He doesn't want to communicate what to do. Why did the man suddenly stop communicating? Psychology of communication between men and women. Show sincere feelings

Is there anything to be upset about?

This all depends on several factors:

  1. Whether you knew each other or whether you are simply attacking a social media star in order to gain friendship with this person, in this case it could be considered harassment.

Let's immediately note this point, because otherwise the situation can hardly be called healthy.

    You knew each other, and fate put you on opposite sides of the barricades, but none of you did anything bad to each other. You are still drawn to the person, but, alas, he is not drawn to you.

    You knew each other and someone did something nasty to someone.

In any case, there is no need to make a tragedy out of this. One thing that always helps is to understand that a person does not need you. Not needed and that's it. So why delve into suffering and try, as you say, to distract yourself from thoughts about this person? If he doesn't need you, then why should you need him?

Most people cannot come to terms with the loss of a friend and go through all the memories associated with him in their heads. And for some reason these memories are always extremely positive, accompanied by exclamations:

    Oh, how can I live without him/her!

    How can it be, I will miss him/her very much

Not so long ago, exactly the same event happened in my life: a person simply stopped communicating with me, no longer wanted to. And they opened my eyes after some time, advising me to remember not the good things we had, but the bad things this man did to me. And you know, immediately a kind of disgust appeared for the situation as a whole, that all the worries instantly disappeared.

Of course, relationships between people do not always develop in such a way that there is something bad in them. In this case, we return to the beginning again - the person has lost interest in you. And I won’t say now the words from the program “Understand. Forgive”: “Maybe the problem is you?”

The problem is not with you if the person did not justify his departure, and if you do justify it, then nothing prevents you from changing your attitude towards the people around you.

It’s worth making new acquaintances that will become much more interesting and useful than those you had to part with, because not everything in this world lasts forever.

And you once lived quite well without this person, right?

You will be surprised by the answer, but in order to stop being upset, you need to overcome your selfishness. You wouldn’t want anyone to bother you - respect yourself in this example and transfer this respect to your loved one. Don't suffer and don't be tormented. In the end, every person finds someone who doesn't bother him and who doesn't bother him. And of course, you can change yourself within reason - if you yourself define some of your qualities as “needing correction” :)

Good luck to you.

The move helped me. And by moving and making new acquaintances.

And so I spent 3 years killing one person at a time. God damn it for 3 years, you can go crazy.

Neither books nor music helped me.

I just completely changed my social circle, and yes, my worldview also changed a little.

Of course, I still remember it and everything connected with it. But, alas, the past cannot be returned.

You just need to get over it, but in practice such a “disease” is very difficult.

Is it possible to ask a person directly what doesn’t suit him? Why did he decide that he was no longer interested in communicating with you, no longer needed?

If you are ready and want, you can promise the person that you will change, that you will not do what made him decide to break off communication. And then it’s up to him whether he will give you such a chance or not)

In any case, try to let the person go. Remember how you lived without him, what you did, who you communicated with? Understand for yourself that life did not come together like a wedge on this person. And most importantly, turn on your pride. You are good and interesting. But he doesn't want to communicate. Maybe the reason is that he doesn't appreciate it. Find someone who will appreciate you.

I'm not actually the author of the post, but I had a similar situation. And this is how it was resolved after a while. At first I tried to publish the printed text, but the site did not allow me to copy it properly, so I had to post it in pictures.

Do you think you could let him know how much he means to you? Because it needs to be talked about. Try to say it at least once. If there's no feedback, well, you've done your best. But a person should not guess, he should know about it. And preferably directly from you. You know, I now have one similar relationship in my life. That is, for some time the person and I communicated very well, but then (I sincerely don’t even know why this happened) the communication came to naught quite abruptly, and now we are simply silent towards each other. Moreover, the person is really dear to me, and the list goes on, but since a similar situation periodically repeats itself and I am usually the initiator of the conversation and communication in general, I had to make a difficult decision - to let go of this situation and stop imposing. Although, as it seemed to me before, everything was basically mutual. But, as they say, there are usually ten steps between people, and if you take all 10 yourself alone, it will not lead to anything good. However, hope dies last and I hope for the best) and don’t be upset. Life is like that, you never know what will turn out.


Several years have passed and this is what I can say. At first it was not easy for me. And everyone advised me: take care of yourself, everything will be much better for you. And of course I didn’t believe it. :(

Then this man told me: “Get out of my life forever”! It was very rude(((But I said: “Okay.” And after a short time I really forgot about him. He became completely uninteresting to me. And I really didn’t care.

Then another guy found me, more handsome and more interesting than him. :) And, at least it was all mutual now.

And what do you think???

He immediately showed up, began to worry about me, support me, and give some advice.

He himself said to forget about him forever and he himself could never forget about me!

But I no longer need him and am not interested in him at all.

I have new life. And many different ones interesting events in it. Of course, anything can happen.

So don’t do anything stupid, time will put everything in its place.

Love and value yourself, always strive for something and you will have everything!

And if you haven’t come, then at least think about it, faith in God helped me a lot!

Thank you all for your interest in my story.

I think that the only option that will help here is to learn to painlessly let go of any person who does not want to continue either friendship, communication or relationship with you.

Well, what other options do you envisage? Go for inquiries and clarify things with this person? Alas. This is an ineffective option: many cannot or do not want to tell the truth face to face in such situations. Instead, they resort to sweet lies and hypocrisy. Or to ignore. Or aggression. Therefore, all attempts to solve the problem through clarification and questioning in the vast majority of cases will not give the desired result and will not lead to your goal. And perhaps they will aggravate the situation. As well as aggravate the person’s attitude towards you.

Unfortunately, this very often happens - no matter what you do to a person, he suddenly not only stops communicating, but also stubbornly hides the truth. This means that the reason is definitely not in you. Is it the fault of the person who did not want to communicate and did not explain himself to you? the right to communicate with whom. But still, it would be much more honest to explain things frankly: after all, in this case, it is possible that the problem would be solved in a peaceful and conservative way. And any concealment of the truth and any sweet lie - dishonesty and meanness are obvious.

But can you possibly rehabilitate such a dishonest person? So, still learn to let people go painlessly. As a last resort, consult a psychologist. And communicate with those people who do not bring you such problems. And if there are none in your environment, that means even more reasons to consult a psychologist.

For some reason I don’t understand, I was kicked out of the site..... I was very excited, because I thought that everything was gone and the thought that was coming couldn’t be returned or rewinded. Like a film of a movie tape..... I apologize for the digression.....

So I focused on her closeness, or rather on her sheerness, . What did you understand? Under the word intimacy, when I read it for the first time. That's right, sexual intercourse, contact... Magic))))) whatever you want. But is this intimacy?

No, this is a connection. Simple connection. So let's return to the main idea. Or rather, to a story from my life. I met a girl, a simple, inconspicuous one. So here it is. What is noticeable is precisely that it is not exemplary. But very good, really!!! like David's tear is pure...

Excuse me if I skipped. But I’ll skip what happened next. It’s not anything special, but personal things can’t be done in public and all at once... In short, we talked to her for four and a half years, we just talked. Or maybe it’s already 5 years. Yes, we met somewhere around that time. I’d like to know the day and month. Fuck, I don’t remember... Although you can find out, you just need to find the old page and try to go to it.. There should be correspondence with our mutual friend, who introduced us as we know each other.

So this is a tear as pure as David’s. And so we were close in relationship. And a week and a half ago, all communication and intimacy went away. We could talk via video for 6-8 hours and were happy. People, it was a week and a half ago, just imagine..... That this is love. Perhaps so, but where is the passion then? Connect... Now you think that I'm a sucker there. I fell in love with a girl and she twisted me the way she wanted... No, guys, it wasn’t like that.. I can and I’m a sucker only because I lost her forever (((((..... 03/21/2019 You wanted a verse on love ))))) Book..




Situations when she was waiting around the clock for a call from her loved one. When your heart sank with frantic anxiety in the hope of hearing your own voice. But men don’t seem to understand that women are waiting for their call and hoping for reciprocal feelings. Sometimes a young man does not call back even after the first date, although all the time he held his companion’s hand and looked at her with loving eyes. Sometimes a man stops communicating in the midst of an affair, although there were no objective prerequisites for this. And it is not known which of the situations is more difficult. The first is when it’s offensive that you are ignored. Or the second, when feelings appeared - and silence, like a knife, cuts the heart. So, why did the man suddenly stop communicating? Let's look at these two situations in more detail.

Why did the man suddenly stop communicating after the first date?

The rich female imagination can draw a thousand reasons for the disappearance young man. But usually they have nothing to do with reality. So, what's the matter?

Explaining everything, but absolutely fantastic reasons

1. Force majeure

For example, his acquaintance or loved one died, and he had to quickly leave the city, region, country. Go to a place where there are no mobile towers. Of course, he is worried and wants to call and chat, but circumstances are stronger than him. Is it possible? Quite. After all, every day someone dies. Maybe your chosen one really has just such a situation? But if he really fell in love with you, the man will always find the opportunity and time to communicate.

2. Disease

It doesn't matter how heavy it is. The main thing is that your loved one is simply not capable of even writing a simple SMS. You begin to convince yourself of the seriousness of this version. On the other hand, what prevents him from contacting you through a friend or relatives and explaining the reason for his silence? No matter how serious the illness, it is not an obstacle to a simple phone call.

3. He was killed

This explains this behavior of the man. There is a high crime rate now, and the guy got caught. All that remains is to cry and say goodbye to failed love. But, you see, this reason is the most incredible.

Real reasons

1. Sex on the first date

After the first date, two scenarios are possible: either the man and woman will end up in the same bed, or in different ones. Why is the first option an error? Yes, because any man is a conqueror. And if he has already received everything, then what should he strive for? If there were no sex, then with each new meeting his sympathy and interest would grow. But so - the motivation disappeared, and with it the desire to communicate. In general, you only have yourself to blame for this!

2. Too much alcohol

In a drunken stupor, communication between a woman and a man can go far beyond the boundaries of decency. Everything is possible - a story about your secrets, passionate declarations of love, and proposals of the heart. You should not believe words spoken while intoxicated. And any normal girl understands that while drunk it is difficult to seriously interest a man. And it’s even more stupid to hope for a continuation of the relationship.

Most common reason

It is not necessary to know what is hidden behind the concepts of “features of intergender communication” and other scientific terms in order to determine the most common reason disappearance of a partner. It is very banal - you are not his type. You may have a striking appearance and be rich inner world, but the man simply wasn’t hooked, and that’s all. Don’t be upset, because even royalty, movie stars and models are rejected. This is just not your person!

Why did a man suddenly stop communicating in the midst of an affair?

What to do if the relationship has been going on for several weeks or even months? The chosen one suddenly stopped calling, answering calls, appearing in in social networks and even maintain relationships with mutual friends? What if this is the end of a whirlwind romance? Or can this behavior still be explained?

Banal reasons

1. Women place too much importance on phone calls.

When a girl is waiting for a call from her chosen one, she simply doesn’t understand that it doesn’t even occur to him to call. “If I don’t call, it means I’m busy” - this is what most guys think. In addition, many people have situations in their lives when they simply don’t want to talk on the phone. And it is not necessary that the reason for such reluctance is the girl herself. Therefore, you need to calm down and stop waiting for his call. Your loved one will show up on his own.

2. You may be in too much of a hurry

Yes, you went on a few dates and had a good time. So why did the man suddenly stop communicating? main reason- you treat him as your property and are very jealous. And the guys are in no hurry to say goodbye to their freedom, especially at the beginning of the novel. Of course, after the first date, girls tend to fantasize about what kind of children the newly-made gentleman will have and how long and happily they will live in marriage. Guys are not characterized by such sentimentality.

You are already seriously thinking about wedding bells, and your chosen one may not yet have decided whether to continue the relationship at all. If this is so, then there is nothing surprising in his reluctance to communicate. By leaving, he makes it clear that he is not ready for serious changes. At least for now.

Serious reasons

Here we’ll talk about the reasons why your loved one decided to withdraw from the relationship. Maybe he didn’t have the courage to say it to his face, or maybe he wanted to give him the opportunity to leave him first. Well, he stopped communicating and hasn’t called for several days, and you sent him a message that it’s all over. And it’s easier for him, and a load off your shoulders... This is what the man thinks, and the woman continues to hope for the resumption of communication. What makes the stronger half do this?

1. You may be too good for him.

Overly educated, beautiful, smart. If he feels like an unsightly simpleton with complexes next to you, then it will be difficult to maintain a relationship. You may have been smarting up too much on dates, and as we know, men don't approve of that. To feel like real machos, they need a laughing simpleton who looks with adoration and greedily catches every word. Moreover, she may be well-mannered and erudite, but she is smart enough to hide it. On the other hand, why do you need a chosen one who doesn’t live up to your standards? A man and a woman are happy in a relationship only when they either have the same level of development, or the representative of the stronger half is smarter.

2. Inflates his worth

This is very common among young people. If a guy feels like a “star” and is sure that the girl will be waiting for his call, then he will remain silent. A man does this to provoke a woman and later take her “lukewarm”. You just need to take into account that the girl may have new boyfriends during this period, and the unlucky “star” will be forgotten.


Of course, it is very unpleasant if a man does not want to communicate. And it doesn’t matter what stage your relationship is at. This is always a difficult situation for a woman. Try to find the positive aspects in this. Firstly, he may not be your dream, and now your hands are free to search for your true happiness. Secondly, there is even nobility in his action: he did not reassure and fool his head. So blow him a kiss and... forget it. Remember, if your chosen one truly loves, he will never disappoint you with a long wait.

Anything can happen in life. It often happens that after a disagreement, a spouse or young man seems to withdraw into himself and stop communicating with his other half. And who knows what is going on in his soul at this moment. Meanwhile, his companion comes up with all sorts of options for the development of the situation. And the first thing that comes to her mind is “my man doesn’t want to be with me, he doesn’t love me anymore.” It is not difficult to imagine that this thought develops into fear and panic.

However, it is too early to panic. Perhaps everything is not so bad, and this behavior of a loved one is only a temporary phenomenon. A woman and a man are built completely differently. Therefore, they do not think and act the same. It follows from this that assessing a man’s behavior by yourself, by how you would act in a given situation in his place, is absolutely wrong.

How to understand that your man has fallen out of love

There are ten signs that indicate that a man has fallen out of love.

If you find at least a couple of signs in the behavior of your significant other, you will have to realize that you are no longer loved.

  1. Tries to avoid any manifestations of your affection, especially in public. You no longer hold hands while walking, he doesn’t want you to sit closer, etc.
  2. No longer uses affectionate, cute nicknames like “baby,” “sweetheart,” “bear cub,” etc.
  3. More and more often he says offensive things, even if they are not meaningless. An example would be a hint that it would be nice for you to lose weight. When you love, you don’t notice such little things or you try to do everything possible ways avoid conversations on this topic so as not to hurt your loved one.
  4. Openly flirts with other girls in your presence.
  5. Reduces time spent communicating together. Or the quality of this communication decreases. Your boyfriend no longer shares with you his experiences, details of the past day, conversation with his mother, etc.
  6. Spends weekends with friends. And this is becoming commonplace. However, he does not invite you with him.
  7. Called you different at least once female name. Apparently, this is the person who occupies all his thoughts at the moment.
  8. Returns late unreasonably and does not want to explain the reason for his delay.
  9. Shows anger or an angry tone when discussing changes in his behavior. He simply does not want to explain why he does not want to communicate.
  10. He doesn’t understand why you are making complaints about his attitude. Therefore, nothing changes in your communication.

If it so happens that your man has fallen out of love, the best solution is to simply let him go. It’s not for nothing that they say: “You can’t be nice by force!” Wish him happiness and make room in your heart for a new, successful relationship.

What not to do when your man is withdrawn

Considering the differences in female and male types of perception of the world around us, you must always remember that if your man began to communicate less with you or became withdrawn, this does not mean that he has stopped loving you. This may also indicate that he has some kind of problem or new idea, which haunts him, and he hatches a plan for further action. Often this behavior has absolutely nothing to do with the other half.

  • First of all, in such a situation, you should not put pressure on a man.
    Historically, when a man is faced with a problem, he just wants to solve it immediately. In the ancient world, this type of behavior helped to survive and protect relatives. Now this is a kind of stereotypical behavior transmitted at the genetic level. Solving the problem gives a man the opportunity to assert himself in the role of breadwinner and protector.
  • The second important point is the man’s personal space, which should under no circumstances be encroached upon.
    Every person needs personal space. And, given that it is not customary for men to share their problems, compromising themselves in the eyes of their beloved woman or friends, they do not allow anyone into their personal space at a difficult moment.

If you can understand this and stop yourself from imposing your own personality on him in private moments, then your man will only appreciate you more. Understanding women in modern world very few. And he was lucky!

How to successfully communicate with a man

Effective communication is directly related to understanding. You need to be able to find him mutual language. Considering that women adapt more easily to a changing situation, it is women who have to look for this common language. There are several simple rules, the observance of which will allow you to avoid a situation where a man avoids communicating with you.

  1. Brevity and conciseness in the presentation of your thoughts. Men do not like to spend hours talking about the reasons for the current situation; they need immediate results.
  2. Never distract him if he is busy with something that is of paramount importance to him at the moment or does not want to talk to anyone. It doesn't matter whether he's watching football or reading documents. If he sees that you are ready to compromise, to wait until he is free, then a refusal to communicate becomes unlikely. Psychology says that a man is much more willing to make contact when you are doing a common task. And here again, it doesn’t matter whether you are running together in the park or re-pasting the wallpaper in the room.
  3. When your man is ready to pay attention to you and shows that he wants to communicate with you, maintain eye contact with him, speak slowly, ask clarifying questions. Show him that you are interested in communication and want to know his opinion.
  4. Never interrupt him, listen patiently and carefully. You can still understand what he wants to say, perhaps only by listening to him to the end. And with this behavior you will show respect for him and his opinion.

Sometimes, due to the difference in the psychology of a man and a woman, misunderstandings arise between lovers. It seems to him that he spends quite a lot of time with his soulmate and communicates with her, and at the same moment she sees everything completely differently. Often a woman may feel that her lover is not even listening to her. The main thing in such a situation is not to start nagging him for lack of attention to his person, but to use the following tips in practice:

  1. Always think about how and what to say before you speak. You should speak in a calm, even tone, without whining or sobbing, not loudly and without pressure. And the most important point: speak briefly and only about the main thing.
  2. Always listen to what he tells you. Even if you are not interested in the topic and it will force you to break away from your favorite activity, listen to him.
  3. Choose the time to resolve the issue. The environment should be calm. You should start with the fact that you love him very much and value your relationship. And then, gradually, bring him up to the topic of ineffective communication. Ask what options he sees for getting out of this situation. And come to a common conclusion.

And finally, I would like to say that men are not as complex creatures as we imagine them to be. When communicating with a man, just like with any person, the rule works flawlessly: make your communication interesting for him and he will want to communicate with you, and if he doesn’t want to, then no one will force him to do anything. In such a situation, leave him alone for a while in his personal space. The main thing is that this solitude does not drag on for too long. If it becomes clear to you that enough time has passed to come to your senses, directly ask him the question: “Is everything okay in our relationship?” And based on his answer, look for a solution. Just remember that even sorting things out should be done calmly, without shouting or emotions.

A guy may not talk to a girl for many reasons. They may be valid or not, but either way there is concern about the relationship.

There are several reasons why a man may not talk to a girl:

1. She annoys him. The guy stops communicating with the girl, which leads to her confusion. In this case, you need to figure out why the irritation occurred. Perhaps the guy is just angry at something the girl did. If she understands that she is to blame, then she needs to ask for forgiveness, and not wait for the young man to take the first step.

2. He is disappointed. This condition can be caused by a number of reasons. The guy feels disappointed because he began to notice his girlfriend's shortcomings. Not wanting to communicate, he shows his condition. The reason for a guy's disappointment can be not only the girl's appearance, but also her behavior.

3. It's a matter of time. The man begins to realize that he spends many hours with the girl. Because of this, he does not have time for himself and his needs. Not knowing how to tell the girl about this, he stops communicating with her. To avoid such situations, you just need to give the guy some personal time.

4. He was stressed. This is what can cause a guy to remain silent. The stress experienced, the problems that a girl shares, her expectations and his obligations to her can make a man fall silent.

5. His thoughts are not only about his girlfriend. The guy might just meet someone else. He may be more interested in this than his girlfriend, which becomes the reason for silence. He simply cannot find words to explain the current situation.

6. End of the relationship. By not talking to the girl, the guy shows that there is no longer any relationship between them. He cannot say this, so he remains silent and waits for her to understand.

How to proceed?

When a loved one begins to move away, you want to take action active actions to regain lost intimacy. But they are the ones least needed in this situation. The girl needs to try to rethink what could push her loved one away and make him stop talking to her. Obviously, the young man has serious reasons for this, and the girl simply does not see them yet.

If you have no idea about the reasons for a guy’s distance, there is no need to take active steps to bring him closer. He will understand this as dragging him into an uncomfortable and unpleasant position for him.

A girl must learn to listen to her boyfriend and understand his needs. This is the only way to close the distance and show your love without returning to what was before. He will understand that such a rapprochement occurred naturally, and it will not cause him discomfort.

You need to learn to respect the guy's freedom of choice and be patient. It is not enough to just strive for the pleasure of communicating closely with each other. You also need to be able to sympathize, understand, and care. Therefore, instead of striving to return intimacy, you need to try to give the guy care and tenderness, bring him joy and understand his needs.

In the event that the young man himself is to blame for the incident, but does not feel like it and stops talking to the girl, you need to force him to respect himself. At the same time, there is no need to throw hysterics, make claims and whine. It is necessary to convey to the guy that he will be supported, no matter what problem weighs on him.

You can leave the young man alone for a while and give him the opportunity to understand the essence of what is happening. If

In some cases, we ourselves are to blame for the fact that they don’t want to listen to us. If we never listen to what a man says, then he may quite reasonably think, why should I listen to her?

  • Do you pay attention to him when he wants to talk to you? Do you stop washing the dishes, reading a book, or watching TV in order to listen carefully to the guy?
  • Do you only want to talk about certain topics? Does it happen that he is very excited, for example, about an incident at his work or a successful solution when repairing a car, and you are bored listening and interrupt him? Your man will perceive this attitude as a lack of interest in himself, and he will begin to avoid communicating with you.

Find the right time to solve problems

When you talk about a problem, never get personal. If you feel like your boyfriend isn't listening to you, don't tell him, “You never listen to me,” instead say, “I don't think you're listening to me, and I'd like to talk about it.”

Peter Daunov, also known as the Teacher, is one of the most prominent figures in Bulgarian history and spiritual culture. Dean had a really bad childhood. He is the third child in the family of priest Konstantin Danovsky and Dobra Chorbadzhi Atanasova. Until the age of 6, he cannot speak, his body is very weak and poor, he rarely communicates with other children, but prefers to be alone, fixing his gaze on one point. He completed his primary education in Varna, then went to study theology and medicine in the USA.

Denov, together with three of his followers - Penyo Kirov, Todor Stoimenov and Dr. Georgiy Mirkovich, founded the teachings " White Brotherhood" They begin to travel throughout the country, and Master provides public sermons in the form of lectures. The main one is the figure of Christ, perceived as a historical, cosmic and metaphysical personality.

  • Talk about your feelings in a quiet, comfortable environment. You don’t want him to feel threatened and begin to prepare for a defensive defense, do you?
  • Start the conversation by saying that you really love and appreciate him. Explain that you feel that you are unable to effectively share your feelings and thoughts with him.
  • Ask him to make suggestions on how the quality of your communication could be improved. Find a common solution that will help strengthen your partnership.

Men are not as difficult to communicate as we make them out to be. If they want to communicate with us, they will do so. If they don’t want to, it means they have a reason for it, and we will not be able to influence this in any way and will not be able to force them to act as we would like. Give the guy some time in his personal space.

The work and work of Peter Deunov has been the subject of study and analysis by a number of scholars and spiritual leaders. Let us immerse ourselves in the wisdom of his words and remember the most wonderful advice of love that this great Bulgarian taught us. If you want to love, you must not be afraid. If you want to love you, you don't doubt it. When he wants to hide something with his feelings, karma is created. When he gives freedom to people, he is free from his karma.

You can't think about someone if they don't think about you. Love is deaf to all bad, offensive words. You cannot disturb the heart of a loving person, and you cannot darken his mind and you cannot disturb his soul. For all the insults and bitterness he will smile. The one who has Love is a strong person.

If this state of affairs has dragged on for a long time, then it is better not to beat around the bush, but to directly ask him if everything is okay in his relationship with you. If he answers yes, then just leave him alone. If he says “no”, then don’t create scandals and hysterics - it won’t help. Just completely destroy all chances of change for the better. And if he says “I don’t know,” then ask him what the problem is, what confuses him. Be direct, but not too pushy, and speak calmly. If he says again that he doesn't know what's causing his mood, just ask him to let you know when you can talk about it. And give him the opportunity to be alone with himself as much as he needs.

Love that cannot withstand all the challenges in life is not true love. Love requires more than sacrifice. Sacrifice is only the law to atone for our sins. All love that lifts a person comes from God. Love manifests itself in life beyond time and space. This does not depend on the weather or external conditions. Love comes from a person's communication with God and is transmitted through an internal impulse through an internal impulse.

Because of love, people are willing to make sacrifices that they would never make without love. Love is the eternal desire for two souls. The difference between human and divine love is that divine love complements everything in human love without changing it.

Every day I meet men and women who complain to me that the main problem in their personal relationships is communication (so please pay special attention to this chapter). Of course, they try to tell me that their partners don't listen or understand them. When it comes to communicating with a partner, many women find it easier to communicate with an ant. If the ant doesn't listen, you can at least crush it!

Love is not lasting because it is so strong that if it endures, its vibration cannot be endured. Everyone is transformed when they feel loved. The one who wants love, he does not have love in himself. When two people love, they strive for something great in the whole cosmos.

You can't love someone you didn't have in the past. Love between people does not manifest itself in one life. The one who loves you can heal you, he can teach you. The greatest art is to love. Each person is determined by who loves him. And everyone must find someone who loves them. If you are angry, you will not achieve love. When you are angry, you are far from love. With love, suspicion and doubt there is no love.

Did you know that a man can watch a football match with his friends at home, and when the match is over, all his guests can calmly go home, and no one will suffer from the fact that they did not talk? Is this difficult for you to understand? But don't think that your partner doesn't care about his friends. It’s just that over many years and decades, other men have taught him that he needs to behave this way. IN men's world talking has no meaning.

If someone doesn't pay attention to your love, it doesn't mean anything. The day will come when he will judge what you have given him and your love will respond with love. He will pay with interest for what he received from you. You can lose everywhere and in everything, but not in love.

A woman should never cry in front of her husband or a man in front of his wife. The most important thing is that the person loves you. If you love an ordinary person, you will become an ordinary person. If you love a talented person, you will become talented. If he loves you, genius, you will become a genius.

When you love someone, you cannot live without them. This is love, this is the inner meaning of love. If you think that without him you cannot love him. Don't ask anyone: “Do you love me?” Once you ask, you will lose everything. Who loves us is not our job. As we love, this is our job.

If the partners do not communicate for some time, the man will not worry. Boys don’t worry about silence, they don’t wonder if everything is okay, they don’t wonder what happened to a person if they haven’t talked to him for a long time. And it's not because they don't care about friends. That's just how men are. Can you accept it? Can you understand this? Or do you really need to know Why Are men like that? If you manage to find out, bottle up the answer and sell it - you'll make a fortune! Yes, and don't forget to let me know. Even the men themselves don’t know why they behave this way!

To love is the work of the soul. Don't confuse her with her deeds. Communication is the foundation of successful and healthy relationships. Unfortunately, it is in many compounds that this cohesive bond is most lacking. Men complain that women talk too much and don't allow them to have a say, and women complain that men can't listen at all. This is correct communication between partners, the ability to speak, to reach an agreement through words - they allow you to maintain long-term, happy relationships.

More talkative people are perceived better

A man's inability to "listen" may be due to his desire to impress those around him, as well as his woman. People who are more “talkative” get to know their friends faster, boast in company and their ability to gather people’s interest, and therefore the ability to interesting stories sometimes valued more than the ability to listen passively. A person with a high dose of testosterone who wants to be the center of attention may simply not be able to listen if throughout her life she has been the one others listened to rather than the one she listened to.

What am I trying to tell you? Men and women speak completely different languages. They approach the “problem” of communication from opposite sides. Women want to know Why they fail to communicate effectively with men. Men don't want this. Men often simply try to cope with the torrent of words that women throw at them every day.

Lack of interest in typically “feminine” topics

Listening is also an endeavor, especially for men who are not as adept at multitasking as women. To listen, they must devote all their energy and attention. And sometimes they just don't want to do it. They can only guess what will happen next in a given story, and they are not necessarily interested in all the details, especially when we tell them about other people, relationships, emotions, or our own interests. These are topics that work well in a women's group, but the person needs to be someone who can and will listen to every casual conversation.

Have you ever listened to men talk? Have you noticed how quickly they end phone conversations? Even if it is his mother calling, the man happily passes the phone to someone else. It still amazes me how men and women cannot understand each other’s principles of communication. But the whole problem is that both partners approach the problem from different sides. For example, a male high school dropout is struggling to connect with a motivated graduate from a prestigious university. A woman, the director of a large international corporation, approached me. Her husband could not get over the fact that she had achieved such success. He himself was a salesman. She flew across the country and was often abroad discussing mergers and acquisitions, and he came home every day at half past four and felt forgotten, useless and alone. Returning home late at night, the wife immediately began to scold her husband for what he had not done. No wonder he had a hard time withstanding this.

Patience is the basis of all relationships

There are many times when it pays to be forgiving when you see that a person wants to spend time alone and does not want to talk. Let's give this moment of rest, don't start an important or even rambling conversation when it's clear that he doesn't feel that way, he's tired and would like to move on to another activity in silence: reading a favorite book or letting go of stress in simple, undemanding thinking, a game.

Neuroscience research shows that men are worse than women at multi-tasking. Our brains are quite single-tasking, and the maximum number of simultaneous tasks with maximum quality of work is just two tasks. Our prefrontal cortex also functions differently when we have one and the other when we have multiple tasks. When an activity is automated, it can be performed simultaneously with others and at the same time not affect the quality of those subsequent tasks.

You see the same thing all the time in Hollywood. A famous actress falls in love with an ordinary guy. All glossy magazines talk about their wedding, and then articles about divorce appear in them. Of course, some couples manage to cope with this, but for the vast majority it is too difficult. People fail to communicate effectively and relationships fail.

That's why women can eat lunch and clean up while setting up washing machine, talking on the phone, jumping out for quick shopping and tearing everything apart in time. However, people are focused on one specific task, and automatic listening will not be pleasant for the other party - it will also lead to misunderstandings and misunderstandings because it is a task that requires attention.

Left and right hemisphere brains have more connections in women than in men's brains. Speech and hearing centers are located in both hemispheres of the brain, so in women the connection between these means occurs faster, more completely and more clearly than in men. Women react faster to words and remember them faster. In addition, the female hormone estrogen has the property that existing compounds “stimulate” even more by increasing blood flow in these areas of the brain.

A man needs to feel needed and useful. Men like to hunt, they like to “drive” their women - just like in primitive times! How can you “drive” a woman if she occupies a much higher position than you? In relationships with strong, dominant women, men always suffer. They cannot find a niche for themselves in which they have any control. Yes, of course, there are exceptions, but they are very rare.

Thus, evolutionary and anatomical women have a greater predisposition to talk, listen, and share their impressions. Men, even today, are the very people in our species who may be at risk, who may be “lost.” Not just because they are stronger. This happens over the centuries also because, from a survival and evolutionary perspective, their death does not bring any change or negative consequences to a given population. The death of one woman dramatically reduces the likelihood of survival.

Women have been protected since the beginning of human history, even in its earliest forms. The reproductive capacity of the population depends on women. Only one person is enough for the group to survive, but when we present the same group with only one woman, it is very likely that the group will die.

HE JUST DOESN'T DO WHAT I ASK! Why do men often not do what they are asked to do? This question is often asked by clients during personal sessions. What's really the matter? Women complain that men don't do what they're asked to do, and men complain that women are always nagging them. One day a man told me that he was afraid to go home. “My wife and I have a one and a half year old daughter.” Before she was born everything was fine, but now everything has changed. I don’t want to go home, because my wife will certainly nag me. Do this. Do it. Without end! - he complained. “I put the dirty dishes in the sink, but that’s wrong—I should have loaded the dishwasher.” She gets mad when I don't do something the way she asks. She can no longer take care of the house because the child takes all her attention and energy. He has really serious problems. In the end, he brought his wife to me. I immediately attacked the woman: “Leave this guy alone.” He works twelve hours six days a week. He comes home exhausted. And here you are with demands for help with housework. Look, lady, the baby sleeps most of the time, and don't try to tell me otherwise. You can and must change, otherwise this man will leave you. It had an effect. The woman immediately reached for the tissues, burst into tears, and then muttered: “If I don’t look after him and the house, everything will go to pieces.” “So you have two children now?” – I didn’t lag behind. - Wrong! You are a mother to the baby, but not to him! This woman got up at five in the morning after a sleepless night (the child did not let her sleep) and prepared sandwiches for him! E-hey! What the hell was she thinking? I explained that she herself taught her husband not to lift a finger in the house. She taught him to do everything herself. Naturally, it was not the most best idea. I was not surprised that problems arose in the family. After a couple of sessions, these couples realized that both had contributed to family problems. From the husband's point of view, his wife constantly nagged him. But it was his wife who taught him not to do anything. “Leave it, I’ll have to redo it anyway,” that’s what she told him. (I hope you don’t say anything like that to your man!) Having realized their mistake, they easily corrected everything. The wife gave it to her husband feel, what it's like when she doesn't do all the housework. It was enough to simply not cook dinner for him. That's exactly what she did, albeit reluctantly. I had to remind her that her husband somehow dealt with everything before she appeared in his life. For three weeks he cooked his own dinner and enjoyed his favorite food. He made a list of household chores that he was willing to do. Then, having changed my work schedule, I got an extra day off. And he did this because his wife stopped bossing him around and allowed him to make his own decisions. This man told me that as soon as his wife allowed him to live his own life again, the situation in the house changed noticeably for the better.

Men went alone to hunt and often died. Anyway, how do you speak when you need to be silent so as not to scare away the game? Women looked after children safely in the village. Grandmothers, with older women, with children, chatted with babies learning their first words and so on. The person coming home after work may not want to talk to him, he can't, he is not equipped to listen, he has got his prey and thinks he doesn't need to study anymore. And a woman also works on the street, makes a career, goes into a dangerous and threatening world, but she still has the desire, and the passion and predisposition to talk and listen.

UNDERSTANDING THE COMMUNICATION CODE Let me briefly explain how communication occurs between men and women. Each gender has its own coded communication system. Men understand their code, women understand theirs. Problems arise when a woman does not understand the male code - and vice versa. Here are a few examples that illustrate the stages of a typical relationship. They may be a little sketchy, but I'm sure you'll understand what I want to tell you. You go on your first date and the man says, “Would you like another drink?” Come on, let's relax! What he's really saying is, "If we both get drunk, the date won't be so awkward. And then you’ll even seem pretty to me!” At the end of the first date, the man says: “I’ll call you.” Let's repeat this. But in reality you should hear: “Well, thank God! I’m finally free and I may never see you again!” Do you know what I'm saying? You've been dating for a while now. He turns to you and says the L word: “I love you.” Of course, he might mean exactly what he said. Or maybe he wants to say something completely different: “Can I jump on you and have crazy, passionate, hot sex?” You called your partner and noticed that you haven't seen or heard from him for two whole days. Is everything okay? The man answers: “I was very busy at work/at home.” In fact, he says: “If only you gave me back my damn life and gave me at least a little freedom, then I would have time to miss you and then I would definitely call to meet!” I understand that as you read this, you probably disagree with me—or laugh until you cry. You, of course, have your own opinion about what I just said. And it is this opinion that I want to discuss. How did you develop it? Is it based on your personal story? And this story happened in the past? Of course yes. And perhaps your opinion is somewhat ambivalent? Of course it is possible. In the end, this is not a man’s gaze - it is your gaze. Can you be expected to share a man's point of view? Can you be expected to understand his code? Exactly! I believe you have already begun to understand how difficult it is for men and women to communicate.

Articles - communication and interpersonal relationships

Have you ever wondered what kind of guy women prefer? Do they prefer more masculine, violent machos or meek sins, or maybe it's just that ladies prefer naked men? This is a mysterious theory that sits in the heads of many people. However, it is not popular because disgusting usually means removal. Ideally, women will say this because they are the final arbiters.

While there are certainly many benefits to hatred, it is not free from negative situations. Men who are usually shy have a hard time connecting with a woman because they see so many problems. This is the biggest mistake that men see in every situation there are many things that will not happen 99%. At the end of the day, all you need is a little self-confidence to approach a girl and ask her how she's feeling. The question about the phone number is far away - in general, he can refuse!

HELP A MAN OPEN UP How life story men affects personal relationships? You may not realize it, but men don't like to discuss past relationships. (Just kidding. Of course you know that!) But has it ever occurred to you that this reluctance to discuss your feelings could end up being dangerous for your relationship? Most men would rather walk through quicksand than talk to a woman about their feelings. The problem is that as long as everything is fine in the relationship, the man feels fine. But as soon as the situation changes for the worse, the man feels that his past negative experience (problems in past relationships) is being repeated. And this can have a detrimental effect on your relationship. He will try with all his might to avoid the conflict, hiding behind his work or hobby. How to get a man to tell you about his true feelings? This is real art. This will require skill, patience and practice on your part. If a man is deserving, you will want to do it. I always tell women that if they want to find out what their men think, they need to stop asking questions and start just observing. A man constantly sends signals to a woman. Does he still take care of himself? Or began to seem unkempt? Or maybe, on the contrary, too well-groomed? Does he return home at the same time or later than usual? All these actions much more important than answers to questions is what a man is thinking about. Most likely he won’t answer you anyway. different countries Around the world, women complained that men were very insensitive. I think what they really meant to say was " not enough sensitive." Women need to understand how different they are from their men. A woman constantly seeks to subject a man to emotional analysis: she needs to find out whether he is right for her and what is going on with him in general. She may constantly ask her husband, “Are you okay?” A man doesn't spend as much time thinking about how his partner feels. He is a man: he sees what is happening. (Yes, of course, some men don't see anything at all until it's too late.) Men want a simple life. They want to be left alone - just not nag!

COMMUNICATION “BUTTONS” Men and women have what I call "buttons." When your partner pushes your buttons, you react. And you constantly push each other’s “buttons”. When you first meet, you don’t have any “buttons” - the formation process starts when you start notice a man's reactions to certain topics or problems. He teaches you by your own reactions. And you, in turn, notice everything and learn. At the same time, the man notices your reactions. All this happens outside of your consciousness. Neither you nor he even understands what is happening. After some time - when you have enough "practice" - you notice that you have created a whole set of "buttons" that guarantee the desired reaction. There is no family in the world in which the partners do not know each other’s “buttons” exactly. Think about it. Surely you you know, what should you say to your man so that your words are guaranteed to have an effect? What does he say to get your reaction? The point is that you both you need to understand your “buttons”. Both of you should strive for positive communication. You need to accept your partner as he is. Think about times when you yourself have ruined your communication. Are you noticing trends? Or maybe it's all about the “button”? For example, what is the point of constantly scolding your husband for going out to play poker with friends once a month if he did this before meeting you? It's part of his personality. Don't make it a button. Communication between men and women can be much more effective if we take the time to watch what we say to each other and let's refuse from "buttons". Try doing this and you will see what the results will be!

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