Abstract for ecology in the junior group of winter. An abstract of environmental education classes in the second youngest group "Journey to Winter Forest". Age features of junior preschoolers

Abstract for the second youngest group "And in winter, in the cold, turned into snow water"

Tasks of priority educational areas:
- « Cognitive development": Development of educational and research activities through visual, tactile perception of the surrounding world.
Educational tasks in the integration of educational regions:
- "Socio-Communicative Development": the motivation of children on the inclusion in gaming activities, development of imagination, admission to generally accepted standards and rules; Preservation and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.
- "Cognitive development": in the process of experimentation Show the properties of snow: snow in heat melts and becomes water, stimulate the search for solving practical problems using various items (molds, symots).
- « Speech development»: Formation of free communication, speech development.
- "Artistic and aesthetic development": the development of motor creativity for familiar music.
Planned results NOD:
Integrative qualities: Initiative, active, emotionally responsive, inquisitive, having initial ideas about the world around the world, mastered the skills and skills necessary for experimental activities.
Wuud Backgrounds: Communicative - Skill Listen; Regulatory - perform according to a given sample and rule.
Equipment for the teacher:
1. Toy Snowman.
2. Audio recording (quiet music)
Equipment for children:
1. Plastic molds and symptops (for each child 2 molds and 1 scoop).
2. Molding trays.
3. Low, wide tanks for snow.
1. Introduction B. gaming situation.
Children are included in the group. Game Zone.
The educator draws the attention of children to the toy - a snowman. Kids are considered, touch.
- Who is it? (Snowman).
- Cheerful snowman or sad? (Sad)
- How did you find out that a sad snowman? (His lips are lowered down).
- Let's try to cheer a snowman?
- Do you want to play with him? (Yes)
The game "Snow and Wind".
- Let's play with him to the game "Snow and wind".
The educator invites children to gather in a circle, take up hands. He says they will be snowflakes.
Snow, snow is spinning,
White all street!
We gathered in a circle,
Split like a snowball!
(A. Barto)
According to the tutor signal:
- The wind blew strong - strong!
- How to blell? (Children reproduce the sound of wind).
Snowflakes scattered!

Children scatter in different directions on the group, shake, circling.
- Wind verse, come back snowflakes in a circle. (The game is held 1 time. During the game, turn on smooth music).
- How fun we played with a snowman!
2. Actualization of knowledge.
- Snowman is sad again.
- Why is he sad? (Children's responses)
"You guys are all right, but a snowman has its own reason to be sad.
- Ask a snowman: "Why are you sad? "
The teacher applies a snowman to the ear and says that the snowman wanted to make a snow from the "Pupies" snow, but does not know how to do it.
3. Difficulty in the gaming situation.
- How to help our snowman? (Children's responses)
The teacher encourages children to statements (blind "pies").
- Of what? (From snow).
- Where to get the snow? (On the street).
4. Opening a new knowledge.
The tutor introduces a container with snow, collects children around him.
- What is it? (Snow).
- What is he? (White, cold).
Children repeat the words along with the educator, snow touches.
- What was the snow in the room? (Children's responses)
- We repeat the word "sticky" together.
- Why did the snow become sticky? (Heat) .
- Snow became sticky, from it you can sculpt different figures, "pies".
- How are we going to make pies? With using what? (Children's responses).
- See how I do it.
Next, the tutor opens the snow in the mold for sand. Makes from snow on a tray of snow figures ("Fish", "Flower". "Butterfly", etc.)
- Beautiful got patties? (Yes)
- Do you want to blind the same? (Yes)
5. Independent activities of children
Children are sitting at the tables.
- Do you need to take snow than? (Sovkom)
- How do we snow in the molds? (Carefully, score tightly, rambling).
Children independently (under the supervision of a tutor and a snowman) are made of figurines from snow, turn the molds filled with snow. The trays are then installed on the shared table.
Children treat a snowman.
- Try, snowman, what beautiful and delicious "pies" made for you kids.
The educator draws the attention of children to change the emotional state of a snowman.
- changed the snowman? (Yes)
- What was the snowman? (Happy)
- Why did he become cheerful? (We helped him).
Snowman thanks children for taught him to sculpt from the snow "Pies".
- Guys, do you eat snow on a walk? (Not)
- Why? (Surfand the throat, you can get sick).
Game "Corrosion"
- Now play. Stop in a circle. The teacher is trying to freeze the children of the handles, legs, ears, etc., tonging to children. Children cover with palms those places to which the tutor is trying to touch.
- How fun we played!
6. Observation
The educator draws attention to snow figures.
- Children, look at our pies.
- What happens to them? (Melting)
- What do they turn into? (In water)
Why do they turn into water? (Because heat)
Children are watching like snowy "pies" gradually turn into water.
- Do not be sad that snow figures melted, we will go for a walk and make "pies" from snow on the street.
- Does snow grow on the street? (Not)
- Why? (Because it's cold outside)
7. Outcome classes
The educator collects children near himself.
- What did you do today? (Children's responses)
- It was hard for you to sculpt snow "pies"? (Children's responses)
- Did you do everything? (Children's responses)
- Who did you help? (Snowman)
- You helped a snowman, because you know that the snow in warmth becomes sticky and from it you can make "pies"
- What happened to our "pies"? (They melted)
- Why did they melt? (Because heat)

Love for nature is brought up with early childhood. People begin to realize that they are part of the surrounding world, which must be protected. Therefore, environmental education is one of the priorities of educational and educational programs. preschool institutions. The environmental component may be present in all directions of activity implemented in kindergartens, but also individual classes dedicated to this topic are also held.

Theoretical foundations of environmental education in junior groups

Children 2-4 years are distinguished by immediacy and curiosity, and now they are as never close to nature. It is from this age that a positive attitude towards everything alive is formed. The main task of environmental education in the younger preschool age is to give an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe device of the world and existing relationships in it, lay guidelines in the world of animals and plants.

In the younger groups, children recognize the names of animals, insects, birds, which of them are home, and who are wild, which plants grow in the forest, in the garden, in the garden, receive the first knowledge of natural phenomena, spend the simplest experiments with water, snow, sand Combantly work in a lively corner or room of nature, go on excursions by ecological trail.

Children must assign that birds, beasts, insects, plants - alive. They are just like people, pain and fear need water and food. If this is home plants and animals - a person is responsible for them. That is, he must care for them. If it is wildlife, then it is better to leave it alone. You can observe, study, but not harm. If the child is set up, it means that the efforts of educators and parents on environmental education did not disappear.

Age features of junior preschoolers

Interesting fact! According to scientists who conducted experiments on the training of monkeys of the deaf-and-dumb, the development of children's chimpanzees and children under 3 years passes almost equally. By 3 years they have a single type of skill and skills. Even vocabulary is about the same. Only a child uses a speech, and a small chimpanzee - gestures. And then farther mental development The child progresses sharply, and by 5 years he already knows a lot.

It should be remembered that children in preschool age do not only perceive speech information, it must be supported by visibility. The child should be able to see what they say, and even better - touch or participate. SAMI best form Training at this stage of development - game. Children will know the world through the game and action.

Children must see what the educator says, and even better - to be able to touch and resemble

Also, children of 3-5 years can be concentrated for a long time on something one, so it is necessary to change the type of activity all the time. This is because there is a large stream of new information on the brain of a small person, which requires processing and reflection. Therefore, so that there is no overload, the brain at a certain point simply disables some of its sector and includes another. Carefully watch children - as soon as interest goes out and children begin with a missing view to look around, it's time to switch to something else. What would you now have been told on the topic that worked on which they still will not remember anything.

Forms of classes

IN junior group Environmental education can pass in the form:

  • classes - the leading form of organization of work to familiarize children with the outside world;
  • ecological holidays and leisure, causing the emotional response of children to their "natural content";
  • familiarize children with nature in everyday life (for walks and in the process of games with natural material).

What are underway in environmental classes at different times of the year

The time of year dictates its requirements and gives certain opportunities for environmental classes. Consider how you can plan classes in autumn, in winter and spring. A good conductor for children by months will be Zinka from the fairy tale V. V. Bianki "Sichikkin Calendar". You can begin the first lesson in a month with reading the appropriate chapter.

In the fall, children in the forest collect leaves and others natural materials For crafts

Table: Environmental Planning in Junior Groups

Season1st Junior Group2nd Junior Group
  • We study the topic "What plants can be found in the forest." Grass, flowers, shrubs, trees. Why trees drop leaves.
  • In a lively corner, we watch fish, we look at how the aquarium works.
  • Walking on the ecological trail. We watch the trees like the leaves change the color and fall out. Collect autumn leaves, chestnuts, bumps, aches and other vegetable materials, which can then be used for crafts.
  • We play and put experiments with sand.
  • We study the topic "How animals are preparing for winter." What birds fly away which remains like animals change their fur coats. Who is preparing for a winter hibernation, as reserves for the winter.
  • In a live corner, we watch the fish, learn how to water the flowers properly.
  • We carry the weather calendar.
  • We read poems and stories, we study the songs about the autumn.
  • During walks, feed birds, observe them.
  • We study the topic "How animals winter."
  • In a live corner, we watch the rabbit.
  • Plant and grow onions.
  • We observe the weather.
  • We study the topic "Pets".
  • During walks, feed birds, we see them, learn what birds winters in this area.
  • We play and spend experiments with snow both on the street and indoors.
  • We study the topic "What birds remain in our area".
  • Live corner learn to care for the rabbit. We learn how the rabbit is different from the hare, which hare changes the fur coat for the winter, and which is not.
  • SEW and grow the cress of salad.
  • We carry the calendar of nature.
  • We study the topic "Wild animals of our edge."
  • We read poems and stories, we study the songs about winter.
  • In a lively corner, we see how the seedlings are growing, which children from senior groups have sowed.
  • We observe the weather.
  • We study the topic "What animals live in the forest."
  • During walks, we see how the snow melts, how the new grass begins to grow, how the primroses bloom, how the leaves bloom.
  • We play and carry out experiments with water.
  • In a live corner, sow tomatoes on seedlings (if there is no place for the garden in kindergarten, then you can choose a variety of room or balcony tomatoes).
  • We carry out the calendar of nature and watch the weather.
  • We study the topic "Frame birds of our edge".
  • We read poems and stories, we study the songs about the spring.

Materials and games for environmental classes in the younger group

The educator must so plan classes for kids so that they are, firstly, fun and interesting, secondly, informative, and thirdly, so that they constantly recognize something new, remembered and could be applied in practice.

During winter walks, children are definitely feeding birds and watch them

Selection of materials to start classes

Children will be interested in the appearance in the group of a fabulous character or toys telling about their misfortune and asking children about help. For example, a doll Masha comes to the kids and invites them to go on a train in the forest. With songs, verses and riddles, the guys go on a journey.

You can start classes from Russian folk fairy tales, for example, "repka", "Ryabina", "Zayushkina Hut", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Wolf and Seven Cats". You can simply read these fairy tales, use puppet show, Show cartoon or filmstrip. By the way, the diameters for children of this age are preferable. Kids perceive a static picture better - you need some time to see her and realize what they see, reviewed the details.

Stories about nature, plants, animals, seasons can also act as an initial stage of classes. Russian children's fiction offers a rich selection. V. Bianki, V. Suteev, K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy, I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov, S. Ya. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, N. Sladkov, M. Svtain, E. Charushin and Dr. wrote stories and poems and for the smallest. Use the works of children's writers, and so you will not only acquaint children with the world around, but also to instill a good literary taste.

If you cannot find a movie or cartoon for some kind of work, scan the book pages and show them on the screen, you can simply find pictures or photos on the story. The main thing is that children clearly see what they are read about.

In the first youngest group, classes can be started with the reading of the following Russian folk fairy tales:

  • "Repka". Based on this fairy tale, it is possible to conduct classes on the topic "What grows in the garden." The main character The grandfather comes to the guys and tells what plants there are still in the garden, how they grow, as used.
  • "Ryaba chicken". Baba comes to visit the guys. She says that she has not only a chicken in the farm, but also other animals: a cow, goat, horse, sheep, etc. shows how they look like, explains what they need. This topic can be continued in the design of the design, in which children are invited to build an animal pounder.
  • "Kolobok", "Teremok". Based on these fairy tales, it is possible to conduct classes for the study of wild animals living in the forest.

For the second younger group, fairy tales are suitable:

  • "Zayushkina Hut". On comparing two huts from this fairy tale, you can give an idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent materials and changes in the seasons. In winter, it was cold, so I did not melted the ice, and in the spring it became warm and it turned into the water, Lisa was left without home. But the wooden hut bunny change of the time of the year is not a hindrance.
  • "The wolf and the seven Young goats". This fairy tale will help in explanation that animals are predatory and herbivores. The wolf is a predator, and goat with kids - herbivores. What other predators are, and what are herbivores?

Video: Filter "Repka"

Gaming and experienced activities

In the game of the game, children can set the simplest experiences. For experimental activities in junior groups, it is proposed to use sand, snow and water. The proposed experiments are suitable for children of both younger groups.


You can play and experiment with sand as on the street and indoors.

Children find out that dry sand - bulk, and from raw you can sculpt the couplings

That children should learn:

  • Dry sand - bulk. It can be suspended from one container to another, but it does not hold the form. Tell the children how this property is used in practice - Show the hourglass.
  • Wet sand becomes sticky, and drillings can do from it. Tell the children that even competitions on the creation of sand shapes are held. Show pictures.
  • If in the sand add a large number of Waters, then it becomes liquid. From it, you can also build locks.
  • Follows and prints remain on the wet sand, and they retain their shape for a long time. Let the kids draw a snake on the wet sand, leave the prints of palms and traces from shoes and consider what the clear they turned out.

Be sure to show children, what beautiful figures can be created from sand


With snow you can also play and experiment:

  • On the streets of Kids, they will find out that snow is different: loose, similar to a barley, sticky, covered with infusion, dry. Sculpt the snowman, for example, you can only from sticky snow, it will not work out of dry and loose.
  • In the room, you can observe how the properties of snow are changed. For example, like a loose it turns into sticky, as gradually melts and becomes water.
  • During the snowfall, let the children consider snowflakes - what are they beautiful. Then in the classroom, ask the guys to draw them.

Indoors can be observed how snow changes its properties


Children are very familiar with water games that you need to use in cognitive purposes:

  • On the street in the spring, you can observe different states of water. For example, the sun is harvested early in the spring, and drilled water from the roofs, and for the night, the icicles appeared at this place. Snow melted, and fled the funny streams. Here the puddle was formed, and overnight she frowned and covered with ice. Look how the streams run quickly, let the boat on them and watch it.
  • In the room, children playing with water, overflow it from one tank to another. Find out that it is possible to freeze water specifically - in the freezer of the refrigerator.
  • The experiments are put, what item is held on the water, and what sinking. Let the children try to let ships from different materials (paper, corks, bark, piece of wood, plastics). And if you throw a pebble, what will happen?

Playing with water, children will find out which items are holding on it, and which drows

Card file for ecology

Children in the learning process must necessarily arrange movable pauses. This is especially true of kids. The main task of the game pause is to give children to relax, switch attention and splash out the accumulated energy. Therefore, for example, classic catch-ups can be tied to almost any topic: studying predatory animals - playing the "Wolf and hares", a bird courtyard - "Korean and Chickens", the autumn forest - "catch leaflets", etc. Also there are games, which can be used to secure the material.

"Collect carrots" (1st and 2nd younger groups)

The hoop is put on the floor, in it - carrots (it should be less than children). Children become a wide range. By team, they run for carrots. To whom the carrot did not get, he drops out of the game. Then the carrot is put again into the hoop (again it should be less than children), and the game continues until one child remains.

Video: Classic - "The sea is worried about" (1st and 2nd younger groups)

"Hares and Wolf" (2nd Junior Group)

In the center of the room is drawn or designated (hoop, cord) circle - a wolf lives here. In the corner of the cord, the house for the hares. The wolf stands in the center of the circle and "sleeping", the hares jump around. At the command of the teacher "Wolf woke up", the hares run to the house, and the wolf ruins and trying to catch them. Who caught, he becomes wolf.

Game "Hares and Wolf" is suitable for physical education pause in environmental classes

Gaming exercise "Pass along the path" (1st and 2nd younger groups)

On the floor, two cords are laid out a winding path (for the first youngest group of 25 cm wide and a length of 3 m, and for the second - 20 cm and 5 m, respectively). The task is to go along the path from beginning to end, it is impossible to intercede over the borders. The text of the task is invented depending on the subject of classes (we collect flowers or berries at the end of the route, we walk in the forest and do not turn herbal, we try not to drown in the swamp, etc.)

"Find a tree" (2nd junior group)

The game is performed in the open air, for example, on a addicted area, in the square, park or in the forest. Purpose: Secure knowledge on the topic "What trees surround us."

The teacher calls some tree (birch, male, aspen, spruce, pine, etc.), gives some time that the children loose and found it, and then gives the team "ran". Who will faster will delight to the right tree, he won.

"Squirrels and bunnies against fox" (1st junior group)

The game is also carried out outdoors. Purpose: learn to distinguish trees from shrubs.

Children are divided into 2 groups - bunnies and squirrels. It is necessary to somehow mark them, for example, use masks or just red and gray dressings on the sleeves. Educator - Fox. It is explained that the squirrels live on the trees, therefore it is necessary to hide from the fox under the tree, and the bunnies do not have a permanent home, but they are hiding under the bushes, so the bunnies run to the bushes. Children walk, and on the team "Caution, Fox is coming!" Run to hide in the right place. Who will hide the wrong, falls to the fox.

Temporary environmental plan for ecology in the younger group

Classes in the first and second younger groups last 15 minutes together with warm-up pauses. If an active game is used, it does not enter these 15 minutes, that is, the time of classes is lengthened.

Stages of occupation:

  1. Viewing the film or cartoon (2-3 minutes).
  2. Discussion viewed (2-3 min.).
  3. Workout (1 min.).
  4. Studying the main topic (5 min.).
  5. Game pause on the topic (5-10 min.).
  6. Fixing material (3-4 min.).

Ecology classes in the first youngest group

Environmental classes in the first youngest group can be carried out both in the room and on the street. At this age it is better to simply watch the inhabitants of the living corner, close contact is allowed only with very well animals and under the control of the educator. You can not allow children to take animals into arms, as it is dangerous for both sides. Children can drop pets or squeeze much, which is fraught with injuries, and animals can bite or scratch babies.

Children can treat animals to anything or stroke, but do not have to take them

Card file for environmental classes

  • "Winter-Magician";
  • "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree";
  • "Apiary - the world of bees";
  • "Insects are our friends";
  • "Confusion in the woods": based on the poem of the root of Chukovsky "confusion", i.e., to present the situation with the situation (for example, hares will jump in trees, proteins hunt wolves, wolves eat grass, Fox is preparing for a winter hibernant in Berorga, etc. .) And to invite it to unravel;
  • "Journey of droplets": travel droplets from the key and a small stream to the sea;
  • "What grows in the garden";
  • "Our Aquarium": observation of aquarium in a live corner;
  • "Our cheerful rabbit": observation of a rabbit in a live corner;
  • "Who sleeps all winter."

An abstract classes "Who is grazing in a meadow?"

Objective: Find out what animals giving milk live on the farm; than they feed on; What can be prepared from milk.

Replenishing the vocabulary:

  • herd,
  • herd,
  • otara
  • hay,
  • kumy,
  • ryazhenka
  • varets,
  • prostokvash,
  • brynza.

Start of classes: watching a cartoon "Who is grazing in the meadow?".

Educator: Here we looked at the cartoon about animals who graze in the meadow. What animals are wild or home? (Children's responses). That's right, homemade. And you know who else from pet can graze in the meadow? (Children's responses). In the meadow can still graze lamb. Do you know guys, what is the name of a large number of identical animals grazing in the meadow? Many cows or goats are a herd, horses - herd, sheep - Otara. (Pictures are shown). What do these animals eat? (Children's responses). That's right, grass. And for the winter the grass is dried, and it turns out the hay. They feed animals in winter.

Now let's play the game "Big - small." Cow and horse are big. Sheep and goat are small. When called a big animal, you get up and raise your hands up when small - squat and hands rest in the floor. Started. (Embobes are called animals: cow, goat, horse, sheep. The pace is dimumed).

Well, played, rested. And now let's think, who of these animals gives milk? (Children's responses). In fact, milk is obtained from all these animals. Milk from horses is called Kumys. It is very helpful. Milk make various products. What foods make milk? (Children's responses). Milk make sour cream, kefir, yoke, rippy, varenz, cream, butter, cheese, cheese. All these products are very helpful, and people must have them.

So we learned new today? (Questions are asked on the subject of classes. Children answer them). Well done boys!

Video: Cartoon "Who is grazing in a meadow?"

Photo Gallery: Herd, Otar, Tabun

Cows are combined in a herd a lot of goats - a herd a lot of sheep - Otara a lot of horses - herd

Examples of abstract classes in the first youngest group

Below is a few examples of classes on different topics. On their basis, the educator can develop plans for their activities.

  • Olga Sirenko "Houseplants. Ficus ". Aims to enrich children's knowledge about indoor plants.
  • Larisa fishing "Mom for a kitten." The goal is to give children an idea of \u200b\u200bpets and their cubs, form a good attitude towards animals.
  • Mariam Papikianz "Who lives in Teremchka?" . Teaches children to distinguish appearance and call pets than they feed.
  • Gusalia Satdarova "Journey to Grandma Malane". Aims on formation environmental representations Through the development of sensory standards and the development of speech.
  • Natalya Anosova "Snow Snowball". Forms ideas about winter natural phenomena and snow properties.

Ecology classes in the second youngest group

On environmental classes in the second younger group, almost the same topics are dealt with as in the first, but more expanded. That is, if last year you passed the main pets familiar in your area (for example, a cow, goat, horse, pig), then in this you can tell what pets are people in other parts (for example, dodged, camel, reindeer). You can also add some new facts about the habits and the lifestyle of animals already known to children, including wild. The same applies to other topics - we gradually expand them. And we will continue to do this in subsequent years, adding new ones. Do not forget about clarity. Everything didactic benefits Must be realistic and give a complete picture of the material studied.

Visual manuals must be realistic

Card files

  • "Wonderful Water" (why it is impossible to live without water);
  • "Disorder in the forest" (on the rules of behavior in the forest);
  • "Cheerful garden";
  • "Poultry yard";
  • "Hello, tree!";
  • "What rabbits eat" (learn to feed the rabbit in the live corner);
  • "Why do we need plants";
  • "Animals and their cubs" (as domestic animals and their offspring);
  • "Migratory birds";
  • "How the forest is preparing for winter";
  • "Stocks for the winter" (as different animals make reserves for the winter).

Table: Abstract Classes "Wild Animals: Hedgehog"

Purpose of classes
  • Learning an animal Yozh - where he lives than it is powered by as wintering, habits.
  • In the game pause - to act simulatoryly, on the team.
  • Poem S. Ya. Marshak "Quiet Fairy Tale" (you can use the proposed video, independently scan pages with illustrations or find pictures on the topic).
  • Pictures with image images.
  • Hoops, kegli and cords for game pause.
Road equipment
for game pause
  • 5 kegles are installed in a row with a distance of 60-70 cm from each other;
  • a bridge is done through a river using 2 cords (a meter in length, the distance between the cords is 20 cm);
  • 6 small hoops are unfolded at a distance of 15 cm from each other.
Kind of activityAction teacherActions of children
1. Opening partListen to the poem "quiet fairy tale" and watch the presentation.
2. DiscussionThe educator asks questions:
  • Children about who this fairy tale?
  • Why didn't hezhi begin to run away from wolves?
  • Can a wolf eat hedgehog?
  • Why?
  • What are wolves scared?
  • Is the hunting dog scary with her hedgehogs?
Answers children
3. Game pauseAnd now let's play in a quiet fairy tale.
  1. Hedgehogs went for a walk.
  2. Move through the thicket.
  3. But the trees grow, it would be necessary to get around them.
  4. Here is the river, and through it the bridge lies with a bridge.
  5. The river crossed, and then the swamp is small, it is necessary to jump from the bump on the bump.
  6. But wolf lair. Wolves sleep, you must not wake them up. Walk quietly.
  7. Well, we walked, now it is necessary to return home back.
  8. Well, here we are at home.
  1. Get out of chairs and lined up in a car.
  2. They go to each other and push the imaginary branches with their hands.
  3. Know the snake placed kegli.
  4. Cut the river along the laid out - you can not intercelace for the cord.
  5. Jump over two legs from the hoop into the hoop.
  6. Go slowly and quietly on tiptoe.
  7. They do everything in reverse order.
  8. Seed along chairs.
4. Main partPhoto 1. Yozh - a small animal, from 20 to 30 cm long. Hergewell has a very small tail. The teeth at the hedgehog are small and sharp. Black nose and always wet. Head, back and sides are covered with needles, and rude wool grows on the face and belly.
Photo 2. Consider more needles hedgehogs. Needle length from 2 to 3 cm. Look at the eyelaska color. Each needle dark in the middle and light around the edges. Such painting helps the hedgehog to remain invisible in the forest. Needles at elaborates inside are empty and filled with air. Look how the needles grow - in different directions.
Photo 3. Thus, the hedgehog is completely protected when folded into the ball. That's how it looks outside.
Photo 4. And so, if you turn it over. See, it is almost impossible to get to him.
Photo 5. Hedgehogs are born without needles. But after 2 hours they appear soft white needles.
Photo 6. After 2 days, the needle, the hedge becomes hard.
Photo 7. When mom-hedgehog leads his children for a walk, then goes ahead, and hedgehog behind her, as you today, when they played a "quiet fairy tale."
Photo 8. But if necessary, Mom suffers the hedgehog itself.
Photo 9. Jerzy feeds mainly insects. Therefore, they are called insectivores. But they can enjoy snails, mucus, worms, eggs and chicks of birds, which are nomed on Earth. Sometimes eating berries, fruits and mushrooms.
Photo 10. The hedgehog swim very well.
Photo 11. In winter, hedgehogs fall into hibernation. To do this, they eat a lot in the fall to stock fat. Then wrapped in the leaves and are arranged in their nest. In the spring, the hedgehogs get out of the nest when it becomes completely warm.
Photo 12. Hezhi often live next to a man. They eaten harmful insects and slugs and thus protect the garden from pests. Therefore, many people try to attract heroes to their sites and feed them. You can feed. But catch and carry home - no need. Yozh is not a pet, he must live in wildlife.
Listen to the educator and consider photos.
5. Warning pauseSomething we suggested. Let's break a little and imagine yourself with Hedgehogs. As I slam your hands, you suddle and "turn around to the ball". I slap 2 times - you get up.
To develop attentiveness, chlo not in order, but for example, 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2, and so on.
Children get out of the chairs and play hedgehogs.
6. Fastening passedAnd now let's see what you learned.
  • What is the hedgehog needle?
  • What is the hedgehog's nose?
  • What does the Yozh eat?
  • How do hezhat walk?
  • What do Jersie do in the fall?
  • What do hedgehogs do in winter?
  • Why are hedgehogs useful?
  • Is it possible to catch an enemy?

What are you great! Today I learned a lot of new about the hedgehog. Come home, be sure to tell parents.

Responses of children.

Video: Marshak "Quiet Fairy Tale"

Photo Gallery: What we know about the hedgehog

Yozh is covered with needles that protect him from the predators of the needle hollow hollow and inside air filled with air if the Yozh is folded with a ball, it is completely protected before the hedgehogs, a freshly soft white needles, the needles are hedgehogs become hard on the hedgehog walking ahead Children follow her mom-hedgehog can carry his children the main food of hedgehogs - insects of hedgehogas are surprisingly swimming for the winter of hedgehires prepare the nests from the fallen leaves of the hedgehis, you can feed them to live

Examples of abstract classes in the second youngest group

  • Olga Smirnova "Visiting a loving". Target walk along the environmental trail aimed at expanding the ideas of children about seasonal changes in nature.
  • Elena Potapova "How the beasts in the forest are preparing for the winter." The lesson is aimed at the formation of the ability to establish the simplest links between seasonal changes in nature and the behavior of animals.
  • Larisa Akhmetova "Live, Spring!" . Lays the foundations of environmental protection of preschoolers.
  • Dina Suinalieva "Journey to the Spring Forest." Enchants the knowledge of children about spring changes in lively and inanimate nature.
  • Lyudmila Ryzhkov "Aibolit and Plants". It raises careful, caring attitude to plants and desire to care for them.

The topic "Aibolit and Plants" can be useful as an introductory classes to project activities "Grow onions."

Project activities in junior groups

From the early age Children should encourage the desire to observe and explore. Project activity is not suitable for this. Should only take into account that for junior preschool children It is not for too long projects, because it is important to see the result as soon as possible. Although everything is about - if in the older groups a two-week project is considered short-term, then for kids it is quite a long time. In the second younger group, you can implement a long-term project "Maintaining the Weather Diary".

In the first younger group DOU You can implement the project "Grow onions"

Table: Project "Grow onions" for the first youngest group

AuthorViktorova A.
Objective of the projectCall the desire to grow green onions at home and then use it into food.
Project tasksChildren should learn:
  • what conditions are needed on a bow for growth;
  • luke structure (where the roots will grow, and from where the pen);
  • how practically you can land on the feather at home;
  • how to care for onions;
  • what is the benefit of Luke, why and how it is necessary to eat.
  • Planting material - onions (medium bulbs and one big).
  • Container for landing onion.
  • Land.
  • Schedule and robberry.
  • Leggings with water.
  • Jar or glass with water.
  • Tools for the table.
  • Wet wipes for hands.
  • Aprons for children.
Help parentsAcquisition of planting material, container and land.
Preparatory stageTo conduct a lesson on the structure of Luke and its benefits.
The main stageLudge landing:
  1. Children with the help of the educator fill the land container with the help of Soviek.
  2. River land with robberies and seal it slightly.
  3. They determine where the roots will grow, and plant it in the ground.
  4. A large bulb is put in a jar or a glass with water (see photo).
  5. Water onion out ofvech.

Onion care:

  1. Watch the land does not drive.
  2. With the help of the educator lead a diary - when the onions were planted when he had roots (for observing the growth of the roots, a large bulb was in the water), when green feathers began to grow, how many centimeters grows the pen per day.
The final stage
  • When the bow grows quite large, it is cut and attached to the kitchen.
  • The cook is preparing some kind of dish with him.
  • A festive lunch is arranged.

Project for the second youngest group

If you have not grown onions last year, you can do it in this. If the children already have the experience of growing onions, it is possible to complicate the task and grow the cress. Only for its cultivation is needed not container and earth, but wool and low capacity, for example, trays from products. And so act on the plan proposed above.

For the cultivation of Cress Salad I need not earth, and wet wool

Topics for project activities in the first youngest group

  • "Why do you need beans";
  • "What is a leaf fall";
  • "Feed birds";
  • "We are watching fish";
  • "For what you need rain worms";
  • What color is autumn.

Topics for project activities in the second youngest group

  • "Who lives in mink";
  • "Grow beans";
  • "Feed birds";
  • "How aquarium is arranged";
  • "Amazing butterflies";
  • "Amazing snow".

Forms for environmental classes a lot. If everyone is used, then the efforts of Pedagogues do not disappear for nothing - children will get acquainted with nature, learn a lot of interesting and useful, and they will never be bored in the classroom in kindergarten. As a result of properly organized environmental education, prefiguring and caring attitudes towards nature will be formed in preschoolers.

A summary of the cognitive development classes in 2 younger group "Winter gifts".

Alena Gennadievna Pocheeva, Educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten №1" Raduga ", Krasavino.
Description: An abstract classes is useful to educators, parents to memorize with children of poems.
Purpose: Fastening the ideas about the winter based on the most vivid impressions of children.
Educational: enrich and consolidate knowledge of winter, its characteristic signs; Clarify knowledge of winter clothes and shoes.
Developing: Develop the skills of expressive reading of poems, songs, games, the ability to listen to the educator.
Educational: Educating the ability to see the beauty of winter nature.
Materials: "Feeling box", a picture "Winter landscape", drawing of a girl in winter clothes, snowflakes-candy, "Winter gifts", in which the models are lying: Red Palm, tree twig, paper snowflake.
Educator: Guys, I came today in kindergartenAnd I have a beautiful box on the table. I do not know who brought it. Have you seen? I really want to know what's inside. On the sides of the box there are holes, I was careful, nothing can be seen. And let's try to learn to the touch, what's inside. Who wishes? (The child is suitable and shovels the handles, to the touch determines what is inside).

Child: Snow.
(The tutor opens the box and shows children. Inside the box - snow.)
Educator: Guys, and when is it snow?
Children: In winter.
Educator: This is probably a gift from winter. And we still have winter gifts. Let's look at them. They lie here in this box. We collected them with you.

From the sky fall in winter
And spin over the earth
Mild guns
White .... (snowflakes).
Many snowflakes fell on the ground and it was covered with a snowy bedspread.
Look at the picture as beautiful in winter. Fluffy snow covered land, houses, trees. Immediately it became light and festively. Especially beautiful snow glitters on the sun, which in winter, though shines, but heats little.

Snowflakes everywhere winter scatters,
Gives everyone a silver outfit.
As if the tale around comes to life.
And the snowflakes are circling, fly.

Educator:What games with snow do you like to play?
Children: Ride on sledding, sculpt snowballs, sculpt a snowbabo, build a slide.
Educator: And when you can ski, sledding, skating, build a hill?
Children: In winter.
Educator: Why can not ride on sleds in the summer?
Children: No snow, warm on the street.
Educator: Do you know the poems about the snowball? Read please.

Snow, snow is spinning
White all street!
We gathered in a circle,
Completed like a snowball.
A. Barto

Snow goes.
Quietly, quietly snow goes,
White snow, shaggy;
We clarify the snow and ice
In the courtyard shovel.
M. Posnanska

Everywhere snow.
Everywhere snow in the snow at home
Brought him winter.
Hurry up to us quickly
I brought the bullfight to us.
From dawn to dawn
Snagger winter.
A. Brodsky

And I did not notice.
Baby - Snezhinka
The city fell
And I did not notice
Peeling with a sled.
Where she is in white watching ...
But it became in the world as if Svetle!

Mom Sanoka is lucky, and I sit on the sledding.
And I looked at white snowflakes.
Suddenly the fluffy snowflake falls on the nose
This is a winter gift I am sending Santa Claus.
I remove the mittens and I want to take a snowflake.
There is no one on the nose ... sorry, melted again.

Educator:When the snowflake melts, what does it turn?
Children: In the water droplet.
Educator: Let's look on the winter gifts.
Listen to the riddle:
I come with gifts
Blood lights bright.
Elegant, funny
On the New Year I am home! (Christmas tree)
(The tutor shows the branch of the tree)

Educator:What holiday people adorn the tree?
Children: For the new year.
Educator: New year happens when?
Children: In winter.
Educator: Winter gave us the biggest and joyful holiday - New Year. And in our kindergarten in the garde, a high magnificent tree was decorated and decorated. Remember? Nastya, tell us, please, poem about the Christmas tree, which you read on New Year's morning?

Our Christmas tree.
Our Christmas tree is great
Our Christmas tree is high.
Above dad, above mom -
Gets to the ceiling.
How it shines her outfit
How lanterns are burning
Our New Year tree
Congratulates all the guys.
We will dance fun,
We will plan songs,
To the tree wanted
To visit us come again!
3. Petrov

Educator:Do you like children, Holiday New Year? For what?
Children: Santa Claus comes with Snow Maiden, give gifts.
Educator:Let's look again into the box and see what another gift has prepared winter. (model - red palm) What is it?
Children: Red palm.
Educator: And what do you think she blushed?
Children: Frozen.
Educator: She froze, because winter gave us a frost. Look at the picture. This is a girl Verochka. What is she dressed?
Children: Fur coat, hat, scarf, boots, mittens.
Educator: Why did she get dressed?
Children: She is cold.
Educator: Winter gave us frost and therefore this girl, you guys and all the people put warm things. Verocho is not afraid of frost, and you are afraid? And I will check now.

The game "Winter dance".

We will get intimately a little
We praise in the palm:
Claw, clap, clas, clap!
(Children stand in a circle and clap your hands.)

Legs too we meline
We will sweep more like:
Top, Top, Top, Top!
(Standing in a circle, children are stirred alternately, then the other foot.)

Mittens we got out,
Do not worry we blizzards:
Jump, jump, jump, jump!
(Children jump on two legs.)

My frost with frost,
Like snowflakes, spoke:
Yes Yes Yes Yes!
(Children are circling and "fly out" in different directions.)

Educator: How fun played! Winter gave us frost, and we dressed warm beautiful clothes And I was not afraid of it.
Let's say Zimushka-winter "Thank you" for her wonderful gifts.
And for goodbye we sing a song about winter.

Winter winter.
You, Zimushka-Winter.
You, Zimushka-Winter.
Winter snowy was
Winter snowy was
All roads have been offended.
Winter snow was
All roads are pretty
All roads are pretty
All roads all paths
Do not drive, do not pass.

And let's take a look at our bowl.

And here - surprise ( paper snowflakeswhere candy scotch is glued).

Publication date: 01/30/18

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Sinegylase"

Municipal Education City Noyabrsk

NODMANITIES OF PO (OO "Cognitive Development") .. Personal group


Vasilyeva Galina Vasilyevna

Topic: "Journey to the Winter Forest"

Purpose: Know and call wild animals, their habitat and what they feed in the winter. The development of activity and curiosity of children of the younger preschool age in the process cognitive activity.

Consolidate the presentation of children about forest animals; Enrich and intensify the children's dictionary on the topic "Winter".

Educate accuracy; Relieve a feeling of friendship.

Preliminary work: viewing winter illustrations, games with a cereal "Find, which is hidden", riddling the mysteries; viewing animal illustrations; reading fiction on the topic "Winter".

Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation "in the winter forest", small toys "Forest beasts", snowflake with a task, wet wipes, blue paper strips, sacks with a gouache, a letter from a snowman.

Structure occupation

Children are included in the group.

Educator: Guys, guests came to us today, let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello.

Knock on the door.

Educator: Oh, what is it? knock on the door.

Educator: Children, a letter came to us. (From whom this is this letter)

Educator: Right! Guys, this letter sent to us a snowman, he wants to play with us, hid in the forest and waits not to wait for it when we find it. With playing the game ......

"Snowman disappeared" - poem with movements.

Snowman disappeared in the forest - (raise hands up, depicting trees).

He ran somewhere - (I depict running).

Maybe the wolf was frightened - (hug myself, depicting fear).

Maybe the bunny shot down from the road - (show the ears).

And in the snowdrifts sneak legs - (alternately raise your legs).

How do we save it? You need to go to the forest.

Educator: We will follow the snowman?

Educator: And so that it was easier for us to look for him, the snowman left us snowflakes-tips (the tutor pulls the snowflake from the envelope, draws the attention of children).

Designer: Look, the magic snowflake, it is written on it, in order to get into the winter forest, we will need to turn into small fluffy snowflakes ... and we will be in the winter forest. We say with you magic words And fly to the winter forest.


Turn around yourself

And in the snowfig turn.

Snowflakes flew over the fields, above the forests, over high houses ... (children repeat the words and depict the flight of snowflakes, moving around the group).

Educator: Here we and the forest (Slide Winter Forest)

Educator: In what forest did we hit?

Children: in winter.

Educator: Why do you think this is a winter forest?

Children: Winter Time

Children: a lot of snow.

Children: All trees in the snow

Educator: What snow?

Children: white, cold, fluffy, soft.

B. - Look at how many traces in the snow. Whose are they?

D. - (look at the traces). These are traces of animals.

B. - Therefore, not only trees live in the forest. But animals (beasts). Let's take the footsteps of our snowman.

V. - Guys, what do you think we can meet in the forest?

Educator: See, another snowflake. Snowman left us riddles about forest animals. If you are correctly guessing them, you will see a gifue on the screen (kids are riddled by riddles).


Long Ear, pocket plow,

Jumps deftly, loves carrot.

Children: hare (slide show).

Educator: Julia Bailed What color than hare feeds.

Educator: Umil Boya builds himself a house?

Educator: "On the twigs jumps, but not a bird. Redhead is not a fox. "

Children: Protein (slide show).

How did you guess?

What does the protein eat?

Where is the house in proteins?

What helps to deftly jump from the branch of the branch?

Does she make stocks for the winter? What is stocking? Who has a baby?

Educator: Who is cold in winter

Walks evil, hungry?

Children: Wolf (slide show).

Educator: All the Beasts she is cunning,

Miggling coat on it.
A lush tail of her beauty
It is red ...

Children: Fox (Slide Show).

Q. - How did you know her?

D. - Redhead, and the tip of the tail is white.

Educator: Fox has a house as it is called; What feeds in Lisa

Educator: In the summer in the forest walks, in the winter in the berry rests.

Children: Bear. (Berlog Bear Slide).

Educator: A bear is not visible. Why?

Children: He is sleeping in a burgroge under the snow. (Slide Bear in Berorod).

And how does he eat when sleeping? (sucks the paw) What does a bear like to eat? (honey, raspberry, fish, ...) Guys, can you make noise near the burgogs? (...) Why? (...) And when you sleep, you can noise? (...) You need to take care of anyone who wants to sleep. Let the Bear sleep in Berorge until spring, the forces are recruited, he will wake up strong and rested.

Q. - And who else sleeps in winter?

V. - Let's not wake them, let them sleep until spring, and we will go further.

Do you think easy animals in the forest in winter? (no, why? (Cold, hungry, ...) Well done! You all said right.

Educator: What, you are well done! All the riddles were correctly guess, and the snowman is not unaware.

Educator: Oh guys, see who walked in the forest and left such interesting traces?

Our snowman, look, look far away. (Slide - a snowman stands far away).

Educator: How do we get there, because in the forest so much snow? Let's drive a path.

Left legs above, you walk along the snowdrifts.

Top top, top top and ended a snowdrift.

(Children imitate movement, as they go through deep snow, approach the tables, on which there are jars with white paint and strips of blue paper)

Educator: Guys, and let's draw a path to our snowman.

The answer of children.

Educator: And our fingers will help us to draw a path.

(I explain and show the method of drawing with fingers).

Educator: See how we will draw. I will empty my finger into a jar with paint, and then put a trace on my path and more painting many, many traces. When I finish drawing, my finger is a wet napkin, so that the hands become clean.

Educator: Getting Started.

Children perform work. (I help those who find it difficult)

Educator: What are our wonderful paths with you, we have. Let's decompose the paths along with each other to get a long track.

Educator: See guys, so we got to the snowman. (Slide - Snowman waves with her hand to children).

Educator: Well done! Guys, you played together today, all the riddles guess, the snowman found, everything turned out. If you do something together and friendly, everything will work out, and you will handle everything. Well done, praise yourself and each other in your hands. (Children chlo in your hands) I am very pleased. It is time for us to return to our favorite kindergarten to pronounce magical words:

Around him turned around

And in the guys turned


Where did we go to you? Who saw? What did you do?

Say goodbye to our guests.

Theme "Zimushka-Winter"

Purpose: Expand the ideas about the characteristic features of winter nature, reflect the impressions of speech and productive activities.



    Continue expanding and intensifying the dictionary of children on the topic "Winter".

    Continue learning to form adjectives from nouns, select words-actions.

    Teach listening and understand the asked question.

    To form speech coordination skills with movement.

    To form skill to draw a snowflake using an unconventional method (color sand).


    Develop visual-shaped thinking and imagination.

    Develop random attention, the ability to act according to the verbal instruction of an adult.


    Educating love for nature.To form cooperation skills, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

    Create conditions for stimulating creative imagination, accumulation of positive emotional experience.

Methods and techniques:

Wonderful: problem-search questions; Dialogue, artistic word - poem.

Visual: View multimedia presentation, didactic game "pick up a mittens".

Practical: Immersion in the game situation, practical actions ( creative task on the creation of non-ferrous sand snowflakes), physical attack, independent creative activity of children, surprise moment.

Materials: Multimedia (pictures with winning winter). Music for background. Multicolored paper mittens. Magic snowball. Trays, colored sand, sheet of paper with a bleached snowflake per child. Gift book about winter.

Wordwork : Cold, snowy, frosty.

Execution technique: Drawing with colored sand (non-traditional drawing method), wet wipes.

Individual work: fasten the skill evenly scatter sand on a sheet of paper.

Preliminary work: observation of seasonal changes in nature in winter, conversations about the characteristic signs of winter, reading poems about winter, guessing winter mysteries, viewing winter illustrations, learning of physical attacks, respiratory gymnastics.

Equipment and materials:

    Paper circle with a bleached snowfish by the number of children.

    Trays, colored sand.

    Multimidian equipment, cut-off snowflakes for respiratory gymnastics.


    Multicolored paper mittens.

OOD move.

    Input part

Sounds audio recording "Visiting a fairy tale" (slide 1 "fabulous forest")

Winter: Hello children - Girls and boys. Hello, I will tell you, I welcome you all. I invite you to a fairy tale.

Winter makes a riddle:

I have not enough affairs:

I am a white bedspread

All the land shelting

Whita Fields, Houses

Call me ...... (winter).

Winter: I am wintering winter!

I come every year,

I bring a lot of snow,

I bring a lot of laughter,

A lot of fabulous clauses

Games fun for children.

    Main part.

Winter: tell meabout winter? If awinter is cold, it means that it can be said that winter ...

Children : (Cold).

Winter: There is a lot of snow in the winter. So, we can say that winter ...

Children: (Snow).

Winter: If in winter, strong frosts, then we can say that winter ...

Children: (frosty).

Didactic game "pick up a mittens".

Winter: I know that children often lose mittens in winter. You have a mitten on your table. Consider it. Let's help you find a girlfriend to our mitten? She lies in the tray. Find the second mittens.

Winter: What color do you have a mitten?

Children : Yellow, red ...

Winter: Pattern, from which geometric figures?

Children: Circle, Square, Triangle ...

Winter: Well done guys, found a maize a girlfriend!


Winter: Guys play with me.

In the circle, get up together, we need to play.

In the yard in the morning frost

You can frozen nose (rubbing the nose)

Hat, jacket and boots (imitate dressing movements)

Our legs will not be frozen.

We will jump, and jump (jump)

Our legs warming (2 times).

Have fun with you played.


I have a magical lump of snow in my hands. Put it and remember it. Listen to you whispering you.

Children: creak.


You, rolling in the snow in a circle.

Tell us, you are each other.

Than on the street sometimes

engage in winter.

Magic snow whispered to you your fairy tale, and now you tell us aboutwhat can be done on the street in winter? (ride on sledding, sculpt a snowman, skiing, play snowballs, skating, draw on the snow, walk, feed birds, lying on the snow)

The child reads a poem:

We play in snowballs boldly,

Oh, what is this business!

Love all frosty day

We are not too lazy to play snowballs.

Winter : Our magic chick now knows how you have fun playing on the street in winter

Winter : (slide number 2 "Falling snowflakes", the winter melody sounds)

Straight from the sky to us fly

Light guns.

Silver and shiny

White snowflakes.

Winter: Repeat movements for me. Movement to the music.

Winter: And now I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me pour on the snowflakes. Take my magic snowflakes(children take snowflakes) And jump on them (children blow on snowflakes) (wind audio recording).

Winter: So that our snowflakes are not melted, put them on a snowdrift.

Winter: Guys, look at how many Christmas trees in my fairy tale. And all beautiful, elegant. Only one Christmas tree burned. What do you think, why drove the Christmas tree?

Children: There are no toys on it.

Winter: And what to cheer it up, you need to decorate it. Let's delight the Christmas tree.

Winter: I prepared a magic circle and magic colored sand for you on the tray. Magic circle hands do not touch. Take the magic sand in your hands. What color is the sand?

Children : Blue.

Display teacher with pronouncing each action.

Take a little sand in your hand and pour on paper. Now smashexcess sand.See what you did?

Children: snowflake

Winter: What color snowflake?

Children: Blue.

Winter: Let's fit our Christmas tree. What it became elegant, beautiful, fun(lights light on the Christmas tree ). (Slide No. 3) Liked the Christmas tree, as we dressed up, and she caught fire.


Winter: Cleps, Topney (Slide №4)

Around yourself

in kindergarten, will be!

So you returned to kindergarten!

It's time to say goodbye. I give you books about winter. Goodbye guys, to new meetings! (Music "Visiting a fairy tale").