New Year's verses in Ukrainian for children. A selection of the best poems for the new year in Ukrainian. The most beautiful holiday

What New Year?
E. Mikhailova

What is New Year?
It's all the other way around:
Christmas trees in the room are growing
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,
Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy
On New Year's Day it is golden
It shines with all its urine,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

New Year

Soon, soon the New Year!
He is in a hurry, he is coming!
Knock on the door to us:
Children, hello, I'm here!

We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree,
We hang toys
Balls, crackers ...

Soon Santa Claus will come!
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, sweets ...
Santa Claus, where are you?

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
With a Christmas tree, with a song, with a round dance!
With new toys!
With beads, crackers!
We congratulate all the guys
We wish all the guys
For the crackers to clap
To stomp your feet
So that the nuts click
Under the thick trees.

On New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

They can even have the guys
All desires come true
You just need, they say,
Make an effort.

Do not be lazy, do not yawn,
And have patience
And do not count learning
For your torment.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not think
A humble desire -
Perform excellently
School assignments.

So that the disciples
Began to study,
To make a deuce in the diaries
Couldn't get through!

First snow

The first snow fell in the morning
White and cold
So soon it will come to us
New Year's holiday.
Lights on our tree
Sparkle brightly!
And cheerful Santa Claus
Will bring gifts.

About New Year

I've been waiting for the New Year for a long time
Blowing snowflakes through the window
In the courtyard of a growing Christmas tree
Sprinkled snow on the needles.

If Santa Claus knocks,
The Christmas tree's nose will not freeze.

When is New Year?

Mom, is New Year coming soon?
Autumn, son, will pass
There snowflakes will fly
The guys will start dressing
In fur coats, hats and then
Coloring beauty winter
Will come to us, and with her
Colds will come, blizzard
Then the New Year.
Santa Claus will come then.
We will decorate the Christmas tree
We will invite the children to visit.
How long will you have to wait?
You go to bed, son, to sleep.
Time will fly by quickly
You look - tomorrow is New Year.


On New Years under a bright Christmas tree
I found my gift.
In an old shoe box
The golden kitten slept.

Nose with a button, ponytail with a brush,
Legs in white shoes,
And mustache something, mustache!
And stripes on the sides.

I'll take him to the crib.
I'll sing a little song.
So that he sleeps sweetly - sweetly
I'll tell you a bedtime story!

New Year

Ice sparkles on the river
The snow is spinning gently.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because it's snowy!

Santa Claus will wave his hand -
We will sing loudly.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because it's loud!

There is a huge cake on the table
Gingerbread, chocolate.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because sweet!

Round dance around the tree,
Lights on the branches ...
Nice holiday New Year!
It is a pity that it rarely happens.

Soon, soon New Year

Soon, soon the New Year!
The forest people are waiting for the holiday.
Even a prankster gray wolf
Loves this holiday very much.

And kuma-fox is not averse
Round dance to drive all night.
Dancing by the elegant Christmas tree.
Waving her fluffy tail.

And in the hollow squirrels are busy.
Cups and plates are carried.
The pie is ready. Hooray!!!
The kids are having fun.

Hares decorate a mink
Hang balls on the tree.
Come on, Christmas tree, burn,
And do not go out before dawn !!!


Winter is in a hurry, bustling,
Wrapped in snow
All the bumps and stumps
Benches and stacks.

Mittens turn white
On the branches of birches
So that they do not catch a cold,
To withstand the frost.

Winter told the oak
Throw on fluffy fur
I put a fur coat on the spruce,
The warmth covered everyone.

Long and reliable
In the river, she held ice together.
You can walk along the river -
Come to us, New Year!


Children will go to bed early
On the last day of December,
And wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar.

The year will begin with silence
Unfamiliar from past winters:
The noise behind the double frame
We can barely catch it.

But the guys are calling out
Winter day through the ice of glass -
Into the refreshing cold
From the cozy warmth.

A kind word we will remember
Years old care,
Starting early in the morning
New day and new year!


Whirling around easily and clumsily
The snowflake sat on the glass.
The snow was thick and white at night -
The room is bright with snow.
Slightly powders volatile fluff,
And the winter sun rises.
As every day is fuller and better,
Fuller and better New Year ...


Everything is new today:
Garden bench,
New cat,
New janitor at the gate.
White moss on a Christmas tree -
Brand new, brand new!
The bullfinch sat on a twig -
Well, quite a beginner!
Isn't it a novelty -
Is there a path across the yard?
I'll run along it to the gate,
I'll give the news to people.
- Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness! - I say.

On New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

They can even have the guys
All desires come true
You just need, they say,
Make an effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And do not count learning
For your torment.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not think
A humble desire -
Perform excellently
School assignments.

So that the disciples
Began to study,
To make a deuce in the diaries
Couldn't get through!

New Year's

The arrows are ticking softly
Are in no hurry to go forward
And that's why it took so long
New Year is not coming.

I'm in a musketeer suit
Near the tree, as in a dream ...
I was told - very soon
Santa Claus will come to me.

I ask adults to answer
One simple question -
Will come to visit us today
Real Santa Claus?

Present! - dad jokes,
Present! - the grandfather jokes.
Should I laugh or cry
Or believe in their answer ...

The bell rang in the hallway -
Here he is - Santa Claus!
Soft, warm palm
He grabbed my nose ...

How can you trust these adults?
I didn't understand at all -
Will there be frost
Warm palms?


December, December
All trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Paved frost overnight
Updated skates, sleds,
He brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
I stopped crying in the morning
I breathed, came to life.
Her needles tremble a little,
The lights on the branches came on.
Like a ladder, a tree
The lights run up high.
Crackers glitter with gold.
I lit a star with silver
Reached the crown
The most daring light.

A year has passed like yesterday.
Over Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes
Fireworks - twelve times.

New Year

Frequent forest,
By the blizzard field
Winter holiday coming to us.
So let's say together:
Smells like fresh tar again
We gathered at the tree
Our tree was dressed up,
Lights lit up on it.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Here and there masks flicker ...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Together we will stand in a round dance
Hello, hello, New Year!

Where does New Year come from?

New Year's Eve flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or was hiding like a feather
Frost's beard?

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve ...
And no one knows where
New Year is coming to us!

What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance
This is the laughter of funny guys
Near all the elegant trees.

What is New Year?
Everyone knows in advance;
These are pipes and violins
Jokes, songs and smiles.

Anyone who wants to be cheerful
It would be this New Year,
May with us today
Sings a resounding song!

Christmas ball

Lily of the valley blooms in May,
Aster blooms in autumn.
And in winter I bloom
I am at the tree every year.
I spent a whole year on the shelf.
Everyone forgot about me.
And now I'm hanging on the tree
Slowly ringing.
The whole tree to the top
Decorated toys!
Get up in the round dance!
Meet the New Year!

Christmas tree

Would have a Christmas tree
Would she run
Along the path.

Would she dance
Together with us,
She would knock
With heels.

Would spin on a Christmas tree
Toys -
Colorful lanterns

Would spin on a Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver

Laugh at the Christmas tree
Nesting dolls
And they would clap for joy
In the palms.

At the gate
New Year!
New, new,
With a gold beard!

The girls stood in a circle
We got up and fell silent.
Santa Claus lit the lights
On a tall tree.
There is a star at the top
Beads in two rows.
Let the tree not go out.
Let it always burn.

Christmas tree

Well, the tree, just a miracle,
How smart, how beautiful.
The branches rustle faintly
Beads shine bright
And toys swing -
Flags, stars, crackers.
Here the lights lit up on her,
How many tiny lights!
And decorating the top,
It shines there as always
Very bright, large,
Five-winged star.


Snowflakes falling
On New Year's holiday.
Full basket
I'll collect it today.

I will cover the Christmas tree
With a soft snow blanket
Will sleep in winter
Wait for the summer.

Santa Claus is tired
Apparently did not notice.
There are a lot of things to do in winter
In his world.

The girls stood in a circle
We got up and fell silent.
Santa Claus lit the lights
On a tall tree.
There is a star at the top
Beads in two rows.
Let the tree not go out.
Let it always burn.

New Year's event

Simple toys through the crack
Once they saw a Christmas tree:
"Let's dress up the Christmas tree!
Let's climb on the branches and sit down! "
Toys climbed onto the tree.
The monkey is already at the top.
The branch bent under Mishka.
She swayed a little under the Bunny.
Chickens hang like lanterns
Matryoshka dolls are like colorful balls ...
"Hey, Christmas decorations,
Snow Maidens, stars, firecrackers,
Glass twisted, cast,
Silver, gold!
While you're gathering dust on the shelf
We all found ourselves on the tree!
Now we will delight the children!
Oh, priests! Falling down! We are falling! "

New Year's lullaby

Fall asleep baby I'm tired
He helped us all day
Decorate the whole apartment,
Decorate our tree.

You forgot about toys
Served balls, crackers,
Even daddy standing on his shoulders
I lit candles on the tree
And sparklers
(How funny they burn.)

Tinsel decorated the branches,
I put two sweets down.
Granddaughter Santa Claus will come
And he will bring gifts.
Although we do not see him,
By treating, we will not offend.

Putting cotton wool under the tree,
Salads helped to cut,
He seemed to be in time everywhere:
He carried both forks and dishes.

I helped as much as I could -
You are growing up glorious, son!
I put my chair to the table,
He sat down and immediately fell asleep.

Sleep, son, in your bed
Blizzards sing along with me.
New Year comes to the house
And the baby sleeps sweetly.

The animals met the New Year
Zakhoder Boris

The animals met the New Year.
The animals led a round dance.
Around the green Christmas tree.
Both the Mole and the Behemoth danced,
And even - evil Wolves!

The Porcupine also began to dance -
Spiky needles
And all - to tremble
And that's all - scream
And that's all - run away from the tree!
Look: Oh, at least he's good himself! -
And he trembles with fear! ..
-But you can't get me through! -
Said Che-re-pa-ha!
-We are dancing with a step in serpash,
But, perhaps, we will dance all of them!

December 31st
We are waiting for one all evening:
When will the tree come to our house?
A window flashed across the street -
The tree was removed there a long time ago!
A light came on in another window -
There grandfather climbed on a stool
And attached a star to the top of my head
And handed out to the grandchildren on a firecracker!
The New Year is about to come!
What if the tree doesn't come to us?
Hooray! Call!
Together with my sister, we gallop at the door.
First the tree enters the house,
And dad - after her!

New Year's round dance
If the piano tries
If we like the motive,
If we're spinning in a dance
So we will all be friends.
Hares dance with bears.
Tigers and lions - with monkeys
The rams are dancing with the scarecrow
A cat under the arm with a poodle.
Elephant in a striped scarf
Dancing as if in Africa.
Spins with the robot
Cheerfully waves his trunk.
Here comes a chicken.
The chicken is just smart
He treats everyone with gingerbread
And congratulates you on the holiday.
In December
White, white in December, in December
Fir-trees, fir-trees in the yard, in the yard.

Slippery, slippery in December, in December
Little hills, little hills in the yard, in the yard
Spins and spins and sings and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!
Voiced, voiced in December, in December,
Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.
Spins and spins and sings and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Christmas ball
Valentin Berestov

Lily of the valley blooms in May,
Aster blooms in autumn
And in winter I bloom
I am at the tree every year.
I lay on the shelf all day.
Everyone forgot about me.
And now I'm hanging on the tree
Slowly ringing.
The whole tree to the top
Decorated toys!
Get up in the round dance!
Meet the New Year!

Where does the new year come from?
Usachev Andrey

New Year's Eve flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or was hiding like a feather
Frost's beard?

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve ...
And no one knows where
New Year is coming to us!

New Year

What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles -
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

What is New Year?
New Year - frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Discreet springs -
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

Fifteen to twelve

It's fifteen to twelve
But now I won't go to bed.
After all, today is a bright holiday
We will meet with the whole family.

From distant Lapland
Santa Claus rushed to us.
He's a cart of gifts today
He brought us with the guys.

Here the crackers are mischievous
And sparklers.
Fancy dresses,
Multicolored balloons.

Around the festive Christmas tree
Let's play fun
And at the table at twelve sharp
Let's sit down to celebrate the New Year.

New Years is soon
Z. Orlova

Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on the door to us:
Children, hello, I'm here!
We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree,
We hang toys
Balls, crackers ...
Soon Santa Claus will come
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, sweets ...
Santa Claus, where are you ?!

Bear dream

Sympathizes with the bear
In winter, forest people.
Never clubfoot
Didn't celebrate the New Year.
Him a keg of honey
Left by Santa Claus,
And he snores in a den,
Covering your nose with your palm.
But who will congratulate him?
You will not meet a daredevil.
You will wake up the lazybones -
What if the sides get wet?

"It happens in the world ..."
Tokmakova Irina

It happens in the world
That only once a year
Light on the tree
A lovely star.
The star burns, does not melt
Beautiful ice glistens.
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!

Old year
E. Grigorieva

Everyone is waiting, of course, for the New Year,
And I regret Old.
After all, he will completely leave us!
I even felt sad.
And I'm already used to it,
I became friends with him for a year.
I became friends with him because
Learned to swim
What the sea saw for the first time
And that a little sister was born.
I really felt sad
That the year is leaving Old.

On shaggy, prickly paws ...
Y. Shcherbakov

On shaggy, prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings a smell to the house:
The smell of heated pine needles,
The smell of freshness and wind
And a snowy forest
And the barely audible smell of summer.

What a holiday - New Year!

What a holiday New Year is - wonderful!
He brings us joy, and songs!
And children lead a merry round dance on the New Year,
New Year, New Year, New Year.

Gives everyone New Year gifts,
He will light our Christmas tree brightly.
A clean, peaceful firmament will give us the New Year,

Sadness and sadness will fly away somewhere ...
And let the guys always laugh
Let the New Year sing this song quietly,
New Year, New Year, New Year.

New Year is marching across the planet
Adults and children love him.
In a year will come again
Happy New Year to us,
New Year, New Year, New Year.

On New Year's Eve
V. Shumilin

On New Year's Eve, as in a fairy tale,
Full of miracles.
A tree is hurrying to the train
Leaving winter forest.
And the stars are shining brightly
And they lead a round dance.
On New, New Year's Eve!

Giggles like snowflakes
All night long they fly, they fly.
And songs are everywhere
They sound merry.
The wind is whistling
The blizzard sings
On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve,
On New, New Year's Eve!

New Year's rhyme
M. Galtsova

Summer has passed, the flowers have faded.
Autumn has also passed, the leaves have fallen.
The time for snow and ice is approaching.
It will be cold - in short, winter.
Soon everything will be covered with snow with snow.
It will be beautiful and will beckon everyone into the forest.
Snowflakes will shine in the sun
And big snowdrifts lie under the tree.
Everyone will play snowballs, have fun,
Singing songs and frolicking with friends.
And then the magic time will come
Wonderful fairy tales, gifts and warmth.
All the trees in the houses will be decorated,
Hang toys, light candles.
There will be many flags on the street
Bright garlands and colored lights.
People will go to shops in droves
And they will bring bags with gifts home.
Everyone is fussing, worrying, waiting
When the chimes strike twelve.
When the long-awaited moment comes
To forget everything together we could
Problems, worries, misfortunes.
To forget a bunch of adversity
Have become happy
After all, the New Year is coming.
With big steps your house will come
And it will bring great happiness to everyone.
Everyone should congratulate each other,
Wish each other happiness and love.
Well, I wish you Santa Claus
I brought you a huge bag as a gift,
Joy and laughter, fun, success,
Health and a lot of what you dreamed of,
They wished and waited.
Your sorrow, your melancholy
Put it in a bag for him.
Let him take it all away
And it will take it to the forest with it.

New Year
I. Usovich

Here comes the New Year -
This is a hassle-free holiday.
The year that is coming to us
Only happiness will give us.
Away from nightmares and bad weather!
Have fun, walk people!
What a holiday in the yard
Coming in December?
At this time, we are all happy
Kids are waiting for gifts.
For a few minutes, the family gathers:
Mothers, grandmothers, relatives-
And they see off with a smile
All the deeds of days gone by.
From the Christmas lights
Everything appeared in the best light
Because the planet is New Year!
And holding glasses in my hands,
With the counting down the blows,
Everyone squeals with joy,
Except for small preschool children.
Those have long been in bed
After all, next week
They will be sent to the garden again,
In the meantime, grapes
Cake, lemons, oranges,
Plums, pears, tangerines.
And overeating secretly
The child sleeps in a sweet dream.

New Year's carnival
Yuri Kushak

Put on your mask soon!
Run into a fairy tale soon!
In our fairy tale, in our fairy tale
In the middle of a fun dance
Painted, magic snow
Drops down on everyone!
A hedgehog is dancing near the tree,
All needles are in the serpentine.
- Oh yes hedgehog, oh yes hedgehog:
Who do you look like?
"To whom" yes "to whom", -
On yourself on yourself!
- What is there to ask
To no avail: I am a dancing Christmas tree!
Ded Moroz is dancing in a fairy tale,
Like a sailor on deck.
Was he the captain?
And walked the oceans?
And fourteen guys
Did you take his frigate aboard?
... Waves howl like wolves,
Black eyes are not taken from the tree.
The bell rang in the darkness
On a pirate ship.
But the firecrackers hit
Like little guns
And pirates are like frogs
Have flopped into the ocean!
The hedgehog got out of the tub,
Rubbing the needles on top of my head
And laughs at the hedgehog
New Year's captain!
Put on your mask soon!
Run into a fairy tale soon!
In our fairy tale in our fairy tale
In the middle of a fun dance
Painted, magic snow
Drops down on everyone!

New Year
N. Naydenova

Smells like fresh tar again
We gathered at the tree
Our tree was dressed up,
Lights lit up on it.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Here and there masks flicker ...
You are a bear. And I am a fox.
What miracles!
Together we will be in a round dance
Hello, hello, New Year!

Before the holiday, winter ...
T. Volgina

Before the holiday winter
For a green tree
The dress is white itself
Sewed without a needle.
Shook off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And is more beautiful than everyone
In a green dress.
To her green color to the face,
The tree knows this.
How well she is dressed for the New Year!

On New Year's Eve
Sergey Mikhalkov

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

They can even have the guys
All desires come true
You just need, they say,
Make an effort.

Do not be lazy, do not yawn,
And have patience
And do not count learning
For your torment.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not think
A humble desire -
Perform excellently
School assignments.

So that the disciples
Began to study,
To make a deuce in the diaries
Couldn't get through!

I celebrate the New Year
Tatiana Bokova

Dad decorates the tree.
He said that to all children
Allows this night
Do not go to bed at all.
Once a year this is possible
Only once, on New Year's Eve.
But imagine, as on purpose,
As luck would have it, the mouth yawns.
Watching my apartment.
I am waiting for an answer to the question:
"Like gifts in this world
Does Santa Claus bring us?
How will he get to the Christmas tree?
Where is his magical path? "
I will fight with myself
To wait, not to fall asleep!

L. Zelenevskaya

Christmas tree toys
We did it ourselves:
And Santa Claus
With a big mustache
And baby Snow Maiden
In a rich fur coat ...
And it's all in secret
From younger brother.
He is in the room next to
On a soft bed
Lay down comfortably
And he sleeps sweetly.
And we are slowly
Gathered today
Him to cook
New Year's surprise!
What is not there
On our Christmas tree!
Here is a funny clown
She dances with pigs.
Here is the golden rain
Streams along the branches.
Here is a fluffy bunny,
And next to it is the firebird ...
It remains to hang
On a twig with a chop
Just a little red ball
And - the tree is removed.
Suddenly the voice of a brother
From the room we hear:
- And the little red ball
Hang it higher!

Alla Stroylo

Santa Claus is a cheerful grandfather,
He is dressed to the eye.
He is a very brave artist
He paints with paint white
White, white, White light:
The ski trail is turning blue
The ice is blackening on the river
The blue evening is coming.
There is a yellow light in our windows
The coniferous forest sends us greetings.
The green spruce is slender,
She came to the school hall,
And with her it's so long
Candy Tangerine,
So unusual -
Ridge, snow,
Great word -
CA! - NO! - WHOO! - LY!

Tatiana Shatskikh

Christmas tree, Christmas tree dressed up!
Stars, stars hitched!
Lanterns - lanterns,
Beads and balls!
And under the tree - Santa Claus!
I have a question for him:

I was good
I ate porridge, slept during the day.
For my terrible suffering
Will not give a cookie
"Chupa-chups", "Rastishka",
Teddy bear?
And I also need it so much
Pants with bright embroidery,
Like Masha Antonyuk,
And a real iron
To iron the dolls' dresses,
And lipstick - lipstick on your mouth,
Its own room in the apartment,
Peace and friendship throughout the world ...

But the glass grandfather is silent,
So no ...

Masha, the one in the crispy veil
Says you are real
I gave her brushes, paints ...
So believe, children, in fairy tales.

Lanterns - lanterns,
Beads and balls ...

And toys are frolicking on the tree ...
Irina Aseeva

And toys are frolicking on the tree:
Horses, gnomes, bumps, balls,
Crackers hid somewhere in the branches,
And the rain of tinsel sparkles.

Winter wind, cold prankster,
Snowflakes cling to our windows -
He also wants, probably, for a holiday -
But no one calls him into the house.

... The weeks will pass with a bright fairy tale
Under the rays of the Christmas stars
And will leave, dissolving in a blizzard,
Good grandfather - old Frost.

Poems about Santa Claus and New Year

In defense of Santa Claus

My brother (he outgrew me)
Brings everyone to tears.
He told me that Santa Claus
Not Santa Claus at all!

He told me:
-Don't believe in him! -
But here herself
The door opened

And suddenly I see -
Grandfather enters.
He has a beard
Dressed in a sheepskin coat,
Sheepskin coat to the toes!
He says:
-And where is the tree?
Do children sleep?

With a big silver bag
Stands sprinkled with snow,
Grandfather in a fluffy hat.
And the elder brother secretly says:
-Yes, this is our neighbor!

How can you not see: the nose looks like!
Both hands and back! -
I answer: - Well, well!
And you look like your grandmother,
But you are not her!
A. Barto


New Year's Eve flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or was hiding like a feather
Frost's beard?

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve ...
And no one knows where
New Year is coming to us!

A. Usachev

Fragrant Christmas tree,
Fluffy Christmas tree,
Decorated Christmas tree,
You are so fine!

How long did you sleep
I rested so much
A whole, a whole year!
Enough sleep - that's it!

I need to wake up
To celebrate, to play
Wake up in the New Year -
Christmas tree, light up!

And let's have fun
And sing together, spin
We are all waiting! One two Three -
Shine Christmas tree!

Kirill Avdeenko

Ice sparkles on the river
The snow is spinning gently.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because it's snowy! There is a huge cake on the table
Gingerbread, chocolate.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because sweet!
Santa Claus will wave his hand -
We will sing loudly.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because it's loud!
Round dance around the tree,
Lights on the branches.
Nice holiday New Year!
It’s a pity, it’s rare.

Anatoly Rumyantsev

What is New Year?

What is New Year?
It's all the other way around:
Christmas trees in the room are growing
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,
Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!

The rain is also not easy
On New Year's Day it is golden
It shines with all its urine,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

E. Mikhailova

It was in January

It was in January
There was a tree on the mountain
And near this tree
Bad wolves roamed.

Here once
At night time
When the forest is so quiet
They meet the wolf under the mountain
Hare and hare.

Who is hunting in the New Year
Fall into the clutches of the wolf!
The hares rushed forward
And they jumped onto the tree.

They pressed their ears
They hung like toys.
Ten little bunnies
Hang on the tree and are silent -
They deceived the wolf.
It was in January -
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.
Agniya Barto

Santa Claus is in a hurry to the holiday

Santa Claus is in a hurry to the holiday
In a red coat, in felt boots.
He carries gifts with him
For little kids.

Petenka - a ball,
Sasha - a book,
And the girl Katenka -

Not a simple backpack -
The barrel is opening
And inside sits cold
Northern snowman.

Sergey Mikhalkov

Santa Claus paper

Santa Claus paper
Both gray-haired and important,
With a beard and a sack
With a wooden walkway ...

A whole year on the mezzanine
He lay in the dust, in captivity.
Now standing on a chair
He is under the tree, on guard -

Waiting for the New Year.
- Quiet! Do you hear? It goes!

S. Wheat

Animal New Year

The animals met the New Year.
The animals led a round dance.

Around the green Christmas tree.
Danced and the Mole,
And the Hippopotamus,
And even - evil Wolves!

The Porcupine also began to dance -
Spiky needles
And all - to tremble
And that's all - to scream
And that's all - run away from the tree!

Look: Oh -
Even though he is good! -
And he trembles with fear! ..

But you can't get me through! -
Said Che-re-pa-ha!

We dance
But everyone

Zakhoder Boris

Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden! Hey! Hey!
The forest is in a shaggy fur coat ...
I am looking for you, I call, I call,
Your light trail has disappeared.
Are you hiding under the tree?
Is it buried in the snow?
Get through the thicket with a thorn
I just can't.

Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!
Hey! Hey! Hey!

Familiar paths
It's easy for you to run.
In the snowdrifts with windbreaks
How will I walk?
All punctured with needles,
I'll get stuck in the snow.
Between the gloomy trees
I can't find you.
And suddenly she appeared:
Stands under the tree
Spruce branch with a thorn
He beckons me to her.

Showered with snowflakes
Silver headdress,
The fur coat is embroidered with ice,
The icy gaze sparkles ...
“Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! " -
I wanted to shout to her
Sparkling snow under the tree
Shaggy rang ...

Snowballs fly and flash.
Snowballs cover my face,
Snowballs blind my eyes
Snowballs amuse her.
Calmed down. An alarmed bush swayed.
A nimble crunch is heard under the leg.

O. Belyaevskaya

Gifts for the animals

Santa Claus puts all the rabbits under the tree
By soft toy- a fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play
Who terrifies him in the forest.

And each chanterelle gets a new comb
For trendy, shiny and red hairstyles.
So that there was no time to offend the rabbits -
After all, you have to keep your hair in order.

And what has Santa Claus in store for the bear?
A basket of raspberries? Keg honey?
Left under a huge forest spruce
Alarm clock that the bear will wake up in the spring.

N. Stozhkova

The New Year is racing at a trot ...

The New Year is racing at a trot

He hurries to the house, knocks;

White ice on the lakes

The eye is blinding, sparkling.

Maple, hugging an alder, stands -

It's so warmer together;

Something is quietly saying

To her, to her fiancee.

The sun will soon fall

Fun up the hill;

It will forget, it will sing

The forest is like a blizzard.

Snow will dance in a round dance

It will whirl like a whirlwind;

Soon, soon the New Year!

At a trot rushes to visit.

Kirill Avdeenko

Cockroach Timosha and New Year

Like a rubber hoop
The cockroach lives Timosha;
In the morning - salad and cheese,
Before going to bed - always kefir!
Lives well in Kalosh
Sly little Timosha!
But friends, like an old mole,
Well, he can't find it!

Day-day in your kalosh
Teaches the alphabet Timosha;
Writes and reads
Subtracts the numbers -
That's how good
Cockroach Timosha!
And even if he is small in stature -
Became the smartest in the house!

Once Timosha
Came out of the galoshes;
Over the pots - boom and bam!
Scream all around! And the noise, and the din -
Children clap their hands:
"Hey, catch Timosha!"
Jumping after him
Petya, Tanya, Mishka!

But Timosha is cunning -
Sniff into your galoshes!
Everyone shouts to him around:
“Hey, hello, funny friend!
Get out of the galoshes,
Cockroach Timosha!
We are waiting for you for a round dance -
Soon, soon the New Year! "

“Lonely, friend Timosha,
Everything is in your kalosh!
Near the Christmas tree people -
The clock strikes twelve!
And you are sad in your kalosh,
You are the only one, Timosha!
We are waiting for you, barbel,
Let's dance cha-cha-cha! "

Suddenly a galosh rumbled -
Then Timosha is moving!
Crawled out the crack, like a door,
Eh, he is pleased now,
Our dear, good,
Cockroach Timosha!
Look how he twirls the pretzel!
Hey Hey! Tra-la-la!

Like a rubber hoop
The cockroach lives Timosha;
But now he is not alone -
We adore and love!
Often-often from galoshes
Our Timosha goes to the children!
After all, he found friends - here!
On the glorious holiday of the New Year.

Kirill Avdeenko

We are waiting for one all evening:
When will the tree come to our house?
A window flashed across the street -
The tree was removed there a long time ago!
A light came on in another window -
There grandfather climbed on a stool
And attached a star to the top of my head
And handed out to the grandchildren on a firecracker!
The New Year is about to come!
What if the tree doesn't come to us?
Hooray! Call!
Together with my sister, we gallop at the door.
First the tree enters the house,
And dad - after her!

New Year's round dance

If the piano tries
If we like the motive,
If we're spinning in a dance
So we will all be friends.
Hares dance with bears.
Tigers and lions - with monkeys
The rams are dancing with the scarecrow
A cat under the arm with a poodle.
Elephant in a striped scarf
Dancing as if in Africa.
Spins with the robot
Cheerfully waves his trunk.
Here comes a chicken.
The chicken is just smart
He treats everyone with gingerbread
And congratulates you on the holiday.


L. Zelenevskaya

Christmas tree toys
We did it ourselves:
And Santa Claus
With a big mustache

And baby Snow Maiden
In a rich fur coat ...
And it's all in secret
From a younger brother.

He is in the room next to
On a soft bed
Lay down comfortably
And he sleeps sweetly.

And we are slowly
Gathered today
Him to cook
New Year's surprise!

What is not there
On our Christmas tree!
Here is a funny clown
She dances with pigs.

Here is the golden rain
Streams along the branches.
Here is a fluffy bunny,
And next to it is the firebird ...

It remains to hang
On a twig with a chop
Just a little red ball
And - the tree is removed.

Drawing lesson

A. Stroylo

Santa Claus is a cheerful grandfather,
He is dressed to the eye.
He is a very brave artist
He paints with paint white
White, white, white light:
The ski trail is turning blue
The ice is blackening on the river
The blue evening is coming.
There is a yellow light in our windows
The coniferous forest sends us greetings.
The green spruce is slender,
She came to the school hall,
And with her it's so long
Candy Tangerine,
So unusual -
Ridge, snow,
Great word -
CA! - NO! - WHOO! - LY!

Santa Claus

Walking along the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost scatters
On the branches of birches;
Walks with a beard
Shakes white
Stamps his foot
Only the crackling goes.

S. Drozhzhin

The most important of the guests

Who is in an elegant warm fur coat,
With a long white beard
Comes to visit on New Year's Eve
And ruddy and gray?
He plays with us, dances,
With him, the holiday is more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

I. Chernitskaya

Last day of December

Children will go to bed early
On the last day of December,
And wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar.

The year will begin with silence
Unfamiliar from past winters:
The noise behind the double frame
We can barely catch it.

But the guys are calling out
Winter day through the ice of glass -
Into the refreshing cold
From the cozy warmth.

We will remember with a kind word
Years old care,
Starting early in the morning
New day and new year!

Samuel Marshak

Don't trust the wolf!

The wind blows with a snow
Santa Claus is walking
And carries a big bag
And there is a rhyme in the bag,
And a lamb sits in a rhyme,
Tears are dripping from the curls
The nose is swollen, the lip hangs!
Oh, unhappy fate
At a fluffy lamb,
Because he, fool,
Heard the wolves at night
Laughed from under the tree,
The lamb was not allowed to sleep
And they howled gloatingly:
- Trust no one, kids!
Santa Claus will not give candy
This is a fictional grandfather
That's the whole big secret!
We have been prowling everywhere for a long time,
We are honestly looking for Santa Claus.
If he walked
Yes with a gift bag,
Yes, in a patterned sheepskin coat
Before a stray wolf, -
We would eat the old man
Leaving not a single scrap
No beard, no mustache,
No T-shirts, no panties!
This is a fictional grandfather
That's the whole big secret!
Would he really be -
We would eat grandpa
Yes, the bag would be untied,
Yes, they licked the presents,
They didn't say a word to you!
There is no such grandfather!
No bag and no sheepskin coat.
Believing in Santa Claus is stupid!
This is a fictional grandfather
That's the whole big secret!
A lamb sits by the window
Tears are dripping from the curls
And to him, crunching with a snow,
Santa Claus is walking
And carries a big bag
And in the bag is a rhyme:
"I am not a hare, not a fox -
You can't eat me!
Never trust a wolf
So as not to spoil the tree! "
Santa Claus
Glittering white veil
Winter has dragged on everything
And on the way to your new
Here it seemed itself.
Followed by her
Our grandfather favorite frost,
And the small fry runs out:
What did Grandpa bring us? ¦
How many pretty eyes
And flushed cheeks ...
The creak of the sled is heard,
Someone's skate has already tinkled.
Will there be dolls, toys?
Will there be piles of candy?
Candles on Christmas trees, crackers?
Grandpa! Yes or no?
Grandfather grinned slyly
And he continues to walk.
Have you forgotten us, really,
Or does he not want to say?
Spruce branches waving
Because of the wide back ...
He keeps laughing: Oh, kids!
Were you obedient?

J. Moritz

Funny verse about New Year

Look guys
Everything was covered with cotton wool!
And in response, there was laughter:
- It was the first snow.
Only Lyuba disagrees:
- It's not a snowball at all -
Santa Claus brushed his teeth
And he scattered the powder.

I. Bursov


New Year is knocking on the door!
Open it up for him soon.
Red-cheeked toddler -
Your now reliable friend.

You will surely be friends
Together you will grow
Gain strength, health,
All ailments will forget you.

You invite him to the house,
Here the clock struck.
The clock strikes twelve times.
Happiness has come to you! Meet!

The tree is shining with lights
The fairy tale is near ... Here is the sleigh
Creaked at the gate ...
Who's there? This is Santa Claus!

I looked at the holiday with my granddaughter,
He carries gifts with him.
And the toys that are on the tree
They came to life suddenly. Hares, gnomes,

Dolls, balls, kittens,
Birds, squirrels and foxes,
Bear cubs and hedgehogs ...
The naughty ones started dancing.

Laughter, fun and fun ...
Only to bend the branches of the spruce.
It seems just right
The tree is here to start dancing.

And the Snow Maiden, little girl,
Gives out toys to the guests
Chocolates, oranges,
Apples and tangerines ...

The aroma of pine needles soars
The moon is shining outside the window
With a wondrous light blue
All trees are silver.

Snowflakes are circling in the air
Ice floes sparkle merrily
Everything around is white and white ...
The New Year gives a fairy tale.

New Year

What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles -
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

What is New Year?
New Year - frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Discreet springs -
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

Fifteen to twelve


It's fifteen to twelve
But now I won't go to bed.
After all, today is a bright holiday
We will meet with the whole family.

From distant Lapland
Santa Claus rushed to us.
He's a cart of gifts today
He brought us with the guys.

Here the crackers are mischievous
And sparklers.
Fancy dresses,
Multicolored balloons.

Around the festive Christmas tree
Let's play fun
And at the table at twelve sharp
Let's sit down to celebrate the New Year.

New Years is soon

Z. Orlova

Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on the door to us:
Children, hello, I'm here!
We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers ...
Soon Santa Claus will come
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, sweets ...
Santa Claus, where are you ?!

Santa Claus - Red nose

Natalia Mayer

There is a hut in a dense forest,
It has carvings with patterns,
And a downy bed
On which it is tough to sleep:
Instead of fluff in that feather bed
Only snowflake stars
Ice blanket
Replaces the blanket.
And Moroz lives in a hut
And it is called - Red Nose.
He is cold at times
Covering the ground with white snow.
Helps animals too -
Gives snow pillows
Covers with white fluff
Whispers songs in your ear.
The gray she-wolf will howl -
She can't sleep from the cold.
And frost and night by morning
Insulate her burrow.
And in the den - clubfoot,
Instead of honey, he licks his paw.
Let the Frost crack on the roof
The bear does not hear anything!
Perched on a pine tree
The owl hoots in a dream:
"Wow, and cold-cold,
Never get warm! "
Santa Claus walks through the forest
And it puts things in order:
He's pine nuts
Sprinkles squirrels for fun.
Met a red fox -
Gave her mittens.
And he gave his sheepskin coat to the wolf,
Because the wolf was trembling.
This Santa Claus,
What's called the Red Nose
Helps all animals
And saves from the cold.

What is "New Year"?

Olga Korneeva

Santa Claus for New Year
Will definitely come.
The guys are waiting for him
Birds and animals.
And gifts are waiting for him -
After all, they cook for him
Jokes, games, fairy tales
And there are dances at the tree.
Laughter pours over the forest
Santa Claus is laughing!
The animals play with him -
New Year is celebrated!

Like our Frost ...

Like our Frost
This is such a beard
(Yes, yes, yes, that's such a beard)
Like our Frost
Here's a red nose
(Yes, yes, yes there is such a red nose)
Like our Frost
These are the boots
(Yes, yes, yes, these are boots)
Santa Claus, you are a hundred years old!
And you are naughty as a little one!

New Years is soon

V. Tatarinov

New Year, New Year!
New Years is soon.
We are about him, we are about him
We sing a song.

New Year, New Year!
New Years is soon.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Will come to visit us.

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Santa Claus,
Show, show
What did you bring us?

New Year

Vanshenkin Konstantin

New Year's Eve cleaning,
And an evening with many undertakings,
And the obligatory tree
In homes where there are no children,
And I sympathize today
To friends offended by fate -
To all those who on New Year's Eve
He does not see the tree in front of him.
... A whisk shines around the candle.
And silence. And sweet to everyone.
BUT old year less, less ...
And now he is not at all.
And we smell
Standing on the edge of a year
Although which year we meet
We are the New Year for our lives.
Dry snow, blowing frost,
He is coming to our celebration.
But every year everything is newer,
Our good guest, our New Year.

Santa Claus

Zinaida Alexandrova

Santa Claus walked through the forest
Past the maples and birches
Past the glades, past the stumps,
I walked through the forest for eight days.
He walked through the forest -
I dressed up the trees in beads.
This New Year's Eve
He will take them down to the guys.
There is silence in the meadows
The yellow moon is shining ..
All the trees are in silver
Hares dance on the mountain
Ice glistens on the pond
New Year is coming!

New Year

A. Stepanenko

New Year! New Year!
The stars in the sky are sparkling.
New Year! New Year!
All nations are calling.

Here are elves, here are dwarves-
Everyone gathered under the tree!
Even orcs and dragons
We got to the green one!

The war is over for a while!
They do not cut themselves seriously!
And found a way to make the world
Good old Santa Claus. All the gifts were here!

The head orc grabbed the crown
The dwarf king received a hammer,
Even a fat black raven
The flock grabbed a donut.

The elf forester has taken Bel-Tree,
Ont stayed with his.
The man has adorned the body,
Well, the hobbit is a vat of wine.

Here on this wonderful holiday
Love, peace and kindness.
The cold will not hammer desire
Light, sun and warmth!

Santa Claus

White shiny bedspread
Winter has dragged on everything
And on the way to your new
Here it seemed itself.

Followed by
Our beloved Santa Claus,
And the small fry runs out:
"Grandpa, what did he bring us?"

How many pretty eyes
And flushed cheeks ...
The creak of the sled is heard,
Someone's skate has already tinkled.
Will there be dolls, toys?
Will there be piles of candy?
Candles on Christmas trees, crackers?
Grandpa! Yes or no?

Grandfather grinned slyly
And he continues to walk.
Have you forgotten us, really,
Or does he not want to say?
Spruce branches waving
Because of the wide back ...
He keeps laughing: "Oh, kids!
Were you obedient? "

Who's come?

Elena Blaginina

Who's come? What did you bring?
We know: Santa Claus,
Gray-haired grandfather with a beard,
He is our dear guest.
He will light a Christmas tree for us,
He will sing songs with us.

Christmas story

Driz Ovsey (G. Sapgir)

Santa Claus has a snowflake on his nose.
Fir trees gathered in the forest in the evening.
Sixty green, forty blue
Sixty older, forty young.

Christmas trees and ate spun together
And they sang a winter forest song:
- Fall, snowflakes, fall quickly,
Weave the white road for the sleigh.

And he ordered snowflakes to fall from the sky.
Stars and stars flew from the sky
And the road became white with snow.

The Christmas trees began to spin again and ate
And they sang another winter song:
- Come to us, wind, without a needle and thread
Sew us, tailor, white capes.

I like the song, - Santa Claus said
And he ordered the wind to fly faster.
And the wind rushed, mischievous and dexterous,
Without a needle and thread, I instantly sewed new clothes.

The Christmas trees and ate were spinning again
And they sang another song happily:
- we are now ready, we will go now!
On a merry holiday, we will go to the children!
- I like the song, - Santa Claus said
And he ordered to bring the sleigh as soon as possible.

The wolf to Frost drags a fur coat,
And the Fox has a big red hat.
The hares brought the mittens to the sleigh.
And the bag with gifts appeared on its own.
Seven hot whirlwind horses - downhill!
Grandfather Frost is going and going to the children.

Kids love the New Year 2019: a lot of bright garlands, gifts and matinees in kindergartens and schools. You need to prepare for such a favorite holiday in advance - learn 2019 with the kids.

For a whole year we have been waiting for a holiday
And gifts and sweets,
In the snow yesterday I saw
Santa Claus trace!

And today - here he is, next to him!
Open up the bag soon!
You know how I taught for a long time
This little rhyme!

What a New Year holiday -
Christmas trees and gifts
Lights are shining everywhere
Fun and bright.

Real Santa Claus
Gives us toys
He brought them on a sled
From his hut.

Hey guys, more fun
We are doing round dances!
That would be every year
Ten New Years!


Oh, winter is merry in us,
Merry mute:
Gra with middle stars,
Into the blue dims,
Snegom land volume.

Oh, the string is the yalinka in us!
Skilki syє here embellishment!
We took a yurboy -
At once with a new dream
Rik Noviy strich.

M. Rilskiy

Vіtre, vіtre, you do not viy!
At the little animals - Rik Noviy.
Dawn to light on yalintsi,
Dіd Moroz prinіs hotel.

Promethem sobі dorіzhki,
Pootantsyuєmo I want three.
We break the masks from the buddies,
Nalyakaєmo vovkiv.

L. Kostenko

Through the field, through the forest,
Z pagorba to the valley
Gifts bunny viz
Children on the yalinka.

Khav navit at night,
Fearing nothing,
We flew two sichi
I'll go ahead.

I illuminated the path
Eyes їkh - loams.
Gifts to bring
Go to the skiff.

A. Muzychuk

Noviy Rik, Noviy Rik
Already stupaє on porіg.
Booti dance the circle of the yalinka,
Bootie pisnі, bootie grі.

- Noviy Rik, Noviy Rik,
What kind of travel is there?
Tell us how ti bachiv
What about the memory of yati zberig?

- I am a merry New Rik,
From the farthest I will come,
And now visiting you
On a garny day, at a good hour.

- Noviy Rik, Noviy Rik,
Give us a biliy snig
On yalintsi eels
Clearly the star has sunk.

V. Malishko


It is winter, it is cold.
Father Frost is very old.
But he’s always full of joy
And glad to give me a nice toy.
New Year Day, happy day!
We are glad and very gay.
We all dance, and sing, and say:
"Welcome, welcome, New Year Day!"

New things to learn,
New friends to meet,
New songs to sing,
New books to read.
New things to see,
New things to hear,
New things to do
In this New Year!

Everybody left. The cat is purring.
The dream comes again.
What is NEW YEAR -
Two magic words?
And the answer is already ready:
It's a coniferous smell
Silvery moonlight
On spruce paws
Weightless balls
Sugar Sprinkled
And the glimmer of tinsel
In a half-asleep unsteady.
This is apple pie
And a pile of gifts.
This is a fabulous threshold
Behind which - a Miracle.
(E. Yavetskaya)

2. What is New Year? Santa Claus...

What is New Year?
Santa Claus is long beard,
Explosions of laughter and crackers
Happiness is a whole boat!

This is a bright masquerade
Music hit parade,
Mountains of juicy tangerines
And a big candy fall!

What is New Year?
Snow and the delights of the weather
Fairy Tale Travel,
Adventure round dance!

This is reality and magic!
Conspiracies, witchcraft!
Just a miracle of transformation
Good fairy triumph!
(Dream Svetlana)

3. This is how it happens!

New Year came to visit us.
And there is a code on the driveway door!
And the New Year was not familiar
With a tricky combination lock.

Stuck under the door for an hour
Knocked, knocked twelve times
And turned into another entrance,
He stays with them and eats buns!
(G. Dyadina)

4. Five minutes from the New Year

After finishing the pre-holiday run,
We'll freeze while waiting
And with the twelfth beat
Let's start the New Year with noise.

The minutes will run again
Under fun, joy, laughter,
And the year born will give
Good luck and success to everyone!
(A. Voight)

5. The most beautiful holiday

The firmament glitters from the stars and lights.
Adults are happy and children.
New Year has descended on Earth again.
And ran across the planet.

Rushed through the villages and cities,
Meeting winter and summer.
In a minute he will look at us too
We will be happy to meet him.

And he will give us a new dawn
Having made a revolution around the planet.
There is no more generous holiday -
He is the most beautiful in the world!
(V. Gvozdev)

6. New Year's song - the gates open

The gate opens
Blue January.
And around a new turn
An unfamiliar dawn.

Something is in the air
Ringing and screaming, vanity,
It's like life starts all over
From a snow-white leaf.

Chocolate candies,
Silvery rains.
Spring and Summer will come again
Wait a little.

It sparkles with a bright flame
Golden gimp
Only Happiness promises
New Year's pipe.

Over the set tables
Over the cribs of children
New Year is flying above us
Full of bright, clear days.

And the minutes are running, running
Songs, laughter from all sides,
Trouble has come in the world
We celebrate the change of times.

Wishes! Wishes!
Christmas tree on fire
Desires are fulfilled
In the ensuing silence.
(T. Frolova)

7. Where does the New Year come from

New Year's Eve flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year coming out?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or was hiding like a feather
In the frost in the beard ...

Maybe he got into the refrigerator
Or to a squirrel in a hollow,
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve -
And no one knows where
New Year is coming to us!
(A. Usachev)

8. The girls got up in a circle.

The girls got up in a circle.
We got up and fell silent.
Santa Claus lit the lights
On a tall tree.

There is a star at the top
Beads in two rows.
Let the tree not go out
Let it always burn!

9. Favorite holidays

We love the holidays
We are looking forward to it.
Holidays are brought to us
Joy to every home.
The song begins
Festive day
It ignites in the heart
Warm light.
It's a pity that it ends
But they are not forgotten
Never are they.

What's New Year
Do we wait every time?
We are waiting for them to come true
We have all the dreams.

We are waiting for joyful gifts
Good news
And sunny smiles
From your friends.

We believe that it will blossom
White garden in spring
What's even more beautiful
The land will become native.
(V. Stepanov)

10. End of December

Both adults and children are waiting
End of December,
They tear it down with pleasure
This sheet of the calendar.

The holiday of masks is coming
Tinsel and confetti
Among the reasons to have fun
No more fun to find!
(V. Voight)

11. New Year!

New Year! New Year!
A lot of happiness will bring:

Adults - all sorts of joys
For children - different sweets.

Get terribly excited
Christmas trees - new outfits

Courtyards - snowmen
Ice - a cheerful creak of skates,

The sky is a festive fireworks
Santa Claus is a medal for labor!
(T. Shatskikh)

12. Happy New Year, my garden!

A ringing laugh, a kind fairy tale
The day has begun today -
Everyone put on masks together
Dancing and singing is not too lazy!

This holiday is the brightest!
It only happens in winter.
Santa Claus brings gifts
Happy New Year, my garden!
(T. Dashkova)

13. Trotting New Year

The New Year is racing at a trot
He hurries to the house, knocks;
White ice on the lakes
The eye is blinding, sparkling.
Maple, hugging an alder, stands -
It's so warmer together;
Something is quietly speaking
To her, to her fiancee.
The sun will soon fall
Fun up the hill;
Will forget it, it will sing
The forest is like a blizzard.
Snow will dance in a round dance
It will whirl like a whirlwind;
Soon, soon the New Year!
At a trot rushes to visit.
(K. Avdeenko)

14. Bear Dream

Sympathizes with the bear
In winter, forest people.
Never clubfoot
Didn't celebrate the New Year.

Him a keg of honey
Left by Santa Claus,
And he snores in a den,
Covering your nose with your palm.

But who will congratulate him?
You will not meet a daredevil.
You will wake up the lazybones -
What if the sides get wet?
(A. Kostakov)

15. News

Everything is new today:
Garden bench,
New yard,
New cat,
New janitor at the gate.
White fur on a Christmas tree -
Brand new, brand new!
The bullfinch sat on a twig -
Well, quite a beginner!
Isn't it a novelty -
Is there a path across the yard?

I'll run along it to the gate,
I will give the news to people:
- Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness! - I say.
(Yu. Kushak)

16. Guest

Paving the way to the threshold
Snow falls on the road
And with the beginning of winter days
Someone rushes to us along it.

He is carrying a wonderful bag.
What is hidden in it? Unknown.
Is the book new? The game?
The secrets of our yard?
Maybe ski trips
Or a funny dog?
Maybe the hockey sticks are knocking loudly
Or just a new friend?

... Snow falls on the road.
How long can you wait, by God!
Maybe it won't come at all?
Here it is! Hello New Year!
(N. Stozhkova)

https: // site / stixi-pro-novyj-god /

17. New Year's Day

New Year's days!
The snow is frosty, prickly.
Lights lit up
On a fluffy tree.

The ball swung painted,
The beads rang
Smells like the freshness of the forest
From resinous spruce.

18. Soon New Year

Soon, soon the New Year.
It is snowing outside the window.
Sparrows tremble under the roof
Misha sleeps sweetly in his den,
Frost crackles at night
Nibbles the finches by the nose.
The trees are lined up
Change the forest outfit.
Snow hats, fur coats
The garlands are gold.
Soon, soon the New Year.
Laughter, a round dance by the tree.
Santa Claus with a big bag
He walks through the woods.
The stars shine brightly for him
He has gifts in his bag.
Tangerines, oranges
For the guys of the country of Russia.
Waffles, apples, lemons
And there are millions of nuts.
Hurry up, New Year,
The kids are already waiting.
(M. Azariyants)

19. What is New Year? It's the other way around

What is New Year?
It's the other way around:
Christmas trees in the room are growing
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,

Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy
On New Year's Day it is golden

It shines with all its urine,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.
(E. Mikhailova)

20. Japanese calendar

There is a Japanese belief -
Fairy tale, simply put:
Once upon a time the beasts gathered
Choose your own king.
Gathered for the New Year
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
They were racing at full speed.

They began to howl, meow, bark,
Argument and screams until dawn:
Everybody wants to rule each other
Everyone wants to be king.
Fought on New Year's Eve
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
Wool flies and fluff!

But from heaven it is strictly
The Japanese god looked.
And he said: "It's time by God,
Stop the commotion!
Will rule every year
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
Each in its own turn! "

And they went to reign in a circle,
Observing the calendar,
Animals, birds - all to each other -
Friend, comrade, brother and king.
We got up in a friendly round dance
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
We got into a common circle!
(A. Usachev)

21. New Year with a spruce branch

New Year
Spruce branch
Back in a fairy tale
Beckons us.
Soon, soon will be counted
Your magic hour.

Santa Claus
Gifts for everyone
Will definitely find
New Year
With new happiness
Soon soon
Will come to us!
(A. Voight)

22. New Year in the forest

In the New Year,
In the new year
A lot of festive hassle!

Hang balls together
Red chanterelles,
Bright tinsel ribbons
Braided in pigtails.

Lights are burning all around
All the animals are happy:
Gallop in a groovy dance
White rabbits.

Celebrating New Year
Gray wolves, -
They lead a round dance
At the elegant tree.

The bells are ringing,
Cones are golden.
Only some sleep in the den
Brown bears.
(A. Paroshin)

23. Between the future and the present

Between the passing year
And the future is five minutes
Arrows future with present
They are closed in a magic circle.

In these very moments
The majority believes in a miracle -
New Years
Gives people magic!
(A. Voight)

24. Divination

What will you be, New Year?
What are you talking to us? joy? grief?
You go, and darkness is in a stern gaze,
But what is behind the darkness? flame? ice?

Who will unravel the omens
Why are you whispering so indistinctly?
At a dark doom line
In response to timid fortune-telling?

But no matter how dark it is in the future
And if all the roads are not hazy,
I am on a mysterious doorstep
One harbinger is given:

As soon as the heart beats right
And all earthly storms are smoke
Everything will be the way we want it
It is only worth wanting immeasurably.
(F. Sologub)

25. New Year - being afraid again

Afraid again
Oversleep him,
I sat firmly on the chair
Blinked - and suddenly fell asleep.
I thought I slept through it,
But I got up in the morning
And he has come!
(L. Yakovlev)

26. On New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

They can even have the guys
All desires come true
You just need, they say,
Make an effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And do not count learning
For your torment.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not think
A humble desire -
Perform excellently
School assignments,

So that the disciples
Began to study,
To make a deuce in the diaries
Couldn't get through!
(S. Mikhalkov)

27. Birth of the New Year

Swept into the distance on a troika
The snow queen.
And threw on a veil
On the boundless fields.

Snow swirls behind the sleigh
Fireworks glare.
Today the New Year will be born
In a silvery placer.

And shakes feather beds
Grandma is a blizzard.
Snow floats over the city
It spreads like white down.

Very good old year
Walking down the street to you
He gives gifts to everyone
Let the children admire.

With a Christmas tree, he summed up
Last year's business,
Helped to ascend the throne
New Year's grandson.
(G. Rukosueva)

28. Looking forward to the New Year

We have been waiting for the New Year for a long time,
We are waiting for gifts, a round dance,
Starry night magic
And Christ's Christmas.

Christmas tree, beads, tinsel ...
Santa Claus will come. Hooray!
I'll tell him a rhyme
He will give me a bag of sweets.

And the Snow Maiden will come
The Angel will bring a fairy tale.
Let's say together: One, two, three!
Our Christmas tree, burn!

An asterisk, lights will flash
How everyone loves them!
All dreams will come true.
Happiness, people, to you, love!
(L. Firsova-Sapronova)

29. We celebrated the New Year

We celebrated the New Year -
Dad, mom, me and the cat.

I drank a festive compote
Adults - champagne.
A terribly important cat
He ate sour cream.
(P. Sinyavsky)

https: // site / stixi-pro-novyj-god /

30. New Year's song: they know for sure

They know for sure, they know for sure
Even hares, even squirrels,
What when at twelve at night
The hands will converge on the clock
I don't know where
Will come to us immediately
This is a fabulous miracle
Under the name New Year!

It smells like tangerines
And also chocolates,
Frosty chop with herringbone,
Homemade pie.
Favorite cartoons
Nice gifts
Long vacations
And happiness and warmth!

Quite undoubtedly
This holiday is the most important.
A holiday, frankly,
The best, the most glorious.
And his without hesitation
Today will bring us
This wondrous moment
Under the name New Year!

31. Outside the window, frost draws

Frost draws outside the window
Your lace pattern,
Spun December white
New Year's commotion.

The house smells of fresh pine needles,
The house is clean and light -
So it's New Year's holiday
The time has come for us to meet!
(A. Voight)

32. First Snow

The first snow fell in the morning
White and cold
So soon it will come to us
New Year's holiday.
Lights on our tree
Sparkle brightly!
And cheerful Santa Claus
Will bring gifts.
(A. Golyakin)

33. Ice sparkles on the river

Ice sparkles on the river
The snow is spinning gently.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because it's snowy!

Santa Claus will wave his hand -
We will sing loudly.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because it's loud!

There is a huge cake on the table
Gingerbread, chocolate.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because sweet!

Round dance around the tree,
Lights on the branches ...
Nice holiday New Year!
It’s a pity, it’s rare.
(A. Rumyantsev)

34. Happiness to you, PEOPLE!

Russians! We will be sane!
Let's forget about the problems
The year that was, scrapping,
Let's sit together at the table.
We'll cover the table, as usual
And we'll open the champagne
So that without grief and adversity
It was the coming New Year!
So that people, getting up in the morning,
I walked with smiles beaming,
So that everyone has a reason
And laughter sounded everywhere!
To have fun!
So that your faces shine!
Heard more often ha ha,
In the coming year of the rooster!
I sincerely congratulate everyone
And with all my heart I wish
To make the people cheerful
Not only one New Year !!!
(site visitor, December 21, 2016, Rostov on Don)

Everyone loves this holiday
Everyone is waiting for this holiday
For children, he is the most important
And it's called - New Year!

Our tree will be bright
In multi-colored tinsel
Will bring Frost gifts
And give it to the kids!

New Year is knocking at the door,
Santa Claus rushes to visit us,
There is a festive fireworks in the sky,
And the clock strikes twelve.

The lights sparkle brightly.
Candles, balls, gifts.
Soon the fairy tale will enter the house,
New Year is coming soon!

New Year is a fun holiday.
All the kids are waiting for him.
He's like a lone rider
Enters light houses.

New year brings happiness
Gives a scent of tangerine.
In the past there will be all bad weather
The initiative will bring success.

New Year brings gifts
Fulfills all dreams
He makes his own amendments to life,
Lots of things to do and fuss.

A fairy tale comes in the New Year,
Santa Claus comes with a bag,
The world paints with paint
He walks around the country.

Why is the New Year
Are children very fond of?
Because he carries
Joy to the whole planet!
Because miracles
They walk next to him,
That a dream will come true
Help to believe!

Elegant herringbone,
The beauty stands
The lights are shining
New Year is in a hurry!

There will be a lot of happiness
Joy, kindness,
The year will be magical
There will be miracles!

There will be gifts too
Festive fireworks,
Santa Claus children,
They are waiting very, very much!

Who is coming to visit us?
This is a New Year's holiday!
The tale begins
All dreams come true
The Christmas tree makes the guys happy
Lights are burning everywhere
And the wizard Santa Claus
Brought presents to everyone!

Hello fairy tale! Hello tree!
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I'm not afraid of the wolf today -
I even tug at the tail.

Suspiciously kind
Today grandmother Yaga,
The mouse hugs the cat,
And the fox is a bun.

Even Koschey himself is mischievous
Sings songs ringingly
Because the holiday is the best
Because New Year!

Everyone became kinder at once,
We held our hands tightly,
And smiles from under the masks
Like lanterns lit up.

In the New Year - different successes,
More happiness, kindness.
May the holiday be magical
May your dreams come true!

New Year has rushed to us
With Santa Claus.
I congratulate you all
Happy New Year.

May he bring us all
Happiness and prosperity
So that in your families all
There was always order.

May success come to you
With the sun rising.
I congratulate you all
Happy New Year!

New Year's fairy tale
Knock on the door
Santa Claus with gifts
Flies to visit us ...

It will be a lot of fun
Let's dance
In the New Year, everyone is happy
Happy to congratulate!

Santa Claus is a good grandfather:
He is dressed in a red fur coat,
He has a gray beard,
He's handsome and big!

He is always with gifts
He never cries
He dances and laughs
He will smile at you too!

I'm really looking forward to the new year
And I sit under the tree.
I guard the gifts there,
I protect them from everyone!

I eat sweets, tangerines
And I paint pictures.
I'm waiting for Santa Claus
I want a present!

New Year is coming
What will he bring us?
Lots of sweets, warmth,
Happiness, joy in full!

Will give a good fairy tale,
Will make everyone smile
Will bring Santa Claus,
He will light a Christmas tree for us ...

Happy New Year.
Let everything go smoothly.
Happiness with joy let them be friends
And they serve you faithfully all year!

Santa Claus,
Open the bag
I studied
From the spring rhyme.

I've been waiting for a long time
New Year,
Let the fairy tale
It will come to me.

Lots of joyful chores
New Year brings us:
We need to dress up the tree
Round dances,
Wish a lot of happiness
Call Santa Claus to everyone
Give him your verse
And get a gift!