machine.”

Unfortunately, if you use ordinary powders that are not intended for washing clothes made of membrane, such clothes lose their distinctive ability. The membrane is simply clogged with small particles of powder, ceases to pass air and ceases to differ in any way from ordinary rubberized clothing. That is why the washing of membrane clothing should take place only with the help of special means and on gentle modes.

Here are some of the products that can be used to wash membrane fabrics:

  • DOMAL Sport Fein Fashion is a balm for washing any sportswear, for example, made of polyester, and in our case it is also suitable. The balm allows, after many washings, to preserve the useful properties of the membrane and not lose its qualities.
  • Nikwax Tech Wash is an excellent product that removes dirt well, it also impregnates the membrane and allows you to maintain water-repellent and breathable properties. If you washed membrane clothing with a regular powder, then this product will help you eliminate the consequences of such washing and wash all the particles of this same powder from the pores of the membrane tissue.
  • Denkmit Fresh Sensation is an inexpensive membrane technology washing gel that washes well enough, but, unfortunately, does not have a water-repellent impregnation for the membrane that extends its life.
  • Perwoll for Sport & Active sportswear is one of the popular liquids that is designed for washing various sportswear, including membranes. The consistency is like a shower gel. Also, the product can be used to wash shoes in a washing machine.
  • Laundry soap - yes, yes, no matter how surprised you are, this product is great for washing membrane clothes by hand.

Washing membrane clothes

How to wash membrane clothes. There are two options for washing such things:


You need to wet the thing from the membrane, then take any of the above detergents and rub the membrane clothing with it, then rinse it under running warm water. If necessary, the operation can be repeated.

  • Put membrane clothes in the washing machine, wash large items separately, and do not try to cram everything into one wash.
  • Select the most gentle washing program (hand wash, wool) or, if available, a special program for washing membrane sportswear.
  • Be sure to turn off the spin in the washing machine and set the temperature to 30 °.
  • Run the program

The water temperature should not be more than 30-40°. Also, you do not need to wring out clothes from the membrane in the machine. The membrane fabric should not be soaked either.

After washing
After you have washed the thing by hand or in an automatic machine, you should wring it out with your hands, for this very carefully, without twisting, squeeze it in different places. Or wrap in a cotton towel to absorb moisture.

After that, you need to put the washed membrane jacket or other type of clothing on a horizontal surface and straighten it. Wait until it is completely dry, while the sun's rays should not fall on the clothes, and the room in which the thing is dried should be ventilated.

Never dry membrane clothing on radiators or other heating elements.

How to care for membrane clothing

After each wash, and generally regularly, it is necessary to treat membrane clothing with special substances which retain the water-repellent and breathable properties of the fabric.

Such means are various aerosols, which are designed specifically to cover the fabric with a protective film. If you do not want to bother with such aerosols, then simply use laundry detergents that contain such components.

Store such clothes in a straightened form in a horizontal position, while they must be clean and dried. Desirable use special bags for clothes to protect the membrane from dust.

Membrane outerwear is highly valued, so it is important to know how to wash a membrane jacket by hand and in a washing machine. The nanomaterial has unique properties of sweat evaporation and protection from external moisture. This air circulation is achieved due to the multi-layer structure of the fabric, consisting of breathable pores. Preserving the protective coating is the main goal when cleaning the product, and we will tell you how to do this.


Washing a membrane jacket by hand is considered the most gentle cleaning method. But a number of conditions must be met.

Advice. Porous clothes should be washed no more than 2-3 times a year with regular wear. If you wear it rarely, then it is enough to clean it once a year.

Washing order:

  1. Product preparation. Turn the jacket inside out. Check pockets for items. If the thing has fur, then remove it. Fasten all zippers and fasteners, so you avoid the asymmetry of the right and left sides.
  2. Soap solution preparation. Pour warm water into the basin. Its temperature should be between 20-40 degrees. Add liquid detergent and beat until foamy. You can use regular shampoo. Dry laundry detergent is highly undesirable for breathable fabrics. Its small granules get into the pores and clog them. As a result, the main function of the material will be violated.
  3. Soak. Immerse the membrane jacket in the soap solution and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wash. Lightly wash the product for 3-5 minutes. Do not rub it even if there are stains. Then drain the water and lightly squeeze out excess moisture.
  5. Rinsing. Pour cold water into the basin and rinse the product. Pour off the soap solution. Change the water until it becomes clear.
  6. Spin. It is impossible to wring out a porous fabric by twisting, while the top layer on it quickly collapses. It will be more correct and safer to slightly squeeze the thing in the basin, and then wrap it with a thick terry towel and leave it for 10-20 minutes.
  7. Drying. Move the product to a ventilated area with moderate humidity. Lay a soft cloth on a flat, horizontal surface and lay a windbreaker on top of it. Let it dry naturally. Turn the garment over after a few hours to dry evenly.

Attention! Do not iron porous clothes, otherwise the material will simply melt. However, most likely, you won’t have to do this, because the membrane almost does not wrinkle.

Machine wash

If you do not have the time or desire to wash the jacket with a membrane by hand, you can use a washing machine. Modern technology, equipped with many necessary functions, allows you to carefully wash clothes. The membrane responds well to moderate mechanical stress, so you can safely load a thing into the drum. But before that, read the detailed instructions for machine washing.

Note. The windbreaker should be washed separately from all things. The fabric breathes, so it needs free space for the full circulation of water and air.


  1. Training. Just as before hand washing, you should turn the product inside out, check the pockets, close the zipper and remove the fur, if possible.
  2. Setting the mode on the washing machine. For this fabric, delicate and gentle washing is suitable. It is also permissible to turn on the "Sport" mode.
  3. Temperature setting. The water should not be hot, otherwise the pores will straighten out and stick together again, but in a completely different way. This will lead to damage to the material and to the loss of its basic properties. The optimal temperature in this case is the limit from 20 to 40 degrees.
  4. Turnovers. Parameters of 600-700 units are the safest for the fabric.
  5. Spin. It must be turned off, since intense torsion of the drum can provoke the destruction of the protective layer on the membrane.
  6. Detergent. Give preference to liquid household chemicals. You can even use hair shampoo. The use of washing powders, bleaches and conditioners in relation to the nanomaterial is prohibited, since these agents destroy it.
  7. Wash. Start washing only after you have checked and made sure that all the parameters on the washing machine have been set correctly.
  8. Drying. Automatic drying must be disabled. Take the item out of the drum and gently wring out the excess water without twisting. Then wrap it in a terry towel. When most of the moisture has been absorbed, lay out the clothes on a table or floor, after laying a soft cloth on the surface. So the thing should dry quickly. You will only have to turn it over to the other side after 3-4 hours.

Attention! Do not dry your porous jacket in direct sunlight or near hot radiators. So it will acquire an unpleasant brown tint.

Membrane tissue processing

Whatever method of washing at home you choose, after this procedure, the item should be treated with a special impregnation jacket:

  1. Hang it on a coat hanger or lay it on a table. The porous coating should be on the outside.
  2. Apply evenly to the fabric.
  3. Flip over and work on the other side.
  4. Let the clothes dry.
  5. After 30-40 minutes, the thing can be put on or hung in the closet.

Advice. Keep nanomaterial products away from the kitchen, as it absorbs odors well.

Sometimes the impregnation is contained in a detergent intended exclusively for the membrane. In this case, no additional application is necessary.

Impregnation allows you to restore the structure of the porous layer, which tends to wear off over time. Use professional sprays to prolong the life of your membrane and save you the money you would have to buy a new windbreaker.

The membrane jacket is an incredibly comfortable, practical item in men's and women's wardrobes. Such clothing has excellent protective properties, suitable for cold autumn, spring and even the beginning of winter. The only drawback of such a product is special care. If important recommendations are not followed, the jacket will quickly lose its attractive shape and protective properties. These jackets are not cheap, but even a single wrong wash can ruin the product forever.

Before washing a jacket, you need to familiarize yourself with what is special about such a product. The membrane material has porous cells that help air circulate and at the same time retain heat perfectly. Such clothes do not let moisture through, do not wrinkle, are light in weight, have high strength and practicality, serve for many years with proper care.

How to wash a membrane jacket? It is important to know that you cannot choose dry powders for washing. During the washing process, the granules enter the cells of the membrane, remain in them and violate the protective important properties. After such washing, the material does not pass air well, and a person feels discomfort while wearing it. If this rule is violated, even the first wash of membrane clothing can completely violate the properties that distinguish this product from all others. At the same time, if it is a world-famous brand jacket, it can withstand washing with ordinary powder, but it's better not to risk it.

Such washing will become not only safe, but also effective, and also very affordable. In addition, it is important to find out if it is possible to wash with detergents with chlorine.

Washing rules

First of all, you need to study the label of the jacket, the basic rules of care and in what mode to wash it. Such a product should not be pre-soaked, as the material will swell greatly and lose its attractiveness.

In the typewriter

How to wash a membrane jacket in a washing machine?
Such a product is washed separately from all clothes in the "delicate wash" or "wool" mode. If the machine has a "hand wash", it is better to stay on it. It is forbidden to wring out the jacket after washing in the drum, active actions can lead to the destruction of the material.

The water temperature should be no more than 30 degrees. When washing is completed, the product is not wrung out, but wrapped in cotton cloth and water is removed with gentle movements. After that, the product is hung in a well-ventilated place until completely dry.

It is important to ensure that during drying the jacket does not get bright ultraviolet rays, this can leave ugly yellow stains on it, which will be very difficult to remove.


If machine cleaning is not allowed, you should know how to wash a jacket with a membrane by hand. The process must be fast so that the fibers do not get too wet.

Pour warm water into the basin and completely dissolve the detergent. Immerse the jacket in it and gently remove dirt, for high-quality cleaning, you can use a soft brush or sponge. When the washing process is completed, the jacket should be rinsed well several times and not wrung out. Next, you need to place the product on a flat surface so that the water is a little glass on its own. You can also wrap it with a cotton cloth to remove moisture.

Hand washing is the safest for such products, so it is better to choose this method.

What tools can and cannot be used

How to wash a jacket if there is no special detergent for delicate materials at home? Laundry soap perfectly cleans various types of dirt. It should first be grated and diluted with warm water until completely dissolved. Only after dissolution, lower the jacket into soapy water.

It is forbidden to use for washing:

  • powders with granules;
  • chlorine-containing products;
  • rinses for clothes (they, like granular powders, clog membrane cells);
  • any active chemical solvents and stain removers.

Many people know how to wash a down jacket, but membrane jackets differ from such types of clothing with a special upper impregnation for reliable protection against moisture.

Do not iron a membrane jacket, hot temperature destroys the structure of the material. After washing, the product levels itself under its own weight.

Such clothing must not be heavily soiled. Dust clogs into the cells, after which it becomes very difficult to remove it. In the warm season, such jackets are stored in special covers for clothes in a straightened form on a coat hanger.

Ski jackets are bought not only by people who are actively involved in various sports and professional athletes. For example, the Glissade, Thermite triggers are in demand because of their ability to reliably protect against various precipitation: snow, rain, strong wind. They are comfortable for winter walks.

The ski jacket is ideal for travel, tourism, mountaineering. Clothes do not require special care. However, the ski jacket comes with a membrane, so you need to know all the subtleties of care. The membrane has protective properties. It is breathable, water repellent and windproof. How to wash a ski jacket with a membrane correctly, we will tell in this article.

Washing rules

Most housewives think that a ski jacket can only be washed by hand. Experts say that it can be easily washed in a washing machine. You just need to follow certain conditions and rules when washing. It is necessary to use the correct detergents and maintain the optimum temperature.

The protective layer of the membranes can be damaged during washing with aggressive washing and household products. To properly wash a ski jacket in a washing machine, it must first be prepared.

If there are dirty areas on the surface of the clothing, they must be protected. You can do this with a sponge and soapy water. The ski suit is washed separately. That is, you should first wash the jacket and the second run pants.

Important! To wash the Glissade jacket, Thermite, you need to use only liquid detergents and gels for gentle washing.

You need to set one of the modes for washing the product: gentle, delicate, hand wash or for wool. The choice of mode depends on the functionality of the washing machine. Be sure to set the temperature to no more than 30 degrees. If the water temperature is higher, the jacket will not only shrink in size. It will lose its appearance, and the protective layer of the membrane will lose its properties.

The spin function in the washing machine must be disabled. The spin function can be replaced by a regular cotton cloth. You can take a pillowcase for a pillow and put a jacket there. When washing, the fabric will absorb excess moisture.

After washing is completed, the product must immediately be pulled out of the drum. Long stay in the machine will negatively affect. The jacket may wrinkle, and ironing the product is strictly prohibited. To make the jacket glass, it must be hung on a regular hanger. Dry the product at normal room temperature.

The ski jacket should not be washed at temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius. If the clothes are washed in the washing machine, do not use the spin and dry functions. It is forbidden to add household products containing bleach.

If there are greasy traces on the product, then they need to be cleaned only with laundry soap without impurities, alkali and chlorine. After washing, the jacket should be dried without spinning. For one season, it is not necessary to wash the ski jacket more than 1 time, in order to avoid rapid wear of the protective layer - the membrane.